Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES FURNISHED (Cent.) CHEVY CHASE—Beaut, home, now ti June 28 at S200 mo.; 6 rms.. baths, powder rm.. den. MRS. DUN NINGTON. WI. 2635, OR 8383 —1 COMPLETELY furnished 6-rm. house ret rm : nice s.e. location: *15C mo. Call AX. 4076. —17 4 BEDRMS.. 2 baths, nicely turn, fenced yd.: garage; newly decorated avail. June 10: *200. JE. 3-77J10 ARL.—Lyon Village—Prom May 2( to Aug. 1 or Sept. 15. Stone house 3 bedrms. 2 baths, screened porch recr. rm.. maid's rm. In bsmt.; com pletely equipped: *225 per mo., lncl Utilities. GL. 1783. —21 1709 MONROE ST. N.E.—4 bedrooms 1 'A baths, gas heat, automatic hot water heater: *150 per mo. ApplJ owner. J. L. BATEMAN. HO. 2200 —17 PRIVATE ENTRANCE: cozy rm.. nex shower: hot plate, linens, refgr.; S4( sgle. *45 dble. 1424 Belmont n w —18 BRIGHTWOOD — Nicely furnisher house, situated on express busline convenient to schools and shopping 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch livtn: room, dining room, kitchen, bath an: aun parlor: gas heat: nice vard an: metal garage; year's lease. Call MR MAGRIJDER. NA. 0582. —17 COMPLETELY furn. house, spaciou: liv. rm. and din. rm. for entertain, ing. 5 bedrms,. ,3 baths, 2 bedrms and bath 3rd floor for servants quarters 2-car garage. Up to *600 Reply to MISS FRANCES HOWARD 1 6*15 loth st. n.w. —18 AD.r. TO FOXHALL and Reservoir rd n.w. New house, purchased by Na val officer who Is ordered away avail in about 3 wks.; house on f levels: liv. rm.. 3 bedrms. and ball: on entrance floor: bedim or der and bath. din. rm. and kit or lower floor garden level, full attic deep freeze, wash, mach . dish washer and garbage disposal. Leas: 1 or 2 years. *300 mo. Call Mr Domer at SANDOZ. INC . DU. 1234 — 18 SUMMER—Attractive 6-room. 2'v bath semidetached: Cleevland pk 2 buslines pass door; *175 mo am. u/ 4 0. -to BETHESDA—6 rooms and bath. 5 bedrooms, completely furn., $165, WI. 9098. Adults only. —20 SOUTH ARLINGTON will lease for 1 year to responsible person without children a luxuriously furnished stone house In excellent neighbor hood. Lge. studio liv. rm.; 3 bedrms.; 2 baths: study, television; lge rec. rm . with fireplace and bar. scrnd. porch, built-in garage: maid's Quar ters 10 min. drive from Wash nr. Pentagon. References required. $250. OT. 8121. CLEVELAND PARK a delightful de tached brick home with 3 bedrms.: 2'g baths; nice yard: oeautllully furnished: convenient transportation to school, shops. Call Mr. Tabb WO. 7900: eves.. WO. 1957. THOS L PHILLIPS. —18 N tRl.INGTON—Completely furn 5 rm. brick Colonial, full bsmt.: oil heat $135 mo. Call J. H. BENOIT. KE 3-6677 or WV 1167. -18 6226 CHEVY CHASE PKWT N.W.— \% blk Conn. ave. transp.; family vacationing 'til Nov. '1 oedrms ; use of kit.: din. rm garden: all facil. $110. WO 6413 bet. 3 and 7. —19 ROW BRICK HOMES: we have sev eral well furnished. 6-rm. homes in excel condition; convenient sec tions of n.w.. D. C.; year's lease, $125-5150 mo., lncl garage. PER RY HAY CO.. SL 6242. AVAIL. NOW TO SEPT. 1st—Three bedrms., 2 baths, den; Colonial Vil lage section. Arl.: 5 minutes to Ft. Myer and Pentagon: $175 a mo , lncl. utils. Call KE. 3-6720. —20 ARLINGTON—8ix-rm. detached: 1 fare Pentagon: conv. to stores and school. WA. 4823. CH. 3514. —22 1812 24th ST. N.W. Charming 4-bedroom town house In exclusive N.W. section. 2-yr. lease if desired. SIMMONS PROPERTIES 1729 'list St. N.W., DE. 0730 —18 FALLS CHURCH—Comfortable coun try home. 5 bedrooms. 2'2 baths: ideal for children: $235 month. VIENNA—.'5-bedrooin charming home, lovely setting with large trees: $20o ARLINGTON—0-bedroom, well-located brick home; $135 month. FALLS CHURCH—Larce. lovely 3 bedrni. home. May 15 to Sept. 15; 5010 month. JOSEPH W. SEAY CO. Exclusive Realtors. FA. 262n __A 3200 WOODLAND DR. An exceptionally good rental avail, for 1 or 2 years, lease. Brick house recently redecorated throughout, beautifully furn. and in excel, taste; lge. drawing rm.; li brary; din. rm.; modern pantry and kit.; 0 bedrmk; 4 baths; 3 servants, rms : 2 baths; delightful fenced in garden; 2-car garage. No pets. Exclusive with J. F. BEGG, INC. 1606 20th St. N.W.. DU. 2480. HOUSES UNFURNISHED 6810 8th SI. N.W.— Facing park Immaculate semi-det. 4-bedrm.. 2 bath. mod. kit., attr. break,as, rm.. built-in garage; conv. to schools, shops, transp.; $135. TA. 0463. GEORGETOWN, 1025 30th st. n.'«.— 2-bedroom home, beau, remodeled and redecorated with modern kit. and bath; lge. basement with utility rm. and storage rm. 1mm. occup. ¥160 mo. Call ME. 5400. LANGLEY PARK—3 bedrm. rambler, liv. rm., dinette, elec, equipped kit.. lge lot; brand-new, never lived In; immed. occupancy. $135 mo. After 6 p.m. Rockville 4527. —19 NEW 3-BEDRM. HOUSE, nr Penta gon and Navy Annex Arlington, Va. $136 per month. Call GL. 3366 or OW. 0726. —20 6-ROOM HOUSE. 3 bedrooms, liv, rm,, din. rm„ kit., bath; oil heat. Call CH. 1566. —20 ARLINGTON — Modern attractive 7 rms.. 2 baths, recr. rm., lge. yd. $200 per mo. CH. 0489. TAKOMA PARK, MD.—Brand-new 3 oedrm. 1-batli brick; garoage dis posal no basement; close to every thing. $125 per mo. Cali ST. 3822. Eves. SL. 3334. —18 ARLINGTON — 3-bedrm duplex, liv. rm.. din. rm.. equip, kit., fuil bsmt. Anchor fenced yard with trees. Close to shopping, transp. and rentagon. Immediate occupancy. MILTON G SMITH REALTY, 1057 North Glebe re.. OW._ 7200. CHARMING new 3-bedrm. country cottage, modern. Many desirable fea tures. 2-yr. lease. $100 a month. LO 3-7735. —23 411 N. FREDERICK ST.. Arl.. Va — Lovely 3-bcdroom, 1-bath home in nearby Arlington, gas a.-c. heat, 1 car detached garage, reni $125 a mo To inspect call Mr. Hughes or Mr. Greenlee. H. G. SMITHY CO.. ST. 3300. —18 TAKOMA PARK —- New 6-rm. brick home; garbage disposal: 8-ft. refgr., conv to shopping and schools: avail. June 1; $125 mo. OWNER, AD. 3406. —20 E-BEDRM. ROW HOUSE, near Lee hwy and Glebe rd.: bsmt. equip, kitchen, nice cond. Available May 35. $126 per mo. J. FULLER GROOM REALTY CO . OX or CH 4487. SILVER SPRING. MD.—New home, just completed, 3 bedrooms, liv. rm., dining rm.. 2 baths: ail-electric kitchen with dishwasher; 8175 mo. 1-yr. lease. Apply LEO M. BERN STEIN & CO.. Realtors. ME. 5400. 10117 GATES AVE„ Silver Spring. Md.—Beautiful 4-bedroom. 2-bath home imm. occup.. $150 mo. Call ME. 541X1 to inspect. Evenings. Georgia 0619. AVAIL, NOW—Just redec.: 4-bedrm. house near Chevy Chase Circle: nice yd. SH. 4379 after 6. —17 4707 DeRUSSEY PKWY—Immacu late 3-bedrm.. 2-bath. det. brick home. $225 mo. Cal! Mr. Smith. FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411: eves. CH. 7900. Ext. 293. —17 TAKOMA PARK—$115 mo.: 2-bed rm. bungalow at 14 Boston ave. Can be inspected anytime or nhone alter o p.ui., ouku uui t , —— j / BETHESD.A — Convenient to stores and schools. Newly decorated home, 3 large bedrooms, attached garage, screened porch: fenced-in rear yard; fireplace. Available June 15. Lease $200. OL. 4820 —IT TAKOMA PARK. 959 East-West hwy. Lovely 10-rm. home, with 2 baths full yard: nr. shop, center: $150 per mo. GE. 043T; eves., SH. fifiTl. —IT 827 2nd ST. S.E.—9 rms.. 2 baths, oil heat, suitable for rooming house, rent $125 mo. DI. 3750. VIERS MILL VILLAGE. S S., Md — Vacant. 2-bedrm. bungalow. lull bsmt.. back yard fenced, conv. to school, theater, shopping center and transp. Children welcome. $90 mo. Call Mrs, Havs. LEACH & CRONIN LO. 5-2772 LO. 5-3149. —18 ARLINGTON. VA.—6 rms.. lVi baths, new home, just completed. $165 a month. 6225 21st St. North. FA. (1099. _21 BRAND-NEW. 6-rm brick home, $115 mo. In Parklawn, just off N. H. ave. Extended. GR. 2567. —19 3-BEDRM. RAMBLER Virginia—New modernistic home; full bsmt.. equip, kitchen, dish washer. disposal, refrigerator, range. Car port. Out Lee blvd. Settled community about 8 miles. Available June 20th. $160 per mo. J. FUL LER GROOM REALTY CO., OX. or CH. 4487. VACANT—IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 10 ACRES Virginia—Large stone home, new 4 bedrms., den. double llv. rm.. large din. rm.. equip, kit.. 11-ft. refrigera tor. electric range. Bendix. rec. rm.. 3 baths: double stone garage. About 20 to 25 minutes out Shirlev hwy. Bargain at $200 per mo. J. FULLER GROOM REALTY CO . OX. or CH, 4487 BRAND-NEW SEMIDET. BRICK. Three bedrooms; garbage disposal. 8-ft. G.E. refrigerator, automatic heating and other features. Only $115 per mo. 5000 block 11th st n.e. (Turn north off Michigan ave on 12th fit., just beyond Catholic University to Bo. Dakota ave., then left 1 block to 11th it.) 8TEUART BROS.. INC. CT 4696 OR DI. 8695. k_dJL_ i KENSINGTON, MD. m Lovely 2-bedrm. det. house; large ■ yard; very conv. to schools anc H recreation center. Available June ■ 1. Rent. $115. ^.Frederick W. Berens, Inc. I. [ HOUSES TO SHARI WILL SHARE fi-RM. HOUSE with 2 or 3 neat co-operative girls, or neat co-operative working couple. In fant welcome and given mother’s day care. Home atmosphere. TV. all utils, furn. Don't apply if not neat and co-operative. References. LU. 4-5498.—23 HOUSES WANTED TO REN1 NORTH OF LEE HWY., Arl.; unfurn. 3-bedrm . 3-bath house; June. Aptirox. $175 JA 2-5203 —21 ATTEN. MARYLAND OWNERS—Ad ditional houses needed in Mont, and P. G. Counties (close to n.w. D. C ): finest tenants: free appraisals. PERRY HAY CO., SL. R242. —20 GEORGETOWN—Small house, includ ing din. rm. and garden, desired by single woman; $200 tops. Call MISS CORBIN. CO. 7624. —18 WELL-FURN. HOUSES NEEDED in Cleveland Pk.. Chevy Chase. Wesley Hghts.. for waiting clients; $300 tops. Call Miss Corbin, at 8ANDOZ. DU. 1234 or CO. 7624. —18 FURNISHED 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, for 3 mos., July 1 to Sept. 1. by executive and 8-year-old son: ac commodations for housekeeper. Box 480-B Star. • MARINE OFFICER AND WIFE de sire two or three bedroom unfur nished house or apartment: desirable location, convenient to Pentagon; will lease. TE. 2781. 20* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES barber SHOP and dry cleaning! establishment in N. Arlington: owner will sacrifice for price of fixtures and equipment: good lease Call LURIA BROS.. OW. 8500. —17 GOLF RANGE—Close in. well equipped, good shape, well lighted: take over immediately. SL. 4554. GRUBB WILLIAMS. —17 ESTABLISHED ROUTE of 5c vending machines on excellent locations net ting approximately $40 per week. Can be serviced in 4 hours per week Can also be expanded to full time. $1,440 cash Box 346-B. Star. 18 SMALL LOAN and used car business Albuquerque. N. Mex.; $20,000 will handle; can be bought w'ith or with out outstanding notes or stock used cars. TU. 5297. 20 SM .LL LOAN and used-car business. Albuquerque. N. Mex.; $20,000 will handle: can be bought with or with out outstanding notes or stock used cars. TU. 5297. 20 ATT COLORED — Well - equipped rpstaura^t* for sale: no beer now but mav have license. Box 410-B Star. -White now*. 17 $1,000 WILL TAKE OVER complete grocery store. Owner ill; must sell Good n.w. location. RA. 2200. —18 ( FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STAND in; very busy market. Owner must sell.; Call RA. 2200. —18 NOVELTIES. TOYS. ETC., in a 100<V retail location. Owner must sell RA 2202. —18 SELF-SERVICE GROCERY and deli catessen: beer and wine license: fine downtown location; gross $95,000 last vr SI 0.000 down COUREMBIS REALTY. LI. 3-9614. TA. 0983. —22 18 RMS.. 4 baths: best looation in ; the city for a transient trade: water and heat furn.: $2,000 will handle. COUREMBIS REALTY. LI. 3-9614. TA. 0983. —22 LIQUOR AND GROCERY business; excellent location; $60,000. Please call MR. CHASE or MR. McCHES NEY, ST. 1776. —22 RESTAURANT—Here’s real security for you. Doing $1,100 wk., 6 days Apt. pays the rent, you keep all the profit; $2,500 down. Call SAM CHANKTER & CO . ST. 3707. SH. 1095. —17 GROCERY for colored operator. Do ing almost $700 weekly. Low rent. $750 down. Large stock. Complete price. $4,000. SAM CHANTKER ST 3707. SH. 1095. —17 FULLY EQUIPPED STORE, plastic and wood-working shop; furn. 5 room and bath apt. above; furni ture and eouip. 2 years old $1,000 stock piexiclas; low rent. Must sell at once due to ill health Far below cost Call CO. 9481. 9:30 6:30. 18* GROCERY STORE in Alex , Va Hon estly. a honey of a store. 90G1 colored. Does between $1,300 and $1,500 wkly.. with or without living quarters. If you arc in the mar ket for a store that will make a good living, call us please. ALBERT H COHEN CO . Realtors. CH. 1661. WANTED A LARGE rooming house in excellent n.w. section, buyer will pay all cash. No brokers please. Box 216-C. Star. .iunin n. .tui.—neircMimeiu stand, ba 11 game, bath house and various other concessions. Apply ROSES MUSICAL BAR, North Beach. Md. 20* DELICATESSEN—Good lease; fine j location: about $1,400 bus. weekly. Information. NO. 0415. 20” RARE OPPORTUNITY—Service sta ! tion. 2 Dumps. 4 - car garage, equipped. On 2-acre lot with 2 bedrm. rambler with built-in gar. All bldgs, and equipment in excel, j cond. Vacant and immed. occupancy. Located in nearby established subur I ban community. Excel, financing. : Priced $16,950. Call SH. 801 o till 9 pm. MONTGOMERY INVEST MENT A: INSURANCE CO —19 AN EXPANDABLE BUSINESS with an excellent income. The owner must sell this profitable laundromat at once: all new Bendix washers. For more details. AP. 14 43. —17 SERVICE STATION I OR SALE, cor ner location, main hwy., in D. C..\ Rt. 1: 2 inclosed lifts and wash rack; 200.000 gallons of gas last year and showing an increase; price j includes stock and equipment. DE. 9841. —20 RESTAURANT, small: good n.e. lo cation: open seven days a week: all new stainless steel equipment; owner must sell because of other interests: first reasonable offer takes It. Call LA 6-9823. 20* TWO COLORED PERSONS (prefer active retired) as partners to op erate bookstore; owner entering service: busy street s.w.; will teach business. Call AD. 5076 for appt., i 6-7 p.m. * CANDY VENDING MACH. BUSINESS; 85 estab.; either partnership or sale or entire bus. Box 431-B. Star. 17* CONCESSION of lunch counter in one of Washington's busiest bowling establishments. Plenty of outside business also: largely equipped: ready to go; lease available now or September 1. Box 471-A. Star. — 18 SMALL GROCERY AND MEATS: liv ing quar ; good legitimate store; must sell. Call after 9 pm.. LI. 6-6241. —22 ARE YOU TIRED of working for some else0 Would you like to be In business for yourself? We nave an excellent business proposition for a reliable man. white or colored, with a minimum of capital. Box 434-B. Star —1 9 DELICATESSEN-GROCERY. N.W. _ Nice ap:.. clean stock and fixtures; over Si.ono a week: ill health causes sale. For almost cost of stock and fixtures, $10,500 or best offer. GE 6802._—18 DELICATESSEN STORE Thickly populated n.w. section. Closed Sundays and holidays. Same owner 15 years. Priced reasonably. ROOMING HOUSE Mostly apts. Income nearly $500 mo. Priced low and terms. NATHAN SILVER ME. 2151 WI. 7384 ~GROCERY BARGAIN ; Rent. $55, has 5-yr. lease; same owner 15 yrs.; must sell: nicely equipped: about $530 stock: only SM.imio, total price. Call Mr. Towler. C. J. YOUNG, ST. 1500 lO'-fl Vt. Ave. N.W.. Suite SOS. INCOME PROPERTY A completely lurn. .'i-unit apt. house: 1 apt. with 7 rms. and bath and ~ ants, with 3 rms. and bath: all hardwood floors, oil h.-w.h. with summer-winter hookup: 1 acre o£ land with beautiful trees and shrub bery: A blocks to main highway, near Fairfax. Va.: close to school and church. Shown by appointment only JOSEPH W SEAY m Exclusive Realtors. FA. 2620. U. S. HIGHWAYNO. 1 Motor court. 8 attract, units with tile bath, separate lovely 2-bedrm. home all masonry constr., 6 acres, recommended by AAAs, requires substantial down payment, bal. $250 per mo incl. interest at 4‘/a%. Also 4 attract, units with tile baths. Separate 8-rm., 2-bath home, all brick constr. 2 acres. Both located below southern entrance J?„,.^hirle.y hwy. Exclusive with 1 VIVIAN V. COLDICOTT. day or i evenings._KI. 8-til 12._ TOURIST HOME On U. S. 1. just outside Alexandria in perfect spot for this type of prop-1 erly. Only $16,750. MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson Blvd.. GL. or OX. 2784. ___—18 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK, near ! St. Ann First time offered. This most attractive det. brick is really a beauty. 1st floor has llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. library, powder rh}:. ~nd floor. 4 bedrms.. 2 baths. Bedrm. and storage room in attic. Rec. room, 2-car garage, m*ld» room and bath. Priced at ^^■750. Near all schools and transp. F. A. TWEED CO.. INC., 5504 Conn ave. n.w., EM. 1200. —18 B|JHESDA—Lor °n the fringe of Edgemoor. this charming det. brick home is ideal for a settled family; 1st fl. has recep. hall. llv. rm. with flrepl., din. rm.. equip, kit., powder rm , rear and side screened notches; -nd fl., 3 lovely bedrms., nursery, sitting rm. and 2 baths; stairs to storage attic; 1-car gar.; finished recr. rm.; storm windows; excel, fi nancing. Call W. B. WRIGHT, EM otfOO. BETHESDA—Colonial brick of 7 rms.. 1 — baths, lst-fl. den and powder rm., screened porch, 3 bedrms.; 21?,ld-s„rm : nice fenced yard; only *21.01*0. RAYMOND B. DUNN. 4236 Wisconsin ave. WO. 0214. —17 BETHESDA MD. ■— Lovely prewar brick on lge.. level lot, offered today for the first time. 1st fl. has center entrance, living room, dining room, de luxe kit. and powder rm.; 2nd fl 3 bedrms. and bath: attached ga rage; near busline. Priced for im mediate sale. $23,960. F. A. TWEED CO.. INC., 5504 Conn. ave. n.w., FM 1290. —18 BRICHTWOOD AREA—Det. Colonial home in an ideal location for in come or guest home; OPA approved. Ten rms.; fl bedrms., 3 baths; bsmt. apt. with full bath, 3 bedrms., rent ing for $76 per month; oil h -w.h.; det. garage. To Inspect, call OR. 0048 till 9 p.m. REALTY BROKERS. INC* 5506 Connecticut ave. HOUSES—SALE—N.W. «Cowt.) BRIGHTWOOD—Mod. det. 2-story brick home In an excel, location. Lge. liv. rm. with flrepl.. din. rm., kit., porch. 3 bedrms., bath. recr. rm., garage, level lot. $10.'.150. terms, with substantial cash. EARL T. WRIGHT. WI. 6900: eves., LO. 5-4055 BRIGHTWOOD—Brick. 6-rm. at tached home. 3 bedrms., 2 baths, large recr. rm. with fireplace: gas h.-w.h.. brick garage, excellent loca tion: beautiful condition. Eves.. Mr. Barclift. RA. 0626. RAYMOND B DUNN, WO. 0214. —IS CHEVY CHASE VIEW—Gardener's paradise. Lot 200x275. loaded with beautiful flowers, bushes and trees of every variety. Truly one of the most beautifully landscaped lots we have ever seen. Greenhouse on rear of lot. Fine 7-room brick home with center hall, 24-ft living room. 2 car garage. Call us today to see this fine property. F. A. TWEED CO.. 5504 Conn. ave. n.w.. EM. 1290 —IS CHEVY CHASE BRICK RAMBLER— Three twin-sized bedrooms. 2 tiled baths storage attic, large living rm. with fireplace and picture window, dining rm.. mod. kit. with breakfast alcove; full bsmt.. gag a.-c. heat and fireplace: attached garage, level landscaped lot. To inspect, call OR. 0048 till 9 p m. REALTY BROKERS. INC., 5506 Connecticut ave. n.w. CHEVY CHASE—Suitable for large family: close to Chevy Chase Cir cle. det. brick. 2S-ft. liv. rm. with fireplace: 5 sleeping rms., 2 baths on 2nd fl. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until 9 p.m., 3420 Conn. ave. —IS SHEPHERD PARK, 16th st.. above Kalmia rd.. lovely prewar brick In beautiful cond.; 1st fl has nice size liv. rm.. screened porch, dining rm.. orcakfast rm.. de luxe kit., den nnn'Hrr r rv-1 • • *»id fl *> •> baths: storage attic; rec. rm. with bar: garage. Priced to sell. P. A. TWEED CO.. INC.. 5504 Conn. ave. ,n.w.. EM. 1200. —18 SHEPHERD PARK—Detached brick; 6 rooms, 2 baths .recreation room; 0 years old; built-in garage, lovely fenced yard: 1 block from transpor tation, 1 blocks from grade school Priced 125 500. Call Mr. Lawrence, OR 7440, RA. 1067. J. NELSON HUGHES. —18 TAKOMA PARK—Older det. home containing 6 very lge. rms.; well set on a lge. lot surrounded by tall shade trees; home is in excel, cond.: ready for immed. occupancy and may be bought reas. with conv terms. For details please call Miss O Neill. TU. '.TOO, Eves., HU. 5862. AVON SHOCKEY. Realtor. —17 ALWAYS COOL IN SUMMER—A few teet from the river, nr. Georgetown, only 20 min. from downtown Wash. A secluded 7-bedrm. cottage, ideal if .vou like to rough it and like boats or fishing. EM. 7872. 17 1711! DRUMMOND AVE.. Chevy f-h^e, Md—This Is a good, well built. finely designed, 4-bedroom house on a quiet street, featuring Inclosed sun porch, sleeping porch, terrace and large garden: 'ull base m»nt. laundry, attached go-age House in excellent -ondition with r’vmf , possession. GRAHAM i L.YJ,L«A5roker' DE :1°S-T CO. 61100 ist-FLOOR BEDROOM — $26 500_ Charming det. brick home In the area of Md- Home consists of a rec. area, attractive liv. rm with fireplace, din. rm.. equipped kit., bedrm. and full tile oath, screen porch: 2nd fl. 2 ex cel. bedrms. and tile bath; recrea tion rm maid's rm. and full bath £sn?.t,y.,.det- 1-car garage. Call W. B. WRIGHT EM. 5600. 1710 UPSHUR ST. N.W.—Det. brick: 4 bedrms. 4 baths (I st-floor bedrm. »nd bath); asking $24,950. Eves. 1 uVV'iVi8!6' FRANK s-PHIL ROCK CREEK PARK . YOUR FRONT YARD! Beaut, det. brick and store home: 5 b?d™s.; 2 fu,U baths' 2 b»lf baths, center-hall plan; lovely liv. rm.. 2 substantial cash required TiJi* Colorado ave. n.w. (West of lntn St.' Mr •* TO 6 SUNDAY Mr Jacob.s. NO p\p% ZANOTTE & ro sy8657 MEZ' LUXURY RAMBLERS u, i ?HEVY CHASE. D. C. W°:''-yT,Ro* ?reek Pa,'lc 1D Chevy th«at5Cr. D c_Are you looking for that Dream Rambler? I am erect jS* * qOfait,Y lob based upon many: years of exper in arrhitpptnrai construction engineering, and contracting exper Drawing «5® exper. these 537* ®00-*40,000 ramblers have all the carefully planned details you have dreamed about. You may pre view the construction well under *ay. By appt. you may arrange to ***. * similar rambler now. ST .■V>3: Sat, and Sun. EM. 6381 AMERICAN UNIV. PARK Beautiful 4-bedrm. home in most desirable part of this delightful sec-' tion. Spacious living rm., den. din rm.. kit. powder rm. and large screened porch on 1st fl Maid’s room and bath Recreation room, :-car garage This is the location an type of home most desired by discriminating buyers. Eminently suited for entertaining FRANK J. VOLKMAN EM 1666 or EM. 7849 IS-_ BARNABY WOODS 4 very attractive white brick Colo n;ai.Jn this highly desirable section of Chevy Chase. D. C.. consisting of center hall, living room with Colo nial fireplace, step-up dining room, pine-paneled den and modern kitch en on the 1st floor. The 2nd floor has 3 nice bedrooms and 2 tiled baths. -Relr inclosed porch with as phalt floor, now used as children s play room. 1 -car garage. Oil a -c. "*»»• Mee. *£8.500. Cal! Mr. Bos JSA' f'JO0; eves., JA. 4-1444. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. __1417 K St. N.W. —10 “BARNABY WOODS” 4 iow cash payment by responsible P?S‘ buy this 3-yr.-old det. ?.Cd Irame home on a wooded lot with 6 rms.: 3 bedrms. tile bath. Priced under $20,000. Vacant and ready for your Immediate occu r'^irworwU 1143 until 9 n.m. _J_JVESLEY BUCHANAN. Realtor. BROOKDALE 534,950 r MAKE OFFER Liv. rm , dm. rm., kit,, brkfast. rm., •* bedrms.. 2 baths, lge. bsmt. Im mediate possession. 4707 MERIVALE RD Open Daily, 2 ’til Dark To reach: Out Mass. ave. to West moreland Circle, right on Western ave., cross River rd. 1 block and turn left on Harrison 1 block, then right on Andover 1 block to Meri vale. then left to 4707 W. C. k A. N. MlfLER. OR. 4464 Evenings, telephone OL. 0051 CHEVY CHASEn>Tc7 On Nebraska, Near Nevada 4 fine, detached brick and stone home on a beautiful corner lot. overlook '08 Rock Creek Park; lot size, 163x, 190: 6 rooms, 2Vi baths, complete knotty-pine rec. rm. with lge. mir rored fireplace: brick garage at tached. screened side porch. Must be seen to be appreciated; only $33 9o0. For further details, call Woodside Realty Co. _ SH. 8440 Till 9 P M. —17 i CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Spacious bungalow-type home, com-1 pletely remodeled: 1st fl.. liv. rm 1 with fireplace, full-size din. rm.. all new kitchen. 2 bedrms. and bath; >nd fl 2 bedrms. and full bath:, full bsmt with finished rm. and bath: level lot; det. garage. E. R BOYNTON CO.. OR. 0800; eves.7 OR. 0492. __17 CHEVY CHASE Modern brick; 1st fl., liv. rm.. din.i rm.. den. kit,, bath; 2nd fl.. 2 baths. 5 rms.; finished attic, basement; oil, h.-w.h.: lge. lot. gar: must sell; asking $28,000. or best offer, terms. Gibraltar Realty, DI. 6500 __—18 CHEVY CHASE SPECIAL Vt blk. from Western *ve„ In Md.— Beautiful all brick on big lot, sur rounded by fine homes; 3 yrs. old. Liv. rm. with flrepl., din. rm. with 2 aorner cupboards, de luxe kit., screened porch. 3 fine bedrms., 2 baths, built-in garage; FHA financ ing. $24,250. JAMES C. TIPTON. WO. 3211; eves., OR, 1607. —17 ^nevy t^nase—% rearms. ILOSS 'to blessed sacrament new LISTING—Imposing red brick Colonial. large center hall, first floor contains 24-ft. liv. rm.. large dining room. kitchen, separate breakfast room, fi by 14 den. tiled powder room and screened porch; secnnd floor, four large bedrooms: iwo baths, cedar closets: entire thlid floor Insulated and finished as recreation room; full basemcent with maid's room and bath: detached two-car garage: priced below market at 837,950 and exclusive with WOODMOOR AGENCY, INC. OL. 8662. Bethesda. Until 9 P.M._ CHEVY CHASE, D. C. 4 BEDROOMS ifery attractive det. brick home, Ideally located, near schools, shop ping and transp.; situated on large beautifully landscaped lot which 13 inclosed by fence: 1st fl., reception hall, liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kit., side screened porch and Vi bath; 4 bedrms. and tiled bath on 2nd: large finished rm. on 3rd: full bsmt., oil h.-w.h.; slate, roof. An ex ceptionally good price, with excel lent financing. Call EM. 1800 till 9 p.m. Chevy Chase Realty Co. _4420 Conn, Ave. CHEVY CHASE RAMBLER New, de luxe. 3-bedrm.. 2-bath home, in lovely section. All-elec, kitchen, garage: 3*29.7f>o. Will be completed in about 39 days. Buy now and choose your own decorations Billingsley & Korzendorfer OP. *2326 ’Til 9 P.M. —IS North of 18th and Columbia $15,750 — TERMS 5 BIG BEDRMS. rhis substantially built 8-rm. brick home not only has a wholesome feeling of roominess that makes it attractive for a lge. family, but of fers income possibilities, too. Well cared for by lone-time owner and an easy house to maintain; gas heat; price is definitely "right" at *15. 750; terms to suit your budget. Call Mr. McDonald, with WAGGAMAN BRAWNBft. 1700 Eye St., ME. 3860; eves.. J* 7-8864. HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. CHEVY CHA8E. D. C. BARNABY WOODS Excellent 4% Financing Attractive detached brick home, only 12 years old on nice level lot. First floor reception hall, living room with fireplace. dining room. modern kitchen, ■/, imth and screened porch Three bedrms., 2 tile baths on 2nd. Large bedrm. on 3rd. Recreation room, laundry room, and lavatory In bsmt. Oil h -w. heat, slate roof, de tached garage. Near transportation. Financed to sell immediately. See this at once. Call EM. 1800 'til 8 p.m. Chevy Chase Realty Co. 4420 Connecticut Ave. —17 CLEVELAND PARK Beautiful, modern, detached brick, 3-level home. Large llv. room 24x13, din. room, complete elec. kit.. 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, detached brick ga rage. nice level lot. This property must be seen to be appreciated. 832.500. Billingsley & Korzendorfer _OR, 2323 ’Til 8 P.M. —18_ CLEVELAND PARK TOWN ESTATE 2700 QUEBEC PL. N.W. This elaborate Georgian home, built of stone, is being offered for much less than its original cost. Firs’ floor has entrance foyer, living room with fireplace, dining room, dining alcove, den. kitchen, full tile bath; second floor has rt large bedrooms and .*{ tile baths, stairs to large roof garden which overlooks the city and Rock Creek Park; billiard room with V- oath- maid's room with till; bath; laundry room, boiler room and 2-car garage in basement. Oil hot-water hfiat \fnrhln flnnrc ♦ H rrvti ehnn t house. An outstanding value with excellent financing. Call EM. 180(i till 9 D.m. Chevy Chase Realty Co. _______—17 GLOVER PARK Are you Interested In a home In a convenient location? It has 6 rooms, bath and 2 large Inclosed porches; gas h.-w.h., full bsmt. and det. gar. Close to all schools, shopping and transp. Shown by apnt. only Call Mrs Clark. HU. 7904. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W. PI. :*34fl WESLEY HEIGHTS NEW LISTINQ 4-bedrm. and 2-bath house, with center hall, lge. living rm.. dinina rm.. den. kit.; situated on level wooded lot with fenced rear garden; storage attic, maid's room and bath' in basement. Convenient to school,; transportation and stores. This' house is in excellent condition and! contains lge. cedar closets through-' out. electric range and dishwasher! and other fine appointments, gas; heat ^ara?e. SPRING VALLEY W. C. & A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. Builders and Developers of Wesley His.. Sumner At Spring Valley 483(1 Massachusetts Ave.. OR. 4464 Evenings. Telephone TA. 5579 _(List Your House With Us I_ WESLEY HEIGHTS . NEW LISTING Lovely center-hall brick with attrac. liv. rm., good-sized din. rm.. den. oorch. lavatorv and modern kit.: 4 rms. and 2 baths on 2d.; 2 rms. and bath on 3rd. Beautiful, lge. recrea tion rm. with bar. 2-car garage. , Decorated with taste. This house Is In excellent condition. jl Also attractive brick featuring very large living rm and beautiful deep garden. Inrluticd on first floor is den with full bath, dining rin.. modern! kitchen: 3 good bedrms. and 2 baths on second. Maid's room and bath ground level. 2-car buiU-in garage SANDOZ, INC. CALL MISS CORBIN DU. 1234. CO. 7624. j WOODLEY'PARK” j 4-bedroom row brick home. l‘a baths large front porch, overlooking Rock Creek Park, 'a block off Conn, ave.; side-hall enfranrp livincr rAnm fireplace, dining room, large den. kitchen, basement, gas h.-w.h., rear porch to yard: '-2 block to all shop ping By owner, under $20,000 -’052 Woodley pi. n.w. Telephone OR. ■ 10.1 or CO, 0275. _"u YORKTOWN VILLAGE This lovely brick home is ideal for small family Has first-floor powder room large living room; excellent neighborhood; a very fine rear yard and garden. This home Is in im-1 maculate condition. Call WO. 4356 to see It. ORAN S. CRAWFORD _ 5508 Connecticut Ave. _is NEAR ST. GABRIELS" Dct. 2-story. B-rms.: full bsmt.: oil n -W —out porrb • v.rcJ FRED EHRLICH 1018 Vermont Ave. N.W . ST 0450 I _After 7 p.m. TA. .5.54.5. —20 CHARMING ELEGANCE OF A SOUTHERN COLONIAL IN MASS. AVE. PARK A«.la^ge, h,ous« f°r a small family, particularly adapted to gracious en tertaming The center hall goes straight through the house to a lovely patio garden in the rear. First floor has living room, dining room, kitchen. *: dens, library (or down stairs bedroom) with */a bath and large veranda. On the second floor are 3 large bedrooms 1 with fire place. •„ baths, and private sunrieck. Many closets. Maid's room and stor age on the third floor and maids' room and bath in the basement. Built-in garage has storage spare Bennett *#».•, 'oVV^-?01' WETZEL REAL ESTATE Home, Home orTThe Range I i'i! .lla,’p that feeling from this California '.-bedrm . full bsmt. rani bter. nr. Foxhall and Reservoir rds n.w. Let Mr. Sharp show you this i new house. Eves EM. 7051 J. LEO KOLB CO„ MI. 2100 _______If) Nr. 2nd and Ingraham Sts. A well planned and modern 6-rm. row brick. baths, fireplace, recr rm.. gar . deep back yard. !! blks. ; L0HbU,Si'T,ch.°Slsnand stores- *17.950. 1 on. IIU.5 til] 5). Shepherd Park—Brick Solid built 6-rm det. brick home on ?„.,vert L0,Vfl,y and auiet street, lust on Alaska ave.. owner must iso^oo. r8M1 Tafoknctem%iced around RAFFELL REAL ESTATE $16,950 Lovely 6-room detached home plus recreation room. Located near Cool Wge High School. Spotlessly clean. Beautiful landscaped lot with bar becue and trees. Detached garage. Storm windows and doors Under priced for quick sale. Cali SH. 8010 til 0 p.m. MONTGOMERY INVESTMENT & INSURANCE CO. __—19 WEST OF 16th U-rooin brick Colonial, practically new; powder room, 1st fl„ flrcpl., large dining room and living room, very modern kitchen; 2 full baths on 2nd fi.: slate roof: full basement; large yard with Anchor fence: ap proximately $5,000 down. REALTY INVESTMENT CO., until 9. OE. 2270. _ —18 ' SPRING VALLEY" $28,500 Direct from owner: 3-bedrm. brick beautiful restricted sec. near Mass, ave., just beyond Ward Circle; con venient transp. AD. ,".946. eves, —22 ROOMING HOUSE 1436 Harvard st. n.w Lee. 3-story 10-rm. brick house with 6 dble. bed rms. and ‘2 baths. In very good cond. Could also be converted into apts Full bsmt. Oil h.-w. heat and garage. */« blk. from shopping and ■ biauau. uue ui me dcsl rooming house sections in town. Easy terms. To *ee. call Mr. Llewellyn, NA. 5740, OL. ^7*^8. eves. ALDON PROPERTIES __;_—17 1 UPPER 16th ST. 3-bedrm.. 3Va-bath brick; slate roof, maid's rm.. recr. rm., den. full of • extras: must sell immediately. OWNER GE. 1303._—18 $1,500 DOWN Brightwood—8-rm. row brk. 2 baths; rec. rm.; garage; gas heat. CHESAPEAKE REALTY CORP. ST 4520, eves, TA, 8129 —18 Ingraham St. N.W., Near 7th 3 lge. bedrms. and 2 Inclosed porches in this 20-ft. row brick house. Very deep fenced rear lot. Side hall, - g.h.-w. heat. 2-car det. garage. DI. 1015 ’til 6 p.m., ewe.; Sun., DE. 6118. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc. _—18 Near 13th and Sheridan Attractive semidet brk. home featur- , ing llv. rm.. din. rm.. modern kit. 1 and breakfast alcove on 1st fl.; 3 , twin-size bedrms. and 2 baths on 2nd fl. Lovely paneled recr. rm. in • bsmt.; gas h.-w.h. Property In excel, cond. Reas, terms can be arranged, i To inspect, call Mr Loving, EX 2480; eves HU. 0737 with FRED A. SMITH CO. . Realtors, 1113 17th St. N.W. OPEN SUN. AND DAILY i 1 PM. TO DARK 3049 CHESTNUT STREET Det. brick in lovely wooded section in East Chevy Chase; lot 62x110. House contains bedroom and bath on 1st fl.; 2 large bedrooms and bath on 2nd fl.; beautiful modern kitchen and large dining room; gas • hot-water heat. Priced under $30. 000. Mre. Dawson. WO. 4162. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14^ St. N.W. DI. 3340 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. $32,500 Near Upper Rock Creek One of those fine Colonial center hall brick homes. Large concrete covered porch across front and half way down sifle of house; 8 large rooms (4 bedrooms). '.I baths, maid’s rm. and bath in basement, finished attic, cedar closet, nice basement, new gas h.-w. heating plant; beau tiful lot, !’-car brick garage: house recently beautifully decorated. You will love this home. Shown by appt. only. Call Mr. Stup, TA. 8004. with BEITZELL—DI. 3100 BUILD TO ORDER In D. C. ->T Md : 6-rm.. 2-bath ram bler on your lot, with basement and uorch; gas a.-c.h.; 25-ft. llv. rm., 12x13 din rm.. 12x12 kit.; bedrms.. 12x16. 12x12 and llxll.6. For further Information, call OR. 3113 or OR. 7103. “BEDRM. AND BATH ON 1st FLOOR” By all means Inspect this lovely det. brick home, lust otl Bradley blvd., with 4 bedrms. and 3 baths on a level lot. encircled by white picket fence. Owner moving: possession in •- ww «ko. wmj J-I.ii.u'. W1UUI1 •»1 blocks of school and bus. Call ME. ll-t.'l until 9 p.m. J. WESLEY BU CHANAN. Realtor. 1 BLOCK OFF CONN. AVE. Near Grade, Junior High and Wilson High School ONLY $28,500 Featuring 1! bedrooms, each with private entrance to baths with tub and shower; large cedarlzed closets; private screened porch; living room, dining room and kitchen all king-size, tile reception hall; 200 feet of frontage on 2 quiet streets and a fine 2 car garage. Entire home in good condition. Vacant. Un usually low priced. Phone Mr. Denston. WO. 6044 with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H St. N.W. NA. 2.145, Apartments and Rooms 11-story, modern brick. 7 bedrms. plus 2 separate apts. :s l i baths. Owner retiring. Price. $21.50n in cludes house, business and furnl lure for « bedrms. Oil heat. $3,500 cash down. Bal., easy terms to re-i sponsible party. N.w. sect. Possess, one apt. witkj settlement. Insp. by appt. through DIXIE REALTY CO . NA. 8880. Excl. Agts. After 5 p.m., call Mrs. Ramsdell. GE. S354. Nr. 14th & Emerson Sts. N.W. Det. Comer—4 Bedrms. $3,500 DOWN Det. cypress shingle featuring very Ige. liv. rm. w/brick firepl. Din. rm.. kit., 4 bedrms. and lull tiled bath. Stairway leading to lge. full attic.: Full bsmt. w/oil h.-w.h. and lava-i tory. Built-in 1-car garage Lovely corner lot: located conv. to Roosevelt High School, transp. and shopping, i Vacant Immed. possession. For appt., call Mr. Weiss, eves., ME. 6401. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K St. N.W, Realtors. ME. 5400. -OLORED—448 M ST. N.W.—This is a beautiful small 5-room house; will be made all modern for the purchaser: can be bought with $500 down, balance $75 per mo. CY FREEDMAN 918 F st. n.w.. RE.! 1525. —19 COLORED—FURN. 6-rm. row brick.1 2 porches, gas h.-w.h.. 2-car garage; newlv dec : $15,000. TA. .9268.—20 OLORED—NEAR Rock Creek Church rd. and Warder st. n.w.—Lovely row brick: frt. porch, parquet fis.. brkfst. rm.: 2nd fl.. 4 bedrms. and bath: full bsmt., gas heat. Priced low on to day's market. $14,500. on terms. Call LI 3-8995; eves.. LI. 3-5026 rpLORED—(’MANNING AND NORTH CAPITOL STS.—Attractive 20-ft Colonial brick. 6 large rooms bath full bsmt.. gas heat. Deen lot De tached garage. Excellent condition, poss. at settlment: can be handled with only $1,500 down. ENTER PRISE REALTY CO.. 1220 Eye st n.w . EX. 3400; eves.. OE. 5711. —18i -OLORED—221 R ST. N.W.—Six-rm Dries nomc with 2 batns. oil heat; newly redecorated. $1,500 down baL monthly. Call Mr. Arthur, with J. DALLAS GRADY * SON. DI 3750; evenings. TO. 6854. OI.ORED—si.500 CASH will handle this lovely 6-rm. brick in Petworth. LOUIS RUDDEN. EX. 5707. -OLOFED—900 BLOCK Ql'INCY ST. —$2,000 cash will handle this lovely >-Ejo- brick gas heat, and garage LOUIS RUDDEN. EX. 5707; eves . OR. 0888. rOLORED—DO YOU NEED a church? Upper 13th st. area: capacity ap proximately 400 persons: plus in come privileges of upper floors with separate entrance. For inspection and further particulars, call MR. CLARK. Substantial cash required. Terms Sun.. NO. 5868: weekdays. RE. 0657. • COLORED—$2,500 CASH DOWN— Excellent condition in a beautiful n.w. neighborhood. 6 large rms.. new gas h.-w.h. and hot-water heater Full bsmt.. reasonable monthly terras Call Mr. Robinson evenings Ml. 6071. JOHN R. PIN KETT. INC. 1302 New Jersey ave. n.w, DU. 0707. —1't COLORED—NR. 1.3th AND TAYLOR —$ rms.. bath, gas h.-w.h.. quick poss M. M. NORTHERN. Realtor. DI. 8842. Sligo 1 680. —18 rOLORED—1300 BLK. QUINCY ST. N.W.—Semidetached. 6 lge. rms., 2 baths, and lavatory in bsmt.. 3 porches: lge. yard. Price and terms: reasonable. PLANT & GORDON,! INC . 1374 Park rd. n.w. CO. 0837. COLORED—DET. BRICK. 6 rms. and bath: hot-water heat. gas. elec., new plumbing; new furnace. House newly papered and painted. Small down payment. Terms like rent. Inspect. | anytime through DIXIE REALTY CO. NA. 8880. After 5 p.m., call Mrs. Stern. RA. 8203. COLORED—LOVELY 6-RM. HOME— 2 incl. rear porches, bsmt. gas heat gar. This is a real buy. MR. BROWNE. RA. 6058. . ni-OlO o—5 RMS., convenient loca tion: $6.5 mo. with $‘105 down. MR BERNIE. NA. 30311. DE. H361. —I 8 JOLOREEV—4?>00 JsLK. 13th~ST. N.W. down on an fc-rm. brick- full bsmt.. rps boat. dot. garage, large back yard, front porch: clean as a whistle: must b*> sold today. Make I us an offer MR. PENLAND ’til. 10 P.m. LI 7-5695. —17 COLORED—SHEPHERD, NEAR KAN SAS—Well-built brick. 22 feet wide; 9 large rooms. 2 kits., 2 baths: bsmt with front entrance; oil hear; very clean. Trade your old house on this, or $4 000 down. Paymonts will suit you. ST. 2657. GE. 7R04. BREITERMAN REALTY CO. __10 :OLOR ED—$1,000 DOWN—Vacant: 6-rm semidet. brick; bsmt.; ideal n.w ’ocation. Colored—$695 down: 6-rm. brick; excel loc.; bsmt. Call eves.. TU. 2151: days. RE 0229. BLANKEN REALTY CO. COLORED—13th AND BUCHANAN 3 LOVELY BRICK HOMES [n this convenient neighborhood, with 3 and 4 bedrms.. lovely yds., incl. porches, automat, ht.. full bsmts.: all mod. conveniences. Priced right with $2,000 down; easy monthly payments. RA 6912, NA. 0223, TA. 4679 | __—19 ! Colored, Home and Income NEAR 16th ON NEWTON Small down payment: home set up for 2 apartments: complete house with furniture Included in purchase price: ,3 full baths: also *2 bath on 1st floor: oil heat; full basement1 with bath: 2 refrigerators. For fur ther details call Woodside Realty Co. _SH. 6440 'til 9 p.m. —18 Colored—13th and Taylor 5e luxe modern 8-rm. brick home, dec. in perfect taste, 3 baths, pan eled recr. rm.; oil heat, garage. AUERBACH & CO.. DI. 6501. GE 6552. __ PATAppn $1,500 DOWN PAYMT. VACANT llth ST.. NR. SPRING RD. N.W, Three apts.; 3 mod kits., 3 baths. 3 refgrs ; brick, semidet., o41 h.-w.h.: excel home and Income. Call OWN ER, ST, 3991; eves., TU. 0779. —17 COLORED Jnit Blk. N. Y. Ave. N.W. Ar Ar TN /-VTTTWT «PUC7U JL^V^VVIN - BSMT., COAL H.-W.H. I ,argc 7-room row brick home: bath, garage. Convenient location. Ex cellent terms to right purchaser. SURETY REALTY CO.. AD. 0531 till 9._—19 Colored ! prominent corner on upper No. Capitol st.. facing Govt. Park. 6 large rooms and bath, automatic l.ot-water heat, brick garage. En tire property In perfect condition. Priced at $15,950. on terms to suit responsible purchaser. Call Samuel B Loveless, NA. 9300; eves., OR. 8725. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 1417 K St. N.W. —18 COLORED APTS. FOR SALE $250 DOWN $70 MO. AND UP PRIVATE ENTRANCES I AND UTILITIES I. CAPITOL AND O STS. N.W.—5 rms. and bath; h.-w.h. I. J. AVE. AND Q STS. N.W.—5 rms. and bath; h.-w.h. til AND FLORIDA AVE. N.E.—6 rms. and bath: bsmt.: coal heat. . vhy rent when you can buy your own private ant. on such reasonable terms Call SURETY REALTY CO.. AD 0531 'til 9. —19 COLORED—TERMS flany homes available In every price range, from *250 down. AUERBACH & CO,, PI, 6501. DE. 8640. —18 COLORED Buy Thru Scott 3 APARTMENTS 13th AND KANSAS AVE. N.W. 1 lovely homes each containing 2 complete apts., with 4 rms., kit. and bath on eaoh floor. Also eomplete apt. in bsmt. Call MRS. CLARK lor appt., DE. apiO; eves. CO. 4656. HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. COLORED Here Is a heme or Investment that will quickly pav for itself. Ideal lo cation. fast bus transportation di rect aowntown. Near 18th and 8 9 large rms.. oil heat. ■'! kits.. 1! refgrs., 4 bath3: English bsmt., semi detached: fireproof. Down payment of ¥4,000 required, monthly income $470. Call MR. WAINRIGHT. DE 1102._—18 COLORED, POSSESSION UNIT BLOCK RHODE IPL«ND AVE *2.000 DOWN—3-story brick; 8 lge rms. and 2 baths, inclosed rear porch, front entrance to bsmt.. h.-w.h.. coal: lge. yards: completely furnished. Priced to sell this week Call till 9 p.m. weekdays, Sun. 12 to 5. Wm. Calomiris Inv. Corp. 1012 17th St. N.W. DI. 1635. —19 HOUSES FOR SALE—RE. MARYLAND AVE.—Attached brick: 6 rms., bath; gas h.-w.h.; about $3,500 cash required; owner will take large 1st trust. RAYMOND B DUNN, 4236 Wis. ave.. WO. 0214 —17 1237 LINDEN ST. N.E.—This is a magnificent 4 bedrooms, 2 new bathst automatic gas heat, in Immaculate condition: can be bought with J1.50C down, balance $96 per mo. CY FREEDMAN, 918 T 6t. n.w., RE 1525.—19 OWNER DESIRES IMMEDIATE SALE WOODRIDGE GARDENS This 7-room. 2-bath, detached house is in very good condition (2 kitch ens available if desired). 2 gas ranges. 2 refgrs., gas hot-water heat, recreation room, 2-car de tached garage: all furniture In sec ond floor included in price. Mr. Sweeney. SH. 6107. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W., DI. 3346. _—19 NEAR D. C. LINE Lge. 3-bedrm. home, Vi block from transp.; full bsmt. and incl. back porch; large lot. Total price, $J3, 6511 Call NO 6755 till 0 YOUNG & BOWERS CO. _ CATHOLIC UNIV. AREA Owner-occupied row brick, facini park; exceptionally clean; 1st floor front porch, liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit. breakfast nook; 2nd floor. 4 bedrms and bath; bsmt., garage, h.-w.h. front \ard with hedge. Yo*ur opDor tunity for $13,950. Call Mr. Bol hagen, with JAMES L. DIXON & CO, ___ ST. 7200; Eves.. OL. 4011 --18 NORTH WOODRIDGE This attractive detached home rep resents unusual value and conven ience when compared to other prop, erties on today’s market. In spot less condition, with 0 well-decorated rooms, attractive 2nd-floor den or sewing room, inclosed and screened porches on 1st floor; full bsmt.. gas h.-w.h. Convenient to shopping schools and transportation. Sur prisingly low price on reasonable terms or approved GI with $2,206 cash. For appointment to inspect. all HE. 6585 or eves., AD. 6091 or JU. 7-7882. WOODWARD & NORRIS 723 20th St. N.W., Realtors _—19 WOODRIDGE—$12,950 EXCELLENT VALUES First offering of these new modern detached homes of 6 rooms and bath, completely equipped kitchen; located convenient to schools, shop ping and transportation. Substan tial cash required. FRED C. JONES REAL ESTATE—ST. 7654 Eves . RE. 0385. Ext. 507. WOODRIDGE 3127 CENTRAL AVE. N.E. Six-rm. det. brick in perfect cond. throughout; 8 yrs. old; lge. liv. rm.. with fireplace, dining rm. and large kitchen on 1st fl.; 3 large bedrms ; screened porch, gas h.-w.h., lull bsmt.; painted throughout; lge. yard with picket fence Further informa tion. call Mr. Jarrett with R. G. DUNNE. HO, 0700; eves, and Sun., NO, 3924. _ WOODRIDGE 5-RM. BRICK RAMBLER 20-ft. liv. rm.. real brick flrepl.. complete kit., nice din. rm.: gas a.-c. heat. Sacrifice 813,250. About 83.000 down. NO. 7203 until 8 p.m. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO _2377 R. I. Ave. N.E. WOODRIDGE 8 Beautiful Rooms 19o6 Jackson st. n.e.—Colossal and exceedingly beautiful Colonial home Hall entr.. 24-ft. liv. rm.. din. rm. complete kit., den. t fine bedrms... *- completely inclosed and insulated sleeping porches, oil h.-w.h.; huge level lot: fruit trees and flowers 7-car det. gar. This fine property is in perfect cond. Priced very low for quick sale. Mr. Hammock. NO. 7203 uniil 8 p.m. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO WOODRIDGE GARDENS lswioor Bedroom 3014 21st st. n.e.—Ideal 7-rm. home, positively prefect cond.; newly re novated Inside and out; steel Vene tian blinds; new gas h.-w.h.; bsmt.: ‘2 bath; beaut, lot: expensive shrubbery and flowers: det. gar.; perfect location. Owner leaving city, must sell. Call Mr. Readls, NO. 7203. eves.. OR. 2221. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO. HOME AND INCOME WOODRIDGE, D. C. Det. 11 rms. and 2 baths. Beautiful shaded lot. 55x200 ft. Near R. I. ave. 2 ants rent SI22.50 mo. Leav ing 7 rms. and bath to owner. S3.500 recently spent to* modernize this home. Price only $18,500. Substantial down payment and bal ance on terms. Call Mr. Doughertv. UN. 0266. ROGER MOSS. Realtors. 2125 Rhode Island ave. ne.. HO. 6020. ON CAPITOL HILL Magnificent row house: a big pvt rms.. 2 baths; full bsmt.. with street entrance; tust off Line. Pk., on one of Wash.'s most beautiful streets; easily remodeled into town house or apts.; vacant—possession at once; priced right, small down pay ment. PRINGLE REAL ESTATE CO. Office, LI. 6-2525. Eves., VI. 0115. BH. 6326. —17 NO. 34 8TH ST. N.E. Brick. 6 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.; 1st comm. $1,000 down to a good purchaser. Call MR. WILLOUGHBY. AT. 7043; eves . LI. 4-4007._ BEST OFFERINGS, N.E. 5100 BLK. SO. DAK. AVE. Semidet. brick, only 2 yrs. old: 5 spacious rms.. gas heat. Priced $11,750 4800 BLK. 8th 8T. Semidet. brick, only 1 year old! 6 rms., bath. 3 lovely bedrms.. gas heat, new-house condition. Priced *16,950 1300 BLK. DOWNING ST. Modern row brick; only 10 years old. 6 rms.. gas heat. rec. rm., excel. cond. Price. $12,950. 3900 BLK. SO. DAK. AVE. Modern, det.. prewar brick home; 7 lovely rms.. 2 tile baths, 1 bedrm. and bath on 1st fl.: gas heat and garage. Priced to sell at $19,500. List with PECK CO. today. We have immediate purchasers for all types of homes. PECK COMPANY 3618 12th ST. N.E. LAWRENCE 6-6666 VIC. 26th and RANDOLPH $26,500 A charming. 2-story det.. prewar, brick Colonial home, having living rm. with fireplace, full dining rm., large equipped kitchen, den and lav. on 1st fl.; 5 bedrms.. 2nd fl.; stairs to attic, recr. room; oil h.-w.h.. 1-car built-in garage. Call Mr. Boswell. JA. 4-1444. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 1417 K ST. N.W., NA. 9300. _—18 Bungalow, Near D. C. Line 513.500. $2,500 cash: ltv. rm., fire place. din. rm. and kitchen: 2 bed rms.. bath: finished attic: full bsmt.. gas h.-w.h.; on large shaded lot. DI. 1015 'til 6 p.m : eves.. AP. 4013. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. —18 SEMIDET. BRICK •" facing into public park, attractive Woodridge home; 2 stories, cellar. 8 place, storm windows, garage. *14, 950. Close to bus. stores, high school and recreation center. Eve. phone Mr. Sims, PA. 6987. L. T. GRAVATTE 1518 K 8t. N.W., Realtor. NA. 0763 $13,950 Beautiful 2-story, detached, corner brick home: liv. rm. with flrepl.. din. rm.. kit., full bsmt., oil a.-c. heat; 2100 block R st. n.e.; close to transp., shopping. Call Mr. Zabrek, TA, 6413. COX ti CO„ UN. 1526. COLORED — RIVER TERRACE — 6 rm. row brick; full bsmt.; oil heat; hardwood fls. throughout: screened front porch; only *12.500 on good terms. TU. 3232; eves.. TA. 1011. SAMUEL C. REYNOLDS. 3005 Ga. ave. n.w. —17 COLORED—RIVER TERRACE—Va cant; 1 more of those 5-rm. bricks with full bsmt.. oil heat, hardwood floors throughout, screened front porch: large yard: priced to fell today. TU. 3232; eves., TA. 1011. SAMUEL C. REYNOLDS. 3005 Ga. ave n.w. 17 COLORED—410 G ST. N.E.—2-story row brick. 6 rms. and bath. Areola hot-water heat; excellent terms. Shown by appt. Phones; NA. 3959; eves., EM. 7314. —18 COLORED—NEAR 4th AND RHODE ISLAND N.E—$1,500 down; immac ulate. 8-rm. brick, full bsmt., oil heat, built-in gar.; must be sold this wk. Any reasonable offer con jldered. Mr Penland until 10 pm.. LI. 7-5696. KTLto REALTY CO. * "17 HOUSES—SALI—N.E, (ConM j COLORED — TWO-FAMILY HOUSE on Oates st. n.e.; 4 rms. and bath each floor. Full bsmt., gas heat. Asking $10,950. with $1,500 down. Call LI. 3-8995; eves.. LI. 3-5026. —17 COLORED—ONLY S950 DOWN—300 block G st. n.e.; attractive and sub stantial 20-ft. brick: t; large private rooms. 2 porches, lull bsmt., coal heat: det. garage. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO.. 1224 Eve st. n.w., EX. 3400; eves., GE. 5711. —18 COLORED—*750 DOWN—Total price $8,500. Lovely det. bungalow. 2 bed rms., bath. h.-w. heat; new cond. Easy mo, terms PAUL PERUZZI, ST. 2686 or TU. 0784 * —19 COLORED—BARGAIN Near 16th and R. I. ave. n.e., lge. det. 2-family stucco; 1st flr.. 4 rms., kit. and bath: 2nd flr.. 2 lge. rins.. kit. and bath: finished attic and recr. rm.; lge. lot. Evenings. CO. 8414, TU. 2800. ) JOSEPH TISHLER, REALTOR —19 COLORED—$500 DOWN Lovely 2-story brick home: llv. rm., din. rm., kit., lull bsmt., h.-w.h., redecorated, low monthly payments. Priced lor quick sale. In Brookland. Call Mr. Zabrek. TA. 5413, COX & CO.. UN. 1526. COLORED TO SETTLE AN ESTATE fNo. Carolina ave. n.e.) Substantial cash, immediate possession of 6-rm. apt., plus Income from two 3-rm. and bath apts. of $105 mo. DI. 1015 ’til 6 p.m.: eve.. Sun.. SH. 2985. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc. i—18 COLORED THESE HOMES ARE VACANT MOVE IN NOW! ONLY $595 DOWN 1919 GALES ST. N.E.. 6-rm. row brick full bsmt, gas h.-w.h.. Colo nial front porch, newly redecorated ,njn £vAnio bi. m e. ti-rm. row brick, 20-ft wide, lot 195 ft. deep, bath, full bsmt.. oil h.-w.h. 317 14th PL. N.B.. 6-rm. row brick bath, full bsmt., coal h.-w.h. 646 B 8T 8.E.. 6-rm. row brick bath, full bsmt.. coal h.-w.h. ! 1469 MORRIS RD. BE . 7-rm. row brick, 2 baths, full bsmt.. gas heat. [Call toda.v! SURETY REALTY CO. I AD. 0531 'til 9_—19 COLORED—VACANT $995 DOWN—N.E. Lovely 6 extra large rooms, full bsmt. [ with rec. rm.. oil h.-w.h.. ■com | pletely redecorated and ready for : you to move in. Conv. to transp. ; and shopping. Call ST. 3626: eves.. j AP. 3230. _—19 i COLORED MUST BE SOLD Owner leaving town. Only 513.750 j cash or 514,500 with 53,500 cash. | A good substantial first trust can i be arranged; nr 2nd and V sts. ; n.e. 6 rms., bath, hardwood floors, first floor: 2 lge. inclosed heated ! porches; full bsmt.: practically new j furnace and hot-water heater; lge. yard; garage; conv. location. If you want a good house, call Mr. Reed today. V. D. JOHNSTON _HU, 7812. DE. 5630. —18 COLORED OPEN SUN.. .3 'TIL DARK 324 16th ST. N.E. [Home and Income $18,950. sub ; stantlal cash. 14 years old. each floor has a compl. pvt. apt. Llv. [ rm.. bedrm.. modern kit., modern bath. Bsmt. has 2 bedrms.. llv. rm.. I kit., bath; with outside entrance: [ gas h.-w.h.: hardwood floors: chest nut trim throughout. Metal garage: nice yard, front and back. Call Mr. i Hill today. V. D. JOHNSTON HU. 7812, DE. 56.10. —20 COLORED. ATTENTION VACANT CORNER HOUSE NEWLY REDECORATED OPEN SUNDAY. 2-5 1720 M ST. N.E 0 rms.. full bsmt.; h.-w.h. Front : porch. 2 rear porches <1 inclosed). Put this on your must list. ! FRED EHRLICH 1018 VERMONT AVE N.W.. ST. 0450. AFTER 7 P.M., LI. 7-2789. _—20 COLORED Buy Thru Scott $10,500 SEMI-DET. MODERN NEW HOME Metal storm windows and Venetian [ blinds, mod. heating plant, built-in ! cabinets In kitchen and full bsmt. For appt. call Mrs. Clark. DE. 2010. eves. CO. 4656. COLORED—V ACANT fi RMS PriRPR RSMT In lovely Trinidad is this fine Co lonial brink, front porch. 2 rear porches, large yds., garage, full bsmt. Completely redec. Immed possession. Trade your old house or reas down payment. Hurry. FIRST NATIONAL REALTY. RE 3531 or AP. 4990. COLORED—$995 DOWN Vacant—Porches, Bsmt. 2nd and Channing n e. is this lovely d-rm. Colonial brick home. 2 inch porches, full bsmt.. gas heat, lovely yards. Hurry. It won't last. FIRST NATIONAL REALTY. RE. 3531 or AP. 4990. 17th AND E STS. N.E. $1,000 DOWN Colonial tapestry brick. 6 rms.. 2 large porches, recr. rm.. auto. heat. TR. 7265.—19 COLORED BROOKLAND DETACHED CORNER ONLY $14,950 A lemarkable buy in a beautiful cor ner home located on a gorgeous landscaped lot. 85 ft. by 155 ft. Home in Immaculate cond. through out. with new Venetian blinds and storm windows. Very large liv. rm.. din. rm., kit., full bath and 2 lovely bedrms. on 1st fl.; 2 fine bedrms. on 2nd fl.. also full bath in bsmt.; oil h.-w.h. This home is exceptional at this very low price. Don't miss it. NA. 9797 or LU. 4-3342 daily; eves., call CO. 8382. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO. Realtors. 925 New York Ave. E STREET N.E. COLORED—A large substantial 3 story house where the 2 upper floors are used as apartments. It con tains 8 comfortable rooms. 2 baths, oil hot-water heat and a 3-car ga rage. Possession arranged. To in spect. call MR. REILLY (evenings, TE. 7430), THOS. J. FISHER & CO., INC. Realtors, DI. 6830. HOUSES FOR SALE—S.E. CONGRESS HEIGHTS. 4th st„ near Atlantic s.e., 20-ft. front, semi detached brick, 6 rms.. tile bath. rec. rm. gas heat. 150-ft. lot; assume GI loan of *11.000 at 4ri. Piice: *14.500. HARTMAN REALTY. INC. ' 1345 Good Hope rd. s.e., LU. 4-3400 LINCOLN PARK—Lovely, spacious 3 bedrm. brick Colonial, plus Inclosed perches, reren. hall, light drv bsmt.. gas h.-w.h. Asking only $15,950; excel terms. WA. 2033. W CLIF FORD FHERTZER. RE. 2201. *350 DOWN. BAL. *78.50 MONTHLY | for 5-rm. and bath. 2-story brick t house, hot-water heat. gas. elec I Near Navy yd. Insp. any time through DIXIE REALTY CO.. NA. 8880 After 5 p m., call Mrs. Stern. RA. 8203. FOR PERSONS OF MEANS TRADES CONSIDERED Ft. Baker dr. s e. One of the finest in Hillcrest. 6 rms.. 4 baths, patio, overlooking city and park. *37,600. Congress Heights estate. One and 3s acres directly overlooking Potomac Prewar built home. 7 rms., 3 baths, rec. rm. and sun parlor. 12 miles D. C. over new Indian Head hwy. Beautiful modern home and 40 acres. Only 30 min. downtown JAMES CARROLL REAL ESTATE JO. 2-0401_Eves , AX. 8010 CAPITOL HILL This completely furnished, very large. 9-rm. and 2-bath home with finished basement, storm windows and oil h.-w.h. is a steal for only *15.500. Very fine cond and location. Large present income. Possession with title. One first trust after low down payment. JOS. A HERBERT & SONS. Realtors, 515 East Capitol, LI. 3-012iL HILLCREST 2 beautiful homes. One 6 rms., *24, 000. One 8 rms., *27,000. FR. 5894. _—18 _ TTTT T nnnpim a t^tti a xaxujuuivjju x au&n 3130 PENNA. AVE. S.E. Lovely Colonial brick; 8 large rooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor: powder room on 1st floor; recreation room and powder room In basement; two fire places. oil a.-c. heat; large screened rear porch, 2-car garage, fenced rear yard. For only $30,950. Must see to appreciate. RALPH CHEVALIER LU. 4-1800 VI. 6614 2413 MINNESOTA AVE. 8.E --IT , HILLCREST AREA 3721 Carpenter st. s.e. Beautiful de tach. home. Lge. liv. rm. with fire place. 4 bedrms., 3 baths, rec. rm., gas heat, gar.; fine neighborhood Eves. VI. 3011. WILLOUGHBY REAL ESTATE CO. 809 Mass. Ave. N.E., AT. 7043. 88~ELMIRAT ST\ * $2,500 DOWN. BALANCE LESS THAN *88 PER MO.. INCL. TAXES AND INSURANCE 6-rm. semidet. brick, gas heat; excel, cond.; immed. poss. Call eves., TU 3151; days. RE! 0229. BLAN KEN REALTY CO. $13,750 3-bedrm. brick, equipped kitchen, full bsmt. with recr. rm.: new-house con- ! dltlon: approx. $9,200 first trust at 4 n now on property. Call Mr. Ruehl, LU 4-4382: eves.. HI. 3330. T. PAUL IvjUDD CO.g HOUSES—SALE—S.E. (Cent.) $1,250 DOWN 4628 HANNA PL. S.E. OPEN TODAY This semidet. brick house has a good-sized living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 lovely bedrooms, tile bath, full basement, oil h.-a.h., front and back ards: convenient to schools, transp.. shopping. Today’s best bar gain at $10,250; immediate posses sion. VI. OftflO,—20 BEAUTIFUL HILLCREST Detached brick home, having living rm. with fireplace, full din. rm.. kitchen and sunroom on 1st floor; 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd; there is a built-in garage with concrete driveway to street: yard is well land* scaped. You must inspect this be fore buying elsewhere. Priced at $24,000: substantial cash payment required. ADELBERT W. LEE 3211 Pcnna. Ave S.E.. VI. 1000. —17 $6,950, TOTAL PRICE 530* Shadyside Ave.. Bradbury Hgts, —Five rms. bath, new plumbing and heating: newly decorated and nice. Substantial down payment. E. F. BEACH. Owner 5*01 Temple Hill rd_s.e __Cypress_n389._—17 BARGAIN—6 Rms., 2'/2 Baths $12,500, MODERN BRICK House only 4 yrs. old: Ige. kit. with refgr. gas heat, hardwood floors, fenced yard, full basement suitable for recreation rm.. a little wet. but can easily be fixed; .n Congress Heights. Call Mr Rauch. JO 3-8801. COX & COMPANY. RE 1033 __ —20 1531 U ST. S”E. $12,950; 3 Bedrms. and Den Low down payment buys this conv. ..wiiiv. * UOIUI. kuu.l CAtri lot and 2 gar. For details, call Mr. Neilson. JU. 7-7770. PAUL E. BUTTERFIELD • COLORED—311 JOth ST. S.E.—vT cant 7 rms . Including 2 kitchens and 1 kitchenette. 1 bath, gas and electric.: reasonable terms. PROVI DENT REALTY CO , Mr. Clark. Sun. NO .>868. Wkdays.. RE. 0657. • COLORED — 8500 DOWN — Semi detached brick: h.-w.h. gas elec ricitv: earage Balance like rent. Mr. Broibie with HARRY DREISEN, NA. 7772; eves, and Sun., TA 0534 —10. COLORED VACANT! 5500 DOWN. $75 PER MONTH 5 rooms, redecorated, all modern con veniences. Gas heat. Move in next week 1133 POTOMAC AVE. S.E HOME REALTY CO . REALTORS 1726 Pa. Ave. N.W.. RE. 1337. _—20 COLORED—VACANT $995 DOWN Only 1 block off Benning rd.. this attractive, semidet., modern brick home has been completely redeco rated and contains 5 rms. bath and full bsmt.: reasonable terms. MITCHELL BIRON. ST. 3440 EVES. SL. 8076 or VI. 4620. ___-18 COLORED—VACANT OPEN 5 TO 8 P.M. MUST BE SOLD 13.30 TALBERT TERRACE S.E Modern brk. home, fine cond.; full bsmt.; oil heat: nice lot: small dov/n pymt.. bal. like rent. To reach: Out Nichols ave. to Talbert st.. left on Talbert to top of hill, bear right to Talbert terrace and home. RE. 2137,__ COLORED. POSSESSION CORNER 17th ST. AND INDEPEND ENCE AVE -Beautiful corner. 2 story brick; 6 lovely rms. and bath. 2 rear inclosed porches; h.-w.h. coal; detached garage, nice corner lot: A-l cond.: priced to sell with reasonable down payment. Call 'tii 9 p.m. weekdays; Sun.. 12 to 5. Wm. Calomiris Iny. Corp. 1012 17th St. N.W. DI. 1655 _—19 HOUSES FOR SALE—MD. MONTGOMERY COUNTY BETHESDA. Parkwood — Distinctive 3-bedroom on large, corner lot: 1 ’a baths, full basement with outside entrance, iencea yard, "-car garage; easy walking distance to new paro chial schools: good financing. Call for appointment to see. HUGGINS & HARRISON. INC., Realtors. IO 5-2800. _17 BETHESDA—$*'6,500. Red brirk with slate roof. Partially paneled liv. rm.. din rm.. kit., bedrm. and bath 1st n.*. tremendous bedrms. and bath '.nd fl.: rec. rm. in bsmt. Luxurious lot about J2 acre with statelv trees Somerset Elementary School area. Equipment includes dishwasher. Bendix and dryer. Priced to sell quickly. See today WI 6640; eve^ TY CORP Ext' 4°4' ALLIED REAL FETHESDA — Hospitals and health service area. Fireplace. C bedrooms: prewar: comfortable white brick bungalow with det. garage: nice rarden. MARY T. BOARD, EM AREA — 4 bedrms 2 baths; approx >, acre: pract. new; s one construction: center hall, den. . b*th )!t 0 ■: full bsmt ■ot Well priced.' ■iotv'por'apntd T WRram ^, n9104 EARL ®LV AREA — Beautiful brick rambler located in desirable community near Kenwood: :s bed rooms, 2 baths, attractive kitchen with sink disposal. dishwasher, breakfast bar: 2-car gar. screened PorSt lovely yard: gas heat. THOS. f- PHILLIPS, WO. ,900 until 9 p.m. 3420 Conn. ave. CHEVY CHASE. MD.—$20,950. Bed rm. and bath on 1st fl. is a special feature of this desirable property " blocks from shopping renter, in the Blessed Sacrament Parish: :: bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl.: oil h.-w.h.; det garage, wo. wjon. Office onen „ntii 9 EDWARD H JONES & CO., INC Chevy Chase D. C. _19 tREVy, CHASE MD.—Spacious det brk. like new: den. lav., breakfast, rm., 3 oedrms.. b.-in gar.: lovelv lot 90x167: best offer buys. Call WO. 3520 PRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI CHEVY CHASE, MD.—A brand-new brick rambler, located in an ex panding community of home own ers There is a wide liv. rm. with L-shaped din. rm., plenty of closets, 3 cross-ventilated bedrms., 2 baths garage, bsmt. has ffreph, with recr. r7’-.5Pace: screened porch. Priced J, It's worth seeing now. 2300. Office open until 9. EDWARD H. JONES & CO.. INC., Chevy Chase, D C. _19 C^VLnCIJ,ASf VIEW—An excellent lot,-, 100 ft. front by 186 ft. deep, well landscaped, high elevation, wide improved streets and delightful home community will appeal to you. The residence is interesting, with 13x 26-ft. liv. rm. and 2 bedrms. and bath on 1st 'fl.; 2 additional bed rms. and powder rm. on 2nd fl • 2 car det. garage. Call WO. 2300. Office open until 9. EDWARD H. JONES & CO., INC.. Chevy Chase. CHEVY CHASE HAMLET—A~ ’sur prisingly spacious Williamshurr Co lonial, sun-flooded rins.. outhern exposure: den with omvuer rm . today's kit., pane'- -"-s-Rson rm. off the liv. rm.. Ineakfast rm.: 3 cross-ventilated bedrms.. 2 excel baths, master bath has both tub and snower: large storage rms. and one of the finest recr. rms. with built-in bar and full bath in the bsmt. To inspect, call WO. 2300. Office open until 9. EDWARD H JONES & CO., INC., Chevy Chase D. C. _] o GLENMONT VILLAGE—New 2-bedrm house: by owner: substantial cash and assume GI mortgage. 2614 Ter rapin rd. I9« HILLANDALE—Brick Cape Cod; bed rm. and bath 1st fl.. 3 bedrms. and bath 2nd fl.. attached garage, many other features; shown day or eves, by appointment. CRANE & HELAN. SL. 4000. SH. 9269. —17 KENSINGTON. MD. — *15.950, new 3-bedrm brick rambler: liv. rm.. fireplace, dining area, bath and kit.. full bsmt with ear rnnv school. shopping and transp. 3, miles to D. C. line. Call JU. 7-5409. eves. —17 j MEADOWBROOK — Brick rambler, featuring a 25 x15' living room with fireplace, picture windows, all elec tric kitchen, cypress paneled tele vision room, 3 extra-large bedrooms. 2 baihs. huge utility room, Datio. at tached garage, center hall, beauti tully landscaped lot. gas heat, copper gutters and plumbing. Trades con sidered. Miss Watwood, DU. 0108 MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO.. 1224 14th Street N.W.. DI. 3346. fEW HAMPSHIRE HIGHLANDS area, that ever-popular section oil N. H. ave. Extended; a smart Cape Cod home in brick, giving you 4 bedrms. without having a great big house to care for; equipped kitchen; gas heat; lot: *15.950. RIPLEY & ROMER, Realtors. 8L. 6111; open evenings. ^JJUKVlLLE—3-bedrm. house. Cape Cod; flrep). refgr., expansible at tlc. Price. $11,250: cash reoulred. $4,000: can go GI with small '><™n Payment. ST. 8950 or Rock ,vn e 4483 before 5 p.m. —18 IILVER SPRING—Beautiful 7-rm. tapestry brick home, features 4 levels. 4 bedrms. and den upstairs: beautiful llv. rm. with fireplace, large <Jin. rm- nic* modern kit.: ~ Ppfches on 1st fl.: large 2-car built-in garage; lovely rec. rm., maid's rm. in bsmt.: well shrubbed corner lot: close to transp.: $6,000 down. SMITH REALTY CO.. AP. 0100 _is ILVER SPRING. MD.—Located in Indian Spring Club estates. A newer brick Colonial residence with in viting liv. and din. rms., good kit., picture-window den and powder rm.: 3 full-size bedrms. and tiled bath on 2nd fl.: a screened porch oil 2nd ft. is a feature of this property: gas a.c. heat: res- yd. fenced. To in spect, call WO. 2300. Office open until 9 EDWARD H. JONES & CO.. INC.. Chevy Chase. D. C. —19 IILVER SPRING RAMBLER— 3-bed rm. brick: lge. living rm., dinette, de luxe kit. with garbage disposer, , dishwasher: full bsmt.; gas heat. Lge., level lot. Priced for quick sale. LOWRY A MARTIN. Realtors, SH. ' 9200; eves., JU. 7-691R. HOUSES—SALE—MP. (Cont.) OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE, on Colesvllle rd. in Silver Spring; a lovely brick Williamsburg, with most unusual and livable Inside arrange ment; on oversized lot 110x195; homes in this sightly and command ing location are rarely on the mar ket: $24,950. RIPLEY & ROMER, Realtors. SL. 0111. Open eves. ST. JOHN'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL area—New listing. 4-bedroom brick, l'/s bath. Cape Cod; lull basement, inclosed yard: very clean. Call A. J KESSLNGER ft CO.. Realtor!. SH. 4544; eves.. JU. 7-6135. 19* TAKOMA PARK—2-bedroom home, living rm.. kit., gas a.-c.h.; conv. to everything; price. $11,000, terms. CRANE A: HELAN. SL. 4000. —17 NEW HOMES with one acre, brick and frame Cane Cod. near Burtons vilie. Md.; 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, IJ5.250; 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. $16,7o0: liv. rm„ lge. kit., oil h.-w. h„; ready for occupancy CRANE & HELAN. SL. 4000. eves. SH. 4351. —17 NEW COUNTRY RAMBLER, on *4 acre, about 15-min. drive from SB- ' ver Spring; 6 rooms, bkft. nook and bath in rambling arrangement of generous rooms, giving 3 nice bed rooms. full bsmt. with 'a bath, eoulp. kitchen; here’s fine country living in the modern manner for $21,500. RIPLEY & ROMER. Realtors. SL. Hill. Open eves. $350 DOWN PAYMENT—Vlers Mill Village—Attractive 2-bedrm. Johns Mansville shingle bungalow Conven. to shopping and schools. Call LAW RENCE LEVIN. RE. 6050 during day _17 home AND INCOME—*10.750_ Modern bungalow, arranged for 2 apts. or suitable for large family. Shop, and transp. Shown by appt. °n'Y ROBERT A FOSTER, SL. 4166. Exclusive Agent. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE—All-brk . J-bedrm.. J-bath rambler. Over acre. Full bsmt. 2-car gar. Owner compelled to sell Immediately, at &?i *31 UPS. DI. 1411. 8 ES. clear, with modern bun ‘™„3k b'd,rmsi and bath, bsmt.. oil h.-wh. Price. $14,000. BERNARD T. BROSIUS. Realtor. SH. 0420: eves Mr. Scott. SH. 5861 SENSIBLE UVING-A 4-bedrm.. 7 yr.-old suburban home. Outside tha danger cone. Mod.: compact, low up kejD«?£*ce *'4.050. with $.1,500 dn. ? • 4 °A,t2„G 1 ARTHUR W. LaROCHE. OL. 0070; WI. 1771 eves -,___—18 ' CARROLL KNOLLS Beautiful brick and stone rambler. * !n . with Areplace, din! rm . full bsmt.. corner lot. Well njiced with excel, flnancing, call ~rs’„§£2U’ SL 9411. COX & CO., 8L. o< 7a._ CHEVY CHASE RAMBLER ’ 8008 Jones Mill rd.t brick 3 bed i rms . 2 baths liv. rm.. 15x25, I iLeplace. storage attic, garage, gas automatic heat Open for inspection. For sale bv owner; call OL. 6010. ---—18 ' „ OLENMONT—$2,500 DOWN * Will buy this charming 2-bedrm. as bestos shingle bungalow; exp attic : recr. and child’s playroom in bsmt : large corner lot. Balance like rent. Phone right away, it won’t last '“ne- Mls Heflin, SL. 0652. COX & CO., SL. 0775. SILVER SPRING—OPEN ~EVER 3 TIL DARK SAT AND SUN.. 1 'TIL DARK—41 -FT BR. RAMBLERS 3 BEDRMS. GEORGIA AVE. Extended 2.9 mi. past coles ffiiSWM &I: SILVER SPRING—Brick, full base ment bungalow, expandable attic! immaculate condition: excellent real landscaped lot: $14,5'in. SH. mp til n pm. YOUNG & BOWERS CO WHEATON BUNGALOW for only $9 750: $1 300 asb .?nd *00 a mo. buys this one £ali Mr. Pheltra. GE. 4707 LYMAN C. DELLE. INC.. ST. 3520. 17 „ *«09 DOWN ' Vacant. Move in. 1 >3-v»a'-oi-i es>-.st0, shingled bungalow: nice lot; full dry bam.. Payment. $67.50 pe- mo , inc] taxes and insurance. Viers Mill! 9a'j, Mrs. Morrison. SL. 0775. COX & CO. UN. 9186. ~ , $850 DOWN “ Balance like rent, will buy this as bestos shingled. 2-bedrm. bungalow; full bsmt.; large lot. Quick sale. Call Mr- M"?1”’ SL. 2317. COX & CO.. OL. O i i 5. RAMBLERS—RAMBLER8 ’ Barest Glen section of Silver Spring. 3-bed’-m. ramblers: bath and pow der room on first floor; $19,500 with full cellar $17,500 without cellar. Ca 1 I?.r, Ideation. Trades consid ered. We need used houses. Mr Weaver WO. 4944. , „„ MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO 1224-14th St.. N.W. DI. 3.14$ NEW BRICK CAPE COD. full base ment expansion attic: 14 fine home* to choose from. *12.750: all large lots- approximately 105x105. SH. ion til ft p.m. _YOUNG & BOWERS CO. DOWN. *77 per month: nict --bedroom bungalow. with full base ment: vacant; immediate posses* s*?n;. 1 block elementary school. SH. 1 oi 1 'til ft pm. YOUNG & BOWERS CO RAMBLER—BRICK 1 BLK. OFF GA. AVE. Comer lot. large and landscaped, 2 bedrms.. liy rm. with flrepl., din. rm., ultramodern, all-elec. kit.. fuH bsmt. Call Mr. Martin. CO# & CO. SL. 0*75: eves.. SL. 2317. BETHESDA—$21,950 Modern brick with slate roof: Ist-fl. powder rm.: 3 excellent bedrms. oa 2nd floor Pull bsmt.: built-in ga rage: screened porch: level lot. This, is an outstanding value. Billingsley & Korzendorfer OR. 2326 ’til 9 p.m. _—18 urmupon a m 1 a ap a x-ip n,t7UU 4 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, range and refrigera tor: full basement; hbt-water oil heat: detached garage; needs deco rating “Rosemary Hills Rambler” *>■'•'50 New brick. 3-bedroom ram bier full basement: ell-elertric GE Kitchen including garbage Disposal! and dishwasher; excellent neighbor hood: So,000 down, low monthly payments. Woodmoor Agency, Inc. oi . S(t62, Bethesda. Until ff P.M. BETHESDA—$15,750 The best value we have seen any where! Owner in Calif. Detached, white-painted brick Cape Cod on V4 acre, inclosed by country rail fence: has H bedrooms. \\/2 baths, living room-dining room combination, love ly kitchen with Bend^x washer, gas Allen. TeSsS.? ‘nSDeCt- ClU Mrl' Gorman P. Young, DE. 4444 _—17 BETHESDA—NR. SCHOOLS D'L S-tm- bungalow, under 4 year* old. Attic heated and Insulated. Full ground - level entrance* Bryant g.a.-c. heat. DI. 1015 ’til 8 P-m i eves. sun.. SH. 2085. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC. -- - —18 BETHESDA . „ glenbrook village Unique and unusual floor PJJ" of ajbriek home in a setting of r;es and shrubbery in this de !'rable section. Studio-type living room 'with large fireplace. 2 bed ,bath o.11,1 floor: a few step* nuVi. v,a ?i1,ni,ng ro9m with flre ffimSv.bfautiful modern kitchen, mundry room, powder room and workshop; auto, heat: storage at J.lcj garage: all large rooms, and very reasonably priced. Near schools, SI0/!*' trar>sDortation. Eves.. WI, E. M. FRY, INC.. WI. 8700. BETHESDA RAMBLER NEAR NAVAL HOSPITAL Diealo.t,fc!...W#k, residence built in 1949 • beautiful setting overlooking Club golf course. 81* rooms and 2 baths: built-in garage JWce. £28.500. Call Mr. Ingham^ NA. 4(180: eves.. OL. 2142 J. RUPERT MOHLER, Jr. _1223 Conn, Ave__ig BETHESDA *5, exclusive Bradmoor area, 114 blocks from Bradley blvd.. this at Jr*otive brick Colonial home con tains living room with fireplace, b'nmg room kitchen and delightful screened living porch on the 1st flooi. There are 3 excellent bed rooms and tiled baths on the 2nd floor. Panelled game room, at tached garage, oil a.-c. heat. Call .T790 Lel£h NA 9300; eves • WI* BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 1417 K St.. N. W. —18 BETHESDA A RARE FIND First offering of Ayrlawn. a charming Penn. Dutch farm house on V* acre lovely ground. »uuusuuprc oi me oia, but remodeled to provide all modern comforts. First floor, entrance hall, living im. with fireplace, large den with book shelves, step-down dining rm„ attrac. mod. kit., V, bath: 2nd <71.2 'eve's- 4 bedrms., mod. tiled bath. Other features: OH h.-w.h. storm windows, insu lated: dble. gar. and shed on grounds: near 17-acre recr. area and Bradley School Exclusive With nT, .HELEN NORRIS OR- aS'° EM. BOSS BRADLEY BLVD. AREA WOODHAVEN /ery attractive stone and frame home situated on beautifully land scaped wooded lot. 1st fir. reception ’.“v'n* room with fireplace, ”°Jm' modern streamlined kitchen, and screened porch: 2nd fir 3 good-sized bedrooms, and l >/ bath, recreation room with V2 bath in basement: 2-car garage, house in excellent condition. Owner leaving city and must sell. Properties ol this type are seldom available in this much sought-after neighbor hood. Call EM. 1800 ’til Bpm. Dhevy Chase Realty Co. _4420 Connecticut Ave. _17 (Continued on Next Fag^t