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HOUSES—SALE—MD. (CtmM BETHESDA—$16,950 This modern brick home in nice neighborhood. Living rm. with fire place, dining rm.: large fully equip, kitchen: side screened porch: find floor, 2 large bedrms. and bath: full bsmt.; gas heat; level lot; Bendlx washer Included with price. Billingsley & Korzendorfer 5211 Wls. Ave.. OR. 2326. _—18 BROOKDALE NEAR CHEVY CHASE $17,950. Beautiful, one - floor plan home on large lot 110x130 with trees and shrubs assuring complete privacy. 2 bedrooms and tile bath, living room with fireplace, adjoin *ing screen Dorch. dining room and •kitchen: recreation room in base *xnent: gas heat. This home IS priced low on today’s market. Out of town owner. Vacant. We have the key. Eves.. WI. 5148. E. M. FRY. INC.. WI. 8700. CHEVY CHASE, MD. 138 WEST LELAND ST. This charming home, fi blks. west of Conn, ave., det. .brick consists of lge. llv. rm., firepl., beautiful din.! rm.. den, powder rm.. kit. and; pantry on 1st fl. 3 extra lge. bed rms and 2 baths on find fl. OH heat. 2-car garage, attrac. wooded lot. S. R. MARTIN & CO Ex clusive agents" 2629 Conn. ave.. DU. 5366, OW. 5780. To reach: Out Conn. ave. past Chevy Chase Country Club to Leland st., west on Leland to sale sign. —18 CHEVY CHASE, MD. New brick colonial. This home Is worthy of your inspection, located In one of the finest residential neighborhoods; 1st fl.. lge. living rm.. French doors to porch, nice dining rm„ electric kit., den and powder rm.: find fl . 3 lge. bed rms.. 2 complete baths, full base-' Stent with Vs bath: price $29,500.1 About Va cash. Your home ac cepted In trade. CAMBRIDGE REALTY CO. 7936 Wisconsin Ave.. OL 3416. Eve.. GE. 0660. 18_ CHEVY CHASE, MD. 4 Bedrms., 2*4 Baths ■ Ideal family location: quiet strett wooded site, conven. to transp - 1 . „ J V. ^nthae fae tures include lge. den. breakfast nook, spacious attic, built-in garage Owner transferred. Priced for immed. sale Phillips, Canby & Fuller, Inc. 6T 2400 1012 15th St. N.W.: eves..; .OR 0852._ __ CHEVY CHASE VIEW Brick, nearly new rambling ranch-; type residence on large wooded lot. j Complete privacy at end of no- j through street, yet near all con veniences. All on one floor are • 3 bedrms.. 2*2 baths, living room . dining room, electric kitchen with dining alcove, screened porch, ter- ; race. Stairs to storage attic, rec reation room with fireplace in base ment. built-in garage. Priced under $30,000 and easily financed. Eves.. VJl. 5148. E. M. FRY. INC . WI. STOP. 1 KENSINGTON, MD. Det. Brick—$16,500 A comparatively new detached home in a delightful community and where schools, shopping center and trans portation are all convenient. Six Bright comfortable rooms. 3 bed rooms (2 will take twin beds*, tile bath with built-in tub and shower.; attic space, nice-size living room, dining room and modern!? eouinped ; kitchen: full basement with built-in cabinets and asphalt tile flooring, gas a-c. heat: unusually large lot. the rear garden inclosed with white picket fence: abundance of flowers, shrubs etc. Terms acceptable. Cali Mr. Straw’bndge (evenings. CH 7039). . _ Thos. J. Fisher & Co., Inc. Realtors. DI. 8830._„ POTOMAC HUNT AREA 6mall gentleman’s estate. UVa acres, charming house with beautiful set ting on hill, lge. shade trees, over locking meadow and lovely stream; - house remodeled in excel, taste 1 yr. ago; oil heat. elec. kit.. 3 bedrms.. j 2*2 baths, attrac. liv. and din. rms„ 3 flreplaceE. lge. barn, 2-car garage. Price. $39,500. Nine lovely acres with attrac.. small 4-rocm house and barn; all bldgs. 3 yrs. old. Priced reasonably at 517.00(» i Properties within easy commuting uiscaiiv-c. t'iiuiic,AViuc ut- _ tore 11 a m. or alter H p.m, —17 i ROLLINGWOOD Charming det brick dome on beauti fully landscaped and shrubbed lot Center-entrance ha’.’. 7 spacious rooms, Z:2 baths; maid’s room in bsmt. Oil h.-w h Built-in garage Slate roof Random-width flcorinc. Attic. Many other desirable features. FRED A. SMITH CO. . EX. 2480, 1113 17th St. N.W. 1 ROSEMARY HILLS 1 FIRST OFFERING Of this prewar Colonial home, on a; beautiful corner lot, featuring 22 ft. master bedrm. with pvt. bath. 2 other bedrms. and bath, unusual closet space in all rms.. liv. rm. with - firepl.. din. rm. with doors to sum mer porch, ige. kit. and breakfast rm.. front and rear porches, attached garage; excel, cond.; poss. with set tlement. Shown by appt. only. Call Mr. Richards, with JAMES L. DIXON & CO. ST. 7200, 1022 17th St. N.W. _—IS Rosemary Hills—$20,950 Silver Spring’s coolest loc.; almost xiew 6-room Colonial brick, just off East-West hwy.; 1V2 baths, mir- ^ rored firepl.. screened porch, finished bsmt.; excel, cond. Call SH. $794 jf\XL 9. 3-Family—$13,950 A good investment for some one who wants a nice home and income: Takoma Park lot.: oil heat., gar Terms. SH. 1103 till 0. . 4 Bedrms.—$2,800 Down Excel, det. home in Takoma Park and right on the busline: gar.; fireplace, and zoned for apts SH. $794 till 9. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE SILVER SPRING j' Stone and Brick Colonial . Lge. living rm. with fireplace, side screened porch, guest size dining rm . modern equip, kit.. Va bath: 3 well proportioned bedrms., bath, 2nd fl.. full basement; conv. to everythme: $21,950. CAPE COD—$10,000 5-rms. with full basement, expand- , able attic huge lot, convenient to transportation, etc. Needs redecora '"cOLONIAL—$17,950 (Preshowing) center entrance, lge.' living rm. with fireplace, side opreti full dining rm. kit with breakfast space. 2nd fl. 3 well proportioned ! _ bedrms.. and bath; full basement -with I:. bath and exit. _, CAPITAL REALTY CO. BH 0673 ’til 9. if no answer SL. 8395 SILVER SPRING " Brick Colonial on lge. level fenced lot. near Flower ave.. shopping, center; living rm.. dining rm.. kit., den, powder raa.. 1st fl.;, 3 bedrms 11 and bath on 2nd fl : finished attic de luxe rec. rm. and Vg bath in basement. Near school, transporta tion and shopping. „ RAMBLER Lovely 3-bedrm. brick rambler near Indian Spring Club; living rm.. din ing rm. kit., tiled bath, full base ment with walk-out entrance; 1 yr. Old. Priced at 8192100 WOODSTDE REALTY CO. ■ SH. 6440 ’til 9, if no ans., SH. 6417. | — 1 7 |1 SILVER SPRING AREA MODERN BUNGALOW—$11,750 | Two bedrms.. beautifully equip, kit., | full basement. Easy terms BRICK BUNGALOW—$13.9oO Two bedrms., exp. attic; exce loca tion; lee., level, fenced lot; full bsmt. 3-BEDRM. BUNGALOW—814.950 Close-In location; level lot; oil hot water heat; garage. _ UNUSUAL BUNGALOW—$1 < .9o0 ] Brick, 2 bedrms ; in settled neighbor hood; bsmt, finished into beautiful paneled recr. rm., equip, laundry j room and shop. LUXURY RAMBLER—$25,950 Three bedrms., 2 baths, beautiful liv. rm.. built-in gar.: imrr.ed. possession, j BUICE & BOWLBY 8610 Ga. Ave., SH. 5452. 9 'til 9. SILVER SPRING Distinctive grouo of new brick ram blers now being completed: all navel] 3 bedrms.. and 2 full baths, lge, liv rm.. 'ull din. rm.. de 'uxe elec, kit., gar . bsmt. with rec. rm nice lot. Conven location. Priced from $25,500 to $29,950 HOLMEAD, REALTOR 904 Bonlfant St., SH. 6200. SILVER SPRING SPECIAL $12,950—All brick bungalow, stair way to expandable attic, full base ment; gas heat; exit to yard; lot. 60x150; fenced. Assume $9,500. GI loan at 4 05.. $14,950 all-brick bungalow. 2 bedrms.. firepl., exp. attic; full bsmt.; lge.!. shaded lot with Anchor fence. As-1 sume 89,600 GI loan. $14,950—3-bedroom, all brick, full; basement, porch, nice shady lot. Now financed at approx. $11,000. 6 & L REALTY CO . 971.0 Georgia ave., SH. 1141; if no answer, call I SH, 7834.—17 SILVER SPRING WHITE BRICK BUNGALOW This is a very attractive. 2-bedrm. brick bungalow, completely . redec. throughout. It has a nice-size liv. rm., din. rm.. equipped kit., utility rm.; 2 lge. bedrms.. bath, and lge. floored storage attic. Beautifully shrubbed front; an attractive flag stone terrace, and a lge. back yard. Priced at $14,250. Call Mr. Burton. RE. 6585. Eves. JU. 7-7882. WOODWARD & NORRIS Realtors, 723 20th Bt. N. W.g HOUSES FOR SALE—MD, Silver Spring Brick 3 BEDRMS.. DEN. 2'/i BATHS The very best in early American Co lonial design with den or bedrm. and powder rm. on 1st fl. True cen ter-entrance plan with 27-ft. liv. rm, fireplace; lge. dining rm.. Youngs town electric kit., lovely breakfast room and screened porch. 1st level; 2nd fl., master bedrm. with bath and mirrored dressing rm: 2 other twin bed rms.. tile bath and sun deck; bsntt. has 10-ft,. log-burning fire place and '/i bath in splendid rec reation room; attached garage and terraced grounds facing parkland. Construction and architecture can not be faulted. Call Mr. Russell. SL. ().‘J28. eves JAMES L. DIXON & CO. ST. 7200, 1022 17th St. N.W. —18 SILVER SPRING 1V2 BATHS—$18,950 Two-story brick, large liv. rm. with fireplace, guest-sized din. rm.. V2 bath, equipped kit. with garbage disposal and table space: large cement side porch and foyer en-: trance on 1st floor: .*1 spacious bed-; rooms with large closets and bath on 2nd floor: full bsmt . outside entrance, gas a.-c. heat. Near Naval Ord. Lab Terms. Investment or Income ^arge 12-room house on corner lot. This home can be used as two 6-rm. and bath apts. or a rest and nursing home. Each apt. has separate en trance and firepl.: aas h.-w.h.: aluminum storm windows: shade trees and shrubbery. Priced $17. 500: excellent terms. 4 BEDRMS., 2 BATHS BRICK CAPE COD lome on corner lot 1st fl. has liv. rm. with picture window ana fire place: lovely din. rm. with pic ture window, spacious kit., full tile bath, bedrm. or den; screened uicc<;ewttjr vo gar.; sna n. nas .s twin-size bedrms. and bath; lull bsmt.: gas a.-c. heat. Priced at *27.950. Wood-Conley Co., Realtors 8710 Ga. Ave., SL. 5700 Till it. SILVER SPRING, DALE DR. let. 4 twin-sized bedrms., S baths on beautiful landscaped lot. 2 bed rms and bath 1st fl.: liv. rm.. firepl.. din rm . and kit., side concrete Pnreh; piav rm. in bsmt. DI. 1015 till (i n.m eves, and Sun.. SH. 2985 *VM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc. _ —18 SILVER SPRING NEW RAMBLER $13,950 1-bedrm. brick near Indian Spring Club: liv. rm., din. rm. comb., lge., kit., gas heat; terraced lot, 55x145. Eves., call Mr. Stolar SL. 7586. Leo M. Bernstein & Co. .415 K St. N’.W, Realtors. ME. 5400. SILVER SPRING lust over D. C. line, off East-West hwy. — Impressive white painted brick: 3 bedrms., 2 baths, liv. rm with firepl., din rm.. lge. kit. with breakfast space. poTch. beautiful -evel fenced yard, built-in garage ir. bsmt : slate roof; excel, cond.; owner leaving town. Priced right Philip B. Key Co., Realtors _SL, 3010. ’til 9 P.M. —17 SILVER SPRING $14 250 TO 814.500 VETERAN AND NON-VETERAN *•2 story exp. on lge sodded lots Liv. rm. with dining L. 2 lge. bed-. rm.c. ceramic tile b^th. spacious closets complete GE elec. kit., inch - garbage disno al. dishwasher.; clothes washer. 8-ft. refgr.. stove. GE cabinets, oak floor; 2nd story has room for 2 extra lge. bedrms.. plumbing avail, for 2nd bath: all utils., streets, etc. in purchase price ONLY 2 LEFT OUT OF 23 ’o insp. call Mr. Burklin. WI. 3633 days, or WI. 6288 eves. R. H. BEST. INC. Realtors, Builders 8118 Wis. Ave., Bethesda. Md. —jj_ SILVER SPRING leaf Four Corners: $6,500 cash. 4-bedrm . 2-bath, detached brick Cape Cod. On lot 100x100. Outside entrance to full basement, with rouehed-in bath. 2-car detached brick garage. DI. 1015 'til 6 p.m.i Eves and Sun.. SH. 2985. ! iVM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc.1 _ _ —18 SILVER SPRING i-rm 1-bath brick bungalow. Stair way to exn. attic with plumbing and r^at roughed in. Bsmt. with gar Nicp lot HOLME AD. REALTOR 904 Bon if ant St.. SH. 6200 ___—19 ' 5 Large Bedrooms lemidet.. new hot-water heater. Lge. rear yard with shade trees. Priced for immediate sale. Reasonable down payment. Call ART POST, ME. 5833 Eves., Mr. Johnson. EM. 5020 __ —18 TAKOMA PARK Let one of our courteous salesmen take you through this 5-room bungalow located on shady avenue. block from busline; furniture In cluded; easy terms. BROWN AGENCY. SH. 3444, eves. JU. 7-; 289. TAKOMA PARK rpproved GI 6-room Colonial plus bedrm. and V? bath in bsmt. 1‘a blocks to shopping and bus. de tached garage, fenced lot. fruit trees, worth nore on today’s market On!' ? 13.950. REALTY INVEST MENT CO. until _9. GE. 2270. —IK TAKOMA PARK. MD. inly 2.950. 5-room Colonial, full basement. completely modernized kitchen detached garage. 1 block from complete shopping and bus approximately 53,500 down. REALTY INVESTMENT CO., until 9. GE. 2270._—18 VIERS MILL “ wo bedrms.. picture window, full bsmt.. copper plumbing: large level lot. variety fruit trees, grape ar bor: near shopping and bus; Immac ulate condition: only SI.350 down. KENSINGTON REALTY CO. LO. 5-2400.___ WOODSIDE PARK leautiful prewar brick, on a lovely corner lot: 3 large bedrooms and 2 baths; den and H bath on 1st floor: screened porch: attached ga rage Further Information, call THOMPSON & GRAY Realtors, SL. 6100. 9 ’til 9. ___—19 " WOODSIDE FOREST >n large, wooded lot; new det. brick Cape Cod; beautiful picture win dows: 2 bedrms.. bath on 1st fl.; 21 bedrms.. nursery and bath on 2nd f! : divided basement: 30-ft. finished recreation rm.; built-in ga rage: mod. kit and lge. screened porch. DI. 1015 until 6 p.m.; eves, and Sun AP 4013. VM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc. _ _ -^18 UNUSUAL BUY liver Spring—house with everything, corner brick Colonial. IVj baths. 3 bedrms . recr. rm . bar den. wall-1 to-wall carpets, alum, storm sash, etc MR, PALMER. JU. 7-6224. 18*. $16 950 5-BEDROOM RAMBLER /lving room with fireplace, full din-: ing room, fully equipped kitchen with breakfast nook. Very nice lot and extremely well-built. Call Mr Stup. TA. 8004. BEITZELL .515 K St. N.W * DI. 3100 ___—17 RAMBLER $24,250 ,ess than 1-year-old. red brick in excellent condition. Large living room with fireplace, dining room and Kitchen. 3 bedrooms 2 tile! baths storage facilities in attic | full basement. Gas a.-c. heat. Many other features. Call John Tommasi NA. 0300. eves.. OV 62r>7. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 1417 K fit. N W. __—17 SECLUSION t Is not difficult to And a rambler but to find one with privacy Is different. This handsome brick home is on 1 acre with stately trees and plenty of open space for a garden and landscaping. Rooms are all unusually large. There are 3 bed rooms, stairs to an immense attic which is floored and livable. Base ment has recreation room, maid’s room and laundry room. Attached garage. This is located in Bradley blvd. section. Will be happy to have you see it. Cali Mrs. Moebs, OL. 1703 METZLER REALTOR 1106 Vermont Ave. N.W. __—17 NEW RAMBLER [ bedrms.. 2 baths. l*e. liv. rm.. separate din. rm.. de luxe kit., full ground level bsmt. with bath and 2-car garage. GE. 1 M<>5. —18 $13,950 Jest buy in Kensington area: 3-bed room rambler on large corner lot: full bsmt.. ’lO-ft. liv. rm.. large equipped kitchen; walk to grade and parochial schools: reasonable down. KENSINGTON REALTY CO.. LO. 5-1400. CUSTOM-BUILT RAMBLER Ur. Conn, ave., center hall. 3 bed rms den 2 baths, lge. kit., sep arate din. rm., liv. rm.. 2 fire places. screened porch, stairway to attic, bsmt. with V2 bath. recr. rm.. maid’s rm., garage. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE. __ EM. 687UEves., OR. 9428 1 ~18 -V? HOUSES FOR SALE—MD. BE PRACTICAL Everything on one fl. Most doctors will advise you regardless of age to avoid climbing stairs. Visit our dream ramblers in Alta Vista Ter race today, and see for yourself •i bedrms., 1 or 2 tile baths, living rm., din. rm.. electric kit., expansion or storage attic. Prices from $22,950. about V3 cash required. We will accept your house in trade. CAMBRIDGE REALTY CO. 7936 Wisconsin Ave . OL. 3416. Eve., OE. 0660. —18 4 BEDRMS., 2 BATHS Amazingly low figure of $13,950; liv. rm.. seDarate din. rm.. equipped kitchen, lull bath. 2 bedrms. on 1st floor; 2 bedrms., bath. 2nd floor; large landscaped lot: near every thing: terms KENSINGTON REALTY CO.. LO. 5-2400, 3-BEDROOM BRICK Chevy Chase—$21,500 In new-house cond., located in the Rock Creek section, close to schools, shopping and transportation. 1st fl.. 23x13 living rm.. lge. din. rm.. elec tric kit . breakfast nook, screened porch; 2nd fl.. 3 nice bedrms. w>th plenty closet space and tile bath; full bsmt. with toilet; lovely fenced lot with shade trees. Call Mr. Rus sell. SL 0328. eves. JAMES L. DIXON & CO. 8T. 7200, 1022 17th St. H.W. | BRICK COLONIAL Side-hall plan with large cheerful living room fireplace dining room and beautifully equipped kitchen; 3 bedrooms; rear porch; full base ment with asphalt floor Con veniently located near upper 16th st. n.w. Owner has been trans- , farraH hr<oa «"1 O 1 fl rin.rv.ri fl nanclng Call 6H 8010 ’til 9 p m. MONTGOMERY INVESTMENT & INSURANCE CO. ___—19 COLONIAL,' $15,500 Lovely all-brick 3-bedroom. 2-story . home with large living room, fire place. dining room, open porch in rear with awnings; full basement. ■ very pretty lenced yard. In good 1 neighborhood of fine kept homes For appointment, call 6H. 8010 'til 9 p m. MONTGOMERY INVESTMENT & INSURANCE CO. —19 ! PICTURESQUE In an idyllic setting of trees, flowers and shrubs; facing Sligo Creek Park This charming 3-level home with circular bay windows, has many , unusual features, including 22xH step-down liv. room; spacious din rm ; 2 master bedrooms one with balcony: a guest rm., 2 tiled baths recr. rm. all-tile kit. and breakfast nook; separate laundry rm. oft ■ kitchen: hot-water recessed heat. Price S20.5OO: good financing. Call for appt. to Inspect INTER-COUN-! TY REALTY CO.. INC.. OL. 2101 till 9 p.m. CALIFORNIA RAMBLER s Ready for occupancy. Four blocks from Flower Shopping Center. Piney Branch rd. and Flower ave., Silver Spring. Price, $18,950 Situated on a beautiful landscaped 1 lot. 1 block from bus. Six rooms. .*} full-size bedrooms, full basement with outside entrance. modern kitchen. 2 blocks from elementary , school. WM. SCHWARTZ EX 7088. Realtor Evenings. Mr. Lewis. RA 5652 _ _ —20 ( COUNTRY HOME i AND INVESTMENT 72 acres of cleared rolling land with 1.600 feet on high- c wav near Brookville M. C.. Md.. about 17 miles from the District: improved by fine 10-room and bath frame resi dence. new four-rm. and bath concrete block cottage, and large buildinR having four J beautiful, three-room and bath apartments: modern equip ment throughout: income. 8;>.6O0 a year from rented units: ideal for someone seek ing home with several acres and subdividing balance for profit. Price. 565.000. Phone Mr. Ray DE. 1872. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1508 H St. N W. NA, 2345._! RETIRED COUPLE 2 Bedrooms—Bethesda BEST LOCATION An ideal home for an elder!* coupif who want a minimum of housework, with a maxi mum of ownership enjoyment Everything is on one floor and the lot is gorgeous. Detached garage, flagstone terrace. Very quiet neighborhood, yet just a couple of blocks from everv store Owners must sell ar.d will sacrifice at 514.950. For appointment call Mr. WyveU SHANNON & LUCHS CO. , 1505 H St N.W. NA. 2345._i1 3-BEDROOM COLONIAL SILVER SPRING—$16,950 Excellent financing available cn this lovely brk. Colonial on beautiful corner lot. A few minutes from Nava! Ord. Lab This home has unusual lge. rms. throughout, 25 ft. liv. rm., flreDl., 12xU din rm., lge. lounging porch, de luxe kit. . with din. space, 3 bedrms., tiled 1 bath, full bsmt. Don’t wait to see this one. Call Mr. Gordon. LO. 5-2910. LO. 5-8705. FREDERICK W BERENS SALES. INC 1520 K ST. N.W., NA. 5005 —17 1 An Appealing COUNTRY HOME « Beautifully built white brick; unusual setting of wide, green lawns; exten sive view. 4 bedrooms. 2 tile baths, lovely living room with stone fire place huge flagstone screened porch nicely proportioned dining room j ultramodern kitchen with breakfast room space, daylight basement, maid’s room and bath: oil heat, built-in garage: about 4 acres. A property that should be seen to be fully appreciated. Priced only $42. 500. To inspect, call f MR VANCE. WO. 7092. Thos. J. Fisher & Co., Inc. 738 15th St. N.W. Realtors. PI. 6830.1 3-BEDROOM RAMBLER 7-month-old, 3-bedroom, large liv- S ing room with fireplace, spacious dining room, daylight picture win dows in basement. wall-to-wall carpeting included. All-electric GE kitchen includes stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and exhaust fan. Chan- I deller in dining room. Also Mercury electric switches. A rare buy at $23,500 Shown by appointment only. Cal! SH. 8019 ’til 9 pm MONTGOMERY INVESTMENT & INSURANCE CO. ' ____—19 I ‘ALL IN SILVER SPRING” BUNGALOWS. $19.500—New bun- * sralow. within 1 bile, of Georgia ave.. nr. Catholic school and churches; • full bsmt., 2 lge. bedrms., expand able attic, level lot; excellent financing. CAN YOU TOP THIS? , RAMBLER. $21,950 — Three huge bedrms.. full 40-lt. bsmt. with lge. picture windows: located in North wood Park; screened porch, lge. f wooded lot. . j SILVER SPRING—$16,950 2-bedrm. lrame bungalow, has liv rm. with flrepi., lge. din rm.. bath, den kit. with dining area. Full bsmt. with 1 rm. and garage; front porch; oil h -w.h. WOODMOOR AGENCY, INC. , SH. 5555, Realtors, 'til 9 p.m. i —-17 $15,750 Inspected—GI Approved New, 9-bedroom brick ramblers. Liv- 1 ing room with picture window and fireplace, full basement with fire place (planned for future recreation room), de luxe electric kitchen with GE dishwasher, range, refrigerator!. and Disposals dining alcove, gas, heat; near schools and transporta-1£ tion. 1800 block Florin st.. Silver! Spring. Directions: Out Ga. ave. 2 miles to Dennis ave. right 5 blocks ot Grandin. left 2 blocks to Florin si. J. BURGESS WALSH. Builder Agent.__ 19* i1 BUY OFTHE MONTH MONTGOMERY COUNTY ! $11,500: axe. 18 mc-s. Frame asbestos: shingle, exp. attic, lull dormer, | stairway up. full bsmt., gas heat, porch, Anchor-fenced lot; $2,600 will handle; $8,000 1st trust. Loca tion. 12408 Ga. ave. OPEN FRI. 1 AND SAT., 2 TO 6. Call Mr. Bell, MI. 2299. FREDERICK W. BERENS SALES. INC. 1520 K St. N.W., NA, 5005 —17 COLORED — 1201 EA8TERN ave. (vacant): det. brick: in rms.. 2 tile 1 baths, built-in garage and porches; £ being renovated: immediate posses sion; terms. $2.oOO down. PROVI DENT REALTY CO. Mr. Clark. Sun.. NO. 5868; wkdys.. RE. 0657. • COLORED—102 RITCHIE AVE.. Ta koma Park—Det. br„ 4 rms and - mod. bath; deep lot; excellent buy for small family: low down nay- £ ment and terms. PROVIDENT REALTY CO. Mr. Clark. Bun.. NO. 5868: wkdys.. RE. 0657.• PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY - ARDMORE. $10,450 with $1,250 1 down—All-brick bungalow, oil a.-c. heat; needs some work but a little; of your time could make this very attractive. WAYNE A. CASKEY AP. 6400 or WA. 66.19. —18 BERWYN—.I tin. modern 2-story, nr schools, carlines; $1,900 dn., $65 - mo. JOHN H. JOHNSON, WA. 6050 , —18 COLLEGE PARK-HOLLYWOOD — $2,350 down, assume GI loan; $73 mo. includes taxes, Insurance and ground rent. New brick rambler. 3 bedrooms, tile bath, full bsmt., gas . a.-c. heat; conv. transp., etc. H. CARLYLE deLOZIER, Realtor, WA. ' 5000, WA. 6060. HYATTSVILLE AREA—See this bar gain; $750 down: 2-bedrm. bunga low with large liv. rm. and bedrms.. many closets. Extra large yard. SMITH REALTY MAP. 0100. —18 I < FROM NINE TO FIVE —By Jo Fischer Odd FatcrprUc*. fiw. m *y ^ Ml rl|htt rtsrrvej A Xi X i " “Why, Deleria ... I never said any such thing about you ... but I wonder who beat n%e to it!!!” j HOUSES FOR SALE—MD. ANDOVER HILLS—Liv. rm.. din rm. and complete kit., 1st floor. .3 bedrms. and bath, 2nd floor: full dry bsmt., oil heat: lge lot Owner transferred, must sell; only 511.950. CLYDE R. ADAMS, Realtor. UN. 114.'!. —18 IT. RAINIER—1 block from schools and transp.: ,'i-bedrm. home with large liv. rm.. extra large din rm. Has large yard with fruit trees and garden space. Wonderful for large family or 2-apt. home. 52.009 down SMITH REALTY AP. Hi 00. —IS IIVERDALE. 57.000—Small 2-bed rm.. J-M shingled bungalow, full bsmt., coal heat lge. level lot: 1 block transp.. etc. H. CARLYLE deLOZIER, Realtor. WA. 5009. WA. 6060. 1IVEKDALE—5-rm. bungalow, near everything, 2 lge. porches, full bsmt.. oil h.-w.h.. nice landscaped lot. in good neighborhood Price reason able 52,000 dowr. C. H. PEARCE WA 7009: eves. WA. 6308. —20 UNNYBROOK—Bungalow. Liv. rm., din. rm., complete kit.. 3 bedrms. and tile bath, all on 1st floor; stair way to attic: full dry basement, gas heat: lge. lot. Must be sold: owner leaving town. CLYDE R. ADAMS. Realtor. UN. 1143. —18 r. LANHAM HILLS—Modern 2-bed rm. bungalow; finished attic; lge. fenced shaded lot: 58.500: 5900 dn. to GI. 555.20 mo. inch taxes, ins. 2-ACRE LOT. modern 5-rm. bunga low. in conv. Riverdale location: bsmt.: price. $10,000. call WA. 3000 * til 0 pm ROBERT S. DAVIS <fc CO . Realtors. —17 WNF.R MI ST SELL, his practically new 2-bedrm. bungalow, full bsmt nr. new Landover School, assume $9,200 GI loan. Asking $11,950 M»ke an offer and get a buy Cal! WA. 3900 ’UrN* D.m. ROBERT S. DAVIS A: CO. Realtors —17 1X-ROOM BRICK—$12.600—Prac tically new. full bsmt.. gas heat, tile bath, storm windows, awnings. A real buy. Close to Cheverly Theater. Call WA 3900 ROBERT S. DAVIS A' CO. Realtors. —IT HIS 2-STORY HOME built in the golden days of large rms. Is located in one of the finest residential sec tions of Prince Georges County. Features include large double lot: study with pvt. entrance: din. rm. with bay window, north lighted en trance hall; 3 large bedrms.. one with large nursery or dresing rm. alcove: oil h.-w.h.: schools, transp. and shopping. Conv. priced to sell For information or appointment to see. call HARRY A. BOSWELL & CO , AP 1111. or eves.. Mr. Middleton. UN. £406. —17 1 * ACRES of beautiful ground. 5-rm. house located in heart of Riverdale near all conveniences. A farraelte in the middle of town. Beautilul shade trees, lee garden plot in existence and space for lots more The housp is old ana needs swmc modernization but looks rice and is basically very sound. 2 oedrms.: liv. rm.; din. rm.: kit.; lge front port h and screened rear porch: ge dct. garacr; chicken hour.?. Must be sold a' once Asking price $14,950. Open to all reas. offers. Must be seen to be ppreciatea. Substantial ca?h re quired . Exclusive with PERRY BOS WELL INC.. WA. 4500. Open ’til 8 p.m. m —18 KICK RAMBLERS under construc tion. 3 bedrms.; tile baths; picture windows; some with fireplaces: full bsmt.; large modern equipped kitchen; 2 completely different designs to choose from: excellent locations and near schools and transp.; $13,500 to $15.OUu: sub stantial cash. For further inform ation or appt. to inspect call PERRY BOSWELL. INC.. WA. 4500. open till 8 p.m .—18 JEW BUNGALOW—Story and a half; liv. rm.. 2 bedrms., lge. kit., gas stove, open oak stairs to a large attic with heat roughed in; plastered walls throughout; full basement, outside entrance, gas a.-c.h.. copper plumbing; lot 50x130. Price. $11. 000; GI. $1,600 down, balance easy monthly payments. Call C. MAR KEY. ME. 3407; eves., AP. 4108. — 18 1.600 DOWN. GI approved—New 2 bedrm. brick bungalow w-ith liv. rm. dinette comb., fully equipped kit. and tiled bath, storage attic, lge. lot. oil a -c. heat Priced at :ust $ 10.750. T. D BURGESS. VI. 2802. 'til 9. 1.500 DOWN and you can own this newly redecorated 3-bedrm. bi ngn low. Has lge. liv. rm.. fully equirped kit. and tiled bath: situated on lge. lot 148x190: immed. po"s. Full price only $9,250. T. D. PUFOE^S VI. 2802. til 9 1.500 DOWN lor this cute little stone rnd stucco bungalow Has 2 bedrms., liv.-din. rm. comb., kit. and tiled bath, nice lot completely fenced; nr. all conv. Reas, priced at $11,500; assume 4*1 loan. T. D. BURGESS. VI. 2802. ’til 9. O. CAPITOL EXTENDED—Pretty! new. 2-bedrm. rambler, on Va-acre! knoll: custom built, with lge. win-; dows, deep closets, copper pipes, etc. Only $9,990. should GI. HARRY L 3O0DARD. OL. 7922. —17 | HREE-BEDRM. RAMBLERS — Over j 100- new houses for veterans In North Forestville. Homes consist 3f large liv. rm.. dinette and fully 'qu-pped Youngstown kit.. Venetian blinds Price. $11,500. approx. 51.325 down, including settlement;; nonthly payments approx. $68. inch taxes and ins For information or ippointment to see call HARRY A. BOSWELL A: CO. AP 1 111. —18 ivnvMiVs nppnPTi viTV _ a bedroom home on 5\-acre lot 1n East Hyattsville: a little work will make this a livable home: bsmt. gas heat: nrice. $7,950. with >750 down. Call WA. 3900 Mil 9 p m. ROBERT S DAVIS J CO. —17 !0:t FAIRFAX ST.. Landover Hills, Md.—6-rm. frame house, good con dition: near excellent schools; rea sonably priced —22 EAUTIFUL 6-RM. BRICK in Hyatts ville. Lovely woodwork throughout. Large liv rm. with fireplace, many closets, cozy sun-lit bedrms. rec. rm. in bsmt. Large lot. Close to transp. Only $16,250. with $3,500 down. SMITH REALTY. AP. 0100 __— 18 _ CHEVERLY—3-BEDRM. BRICK !enter-hall plan, large liv. rm., full din. rm.. side screened porch full bsmt, AnchoT-fenced lot. $3,000 dowfn will handle. Call Mrs. Hurt. WA. 6128. COX & CO., UN, 1526. LEWISDALE nmaculate. brick. Cape Cod bunga low. with fireplace, din. rm.; full bsmt.. expansible attic. Ige. Anchor fenced lot; exceptional terms. Call NO. 6755 till 9. YOUNG & BOWERS CO. MICHIGAN PARK -bedrm. and bath brick home on n.ce fenced lot. Conv. to everything. Priced right. Call Mr. Hartman. COX A- CO- SL. 0775. HOME AND INVESTMENT It. Rainier—Large masonry house arranged for 1 families; hot-water oil heat; slate roof; located 1 bik. from bus terminal and stores; im mediate possession; reduced to $15,950 for quick sale. DUNN & CO. Realtor, 3333 R. I. ave.. Mt Rainier, HY. 0048 or WA. 2583. —18_ NEAR EAST PINES—$10,500 )on't miss seeing this lovely 2-story, 2-bedrm. home: asbestos shingle and brick. Can be had for $1,500 down. Call Mrs. Miner, UN. 1526. COX & CO. Evenings, AP. 4731._ 412 BOYD AVENUE [RICK BUNGALOW, TAKOMA PARK rooms, tile bath, expansible attic, large basement with outside en trance; level ion priced to sen. can Mr. Carter. VI. 0237. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W. PI, 3346. JUNIOR FARM panlsh-type bungalow; on approx. ’4 acre; with fruit trees; room for lge. garden; 10 minutes from D. C. line. Price, $13,250, terms. Call NO. 6755 till 9 p.m. YOUNG & BOWERS CO. HURRY—ONLY 2 LEFT—$14,950 paclous 3-bedrm. brick ramblers, on lovely corner lot 110x130; lge. liv. room with flrepl.. dinette, kit . full bsmt.. o s.e.; no better value on todays market anywhere; located near Maryland University. YOUNG & BOWERS LI. 3-5386 TUI 9 S.E. MARYLAND—$11,750 rhree-bedrm. bungalow, 8 yrs. old; lge. liv. rm., nice scrnd. sun porch, hdwd. Us., elec, stove and refgr.; 30 day possession. This won’t last with only $3,500 down LI. 3-5386 till 8. YOUNG & BOWERS CO. YOU’LL BE SO SURPRISED :o see this lovely 7-rm.. 2-bath, 2 famlly home, only $13,250; 2 blks. streetcar and shopping, In suburban Maryland; 14-acre lot. This Is a gardener’s dream come true. LI. 8-6386 tlU 8. ..._ YOUNG * S&WERS CO. HOUSES FOR SALE—MD. BRENTWOOD, MD. Price, $14,250 Two-bedrm. brick rambler; full bsmt,. with lge beautiful rec rm. lge. Anchor-fenced rear yard with fi-h pond Home in excel, cond. Conv. to shopping schools and traiisp. Must be seen to be appreciated Cai! ART POST. ME. 5833 Eves., Mr. Johnson, EM 502<» is CAPITOL HEIGHTS Bungalow and extra lot just across the District line, plenty of ground for garden, close to transp. and schools and shopping center. Ideai for children. Recently redecorated, fi bedrms built-in garage and full bsmt., new oil burner, h.-w. heating plant. Both house and lot with 80 ft. frontage only $10,950. Call Mr ROGERS. AP. 2462 or RE. 8181. COLLEGE PARK Completely redecorated 2-story white’ bricK. fi bedrms. and 2 baths; full bsmt. with recr rm.. work rm.; oil, h.-w h Outside cement terrace with fireplace and screened area; 1-car det. gar.; large level lot WAYNE A. CASKEY. AP. 6400 or WA. 6639.___i 8_ GREENBELT AREA 42 4-10 ACRES Large house, formerly used as mili tary school, with 1 rms Also an 8-rm. house: baseball diamond, bas ket ball court; dble.-car garage: 96-ft. artesian weli Situated 4 V* ' miles from Laurel Rare Track ann close to the other rar* tracks. Ideal for schools, night club.', train ing camp, country club or develop ment. Price for the entire property. $76.- ■ 0U'»: $25,000 cash, balance held as1 first mortgage FOR REAL BUY ON TODAY’S MAR KET phone AL. 6644 TE. 7343 AL BAKER & SON, INC. REALTORS 116 8 St. Asaph St . Alex . Va. : AL. 6644 TE. 7343 __—in_1 NEW HAMP. AVE. EXT. Det., 10-Yr., 2-Story Brick If It's a corner lot you want with beautiful shade trees, 6 delightful rooms, incl. 3 bedrms.. firepl . porch full bsmi. with outside entrance oost you call me as soon as possible Mr Steed. ATLAS REALTY. ST 7368; eves, and Sundays. UN. 0720 —1H TEMPLE HILLS BUNGALOW ONLY $7,056 Lovely small home features 4 Uc rP!S. and bath acre lot. call JO 9-9110. Open 'til 8 eves. Puffenberger & Moore, Inc. ___ ____—18_ UNIVERSITY PARK DET. 2-STORY BRICK j You'll find this charming home sit-'• uated in the loveliest section of Univ. Park. Natural chestnut trim; throughout; even rec. room finished" in redwood. 2 baths; fireplace, den. garage, in fact everything a home should be. Owner must sell Immedi ately—needs substantial down pay ment. Call Mrs Steed, ATLAS REALTY, 8T. 7368; eves, and Sun day UN. 0720.—18_ ' UNIVERSITY PARK i Two-story brick, built in 1948. on a . large lot; 5 bedrms., 2 baths and, built-in garage JOHN A. WENTZ. ! Realtor WA. 2985. GI—$7,250, $700_DOWN SOUTHERN AVE.—$40 MO. Two-story, asbestos-shingle home on 2 lots; liv rm.. din. rm., kitchen, stove, rcfgr.; 2 bedrms.. ] bath, oil heat, basement garage, front and rear porches: immediate possession WOODSIDE REALTY CO. SH. 6440 'ul 0 P.M. —17 BRICK DREAM HOUSE RADIANT VALLEY $12.Ton Do you want a fine, spacious. 2-i bedroom home with a large utility room and no basement? If so, seel this nicer-than-new bungalow. Owner; must leave Immediately. Only $2,600 down! 6810 Shepherd st. C. ROY HAZLETT, WA. 3200, , XT 17 A D PT TXTTVXXT Historic old house and 68 acres. 2,800 ft on hard-surfaced road; house is sound and has exceptional possibili ties—fireplace, random-width floors, etc.; now has bath and half, wiring ana electric pump: near Andrews Field and several new developments; land is ripe for subdividing: low dow'n payment to sound purchaser Will sell house with less acreage. RIDDELL REALTY CO.. DI. 7900. exclusive._ Near Andrews Field Three-bedroom house, all modern im-j provements, large kitchen and din ing room, full bsmt.. J,*-acre lot. garden planted. $3,500 cash re quired. HI. 8114 after fi p.m. Mr Wood. LI. 3-3625. WOOD & MITCHELL ___ —20 HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL Landover Hills area—Five-room brick bungalow writh basement, needs a little paint and porch: will sell on convenient terms: located at 4723 08th ave.. Defense Heights. Prince Georges Realty Co. 9 to 9 WA. H«55 < _ _— 19 ATTENTION, GIs Just $500 down and payments of $52.85 per month will put you in this masonry-constructed. 2-bedroom home with expansible attic; located 20 minutes from the heart of Wash ington, in Riverdale. Md.; only 4 left out of 20. Don’t hesitate. Prince Georges Realty Co. » to 8 WA. 6655 ' -—V , COZy BUNGALOW, $9,750 $1,250 CASH—$70.88 MONTH (Hard-to-Get Terms i Spacious, clean, bungalow, approx. 4 yrs. old. located in desirable Carmo- ’ dy Hills: spotless cond.; two Ige. ’ twin-sized bedrms.. attr. all-elec. ' kit., complete with Westinghouse washer, oil heat, aluminum storm windows: situated in setting of beautiful trees. And remember! Monthly payments, $79.88 a mo., include taxes and ins. Be first! Call Mr. Hall, SL. 4190, eves. NA. 5005. days FREDERICK W BERENS SALES. INC. 1420 K St. N.W. —18 , $9,650 G. I. $900 DOWN New brick bungalow featuring all- , electric kitchen with dining area; 2 1 lovely bedrms. with walk-in closets; large living room: oil heat; nice lot. Down payment Includes settlement charges. Approx. S61 mo. pays taxes, insurance. See this today. $10,750 MT. RAINIER . A lovely 5-rm. bungalow. 1 blk. from street car term.nal; liv. rm„ din. , rm.. Ige. kit. with din. area, fully equip.. 2 nice beH’-rjs. and bath: full bsmt.: new gas; hot-air heating sys-1 tem. If you are looking for a con-! ver.ient home in the one-fare zone,! act: iuio iuua;. peter j. hagan REALTOR 3006 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. ON. SfiS.V WA. 1527. Open 0 'till 0. SEE THIS ONE FIRST i Two-bedroom brick bungalo'w, full basement. oil h.-w.h.. equipped kitchen; located in nearby Mary land, '/a block to bus. Make us an offer. Call Mr. Ruehl, LU. 4-4382; eves., HI. 3330. T. PAUL MUDD CO. I X VT & HOUSES FOR SALE—MP. | One Mi. West of Laurel Country home with city conveniences. 1 Va-story, asbestos-siding bungalow, built in 1940. Six rms„ bath, elec tricity, full bsmt., oil h.-w.h.t built in garage, storm windows and screens; frontage on hard-surface road; chicken house 10x35. brocxier house, feed house; lot 05x300. As sume $7,000 GI loan, payable $65.84 mo. Price. $9,500. W. W. LEWIS. Realtor, SH. 0440; eves., UN. 4302. —19 DIRECT FROM BUILDER Attractive brick ramblers located In University Hills. Featuring 24-ft. liv. rm.-din. rm. comb, with fireplace, 3 bedrms.. fully equipped kit. with breakfast area. IV, baths; spacious porch. Full bsmt.; built-in garage. A real buy at $10,990. Only 3 avail able for immediate occupancy. COL LINS CONSTRUCTION CO.. SH. 5400. —19 HOUSES FOR SALE—VA. ALEXANDRIA, Mt. Vernon. $22,500. $0,000 down Brick Colonial. 3 bed rms., I1/, baths. 20xl4-ft. liv. rm.. firepl.. separate dining rm.. kit. with breakfast area; screened porch; at-1 tached garage: rcc. rm. in bsmt, 1 ! acre land fronting on a quiet street; lust 0 miles south of Alex. Exclu sive with R. L. SWEITZER, KI. 8 7137 or AL. 4877, —18 ALEXANDRIA — Immaculate 3-bed room det. brk., convenient to Penta gon and Army-Navy Club; beautiful ;ocation, extremely popular with officers: S20.000 Call Col. Gilman, OT. 8585. with FRANK 8. PHIL LIPS, DI 1411 —20 ALEX., close in. GI resale—Corner brick, 6 nos. old, immac. cond.; 2 bedrms,, equipped kit., full bsmt., gas heat. Venetian blinds, storm W1UUUW&. lencea ya. > :.04o aown, * assume $9,800 4r'r trust at $61.40 per mo.; immed. poss. Open ’til sold. Duncan st. Exclusive with kiVI«s n 7?LDICOTT’ day or eves ARLINGTON. 3308 N. 20th st.-—New 4-bedrm.. 2-bath, heavily Insulated 2-story, full bsmt. home In a re stricted community of homes built to a high standard under strict architectural supervision. Hot-water baseboard radiant heat $21,000 Lee hwy . I3; miles from Rosslyn. left on Kirkwood to 18th and right to! home Owner-builder. J. b. LOCK it’888\ 0001. No agents. —18 j \l RORA HILLS—If you can wait 90 days for possession, do not miss this \ splendid value: handsome and very1 spariou* center-hall brk. Colonial W't>i ^eavy slate roof and t-very i oMier top-notch construction fea-! Jure beautiful cond . 9 yrs. old: library and powd. rm.: 4 bedrms. 2 balbs, on 2nd fl.; lovely rec. rm.: maid s rm and bath: 2-car b.-i gar.; exclusive and highly restricted community most always the choice of senior officers: $43,500 Call £o1- Gilman. OT 8585. with FRANK J* PHILLIPS. DI 1411. —20 SO. ARL.—3 bedrms,. IV? bath, de tached: oil h.-w.h.. Ige. lot; $15,500 Near Hecht’s CH. 9780. —21 ^iODLEY HILLS, near Cheverly Theater. 4-bedrm. brick. 2 yrs. old Tile bath: lovely firepl ; full daylight bsmt. Close to shopping center and transp. SI 8.000. A. STANLEY MOREAU, AP. 6886. ji RESALE — 2-bedrm bungalow, exp. attic. $2,450 down and as sume $8,500. 4*7. trust at $59 per mo. MONAHAN REALTY. OT. 7000; eves OT 8899 _17 VALUABLE LOCATION. 1 ml. from Memorial Bridge in Arlington: beau tiful view, overlooking Lincoln Me morial and Nation’s Capitol from front porch: good investment as well as home: Ige. liv. rm. with pine paneling on 1 side, fireplace, din. rm.. pine-paneled kit., bath; reinforced garaze built into ter race^ must sacrifice: owner’s price. $16,500; immediate occupancy. No agents. Call after 6 p m.. JA 2-2388 —70 !* i .500 DOWN; $85 MONTHLY—Cozy sem’tiet. brk. 5 rms.. tile bath, at-1 tir. bsmt. porch, gas heat nice fenced lot Call OW. 6819. FRANK S. PHILLIPS DI 1411. —17 110,950. ALEXANDRIA. Lyn Haven section: brick row house. Here is a bouse in top condition, a good home or investment. Owner to be transferred and has priced low for quick sale. 7 large bedrooms, liv-1 in* room, dining room, equipped kitchen, full basement, oil burner, as heat, fenced rear yard, front screened porch: $2,500 will handle Balance on good terms: all con veniences close by. To inspect, call the office of J. LEE PRICE. 2303 S. Arl. Ridge rd., Arl.. Va. Otis 7504 or OX. 4200 —17 M 7.950 for a 3-bedrm. brick Co lonial in lovely section of N. Arling ton; large liv. rm., din. rm., kit.: 2nd fl . 3 bedrms . tiled bath: full bsmt.; lot 60x130; will take GI contract JOHN W. MULROY. FA. , e*vps . uw — i if 3V *4 ACRE. N Arlington—Large frame older house. 10 rms.. lVaj baths, large bsmt.. oil heat: nestled among large shade trees and aoplc orchard: *:-c«r masonry garage. Price. *19.500. about ooo cash required Call KE. :;-667 7 or FA 1167. J H. BENOIT Realtor. 1J* ACCOTINK FFTQHTS SEE IT TODAY Masonry stucco bungalow: large liv ing room with fireplace. 2 bedrooms, equipped "kitchen. auto. Bendix washer on ^-acre knoll: block from main hwy *10.250: easy terms. MILLS REALTY CO.. Annandale. Va FA. 0090. _• ALEXANDRIA 4 BEDRMS.. 2 BATHS 3rick Cape Cod. with town house space! Lge. living rm. with flrepl.. with open arch to den! Formal din ing rm.. equipped kit., lge. bedrm.. ceramic tile bath and side porch complete first fl. 3 bedrms. and full , bath upstairs! Full bsmt. with out- i side entr Approx. 10 min. to D. C Possession in 30 days rHE BRANT COMPANY ihodes. Off Wilson Blvd.. JA. 4-1 «00 _ —17 j ALEXANDRIA [•HIS BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOCATION Ideal for Guest Home or Restaurant Main house is arranged Into 2 apts.. 11 lge rms.. I1,a baths, hall b.'.mt : extra 5-rm. house on premises that has bath, llv rm.. din. rm and 2 bed rms and kit., garage, chicken house, nice garden and a beau tiful spot for some live wire to make real money with. JR.50O CASH. BAL. HELD AT FIRST TRUST. $200 PER MO. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE AL. 6644 TE. 7343 BAKER & SON, INC.; REALTORS lifts St. Asaph St.„ Alex.. Va. AL. 6644 TE. 7343 _—19 ' ARLINGTON 3rlck bungalow on beautiful street; very conv. Two nice bedrms.. liv.i, rm . bright and cheery kit., fully equipped; attic finished into 1 lge. rm.. screened side porch, lge. lot. fenced: verv attractive home. Only $16,500. terms. Pomnonio Realty, Inc. Realtors. Open Untii 0 P.M. —1 R Arlington Ramblers •riced from $17,400 to $10,050. All have 3 bedrms You can have your choice of everything from rear porches to full bsm's. with V, bath and outside entrances. Also some have center halls 1-car gars, pic- i ture windows: front cement patios: . some have pine-Daneled rms. and too many other features to men tion. For complete details, call ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 9300 _ —17 ' ARLINGTON $3,500 DOWN Ittrac. 3-dedrm. tiled bath Colonial on Anchor-fenced lot near Hbirley highway Lge. llv. rm. and din area ' wUh fireplace, including fireplace . aeces., equipped kit., full bsmt. with automatic washer. screens and storm tvindows; verv definitely a < good buy! * rHE BRANT COMPANY Ihodes. off Wilson Blvd.. JA. 4-1600. j ARLINGTON 3edroom, V2 Bath 1st FI. ittrac. brick Cane Cod on lge. lot ’ In excellent N. Arl. location. Close to elementary and jr. high schools, shopping and transp. Liv. rm with flrepl.; din. rm.; den; equipped . kitchen; 3 bedrms.: 1 !i baths; full 1 bsmt. with rec. rm. and attached don’t wait. rHE BRANT COMPANY ihodes of! Wilson blvd., JA. 4-1600. —18 ARLINGTON ONLY ONE LEFT lew and modern 3-bedrm. brick . rambler with picture-window ilv. ( rm. and flrepl.: dining area: equip ped kitchen including elec, relrig.. range, garbage disposal, exhaust - fan. and Bendlx: 2 twin-size bed rms.; 3rd. paneled: tiled bath: storage attic: and det. brick garage. It’s a honey! Only $17,950! Quick possession. rHE BRANT COMPANY Ihodes off Wilson blvd., JA. 4-1600. _— ix ARLINGTON RANCH-STYLE HOME fES, it has 3 large bedrms. fES, it has 2V2 baths. fES, it has full basement. fES, it has screened porch.. fES, it has garage. fES, it has fine location. « >o not fall to see this outstanding new home: many othtr features to please you: Reasonably priced for immediate sale. For complete details, caU 9 till 9. EXCLUSIVE WITH TALMAGE WILCHER, INC. . REALTORS 1788 Wilson Blvd. M^-8000 HOUSES—SALE—VA. (Cent.) ARLINGTON Brick bungalow, y bedrms, all on 1st floor; liv. rm.; din. rm.; kit.; lull bsmt. with rec. rm., det. brick gar This home Is very unique and a real show place. 1st time offered lor sale and can you magine only $ 1 *{.000? Pomponio Realty, Inc. Realtors. Open until it p.m. —18 ASHTON HEIGHTS Top value In this superb location. Brick Cape Cod with huge studio room and bath upstairs, 2 line bed rooms and another lull bath down stairs. Screened porches In Iront and back, llreplace in living room, sepa rate dining room and paneled rec. In full basement: garage. $24,750 MANNAS REALTY CO. 2218 Wilson Blvd., GL. or OX. 2784. _—-18 ASHTON HEIGHTS BRICK CAPE COD On beautiful level wooded lot with brick garage. The first floor consists of large living room with fireplace, side screened porch, family size din ing room, equipped kitchen and sep arate breakfast room. The second floor has 2 twin-bed rooms, cedar lined closets and large tile bath; Full basement, partitioned for recre ation room across entire side of house. Other outstanding features include slate roof gas h.-w.h.. close in location, convenient tft shops, schools and transportation. Pomponio Realty, Inc. 2222 Wilson glvd. OW. 6660 ____ _—18_ Aurora Hills-Oakcrest SOUTHERN COLONIAL wiui viiii w oi me POTOMAC Beautiful columned en trance. fine construction, in cluding tile roof, 75-ft. lot, towering trees make this a most desirable home. 1st floor: Center foyer, large liv ing room fireplace, den. */a bath, dining room, modern kitchen, dishwasher, disposal, cp 2-oven range separate 2nd fl.: Master bed rm.. private bath. 2 other bedrooms tile bath, nursery or sewing room. There arc 2 additional rooms on the 3rd floor, for guests or servants, or for a large family. Base ment- Recreation room, fire place. bar laundry room, work shop full bath, outside en trance. Rear yard is fenced and there is a barbecue pit. Oil-fired heating system: cop per water oipes. gutters and dowmspouts. Convenient to schools, churches, transporta tion shopping and 3 minutes to the Pentagon Shown at any time by appointment ROMYE LAMBORN EXCLUSIVE REALTOR OT. 8586. OT. 8035 _ —IT BEL AIR NEW BUNGALOWS ATTENTION, VETERANS PRICE, $11,250 ONLY $1,450 CASH AND SETTLEMENT COST ■Vill make you owner of a lovely V, acre home with shade trees and all modern conveniences. 5rive 8 mi. from Memorial Bridge on Route 50 past Seven Corners to 1st traP* light, then left to property James G. Wrare CH. 5124 __—30 BELLE HAVEN louse hunters seeking comfort in luxurious surroundings must see this French Provincial brick home with l.-r , o r.. kit. down; 3 bedrms. and bath up; full bsmt. with tubs and maid's toilet; slate roof; garage and sun deck; extremely large, well sharied Inf. in cAiintrg . beautiful lawn. See by appointment. Call Mr. Isaacs. TE. 3445; eves., TE 8881' Charles R. Hooff, Inc. 216 Prince St., Alex., V*. BELLE HAVEN 3-bedrom brick home, large living room, full separate dining room, equipped kitchen; full basement and garage, sun deck; exquisite lawn and shade trees. Price, $26,950. Eves., OV. 6877 or KI. 8-6523. HICKS REALTY CO. AL. 1600. 3706 Mt. Vernon Ave. ALEXANDRIA. VA. _—18 COUNTRY CLUB AREA This exquisite Cape Cod is set on a large wooded lot 220 ft deep. 1st fl. has large liv. nr with fireplace. 11x13 din. rm. equipped kit., and break fast nook. 3 roomy bedrms and tile bath are on the 2nd fl. Basement has paneled rec. rm. Outside entrance and garage, screened porch and stone patio adds much to the livability of this home located in this ex clusive area. Nothing like it available at $22,850. To in spect call Mr. 6omers till 9 p m. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. NORTHERN VIRGINIA OFFICE 2055 Wilson Blvd. JA. 5-6800 FAIRFAX CO., VA. 12 MILES TO PENTAGON 1 distinctive custom-built 1-story home, masonry construction; cop per plumbing; attractive and ef ficient kitchen. 24-ft. paneled liv. | rm. with firepl.. book shelves, pic- j ture window; din. rm. opens onto! terrace: 2 corner bedrms.. closets, tile bath with tub and shower; utility room houses oil furnace, auto, washer and lavatory. There Is a vear-'roud guest cottage, liv. rm., firepl.. bedrm.. complete bath. liv. porch. A completely satisfying unit with plenty of ground, as the setting contains 1 acre, part clear, part wooded. A charming spot, priced *28.500. For appt. to inspect, call M's. Piatten, DE. 4101; eves.. King 8-6173. FRANCES POWELL HILL Exclusive Agent 1808 20th St. N.W., DE. 4101. _—17 FALLS CHURCH AREA Jet. brk. home on lge. corner lot, beautifully landscaped: just off Lee blvd.; only 4 yrs. old; spacious liv. rm. with firepl., modern kit.. 3 bed rms. and bath; priced for quick sale. <2144). PAUL E. BUTTERFIELD Radio Bldg.. Arl. JA. 5-6900 __18* FALLS CHURCH " :ozy but spacious brick bungalow on a very attractive landscaped lot.! fenced with flowers and shrubbery: 22-ft liv. rm. with firepl., knotty pine paneled din. rm , fully equip kit.. 2 corner bedrms.. unfinished attic Venetian blinds. screened porch to enjoy on hot summer eve nings. 2 blocks from schools ar.d: transp. 516,500, attractive terms, available. Pomponio Realty, Inc. _Realtors. Open until 0 p m. —18 GARDEN CITY ?wo-bedrm. brick Colonial; full bsmt.: fenced, shaded rear yard: perfect cond. and location; $14,950. Call JA. 4-1620. GI VALUE ! ! TA approved white masonry ram bier: lge. liv. rm.. with picture win dows; huge equipped kit.; 2 bed rms.;; nearly 1-acre lot; $11,250. with SI .750 cash. GI. REALTY, INC. ucc nwj. at uicuc, tin. __ —17 HIGHLAND PARK tix-room. Cape Cod type masonry bungalow. 1 block Irom bus. close to Westovcr shopping center and schools, equip, kitchen full base- 1 ment. gas heat, corner lot. fenced. Bedrm.. den and bath. 1st floor. Price SI6.000. Call KE. 3-6677 to inspect. r. H. BENOIT, REALTOR _ _ —17 JEFFERSON PARK f you are looking for a white brick home in Alexandria’s finest section close to Pentagon and the best pub lic and parochial schools, please see this one! There is a lst-fl. bedrm. with full bath. liv. rm„ din. rm., kit. and screened porch; 2 huge bedrms. and bath upstairs: full bsmt.. gar. The yard is beautifully planted and shaded by giant oaks This is a charming home and in immaculate cond. Priced. S24.960. with substantial cash required. CALHOUN & SAMUELS TE. 3948. TE. 6113. TE. 5837. _—is : LORCOM LANE FIRST TIME ADVERTISED BRICK COLONIAL, $21,000 You haven’t seen this one. as it's a brand-new listing in the much-desired Lorcom lane section of N. Arlington, with 3 bedrms., lovely living room, dining room and kitchen. Nice, dry basement and a big. lovely shaded yard. A top location. ' Better be quick on this one! EXCLUSIVE WITH Fuller Groom Realty Co. OX. or CH. 4487 __ —17 OVER AN ACRE 'wo-story. center-hall detached cor ner frame Colonial, featuring 1st floor den and bath, large living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen; 6 bedrooms and bath; full basement, oil h.-w. heat: 3-room guest cottage in rear. Call John Tommasi. NA. 9300; eves., OV. 6257. 30SS & PHELPS, INCJ: 1*17 S St. N.W. ^—17 HOUSES FOR SALE—VA. LYON VILLAGE There are not enough homes avail able ln this fine community to satis fy the demand. Do not delay on this one. A large three-bedroom brick Colonial with full basement, recreation room, large living room, separate dining room, side screened porch, equipped kitchen, and at tached garage. Substantial cash, by appointment. OW. 4420, 9 till 9 OW 9426 TOWN & COUNTRY _ 2523 Wilson Bivd. McLEAN. VA New 3-bedroom. lti-bath brick home on approximately V2 acre. This one-floor home is excellently done throughout. Well-planned en try hall assures privacy between living area and bedroom area. Liv ing room. 16 ft 6 inches x 22 ft whh fireplace, picture window and built-in bookcases, dining room 12x ■ ~ built-in corner cupboards, double windows in dining room gives sweeping view of country side. Large 9 ft 6 inch x 16 ft. kitchen in cludes automatic dishwasher. Large closets throughout; basement with lull windows and outside entrance on south side, stairway to 13x50 floored attic; oil hot-air heat; at tached garage. Conveniently located. Priced 8.35.900, v2 cash. McCAY & McCAY Realtors, GL. 8675. __ —18 N. ARLINGTON $15,500 37 houses. N. Lexington st. and Little Falls rd. 3-bedrm. brick ramblers; gas heat. elec, refgr., gas range; extra-lge. lots, curbs, gutters, side walks: school nearby: GI down pay ment S3.900: monthly payments S85, incl. taxes and Insurance. To reach: Out Lee hwy to Lexington st., right tft nrnttet Cemnl. hone. uoA** it 30th «t. MAC LINDSEY 75 N. Glebe Rd. CH. 6090; OX. 2211 __—24 No. Arl. Rambler California styling in this loveliest of modern designs; 2 corner bedrooms, huge living-dining room comb, with fireplace, magnificent kitchen: all in pleasant surroundings. Full price. SI/.900. with only 53.500 cash to approved purchaser MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson Blvd. CL. or OX. 2784. _—IS N. ARLINGTON $18,500 CRESTWOOD COLONIALS CONVENIENT LOCATION Only 15 available but as usuai MUCH under present market value. Equip-; ment with these homes includes 36- < in. Magic Chef stove. 8-ft. Westing house refgr , automatic gas furnace 8as k-"w- heater. Venetian blinds and aluminum screens. your own colors in paint, tiled linoleum and Formica for cabi net tops. 58.000 cash with pav- < ments 569.30 per mo. or $7,500 cash with payments $86.99: posses sion upon completion. Call for appt to see our sample house THE CARROLL BICKLE CO. __OW. 8220 N. ARLINGTON 3-BEDRM. COLONIAL B£kck.-£0nstructl0n situated on lot 80x156: 11v rm.. 13x21. with flrepl.. din. rm.. 13x15. fully equip, kit. down: 3 good-sized beams. and tiled bath up: full bsmt.. oil h.-wli * bath attached garage with screened porch overhead: fenced rear yd lovely lawn, shrubs and tree': c1.0** t0 hus. Mores and grade school *- blks. Price reduced to s. for quirk sale Arfax Realty, FA. 1450 __—18_ N. Arlington Special Very nice :i-bedrm. brick Cape Cod liv rm with flrepl,. din. rm.. kit. and *, baths: has full bsmt.: most conv. close-in neighborhood; priced at onlv $17,500 <2101 * PAUL E. BUTTERFIELD Radio Bldg.. Arl. JA. 5-6900 18* “TARA” 3 Bedrms., Den, 2V2 Baths This is one of the nicest, best ar ranged family-sized, four-bedroom homes we have ever had the pleas ure of offering, take our word for it. If you are willing to pay up around $30,000 for a real home in a top location of North Arlington, don't overlook this one. It's a brick Colonial-type and all rooms are very nice size with an unusually nice kitchen, equipped with garbage dis posal. dishwasher and refrigerator and range. The living room and din ing room and a screened porch that serves for a summer dining room ere elegant. You'll love the master bedroom, i.'l bv IS ft. with a dress ing room and its own bath. All the refinements for an up-to-date home, including garage and recrea tion room, are here, with a first floor bedroom and bath. Shown only by appointment. J. Fuller Groom Realty Co. OX. or CH. 4487. tylerpark” Excellent cond brick bungalow; 2 bedrms.. tile bath, large living rm.. fuHy equipped kit. stairs to expan sion attic where 2 more bedrms. can be added: full bsmt. All city util ities: close to. bus, walking distance to primary school. Priced for quick Action at $13,950. with large GI trust to be assumed. Arfax Realty, FA. 1450 _ _ —17 WAKEFIELD- FOREST Excellent brick Colonial in this wood ed area of fine homes, has master bedrm.. 15 ft. square. 2 more bed-! rms. upstairs. Downstairs are A liv i rm.. 15x20; din. rm. 15x12; den. r.xl_: !ge equipped kit. 12x12; V bath: inclosed breezewav and 2-car garage, full bsmt : guest house (un finished interior> behind main hom*' wooded yard S3 ft yrtio Rnd 2’<* ft deco only $26.5.'»o fo- this borne and e ':feti*r)p r' MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson Blvd.. GL. or OX. 2784 WEST LAWN ; Comparatively new compact S-bedrm.! bungalow in this very nice subdiv, Nice level lot 60x120. You can I assume GI financing and handle with moderate cash. Be sure and see this today. $13,950. NEAR FAIRFAX S8,950 ^he 2-bedrm. white frame oungalow with garage on nice lge. wooded lot. You will find quiet seclusion $Sr2e50 Cwal'!hb$3b°o^hV^hn,5hed f°r F. E. MALCOLM __Realtor QVV. 3024. PARTICULAR BUYERS? Do vou want the best in construction planning and lo cation0 We have several out standing offerings in this clas sification Pick the Lorcom lane area. Country Club Hills 1 r" F’anklin Forest and we can show you ramblers. Cape Cod nr Colonial types. Call Mr. f-a* Morrison for inspection or part:ruiars on any of these outstanding examples of new homr construction. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. NORTHERN VIRGINIA OFFICE 2055 Wilson Blvd. JA. 5-6800 DON’T TAKE OUR WORD See for yourself this once-in-a-Iife time opportunity in one of Arling ton’s choisest sections. Lovely cus tom English brick and stone Co lonial on lge. tree-shaded corner lot. Luxurious liv. rm. with log-burning fireplace, guest-sized din. rm. and fully equipped kit., lst-fl. powder rm. Upstairs there is a master bedrm 21x14 dIu: two other dble. bedrms. Basement is full and there is an attached garage. Onlv $6,000 re quiied Be 1st instead of sorry. Call exclusive sales agent. Arlincrt.nn Rpaltv fn !21? Wilson Blvd. OW. 01001 __—20 |1 ONCE IN A WHILE Ve have a home like this. Immaculate condition: most r^asonablv orr^d All-brick home with 2 twin-sized, bedrooms, full tile bath, living room ! kitchen, and dining area, on one, floor Expandable attic, full base-1 ment. Anchor-fenced lot. Aluminum! storm sash. Price. $14,050. lst-FLOOR BEDROOM ind bath. Living room with stone fireplace, formal dining room, kitch en also down. Up are 2 spacious bedrooms: both have walk-ln closets, full tile bath Basement finished in knotty pine. New house condition throughout. Vacant. Price, $18,950. I’M PLASTERED *?«•«. ^*9 be ready within a month. All-brick Cape Cod home featuring living room with bay window and fireplace, formal dining room, kitch en 12x13 with de luxe equipment Bedroom. 14x11. with full tile bath on first floor. Up are 2 bedrooms. . 14x17 and 16x20. and full tile bath. . Basement has \2 bath, outside en- - trance, large window area. De tached crara^e. All vonrs f«r $24,750 LURIA BROS. OPEN TILL 9 2300 Wilson Blvd. OW. 8500 ROOM TO 3ROW”~ Vhite Cape Cod. only 9 miles dn • Shirley hwy. on a beautiful, level 1 - acre Liv. rm.. separate din. rm.. . equipped kit., 2 bedrms. and tiled bath on 1st fl.; full bsmt. with out side entrance: 2 partly finished rms upstairs; oil h.-w.h. Only ¥14.750; ¥3,500 dn., assume large 4% loan. Speed counts on this one. so hurry or you will be too late. ARLINGTON REALTY !212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 8300 ■ I HOUSES FOR SALE—VA. Curtis E. Martin, Inc. OPEN DAILY, 9 TO 8 . exclusive belle haven This excellently constructed horn* !i high on a hill In the suburban *ec **??• I.rms. 4 bedrms.. 2 lull b»th« and 2Va baths. Built-in bar. Pin* recreation rm. It is new and posses SfhKnnr? bl^had Immediately. Price, No5’817’ shown by appointment. »««„™3'BEDROOM RAMBLER Aan «eh?.rtse?t tru,?t on thls new 40-It brick. Large living rm., dining rm., equip, kit., full basement, large wooded lot All city conveniences. NolCe368 ®15'000’ S5.000 down. 120 SO. ROYAL, ALEX. TE. 0234, AL. 6815 ~ FURNISHED- * 3-BEDRM. BUNGALOW $13,950, COMPLETE Charming new frame bungalow in attractive setting, Llv. rm.. din space, complete kit. with disposal, wash mach.. exhaust fan fitf-in range and 8-ft. refgr.; 70-ft front age on attractive lot. The furniture cost over $1,800 three months ago and is high grade quality and in fine taste. 4r'r GI loan. S5.000 down and $!).> per mo “ Milton G. Smith Realty BUILDER AND DEVELOPER 1 "o* N. Glebe Rd.. Arl„ Va., OW. 72i>(l NEAR ALEXANDRIA Acii-vaaj wa.icMiun can De naa on this two-bedroom bungalow with ex pansion attic, pay $1,500 and $80 per month, or $2,500 down and $59.50 per month, payments Include taxes and Insurance. OW. 4420. 9 till 0. OW. 9426. TOWN & COUNTRY ' _2523 Wilson Blvd. 3 BEDROOMS—21? BATHS COLONEL’S TRANSFER Makes available this lovely N. Arl. Colonial brick home, complete with 1-st-fl. powder rm.. screened living porch, full bsmt.. recr. rm.. storage attic garage: landscaped, level lot, newly decorated in excellent taste. Adjacent to Lorcom lane near Glebe rd and Lee hwy. Buses, shopping ar.d schools Priced for immediate •al^ Annointment only Call 9 till 9. KEITH D. BRUMBACK CH. 3527 Exclusively CH 5873 OWNER MOVING Here's good value at 517.950 in thl* conveniently located No. Arl home with fi lovely rms.: full bsmt.. fenced corner lot and only 1 square from Wilson blvd., in popular neighbor hood. Terms can be arranged. Appt. only Call 9 ’til 9 for details. KEITH D. BRUMBACK CH. 3527 Exclusively CH. 5873 ASSUME FHA LOAN Rambler; 3 large bedrooms. 12x18 living room, tile bath, fully equipped kitchen, auto, washer; 6 ml. D. C.: Just a few blocks to A. B * W. bus. A real buy at $13,750; $3,500 down. MILLS REALTY CO.. Annandale. Va. FA. 0999. • QUIET AND SECLUDED Ts this brick bungalow underneath the towering maple trees. First floor has corner fireplace in 12x22 living room. Full-size dinine room, tile bath, bedroom and Youngstown kitchen equipped with gar bage disposal. 2nd floor is finished off into two rooms and Hollywood bath: garage Is built in: porch screened and house is In superb condi tion: close to Clarendon. **LO00 down makes this a most attractive buy. To in spect call Mr. Somers ’til 9 p m . with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. NORTHERN VIRGINIA OFFICE 2055 Wilson Blvd., JA. 5-6800. ALMOST NEW iwioaern orK. ramoier. out uia Domin ion dr. 3 bedrms . tiled bath, charm ing liv. rrn with lge. mirror over flrepl.. modern din. rm. Both liv. and din. rm. have pegged random-width flooring. Equipped kit. and carport; full bsmt. with outside entrance, flrepl.. recr. rm.. and picture win dow.-. Priced under $20,000. For complete details ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 9300 _—17 LGE. BRICK COLONIAL 3 Bedrooms. 1J2 Baths $23,250 One qf the finer homes. PRICED RIGHT A beautiful location and a wonderful, large lenred yard Living room is 14x23. family - sized dining room and powder room on 1st floor and a well - equipped kitchen with breakfast space; large screened porch; 3 un usually nice bedrooms upstairs with tiled bath; located very conveniently to all schools and convenient to bus and Penta gon. UNUSUALLY GOOD FI NANCING with a $15,500 1st trust. We recommend this as one of the best listings we've had in a long time. J. Fuller Groom Realty Co. OX. or CH. 4487. riBEDROpMS^12 $15,950, $3,500 CASH Older type frame house conveniently located to schools, churches, shop ping. etc. in city of Alexandria. 1st fir. center hall. liv. rm., din. rm.. kit equip.: 2nd fir.. 4 bedrms. and bath beaut, vard with pro firion of flowers and shrubs: corner ' PENTAGON REALTY Fairfax 396-Fairfax 736 _____ __—19 $1,500 DOWN Balance like rent. Two bedrooms and bath, semidet. brick, near Shirley hwy.. 5 minutes to Pentagon. For informat ion, call GE. 4625. —19 $1,500 CASH Buys this unusually clean, semidet., 2-bedrm. home (only 8 mo*. old), in most conv. Arl. location. Range, refgr., auto, washer. Venetian blinds inch Owner’s transfer gives you this home at bargain price of $10, 950; $65 per month Includes taxe* and insurance. F. E. MALCOLM. REALTOR _OW. 3024 —19 CUTE AS A BUTTON $17,950 Two-bedrm. California rambler, in lovely section of No. Arl.; nr. shop ping, transp. and school; center-hall plan lots of closets and a dream kit. Can be bought with $4,400 cash. NELLE LYN HOLLEY THOMPSON KE 3-5554-53; eves., OR. 6384, Mrs. Scnnivte. ASSUME GI LOAN ^ This adorable 2-bedrm. brk. Colonial on a lovely, high, wooded lot in conv. location. Falls Church. AH rms. are spacious; lge. liv rm. has wood-burning flrepl., full bsmt. and equipped kit ; in excel, cond. $5,700 cash and assume GI loan of $10,250 at $72.50 per mo., incl. taxes and insurance. Should sell quickly. NELLE LYN HOLLEY THOMPSON ^t3#^ Hoge’ rA"CH' 200° 5-BEDRM. BRK.^RAMBLER $19,150 Just as clean and pretty as can be. Liv. rm. 20x13 with fireplace, fam ily din rm beautiful kit. with For mica breakfast bar. disposal. Frigl daire and gas stove: 3 nice-slze bedrms.. 1 in knotty pine: tile bath, utility rm with Bendix. combination storm windows and Venetian blinds U.1UUBUUUI, urcaiea on wooded lot. oUXlUo rHE CARROLL BICKLE CO. OW. 8220 _____—18 Exclusive Hillwood n this most fashionable’ section we 70U an outstanding, de luxe brick home Bedrm. and tile bath on fl*; charming, spacious liv. rm., ~1 ft. long, with flrepl.: formal din. rm.; over-size dream kit., all equip ment. even lncl. auto, dishwasher. 2 bedrms. and tiled bath upstairs; master bedrm 17x19. Full bsmt. with 72 bath. Breezeway and attach, gar. Better than new-house cond. and all for the very reas. price of $25,950. ARLINGTON REALTY 5212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 9300 BRICK RAMBLER $15,950 !-bedroom brick home, virtually new with unusual window treatment’ Fireplace and living room, dining area. Exquisite kitchen, storage at tic A beautiful well located hum*. MANNAS REALTY CO. 116 Wilson Blvd., GL. or CX. 2784. —18 'HREE bedrms. and bath. h.-w. heat; 6 acres, nr. Fairfax op paved road, poultry houses, cow stable and other outbldgs.; strawberries, raspberrlea and growing garden. $15,000, terms. PENTAGON REALTY Fairfax 396-Fairfax 736 —19 i