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HOUSES—SALE—VA. (Cent.) | WHY SUNDAY? Why wait 'til Sunday to ie« this one-year-old. attrac tive brick rambler. Its bright rooms are flooded with sun light and Its excellent condi tion is a pleasure to behold. The living room has, of course, a fireplace and off the living room is a small dining ell. There are also two corner bedrooms and ceramic tile bath plus a beautiful kitchen with Westinghouse refrigera tor. generous steel cabinet space with roller-bearing draw ers. Formica top work space! For hobbiests there is a full, high, dry, light base ment plus a permanent stair way to an expansion attic! The thing that will PLEASE YOU most is the .price of $17,500 which is a new-ram bler price without basement and attic. Location in N. Arlington is unsurpassed for accessibility to Washington, the Pentagon. The owner has given us the key and we can show It IMMEDIATELY. So call Mr. Pat Morrison without delay for showing. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. NORTHERN VIRGINIA OFFICE 2055 Wilson Blvd., JA. 5-6800._ DE LUXE, 3 BEDROOMS Luxurious living room can be yours If you act now: wc proudly offer this large 3-year-old brick Co lonial near the Washington Golf and Country Club: featuring liv. rm., 13x22. full din. rm.; beautifully equipped kitchen: bath and sice screened porch; upstairs are 3 lge. bedrooms and tile bath; full bsmt.. with asphalt covered tile floor, knottv pine walls and bar- ^as h.-wh.: wall-to-wall carpeting throughout the 1st and 2nd floors; many extras. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN Radio Bldg.. Arlington. JA, 4-1155. PICTURE BOOK STYLE Close-in 1-Acre Estate Most attractive center-hall plan ram Win. V, —,,,, n <,,11 built as sound as the Rock of Gibral tar 4 bedrooms, den with fireplace. 2 baths and large breakfast room. Excellent rear screened porch over looking formal ard*»n More than 1,300 rose bushes, fruit trees and wonderful vegetable arden. .lust a few minutes from Key Bridge via n*w George Washington Memorial parkway near Lorcum lane; sub atanlal cash. Owner will hold $22. 500 first ♦rust. Shown by appoint ment J. WESLEY BUCHANAN Radio Bldg.. Arlington. JA, 4-1155. “A GEM” Attention Pentagon and Navy Annex employes! Here is your chance to obtain a lovely brick Colonial fea turing 2 nice sized bedrms. Sit uated on a level fenced corner lot. Lge 4\ loan available $63 mo., incl taxes and ins. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN Radio Bldg., Arlington. JA. 4-1155. COMFORT Plus convenience equals this fine 3 bedrm. Colonial in a close-in loca tion The key note is spaciousness with loaas of elbow room! Center, foyer entrance, liv. rm. extending from front to rear of home, fire place. elaborate family-size dining rm.. extra large kit.; full bsmt. with lavatory; attrac. corner lot. Priced at only $18,500. Pomponio Realty, Inc. OW. R660. 2222 Wilson Blvd. _____—IS BARGAIN PLUS One of the best locations in Arling ton. 4 bedrms.. 2 baths attractive liv. rm. with firepl.. separate din. rm equipped kit.: rear screened porch: full bsmt. with *2 bath and workshop- l-car att. gar. All for the 4low price of $20.500—due to officer’s transfer ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd.. OW. 9300 OBLIQUITY Nestled on a large, beautifully land scaped lot adorned with many huge trees and a most picturesque, winding, 'all-year spring-fed brook, we offer this large suburban cottage. through a lengthly veranda in front or through the 30-foot patio in rear via French doors. Kif»hen-din ing room combination is 11x20 with many built-in features: 2 large bright bedrooms overlook fern atudded banks of a beautiful stream. Full basement has fireplace with large adioiHing room. This new home is WOLFORD-BUILT and is de lightfully different—nothing like it anywhere. Price. 827.300. GEO. H. RUCKER CO. ©X. 0197; Eves.. GL. 6262 or CH 7456,—19 Here Are Some Values You Can’t Afford to Miss (1> Brick Cape Cod. priced low on today's market at $15,750. Close to parochial school, transp. and shops (•--> We have 3 lovely older homes both setting on huge wooded lots Can be financed with modest amount of cash (3) N. Arlington brick Colonial, 2 bedrms.. full bsmt.: lot 75x155; in excel, neighborhood. Only $14,250. (4 > Dominion Hills. 3-bedrm. brick Colonial on nice, wooded lot; $6,000 will buy this. (5) Cape Cod in convenient N. Arl ington location. Finished attic; 2 bedrms., liv. rm., din. rm., kit on 1st fl.; rec. rm. in bsmt.; outdoor firepl. and fenced lot. (6) Falls Church. White masonry Cape Cod. Lge., corner lot. Priced for quick sale. EXCLUSIVE WITH Stanley R. Rowland Co., Inc 118 East Broad St, Fails Church. Va FA. 3333.__—18 $47,500 BEAUTIFUL ESTATE Four bedrms.. 2*2 baths. Exclusive area, homes of similar price. Beau tiful patio opening off from ground level rec. rm. Gorgeous swimming pool. JOHN W. MULROY FA. 8322. Eves.. FA. 6885. _ ____—18 WOODS—RAMBLER On *4 acre of woods this exquisiu 3-bedrm. rambler has liv.-din. rm comb with fireplace kit.. larg> anough to eat in, storage attic carport. Full price $14,500! MANNAS REALTY CO. $116 Wilson Blvd, GL. or OX 27S4 —IS ARTIST’S DELIGHT Without question this is the mos charming small home that all of u with many years' experience havi ever eeen. White brk. bungalow. ! minutes from Pentagon. Containlm mdst attractive liv. rm.-din. rm combination, equipped kit, snug den 2 bedrms. and nursery; full bsmt with recr. rm, bar and workshop Fenced lot; 1-car det. gar. All to $13,950; substantial cash required It is worth your while lust to se this home to give you ideas on deco ration. ARLINGTON REALTY 221* Wilson Blvd, OW. 9301 _ —17 NEAR FAIRFAX. VA. Excellent 3-bedroom, one-floor horn on 2 well-landscaped acres, front on main highway. 17 miles fron D C.. Could be used for business Large 1-room wing at rear of hous *>nu ub till — -V.Q i $OJa»c ouu iuu house. 22x60 ft. 1-story barn, t good buy at $26,500. McCAY & McCAY Prfaltors. GL. 8675. —18 • BUSTER BROWN If you are the handy man in th family, this is just the spot. Lo cated off Commonwealth ave. ii Alexandria—is this nice older hom that needs a little cleaning ud; J bedrms.. bath liv. rm. ain. rm and kit.; full bsmt. and 1-car gai $9 950. <2.750 dn. and <81 per me ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 930 Cozy Brick Colonial, $14,25 ' Immaculate and charming 2 bedrm: in attractive neighborhood; liv. rm din. rm., kit., 1st fl.: 2 bedrms. wit large closets and tile bath, 2nd fl kit. has new 8-It. refgr. and ga stove; full osmt., oil h.-w.h . larg. level back yard entirely fenced. Th: house can be bought with $6,25 cash, payments $62.27 per montl THE CARROLL BICKLE CC _OW. 8220_ $16,500 GI APPROVED Three-bedrm Colonial home; liv. rm din. rm., lge. equipped kit., fu bsmt., gas heat; situated on lot 5( 125 and located only 1 blk. fro Wilson blvd., near Clarendon bus ness center. This home has bee 1 completely renovated and rede orated. For complete inforinatic and appointment to inspect, call YEONAS REALTY GL. 2100 Realtor OX. 124 -=18. BRICK RAMBLER Falls Church provides the setting f this immaculate, prac.-new. all-bri rambler featuring liv. rm. with fir pi., family-size din. rm., beautiful equipped kit., 2 bedrms., tile bat lge. expansion attic, full bsmt wi outside entrance, gas h.-w. heat: s uated on lge. corner lot. near J James Parochial School. Call tod for an appointment to inspect. YEONAS REALTY GL. 2100 Realtor OX. 12 ._—,S Architecturally Perfect Truly a handsome, dignified hoi amid velvet lawn and beautii trees. Large, living and dining rm half bath and den on 1st floor: [ bedrooms, nursery and bath on 2 floor. Perfect condition. Porch a farage. Custom built for prese i owner. Price. $29,950. THE HANES CO. 2040 Wilson Blvd., OW. 20 HOUSES FOR SALE—VA. 5 BEDRMS., 4 BATHS Recreation Room New—$35,500 Large det. brick, 5 min. from D C.. in fine neighborhood: maid's bath in bsmt.: 2 bedrms. and bath on 1st A.: 3 bedrms.. 2 baths upstairs: recr. rm. finished In knotty pine opens on level to garden side screened porch. Ready in about 4 weeks. Faces large estate. Call Mr Ford (eves.. WI. 7(511 i. JAMES L. DIXON & CO. Radio Bldg., Arl., JA. 5-7200. WANTED ~ New owner for this 3-bedrm. brick and-frame Cape Cod .on lovely shadded lot; select neighborhood, near all convens. Large trust ran be assumed. Transferred owner wants quick sale. Price, $17,050, terms. LITTLE ESTATE 12-bedrm. brick rambler on one-third acre. A beauty and you’ll love it for sure. Price, $13,500; moderate cash. C. F. WOODROE, INC. 2330 Wilson Blvd. Parking In Rear. ,_OX. 1022 or CH. 8100 _ | lst-FL. BEDRM., BATH Plus 2 bedrooms and bath. 2nd fl.: fireplace in living room, large din ing room, screened porch: full basement, recr. rm.: 2 block* to bus. THE HANES CO. 2040 Wilson Blvd. CW. 2061. RAMBLER. $15,750 Here is a fine :t-bcdrm. rambler. I extra-large liv. rm., full din. rm.: on ! level acre lot. near Baileys Cross roads. $2,750 down, bal. *50 per month. ARLINGTON FOREST Anothnr 'l.horirni hrirk In this COflV. location $16,950. NORVA REALTY CO. FA. 6097; Eves.. CH. 7843. _ —19 Country Gentleman This secluded estate setting back from main road on 2,a beautiful wooded acres: 28-ft. liv. rm. with firopl.. pine-paneled din. rm.. 18x 10.0 with bay window, nice elec, kit bedrm. den and full tiled bath all on 1st fl.: 2 huge bedrms. and tiled bath up: full bsmt. with rec. rm.. lge. L-shapeed porch to enjoy the summer breeze. Truly an out standing buy at $26,950. ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 9300 _____ _ —17 Oppor.—A Fine Home in Perfect Condition Accent on value—but not without comiort and charm. On a corner 115 by 117. shaded by spreading maple trees, brick Dutch Colonial with charm and individuality in each room Center entrance, captivating living room side screened veranda. Dining room has built-in china clos ets. small breakfast room off kitch en: upstairs are 3 bedrooms. 5 closets. 2 tile baths: circular drive to built-in garage at bsmt. level You will thoroughly enjoy living i here. $21,750. Arrange appointment by calling Real Estate Service. Inc. 47G3 Lee Hwy. Globe. OW 9090 ___—17 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $12,950 2 Bedrms., Bsmt., Carport GI With $2,500 Cash Or Conventional, $4,300 This very attrac. gleaming white bungalow in a very high grade neighborhood in North Arlington it vacant and may be moved into im mediately. A verv nice attractive level lot with shade and shrubbery a large living room, separate dining ; room and kitchen, basement is dry : excellent construction. J. Fuller Groom Realty Co ;_OX or CH. 4487. —17 ONLY $12,950 COMPLETELY FURNISHED Beautiful corner lot. *4 acre; 1-year old bungalow: large living room equipped kit.. 2 bedrms.. a.-c.h.: ai: furnishings like new: TV set. Elec trolux vacuum cleaner. Mixmaster radios, etc. A lovely home. 3 block: off Lee blvd. in Fairfax. Assume G1 financing with small down payment; immed post?. Call Mr Gordon. LO 5-2910 or LO. 5-8* 05. FREDERICK W. BEREN8 SALES. INC 1520 K St. N W. NA. 5«»>5.—17 A RAMBLER In Country Club Hills This custom-built. 4-bed room. 2-bath brick rambler, built under contract for the owner several vears ago. offers the latest in modern construc tion and convenience: situat'd on a level (95x!70-ft.) lot. this home is within one block of transportation and within walking distance of the Wash ington Golf and Country Cluo. Rooms include wide entrance hall, large living room with fireplace, picture window and & door opening on deck, dining room with picture window, modern equipped kitchen with dishwasher and garbage div posal with breakfast area and i with 51 ft. of shelf space, den | or guest bedroom. 3 other bed rooms and two baths, base ment with built-in garage. George Mason Green Co Realtors Exclusive Agent CH. 3838. Eve. and Sun.. GL. 0464 SI.500 CASH “ Will purchase this brick home Ha 11 v. mi., din. rm.. fully equippei kitchen: 2 bedrms. and tile bath oi 2nd fioor: stairway to expansibl 3rd floor: gas a.-e. heat: 5 min. ti Pentagon blag.: conv. to schools . shopping and transp. Shown b appointment only. SEWELL REALTY CO. , 14 So. Glebe rd . at Lee blvd. Phon “ ox 0217 or GL. 1878. —19 COLORFUL AND CLEA> Beautiful elevated. 75x120 corne lot, complete with dark gray ston barbeque for summer picnic time Two first floor bedrooms, brlgh j living room, spearate dinette, won derful spacious kitchen, full bsmt , side screened porch, one large up ; stairs room. 6 closets, bulk storag • space, city water and sewer. Abou » 25 min. from D. C. The answer t your housing problem. Only 513. 500. Call Real Estate Service, Inc 4763 Lee Hwy. off Glebe. OW. 909' ■ _ _ —17 CLOSE-IN FAIRFAX COUNTY Just far enough out to be away fror the hustle and noise of the city. 6 I room new home; 3 large bedroom? seoacate dining room: bright, fu; basement on acre. Only S14.75U ZAc&hnS.Vietir LSV* EXTRA SPECIAL BRICK SEMIRAMBLEI : ON APPROX. V2 ACRE ? EXPERTLY LANDSCAPED— BEAUTIFUL GARDEN 30 DOGWOOD TREES Custom built 1942 for the original owner, It Is in excel lent condition throughout. Main floor: Center hall. • most attractive living room, extended mantel over book i shelves: dining room, opening - on rear flagstone terrace; l modern equipped kitchen, den or library, bedroom, tile bath. Second floor: Master bed room, tile bath. 1 other bed room: an abundant supply of • storage closets, plus 2 built J in chests. Basement contains . oil-fired a.-c. heating system, J laundry. outside entrance. Attached garage with storage .! attic i i Price, 532.500: most liberal ; I terms: lawn furn included. ! ROMYE LAMBORN s I EXCLUSIVE REALTOR : OT. 8.186. OT. 803. ___—17 '• Nearby Rambler, $23,50 - GREEN HALF ACRE. CITV WATE Ready for you is this architectur gem having 3 good-sized bedroom beautiful bath and kitchen. Ian garage, storage attic, utility roo with showerbath lavatory and tub 11 front and rear porches adjoin lari x living-dining area w’ith fireplace; al: n has excellent picture window - Phone Fairfax 744-J for appoin n ment._20* n DRASTIC REDUCTION! WAS $23,750—NOW $21,50( , 3 BEDROOMS, l>/2 BATHS BRICK CAPE COD Never have we handled a home more beautifully dec )r orated, a more attractive yard :k and more convenient to bus. »- schools and shopping than this ly one: a lovely living room, h. carpeted from wall-to-wall, 2 h very nice-sized bedrooms, an t- unusually lovely tiled bath, a t. separate dining room, large iy and excellently equipped kitchen, and a shady screened porch nicely located for a summer dining rm.. all on 1st floor: on 2nd floor is a study and a spacious bedroom, both carpeted from wall-to-wall, and a ‘/a bath; a large dry basement with outside en trance: everything is nice about this home, folks. it‘s a prizp location and a grander , yard you've never seen. It r should go quickly at the new price. EXCLUSIVE Fuller Groom Realty C J OX or CH. 4487 —17 I HOUSES FOR SALE—VA. COUNTRY HOME New. nett ranch house, with 2 bedrms., 2 tile baths, living rm., dining rm., elec, kitchen, 2 fire places; tack room; lull bsmt.: a good, small barn; 5 acres; close in. in secluded, good neighborhood. $22,500 with mod financing JOSEPH W. SEAY CO. Exclusive Realtors. FA. —l*i OLD SOLDIERS NEVER DIE These homes won’t even fade away. There have been Colonial homes be fore the beginning of this country, but at this day and time we will prove that there is no better buy available at $18,500. Huge 6-rm brk. Colonial. l*/a baths; lge. side screened porch; full bsmt. with out side entrance. Featuring iron-rail front entrance, dream kit.. 3 good sized bedrms.. chair rail in din. rm.. and one of No. Arlington's finest lo cations Remember, it's only $18. 500. Call now for appt. ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 9300 ;—17 Stately Colonial ALEXANDRIA AREA Luxurious brick home in lovely Alex suburb.: 3-exposure liv. rm.. over-sized din. rm.. jnodern kit.. 3 master bedrms.. :l ceramic tile baths, full stairway to 3-exposure partially i finished attic. Price, $21,950 $4,000 cash down. EXCLUSIVE WITH W. J. W. FAIRCHILD 2024 16th St. N„ Arl.. OW. 6011. COUNT THEK" ; • SC.500 cash dow n. |* Solid brick constriction. • Two double-bed rooms. • Separate spacious dining room. • Full stairway to exp. attic. • Storm windows throughout. • Five minutes to Pentagon. • Price. 513.960. attractive terms. For appointment to inspect, call W. J. W. FAIRCHILD 2024 16th St. N.. Arl., OW. 6911. ■__-—19 SYLVAN IDYLL RAMBLER DOGWOOD AND RED BUD Trees dot the spacious lot surround ing this massive brick; 3-bedrm. rambler in country club manor. I twenty-foot liv. rm.. with fireplace; spacious separate diiv rm.: ultra modern kitchen, equipped with dish washer and disposal: owner trans ferred to West Coast, request im ; mediate sale. PRICE, $21,750 Present FHA loan may be assumed by j purchase. EXCLUSIVE WITH W. J. W. FAIRCHILD 12024 16th St. N., Arl., OW. 6011. :_—ip HOME & 8 ACRES $5,400 ! 9, seres of very valuable land with frontage on 3 roads; 6-rm house. 2 barns, houses for 500 chickens; total price $16,000. Level land can be subdivided into 15 bldg lot! of 'j acre worth $1,500 each. When sewer lines, now on way. are com pleted. can be subdivided inter 67 bide. lots. Remarkable Investment. Call Mr Huahes (eves. AL 6657) James L. Dixon & Co. RADIO BLDG . ARL. JA. 5-7200 :_ .__—is _ COUNTRY SQUIRE fcdfMion to these 6 rolling tree ! acres, there is a lovely home with English bsmt incl 2 bedrms.. den with flrepJ.. utils, and bath; up stairs. Ige bedrm. huge liv. rm din. rm elec kit. and bath- also exp attic. An added attraction is a charming 2-rm. log cabin guest stream on property *'‘th dam Dartlv flnlsheed for n little lak* All this within the 14 I Shirley hwy.. for 918.950! $•"> ooo cash will handle—hurry' ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd., OW. 9300 | - _—17 Westwood Properties, Inc WILL BUILD OS YOUR LOT IN NEARBY VA. An American or Dutch Colonial $11,250 HIGHEST FHA 1st TRUST . 3 BEDROOMS Lge. Liv. rm., Lge. Din. Rm. Beautiful Kitchen, Colored Tile Bath J „ FULL BASEMENT And Many Additional Refinements Too Numerous to Mention FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OW. 4700 ~KEPTUP~ VERY WELL Splendid location. 2 blocks to gradi school, prewar brick, fresh, brlgh rooms, bsmt.. det. garage, excel lent In design and taste. Arrange! with living room, separate dinini room, spacious, glittering kitchen one bedroom and half bath on Is floor. 2 family bedrooms and ful tiled bath up, prime paneled bsmt side screened porch, delightful, well planted yard. Don't miss seelm 1 this home before you buy. $20,001 with minimum of $5,000 cash, ca! Real Estate Service, Inc ; 4703 Lee Hwy. ofl Glebe. OW 909! “PRIDE AND JOY” ~ Comfortable cozy brick, snug 01 colorful flower studded lawn, in teresting living room, brick Are place, partition has been moved ti give spacious kitchen-dinette ar 1 rangement with adjoining laundry utility room. Ample clothes an« storage closets. 2 bedrooms, nea bath. Center stairway leads to ex pansion attic—ideal for additions , bedrooms and bath. Presently fl nanced with $7,500. 4** first trust Price. $12,500. with minlmun r $3,000 cash Budget conscious fam ily please note! Call ; Real Estate Service, Inc 4703 Lee Hwy. off Glebe, OW. 9091 t .. ________—17 ; A COMPLETE ESTATE ■ 5 ACRES. CHARMINO HOUSE : $35,000 > - Here's g place that haa everythin! —location near Shirley hwy., bii trees, aome open land, beautlfu ■ flowers and landscaping, stable to ) horse and pony, servant's quarter! big workshop 3-car garage, am • above all a house In exquisite tast that we will put up against any It was designed by a talented archl tect and erected by an honest buildei i It has an entrance hall, delightfu living room, den, rustic dlnln room modern kitchen and bedroor 1 and bath on the first floor, and bedrooms and bath on the secon floor. The screened porch with fire place and patio add to the summe livability of the property. A sub stantial down payment Is required 1 MASON HIRST Annandale Va. Phone FA. 744" _CLOSED SUNDAYS_ SOUTH SEA ISLAND MAGIC Naval Officer's home, decorated 1 cool tasteful colors, large casemer windows In living room and first floor den or bedroom amid ocean of sunlight, cozy living room wit fireplace, wide arch to separat dining room with chair rail, moder kitenen complete with range, refgr dishwasher and disposal. Secon floor has 2 twin bedrms. and til bath. Bsmt. features recreatio room, laundry and outside entranci A home delightful and comfortab! for the entire family. Shown by ar pointment only call Real Estate Service, Inc 4783 Lee Hwy. off Glebe, OW. 9091 COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR RENT—Most unusual cottas r\ in the heart of the Blue Rids J Mountains; all city convenience: r $5W) from now until October i\ Phone Agent, Hillsboro. Va.. '.177' s.i—18 :ei ALBEMARLE COUNTY ESTATE 11:14ij acres; 100 acres cleared beir ’• in gcod pasture. 4b acres of goc ;e salable timber. Nine-room fran c° | house and necessary outbuilding ?■ setting in beautiful grove of tret on nice knoll with wonderful vie _ of surrounding country. Locate ? 18 miles from Charlottesville. Va * on Route No. 6. surrounded by se’ eral large estates and products farms. Price $20.000_ Hari Wheeler with B. E. WHEELER . CO., P. O. Box 164, Charlottesvill Va.—18 HOUSES WANTED TO BUY WANTED—2 or 3 bedrm. N. Aritni ton brick home: convenient to bu shopping and schools. Agent. J, 4-1834. —18 PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy but galow. Silver Spring area; ha' 812.U00-Slo.000 to Invest. Call G 5061. HOME OWNERS—I need 2 hops and 1 lot with 40-ft. front In n.' Cali any day after 5:30, MR DUN; HU. 9571. —19 ATTENTION DOWNTOWN AND Ml GINIA BROKERS, for addition coverage of your s.e. and n.e. ar nearbv Md. listings, contact JOE O'BRIEN, LI 6-2000, FR. 589 — 18 IN college park-univ. par AREAS, from owner, three-bedroc house. 1 Va baths, basement. Pho: WA. 1655. 20* „ ROMES AND INVESTMENT propert u needed for our cash buyers. THC E. JARRELL CO.. Realtors (esti 1016). 721 10th at. B.w., NA. Off 4 HOUSES WTD. TO BUY (Cant.) OAKCREST-AURORA HILLS AREA —Client urgently requires 3-bed room home, not over $35,000; sub stantial cash. Call Mr. Doswell, OW. 8819. FRANK 8. PHILLIPS DI. 1411. —23 HOUSES WANTED—Service, experi ence. advice and expert appraisal will sell your home quickly ami profitably. Eve., phone OR. «91«. L T. GRAVATTE. Realtor. 1518 K st. n.w.. NA 0753. _ DIRECT FROM OWNER—Cash foi your property In D C., Va. or Md Eves., FA. 31183 or SL. 7897. if i-rompi attention to the san of your home business or Invest ment property is what you desire call R. A HUMPHRIES Realtor 808 North Capitol VA 8730 Prei appraisals Results sinre 1919 I WILL PAT TOU CASH for youi home. Prompt action. Any location Be sure to get my ofler before yot sell. RE. 2201. SL. 7747. CASH FOR TOUR HOME OR APT. D. C. nearby Md., or Va Prompi service. DI. SK42. SL. 1889, —If FREE APPRAISALS Need homes In Silver Soring anc n.w. area. Cash buyers waiting. BEST & CO. ST. 005 4. SHANNON & LUCHS CO Kow have an appraisal specialist for s.e. and s.w. Washington and suburban areas available within 2 hours. We have recently .sold houses in these areas to waiting cus tomers in as short a time as 4 HOURS. Many cash cus tomers still patiently waiting. Call Mr. Broche, JO. ,'i-oOl3, with SHANNON & LUCHS CO 1505 H St. N.W. NA. _234S._ ATTENTION “ N F HOMF DWNFRfi WE HAVE BUYERS If you folks are contem plating selling your home, Mr. Blackwood, our n.e. spe cialist, will help you to prof itably dispose of it for cash or on terms, whichever you prefer. Call MR. BLACK WOOD. eves.. NO. 6597. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO 1503 H St. N.W. NA. •:.'I45. FREE APPRAISAL Ot your Virginia property All cat! available with quick settlement MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson Blvd.. OL. or OX 278' SPOT CASft FOR YOUR HOMS COX & CO. RE 1633 SL 0775. UN 1626. FREE APPRAISAL DIRECT FROM OWNEF Highest cash for voui oroperty Cal ! MR. KITCHENS. LI 7-5696_ ' SPOT CASH FOR WHITE OR COLORED HOUSES WE TOP THEM ALL Or your house In trade. LI. 3-530'J __19* IMMEDIATE CASH!! iWe have cash buyers lor your hom | or will sell on time. Any condittor White or colored. Call AD. 3082 « RA 2961. BASILE REALTY CO. _*>2 "listings wanted" We can sell your nearby Va. home to our waiting clientele. Free at praisals. immediate action. OV 3326 JA. 2-23X1. TINKLE PROPERTIES Eves., GL 6525. JA. 8-0917. _GL. 2463,_—19 Desperate Need N.E. Home; Woodridge Realty. NO. 720 WE HAVE CASH BUYERS For houses in all sections rf the cit and nearby Md and Va. No charg for our appraisal. Over 50 year service. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO. 1629 K St N.W . NA. 0352 ,_Eves , JU. 7-6365,_ Changing Neighborhood May we assist you in selling you i home? F ELIOT MIDDLETOb ! Realtor. RE 1181; eves.. JA. 2-131 j or WI. 8557, INVESTMENT PROP. FOR SAL *1.000 CASH will net you 51.000 i year while this 5-unit converte brick apt. house is paying itself ol For details, call Mr. Watkins. TI 21 Ml); evecs C»F. ni 27. with A VO SHOCKEY. Realtor. —17 CORNER BRK.— <4' 3-rm. moder apts. completely furnished love furniture; owner leaving city: lr come *4.800 per yr.: price *42.50 Cali AT .3882 between 11 and 1 < I eves No agents. —17 GEORGETOWN. Wls. ave. above Qi st.: vacant; brk : 2-apt. commerci. bldg. Eves . CO 0060. J. LEO KOL CO.. MI. 2100. —18 11-UNIT APARTMENT; ideal s.e. 1< cation; one and two bedroom Priced for quick sale on today market WOODMOOR AGENC! INC.. SL. 7113. —18 THREE 8-UNIT APARTMENTS, 1( cated close in suburban Md Wi show 1 Orr return on cash investei WTOODMOOR AGENCY. INC., S’ 7113. —18 CAN “CM use It? Brick warehous near Union Station. 5S0.000. Sul mit offer Box 479-B. Star. 18* PRICED *23.500—Annual rent. *4 1 5oo. 7 furn. apts.; a.m.i ; white tei ants; gross about 18*7. Occupy on 1 Terms. Box 448-B. Star. 18* | NEAR 22nd AND PENN. ave. n.w Six-apt. units, priced at only *2fl 500 for quick sale. For further ii formation, call Mr. Norris, jr., R 8585: eves. AD. 8001. WOODWARD & NORRIS REALTOF j_723 30th St. N.W, —1 j BUILDERS Apartment hou^e site block off Con ave., near downtown; zoned 00-< 18.000 sq. ft., substantial brick In provement under Government leas unusual financing. Mr. Beall, N. P.30M; evenings OW 8425. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. 1417 K ST. N.W. ____—17 GARDEN TYPE APARTMENT GROUP, 8 UNITS, WELL LC CATED, EXCELLED CONDITION, SOUN] INVESTMENT. CAL WM. HARRINGTOf i NA. 9300; EVES., E& 1 7448. i BOSS & PHELPS, INC. ■ 1417 K ST. N.W. • _—19 i 4-UNIT BRK. APARTMEN’ E Brightwood. All 2-bedrm. apartmenl J Tenants pay all utils. Income a • proximately $5,000 per yr. Substa > tial cash required. REALTY INVES' ■ MENT CO. Until 9, GE. 22T0. — . EIGHT-UNIT APARTMENT HOUS near 18th and Columbia rd. Pri< $58,500; well financed; shows hli net Income. Call Mr. Fraleigh. wi JAMES L. DIXON & C( • 8T. 7200. 1022 17th ST. N.W. — _ INVESTORS, interested in Alexandr house property will appreciate U 2-story brick on N. Columbus st. 2 apts.. each containing 2 bedrm liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit. and bat i Reasonably priced Show any tin tj Call Mr. Isaacs TE. 34 45, eve - TE 8NS2. Exclusive with • CHARLES R. HOOFF, INC E _ 216 Prince St.. Alex. — ’ PENNA. AVE. N.W. j NEAR WASHINGTON CIRCLE . Substantial brick converted to *, apartments, with furnished ceilin, showing return over $;i,000; lot e ' tends from Pa. ave. through to . at.; an exceptional value in a go suubiamitti casn r S quired. Call Mr. Norris, jr., R . 1 <>.‘>85; eves.. AD. 8081 or JU i I 7882. WOODWARD k NORR1 'I i2il 30th st. n.w.. Realtors. — -j 4-UNIT APT. BUILDING $5,280 GROSS INCOME -l Approx. 30',! on cash invest.; e e| cellent n.w. sect.; all 2-bedrot e units; new gas .furnace and ht .! water heater; low operating e ’i penses: 1st fl. apt. available at o tlon of purchaser: price $29.91 by OWNER. EM. 4149 after 6 p. ^ § BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SAI uj STORE WITH BSMT.. large 2nd-flc si apt.; 422 7th st. s.w.; first cctnmi *■ clal; $10,000; possession with sett d ment. Broker's co-op. DI. 1015 I 8 p.m.; eves, and Sun., DE. oil - WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. — e LARGE RESTAURANT and tour y rooms, with beer and liquor on sa I: near Intersection of 2 State hlg :. ways, very good location for tour and shore trade; a real mon - maker. Investigate today. CHARL P. DIEHL. WA. 4041. —17 MODERN, heated, brick garage—fi * car capacity plus outside parki - space; vicinity 25th and Que s >■ n.w.; with or without Govt, lea; l act quickly Also bldg, lot for si in Georgetown. Call OWNER. 1 - 1489. between 7 and 10 a m. a e 5 to 10 p.m. —"•> V luLAL LOCATION for modern mol court near Washington; Baltimoi 't Washington blvd.: zoned and pla i already made; terms: owner leavi >. city. Call MR. HINES. OW. _2l; , VALUABLE LOT. excel, comm, p sibility. zoned for apt.'.: can p ri‘ duce immed. income; adjacent vr lge. Shopping center. Cali Mr. Cu i mings. TA. 2824. Philip B. Key Co., Realtc K _SL. 5010 ’til 9 p m. k BUSINESS PROPERTY IPor sale with Income of appro mately $30,000 per year. Pull prl S28.000; approximately 813.000 o. handle. REALTY INVESTMENT C 5. until 9, OE. 2270. — It 4 BUSINESS PROP.—-SALE (Cont.) OFFICE AND PARKING 20th Bet. K and Eye N.W. Vacant. 8mall 3-story brick bid*., las h.-w.h.; commercial: n*ed« deco rating: only $24,950 twill lease). DRURY REALTY CORP., MI. 4000; eves., EM. 5380 or WO. 7891. Delicatessen and Restaurant Approximately $800 to $1,000 per week income: excellent location; stock and some equipment included with sale: small down payment; full price. $7,500. REALTY INVEST MENT CO., until 9. GE. 2270. —18 THIS IS YOUR FUTURE DOWNTOWN LOCATION 9th at M sts. n.w.—07x148, comprising over 10.000 sq. It.: 2nd commercial. This is one of the largest commerlcal downtown properties avail able; adj. new Hugh Reilly Sales bldg. Opportunities like this are difficult to duplicate. CALL MAURICE KOHNER LOUIS BURMAN RE. 1708 _22 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOB RENT WILSON BLVD.. ARLINGTON—Close to courthouse; 7-im.. 1‘/j-bath house. MCCLAIN PROPERTIES, CH. 3300 — 19 USED CAR LOT with office, s.w. cor Lee blvd. and Glebe rd., Arl.: 10. 000 sq. ft.: $200 mo.: 15.000 sq. ft., i $300 mo. B. J. GREENHOUSE. DE 1 3177 —27 1302 L ST. N.W—2nd floor: 2 large ! rnnms. nlnfp place Hlcnlov wlnrlnnr approx. 000 sq. ft.; Immed. occup.; reas. rent. Apply LEO \1. BERN STEIN CO.. Realtors. 141ft K st. n.w.. ME. 5400._ _ 5-ROOM HOUSE, parking area iri rear; remodel as you wish; long lease if desired. BEULAH GOSS. CH. 5682 STORES OFFICES. WAREHOUSES WE OFFER NOW COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BLDGS WITH PARKING FACILI TIES IN BEST WASHINGTON LOCATIONS LOUIS BURMAN. RE 1768 STORES FOR RENT 01*34 GA. AVE.. between Super A&F and bank; 15x35; very populated location JACK COOPERSM7TH RE 4 026 LEE HWY.—Corner store, approx. 30x80. m lge shopping center, in whole or in part; grocery store, drug store. dry cleaner and beauty par lor now onerating; amol* narking Apply LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO . Realtors, 1415 K st. n.w. ME j 5400. 1st AND NEW YORK AVE. N.W.— ! Large corner store, 4 plate glas« I display windows; approx. 30x30 immed. occup.; reasonable rent smaller store in same area als< available. Apply LEO M BERN STEIN & CO.. Realtors, 1415 K st n.w. ME. 5400. 1505 7th ST. N.W.—Beautifully re modeled; approx. 17x62, with base ment space; heat incl. in rent; ex ' cellent for carry-out restaurant pawnbroker, music shop, etc. $25< e mo Immed. occupancy. Apply LEC M. BERNSTEIN & CO., Realtor* r 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. NEAR NEW' General Accounting Of flee—lst-floor store, approx. 22x60 additional space in basement; - rooms, kit. and bath on 2nd floor equipped as restaurant. Immediat occup. Reasonable rent. Apply LEC s M BERN8TEIN & CO.. 1415 K St - n.w ME 5400. I Ith AND H STS. N.E.—Store am arf above, for anv business use immed. poss AUERBACH & CO., DI 6501. AD 51M»7. DESIRABLE STORE 25 x50’ in bus . Maryland community. Cali WO 6100 —20 t: 7(114 GEORGIA AVE. N. W —Stor S for rent 25x60 It.; GE. 9883.^ 48 H ST. N.E.—Large »tore am ,. bsmt.; heat; $115 mo LISS REALT1 ’ CO 1018 10th st. n w RE 8264 ' OXON HILL. MD., 5553 Livingstoi rd.—1 -story store without basement : 37 x60'; asphalt tile floring. fluor lights; rental. $150 mo. Immed i poss. Consult Mr, Jenkins. SHAN NON * LUCHS CO Realtors. 1501 H st n w NA. 2345. ) NEW SHOPPING CENTER being com pleted near Hyattsville High School f| 40th and Oglethorpe st. TA. 547 or your agent. —21 liSTORE. 714 Florida ave. n.w.: 100<" I location, good for any business • $125 mo. OWNER. RA. 4224, DC E I 9375. —17 STOREROOM, large, suitable for bak i erj. lunui, uciiwsbCBBcu w* ■ 1511 Good Hope rd. s.e. 22* d 1*24 14th ST. N.W.—Display roor * with large window. 2 offices, work shop: 3-car garage with 2nd floo * for storage. FRANK M. SULLIVAh DT. 3434. WO 4 153. 17* n 923 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—One story, ar y prox. 15x45. suitable for office o any type of business; 5100 me > MILTON F RUPPERT. 1511 K s r n.w., DI. 5015; eves.. EM 5401 — 1 8 * 1007 7th ST. N.W.—Vacant stori Lf; approx. 1.000 ft fl. space and lg< B storage bsmt.; S145 mo. RAYMOND R RUPPERT. 1017 7th st. n.w.. S3 - 84*4. —19 ’• IN BUST MD. shopping center of 1 ■s stores. 25 min D. C. All other rented. 20x00 ft. Call JU. 7-SQfH - SILVER SPRING i Stores and office space nearly com pleted; excellent location. nea * Hecht Co. Various sizes. Further in formation Call Thompson & Gra1 I Realtors. 8L. 6100. 9 'Til 9. ■-_—19 M 1456 P ST. N.W. - Rent £75. Now vacant. Easy walk t ~ downtown business section; bust - pass the door Very desirable fc L" radio and TV repair shop or suit - able for most any business. Key here. 51 Howenstein Realty Corp :1418 H St. N.W. Phone DI. 787 ? UPPER CONN AVEU Choicr location near Jelleff'a Hahr '• Best & Co.; 30x75: full basement ^ air conditioned parking facilities ample loading area In aear. 448 Conn ave KASS-BERGER, INC. Owner. Builders Designers - _KM 8100_ New Shopping Center 0 LARGE CORNER STORI I- 18th AND NEWTON STS. NE „ Reasonable Rental 1 HENRY SALPSST, 334 l PICK YOUR LOCATIOl r, EXCELLENT VALUES [. 3rd and Kennedy—15x60 _$12 Conn, at Nebraska—15x75_$3! 18th and Columbia—20x70_835 7th and A, a.e.: small comer--*lC p Conn, sbove Mayflower_$7! s 17th and F sts.—20x60 _ SE Jl Heart ol Takoma—50x100 S4C v CALL MR. FMSCHER, DRFYFUSS BROS E' NA. 0582 AD. 591 I LIQUOR STORE la I THIS LOCATION IN THE HEAR is OF ONE OF THE BIGGEST POPl 01 LATED SECTIONS OF N.W. WASI i INGTON. CUT-RATE OPERATIO h ! HAS POTENTIAL OF MILLIOI c DOLLAR GROSS OR MORE. AI i JACENT ALL MARYLAND ARTE! " IES PARKING FACILITIES FO 100 CARS. ■«i LOUIS BURMAN - RE. 1768. * STORE VALUES~ K 1331 CONN. AVE. >d‘ Large store, 2.800 set. ft., excellei e- for any type retail business; S75 E, mo.. Including heat. S SECOND COMMERCIAL u 3736 10th st n.e. Only second con - mercial shopping center in Wasl ington. 15x70; $100 month. 1 23 RIGGS RD CHILLUM. MD. _i Large home, suitable for commerci i. use. wtth an acre of ground; $1; x-j . 5 H ST. N W. j,' 15x35; $100 month. _ i 1000 EYE ST. N.W. lst-floor commercial store, incl. he: ■Cj and hot water; $185 month. 2851 GEORGIA AVE. N.W. r Store and apartment, $175 p e_ month !}* 713 3rd ST. N.W. 15x50 feet, completely remodels 5 plus 2 apts. renting for $102-$2f month. L e a hT 738 6th ST. N.W. 1SI 2nd commercial. 13x30: $65 mont si R. A. HUMPHRIES „ 808 No. Capitol. Realtors. NA. 502 0-_—19 f: 1734 EYE ST. N.W. Modern 1-story and bsmt. bldg in the heart of medical 111 and business center: 1.606 sq. ft. per floor; rear service alley. 01 Inspect bv appointment only. P; DRURY REALTY CORP.. MI. 400 | DRUGSTORE THIS LOCATION. IN THE HEAB r< OF ONE OP THE BIGGEST POP1 LATED SECTIONS OF N.W. WAS! _ INGTON. PARKING FACILITI1 10(1 CARS. FINEST CORNER. PRA( TICALLY NO COMPETITION £■ LOUIS BURMAN tc RE. 1708. 0.. —21 4 WAREHOUSES FOR RENT 1 $25 MO.—Small 2-story brick bldt.. suitable repair shop, storage, etc.: near Atlas Theater. 1300 block H st. n.e. DRURY REALTY CORP., MI. 4000. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT—2.500 sq, ft. Ready for occupancy June 1st. *125 mo. RE. 4904. —18 5.000 SQ FT., 2nd comm.: rear of 9th and E sts. n.w. Call NA. 8690. Rent reduced. —19 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY—SALE 2*4 ACRES, soned heavy industrial, with 700 ft. on B. dr O. Railroad: level and clear: p. G. County. WAYNE A. CASKEY. AP. 6400 or WA. 6639. —20 ALEXANDRIA—24.683 sq. ft. ground, fronting on No. 1 truck route; 100 ft. of pvt. railroad siding in rear; $27,500: A. M. ROTH. RE. 7330. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY—RENT 80.000 SQ. FT. of ground, centrally NAat6<88rPVt’ r r' *nd °®c* INDUSTRIAL PROP. WANTED 50 TO 100 ACRES in nearby Md. or Va. for Industrial use: must be on railroad and have good access road. A. M. ROTH. RE. 7330. OFFICES b STUDIOS FOR RENT 7815 GEORGIA AVE. N.W.. offices and living quarters newly decorat ed; near District line. GE. 9883. THOMAS CIRCLE N.W... modern'ele vator type bldg. Approx. 4.000 sq. ft. Will divide to suit tenant. Reasonable rental. All services furnished. VICTOR CAHILL, 414 .Southern Bldg.. NA. 6313. —18 5.i05 GA. AVE. N.W. (above Kennedy —Only $35 per mo incl. utili ties_Good parking RA 2200 DOCTOR OR DENTIST office, al ready partitioned; 1st n.: next door t0 Medical Society; *150 per mo 1728 M st. n.w DI 8781 —18 OFFICE SPACE—1st fl. front, approx *99 Jd It Va block off Conn ave atR1726 M st.: $150 per mo. DI TWO TO FOUR ROOMS, connecting; first, fiflflr. An Mn«c axrm • Iffa dnntn town apt. house: most aultable for doctors or professional office Cal Manager. NA. 908.3. at 1301 Mass ave. THE BELVEDERE, or cal agent. NO. 8900. —20 SUB-LEASE SUITE of 2 rms.. tempo rary. 0 mos. or permanent basis; im mediate occupancy; furnished: ap prox. 430 so. ft . fine view, conven location on Vermont ave.; $100 pel mo. Also telephone service and part time stenographer if desired. ST 2977. —17 NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—Office suite on 3rd fl.. 050 so. ft., with 2 rooms, pvt. lavatory; low rent to right ten ! ant. Call NA. 2489. [FOUR ROOMS, lavatory, on 1st fl. next door Hamilton Pharmacy, ex cellent for a doctor or other profes | sion. Cal! MI. 0130. —20 AIR-CONDITIONED. Century Build | ing, 412 5th st. n.w.. opposite Municipal Court: offices available in single units or a suite of 8 rooms; 1 Parking space available. THOMAS J. FISHER * CO.. INC. 738 15th I st. n.w.. Dl. 0830. 5th AND K STS. N.W.—Second-floo] offices, containing 1,100 so. ft.; ele vator; suitable for jobber or dis tributor; heat, light and janitoi services furnished. THOMAS J i FISHER A CO.. INC.. 738 16th at I n.w Dl. 0.830 . CORNER OFFICE, Col. and Ont. rds n w.. avail, immed . excel, for prof mfg. repres . etc. EM. 1189. —2: . F ST AT 9th, 527 9th ST. N.W.— ; Downtown shopping district. De sirable rooms for light mfg.. dis 1; play purposes, offices, etc. Conven i location. Reasonable. Apply Sin ] . i st. n.w. Rm. 19. —18 LF. DROIT BLDG.. 800-810 F st li n w—Large bright rooms suttabl for light mfg.. showrms.. office? etc. Conven. location. Reasonable Apply 810 F st. n.w. Rm 19 ’ - —is 10th ANf> PA. AVE.. 945 Pennsv! vania ave. n.w.—Bright offices, gooi 1 location elevator; reasonable. Ap Ply 8111 F st. n.w., Rm. 19. —18 11th AND NEW YORK AVE.—Opel ! [ office space. 8.500 sq. ft pvt i elev. Call Mr. Fischer, with DREY I FUSS BROS . NA. 0582; eves . AD 1 5994. —18 3929 14th ST. N.W.. 2nd floor, j large rooms and bath. Plate alas 1 display window. Immediate occu pancy. $100 a mo. Apply LE< ’ M. BERNSTEIN A CO. Realtor! 1415 K st n.w.. ME. 5400. : HYATTSVIlLE, MD.—4-room suit : avail. In modern office bldg., approx k 850 sq. it Reas. rent. Apply LEi M. BERNSTEIN A CO Re*ltor< 1415 K st. n.w.. ME 6400. 11th AND NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Cholce suite, consisting of approx 700 sq ft. In 7-story elev. offlc bldg. In whole or in part; immed occup Reas. rent. Apply LEO M , BERNSTEIN A CO . 1415 K st. n.w 1 ME. 5400, : i7th AND F STS. N.W.—Three larg studio and liv. qtrs.. office and litAn qtrs.. etc. Call ME 5400. LEO M r BERNSTEIN & CO Realtors. 141 r K st. n.w. DOCTOR’S OFFICE in basement c small apt. bide, at 17th and New ’ ton sts n.w. GE 204:1 —2.1 ltth AND K N.W.—Beautifully turn completely carpeted. 1 or 2 rm, air 3 cond. suite: stenog. service avail, very desirable for lawyer, trad assn., etc.: good lease. DI. 5941 I —23 S AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICE in mod ; ern elevator bldg.: vicinity Arlingto: -i Courthouse: rental. $40. RANDAL | H HAGNER <fc CO.. INC.. 132 ! Conn, ave. n.w,. DE. 3000. —IS ji DENTIST’S OFFICE j 4th and R, I. ave. n.e.—Nice three . room suite In large apartment bldi ' All necessary connections in. S7 ! month. - BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 1417 K ST. N.W., NA. 9300 0 __—1*_ ; 3 ROOMS AND BATH - Suites available for immediate or s cupancy. Completely redecoratec $75 mo. . BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 7 1417 K ST. N.W.. NA. 9300. _—IS Modern Downtown Buildin OUTSIDE RMS. NEWLY DECORATE; TILE FLOORS FLUORESCENT LIGHTING LOW RENTAL Victor Bldg., 9th and G PI f VICINITY CONNTAVET ;And Mayflower Hotel: approx. 1,80 - so. ft.: may be rented in suite: Reas, rates. RE. 2744_—IS ? \ BOND BUILDING j S.w cor. 14th and N. Y ava. n.e 1 Room, S60 2 Rooms. S80-S105. 1 1 ALL ROOMS NEWLY REDECORATE! 'j KASS-BERGER, INC. r_EM SI 00 SILVER SPRING OFFICES Large offices in centrally locate modern commercial building Ca 5 A J. KESSINGER it CO . Realtor: SH. 4544 18* o DESK SPACE 5 DESK SPACE FOR RENT—Bai Bldg 910 17th st. n.w., near Com 0 and K. New. modern, attractiv i desk space for those who want th 0; best: receptionist, switchboard, ma and telephone answering servlc 0 available. Call ST. 3456. FARMS 1 -—-— MAN’S FARMETTE AND HOBBY Here's an unusual Diace on tl edge of Silver Spring, with 5 acre 2 nice homes, several poultry bldg and other outbldgs., where a bus nessman has developed an extensii T eggs business as a hobby on tl -1 side. He’s retiring now and yc • can buy the whole thing: ever: 5! thing to do with and a good sic ■ income at once. Needs about *15 1 000 cash to handle. RIPLEY £ ROMER. Realtors, SL. 6111. Ope K evenings. 300-ACRE DAIRY FARM. nei Buckeystown: a mighty fine fare with 7-room house. 2 very goc barns, dairy house and seven other outbldgs.: fields all watere - and fenced; on hard road; only couple miles to most activitie $40,000 A very favorable price fc a form nf tVitc ehirielap and enr , dition. E. K. RUBLE, Poolesvil i, 2184. with RIPLEY & ROME! u Realtors NEAR RIDGEVILLE, MD.. 11 6 acre rich soil. 7-rm. frame house, elec bank barn. outbldgs., strean springs, 20 acres of wheat, 15 acrt clover; only $16,000, 86,000 casl balance easy terms. Mr. Mathew UN. 2808 eves. J. LETTON MAI ,, TIN RE. 2492. Warner Bldg. 0 HOWARD COUNTY FARM of f acres; about 20-min. drive fro Naval Ord. Lab.; also easy drive In Balto.; modernized 4-bedroom ar bath home, with h.-w. oil heat; bit grass and nay fields in ton shani good fencing and streams; schoo it near. $28,750. Clarksville 786-J-. FARMS WANTED—10 to 100 acri in Arlington, Fairfax, Prince Wi 11am Albemarle or King George C if Also waterfront. CHESTER COGS WELL, OX. 1633 after 5 p.m. —2 WANTED TO BUY in Virginia, witl in 30 min, of District, small farr w 6 to 100 acres with livable 3-be< u room home. Box 449-B. Star. * LOUDOUN CO„ VA.—134 acres, 1 wheat, 30 in hay; basement bar •, no house; Va mile fronting on Pi tomac River. $9,000. Va cas PETERS REALTY, McLean, Vs 1. Elmivood 3703. —19 _ 100 ACRES, mostly under cultlvatloi some timber, spring water fro: own spring pumped into weathe: boarded log house, elec., other built ings; early possession; owner wan to sell, acct. health. Price Idea 88.750 cash. BLY REALTY. Charli Town, Jeff. Co., W. Va. —18 - 15 MI FROM WASHINGTON—Daii farm. 343 acres, now shipping: 4' cpw barn. 2 silos, dwelling, 2 tenai houses: 50 acres corn, 55 acres ha Price $36,500. Other details on h qulry 35 cows and milking equii ment available additional figur WAUGH HEAL ESTATE AGENC' 1 Culpeper. Va. —19* [ sMALL FARM, 50 acres. Lovely ’ !c rm. modern house. All lge. rms. Th top cond. Nr. schools, shopping ar transp. Call agent, G. BEST LINTH CUM. Poolesville 3411. 15 ACRES. 4-bedrm. modern brlcl Vi ml, main rd. frontage; 27 mi. i c. Sub. cash. WHITTNER, OV 6258. t FARMS (Coat.) MONTGOMERY CO.. 105 acre*. Im proved with 7-rm. house, having Ige. reception hall, spacious llv. rm., din. rm. and modern kitchen with refer, stove, sink and cabinets, good big pantry on 1st floor; master L bedrm 3 other bedrms.. stream lined bath and shower comprise 2nd floor; full bsmt. with new oil h.w.h.. concrete floor, and Inside and out side entrance; outbuildings, small but very good cattle barn, garage, hen house, and smoke house: house well situated, approx. 700 ft. off hard surface road, surrounded by nice trees, small stream througn fiont lawn another stream on rear ot farm; 20 acres timber, balance In grass; good fence; 32 miles D. C.: price. S25.000. 'i cash. Call Charles H Jamison, Poolesville 8232. with SAMUEL E. BOGLEY. INC. —18 8TROU1 CATALOG—Farms non .s businesses. Mailed FREE BTROU1 REALTY 711-A Woodward Bldg. Washington ST 3784 CATTLE FARM, for *18.000, In Cen tral Mont. Co.: 6-room house, with bath; good barns, several other out bldgs.; hard road In front of prop erty; schools, churches and stores about lVa ml. away; 60 acres of good lsnd E K RUBLE. Poolesville 2184 with RIPLEY & ROMER, Real tors. ‘ FOR SALE ! 40 acres near Ashton. Md., on hard 1 surfaced road: high elevation. streams Box 40A-B. Star —17 STOCK FARM 44!> acres. 9-rm. modern house. 1V2 baths, oil h.-w.h.: large barn, silo; streams 33 m‘. D. C. ««o.000. J. L. C. WEST I FA. 2135. ROLLING RIDGE FARM ui muHiuomeiy uouiuy r finest and most beautiful cattle farms. Approx. 230 lush acres, only 0 miles from OIney and 25 miles from Washington. Fine barns and tenant houses, complete with all conveniences. The main residence was constructed of brick prior to 1790 and has been delightfully restored and modernized. It is of medium size and is in a beautiful set ting of lovely trees, shrubs and flower gardens. This prop erty is ideal for you who wish to combine productive farming with delightful country living within pleasant commuting dis tance. Very attractively priced at $110 000. For further de tails or an appointment to inspect, call Mr. Price at DE. 4101 during office hrs. or at SH. 3541. eves. Photographs available. FRANCES POWELL HILL Exclusive Agent 1808 20th St. N.W., DE. 4101. TURKEYFARM* Oh Route 1 in Fairfax County, Va.. 1 12 miles from D. C.: 4 acres, fenced. with 400 ft. on State road for I future development: 6-rm house. | 50-cu.-ft. deep freeze in util. rm.. 196-ft. deep freeze in separate bldg, j Barns for horses and cows, bldgs, for 1.400 turkeys, also bldg, with new 3-rm. apt. for $100 mo. income. ' Can be operated without hired labor by retired couple or family | with teen-age children. High school ] close by Due to 111 health, owner will sell this money maker on ! good terms. Call Mr. Hughes . i (eves.. aL 6657» JAMES L. DIXON & CO. Radio Bldg.. Arl.. JA. 5-7200.^ I STOCK"FARM Close-in 445 a. rich land: large stream thru property: modern 9 room house: $133 per a Bv appt. only. ALTMAN REALTY CO.. OL. j **436._—17 100 ACRES—Long frontage on Lee hwy., large gar . with 3-rm. and !' bath apt overnead. Another cinder block bldg, which could be con verted to residence. Excel, site ■ for tourist court: $35,000 on Rood li term'. PENTAGON REALTY Fairfax 396-Fairfax 736 ■|_—19 DAIRY farm Frederick County. Approx. 290 acres Washington-type barn; average mil) .! check. 51,400. Price 5105.000 incl all equipment and registered herd j i This is a eoing business. Not at estate. Excluaive with GEORGE W ROBERTSON. Realtor. 7932. Wls .j ave., Bethesda. WI. 8267. Eves. Col I Roos.. OR. 3543._ I COUNTRY SQUIRE RARE COMBINATION Country gentleman's estate and datr: » farm in widely separated units 01 550-acre holding in Loudoun Coun t ty. Dairy part: Rolling land, broai streams watering all pastures, largi i manager's house with 5 tenan houses. Highly productive herd. Oh f country herdsman and overseer con • tinuing. Against a mountainside, i half mile distance, stands the ma , jestic squire's Colonial home; cente: ■ i hall flanked on each side by largi living rooms, equally large dinini si room beyond, fireplaces, screenei . | porches, servants' dining room ant ! quarters. 2nd floor, ft bedrooms -1 master size, fireplaces, dressini i rooms. 6 baths. Water for house ‘ barns, grounds, and large swim min* pool amply supplied by moun tain spring via old spring housi where original milk troughs of crys tal waters still stand, quaint ant - cool, mammoth trees, distant moun tain view, gardens of boxwood, earl: i flowers, green house under gard ner's daily care. This part of estati given to horses with good stable; and paddocks, bridle path wind! into mountain behind manor housi and round the country side. 4-ca garage with 3-room and bath apart ment alyive. 4 tenant houses in thi; unit, full basement, oil h.-w.h., : hour from D. C First offering o this unusual estate, which seeim only makes believable. For appoint, ment phone PENTAGON REALTY CO r Fairfax 396-Fairfax 736 j~ia LOTS Cr ACREAGE FOR SALI SHEPHERD PARR—We have th largest list of lots in this area: S4 000 up. RA 2200. ) QUAINT ACRES—Just listed: over a: acre: excellent view. A. J. KE8 ' SINGER & CO , SH. 4544. 18* - HOMESITE, natural; two lots, approx 11 acre: fruit trees, doswood: gooi well. VI. 1120 after 6:30 weekdays all Sat and Sun.. 18* CONGRESS HEIGHTS S.E.—4 lots 3 zoned lor apts.: all improvement in; nr. Boffins Field: $7,500 cash V. L. TOOMEY, Jr.. Realtor. R$ - 8371 —17 RIGGS RD. — 20 acres: city watei - gas. electric and telephone available , close to D. C.; priced at $1,000 pt acre: terms arranged. CHARLES F ' DIEHL, WA. 4041 or GE. 7538. —17 (3) 35-ACRE ADJOINING TRACTS 1 with tenant house and barn o: - Falls rd. bet. Rockville and Potomac rl 2 large streams; partly wooded $29,500 each. Owner. WI. 3891. e! —17 P PRINCE GEORGES CO., 21st at 1 North Woodridge, choice lot, 60x12: . deep: all utilities; fruit and shad trees; S3.000. W. W. LEWIS. Real . ! tor. SH. 0440. eves. UN. 9395. —1 SILVER SPRING, near Plyers Mil rd.; level lot. 60x188.: priced t -! sell quickly. OWNER, SL. 1689. —18 p $50 DOWN will buy a Vj-acre lot o: : : Coiesville rd., past Silver Spring , price, $1,000. RA 2200. -: IN D. C., south of R. I. ave. n e . ius *: west of South Dakota ave.; two 63 e ft. frontages, suitable for 30-fl u ramblers, for $2,100 each. Thes - lots are wooded and level. NJ e 9257. —21 - SILVER SPRING—Corner commercli fc| lot; 7,500 sq. ft.: large 4-bedroor n frame house, 2 blks. from Hechtk i $53,000. SL. 4334. —18 r BUILDERS — No. Arl. — 32 cholc i. lots ready for building. Excel, loc d I good terms. OWNER. JA. 2-537; il | no brokers. 2 NEARLY AN ACRE. 1 ml fror a Shirley hwy. at Springfield, Vs >• High elevation, 170-ft. frontage, cit r i water, telephone and electricity, ta: "i shade trees. Owner, ill, must se: , : immediaately. Make a reas. cas; offer. VERNON M. LYNCH AN1 i (Closed Sundays.) i'. | $30. *15 MO. “Springvale” nea s Shirley hwy. at Springfield, Va 1.1 Lge. corner homesite with beautifi: s.! stream and towering shade tree; - I $800. VERNON M. LYNCH { i SONS, Lincolnia. Va., AL. 590t o| (Closed Sundays.) nil1 a ACRES, overlooking grazing lane 0i beautiful home site and high eleva ri' tion. for excellent TV or amateu e radio. SC.000. Call OV. CC94. a day Saturday and Sunday; week s days. 8 to 10 p.m. —CO , 4 CHOICE LOTS in Hlllcrest Gat s dens. Phone 8 to 4. MI. 3267. —C - CONN. AVE.—5 acres. 35l)-ft. from i. Ripe for house development. Eve . phone Mr. Woodwell. TA. 5469. I 0 T. GRAVATTE, Realtor, 1518 K st i- n.w.. NA. 0 753. i, SITE FOR SUBDIVISION—22 acres - near Annandale, in a fast develop ing area; wooded, well drained 5 good elevation: easy access to Shir 1 ley hwy.. 15 min. to Pentagon. Cai i_ Mr. Honnold. JA. 4-0550; eves , FA, 7088, with W. B. WRIGHT. FOR SALE 40 acres near Ashton. Md„ on hard , surfaced road. High elevation n streams. Box 405-B, Star. —17 : SEMIDETACHED LOTS s Three or 5 to 50 semidetached o i group house or apartment lots 17 Chesapeake and 6th sts. s.e.. h District of Columbia. Priced right v Will include utilities. BEALL TURNER k CO. i 1105 Vermont Avc. Randolph 0885. National 6131 ;; COLONIAL VILLAGE , i‘« acres in Washington's most con . venient. exclusive neighbor. 50.62 sq. ft. fronting West Beach dr. (fat ing Rock Creek Park) and Yorktow: rd., incl. corner: suitable for 5 lgt . lots; close to stores, schools and a I conveniences, yet an attractive se " eluded community. To reach: Ou lflth at. n.w. to Kalmia rd.. left t „ West Beach dr., right 2 blocks t o Yorktown rd. '■ CLASSMAN BROS., LO. 8-88*6 —17 i LOTS fir ACREAGE FOR SALE (Continued > 4 SEMIDET. LOTS EACH 28 FEET WIDE BARGAIN PRICE Splendid section southeast on the south side of Chesapeake st.. 27 feet east cl the corner of 4th st.; water, sewer in and paid for; street being improved by District; two blocks to bus. Price. $5,250. Located in the District of Columbia. Zoned 40-A for homes or apartments. BEALL TURNER & CO.. 1105 Vermont ave.. Randolph 0885. National 61 ftl. •_ TEMPLE HILLS PARK This beautiful subdivision lies on a high and healthy plateau about 6 miles from U. S. Capitol on Temple rd. Lot 50x200. from $600 each: STS per lot cash and S3 per mo. Will sell lots on paved Temple rd. at higher price and better terms Buy as a wartime investment or homeslte. See property. Go to 5201 Temple rd . new brick rambler. Mrs. Guer rieri. BEALL TURNER & CO., RA 0885, NA. 61.11_• 50 Acres, Sewer and Water Fronting on 2 main highways. Close in Fairfax County. 20 per cent cash. Will subrogate. Call W. J. W. FATR CHILD. OW 0811. _ -—23_ OVER 300 ACRES NEAR SHIRLEY HWY. For less than the value of the land alone, we will sell you a close-in farming estate with handsome 9 room rambler with 2 tile baths and a moaern Kitchen plus a historic old house, modernized to provide present-day comforts plus outbuild ing that include poultry facilities for 6.000 chickens. This land is outstanding for scenic beauty anc is an excellent investment The Drice of the land and buildings 1? 5100.000: 525.000 down. Shown bj appointment. MASON HIRST Annandale. Va. Phone FA. 7441 Closed Sundays. _ '$'275 TO $895 Beautiful selection of acre lots anc acreage, in nearby Howard anc Montgomery Counties; liberal terms You can’t miss if you want i suburban home site and independ ence. KENSINGTON REALTY CO. LO. 5-2400. LANHAM PARK • Out Defense Hwy). Beautiful Home Sites $750. $100 down—$15 monthly CMy water—paved streets—phone electric.—good bus and train facili ties. Directions: Bladensburg road to Peao Cross: turn right—out Defense high way 5 miles to large sign "Lanhan Park" on left side of Defense high way. For further Information call THOMAS F. HALLEY. Realtor. Office open JO a m. to 6 p m. UNlon 7049 “ NORTH ARLINGTON " Approximately 25 acres ln close-li section; wooded rolling land; a! utilities are either running througi or are available to property; io details call LURIA BROS. OPEN ’TILL 9 2300 Wilson Blvd., OW. 8500 __ —18 HOMESITES IN HOMEWOOD $600 to $1,000 On easy terms you can buy a beauti ful wooded knoll wide enough fo a rambler and containing from 1 to ** acre within 25 minutes o town; restrictions permit you ti • build your own home but protec 1 the neighborhood: Homewood i convenient to the new Shirley high way. For details call MASON HIRST Annandale. Va. phone FA. 7447. Closed Sundays, —18 LOTS fr ACREAGE WANTED 5-1* DESIRABLE LOTS, with sewe and water in. wanted by butldei 1 Call MR COHiev nr aasa _i REAL ESTATE WANTED LET US SELL your home. Multlpl listed with 45 brokers and 200 sales ■reiv special. Md properties. BROW AOEKCY SH. 3444; eves SL 0761 CASH FOR HOU8ES OR LOTS FRE APPRAISALS SCOTT SANDER! i 5121 MacARTHUR BLVD , OR 567) I Home Wanted In Fairfax County. Vs ATTENTION FRANKLIN PARK HOMECWNERS [ We have a client with all cash wh , wants an older home she can reno i vate and redecorate in Frankli i Park area. JA. 4-1880; eves. KI I 3-8608. JOHN H. MILLER. Jr. i BRO.. Realtor. —'.’1 WILL BUY PROPERTY Brick or frame: white or coloref quick settlement. Cal! MR MILLET ME. 1220; eves.. SL. 6221 IMMEDIATE CASH POJ^YOTTR HOME COE * CO R1 LIST YOUR HOUSE HIGHEST PRICES PAII We need homes for the homeles: Don’t Wait, Don’t Dela1 CALL TODAY ST. 3323 PHILLIPS & COMPANY SEASHORE PROPERTY RENT—Furnished, modern bungalo ior season; shower, electricity, ga: Colonial Beach. Va.. phone WC BETHANEY BEACH. DEL.—3-bed*rn house. 1 blk. from ocean. Coran turn.. $65 per wk. Cali OR. 553; WATERFRONT PROP, FOR SAL ; BEVERLY BEACH on Chesapeas Bay — Desirable lot. waterfror . privileges; terms: E KALB Be 17 Mavo Md WOODLAND BEACH — 4404 Shoi drive, new modern cottage, boat an i furnishings Included. 54.350. JAMt \ E. MAHONEY. HU. 5410. —20 BEAUTIFUL BEACH ESTATE—Love wooded setting of 3 acres on kno 1 overlooking broad expanse an water. Wonderful house with nli bedrms. and 5 baths. Tremendoi rms.. llv. rm . 18x38, with lge fir: ; Place and gabled celling; 96 ft. i screened porches; fine pew kitche and laundry equipment; new c furnace, h.-w.h. Three-car garaf with 2 rms. and bath above. Lg . dock where 32-ft. boat can be hoiste out of water under roof, sun dec! men's and women’s bath houses an showers. This Is not a flimsy shac! This is a wonderful year rour home. Also suitable for convalesce: home or organizational use. 45 ml; j from Wash.: close to new dual higl . way. Price $45,000. For aopt. ca . J. C. SMITH, OL "084 SAMUE , E. BAGLEY. Rockville 2800. —19 1 ' ----- )! ;! Ocean Beach, Md. t On The 8 \ Atlantic Ocean B ' ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF LOTS AVAILABLE AT 1 , ! flirro j tpOcMJ > I |The last and the verv best of th r| great Atlantic Ocean beaches j now being offered for communil 'j development. 1 Only at OCEAN BEACH can you bu so close to Washington, cottage siti of approximately one-half acre ft ; the amazingly low price of $550. C!see for yourself how. at OCEA M BEACH, the sun. the sand and ti • | sea. combined by the wondroi artistry of nature, have created ■ beautiful wonderland of restful ri > laxatlon. Take this delightful dri\ • today. See the widest anti bes' • Planned beach on the Atlant Ocean Beautiful, large half-aci sites can be yours for the rest t your life for only $550 ($75 dowi - $10 monthly). Choice commercii ■ sites are also available. ; May we lnvite 70u to enjoy a dav i 1 OCEAN BEACH. Bring the who . family for a springtime picnic an . outing right on the Atlantic Oceai Enjoy a day of healthful relaxatic . on the sunny sands of OCEA : BEACH. ■ How to reach OCEAN BEACH. MD I from Washington: Take D. S. Rout . j 50 through Annapolis to Chest j "rake Bay ferry, follow V. S. Roul : 50 through Cambridge. Salisbui | and Berlin. Md. ConMnue on IT i Route 50 five miles, then turn rigi on Route 611 to OCEAN BEACH. 1-orusentative on property evory da until dark. For dot?iled rout" mai movies of the boa"1' and 'nformation. oomr in to th" cffit ‘oday. Reservations taken in th" o 1"- at current prices, subject to late "spection. LEON ACKERMAN Suite lot). Barr Building 910 17th St. N.W. Phone EX. 2999 or RE. 33:12 Office Hours. 9 to 7 Daily Including Sunday _7ft i WATERF'T PROF. SALE (ContJ BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT BOMB on South River. 8 bcdrms.. 2 baths, redec.; lge. lot. Riperian rights. Ideal for boats Easily conv. to yr. round home Owner leav. town. $11. 500. Allowance (or cash. WO. 0719. —20 SHADY SIDE. MD.— See A. W AN DREWS for best lots, houses and acreage. On West River and Chesa. Bay, $500 up. West River 5741. » Year Round on the Water Situated on beautiful Breton Bay. with an unsurpassed 10-mile view down to the bay and across to the Virginia shore. Exceptional center-hall plan, brick home containing 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on second floor. 1st fl. has din rm . liv. rm.. a very large pan eled den, with picture window and fireplace, kitchen, pantry, powder rm. and screened porch. 3rd fl. hat 2 additional rms. and large storage closets; dry basement, with auto, oil h.-w. heat; det. garage, with maid's rm. and workshop. Approx. 2 acres in lawn and garden. Unusually low priced at only $37,500; 24 add. acres available. Shown by appt. only with Mr. Addi son <eves.. DE 5133). DI. 8092. Wm. M. Throckmorton 201 Investment. Realtor. —18 CAPE ST. MARY’S ON THE BEAUTIFUL PATUXENT Miles of white sandy shores, sparkling blue salt water. Your opportunity tg buy a beautiful homesite. $495 : Other sites proportionately priced, i Terms if desired. Drive down today. linen c. „ -j _ _ DIRECTIONS Drive out: Pa, ave. s.e.. turn right Bn Branch ave. to Silver Hill, follow Route 5 to T B. Triangle. Route 301 to Waldorf, left at Waldorf through Hughesville. straight ahead, follow our aign CAPE ST. MARY’S FIELD OFFICE ON PROPERTY SMITH BROS . MORS. KEXTMOO'R ' | EASTERN SHORE . FINEST SUBDIVISION Opposite Naval Academy BATHING—FISHING Boating, Sandy Beaches I at Your Front Door NEW HOMES 1 JUST COMPLETED, 3 BEDRMS., KNOTTY PINE LIV. RM., TILi BATH. ALL-YEAR HEATING PLANT. SPACIOUS LOTS j FROM $100 UP BOAT HARBOR For Details Call Agent TA. 1556 __—m WATERFRONT PROP. FOR RENT BEVERLY BEACH—Apts . *35 week: cottages. $55 ud. Lots and cottage* for sale W. E. CRISER. Beverly Beach. Mayo. Md West River 4021. BEVERLY BEACH—Large furnished i cottage cool screened porches, beach II privileges included. Call DU. 8071. —23 ;; NORTH BEACH—Oil heat, gas range: newly decorated. DI. 9321 after 6 p.m. • COLONIAL BEACH. VA. — 8-room bungalow. Fenced in yard. 1st and Bryant sts. $50 per wk . $150 per | mo, $375 for season. EM. 7428 • SHERWOOD FOREST — Beautifully | furn. 4-bedrm.. 2-bath cottage All mode:n convs. June 15 to Sept. ■ 15. Restricted. TA. 1482. —20 r LONG BEACH on Chesapeake Bay, nicely furn house, accommodate 9. 1 mo. or season. TA. 3769 after 8:30. WATERFRONT PROP. WANTED e WE NEED LOTS and cottages for sale or rent, near D. C Mall aU 1 Particulars to KAY REALTY CO.. . 5505 Georgia ave. n.w —18 j5 FLORIDA PROPERTY. T HOUSE. Hialeah, Fla.: 2 b.r. and H. | Will trade, sell, exchange occupancy, i D C . Md.. Va . for eauity. eauly. ■V valna r.T loam TT1 :On" OAt 1 VACATION PLACES MURRAY BAY. Canada—Housekeep - j ing cottages. $300 and $400 sea* | son. also monthly. EM. 9013. —1H REAL ESTATE LOANS PRIVATE INVESTOR wants to buy good 2nd trust note at reasonable discount; please state address and . amount of 1st trust. Bo* 198-C. Star. _22 CASH FOB 1st AND tog TRUST ) NOTES incl 1st trust; on acreage: Oulek settlement- white or colored notea in D C. Md end Va. FULTON 1 R GORDON, the Colorado Bldg, 14th and O ats n.w DI 6230. . Brokers, attention rntsT and second trust loans. BARTOW REALTY CO.. Realtor* J331 O at. nw ME 2495 MON Elr ON SECOND TRUST—W« , will bur second-trust notes. D. C_ nearbr Md or Va. Reasonabla rates, NATIONAL MORTGAGE * INVEST . UENT CORP.. 1.312 N V are n w. r' National R888 . TRUSTS. 1st 2nd and 3rd: Md.. Va,. D, c.; week's service. ADAM® R|ALTVo CO 905 N. Y. ave. n.w, .. first TRUST LOANS on real estatoi low rates. 3-to-5-year terms ana . monthly payments. P. J WALSHE. g INC. 1115 Eye st. n.w, NA 6488. . SPOT CASH FOR 2nd TRUSTS. .1 -Vi to 4 rV DISCOUNT. '_MR. QUICK. RA. 341S. I9« * GI and CONVENTIONAL LOANS s; Immediate Service v| CALL ST. 3323 n PHILLIPS & COMPANY : STloans - ANY AGE, LOC., COND. 'f ALSO CONSTRUCTION AND PERIL n FHA-COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL '> LEACH & CRONIN , EVENING APPOINTMENT* d LO. 5-3737 LO. 6-277* • LOANS d --.-_ t SECOND TRUST MONEY AVAILABLE 1 AND NOTES PURCHASED. CAlX -i MR. MILLER ME 1220; EV* 11; NINOS. SL 6221 L; SECOND TRUSTS, D. C„ Md! ' and Va. Free appraisals, im ‘ mediate handling. Call DU. I 6662, daily and evenin|s, MONEY WANTED <2.000 CASH on 2nd trust wanted. 1st tiust. 80.700. Value house. $12., 950 GI financed. JU. 7-6046. —1* AVIATION CFB- 1946. J3 recovered and over hauled. Privately owned. 150 hrs. total time. On wheels, and floata extra. Call FA. 3581. —18 BOATS FOAM RUBBER bunk mattresses, any iiiP.Si shape; seat cushions. LATEX FOAM PRODUCTS CO.. 807 H i* Ul. UOo i . CABIN B0AT' 36x9 ft., with 6-91 Gray marine motor; sleeps 4; has e f^’ley„he,ad: 800d cond-- Ideal flsh si «Q8;„all^pleas4re: owner transferred: y S950 Greenbelt 5374. —17 FAKTIES—Chesapeake Bay, Eastern_ Ba Gooses Herrins y ‘"Cf. yai-r. KING, WA. 4192. s Wfc HAVE l 1951 new 38-ft. Bteel r PiiniE av(a! at)T for early delivery: choice oi power and color. This Is * ®%£e and beautiful boat and haa 1 SP/Jjfortable sleeping accommoda e tions for 4 people. Galley and tna 8 BBS, a WU1 conblder trade, a ni£« depends on power selected - fTEEXCRAFT WASHINGTON CO . e Maine and M st. s.w., 8T. 4145. c CUSTOM-BUILT 1946. 23 by 7~small e cabin: Chrysler marine engine for f I?*!* salti $600. Can be seen Sat. and i. bun_at Brooms Is HI. 7785 _17 il OUTBOARD MOTOR, 6-h.p. Wizard, cost $16,, will sell for $90; used ycry littie UN. 9898 —16 t RACING SAILBOAT, 22-ft. Star 602 e comp, overhauled: 2 sets sails, st d steel rigging, lolding anchor, trailer: i. exceptional buy for individual or n group: $4,o. LO, 3*7735 —23 8 NEW II-FT. CEDAR PLANKED, "out board. speedboat lines; 6-ft deck. m»h. transom and trim: 5323. AL. *•»<!». _29 e SLOOP, Indian Landing 20, center. . hoard. 20 ft. by 6 ft. 4 in. by 4 ft. e 6 In.; satis outboard: welded trailer: y other extras. JE. 3-7365. 20 t ARf?,V,NJ' SAT MAY 19. America’* t outstanding runabout, The Shep herd: free demonstrations in th» beautiful and fast convertibla , c1.?*??,,; and ft- models from , $,!.19n: immediate deliver'' - STEO-!,CRAFT WASHINGTON CO Arc. and M st, S.W. ST 4145 ^ _—23 _MOTORCYCLES HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1949; “Al" o. h.v.l. excellent, condition: lots of extias: 10.000 miles; 1 owner; 5650; X*8 arl®.t=U8ff1 last ycar- Phone Ash ton 4646 after 6 p.m 17 ’16 CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER. a®od condition; must sell, best offer. JO 2-9155. °o* 1