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AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS HOLLYWOOD MUFFLER he&dQUar ters lor D. C. and Maryland. Or the spot Installations, small add! tional charge. J. AND J. SPEED SHOF 9205 Baltimore Blvd. AP 1600 Open 8-6 wk. days. Closed Sundays _—18_ WE NEED GOOD USED TIRES FOR RETREADING Top Prices Paid Clean Out Your Garage —Turn Those Old Tires Into Cash! FIRESTONE STORES 13th and K N.W.. 604 R. I. Ave. N.E 8517 Ga. Ave.. Silver Spring, Md. 4043 28th 8t. So.. Arl.. Va. 1100 North Highland St.. Arl.. Va. TRAILERS HLLTER TRAILER SALES Berwyn now haa a lge display of Doth new and used trailers: very good assort ment: clean used trailers ranging in size from 18 to 83 ft priced from *500 to *2 750. terms « to t rrs Phone TO 5111 GLIDER HOUSE TRAILER. 1848: elec, refgr. bunk beds. elec, hot water heater. Aluminum exterior. A-1 cond Kl. 8-9054. 143 Tem ple Trailer Village. Alex.. Va —19 FOR SALE—2 bedrm.. liv. rm.. din rm.. kit.: apt. size stove, refgr.; poss. immediately No. 40 Temple Trailer Village. Alexandria. Va. HOWARD 1947: 28 ft.; 3 comnlete rooms; incl. dolly and washing ma chine. Inquire 503 Gunston drive. Hybla Valley Farms. Rte. No. 1, Va. *lj400 or best offer. 17* •'-FT. ALUM., sleeps 4: bottled gas, refgr., oil heat. 4-wheel elec, brakes; like new: S1.5SO. WA. 3862. —19 Trailer Values *42 Camping trailer _S 145 *39 Harriss. 18 ft. _S 650 *42 Elcar 24 ft. _$1,095 *40 Schult. 27 ft. _$1,450 *45 American 27 ft._$1,695 *48 Travelo 20 ft. _$1,795 *48 Zimmer. 27 ft. _$1,995 American Trailer Co.. Inc. 4030 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. WO. 3231. GARAGES MODERN' HEATED BRICK GAR., 60-car capacity plus outside park ing space: vicinity 25th st. and Que st. n.w. With or without Govt, lease. Act quickly, call owner. TA. 1469 Oetween 7 and 10 a m and 5 and 10 p.m. —22 1314 16th ST. N.W.. at Scott Circle —Parking space for 1 car: $10 month. See manager or phone MI. 5129.—18 AUTOS b TRUCKS FOR HIRE TAN TRUCK, any size job. prompt service: reas.: local or long distance. TA. 2937; alter 7 p.m . GE. 1416 18* AUTO & TRUCKS WANTED PREWAR CARS that are nice and clean. 1 will pay the last top dol lar for them Prefer Fords and Chevs.. and other brands as well Call or come to 5100 Georgia ave n.w. HARRIS AUTO SALES: ask for Mr. Coward or Mr. Williams. TU 2627. —24 FAIR. HONEST APPRAISALS ol all makes of cars are assured it MrKEE-PON TT AC 1834 I st n w ME 0400 1946 TO 1951—All makes ana sta wagons. Drive in with your title for more cash, or will pay off bal WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sts n.w., EX. 5562. WILL PAT CASH for clean cars, any make, any model: see Mr. Dunnigan ROYAL MOTORS. INC.. IS Ken nedy st. n.w FOR WARM WELCOME and cold cash, see or call us before selling your car. HAINES MOTOR CO.. 3600 Bladensburg rd.. Cottage City. Md. WA 6500 or 16 Mass. ave. n.w ST. 2288. open eves and Sunday. WILL PAY TO THE OWNERS of clean prewar cars the highest prices In Washington guaranteed; Fords. Chevrolets and Plymouths preferred In any model. HARRIS AUTO SALES. 5100 Georgia ave.. TU 2626. ask for Mr. Williams. —23 STl'DEBAKERS 1947 to 1951, also other makes METROPOLITAN MOTORS. 1900 Bladensburg rd.. LA. 6-9776. • WESTERN BUYER Das immed. cash for nice low mileage cars MORRIS HUGHES 7612 Ga ave. RA 1122 PREMIUM PRICES for clean, late mode) cars EDMOND'S MOTORS. INC.. CH 4300. Wilson blvd at N Jackson Arl. Va (Dr Lie No 961 NORTH CAROLINA DEALER will pay top cash dollar for 100 clean cars. '38 to '50 models. 1801 Mt. Ver non ave.. Alex. Va. TE. 9704. —19 supply; experienced only. Call TU. 0661. —21 CAROLINA DEALER will pay big price lor clean car. '36 to ’48 mod els. 4310 R. t ave. n.e.. UN. P019 —20 HAVE 1950 WILLYS station wagon o.d and heater; 6,000 miles; need H-ton truck, prefer 4-speed trans mission. LO. 5-2233. —20 WILL BUY 1939 Ford, standard, or 1940 Ford de luxe business coupe. Perfect condition. Write to DAVID SON, Suite 914. National Press Bid* —19 OWNER OPERATED TRUCKS wanted to haul bldg, material. OT. 9276. —22 ANY MAKE. ANY MODEL Drive in open lot. see Mi. Beach, for cash, trade, terms. BEACH MOTORS. 1810 14th St. N.W. ON THE SPOT* CASH For clean pre-war cars. We will pay off your unpaid bajance and give you the difference in cash Drive in at our convenient downtown location for a free appraisal at no obliga tion to you Plenty of parking. OPEN DAILY. 8 A M TO 9 PM. SAFEWAY MOTORS 1300 14th St N.W,. NO. 1111 WANTED, 100 CARS •86 to '50 Bring title. II ear H financed we will pay off balance, so dickering, immediate cash. See be fore you seU HOYLE MOTOR SALES. 1345 Que st n.w DU. 8300 CADILLACS WANTED <46 to ’60 models. See us before you trade or sell your Cadillac. Wi will pay *ou top cash orlee. HOYLE MOTOR SALES 1345 Qua st n.w DP 8300__ TOP CASH ALL MAKES We pay off any balance Bring title— No delay PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M St. N.W., Ml. 0185 LOST 8100 by s certain man in Arlington who sold his car to a neighbor with out first getting an offer from Arlington Motor Co. (1 Block South of Key Bridge.) 1917 North Moore St. OW. 8787. TRUCKS FOR SALE IORD ’50 Va ton pickup: 4 000 mi new car title. $1,195. EDGEMOOF MOTOR CO. 'Ford) 5335 Wis. ave n.w. OR. 8093. CHEVROLET 1946 Va-ton panel: lov mileage: excellent cond.: fully guar anteed: $495 NA 64*20. INTERNATIONAL Va-ton Metros 0 on hand* 1947 and 1948 as low a $695: all excel, cond. AERO AUT< CO.. 1101 King st.. Alex.. Va.. KJ 8-8025. —18 CHEVROLET sedan deliveries (5 o imiiu; ail u to. ao a $600; all in excel, cond. AER< AUTO CO.. Alex.. Va.. KI. 8-8025 —18 DODGE '45 stake boriv. 2-soeed real long wheel base; $305. LI. 3-666C CHEVROLET TRUCK 40 half-ton good condition. RE. 9033. —17 PICKUP TRUCK. >2 ton; good con dition. TO. 0100 days; OR. 3546 eves, and Sunday. —20 INTERNATIONAL (2) 1946 1'4-tOl K5 trucks, special panel; owner driven. 915 R. I. ave. n.e. NO 9858. —20 FORD TRUCK, 'i-ton panel: ’50 mo tor; r. and h.; excel, shape; bar gain price $395. 3100 Hamlltoi at.. Hyattsvilie, Md. —-19 FORD '50 "8” F-3 express: new truck condition; $1,295. MONROI FORD. 1237 East-West hwy.. Silve; Spring, Md. SL. 7804. DODGE 1947 l'.a-ton; excel, cond. tires all in good cond.: $875; cai be seen at 5230 Georgia ave. n.w Esso Station, phone RA. 4930 —20 ^EDERALS 1948 3-ton dumps (3) used only 1 year; 4-yard bodies these are good. Federal 1949 4-ton sleeper-cab trac tor; a One road truck: excellen throughout. White 1946 WA26 tractor; excel cond.: low price. Studebaker 1950 1'4-ton stake 5.000 actual miles; like nev throughout. SHERIFF MOTOR CO., 900 R. I. AVE "TRUCK VALUES •47 GMC '/a-ton panel_$64! •47 GMC 1-ton pickup-$74! '47 Ford 'A-ton panel _$54! •46 Chevrolet '4-ton panel-$49; '46 Ford ‘a-ton pickup_ $59! '42 GMC 'a-ton panel- $34! '46 Int. 1 ‘4-ton van _... $76; GMC Truck & Coach Div 80 M St N.E.. ME. 0505. AUTOMOBILES F0R~SALE ANGLIA 1948; orlg. black finish: r« dlo, very economical transportatlor only $585: 4-mo. guar. HILL ft Til BUTTS, 1114 Vermont ave. n.t Wash.’* Oldest Ford Dealer N/ 9850 4 AUTOS FOR SALE (Cont.) ANGLIA '48 3-dr. sedan; excellent condition inside and out; $445 McNEIL MOTORS. 4034 Wls. ave. n.w. EM. 7388. or CO. 3163. —1!) AUT1N 1951 sedan; sun root, offi cial car; $1,346. JACK PRY, 14th and P sis. n.w. —31 AUSTIN 1961; Brand-new, immediate delivery; $1,585. MANHATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO, Authorized Austin Sales. Service. Parts Both sides 7th st. at R n.w. NO. 7657 BUICK i960 Special de luxe 4-dr.; gray, heater, defroster, seat covers; pvt. owner; $1,585 or best offer SL. 5178. —17 BUICK 1949 Super convertible • straight shift!; r. and h, w.-w. tires, gray; red leather upholstery; new black top; $1,595. TA, 8819. — 18 BUICK 1940 Special; new paint, s. c, r and h.; good condition; $300 or best offer AL. 4543. —31 BUICK '48 convertible; new top and tires; $1,396. 1833 16th st. n.w, DU. 3655. after 6 weekdays, MR POSTON —31 BUICK '39 Special 4-dr. Original black. Body like new. clean inside $100 down, $30 mo. to good credit SH. 0107. —17 BUICK. 1949 Roadmaster 4-door sedan. Equipped with Dynaflow. radio, heater w.-w tires and direc tional signals. Has very little mileage and carries a full guaran tee. Will accent a trade as down payment. $1,695. E. W. Erlcson. BURROWS MOTOR CO, LI. 3-3174. _] £ BUICK 1948 super black sedanette: r. and h, w.w. tires, mileage under 16.000; $1,345. NA. 8113. —17 BUICK '49 convertible; $1,585. Why pav more? or< bank financing. AUTO AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Pd. LI. 3-8800. BUICK 1950 Super Reviera club! B11UI VWL1I ulOVb lull' r. and h.: Dynaflow; positively like new: $1,995 cash, trade or terms. WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sts. n.w.. EX. 5562. —17 BUICK 1946 Super: orig. finish: 22, 009 mi : pvt. owned; fully equipped; $825. OR. 8162, before 5. —18 BUiCK ’47 4-door Super; 1 owner garaged 28.000 miles, r and b black, perf.; 51.095 or best offer MR. CAMPBELL. AD. 4250. —19 BUICK 1949 super sedanette. with Dynaflow, r. and h. and w.-w. tires: $1,495; bank-rate financing. At the AUTO MART. 3465 Benning rd. n.e. LI. 4-0111. BUICK 1947 sedan: $785. Why pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bladensburg Rd LI. 3-8800. BUICK 1939 special sedan, black, r. and h.. ’48 motor, good tires, excel. ( cond.; $295 or best offer. CH. 7115. ... —18 BUICK 1941 Super de luxe Club coupe: radio, heater; finest condi tion; $405. terms. •ROPER." 18th and R. 1. ave. n.e. 18‘ BUICK 40 convertible: $1,585. Why pay more? f><7 bank financing. AUTO AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. BUICK '50 1-dr. sedan; r. and h.; good mechanical cond. excel, tires; $275 OR. 5211. after 6 p.m. —18 BUICK '40 Super Dynaflow 4-dr. se dan; sunmist gray, excel, cond.. only 16.000 miles; r and h.. pvt. owner. $1,405. Pho..e Daleview 9025. —20 BUICK 47 Super conv.: 1 owner; 55.000 mi.; garaged; like new; r. and h.; practically new w.-s.w. tires; perf. top. $1,395. SL. 9328 —20 BUICK 1947 sedan; $785. Why pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bladensburg Rd LI. 5-8800. BUICKS 194b (1 sedanette. 1 sedan). Your choice. $895. These cars have original black finish. A car you will be proud to own. Both are fully equipped. First come, first served These won't stay long Bank rate financing. At the AUTO MART. 3465 Benning rd. n.e LI. 4-0111 CADILLAC '46 Hydra-Matlc: $985 Why pay more? bci bank financing AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8.800. CADILLAC 49 De Ville; r. and h.. Hydra-.Matic. electric windows, w.s. w. tires, glossy black finish; a low-mileage. 1 -owner car. I beleive this is the cleanest '49 in town. $2,995. HOYLE MOTOR SALES 1345 Que st. n.w.. DU. 8300. —18 CADILLAC 1941 "61" 4-dr.; radio, neater; good paint and tires; excel lent condition inside and out; SI .295. HOYLE MOTOR SALES l.)4o Que st. n.e., DU. 8300. —IS CADILLAC: practically new. r. and h . only 11,000 miles. $3,000. Call RA. 4141 after 5:30 p.m. —If: CADILLAC '46 Hydra-Matlc; $985. Why pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. CADILLAC 1941 de luxe sed.; r.. h i beautiful, new-car condition; brand new tires, sacrifice. $ti95, terms ' "ROPER” 18th and R. I. ave. n.e.; CADILLAC *47 “02” black sedan; 51.495; Hydra., r. and h.. abso lutely immaculate; baDk-rate financ ing. At the AUTO MART. 3405 Bennlng rd. n.e. LI. 4-0111 CADILLAC '47 4-dr.: jet black finish, r. and h.; w.-w. tires. Hydra, dr.; i lOOe-r guar.; $1,595. ROYAL MO TORS. INC., Chrysler-Plymouth. 15 Kennedy st. n.w.. TU. 2438. _18 I CHEVROLET 1947 2-dr. sedan: heat er. gcod tires, excellent black finish; exceDtionaliv good value; $795 i HOYLE MOTOR SALES. 1345 Que1 st. n.w.. DU. 8300. —18 CHEVROLET '48 sedan; *785. Why pay more? S'”, bank financing. AUTO AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. CHEVROLET 1942 2-door 5-passenger sedan: has '48 motor. Bargain. $295 ALEXANDER NASH. 1705 Mt. Ver non ave.. AL. 2330: eves 'til 9. —17 CHEVROLET '48 4-dr. sedan. A very clean ear at a real bargain of $845. Liberal terms, cash or trade. COLUMBIA MOTORS. 14th and Fla. ave n.w. AD. 6429. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m —20 CHEVROLET 1941 cpe.; reduced to sell lmmed. for $295 cash, or lib eral terms. Open 'til 9 p.m.. Sun. 'til 6 p.m. COLUMBIA MOTORS. 14th and Fla. ave. n.w. AD. 6429. —20 CHEVROLET 1948 Fleetline 4-door; r. and h.. seat covers, two-tone fin ish, ton mechanical condition, fine tires. Today's special at $1,099 Only $363 down Written warranty. Open evee 'til 9 COA8T-IN PON TIAC CO. 427 Fla ave. n.e AT I CHEVROLET '49 4-dr. sedan: looks and rune like new; $1,095. Cash terms or trade COLUMBIA MO TORS. 14th and Fla. ave. n w. AD 6429 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. —20 CHEVROLET '48 sedan; $785. Why pay moie? 5<”, bank financing. AUTO AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. CHEVROLET 1950 de luxe 4-dr.; excellent cond.: 7 'mos. old; 10, 000 ml.; owner going overseas; $1 - 725 or best offer. MRS GERTZ, LI. 5-6700. Ext. 01455. bet. 8-4:30 19* CHEVROLET 1960 2-door sedan: equipped, new, used 8 months; to close estate; $1,550. J. C. JENKINS. 3307 Cleveland ave. n.w., OR, 5712. CHEVROLET 1949 de luxe sedanette: has hardly been used; lots of extraB and Is guaranteed. A real buy at $1,295 E W. Erlcson. BURROWS MOTOR CO.. LI. 3-3174. —18 CHEVROLET ’50 Fleetline de luxe 2-dr., r. and h., turn signals, new car guarantee; $1,495. ROYAL MOTORS, INC., Chrysler-Plymouth, 15 Kennedy st. n.w., TU. 2438. —18 CHEVROLET 1947 club coupe; r. and h other accessories: good buy; $850 Call HO. 0500, Ext. 813. - 17 CHEVROLET 1948 conv.: excel, cond. Low mileage; one owDer; $1,000. Call CH 8992. —18 CHEVROLET '49 club cpe.; 14.900 careful miles: de luxe htr.. dir. sig., back-up lights: orig. owner; perf cond.; $1,395 cash Vienna 157-J. —18 CHEVROLET 1950 Styleline 2-door de luxe sed.; black, r. and h . seat cov. underroated. 8.90n mi. Only owner, $1,050 OL. 3181. 18' CHEVROLET 1941 4-door Fleetline; r. and h., seat covers, clean, $375 CH. 4492. —17 CHEVROLET 1950 sedan delivery I 7,non miles DU. 7948. —18 (CHEVROLET '49 2-door Fleetllne de Iluxe; good w.-w. tires, extras, new car cond.. immaculate throughout: $1,275. WI. 8887. CHEVROLET '48 Fleetmaster. r. and h., low mileage, exceptionally clean, excl. cond. $995. JA. 2-1521. —18 ’(CHEVROLET 1950 conv. coupe; perf., '! clean, low mileage, r. and h.: $1, ■ 695. By OWNER. Sligo 5820 ot I TU. 3900. ’iCHEVROLET 1949 sedan; $1,195 ’l de luxe 4-door; r. and h. and seat ' covers; with ultrablack finish: bank rate financing. At the AUTO MART 3465 Bennlng rd. n.e. LI. 4-0111 ' CHEVROLET ’50 Fleetline de luxe 2-dr sedan: r. and h.; beautifu ■j metallic green finish; excelled tires. $1.49.7 CAPITOL CADILLAC ■ OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st n.w. ST. 2600. CHEVROLET 1948. conv.: 23.000 ml.; r and h.; sev covers; ji.uao. in, ' 8438. , „ —19 CHEVROLET 1950 de luxe 6-passen ger coupe; r. and h., other extras; 19 000 miles; one owner. $1,450. SL. 9292. CHEVROLET ’42 club coupe: excel, cond throughout; approx 300 ml. since motor was overhauled. Only ! $295. HI. 9679. -19 CHEVROLET 1949 Special 2-dr. se dan. heater: $1,145. BETHESDA MOTORS. INC., 4702 Miller ave.. OL. 1090. —18 CHEVROLET ’50 Powergltde; cost $2,150, new in Oct.; 6,900 miles, ■ metallic green finish, undercoating back-up and directional lights. $1. 695. OWNER. LA. 6-6051. —20 CHRYSLER 1947 club coupe <N. Y.'; $1,095. This car is equipped with long-range radio and Mo-par air flow heater. This one a dream to own Bank rate financing At the AUTO MART, 3465 Benning rd. n.e. LI. 4-0111. CHRYSLER 1949 conv., late series: r and h., all accessories; low mile age; orlg. owner being transferred, will sell $1,950. DE. 5260. CHRYSLER 1948 club coupe: black auto. dr., r and h.. 1,900 mi., seat covers, 6 excel, tires; practically new; $1,150. AD. 1935. —18 CHRYSLER '48 Windsor 4-dr.: 1090 guar.; $1,195. P.OYAL MOTORS, INC., Chrysler-Plymouth, 15 Ken 1 nedy st. n.w.. TU. 2438 -18 ' CHRYSLER late 1949 light blue 4-dr ' sedan; radio, i.eater, seat covers: excel, cond.; orig. owner; 13.out mi. $1,875. SH. 1874. —20 ) CHRYSLER ’41 4-dr. ‘‘6’’; excep tionally clean; low mileage; full! equip.: must see to appreciate. $57( cash or $190 down. $40 mo. to re ■ liable party. 8H. 0107. —19 CHRYSLER ’48 Windsor 4-dr.; r. anc h„ w.-w. tires, 25,000 mi. Price $1,350. Like new inside and out - OWNER. SH. 6861. : CHRYSLER 1949 Windsor 4-dr.: r - and h.. low mileage: $1,395 '. MERCURY MOTOR SALES. 340( River rd., Alex., Va„ KI. 8-4071 —20 h | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHRYSLER '49 Windsor 4-dr.: w.-w. tires, beater; new-car guar.; $1,696. ROYAL MOTORS, INC.. Chrysler Plymouth. 16 Kennedy st n.w., TU. 2438. —18 DE SOTO 1947 4-door; automatic shift, turn signals, r. and h.. blow out proof tires, other extras; $930. OWNER. EL. 3839. —18 Dfc SOTO '49 Custom 4-dr.; r. and and h„ turn signals, late series: $1,595; new-car guar. ROYAL MOTORS. INC., Chrysler-Plymouth 15 Kennedy st. n.w., TU. 2438. —18 DE SOTO 1949 4-dr.; very clean: $1,345. MERCURY MOTOR SALES. 3400 River rd.. Alex., Va.. KI 8-4071. —20 DE SOTO 1941 sedan: radio, heater; finest condition: sacrifice. $345. terms. $125 down. "ROPER." 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. 18* DE SOTO 1947 Custom 4-door; $1,025; has lovely gray finish; r. and h. Interior has the very beauti ful Twitch-all green upholstery. This Is a one-owner car. Bank rate fi nancing. At the AUTO MART. 3465 Bennlng rd. n.e., LI. 4-0111. DE SOTO 1947 Custom sedan; excel, beige fin.; perfect mech.; auto-trans.; almost-new tires; heater, s.c.. back up light, turn signals, other extras: under 33.000 mi.; $1,245. DE. 5940. days: GE. 3071. eves. —20 DODGE ’47 sedan. $1,000. Call after 0 p.m.. SH. 5033. —18 DODGE 1950 4-door sedan, radio and heater; one owner; very clean car; dark gray; $1,025. NO. 8140. —18 DODGE '48 Custom 4-dr : i and h ; w.-w. tires; $1,395; 100% guarantee ROYAL MOTORS. INC., Chrysler Plymouth, 15 Kennedy si n w. TU 2438. —18 DODGE 1949 Coronet sedan; $1,185. Why pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburR Rd. LI 3-8800. DODGE 1948 2-dr. sedan; will ac cept 4J Chevrolet or Plymouth in trade; $975 Call after H p.m. LU. —II DODGE '47 Custom club cpe.; gray heater new s. c., 1 owner, 20,0(10 mi. w.-w. tires; $975. DE. 4558. —18 DODGE ’49 Coronet; 5 w.w. tires, directional lights, air cooler and heater, plastic s c., perfect cond , one owner; $1,600 or best offer. AD. 6610. —18 DODGE 48 Custom sedan; r. and h.. w.-w. tires, orig. blue finish: very clean throughout. A low-mileage, one-owner car. Reduced to $1,099; excellent financing, written war ranty. Open eves, till 9. COAST-IN PONTIAC. 427 Florida ave. n.e.. AT. 7200. —18 DODGE 42 Custom 4-dr.; r . h.. good cond ; no taxi. $450 or best. TE. 0098. 19 DODGE 1949 Coronet sedan: $1,185 Why pay more? o'-! bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. ■ ENGLISH MORRIS, conv. and new; ?l-60j>, 40 m.p g JOHN GIFFORD MOTORS. 3618 Lee hwy. Arlington JA. 0-1.109 Va. license 855. LORD 1950 custom "8" Fordor; radio, heater, seat covers. Jet-black finish. This car is In nice condi tion- Exceptionally good value. $1 395 HOYLE MOTOR SALES 134o Que st. n.w. DU. 8300. rORD 1840. $100. Call AP.”71*18 _17 i'ORD ’47 station wagon, excellent condition: reduced to sell Quickly at the amazingly low price of S895. terms or trade. COLUMBIA MOTORS. 14th and Fla. ave. n.w., AD. 6429. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. _20 ford ’50 Tudor Cust.; Alberta blue nn . r. and h . low mi.. 1 owner, excel, cond 3o-day guar ; only J}j395. COLONIAL OLDSMOBILE CO., 1241 6th st. n.e.. LI. 7-9346 —17 FORD 1949 station wagon. Looks and runs like a new car. A beau ti ul family car. A real bargain. ?l,34.-> Call E. W. Ericson. BUR ROWS MOTOR CO LI 3-3174 FORD 1948 Super de luxe station wagon: excel, cond. 4 new tires, extras: $1,085; pvt. owner. Cali JO 9-9128. 20 FORD 1949 conv.: gray. 1 owner, less than 15.000 miles actual mileage overdrive, undercoating, spotlight, back-up light, r. and h. $1,395 OW. 2675. —i s FORD convertible roadster: alumn. heads: dual manifold: 2 carbs : twin pipes: new interior: excel, cond.: $350. AT. 2643 after 5 D.m. FORD ’40 business coupe: new en ■ -A-n. -tansy., jsoo; IN A. 85.0. _19 FORD 1949 Custom “8"; radio, heat er w.-w. tires; excel, cond.; low mileage; SI 195. DE. 1286. —17 FORD ’48 F-6 dump; Va-yd. body, h d. hoist, fish plated, built up springs, h.d. tires, 2 sp. axle only, driven by owner very clean, ready to go to work: SI.795. Mr. Lewis. LOGAN (Ford), 1111 18th st. n.w DI. 5800. —20 FORD ’48 li-ton pickup: S795. EDGEMOOR MOTOR CO. (Ford). 5.335 Wls ave. n.w. OR. 8093. —18 'ORD 1947 1‘4-ton truck, new motor. Orig. owner: best offer; SL. 3362 FORD 1947 V-8 1‘4-ton trucT^Ex cellent mechanical cond. good tires Call MR. HARRIS. HO. 3500: eves. RA. 3867. —18 FORD ‘41 club coupe: r. and h.. very clean: only S395; will finance 4310 R I, ave. n.e. UN. 9019. FORD 1950 Crestliner: SI.595; beau tiful brown; hard top convertible; equipped with r. and h : low mile age; drive in style; bank rate financing at the AUTO MART. 3465 Bennlng rd. n.e. LI. 4-0111. FORD '51 Cust. 4-dr. sedan finished In Alpine blue. Fordomatic dr.; seat covert; w.-w. tires: air heater; radio and undercoating; lncludea 5 tires. This car has been used by our new car sales manager for his personal car:* not a demonstrator; driven 6.000 ml.; liberal reduction from orlg selling price: cost nearly *2.200; offered for S1.996. MON ROE FORD. 1237 East-West hwy.. SL. 7804. FORD '46 sedan delivery; A-l cond.: appearance One; $646. MONROE FORD. 1237 East-West hwy.. Silver Spring. Md. Sligo 7804. FORD '60 Cust. cl. cpe.: this next to a new car as to cond. and ap pearance has been the personal car of our service mgr.; naturally It has had the best of care and serv ice: equip, with o. d.. heater, radio, undercoating: Sheridan blue. We are offering this fine car at *1.645. Liberal allowance on your present car In trade. MONROE FORD. 1237 East-West hwy.. SL. 791)4. FORD 1950 sedan; $1,185. Why pay more? 5% bank financing AUTC AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla dcnsburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. FORD '50 Custom de luxe 6edan metallic green finish: r. and h.: ex cellent tires: $1,496. CAPITOl CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO.. 122' 22nd st. n.w., ST. 2600. FORD 1936 coupe; passed Va. Inspec tion; motor good, radio: $126. 1004 Marshall st.. Falls Church. Va After 5 p.m. 18* FORD 1950 bus. coupe; new cond Leaving for Europe, forced to sell $1,176. DU. 9876. MR. ABDOH. —If FORD 1950 Cust. "8" Tudor; 11.000 mi.; r. and h.. seat covers, orig owner; $1,525. will take trade. JE 3-8155. FORD 1949 Cust. "8" Tudor; over drive and fully equipped, 1-ownei car; an excellent buy at only $1. 095. EDMONDS MOTORS (Ford) Wilson blvd. at No. Jackson, Arl. Va.. CH. 4300. FORD 1950 de luxe Tudor; equip, orig. black finish. This car can not be told from new; only $1,345 EDMONDS MOTORS (Ford). Wilson blvd. at No. Jackson, Arl., Va., CH. 4300. FORD 1947 station wagon: wood is in surprisingly good condition; $"i95 EDMONDS MOTORS (Ford). Wiison blvd. at No. Jackson. Arl., CH. 4300 FORD 1950 Custom "8” Tudor; beau tiful black; $1,495. EDMONDS MO TORS (Ford). Wilson blvd. at No Jackson. Arl. Va.. CH. 4300. FORD 1950 convertible: black with tan top, r.. h.. w.-w. tires, rec leather upholstery; low miles; perf co-nd. $1,795. LA. 6-7587. —19 FORD 1936 sport cpe.: r. and h. Hollywood muffler, skirts, rear deck leaded. $175. RA. 2095. FORD 1950 sedan; $1,185. Wh: ! pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTC AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. FRAZER 1948 4-dr. sedan with r and h. and overdrive; pvt. owner $725; LA. 6-6935 eves. —17 FRAZER MANHATTAN 1948; Ugh gray, overdrive, r. and h.. 5 nev tires, in excellent cond.. origina 1 owner: must be seen to be appre i ciated: $1,250 or best offer. Mus sen mis wx. jt 3-»4oa. —xu HUDSON 1950 Pacemaker “6” 4 door; r. and h. Original cost. $2. 450. Low mileage. Written guaran tee. $1,395. ALEXANDER NASH 1705 Mt. Vernon ave.. AL. 2330 eves, 'til 9. —17 HUDSON '39 convertible: r. and h excel, running cond.. $150 or bes offer OL. 4014 after 5 P.m. HUDSON 1949 Commodore sedan less than 12.000 miles. Radio heater and lots of other extras Car is fully guaranteed and can not be told from new; $1,395. Cal E. W. Ericson BURROWS MOTOf CO . LI. 3-3174. —18 HUDSON 1938 "little 6" coach: look good, runs fine; splendid tires: $8: cash, full price. "ROPER,” 18th am R. I. ave n.e * HUDSON '47 sedan; good cond. fo quick sale; $490 or best offer. Cal after 2 p.m. JA. 4-0771. —20 HUDSON late '46 club cpe.; looks am runs line; reduced for Quick sale ti $495. Act quickly! Tills is a mar velGUs value. Liberal terms. Opei 'til 9 p.m.. Sun. ’til 5 p.m. COLUM BIA MOTORS. 14th and Fla. ave n.w. AD. 6429. —20 JAGUAR 1950 English 4-dr. steel gray sedan; practically new: onl: 5.600 mi.; privately owned; can b inspected 1n Georgetown. S2.50C Call Upperville 108-W. —17 KAISER 1951 de luxe 4-door; 81.695 Here is the buy of the year $1,001 off new car price. Has beautifu sea-green finish and overdrive. Onl: 7,000 miles. Bank rate financing At the AUTO MART, 3465 Bennim rd n.e LI 4-0111. KAISER 1947 sedan; r. and h., swel motor. 5 fine tires. See and driv this real bargain at $795. Onl: *265 down: written warranty. Opel eves, 'til 9. COAST-IN PONTIAC 427 Florida ave. n.e., AT. 7200. —18 KAISER '51 sedan; low ml.; $600 of list: $1,765. MILLER MOTORS 1507 14th st. n.w. —18 LINCOLN 1940 Cosmo.: r. and h overdrive, w.-w. tires: $1,495. MER CURY MOTOR SALES, 3400 Rive rd.. Alex., Va.. KT. 8-4071. —20 LINCOLN '49 club coupe; *1,18f Why pay more? 5% bank financlnf AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. LINCOLN 1946 Custom de luxe clu coupe: radio, heater, fog lights i everything like new; $995. term! "ROPER," 18th and R. I. ave. n.i 18* l [THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! —By Fagaly and Shorten t* _ OKAV.I ADMIT IT WAS 1 JORGET IT,THE T* MV FAULT. CHUM. BUT M OTHER GUV SAID , ■ ITS NOTHING TO WORRV > WHEN HE NICKED A. ABOUT? JUST A SCRATCH. II CRINGELVS CAR. NO DAMAGE? A so cringelv ifiirmw, FORGOT IT. i i"|i|irnrn/T»*ST; I*foOM HE GOT A BILL FROM THE OTMBR WC5 LAWYER FOR THE DAMAGE THAT WASN'T OONE.'J '1’hankL.Hr ^ GUI W. KOHLER, no noi, BREIN/GSV/UE, (*. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LINCOLN 1949 Custom de luxe sedan: overdrive, r. and Ji.. new-car cond.; must sell, $200 and take over pay ments of $1,285. ME. 1191, 9:30 to 5:30. MR. WALSH. —18 LINCOLN 1941 de luxe sedan; radio,1 heater: finest condition: $395. terms. $135 down. $29 month. "ROPER,” 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. 18* LINCOLN ’49 club coupe; $1,185. Why pay more? bc/P bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. MERCURY late 1949; good condition: black: radio and heater, w.-w. tires; $1,295. Call RE 6226. Ext. 702, Wed., Thuis . Fri. and Sun. between 8 a m. and 6 p.m * MERCURY 1948 sedan; $885. Why pay more? 5% bank financing AUTO AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd LI. 3-8800. MERCURY *51 4-dr. sedan: black, r and h. w.-w. tires, Mercomatic drive, fender skirts, car is like brand new. $2,195. MAJOR MOTORS. 1640 Benning rd.. FR. 5231. Ask for Joe T. —20 MERCURY 1949 4-dr. sedan: r. and h . overdrive, w.-w. tires: in excel lent condition: only $1,295. ED MONDS MOTORS (Ford). Wilson blvd. at No. Jackson, Arlington, Va.. CH. 4300 MERCURYS (2) 51 4-dr. sedans: less than 500 mi. in two beautiful colors: Merc-o-Matic drive, r. and h., seat covers, w.-w. tires, fender panels, etc. Smoothie car. smoothie drive, smoothie price. Only $2,495. COLONIAL OLDSMOBILE CO., 1241 6th st. n.e., LI. 7-9346. —19 MERCURY 1948 sedan: $885. Why pay more? 5r'r bank financing. AUTO AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. MERCURY 1940 3-yr.-old motor: 6 tires: $225. Call MI. 5959 after 5 p.m. —17 NASH Rambler custom convertible; in like-new condition. Tops in economy and performance. Very low’ mileage Exceptional car Guaranteed. $1,495. WILLIAMS A- BAKER Nash. 29th and M sts. n.w. HO. 870o. —18 NASH 1949 600 super sedan, metallic sky blue. r. and h.. overdr . plastic custom covers, directional lights, twin beds: 17.000 miles, one owner, perfect: $1,245 cash, trade or terms. WOLFE MOTORS. 12th A: K sts. n.w. EX. 5562. —17 N%SH 1950 Statesman custom 4-door sedan; overdrive, w.s.-w. tires, radio. WE heater, twin-bed arrangement: low’ mileage. Looks and runs like new Written guarantee. $1,695 non ave. AL. 2330, eves ’til 9. —17 NASH 1949 4-dr. Super; $900; owner transferred from city: car is priced to sell immediately; two-tone blue, overdrive, r and h ; runs and looks very good: will accept trade: can arrange bank financing if necessary; gets 26 miles to gallon. RE. 3366. 17* NASH 1951 Rambler custom convert ible; champagne ivory, black top; radio, W. E heater, directional sig nals. l^w mileage; looks and runs like new: written guarantee: $1,695. ALEXANDRIA NASH. 1705 Mt. Ver non ave.. Alex.. AL. 2330. evenings till 9. Sunday 12 till 5. NASH ’49 4-dr.: same body as '51. very finest. «U extras: guar. $1.195.1 WILLIAMS & BAKER. Nash. 29th * and M st. n.w HO 8700. —18 NASH 1936 sedan: mechanically per fect: exceptionally clean throughout. $195. WO. 1868. —19 OLDSMOBILE 194* Hvdra 4-dr “76” sedan: 2-tone blue Factorv eaulDPed for disabled driver, also normal operations. Spotlight, ex tras. OriE. owner. $1,095 or best offer. After 6. JO. 2-7118 —18 OLDSMOBILE 1946 “78” sedanette: radio, heater. Hydra-Matic. good tires. This car Is clean and In ex cellent mechanical condition: $795. HOYLE MOTOR SALES, 1345 Que st. n.w . DU. 8300. —18 OLDSMOBILE 46 sedan: $985. Why pay more? 5$5. bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bladensburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. OLDSMOBILE 1949 Futermatlc con vertible; original brilliant black: r. and h.; Hydra-Matic; red leather Interior; low mileage; one owner; perfect: $1,595, cash, trade or terms. WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sts. n.w EX 5562. —17 OLDSMOBILE 1940 sedan. 8; radio heater, clock, good cond. $325. JU. 7-9080. —18 OLDSMOBILE 1949 Futuramic "88” sedanette. attrar. grey. w.-w. tires, r. and h., Hydra-Matic; extremely low mileage; one owner: $1,595 cash. trade or terms. WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sts. n.w . EX I 5562. —17 OLDSMOBILE '49 model “98”. r. and h.; Hydra-Matic. excellent green finish $1,495. CAPITOL CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE CO . 1222 22nd st n.w.. ST. 2600. OLDSMOBILE ’50 model “98” Holiday coupe 2-tone green equipped with radi and heater; Hydra-Matic drive; excellent w.-w. tires; $2,395. CAP ITOL CADILLAC-OLD8MOBILE CO., 1222 22nd st. n.w., ST 2600 OLDSMOBILE '46 sedan; $685. Why pay more? 5c'r bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bladensburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. OLDSMOBILE *50 Rocket “88” 4-dr sedan; de luxe r. and h., nylon uphol.. w.-w. tires, underccrating. beautiful Nile green; new-car con dition; cne owner: low mi. The best buy in town. $1,795. COLONIAL OLDSMOBILE CO. 1241 6th st. n e . LI. 7-9346. —19 OLDSMOBILE 1949 (21 4-drs.: r and h.. Hydra . w.-w. tires: $1,495 MERCURY MOTOR SALES. 3400 River rd., Alex., Va., KI. 8-4071. —20 OLDSMOBILE 1948 coupe sedan. Heater: Hydra.; $1,045. BETHESDA MOTORS. INC.. 4702 Miller ave., OL. 1000. —18 OLDSMOBILE 1946 Series "98” sedan: Hydra-Matic drive; r. and h.: smooth and powerful motor. Very clean throughout. See and drive this beauty. Reduced to $899; only $300 down. Written warranty. Open eves, ’til 9. COAST-IN-PONTIAC: 427 Florida ave. n.e. AT. 7200. —18 OLDSMOBILE ’39 4-dr. sedan; clean throughout; $295 or best offer. Call after 6 p.m . AD. 9690 —17 OLDS. 1949 Futr., Hydra, sedan; SI 285. Why pay more? 5«£ bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS | 1731 Bladensburg Rd. LI. 3-8800 OLDS '46 “76” sedanette; r. and h., excellent tires, mechanically perfect. , A nice car for $795. Cash, terms or I iraae. v.unui\imA Muiuaa. jqtn and Fla ave n.w. AD. 6429. Open 9 a m. to 9 p.m. —20 OLDS '41 4-dr.; Hydra-Matic. r. and j seat covers, recond. motor; $275 WA. 9842, —20 OLDS. 1950 “88” Hydra.; $1,685 j Why pay more? 577 bank financing ! AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla | densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. OLDS '49 Rocket "88” 4-dr. sed. de luxe equip.. Hydra., r. and h. etc.; 12,000 actual ml. Forme; owner’s name on request. See It t( appreciate. 30-day guar.: SI.695 COLONIAL OLDSMOBILE CO.. 124] 6th st. n.e.. LI. 7-9346. —17 OLDS. 1949 Futr., Hydra, sedan $1,285. Why pay more? 577 ban! financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bladensburg Rd. LI. 3-8800 OLDS ’47 4-dr. sed.: Hydra., r. anc h., 1 owner, low mi. The ideal anc economical family car. 30-das guar.; only $995. COLONIAI OLDSMOBILE CO., 1241 6th st n.e . LI 7-9346. —17 OLDS. ’50 de luxe “98" cl. sed. Hydra; r.. h : undercoat; w.-w. i excel, cond.; $1,995. After 6 p.m. I WA 4046. —18 OLDS 1940 “88” de luxe blue clut ■ coupe: one owner; Hydra-Matic. r. i and h., sun visor, covers, back., spo’ and direct, lights, window washer etc.: $1,550. LU. 4-3097. —21 ; OLDS ’48 2-dr. series “68”; Hydra Matic, r., h„ low mileage, gooi cond.; $1,150. CH. 0489. OLDS. 1950 ”88” Hydra.; $1,685 Why pay more? 577 bank financing AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla . densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. , PACKARD, ’37, ‘6”. good condition . $200. Call LI. 7-2819. —17 PACKARD ’48 ’T45” Super conv r. and h., od., electro-clutch; 1007! guar.; $1,295. ROYAL MOTORS i INC., Chrysler-Plymouth, 15 Ken i nedy st. n.w . TU. 2438. —IS - PACKARD 1947 4-dr. Clipper sedan excel! cond.. new tires and battery - will consider small trade or arrangi terms; $995. OWNER. FA. 8322 1 eves., FA. 9379. —19 , PACKARD 1941 de luxe sedan; origl , nal black finish: very finest cond. $395. terms. $135 down. $29 month ■ROPER.'' 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. PLYMOUTH 1947 spec, de luxe. 4-dr. heater, excellent blue. orig. finish ' A nice little car at the right price $795. HOYLE MOTOR SALES. 1341 Que st. n.w. DU. 8300. —18 PLYMOUTH 1950 Special de luxe 2 . dr dark green: seat covers am r heater Only 6.000 miles. $1,595 SH 6345 after 6 D.m. —17 . PLYMOUTH '49 club coupe: $1,085 Why pay more? 677 bank financing - AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. ) PLYMOUTH 1937 2-dr.; in goo. ; cond., $100; may be seen 8 to . p.m. 565 Jefl Davis hwy.. Arl., o . after B;30. 6631 Wilson pi Falls Church, Va.. Apt. 102. —18 k AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PLYMOUTH '(SO 4-dr. Spec, de luxe: biapk; h. and seat covers; 3.300 mi., like new; leav. country, must sell immed.; $1,676. Sligo 7917. PLYMOUTH ’60 spec, de luxe 4-dr. sed.; blue, h., dir. sigs.; 6.000 ml.; new cond.; $1,495. JU. 8-4974. —19 PLYMOUTH 1950 conv., cream, pvt. owner, 10.000 ml., radio, heater, priced $1,625. OL. 5787. —22 PLYMOUTH 1939 4-dr. sedan; good tires fair paint job, fair motor. A good buy. $175. 504 Flower ave.. Takoma Pk.. Md. SL. 3624. —20 PLYMOUTH 1940 club coupe, r. and h new clutch, recent motor over haul. good body, paint; $186. OX 4255 after 5 p.m. —17 PLYMOUTH ’49 Special de luxe 4-dr Radio and heater; new-car guar ; $1,395. ROYAL MOTORS. INC., Chrysler-Plymouth. 15 Kennedy st. n.w.. TU 2438. —18 PLYMOUTH 193$ de luxe coach; ex cel cond.; sac.. $125 cash, full price "ROPER ” 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. • PLYMOUTH '49 red convertible: r. and h . low mileage, excellent con dition inside and out: $1,450 or best offer. LA. 6-9000. —17 PLYMOUTH 1941 2-dr. sedan; grav finish, ail r.ew tires, r. and h.; $400 or best offer. WA. 7775 9-4 p.m. PLYMOUTH ’49 club coupe: $1,085. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. PLYMOUTH ’47 convertible. 5995; beautiful desert tan finish and gor geous two-tone interior; equipped with r. and h.. ready to roll; bank rate financing. At the AUTO MART 3405 Benning rd. n.e LI. 4-0111 PLYMOUTH 1940 special de luxe se dan: new’ tires and new seat covers: *095. PA. 0929. —19 PLYMOUTH 1940 coupe: radio, heat er; very finest condition; 5245. terms. *85 down. $20 month ■ ROPER.’’ 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. 18* PLYMOUTH 1950 2-door sedan. $1,495. Here is a showroom car. far below list price This one needs an owner. R and h. Just 1.000 miles. Bank rate financing. At the AUTO MART. 3405 Benning rd. n.e. LI. 4-0111. PLYMOUTH ’48 Spec, de luxe club cpe.; orig. green fin . de luxe. r. and h : one-owner car; low ml See to day Won’t last long at this price 30-day guarantee Only 51.195. COLONIAL OLDSMOBILE CO . 1241 Oth st. n.e.. LI. 7-9340. —19 PLYMOUTH 1941 de luxe sedan: very best condition: has new motor: sacrifice. $490, terms. “ROPER.’’ 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. 18* PLYMOUTH 1950 special de luxe; 4-dr.: r. and h.: s. c : 2.500 miles; $1,095. BETHESDA MOTORS. INC.. 4702 Miller ave.. OL. 1000. —18 PLYMOUTH 1949 de luxe club coupe; heater; $1,045. BETHESDA MO TORS. INC.. 4702 Miller ave. OL. 1000. —18 PLYMOUTH 1947 Special de luxe; 4-dr.; r. and h.; $845. BETHESDA! MOTORS. INC.. 4702 Miller ave. OL. 1000. —18 PLYMOUTH ’50 Special de luxe club coupe; Salvador blue, heater: w.-w. tires; by orig. owner; $1 545. Like, new in every respect. JU. 8-5200.! PONTIAC 1949 “8“ 2-dr. Streamliner sedanette- Hydra., r. and h.: excel, cond.; orig. owner; $1,525 or best offer SH 8170. —17 PONTIAC *48 4-dr.; $985. Why pay more? bank financing AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bladensburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. CHRYSLER NEW 1950 New Yorker 4-Door Sedani List Price, $2,898 80 NEW CAB TITLE A WARRANTY. WILL GIVE SUBSTANTIAL DIS COUNT FROM THE ABOVE PRICE. ONLY S LEFT. Randall Motors, Inc. CArv*I#r-Plymouth 17th and M St*. N.W. EX. 4800 SPRING SALE CONTINUED Dependable Used Cars As Low As $52 DOWN '50 Chevrolet_$1,545 Stylellne 4-dr., r. and h. '49 Nosh_$1,295 “600” 3-dr. sedan, 2-tone paint. '48 Mercury _$1,045 4-dr. »rd„ r. and h„ drf. '48 Nosh _$945 ._"KOO” 4-dr. sed., r. and h. '38 Nosh _ $155 _Ambassador 4-dr. sedan. UP TO $300 DISCOUNT ON '51 NASH COMPANY OFFICIAL CARS. i --- Safford-Chandler NASH Motor Co. 629 H St. N.E. AT. 4600 n AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PONTIAC 1946 ”8”; de luxe stream liner r.. h„ other extras, 18,000 miles practically new, Immaculate interior, 1 owner; $950 or best of fer. LI. 3-8451, 9 to 5 p.m. —17 PONTIAC 1941 de luxe sed.: splendid cond ; sac., $395. terms; $135 down "ROPER.” 18th and R I. ave. n.e. • PONTIAC ’48 "8" sedanette: orig. blue fin.. Hydra., r. and h„ numer ous other extras; one careful owner, low mi.; name on request: 30-day guar.; $1,195. COLONIAL OLDS MOBILE CO.. 1241 6 th st. n.e., LI 7-9346. —17 PONTIAC '46 sedan: $685. Why pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS 1731 Bladensburg Rd LI 3-8800. PONTIAC '50 sedanette: orig fin., low mi., one owner; fully equip., new-car cond. throughout. Yours for only $1,695, COLONIAL OLDS MOBILE CO.. 1241 6th st. n.e.. LI 7-9346 —17 PONTIAC '48 4-dr.; $985. Why pay more? 5% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bladensburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. PONTIAC 1949 Chieftain de luxe 4 dr. gray low mileage like new: $1,300 or best ofTer. Call DE. 8300, Ext. 313 or after 6 p.m. MI. 8383. —19 PONTIAC 1949 Chieftain “8"; Hydra Matic drive, r. and h., turn signals, many other extras; very low mile age. See and drive this bargain. Only $1,499; excellent financing. CIPCO guaranteed. Open eves, 'til 9. COAST-IN PONTIAC, 427 Flori da ave. n.e . AT. 7200. —18 PONTIAC 1947 de luxe Streamliner sedanette; finest condition; looks new; $775. terms. "ROPER,” 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. 18* PONTIAC '46 sedan. $685. Why pay more? _ 5<--„ bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bladensburg rvu. l-l. xi-oeuu. REDUCTIONS up to S200 on TREW VALUE USED CARS '50 Chev. Dlx. Cl. Cpe., $1,395 '50 Dodge 4-dr. sedon, r & h...$1,795 '50 Ford "8" Dlx. Tudor, htr., 4,000 miles_$1,395 '50 Stude. Chp., 4-dr., o.d., htr.-$1,395 '49 Dodge 2-dr. sed., htr. $1,295 '48 Plym. Spe. Dlx. 4-dr., htr- -$995 ‘47 Mercury Cl. Cpe., r. & h.--.$795 '46 Dodge Cus. 4-dr. Sed., $795 TREW MOTOR CO. 6th & Flo. Ave. N.E. FR. 1732 BIG SALE! A!*r$l99 Down '47 Chevrolet_$595 Ceupt. W buick _51,u>5 Sedan, fully equipped. '47 Olds . _ __$795 Cony. Hydra. "8”. '46 Buick _$595 Soper eed.n. '48 Hudson _$795 4-dr. led.a. '49 Plymouth _$995 9>dr.j r. A h.i early aeries. ’49. '48 Ford_$795 8-cyl. • *-dr.i loaded with extra.. '49 Mercury _$1,195 Sedam r. A h. '48 Pockord $1,395 Cony. Custom Super 100 h.p.; cost new over 85,000. SERVICEMEN—ALL GRADES WELCOME!!! NO CARS TO DEALERS RELIABLE MOTOR CO. 101 NEW YORK AVE. N.E. <1 Block East of K. Capital St.) Open Sundays, 10-6 P.M. Daily, 8 A.M. till 10 P.M. NA. 5571 NA. 5572 JU DUICK - Super, convertible, Dyna. : '50 Buick _$2,395 Super, Riviera; Dyna. . '50 Buick _$2,195 Super and R. M., 4-dr.; Dyna. '50 Buick _$1,695 Special 2-dr. and 4-dr.; Dyna. | '49 Buick _$1,595 Super and R. M.l Dyna. 1 '49 Buick _$1,495 Super, atralfht drive. '48 Buick _$1,195 Super and R. M. 1 '47 Buick __ .$1,195 Super, station waron. ,r '47 Buick _$995 Super and R. M. '46 Buick _$895 Super and R. M. TO UIOS. _ . 3)8*0 ; Sedanetto "78" Hydra. '47 De Soto_$995 I Four-door. • ; '47 Dodge_$945 f Custom 4-door. '48 Chevrolet _$945 f Club Coop*. I '48 Nosh_$895 ! 4-dr. ••600” Model 4840. \ | '49 Ford _$1,095 \ C ustom Club Coop*. I '49 Olds_$1,445 \ 4-dr. "76”, Hydra. 1 '49 DeSoto_$1,595 | Custom 4-dr. 1 '50 Chevrolet_$1,595 j Fleetline de luxe 2-dr. j '50 Mercury_$1,695 | & Clob Coop*. §| A Complete Selection of BUICKS and Other Makes and Models s i ;i from 1950 to 1941 ' STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc. j 6*h & Fla. Ava. N.E. JS& AT. «4«4 ' BWBBBBBBfagaMW——H—IHB i i I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE STUDEBAKER 1950 4-dr. Cham pion de .luxe: 9,000 mllet: over drive: cllmatlier: defroster; seat SS3SS: °8tLhere7eoX8tr,s; new._gS“-; STUDEBAKER 1960 sedan: $lTl85 Why pay more? 6% bank financing AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. STUDEBAKER 1947 Commander club coupe; clean, one-owner ear with radio, heater, overdrive; $835. GL 1784. _is STUDEBAKER. late '48 Commandet convertible cpe., r. and h., over drive, beautiful smart canarv finish black top, w -w. tires, SI,295 and one In beautiful green, like new for $1.19o; also ‘47 Champion Regal de luxe sedan reduced to $795; liberal terms. Open ’til 9 p.m.. Sun. 'til 6 P.m COLUMBIA MOTORS, 14th and Fla. ave. n.w. AD. 8429 _2(1 SIKDEBARER I960 sedan; $1,186. Wby pay more? 6% bank financing. AUTO WHOLESALERS. 1731 Bla densburg Rd. LI. 3-8800. STUDEBAKER ‘49 Champion conv coupe; radio, cllmatizer, overdrive 4 brand-new tires. An excellent low Si1£a£,e.,2^"n'r C»G *1.495. Mc Wis. ave. n.w.. or CO. 2153. —19 STUDEBAKER ‘50 Champ. Starlight eoupe; gleaming jet black, new-car condition, marvelous. 1-owner car; i95 WILLIAMS & BAKER, Nash. 29th and M sts. n.w. HO. 8700 STUDEBAKER '50 Champion 5 ^pas senger club coupe; excellent green nmsh; radio, a very nice car. SI 295 CAPTTOL CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE CO.. 1222 22nd st. n.w.. ST. 2000. STUDEBAKER 1950 Commander starlight 5-passenger cpe.; over drive, radio, cllmatizer. turn sig nals and other accessories. This car has low mileage and perfect cond. Price. $>l,09o; terms. 15 mcnths Call MR BOOMER, OW. 772t — 24 1949; Iieater. original : black, only, $895. EDMONDS Mn. ivjrio irural, wuson blvd. at No ^Jackson, Arl„ Va., CH. 4300. STLDEBAKER '48 Champion; 23 OOC r1' , tires; directional lights heater. Must sell; *1,050 or besl ttl'irVx.c T® . *5~*> after 6 p.m. —2( WILI.YS 1949 station wagon; heater o. d„ immaculate throughout Drivf i2il£ar-toda7- SI.050. SLIGO MO TORS. INC.. 962 Sligo ave. Siivei Spring. JU. 7-9080 _ is PLYMOUTH '49 Special de luxe se ^an, only 7.000 miles; like new easy terms. $1,296. Call SL. 2078 --—18 PONTIAC 1949 Chieftain de luxe 2l Perfect black finish: Hydra mneL'ie;- *°69^; eXcellent *°« RON PONTIAC, INC. 7320 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda __ _OLl 8000. _17 PONTIAC~48 S«.otLr,streak de luxe "8" station ^agon, almost brand-new tires' : AJiV2Tnln celling price, $1,575' mice no?11 v-5lue at a reduced price, $i 095. You actually save ODenStHn5o0' Cash- trade or terms ttheP till 9 p.m.. Sunday till 5pm COLUMBIA MOTORS 14th and Fla. Ave. N.W. AD 64°9 ___—20 "monroF Specials on '49 Fords Cult "6," Fordor sed. $995 Club eonv. "8," r. and h. -$1,375 Cust. el. cpe., r. and H., overdrive_$1,145 Cuit. ledan, r. and h._$1,145 Cuit. Tudor, r. and h..$l,125 Cuit "6," Fordor *ed._$ 1,045 Cuit. Fordor sedan, heater-$1,195 MONROE dgt 1237 East-West Hwy. Silver Spring 2 Blocks from either 16th St. or Ga. Ave. SL. 7804 Open Eves, 'til 9 GOOD WILL IS PRICELESS—YOU CAN'T BUY IT! SOUNDS^EBT hic™ 'business PRACTICES MANY AN HONEST MAN HAS FOUND OUT TO HIS SORROW THAT THE USED CAR REPRESENTED. BUY FROM A FRANCHISED DEALER FOR VgUR OWN GOOD. AND THE GOOD OF YOUR COMMUNITY. ’80 FORD eoBT.t chartreuse An., black tap, w.-w. tires, r. and h., overdrive, low ml., one owner, sporty and Cl -joe a beanty _$ 1,/eO '50 MERCURY sport sod.; beont. Everglade green An. r. and h.. tires. f. skirts. 10.000 sold and serviced by t0 "*»• MW new a-.458. fully guar- (Pi anteed _ _ $ I , '49 LINCOLN “121” club cpc ; Immaculate An., and cond., low mil., one owner, r. and h., o.d.. w.-w. tires, cust. unhol.; •ervlced by our Co. since new; sold new. *3,278; a luxury t.\d ,ol,y """$1,495 49 LINCOLN Cosmo, club coupe; beaut, gray An., r. and h., llj'lllhd act. ml.; sold new, *3. <38; a luxury car priced so you can afford; Cl £OC fully guaranteed_I ,OPJ ’40 LINCOLN sport sedan; blark satin An., r. and h., o.d.. w.-w. tl«, pla.t.c s.e.; sold new S3,<28; serviced by onr com pany since new; ffi wnr a beanty _I}) I ,7 7l> 48 PONTIAC sta. wagon; Silver Streak 8 ; excellent cond.. Hydra, dr., r. and Cl 17C I owner; val. at 4> 1,10 48 KAISER apt. sed. de Inxe; r. b.. seat cov.. bine An.. -8.000 act. ml.; drive C7QC a 48 for only_ «]>/eO ’47 NASH Ambassador sed; blk. An., bed model, r. and h.. o.d.. like new 0ne $945 ’46 FORD “8” Super de lie Tudor *cd.; slate army fin., r. and h.. seat cov.. low mi.; be hard to duplicate, only^' Top S $ For Tour Present Car “OUR REPUTATION WARRANTS YOUR CONFIDENCE” MONTGOMERY-STUBBS LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 3715 Blodensburg Rd. AP. 2929 AP. 2400 OPEN 9-9; SUN.. 11-6 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE J CARS WANTED! SFOT CASH—NO WAITING AUTO WHOLESALERS 1781 Bladembnrv Ed. N.E. LI. 8-8800 * Trade Your '47.'48-'49 JEEP OR STATION WAGON NOW We'll give you the VERY BEST PRICE at this time. Let us Appraise Your Car Today SI HAWKINS 1333 14th St. N.W. DU. 4455 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEVROLET ® sale ® '46 Chevrolet-_$695 2-dr., r. and h. '47 Chevrolet_$845 FM. 4-dr., r. and h. '48 Chevrolet_$925 Cl. Cpe., heater. '49 Chevrolet _$1,195 Cl. Cpe., r. and h. '50 Chevrolet _$1,455 SL. *-dr„ r. and b. Many Other, to Cbooae From MufotdMJauurCJuvutfRtab 1M/ . nnrt -\tb~q-l rim I Lot, 159 Flo. Ave. N.E. 610 H Sr. N.E. | (g£) Chevrolets (jjih j Banner Bargain Specials The cream of the crop from the country club section. The ffj vast majority of our cars have been garaged since new. ff || Usually the complete service history of our late-model ffj |f Chevrolets can be reviewed from Our records. If ||: '49 Chev. (8) $1,195 to $1,345 '50 Plymouth Special de luxe, 3 •48 Chev. (4) $995 to $1,095 fully equipped-$1,595 || '47 Chev. 15) ..$895 to $945 '50 0ids« 2dr- HVdra, •"••v j J| '46 Chev. (3). $795 to $845 tquipped -$1,795 j:' '46 Pontiac Station Wogon, TRUCKS excellent cond.tion, $995 '48 Ford i/2.,on panel .$895 | All of the Above Cars Are Guaranteed Trade or Terms Thru GMAC I Chevy Chase Motor Co., Inc. 7725 Wis. Ave. N.W. OL. 6100 j| DRIVE 3 MILES 1 AND I SAVE UP TO $300 '50 Chevrolet $T,545 Grey, like new, heater. '49 Oldsmobile $1,695 Cl. cpe. Rocket 88, black; radio and beater. • '48 Studebaker $1,095 I.andcrtiifter; r. and b.. look and ran* like new <P-!6). '48 Buick ... $1,195 Special, 4-dr.; «rey, r. and h. '46 Nash _5695 4-dr.; looks and runs like new. '47 Dodge _$945 4-dr. sedan. '49 De Soto - $1,545 j Cl. cpe.i baby blue, 1 heater, low mileage. '48 Pontioc ... $1,195 2-dr.; black, r. and h. * '47 Chrysler . $1,195 ! Windsor 4-dr. (C-18). '48 Dodge $1,095 1 4-dr.; beant. bine. '46 Ford_$595 Brand-new finish, a. la. '41 Ford_$395 2-dr.; blac.» r. and h. 100 OTHER MAKES AND MODELS Bank Financing W.A.T.A. Warronty ; AL'S MOTORS, INC. Northern Virpinta's Laraeit Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 3910-11-24 Wilson Blvd ., Arlington, Vo. CH. 4102-3 OPEN DAlt.T DEALER NO. IOT SEND AYS 9 A M.-9 P.M. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. ' , i v zm. - aHMri FMERS0N,.®RMF I ESTABLISHED 1910 | NORTHWEST ~ SOUTHEAST I I 17th fir M Sts. N.W. 1539 PA. AVE. S.E. | Dl. 1162 LI. 3-2400 | | '50 Buick —$1,695 I '50 Buick ... Cl 905 I '50 Buick . $2,095 Super Riviera. ~ ' sed.; Dynaflow. | '49 Buick-$1,495 Super sedan; ~ 1 Dynaflow S '48 “f --$1,195 Buick-$895 Sedan. T '47 Pontiac -—$895 '50 Chevrolet __C1 395 Clnb cape. S '49 FT°fd.$1,095 Tador. ~ ’ 1 '47 Olds -$995 "98” Sedan. ^ S '50 $1,395 '49 Chevrolet - $1,295 Redan. ~ ' '50 Buick 695 •] Special »ed. ^ I jji •so Buick $2,095 : Roadmaster sed. ' '49 Buick — $1 445 '48 Buick — $1 295 1 Sed.; Drnaflow * ' \ '47 Buick --$1,145 1 '47 Buick.$995 I Sedan. ~ '46 Buick -$845 I Sedanette. ~ :;j '46 Dodge -$745 1 Sedan. ^ ;j '48 Koiser —$795 1 Sedans. '47 Olds -$895 I Sedan. '49 Olds-$1,495 I “98" Clob .sed. ^ 9 i '49 Willys $1 095 1 Jeepster conv. T ' - Many Other Fine Buys Available at Both Locations Both Lots Open 9 to 9; Sundays ‘Til 4 PM. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN GET IT FOR LESS! ii Ask Yourself This Question: 11 "Why should I pay a big price when the : I chances are a quick trip to Auto Whole salers can save me up to $500?" \ p Sam Michaelson, President i 1 WE TRADE ANYTHING THAT RUNS! u"'e *198 down — 5% ,.Bank /w Financing No Long Waiting—No Red Tape ; OVER TWO CITY BLOCKS OF POST-WAR CARS ii ICf\ Oldsmobile "88,” £1 CQC l jU Hydra.Matic ' /OO 3 'so "rr- $i,i85 :i MQ Old» Futuromic <P1 lOP :i Hydro-Malic S«dan'T 1 |'49Sr«~» $!,185 I '48 XT’ $885 '50 HI $U85 '49 L°d’n‘$1,185. '49 SI*. $1,585 '48 $785 •AC Cadillac CQQC Hydra-Matic $1,085 -48 j*. $985 '47 “ $785 '46 ™ $685 '46 Ltr $685 i ilf