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FUR STORAGE FREE ON COATS Edges Repaired and Cleaned, $35 Altered to Capes or Stoles_$35 Restyled to 3/t or Jackets_$60 NEW LINING INCLUDED AT MICHAEL'S FUR SHOP 1829 K St. N.W. ST. 5095 GASHEAl CONVERSIONS Furnaces, Boilers 30 Montht to Pay on Cat Bill TA. 3036 E. L. POE IA. 3396 6213 Georrio At*. N.W. Formerly 17 Tears With Gas Company Call for Oar Lew Prices r KITCHEN OABINETS 5 Diibwashirv-Dltpoiili ; * KltehiR RiRtfdtliRf (srfk&tUmVjleflUm : T Ay lor 8100 ; _ *************** ALUMINUM COMBINATION STORM WINDOWS ALUMINUM AWNINGS jReim&cn & Ccr. «AC THE HOUSE DOCTORS 1316 14th St N.W. CO. 2880 Specialists la Home Improvements F.H.A. TERMS [ -1 Lifetime Warranty Wood or Aluminum Garagos 10x20 $395 12x20 $425 14x20 $495 20x20 $645 Add 5% For Aluminum — f.o.b. yard EASY TERMS OTXS SOJfr-801*} FENCE*—STEEL * WOOD Cottage*—Cabin*—Utility Bldgs. GENERAL INDUSTRIES, INC. 1109 Jett Dmvh Hwy. Arlington. V*. Open Sundays, 1 to A P.M. MODELS ON DISPLAY every li's i I*’ FRIDAY * 'Mtr&tndtrfu! pood' 2f55 Conn. Are. 111 « 1 11 mm mu I Engineering and Drafting Supplies Transits Tracing Paper Levels Measuring Tapes Squares Slide Rules Drawing Instruments NUTH 710 13th St N.W ST. 6323 Quality Since 1865 YOU'VE A TV DATE ;>«C OLD GEORGETOWN <HR. HEURICH MEWING CO., WASHINGTON, 0. < * PREPARE SUMMER HEAT Room Air Conditioner LOW PRICES EASY TERMS \ (glFFITH (ONSUMERS\ V 1413 New York Ave.. N. W J I X^MLWO/ f i-1 0n t^ie A'r Miss Knight Would Like ’ TV Format By Harry MacArthur Evelyn Knight is a singer with a problem. You wouldn’t think it to watch her entertaining a packed Statler Embassy Room or to talk to her later, but the problem is " there. It’s this television. A girl in show business has to go where show business goes and it is Miss Knight’s feeling that a lot of it is going to television. That’s where the lucrative careers will be. The tall, talented and handsome Washington contribution to the entertainment world has made a Inumber of television appearances, of course, with Milton Berle and others. You can't make a career out of guest appearances, however, though Fred Allen does seem to have made a season out of them. What Miss Knight wants is a TV show starring Evelyn Knight. “I don't want to do what some one else already has done," she was saying the other night. "It has to be different and something I- ‘different’ in television is hard to find. I can’t just stand up there and sine- nnhndv would look.” * * * * This last statement, of course,: is debatable. The Embassy Room customers look, all right. They put aside their forks, their glasses and their idle conversation and pay strict attention when Miss Knight comes out to sing. The reward for this close attention is a thorough ly enjoyable musical interlude. Her years away from Washing ton as a big-time popular singer I have given Miss Knight an abund ance of assurance and she can take command of a dinner-supper club. She covers a wide range from ballad to novelty number to nursery rhyme and she seems completely at home in everything she does. One of her greatest assets (in addition to a voice which is a fine musical instrument, as you realize if you pause to think about it) is a sense of humor versatile enough' to cover everything, including her-1 self. Singing is fun and she is the first one to enjoy any Evelyn Knight song. It is an attitude to ward her work which gives Miss Knight a great deal of that easy nonchalance which marks the singing of Bing Crosby. She is quite a balladeer and quite a personality. Thqre ought , to be some way to give the tele vision audience the pleasure of | her regular company. * * * * Too Authentic: You may recall the scene in last week’s “Pulitzer Prize Playhouse” in which a pair of soldiers shared their C rations with a Korean child, played by eight-year-old Lawrence Lee. Well, jit seems that Director Frank Tel ford, a stickler for authenticity, ordered real C ration used. It was, during dress rehearsal, when young Master Lee took one bite, turned up his nose and refused to go near the second spoonful. * * * * Animal Department: Dogs with •too much family tree and no 'pedigree will have their- day next! ! Saturday, when “Tailwaggers”; UWMAL-TV—Monday, 6:45 p.m.) will hold its annual contest to! find the “shaggy” dog with the1 most personality. The place will be the grounds of Western High School, the time will be 2 p.m. and r the judges will be Edward Miller, assistant Secretary of State: Rep. Claude I. Bakewell, of Missouri; Mrs. Frank Allen, of the Washing ton Tailwaggers Club, and Drew Pearson, prominent farmer. R. Marlin Perkins, director of Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo, will examine and debunk some legends and axioms centering around animals on “Zoo Parade” (WNBW —Sunday, 4:30 p.m.). His “guests’” will include an owl, to see if it is as wise as one; a fox, to see if it is as smart as one; a hawk, to see if it has eyes like one; a peacock, to see if it is as proud as one, and an elephant, to see if it has for* gotten anything. * * * * Programs and People: Your al , ternate Friday night problem is I coming up again tomorrow night. Richard Greene, Stella Andrew and Iris Mann will be playing leading roles in “Peter Ibbetson” on “Ford Theater” (WTOP-TV) and Roland Young will be busy with the lead in “The Queen’s Husband” on “Pulitizer Prize , Playhouse” (WNBW). Both are on at 9 p.m. . . . Ben Blue may get | another try at “Broadway Open Hmisp” whpn it is nit. tn thrpp nights a week. He would be the Thursday master of ceremonies, alternating with Jackie Leonard, who takes over Tuesdays and Fri days. . . . Jackie Gleason has won the May “Mighty Monarch of the Air-” award. It will be presented to him by Frank Sinatra tomor row night on “Cavalcade of Stars” < WTTG-10). Dumont Capehart Stromberg Carlson Scott RCA and other fine makes TELEVISION RADIO AND PHONO. REPAIRS NATIONAL RADIO AND TELEVISION CO. SERVICING VA.-MD.-D C. TA. 0751 TA. 0793 RADIO-TELEVISION PROGRAMS Radio Today Thursday, May 17, 1951 P.M. WMAL 630 I WRC 980 jWWDC 1260'WINX 13401WEAM 13901 WOL 1450 [ WTOP 1500 :0o star News 6:19 Gibbons: News :30 The Cisco Kid :45 " '* :00 Congress Today 7:19 Elmer Davis :3I Armstrong of :45 the S. B. I. ~~:00 News: ScreeiT Guild 8:19 Players :3B ” " :45 " ” :IB Original 9:15 Amateur Hour :3# " " 45 Robert Montgomery :D6 Newsstand Theater 4A15 ” •* I U:31 News tf Tomorrow :45 Dream Harbor :00~ News-1. Henry n:15 Hour ot Dreams :3B Lee Dayton :45 ” ” 12:01 News; Nocturne New;, cm hod won Earl Godwin Dance Date Bour'lor-Bergman News; Sports 3-Star E litre Melody Lane Batters’ Platters Fulton LewfsTJr. Honor Roll Morgan; Berger News of the World Gabriel Heatter One Man’s Family News Reel Henry Aldrich- 12$8 Clob ~ ” ” Willis Conover Father Knows Best News; 1268 Club Comedy_ 1260; Henry Dragnet 1268 'Club ” ’’ Willis Conover Counterspy Reporters' Rounduf *» »t 81 PI Screen-Directors’ Frank Edwards Playhouse $100 Massey News; Massey ” ’ $100 Massey News—Sports- $188 Massey Richard Harkness " " To Be Announced " ” Don Estes Show News; Massey j Music- $188 Massey news; caivacaoe News; cactus Matt Rowzie: Sports Cactus Matt Calvacade Designed for Dane. Milt Grant " ” News; Calvacade News; Music Milt Grant Dinner Music Calvacade Places to Know Milt Grant and Go News; Calvacade News;' Cactus Calvacade Cactus Matt Milt Grant ” ” •» *> it ii News; Lowe Glen Echo Jackjon Lowe " ” " ” Warm-Up Time Deris Reason Baseball News;' Lowe Baseball Jackson Lowe Philadelphia " " St. Louis News; Lowe Baseball Jackson Lowe Philadelphia ” ” at ” " ' St. Louis News; Lowe ,Bo* Score;- Party Armen forces nows; jacnson Liberty Carousel Shadel; Facts John Vandercok News; McDonald William L. Shirer Lowell Thomas U. Nr Spotlight Beulah ‘ The Weatherman jabk Smith The Rosary Club 15 Liberty Scoreboard Edward R. Murrow Armed Forces The FBI in Guest Star Peace and War I Believe in America Mr. Keei " ’’_ Drama News; II. S. A. Suspense U. S. A. Unlimited •» •• Charlie Briiht Playhouse “ ” ' Drama News; Frank Edwards playhouse House That " •’ lack Built Crime Does " " Not Pay News Nows, Severeid House That D. C. Nows; Sport Jack Built Moendial Harold Jackson Eddie Gallaher i House Jack Built' News; Moendial Radio Tomorrow Friday, May 18, 1951 A.M. IWMAL 630 J WRC 980 .WWDC 1260IWINX 1340IWEAM 13901 WOL 1450 I WTOP 1500 :M News—Clock News; Bill Herson 6:15 Town Clock Bill Herson :3I Jin Gibbons " ” :45 Town Clock ” " ill News-Wm. Hitch Niii7~w7ight 7:15 Town Clock Bill Herson :3I Jin Gibbons •> » :45 News; Town Clock News :0B Town Clock world Roundup 8:11 Jin Gibbons Bill Herson • 3B News; Tewn Clock News; Bill Herson :45 Town Clock__ Bill Herson :tt Breikfost Club News; Bill Herson 9:15 Do« McNeill Bill Herson :30 ” " Nancy Osgood •» •» II If :00 MT True Story Welcome Travelers a A:15 " ”i Crocker •• •• 1 U:ll Crocker Double er Nothing ;«5 Modern Romances ■> •> iff Victor Llndlahr Break the Bank J J -.15 David Amity " " | 1:3B Ruth Crane jack Berck Show ” ”i Hews .Dave Garroway P.M. --—-— Art Brown News—Strong ” ” Jerry Strong News; Brown " " Art Brown ” " Art-Brown News—Stront " ” Jerry Stront Voice of Washington ” " Art Brown_ ” " Art" Brown News—Stront ” " Jerry Strong News; Brown " ” Art Brown '• •* Art Brown News-StTorig " Miss. P’ns. Jerry Strong News; Fori WlNX Varieties M. Q. Fori » " MTOiFl News; Variitioi " ” WlNX Varieties News; Fori " ” Fp'tl; News '* " M. a. Fori News; Varieties ” " George Crawforl Queen for a Day ” ” M II It II Weather; Turner News; Frank Blair News—Mark Beam Eeb Turner Frank Blair Mark Ivans ” " " " News—Mark Evans Eddy Arneld; Turner Dale Crawley Mark Evans dews; Turner News; Fraek Blair Mark Evans Eeb Turner Frank Blair ” ” " ” ’’ ’’ News, Maheney °r- Crewlwy ■' » World News Weather; Safety News; Frank Blair Sundial - Eeb Turner Frank Blair Eddie Gallagher II •» II II „ n l» II II II „ „ rrsL£r*etr NiSriTEierica Hashes of life liberty Minstrels Yeu’re the Tan Marie, MatPhersoa ” " Home Service Ball __ ' _Nancy Diian dews; Portraits News; Invt Seats Arthur GodfreySiioi Morning Worship Sweetest Leve Sengs >* Lily and Curley " ” •• ■■ " " ’• " >1 dews; illy NewsrHen'r Nelms 6edfrey Show and Curley Hollywood Editor ” ” Show Tima Grand Slam M " " ” Bosem.r, |j|- Luncheon Club News, Godwin {‘ins Headline News Look to This Da; 1 /;3o Back ta the Bibll Here's Archer * "* M II II II :BB" Paul Harvey News Hero's Archer 1:15 Gloria Swanson ” ” :3I ” " Capitol Scrapbook :45 Ted Malone Woman In My House sN Quick as a Flash Double or Nothing 2:15 " Dick Haymes " *• :30 Sweeney and March Live like a :4J Frances Scully Millionaire :«0 Family Circle Life Can Be Beau'lul 3:15 waiter Kiernaa Road to life :30 ” " Young’s Family :45 ” ” Right to Happiness :0B News—Stepler Backstage Wife 4:35 Altar Bound Stella Dallas :38 Frank Harden Show Lorenzo Jones - :45 ” " jYg. Widow Brown :00 Big Jon and When a Girl Marries 5:15 sparkie Portia Faces Life :30 New Way of Life |Just Plain Bill :45 Carl Fredericks i Front Page Farrell Tello-Test Newt; Varieties I Tune Test George CrawforO I News; Prizes •’ " Art Brown; News >• •• Sports Parado News^ports PagT I m. a. ford Sports Pago News; Sperto Jack Rowzle M. B. Ford •> •• Sports Parade News; Sports Pago I M. 8. Ford Sports Page News; Sports jack Rowzlo Sports Parade " '• Sports Parade News; Sports Page i M. 8. Ford Sports Page News; 1260 011 jack Rowzlo Willis Conover ” 11 1260 Club News; Page I Willis Conover sports Page News; Club jack Rowil# Willis Conover >• >> Mark Trail News; Calvacade~ I " " Milt Grant I Clyde Beatty iCalvacade Beatty; Borgo Milt Grant I lews it Noon News; Campbell News; Windy W’l einor Roosevelt District Didst Aunt Jenny ” Organ Portraits Helen Trent _ ” " Onr til Sunday ws; Sylun Show News: Wifties Big Sister Willies lor Winen M> Perkin ” ” Touni Dr. MtllM __, Thi Guiding Light r'1*" Clu‘ Niws; Cinplell Second-Mrs-Burte 90 Cluh Russ Morgan Parry Mason " Non Drake ____ Brighter tiy ws; 1SM Club Dusty Hilltip Him 9* Cl#9 ” ” King’s Row ” ” House Party __ ” Adams ws; 1390 Club Hews; Mitinii Strike It Rich 90 Cluh District Matinee ” ” ” Mark Cran ” » •> ii ii TsTCactus NewsITudy Mark Eran ctus Matt Punch and Judy Top Spot Daily Hit Parade ” ” ictus; Allhright ” " Curt Massiy Television Today Thursday, M0y 17,1951 P M. | WNBW (Ch. 4) | WTTG (Ch. 5) I WMAL (Ch. 7) I WTOP (Ch. 9) FM Stations WBC-FM—11 1 Me., Clnnl III 5:30 i.m. ti 1 i.m. WTOF-FM—M.I Mi., Ckiiitl 141. 5:30 i.m. to 2 i.m. WBUZ-FM—M.7 Me., Ckiiitl 144. 7:30 i.m. to 10:30 i.m. ind 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. WASH FM-97.1 Me., Cklilil 141. 2:30 to 11 p.m. W01-FM—11.7 Me., Cklilil 194. 6 i.m. to 12 i.m. WCFM—9* 5 Me., Ckiliil 111. 5 p.m to 11 p.m. WFAN-100.3 Me., Ckiiiel Ml 4 a m. to 9 p.m. WWDC-FM—111.1 Me., ekillll 199. 7 i.m. to 1 i.m. oo Footlight Theater Shop the Town 6:1\ ” " Dianne Cameron :W " " Moppet Shop :45 " "i Newa G. Williamson :0» Kukla, Fran Captain Video 7:15 and Ollie ” " 30 little Show Block Party :45 News Caravan I ” " :00 You Bet Your~lite .Film Shorts 8:15 1 Groucho Mari " " :30 Treasury Men Broadwy to Hollywood -.45 in Action | ” ” :00 James Melton Show 'tilery Queen 9:15 Jan Murray I ” ” :30 King Cole Trie Royal Theater :45 | ** “ | ” ” ;08 Martin Kane, Boxing 4 A:15 Private Eye ” ” I U:30 Parade of Stars ; " ” :45 Jeanne Warner ) " " :00 Broadway Open Tony-Wakeman n:15 House News: Dick Noel :» - ' :45 ” " 12:QQ News, Beatty Frontier Theater Pick Temple "Outlaw’s it Sagebrush Paradise” Top of the Newt Magic in Motion ” •• Telenews Fashion Parade Sports Reel " ■' Lone Ranger News; Edwardt ” ” Stork Club Stop the Music Starlight-Theater Quiz Show | ” » The Show Goes On »• It I p» If Holiday Hotel Alan Young Show Variety Comedy Blind Date Big Town ” ” Adventure RoileTbeTby Truth or ” ” Consepuences ” " Jackson and Jill if ii pp to Gunner-Back~Sports' News; Sports Sign Off Playhouse Nino “Check Your Guns” Playhouse Nino WGAY-FM—102.1 MC., COaROOl 171. 6 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. WGMS-FM—1I3.S Me., Channel 171. 6:55 a.m. to Midnight WARL-FM-105.1 MC., Channel 1M. 6 a m. to 9 p.m. WICC-FM—101.1 Me., Ckaaaal 182. 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. WMAL-FM—117.1 Me., CkaaMl 217. 9 a m. to 12 p.m. Other AM Stations WGMS-570 Ke.—6:55 a m.-8:15 p m. WPIK-730 Kc.—6 a.m.-8:15 p m. WARL—780 Kc.—6 a m.-8:15 p.m. WGAY-1,050 Ke.—6 a.m.-8:15 p.m. WBCC-1,120 Kc —6 a.m.-7:15 p.m. WFAX—1,220 Kc.—7 a.m.-7:15 p.m. W00K—1,590 Kc.—4 a m.-8:15 p.m.. Television Tomorrow Friday, May is, 1951 WTT6—11, Gibson Playhouse; 12, Nows; 12:15, For Your Information: 12:30, Rumpus Room; 1, Oway Mother; 1:30, Matinee Theater; 1:45, Midday Chapel; 2, TV Disc fockey; 2:30, Shop the Town; 3. News: 3:05, TV Disc fockey; 4, News: 4:05. TV Disc Jockey; 5, Time tor Beany: 5:15, TV Disc Jockey; 5:45, Tony Wakeman. WMAL—2, Hollywood Matinee; 3, Ruth Crane; 3:30, Across the Counter; 4, Bailey Goss Show and Pimlico Races. WNBW—11:30. Herson in Person; 12, Richard Harkness; 12:15, Music Hail Varieties: 12:30, Nancy Osgood Show: 1. Peoples’ Playhouse; 2, News; 2:05, Mostly Music; 2:30. Feminine Touch; 3, Miss Susan; 3:15, Inga's Angle; 3:30. Bert Parks Show; 4, Kate Smith Show; 5, Hawkins Falls: 5:15, Gabby Hayes Show: 5:30, Howdy Ooody WTOP—10:30. News; 10:35, Western Theater; 11:30, Strike It Rich; 12. Steve Allen Show; 1, Elinor Lee; 1:30, Gary Moore Show; 2:30, First 100 Years: 2:45, Vanity Fair; 3:30, Arlene Francis;: 4, Homemakers’ Each.; 4:30, Fun to Know; 5, Lucky Pup; 5:15, Cowboy Playhouse. ThourJ TV Repair] Telemien Repairs t lestelletieirs'^— mmmmmommam—mmmmmm Realtors Attention FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR Gl LOANS Prompt action on all applications. Location or age of property not im portant. Loan must be $10,000 or less. Call Us for Details 1528 K STREET N.W. NAtional 5005 8701 Ga. Ave., Sil. Spg., Md. JUniper 7-7700 Sell or Trade Your Car 7^ Northwest—NA. 9850. Also Deolers tor FORD English-built CARS WHERE VALUE IS A FACT, NOT A SLOGAN PLENTY OF ».»/wWn, ' w — -f //•‘ ' AHEAD! KEEP )UT THE HEAT WITH . I . . .. .j • IMMEDIATE | • EXPERT • GUARANTEED | i LET US MODERNIZE WITH • BRICK SIDING • ASPHALT ROOFING 30 MONTHS TO PAY FREE ESTIMATES Call HU. 6400 INSULATION & IMPROVEMENT CO. 1834 WISC. AVE. f I 1 Highlights Radio Today. 9:00, W T O P—Suspense: Charles Boyer in a thriller entitled “An other Man’s Poison.” 9:30, WWDC, WASH-FM — Re porters’ Roundup; Senator Wayne Morse is interview guest. 9:30, WTOP—Playhouse: Lionel Barrymore portrays “Benjamin Evening news broadcast, di rect from The Star’s news room, Monday through Friday over Stations WMAL and WMAL-FM; 6 p.m. Franklin” in an adaptation of the biography. 10:00, W’RC —Screen Directors’ Playhouse: Dick Powell has the lead in “Rogue’s Regiment.” 10:00, WMAL—Newsstand Thea 1 ter: The drama is an adaptation of Eustace Cockrell’s story, “Rocky’s Rose.” 10:00, WTOP—Playhouse: Rosalind Russell recreates her original screen role in “Take a Letter, Darling.” Television Today. 8:00, W T O P—Starlight Theater: Julie Harris stars an adaptation of P. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Bernice Bobs Her Hair.” "AUTO RADIO" SALES, REPAIRS AND INSTALLATION One of the few places in town where you can drive in for prompt, dependable service. TV SETS RENTED Drivin Radio Saleservice New Jersey At«. * D gt. N.W. TB. 1614 ADVERTISEMENT. WATCH THE BALI. GAMES TELEVISION FOR RENT HOSPITAL PATIENTS HOMES Large Size Screen Call MR. BEACON ft S! ADVERTISEMENT. INTER MARKET CITY . . . with Meredith Young Everyone is concerned about the high cost of meat^—espe cially the meat merchants of Center Market City. Remem ber, they are independent merchants and their aim is to please you, the consumer, be cause their business depends on your patronage. They are just as distressed about the high prices as you and I, be cause when the retail price goes up, their profit becomes less. That sounds odd, but it’s true because they have had to pay a higher wholesale price for the meat but they realize that if they price it in propor tion to the increase the house wife will not buy. In order to do business they make a smaller profit. So don’t glare at your butcher when he quotes you the price as you buy your meats at Center Mar ket. Remember, he’s on your side, too. Do you remember when it was clever repartee to' quip, “Wanta buy a duck?” Well, Mr. Jones, of Javin’s Poultrv Stand (No. 430 —Phone NA. 2672), isn’t trying to be funny' when he asks that of you this week, he’s helping you save money on your foor buying. Try one of his Long Island ducks for Sunday dinner and you‘11 agree that it was a pretty good suggestion. They are plentiful now and reason ably priced . . . what’s more, the flavor is delicious. Want something really spe cial for your fish dinner to morrow? Just take a look at the sturgeon at Javin’s Sea food Stand (No. 434, NA. 8649). You can bake a sturgeon steak cut to any size you wish, serve it with a drawn butter sauce, garnished with parsley and lemon and sit back and collect the compliments of family and friends. Perhaps you are one of the many who have been looking for real salt codfish. Mr. Naehli of Stand 541 (DI. 5955) is one of the few dealers in town who has this product. You can get it in bulk, by the pound pack age or shredded, ready for cod fish cakes. Stop in tomorrow and see him and all the un usual salt tish he has. Perhaps you’ll want to take home some salted roe herring or finnan haddie. Whatever you may need . . . from the freshest of salad greens, fruits and vegetables to flowers for your table— you’ll find an abundance of va riety from the stands of over eighty independent merchants all under one roof ready to serve you. So visit us tomor row at: CENTER MARKET CITY 5th and K Sts. N.W. Just park your car at the free lot next to the market on K Street and borrow a cart to carry your packages. It’s the ideal way to shop. a:3U, wnbw—Treasury Men in Action: The presentation is “The Case of the Crooked Genius.” 9:00, WMAL—Holiday Hotel: Stu-’ dents of nearby State College gather to celebrate the 35th teaching an niversary with the aid of Don Ameche. 9:00, WNBW —James Melton Show: Nat “King” Cole and the; , Trio and A1 Bemie lend their talents to the show. 9:00, W'TOP—Alan Young Show: ' Frances Langford and Alan Hale, jr.. visit. 9:30, W T T G—Royal Theater: j Anthony Caruso and Irene Vernon co-star in “The Love of Mike.” AUTO RAMI’v InjmmxRSl ! I / A'Giia ran teed service by \\\\ ( U V/ experts. Leave car in \\\ /[ / the mornlnr, radiio will \\} ([/ be ready for you same NOrth 7557 )) CaU Custom Today for this sensational offer! The 3rd chair of your 3-pc. suite LSTERED 4 A precedent-shattering opportunity! When Cus tom reupholsters your 3-piece living room suite, they will reupholster your 3rd chair absolutely free ... in your choice of the same or comparable grade of material selected for your other 2 pieces. In other words, Custom reupholsters your 3-piece suite ond you pay for only 2 pieces. Act now—and let Custom transform your old Irving room suite into a beautiful new one! ■XT IF YOU HAVE A 2-PC. SUITE CUSTOM WILL GIVE YOU A NEW CHAIR valued up to $149 ... for only — Yes, let Custom reupholster your 2-piece Irving room suite and get a fine, brand new chair, valued at 11 up to $149, for only $7.50. Your choice of the beautiful styles shown here ... in the some or similar grade of fabric selected for your 2-piece suite. Call Michigan 9000 and Custom will send a deco rator to your home with samples | to give you a free estimate. . ... |M|H Your old frames ore re-glued. Springs ore tied 10 times Instead of 1 thin loyer of C u s t o m's patent pending re-doweled, and made as instead of the usual 4 or 6 cotton felt. Custom-built fur- cradled in steel" construe strong or stronger than when times. niture has thick layers for tion is guaranteed for 10 new- greater comfort. years. made.tK&! slip covers Call Tonight ’til 9 p. m. «ss™ MICHIGAN 9000 A LONG TIME TO PAY No Payment due ’til July Absolutely No Finance Company ' Involved. Yob Deal With Os! J