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Dewey 'Very Hopeful' Of Peace in Korea; Starts Tour Today ly Altociottd Prm SAN FRANCISCO. July 2. Gov. Dewey of New York, titulai head of the Republican Party, was "very hopeful” about the Korean situation as he prepared to leave today on a six-week. 25,000-mile tour of Asiatic countries—includ ing the war front. Arriving at 8:25 p.m. (11:25 p.m., EDT) for an overnight rest before his scheduled takeoff across the Pacific at noon (3 p.m., EDT), Gov. Dewey commented on the Chinese-North Korean Reds’ re sponse to the U. N. cease-fire pro posal: "Ive got all my fingers crossed. Z am very hopeful.” Gov. Dewey and his party plan to visit Korea, Japan. Formosa, the Philippines, Indo-China, Indo nesia, Malaya, Australia and New Zealand. "I am going to the Pacific area,” he said, “because of the tremen dous importance it will have over the next few years on the se curity of the free world. There are new nations in the Pacific— Borne oi tnem or enormous size— and their future course may have immense influence on our own freedom.” He said he believed the cold %-?r would continue “for the rest of our lives or as long as com munism rules Russia.” Gov. Dewey, unsuccessful can didate for President in 1944 and 1948, reiterated that his trip was •‘entirely unpolitical.” When he returns, he told a planeslde news conference here, he expects to discuss his findings with the Nation. “Anything I have to say I ex pect to say publicly as I have for the past few years on foreign af fairs and on the building up of our defenses and alliances.” he said. He sidestepped political ques tions. including one concerning a reported agreement between him and Senator Duff of Pennsylvania to back Gen. Eisenhower for the Republican presidential nomina tion next year. "No comment,” he said. Sweden is to have a big new electrolytic-alkali plant at Bon hus. Socialist Parley Due To Cast Votes Today On World Program By th« Associated Prm FRANKFURT, Germany, July 2.—Socialist leaders from 20 coun tries on four continents are ex pected to adopt an international program condemning both cap italism and communism today. A bitter dispute over wording of the document prevented a vote yesterday by delegates represent ing 10 million Socialists. The dele gates voted Saturday to re-estab lish the Socialist International, which broke up during Word War ; II. Countries whose Socialist parties have delegates present in j elude the United States, India, Japan, Canada, Uruguay. Israel and every state in Western Eu rope. The program calls for “a new world society based on voluntary co-operation between nations.” It supports the United Nations as “an important step towards this i international community.” Dictatorships Condemned. It bitterly condemns dictator ships of all kinds, opposes imper ialism, demands help for under developed countries and maintain* that economic power must be taken away from "a minority which owns or controls the means of production and placed in the hands of the people as a whole.” The platform emphasizes that "Socialist planning does not pre suppose public ownership of all the means of production.” Instead it claims. "Socialist planning is compatible with existence of private ownership in Important fields, for instance in agriculture, handicraft, retail trade and small and middle-sized, industries.’' It condemns communism for sharpening "cls$sr distinctions In the exclusive Interest of the dic tatorship for a single party.” Blast at Capitalism. It denounces capitalism for fail ing to solve the world’s economic and social Ills and promoting "im perialist expansion and colonial exploitation, thus making conflicts between nations and races more bitter.” Yesterday’s debate produced much objection to calling the document a “declaration of the principles of democratic social ism.” Opponents claimed this Engineer Ends 38 Years Without Rail Accident Harry H. Carpenter, who op erated the first electric locomotive on the Washington-New York run of the Pennsylvania Railroad, re tired last week after 49 years of service. Mr. Carpenter, who is 65, op erated both steam and electric locomotives in his 38 years as an engineer without an accident. He started in the Washington yards at 16 as a fireman on a yard en gine. He was met with ceremony Thursday night when he brought the "Virginia Flyer” in from New York at 10:25 p.m. The party greeting him was headed by C . W. Wilcox, road foreman of engines, Maryland division. He plans to spend his retire ment in the neighborhood in which he was born. Wayside, Charles County, Md„ about 10 miles from La Plata, the county seat. might give it the authority of a 'party Bible,” inviting criticism of ‘central control” over Socialist thinking. Congress leaders, however, pre Jicted the declaration would be adopted without major change. GOLDEN WEDDING—Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Grigsby of 112 Belgreen road, Suitland, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently. Mr. Grigsby, 74, and Mrs. Grigsby, 68, have five daughters, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. V—Harris & Ewing Photo. Motorcycles now are the only automotive vehicles made in Por tugal. Summer Fuel-Buying Program Is Launched « By th« Assoeiofad Pras* Secretary of the Interior Chap man asked State Governors yes terday to co-operate in a summer time fuel-saving program, in the interest of national defense. Mr. Chapman suggested that each Governor appoint a member of his staff to co-ordinate fuel purchasing by State and muni cipal agencies, and to encourage the public to stock up during July. August and September on next winter’s requirements for coal and oil. About 14 cubic feet of moist, warm air weighs 1 pound. —Weather-Wise— Combination ALUMINUM WINDOWS | DIRECT FROM MAHUFFCTUREIS ■sasnik e F.H.A. TERMS ... 30 MONTHS TO PAY NO TRICKS ... NO GIMMICKS i NO IFS . . . ANDS OR BUTS Weatherize With Weather-Wise Thisis positively the world's finest! Full 1-in.thickextrudedaluminum. The on* window that hoi everything! America'* highest quality, lowest-priced triple-action aluminum combination window! Screens and ndows can be self-stored either on inside or outside . . . com- I pletely interchangeable from top or bottom with controlled ventilation top or bottom. Rugged all-aluminum construction will not warp, rust or bind. Factory auaranteed. If you want 10 or more, based on house lot “Weather-Wise” Combination Windows LA. 6-7171 «- LA. 6-7172 Appointments at your own convenience —including July 4th Relined 4 Wheels Complete FINEST QUALITY LINING BUICK SPEC. < At M jm p PONTIAC-6 4S1 A5 IOLDSMOBILE-6 U J " , Packard-110 % mkmm tqaalty Low QUICK EFFICIENT i FREE BRAKE Service by Experts 1 ADJUSTMENTS 1 INSTALL GAS HEAT NOW! Use Our Easy Pay Plan the comfort* of i f l-i-fl economical heat tr^ : *Il BRYANT itS I GAS BOILER . I a convert your old furnace p now. We eell and eampletely«j^^^^L^«P ond electric water heaters, refrigerators, ranges, Bendix washers and dryers. Com plete baths, kitchens and sinks. GUTTERING — SPOUTING — TINNING Air Conditioning — Jobbing — Remodeling — Repairing P. G. O'BRIEN PLOmBING—HEATING—APPLIANCES REG. D. C., MD.. VA. JUNIPER 7-7500 I Rivetless Bended Linings Latest Pressure Bonded Lining Equipment Duplicate Police Testing Machine j Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star your cor can use! f';: ■ • > Triay Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline your car can use—Shell premium—it’s activated. t Using the finest crude oils, Shell scientists activate the gasoline molecules by splitting and rearranging them. Get a tankful of activated Shell Premium today. Your Shell Dealer is the man to see. : •; ■■