The Passing Show Movies No Longer Too Big For Release in August By Jay Carmody August 1951 will be like no other August the movie industry re members . . . Former Augusts were doldrum months in which pro ducers and exhibitors alike were inclined to sell air-cooling and in expensive pictures which came under the heading of light summer entertainment . . . This year no production is too costly or too big to be held back. This week, for example, ■will see the release here of two "Alice in Wonderlands.” Walt Disney's at Keith’s, the Louis Bunin produc tion at Trans-Lux .. . And Warner Bros, will let fly with "Capt. Ho ratio Hornblower” at three the aters simultaneously, the Warner, Metropolitan and Ambassador . . . The Playhouse, after holding "Tales of Hoffman” nearly four months, will revert to an all starry bit of English nonsense, "Tony Draws A Horse.” . . . One of the most interesting of the "war” pictures will follow "Show Boat” at the Palace . . . This is "The Frogmen,” a 20th Century Fox version of life in the under water demolition service during the last war . . . Makes Channel swimmers look like heat sufferers taking a dip in the pool . . . Also on tap in the Loew houses is Paramount’s “Ace In The Hole.” the angriest picture ever made by the satirical minded Producer Director Billy Wilder, co-producer of "Sunset Boulevard.” . . . Excit ing fellow, Wilder, when he gets mad. Tony Curtis, Mario Lanza and Sinatra fan clubs can have a week off. or something, come August 11 . . . That's the date Francis X! Bushman, pioneer film star, will come to Washington, thumping a melodic tub so to speak for “David and Bathsheba.” . . . Now in his late 60s. as the departmental addition goes, Bushman finds himself arousing all sorts of nostalgic feeling wherever he stops on his good will tour . . . Every • . ■ — - ... ■ - body remembers him when every body was “a little girl,” or “a small boy.” ... He still is consid ered tops in matinee idol types, but, take it all in all, F. X. B. likes life better now than he found it then . . . It's calmer ... He will be in Washington three days, as part of a 30-city tour. The two smash weeks it did at Keith’s is only part of the suc cess of “Cyrano De Bergerac” in its release at popular prices . . . It has been the same all the way from here to Anchorage, Alaska . . . Only “All About Eve” and “Born Yesterday” did better first days in New York . . . Producer Stanley Kramer will think hard before releasing another of his super-specials at road show prices |... And he’s the first guy to admit it wnen me iacts suggest ne is wrong. * * * * Mary Coyle Chase, whose mil lions in royalties from “Harvey” turned her into a financieress in stead of a writer. Anally has An ished another play. . . . This one is called “Mr. Thing” and it will have its world premiere tonight at Abingdon, Va. ... As the title suggests, Mrs. Chase has written another fantasy, an entirely dif ferent sort. . . . Unlike Harvey, who neither spoke nor was visible, the title character in “Mr. Thing” is both heard and seen. ... He speaks three lines. Nearer at hand, in the adjacent country. Olney this week offers "Anna Lucasta” with Ann Corio, and McLean's summer theater will SAILOR’S FRIEND — Virginia Mayo plays the leading fem inine role in “Captain Horatio Hornblower,” tchich Warner Bros, will proudly present here at three .theaters, the Warner, Metropolitan and Ambassa dor, starting Thursday. present, “Life With Father.’’ . . . Miss Corio, a great Washington favorite in the days of the Gayety’s burlesque, is making her first coun try drama appearance in this area. . . . She's a big draw in New Eng land where she has appeared in a number of productions, “White Cargo,” “Rain,” etc. .. . Two plays new to this area. “The Fourposter” and “Laura” will be the bookings of the same two theaters next; week.... Jessica Tandy and Hume! Cronyn are the complete cast of; the former, which should give Olney's actors’ hostess, Nancy Holland, her nearest thing to a week of rest this summer. * * * * Drama job most in demand, if the State Department is listen ing, is the department’s opening for a stage director in Turkey. . . . The drama desk is littered with requests for recommendations from its occupant. . . . Either of two top names would make a good man for Warner Watson of ANTA, the man who has the job to dispose of. . . . But it is nice that he, not we. must make the choice. . . . Speaking of jobs, Hol lywood still can lure away Broad-; way top talent. . . . Vivian Blaine has left “Guys and Dolls” and Russell Nype. “Call Me Madam” for movie chores. . . . And Doretta Morrow has departed "The King and I” for the same purpose. And, still speaking of people and jobs, the District of Colum bia Recreation Department finds itself shy of one of its most charm ing staff members. . . . This is June Blair who already is at work as director of recreation at Los Alamos. N. Mex. . . . Miss Blair was Sybil Baker's assistant three years here and a more energetic girl the local drama desks never met. Harry J. Scully who appeared in 14 Arena Stage plays, totaling 314 performances, has resigned to join the McLean Suntmer Theater company. . . . Joan Crawford’s next film, “Sudden Fear.” will be released through RKO, Miss C.’s first association with that studio.! . . . In town for last week’s Olney opening was Leo G. Carroll who won't be able to keep his Septem ber date at the Maryland theater due to a Hollywood commitment.1 . . . He regards himself, however,1 as "owing” Olney a date, perhaps next summer. * * * * Hot w-eather joke suitable for ending a Monday column: Actor Stewart Granger once knew an African big game hunter who dis- j appeared, leaving his friends fear ful that something he disagreed with ate him. Absurd day, Monday. _AMUSEMENTS. 5 miles from Chain Bridge on Rt. J‘J3 Stage Shows ★ New York Cast! _Tonight at 8:40 i Tommy Brent & Jim Garwood Presents J "LIFE WITH FATHER" *1.00, *1.50 Plus Tax—Elmwood 3990 Hollywood Diary Miss Grable Having Fun But Her Studio Isn't — ■ By Harold Heffcrnan- ... HOLLYWOOD. Will screen history repeat in the case of Betty Grable and Alice Faye? Will Betty quietly follow her predecessor queen of the 20th Century-Fox lot into retirement, without an explanation? Whether Betty decides upon such a measure or not, top brass at her studio are frankly worried by the absence of any indication as to when she will return to work. Suspended for refusing to make “Father Does a Strip,” Betty nor mally would have notified her; employers shortly thereafter that she was “ready, willing and able" to resume her contractual duties. Then, it would have been the stu dio’s procedure either to restore her to the payroll forthwith or! take advantage of eight weeks in which to find her a suitable script —during which period the actress would still draw no pay. After the lapse of such time, the company would be obligated to restore her wage, whether or not a story had * * * * The mystifying, worrisome note, however, is that Betty has given no hint of when, if ever, she in tends to come back. All that she has said is that she is “enjoying” her suspension. When it was sug gested that June Haver or Mitzi Gaynor or some other young star might pass her popularity rating during her absence from the Where and When Current Screen Attractions and Time of Showing Stage. Carter Barron Amphitheater,! Rock Creek Park—“Faith of Our Fathers”; 8:40 p.m. Screen. Amoassaaor — ' un Moonlight Bay”; 1:00, 3:10, 6:20, 7:30, and 9:45 p.m. * Capitol—“The Prince Who Was A Thief”; 11:00 a.m., 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 and 10:00 p.m. Stage shows:! 12:50, 3:35, 6:20 and 9:05 p.m. Columbia—“Take Care of My Little Girl”; 11:40 a.m., 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. Dupont—“Kon-Tiki”; 1:05,2:55, 4:45, 6:30, 8:20 and 10:10 p.m. Keith’s—"Cyrano de Bergerac"; 11:15 a.m., 1:20, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35 and 9:40 p.m. Little—“Born Yesterday”; 1:25, 4:05, 6:55 and 9:40 p.m. Metropolitan—“Pickup”; 11:15 a.m.. 12:55, 2:40, 4:25, 6:10, 7:55 and 9:40 p.m. National — “Rawhide”; 11:30 a.m., 1:10, 2:55, 4:35, 6:15, 8:00 and 9:40 p.m. Palace—"Show Boat”; 10:30 a.m., 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. Pix—“Girls Under 21”; 2:00, 4:10, 6:15, 8:25 and 10:35 p.m. Playhouse — “Tales of Hoff mann”; 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Plaza—“La Ronde”; 10:40 a.mj 12:15. 1:55, 3:35, 5:15, 6:55, 8:30 and 10:10 p.m. Trans-Lux—“Interrupted Jour ney”; 11:00 a m.. 12:50, 2:35, 4:25, 6:15, 8:00 and 9:50 p.m. Warner—"On Moonlight Bay"; 11:00 a.m., 1:10, 3:30, 5:30, 7:40’ and 9:55 p.m. E. MORRISON PAPER CO. I 1009 Pcnna. An. N.W. | \^JPhoneJ^2945^ AMUSEMENTS. screen, she replied blithely, “There’s always room in this busi ness .for new talent.” What bothers 20th-Fox toppers most, however, is the precedent set a decade ago by Alice Faye. Alice, also a great musical star, and also suspended, never an nounced a formal retirement; she just didn’t show up to make any more pictures. And thus the sfu dio lost a great boxoffice attrac tion. Naturally, the company, espe nially at this time, would deplore having the same thing happen in the Grable situation. Betty is the feminine boxoffice champion of the entire industry and the Faye parallel is too close for comfort. * * * * Ida Lupino plays a girl who waits in a lonely house to be murdered—in her next, "The Terror.” It’s been quite a while since Ida was murdered in a movie—she has been too busy di recting. Joan Blondell tells me she has ■i genius in the house—her 16 year-old. six-foot-one son Nor man, now at Lawrenceville Prep School. “He gets only 95s and 97s in classwork.” says Joannie. Daughter Ellen is here with her to /isit papa Dick Powell before he lakes to the road for P. A.’s (Released by North American Newspaper Alliance.) _ AMUSEMENTS._ JOSE FERRER ■ towhmy AwordWlnnnr ( "•*o«**...howci*tfNriliro« kotnor* in ON.„ond on* lovnr in a million! CTLY AS SHOWN IN THe| I ORIGINAL ROAD 8HOW. niLL LENGTH VER8ION AIR-CONDITIONED KRoth’* LITTLE V, mmill IttWtlNEAG 7 *m-rBQRN Yesterday OffiiH mmihcmb AMU Attnti,o* ■ ■■ . MULCT RUSSE n mOilTE CARLO "GALTE PARISIENNr Mimic by Ofubatk “CAMRCCIO ESPAONCH" MiMie by limihyKonoiot KATHERINE DUNHAM h Sftiigi tad OefKM ol if* Troplci m aotoioui technicolor Bonrtof ANTON WALLBROOR SIMONE StGNORET SERGE REGGIANI SIMONE SIMON DANIEL GELIN DANIELLE DARRIEUX EERNAND GRAVEY ODETTB JOY El'S JEAN-LOL'IS BARRAULT IM MIRANDA GERARD PHIUPE Mm* Vf OSCAR STRAUSS Rath'. PLAZA NEW YORK AVf. AT I ATM ST. Morning NONSTOP to CHICAGO Leave at 8:30 a.m. Arrive at 10:10 a.m. Fly over and back the same day if you wish, returning on United's 7 p.m. non stop from Chicago. Two other DC A Mainliner 300s daily. Daylight Saving Time* Quoted. UNITED AIR LINES: Statler Hotel and N» lional Airport. Coll Republic 5654 or an authorized travel ofleel. DANCING. "MA MIN MARTINI'' Say' MAKE MINE MARTINI” Dance Lessons, and You'll Be So Rhythmic, So Graceful, So Easy to Dance With Special Introductory Offer! "MAKE MINE — m MARTINI" *9 ■ /■ 1 DANCE LESSONS SPiCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HGINNIAS Follow the footatept of many thousands who are now enjoying popularity — making new friends and having the time of their lives - thanks to the "DON MARTINI MIRACLE METHOD"! No Appointmoml N««iwrf Comp im 1CCAY Slit WASHINGTON XIAS' dr SOI • 13th ST..N.W.. IX 4444 dt 1134 CONNICTICUT • hiISSS _ DON MARTINI.— ' Open Daily, 11 A.M. to 10 P.M.—Completely Air Conditioned _ fouTFOXEDBYAFOUR^ Si^T Before deciding on any dancing 4 school let Ray Quinlan show you ^ a^t his remarkably quick, easy meth- V Kil W od of teaching—a method that ^ M shows you on the very first lesson r Jr M -« whv he guarantees results, re- VY/J^ .. » gardless of age and even if you Y\ rr T r V ; have never danced before just ^ % ^ 3 minutes starts you dancing. ^ I ^ Tryo Private T. Lesson STUDIOS DELIGHTFULLY AIR-CONDITIONED I Thera Is Only ONf WAIT DISNEY'S " " '* I 'ALICE IN WONDERLAND'And $ I RKO Is The Only ONE Theatre In Town I Where You Can See It! '’More Amazing ThaT^AL ISLAND" aid "BEAVER YAUIT il (v Mlrodot net to b« toon with I > fj fillUkimmulitmi ^PdnHinECHNICoIol^JU >' . Diwftig J hr wo *•*» womw. w. 9M ► ► GIRLS! t TO 14 YEARS! ENTER THE SEARCH FOR ► WASHINGTON'S "ALICE IN ’WONDERLAND" CONTEST t SPONSORED BY WTOP-TV, THE HECHT CO., RKO KEITH'S j THEATER ... SEE MARK EVANS AND ELINOR LEE TONIGHT } * ON WTOP-TV, CHANNEL f, AT 7 P. M. FOR COMPLETE I > DETAILS; OR IN THE LOBBY OF RKO KEITH'S THEATER. > I HIM' II I'll ..MlllllBMMriWipi 1I1IIIJ.. I _ ■— I AMUSEMENTS. Starting Tomorrow y PRIZE-WINNING NOVEl^jr VV BECOMES A VITAL VERY d TONITE AT 8:40—Paul Critn'a Daringly Brilliant ORCHESTRA, BAST, CHORUS, BALLET-ISO BARTER BARRON AMPHITHEATRE 16th St. & Colorado' 1 At*. N.W. Comfortable Seats. Tickets: 75c; Re I served Scats *1.50—Call rill I ST. 0700 or TA. 1879. PARKING 11 J aow opM Ida Tony CURTIS. ^ Piper LAURIE JAN AUGUST E!OHAZ CHASE • FRED LOWERY -THURSDAY — “HALF ANGEL” TtchnicoUr [ LORETTA YOUNG'JOSERH COTTEN \ On Stag* • In Pirun / I A*>**>»« Star •! "Taur Nil Paraifa."// 8a snooky lanson or HPmnm IGMYSON - GARDNER ‘IuEETI |Joe L BWFWN - Marge s Gower C - NEXT ATTRACTION . tKIRK DOUGLAS la «U TTE.I1 f|ow.t Av. Ju 7.7Q17 Doors Open 6 P.M. MARIO LANZA, and His Singing 8weetheart, KATH RYN GRAYSON In Two Great Hits. Both In Glorious Technicolor "TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS” H.15. 9:50: “MIDNIGHT KISS " 8:16. NAYLOR 28,h* ‘vlTooo*”-”' Doors Open 6 P.M FARLEY GRANGER. ROBERT WALKER “STRANGERS ON A TRAIN." 7:10. 9 40. Family Bargain Hour. 8 P.M, to 7 j ^i6Lj_^dults;_35co_Children;_9c;_| Mac ARTHUR"iRS/gS Doors Open 6 PM. ALAN LADD. PHYLLIS CALVERT. “APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER " 6:15. 9:50; Plus RICHARD BA8EHART. "HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL 8:15. Extra. “A Day With the FBI.’’ in Technicolor. Fairlawn Amusement Co. ! ALL THEATERS AIR CONDITIONED HIGHLAND a333LUPo4^iu PARLEY GRANGER. RUTH ROMAN and i ROBERT WALKER in 'STRANGERS ON A TRAIN/ at 7:00. 9:30. ATLANTIC NichtAIo. 3-Cn,ic I FARLEY GRANGER. RUTH ROMAN and I ROBERT WALKER In "STRANGERS I ON A TRAIN." at 7:00, 9.30. CONGRESS 2931 51 TYRONE POWER and SUSAN HAY WARD in “RAWHIDE " at«:15. R, 9:45. ANACOSTIA ,4,ss.£GoAx.H2p«4Rd | SALLY FORREST in "HARD FAST AND BEAUTIFUL.” at 2:10. 4:40. 7:1 9:40: Plus ROBERT MITCHUM in a Reissue of "NEVADA.” at* 1:10. :t:40. 6:10. 8:40. _ _ rfHIAf Marlboro Pika at Ditt. Lino villi til* H, 5151 Free parkrng | TYRONE POWER and SUSAN HAY WARD in "RAWHIDE.” ati 6:15. 8. 9:45. : LAUREL S Z DANNY KAYE GENE TIERNEY. CO RINNE CALVET in "ON THE RIVI ERA." in Techincolor. ! CAPITOL- CaP',°l Height!, Md. wsraivb hi. 4U0 Double Feature. STEPHEN McNALLY in "APACHE DRUMS.” in Technicolor, I at 8:110; RICHARD GREENE In "LORNA DOONE.” in Technicolor, at 6:40 9:45. prrn 1723 King St., Alex. 3445 nbMF Aj, Copd Pcirking Space "TAKE CARE OP MY LITTLE GIRL.' JEANNE CRAIN. JEAN PETERS. __ VIRCIinB Memorial Bivd. A 1st St TinainiA Air Cond AUx 4132 RED SKELTON SALLY FORREST • EXCUSE MY DUST." CENTRE Foirlington. Va. TE. 100C "On The Riveria," Danny Kaye. Gent Tierney. SHIRLINGTON ****£■ "The Great Caruso,” Mario Lanza Ann Blythe. THE VILLAGE V & FARLEY GRANGER In "STRANGER* ON A TRAIN." at B:00, 7:53, 9:46. NEWTON m4Rrniu MJ TYRONE POWER In "RAWHIDE.” a B:00, 7:45 and 9:30. freer 18th A Irving Sts. N.e. DU. 9841 HUMPHREY BOGART In “CASA BLANCA." at 6:00. 9:21; RICHARI CONTE in "THE HOLLYWOOI STORY.” at 8:05. vrniinN 3707 M>-Varnon Av* TLnnun AUXj Vo AUx 242, FARLEY GRANGER In "STRANGER! ON A TRAIN." at 6:00, 7:50, 9:40._ Tues. and Wed. MARIO LANZA.. THE SINGING SENSATION OF “CARUSO” and K A T H R.Y N GRAYSON In two grand techni color musical hits. "THAT MID i NIGHT KISS" and "THE MID OF NEW ORLEANS." Show starts I at 5 p m. AMUSEMENTS. -mri q _ [wiiut. tr Lovin’est Musical in Many a Moon doris DAY Gordon MacRAE * In Warner Bros . ON MOONLIGHT BAY o-»ncNNicnm Also At Ambassador Open 1 P.Ml TN WMI PH**” tklJ (Hi ll YM (DM W*" „ CnI tor Tn' P/CfVP' Mroducmg the Screen! toewest Ouctyw? BEV£RLy MICHAELS m A Columbia Picture with -m Meiiiii ^cmmimii _First Showing w Washington_ Starts Thursday ^ [ve„f j0 Ml PIAY3 THEATRES AT ONE TIME t Warner I PRESENT yGREGOJ Pecj 'VIRGIN! Mm RAOUl WARNER • AMBASSADOR • METROPOLITAN I TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES WARNER BROS. THEATERS Tor Information Call Jtfpablie tiff ALL WARNER BROS. THEATERS COMFORTABLY AIR-CONDITIONED AMBASSADOR Moonlight Bay,” 1, 3:10, 6:20. 7:30, 9:45. AVAI Ml Bt'Phen McNally. Coleen n f niiun Gray "Apache Drums,” 6:15, 8. ft VP HR ANTI Mario Lanza. Ann «n«nv Blyth, "Great Ca ruso,” 6:15, 9:35. Wayne Morris "Sier ra Passage." 8:10. _ BEVERLY FREE parking. Ty^ u“ * * rone Power. Susan Hay ward, "Rawhide.” 6:30. 9:40. Glenn Ford. Rhonda Fleming. "Redhead and the Cowboy.” K. CALVERT KENNEDY Ta'^'J Ruth Roman, “Strangers on a Train.” 7:10. 9:30. CENTRA I Alan Ladd. "Appoint^ bbninAL m e n t With Danger ?.!’ 5:55- 9:25. Ann Dvorak, I Was an American Spy.” 1. 4:25, 7:55._ COLONY w*h D»,.r PENN UPTOWN "Strangers on a Train,” 2:15, 4:40 7:lio. 9:30 _ SAVOY Gcor*e Raft, "Lucky Nick tana vi Cain.” 6:15. 9:40.. Richard Conte. "Under the Gun.” 8:15. SECO 8ll'"‘r 8 p r i n g , Md FREE taatvaa parking. Bob Hope. Doro thy Lamour, "They Got Me Covered," to.lio. 9:35. "Harbor of Missing Men,” SRERIOAN Tyrone Power. Susan MUIlllAfl Hayward, "Rawhide 6:15. 8, 9:45, SILVPR "stiver Spring, Md FREE **“ * PARKING. Farley Granger, “grangers on a Train.” 2:35. 6. 7:20, TAKOMA FREE PARKING. Mario innui ih Lanza Ann Blyth „The Great Caruso.” 6:55, 9:20. TIVOLI Tyrone Power. Susan Hay aaevaia ward, "Rawhide,” 2:16, 4 5:50, 7:40. 9:30. JB t» CJATP "Stranger* on a Train.” ’,n,“ with Farley Granger, Ruth Roman. [ *T “Virginia City." with Erroi UI:,t Flynn. ARLINGTON "The Mudlark.” nni*inu i uh with Irene Dunne UHI CHN 'Strangers on a Train ” IVIleOUH with Farley Granger, Ruth Roman. _ aCHTflN "Ma and Pa Kettle Back on the Farm." Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride_ GLEBE 'The Mudlark,” with Irena LI 1*1*0 a* Dunne. BUCKINGHAM ,ra°n \ Kaye. In Technicolor. Bonn “The House on Telegraph B1 nu Bin," with Wm. Lundlgan. frrraKftH "On the Riviera.” ILI t Llfoun wlth Danny Kay*. "olor by Technicolor. SUNSET DRIVE-IN u£r7Pk Bet. Columbia Pike & Shirley Hwy. Dpen 8 P.M. HOWARD DUFF. MAR rAN TOREN in ‘ SPY HUNT ” 10:06; Plus HURD HATFIELD in “CHINA rOWN at MIDNIGHT.” 8:05. 8tart» rues.. “DUCHESS OF IDAHO.” $1.00 Plus Tax a Carfull. AIRPORT DRIVE-IN "THE GREAT CARUSO” (Tech.'. MARIO LANZA. ANN BLYTH, at 9:05: Plus "THE BIG STEAL" ROBERT MITCHUM JANE GREER at 11:05. Cartoon. Located In Arlington on U S. Route 1. One mile south of the 14th St. Bridge. Five minutes Irom downtown. Kids free! ! ! I. M. LOEW S MT. VERNON OPEN AIR DRIVE-IN Starts i.50 DST. BURT LANCASTER in “VENGEANCE VALLEY." in Tech nicolor. Jnd Hit! LUCILLE BALL in "THE PULLER BRUSH GIRL." Chil dren free! Free playground, pony rides and monkey zoo. Open 7:45 to 8:50. Starts Tues.. “SANTE FE“ and •HIS GIRL FRIDAY.” DRIVE-IN TO. 5800. Open 8 P.M Tyron* Power. Susan Hayward In * Rawhide,’* at 8:50. 10:50.____ HYATTS VILLE HY. 0652. Farley Granger. Ruth Roman Robert Walker in Stranger* on a Train ’ at 7:05, 9:20._ CHEVERLY Tyrone Power, Susan Hayward In “Rawhide.-" at 6:13. 7:56. 9:4l. MARLBORO Randolph Scott. David Brian in "Fort Worth." (Technicolor), at 7:25. 9:13. HAYWOOD WA. 8899 Pier Angeli in ••Teresa,” at 7, 9:25. CAMEO WA. 9746. Open 5:45 P.M Jamei Stewart, Shelley Winters In ‘•Win chester ’73," and Ronald Reagan, Ruth Hussy in "Louisa." Last com plete shaw. 8. ALLEN N H- A,%* E£2 Hi9hw°>; Sally Forrest, Claire Trevor In "Hard Past and Beautiful.” at 6:35, 8:15, 9:50. BETHESDA Farley Granger. Ruth Roman in ••Strangers on a Train " at 7. 9:30. VIERS MILL Claire Trevor. Sally Forrest In "Hard. Fast and Beautiful.” at 6:20. 8 9:36. MILO Michele Morgan. Henry IVdal. Michel Simon In "Fablola” (made In Italy), at 8:18 Special added: Robinson Turpin Upset Championship Fight at 7:10. 9:54. _ 2402 Mt. Vernon Ave. Ale*., Vo. OV. 3360 A great book—now a great picture— ,, "No Orchids For Miss Blandish.” „ First run in northern Virginia. "