Newspaper Page Text
Weather Forecast r..«#A1< j High of 90 followed by scattered thunder- wu,ue Tor n«au«r» 1 showers this afternoon. Clearing tonight Page Page with a low of 70. (Pull report on Page A-2.) ( Amusements -C-4-5 Lost and Found_A-3 Temperatures Today. .Classified_C-5-11 Obituary L_A-12 Midnight 80 6 a.m.._77 11 a.m.-_84 Comics-A-24-25 Radio-TV _A-23 2a.m.<-79 '8 a.m..-77 Noon 82 Editorial -A-10 Sports_„C-l-3 4 a.m.__78 9 a.m... 79 1 p.m.-_82 Edit’l Articles _A-11 Woman's —--—_ Finance _A-19 Section_B-3-6 Lote New York Markets. Page A-19. ' ——_ ■ ’ ~~- _ _____ An Associated Press Newspaper _ 99th Year. No. 213. Phone ST. 5000 ★★ WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1951—FIFTY-TWO PAGES. Hom' I>llv"T Monthly Rite*: Evening »nd 8und»y. S1.S0; ST CENTS ----—------ ’ ’ x xx x x xvtv/ 1 xiuuo. Evening only. SI. 10; Sunday only. 45c: Night Plngl. 10c Additional. * $400 U. S. and D. C. Pay Raise, Including Teachers, Police and Firemen, Voted by House Group Non-Defense Agencie Must Cut Personnel To Absorb Cost By Joseph Young The House Civil Service Com mittee today approved a $400-a year permanent pay raise for a: Federal and District Governmen classified employes, includin Washington policemen, fireme: and school teachers. At the same time, the commit tee moved to hold down the cos of such a pay raise by adoptin the provision requiring non defense agencies to absorb th cost of the salary boost by trim ming personnel. Approximately 1.2 million Gov ernment classified employes ar covered by the legislation, includ ing about 235,000 in the Wash ington area. The inclusion of District police men, firemen and school teacher came as a surprise, since such mat ters are generally handled in thi House by the District Committee Retroactive to July 1. The $400 increase voted by thi ■committee would be retroactive t< July 1. The group had been inclined t< give the Government's classifies employes somewhat less than thi $400 figure it voted for posta workers yesterday. However, ii was decided to give classified em ployes the same amount, with no^ defense departments and agencie: absorbing the cost. The amendment sponsored bj Representative Corbett, Repub lican, of Pennsylvania, leaves it up to the President to determini which agencies are to be desig nated defense units. Also included in the bill are em ployes of the foreign service, th« Veterans’ Administration’s depart ments of medicine and surgery legislative and judicial employes Action Covers Top Bracket. Although the committee at on< time had considered leaving ou employes in the top bracket sal aries, the bill approved today in cludes everybody covered by th< Federal classification act. The committee’s action in re quiring non-defense agencies t( absorb the pay raise cost is tht first time that such a provisior has been adopted by the group ir handling pay legislation during recent years. However, the House and Senate Appropriations Com mittees in the year; when pay raises were granted always have required some of the agencies to absorb a good share of the pay raise cost by reducing personnel. In most cases, this was done by not filling vanacies. The Senate Civil Service Com mittee last month approved an 8.4 per cent pay boost for Govern ment workers but the Senate has not yet acted. Reversal on Postal Increase. The committee yesterday suc ceeded in reaching agreement on a $400 pay boost for the 550,000 postal workers. Moreover, the $400 raise would be permanent. This represented a reversal of the group's tentative action last (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 6.) Another Hot Month Predicted for August For those who feel they just had a full summer, thanks to July, there’s not much to look forward to, thanks to August. The Weather Bureau’s 30-day outlok for this area predicted temperatures above seasonal nor mal. That’s just what happened last month when daily temperatures averaged about two degrees above normal. The high point was 95, recorded July 22, and the low was 61, July 6. Rainfall for July was .54 of an inch heavier than the average of 5.25. This month the District may expect near normal rainfall of 4.45 inches, but temperatures should soar above the norlnal minimum of 66. Some clouds, quite a bit of humidity and 90 degrees of heat were expected today. This eve ning will bring scattered showers. Some improvement was antici pated tonight and tomorrow, at least, with a low of 70 expected tonight and a high of 86 likely tomorrow. Gen. Crawford Is Ordered To Dufy in Germany By the Associated Press The Army is sending Brig. Gen. David J. Crawford, formerly com mander of the Detroit Tank Arse nal, to American Army headquar ters at Heidelberg, Germany. This was disclosed yesterday in a routine file of Army orders. Army Secretary Frank Pace an nounced Sunday Gen. Crawford had been relieved of his Detroit pnmmonH- onH ranrimim/)n/l cause he "has violated Army regu lations and not met the high standards required of an Army officer.” He was accused by a Congressional committee of ac cepting favors from contractors and using Government property for personal benefit. Gen. Crawford will remain at Detroit 30 days on temporary duty, but not in command. What he does at Heidelberg will depend on Gen. Thomas Handy, commander of United States armed forces in Europe. A ! Senate D. C. Group Approves Compromise Bill on Home Rule Unusual Move Calls for New Hearings As 5-3 Vote Orders Favorable Report ‘ By Don S. Warren i The Senate District Committee 1 by roll call vote of 5 to 3 todaj ordered a favorable report on the . j so-called compromise Washing t' ton home-rule bill, but because ? | of a long wrangle over its pro visions aiso ordered further hear £' ings on the measure. This unusual situation devel : oped when several members of the . committee challenged provisions , of the measure and suggested the ' need for hearings. Some cf the bill's sponsors were willing to have more hearings as . a means of gaining possible addi 5 tional support. Others wanted no . further hearings at all, saying . they would be a waste of time. Since the sponsors had the votes to report the bill the issue , was compromised by doing both 1 things—reporting the bill and in the same motion directing the Home Rule subcommittee to plan early additional hearings. On this motion the vote was as follows: For—Democratic Sen ators Neely of West Virginia and Pastore of Rhode Island, and Re publican Senators Case of South Dakota, Bennett of Utah and Butler of Maryland. Against— Democratic Senator Kefauver of Tennessee, one of the principal sponsors of the bill, and Repub lican Senators Dirksen of Illinois and Welker of Idaho. Senator Kefauver explained that he, of course, was for the compromise bill but was voting "no” because he saw no advan tage in having hearings before the committee reported the bill. Senator Welker said: "I think mote hearings would be nothing (See HOME RULE, Page A-3.) $138 Million D.C. Fund With 5% Cul in U. 5. Share Goes to Truman Ylouse and Senate Act; Budget Is $2 Million Below City Estimate BULLETIN The Senate passed and sent i to the White House this after noon the District's 1952 supply bill. ■ The House today quickly ap proved a conference report on the District's $138,216,150 appropria tion bill for the fiscal year which began July 1. with the Federal payment reduced by 5 per cent to $11.4 million. The Senate-House compromise version was recommended yester fiflv hv rnnfprpp^: If the Senate agrees to the con ference measure later today, the District- budget bill will be the first major appropriation bill to receive final congressional action.! -House and Senate have acted sep-j arately on several departmental! appropriation bills, but none has1 yet been sent to the Whjte House. The bill, as compromised by the j House and Senate managers,: would be more than $2 million below the budget estimates of the Commissioners for the new fiscal year but well over $17 million above the 1951 budget. Issue Ended in Compromise. In view of the House rebellion against a full $12 million Federal payment, as set down in the 1947 District Revenue Act, the con ferees, in a single, one-hour ses sion yesterday, decided to recom mend a neven split in the differ ence between the two houses. The House, in its recent original action, had moved to cut the pay ment by $1.2 million or 10 per cent from the authorized $12 million. The Senate, offering many justi fications for the full amount or even more, insisted on not less than $12 million. But in conference, with the bill, already delayed a full month after uuc ui-icmng ui me new nscai year July 1, the issue was resolved with a straight split compromise. This means a 5 per cent, in stead of a 10 per cent cut in the full, statutory $12 million pay ment. With $1 million earmarked for payment for water the District provides the Federal establish ments, this means a general fund Federal payment of $10.4 million. Under the House plan, it wotild have been $600,000 less or $9.8 mil lion; and under the Senate plan $600,000 more, or a full $11 million to the general fund. Other Problems Settled. In other compromises agreed upon by the House and Senate1 conferees, there were recommenda tions for: 1. Inclusion of an item of $130, 000, charged to water department,! for the installation and beginning! of the program of fluoridation of! the city water supply as a means of preventing decays in the teeth of children. 2. A total outlay of about $110, 000 for a centralized control and a single fund for financing the: public schools’ athletic program.! Receipts from athletic events would go to the treasury. 3. An additional $100,000 toward the cost of the District’s indigent sick given care by nine non-profit, private hospitals. This raises the medical charities grant to $600, 000—still several hundred thou sand dollars below what the hos pitals said was the actual cost. $100,000 for Police Pay. 4. An additional grant of $17, 650 for the employment of five additional teachers in the public school automobile driver training courses. The Senate had urged an increase in the drivers’ train ing program, on recommenda tion by the American Automobile Association, after the House had rejected the extra outlays. 5. An additional $100,000 • for the police department to permit payment to volunteer members for working a sixth day of the week so as to continue the legis lated five-day work week for the department generally. I. U. S. Completes Third Of Stockpile Program Despite Shortages Munitions Board Puts Total Value of Strategic Materials at $3 Billion ly tK« Associated Press The Munitions Board reported today the Nation’s stockpile of strategic materials which would be needed if war closed off im ports has been built up to more than one-third of the planned total. In a semiannual report to Con gress, the board said the value of material now on hand is *3 bil lion, while the total objective is $8.3 billion. It noted, however, that the objective may be revised from time to time to fit strategic and moLiJjizat inn nlanc It added, without explanation, that the current objective com pares with a figure of $8,590,000, 000 six months previously. Covers January to June. The report covered stockpiling activity from last January through! last June During that time, the value of the stockpile on hand increased from $2,540,000,000 to $3 billion. The “rate of stockpiling contin- ; ued to increase” and an appropri- j ation last January allowed “vast acceleration” of contracts for ma terials, the board said. Congressional committees have twice issued highly critical reports; of the stockpiling program under past Munition Board administra tion. Present chairman of the board is John D. Small. The board commented that its buying program is curtailed by two factors, shortages of material and wiufrcbiuun in cue marKeu Cite* Serious Shortages. "It should be realized by every one concerned with our stockpile of strategic and critical mate rials," the report said, "that there are serious national and world- ' wide shortages of most of them. ! As a result, the Munitions Board, ( due to circumstances beyond its i control, is unable to acquire these i materials at its target rates. . . . | “With the steadily increasing' need for materials for current ] military production, plus the | urgent needs of the stockpile and the ned for maintaining a healthy industrial economy, competition for limited supplies of materials has become keen. It is the dual function of the new civilian agen cies to promote increased produc tion and imports of scarce ma terials and to distribute the avail able supplies among claimants. Thus the present rate of stockpil ing acquisition, although in most cases below the targets set by the Munitions Board, is governed by the determinations of the civilian agencies. This is the most sig nificant change in the field of stockpiling programs and policies in recent months.” Gen. Fleming Nominated As National Guard Chief President Truman today nom- ! inated Maj. Gen. Raymond Hart- : well Fleming to be chief of the 1 National Guard Bureau for a four year term. Gen. Fleming, 62, has been act- 1 ing chief since last September when Ma.i. Gen. Kenneth F. 1 Cramer, whom he succeeds, was assigned to command the 43d ; Division. 1 Gen. Fleming Has been identi- ' Red with the National Guard since ( 1916 when he joined the Louisiana ] 3uard as a private. During World War I, he com manded a battery of the 143d 1 Feld Artillery overseas. During i the last war, he was State direc- : tor of Selective Service of Louis iana and also served as State i idjutant general. 1 He came to the National Bureau i in 1948 as the first chief of the < Army division. I New Effort Due By U. S. in Move To Free Oatis Acheson Says Steps Will Follow Ban on Czech Trade Pact By Garnett D. Horner Secretary of State Acheson said today that the United States is preparing further action in efforts to free Associated Press Corre spondent William N. Oatis from a Communist jail in Czechoslo vakia. His comment at a news con ference came after the State U. S. Compiling Data on Hungarian Reds' Role in Deportations. Page A-4 Department announced last night that it is movine to cut, nff nil tariff concessions to Czechoslo vakia. Mr. Acheson did not refer to the trade action directly, but re called that this Government al ready Jias taken some action fol lowing the sentencing of Mr. Oatis to 10 years in prison on trumped up spy charges. The Secretary said the Oatis imprisonment was a matter of the utmost importance to the Govern ment and people of the United States. Proclamation Awaited. He refused to elaborate on what further action is in preparation. To talk freely about this now, he said, might not be in the best interests of Mr. Oatis. The next step in carrying out the trade decision announced by the State Department last night is expected to be an early proc lamation by President Truman ac tually withdrawing all trade agree ment tariff benefits from the Czechs. This is the second slap at the Moscow satellite since Mr. Oatis, was arrested in April in Prague. His subsequent trial was de nouncea oy tms Government as a farce. On June 2 the State Department banned issuance of passports to American citizens to travel in Czechoslovakia. Other Actions Involved. The Oatis case apparently spurred the decision to cut off trade benefits to the Czechs, al thodth officials said it had been in the making since long before Mr. Oatis was arrested. The an nouncement blamed several other actions by Czechoslovakia for nullifying the trade agreement ob ligations. as well as imprisonment of Americans ‘‘without justifica tion.” The decision was announced in a statement circulated among the nations belonging to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. They are scheduled to meet at Geneva September 17. "The United States has deter mined to withdraw from Czecho slovakia the benefits of trade igreement tariff concessions,” the statement declared flatly. It then proposed that at the September meeting "all of the obligations existing between it and Czechoslovakia by virtue of the orovisions of the agreement should oe formally terminated.” Legal Factors Studied. While the ending of United 3tates-Czech tariff concessions re luires only a presidential procla mation. the ending of tariff agree ment obligations—mainly fair ToHh DrorHhoc_nrill von niva or»_ iroval by the other members. Determination on this pro cedure involved considerable study >f complicated legal factors in 'olved. The major question con cerned whether the United States could take any action at all with-; >ut approval of other signatories o the tariff agreement. Under the decision announced ast night, the members will not >e asked to pass on action by this country in withdrawing tariff con-1 essions from Czechoslovakia—but’ inly on formally terminating “all if the obligations.” The possibility of such a pro cedure was suggested in two articles in The Star recently by Sdwin G. Martin, former general counsel of the Federal Tariff Com nission, now in private law prac tice. Although the American move; vould break off contract trade; 'elations with Czechoslovakia, <See CZECH. Page A-3.) | Navy Shells Out Facts on Oyster Fork'Hoard' ' aj tnw nijuuiuicu ri«i The mystery of the Navy’s lecret hoard of oyster forks was ileared up today. It turns out the Navy doesn’t lave 11 million dozen oyster forks, is Columnist Fulton Lewis, jr„ >nce reported. It has a mere .0.693 dozen. And of these, 10, 122 dozen are so poorly made that he Navy wouldn’t dream of us ng them—except in an emer [ency. So the fact is that the Navy s down to its last 3,252 pre lentable oyster forks and doesn’t >lan to order any more. A House Appropriations sub :ommittee pried the story loose rom its shell in secret testimony nade public today. Representative Taber wanted to mow why the Navy stocked any iilver-plated oyster forks in the Irst place. “How does it happen,” he de nanded, “that when you go into he House restaurant you get lothing but ordinary steel? We ividently are not as ‘classy.’ ” Rear Admiral Charles Fox, i chief of the Navy s Bureau of Supplies, said the oyster forks wern’t as tony as they sounded. They cost only 18.5 cents apiece, he went on, and besides the silver flaked off most of them. In fact, the Admiral said, the Navy got stuck with a lot of not much-good silverware during the war—$731,189 worth. Including 151,572 emergency - only oyster forks. Chairman Mahon said the Navy should have looked before it bought. Admiral Fox agreed: “If we had to do over again, we certainly would not buy them.” “How essential is an oyster fork to the Navy’” Mr. Mahon in quired. “Usually when I eat with the Navy I da not see an oyster fork, or oysters, either.” “They are in the officers’ messes,” the admiral replied. “Unfortu nately they have the name ‘oyster fork,’ but they are used for other purposes . . . seafood cocktails... it is a common item of tableware.” Far from putting on the dog, he said, the Navy has n^hlessly slashed Its tableware buying— from 94 different items to 20. “To an old infantryman like \ me,” commented Representative Scrivner, Republican, of Kansas,] "20 pieces of silver for a mess looks like quite a few in an emer-! gency mobilization.” He added:! "I'm sure that if an emergency1 arose, the Navy would be able to’1 do its usual good job without them , (oyster forks).” Admiral Fox said the Navy likqp to make its ships homelike for officers who live in them for 1 months or years at a time, fre- c quently entertaining foreign dig- J nitaries. < “I have personally been em- t barrassed aboard ship.” he said, ( “when we entertained distin- J guished members of Congress and : had chipped chinaware and chi- ) naware that was of different de sign.” “Do not ever be embarrassed t to serve Congressmen with chipped v china,” Chairman Mahon advised him. "I think that would impress i them favorably.” c I : f * « ► w/ Pravda Might Publish McMahon Statement, Acheson Suggests Article by Morrison In Communist Paper Praised by Secretary Secretary of State Acheson sug gested today that Moscow should publish an expression of friendship for the Russian people, recently forwarded by President Truman, as it just published an article by British Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison. The Morrison statement, pub lished by Pravda today, drew Mr. Texf of Morrison Mcssoga and Answer Printed in Provda. Page A-6 Acheson's praise for its strong wording. The fact that the Soviet published a reply along with the article in the party newspaper showed the worry it caused Red leaders, he said. Mr. Acheson described the reply as "strained and nervous.” Asked at a news conference if he had anything similar to con tribute to Pravda, Mr. Acheson replied that the most important statement for the Moscow press' to publish was the resolution of Senator McMahon, Democrat, of Connecticut, expressing iriend-! ship for the Russian people as distinct from their Communist' bosses. He recalled that President Tru man had sent the statement to the Soviet government, requesting that it be published, but that nothing had come of it. Pravda Reply to Morrison Outdoes Him in Length LONDON, Aug. 1 (/P).—Russia opened the Iron Curtain a crack today to let the Communist faith ful read a “let’s be friends” appeal from British Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison. The party newspaper, Pravda, published the Morrison statement! and, in the same issue, lashed back j with a bitter reply—considerably longer—denouncing all he said as: lies or distortions. A British Foreign Office spokes man said Pravda’s reply was “dis appointing" and contained noth ing “to suggest any effort had; been made to use the occasion for; a fruitful exchange of views or to improve relations between the two countries.” The unprecedented East-West exchange resulted from a chal lenge by Mr. Morrison last June daring Pravda to print his views. Pravda agreed, provided the Brit ish press would give equal prom inence to its reply. Six London newspapers printed the full text of the exchange today. Mr. Morrison said: “We are a peaceful people who want to feel secure,” but can't (See MORRISON, Page A-4.) Savage Battle Amid Peace Talk Gains Strategic Peak for Allies 'Fool Mountain' in East Korea Captured; Was Key Communist Observation Point By John Randolph Asiociated Prt»» War Correspondent EASTERN KOREAN FRONT, July 31 (Delayed).—"Fool Moun tain’’ was stormed by Allied in fantrymen who knew they could be sacrificing their lives in the last days of the Korean war. Some died, but the high ridges, from which the Reds had been able to watch every Allied move, were taken. In any event, the capture of this towering hill mass in East Korea Monday can be reported as one of the war's most savage actions— a five-day assault while truce talks droned on at Kaesong. It was by far the largest action since the armistice conference began—in fact, the only bit of "real war” since the delegates first met July 10. Why, then, did the Allies take it? "Fool Mountain”—nobdy knows how it got its name—is higher than three Empire State Build ings, taller than six Washington Monuments. Actually it is a steep ridge. From its heights, the reorgan ized and retrained North Korean Army watched every move in the Allied lines and on the main sup ply route to them. It was a bad situation. The hill had to be taken or life in Allied lines would be unbearable—and [lives can be frittered away in bad 'Continued on Page A-8. Col. 4.1 'Reserve' Rule Keeps Minor Leagues Alive, Trautman Testifies Many Small Ball Clubs Financed Through 'Civic Pride,' Hearing Told By Miriam Ottenberg The boss of the minor leagues; today told the House Monopoly subcommittee that the small busi ness men who finance minor cir-, cuit clubs out of “civic pride” need the “reserve clause” to protect their not very profitable invest ment. The “reserve clause,” focal point! of the anti-trust investigation of baseball, ties a player to the club| that owns him and prohibits him from shoppnig around for a bet ter-paying job. The latest defense of the reserve1 rule came from George ' Traut man, president of the National: Association of Professional Base ball Leagues. cTn economic grounds. Mr.j Trautman also defended the ter ritorial rule which gives a club, exclusive rights to play organized; baseball in a particular area. h Minors Are ‘No Bonanza.* The territorial rule, Mr. Traut man contended, is “nothing more ! than a recognition of the economic ! fact that it requires an < area to support a baseball team and it i is better that one shall live than that two shall die.” Mr. Trautman assured the sub committee that operating a minor 1 league club is “no bonanza.” The 1 lower league clubs, he said, are ; operated primarily “as civic en- ' terprises and out of a sense of civic loyalty and pride”. Out of 2,287 officers and direc- ‘ <See PROBE, Page A-8.1 Truman Plans Drive For Tighter Controls; Calls New Ad 'Worst' Signs Compromise With Reluctance and Labels It Only Alternative President Truman today was getting set to call on Congress again for a tougher price control law after blasting the new meas ure he signed reluctanly last night as the alternative to abandoning all economic curbs. Affixing his signature to the ane-year extension of the Defense rext of Trumon Statement on Signing Controls Bill. Page A-13 Production Act just a few hours aefore the old legislation expired, Mr. Truman assailed it as “the worst I ever had to sign,” and :mphasized it was being accepted anly because he could not risk the apse of its rent ceiling and strong ariority control clauses. “We will not be able to hold arices down under this act and I im going to ask Congress to amend it to give us adequate :ontrols,” Mr. Truman said in his statement. The President's blast was a re >ly to those Republicans—and some of his own party leaders—j vho defended the legislation which • 'ell far short of the goals he had lrged to combat inflation. Deficiencies io Be Studied. Key presidential aides, Mr. Tru iiciii cA^jouieu, are now maKing a Jinpoint study of the new law to iscertain definitely its deficiencies, rhese Congress will be urged to emedy. There was speculation in this onnection that the President night wait a little while for the ull impact of the new law to be elt—and then take his case to he country. He has been talking ibout tentative plans for a vhistle-stop tour later in the year. As the President cut loose, there vas a retort from the G. O. P. fust about summing up the argu nents of his Republican col eagues who have strongly de ended the new measure, Repre (See CONTROLS, Page A-4.) 11,000 Men Are Scheduled :or Draff Call in October The Defense Department an lounced today an October draft all for 41,000 men—36.00C for the irmy and 5,000 for the Marine forps. The call is for 6.820 more men ! han will be inducted in Septem er. Of the September total, the Marine Corps asked for 6,180, nd the balance will go to the irmy. The Navy and Air Force have ot used Selective Service to fill heir ranks, depending solely on oluntary enlistments. October will be the third month i which the Marine Corps has ailed on Selective Sei^ice. Acheson Rejects Reds' Proposal On Korean Zone Line on 38th Parallel Cannot Be Defended, Secretary Explains By th« Associated Press Secretary of State Acheson re jected flatly today the Communist proposal that a buffer zone be set up in Korea along the 38th Par allel. Mr. Acheson told a news con ference the Reds wish to go back to a line over which they launched | an unprovoked attack—to start the Korean war—and he said that is not acceptable. He added that Secretary of De fense Marshall has made it en tirely clear that any demarcation iline must be a defensible line. Events have shown. Mr. Acheson said, that this is not true of the 38th Parallel. Talks Essentially Military. He declared that the talks now (under way at Kaesong are esseri tiaiiy military talks, but that the Communists have been trying to use them for a political purpose. By this he apparently meant that instead of being willing to stop the fighting where the armies now are and where both sides would have strong defense posi tions, the Reds have tried to get all of North Korea again in Com munist control while leaving the South to the Allied forces. This would be a return to the situa tion which existed before the Communist assault last summer. At the moment, Mr. Acheson said, truce talks seem to be stalled. Secretary Acheson also said that Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway and his delegation to the Kae song meetings have handled their share of the negotiations force i fully and soundly. Won’t Say They’re Deadlorked. Mr. Acheson did not express either optimism or pessimism on i the progress of the talks but : neither would he say that they | were deadlocked, j He refused to state precisely jWhat the U. N. negotiators were seeking in the way of a buffer Tone location. Other officials have made clear that the U. N. proposal for an armistice line I is based on the present battle jline. I The Pyongyang (North Korean> radio said the U. N. seeks a line Tunning from Kosong. 27 miles north of the 3Rth Pa T*£*11©1 nn tVsa east coast, to the Ongjin Penin ! sul» on the west coast. The broadcast added: "Thus the Americans try to |rob a large territory inside North Korea. The Americans are mak ing every effort to avert the ar | rival of peace to Korea.’’ New Recess in Truce Talk Implied by Communists I U. N. ADVANCE HEADQUAR TERS. Korea, Aug. 1 0P)._Fer the sixth straight day, cease-fire ne gotiators today failed to make any progress toward ending the shoot ing in Korea. The issue concerns location of a proposed "buffer zone’’ across Korea. Unofficial Communist sources suggested the Red negotiators might propose a recess of several days. They thought this might help break the deadlock. Deadlocks in the Kaesong con ference on two previous occasions have been broken after three-day tecesses. Each time Reds yielded to United Nations demands. Joy Rejects Red Proposal. There was no official hint a re cess had even been mentioned during today’s two-hour and 25 minute session. The 17th meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, starting at 11 a.m., (9 p.m. Wednesday, EDT.). Vice Admiral c. Turner Jov. chief U. N. delegate, took half of Wednesday’s session to tell the five Red generals what was wrong with their proposal for a neutral zone along the 38 Parallel. U. N. spokesmen say that the old political boundary between North and South Korea is militarily in defensible. The Allies want, in the words of today’s U. N. communi- * que, "a realistic demilitarized zone, equitable to both belligerents. At yesterday’s session, Admiral Joy had explained how the Com munists would benefit from the Allied plan of creating a buffer zone along the present lines. The battlefront now extends (See TRUCE, Page A-3.) U. 5. War Casualties Increase 356 in Week Announced American battlo casualties in Korea reached 80 079 today, an increase *of 356 since last week. It was the lowest week ly increase since the start of the Korean war. The Defense Department’s sum mary, based on notification of next of kin through last Friday showed 11,933 killed in action. 55,898 wounded of whom 1,357 lied, and 12,248 missing in ac tion. Of the missing. 117 have died, ringing the total deaths to 13,40 7. The Army reported 65,472 cas ualties, the Marine Corps 12.982. he Navy 928 and the Air Force >97. Of the Army casualties, 9,992 vere killed, 44,071 wounded of vhom 1,044 died and 11,409 miss mg. Of the missing, 100 died. The Marine Corps reported 1,61(1 tilled, 11,085 wounded of whom 193 died and 281 missing in ac tion. ^ * 2f