Newspaper Page Text
INGRID HEADS FOR HOTEL—London.—Actress Ingrid Berg man slips into a car as she moves from the home of London friends to a hotel to await the arrival of Roberto Rossellini, her film producer husband, in the British capital. Miss Bergman had a visit with her daughter Jenny Ann, 12, in the London home of British Screen Star Ann Todd. The girl, formerly named Pia, is on her way to Sweden with her father. Dr. Peter Lindstrom. Ingrid's former husband. —AP Wirephoto. Editor Denies McCarthy Charge Of Red Ties in Petition Story • y the Associoted Pres» MADISON. Wis., Aug. 1.— Cedric Parker, city editor of the Capital Times of Madison, denies charges made against him Mon day on the Senate floor by Sena tor McCarthy, Republican, of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy declared that ground work for remarks made by President Truman in Detroit Sat urday were laid by “the Commu nist editor of a Communist paper.’’ William T. Evjue, publisher of the Times, said yesterday he had no comment on Senator McCar thy’s charges. Senator McCarthy, in his re marks to the Senate, said he was referring to Mr. Parker, whom he identified as the Capital Times city editor. Both Senator McCarthy and Senator Wiley, Republican, of Wisconsin criticized President Truman for remarks they said reflected adversely on people of Wisconsin. The President had said that 111 residents of Madison refused to sign a petition July 4 based on principles of the Decla ration of Independence and Bill of Rights. The President said many were afraid to sign it be cause they feared it was “some Kina oi suoversive aocumeni. “Senator Wiley quoted the 12 West Coast Reds Indicted, Fail to Raise $925,000 Bail By th« Associated Press LOS ANGELES. Aug. 1.—A matter of $925,000 in bail keeps 12 indicted California Communists in Jail today. Their attorneys are figuring out: ways and means to .get the prescribed bail reduced so they can be free pending trial but haven’t announced what steps they propose to take. Four are held here, seven in San Francisco, all under $75,000 bond each, and one in New York under $100,000 bail. They are charged under the Smith Act with conspiring to teach and ad vocate violent overthrow of the United States Government. Jury Recommends Bail. The 12 were rounded up by the FBI on complaints last Thursday. Before their lawyer had well be gun efforts to get them released on bail, the Los Angeles Federal grand jury indicted them yester day and recommended the bail amounts. This put them before the Federal Court for arraignment and pleas. But Ben Margolis, attorney for the four held here, at once launched a fight to prevent Fed eral Judge James A. Carter, be fore whom the indictment was re turned, from hearing any part of the case. Mr. Margolis contended the judge must be prejudiced be cause formerly as United States attorney here he prosecute1* cases involving some of the defendants' The lawyer also said that in public speeches and remarks, Judge Carter had declared he would like to “wipe out” the Com munist Party on the West Coast. Will Hear Arraignment. The judge, however, ,said he didn’t believe that his expressed opposition to communism disquali fied him and, further, that he holds no animosity or personal feeling against any of the defend ants. He said he would hear the arraignment phase, at least, al though the case might later be set for trial before some other juuge. Mr. Margolis switched tactics then and said he did not wish to enter a formal motion for reduc tion of bail at this time. Judge Carter continued the arraignment and plea to August 13. By that time both sides will know whether the eight defend ants in San Francisco and New Yojk have been removed here or are resisting removal. By that time also Mr. Margolis said he will have prepared various motions in the case. Before the indictment was re turned, Mr. Margolis had sought in another court to have his clients, held then merely on com plaints, released on writ of habeas corpus, but that procedure was nullified by return of the indict ment. t < President as saying that was one result of "lies and slander” he declared were being spread around the country. Mr. Parker said: "In an effort to discredit the July Fourth petition story writ ten by John Hunter. Capital Times reporter, which showed the demoralizing effect of McCarthy ism on the American people. Sen ator McCarthy has resorted to his usual devices of misrepresen tation, distortion and fabrication —all under his cloak of immunity on the Senate floor.” Mr. Parker denied Senator Mc Carthy's charge that Mr. Parker “staged” the interview seeking signatures on Mr. Hunter’* peti tion. The story was conceived and executed by Mr. Hunter, Mr. Parker said. He added: "Senator McCarthy says I am vi a vum p munist paper.’ This is " deliberate! lie and Senator McCarthy knows it. “Senator McCarthy says I re fused to sign the non-Communist affidavit when I was president of the Madison Newspaper Guild. That is another lie and Senator McCarthy knows it. “Senator McCarthy says I was 'an associate of Eugene Dennis.’ That is another lie. and Senator McCarthy knows it.” Man Who Cashed Check As Kaiser's Son Held Charles W. Irwin, 47, of Del Pase, Calif., who posed as a son of industrialist Henry J. Kaiser to cash a $145 check a week ago, was held under $1,000 bond for grand jury action on a forgery charge in Municipal Court today. Detective Sergt. John Luskev told Judge Thomas C. Scalley that Irwin identified himself as “Charles G. Kaiser” to persuade a G street merchant to cash the check which proved to be worth less. Subsequent investigation dis closed that Irwin is not related to the Kaiser family, the detective said. Man Robbed in Alley William Ryan, 50, of the Harris Hotel, was attacked by two colored men who robbed him of $100 early this morning, he told police. He was treated at Gallinger Hospital for cuts and bruises. He told police the men attacked him in an alley in the 600 block of ^ North Capital street. BL Open 'til 9 Thursday Nite At A11 3 YMS Stores *Ymjng Men’s Shop DOWNTOWN: 1310 F St. N W. NORTHEAST: 3P42 Minnesota Ave. CLARENDON, VA.I 8030 Fairfax Drlvo ' I Ladies: If you wont to save money (and who doesn't these days) now is the time to do it! The YMS is clearing out summer stocks . . . we're get ting ready for the fall . . although there's loti more summer to come! So here's your chance to save! Hurry in . . . get those cool clothes you've needed for your August vacation, for just wearing around the house at big savings ... at all 3 YMS ladies shops . . . unless otherwise indicated. Hurry in . . . save! WOMEN'S FASHIONS Cool dresses, $10.95 to $17.95 _$8.95 Choose from sheer cottons, nylon ond rayon cord suits, Bemberg sheers and ginghams. Juniors', misses', women's half sizes. Summer skirts, $4.95 to $14.95_$2.99, $5.85 This fine collection of skirts includes cottons ond linens in sheer ond heavier ty»es. Sizes 10 to 18. Cool blouses, $2.98 to $9.95_$1.99, $2.99, $3.99 Special group includes cotton broadcloth, piques, batiste, silk shantung, organdy, sheers ond silk organza. Tailored, dressy. Sizes 32 to 38. bummer maternity dresses, 58.95 to $12.95-$5.85 Lonely cotton ond Bemberg sheer motern ity dresses in junior, misses' sizes 9-15, 10-18. Low, low priced! Bathing suits, $8.95 to $10.95 ..$5.85 Choose from lastex, royon ond nylon swim suits in o wide variety of colors ond styles for you. One ond two pieces. Sizes 34 to 38. Summer coats and toppers, $10.85 $17.95 cool pastel toppers low, low priced lot YMS F St. and Clarendon stores only). $22.95 to $35 Spring ond Summer $14.85 Toppers. Spring, summer coats, $35.00 to $49.95 -$22.85 Choose from famous make, fine quality spring and summer coats, toppers lot YMS, F St.,'Clarendon stores only). Sizes for misses, women up to 24Vi. Cotton tee shirts, $1.95 and $2.95_$1.45, $1.99 Colorful cotton Tee Shirts reduced to save you money! Woshable, practical for the rest of the summer. in_i_n_■ vubiic» rwyui »uir», $25.00 --..$14.85 Famous make Duchess Royal suits in rayon shantungs, ribodunes. Navy, beige, grey. Sizes 10 to 20. Rayon summer suits, $17.95_...-$9.85 Choose from dark and light color suits including some whites. Sizes for misses, in 12 to 20 and half sizes, 16Vi to 24 Vi. Broken sizes. Cotton twill washable shorts, $2.95 -i_$2.19 Practical cotton twill shorts for the hot days to come. Dark and light colors, sizes 12 to 18. MEN'S HATS V2 Price Sale YMS F St. Store Only were now Panamas, famous makes $5.00 $2.50 Panamas, famous makes $7.50 $3.75 * ALL THESE ITEMS AT F Street Store ONLY \ MEN'S CLOTHING 2 $45 Gabardine suits, now S. B. 36, reg. long. $22.50 1 $45 Grey Gabardine suit, now D B. 39 reg $22.50 1 $50 Tan Gabardine suit, now 5 B. 37 short. $25 2 $50 Covert_now $25 S. B. 37 short. D. B. 38 short. Washable cotton cord suits, $20.75 -$9.95 Single ond Double breasted, some slightly soiled. In these sizes only: Reg.: 1/35, 3/37, 5/38, 4/39, 3/44, 5/46. Short: 2/37, 1/38, 1/39. Longs: 1/37, 4/38, 1/39, 2/44. Cotton, nylon and rayon suits, $27.50 __$12.75 In double ond single breasted styles. Some slightly soiled. In the following sizes: D. B. Reg : 2/36, 2/38; Short: 1/38; Longs: 5/38, 1/39. S. B. Reg.: 1/37, 7/38; Shorts: 1/35; Stouts: 1/46. Summer, mixed cotton - mohair suits, $27.50__$9.95 Double breasted ond single breosteds: In these sizes: Reg. D. B : 4/38, 1/39. S. B. Reg.: 2/44; Stouts: 2/44. "Timely Clothes," all wool tropi cals, $65.00 _$32.50 In blue ond browns. Single and Double breasted styles in the following sizes: Reg.: 3/38; Long: 1/46. "Stein Bloch" all-wool tropicals, $75.00 -$37.50 In these sizes: S. B , 37t Reg,; D. B , 37 Reg.; 37 Short, ond 39 Long. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Odd Lots of Men s $3.95 Shirts 1.99 were now i__:_l__1.. * 1 tn -re _ LwUllg "COIIIlg ll J 1W1I ouvno H' ■ < ' I • wv Pure silk ties, assorted patterns $3.50 $1.39 Famous makes union suits. Size 32 $3.95 95c Famous nylon undershirts (small only) $2.50 $1.25 Initial tie and handkerchief sets $2.95 $1.49 Formal shirts, slightly soiled $6.95 $3.00 SPORTSWEAR Large and extra-large famous make j2 99 long sleeve sport shirts ^ Sorry, no moil, phone or C O D orders on price merchandise. All sales final. Be at the YMS F St. Store early Thursday morning for the best values! All items subject to prior sole! ... — .—. ....... Use your YMS CHARGE ACCOUNT at any of the 3 YMS stores / ^ Or open one today or tomorrow 4 ufeVorNG Men’s S op Downtown: 1319 F Street N.W. Northeast: 3942 Minnesota Ave. N.E. Clarendon, Va.: 3030 Fairfax Drive % o • 1 » All Sales Final Sorry, No Mail Phone or C.O.D. Orders filled on clearance item*. \ * Men: This is a sovings event unlike any you've ever seen before! You choose famous make mer chandise . . . from Washington's men's store of famous makes ... at big savings! Hurry in for Clothing, Sportswear, Shoes, Furnishings . . . and save! Sorry, no moil, phone or C.O.D. orders on clearance merchandise ... all sales final! MEN'S CLOTHING Nylon and rayon cord suits, $27.50 _$22.00 Single and double breasted styles. Reg ulars, shorts, longs, stouts and short stouts. Broken sizes. At the YMS F. St. and Clarendon stores only. 61 Rayon tropicals, $29.95 and $35.00 _ $19.95 Single and double breosted models; At F. St. store only. Reg.; 1/35, 1/36, 5/37, 5/38, 3/39, 2/40, 5/44, 4/46, 1/48. Shorts: 1/36, 3/37, 4/38, 3/39, 1/44, 1/46. Longs: 3/37, 3/38, 2/39, 1/40, 2/44, 5/46. Stouts: 2/42, 1/46, 1/48. ri r . . . v / a s J' 'Ul I JIUUI . • ' ^ . 9 Two-trouser summer suits, $39.50 -$22.95 At F. St. store only. Single breasted Reg. 1/38, 1/39, 2/46. Shorts: 1/38. Stouts: 1/42, 1/44, 2/46. 37 All-wool tropical worsted suits, $45.00 to $55.00_$27.50 Single and double breasted styles, in these sizes: At the F. St. store only. Regulars: 2/36, 4/37, 4/38, 3/39, 1/40, 1/44, 2/46. Shorts: 2/35, 2/37, 1/38. Longs: 3/38, 1/39, 3/40, 3/46. Stouts: 1/40, 1/44, 3/46. 25 All-wool St. Albans gabardine suits, $65.00_$54.75 At the YMS F. St. only in these sizes: Regulars: 1/35, 1/36, 2/38, 1/39, 2/44, 3/46. Shorts: 2/35, 2/36, 2/37, 1/38, 1/39, 1/40, 1/42, 1/44. Longs: 1/38, 1/40,2/44. 46 Fall-weight wool worsted suits, $45.00 and $50.00_$29.95 Mostly double breasted in popular modified drape model. At the YMS F. St. store only. In these sizes: Regulars: 1/34, 2/35, 2/36, 1/37, 4/38, 2/39, 3/40, 2/42. Shorts: 1/35, 1/36, 2/37, 3/38 2/39. Longs: 1/37, 2/38, 2/39, 4/40, ( 2/42, 1/44, 1/46. . MEN'S SPORTSWEAR i - : i bportcoats Broken Lots, famous make were now Check, plaid sport coats $22.50 $17.99 Sport coats $35.00 and $37.50 $28.99 Sport coats $27.50 and $32.50 $24.99 Sport coats $45.00 and $55.00 $36.99 Forstmann cashmere coat $75.00 $59.75 White coat $32.50 and $35.00 $24.99 At the ) MS F St. Store Only ' were now Casual jackets $9.95 $7.99 (at all 3 stores) were now Famous denim slacks (at all 3 stores) $4.95 $3.99 Gabardine leisure jacket $20.75 $15.99 Famous make cotton cord jackets $15.00 $10.99 Cotton cord slacks $7.50 $5.99 Plaid knit bottom jacket $10.95 $7.99 Gabardine jacket, plaid lined $17.95 $12.99 Printed Boxer Swim Trunks all 20% off. t \ ' MEN'S SHOES were now Bostonian nylon mesh $18.95 $15.85 Bostonian tan and white $16.95 $13.85 Mansfield tan and white $14.45 $11.85 Mansfield woven style $12.95 $8.85