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_Advertisement. ECZEMA A simple way to quick relief from Itching Eeaerna, pimples, angry red blotches or other skin irritations is to apply Peterson’s Ointment to af fected parts. Relieves itching fast Skin feels better, looks better, 40c all druggists. Soothes itchy feet cracks between toes. Peterson’s Ointment delights or money back. ! ^ AUGUST PIANO I 1 SALE I Substantial I SAVINGS II I1 ON GRANDS, SPINETS It AND CONSOLES ffij A tremendous Collection of the pj crcatcst names in pianos! Choose sours from those brand new. factors rebuilt and floor g? sample pianos. All art DT- P/ NAMIC GUARANTEED! F> Choost From Such gi Famous Nomes As MINIPIANO • HARDMAN R SHONINGER • JESSE FRENCH 1 KNABE, STEINWAY, and p Many Others R LimESAS^25D0WN jf TAKE 3 YEARS TO PAY jf ¥ / music ssosts P 1300 G St. N.W. ST. 5345 S Shop in kI Air Conditioned Comfort E5I wRu __ADVERTISEMENT. DOCTOR WIM Don't Bottle Up Stomach Gas If you take baking soda to relieve stomach gas and often get only partial relief...gel this time-tested remedy, recommended hr doctors for relief from gas, heartburn and other upsets of acid indigestion. BiSoDoL Powder relieves these 5 ways: ' 1. Speeds relief from gas—settles stomach. Fastest relief known. 2. Gives complete, longer-lasting relief than baking soda, helps prevent immediate return of trouble. I. Betieves heartburn, upset from too much dead, drink, smoking! 4. BiSoDoL® lets pon sleep whenever acid indigestion strikes at night. 5. BiSoDoL sweetens sour mouth, akomsch. Refreshing, minty flavor. Get safe, effective BiBaDoL Powder inimm 11 District Boys Win Awards in Miniature Car Building Contest Eleven Washington boys have won awards in the 1951 miniature car building contest sponsored by ;the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild. An announcement in Detroit yesterday said first place among i the local contestants in the senior division was captured by Donald VanderLinden, 3660 Camden street S.E., carrying w’ith it a $150 cash award. Others winning in the senior di I vision were Charles J. Bury, 508 A street N.E., second, $100. and Ronald Lovejoy, 3330 Tenth place I S.E., third, $50. Honorable mention went to John H. Spence, jr„ 336 V street N.W.; Joseph W. Swanson, 1701 T street N.W., and Smith Simpson, 5301 B street S.E. Model builders' I tool chests will be awarded those receiving honorable mention. In the junior division here, first place went to Clarence E. Catoe, 1915 Fourteenth street N.W, Richard A. Redman, 2803 Evarts street N.E., was second, and Galt S. Bow'en, 411 Peabody street N.W., was third. Those winning honorable mention were Samuel tini r t :__i.. _ _i n AAuuiib) «v*w UilitUUl luau Iw.ILi., and Phillip Dawson, 30 Kennedy street N.E. The boys were entered in a competition in which national awards are eight university schol arships, to be announced- in Au ; gust. Jail-Breaking Forger Seized in Baltimore By the Associated Press BALTIMORE, Aug. 31— Police and FBI agents yesterday caught William J. Sansbury, 26-year-old bad check artist wffio broke out of a Georgia jail three weeks ago. Working on a tip, they found him in a tourist cabin on the east edge of Baltimore with his w'ife and baby. One of the officers in the search party was a Baltimore detective who returned Sansbury here from California in 1949 to answer bad check charges. Authorities immediately stared tiying to figure out who har the best claim on Sansbury, a Nation wide operator. He is under a 10-year sentence here for passing $1,400 worth cf bad checks. He was paroled from that sentence when Peggy Peter son. daughter of a guard at San Quentin Prison in California, came here to plead for him. She had fallen in love with him while he was a prisoner. Officers said he told them he hitch hiked to Washington after breaking out of the Georgia jail and passed six bad checks there. He then went to Landers, W. Va., and picked up his wife and baby and they checked into the tourist cabin two days ago. [Vinson Slays Jail Term For Attorney lo Bridges i By the Associated Press I Chief Justice Vinson yesterday stayed a six-month jail sentence imposed on Vincent W. Hallinan, San Francisco attorney for Harry Bridges. Mr. Hallinan was sentenced for contempt of court during the per jury trial of Bridges. The Supreme Court last June 4 denied a hearing to Mr. Hallinan. Bridges, head of the independent International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union, was con victed on a charge he lied to con ceal he was a Communist. The West Coast labor leader was sen tenced to five years in prison, but is free pending an appeal now before the United States Circuit Court in San Francisco. Mr. Vinson’s stay was granted to Mr. Hallinan on the lawyer’s re quest that he be free pending the high court’s final action on a peti tion for reconsideration of the June 4 denial. RUG CLEANING I Fidelity Rug Cleaning wins, hands down. For a tiny fraction of the cost of replacement. Fidelity experts will remove every bit of the ground-in dirt that fades colors and causes wear and tear. It kills all moths and larvae. 1 Pick-up and Delivery in D. C., Md. and Va. Ew» S,0'°9‘. Packing and Moth-proof Storage Shipping | 9’xl2’ rug, 54c a Month. Service Others in proportion. idelity Storage You St. N.W. NOrth 3400 iiiiWBiMiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiymMiiwiiyiiin i_ ITS CHEAPER TO HEAT WITH OIL! | ___ I H '% \ I LANGLEY Shopping Center University Lane & New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring. Doors Open 9:30 AM, Till 9:00 PM. THURSDAY As modern as tomorrow your new Kresge store. It has a complete luncheon service; parking for 560 cooled Join the crowds L^osW O'** JFa\\ D**** ' 9?* B and fil! your family needs l \K/0rOen's ^ ,v, %\.Yl B at the grand opening spe- ■YV<J' , rwgsSG^ * , it* * c ■ cial prices. ^n-°Pt "p nV»es - * * M - ^en'S T,!f Soucers" aAC ^ Balloons Toiletries Bcups°n Lltnci.e««e“c 1 Yardsticks Bobby Pins B * °“j Suckers Baby Prints ^0 JULIUS LANSBURGH t Here are the prices you’ve held out lor—buy now and save! ^SB ' * £ t \ Ill :7 l i z il h: -J1_rJ^LL' ^ JV / ____ -— s ! i \ k. aa— ^—v /—f f rBBfl9: -31 *?-, Sv"^#v?’ 4$H$' • EOEli ftiMMriBMS 1 rm ma & | WEI&SAEAj&JgM OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED ^Julius i?ansburflh furniture Cl • Closed Saturdays During August 909 F STREET