Newspaper Page Text
Washington Gas Ligh Net for Year Shows Increase of $460,000 By Nelson M. Shepard The Washington Gas Light Cc annual report today revealed a ne Income increase of $460,000 for th year ended June 30 over 1950. Thi alight improvement equaled $2.6 a share on the common, 3 cent above the previous year. President Everett J. Boothb; warned that the gas furnished b: the Columbia Gas System, oi which the company is dependent may be inadequate to meet the de mands of all prospective new cus tomers in Metropolitan Washing ton during the next two winters This possible shortage is due h Increasing demands, the develop ment of new markets and thi shortage of pipe facilities. $9 Million Bonds Sold. Washington Gas Light sold $J iiiiuiuii ui 2 pci will mortgage bonds during July undei competitive bidding at a pric< equivalent to 3.49 per cent inter est per annum. The funds will be used to extend gas service tc new homes in the area and tc provide additional gas storage fa cilities. the report stated. On July 1 the company paid $1 million of maturing serial notes. The company is now in process of computing refunds tc customers of amounts collected under the rate increase of No vember, 1949, amounting to $1.2 million. The company and the Public Utilities Commission, which has sided with the utility through out, are appealing the case. Operating revenues during the reporting year totaled $25,578,176 Mr. Boothby reported. Operating expenses rose from $12,145,480 is the previous year to $14,418,739 General taxes rose from $1,300,074 to $1,468,134. Federal income taxes of $1,596,712 for the yeai ended June 30,'1950, had jumped to $2,727,021 this year. Net income of $2,547,495 for the year compared with $2,087,217 the previous year. Earnings on com mon stock were based on 734,40C shares for 1951, an increase ol 122,400 shares over 1950. R. J. Wilson Named. Robert J. Wilson, of Washing ton, nationally known restaurant executive, is the latest instructor named on the faculty of the sixth annual North eastern Insti tute of Yale Universl t y opening Friday. As Washing ton secretary of the National Restaurant As sociation, M r wuson win lec ture at the In stitute on the development of trade associa tions. It is a field in which Mr W,|S0B he is one of the pioneers, having organized at least a score of as sociations. The Yale sessions, continuing through August 11. About 20 exec utives from the Metropolitan Washington area are arranging to attend the meetings at New Haven, Conn. * Capital Airlines Honored. Capital Airlines has received top honors among 5,000 firms for the excellence of its 1950 annual report to shareholders, from Fi nancial World, investment and business weekly, it was learned to day. It received the “Highest Merit Award for Distinguished Achievement in Annual Report ing.” The award, a parchment cita tion, was signed by Louis Guen ther, publisher of the magazine, and Weston Smith, executive vice president. It stated that the “1950 financial statement of Cap ital Airlines was judged as among the most modern from the stand point of content, typography and format of the 5,000 annual reports examined during 1951.” New Kresge Store. A new suburban store will be opened tomorrow by the S. S. Kresge Co. in the newly com pleted Langley shopping center of kJiXVCi upi UV VW* Ubt V* New Hampshire avenue and Uni versity lane. A. E. Bertinet, manager, said the store is planning a three-day sales to celebrate the official opening for which there will be a special ceremony in the morning. Con struction work on the Kresge unit of the shopping center was super vised by M. L. Nagel of the Kresge construction department, the plans having been prepared by Coming & Moore of Washington. The store front of porcelain enameled steel harmonizes with the modem architecture of the new center. Adequate parking space for patrons was assured by the management. The store will be air-condi tioned. The salesroom occupies the entire first floor except for the store office and employes’ lounge in the rear. The base ment is devoted mainly to stor age and service rooms. A luncheon fountain on the main floor is also a feature. Friday is a big day on the schedule of Washington account ants. Washington Chapter of National Association of Cost Ac countants has a block of 100 seats for the night ball game at Griffith Stadium to see the Nats and White Sox play. Reservations may be made through H. J. Althouse, director of special activities, 77 P street N.E. Foreign Exchange ly the Associated Press NEW YORK. Aug. 1 UP).—Foreign ex change rates follow < Great Britain It dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar In New York oner market 5 A per cent discount or 94.81'/, united States cents: up A ol a cent. Europe: Great Britain (pound) S2.7911. unchanged; Great Britain 30-da; futures, 2.80%, unchanged; Great Brltalr 80-day futures, 2.80A, unchanged; area Britain 90-day futures. 2.SOU, unchanged Belgium (Franc). 1.99. unchanged France (Franc). .28% of a cent, un changed; Holland (Guilder), 28.32, un changed: Italy (Lira), .lets of a cent unchanged: Portugal (Escudo), 3.49. un changed; Sweden (Krona). 19.36, un changed; Switzerland (Franc) (Free) 33.06. unchanged. Latin America; Argentina (Free), 7.20 unchanged; Brazil (Free), 5.60, un changed: Mexico, 11.57, unchanged; Yen szuela (Bolivar). 30.05. unchanged Far Bast: Hong Kong dollar, 17.80, un thanged. ___ Metal Quotations _ NEW YORK. Aug. 1 OP).—Spot non ferrous metal prices today: Copper. 24', cents a pound, Connecticut Valley. Lead 17 cents a pound. New York. Zinc, 17’/ cents a pound. East St. Louis. Tin, SI.O' • pound, New York. At Pittsburgh, scraj steel No. 1 heavy was Quoted at 644. *■ r II NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE .rwiuuucu vr u» auuc»»B rrew.i Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 00. High. Low. 1:16 chge ABBOTT 1.80a 16 60% 40 60%+ V ACF-Brlll Mot 1 6% 6i+ 6% + V Acme 8teel 2a 4 30% 30% 30% Admiral CD 1-. 20 22% 22% 22%+ + AffllGas Eq ¥tg. 5 8% 8% 8% Air Reduc 1.40 27 29% 28% 29% + + tAIa & Vicks 6_ 30 13 3 133 133 4 2 Alaska Juneau 7 2% 2% 2% + V . Alleghany Cp _ 6 3% • 3% 3% (■ AllegLudStl 2a. 4 40% 40V« 40% + K< Allied Chem 2a 11 73% 73% 73%+ + 5 Allied Strs 3 12 42% 42 42% + + 5 Allied 8trs pf 4 4 94 94 94 - + , Allis Chal 3a . 10 44*+ 44% 44*+ + V * Alum Ltd 3.60 3 89% 89% 89% + </ 5 AlumCtl Am 2g 8 78% 78% 78% - •/ Amerada Pet 2. 1 132% 132% 132% -1+ Am Agrlcul 3a 11 62% 62 62% + + r Am Airlines V„g 34 15% 15% 15% + V r Am Alrl pf 3% 2 85% 84% 85%+1 + Am Bnk Note 1 1 18% 18% 18% - M 1 Mm Bnk N Pf3 160 66 66 66 +1 . AmBoschl 20b 3 14% 14 14%+ + AmBr Sh 1.20w lo 38% 38% 38%+ + Am Broadcast 7 12*+ 12% 12*+ + V ■ Am Cab&R ,20e 6 5% 5% 5% + + Am Can 4 8 111% 111% 111 % AmCa'-&Fdy 2g 7 32% 3»% 37% + + . Am CA-FdT 0*7 2 75% 75% 75% + M , Am Ch&Cab 2a 1 30 30 30 + M Am Chicle Ce 11 40% 40*+ 40% ’ AmCrysS 1.20a 2 21% 21% 21%+ M ! Am Cyan 4a 19 124% 122% 127% - + AmCyn pfB 3%. 5 170 170 170 -HI Am Distillers 2_ 4 43+f 43% 41% - 'A Am Encau T %_ 3 7% 7% 7% + M Am Export L 2. 11 18% 18% 18V+- M Am A Fn Pow • 3 1% **+ 1% AmA-FPw $7 pf. 7 95% 95 95 + M AmA-FPwSSpf. 4 82% 82% 87%+ H Am&F Pw 2 pf 12 13% 1*% 13%+ + I Am Gas * El 3 7 58 57% 57% - *4 Am Hidf&L »Ag 1 6 6 6 AmHomePl 20a 13 34% 34% 34%+% Amlnvllll 60b 17 18% 18% 18% Am Loco 1a 12 18% 17% 18% Am M*Fds 80 5 16% ’6% 16%+ % Am MohftM ’+! 1 13% 13*4 13% Am Metal le 3 47 46% 47 — % Am Met Prod 2 2 17 17 17 - >/« Am Molas 40a 7 8 8 8 AmNatGas 1 60 9 33*4 33 33 AmNewsCol ’4a 3 32’+ 373+ 32J+ + 34 Am P&L 2.48c 11 70‘* 70>+ 20*4+34 Am Rad&SS la 40 '57* ’534 15'+ Am Seating 2a 3 443* 4433 44>4 + 14 Am Smelt 3V*g x 7 84>4 843+ 8434 4. 14 ♦ AmSm&R of 7 70 1S7>4 157>4 157*4 +1*4 AmStlFdrs 2 40 10 '4*4 *4*4 * 434 “ Vi 3m Rugar Df 7 1 1297+ 1297* 1297* - 34 Am Sum Tob 2 2 19 19 19 3m Tel & Tel 9 31 157 14*7* 157 Am Tobacco 8a 8 61*4 61*4 61*4 Am Viscose 2a 15 70*4 70*4 7034— *4 Am Woolen 2g 83 ’874 37*4 38 +1*4 ♦Am Wool of 7 1 9634 9*** 9«3* +1*4 ♦ AmWool nrnf4 490 80 77*4 80 +234 Am Zinc 1 8 177* 177* 177* + *4 AnacoodaC2*ig 223 4434 43*4 443*+ 34 ♦ AnacWftCl !,ag 5 41 40*4 41 + >4 Ar.ohHGl 1 80s 18 33 32*4 33 + 34 AndersnClay 3a 4 9’ 91*4 92 + Vi AndPrl O 1 20a 20 42*4 42 42*4 + ‘A Andes Coo 3le 9 16*4 15*4 16*4+ 34 Armco Stl 2*'«g 8 40 3934 3934 + ‘4 Armour * Co . 49 10*4 10 10 Artloom 1 __ 1 10*4 10*4 10*4 + *4 A rein Ind 2 . 3 23*4 23*4 23*4 - *4 Ashlnd Oil 2b 3 34 34 34 + *4 AssoDryG 1 80 10 21 207+ 2074- 34 Assoc Inv 4a . 2 54 54 54 AtchT*SF8a 3 161 160*4 160*4 Atl City El 1.20 7 2134 21*4 2134 Atl Refining 4 10 74 73*4 7334 + *4 Atlas Corn 1 8 0 2 2 334 25»+ 253+ - ‘4 Atlas Pdr 80g.. 11 35 343* 35 + 34 Autocar Co 4 10 10 10+34 Auto Canteen 1 2 127* 127* jjt* ArcoMfe 80 10 734 7** 7*4 - 34 BALD LIMA 60 24 103+ 10*4 10*4 Balto&Ohio . 16 19*4 19*4 19*4- >4 B * O of Se 3 38*4 38*4 38*4 - *4 Bangor&Ar le— 2 18*4 IB34 18*4 Barber Oil 2c . 4 79*4 78*4 79*4 +2 Havuk Cig 80 2 9'4 9'4 97+ Beatrice Fd* 2a * 3634 36*4 3634 + <4 Beaunlt M 2 2 27 767+ 27 + *4 ♦Beck 8h Df4 *i . 30 80 80 80 + Vi Benef Loan 2 1 28*4 28*4 28*4 + 34 Benguet M 07e. 5 1*4 1*4 1*4 Best & Cto 2 1 26*4 26*4 26*4 - V4 Best Poods 2a 2 327* 327* 327* + *4 Beth Steel fig 18 50*4 50*4 50*4 - 14 BlgelwSan 1.60 5 19*4 19*4 19*4+ >4 Boeing Air lg 21 45*4 44*4 45*4 -134 ♦Bon AmiA 1 >4f 60 30*4 30*4 30*4 - 34 Bond Store* 1 _. 1 137* 137* 137* Book o'Mo la.. 2 10*4 10*4 10*4 Borden 1.20g 5 463* 46H 463*- *4 Borg-Warner 4a 1 62*4 62*4 62*4+ ‘4 Bower R Bear 2 1 2 6 34 2 6J4 26*4 — 34 Branltl Air >/*g 1 1,54 1234 12>4 BrdgBrassl ,40a 2 14*4 14*4 14*4— 34 Briggs M 134c 131 31 31 Bristol My 1.60 1 353* 3534 35*4 - 34 BrunsBalke *ig 3 19*4 19 19*4 + 34 Buey Erie 80g. 28 223+ 22*4 22*4 + 33 - *m*SIS*9SU197IA- 14 Budd Co 1.60a. JO 15% J5*4 15*4 Bulova Wat 3a 2 39*4 39*4 39*4 + >4 Burl Mills 1.36 52 20*4 20*4 20*4- *4 Burr Ad M.80a 3 17*4 17*4 17*4- ‘4 BushTerm 30a 3 11 11 11 tBushTB pfB'ik 70 130 130 130 + >4 Butler Bro 45a. 4 11*4 H*4 11*4 Butte Coo Kit 1 9 9 9 +14 Byers AMI 'it 16 75*4 24 26*4+1*4 Byron Jack 1 '4. 1 70*4 20*4 70** - *4 CAL PACK Vih. 2 31*4 31*4 31*4 Callahan Zinc . 2 2*4 2*4 7*4 CalumtAH.40e 7 9*4 9*4 9*4+ *4 CamobellWy 1 a 1 74 24 24 + *4 CanDrvGA 80a. 10 11*4 11% 11% Canad Pacllie. 24 26*4 76** 26*4- ‘4 Caolta! Alrl 12 13*4 17*4 13*4+ *4 CaroPwA-Lt 2.. 3 32*4 32*4 32*4 Carrier Co lb 1* 23*4 23*4 23*4+ ‘4 CarrAGen .20a. 2 10*4 10*4 10*4 Case JI 3a 4 68*4 68*4 68*4 Cateroill Tra 3. 6 45*4 44*4 45*4 + *4 Celanese 3 27 53*4 53 53*4+ *4 CelancvpfdVi 1114 114 114 + *4 Celotex Coro 1. 4 16*4 16*4 16*4 Cen Fdy .80_ 15 9*4 9*4 9*4+ ‘4 Cen Ga Rwy 1 18*4 18*4 18*4 — *4 Cen 111 Lt 2 "O 1 35*4 35*4 35*4 - *4 Cen A SW .SO . 41 14*4 14*4 14*4+ >4 Cero cePas *iw IS 44*4 43*4 44*4 - *4 Cer-teed la .. 5 16*4 1**4 1**4 ChamnPaDl We 7 60 60 60 + *4 CheckCab rt wl. 7 *4 *4 *4 Ches A Ohio 2. 15 30*4 30*4 30*4+ *4 Chi Coro 60 . 16 14*4 14*4 14*4 - *4 Chi A East 111 . 6 17 16*4 16*4 + >4 Chi A E 111 A 2. 4 73 23 23 Chi Great West. 4 20*4 20*4 20*4 ChiGtW pf4*4k 1 29*4 29*4 29*4 + ‘4 ChMSPAPac 2a 13 22*4 22*4 22*4 + *4 Chi M SP pf Be 4 45*4 44*4 44*4 Chi A NW 1 *4e 15 24*4 24*4 24*4 + *4 ChiNW pf 5.1 Be 6 45*4 45 45*4+ *4 Chi Pneu T1 2a 2 44 44 44 - ‘4 ChlPneuTS3pf3 2 61*4 60*4 61*4 +1*4 Chi RI A Pac 3. 10 48*4 48*4 48*4+ ‘4 Chi RI A P pf5. 2 84 84 84 + *4 Childs Co __ 11 4 4 4 + *4 tChilds cv pf... 4 12 11% 12 Chrysler 4a 49 67*4 67 67*4+ *4 Cine GAE 2_ 2 36*4 36*4 36*4 + *i CtnMillM 1 40a 4 32*4 32*4 X2’4 + M CIT Finance4a 18 54*4 54 54 Cities Serv 4a.. 16 115 114*4 115 + *4 Cl tv Prod 2*4 _ 6 27*4 27*4 27*4 City Btrs 1.40 . 5 18*4 18*4 18*4 + Vi Clev El 111 2 40 8 46*4 46*4 46*4 + >4 Climax Mo la.. 19 34*4 34*4 34*4- *i Cluett Peab la 5 32*4 32*4 37*4 - *4 Coca-Cola 4a 6 106*4 106*4 106*4 -lVi Cole Palm 2b .3 49*4 49*4 49*4 - Vi Colo P A I 1 Via 10 22*4 22 22*4+ *4 Col Brd A 1.60 6 29*4 29 29*4+ *i Col Brd B 1.60.. 11 29*4 28*4 29*4 + ‘4 Col Gas 80_ 18 14 13*4 14 Col Piet *4e 7 12*4 12*4 12*4+ *4 ColASO El 1 40 5 20*4 20*4 20*4 Comb Ena S 3a 4 41 41 41 ComlSolvla 60 30*4 29*4 30*4 + *i Comw Ed Ilia.. 20 31*4 31*4 31*4 ConCopper.46a. 14 10*4 10*4 10*4 + *4 Cons Edls 2 25 31*4 31*4 31*4 Cons Edls pf 5 2 108*4 107*4 108*4 +1 CnsGELAPl .40 6 25 25 25 ■ vuuo uiuu x /»_. • *vva Cons Laund 1__ 4 10% 10% 10% ConsRRCuba pt 1 29% 29% 29% + % Cons Text l%a_ 18 13% 12V* 13%+ % Cons Vult 1.40. 9 17% 17% 17% Consum Pow 2 3 33% 33% 33% Container 1V4*. 3 42 42 42 Cont Can 2a . 17 39% 38% 39% +1 ContC&SXn 20a 1 8% 8% 8% + % Cont DlaP .60*. 7 14% 14% 14% + % Cont Mot 40 .. 3 8% 8% 8% Cont OH — 8 53% 55% 55% - % Conw Stl .80*_ 9 23% 23 23%+ % tCorn Exch 3__ 1 62% 62% 62% - % Corn Pr ri fiOb. 6 72% 72% 72%+% Corning G1 la.. 10 74 74 74 -1% Crane Co ,90g 45 36% 35% 36% +1 CreameriesAm 1 3 12 12 12 + % Crown Cork 1_16 18% 18% 18%+ % Cruc Stl l%f„. 2 38% 38% 38% - % Cudahy Pack... 3 7% 7% 7% + % Curtis Publish.. 4 7% 7% 7% - % Curtiss Wrl 1 .. 6 10% 10% 10% - % Curtiss Wr A 2. 6 25 25 25 - % DANA 3_ 2 29% 29% 29% - % Davis Chetn 1% 5 38% 38% 38% + % Daystrom la.. 3 17 16% 16%+ % Dayton P * L 2 5 33% 33% 33% - % Dayton Rub %* 24 21% 20% 21 + % Decca Rec 70 . 1 8 8 8 — % DeepRock Oil 2. 3 66% 66 66 -% Deere* Col*.. 16 66% 65 66%+A4 Deere pf 1.40... 1 32% 32% 32%+ % Del & Hudson4. 1 45 45 45 - % DelLack&W'A*. 8 13% 13% 13%+ % Del P*L 1.20. .. 1 23% 23% 23% Den*R O W 3* 3 55% 55% 55% + % D*R O W pi 6 1 67% 67% 67% -1% Derby Oil 1_ 5 19% 19% 19% Detroit Ed 1.20. 15 22 21% 22 DetMchStv .60.. 5 6 5% 6 \ Det Stl Corn 2 3 36 35% 36 + % De Vilblss %* 3 19% 19 19 Devoe*Ra A 2b 20 24% 23% 24%+ % Dlam Mat 2a 5 50 49% 50 + >4 Dla Mat nt 1 % 1 35 35 35 + Vi Dlam T Mot l._ 1 14% 14% 14%+ % Diana Str .80 . 1 9% 9% 9% Dlst Cp S 1.20a. 52 26% 25% 25% - % Dr Pepper .60.. 2 11% 10% 11% + % Dome Min .67*. 4 16 15% 16 + % Douglas Aire 3 8 50% 50% 50% Dow Ch 2.40b. 16 118 114% 116%+2% Dresserlnd 1.40 5 23% 22% 23 + % Duplan Cpl . 3 13% 13% 13% - % Du Pont 1.70*. 42 94% 93% 94 + >4 Du Pont pi 4%. 4 118 117% 117% - % EAGLE 1.20a.. 2 23 23 23 - % East Air Vi*- 11 23% 23% 23%+ % East Corp lb... 3 24% 24% 24% East Statl .40*. 10 16% 16 16% + % EastmnK1.40w 41 45 44% 45 + % Ekeo Pr 1.40 4 17% 17 17 ^ El Auto Lite 3a. 1 46% 46% 46% - % Elec Boat la .. 4 20% 20 20%+ % El&MusIn .06*. 10 2 2 2 El 8tor Bat 1*.. 4 43% 43% 43% - % Elliott Co la _. 3 25 24% 25 ElPasoNG 1.60. 23 30 29% 29% i Emer Elec 1.40. 2 16% 16% 16% EmerRad*P lb 16 13% 13% 13%+ VS \ EmpireDEl .66* 7 19 19 19 + M , Endlcott J 1.60. 4 27% 27% 27% Eqult Gas 1.30. 3 20 19% 19% - M h oaies— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate 00. High. Low. 1:18 chge. Equit O Bldg .60 20 5% 5% 5% i Erie RR tig .. IB 19 19 19 + % I Erie RR oIA6. 2 «5 64% 65 + % Eureka Wms __ 1 6% 6% 6% + % i Evans Prod tie. 1 13% 11% 13% - % FAJARDOS 2a. 2 22% 22% 22%+% I Falstaft Br 1 2 13 12% 13 + % Fam Finan 140 3 14% 14% 14% i FeddersQuig la 75 12 11% 12 Fed Mot Truck 1 5% 5% 5% + % i FederDStr 2%a 10 42 41% 41%+% i Felt & rarr 80 5 16% 16% 16%+% i Ferro Cp l.QOg. 19 29% 29% 29%+% Firestone 3 %g- 7 118 115% 118 +3 i FirstNat Strs ._ 3 37 36% 36% - % FirthCpt 1 20a 1 12% 1% 12%-% . Flintkote 2a 17 29% 29 29% I Florence Stv lg 1 24% 24% 24% + % i Florida P 1.20 2 18% 18% 18% i Fla Pw & L TOg 17 23% 22% 23% , Follans Stl ltig 7 21% 21% 21%+% I Food Fair 80b 2 20% 10% 20%+ % Food Mch %g 16 47% 46% 47% + % , tFoodMchpf3V« 110 104 104 104 +1 Fostr Wheel 2a 8 41% 40% 41 - % , Frank Sirs 80 l 10% 10% 10% + % , Freeport Su?4g 9 100 97' 98% +1 Froedtert Cp 1 a 6 15 15 15 + % , Fruehauf T 2b 3 27% 27 27 - % GAIR R ,85g 7 14% 14% 14% + % Gamble Sk 30g 4 7% 7% 7% + % (iameweli la x 1 17% 17% 17% — % QarrettCp 80g 3 20 19% 19% - % Gaylord Co lli t 30% 30% 30% - % GenAmlnv ,20g 7 25% 24% 24% - % Gen AmTrans 3 4 52 51% 51% + % Gen Bak 55g . 2 11% 11% 11% + % Gen Bronze la- 4 16 16 16 Gen Cable 30g 1 B% 8% 8% - % uen Cab S2pl 2 1 26% 28% 26% + % Gen Cigar 1 2 15% 15% i5% + % Gen Elec 2.10g. 44 56% i5% 56%+ % Gen Fin 40a 8 7% 7% 7% + % Gen Foods 2 40 6 43% 43% 43% + % Gen Instr 20g_ 16 8 8 Gen Mills 2a. — 3 60 59 60 +1 Gen Motors 2g_ 49 47% 47% 47% - % Gen Mot pi 5 .. 1 122 122 122 + % Gen Mot Dt .3% 1 98% 98% 98% Gen Por Cem2a 3 31% 31% 31%, Gen Pub Sv ‘/«e 4 3% 3% 3% GenPbUtil 1.20 36 18% 18% 18% + % GenReal&Ut % 7 a% 8% 8% Gen Relrac 2a 1 35 35 35 GenTelenhnc 3 29% 29% 29% + % Gen T4R2 „ 5 45 44* 44* Gillette 2 _ 31 26* 2=* 26 - * Glldden 2a 10 43* 43* 43*- * Goodrich lh.... 7 57 56* 57 + * Goodyear 4a 6 90* 90 • 90* + * Gotham Host.. 1 12* 12* 12*- * GouldNatBat3_„ 4 49 48* 49 4 * Graham-Palge. 5 3* 3 3 j Granby Min ... 2 7* 7* 7*4* GranCStl 55h. 3 25* 25 25* 4 * Grant WTlVa 3 29 29 29 4 * 'GrantWTof.174 20 95 94* 94* - * Gt Nor Ry pf 3g 8 52* 52* 52* 4 * Gt wests 1.20a 3 18* 18* 18*-* tGtWslSU of 7 20 145 144 ,2 145 43 Green HL 2a . 4 37 36* 37 GreenfT&D 2a. 2 27* 27* 27* 41* Greyhound 1 28 11* 11* 11*+ * GrumAir En lg_ 14 23* 23* 23* Gull M & O 2 7 26* 26* 26* - * Gulf M&O Df 6 1 62* 62* 62* - * Gulf Oil Vih. 68 51* 50* 50* - * Gulf St Dt 1.20. 14 21* 21* 21*+ * HALL PR 1.30 7 17* 17* 17* Harb Walk 2a . 5 29-a 29* 29* 4 * HartS&Ml.COg. 7 25* 25* 25* 41 Haiel-Atll.20a. 1 22* 22* 22* - * Hecht Co 1.60.. 5 31 30** 31 + * Hercules Mot 1. 2 20* 20 20*+ * Here Pdr 1.10g. 7 73* 73 73* + 74 Heyden Ch ,70g 97 25* 24* 25*41 Hlnde&D 1.20a * 20* 20* 20*+ * HollandPurn2a. 3 23* 23* 23* Holly Sue la 2 18* 18* 18* Homrstakel tig. IS 36* 36 36 Honolulu Oil lg 1 57* 57* 57*+ * Hooker Elec 2 . 2 65* 65* 65* 4 * Houst L&P .80. 9 18* 18* 18* 4 * Houston Oil 2a 3 69* 69 69* 4’ * Howe Snd 2V«g. 5 67 66* 67 +1 HudBayMin 4a 15 5474 54* 54* Hudson Mot IP. 3 13* 13* 13* - * ILL CENT 3 6 59 58* 59 111 Power 2.20 27 36 35* 36 +74 Indus Rayon 3b 5 62 61* 62 + * Ing Rand 3*ag.. 3 82 81 82 42 Inland Stl 2'/4g_ 19 51 50* 51 4 * Inspir Cop l*g. 7 22* 22* 22*4 * Interchm 1.20*. I 24* 24* 24* 4 * Inter Rub .40g 2 3* 3* 3* Interlake Ir 7<g 4 16* 16* 16* 4 * Int Bus Mch 4b. 2 215 217 217 +3 Int Harvest 2a 54 33* 32* 33*+ * tint Harvst pf7 xllO 16274 162 162* +1 Int Hydro El A. 3 14* 14* 14* IntMin&C 1.60. 27 35* 35* 35*+ * Int Mining. ... 2 3V4 3* 3*/a 4 * Int Nickl 1.60a. 47 36 3574 35*-* Int Pack 90g_. 7 12* 1274 12* I in'paper 3D_ Int TAT 45w 42 15% 15% 15% + % Int Util 1.20_ 1 24% 24% 24%-% la 111 GAE 1.80. 10 26% 26% 26% Iowa PAL 1.40. 2 21% 21% 21% Isl Crk Coal 3__ 3 33 32% 32% 4- % Jewel Tea 3a ... 1 69 69 69 + % Johns Man l%a 3 62% 61% 62%+1 Jones A L 1.35h 17 24 24 24 Joy Mfg Ha_ 3 32% 32% 32% — % KAISER 1.30b. 15 33% 33% 33% KanCPAL 1.60. 3 25% 25% 25%-% Kan C So 2%g 1 «2% 62% 62% - % Kan PAL 1.18 « 1« IS'* ** 7 ** Kelsfy H B 2%. 3 28 26 26 + % Kennecott 2Vig 18 75% 75 75%+ % KernC Land Ha 2 73 73 73 - % KeystSAWl.60a 1 22 22 22 - % KlmbClarkH.40. 8 48 48 48 + % Koppers Co 2a.. 15 41% 41% 41% - % Kresae S S 2a__ 3 38 37% 38 + % Kress SH2‘/«g — 4 52% 52% 52% Kroaer Co 1.60 2 35% 35% 35%+ % LACLEDE G.40. 39 7% 7% 7% Lambert l%g 5 25% 25 25% - % LaneWellsl.HOa 1 19% 19% 19% + % LeesASnsl 40a 2 19% 19% 19%+ % ♦LeesA8 DI3.83 10 97 97 97 +1% Leh CAN ,35g. 4 8'+ 8% 8% + % LehPtCem 1.20 7 21% 21% 21% - % LhVCl lpll.59g 3 16 16 16 + % LebValRR 1 10% 10% 10%-% Lehman 3.79g.. 19 68% 67% 68%+ % Lerner Strs 1 %. 5 21% 21% 21%+ % Lib-O-Fd l%g 18 34% 34% 34% - % Lib McNAL Vaa 7 8% 8% 8'% Ligg A My 4a 20 68% 68 68 + % tLigg A My Df7 1 168 168 168 +1 Lily Tulip 1V«*_ 4 58% 58 58%+ % Lion Oil 2. . 11 44% 44% 44% Llq Carb 1.20... 10 21% 20% 21%+ % Lockhd Alrc n. „ 18 20% 19% 20 - % Loew s Inc 1% 67 16% 16% 16%+ % LoneStCm .35h 9 24% 24 24% + % LongBellA 1 ’4k. 5 40% 40% 40% Long Isl L 80 15 14’% 14% 14% + % Lorillard 1.20a. 4 22 21% 22 + % LouisGAE 1.80. 1 32% 32% 32% - % Lou A Nash 4.. 2 52% 52% 52% + % Lowensteln 2a_ 10 30% 30% 30% + % LukensStlla « 41% 41% 41% + % MACK TRK ’if 4 15% 15% 15% - % Macv R H 2.40 8 34 33% 33% - % Magma Conner 2 27% 26% 27% + % Magnavox %g._ 7 15% 15% 15% + % Maracaibo .30 2 11% 11% 11% - % Marathon l’/ia. 14 46 44 45% -1% Marine Midi %. 5 10% 10% 10% March Field 2.. 7 28% 28% 28%+ % Martin GL 3 16% 16 16%+ % MartinPar 30p 2 11% 11% 11% Masonite la. _ 8 30% 29% 30% + % Math Ch 1.60a. 15 47 46% 46% - % MayDeptStl .80. 2 32% 32% 32%+ % McCall l%g . *8 18% 17% 17%-1 McCrory Str 1_. 2 17% 17% 17% - % McIntyre 2.01a 14 57% 57 57% + % McKessAR 2'/,b ■** 40 39% 40 + % McQuay-Nor 1 _ 2 15% 15% 15% - % MelvllleSh 1.80. 9 23 22% 23 Menael 2 3 17% 17% 17%+ % Mercant Stra 1. 2 20% 20% 20%+ % Merck A Co 2a 14 110% 109 109% + % Miami Cop ’Ag 3 18% 18% 18%+ % MidContPet3a 10 61 60% 60% - % Mid St Ut 1.20. 8 19% 19% 19% Minn Honey 1g_ 6 55 54% 55 +1 Minn Mol 1.60. 9 21% 20% 21%+% MlnnASLRy la 3 15’% 15% 15% - % MSP&SSM 1 g 4 16% 16% 16% + % Minn MAM '/ah. 6 47% 46% 47% + % Minn PAL 2.20. 5 32% 32 32%+% Misslnn Corn 31 2834 28‘4 26*4 4* Miss Dev ,40b _ 47 16% 16% 16% + % Miss Rlv Fu 2b 4 32% 31% 31% - % Mo Kan Tex 2 8% 8% 8% Mo Kan Tex pf. 2 53 527% 53 + % MoPacRRpf— 7 22 21% 21% Mojud Hos la 2 14% 14% 14% , Monsanto 2>/aa- 12 107% 104% 107% +4 Mont Dak U.90 56 21'% 21% 21%+ % MontDak Ut rt _ 491 % *Wi % + Vis Mont Pw 1.40a. 8 24% 24% 24% - % Mont Ward 2a 15 69 68% 69 Moore-McC 1%. 3 16% 16% 16%+% Morrell %_ 2 13 13 13 + % Motorola 2b 13 45 44% 44%+ % MulllnsM 1.60a 2 17% 17% 17%+% MurphyGCl Via. 6 52 51% 51%+ % Murray Cp 2a 1 187+ 18'+ 18% + % NASlfKELV 2a 12 17% 17% 17% tNash C&SL 3a. 10 68 68 68 - % Nat Alrl %B . 3 15% 15 15%+% Nat Biscuit 2... 12 32% 32 32 Nat Can .35b... 6 9% 9% 9% NatCash R 2.80 5 55% 55 55% +1 Nat City Lineal 3 10% 10*+ 10%+ % Nat Conti_52 14% 13'+ 14 - % Nat Cyl Gas 1 b 4 14% 14% 14% NatDairy 2.80a. 5 48% 48% 48% - % Nat Dent Stria 3 17% 17'+ 17% Nat Dlstlllrs 2 49 31% 30'+ 31% - % Nat Gypsm ,70b 7 18% 18% 18% - % Nat Lead 2a 16 91 88% 91 +2% ♦Nat Ld pf B 6 . 110 146% 146 146% + % NatM&SC 1 VhB- 2 34% 34% 34%+ % Nat Pw & Lt . 62 1% 1% 1% Nat Steel 3a . 26 47% 46 47 +1% Nat SUB Ref 2a. 3 26»+ 26% 26%+ % Nat Sup 1.60a . 9 27% 27 27%+% NatVulFlbl.20. 4 16 15% 16 + % Natomas ,10b. .. 6 8% 8% 8% Newberry J J 2. 1 38 38 38 + % N E El Sys .80.. 3 11% 11% 11% - % Newmont M 2b. 2 109 108% 109 + % Newportlnd IB- 1 18% 18% 18% - % NewptNwsS 2a_ 4 33 32% 32% - % NY AlrBr 1.60-. 2 19% 19% 19%+ % N Y Central le. 20 17*+ 17% 17% - % NY NH St Hart. 4 16% 16% 16%+ % NYNH&Hpf.. 3 46% 46% 46%+ % N Y ShipbldB .. 2 15% 15% 15% NYStE&G 1.70. 1 26% 26% 26% - % N1BBMP1.40 . 12 22% 22% 22% NlBBMPAl.20. 4 25% 25% 25% Nonco Chm IB 2 47% 47% 47% + % Norf Sc West 3a. 13 46% 46% 46% - % No Am Avia %B 16 13 14% 15 - % No Am Co 1.20. 49 18% 18% 18% - % NoNatGas 1.80 3 38% 37'+ 38% + % Nor Pacific 2. _ 38 48% 47% 48% Nor St Pow .70 52 9% 9% 9'+ ♦No8tPw4.10pf 230 98% 98% 98% + % Northwest Alrl 2 13% 13% 13% - % NorwlchPh .80a 7 21% 21 21% - % OHIO ED1S 2— 15 33 32% 33 + % Ohio 011 2b_ 8 55% 54% 54'++ % Oliver Cn 2.40. 7 29% 29% 29% Otis Elev 2b_ 8 36 35% 35%+% Owens HI G1 3b 14 83% 82% 83 PacFinCall.eOa 4 20% 20% 20%+ % Pac G & E 2 .24 327+ 32%- % Pac LlEhtlnB 3. 12 51% 51% 51% + % Pac Mills 2a_X 7 37% 37% 37%+ % h sales— Stock and Add Hat Dividend Rate. 00. High Low. 1:18. chge. tPac T & T 7 .120 10674 108 108 - 1* Pac Tin C 30g_ * 474 47* 474+14 Pac WcstOll... 20 2074 2014 2074+ 14 Packard .20g .__ 59 474 474 41* PanAmAlrw V4g 35 10 10 10 Panhdle EPL 2 * S514 54 5514 +1 Panh PAR 30g 4 774 774 774 + 14 Param Piet 2 2 2314 2314 2314 - 14 Park Utah lOe 2 274 274 274 Parke Dav 1.80 2 6114 6114 6114 + »4 Parmelee Tr 14 2 674 674 674 + 14 Patino Min »*g 2 15 15 15 PenickAFlg.. 3 3614 36 36 - 7* Penney JC 2a. 8 67 67 67 - 14 Penn RR >/,* 7 1874 161/4 1814 Peon GasLAC 6 3 120 11814 11814 -2 Peosi Cola 7 974 914 974 Petrol Co 45g 6 2 2 74 2 214 2 274 + ‘A Pfeiffer Brew 2 2 1974 1974 1974 + 14 Pfizer Chas 9 46 4574 46 Pfizer Chaspf 6 12014 12014 12014 +1 Phelps Dod 3>4g 17 6374 631* 6374+ 74 iPhlla Elec 114 . 12 27 267* 2674- 14 PhARCAIl 40a 2 137* 137* 137* Phlleo 1 60b 16 2374 23‘/« 2374 + 74 Philip Mor 3b 5 487* 4814 4814 - >/« IPhillipsPet 2.40 165 4814 4 77* 477* - >4 iPlllsburyMllls 2 1 341* 3«»* 347*+ >4 |Pitney Bowes la 5 1614 161* 1*74-1/4 Pitts C A C 1 48 3 314 3474 3574 +174 Pit Coke A C rt 63 27* 277* 27* + tU Pitt Con Coal 3 7 43 43 43 A 1* tPlt Ft Wn of 7 40 158 15714 15714 -214 Plti PI G1 70g 24 4514 4474 4574 + 74 Pitt Steel 24 207* 2014 707* + 1* tpittstl 8pf A 8 1«0 73 721* 73 + <A tPtttStl orpf614 630 7614 7614 7614+ 14 Plttston Co 1 1 7474 2 474 2 474 Plymouth Oil n. 50 341* 33'* 3374+ 14 Pond Creek 4 _ 1 497* 497* 497* +17* Poor A Co la 4 17 17 17 - 14 Pot Elec Pw 00 1 3 1 374 137* 1374 iicooru on v,nr_ i t v» Proc&Gm2 60a 3 68% 68 68 - % PubSvColol .40 10 26% 26% 76%-% PbSvE&G1.60 6' 23% 23% 23% PSEArG pf 1.40 12 26% 26% 76% - % Pub Svlnd 1.80 4 30% 30 30 Publicker 44 20% 19% 15%+ % Pullman 1 Aig « 44% 44% 44% Pure Oil 2 x31 53% 55% 55%+ % QTJAKRO 60b 13 33 33% 34% RADIO CP %« 44 21 20% 20% Radio CP pf.1% 1 73 75 75 RKO Pictures .. 3 3% 3% 3% RKO Theaters . 4 3% 3% 3% Raybest M2%* 1 37% 37% 37%-% Rayonier3 .... 11 59 57% 59 Reading Co 2 4 26% 26% 26% + % Reeves Bro 1.20 9 16% 16% 16% + % Rem Rand lb 20 19% 19% 19% + % Reo Motors 2 19% 19% 19%+ % Rerfhb Avia %« 5 13% 13% 13% Reoub Stl 1 'Ag 37 39% 39% 39% + % HevereCABl Vjg 3 29% 29% 29% Regall Drug 5 7% 7 7% Reyn Met %g 10 55% 35% 55% - % ♦Rev Met pf5% 20 199% 199% 199% +1% Rtvn Sprg >Ag 1 8% 8% 8% + % Reyn Tob B 2 10 33% 37% 33 Richfield Oil 2a 9 39% 56% 59% + % RoanAnCop.2Bg 8 8% 8% 8% + % Robbins M 1 % 7 35% 34% 35%+% Rob Pulton 1 %a 2 18% 18% 18%-% Roch G&E 2.24 5 33% 33% 35% - % Roch G*E rt_108 M» % %i Ronson 1 40a 1 18% 18% 18%-% Roval Type 2 2 23 22% 22% - % SAPEWY 2.40a 37 33% 32% 33 - % St Joe Ld 1 >Ag 12 46% 45% 45%-% St Joe L&-P 1 % 4 22% 22 27% + % St L San P 1 V«g 9 25 24% 25 + % StL SanP pf 6 7 61% 61% 61%+% St Reg Paper 1 x35 15% 15% 15%+ % Schenley Ind *. 56 34% 33% 33% - % Scott Pan 2 __ 4 51% 51% 51% + % Scovlll Mfg 2a.. 1 32% 32% 32% Scrantn Elec 1. 1 14% 14% 14%+ % Scab A L RR 4 .. 5 54% 54 54%+1 Seabd Pin 1 80 6 18% 18% 18% Sears Roeb 2a 59 54 53% 53% - % Seeger Ref 70g 1 16% 16% 16% - % Seiber Rub 1- 18 13% 13 13%+% Seryel %g _. 12 9 87% 9 + %j Sham OA-G 2 .. 3 31% 31% 31%-% SharooStl 2%g 8 42% *41% 41% - % Sharp & D »0g 9 48% 48% 48% + % Shell Oil 3 17 64% 64% 64% - % Sheller M 1.20 9 14% 14% 14% - % Sheraton A 60 35 10% 9'+ 10% +1% Silver King Col 4 3% 3% 3% SimmonsCol lag 2 31 30% 30% SimondsS 1.30g 2 48'+ 48'+ 48%+% Sinclair Oil 2a 56 42 41% 42 + % Skellv Oil 3 4 88% 87% 87% - % Smith A 01.60 1 37 37 37 SmithAlegl ,20a 5 17% 17% 17% - % ♦SmlthAlg3%pf 6tV 67 67 67 -4 SoconvVac 1.60 x54 33% 32% 33 +% So Am Gold Vsg 257 5% 5 5% + % «wvB.vawu uu. « o !•/% a T */4 So PRic Suf 3g_ 3 65% 65% 65% Sou Cal Edls 2 7 33% 33% 33V* + % SouthernCo .80 19 11% li% n% Solnd G&E 1 %. 1 21% 21% 21% Soil Pacific 6a . 8 63% 63% 63% South Rv 3g ._ 4 52 51% 52 + % Sou Rwy pf 5 2 c6 65% 66 Spencer Kell 2. 2 26% 26% 26% Sperry Coro 2_. 16 29% 29% 29% + % Spiegel 1 4 10% 10% 10% + % Souare D 1.40a 6 23% 23 23%+% Suuibb 28 29% 28% 29 + % StdBrnds 1.20a 16 22% 22% 22%-% Std Coll Prod 1. 4 12% 12% 12%+% Std Gas & Elec 9 10 9% 9% Std O Cal l.!»5h 20 46% 47% 47% - % Std O Ind 2 tab 19 71% 71% 71% - % Std Oil NJ 3a 81 68% 67% 68%+ % Std Oil Ohio 2b 47 38 37% 37% + % Sterling Dr 2a 9 44% 44 44% Stevens J P 2a 14 42% 41% 41% - % Stew War 1.40a 2 17% 17% 17% Stok V Camp 1_ 3 16% 16% 16%+ % Studebakr 1*, 31 26 25% 26 + % Sun Chem ,60a. 3 11 11 11 Sun Oil lb 8 74% 74% 74%+ % Sunray 0 1.20 . 33 20% 20 20% — % Sunshine M 80 34 11% io% 11% + % Swift&Co 1 60a 3 34% 34% 34% + % Sylvan El Pr 2a 11 35 34% 35 + % TENNCP1.45g 3 36% 36% 361+ Texas Co __ 59 49% 48% 49%+1 Tex GulfSul 4a. 13 99% 99% 99% TexPC&O 1.40 23 41% 40% 41%+1% TexPac LT .70, 4 108 108 108 + % Texas Otil 1.28 31 27 26% 27 + % Textron 2.7 17% 17 17% + % Thatch G1M 1. 9 13% 13% 13% Thermold .80.. 1 10 10 10 + % Thomas Stl 2a 27 30% 30 30%+ % Thompson Pr 2. 20 40% 39% 40% + % Tide W Assoc 2. 40 39% 38% 39%+1 TlmkRBelVhg 2 45% 45% 45% - % Toledo Bdis .70. 3 10% 10% 10% TransWorld Air * 21 20% 20% - % Transamerl.20. 18 20 19% 20 Tri Cont ,30g 58 13% 13% 13% + % ♦Trl-Cont Pf 6. 220 107 106% 107 + % TwenCFox2_. 25 20% 20 20%+ % UN ASB Ac R 1_. 6 13% 13 13%+ % Union Bag 2a 13 49 48% 49 + % Un Carbide 2a. x28 65 64% 64% - % Un Oil Calif 2. 16 38% 37% 37%-% Un Pacific 6a 3 101 100 100 -1% UnTnkCar 2.60 1 36% 36% 36% + % Utd Air L *g . 12 28% 27% 28 + % Utd Aire 2b 17 30 29% 29% Utd Carbon 2%> 4 se% 57% 58% +1 UtdClgWhgl.. 33 4% 4% 4% Utd Corp .20 . 25 4% 4% 4% Utd Dye&Chem 1 10% 10% 10%+ % Utd Fruit 3a _ 12 67% 67% 67% Utd Gas Coro 1 41 21% 21% 21% - % UtdM&Mla 8 14% 14 14%+ % UtdParamTh 2 32 19 19 19 + % Utd ParTh ct 2. 3 19 18% 19 + % US&ForSec.65g 18 49% 48% 49 - % U S Gvpsum 4a. 12 115% 114% 115% +2% U S Lines 2- 3 18% 18% 18% US PlayCd 3%, 1 71 71 71 —2% US Plywd 1.40b 10 37% 37 37 - % U S Rub 2‘/2g_. 35 68% 66 68 +1% US Smelt*,— 24 57% 56% 57%+1% U S Steel 2*g 77 41% 40% 41%+ % USTob .60g .. 4 19 19 19 Uta Stkyds 40. 5 5% 5% 5% - % Utd Wallpaper.. 7 3% 3% 3% + % Umv Pictures . 11 10% 10 10% + % VANNRM.0Og. 6 15% 15% 15%+ % Vanadium l'/jg. 3 35% 35 -35%+ % Vert-C Sug 2 .. 8 17% 17% 17%+ % VickChem 1.20. 2 24% 24% 24% - % Va Ciro Chpm 219 uu i i* x u | VaCarChpf4'/xk. 1 127 127 127 +4 Va El&Pw 1 20 24 20% 20% 20%+ % Va Railway 2%. i 31% 31% 31% - % Visiting CD 2a-- 3 44% 44% 44%+ % WALDORF 1 2 12% 12% 12%+ it Walgreen 1.60a 2 27% 27% 27% + % Walker H 3a __ 15 49% 48 48 -1% Walworth ,46g_ 32 10% 10% 10% + % Warner Bros 1, 25 13% 13% 13% Warren Pet .80. 4 28% 28% 28% - % Wash Gs Lt 1%. 1 25 25 25 WaukeshaM la 3 17 17 17 + % Way nKnitl ,40a 1 21% 21% 21% + % Wst Ind Bug 2a. 10 39% 38% 39% - % W Ky Coal 2a— 5 21% 21% 21%+% W Penn Elec 2.. 17 28% 28% 28% West Pacific 3 i 8 51 50% 51 +1 West Ua Telia 33 41% 40% 41%+ % WestlngAB 1.60. 10 28% 27% 28% Westhse Elec 2. 45 37 36% 37 Wheel Steel 3.. 16 39% 38% 39%+% WhiteSewM 2a_ 5 17% 17% 17%+ % WlUvs-Overlnd. 24 9% 9% 9% Wilson Si Co 1.. 7 12% 12% 12% - % Wilson Jones 1 1 16% 16% 16% — % Wis El Pw 1.20. x 2 20% 20% 20%+ % Wdward Ir 2a 1 47% 47% 47% + % Woolworth 2a._ 32 43% 42% 42% — % Worth PScM 2a. 2 25% 25% 25% + % Wrlgley WJr 3a 8 71% 70 71 -1% Wyand Wor.40a 39 lo% 14% 15% + % YORK CP’/.g. 17 13% 13% 13% - % Young8&T*V«g. 15 47% 47% 47% + % ZENITH R 8a.-- 10 59% 58% 58%+ % Zonite ,10g- 3 4% 4% 4% Hourly Sales on the Exchange Zedayt 11:00 a.m. 290 000 12:00 noon 580 000 1:00 p.m. 860 000 2 00 p.m. 000 000 tUnit of trading 10 shares. *ln bank ruptcy or receivership or being reorganised under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of divi dends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semiannual declaration. Unless other wise noted special or extra dividends are not included, cld Called, x Ex-dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock dividend d Cash or stock, e Paid last year, f Payable in stock estimated cash value on ex-dlvidend date. g De clared or paid so far this year, h De clared or Mid after stock dividend or split-up. k Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in ar rears. pPad this year, dividends omitted, deferred or no action taken at last divi dend meeting. w Declared or paid In 1961. plus stock dividend, v Liquidating dividend, t Payable In stock, exact cash value undetermined on declaration date Odd-Lot Dealings The Securities and Exchange Commis sion reported today these transactions by customers with odd lot dealers or specialists on the New York Exchange for July 3 : 7,064 purchases involving 201. 162 shares; sales Involving 161.626 shares involving 6.473 orders including 1.962 shares sold short on 61 orders. « • Stock Market Firmer As Rubber Shares, Steels Show Strength >y th» Auociatcd Pros * NEW YORK, Aug. 1.—There was a semblance of progress to day in the stock market based on the advance of a few major di visions. Steels and rubbers stepped ahead smartly, and there was some help from chemicals and oils. The strength in steels, modest though it appeared, was regarded as significant because of the lowered earnings reports turned in by not only Bethlehem and United States Steel but also by I the other companies this week. Dow Chemical shot ahead 4 points at times in fairly active trading, other chemicals were moderately higher. Plymouth Oil was up substan tially after directors declared a dividend of 40 cents on new com mon as compared with 50 cents paid on the old stock before a two-for-one SDlit effective .Tniv an Boeing dropped 2 «/a at 44 l/a on its opening sale and subsequently traded around that figure after reporting earnings equal to $2.85 a share for the first half, com pared with $5.15 a year ago. Higher taxes and smaller profits on Government orders was the reason given for the decline in earnings. Stocks higher included U. S. Steel, Republic Steel, Chrysler,, Goodyear, U. S. Rubber, Inter national Harvester, Douglas Air craft, Admiral Corp., Radio Corp., Anaconda Copper, South Ameri can Gold, Du Pont, American Woolen, Standard Oil (New Jer sey), and Mclntyre-Porcupine. Lower were Union Pacific. Gulf Oil, American Cyanamid, West inghouse Electric, International Paper, General Motors. Sears Roebuck, National Distillers (new), aqd Schenley Industries. Trading in corporate bonds was lighfc. Prices moved narrowly, in the over-the-counter market. Governments were steady. Washington Exchange _ . SALES. Potomtc Elec Pwr com—70 at 33% So at 13%. 10 at 13%, 14 at 13%. 14 at 1.3%; _ f6 »t 13%. 100 at 13%, 20 at 13% P°l°matC 451 j Pwr 3 60 DfB A~74 45%. ^,ec \ Pwr com—285 at 20%. Potomac Elec Pwr com—50 at 14. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Am T&T cv db 2%s 1967._ U5% Am J&T cv db 2%s 1901.. 109Va 111 Am T&T cv db 3%a 1969 . 115% lie% Cap Transit 1st it 4s 1904 100 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 113 Pot Elec Pwr 3%s 1977 ... 98% I'*' Pot Elec Pwr 3s 1983 ... 98 Pot Elec Pwr 2%s 1984 94 Washington Gas 5s I960 113 _miscellaneous bonds. Ter Rf & W Co 1st 4s 1958 101 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Amer Tel & Tel < B > . 150% Capital Transit (a2> _ 30 39 Pot Elec Pwr com ( 901 _ . 13% 14 PEP 3.60% Did A (1.801... 44% 45% PEP 3.60% old B (1.80)... 44% 45% . '-uni U f OW' _ J J • 4 ] ] Va El A Pwr com U (1.20)- 29% «or. Wash Gas Lt com (1.60) _ -25% Wash Gas Lt cm Dfd (4.26). *95% 98 Wash Gas c c old (4.50) *J03 - NATIONAL BANK 8TOCK8. Capital (tl) _ - 28% Liberty (8) _ _ 32i> Lincoln (tS) _ “ 340 glass, *412) _II 300 370 Washington ft.00) 38 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. Amer Sec A Tr (tl) __ 32 83 Natl Sav Tr (t8t 457 Union Trust Co (tl) - 42% Wash Loan A Tr <tl.2n) 43 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Bank of Bethesda (tl.50> 49 Com A Savinas (tlOX, 325 fire Insurance stocks. American <t8) 297 Firemen's (160) .5**" 31 National Union (.75) 20 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia (t.30) 13 Real Estate (t6) 102 190 . MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Carpel Com 12 14 Garflnckel com (1.50) 19 19% Garflnckel 5%•’7 pfd (1.375) "1% "3 Garflnckel 4%% pfd (1.126) 18% 19% Hecht Co (1.60) 30 31 Hecht 3%r/f cm pf (3.75) 88 Lanston Mono (2) _ 17% 18% Mergenthaler Lino (a.80) - 31 33 Natl Mtg A Inv pld (a 30)_ 8% Peoples Drug St com (2)-_ 31 32% Security Storage (t5) 112 Ter Ref A Wh Coro (3' _ 52 Wdwd A Lothrop com (2)_ 32 32% Wdwd A Lothrop pfd (5) 106 •Ex dividend, b Books closed tPlus extra or extras a Paid «o far this year, p Paid in 1950 u Unlisted. Produce Markets * Baltimore quotations supplied by the United States Agriculture Department: Apples: dull end slightly weaker. Bushel basket*, nearby Rambos 2%-lnch up. no grade mark. 1.75; Maryland US. Is. 2% lnch up. William* Red. 2.25: Pennsylvania 2%-lnch up, no rrade mark, 2.00. few 2.25: 2%-lnch up US. Is. 2.25-50; fair quality. 2.00; no grade mark, 2.25-50. Potatoes—dull. u.S. Is. size A unwashed cobbler*. Delaware 100 pound sacks, 1.7 5; 50-pound sacks. .90-1.00; 50-pound sacks. 5)ze B few 40 cents; bU-uound sacks Katahdins. size A. 1.00-.05. Eastern shore Maryland. 100-pound sacks, cobblers, 1.70 .85 few high as 2.00: bushel baskets Chippewas washed, fair condition, 75 cents; Pennsylvania 100-pound sacks cob blers. 1.60-.75. Sweet Potatoes—Supplies insufficient to quote. Livestock 'Market. Cattle—,300; scattered odd lots all representative classes steady with earlier in week; few commercial cows. 28.00 3J00; fanner to utility offerings, 19.00 24 50; individual choice beef bull. 32.50; most utility and commercial sausage offer ings. 2/.00-31.50; few cutters. 26.50; scattered odd lots Inferior to good stocker steers 24,00-34.00; sizable supply In cluded fairly wide assortment stock calves being yarded and sorted for show ing. Calves—200; slow; steady but late out let narjpw for heavy slaughter calves scaling over 250 pounds: few high choice and prime vealers. 39.00. the top; other mixed lots good to prime. 32.00-38.00; commercial and good. 30.00-36.00. Hogs—400: trading very uneven, steady to 50 cents higher on barrows and gilts sows not established: few steady; bulk of small number held for advance; most ad vance early on 180-260-pound averages; lTO-C^O-pound barrows and gilts. 24.25-75, the top; 240-260 pounds. -3.0i)-,4.00; scattered sales other weights 260-300 pounds. 20.75-22.76; 120-140 pounds. 20.25-21.00; 140-160 pounds. 21.50-23.00; few choice sows under 400 pounds. 19.00-50; 400-460 pounds. 18.00-50. Poultry Quotations. Poultry—Market rather dull; receipts moderate; trading moderate. Fryers: 3% pounds and up. 33-36: some best. 35%-30: few, 32; few ordinary, quality. 28. Hens: Heavy type, 3()-33. mostly 32; light type, few sales. 21-22. _ Grain Market. Flour—Receipts. 705' 100-pound sacks. Wheat—Receipts, 223,707 bushels: ship ments. 201.000 bushels; stocks. 6,231.978 No. 2 red winter garlicky, spot, domestic, 2.19%; August, 2.19%: No. 3, 2.1 ova. . Corn—Receipts, none; shipment*. 1.960 bushels; stocks. 756.207 bushels. uats—Receipts, none; shipments, none; stocks. 19.310 bushels. Barley—Receipts, none; shipments, none; stocks, 90,017 bushels. Rye—Receipts, none; shipments, none; stocks. 381.073 bushels. Soybeans — Receipts, none; shipments.; none; stocks, 32,224 bushels. Millfeed—Receipts. 60 tons. Butter and Ecss. Eggs—Market steady; receipts, moder ate; demand, good. Wholesale selling prices; A large, 63-65; A medium, 66-58; B large, 56-67; ungraded, 45-49. Receipts—Eggs, none; butter, 01,514 pounds. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Aug. 1 yp) (USDAi.—Salable hogs, 8,000; slow; steady on butchers but closed weak on weights under 240 pounds; sows fairly active, steady to 25 cents higher, later trade mostly 26 cents higher; top 23.75 for few choice No. 1 lights at 200-210 pounds; most choice 180-240 pounds. 23.25-23.76 250 280 pounds. 22.50-23.25; few 290-310 pounds. 21.50-22.25; choice sows, 400 pounds and under, 18.75-20.75; few under 300 pounds to 21.00 and slightly above; most 400-500 pounds, 18.00-19.00; 500 600 pounds, 17.00-18.25; good clear ance. Salable cottle. 9.000: salable calves, 100; slaughter steers and yearlings mod erately active, about steady; heifers, cows md bulls mostly steady; vealers steady to strong; bulk high-choice and prime iteers, 36-76-38.50; around a dozen lodas prime, 38.65-38.85; most good and choice iteers. 32.50-36.50; few loads and lots iommerclal to low-good, 28.00-32.00; load prime 1.136-pound heifers, 38.26; bulk tood to prime heifers. 32.00-37.00; most commercial cows, 27.00-30.00; canner to itility cows, 19.00-25.50; utility to good pulls, 26.50-30.50; odd head, 31.00; bullf tood to prime vealers, 35.00-37.00; few prime. 38.00. Salable sheep, 600; slaughter lambs and swes steady; supply small; bulk went to imall local killers; bulk good to prime tatlve slaughter lambs, 31.00-32.50; top. 32.50; cull and utility kinds, 27.00-30.50; rearlings absent; high-choice 117-pound train-fed ewes, 16.75; bulk slaughter ewes, 11.00-14.60; culls at 11.00 down. £ N. Y. Bond Market (Furnished by the Associated Press. I LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES FOREIGN 1:16 Hock V 4 Vis 99 119% CaucaVal 3s78 40 HAM Inc 6s 67 35% Colombia 3s 70 48% Mo-Pac 6s 77 P 106% It CCon 2-3s77 40% Uo-Pac 4s 76 96% Med Mun 3s 78 40 NatDalry'i V70 97% NEW YORK CITY Nat 8teel 3s86 101% 3s 80_ .. Ill NET AT 3s 82. 99% DOMESTIC 1 iLl?,!®*"* *1* AmAFP 6s2030 98% IJX AmTfrT QiLaMu H7J4 NY Tel 23/4* 82_ 96% AMTAT 3%s73 104% 5}®^** fs J°47 71% AmTAT 2%s8J 110 Am Tob 3s 69 100% ?*Va-,Z0 1221? ACL 4 V2-4s 80 100 p.° * ® 8» 7,J. BAOL^n8fo1«% Penn^RR 6s 68 l”% ”4^2010 59% PennRK4Vis85 99% bJ hitUVs70 *95% PeRRR4V«s84E 92% II IXs7" SIS PeoAE Inc 4s90 40 Beth Stl 2%s76 95% phPetcv2%s75. 136% Celotex 3 Vis 60 98% PSFO As «:t 100% C A O 4 Vis 92 119% SLSF fk 2022 - 79% Chi A E 1 Inc 97 75 scsF 4s 97 _ 97% CinGAE 24is75 98 socony 2 Vis 78 94% CCCSL 4'is 77 65% go Pac 4Ws 60 97 Clev El 111 3s70 101% So Ry 6s 66 107% ConsuP 2Vis 75 98% 8o Ry 4s 66 98% Det Ed 3s 70 101 8tdO!lNJ2*s74 97% DetTAIr2 Vis78 92% Tex Coro Ss 86 102% Fla E Cst 6s 74 73 T A P 3Vis 86 100% N. Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUER 1 1 Imp OH 60 34% Air Assoc .20w 8% Int Clg Mch la. 14 Am Marie .10* 5% Kalser-Frazer 5 Am Superpowr. % Kirk Lake 04 % Anch Post ‘Aa 8% Lake Shore Vi* 8% Ark N Gas 60 15% Law Ptld Ce la 26 Ark N Gs A 60 /6% Lone St GI 1.40 27% Atlas Coro ww 6% Louis LAE 2a 42" Atlas Ply 1 Via 23% Massey Har V, 13% BaldwlnSec Vi* 3% Mid St Pet ‘/if 13% BariumStl .20* 8% Molybdenm Via 39% Breeie Cp ‘ih.. 8% Mt St Pw 42h. 11% Brlt-Am 011 1 36% N J Zinc 2Vi* . 69% Brown Co 14 Niatt Share Via 16% Brown-F DIs.80 19 No Am Ut Sec.. 4% Rrnn-rt TT isf in X Mnotk.n. 11.. liis Burry Biscuit 4 Pac Pet Ltd -_ 7% CalAEdmCp.10- 13% Pancoastal Oil 5% Can So Oils wl 5% PancoastOil wl_ 3 Carr Cons Bisc 2% "antenec Oil 5% Cessna Alrc.20e 6% Producers Coro 2% Claude Neon 4% Raytheon Mf« 9% Con3MnKA8 3a 144 Rice Stix 2a _ 31 Coro Inc %d 7% Royalite Oil.26 13% Cosden Pet.70* 17% 3t Lawrence 42% Creole Pet 2%* 74% 3e«al Lock AH 1% CrownCPet 40e 12 8hawWAP1.20a 34% CubanAtl Su* 3 34 standard Brew % DennMJgA 1.20 14 Std Oil Ky 2a38% Det HdwM ,30a 5 Std Pow A Lt __ 6% DraperCpl.35f. 24 Stroock >/»_23 Dumont A '/<* IS Technicolor 2 19% East O A P %» 12% Thlokol Coro - 12 Easy Wash 11% Tlsh Reall 40 20% El BndASh %f 22% ToddShpydl %* 51% Eureka C Ltd % Toklan Roy .12. 4% FafrchEAA.20f 7% Trl Cont war 3% Gen Plywood 2% Tun* Sol L %* - 17% Giant Yell 8 OnOasCan.65* 19% Glen A] Cl 20p 11% u 8 Poll B 40*- 41% Goldfield Con */i* C 8 Rub Reel 4% Here Stl Pr 20 3% WentworthM % 6% | Business Briefs | Electric Power Production in the week ended July 28 totaled kilowatt hours vs. 6.974.574.000 in the previous week and was 13.2% above the like week a year ago.—Edison Electric Institute. Wholesale Food Index, based on the cost of a pound each of 31 foods in general use, this week rose to $6.91 from $6.90 last week and was 5.8% above the year-ago figure of $6.53.—Dun & By street. , ' United States Steel Corp, in 3 months ended June 30 earned $58,133,716 or $1.99 a share vs. $69,861,496 or $2.44 in 1950 period. Republic Steel Corp. in 3 months ended June 30 earned $14,458,116 or $2.38 a share vs. $21,080,742 or $3.50 in 1950 period. Jones & Laughlin Steel in 3 months ended June 30 earned $8, 879.000 or $1.37 a share vs. $11, 005.000 or $2.05 in 1950 period. Youngstown Sheet. & Tube in 3 months ended June 30 earned $9,094,602 or $2.71 a share vs. $10,785,832 or $3.22 in 1950 period! Corning Glass Works in 94 weeks ended June 16 earned $5, 874,765 or $2.15 a share vs. $6 - 585,318 or $2.44 in 1950 period. Other earnings included: For 3 Months Ended June 30. A1Per shaTe * D *11 S10.9OB°OOn A“e? fha~Co 11 *•*10.154 6.292.92(1 a snare _ 1.16 1 o4 AlPe?r?h = rSh0* - 2.084.337 1,557.28) rer snare 1 72 1 ■!* 1.739.124 125.288 Per share 1.07 0.03 Months Ended June 30. N*&nasl,£id 1-678if5’ Amp"riCahna^SC°Se 12-650^ Rap?rn‘Jh.r. -I: *-449»2s 6080 861 Per share 0.8R 4 4H Associated Invest 6.461.306 5.045 405 Per share 5 04 4 *4 Diamond Match . 3.597.829 2,678.258 Per share _ 3.04 2 4N Scott Paper ... 3.429.452 . 3.730.118 Per share _ 1 82 o n? Missouri Pacific. 3.621.520 8.4237573 Per share Climax Moieybd . 3.923.974 1.369,606 Per share __ 1.56 0 54 Boeing Airplane _ 3,090.074 5.964.16’ Per share 2 85 5 <1 Anderson-Prlchard 2.601.296 2.426,437 Per share .... 3 20 o ob Hajoca Corp ... 469.856 275.806 „ Per share ... lln 2 06 duett Peabody _ 2.642.S28 2.115.673 Per share _ 3.24 2.52 „ .For Year Ended June 30. Cons Edison N Y. 39.266.940 38.163.309 Per share . 2.32 2 39 Comwith Edison _ 29,101.478 28.598 979 Per share „. 2.12 2 08 Ohio Power Co _. 10.586.074 9.095,457 * Pe? S!?ar* — *52.30 *44.94 Anoal Elec Pwr . 10.725.045 9.968,744 Per share . *28.60 *26.80 Am Natural Gas. 6.794.000 7.300.952 Per share 2.66 2 40 C Gas EL&P Balt 9.467.517 10.140.19!) Per share _ 1.74 1 91 Ind * Mich Elec. 7.253.075 6,329,665 Per share Dayton PAL.. 6.634.339 6.292.607 Per share 2.90 2 78 Bklyn Union Gas. 3.347 428 2.274.507 Per share 3.99 4.34 Delaware P & L _ 3.797.551 3.383.163 Per share 1.99 1.74 •Preferred. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Aug. 1 OP).—Dividends an nounced: Extra. Pe- 8tit. of Pay „ , Rate. riod. record, able. Unlv Cons Oil _ SI __ 8-15 8-30 Masonite Corp _50c_8-11 8-28 Stand Oil N J new_25c_8-10 9-13 Carpenter Steel $1 __ 8-31 9-11 Initial. Plymouth Oil new 40e_ 8-24 9-24 Vanad Alloys Sti new H5c 8-16 9-1 Stand Oil N J new 75c Q 8-10 9-13 Increased. Nat Container 25c Q 8-20 9-10 Irregniar. Gen Fireproof 62*Ac_ 8-20 9-11 Deere & Co_ SI.50.. 8-10 9-1 Regular. Bristol Myers _40c 8-15 9-1 Ely * Walker D Gds .25c Q 8-11 9-1 Fishman M H ... 15c Q 8-15 9-1 Otter Tall Power 3 7 tic 8-15 9-10 St L San Fran Rwy.62’/2C 9-1 9-15 Superior T & Die ... 5c Q 8-17 8-31 U S Potash _45c Q 8-31 9-3 5 ABC Vending Co_30c S 8-31 9-15 Am Tobacco _75c Q 8-10 9-1 Bullock Fund Ltd „.25c 8-15 9-1 Flintkote _50c Q 8-27 9-10 Unlv Cons Oil ... 50c Q 8-15 8-30 Hackensack Water 42V4c Q 8-15 9-1 Jones & Laughlin Stl 45c 9-4 10-1 Masonite Corp _25c Q 8-11 8-28 Thew Shovel_26c Q 8-15 9-1 U S Steel _75c 8-10 9-10 Carpenter Stl_60c Q 8-31 9-11 Gen Dry Bat_15c 8-27 9-7 Hajoca Coro _50c Q 8-15 9-1 Warren Petrol_20c Q 8-15 P-1 Atlas Tack _76c - 8-15 8-31 Bell & Gossett_30c Q 8-15 9-1 Fajardo Sug_60c _ 8-15 9-1 Lane Bryant_25c Q 8-15 9-1 Ohio Oil _ 75c_8-10 9-10 Ryerson A Haynes 12 Vic 9-4 9-14 Winnipeg Elec _60c 8-31 10-15 Market Averages 30 15 15 60 STOCKS. Indust. Rails. Dtil. Btks. Net change_ +.2 unc. unc. 4-.1 Noon today_ 130.9 64.8 49.2 95.0 Prev. day_ 130.7 64.8 49.2 94.9 Week ago_ 130.6 63.4 48.9 94.1 Month ago—-- 124.2 59.2 47.2 89.3 Year ago 105.5 47.2 43.1 76.1 1961 high_ 133.4 72.2 49.5 97.8 1951 low_ 119.9 58.1 46.4 88.0 20 10 10 10 10 Low BONOS. Ralls Indust Dtil Por n Yield Net change unc. unc. + .1 unc. unc. Noon today 94.4 08.7 99.7 73.0 105.4 Prev. day. 94.4 98.7 99.6 73.0 105.4 Week ago 94.3 98.6 99.5 72.7 105.2 Month ago 93.6 98.1 98.1 72.0 103.9 Year ago 95.6 102.1 104.4 70.7 110.9 1951 high 100.6 101.9 103.6 73.1 110.9 1951 low 93.6 97.7 97.6 70.6 103.6 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) New York Cotton NEW YORK. Aug. 1 (fl*i.—Cotton futures continued to display a heavy tone in fore noon trading with prices near the lows ror the day. Purther hedging and com mission house selling were absorbed prin cipally through short covering. Some of the trade selling in nearby October was attributed to liquidation of futures hold ings against the purchase of spot cotton. Traders were inclined to switch from October to later months in anticipation of hedging in October later on in greater volume. The fact that nearby October and December broke through previous resistance points also had a depressing effect on sentiment. Noon prices were 56 cents to SI a cale lower than the previous close. October. 34.56; December, 34.61, and March, 34.63. \ \ 1 Some Steel Users See ! Production Cut Due To Materials Control j By *h« Associated Pre»» NEW YORK, Aug. 1.—Some; steel users who have been unable i; |! to get mills to accept their orders) under the controlled materials plan may be forced to cui^ail pro duction within 60 days, the Iron Age, metal-working trade weekly said today. Some of these rejected orders; are for important programs, the publication said. It reported: “One was from a manufacturer of parts for tanks; others were from railroad car builders.” If layoffs result from lack of steel, the Iron Age said, labor’s voice will join the chorus of an guished cries over CMP. The Iron Age reported custom ers are criticizing steel sales people for not returning steel al lotments more ouicklv. It assigned this reason: Steelmaking operations this week were placed at 102 per cent of rated capacity, a gain of half a point from the preceding week. Chicago Grain CHICAGO, Aug. 1 IIP).—Gains rang ing to more than a cent in wheat lent some support to the rest ol the market on the Board of Trade today. Wheat opened % to 1 cent higher and extended Its advance in early deal ings. Trading was not active, but those who wanted to buy had to reach for of ferings. Corn and oats firmed slightly after starting no better than, steady. Wheat near the end of the first hour was iy*-l5/a cents higher. September *2.37%; corn was %-% higher. Septem ber $1.71%, and oats were %-% higher, September 77%. Soybeans were %-k% cents lower, September $2.81%. and lard was 10 to 27 cents a hundred pounds lower, September $10.25. Less favorable news from cease-fire negotiations in Korea, with even a pos sibility that the entire negotiations might break down, brought a little buying into wheat, traders felt. However, this was not considered as important a factor as the possibility of export business pick ing up. Currently the International Wheat Agreement Council Is meeting in London Some grain men believe that foreign buying under the agreement, which has been noth ing to get excited about so far this season, will expand sharply once the council has finished its meeting. European production of wheat Is smaller this year In several Important countries. The fact makes it difficult for many grain men to believe foreign buying can hold off much longer, particularly in view of the tense international situation and the need to stockpile wheat. Another factor in the wheat strength was the feeling the Government crop esti mates for August will show a drop in win er wheat prospects. Temperatures rang ing as high as 100 degrees were forecast for North Dakota. That might cause some deterioration to spring wheat. Weather was ideal for growth of the corn and soybean crops In the Midwest. Corn receipts, however, continued very light, although the trade was expecting an upturn if the new crop continues to make favnroK a nroovsr r A _* _ 1_ vesting is in full swing, arrivals of that i grain have not been heavy cither. New York Produce NEW YORK, Aug. 1 ypi.—Eggs, 14 942 Arm. New York spot quotations, based largely on exchange trading, follow: Mid western: Mixed colors — Fancv heavy weights. 58V extra 1 large, 54V extra 1 medium. 52: current receipt, 47V dirties. 42; checks. 36V Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 59V extra 1 large 55; extra 1 medium. 53. Browns — Fancy heavyweights, processed, 60; extra 1 large. 56. Nearby: Whites—Extra fancy heavy weights, 67; fancy heavyweights, 66; others, large, 63-65: mediums, 58; pul lets. 42; peewees. 27. Browns — Extra fancy weights. 67; mediums, 67-58; pul lets. 42; peewees. 27. Butter—765.303; steady. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons: Creamery, higher than 92 score (AA), fresh, 68V 92 score (A> fresh. 67V 90 score (BJ, fresh, 66-66V 89 score (C). fresh, 65. Cheese—424,172; steady: prices un changed. TRUST I NOTES Reasonable Rates Prompt Service Ulc Will bey Second Trvst Hole* Steered on Improved Property NATIONAlMORTEAGE ^investment corr no mv Av/r uui.uitut I COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND i 66th Consecutive Quoriarly Paymani The Board of Directors of Seaboard Finance Co. declared a regular quar terly dividend of 45 cents a share on Common Stock payable Oct. 10, 1951 <o stockholders of record Sept. 20,1951. PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDENDS The directors also declared regular quarterly dividends of 65 cents a share on $2.60 Convertible Preferred Stock, 33}A cents a share on $1.35 Con vertible Preferred Stock, and 3 3 '4 cents a share on $1.35 Convertible Preferred Stock, Series B. All pre ferred dividends are payable Oct. 10, 1951 to stockholders of record Sept. 20, 1951. A. E WE1DMAN htlj 19. 1951 Treruurtr I INSURANCE 1700 EYE ST. NW. WASHINGTON Ml. I99« Wo Q*»f CALIFORNIA ■ tungsten ft Common Stock I Price 15 Cents per Shore I I Offering Clr'ular.hfZ« ■ your own investment dealer or the undersigned ■ I Phone or writ• Itellier a CO. I Local Representatives MR. SHERLEY COLBERT 707 20th ST. N.W. Washington 6, D. C. District 1292—King 8-5171 DESKS 1 Office Furniture Since 1884 Also Complete Floor Used Office Furniture and Equipment H. Baum & Son 616EST.N.W. NA. 9136 WAREHOUSE REMOVAL SALE v We have lost our lease on this 35,000 sq. ft. Warehouse Bldg. All goods must be sold in 15 days. Sale starts Aug. 2nd to Aug. 5th from 9 to 5:30. Open Sunday from 9 to 4. GOODS ON DISPLAY at 3150 K ST. N.W. Free Parking. Our loss is your gain. *30,000, new and used office furniture has to be sacrificed. Free de liverv nn all nrHorc nvor tin 100 Desks. Typewriter. Fist Tops, wood and steel 810 and op. Table, *.-> and op. 150 sva-Jable. 48 to 81 inches. 1-drawer wood Golden Oak Fllo Cabi nets. WOS. 80.30 each. 2.500 Card Files 3x5. 4x6, 6x8, 60 eents per drawer. Bookcases with class fronts, oak, 84 per section. Desk Lamps, f? each. Costumers, *2 each. Walnut New Desks. DP Flat Top, 896. reduced from *135 to *95. 1.500 Chairs, 100 wood typist chairs. *1 each. Typist Chairs, steel base. *4.50 and up. Bank of Enrland Chairs, steel base, *10 and up. Hundreds of valuable first class office furniture must be sold re gardless of cost. Letter trays and waste baskets to every purchaser. Manhattan Office Equipment Co. 3160 K St. N.W. REAL ESTATE SALES & SERVICE A