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Text of Truman's Address Opening Conference >y tho Associated Pratt SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5. Text of President Truman’s address opening the Japanese peace treaty conference last night : I am glad to welcome you to this conference for signing the treaty of peace with Japan. The people of the United States are honored to serve as hosts for this meeting. Six years ago the nations rep resented at this conference were engaged in a bitter and costly war. Nevertheless, these nations and others came together here, in this very hall, to set up the United Nations as the first es sential step toward a firm and lasting peace. Today, we meet here again to take another step along the road to peace. On this occasion, it is our purpose to conclude a treaty of peace with a country we were fighting in 1945. We meet to restore our former enemy to the community of peaceful nations. Principles of Roosevelt. The treaty we are gathered here to sign has not been drawn in a spirit of revenge. The treaty reflects the spirit in which we carried on the war. The principles for which we fought were clearly set forth by President Franklin D. Roosevelt right after Pearl Harbor. On December 9, 1941, in a broadcast to the American people, he said: “When we resort to force, as now we must, we are determined that this force shall be directed toward ultimate good as well as against immediate evil. . . . We are now in the midst of war, not for conquest, not for vengeance, but for a world in which this na tion, and all that this nation rep resents, will be safe for our chil dren.” That is our purpose here today as we gather to sign the peace treaty. We are trying to build a world in which the children of all nations can live together in peace. We hope we are attaining the ultimate good to which Presi dent Roosevelt referred. New Aggression Threatened. Unfortunately, today, the world is faced with new threats-of ag gression. Many of the countries represented here are now engaged in a hard fight to uphold the United Nations against interna tional law-breaking. But we have not forgotten that our goal is peace. We will not let the present conflect deter us from taking every step we can toward peace. We will not let that happen now, any more than we let the existence of war in 1945 hold up our efforts for the United Nations. The people of all our countries long for one thing aboye all else, and they are determined to have it. What they want is a world at peace—a world where there is justice and freedom for all men and all nations. Our peoples de mand of us that we take every possible measure to reach that goal. We who stand ready to sign this treaty with Japan believe in peace. We believe in peace based on free dom and international justice. We know that a free and independent people have more vigor and stay ing power, and can do more to .help secure the peace, than a people held under alien control. We believe that the whole great effort for peace will be strength ened if Japan is now restored to independence and linked to other free nations by ties of mutual friendship and responsibility. Special Represponsibility for U. S. Since the fighting ended in 1945, Japan has been an occupied country. The occupation was de-; signed by the wartime Allies to prevent future Japanese aggres sion, and to establish Japan as a peaceful and democratic country, prepared to return to the family j of nations. The United States, as the prin cipal occupying power, was given a special responsibility to carry, out these objectives. It is our; judgment that they have been - achieved. I wish on this occasion to ex press the pride that my country men and I feel in the way in which the Allied occupation has been carried out. Its success has been due to the devoted efforts of many thousands of people serving under the outstanding leadership of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur and his successor, Gen. Matthew Ridgway. I would also like to pay tribute to the impressive effort put for ward by the people of Japan in this period. They have fully com plied with the surrender terms. [ They have co-operated fully in carrying out the purposes of the occupation. Progress Unprecedented The result has been a remark able and unprecedented period, of progress in Japanese history.! Japan today is a very different country from what it was six years ago. The old militarism has been ] swept away. This has been done! not just by occupation edict, but; by the overwhelming will of the Japanese people themselves. The secret police and the police state methods used by the former government have been abolished. The new Japanese constitution provides a Bill of Rights for all citizens and establishes a govern ment truly representative of the people. The Japanese people now have Universal suffrage, and they are taking a vigorous part in their gov ernment. In recent local elections, more than 90 per cent of those eligible have voted. Democratic Rights. Japanese women now vote and take part in the government, and enjoy full rights for the first time. Free and independent labor unions have been established, and Jarm co-operatives have been greatly expanded. The monopolies that used to have such a strangehold on the Japanese economy have been sub stantially broken up. Remarkable progress has been made in land reform. Over 6 mil lion acres of land have been pur chased from the old landlords and sold to working farmers. Today about 90 per cent of all cultivated land belongs to those who work on It, as compared with leas than 50 per cent In 1945. This Is a great A 1 ifeiiß |||BB _ H n He "hB jgg m m « BUafl wk * ■h&v M TRUMAN CHALLENGES RUSSIA—San Francisco.—President Truman tells the opening session of the Japanese peace treaty conference that the meeting will show which nations seek peace and which seek to prevent peace. Although he did not mention Soviet Russia by name, there was no question he had Russia and her satellites in mind. —A. P. Wirephoto. achievement, full of meaning for all Asia. Restoring Full Sovereignty. Through these and other re forms, the Japanese people have been developing a stable economy and a democractic society. They still have a long way to go, but ; they are well on the road to build ings new Japan—dedicated to the arts of peace and the well-being of the people. Because of these accomplish ments, it is possible at this time to restore full sovereignty to the Japanese people. This does not mean that the slate has been wiped clean. The' United States has not forgotten Pearl Harbor or Bataan, and many of the other nations represented) here have similar memories that; will not easily be erased. The new Japan will not find the world en tirely friendly and trusting. It will have to keep on working to win the friendship and trust of other peoples over the years to come. But the foundations for a peace ful future have been laid. It is now time to move ahead with the restoration of normal relations be tween Japan and the rest of the world. After Year of Effort. This oonference is the result of a year co-operatfve effort toward that end. A year ago this month, at my request, Mr. John Foster Dulles began to consult other govern ments about a treaty of peace with Japan. Mr. Dulles has per-' formed this task faithfully and well, guided by the highest tradi tions of statesmanship. There were, of course, differ ences of opinion among the na tions concerned as to many of the matters covered by this treaty J The text of the treaty now before us is the product of long and patient negotiations, among many nations, which were undertaken to reconcile these differences. I think it is fair to say that it is a good treaty. It takes account of the principal deisres and ulti mate interests of all the partic ipants. It is fair to both victor and vanquished. Looking to Future. But, more than that, it is a .treaty that"will work. It does not contain the seeds of another war. lit is a treaty of reconciliation. I which looks to the future, not the ! past. The treaty re-establishes Japan as a sovereign, independent na tion. It provides for the restora tion of Japanese trade with other nations, and it imposes no re strictions upon Japan’s access to raw materials. The treaty recognizes the prin ciple that Japan should make rep arations to the countries which suffered from its aggression. But it does not saddle the Japanese people with a hopeless burden of! reparations which would crush their economy in the years to come. In all these respects, the treaty takes account of the peaceful ad vances the Japanese have made in recent years, and seeks to establish the conditions for fur tner progress However, there is one thing we must all recognize. There can be no progress unless the Japanese people and their neighbors in the Pacific are made secure against the threat of ag gression. Aggression Under Way. At the present time, the Pacific area is gravely affected by out right aggression and by the threat of further armed attack. One of our primary concerns in making peace with Japan, therefore, is j to make Japan secure against aggression and to provide that Japan, in its turn, will so conduct itself as not to endanger the sec urity of other nations. To accom plish this, It Is important to bring Japan under the principles of the United Nations, and within the protection of the mutual obliga tions of United Nations members. The treaty expresses Japan’s intention to apply for membership in the United Nations. The other ASPHALT Driveways Play Courta, Parking Araao ■allmotM ehoorfally itrn Mo ofeU ntlou Torn* U dsolrod. CALL DAY OR NIOHT Huh Coal It Brick Co. MA. 9191 OT. 7100 countries who sign the treaty can be counted on to work for the ad ! mission of Japan to membership. But even so, there may be delays; before Japan can be admitted. Under the treaty, therefore, the Japanese people bind themselves to accept immediately the basic obligations of a United Nations member—namely, to refrain from aggression, to settle disputes peacefully, and to support the efforts of the United Nations to maintain the peace. At the same ;time, the other nations who sign | the treaty specifically recognize that Japan is entitled to the pro j tection of the United Nations charter. Part of Community.' In a sense, these provisions are the heart of this treaty. Under them, Japan becomes part of the community of nations pledged to outlaw aggression and to support a world order based on justice. • i This tying together of the Japanese peace treaty and the United Nations charter is a long step toward building security in the Pacific. But more than this is needed. In the present world situation, it has been necessary to buttress the peaceful principles of the United Nations charter with regional arrangements for the, common defense against aggres sion. If real security is to be at stained in the Pacific, the free nations in that area must find means to work together for the common defense. The United States recognizes ; this fact. Our people have suffered from past aggression in the Pacific ajid are determined that this! country shall do its part for peace there. In recent days, we have joined with other Pacific nations in important mutual security agreements. Philippine Pact Signed. j Last Thursday, the Philippines and the United States signed a treaty of mutual defense. Under this treaty, each country recog nizes that an armed attack on the other in the Pacific area would be dangerous to its own peace and safety, -and declares that it would act to meet the common danger. Last Saturday, a similar security treaty was signed by Australia, New Zealand, and the United; |'States. These treaties are initial steps toward the consolidation of peace in the Pacific. It is vital that Japan be in cluded, as soon as possible, in ap ! propriate security, arrangements , for keeping peace in the Pacific. This is necessary for her own pro jection, and the protection of ! other countries. The peace treaty, therefore, rec ognizes that Japan, as a sbvereign ! nation, must possess the right of self-defene and the right to join in defense arrangements with; Wiiliii! 1 * Largest Selection in this City is at Jordon’s Mason & Hamlin . SMJ y Chickering Lester Betsy Ross WKm Story & Clork 4* H. M. Cable p| Huntington » Musette 1 fl Winter & Co. |j|Br Cable-Nelson George Stock Bradbury Dozens of Models in a Pooh Complete Price Range rr , , v p Store Hours THURSDAYS lake 3 Years to Pay „ . . _ - J Beginning Sept. 6 12:30 PM. to 9 PM. J nj Air Conditioned Throughout if MBIDMS BRBjfcjjsS Cereer 13th and G Stroeti STorling 9400 other countries under the United Nations charter. The development of regional arrangements for defense in the Pacific will mean that such Japa nese defense forces as may-be created would be associated with the defense forces of other na tions in the area. Japan’s security would not depend exclusively on Japanese forces but on inter related security arrangements with other countries. The Japanese contribution, by itself, would not' constitute an offensive threat. But Japanese forces, together with forces of other nations, would pro vide mutual security against threats to the independence of the nations of the Pacific, includ ing Japan. At present, of course, Japan is totally unarmed. In view of the open aggression taking place near Japan, the Japanese government has requested the * United States to enter into a bilateral treaty for Japan’s immediate security. Under such a treaty, the United States would maintain armed forces in Japan for the time being as a contribution to international peace and to Japan's defense against attack. Security arrangements are es sential in a world in danger. In the Pacific as in other parts of the world, social and economic progress is impossible unless there is a shield which protects men from the paralysis of fear. New Nations Respected. But our great goal, our major purpose, is not just to build bigger and stronger shields. What we want to do is to advance, as rapidly as we can, the great constructive | tasks of human progress. We in the United States respect and support the many new free and independent nations in the Pacific area and Asia. We want to see them grow and prosper, as equal partners in the community of independent* na tions of both East and West. We want to co-operate with them, to help them in their agricultural! and industrial development. We' wish to see these nations attain in! dignity and freedom a better life; for their peoples—for that is thej road to world peace. These countries have a rich' historical and cultural heritage. Today, their people are experienc ing great economic and social! change. They are stirred by a new zeal for progress and independ-! ence. Already, we have seen some of the progress that can be made —progress in stamping out ma-i lana, in building schools and training teachers, in growing more food and creating new industries.; Immense opportunities lie ahead if these countries can pursue their national destinies in a partner ship of peace, free from the fear of aggression. Under this peace treaty, we be lieve Japan can and will join in this partnership of peace. Contribution Expected. We look forward to the contri bution which the new Japan, with! its rich culture and its dedication ! to peace, can bring to the commu nity of nations. We expect this* contribution to g r ow over the 1 years, for the signing of a peace' treaty is but one part of the proc ess of making peace. When ag gression and war have severed relations between nations, many ties which bind one nation to the others are cut. Making peace is like repairing the many strands of an intercontinental cable; each strand must be spliced separately and patiently, until the full flow! of communication has been re stored. There is no other way to bring lasting peace than this slow and patient progress, step by step, of mendhig and strengthening the ! cables of communication, of understanding between nations. In this San Francisco confer ence, we have the opportunity to take one vital step toward lasting Deace. Our specific task here is to conclude the treaty of peace with Japan. That will be a great step toward general peace in the Pacific. There are other steps which need to be taken. The mftst im portant of these is the restora tion of peace and security in Korea. With Japan returned to its place in the family of nations, and with the people of Korea secure, free, and united, it should be pos sible to find ways to settle other problems in the Pacific which now threaten the peace. Offers Action For Peace. The United States has made j clear on many occasions its desire Gromyko Sees Parley Continuing a Month •y *ko Associated Praii BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5. Andrei Gromyko, Soviet delegate to the Japanese peace treaty con ference, told a British delegate last night he expects the confer ence to last a month. But Kenneth Younger, mem ber of the British Parliament, said he wasn’t able to tell if Mr. Gromyko meant it or was just making conversation/. Mr. Younger said he and the Russian chief were waiting for President Truman at the Ameri can delegation’s reception follow ing the opening of the conference when Mr. Gromyko turned to him and asked: “How long do you think we’ll be here?” Mr. Younger estimated a week. “A week,” he quoted Mr. Gromyko as sajftng, “I - think it will last a month. After all. time isn’t the most important thing.” The British leader said the en tire exchange was carried on at the small-talk level. He said he still doesn’t know if Mr. Gromyko meant he intended to try to stall the conference with arguments. “Os course,” he said, “he might just have been trying to draw out my reaction.” j to explore with other governments at the proper time and in the proper forum how this might be accomplished. There are many well established ways in which next steps can be explored, if there is a genuine desire for peace in all quarters. But these are not matters which can be dealt with in our present conference. We have come here to take a single step—but a step of the utmost importance. The treaty now before us offers more than talk of peace; it offers action for peace. This conference < will show, therefore, who seeks to make peace, and who seeks to pre- jl vent it: who wishes to put an endll to war, and who wishes to con- I jtinue it. jl We believe this treaty will have 1 the support of all those nations that honestly desire to reduce the ] tension which now grip the world. I pray that we shall all be united < in taking this step to advance us toward greater harmony and ( understanding. ( As we approach the peace table, t let us be free of malice and hate, jto the end that from here on < there shall be neither victors nor j vanquished among us, but only s equals in the partnership of peace. 1 \ 0+ 0+ , m '> A Pre-Season Sale! I ; Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. I I SALES! SAVINGS’BIQ BOND BUYS-BRAND NEW t SPECIAL PURCHASES AT DOLLAR-SAVING PRICES r .„■ . ...*■■ ... .. 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Velveteen skirts; slim-line, braid trim $8.95 $6.99 Boys’ Combed cotton long sleeve Basque Pdplln jackets; water repellent, plaid shirts. Sizes 6-16 ...$1.95 $1.29* lined $4.95 $3.49 65c Boys’ Argyle hose. Mercerized Boucle sweaters; frilly styles $5.95 to $8.95 $3.99 cotton, fast color—all sizes. 39c—Z for $1.15 r * These items reduced from stock. All others are new special purchases . . . specially Bond-priced. Open Thursday Evenings Until 9 Open Saturdays Until 6 BQHMnai I | t ... Wmm I t J WMmf', V .Hk *' ;! Ha 9 1 I.'U'SjMfefe 5 ' V'-. "^7 Bit mum GROMYKO ARRIVES FOR RECEPTION—San Francisco Andrei Gromyko, Russia’s deputy foreign minister and head of their delegation to the Japanese peace treaty conference, strides into the Palace Hotel to attend a reception given by the United States for all delegates. The reception followed the opening session of the conference yesterday. —AP Wirephoto. Truman’s Hotel Picketed By Waterfront Workers ■ y th« Associated Pross SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5 —A picket line of waterfront workers formed outside President Truman’s hotel yesterday, protesting Coast Guard screening of longshoremen and seafarers. The screening is being done in most ports under the McCarran Act, designed to keep subversives out of maritime jobs. Ten pickets, led by a tall negro, carried banners and distributed circulars. There was no disturb ance. One banner asked “Does the Coast Guard have a dossier on you. too, Mr. Truman?” Another said “Mr. Truqian, screen out the five percenters.” Bulgarians Sentence 3 To Death as U. S. Spies By the Associated Press I.ONDON, Sept. s.—The Moscow Radio reported a Bulgarian court meted out death sentences last night to three men accused of spying for the United States. Three others received prison terms ranging from 10 to 20 years. The broadcast said the six were recruited by United States intel ligence for “the purpose of con ducting economic espionage and organizing subversive activity aeainst the People's Government of Bulgaria.” Dairy Cows' Requirements MILWAUKEE.—A dairy cow re quires about 150 more man-hours of labor per year than any other farm animal. THE EVENING STAR Washington. D. C. * WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER B. 1051 Friendly Envoys Hail jTruman Speech; Reds Withhold Comment ■y th. Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5. Delegates of nations closely allied to the United States last night praised President Truman’s speech formally opening the Japanese peace treaty conference. Russia and her satellites were silent. Russia’s Andrei Gromyko, after an animated conversation with the head of the Polish mission. Josef Winewicz, Ambassador to the United States told newspaper men; “No press." Dr. Gertrude Sekaninova. Czech deputy foreign minister, merely i smiled. New Zealander Pleased. Sir Carl Berendsen, New Zea land Ambassador to the United States, who Saturday signed a security pact with the United States, called it "‘a very good speech—very inspiring.” Shigeru Yoshida. Japan’s prima .minister, smiled, shook his head and said “no comment” when ap proached by newsmen. But a spokesman for the Jap anese delegation said: "The Japanese delegation it well pleased w'ith President Tru man’s speech, especially with tha part having to do with Japan’s efforts to achieve her place among the free nations of the world. “Os course, it is a two-way proposition, Japan will need the co-operation of other nations in the difficult tasks ahead.” Turk Calls It Accurate. Ambassador Feridun C. Erkin, Turkey’s chief delegate, said the speech accurately defined “the ex act role of the Japanese peaoe treaty, what is expected of it and what is expected of the Japanese people.” “It defined also the significance of the security pacts in the Pa cific,” he added, “and left no doubt of the peaceful intention behind recent developments." The chief Netherlands' delegate, Dirk U. Stikker, Minister of For eign Affairs, said he would re serve comment until he had an opportunity to study the speech. Radios Surveyed DETROIT.—Of the 20 million radio receivers that are not lo i cated within homes, the largest ■ number are those which are in stalled in automobiles. A-5