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Hearing Set Jan. 15 For Silver Spring Man Held in Hit-Run Death Andrew Frederick Meiklejohn, SO. of 8002 Blair Mill drive, Silver Spring, will appear for a Rearing in Municipal Court Janiltry 15 on charges in the hit-and-run death of Mrs. Anna Klein, 64, at Fifth and Longfellow streets N.W. Wednesday. Charged with manslaughter and leaving after colliding. Meikle john told police he had been drinking and did not remember striking the widowed mother of five children. He was released under $1,000 bond.' Mrs. Klein was hurled more than 30 feet when she was struck within sight of her home at 505 Longfellow street as she returned from a shopping tour carrying a new broom and an armful of groceries. Meiklejohn, a milk company route agent, told police he usually drove north on Fifth street on the way home. According to Capt. William J. Liverman, chief of the Accident Investigation Unit, Meiklejohn said he ‘‘had a few drinks" with friends when he got through work and could not re member driving home. He was brought to headquar ters by his nephew, Metropolitan Police Corpl. Allison Meiklejohn of the fourth precinct, and a for mer investigator for the accident Investigation unit. An insurance agent first called police attention to Meiklejohn’s car, parked in front of his apart ment house. He said he had noticed the dented front fender and told police it was smeared with a "gooey” substance. The car’s headlight was twisted. ANDREW F. MEIKLEJOHN. he said. The car answered the description of the hit-and-run car he had read about in the morning i papers. Meanwhile, Meikeljohn’s wife had seen the damaged car. police said, and called Corpl. Meiklejohn to inspect it. Corpl. Meik2:john communicated with police head quarters. and was told to bring his uncle in. The officer picked up his uncle at work. Mrs. Klein was the year's 67th traffic victim. She is survived by three daughters. Miss Lucy Klein, with whom she lived; Mrs. Sam uel Yeager of 3301 Military road N.W., and Miss Shirley Klein of San Francisco, and two sons, Abraham Klein of 800 Philadel phia avenue. Silver Spring, Md.. and David Klein of 1418 Irving street N.W. Dutch Cows Productive AMSTERDAM.—The black and white Holstein-Frisian cows of Holland have been known to yield from 67,000 to 80,000 pounds of milk in a single year. fo/ffutefoasSals [ ** f WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME—Columnist Doris Fleeson, admiring the new hat she wore to President Truman’s news conference yesterday, wonders what the Chief Executive had in mind when he asked why she was looking at him in a way he thought odd. The columnist said she thought she looked pretty good, considering the hat. —AP Photo. 3 Allied Planes Lost To Flak While U. 5. Jets Destroy 1 MIG ly the Attociotyd Frcsi SEOUL. Korea, Dec. 14.—Red anti-aircraft guns shot down three Allied planes today, while MIG-killing American Sabre jets destroyed one Communist jet and damaged three. The United States 5th Air Force said all the Sabres returned safely from their two jet fights over Northwest Korea. So did two reconnaissance F-80 Shooting Stars that were jumped by six Red MIG-15s near the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. The F-80s outmaneuvered and outflew the Red pilots in the much faster MIGs. Downed in Red Territory. In unrelated actions Red flak Drought down a Shooting Star, an F-84 Thunder jet and an F-51 Mustang. All three fell in Com munist territory. Fifth Air Force planes flew 663 sorties up to 6 p.m., chopping up Communist transport lines. Today’s two jet battles came less than 24 hours after the Amer ican Sabre pilots scored their greatest all-jet victory—13 Red jets downed, two probably de stoyed and one damaged. In a 25 minute battle this morning between 48 Sabres and more than 100 MIGs, one Red jet was shot down and two damaged. Another Red was damaged in an afternoon scrap. Ground Action Slow. The morning flash of action emphasized the current leading role of the air in the Korean war. Warships and carrier planes hammered at the edges of North Korea. But the ground troops stuck closely to their defense lines. For the third day the United States 8th Army sent out a raiding party to hit Communist bositions, but this did noi'change the basic defense charactistic of the fronts. A morning raid hit northwest Df Korangpo near the 38th paral lel on the western front. A Red; Dlatoon was routed. The raiders, retired to their own lines as they; lid on the two preceding days.' Several other small clashes were reported along the center find east in action described in fin 8th Army communique as 'light to moderate.” Dr. Weizmann Improved TEL AVIV, Israel. Dec. 14 (/P).— attending physicians reported to iay President'Chaim Weizmann’s condition' has improved to the joint where no more bulletins would be issued on his health. Dr. Weizmann, 77, has been ill for weeks with a pulmonary infection complicated by a heart condition. Miss Fleeson Sits and Looks And Mr. Truman Asks Her Why President Truman is studying facial expressions now as part of his news conference routine. Seemingly under the impression that Columnist Doris Fleeson was registering something that wasn't nice yesterday as he told of ef forts to clean house in his admin istration, the President looked down at the writer who was seated in front of him and wanted to know why she was looking at him like that. The President added that maybe she had one of those sob stories of her’s in mind, and he didn't think any sob stories were needed. Miss Fleeson just blinked. Later she commented: “I wasn’t aware that I was look inn at the President in any special way. I was just trying to con centrate on my*job, sorting out in my mind what he said. “Some of it seemed contradic tory to me, of course, as it did to other reporters. “But as for how I was looking— I thought I looked pretty good. I had a new Sally Victor hat on.” In her Wednesday column, Miss Fleeson had written about the mushrooming tax scandals and observed that Mr. Truman was in a position to appreciate the phi losophers Hobbes’ description of Hell as "the truth seen too late.” She had also described the Pres ident as despondent. Park Group Indorses Bill to Reorganize to Area-Wide Agency The National Capital Park and Planning Commission today ap proved a proposed bill reorganiz ing the commission into an area wide agency which would include! similar Maryland and Virginia agencies. The bill has already been ap proved by the Northern Virginia J the Maryland-National Capital and the Upper Montgomery Coun ty groups. John A. Remon, chairman of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, said. “Within the past 36 hours planning commissions having jurisdiction over every square inch of the National Capital re-j gion have Indorsed the November draft of the proposed bill to re-j organize this commission and to establish a Regional Planning Council. "This fact is a source of im mense gratification to the mem bers of this commission and to all the people throughout the area who have worked on the bill. The National Capital Park and Plan ning Commission takes this oppor tunity to extend its thanks to the Northern Virginia Regional Plan ning Commission, the Maryland National Capital Park and Plan ning Commission and the Upper Montgomery County Planning j Commission for their expressions of support. “I should also like to express our | gratitude to the two civic organ-! izations that indorsed the bill this! week. They are the Committee of 100 on the Federal City, which isj a committee of the American Planning and Civic Association, and the Montgomery County Civic Federation.” The Weather Here and Over the Nation District of Columbia—About two inches of snow today. Snow, changing to rain by rising tem perature tonight. High and low today and tonight 34 degrese. To morrow, cloudy and colder. Maryland — Cloudy, rain or snow, changing to rain by rising temperature tonight. Tomorrow, cloudy, windy and colder; rain likely on coast and rain changing to snow flurries in interior. Virginia—Rain or snow, chang ing to rain by rising temperature tonight. Tomorrow, cloudy, windy, colder; snow flurries likely in mountains. Wind—Southeast, 20 miles per hour at 11:30 a.m. Five-Day Forecast for Washington and Vicinity—December 15-19. Temperature will average six or Snow flurries are predicted tonight for the Ohio and Central Mississippi Valleys and the Rocky Mountain States. Rain is expected in the lower Mississippi Valley, East Texas, Southeast States and the Tennessee Valley. It will continue cold in the Great Lakes region, New England, and becoming colder over the North and Central Rockies. It will be mnch colder over the Soirthern Plains. Some warming is expected in the Southeast v —AP Wirephoto. eight degrees below normal. Washington area normals are 43 degrees high and 28 degrees low. Will be cold throughout the pe riod. Chance of some rain or. snow Tuesday or Wednesday, probably y4 inch or less. River Report. (From U. 8. Engineer*.) Potomtc River clear at Harper* Ferry and at Oreat Falls; Shenandoah clear at Harpers Ferry. Humidity. (Readings at Washington Airport.) Yesterday— Pet. Today— Pet. Noon -40 Midnight_47 4 p.m.-22 8 a m._60 8 p.m. - 38 30 a m..66 Record Temperatures This Tear. Highest, 06 on June 2. Lowest, 11 on February 8. High and Lew of Last 24 Hours. High. 34, at 2:05 p.m. Low, 26, at 6:56 a m. Tide Tables. (Furnished by D. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow. High- 8:37 a.m. 0:13 a.m. JS?»- 312 a m. 3:54 a m. ,High- 8:54 p.m. 0:28 p.m Low - —_ 3:14 p.m. 3:o3p.m. The Sun and Moon. Sun, today _ 722(1** 4*46 Sun. tomorrow_ 7:20 4 47 Moon, today_ 5:80 p.m. 8-39 a m must be turned on one-half hour after sunset. „ ... Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in Inches In the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1951.. Avg. Record. January -5.18 8.55 7.83 ’.'17 February - 2.65 3.87 6.84 ’84 March - 2.92 3.75 8.84 ’0! April- 3.40 3.27 9.13 ’80 May - 2.74 3.70 10.60 ’80 Junu - 6.34 4.13 10.04 ’00 July - 6.25 4.71 3 0.63 ’86 August - 1.75 4.01 14.41 ’28 September - 2.87 3.24 17.45 ’34 “-October -1.67 2.84 8.81 ’37 November - 3.76 2 37 8:60 ’80 December - .87 3.32 7 56 ’01 Temperature* In Various Cities. H. L. H L Albuquerque 47 32 New York 32 22 Atlanta _ 64 44 Norfolk 43 31 Bismarck- 5 -5 Oklahoma C- 64 36 Boston_ 30 10 Omaha 21 13 Chicago _ 22 18 Philadelphia 32 18 Cincinnati __ 28 23 Phoenix _• 61 38 Detroit - 22 14 Pittsburgh 22 14 B P“° 69 45 Portland, Me. 24 11 Indianapolis. 24 20 Portland. Or. 45 27 Kansas City. 32 22 Richmond 42 21 Los Angeles.- 63 46 Salt Lake C. 27 7 Ixiulsvllle- 35 29 San Antonio 71 63 Memphis- 60 43 San Diego . 65 47 Miami A 72 60 San Francisco 68 47i Mllwaulp* . 17 II Seattle ._ 43 291 New Orj.Jbs. 71 64 Tampa _ 71 53 Highways Hazardous In Wake of Big Storm Harrying Midwest By th« Associated Press A huge storm brought high winds and heavy snow to much of the Midwest today, making high ways hazardous and forcing some schools to close. Sleet and freezing rain in some areas added to the transportation hazards. The storm, centered early today in Northeastern Okla homa, was whistling east ward and northward at a 40-mile-an-hour clip. High winds caused drifting. Omaha, Nebr., had 10 inches of mow this morning, and the fall was expected to continue through out the day. All Omaha schools were closed, and travel in and near the city was at a virtual standstill except for main thoroughfares. St. Louis Tied Up. Transportation was disrupted in St. Louis by a mixture of sleet and freezing rain that knocked six of the city's seven streetcar lines out of service. Ice coated trees and utility lines, causing some damage. The snow belt extended from Ohio across Southern Michigan, the northern two-thirds of Indi ana, most of Illinios, Southern Wisconsin. Southern Minnesota, Iowa, Northern Missouri, all of Kansas and Nebraska, Eastern South Dakota, parts of North Da kota and Eastern Colorado. A narrow band of freezing rain stretched from Kansas City east ward to St. Louis and on east to Louisville Eight Inches of Snow. Rain fell from Eastern Ken tucky and Tennessee and North ern Georgia west along the south ern tips of Indiana and Illinois, Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. Eight inches of snow was fore cast for the Chicago area by nightfall. Northern and Central Indiana had two inches of snow this morn ing, with freezing rain predicted for most of the State this after noon. followed by more snow’ to night. All roads were reported extremely hazardous. Iowa reported snow' throughout the State, "with three to ten inches on the ground. Southern Iowa was hardest hit. Trains and buses were running late, but highways were open. Borrowing Money Is Bad Business, Phone Firm Says By th« Associated Prtit BALTIMORE, Dec. 14. — The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. yesterday told the Public Serv ice Commission it didn't like to borrow money and go into debt. "Our policy has been not to go into debt until we had to do so . . . I do not think it is good for either a business or an individual to go into debt unless necessary,” testi fied W. Griffin Morrel, vice presi dent and general manager of the company. Mr. Morrel made his statement in rebuttal to a suggestion that phone user? would benefit if the company borrowed more money. The argument was that if the company borrowed money, its in terest payments would be deducti ble from its tax bill, giving the company more income and remov ing the necessity to charge higher phone rates. The telephone company is ask ing the Public Service Commission f# permission to charge higher rlfes. 2 Federal Mediators Begin Conferences in Steel Pay Dispute ly th« Associated Press PITTSBURH. Dec. 14.—1Two Government mediators trying to stave off a Nation-wide steel strike New Year’s Day, conferred today with a top representative of United States Steel Corp., the bell wether of the industry. Vice President John A. Stephens, who is heading Big Steel’s Negoti ating Committee in crucial wage contract talks, met with the medi ators about 45 minutes before go ing into another session with Philip Murray, head of the mil lion-member CIO-United Steel workers, Mr. Stephens had little to say, merely commenting: “I simply talked to the negotia tors and answered their questions.” Silent on Questions. Mr. Stephens refused to say what .questions had been asked him by Clyde Mills and Walter A. Maggiolo. The mediators were not immedi ately available for comment, but a source close to them indicated they planned a private meeting later in the day with Mr. Murray and other top CIO negotiators. Mr. Mills, assistant chief of the United States Mediation Service, and Mr. Maggiolo. acting general counsel, arrived by plane too late to attend yesterday’s session of company,-union talks. Wasn’t Going to Wait. Mr. Mills immediately sought to spike talk of a breakdown in the negotiations by saying: “Nothing specific prompted the Government to take a hand in the steel wage talks. We weren’t going to wait until the last min ute.” The New York Herald Tribune said today the steel workers plan to authorize Mr. Murray to call a strike against the steel industry. It stated: "The authority is slated to be granted, on Mr. Murray’s recom mendation, in Pittsburgh on Mon day at a meeting of the . . . Union’s Wage Policy Committee, which Mr. Murray has summoned because of lack of progress in ne gotiations.” The newspaper said the union "is not expected to strike on the heels of the authorization.” add ing “the move is to get the case into the hands of the Govern ment.” Speculation Starts. Mr. Murray was not immedi ately accessible for comment on the report. Mr. Murray set off a round of speculation when he stepped from a session Wednesday and an nounced union negotiators will meet with the union's Executive Board and Wage Policy Commit tee Monday. The Wage Policy Committee usually is called only to ratify a strike or make a wage settlement. Mr. Murray said before the con tracts talks started November 27 that he would present the industry with 22 demands, including a sub stantial wage boost, a union shop, guaranteed annual wage and im proved incentive and premium pay. Contract Ends December 31. The present contract expires at midnight December 31. After that steelworkers would be free to strike if a new contract has not been signed. Sources close to the steel in dustry say Big Ste^l is not in a position to make a wage offer to the union until it has some idea of what the Office of Price Sta bilization will give in the way of steel price increase. Mr. Murray also is dependent on the stabilization board, for un der present conditions his steel workers are entitled to no more than a 5 per cent hourly pay in crease. Mr. Murray has said he would not be satisfied with that. Mobilization Chief Charles E. Wilson gave some idea ot Govern ment views on the possible in crease in steel prices and steel workers’ pay yesterday when he told the National Press Club in Washington: "I have read in the ‘dope sheets' supposed to contain the ‘inside stuff on Washington that we are going to scrap our wage control Policeman andRobbei Both Are Shot Dead in Burglary at Detroit By the Associated Prott DETROIT, Dec. 14.—A police man and a burglar shot each other to death early today as the officer broke in on an attempted jewelry store robbery. Slain were Patrolman Stanley Jerlecki, 28. father of two chil dren, and a man identified as William Brown, 45. Police said Brown had been freed from prison in a “quick justice” case after serving 15 years of a life term in the gang slaying of another policeman. He was free on $10,000 bond from a dairy holdup last month. Found Fatally Wounded. Another policeman found the two fatally wounded men lying 15 feet apart, their pistols at their | fingertips. Mr. Jerlecki had been shot through the jaws, Brown through the chest near the heart. Patrolman Harold Ross said he and Mr. Jerlecki were driving in their police car at 3:55 a.m. and saw two men apparently trying to break into a jewelry store in Northwest Detroit. “We drove to an alley behind the store,” Mr. Ross said. “I rar to the back of the store and Jer lecki drove around to the front Pursues Suspect. "When I came around to*" th( (front, Jerlecki had "a gun on on< I of the men. The other started tc ;run. 1 thought jerlecki had hii man under control so I startec : after the other one." Mr. Ross said he lost his mar after a block and a half chast and turned back to radio for help It was then he heard the shots He said, “they all came together there could have been three or four.” It was believed Brown drew a gun on Mr. Jerlecki before the policeman had a chance to search him. Both men were dead on arrival at Redford Reoeiving Hospital. High police officials called extra policemen out to hunt down the Two policemen answering a ra dio message from the scene were injured slightly when their car overturned on the way. W&M Board Scored On Athletic Scandal By th« Associated Press RICHMOND, Dec. 14.—A group ofVWilliam and Mary College alumni in California has criti cized the college's board of visi tors for its handling of a change in administration after an ath letic scandal broke in August. “We . . . feel that an institu tion with as high a reputation as William and Mary should not be governed by a group of individ uals who by their irresponsible actions have brought about both internal strife and discredit to such a noble school,” the group said in a statement. Copies of the statement were received in Richmond yesterday from Robert John Howard, secre tary of the San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Association, College of William and Mary. Mr. Howard said the statement was prepared by a special com mittee and submitted to the group for a vote on October 26. He said it comprised “a statement of the opinion” of the group. He did not state what the group’s membership totals. Gov. Battle’s office said the Governor had received a copy of tbs statement, but had not had time to acknowledge it. Oscar L. Shewmake. rector ol the college board, said he had not received a copy and declined to comment. policies In order to avert strikes in key industries. "I can say that we must and will maintain wage control to prevent wage-price inflation which would be just as damaging to labor as to every other group in the economy.’ 1 for a Suit or Coat... this Christmas Tailored to individual measure for men or women $65 to $100 you may specify any amount you wish to apply to such a purchase. all work done in our own shopt jos. A Wilner & Co. Custom Tailors Since 1897 Cor. 14th and H Sts.,N.W. I-ZX—-1 Maryland and Virginia -News in Brief Area Planners Discuss Montgomery Road Routes Members of the planning com missions in Washington and nearby Maryland were meeting today to discuss proposed new highway routes intended to speed traffic in the suburban area of Montgomery County. The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission voted yesterday against a proposal to by-pass the Silver Spring busi ness district by extending Anson and Spring streets to East-West highway. Instead, the commission reaf firmed its stand favoring exten sion of East-West highway across the northern tip of the District. Tentative approval also was given I to two proposed cross-country ! routes limited to passenger vehicle |use. The plans resulted in to day’s session with the commission in the District. * * * * Burroughs Seeks House Seat George T. Burroughs, Prince Georges County Republican, will jfile for the Maryland House seat now held by Representative Sasscer, Democrat. The 46-year-old Upper Marl boro attorney added his name to a growing list of candidates for the post following Mr. Sasscer’s announcement two weeks ago that he would seek the seat of Senator O’Conor, Democrat, next year. Mr. Burroughs said he will remain in the race "no matter how big the field.” State Senator John R. Fletcher, Republican, of Prince Georges, is toying with the idea' of running, too. - - * * * * Women Become Lobbyists The Virginia League of Women. Voters will push its pet projects at the 1952 General Assembly as a registered lobbying organization. Mrs. Herschel Burroughs. State president, said officers of the league meeting at Fredericksburg yesterday decided to register as lobbyists to avoid criticism for trying to influence the legislators. The league will seek poll tax re.-, peal, higher mental hospital ap propriations and fair redistricting | of congressional and State legisla tive districts.—A. P. * * * * ( School Course Hit Arlington's public school “core” program is experimental with the students acting as guinea pigs, a group of citizens was told last night. James R. Miles, sr., president of the Arlington Forum on Public Schools, took exception to the course which combines the studies of English and other subjects, such as geography and physics, and is required of all 9th graders. After a detailed indictment of the "core” course, he urged his listeners to be on the lookout “for further symptoms of the sociali zation of our schools.” \ k > j The Gift He Really Wants! Herzog's White jj ARROW SHIRTS I THE ARROW DART 3.95 This smart shirt is right for all occasions. With ex clusive Mitoga* cut . . . shaped-to-your shape. Neat non-wilt collar Sanforized’ to guarantee less than 1 % shrinkage. *Reg. THE ARROW PAR THE ARROW DALE J This handsome white Arrow Truly fine white shirts. Me shirt has smart wide spreod, dium points _ , _ s|eek> non. soft collar with stays. It's , r , fresh and smart looking on wllt collor- CrQ,ted French any man . . . comfortable cuffs. 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