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__ ■■ " . 1 111 .. ”■ An Associated Press Newspaper 99th Year. No. 349. Phone ST. 5000 S ** WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1951—TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Home Monthl* Rates: Ev«nln« and sunn.,. «■«« k PFNTS __«___’ * O.U, .MJ. jl vv j. j. XJXVJXXX JTXHJXJO. Evening only. $1.30; Sunday only. 46c; Night Final. 10c Additional. * V^-CjIN l O Britain to Begin Paying on 1946 Loan From U. S. Control of Foreign Exchange Eased To Help Pound By th« Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 15.—Britain an nounced today she will begin pay ing off both interest and prin cipal of her multi-billion-dollar postwar American and Canadian loans on December 31. A treas ury announcement said the gov ernment had decided not to take advantage of its right to post pone payment of the interest on both 1946 loans. The United States loan totaled $4,350,000,000 —$3,750,000,000 of which was new money made avail able to Britain and $600 million of which was in lend-lease goods which reached England after the end of World War n. The Canadian loan totaled $1, 185,000,000. On December 31 Britain will pay the United States $51.5 million on the principal of her loan and $87 million as interest. Her payments to Canada will total $14 million against the prin cipal of the Canadian loan and $23.7 million interest. Exchange Controls Eased. Earlier today, Britain eased her iron-handed control over the buying and selling of foreign mon ies with the aim of restoring world confidence in her own weakened currency. The Bank of England author ized private individuals to trade British pounds for foreign money —including the dollar — subject only to a government limitation on the prices. For 12 years the bank itself has handled all dealings in other cur rency—always at the official ex change rates. The changes affect only the me chanics of exchanging pounds '< sterling for other currencies. The i Government will retain its rigid . controls over what Britons may buy abroad and in what quantities. , Thus there will be no increase . in British spending in the United States or elsewhere, although im- J porters and exporters will now be 1 able to take some advantage of ' fluctuations in exchange rates. 1 The action, which relaxes but does not end exchange control ! restrictions, was regarded as a small first step by Britain to let the pound find its real value on the money markets of the world. 1 The Bank of England is an agency 1 of the British government, which 1 has been sorely troubled financially 1 and which may seek more United States money aid next month. 1 Exchange Market to Reopen. 1 The official dollar value of the , British pound remains at $2.80 and the official price of gold re- | mains pegged at $35 per fine ounce. Dealers buying or selling foreign , monies for immediate use (spot) , will be able to swing their prices ( anywhere between $2.77 and $2.83 —getting the best price they can. , Dealers buying or selling foreign monies for later use (forward) will be able to vary their prices still : more. The only limitation is that they cannot buy or sell at prices which the international monetary fund would deem unreasonable. An official bank statement an nounced that the foreign ex change market will be reopened in London Monday for dealing both in spot and forward currencies. It has been closed since 1939. In New York yesterday heavy selling in the pound—based on re valuation rumors from London— sent the pound down nearly 6 cents, to $2.74%, for one-month futures, while three-months’ de liveries closed at around $2.71 %. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as agent for the Bank of England, held spot sterling at around $2.79%. The rumors also were reflected in sharp price fluc tuations in the world rubber, tin and cocoa markets. Canada Abolishes Controls. Canada suddenly abolished her 12-year-old foreign exchange con trols last night. The action means that Amer icans or other foreigners can invest there without any bans on retriev ing either capital or profits, and Canadians can spend their money abroad where and how they please, without government permission. Canada thus became the first nation to junk financial bans im posed to aid the war effort and recovery. She joins the United States and Switzerland—neither of which limited foreign exchange —as the world’s only countries with fully .free currencies. Mack Reaches Rangoon RANGOON, Burma, Dec. 15 {IP). —Representative Peter Mack, Democrat, of Illinois arrived here late today on his solo ’round-the world good will flight, 48 hours behind schedule. His plane de veloped magneto trouble 150 miles out of Calcutta Thursday and forced him to turn back. Ceiling Falls on Carolers SAN JUAN DE LOS MORROS, Venezuela, Dec. 15 {IP).—A church ceiling fell on a group of 20 chil dren rehearsing Christmas carols here yesterday, killing six girls and a boy and injuring 10 other young sters. i Britain Recalls Envoy Fired On By Czechs During 'Spy' Chase Secret Police Claim He Was Cought With Woman Exchanging Cash for Military Data By Hre Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 15. — Britain called home today a British diplo mat whom the Czechoslovak secret police fired on last night during a purported “act of espionage” in a forbidden zone of Czechoslo vakia. Prague radio claimed that the diplomat, Robert Neil Gardner, and a British Embassy typist. Miss Daphne G. Maines, were caught red-handed exchanging money for secret military information. Miss Maines was shot and slightly wounded and Mr. Gardner was bruised in a cloak-and-dagger chase while trying to escape in a British Embassy automobile, the Czechs said. The Foreign Office said it had Czechoslovakia’s assurance that Miss Maines would be allowed to leave the country as soon as she is discharged from a Prague hos pital. She had been due for re assignment, the Foreign Office re ported. Czechoslovakia handed the Brit ish Embassy a note demanding that Mr. Gardner be recalled and quit the country before 6 p.m. Prague time tonight. The Foreign Office announced Government Fearful Of Steel Strike, but Bans Automatic Rise Tells Industry Increase Under Capehart Rider Can Be Used to Boost Pay By the Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Dec. 15.—The possibility of a Nation-wide steel; strike New Year’s Day is a matter )f grave concern in Government circles today. But at the same time. Economic Stabilizer Roger L. Putnam in formed the steel industry that any lutomatic price increase based on i wage raise would not be per nltted. Mr. Putnam said yesterday in Vashington he told the industry hat if it is entitled to increased trices under the Capehart amend nent the proceeds can be used for >age boosts in current negotia ions. Voicing the Government’s con :ern of a strike possibility were wo ace Federal mediators, Clyde Mills and Walter A. Maggiolo. Ifter taking a quick look at the irogress of contract talks here be ween the CIO United Steelwork ers and United States Steel Corp., hey declared: “The possibility of a steel strike >oses a very serious situation be :ause of the economic effect it vould have, in addition to its effect on our defense effort. There s great concern over the possi lilities of a work stoppage.” The union’s contract with Jnited States Steel and most >ther steel producers expires at nidnight December 31. A strike :an begin immediately after that. The mediators conferred pri vately with Vice President John K. Stephens of United States Steel ind Steelworkers’ President Philip Murray, then headed back to Washington to report to Cyrus S. Stoing, chief of the Federal Me diation Service. Army Officer Arrested In Hit-and-“ Death An Army captain was arrested sarly today in the hit-and-run death of a Fairfax man. Virginia State police said War ren Frederick Judy, 21, of Box iOO-L, Alexandria, was struck and killed shortly after midnight an No. 1 highway about 4 miles south of Alexandria. Shortly afterwards, police ar rested Capt. Herbert Richard Schlighting, 35, of the 17th Train ing Company, 4th Engineer Bat talion, Fort Belvoir. He was charged with manslaughter and hit and run. He was released under $5,000 bond pending a court hearing December 28. Police said a lookout was broad cast for the hit-and-run car from a description given by witnesses. A Virginia State trooper spotted a car with one damaged headlight and placed the driver under ar rest. [at noon that the diplomat would set out from Prague by automobile this afternoon. A Foreign Office spokesman said Britain would not comment on the Czechs’ charges until it had received a full report from its Embassy. The Czechs sent a formal note of protest saying Mr. Gardner and Miss Maines were caught Thurs day night in "a military area northeast of Prague which was clearly marked out-of-bounds.” This is how the Czechoslovak official news agency reported it in a dispatch monitored here: “The note describes how a man entered a military area . . . The man took a package from the ground and placed another in its stead. “At that moment he was chal lenged by a guard and immedi ately attempted to escape to a car with extinguished lights. Our guards stopped the car by firing at it and caught the man, to gether with a woman who had been waiting for him in the car. “The package was dropped and it was established that the pack age he placed there contained 40, 000 crowns (about $1,000) in bank notes, placed in a food tin.” Jury Charges Carroll Failed to Pay Taxes on $1.8 Million Bet Fees Two Indictments Name St. Louis Gambler Under Internal Revenue Code By th« Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Dec. 15. — A Federal grand jury yesterday re-; turned two indictments against Gambler James J. Carroll, charg ing he failed to file income tax returns on betting payments total ing nearly $2 million. Carroll, of St. Louis, was known for fears as a betting commission er. There were reports in July, 1950, he had quit his betting and xlds-making activities. The first Indictment of 101 eounts listed persons who had won horse race and election bets from Carroll totaling $1,813,160. It was i Nation-wide list of bettors. In in indictment of three counts Carroll also was charged with fati ng to transmit returns reflecting those payments for 1948, 1949 and 1950. The Indictments will replace ;wo Informations filed by the United States District Attorney March 28. Carroll was charged with failure to report payments pf $52,688 in 1948 and 1949 in the two informations. The Indictments invoked a sec tion of the Internal Revenue Code which requires: 1. That all persons making pay ments of “fixed and determinable income” to other persons of more than $600—other than those on which taxes are withheld by em ployers—are required to report those payments individually to the Internal Revenue processing divi sion. 2. That all such payments must pe listed collectively and reported annually to the division. The grand jury action ended an Investigation whidh began in April. More than 125 witnesses were questioned in that time. All pounts of the indictment are clas sified as misdemeanors. Salary Board Limits New Bonuses to $40 By Auociatad Pm* Employers who want to start giving a Christmas bonus to salaried workers may do so, but only up to $40. The Salary Stabilization Board, which has jurisdiction over pay of people on salaries, has ruled bonuses may be “cash or in kind.” They may be paid irrespective of whether it was the company’s practice to do so in previous years. The Wage Stabilization Board, which controls wages, ruled simi larly last month. Train Hits Car, Kills Couple VENICE, Fla, Dec. 15 UP).—A Seaboard Air Line passenger train hit an automobile near here yes terday, carrying it a quarter of a mile and killing both occupants. They were Robert Shelter, 18, and his wife. Martha, 17, a Venice couple married only three months. Red Light Is Welcome Sight— Hacker Flees to Foil Holdup For once, a red traffic light was a welcome sight to a District cab driver early today. The light, at Twentieth and K streets N.W., stayed red long enough for Cabbie George W. Richardson, colored, to leap from his vehicle, which he said had been commandeered by a holdup man, and dash into No. 3 police precinct at 2014 K street N.W. The suspect, Henry Berkley, 29, colored of 2112 M street N.W., was arrested in the cab within 10 minutes after Mr. Richardson had raised the'alarm. Patrol Wagonmen C. E. Mennick and Henry F. Ruth arrested Berk ley a few blocks away. According to police, Mr Richardson picked Berkley up shortly after midnight on Seventh ’ 4 street between S and T streets N.W. They quoted Mr. Richardson as saying he was directed to go to first one address and then an other by his fare who seemed to have trouble in making up his mind. Suddenly, according to the cabbie, Berkley thrust his hand in his pocket and said, “give me the wheel or I’ll blow your brains out.” Berkley started to drive but soon after was stopped by the traffic light, which allowed Mr. Richardson to leap from the vehicle and report to police. Municipal Judge Andrew Howard today held Berkley in $2,000 bond for the grand jury on charges ol robbery and unauthorized use oi an auto. f ' .<j Murphy Confers With President On Cleanup Job Truman Putting Final Touches on Program To Oust Wrongdoers BULLETIN President Truman conferred half an hour today with Federal Judge Thomas F. Murphy of New York. By the Associated Press President Truman, who said nine months ago his administra tion was made up of honorable men, puts the finishing touches today to a new broom program of sweeping out officials who have betrayed his trust. Announcement of the detailed program was expected by today although there may be some delay. Whenever it comes. It appeared certain that strapping Federal Judge Thomas F. Murphy of New York, famed as the prosecutor of Alger Hiss and as a police rackets buster, would be offered a key role. The generously mustached Judge Murphy had an unpub licized appointment with Mr. Truman yesterday but a snow storm prevented his flying here. The latest unofficial word was that he would see the President today or Monday. Left Home Early Today. In New York efforts to reach Judge Murphy this morning brought word from Mrs. Murphy that he left the house before she awakened, leaving her a note say ing he would see her later in the day. Irving Perimeter, assistant White House press secretary, was asked if Judge Murphy would see the President today. He replied "he is not on the calling list” and refused further comment. Last night Judge Murphy said in New York that a report he had agreed Jo serve on an anti-corrup tion commission was "a million miles from the truth.” He would not say when he would see Mr. Truman. Independent Body Seen. Indications are multiplying that, barring a last minute change, the President’s program will take the form of setting up an Independent body with power to investigate and perhaps to pro secute. One of its Jobs definitely will be to clear the names of Govern ment officials—Mr. Truman says they form the great majority— who are honest and who tend to their jobs. White House telephone lines were busy as the President—^le gating much of the spade work to his counsel. Charles Murphy_ lined up the people he wants to enlist in his program. Charles Murphy is not related to the judge. Not a word on the progress of this effort was made public. Judge Murphy’s appointment looked to Washington Democrats like an astute move. He has a reputation as an advocate of good government. He headed a recent cleanup in the New York Police Department and was widely her alded as an anti-Communist cru sader for the Hiss prosecution. Alger Hiss, formerly a high State Department official, is now serving a prison term. Judge Murphy obtained his conviction on charges of falsely denying that he passed official secrets to a Soviet spy ring operating in Washington before World War n. Murphy Inactive in Politics. Judge Murphy is a Democrat but has never been active in party politics. This also might be in his favor should Republicans charge that the President is trying to conduct a whitewash. It was at Key West, Fla., last March that Mr. Truman told a news conference the men around him were honorable men. The air at that time was full of accu sations that certain Government officials had been accepting mink coats, deep freezes and other “con siderations” from people who wanted favors from the Govern manf It was about that time, too, that the President said that a Senate Committee’s report of al leged "influence” in Government lending activities was "asinine.” This remark set off a new and even more sensational phase of the inquiry. Then the income tax scandal broke and Mr. Truman—though saying the situation is not much (See TRUMAN, Page A-3.) A-Bomb Not Covered By Labor Act, Court Holds By tin AnoclaUd Prm CINCINNATI, Dec. 15. —The United States Court of Appeals held yesterday that the atomic bomb is not an article of com merce within the scope of the Fair Labor Standards Act. In so doing it affirmed a ruling of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ten nessee, which dismissed a petition for additional compensation under the Fair Labor Standards Act. It was charged in the petition that the law was violated by re quiring certain firemen, guards and one clerk to work overtime. The workmen were employed by the Roane-Anderson Co., Inc., New York. The corporation had a contract with the Government to do maintenance work at the Oak Ridge, Tenn., atomic plant. * 1 WANT A CHANCE TO DEFEND EVERY. ACTION I NAVE . TAKEN IN PUBLIC OFFICE AS BEING m IN THE BEST ^ INTEREST OF THE GOVERNMENTS * T LET THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS EXPIRE IN A TAX FRAUD CASE / _Well, He Asked for It Grunewald Linked More Closely With Inquiry Into'Shakedown‘ Telephone Records of Mystery Persons Submitted at House Probe of Tax Scandals By Cecil Holland and George Beveridge House Investigators of tax scan dals began a Christmas recess to day, after receiving sensational evidence linking Henry W. Grune wald, mysterious Washington fig ure, more closely to an inquiry into an alleged $500,000 attempted shakedown of Abraham Teitel baum, wealthy Chicago lawyer. The House Ways and Means subcommittee headed by Repre sentative King, Democrat, of Cali fornia, wound up the current round of public hearings amid these developments: 1. Telephone records were in troduced showing that a nebulous person named "Frank Watson’* telephoned Frank Nathan collect from the Hotel Washington here the day before Mr. Grunewald in Eisenhower Is Blunt In Warning Europe To Spend for Arms Makes Personal Plea To NATO Treasurers On Military Buildup By the Associated Press PARIS, Dec. 15.—Gen. Eisen hower bluntly warned rebellious West European nations today to have security they must increase their military spending. The supreme Allied commander made a personal appearance be fore the treasurers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A spokesman said he told them: “Unless we get ahead” with a planned buildup of forces “we’ll never achieve the serenity and confidence to which Western Europe and the rest of us are entitled.” Some Nations Balking. He went before the 12-member NATO temporary committee as some European nations were said to be balking against the com mittee’s request for increased military budgets, in some cases running as much as 50 per cent. "By carrying on,” Gen. Eisen hower was quoted as saying, “we can reach a point where it would be foolish for an enemy to at tack.” Only then, he added, "can we start thinking about lightening the defense burden.” Gen. Eisenhower spoke openly and frankly for more than three quarters of an hour, and then spent about the same amount of time answering their questions, a spokesman said. When he had finished, Italian Finance Minister Giuseppe Pella credited the general with bringing "a great serenity” to the discus sion, and said the committee’s optimism after his appearance "probably is a result of the great confidence the general manifested in the good will of the govern ments.” The 12 - man committee has been working for two months on a secret 100-page report on the capacity of each of the 12 At lantic pact nations to increase its share of the mutual defense bur den. The report said only the United States, Britain, Portugal and Iceland are producing at the top of their ability, and that others must increase their effort. Belgium, for one, is reported to have indignantly refused the com mittee’s recommendation that she could and should step up her mil itary budget by 50 per cent. Gen. Eisenhower interjected at one point, the spokesman said, that one should not regard the Russian army as invincible, with faster planes and better tanks than any other country, adding: “they have the same problems we do.” I quired about the Teitelbaum case at a luncheon with Charles Oli phant, former general counsel of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. 2. The records also revealed an exchange of telephone calls be tween Nathan, named by Mr. Tei telbaum as one of those who asked him for $500,000 to settle his tax troubles, and another mysterious person named "Arthur Brevaire,” of Room 424 of the Hotel Wash ington, during the summer, when the Teitelbaum case was pending. The telephone calls, the record showed, were included in a hotel bill paid by Mr. Grunewald. 3. Other telephone records were introduced showing that 10 tele phone calls were made to Nathan during June and July from a personal telephone listed to Jess Larson, head of the General Serv <See REVENUE, Page A-3.) U. S. Rushes New Jets Info Korean Action to Replace Old Planes Two Carriers Are Used To Take F-86s Which Will Meet Red Threat By th« Associated Press SEOUL, Korea, Dec. 15.—Sub stantially larger numbers of America’s top jet fighter plane— the F-86 Sabre Jet—are in action against the Communists over Korea, the Air Force disclosed to day. The 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing, which until two weeks ago U. N. Charges Reds Try to Win by Talk ing Instead of Fighting. Page A-5 was using obsolescent F-80 Shoot ing Stars, now is flying the tough, speedy Sabres, the Air Force said. The 51st is commanded by America’s top flying ace. Col. Francis S. Gabreski, Oil City, Pa. Enemy Planes Shot Down. The new Sabres have shot down two Communist MIG jets and damaged Six others in combat since December 1. Until the 51st was re-equipped, the U. N. command’s only Sabre Jets in Korea were flown by the veteran 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing. Lt. Gen. O. P. Weyland, com mander of the Far East Air Forces, said the new Sabres were rushed to Korea aboard two aircraft car riers to meet the threat posed by increasingly large number of Com munist jets. Allied jets shot down one Re'd jet and damaged six others in two air battles over North Korea to day. Fight Ends in Draw. Fifth Air Force said one United States F-86 Sabre Jet was dam aged. In the most damaging fight, 14 MIGs jumped 24 Thunderjets over Yangdok, about 30 miles west of Wonsan on the east coast. The Thunderjets blasted one of the out-numbered MIGs out of the sky and damaged five others. The Thunderjets returned un scathed. At almost the same time, 43 Sabre Jets battled 50 Communist planes over MIG Alley. The fight was a draw, with damaged scored against one plane of each side. Fifth Air Force announced it lost 13 planes this week, largest number announced for a seven day period. The only ground action of note in the last 24 hours was a Chinese Red assault on elements of a Turkish brigade on the central front. The Turks hurled the Reds back after a three and one-half hour fight. I Subzero Cold Grips West as Most oi U. S. Faces Bitter Blasts 31 Dead From Effects Of Storms Over Nation; Montana Has 23 Below By tht Associated Pres* A blast of sub-zero cold struck areas from the Rockies to the Midwest today and the coldest weather of the season was In prospect for most of the country. The biting cold came on the heels of a fast-moving snowstorm which yesterday dealt damaging blows and inconvenienced millions from the Midwest to the North Atlantic States. At least 31 persons died from causes attributed to the mid-De cember snowstorm, which left record falls in many areas across the Northeastern quarter of the country. The wind-swept snow falls disrupted transportation and communications in scores of cities. 23 Below in Montana. Temperatures dipped to far be low zero early today in Montana, Minnesota and North Dakota, as the frigid blasts swept across the Canadian border. It was —23 at Miles city, Mont., and —21 at In ternational Falls, Minn.; Dickin son, N. Dak., and Lewiston, Mont. It was zero in Denver, 4 above in Elko, Nev., and 2 above in Chi cago. The colder weather was headed for most sections of the country, including wide areas of the South. Readings of 15 were predicted for areas in Tennessee and 20 above in Central Alabama. New York forecasters predicted a sharp drop to around 15 above tomor row. The Icy blasts extended Into the Texas Panhandle early today with a low of 13 above at Ama Greenland Veteran Suffers Frostbite In Philadelphia By th« Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 14.— A sailor who spent a year training with naval forces in Greenland — “where it’s all icebergs”—was a casualty of Philadelphia’s 5-inch snow fall. Seaman Apprentice Joseph J. Nallen, 24, of Wilkes-Barre was treated for frostbite at the Naval Hospital last night. He said he waited two hours for a girl friend to show up. “She didn’t make it,” he said. “And I couldn’t even phone her. The line was jammed.” rillo. The chilly air extended into Southern Texas as the cold mass moved eastward and south from the frigid Midwest. Too fast for Forecaster. The snowstorm that swept Midwest and Eastern States yes terday moved into Northern New England today. Light snow con tinued in the southern parts of Indiana, Illinois and Missouri and in a narrow band from Western Montana to Western Nebraska. Rain pelted areas from Pennsyl vania and Southern New York southward through the Atlantic Coast except Florida. The storm developed so quickly, Weather Bureau forecasters in Washington said, they did not have time to predict it in advance. As men and machines worked to clear the snow, a fresh mass (See ROUNDUP, Page A-2.) Taft Loses His Tonsils CINCINNATI, Dec. 15 (£>).— “Mr. Republican” had his tonsils taken out yesterday. A hospital spokesman said Senator Taft, Re publican, of Ohio was resting comfortably, and expects to leave the hospital tomorrow. He’ll spend the holidays at his home here. i Forecast of 15 threatens New traffic Tieups Snow Gives District One of Worst Transit Snarls in Its History The coldest weather of the sea son faces the Washington area tonight in the wake of the win ter’s first snowstorm and one of the worst traffic jams in the city’s history. A frigid 15 is the Weather Bu reau's prediction for tonight. It Some of the Storm's Effects on the City Pictured on Page A-20 threatens more traffic woes for motorists caught unawares by the 3 inches of snow which yester day hit the area on the heels of the official forecasts. Freezing temperatures were ex pected by afternoon today as well. The weather experts pointed out 'Keep Cool' and Take Usual Precautions, Keneipp Tells Drivers District Traffic Director George E. Keneipp had an appropriate word of advice for storm-harrassed motorists today. Urging such precautions as tire chains, slower speeds and slower starts and stops to off set the danger of icy roads, Mr. Keneipp added a precau tion noteworthy in view of tonight's expected 15-degree temperatures. He advised: “Keep cool.” that some skid-producing snow would be melted off and dried up by that time. But less-traveled roads are due to acquire an icy covering by tonight, they warned. Paralysis Lingers. Tomorrow will be fair but con tinued cold, the Weather Bureau said. The mercury isn’t expected to go above 27. The paralysis caused by yester day’s storm still had not worn off early today. Downtown mer chants, prepared for what usually is the biggest shopping day of the lyear, reported crowds well below 'expectations during the morning, although they began picking up by midday. And, as for the storm tieup itself, transportation officials and thousands of ordinary citizens had personal testimony that it was one of the area’s worst. The storm began at 11:20 a m., catching the Weather Bureau by surprise. By midafternoon traffic officials had enough inkling of what was to come to cause thou sands of Government employes to be released early to get a head start home. But by then it was too late. And what followed won from fully qualified observers not the descrip tion “one of the worst,” but “the worst.” Buses Stranded Amid Cars. Automobiles were bumper to bumper on virtually all main ar teries, both within and outside the city. Buses and streetcar* were stranded amid them. And thousands of snow and rain-drenched citizens stood help lessly on street corners, vainly waiting for transportation that never came—or if it did arrive, was hours late. Washington police recorded more than 100 traffic accidents during the period of the storm. Luckily most were minor. Count less other accidents of the fen der-scraping variety doubtless were unreported. The police themselves were nearly paralyzed. Scout cars be came involved in accidents - and had to be towed in. All motor-1 cycle men were ordered off the streets, for their own protection. Fire Engines Hampered. Fire engines had difficulty an swering alarms—of which there were more than 70 from 11 a.m. to midnight. Fortunately, none proved of major importance. Airlines cancelled all out-bound flights and most inbound aircraft landed at Baltimore or other points. Buslines experienced de lays and many between here and Baltimore failed to make their runs. Most trains, however, kept to schedule, since the snow in the entire region except the mountains to the west was limited to about the same amount as here. Similar traffic jams occurred in other Eastern cities, where the storm also took traffic officials and the public by surprise. The Weather Bureau had pre dicted light snow for late yester day. But that was on the basis of a reported wind-speed of 30 miles an hour. When the storm was tracked approaching the area, on the way up from Texas, it was (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 1.) Japanese Group Plans Memorial to MacArthur By th« Associated Press TOKYO, Dec. 15.—A group of Japanese plan to build a memorial hall honoring Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur. Government officials and busi nessmen hope to raise a fund of $1,319,445 in Japan and the United States. The proposed hall would be ;rected on the site of the former general headquarters adjacent to she imperial palace in mid-Tokyo I