APTS. UNFURNISHED (Csitf.) THE JENNIFER 1415 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W DE LUXE APT. Three bedrooms. 3 baths. Entrance foyer, approx. 12x18. Living room, approx. 16x30. Din. rm„ approx. 16x19. With built-in china closets. Dinette approx. 12x11. with built-in cabinets. Large kitchen, with dishwasher, disposal and 11-ft. GE refgr. Tile laundry rm. in apt. Maid’s quarters with pvt. bath. Pvt. automatic heat control. One bedrm. has been converted to library, with built-in oak paneling and shelves. $425 per month. HENRY B. THADEN 728 17th St. N.W. NA. 2075 or OL. 6446 Eves. The WOODNER Washington’s Most Distinguished New Address Overlooking Rock Creek Parkway at Spring Road and 16th Street * 3636 16th ST. N.W. Efficiency Apts. 1 Bedroom Apts. 2-Bedroom Apts. tmLOTES INCLUDED NOW AVAIL. FOR IMMED. OCCUP. MAID SERV. AVAIL FOR EXTRA CHARGE FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED ALL APTS WIRED FOR TELEVISION PAST ELEVATOR SERVICE Rental Offices on Premises Open Daily and Evenings AD. 5557—HU. 4400 _—12 POORS HILL BETHXSDA. MARYLAND Just beyond the Naval Hospital on Wisconsin Ave. Threa bedrooms. 2 baths, living room, dining room and kitchen .3269.50 Two bedrooms, living room, dining area, kitchen and bath $159.50 One bedroom, living room, dining area, kitchen and bath - 3117.60 Also a few furnished apts. COURTESY BUS SERVICE Features Include secretarial switch board, utilities, three elevators, car peted corridors, delivery service, two large parking areas; storage space on each floor; roof garden. Resident NEW APARTMENTS Liv. rm.. din. area, kit., bedrm.. and bath. Bsmt. with each apt. S72.5<1 per month, plus utils. From Ala bama ave. and Wheeler rd. s.e., 1 block on Wheeler rd. to Congress at., then right 1 block to apts. Cal! ORUVER COOLEY. NA, 1737, —10 $70 One-bedrm. apt. in mod. apt. bldg., most desirable sec. of s.e. Has large bedrm.. liv. rm., dinette, kit. and tiled bath. Near shop, and buses. Refined middle-aged adults only. May be seen Sun., 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Apply JANITOR, side door. 3986 Pennsylvania ave. s.e._—10 2153 California St. N.W. One blk. w. Conn. ave. (car-bus). Efflc. apts.; bed-liv. rm.. 15x19, 9>i ft. ceil.: new b.. kit., dinette (3 rms ); *80 up. Two bedrms .. *180 One bedrm., S90-S126. (Remod. re ,dec.. elev. apt, bldg.)_—14 'hunting TOWERS Mt Vernon Blvd. and Potomac River in Alexandria. Va. The Capital Area’s Only Waterfront Apartments Still Available, a Few Choice STUDIO EFFICIENCIES and ONE-BEDROOM-LIV. RM. APTS. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED IN RENT Oarages Elevators Radiant Heat Exclusive Shops Restaurant Superb River View and Tacht Basin TEL. KI. 8-8484 M0NR0E~~ NELSON ALEXANDRIA’S NEWEST DE LUXE APTS. 3 BEDRMS. MARCH 1ST OCCUPANCY Directions: Over 14th 8t. Bridge to No. 1 hwy., south on No. 1 hwy. to Monroe ave., right on Monroe, ap prox. 6 bike, to Commonwealth ave. AGENT ON PREMISES 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. —10 2-BEDRM. DUPLEX APTS. $73.50 NOT INCL. UTILS. Pvt. front and rear entrance, like own iiome. Complete kit., auto, gas lest: bus service, shopping center, sundry facilities: lmmed. oc cupancy. JO. 9-9788. —10 The Greenbriar ‘ 4301 Mass. Ave. N.W. NEW LUXURY APARTMENTS 3 BEDROOMS With full dining room and t bathi. 2 BEDROOMS With dining area and X hatha. A few efficiency anartmenta with dining area and large dressing room. Completely equipped General Electric kitchens . . . Each apartment air conditioned. We Invite your inspection weekdays and Sunday between 11 a m. and 8 p.m. RESIDENT MANAGER. WO. 3899 H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 16th St. N.W. ST. 3300. _ —10 SAVE TRANSPORTATION Be sure to see this modern downtown apt. having 1 bedrm. with extra large closet, dinette, kit., bath, new elec, refgr., gas range, sink, lighting fixtures, Venetian blinds, heat, hot water, aisto. elevator In cluded In rent of only 807.60, at 919 L at. n.w. P. J. WALSHE, INC. 1116 Eye St. N.W. NA. 0408. . _—10 SAVE BUSFARE Ba close to your work and enjoy the conveniences and comforts of living In tha heart of the city. See this modern apt. of 2 Immense rooms and bath, back porch with new lighting fixtures, refgr.. gas range, sinks Venetian bUnda. heat and not watei included In rent of only S88 at 939 9th st. n.w. P. J. WALSHE, INC. 1116 Eya St. N.W. NA. 0408 —10 SHIRLEY DUKE APTS. ^9aS»NrTiSN vBaLVD Applications accepted for futun r entail. 1- BEDROOM 3rd PL., S68 2- BEDROOM 1st FU. 870.50 & it , tltt, Includes all utils, except electricity Office hours 8:30 a.m. to • P.m. Mow. through Fri. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED CHESAPEAKE TERRACE Garden-type Apt. Near Bolling Field Express Bus Service One Bedroom _$79.50 Two-Bedroom ... . _$92.00 Utilities lncl. Immed. Occupancy. 4242 4th St. S.E. JO. 2-9J76 thejennTfer 1415 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W. One bedrm., liv. rm, jr. din. rm., kit., foyer and bath; $125 mo. Two bedrms.. liv. rm, jr. din. rm, kit . foyer and bath: $105. HENRY B. THADEN 728 17th St. N.W. NA. 2075 or OL. 6448 Eves. —12 COLORED—THREE RMS., kit. and bath; n.w. AD. 1705. eves. Adults only. —10 COLORED—UNFURNISHED apt.: pvt. kit.; all privileges; heat, electricity and gas lncl. in rent; also l.h.k, semikit.; no children. AX. 4948. —11 COLORED, 19th AND MARYLAND AVE. N.E.—Three rms, kit, da. and bath; $90 per mo.; utils, not lncl. Apply B. F. SAUL CO, 925 15th st. n.w. NA. 2100. —10 COLORED—1607 O ST. N.W.—Two rms. and bath; refer, small stove; $73.24 per mo : can be seen Sat. and Sun, or call MRS. CARRICK on Monday. DI. 3100.' —10 COLORED—820 VARNUM ST. N.W.— Neat 3-room apt.; quiet, empl. per sons; no children. TA. 0048. —11 CO-OPERATIVE APTS. SALE 133 W. 75th ST. N. Y. CtTY—Trrt falgar 3-8079. 2Vi rm. walk-up. Conv. location. Well-maintained bldg. $3,500. Maintenance, $45. Owner must sell. —10 DESIRABLE THIRD-FLOOR AFT.— Bright and cheerful; new 4 years ago; liv. rm. about 18x20 ft, din ing alcove; 1 bedrm. 14x18 ft, 2 closets; another bedrm. 11x14 ft.; up-to-date kitchen; fine bath with tub and shower; located just oS Pa. ave. s.e.: bus stop at house. Monthly maintenance charge of $64.09 in cludes all utilities, taxes, insurance and mortgage requirements. Price $11,500. Night or Sunday, call Mrs. MerlUat. CO. 5166. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 1719 K it. n. w, NA, 1166. DE LUXE lie. elite.; excel. n.w. loc, for approved cple.; minimum cash, $4.000, OWNER. TU, 3778, 10» S.E.’s Finest Co-op. 1st Floor—1 Bedroom Apt. NEAR BOLLING FIELD Here’s a real beauty In a mdern 4 year-old brick building: features a large living room, dinette, equipped kitchen, tile bath and bedroom i4xl6< large closets; parquet floors. 'ake over 4% GI loan payable $59 per month Including principal, in terest. taxes, insurance, maintenance and utilities. Located 50 yds. from all shopping and express transpor tation downtown. Priced at just $7,950. Don’t mist it. Call Mr. NICHOLS. North 2117 (Or Mon. call at National 5000.) FREDERICK W. BERENS _1520 k err. n.w. —10 COLORED—3501 13th ST. N.W.— Apt- 40. Two rms, kit. and bath available for Immediate occupancy In established co-operative; $350 down, $72 mo. To inspect, call NA. 8036. office of A. M. DRAISNER, 1404 L st. n.w. Open daily till 7. Sunday 12 to 5. _11 APARTMENTS WANTeIp FREE—Landlords, applicants waiting lor your furn. or unfurn. apts. oi bouses or sublets. Wash., Va.: white. Open 7 days. NA. OOOi EMPL. LADY wants small furn. 01 unfurn. apt., pvt. home or apt bids n.w. pref. Box 310-K. Star. 10* AIR FORCE OFFICER, wife and twt small children desire 2-bedroom un furnished. apt. Va. area by Mar. 1 KT. 8-6154. 9* TWO GIRLS desiring one-bedroom furnished apt., prefer twin beds; vi cinity of Arlington; max. *90. Call JA. 4-1846. 10* TWO GIRLS desire 3-room furnished apartment; n.w. section preferred. LI. 7-1048. 10* FURN. small apt.; pvt, bath; refined working mother. 2 girls, 6 and 3, week ends. DU. 9193. 10* 3 YOUNG WOMEN desire 2-bedrm. furn. apt. In n.w. HU. 6445. —11 WANTED by working cpl.: Three-rm. unfurn. apt, with day care for one child. TA. 5307. —11 MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE GENERAL HAULING, small moving Jobs, any time. DU. 9687 or OR. 5657. —13 MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or across the country; safe storage In seperate rooms; expert packing. Phone NO. 0104. UNION STORAGE CO INC 'estab 19061 BEHE A HALL, movers; Teas, rates; courteous exper. men. Call day or night. LU. 2-2203._—21_ LIGHT HAULING, MOVING Prompt service; reas. ST. 7000. 7 days a week, 7 a m.-9 p.m. W. MARVIN. 12* HOUSES FURNISHED ARLINGTON—6 rms, 2 baths, h.-w. oil beat; firepl.; gar.; screened porch; nr. bus and stores; *130. CH. 0138. —10 DUPONT CIRCLE VICINITY—Town house; 4 bedrms, 3 baths, g. h.-w. h. Not Inexpensive, but comfortable and nice. Phone MI. 6282 after 10 a.m. —11 IN GOOD N. ARI, LOCATION—Com pletely furn. 3-bedrm. brick Co lonial. Close to schools, shopping center, and bus. Pull-sized din. rm, equip, kit, liv. rm. with firepl, rec. rm. with firepl.. oil heat, linens, cooking utensils- and dishes furn. §165 per mo. Now avail. J. H. ENOIT. Realtor. KE. 3-6677 or JE. 3-1141. 3700 BLR. VEAZET ST.—Three bed rms, 3 baths: oil h.-w.h.; 2-car gar. Rent. *225. DE 1322. —10 NEAR SHOREHAM—Beautifully ap pointed, det. brick house. Immed. occup. Rental. $350 per mo. OR. 4930. —10 MADISON ST. N.W, Just off 16th st. —10 rooms. 1 Vi baths, nicely furn, ready March 15. RA. 7341. 9* 1606 BLOCK 40th ST. S.E.; 6 rms. and bath. recr. rm, gas heat: ref erences required MR. CLARKE. PR. 5119 or ME. 5062. —10 FALLS CHURCH—3-bedrm. det. brick; nicely furn.. l‘/a baths, bsmt, radiant gas heat; attic fan: wall-to wall carpeting and firepl. in liv. rm, 16-in. television, radio-phono, comb.; deep freeze; garbage disposal: lge. fenced yard, flowers, shrubs, power mower. Owner being transferred. $185 FA. 0381 or PA. 2090. —HI TWO BEDRMS, liv. rm, kit. and bsmt.; oil heat; auto, washer. See any time, 3113 Fayette rd, Kensing ton. Md. 10* MILITARY RD, N. Arl—Three-bed room brick: 10 min. to D. C. via new parkway; *176. JA. 2-4938. 1 IN ARL.—Nicely furn. B-rm. Bouse; bsmt.; yard; conv. to Pentagon iVa.) Annex and Hecht'i; *125 mo. HU. 7365 —10 S. ARLINGTON—Completely turn, semidetached home; 2 bedrooms; #126. OX. 2121. *605 34 th ST. N.W.—Nicely fur nished brick home: 6 rooms, bath, built-in garage: hot-water heat: oil burner: In a very nice neighborhood of Cleveland Park. Rental *165 per month. To lusDect. call HENRY J. ROBB, INC., 1024 Vermont ave. n.w. DI. 8141; eves, and Sundays. EM. 8030. —10 VA.. JEFFERSON MANOR—Well fur nished, 2 bedrms., new brick home; fenced yard; bsmt. OV. 4191. —10 ARL.—Semidetached 2-bedrm. home, excellent cond.; washer: fenced yard: available March 10. *125. Adults only. Call OX. 0804. —10 BEAUTIFUL 2-bedrm. country home. Furn. modern in detail; garage, gardens, lawn; exclusive; healthy for children. Officer preferred. *125 per mo. Located bet. Penta gon and Fort Belvoir. Springfield. Va. Near Shirly hwy., 1 mile west on Franconia rd. BCx 36. KI. 9-6848. _ —10 TWO-BEDROOM BRICK, completely furn. *150 mo. Bus at door. 10 min. to Navy Annex and Pentagon. 2845 S. Glebe rd.. Arl. JA. 8-9216. —10 6601 SQATHWICK ST., near naval and public health centers, attra'c. 5-room brick bungalow, gas heat. Bendix washer, garage, recreation room, fenced yard. $136 per mo. To see. call WO. 2.300. —10 ALEXANDRIA. VA., N. Columbus st., near Christ Church—Attractive red brick house of 6 rooms and bath (2 bedrooms). Nicely furnished with traditional furniture and accessories; screened porch and pleasant garden in rear: gas heat and other modern conveniences: convenient to trans portation. shopping, etc.; *175 per mo.; available March 1. Shown by apDOlntment only. THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. INC., 738 16th st. n.w., PI. 6830.—10 1004 SHEPHERD ST. N.E. Four rms., bath, oil h.-w.h., nicely furnished. *125 month. OPEN SUN., 1 TO 5 Also 6-rm. house in same vicinity. *150. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W. DI. 3346 —10 NEAR CATHOLIC UNIV. Modern 3-bedroom row house with rec. room in basement, tastefully furn. and in excellent condition. Occupancy March 1 or sooner If desired. Adults preferred. Call Mr. Orpin. LA. 6-6369. SIDNEY Z. MEN8H A CO- NA. 6440. —10 SILVER SPRING—Beautiful det. 8 bednn.. 3-car garage home; in best residential section of Silver Spring. Nicely furn. Restricted. #185. Ask for Mr. Bair. _ HOLMEAD. REALTOR __SH. 6200 —10 California Rambler Center hall, liv. rm. with firepL, din. area, 2 large bedrms.. tiled bath, large equipped kit., nice furniture. North Arl.. 3 blocks to shopping center. Very nice neighborhood. #150. Also 6-bedrm. furn. house in South Arlington. ARLEDGE BROS. 2523 Wilson Blvd.. Arlington. Va. OW. 4448. OX. 4333. __Evea. Sun.. FA. 1070. —10 FOXHALL VILLAGE 1510 44th st. n.w.—Five-bedrm.. 2 bath home, gas h.-w.h., immediate occupancy. Very nicely furn. #215 per month. OPEN SUNDAY ONLY 2 TO 5 P.M. BOSS * PHELPS. INC. NA. 0300 —10 HOUSES FURNISHED THREE BEDRMS.. brk.. l'i baths, scr porches, gas heat, recreation* rm.: near Catholic University; *125 per mo. Box 363-L, Star. -*10 HOUSES UNFURNISHED^* AURORA HILLS. Immaculate 3-beft rm.. lH-bath brick Colonial in most desirable, close-in area; available March 1st; SI 65 mo. POMPONIO REALTY. INC., OW. 6660. —9 LUXURY RAMBLER—Completely air conditioned; remote contTol radio In every room; wall-to-wall carpeting: 3 bedrms.. Uv. rm. 18x28 It., din. rm.. 12x14 dream kit.; conv. to Pen tagon, schools and .bus; $225 mo. FA. 9219. —11 SHIRLINGTON AREA—Two 2-bedrm. bricks, semidet.. h.-w h„ lull bsmt.; close-in. conv. section; $100 mo. POMPONIO REALTY, INC.. OW. 6660. _9 5. ARLINGTON—Three bedrooms, $160. Ok. 2121. SILVER SPRING—$125 per mo: new brick 2-bedrm. rambler with bsmt. KENSINGTON REALTY CO.. LO. 5-2400 —9 MT. RAINIER—Large 10-rm 2-bath home; arranged as 2 apfs.: fell bsmt.: auto, heat; l block R. I. ave. carline: $145 mo. Available im mediately H. CARLYLE de LOZIER. Realtor. WA 6000. —9 NEAR PENTAGON—Two semidet. 6 rm. houses: $100 and $110 Per mo.; immed. occupancy. MANNAS REALTY CO.. 2116 Wilson blvd. GL. or OX. 2784. -r-10 BETHESDA — 2-bedrm. bungalow; newly decorated; floored Insulated attic: walking distance; N. I. H. and Bradley School; $126 monthly. SL. 7732. —10 940 KENYON DR.. Alex., conv. Pentagon and Ft. Belvolr—2 bedrms.. full tile bsmt.. storage attic; 4 mos. old: $110 mo. KI. 8-6698. —10 NEW 3-BEDRM. BRICK, large llv. rm.. kit., gas heat. Call ME. 0640. Ext 410. uiia. a Dtun.na., corner lot fenced back yard: bsmt. and ga rage: $150 per month. Palls Church area. JE. 3-7579. FA. 2090. —10 BUNGALOW. 2 BEDROOM—Vacant Open Sat. 2 to 5. 5707 31st place, W. Hyattsville; *100 mo. JO. 8-6819 —9 6003 OLIVER ST. New Bast Pines. Md E radically new 6-room detached ome; $105 per month. Call WA. 3900. —9 ROCKVILLE. MD.—New 3-bedrm. rambler; $126 per month. Call QE. 0580. 10* SOUTH ARLINGTON—Vacant 0 room bungalow; newly decorated; screened porch; $126. OW. 2894, OW. 7060. —10 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE In resi dential section. Rockville. Md.. 8 rm„ 4-bedrm. and bath, 2-story house; In new condition; refgr. and gas stove: gas heat; lge. frt. and back porches; storage rm. and attic; frt. and back ya^ds, garden space; located on Silver Spring and Wis. ave. busline, 3 blocks from ele mentary and high schools and churches. Call Rockville 2634, MRS. WALTERS. —10 ROCKVILLE—Three-bedrm. rambler; 10 min. Naval Med. and Natl. Inst, of Health; $115 mo. Rockville 3330. COLUMBIA PINES—De luxe modified brick rambler. 3 bedrms.. 1V4 baths. 18x28 llv. rm.. full bsmt.. lge. ga rage. H-acre lot: available Feb. 18; $225 per mo. POMPONIO REALTY. INC.. 2222 Wilson blvd.. OW. 6660. ALEXANDRIA—New semldet. house. 3 bedrms.. lge. yard; full bsmt., gas heat; close to transp. and shopping center; $120 per mo.; avail. March 1. Call AL. 4174. —9 WESTMORELAND - HILLS—3 bedrms. 2‘a baths, den, rec rm. and bath. Avail. March 1. $222. OL. 7421. — in 3-Bi.uKOOM RAMBLER—Immediate possession; close to bua, shopping, and school. Call H»1 Huehes. JA. 8-3687 or JA. 8-8000. TALMADGE WILCHER. INC.. 1738 Wilson blvd., Arlington. Va. —10 3-BEDRM. RAMBLER; fenced yard; parochial, public schools handy. Reas. JE. 2-7449; eves., week end. 11* HUNTINGTON—Two-bedroom brick semtdet.: redec.; basement: gas heat; nice yard: tile bath. OV. 5800. 11* ROW HOUSE—8 rms.. Hi baths, rec. room. $95 mo.; 2340 13th pi. n.e. GE. 6.330. —10 WHEATON-ROCKVILLE AREA (dec. colors I: beautiful new brick rambler; 3 bedrms; side porch; full bsmt.; tiled bath: storage, attic. Llv-din ing rm. "L.” Nr. shopping, schools. Rental *130. JU. 7-7981 —11 802 BAYFIELD ST.. Takoma Pk.. Md. —Rambler, brick and frame, 3 bed rooms. bath, basement: auto, gas heat; *125 mo. Available immedi ately. Inspection by appt. AMERI CAN SECURITY & TRUST CO. ST. 8000. —10 SILVER SPRING—New 3-bedroom I brick, det.. bsmt., attic, lge. lot and i conv. to schools; *135 mo. SL. 6936. —15 CHEVERLY, MD. — This 2-bedrm. { bungalow has a din. rm.; full bsmt. and is situated on an ample fenced i lot: *105 mo. Call NA. 8093. Mon day. —10 *99.50 UP—Two bedrooms, semide tached; near Glebe rd. and Wash ington blvd. EM. 6678. —15 GLEXMONT BUNGALOW—Two bed rms., liv. rm., kit., dinette. Vacant. KIRKS REALTY CO.. Realtors. HO. 6778: eve3., RA. 8386. —10 BETI1ESDA AREA. 9506 Nowell dr.— Detached brick, about 4 years old; lgt-floor lavatory; 3 bedrooms and bath with shower on 2nd floor; large living-dining room combina tion; modern kitchen; gas heat, etc. No objection to children. Rent, *140 month. Vacant. Key 9508. No well dr.: B. P. SAUL CO., 925 15th st. n.w. NA. 2100. —10 HOME NEAR MT. VERNON BLVD.— */i acre on Potomac Shore: 20 min utes to Washington; 2 bedrms.; oil heat; *150. AL. 5044 eves. —15 TWO, 3-BEDRM. brk. houses, with full bsmts. in Kennslngton area; 1 mi. from Public Health and Naval Hospital; vacant, excel, cond.; nr. shopping, schools, transp.; *125 per mo Call Mr. MacKlntosh Jr. WEAVER BROS., INC. DI. 8300; eves., WO. 3716. —10 ALEXANDRIA, VA. — 200 Clifford ave.; liv. rm., din. rm.. kit., 2 bed rms., bath, in modern brick du plex; nr. all conveniences; *110 mo. 8H. 2068. —10 FALLS CHURCH AREA—Near bus and stores, 3-bedroom rambler, equipped kit., auto, washer, fenced yard. *120 mo. Call KE. 3-6677 or JE. 3-1141. J. H. BENOIT. Realtor. LOVELY 2-bedrm bungalow equipped kitchen, lull bsmt., near all conven iences. PARKSIDE REALTY CO., SH. 1876: open eves. —10 NEW 3-BEDRM. semidet. brick. Chil dren welcome. Bsmt., $115 mo. Southeast sec . cor lot. LO. .3-8980. 2-BEDRM. BUNGALOW, equip, kit., full bsmt : conv. shop., school and cansp. *97.50. SL. 3390. —1(1 S.E. s ST.—Three bedrooms, well equipped kitchen, bsmt.. gar., gas h.-w.h„ vacant. *125 mo. GE. 1916. —10 ALEXANDRIA — Two-bedrm. house; conv. location: near stores, school and transp., *100 per mo. AL. 3552. _i n CAPITOL HILL — Completely redec orated In the Georgetown manner, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, full din. rm„ mod kit. LI. 4-1704. —16 BRAND N€W. south of Alex.—De tached; bedrms.. 2 full baths, liv. rm„ equipped kit.. Bendlx. disposal; Immediate occupancy; $140 mo. OV. 0481 —10 TWO-BEDRM. BRICK—Just redeco rated. semidetached; 6 min. from 14th St. Bridge; $100 mo. TE. 80B7. —LO ARL.—Golf Club Manor; 3 bedrms.. 2 baths (bedrm. and bath on 1st II.). bsmt.. garage, screened porch; large level lot. Available March 1. Call FRED J. GEORGE, GL. 6777. —10 6 RMS.. 114 BATHS—Rent $100 per mo.. Inch util. Located at 1217 K st. n.e. Available by March 1. Good ref. req. Apply AMERICAN TIRE - CO.. 1218 K st. n.e.. AT. 1^12^ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Modern 3-bedroom semldet. house In fine n.e. location, near schools, transp. and Catholic Dnlv. Kitchen equipped with garbage disposal and elec, dishwasher; $125 mo. Call Mr. Orpin. LA. 6-0260. SIDNEY _Z. MENSH & CO.. NA. 6440, —10 New Hampshire Ave. Area Off Rfggs rd.—Modern 3-bedrm.. semldet. house with '4 bath on 1st f!.; near schools and transp.; kitchen equipped with garbage disposal and elec, dishwasher. Immediate occu pancy. Call Mr. Orpin. LA. 6-6260. SIDNEY Z. MENSH if CO.. NA. 6440. —10 ALEXANDRIA, VA. NEW CAPE COD Six lge. rms . 2 full baths, lge. mod. kit.; full bsmt.. gas heat; every modern appointment. Located near Fairlington shop, center, schools, churches, etc. Lease only; $175 per mo. CALL MR. JOHN KRAFFT. TE. 6160.—10 HOLMES RUN PARK Practically new 3-bedrm. brick In splendid suburban Falls Church residential area. All de luxe kit.; attached garage. Available Feb. 15; $185. JOSEPH W. SEAY CO. Realtors. FA. 2620. BARCROFT FOREST 3-bedroom det. brick ramblers; near Pentagon. Navy Annex and Arl. Hall; garbage disposal, full bsmt.; excel, construction: rental. $135 Direc tions: Out Columbia pike to Colum bus st.. left to corner of 8. Columbus and George Mason dr. Telephone OW. 0726, GL. 3368; eves.. FA. 0003. _•_ —10 NEW RAMBLERS Three-bedrm.. semidetached brick; full bsmt.; fully equip, de luxe kit.; gas heat; 1-yr. lease; close to all conveniences. 8500 block New Hamp shire ave. extended; $120 per mo. Phone POLLINOER JO. 7-8800. Sundays and evenings. JO, 7-8819. MICHIGAN PK. VIC. SEMIDETACHED BRICK Three bedrms., din. raa., completely modern kit., full bsmt. and many other features; only $115 per mo. Call ST. 4606 or PI. 8685. —^4 NEARBY ARLINGTON AND FALLS CHURCH 3 bedrooms. 1V4 baths, recr. rm., gar.. $165. 3 bedrooms and bath. $125. 3 bedrooms and bath. $115. 2 bedrooms and bath, furn., $150. 3 bedrooms and bath. furn.. $150. SEWELL REALTY CO. 14 S. Glebe Rd. at Lee Blvd. _ OX. 0217 Arlington. Va. GL. 181* COLORED—ROOMING or tourist house nr. 22nd and N sts. n.w.. containing 16 rms.. 2*4 baths: In gojK cond. J. DALLAS GRADY * SCffif DI. 3760. —U IFROM NINE TO FIVE —By Jo Fisther “I want something that will make me about six inches taller so my height will go with my weight.” HOUSES TO SHAM WANTED—Young couple to there house. Telephone, washing machine, conv. transp. and shopping district. DE. 6716. —10 HOUSE TO SHARE with working couple or 2 gins; all home privils.; reasonable. Call LO. 7-3809 after 6 p.m. or any time Sat. and Sun. WORKING MOTHER with daughter to share house with 2 others. Must be able to carry of all household expenses. 1340 Longfellow at. n.w., GE 8193 —10 SHARE HOME with 2 Govt, girls. Pvt. bath, bedrm. and den; also pvt. entr.; utils, turn.; lmmed. occu pancy. OT. 8157 weekdays after 6. week ends any time. —10 YOUNG WOMAN, colored, to share home with another young woman; with all privils. LU. 1-8288 after 6 p.m. —10 2 GIRLS TO SHARE HOUSE In n.w. section; avail, lmmed. Call RA. 6660. —11 1 OR 2 GIRLS to share large house; pvt. bedrm.; all privils.; 10 min. downtown; S40 each. LI. 4-1704. ——15 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT NAVAL OFFICER wants 2-bedrm. house, with mod. conv.; plus stable. 2 acres land. Call PR. 6700. Ext. 2204 days; JO. 2-2421. —10 ENGLISH DIPLOMAT requires on lease unfurn. or partly furn. 4 or 6-bedrm. residence In n.w. section; occupancy 1st April; good rent. OL. 0723. —10 ADDITIONAL HOMES NEEDED—We have fine tenants for homes In near by Md. or n.w. D. C-; free apprais als. no delay. For complete rental service, phone us today. PERRY HAY CO.; SL. 6242. —12 GENTLEMAN—Buy small house fot own use; 2 bedrooms and basement; nearby Maryland or Northwest. Box 325-K. Star. • NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT offi cial desires 3-4 bedroom unfurnished house; large living room; quiet n.w. location; preferably Chevy Chase or 8pring Valley area. Call OL. 6436. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY PARLOR. 4 booths, partly equipped, lncl. apt. on 2nd floor; desirable colored location, 917 You st. n.w. For rent, as Is. $135 per mo. Phone NO. 0146 or DU. 1132. —10 RESTAURANT with barbecue ma chine and carry-out business; excel, colored location; 503 4th st. s.w. For sale, equipped as is. $2,300 cash, or on terms: $2,800 with $800 down: rent. $120 per mo.; Ion* lease Phone DU. 1132. —10 BAKERY FOR SALE—Excellent lo cation. good offer. Arlington Forest Shopping Center, 4826 First st., No. Arl. —9 RESTAURANT, sale or lease, bldg, and equlpmt.. excel, location, ready for business. OWNER. LI. 3-4243. 2nd TRUST NOTE. $16,000. well secured. financially responsible maker, yields better than 10% an nually. GEORGE 11. ROWKN. 8T. 4452. —9 6 A 19, GOOD STOREi easily run; hlxh markups; reasonable. VI. 9841. Box 253-C. Star. • 10* rooming BUSINESS, near 14th and K: established business with 3-yr. lease; eighteen completely furn. rms., etc.: price. $7,000. UNKINS CO.. 1818 N st. N.W.. DI. 8688. —9 DRY CLEANING PLANT—Wholesale and retail; doing large volume; owner retiring. $15,000 cash., bal ance terms. Box 185-H. Star. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING— A quality wholesale service, offered to the trade by Safeway; phone MR. WALDER. SH. 9835. EXCELLENT LOCATION for shoe maker. valet shop or Chinese laun dry. 1719 20th st. n.w. 10* GUN AND KEY SHOP downtown; fully equipped with machinery; downtown location; doing from $300 to $400 wk.. long profits; est. 15 yrs.. rent $60 month. Sacrifice price. $2,000 cash. W. E. THRIFT. Exclusive, 1411 Pa. ave. n.w.. NA. 9743 or UN. 7327. —11 FURNISHED ROOMING HOUSE busi ness. 14 rms.. 803 Eye st. n.w., for sale. $2,000. NA. 4839. —11 IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a busi ness in nearby Md.. see us. Many excellent listings; variety, delicates sens. groceries, hardware stores, gas station and liquor store. J. EDWARD SCOLLICK, Broker. 3223 R. I. ave. UN. 7199. 7 10* ALEXANDRIA, VA. — Luncheonette; Patent drugstore; large corner store: long estab.: reasonable rent. Doing about $40,000 a year; excep. opport. for couple. Cash or terms can be arranged. KI. 8-8688. • GAS STATION. Falls Church, Va. Pumping 14.000 gal. mo. Must sac rifice due to Illness. Stock at cost, approx. $2,500. 456 8. Washing ton st.. Rt. 29-211. FA. 9887. 10* GROCERY STORE. 709, O at. n.w.. next to market. Call GE. 2891. VARIETY AND DELICATESSEN store, near printing office; owner must sell immediately due to illness; will sac rifice for $1,600 (includes $400 to $500 stock, plus all fixtures i This is a good buy. if buyer act* imme diately. 11 H st. n.W. 10* SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY. Best lo cation; exceptional income; excel lent equipment; wonderful oppor tunity. Only bona fide buyers con sidered. Box 331-K, Star._10* BUY. RENT OR LEASE 10.000 square feet space. Midtown section, suitable lor dance hall or will purchase large cafeteria, basement, store or up stairs or hotel. Write details. Box 337-K. Star. 10* GIFT STORE—Capable of $50,000 annual sales. Owner-operator can easily net $10,000 annually. In heart of financial district. You buy only fixtures and inventory at cost. Approx. $15,000. MR. SLATER. RE. 3130; evenings. WI. 9535. —10 RESTAURANT AND LIQUOR LICENSE —Equipment; good location; good business. Must sell due to illness. LI. 7-9634. , . .JO „ RESTAURANT. N. Arl. Less than 2 yrs. old: . complete modern equip ment! Quoted over $300 daily. Rea sonable rent. Price $33X100; 8-yr. lease. JOHN W. MULROY. 99 Hill wood ave. FA. 8322. DUMP TRUCK hauling business; very profitable; $1,500; can expand^ JO. COLONIAL BEACH restaurant, on boardwalk, in center of all activities; fully equipped; 17 rms. for rent; price very reasonable; rent unusually low; will make investment 1st sea son; beer, on and off sale. Call LU. 4-6920 alter 7 p.m.. all day Sunday. MANUFACTURE—Present small busi ness for natl. development; 400-q00 ft. required for present operation and machinery. Responsible party advise experience, etc. Box 3<6-K. Star St^&^'Vos^le'"!^ sq. ft. with show windpw; rent. $.10; full price. $5,000. incl. all stock of fice and stock equipment and one truck. Located vicinity Hyattaville. Call JU. 8-8217 after 8 p.m. or Sun. BEAUTY SHOP—Five wet booths: beautifully equip.: ideal log-: will lease for 2. 5 or 10 years: $200 mo. Call Mr. SmUey. LU. 2-1069. with ROGER MOSS. Realtqt 2126 R. I. aveTn.e. HO. 6020. —11 NET APPROX. $100 WEEK; late '51 Ford dump truck on long Job; $600 will handle; win accept trade. HU. 8834. —10 DRY CLEANING PLANT, very good retail outlet, on busy thoroughfare; long lease. Call MI. 3480. —11 $10,000 AVAILABLE with services; advertising, publishing or similar. Box 342-K. Star. 11* I HAVE FOR SALE a well-established restaurant with liquor license, beer and whiskey. The lease has 4 years to run at $160 per mo., with privi lege of 6-year renewal. I will seU this cafe with partial down payment to a man who knows the business. Apply by letter only, statins your qualifications. This is a 100% fully equipped colored location. CY FREEDMAN. 918 F St. n.W.. RE. 0293. MY HEALTH is getting bad. and 1 am going to sell my farm equipment business in Fairfax County, one of the best farming communities in Northern Virginia. Gross business in 1951 over $200,000. Sold 17 trac tors. A large amount of farm ma chinery. such as balers, combines, and other equipment, agent for the Ford Purge rson Farm & Equipment Co. and other nationally known and advertised tractors and equipment. Agent for well-known dairy feeds and dairy equipment. Fertiliser, lime and hardware, paint. Lge. service shop includes tools. The present em ployes will continue withnew person. Will sell or lease bldg. Does not re- j quire a large amount of cash to handle. For information write Box' B.BJ 500, Herndon, Va. —1$ ■US. OPPORTUNITIES (Cow*.) ESSO OAS STATION, leas* for sale; fully equipped; must sell because of sickness. 0307 Marlboro pike. HI. 9094. II* 3400 DOWN Rooming house, nr. Wash. Circle; no. Inc. av. $1,280 can be increased; rent. $96. Call DE. 6480. 11* GROCERY STORES—No. 1, Mt. Rainier, with llv. quarters. % No. 2. Hyaltsrille; good stock, fine location. Both are doing good busi ness. / Evenings. Mr. Barnes. MI. 6278. with JOHN A. WENTZ. AP. 0900.—13 RESTAURANT FOR RENT Old established corner, 6th and D sts. n.w. H. P. LONG, attorney. 400 6th st. n.w. ME. 0610. —10 tidewater SOUTHERN MARYLAND 1. Bowlins alley, modern building. 40x129 ft.; 6 Brunswick alleys, com plete heating plant. 3 haws; oppo site naval station. Solomons Island; snack bar: legalised slot machines. 2. Restaurant on picturesque wooded 10-acre site near county seat, on main highway; large, main dining room, summer dining porch, kitchen. 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, complete equipment; bar; on and off sale beer license legalized slot machines; famous for its food: apartment in rear with 2 bedrooms and bath; ideal for tourist court: Immediate nossesslon; $60,000. 3. Grocery and general store on Mi acre, on main highway; 2-story frame and concrete block. 36x70; apt. second floor; legalized slot ma chines; complete equipment: $16,u00 stock at Inventoried prices. CALVERT REALTY AGENCY. Prince Frederick. Md. Other business, farm and waterfront properties. Phone 108.—Q LIQUOR STORE Well, known store on main stem, op posite leading hotels; sacrifice price; good lease; low rent; terms. SIDNEY J. BROWN RE. 3631. WO. 3126. —13 BARBER shop Lease. See manager, HOUSTON HO TEL. —9 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Lost term lease on completely equipped, practically new restaurant. One of the best locations near Washington. Long frontage on com bined highways. 2nd heaviest traf fic load in Virginia. 3 acres parking area. Straight monthly rental or percentage basis. Practically no capital required. Opportunities un limited. Uv. quarters avail. To In spect. phone Fairfax 980-J bet. 10 and ♦. Eves. OV. 2872._—10 BEAUTY PARLOR FOR RENT. IS. 0800. —10 SALE Shoe repair shop, with living quartetrs: little cash, easy terms. RE. 0145. 10« HOTEL-RESTAURANT FOR LEASE Large, well-known hotel. Fine loca tion. Washington. D. C. Banquet fa cilities. Modern, well-equipped kitch en. Prefer couple, well experienced. State all particulars, age. references, etc., in first letter. Box 371-K. Star. LIQUOR STORE $10,000 Just over D. C. line, well-established business location. An outstanding opportunity: shown by appointment only. Exclusive with J. EDW. SCOL ; LICK. Broker. 3223 R. I. ave. UN. ! 7198.10* Self-Service Grocery And one acre. Ideal commercial, near by Va. location. Reas. Priced for entirety. Box 344-B, Star. —10 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. 4620 Chesapeake st. n.w.—Direct from owner; 6 rms. and bath; recreation room, fireplace; detached aaraae; porch; awnings, storm windows; slate roof: lavatory In basement; gas heat; perfect condition; ready to move In. Immediate possession. Price, $22,950, terms. Open Sun day. 1-5 p.m. —10 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. —r Bamaby Woods; unusual opportunity for those desiring a spacious livable house on large lot at a most reasonable Klee; containing 8 rooms and 2 ths: 1st fl. has 26-ft. llv. rm. and lovely den or sunroom; fin ished room and bath In bsmt.; sit uated In a most desirable location. Price only $25,000. P. A. TWEED CO., INC., 5604 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 1290 'til 9 p.m. CLEVELAND PARK—Attrac. family house, on large lot with trees; spa cious 1st fl., living room, dining room, pantry, kitchen; 2nd floor has 3 sunny bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 bed rooms and bath on 3rd fl. Servant's rm., bath; laundry and aaraae In bsmt.; excellent neighborhood for children; near schools and trans portation. exclusive with J. F. BEGG. INC.. 1606 20th it., n.w.; weekdays, DU. 2480; week ends. EM. 8242. EMERSON ST.—2 complete apart ments. recr. rm., aaraae, fine loca tion; only $18,600; attrac. terms. TA. 3469, W. CLIFFORD 6HERT ZER. RE. 2201. MaeARTHUR BLVR. AREA—By own er. Immaculate semldet.: many extras. 6176 Fulton st. n.w. Open Sat.. Sun.. 1-6. OR. 7132. —10 MANOR FARK—Excel, neighborhood; attrac. semldet. brick home; llv. rm., din. rm., extra-lte. kit., den. ist fl.; 4 bedrms. and bath, 2nd 117: ullt-ln aaraae, h.-w.h.. >,k bath. For appt.. call ROBERT 8. DAVIS & CO.. REALTOR8, JU. 8-3600; eves.. JU. 8-4664. —9 SHERIDAN CIRCLE—Elegant man sion. suitable for Embassy or admin istrative use.; contains 16 rooms, 61k baths, servant’s quarters, and an elevator. Has all the requisite space for extensive entertalnlna. Now used as family residence. For fur ther information, please telephone Mrs. Carter, Ordway 5478. L. T. QRAVATTE. Realtor, 1618 K st. n.w.. NA. 0753. SHERIDAN* ST. N.W. NEAR 16th— Spacious row brick home, completely renovated throughout. Including kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Owner will take one large trust and rea sonable cash payment. Price only $19,750; prompt possession. To in spect, call Mr. Lewis (eves.. WO. 4070) with WM. M. THROCKMOR TON. Realtor, DI. 6092. —9 1315 GALLATIN ST.—Det. stucco, 5 b.r., -lge. llv. rm.. o.h.-w.h., gar. Open 1 to 6. BT. 8663 or CO. 3717 11* BY OWNER—4-bedrom brick home in n.w.; embassy sec.; well adapted to entertalnlna and comfortable llv &: pric*d for quick sale. I ONLY $13.95* for a brand-new 6-rm. semldet. brick; 1 block from D. C. line. nr. N. H. ave.; full bimt., (as heat, tiled bath, copper screens; lovely lot, paved street; lmmed. poe session. Sample house. 829 Berkshire dr. Out N. H. ave.. turn right on Eastern ave.. 'k block to Chilium rd„ then left l'i, blocks to Berk shire dr. WASHINGTON REALTY. GE. 8300: eves., WO. 8(»6. —10 NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—19 rms.. 9 baths, elevator, garage. Suitable for organization, chib, guest house, conversion Into apt*., etc. Partially furn. Vacant. Substantial cash re quired. TAMMARO. Rockville 3659. NEAR 16th AND WEB8TE*~STS. First time offered; excellent 7-room row brick; entrance hall, llvinc room with fireplace, large dining room, kitchen and pantry; 4 bed rooms, 2nd floor; storage attic; hot water heat; fine location. Only $15,950. Moderate pash payment, balance 1 trust. Eves., WO. 8146. RAYMOND B. DUNN, WO. 0214. —6 ALL BBICK. row. fine condition; 11 rooms. 21k baths, gas heat, fin ished bsmt.. built-in aaraae; $19. 000; small down payment, balance like rent. Open Sun.. 1 to 5 p.m, OWNER. 2004 Klinale rd. n.w. —10 8-RM. 8FACIOUS OLD HOUSE—1401 Delaflcld pi.; priced lor lmmed. sale at $18,000; by owners; no brokers. Open Sun.. Mon.. Tues., 1-4 p.m. or by appt. MI. 1056. —10 1352 RITTENHOISE »T.—Small compact 2-bedrm well built row brick: $14,000. Call TA. 4704. 16th ST. NEAR U—Well-located 9 room brick suitable for doctor or PHELPS ^NC. 1417 X It. B.W. —10 HOUSIS SAL»—N.W. (Cmt,) IStt AND SBEBEDAN ST. N.W.—Ask ing $19,000. First offering o1 this spacious brick borne to this excel lent and eonv. location 1st fl., 4 rms. and bath; 2nd ’fl., 4 rms. and bath; bsmt. finished tots 3 rms. and com plete bath; aas h.-w.h. Home to Im maculate condition and priced far below market value. Kvea. and 8un. Mr. Burrs, EM. 8339 with PEREN TER * CO , RA. 6800. —10 NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK—English brick and stone home, 4 bedrms., 1V4 baths. Ilv. rm., din. rm.. ext ra ise. kit., den; full bsmt., h.-w.h.. oil, maid’s rm. and H bath. Priced Muftis r?cWL*i'jlM: JU 8-3600; eves,, JU. 8-4684. —9 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY " Colonial brick. 9 yrs. old, true tenter hall; lae. Ilv. rm. J,with flrepl., screened porch. Ice. din. rm.. kit., den.. !i bath on 1st fl.; 3 bedrms., 2 baths on 2nd fl.; finished attic for 4th b*drm.. knotty pin* reer. rm. with bath and flrepl.; bullt-to se rene; new Bryant aas heater: lot 48x125. Pom. at settlement. Price, $37,500; no brokers. OWNER, EM. 0947._ —19 NEAR 16th AND WEBSTER STS. N.W.—Price is reasonable »t $16, 000 for 23-foot row brick with In come possibilities; four n»d bed: rooms, large closets. Colonial front porch, storage attic; bright basement with front and rear entrances; oil Bealtonl?f£iAth8t m°3346. OPEN SUN.. 2 TO 6 P M. 2908 18th ST. N.W. 20-ft. attached brick house with s»de hall entrance, near Rock Creek Park, -et to a convenient location; 8 rooms including 4 bedrooms and 2 kitchens, tile bath, with perfect spot on 1st floor for powder r«»m or bath, extra large basement with toilet facilities; gas h.-w.h. Priced reasonably on terms. Mr. Sweeney. EH. 6197. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. Realtor, 1224 14th St. N.W. DI. 3346. ’*_—10 FINE HOMES Cleveland Park—Brick; 4 bedrms.. * baths. Large rooms. $35,006. Massachusetts Ave. Park—Beautiful brick Colonial. Spacious rms.. 4 bed rms.. 3 baths: 2-car garage ;$38 750. Cleveland Park, near Friend's School —New; 6 bedrms., 2 baths. Game »S.»« Peri—DetachedbriCk; 6 rms. and bath. Bee. rm. Garage. Attractive garden. About 12 yrs. old. $23,950. Chevy Chase—Detached frame. Near Chevy Chase Circle; 3 bedrms.; $21,750. Near Westmoreland Circle—Rambler type brlek. with 2 bedrms. and bath *on 1st fl. Large dormitory-type rm. on 2nd. Game rm. $23,000. Spring Valley — Small, charming home, beautifully located. $23,950. HUlendale—Beautiful brick, rambler typeW to setting of fine trees. Washington Grove—An acre of ground and a 6- room, lVa-bath house. $16,950. These are among a very large group of line homes we are able to offer for your Inspection. Please call 4839^o^^k.^l?W AMERICAN UNIV. PARK $23,750 ImmacuiaU . and tastefully deco rated 3-bedrm.. 2‘/a-bath home at this unusually low price; 1st floor has reception area, liv. rm.. din. rm.. modem, beautifully equip, kit powder rm.. rear porch: 2nd fl.: 8 lovely bedrms.. 2 modern tiled baths. Stairs to storsce attic. Full bemt. Bryant (as. a.-c. heat: deep yard; 2 blocks to all conveniences. See this one early. W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 3B00. __ AMERICAN UNIV. PARK 4525 BRANDYWINE ST. N.W. OPEN SUN., 1 TO DARK Det. brick of 0 large rooms; h.-w.h.; side porch; recr. rm.; built-in ga rage. Houae In good cond. Very eoiy i.ome in very desirable sec. Good financing. Priced to sell. FRANK J. VOLKMAN EM. 1666OR 2913 * BETHESDA NEAR OUR LADY OP LOURDES $5,000 DOWN BALANCE ON EASY TERMS Prewar brick home, new-house con dition; 7 excellent rooms. Including 1st flr. den; full basement deep lot with tali trees: 2 blocks to schools, transp. and shopping. Fine estab lished neighborhood of well cared for properties. Vacant.. Immediate possession. OPEN SAT. 2-4 SUN. 1-6 4523 CHELTENHAM DR. DIRECTIONS. Out Wis. ave- lust beyond Bank of Bethesda. turn right at Cheltenham dr. Town & Suburban, OR. 9400 BETHESDA RAMBLER $5,000 CASH, $110 A MO. Near Fublie Health Center. Well-built. 3-mo.-old rambler with basement; lge, liv. rm- beautiful flrepl- dining “L.” big. de luxe, all-elec, kit.; 3 excel, bedrms- colored tile bath, attic, porch; Anchor-fenced rear yard; close to public and parochial schools: immediate possessions; splendid neighbors. _ Town & Suburban, OR. 9400 _—10 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. 3745 MeKINLEY ST. N.W. One-half block from Conn, ave., nr. schools, stores, churches and transp. Beautifully redecorated throughout. First floor, lge. entrance hall, liv. rm flrepl- beamed ceiling din. rm. with flrepl- powder rm- new kit. Second floor. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. Third floor, 2 bedrms. and lge. stor age space. Full bsmt- oil h.-w. heat. det. garage. JOHN C. KAHN. For appt. phone RE. 8876._—14 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. $7,000 cash will purchase this lovely H-rm- 2'i-bath Colonial brick home, containing .3 nice bedrms. and a lst-fl. powder rm. Owner will finance to suit you. W. B. JWRIGHT. EM. 560H.__ FOREST HILLS Handsome brick borne on autet. safe street, perfect for children; 4 spa cious bedrooms. 2 baths: powde.r room, beautiful recreation room with fireplace, maid’s room and bath, screened porch. 2-car garaae. True center-hail nlan. Fine trees and shrubbery and stone garden walls. Dinette space 1n kitchen: under $43,000. See th(5 quickly. Call Mr. Ford. (Eves. WI 76111. _ JAMES L. DIXON & CO. 1022 17th St. N.W. ET\_7200 FOXHALL RAMBLER " OPEN SUNDAY, 1 TO 6 4482 Salem Lane N.W. Beautiful new brick rambler witti a wonderfully new and Interesting floor plan. The location is one of the most convenient and desirable that money can buy. Huge living room dining -room combination. _large kitchen with dining space THREE excellent bedrooms. TWO lovely tile baths plus full basement, oversize built-in garage and gas heat. Should sell Immediately at this surprisingly low price. Only $29,950. Directions: Reservoir rd. to Foxhall rd- short left to Salem lane, rlghtto tome. Eves- call RA. 5924. FRANK 8. PHILLIPS, PI. 1411,_—10 GEORGETOWN OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 3505 N ST. N.W. A converted coach house, attractively ar ranged and decorated. Large liv. rm. with flre pl. and modern kitch en on 1st fl. Gas heat; 2 bedrms., 1 with fire pi.; bath on 2nd fl. Good closets; ideal for bachelor or couple. EXCLUSIVE GILLIAT & CO. 2827 Dumbarton Ave. N.W.. DE. 2770. GLOVER PARK We offer this 3-bedroom row brick In excellent condition; walking dis tance to schools, shopping and transp.; 3 porches; bnllt-in garage; ell h.-w-h. THOMPSON & GRAY 8L, 8100. Realtors. 8 TU 8. KALORAMA HOME $98,500 Priced far below reproduc tion cost. This is one of the most spacious and beautiful detached brick homes in the entire Washington area. Wide center-hall plan; living room (27x18). dining room <24x18), library (15x18). large den and powder room. Servant’s stair way. 2nd flow: 4 bedrooms, sitting room tnd 3 baths; 3rd floor. 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, very large 2-car garage: eleva tor to upper floor. Truly a magnificent home; ideal for chancery or for any dlnlomatlc use or for the family that en tertains; words could never describe this home: you must see ft. For appointment phone Mr. Morgan. OV. 0058. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1501 ■ S%,K.W. If A. 234* H0US1S WNt SAll—N.W. det. garage: near Calvin Coolldge Jr. High School. Price. *18.500. ROBERT B HALL CO.. WI. 3850. MT. PLEASANT HOBART ST. Tapestry row brick house, 4 bed rooms, heated sleeping porch, spa cious lst-floor plan: storage attic: daylight basement, hot-water heat: 2-car brick garage: vacant. MUST BE SOLD FOR OOT-OF-TOwN OWNER. To inspect. eafi MR. CON DIT (evenings. OR. 2121). THOS. J. FISHER & CO., INC. 738 16th St. N.W.. Realtors. DL 6830. NORTH CLEVELAND PARK Detached home on large lot featuring 24-foot living room with wood-burn ing fireplace flanked by built-in bookcases, large dining room, break fast room, roomy kitchen. 3 bed rooms: Inclosed porch; bath;, full basement; slate roof; 2-car detached garage; 2 blocks oil Wisconsin ave. shopping and transportation, near all schools and churches. Priced for quick sale. This is your opportunity! Call Miss Watwood, DD. 0108. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. Realtor, 1224 14th St. N.W.. DI_3346 N. CLEVELAND PARK CLOSE TO ST. ANN’S—816.860 Det. ltv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kit. and breakfast room. 3 bedrooms and incl. porch; gas h.-w.h.; 2-car garage. Substantial cash paymt. req. ACFRANfe J. VOLKMAN EM. 1666; Eves.. EM. 7849. • “PETWORTH” Semldet. brick home with alley side and rear; ltv. rm., din. rm . ldt., den, pantry; 3 bedrms, bath, full bsmt. tow down payment, good fi nancing. opposite Qovt. park; oil h.-w. heat. CaU ME. 1143 until,6 p.m. today or Sunday. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN. Realtor. POTOMAC PALISADES OPEN SUN., 2 TO 5 P.M. 4843 Reservoir rd n.w. Lovely semi detached brick; lge. picture win: dow, git heat. recr. rm. Mr. Bud ney, LO. 4-7662. LYMAN C. DELLE CO.. INC.. ST, 3620._—10 SHEPHERD PARK NEW BRICK RAMBLER OPEN SAT. AND SUN. 7406 14th st. n.w. Large Uv. rm. with Roman brick fireplace wall; sepa rate din. rm.. 3 twin-size bedrms.. 3 baths, 2 on 1st floor with colored fixtures; House Beautiful kitchen, including colored Kevstone wood cabinets; OE dishwasher, garbage disposal. 10 cu. ft. refrigerator and push bi tton de luxe electric range; storage attic, large sliding door closets and many other fea tures too numerous to mention. Price 834.600. TA. 6210. —10 SPRING VALLEY $23,950 OPEN SUNDAY, 1-5 4708 SEDGEWICK ST. N.W. Attractive detached home in excellent condition; 3 bed rooms. new OE equipment in kitchen; bright basement with shower bath; oil heat; side porch; small lot. 8tores. schools, bus at hand. Posses sion. MR. WATTS. OR. 5761 DRURY REALTY CORP. MI. 4000 —10 TakomaPk., D. C., $15,500 47 Underwood PI. N.W. 2-yr.-old semidet.. in new-house con dition. Contains 1. r., d. r.. kit. with d. space. 2 bedrms. and tiled bath up, full basement with toilet, out side entra.. sas a.-c.; lxe.. level lot with Anchor fence: near schools, WOODMOORAGENCY, INC. 8H 5555. Realtors. 'JTll 9 P M. UPPER BRIGHTWOOD 811 MARIETTA PL. N.W. OPEN SUNDAY. 1-5 Vacant: 6-rm. semidet. brick: aide hall entr.; built-in garage: auto, heat. Low down payment will take this one. filGT.ER & CO. OE. 3431. OT.. 2439. •—10 WESLEY HEIGHTS 4533 LOWELL ST. To settle an estate—best offer Invited. No exclusive listing: 4-bedrm., bath; oil heat: 50x160 lot and ga rage. Write E. L. DALY, 1.246 20th Open 3-6 Sat. and Sun._ NEAR~3rd AND MISSOURI AVE. N.W. Lovely Colonial brick home, near all conveniences, consisting of 7 spa cious rooms with natural chestnut trim, modern tile bath, built-in ga rage. A splendid work bench for the husband In basement. Brand-new gas beating unit, and kitchen equip ment. Butler's pantry. Aluminum storm windows. Reasonably priced and easy terms. Exclusive with FRED A. SMITH CO. 1113 17th St. N.W.. EX. |480j 4836 16th ST. N.W! OPEN 1-5 SUNDAY Unusually attractive de tached brick home In desirable location. Will appeal to a family desiring a larger home. Beautifully decorated. Avail able for immediate occupancy. 24-ft. living room, 15x15 din inf room, powder room, den, 3 lovely twin-size bedrooms, 2 baths: finished room and bath on 3rd floor; recreation room: $21,000 4Vafc ffrst trust avail able. Can be purchased on excellent terms. See Mr. Law rence, RA. 1063. OR. 3440. J. N. HUGHES —10 ROOMING HOUSE FURNISHED Thirteen spacious roonis; 13 rooms of nice furniture: full basement: new oil hot-water heating plant and a very con venient location near the Am bassador Theater. All these features combine to make this a fine buy. Priced at $2.VOOO on easy terms. To settle estate. Phone Mr. McCauley. JA. *2-3547. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H St. N.W, NA. 2345. REDUCED $3,000 WAS $32,760* NOW ONLY $29,750 NEW RAMBLER—VACANT 4510 BLAODEN AVE. N.W. (OFF 16th ST. N.W.) Beautiful brick and stone rambler— 6 large nns., 2 baths, full bsmt.; many extra features; open Sunday, noon 'til dark. 8HAPIRO SALES. INC. 011 15th St. N.W., ME. 1717 —10 214 WHITTIER ST. OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 6 Prewar brick detached. 5 nice rms., flrepl.; bsmt. finished with room, kit. and 'a bath, oil h.-w. heat, fenced back yard detached garage; walk to stores, schools, express bus; $15,500. Directions: Out 3rd or 6th at. to Van Buren. right to 2nd. right to 214‘ ROBERT E. LOHR 311 Cedar St. N.W. _ OE. 0881. Eves.. EM. 8406. —10 BY OWNER 438 Hamilton at. n.w.—How brick, liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit.. 3 bedrms.. combination bath with shower mas ter bedrm. with pvt. half bath, full bsmt. with toilet and outside en trance. concrete front porch. 2 lae. screened rear porches, lse. yard, de tached garage to wide paved alley; near public and parochial schools; «k block from 5th st. buses: open Sunday, 1 to 5; $14,500. LO. 5-2205.—10 BY OWNER 3424 MT. PLEASANT ST. 3 apts- nicely furnished, food Income, aas heat. 2 baths. $16,800. $3,500 down. Also 4 acres of land In Olenn Dale. Md.; $500 per acre. Phone CO. 60S6 and UN. 1954,_—10 3014 GATES RD. N.W. OPEN SAT., SUN., 2-5 Woodland setting In the heart of Washington. House Is big and roomy and needs minor repairs. 4 bedrms.. 2 baths. 2-car gar. Directions: Out Conn. ave. to Albemarle it- east to 30tb st.. left to Oates rd. and open sign. Mrs. Barker. WO. 7840 with H. L. HORTON MB. 8380. —10 BY OWNER. OR. 0960 Prime. 8 rms. and bath on a lot 145x220. Open for Inspection Sat. and Sunday.—10 OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO 6 5002 4th STREET N.W. Attractive, cheerful, brick home: 6 spacious rooms, modern kit. and bath; glass-ln sun porch; recreation rm. with bar; gas h.-wji.. concrete front porch. Price and terms reas., may consider trade. WEITZ REALTY CORP. 8X7 15th St. N.W. ST. 4565 Eves, and Sun. Can TR. 6740^ TOWN HOUSE NEAR CONN. AND S N.W. SUITABLE FOR DOCTOR Three-story stone front; 12 rooms. 6 baths. Reasonable price and terms. Immediate possession. L. G. WHITE, Exclusive BE. 1625: EVES.. Wl. 4943. « TOWN HOUSE 2716 38th ST. N.W. OPEN SUN. 1 TO 6 Attractive center hall. UVinr room fireplace, dining room, sun room, kitchen. 8 bedrooms. Inclosed porch. Ilk baths, attic, oil h.-w. heat, ga rage. _ L. G. WHITE. Exclusive RE. 1625; WVX8-. WL 4843. • HOUSIS FOR SALK—N.W. ' .." .. NEW HOUSES Nearing Completion IN . Spring Valley 5100 Blk. Tilden St. N.W. OPEN DAILY 2 TO DARK SUN. 10 TO DARK To reach: Out Massachusetts ave. to 49th st„ turn left to Tilden st.. then right to new houses. W. C. «A N.-MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO.. OR, 4464 4830 Mass. Ave. N.w. —10 "OPEN SAT. AND SUN. 2 TO 5 P.M. 2628 K ST. N.W. A delightful brick frame of 6 bice rooms: 2 complete baths, club room In basement: Bryant hot-air heat, gas furnace: has been remodeled perfectly and Is lust ready to move to. A very convenient downtown location. HENRY J. ROBB, INC. REALTOR _ 1024 Vermont Ave. N.W. DI. 8141. __TA0— ASSUME GI LOAN A clean modern 2-bedroom semldet. home, conveniently located: monthly payments Including taxes »nd in surance. $64 mo. Call Mr. Wein berg, TA. 3463. withi SIDNEY 7. MKNHH ft CO.. NA 6440. —10 FIRST OFFERING Lovely row home located at 2428 38th pi n.w. to Glover Park; 3 spacious bedrooms. 214 baths, large living room and dining room, 2 fireplaces, beautifully equipped kitchen, hick ory trim throughout, plenty closet space, finished recreation and laun dry rooms: garage to basement. Well-kept and to excellent repair: near schools, churches and other facilities. OPEN: SUNDAY. 2 TILL 8 P.M. FIG & McKEEVER Realtors. Insurers. 8641 Colesvllle Rd. Silver Spring. Md JU. 8-8200. Eves., WO. 4712. __—10 DE LUXE RAMBLER ROCK CREEK PK., D. C. OPEN SUN., 1 TO 5: Custom-built In every detail, featurnlng 3 twin-sized bedrms., 2 baths: lge. llv. rm., lge. all-elec, kit.; attic with stairway, full fln. bsmt.. cement patio: det. brick gar. NOT UNDER REQ X. good fln. Directions: North on 16th st. to Kalmla rd.. left to W. Beach dr., right to corner of Sudbury rd. and Open bouse at 2268 BUDBURY RD. N.W. , . . _ Leo M. Bernstein & Co. 1415 K St. N.W., Realtors. ME. 6400. 3 BEDRMS, 2 BATHS $16,950—$3,000 DN. OPEN SUN.. 1 TO 5: 20 It. brick; 1st fl. side hall. llv. rm., din. rm., kit., pantry, front and rear porches; lull bsmt.; floored attic; gas heat; gar.: turn. incl. Directions: Out 16th st. to Irving st., turn west to 18th st., right to Kenyon and left to Open sign at 1806 KENYON ST. Leo M. Bernstein & Co. 1415 K St. N.W., Realtors. ME. 5400. OPEN TODAY AND SUN. 722 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W. Just off Oa. ave.. Brightwood sect. Good n.w. residential. Desirable 6 rm. semldet. brk.; auto, heat; excel, cond. Vacant. Small down payment.! Good terms. See Mrs. Clccone on premises today and Sun , 1-5 p.m. DIXIE REALTY CO., Excl. agts. NA. 8880; after 6 p.m.. call DE. 2848. VACANT , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 44(1 EMERSON ST. N.W. Six rooms, oil h.-w.. recr. rm.. paneled den. paneled breakfast room, paneled upstairs porch, concrete front porch. FRED EHRLICH 1618 Vermont Ave. N.W. ST. 0450. Eves.. TU. 4631. —16 SEMIDETACHED BRICK OPEN SUN., 1 'TIL DARK SEE THIS FIRST. DON’T BE TOO LATE AGAIN. Truly a lovely home, immaculate and beautifully deco rated. Note these features: Foyer entrance, large living room, lovely dining room, sunny kitchen. 3 spa cious bedrooms, wall-to-wall carpet ing, knotty pine recreation room with bar. cedarized closet. Fenced-in yard. 5117 4th STREET N.W. Terms to suit you. Trades considered. Mrs. Kohn. RA. 8943 MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. Realtor, 1224 14th St. N.W.. DI. 3346 —10 COLORED — TAYLOR ST.; semldet. brk. home; 3 rms.. kit. and bath on 2nd fl. Llv. rm., din. rm.. kit. on 1st fl. Three rms and bath in bsmt. Only $14,750: S3.000 cash. JAMES 8. WILDER. OE. 1916. —9 COLORED.—1800 BLK. KALORAMA HD.. $15,950; $2,950 cash, balance $125 mo. A 3-story, 20-ft. brick, needs redecorating, a real good buy. Call Mr. Lawrence. OR .3440: eves.. RA. 1063. J. NELSON HUGHES. —16 COLORED—10th ST. AREA—4-bed rm. row brick: 1 bath Occupied by orig. owner, rms. are all good sized: Just off l«th st. Price. $14,950. Call Mr. Lawrence. OR. 3446: eves.. RA 1663. J. NELSON HUGHES. —16 COLORED—OPEN SUNDAY — 724 Shepherd st. n.w. Lge. brick home, oil haat. 4 bedrms.. furnished if desired, low down payment. Easy mo. payments. Basement suitable for apt OWNER. GE. 5359. —16 COLORED — ATTRACTIVE CORNER brick home. Colonial front porch. 6 rooms, bath: full basement, oil h.-w. h.. 2-car garage: very eonv. loca tion. Terms available. Call Mr. Burton. RE. 6585; eves . JU. 7-7882. WOODWARD At NORRIS. Realtors. —16 COLORED—2429 18th ST. N.W.— 1st commercial; 1st floor vacant. 3 story row brick: full bsmt.. oil heat. Owner will sell on terms with rea sonable down payment. A. M. DRAIS NER. NA. 8036. 1404 L st. n.w. Open dally till 7. Sun. 12 to 5. _—11 COLORED—$12.950—VACANT 935 SHEPHERD ST. Pine 7-rm. brick, extra kitchen on 2nd fl.; refgr.: garage: $2,560 cash. Needs decorating. Eves.. WO. 8656. WASHINGTON REALTY. GE. 8300. —10 COLORED _ No money down If party will accent monthly unpaid balance on mort 6age: any reasonable offer accepted y owner; will vacate Immediately. Call RE. 4788. 8-9 Saturday. 4-6 Sunday.—10 COLORED—VACANT $395 DOWN, MOVE IN Move right in with down pymt.; liv. rm., din. rm.. kit.. 2 large bedrms.. lull bath, porch, yards: low monthly pymts. Call ST. 3626 till 9 p.m. Office open Sunday._—9 WLiUKEiU “SOUND OFF!” ARKANSAS AVE. N.W. ADDRESS OP DISTINCTION ONLY $1,500 DOWN VACANT SEMIDETACHED TAPESTRY BRICK O ily once In a blue moon it a home like this available. Read on: Six rooms. 2 baths; stone wall In front; full bsmt.; Inclosed porches; very deep lot. DET. BRICK CARAOE. Good condition: OAS HEAT; complete awnings on front. Priced right. BROKERS' CO> OPERATION INVITED. John D. Neumann Prop., Inc. 927 15th St. N.W.. NA. 2321. ____ —id COLORED VACANT 5 BEDROOMS Located nr. Cardozo High Is this splend’d 8-rm. brk. home with 2 full baths, lavatory in bsmt.. porches, hot-water heat. Can be bought with #2.000 down. Moderate PARK ROAD HOUSING DB. 1710, VL 4765. —10 COLORED—VACANT 4440 KANSAS AVE. N.W. Six lovely rooms and full bsmt.: 3 lovely bedrms.. In very good condi tion Possession at settlement. Price 514,950 with only $2,000 cash. BURKS REALTY CO. DP. 3333 tUl 9 p.m. daily. —10 COLORED—VACANT $995 Down—Petworth Lovely semldet. brk home, off Oa. ave. n.w.; front porch. « rms., bath full bsmt.. oil heat: 25x140 lot. det garage. Hurry, this will go; tradei your old home or low down payment ; 1st NATL REALTY. RE. 3531. Call day, night and Sun._ COLORED PETWORTH—52.500 DOWN Near New Hampshire ave. and Randolph st.; modern 2o-ft. row brick: arranged for 2 families; has apt. of 3 rms. and lavatory on 1st fl.; apt.. 2 rms., kit. and bath on 2nd fl.; fl~eplace: basement bath; oil Mr.n*T^k:e. *TE « ^ L. T. GRAVATTE 1518 K St. N.W., JOjltor, NA. 0753. HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. COLORED FOXHALL Poxhall rd. to P it.. 4509. 4511, 4508 P »t. Rouses and land as is. Build era make offer. Box 162-L, Star. —11 COLORED—VACANT “ 1368 NEWTON ST. OPEN SUNDAY. 3-6 I splendid 6-rm. home, semidetached: 3 porches, lxe. yard. 2-car cement karaxe. Ice. bsmt.. (as lurnace. You will like this home. Come and see It. PLANT ft GORDON. INC. L374 Park Rd. N.W. CO. 0*3T __ —10 COLORED—Beautiful brk , new-house cond.: 16 rms. incl. 3 baths at Mass, and 12th st. n.w.: 11 ms. Incl. 3 baths at 8 and New Hampshire ave.: n.w.; 6 rms. Meridian pi., nr. Park rd. n.w. Call Mr. Stern. CO. 1684. AVON SHOCKEY, REALTOR ru. 2100 829 Kennedy Bt. N.W. _—10 COLORED * 4405 18th St. N.W. OPEN 1 TO o SUNDAY Beautiful det. brick, facing and ever looking Rock Creek Park; 1st. fl. spacious liv. rm., din. rm.. kit. and den: 2nd fl. 3 bedrms., 2 with In closed porches, 2 baths, full attic; bsmt. with extra bath. 2-car brick garage; ample yards. Asking $31,. 500; ^substantial cash. Mr. Douglas. John R. Pinkett, Infc. 1302 New Jersey Ave. N.W. DU. 070? —10 COLORED—VACANT OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 . 248 10th ST. 8. B. lamerson built. 6 rms.. 2 heated porches, concrete front porch, built in garage. New-house cond. FRED EHRLICH 1018 Vermont Ave. N.W. ST. 0450. Eves., LI. 7-2789. _—10 COLORED HOMES, PLUS INCOME 3 rms., 2 baths, 2 kits. In Washing ton's most desirable neighborhood. Conv. transp. to all pointi of the city; conv. to stores and schools. The price is very reas. for $13,500 with $2,000 cash. For further in formation, call R. W. HORAD. MI. 537.1__—10 _ COLORED—VACANT UPSHUR ST. N.W. Lovely corner home with 2 separate apts., consisting of 6 rms. and bath In each apt. Separate entrances, bsmt.. oil h.-w.h. Live rent free. Call now. ST. 3B28 till 9 p.m. —9 COLORED Splendid brick at 'A'24 1st st. n.w. Has liv. rm.. receptlonal hall. din. rm.. kit. and pantry on 1st fl.; 3 bedrms. and bath on the 2nd fl.: 2 bedrms. on the 3rd fl.: full bsmt., oil h.-w.h. A former parsonage and In good condition. $18,300 with good te ms. Call A. A. CAROZZA CO. _ Exclusive Realtor. 2327 PENNA. AVE. 8.E. LU. 4-0049. EVENINGS. AX. 7776. —9 ♦ COLORED—15th AND ALLISON 2-FAMILY BRICK Beautiful Colonial home: recently renovated throughout: gas radia tor heat: garate: $4,300 down, $11£ month. Call til 8 p.m. R. A. HUMPHRIES 808 N. Capitol. Realtors. NA. 6020, _—9 COLORED BROKERS CO-OP. INVITED 4121 Illinois ave. n.w.—Vacant and Immaculate condition. Reasonablj priced. 1833 Bay st. s.e.—Vacant. Bultablr for 2 apts. Moderately priced. 413 Upshur st. n.w.—To be redec orated. Owner wants Immediate sale. 1705 2nd st. n.e.—Spacious home foi discriminating purchaser. 3001 Vista st. n.e.—Corner detacher’ bungalow. 6 rms. and all modern improvements. On lot 50x100. AH these homes can be purchases with reasonable down payments ELLIS KOSSOW REALTY 1129 Vermont Ave. N.W. ST. 0436; Eves.. OR. 2784. —10 HOUSES FOR SALE—N,t. 4-RM. FRAME BOUSE, "as Is": 3-pr bath and elec.: 75-ft. lot: title deal 710 llth st. n.e. $1,000 cash. Cal1. AD. 9079 for key. —10 BY OWNER—$12,750. Flve-rm . semidetached Brk.: recr. rm.: aa a.-c. heat. Assume QI 47i loan. LA. 6-4622. —10 BY OWNER—3730 18th 8T. N.E. ■ Brick, detached, fenced corner; he 7 rooms. 2 baths, breezeway and gs rage; assume $15,000 trust, the ref . cash. White only, no agents. —10 30th ST. N.E.—Large bungalow: 7 bedrms.. living, rm.. din. rm.. kit 1st floor; 1 rm.. bath. 2nd Boor front porch, garage; oil h.-w.h THOMAS P. BROWN 615 4th st S.W. NA. 1819. WI, 4452. —10 BROOKLAND Lge. corner frame det. house, 7 rms 2V, baths, and 3rd flr. apt., exee cond. throughout Ideal tor hoir and Income, or lge. family. Call Mr Lynch. RE. 658j: eves.. DE 525: WOODWARD St NORRIS. Realtor. FACING TAFT REC. CENTER 1800 block Otis st. n.e.; 6 rms., o ' h.-w.h.; screened porch, down: It closed porch, up.; excel, cond.: Idei for young growing family: attra< tively priced. Call Mr. Lynch. RT 6585: eves.. DE. 5253. WOODWARi Sc NORRIS. Realtors._ AVONDALE Attrac. det. brick home on lge.. leve’ Anchor-fenced lot; consisting of spacious rms., i‘i baths, den on 1 fl : recr. rm. In bsmt-; slate roo oil heat. Reasonably priced f $18,950. Substantial cash requires FRED A. SMITH CO. 1113 17th SJ. N.W. EX. 2480. CHILLUM AREA Off N. Hampshire Ave. 101 SHERIDAN ST. OPEN SAT.. 1 TO 6 VACANT, IMMED. POSSESSION Lovely det. Colonial brick home, nr Eastern ave. Two lge. bedrms.. 1’ baths, lst-fl. carpeting, flnlshr bsmt. with rec. rm. and workshor Will be sold today with reas. term. Call OE. 6552 Auerbach & Co., DI. 6501 N. WOODRIDGE 3622 28th ST. N.E. OPEN SUNDAY. 1 TO DARK See thle lovely home In this destrabi nelghborhood: 6 rms., powder rm. o first floor; expansible attic; slat roof: garage: on nice landscaped lot convenient to downtown. May t. seen at your convenient by callin TU. 2860; eves., CO. 8414. JOSEPH TISHLER, Realtor •—10 ' Woodridge Picture House Lovely 5-rm. bungalow with fu bsmt. and expans. 2nd 11.; only blk from school: beautiful rose gai den: owner forced to sell lmmed will take limited down paymen: NO. 0664.—13 OPEN 1 TILL DARK CHILLUM HEIGHTS 5415 N. CAPITOL ST. A home of distinction for the discriminating buyer. Your inspection will be rewarded by Its attractiveness and line ap pointments. Spacious 4-bedrm. det brick Colonial, with 3Mi baths. A few of its fine fea flires include the mirrored black glass flrecl. fine broad loom wall-to-wall carpeting, glass chandeliers, paneled recr. rm with flrepl. and bath, l*e. screened porch, attached gar. and many others too numerous to mention, Conv. to every thing. and priced right at $28,500. on excellent terms. Shown by appt. only; brokers co-operation invited Call PERRY BOSWELL, INC WA. 4500 —a Detached Bungalow $1,250 DOWN—VACANI Lovely det. bungalow consisting e: Uv. rm.. din. rm.. kit.. 2 bedrms. am bath on 1st fl.; 2 large bedims, on ■2nd fl.; conv. to transp.: lovel: grounds. Call ST. 3020 'till 9 p.m jQfflce open Sunday._ —9 $1,750 DOWN Near sth and 8. Dakota ave. n.e. • lovely 5-rm. semidet. brk. home pack and front yards: big Iron’ porch. Immed. poss. LA. 0-4854. __—10 Nr. Kaywood Gardens Det. Colonial brick: 8 rms.; 2 tiled baths and den: rec. rm.. laundry rm.: 2 open fireplaces; gas h.-w.h.; beautiful lot: Anchor fence; sarage. Income possibilities. A lovely cus tom-built home for the price of a 0-rm. house op easy terms. Call Mr. Dougherty. UN. 9206. ROGER MOSS, Realtor 2125 Rhode Island Ave. N.E. _HO. 0020.__ —10 _ Beautiful Big 3-Bedroom BRICK—$14,750 3900 block Ames st. n.e.—Large screened front porch, spacious livln* room, full dining room, well equipped kitchen: 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor; 3talrway to oored attic space for additional room: basement has recreation room, cooling cell-r; most modern ldry. facilities: *4 bath. 2 outside en trances. Call Mr. Taylor or Mr. - Berens. Jr FREDERICK W. BERENS BALES INC —1502 K St. N.W. __NA- 5000 —10 (Continued on Next 'Pass*