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B fimry Smarting •' minor Quick uk of this amazing relief Ktt* htndv Vm •hofor itch of airaple raah* dry eczema RESINOL advertisement: HOW mgr CAM UCK IRREGULARITY tlx clogging; TMKSIEHT kM! Take all vegetable Olive Tablets, IK, 30* * 60*. DR. EDWAROS'vSSHSUs Goodbye Heartburn -Hello TUMS! • i House Slated to Vote Additional Funds for Alaska Civil Defense Additional outlays for civil de fense in Alaska may be voted on by the House next week. This was indicated when the House Rules Committee yesterday cleared a Senate-approved meas ure to exempt the territory from a requirement that States match Federal funds allotted for that purpose. The committee voted approval, following a sharp discussion in which Representative Brown, Re publican, of Ohio protested against what he described as “asinine” civil defense projects in many cities. E. L. Bartlett, Alaska Delegate in the House, told the committee a bombing attack on Alaska in the event of war, might be not only “in a matter of minutes," but also could be devastating to the civil ian population living in frame structures and in widely scattered communities. He urged that New Mats, Medcally Pram miOOl III SI9MUCI OF US Do you ever suffer stomach gsis, heartburn from acid indigestion? Get these amazing new BiSoDoL® Mints and keep ’em handy— they taste like candy—give fast 5-way relief. 1. Speed relief from gas—settle stomach. 2. Give complete, longer-lasting relief than baking seda. 3. Relieve heartburn, upset from tee much food, drink, smoking | 4. Let you sleep when acid indigestion strikes at night. 5. Sweeten your breath—refreshing, minty flavor. Carry new BiSoDoL Minims for fast, complete relief from acid indl gestion-anywhere, anytime. Antibiotic Drugs Cleared In Death of Two Children' ty th* Associated Press LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13—Asth ma and bronchial pneumonia killed two small children whose deaths originally were blamed on antibiotics, autopsies have dis closed. Dr. Edward M. Butt, chief pa thologist at General Hospital, said there was no evidence that any antibiotic administered to either of the children caused death. He said that Carole Ann Whitlock, 18 months, had been administered Chloromycetin, but succumbed Sunday to bronchial pneumonia, and that Jackson Lee Beakley, 2, given aureomycin, died of asthma. Physicians who attended the children refused to sign death cer tificates, pending an investigation. Dr. Roy Gilbert, county health officer, said he has no reason to believe that any . antibiotic drug now being used will nave any ef fect other than beneficial. I Alaska be allotted an additional $5.2 million for civil protective construction, such as hospital and shelter facilities. The Territorial Legislature re cently appropriated $400,000 for civil defense and, under existing law, would be entitled to a similar amount from the Federal Govern ment, 'he explained. The per capita appropriltion is bigger than that of any State except New York, but is far from sufficient to meet civil defense needs, he said. Mr. Brown said he recognized that “Alaska would be immediately under the gun” in any attack from Siberia and that the civilians of that American territory should have adequate protection. But he was worried, he said, that a large outlay of funds might lead to the same sort of “asinine things that are being done in civil defense in this country.” L GET FREE PACKAGE ropfly AMITONE has relieved thou sands from heartburn, acid indigestion . . . “Hurry-Worry Stomach.” AMITONE acts quickly and keeps you feeling good longer because it alone contains Glycine^ to regulate excess stomach acids. The formula is patented. AMITONE tastes good, too. Refreshing, minty flavored tablets melt on your tongue. See for yourself, today: Take coupon to your druggist. GOOD FOR FRIE TRIAL PACKAGE OF AMITONE Offer good only while supply fasts. DRUGGIST: This coupon good for 6-tablet trial package of AMITONE. (Not redeemable in States where illegal or taxed.) News of Music Philadelphia Orchestra Accents Variety and Entertainment By Elena de Sayn The Philadelphia Orchestra last night provided more variety and entertainment than usual in its program presented in Constitution Hall under the direction of Alex ander Hilsberg. Mr. Hilsberg led the orchestra is its associate conductor for the last time last night. He resigned his post, owing to the pressure of out-of-town engagements, but may return in the future as guest conductor. Of the two novelties listed, Lo cateili’s “Concerto for Pour Vip lins, String Orchestra and Organ, Op. 1, No. 12,” came first. It was. peffortned by four violinists taken from the ranks of the group— Jacob Krachmalnick, concert master; David Madison, assistant concertmaster, and Sol Ruden and Morris Shulik, leaders of the sec ond violin section, with Robert Elmore of Philadelphia at the organ. Well matched tonally and emo-i tionally, the violinists put into their execution a great deal of! musical expression and finish. The! score, revised by Alceo Toni, an Italian composer of distinction,; abounded in short soli for each' of the violins. They were often seconded by the rich sound of a single viola or the entire viola section. Two soli for piano with orches tra; Liszt’s “Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major” and the composer’s “Hungarian Fantasia,” played by Claudio Arrau, lent glitter to the evening. A stupendous technician, Mr. Arrau dispatched the breath taking pianistic feats with the greatest ease and vigor. His digi tal velocity, the power of his wrists, his sweeping octaves and the feather-like delicacy at his command, were all there. But with all this display, a little too obvious by its calculated effect, Mr. Arrau missed the finer points of the concerto—its sincerety. The composer’s ways of expression may be outmoded, yet his music is not quite as shallow as Mr. Arrau led us to believe. The six dances of Bartok’s “Dance Suite for Orchestra," in their first local performance, had Western Night Classes Registration Extended Registration for night classes at Western Junior High School, Mas sachusetts avenue extended, will be taken at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the school. The curriculum includes art, in terior decoration, physical educa tion, shop and clothing construc tion. A $2.50 fee is required for a 48-hour term. Round-Table on Inflation Dr. Fred Dirks of the Interna tional Monetary Fund, will con duct a round-table discussion on inflation in defense planning at 8 p m. tomorrow in Copley Lounge, Georgetown University. The dis cussion is being sponsored by the university’s economics department. some of the barbaric element as* sociated with the American-Indian war dances. The frequent use of various brass and woodwind In struments for short solos, em phatic rhythms and sound effects were full of color without recourse to much dissonance, characteristic of Bartok’s compositions of a later period. Schubert’s “Symphony No. 5, in B-flat Major,” an outgrowth of a string quartet, played in the house of Schubert’s father, often referred to as the “symphony without trumpets and drums.” rounded out a thoroughly enjoy able program, skillfully directed by Mr. Hilsberg. ADVERTISEMENT. ***** WUMTIPM RELIEVES ITCHY SKIN "»<> -7 » modern hljfhljr medicated ■ntmeptic—promptly relieves itch and aid* healing of surface akin TFUa nnd acalp lrritationi_». ZEMO How!TOU e*M ALWAYS HAVI Clean Dental Plates Uaart art thritlad by faster-acting Klaanita'i thorough, apaady action. They can hardly baliava tobacco (taint, •nucin film, dantura odor, all couM ditappaar to quickly. Danturaa taata to troth, fool to comfortable. look to REALLY clean. No bruthing ie nacetsary with a Klaanita bath. Cat Ktaeinita at druggitt't today. KLEENITE Standard Drug Co. Standard Drag Co. $12.95 GENERAL ELECTRIC * Standard Drug Co. TOAST MASTER AUTOMATIC POP-UP TOASTER $22.00 LIST PRICE $7.25 RONSON Lighter Standards Lew Price Standard Drag Co. $’2.25 Honson TABLE Lighter Standard's Low Prica Standard Drag Co. ...... CANDY - VALENTINE —-i u : . $1.35 BUNTE RED HEART BOX A ckirmlu rift pack ape of Asserted Llfbt »nd Bitter Sweet Cost- 1 ed Chocolate Caramels, I Nonsats and others. 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