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W«ath«r Forecast Cloudy with light rain or drizsle this aft ernoon and tonight; low tonight n£ar 62. Tomorrow, mostly cloudy and somewhat warmer. (Full report on Page A-2.) Midnight, 59 6am 58 11 a.m. ...65 2am 58 8 am. ___s9 Noon 67 4 am. 58 10 am. ___62 1 pm. ___6B 100th Year. No. 152. Phone ST. 5000 Eisenhower Off For U. S.; Lands Here Tomorrow General Is Jovial as He Boards Plane At Paris Airport By th» Associated Pratt PARIS, May 31.—Gen. Eisen hower took off for the United States and a possible political fu ture today after nearly a year and a half as the Western world’s top soldier in Europe. His plane left the Orly Field runway at 9:04 a.m. (EDT). He is scheduled to arrive In Washington at 4 p.m. EDT to morrow. To keep that time schedule he will have a few hours lay-over to Picture on Page A-3 rest enroute, probably in Gander, Newfoundland. In a brief farewell address at the airport, the general declared: “Mrs. Eisenhower and I are leaving this wonderful country and hospitable people not only with a feeling of regret and grati tude but with a feeling of confi dence that the glory of France is again on the rise.” Farewells Are Jovial. He spent about 15 minutes at the airport in a last jovial good bye to the Allied officers and their wives from supreme headquarters. He is to spend the night in Stephenville and will be given a ceremonial welcome by his mili tary colleagues and political back ers on arrival in Washington. The general reviewed an honor guard of French troops, accom panied by his successor as su preme commander, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, and French Defense Minister Rene Pleven. Roses for Mrs. Elsenhower. Mrs. Eisenhower, dressed in a red suit and Mack hat. wort the “wings” of honorary commander of the four-engined Constellation on which they flew home. When airport employes prei *hted her a I bouquet of roses, she thanked them heartily and wiped a tear from her eye. Riding on the plane with the Eisenhowers were: Maj. Gen. Howard Snyder, Gen. Eisenhowfr’s personal physician, and Mrs. Snyder; Chief Warrant Officer John Good, secretary; M/Sergt. Leonard Dry, chauffeur; M/Sergt. John Moaney. orderly. These four members of the Army will remain on Gen. Eisenhower's personal staff for the present. Lt. Col. Craig Cannon, aide-de camp. who will return to Europe and has been assigned to a com bat engineer battalion in Ger many; Capt. John Whitehurst, in charge of the general’s household, who will return to SHAPE as spe cial services officer; Miss Rose Woods. Mrs. Eisenhower’s secre tary and companion. Ridgway to Get Plane. Gen. Eisenhower’s plane, the Columbine, named after the State flower of Colorado, Mrs. Eisen hower’s home State, will return to Paris for the use of Gen. Ridgway, under a different name. Maj. Wil liam Draper is pilot. Yesterday Gen. Eisenhower turned over to Gen. Ridgway the job he began more than a year ago—building up the forces of 14 nations into a defense line against Red aggression. As he relinquished his North Atlantic command in a brief ceremony on the front lawn of Supreme Headquarters outside Paris, Gen. Eisenhower told'Gen. Ridgway “it is now my proud duty to turn over to you the finest headquarters I have ever seen. The task is now yours.” About 400 officers and their families gathered to watch the ceremony held beneath the flags of the 14 NATO nations. Pofafo Wholesaler Enjoined on Prices A District Court judge today ordered a produce wholesaler to stop selling potatoes above ceiling prices until an OPS accusation against the firm can be heard June 9. The restraining order was issued by Judge Burnita Shelton Mat thews against Constantine N. Pap pas and Leon N. Pappas, who operate Pappas Brothers in the 400 block of K street N.W. On OPS suit against the firm charges that potatoes were sold at $7.28 a hundred pounds—sl.22 above ceiling. The suit also said “tie-in” sales of other vegetables were made, but the other vege tables were not delivered. The suit asks treble damages and an injunction against the wholesaler. It is part of a series of suits being filed through the Nation by OPS in an effort to hold above-ceiling sales of potatoes while they are scarce. Laughton Makes It To London on Plane By Associated Press LONDON. May 31.—Charles Laughton, who started from New York to London by plane six days ago, finally made it last night. The rotund actor’s first plane got 300 miles over the Atlantic, developed engine trouble and turned back. He then took a plane that had to stop at New Found land for repairs. Mr. Laughton, who came here l to visit his 85-year-old mother, Plan to Take G. O. P. Delegates To Visit Eisenhower Protested National Organization Won't Pay Expenses, Backers Say After 'Near Bribery' Charges By Iks Associated Press Gen. Eisenhower, homeward bound today, was flying straight into an angry political squall kicked up by a plan for Republi can convention delegates to visit him, expenses paid. Protests against the plan’s no cost feature arose from the politi- Other Political Stories, Pago A-3 cal manager of Senator Taft of Ohio, who holds a delegate lead over Gen. Eisenhower in the tight Republican presidential nomina tion race. The campaign manager for Senator Estes Kefauver, Ten nessean who leads Democratic candidates, also protested. The howls of political pain went up yesterday, shortly after Eisen hower-for-President headquarters here disclosed that every Repub lican national convention delegate had been invited to call on the general in any of three places— Gen. Eisenhower’s hometown, Abilene, Kan.; New York, or Den ver. A headquarters spokesman said expenses would be footed by local, not national, Eisenhower organizations, if not borne by delegates. . Rival Camps Criticize Plan. Before Eisenhower Committee backers denied that the national organization would pay for a thousand or more visits to their candidate, Taft and Kefauver headquarters blasted the plan. Gael Sullivan, Kefauver man ager, called the plan “gross bribery.” He said the Justice Department should investigate to determine “the extent of violation of the Corrupt Practices Act.” This’Federal statute defines per missible practices in political campaigns. David S. Ingalls, national chair man of the Taft-for-President Committee, said in a statement: “The plan comes pretty close Virginia Convention Os Republicans Opens With Taft in Control Eisenhower Supporters Are Hoping to Capture Four Delegates-at-Large ' By Atex R. Preston Star Staff Carrupanctent ROANOKE, Va.. May 31.—The largest, most enthusiastic Repub lican State convention in Vir ginia’s history opened here today. Forces behind Senator Taft for President were in control of key positions, but supporters of Gen. Eisenhower hoped to capture the four remaining delegates at large to be selected to go to Chicago. Republican supporters of the Ohio Senator chalked up a pre liminary victory, however, even before the convention got to work. Three Taft Delegates Seated. That victory came last night at a meeting of the State Central Committee, which voted to put the names of three Taft-favoring delegations- on the temporary roll of the convention over three con testing pro-Eisenhower slates- These were delegations from Richmond and adjacent Henrico County—a part of the 3d con gressional district whose two na tional delegates are in dispute— and the Central Virginia county of Amherst. Eisenhower supporters’still have a chance —an admittedly slim one —to be seated, if they can plead their cases successfully before the convention’s credentials commit tee. Senator Taft held an eight-to one lead over Gen. Eisenhower in committed delegates of Virginia’s total of 23 before the convention opening. Six delegates already named are uncommitted, two are in dispute and two remain to be named in the 7th district. Will Name State Chairmen. In addition to electing the dele gates-at-large, the convention also will name a State party chairman—either present Chair man Robert H. Woods, a Taft man who is running for re-elec tion, or State Senator S. Floyd Landreth, who has not publicly expressed his presidential pref erence. Mr. Woods, a candidate for one of the delegate-at-large posts, predicted confidently that Vir ginia would be in the Republican (See VA. G. O. P.. Page A-3.) U. S. Flyer Killed as Jet Dives in Mediterranean >By Iht Auoc iated Bra** WIESBADEN, Germany, May 31.—An F-84 Thunder jet from Germany crashed into the Medi terranean near Tripoli last Thurs day and the pilot was lost, the United States 12th Air Force an nounced here today. First Lt. Eugene L. Cooley, 26, Dayton, Ky., a member of the 86th Fighter Bomber Wing at Neubiberg airbus* was identified as the pilot. Jews and Arabs Clash AMMAN, Jordan, May 31 (AP). — Jewish and Arab border guards were reported to have clashed yesterday in the Ramallah district on the line which divides Palestine between Israel and Jordan. Arab Legion headquarters here said W\t Itienitra §tar V S J V WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION L/ ** s WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1952—THIRTY-SIX PAGES. to efforts at bribery and is only one example of the money poured by Wall Street into the Eisen hbwer campaign." Eisenhower headquarters Called Mr. Ingalls’ statement “false and vicious.” Final Days in Uniform. Meanwhile, plans were laid for Gen. Eisenhower’s final days in uniform as the organizer of Allied defenses against communism in Europe, and his first days as an ex-commander in the midst of a hot political struggle. Gen. Eisenhower indicated he wants to make the change by degrees. In Paris, as he was packing to leave, he told re porters: 1. He would keep his uniform on during his journey home and during conferences in Washing ton. After his official conferences end late Tuesday, he said, he will put on civilian clothing. 2. “If I am called as standard bearer of a political party, at that moment my resignation (of his commission as an Army officer) will be in the hands of the Pres ident.” 3. .He reiterated that he would not campaign for nomination. His headquarters here said that meant he planned no transcon tinental speaking tours. Elaborate Welcome Plano- Elaborate plans were laid by the military for Gen. Eisenhower’s official welcome home at National Airport around 4 o’clock tomor row afternoon. It was previously announced that Gen. Eisenhower would be taken almost immediately to see President Truman at the White House, and would confer again with the President before leaving for Abilene late Tuesday. The general will make an ad dress from Abilene Wednesday over a Nation-wide radio-TV hookup. Taft and Eisenhower Forces Swap 'Smear' Blasts in South Dakota Ex-Gov. Mickelson Admits His PurirYirtp Cost Was Borne by Committee By Associated PIERRE, S. Dak., May 31. Alleged “smear” tactics and an expense-paid trip to Paris became hot issues today in the bitterly fought contest for South Dakota’s 14 Republican presidential nomi nating delegates. Former Gov. George T. Mlckel son was the central figure in the newest outbreak in intra-G. O. R. warfare. He is heading a slate of delegates running for Gen. Eisen hower against a slate backing Sen ator Taft of Ohio in next Tues day’s presidential primary. Mr. Mickelson told the Asso ciated Press, in reply to charges leveled by David S. Ingalls, Sena tor Taft’s campaign manager, that the National Eisenhower Commit tee had picked up the transporta tion check for his recent visit to the general in Paris. Doesn’t Know Amount. Mr. Mickelson said he doesn’t know what total expenditure was involved but that he spent S3OO of his own money. Mr. Ingalls had brought up the question of Mr. Mickelson’s ex ses on a trip that produced a statement by the former Governor that Gen. Eisenhower supports % program of farm price supports. The farm vote in the South Da kota primary could be a decisive factor. Mr. Mickelson denied emphat ically that any South Dakota Re publican delegate elected in the primary will have a free ride to talk to Gen. Eisenhower in Denver or any other stopping place after the general takes off his uniform next Tuesday to become a civilian candidate for the presidential nomination. Calls Plan Bribery. Leaders in some States said such a program of expense free trips to consult with Gen. Eisen hower is in the works for their delegations. Mr. Ingalls declared in a Wash ington statement yesterday that the purported plan for the trips “comes pretty close to efforts for bribery.” Mr. Mickelson said he doesn’t know about that but he believes there is a definite effort in the primary campaign here “to viciously smear” the general. 25 of 31 Wet Days This Month Put Rainfall Inch Over Average The weather this month has been wet—as everyone knows— i with rain during 25 out of 31 i days. I Average precipitation for May. the month of flowers, is 3.70 : inches. Washington has had about ; an inch more than that this : month, and before it ends at mid night, will have received still more. Except for last Sunday, no one 1 day has been what you’d call sat- : urated. Sunday, though,. poured 1.06 inches over the Capital in 40 i minutes. Hie day’s total was 1.60. i The days the clouds took it easy i were May 3. 7, 14, 22. 27 and 28. I No rain at all on those days. On 1 Reds Order Out 43 Families From Berlin Suburb Tension Mounts As Police Tighten Zonal Restrictions By 4ha Associated Prill BERLIN. May 31.—Communist police abruptly seized the hamlet of Buergerablage on the fringe of West Berlin today and ordered its 43 families to get out of their homes. Western authorities here was part of the Commu nist program to seal Berlin off from the surrounding Russian zone. As part of the increasing Com munist pressure in the campaign against the newly signed West German peace contract, the Rus sians also turned back Allied pa trol cars on the Berlin-Helmstedt Autobahn for the sixth straight day. West Berliners feared a new blockade was lr the making. Families Ordered Out. Buergerablage lies just within the Russian zone, but adminis tratively it belonged to the bor ough of Spandau, in the British sector. Suddenly this morning the black-clad Communist Volks polizei (People’s Police) appeared and knocked on the doors of the residents. The 43 families were told to clear out. They were given no reason. The East German Communist Government has announced it is setting up a “security belt” along the zonal border. It claimed this was necessary to “keep out spies and saboteurs” from West Ger many. which this week signed political and military alliances with the West. But nothing was said about sealing off Berlin with a similar no-man’s-land. Therefore, the swoop on tiny Buergerablage came as a surprise. West Berlin police said the people there were told by the Communist police they should pack up and go to West Berlin— •where you belong.” Stir Hate Campaign. Meanwhile, the Communists whipped up a fresh hate cam paign against free West Berlin which might forbode new blockade as well as border seizures. The Russian - controlled ADN news agency distributed a long article charging that West Berlin wae “a base of agents and black mar keters.” It said Communist police were frequently being attacked by “agents and saboteurs” and that the situation was intolerable. This was apparently a buildup for new restrictions against the city. More than 100 miles to the west the Communists also stepped up their evacuations in the “security belt” along the zonal border with West Germany. There they plucked another 40 families out of the town of Hoetensleben and shipped them off to the interior. Road Traffie Normal. Road traffic along the big super highway connecting Berlin with the free world was normal, but Berliners awaited the invocation tomorrow of an East German gov ernment order requiring special passes for Germans traveling in the Soviet zone. Their announcement said that special passes would be required of all travelers, and West Ber liners feared that this might also be applied' to trucks Tolling sup plies and raw materials into the city. The West meanwhile awaited a reply to a stiff protest submitted yesterday to Soviet Gen. Vassily I. Chuikov against the patrol car ban and “obstructive measures” taken by the East German gov ernment. Deputy United States High Commissioner Samuel Reber, in a note which was duplicated by the British and French, demanded that the cars be allowed to pass and harassing tactics of the East German government be stopped. Reds Report U. S. Delegate On Hand for Peiping Talks By <tw Auocioted Pro** HONG KONG. May 31.—The Chinese Communist news agency said today delegates from 15 coun tries, including the United States, have arrived in Peiping for the preparatory meeting of Red China's “Asian and Pacific peace conference.” John' Kingsbury, chairman of the left-wing American-Soviet Friendship League, was Identified as the United States delegate. Other countries represented by the 35 delegates include Australia, Burma, Korea. Mongolia. New Zealand, Russia and the Viet Minh. 11 other days, the Weather Bu reau recorded a trace. The rest of the month was wet enough to be measurable. The worst recorded May Wash ington ever swam through was 63 years ago when 10.69 inches of rain fell. That year, 1889. was extraordi narily damp. It also had the wet test April, 9.13 inches, and the heaviest November precipitation, 8.69, in the record books. The Capital’s Junes are.gen erally rainy, too. The average one has 4.13 inches of min. This one is starting out in traditional fashion. Tomorrow’s forecast is for scattered showers. That Makes It Three Out! West Could Beat New Blockade Os Berlin, Gen. Clay Declares Leader of 1948 Airli Os Bonn Peace Coni By *h« Auociated Pr*>« NEW YORK, May 31.—The man who broke the Soviet blockade of Berlin with the historic airlift of 1948-9 says the West can whip another one, if and when the Russians impose it. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, former United States Military Governor of Germany, noted the Soviet Union is making menacing ges tures in Germany but he does not believe they are ready to make war. “It is always possible that they would push us more than we would take, but I doubt that.” he said. “I think war will come only if the Barrett Available For Quiz Next Week, Counsel Indicates Ford Declares Client Is Not Running Away From Anything By Jack Jonas F’ormer Police Chief Robert J. Barrett’s attorney indicated strongly today that his client— sought by Senate crime probers and as a witness in a police trial board base—would be available next week to answer some ques tions. The lawyer. Charles E. Ford, said Mr. Barrett “never ran from a gangster or a gunman” and said he does not believe he is running away from anything now. He said his statement could be taken “as a hint” that the major might be ready to answer some questions next week. Had Planned Checkup. Earlier, the District Crime Com mittee. unrelenting in its efforts to find Mr. Barrett, indicated it Would check into records of per sons who may have had con tact with him. The crime probers want to talk to Mr. Barrett about $17,400 which a witness told the Senators he had spent above the money that was available to him from salary, cash in the bank and his investments. Failed to Appear at Hearing. Mr. Barrett failed to show up Wednesday for questioning at a scheduled closed session. Committee sources would not confirm officially that records are being scanned in an effort to locate Mr. Barrett. But they have said privately that even though the investigative life of the com mittee ends today, they will not give up their efforts to question the former chief. When Mr. Barrett failed to ap pear Wednesday, the committee questioned one of its accountants, Jerome J. Steiker, about what the accountant had learned in his investigation of Mr. Barrett’s finances during a 33-month period ending last September 30. Police, meantime, still are look ing into the case of Inspector Bev erly C. Beach, suspended when he couldn’t explain $18,300 which the Senators said he received above his acknowledged income. Cheek on $2,900 Loan. Police paid a visit Wednesday to the home of Mrs. Mary Wyckoff, widow of Sergt. Ernest F. Wyckoff. It is believed they asked her about a $2,000 loan which Inspector Beach said he made to Sergt. Wyckoff. A cash deposit of SI,OOO, In spector Beach said, represented partial payment of that loan. He made the explanation after first telling the committee that the money came as payment of a loan made to his brother-in-law. The new story was given after the brother-in-law denied making! the payment. ift Urges Ratification tract as Best Answer Soviets are ready for war. I doubt very much that they think they can win such a war now. If they had wanted a war and were pre pared for it, we would have had it in 1947.” Gen. Clay left Germany in 1949 after directing the airlift which dealt the Soviet Union a mighty ' psychological blow. He is chair man of the board of the Conti ' nental Can Co. and also heads the privately operated Crusade for Freedom which supports Radio ' Free Europe's broadcasts. The Russians today are making ' gestures which lead many to think another blockade is in the offing. But Gen. Clay feels they are only using their regular tac tics of terror and threat of war to balk Western defense moves. Right now the Russians are intent upon keeping West Germany and Western Europe from ratifying the Bonn peace contract and the European Army treaty. Could Beat Blockade. If they should clamp on a full land blockade of Berlin, Gen. Clay said, an airlift could beat it again. “An airlift today would be even simpler than the one we put on then,” he said. “Our transports to day have double the capacity. The only consideration would be whether the Russians would use force against an airlift, which would be an overt act leading to war. I don't think they are ready for that. “As for Berlin, it is in better shape today to withstand the blockade than it was before. For one thing, it has its own power plant and is no longer dependent upon the Soviet sector for power. And I would assume that Berlin has built up substantial reserves, such as coal.” Gen. Clay disclosed that in the 1948 crisis he once officially rec ommended that the United States, British and French governments undertake sending a convoy down the highway to Berlin. But he accompanied this with a warn ing: If this were undertaken, the three powers would have to be prepared to go to war, should the Russians meet force with force. The three governments turned down the recommendation. In retrospect, Gen. Clay can not say whether the three-power decision was a mistake. “On the one hand, as it turned out, we gained great prestige in the free world by the way we broke the blockade with the airlift,” he observes. “On the other hand, if the people of the United States had been prepared at that time to say they would go to war, we would have found out then whether the Soviet Union was ready or willing to fight. I didn’t think they were.” Situation Different. . But a blockade today would have to be met in a different po litical situation, he added: “If, in fact, the Russians are trying to create conditions which will prevent ratification, obviously the first and best answer would be prompt ratification by the United States and other powers.” ‘Tf, in the event of a blockade now, we made a move to use force without the concurrence of the , other countries, we frould arouse their fears and destroy our own chances to get ratification from them. First, we must get the ratification. The situation is dif ferent from that of 1948. Then, only Berlin was in question. Now all Europe is at stake.” m Kuomintang Congress Set TAIPEH, Formosa, May 31 (£”). ( —Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang 1 party will hold its first congress on Formosa October 10, the party’s central committee reported yes- ' iterday. Chiang presided at the : committee meeting. , Guide for Readers Fate Page Amusements _.B-13 Lost and Found A-3 Church News A-8-10 Obituary A-ll Classified r -A-11-19 Radio-TV A-21 Comics A-20-21 Real Estate .B-l-14 Editorial A-4 Society B-12 Editl Articles A-5 Sports A-6-7 An Associated Press Newspaper Horn# Delivery, Monthly R»te»: Krenlna end Sunday. $1.76; BT f''E , ‘WTQ ■ventag only. 51.30; Sunday only. 45c; Nlxht Final. 10c Additional. *• vv-t-Jlv AO Gen. Van Fleet Doubts Foe Is Planning Early Offensive in Korea U. S. Armored Strength Is Seen Offsetting Reds' 2-1 Troop Superiority ly th« Associated Press • SEOUL, Korea, May 31.—Gen. James A. Van Fleet said today Communist armies in Korea out number United Nations forces 2 to 1 and “suffer for nothing for ( combat,” but he does not expect . an immediate Red offensive, t The United States Bth Army commander at a press conference Other Korean War Storiei. Page A-2 ; took up Bth Army problems. These ranged from the fighting ’ front to the troublesome ‘‘south ern front” at Koje Island’s pris oner of war compounds. On Koje, Gen. Van Fleet said, he believes the situation is under control and the impending break up of the huge 6,000 to 8,000 man compounds into smaller groups will be carried off without inci dent. Foe Builds Resources. “It is true that the enemy has taken advantage of the long stale mate to build up his power and resources,” the general said. “We estimate now that the enemy is two and one-half times greater than the United Nations in numerical combat strength. “We estimate that he has a two-to-one numerical superiority in artillery. “But he is inferior to us in tanks and tank capabilities. "We also believe that if the enemy strikes again, he will use all the air power at his disposal and will use both fighters and bombers to the best of his ability.” Gen. Van Fleet said that any new Communist push would be met by the massed power of the Bth Army and firm determination to smash the Communist forma • tions. In saying the Reds "suffer for nothing for combat.” the general meant they t\ave all the equip ment they need. Explains His Reasoning. Gen. Van Fleet made a formal statement of the reasoning behind . his belief that the Reds would not begin an offensive soon. He said: “It is difficult for me to see how the enemy could win. “If I were the enemy. I would be extremely reluctant to open a major offensive and I would rec ommend against it. “The enemy must realize that the Bth Army, with its trained divisions, its massed firepower, its mobility and its naval and air support would make him pay a disastrous price for any attempt on his part for any major offen sive. “In my opinion the enemy is still smarting from his major de feats last spring, summer and fall, and I do not think he wants to repeat them.” Could Easily Blunt Drive. The general reiterated that the 1 Bth Army probably could stop 1 an enemy offensive more easily than was done in the last major j battles fought in April and May of 1951. j He said, however, every effort is i being made to keep the American, i United Nations and South Korean l forces in the highest pitch of 1 training. j Os the North Korean divisions. ' Gen. Van Fleet said, “If they lose any more men I don’t see how they can maintain their numbers. “They have just about reached the bottom of the manpower barrel.” Gen. Van Fleet said Red armies In Korea have power only to launch a “major limited offensive” and are not strong enough to drive U. N. forces into toe sea. French Police Hit Reds With Series of Raids Arms Are Seized In Crackdown on Party's Quarters By the Associated Press PARIS, May 31.—French police cracked down hard on the Com munists today with a series of dawn raids on Red party head quarters and offices throughout the country. The Ministry of In terior said arms and ammunition were seized in a number of cities. A raid on the headquarters of the Communist-led General Con federation of Labor in Toulon un covered cases of cartridges loaded .with buckshot, the ministry said. Toulon was the scene last night of bloody rioting in which several police were injured. Steel-helmeted police, armed with submachine guns, pounepd on Red offices throughout Par'* in other simultaneous raids, axfl searches in other sections were still going on. Red leaders apparently knew they were coming, however, and managed to burn most of their documents and reports. Police seized what remained. Six Paris Groups Raided. The Interior Ministry said six Communist organizations had been raided in Paris: The Central Na tional Headquarters of the party, the Union of French Women, the Seine Department Federation Headquarters of the party, the Association of Fighters for Peace, the Association of Former Franc- Tireur and Partisan Fighters and the Union of Republican Youth of France. “A considerable stock of black jacks similar to those used in Wed nesday night’s anti-Ridgway dem onstrations” were found in the Union of Republican Youth of France Office, the ministry said. Tear gas squads spearheaded the raid on the party’s national headquarters in Paris, leading to speculation Communist diehard* were barricading themselves in headquarters rooms. Communists barred the doors of some offices and police had to call in lock smiths or climb through windows. Marks “Tough” Policy.” 3 day’s raids were the latest in the government’s new “get-tough” policy against the Reds. They followed the arrest earlier ; this week of France's No. I Red. jJacques Duclos, now in prison on : charges of plotting against the j internal security of the state. Duclos, secretary-general of I France’s Communist Party, and I hundreds of other Reds were ar rested in connection with Wednes day's bloody riots sparked by the arrival of Gen. Matthew B. Ridg way to take over Gen. Eisen hower’s Allied command. When police arrived at the party headquarters in Paris to day, Communist officials hastily barred the door. A locksmith was summoned to force the door. At the same time a ladder was raised from a truck so police could force their way through a window. All the building’s win dows had iron shutters and were barred from the inside. Smash Into Labor Quarters. Other police squads pulled up in front of the headquarters of the CGT and demanded entry. When they were refused they smashed open the door. Detec tives went through the offices seizing various papers. It was the CGT which tried in ivain to drum up a general strike 'ip protest against Duclos’ arrest. At the headquarters of the | “Fighters for Peace,” a Commu nist-line organization on Rue des jPyramides, police moved in with out opposition. The police backed up a 3-ton ! truck to the door of the main Communist headquarters, and ; steel-helmeted officers began haul ling small bundles of papers out of the big stone building. The police grabbed all photog raphers the moment they arrived on the scene and hauled them away in a truck. Duclos Is Transferred. Duclos was moved last night from Suresnes jail to Sante prison in Paris after his lawyers claimed the Red chief—a diabetic—was ailfcig and needed his physicians’ care. They also handed over to the appeals court a letter from Duclos accusing the police, the examining magistrate and the public prosecutor of false arrest. Police also have charged 156 other Communists or fellow trav elers with plotting against the state as a result of Wednesday’s outbreak. McCormick in London LONDON, May 31 (jp)._Admiral Lynde D. McMormick, NATO naval commander in the Atlantic, arrived by air today from Paris for talks with British admiralty leaders. He will go to the United States next week. Home Down Payment Revision Is Explained HOW MUCH CASH?—A remioe of the regulation saying how much cash it needed as down payment for a homo is in the offing. Star Real Estate Editor Robert J. Lewis discusses the pros and cons of relaxing the regulation. Page , ' l ' >