OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 01, 1952, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1952-06-01/ed-1/seq-18/

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Hospital Issues Plea
For Blood Vessels of
Newly Dead Persons
An appeal for blood vessels
from dead persons to help the
living was made last night by
George Washington University
Hospital physicians.
Dr. Brian Blades, professor of
surgery aat the University med
ical school, said a team of hos
pital physicians have agreed to
be ‘‘on call” at any time to ob
tain blood vessel donations from
recently deceased persons. In
order for the blood vessels to be
useful, they must be obtained
within a few hours of death.
After a deceased person’s rela
tives give permission, the needed
blood vessels can be removed by
surgery no more extensive than
standard postmortem procedures.
Asks Widespread Response.
Dr. Blades pointed out that
blood vessels must be seemed from
all available sources if an ade
quate bank is to be maintained for
needs of the Washington com
munity. He said calls to offer
blood vessels may be made at any
hour to the hospital, Sterling 7800.
The operator will connect the
caller with a physician, who will
be able to reach Shy point in the
area within an hour.
The blood vessels—now used as
transplants in an increasing num
ber of operations—must be ob
tained from a person less than 50
years of age. They cannot be
used if the cause of death is leu
kemia or the rseult of an infec
tious disease.
Triplet Guernseys Born
ANNA, HI., (fP). —Triplet Guern
sey heifers—extremely rare—were
born recently on a Southern Illi
nois farm. A veterinarian said the
triplets were nearly identical with
distinctive triangular patches of
white on foreheads and white and
amber markings elsewhere.
IKamkap 1-piece All Steel With Juicer, 3 Beaters, Speed Selector'
Collapsible Wardrobe Rack Triple Whip Mixer
15 98 reg. 39.95 29^
Tired of having a Fibber McGee closet? Then get this collapsible GE Mixer gives you 12 TESTED mixing speeds located
wardrobe rack! Automatically sets up with one easy motion. Auto- at your fingertips for fast speed "dialing." Three
matically folds flat for snug storage behind a door or anywhere. beaters beat every bit of batter. New plastic juicer
.mmmi. —3 Ml ii".* 1 * Ms. M .
Spin-It Window Fan 8" Polar Bear Fan Plastic Garden Hose
3995 7« 4- ,s
_ ____ _ _ __ Reg. 5.95
Reg. 57.35 Reg* 9.95
Here's 50 feet of sturdy hose unaffected by
Save almost S2O! Spin-It Fan Is portable, For an actual 10-mile-an-hour breeze get this sunlight or grease. Has brass couplings, 5-
fits most windows. Two-speed control for 8" blade Polar Beor oscillating fan.. Key-hole year guarantee. Rolls up easily for storage,
intake or exhaust. Baked enamel finish. slot in base for wall mounting. Quiet, too! Save sl, buy now! •*
Tank Cleauer Huffy Lawn Mower Steel Folding Stool
39 5825 3
Reg. 59.95 Reg. 4.0*
Another S2O saving! Has reliable Royal motor, Huffy cuts nasty weeds, 2-foot-high, easily! Reach for high shelves in safety. Our folding
operates on AC or DC. Quiet, lightweight, 16" rotary mowing blades cut going or coming. stool locks open. All-steel construction with
complete with cleaning tools. Royal red case. Lightweight, powerful, quiet. rubber treads. Red with white trim.
' IB
Hr iH
wjlaNfl B
S W '.US Hp
; ill _, L m
jm B WF
DISPOSSESSED BY REDS—Berlin—German youngsters, victims
of the Communist program to seal off Berlin, rest on mattress
after their family and other residents of the Buergerablage
hamlet were dispossessd by East German people’s police.
—AP Wiyephoto via Radio.
Antibiotics Fight Blight
NEW YORK.—Antibiotic drugs
are producing encouraging re
sults in combating fire blight, a
serious and widespread disease
of fruit trees.
Scotswoman Is Modest
i Neighbors of a Scotswoman
said, in Glasgow: “She always
closes thae wee doors that cover
her TV screen in case somebody
sees her goin* tae bed.”
Former Agriculture Official
To Direct Aid so Mexico
Dr. Ross E. Moore, former Agri
culture Department official, will;
direct technical assistance to (
Mexico under the program of the
Institute of Inter-American As- 1
fairs. I
Chauncey O. Rowe, the Insti- 1
tute’s acting president, yesterday ■
made this announcement. Dr. (
Moore becomes director of techni- ]
cal co-operation for all United.
States Point Pour co-operative i
technical aid to Mexico.
Until recently, Dr. Moore was
Auction of Antiques, Etc.
by catalog
Consisting categorically of Aunusual furniture, marquetrie secretary, mahogany sec
retary, choirs, tables, etc. Antique jewelry, diamonds, garnet earrings, etc., for
piercad ears. ★ Fine Meissen porcelain china. ★ Fine crystal. ★ Silver, flat and
hollow ware. * Objects d'art bric-a-brac. Miller grand pianos. A Oriental rugs.
★ Paintings. ★ Many, many fine decorative as well as functional home appoint
ments, etc.
Exhibition: Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 31, June I and 2
From 12 lo 6 P.M. Daily
Auction: Tuesday and Wodnoaday, Jana 3rd and 4th,
commencing at I P.M. aach day
. Sol* Gonductai Paraonally by Eric Bronaan Stanley
Old Georgetown 3218 M Street N.W. Washington, D. C.
Telephone ADams 6476
Stanton Annex Transfer To Negro Pupils Sought I
Transfer of the Stanton School i
annex of eight rooms at Hamilton 1
and Good Hope roads S.E. to
Negro use has been asked by sev- ,
eral civic associations.
The Garfleld-Tumer Parent!
Teacher Association and the Gar
field-Douglas Civic Association
have petitioned the District Board i
of Education for the annex be- i
deputy director of the Office of;
Foreign Agricultural Relations,
Agriculture Department. He was
consultant to the Export-Import
Bank in conjunction with loans to i
Latin-American countries.
cause they claim it is not being
used by white pupils.
The groups also asked the board
to complete a new eight-room
addition to the Turner School,
Alabama avenue and Stanton road
S.E. Construction already has
been approved by the board.
Three large apartment develop-:
ments in the area will add 820 j
new pupils to the school popula
tion in addition to a normal en
rollment of 1,171, the groups con
Even with the additional facili
ties there will be an estimated 489
pupils without accommodations,
the organizations said.
in, AND# MOO
a a a
Your Furs
and Fine
Protect your precious possessions
at Lansburgh’s Safe Storage
Don't take chances on your fine woolens, your pre
cious furs, the family's winter clothes! Protect them
fh# safe, sure way! Phone NA. 9800 right now (or
any haur, any day) and our bonded massangar will
call. We'll whisk your precious clothes to our
fumigated storage vaults!
- Check this litt for storagei
Fun Suits Men's apparel
Wool coats Dresses Children's apparel
Save clothes from 6 summer enemiest
q Moths • Thoft • Dirt
d Fire • Lass • Heat
Lantburgh’t—FUß STORAGE—Sixth Floor
and our bended messenger will cell

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