THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C.
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, a gr*' Don't giro up your figure for the summer!
Keep slim and trim and so eery coot in
T^jo y jfansburghs
I imA Bth AND I STREETS N.W.-NA. 9800
"ir\ Famous Brand Corsets
g Tw Here's cool summer figuring by six famous makers! Designed to provide just the right amount of air-conditioned control and
♦gentle support! Come to Lansburgh's Corset Department—Third Floor and be fitted with the right-weight, lightweight under
" garment to compliment all of your summer clothes!
Laiubttrgh’o—COßSETS—Third floor
Flattering foundation of fancy nylon openwork mesh, with Two-ply nylon marquisette girdle with back and sides of sheer The girdle with diaphragm control, high top, zipper closing,
nylon net bust cups. Boned front, white, B cup, ,35 to 41; nylon leno. Darts furnish smooth control without boning. In white, marquisette or pink taffeta nylon, designed for *
~~ C cup, 34 to 42-16.50 Matching girdles, 27 to 34, white, 10.95 >. >SV4 M and 17", sizes 26-32, white 11.95 and 13.50 summer comfort. 15", sizes 25-32; 16", sizes 26-34—8.95
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High waisted girdle of cool mesh. Controleur back Step in, step ouTof this front ond center zippered foundation. Waist controlling cotton mesh girdle, 15" long, side rein
:r* for sitting comfort, white size 27-34 10.95 . Os sheer marquisette nylon in pink or white. 14", sizes 35- forced ton>r®vent rolling. Boned front, firm back; or bone
■i’V Front lacing corset, 25-36, 7.50 Foundation, 33-40, 10.00 !. 44; 16", sizes 35-48 15.00 less front,Wretch back. Sizes 26 to 34 8.95