Newspaper Page Text
Weather Forecast High near 82, occasional showers today and tonight: low tonight in mid-60s. Tomorrow partly cloudy, less humid, high of 78. (Full report on Page A-2.) Midnight-_74 6 a.m. ..73 11a.m. ..76 2 a.m. 73 8 a.m. ..73 Noon _.76 4 a.m.-.73 10 a.m. __7s 1 p.m. __76 Lote New York Morkets. Page A-17. 100th Year. No. 259. Stevenson Refuses to Indorse All Democrats Seeking Office; Eisenhower Fires Blast at Wit ■ 4 Governor Would Not Appoint Vatican Envoy By J. A. O'Leary Star Staff Correspondent SPRINGFIELD, HI., Sept. 15. Gov. Stevenson refused today to indorse all Democratic candidates from top to bottom, as Gen. Eisen hower has done in the Republican Party. In his first press conference in three weeks, the Democratic nomi-; Stevenson Campaign Highlights Go on j TV and Radio Tonight. Page A-4; nee also revealed that as President ! he would not appoint an American i Ambassador to the Vatican, but sees no disadvantage in the send-; ing of a personal representative. Answering questions freely onj every subject, Gov. Stevenson also! told reporters that: 1. He welcomes the support of Republicans whose hopes for new leadership have been “dashed” by the reunion of Senator Taft and Gen. Eisenhower. Hopes for Tax Reductions. 2. He foresees tax reductions; beginning in fiscal year 1955 if world conditions get no worse. 3. He still thinks outright re peal of the Taft-Hartley Law is the best way to begin writing a new labor law, but is more con cerned over results than methods. When asked if at this moment he indorses all Democratic candi-: dates, the Governor without hesi- j tation replied: “I do not. I will indorse in dividuals.” He indorsed by name John j Cashmore as the Democratic j senatorial candidate in New York. When the question of Nation wide indorsement of Democrats first came up, the Governor said he would have to know the can didates. Utmost Regard for Byrd. Some one then asked what he would say about Senator Byrd when he speaks in Richmond Sat urday. The Governor said the ques tioner would have to wait and see. but he quickly added that he has the “utmost regard” for Senator Byrd’s public service and respects his desire to reduce Federal spend ing and admires his integrity. As to the Senator’s views on all sub jects, he reserved the right to disagree. Taking notice of the Governor’s constant reference to the two headed Republican elephant, a re porter asked if he was running on a “two-rump donkey.” “I think the donkey is running all right—he is a pretty healthy animal,” the Governor replied. The Democratic nominee admit ted that “we have divisions,” as every party does. But he said that the differences between Democrats in the North and South over civil rights are not as dangerous to the effectiveness of the party as are the Republican differences. The Governor began his press; conference by reading a prepared statement in which he said the Eisenhower "great crusade” has become the “great surrender.” Text of Statement. The text of this statement fol lows: “Since returning to Springfield I have had an opportunity to re flect on some of the recent devel opments of the Republican cam paign, particularly the general’s surrender to Senator Taft. “Senator Taft says he prepared his statement before he saw the general. This must be the first time that the vanquished dictated the peace terms to the victor. “From what I’ve read and mes sages I’ve received, I gather that the Republican progressives who fought so hard for the general at Chicago are wondering what has become of the ‘great crusade.’ So am I. “When the people watch the general’s forces locked in bitter struggle in the battle of the Chi cago stockyards in early June, many of them assumed that some thing worthwhile was at stake. (See STEVENSON, Page A-6.) Heat Wove Broken, 82 Top Due Today, Mid-60 Low Tonight The first rain in eight days was forecast for Washington today. The early autumn heat wavp which yesterday sent the tempera ture to 93, one degree short of the record; was broken overnight. Occasional showers were fore cast today and tonight, with a low temperature in the mid-60s The high today was expected tc be 82. The forecast for tomorrow i! partly cloudy and less humid, with a high near 78. The cool air mass, nudging oul yesterday’s heat, covered virtuallj all the Nation except the deer Southwest, the Weather Bureat reported. Thundershowers ranged beyond the Appalachians to Ohk wand Tennessee. t Phone ST. 5000 *★ WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1952—THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES. A * Senators Say They Can't Find Copy of Grain Scandals Report Findings Scheduled August 1 Are Declared Not Available to Two Committee Members By James E. Roper A Congressional drive on scan dals in the farm program has i slowed to the speed of a horse drawn plow. At open hearings this spring, .the Senate Agriculture Committee J tore into irregularities in the farm 1 j program. Weeks ago, the com-; mittee staff prepared a proposed j report on the investigation. The report went to Committee Chairman Ellender. Some com-: ! mittee members say they still; ihave not been able to obtain a !copy. Senator Ellender, meanwhile,: has returned to Louisiana, where he intends to stay until after the November elections. 9 Aiken Tries to Get Report. | I * Senator Aiken of Vermont,; ranking Republican on the com- ( ; mittee. is one of the members who has tried to see the proposed re port. “I am sorry there has been this; delay,” he said today. “As far as I know, the chairman (Senator Ellender) has the only copies of the staff report. “The committee has not been 1 called to consider it. The tran script of the voluminous testi-; ; mony at the hearings is now available and it does not reflect ; credit on the Administration's Green Attacks Lewis As 'Great Disrupter' Os American Labor AFL President Opens Convention by Assailing Former Fellow Officer By James Y. Newton Star Staff Correspondent NEW YORK, Sept. 15.—AFL President William Green today: ; attacked John L. Lewis as “the great disrupter and divider of labor in America.” Mr. Green, one-time fast triend: and fellow officer of Mr. Lewis in! Choice for President to be Major Decision of AFL Convention. Page A-2 ! the United Mine Workers, chided the belligerent miners’ chief in an j address opening the AFL’s con vention. It was the first time on i record Mr. Green ever attacked Mr. Lewis publicly. Recalls Labor Day Speech. He read excerpts from a Labor Day speech in which Mr. Lewis said organized labor was weakj and ineffective because it was divided. ! “And who do you think uttered ; those words?’” Mr. Green asked. “Why it was none other than the great disrupter and divider of labor in America, the great John L. Lewis. Latef, Mr. Green issued an in vitation to Mr. Lewis to bring his mine workers "back into the House of Labor”—the AFL. Mr. Lewis has broken off relations with both the CIO and AFL. His union now is independent. Dewey Chides Leader. Gov. Thomas E. Dewey told the . labor delegates he hoped they would not make the “mistake” of throwing the AFL’s support to the ■ Democrats in the coming election. > Just before the Governor spoke, a ■ local AFL official described a Re > publican vote as “a stab in the back” of labor. Gov. Dewey said the speaker ap ! parently thought the convention was a “Democratic clambake.” ■ He chided the labor leaders for • the ineffectiveness of their poli ' tical efforts of the past. The Gov • ernor said he had rolled up im pressive majorities in New York despite the opposition of the State Federation of Labor. Lodge Reports Backing [Of Taft in His Campaign By the Attociatod Prut 8 BOSTON. Sept. 15. —Senator Lodge, Republican, of Massachu “• setts says he has the support of - Senator Taft in his bid for re-elec e tion. Senator Lodge was one of the ■ leaders in the movement to put a Gen. Eisenhower into the presi - - dential race and served as his pre ° convention campaign manager. Senator Lodge said Senator Taft Is had expressed his support of him h in a letter to a Massachusetts vot er. He said the letter was in re it sponse to reports that a “Taft for y Kennedy” movement had the Ohio p Senator’s approval, u Representative John F. Ksn d nedy, Democrat, of Massachusetts o is opposing Senator Lodge in the coming election. j W)£ jEberatra §faf V y J V WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION \^/ handling of the grain storage , program.” 1 The office of Senator Mundt of 1 5 South Dakota, another Republi- j ■ can member of the committee, , tried to get a copy of the report, ' but was told that none exists. ! ' It is kfiown. however, that Sen ■ I ator Ellender some time ago had a ] i number of copies printed and marked “confidential committee ■ print.” Under the Senate resolution authorizing the hearings, the com- 1 mittee was supposed to report its findings to Congress by July 1. ; When the hearings continued un til June 20, the deadline for the report was extended until August 1. , Draft Directed by Cotter. I Committee Counsel Paul J. Cot- 1 iter directed the writing of the , proposed report, including recom imendations. Before it went to the jprinters, he had hours-long con- * ferences with Senator Ellender. i Senator Ellender originally op- j 1 posed the investigation but did . little to sidetrack the inquiry once I the hearings began. Mr. Cotter gave the committee 1 [ evidence that more than $7 mil- ] lion worth of Government-con trolled commodities were misap propriated while in storage. He also brought out charges of re- < peated instances of inefficiency, 1 collusion and possible political < favoritism in running the Govern- I ment’s program to store farm 1 [ products to keep prices up. i AFL Machinists Strike One Douglas Factory, Work at Main Plant Workers Picket Gate Os El Segundo Plant In Dispute Over Raise By th« Associated Preis SANTA MONICA, Calif., Sept. 15.—AFL pickets appeared at the : gates of the Douglas Aircraft Co.’s j El Segundo plant at 6 a.m. PDT : (9 a.m. EDT) today in accordance 1 with the union’s announcement that the plane factory would be struck today. A spokesman for the company said the strike had started and that pickets were at the gates when he entered. Officials of the AFL Interna tional Association of Machinists announced that workers at the nearby plant in El Segundo voted 2 to 1 yesterday to walk out in a wage dispute. At the same time union workers in the parent Douglas plant in Santa Monica voted against striking and in favor of the company’s latest of- , fer of 5 cents more an hour. The vote figures were not announced, j The El Segundo plant has 15,- , 000 employes, of which the union \ represents 13,000. The Santa , Monica factory employes 22,000 of ( which 15,600 belong to the union. ( 25,000 Out at Lockheed. 1 A Douglas spokesman said the El Segundo plant intended to con- 1 tinue operating, and many work ers were expected to report for ■ duty. Tex Bond, bQsiness agent for IAM Local 720, said picket lines would be established when the ( graveyard shift went off work. Just a week ago at the same : hour 25,000 IAM workers struck i the large Lockheed Aircraft Co.: plant at Burbank, 20 miles in land. There are no new develop ments in that strike which also started over a wage dispute. Lock heed employs 33,000. Mr. Bond said that Douglas’ El Segundo and Santa Monica union locals operated under identical ' contracts. They were terminated some time ago. The union sought 9 cents more an hour and Douglas offered 5. Wages range from $1.32 : to $2.54 hourly. Willing to Negotiate. Both the union and Douglas ex pressed willingness to continue ne gotiations. However, a Douglas spokesman said there is no fur ther need of negotiating with the Santa Monica local, because it has accepted the company offer. r Meanwhile. Cyrus Ching, head ’ of the Federal Mediation and Con -1 ciliation Service in Washington, ■ urgently requested that Douglas and union representatives meet ® with him to continue negotiations, t There were no immediate replies. Embassy Official's Son i Found Dead in Crib - The 3-months-old son of an - Israeli Embassy official was found r dead in his crib today, apparently 3 a victim of suffocation. The baby, Jonathan Levin, of - 1637 Harvard street N.W., was the s son of Mr. and Mrs. Y. Harry e Levin. Mr. Levin is public rela tions counselor for the embas^v Campaign Issues Are Not Funny, General Says By Crosby S. Noyes Star Staff Correspondent ABOARD THE EISENHOWER SPECIAL, Sept. 15.—Gen. Eisen hower hit back at Democratic wit today, taking a “what’s so funny about it” line at the start of his second invasion of the Midwest. At his first stop in Fort Wayne, Ind., today the general told a Text of Eisenhower Statement on Com pulsory Health Insurance. Page A-3 Morse Says He Plans, At Present, to Vote for Eisenhower. Page A-3 Senator Taft To Open Series of Speeches Wednesday Night. Page A-4 crowd of 5,000 that the issues of this year’s presidential campaign are far from being a laughing matter, so far as he is concerned. There was no direct reference to the light-hearted campaign tech nique which characterized Gov. Stevenson’s bid for the presidency, but the reference was obvious. j His decision to leave the service' to answer the call to political duty, : he said, was a solemn one. Singles Out Korean War. “As we face the issues of the campaign, I see nothing funny about them and no way to make them amusing,” he declared. The basic American principles are im periled and “there's nothing amus ing about that.” In particular, the G. O. P. nominee singled out the Korean war—“A war into which we were fumbled without any plan for winning”—as not a fit subject for wit. “This is serious,” the general said. “We must turn our hearts and minds to ways of bringing it to a close so that your sons and mine can either come home or don’t have to go.” Accompanied by Jenner. The general spoke from a plat form set up in front of the Fort Wayne railroad station. In spite' of the early hour, the square was filled with people and hundreds more watched from windows of buildings nearby. As the general mounted the stand, accompanied by Senator Jenner, there was a loud cheer. The speech was not designed to whip up much of an emotional demonstration, but it seemed to get across well. Senator Jenner, along with Sen ator Capehart and other Indiana Republican leaders, had joined the Eisenhower special as it rolled along on the start of its 12-day. 12-State trip. After the Fort Wayne speech, the train moved on toward South Bend for a 10:30 motorcade tour of Notre Dame University and another speech at the courthouse plaza at 11:15 a.m. More rear platform speeches were scheduled at LaPorte (12:45 p.m.), Gary (1:45), and Indiana Harbor (2:10). At Englewood, 111., a platform has been set up so that Gen. Eisenhower can say a few words before climbing aboard an other motorcade for the drive to Joliet, Wheaton, Aurora and Ot tawa, with speeches at each stop. At 9 p.m. the general will get back on his train for the overnight trip to Minnesota and another day planned along much the same lines. Opposes Socialized Medicine. Before leaving New York yester day, Gen. Eisenhower in a state ment came out flatly against com pulsory health insurance and “so cialized medicine,” saying it would result in “less and poorer medical care” at higher costs. Declaring that a voluntary re lationship between doctor and pa tient had achieved the best medi cal care in the world for the American people, the general warned: “We must look forward to progress and expansion of the good rather than resort to any foolish experiment that would nullify what our system has al ready achieved.” The statement—which follows closely the line advocated by the American Medical Association— -1 was considered a reply to Gov. Stevenson, who has come out in ! favor of Federal aid in certain ; cases of chronic illness. Gov. . Stevenson, however, has not advo- I cated compulsory Federal health . insurance. Gov. Stevenson Goes on Record In Favor of District Suffrage By a Staff Correspondent of TS* Star SPRINGFIELD, HI., Sept. 15- Gov. Stevenson went on record to day in favor of suffrage for the District of Columbia. He was not ready, however, to spell out the exact form he thought it should take 1 . A reporter reminded him that as President he would have a great deal to say about the running of ':T : School Bells Summon 100,000 j To Overcrowded Classrooms , Douglass Pupils Go In by Boiler Room , As Three New Buildings Are Unfinished By James G. Deane Nearly 100,000 youngsters piled back to Washington’s public schools today—some of them to seriously crowded classrooms. Three bran d-n e w schools opened, btit none of the three was finished. Some schools, both new 1 and old, also were short of teach ers. Spingam High School. Twenty fourth street and Benning road. Picture on B-l , N.E., nearest complete of the new buildings, opened with -its case ■ teria minus utensils, special class rooms lacking furniture and only four-fifths of its teacher^force. Douglass and Terrell Junior ! Highs opened with workmen still ' busy. Glass isn’t in Douglass’ class | room doors yet, and the gym, au ’ ditorium and cafeteria aren’t ; ready at either school. Much Work Remains. 1 Douglass is farther behind than J Terrell. Terrell’s cafeteria lacks ' only tables and chairs, and the ! auditorium needs only seats. At ' Douglass, weeks of work remain to be done. Painters this morning ‘ still were busy in some classrooms 1 and workmen were in the corri | dors. The pupils were marched in ’ through the boiler room because grading blocked the school’s front ; entrances. All three new schools are for i Negro pupils. The two junior . highs are opening with over capacity student enrollment, and . Spingam will be almost full. Lack Sufficient Books. Books were in temporary short - supply at Spingarn and Eliot ’ Junior High School today, Eliot, ' formerly at white school, reopened with Negro students. Douglass * didn’t have all its books, either. Assistant Supt. Francis A. Greg ; Ary said surplus books from white : junior highs are helping to meet J the Eliot situation. They now ’ are being moved in, he said. ! Eastern High School reopened with about 450 junior high pupils added to an expected 1,100 on the senior level. The younger > students moved over from Eliot. . Principal John P. Collins said everything went smoothly. The 1 school is 700 short of capacity. • Simon Elementary School, at Fourth street and Mississippi ave ■ nue S.E., opened with one of the • worst crowding problems. | Extra Space Utilized. Built for 936 children, the school already had 1,400 regis tered this morning, and Miss * Edith M. Williams, principal, said 5 she expected at least 100 more. [ Simon is for white children. 1 First and second graders were ‘ assigned to two converted show er rooms, two kindergartens were s assigned to the basement lunch : room and Miss Williams also - planned to commandeer the . library, industrial arts room and i other space for classes. i The only part - time classes . planned up to this morning were - at Payne and Maury Elementary l Schools for colored. Four were scheduled at Payne, two at Maury. the National Capital and inquired - where he stood on the suffrage . issue. “Yes,” he replied, "I have always ' felt the people of the District of k Columbia should be enfranchised.” i Later, another reporter asked if I he would favor the home rule bill, which has twice passed the Senate, i He said he was not sufficiently t familiar with the subject to com l ment on a specific plan. Payne also had part-time classes the first semester last year. Plumbing Is Incomplete. At Payne, parents complained because they found workmen had failed to complete replacement of the school’s toilets. The situation , forced the principal to stagger 1 recess periods. i Associate Supt. A. Kiger Savoy i said he hopes the new plumbing will be finished by the end of the week. Other schools, both white and Negro, reported crowding. Some additional part-time classes might have to be organized later. School officials have predicted a record enrollment of 101,700, but pupils probably won’t reach the peak figure for several weeks yet. At Garfield and Turner Schools in the Southeast, for instance, new housing developments are expected to bring a late influx of new pupils next month. Garfield and Turner, for Negroes, are among the most crowded schools already. About 360 children from these two schools and the new Bimey re ported this morning to old Bimey, Stanton road near Talbert street S.E., because of an overflow. Robbery-Kidnap Suspect Held Unders2o,ooo Bond John D. (Champ) Hutt, 23. of 5187 MacArthur boulevard N.W., accused of robbing a pharmacist Saturday night, was held for the grand jury under $20,000 bond today by Municipal Court Judge Nadine L. Gallagher. Police said Hutt forced Alvin Liptz, propriteor of Stewart’s Pharmacy, 5108 MacArthur boule vard N.W., to accompany him in his car after Che robbery. He was caught 20 minutes later when Mr. Liptz was taken back to the vicinity of the store. 'Gladiators' to Fight Again ROME, Sept. 15 (A*).—Gladia- 1 tors with tin helmets and wooden i spears will fight mock battles in ( the Colosseum before visiting , tourists. The first performance late this month will copy gladiator 1 battles of Roman Imperial times. • Late News Bulletin Italy Bans U. S. Sect ROME (A 3 ).— The Italian gov ernment today ordered all 22 branches of the Protestant Church of Christ in Catholic Italy to remain closed until they are granted official permis sion to operate. A Church of Christ spokesman said the American - sponsored religious denomination wiU go to the courts and fight the ban as un constitutional. (Earlier Story on Page A-6.) Major League Games AMERICAN At Detroit— Washington Detroit - I . ■( At Chicago— -805t0n..... - Chicago (Only Games Scheduled) I NATIONAL At Brooklyn— , Cincinnati.. 1— ! Brooklyn... 3 , MMd» and Laadrith; Enkiac and Cam panula. At New York— ’ St. Louis 66 I’ New York.. 6 , Brail* aad n. Klee; Mwlle and Weitnm. (Only Games Scheduled.) Guide for Readers Fata Pace Amusements ..A-14 Lost and Found. A-3 Classified —B-10-16 Obituary A-10 Comics B-18-10 Radio-TV B-17 Editorial A-8 Sports A-11-13 Editorial Artieles A-9 Woman's Financial A-17 Section B-3-5 Home Delivery. Monthly Ritei: Evening end Sunday. $1.76: S' pTT'XTrrQ ’ Evening only. $1.30; Sunday only. 45c; NUht Final. XOc Additional. * J.O Allies Bag 9 MIGs And Smash Plants Close to Manchuria Sabres Baffle Enemy Rallying so Defense Os Red Industries By the Associated Press SEOUL, Korea, Sept. 15.—United States Sabre jet pilots destroyed at least nine Communist MIG-15s today whjle flying protective cover for Allied fighter-bombers at tacking Red targets deep in North Korea, the Air Force announced. Eight MIGs were shot down, one was maneuvered into crashing, another probably was destroyed and two were damaged in 11 sep arate battles. Fighting ranged from 30,000 feet down to tree-top level. The fighter-bombers plastered a Communist industrial complex a't Sinuiju, only a few miles from the Manchurian border. Targets included an oxygen plant, an alcohol distillery and a rope fac tory. 80 MIGs Attack. More than 80 MIGs roared across the Yalu River from their big base at Antung in an attempt to protect the sprawling targets. They ran into 104 swift Sabres and the opposing jets broke off into a series of twisting, turning dog fights. The United States sth Air Force said the day’s bag of MIGs brought to at least 41 the number destroyed this month. Forty were destroyed by Air Force pilots and one by a carrier-based Marine pilot. If the MIG which was out maneuvered into crashing is offi cially confirmed, the total will be 42, within two bf the one-month record of 44 racked up last April. Allied losses, if any, will be re ported later in a week-end sum mary. Tons of Explosives Dropped. Twenty-four F-84 Thunderjets hit Sinuiju in midafternoon to get the assault under way. They dropped tons of high explosives and fired thousands of machine gun bullets into the targets, f Pilots reported dense clouds of smoke after the first bombing runs. The Air Force said the rope factory appeared to be destroyed by fire. Two nearby industrial buildings also were reported destroyed. Bombs from other Thunderjets flattened the oxygen plant. The bombs set off three roaring explo sions, each of which erupted in huge clouds of smoke. Allied pilots reported 14 direct hits on the alcohol distillery and direct hits on two structures near the oxygen plant. The latest attack is one of a series of trip-hammer aerial blows against targets right up to the doorstep of Manchuria. United States Navy planes yes terday paid a return visit to Hoer yang, less than two' miles from Manchuria, and turned several warehouses and a power station into smoking ruins. Near Soviet Siberia. The fighter-bombers from the : carriers Princeton and Bon 'Homme Richard had hit the area —only 40 miles for Soviet Siberia —in a dawn raid Saturday. Night-flying B-26 bomber pilots maintained the pressure on the Communist war machine with a series of attacks on the North Korean highway network last night. Pilots reported 120 vehi cles destroyed, the highest total in five months. In the only ground fighting of any size across the 155-mile battle front yesterday, Sbuth Korean in fantrymen failed in a savage at tempt to throw Chinese Aeds off Finger Ridge on the cental front. An Associoted Press Newspopar U. S. Is Reported Asking Tito for Use of Air Bases Request Said to Have Been Made to Premier By Admiral Cassady Sy th« Associated Frets BELGRADE. Yugoslavia, Sept. 15.—The United States has asked Premier Marshal Tito of Yugo slavia for greater co-operation in the joint defense of Southeastern Europe, including the use by American planes of air bases in this country. From a responsible source it was learned that Vice Admiral J. H. Cassady. commander in chief of the Mediterranean-based 6th Fleet, laid the proposition before Marshal Tito last week aboard the giant aircraft carrier Coral Sea i during his visit to Split. It was presented in the course of a special briefing, before the Coral Sea’s sailors and aviators put on a demonstration of Amer ican sea and air power. Marshal Tito was shown charts outlining how and where carrier - based planes, operating from the Adri atic. could strike in Hungary, Ro mania and Bulgaria If Yugoslavia was attacked by the Soviet satel lites. ' Admiral Cassady was quoted as paying a glowing tribute to Yugo slavia's resistance against Rus sian pressure since its break with the Soviet-led Cominform in 1948. He expressed American gratifica tion at this country's recent meas ures to increase defensive co-oper ation with Greece and Turkey. Important Suggestions. But he said the United States would like even greater direct co operation with Yugoslavia—co operation already marked by in creasing shipment of American arms to equip Marshal Tito’s tough, well trained troops. Admiral Cassady reportedly of fered two Informal yet highly im portant suggestions. He said he would like to see: 1. Yugoslavia grant American flyers the right to operate over this country and to use Yugo slav air bases in order to become better acqqainted with the terrain in the event they are called upon for aid in case of war. 2. Participation by the Yugoslav , navy in joint maneuvers with ' units of the American Navy in • the Adriatic. I Both suggestions underscore the . reason behind the decision of the I Navy and the State Department , to send a flotilla—one of the world’s three largest carriers, a I modern heavy cruiser and four : destroyers—here for the most i impressive demonstration of West s em strength since the war’s end. i Remains Noncommittal. Poker faced. Marshal Tito re mained noncommittal. This came as no surprise. The briefing was in English—a language in which l he has made such progress dur : ing thf past two years that he de t dined a translation. There were • English-speaking aides with him s who could fill in any details he f might have missed. < But it was unlikely, in any event, that he would make an on . the-spot decision. Presumably, i the question how far Yugoslavia • should go in co-operation with I the Western world will arise next I month at a conference of the , country’s ruling Communist Party . at Zagreb—the first since the , Cominform break nearly five years . ago. [ For Marshal Tito there existed two problems. On the one hand. ' agreement to Admiral Cassady’s suggestion probably would be in ' terpreted by the Cominform prop agandists as a sign of yielding to what they term Western pres sure. / On the other hand, agreement undoubtedly would mean In creased aerial and naval aid for i Yugoslavia both of which this country desperately needs —plus financial assistance in developing sea and air bases. Marshal Tito must make his choice against the background of , an incident seven years ago when Yugoslavia, then an ally of Russia and proud of control of its own skies, shot down an American Army plane off course above this country. Vivian Blaine Rescued . After Fall From Canoe I By *h« Associated Press STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 15. Their week-end hosts became a L rescue team here when Vivian } Blaine, star of “Guys and Dolls.” . and her husband, Manny Frank, ' fell out of a canoe while fishing. The accident occurred yesterday on a small lake on the estate of ' Francis Levien, New York lawyer. Mrs. Levien. fully clad, plunged In to help Miss struggling 1 toward shore in her heavy slacks and sweater. Mr. Frank, a non swimmer. managed to stay afloat , by grasping at the bobbing canoe | until Mr. Levien reached him. i Mrs. Louis Bromfield Dies MANSFIELD, Ohio, Sept. 15 t (A*).—Mrs. Mary Appleton Wood > Bromfield, 60, wife of the author i and farmer. Louis Bromfield, died i in her sleep Saturday night at ; Malabar Farm. 1 'The Caine Mutiny' r Series Continues I SEA STORY—Another installment of ■ Herman Wouk's Pulitzer Prize winning [ navel, "The Caine Munity," appears m b