Newspaper Page Text
A-12 ** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1952 <£arh of (Thanka TAYLOR. CHARLES R. We wish 10 ex press our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbors and co-workers for the kind and .sympathetic acts extended to us at the passing of our loved one. CHARLES R. TAYLOR. We especially are grateful for the floral tributes and cards of con dolence. THE FAMILY. • Sratfin ANDREWS. INEZ MARCELLINE. On Sun day. September 14. 1952. at her resi dence. 3216 liith st. n.w., INEZ MAR CELLINE ANDREWS, the beloved wife oi the late W. Frank Andrews. Fu neral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 3531 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Thurs day. September 18. at 8:30 a.m. Re quiem mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church, ltith st. and Park rd. n.w.. at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. (Baltimore. Md., papers please copy.) 17 BATTS. BOSA LEANOR. On Bunday. Sep tember 14. 1952. ROSA LEANOR BATTS of 1806 H pi. n.e., Apt. B. wife of the late Austin T. Batts and devoted mother of Miss Grace M. Batts. Also surviving are a brother. Robert L. Boyde; two nieces. Mrs. Eleanor Saunders and Mrs. Mildred Gray; two nephews. Thomas W Boyde. jr.. and William U. Boyde; other relatives and many friends. After noon Thursday September 18. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Fu neral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. where services will be held Friday. September 19. at 1:30 p.m., Rev. Colbert H. Pearson officiating. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. 19 BECKER. RAYMOND. On September 14. 1952. brother of Eugene Becker. Serv ices at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. a.e., on Thursday. September 18. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 17 BERKLEY. EDNA M. On Monday, Sep tember 1952. at 4808 De Russey park way. Befhesda. Md., EDNA M. BERKLEY, beloved wife of the late Giles Thomas Berkley. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Wed nesday. Beptcjnber 17. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Rutledge Cemetery. Rutledge. Tenn. Please send flowers to the Smith Funeral Home. Rutledge. Tenn. 17 BIRCKHEAD. EDNA M. Os 2007 37th st. s.e.. on September 15, 1952. mother of Everett C.. J. Thomas, Stanley J., Court ney 8., Gilbert L. and Doris May Birck head; Mrs. Dorothy Brown, Mrs. Ruby B. Payne, Mrs. Ellen B. Melvin and Mrs. Sarah B. McFadden. Prayers at Cham bers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Thursday. September 18. at 8:30 a.m. Mass in St. Francis Xavier's Church at 9 a.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 17 BOERNSTEIN. KATHERINE M. •On Fri day. September 12. 1952. at Sibley Hos pital. KATHERINE M. BOERNSTEIN of 3006 25th st. n.e.. beloved wife of the late Sigismond Geo. Boernsteln: sister of Mrs. Mina M. Scott and Ernest J. \ McCarthy. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. until 10 p.m. Monday. September 15. then remains resting At above ad dress after 12 noon Tuesday. September 16. Services at the residence at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, September 17, thence I to St. Francis DeSales Catholic Church, Rhode Island ave. and 20th st. n.e.. where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be! offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her i soul. Interment Arlington National! Cemetery. * —l6 . BONDS. TENNA REBECCA. Departed this! life Saturday. September 13, 1952. TENNA REBECCA BONDS of 1023 Irving I st. n e.. wife of the late Taylor Bonds.; devoted mother of Mrs. Laura Copeland.:) Mrs. Jane Crippen. Mrs. Etta Brewing ton. Mrs. Gertrude Tillerey. Mrs. Eliza-1 beth Bonner and Miss Blanche E. Bonds. I She also leaves to mourn her passing one siUer. Mrs. Mamie Spearman: 32 grandchidlren. 32 great-grandchildren three daughters-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence after 5 p.m. Tuesday. September 16. where friends may call. Funeral Wednesday, September 37. at 1:30 p.m. from the Metropolitan A. M. E. Church. 1518 M st. n.w. ,Rev. , C Dewey Robinson officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home, 901 3rji st. s.w. • —l6 BRADLEY, CARRIE LEE. Suddenly on Sunday, September 14. 1952, at the ; residence ol Mr. and Mrs. Howell Crlm at Lorton, Va.. CARRIE LEE BRADLEY of 1808 Branch ave. s.e.. beloved wife of the late Beltrom B. Bradley, daughter of Mrs. Esther Hynson, Washington. D. . C.; sister of Elwood A. Leary. Engleside. Va.: William E. Leary. Lorton, Va.: Mrs. Ella Morris. Mrs. Blanche Reid, both of Washington. D. C. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2601 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. September 17. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 BI’RTON. JOHN. On Monday, September 8. 1952. at his residence. 222 Vee st. n.e . JOHN BURTON, friend of Catherine and Dorothy Banks. He also is survived by many other friends. The late Mr. Burton may be viewed at Stewart’s Funeral Home. 30 H st. n.e.. after 4 p.m. Tuesday. September 16. where services : will be held Wednesday. September 17, 1 at 10 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. < 16 CANTY. F.LEASE VIVIAN. Departed this life on Monday. September 15. 1952. at Freedmen’s Hospital. ELEASE VIVIAN CANTY of 62-A Bates st. n.w.. beloved wife of William Canty. She also leaves to mourn her passing eight children, five grandchildren, three sisters, seven broth ers and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 901 3rd st. a.w. CAPPS. CHARLES J. On Sunday. Septem ber 1 4 1 952 in Miami. Fla.. CHARLES ] J. CAPPS, husband of the late Mary E. Capps and father of Charles Herbert Capps. Funeral services will be held at Hysong’s Funeral Home. 1300 N st. n.w.. on Wednesday. September 17, at 2:30 P.m. Friends invited to attend. Inter ment in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. CAFFS, CHARLES J. A special communl _, cation of Harmony Lodge Jt, No. 17. F. A. A. M.. will be FVi held on Wednesday, Septem her 17. 1952. at 1:30 p.m. 1 yPAjX? at the Masonic Temple. 13th and New York ave. n.w., for y.-' the purpose of conducting the funeral of our late Brother CHARLES J. CAPPS. The members of the lodge are urged to attend. By order of the master. KURT F. BLADY, Master. Attest: J. R. ZIMMERMAN. Secretary. 16 CAPPS. C. J. Members of the Retired * firemen’s Association of D. C. tgaSi are requested to assemble at JfljZXxSm\ the Hysong Funeral Home. fmC'MMiBH 1300 N st. n.w., on Wednes- YBoSwOk day, September 17. 1952. at UtSKSsRu 2:30 p.m.. to attend the fu- WkSn* neral of our late brother. C. J CAPPS. J. SHEAHAN. Secretary. CARROLL. BOSA A. Os 1664 EucUd st. n.w., Apt. 21. and formerly of Phila delphia. Pa., on September 13, 1952: alster of Mrs. William J. Delaney of Washington. D. C. and Mrs. Andres Montalvo of Santnrce, Puerto Rico. 1 Prayers at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin at. n.w.. on Tuesday. Sep tember 16. at 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Paul’s Catholic Church. 15th and V sts. n.w., at 9 a.m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 16 CLABKSON, GEORGE B. Os 621 4th st. n.w., on September 16. 1952. brother of Mrs. Anne Cox. Mrs. Eleanor Bosworth. Mrs. Maude Smithdeal. Mrs. Alice Sauber. Eugene and Arthur I. Clarkson. Prayers at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th at. s.e.. on Friday. September 19. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Comforter, 14th and East Capitol sts.. at 9 a.m. ’ Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 17 CONDIT, BOY WILLOUGHBY. On Mon day. September 15. 1962. ROY WIL LOUGHBY CONDIT of 3518 Quesada st. n w , beloved husband of Hallie K. Condlt, .father of James W. Condlt and the late Robert K. Condtt, brother of Mrs. Cecil V. ■ Vance of Pass Christian. Miss. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday, Septem ber 18, at 10 a.m. Interment Rock Creek cemetery. , 17 CRUTCHFIELD. NELLIE. On Saturday. September 13. 1952. NELLIE CRUTCH FIELD of 1816 Bth st. n.w.. beloved wife of Washington Crutchfield and mother of Mrs. Evelyn C. Thomas. Also surviving are a sister. Mrs. Marguerite Ennis of Pennsylvania: four nieces, three nephews, one great-niece, one great-nephew, other relatives and many friends. After 2 p.m. ■ Monday. September 15. friends are in vited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Services Tues day, September 16, at Third Baptist Church. 6th and Que sts. n.w.. at 1 p.m.. Rev. George O. Bullock officiating. Inter ment Woodlawn Cemetery. 16 DE LOATCH. CINDERELLA. On Sunday. September 14. 1952. Mrs CINDERELLA DE LOATCH of 1759 Willard st. n.w.. beloved wife of Major De Loatch and devoted mother of Eloise. James and Lenwood De Loatch. She also is survived by a brother. Robert Wilkins; two sisters. Mrs. Florence Pearson and Miss Elsie Wilkins, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son, 1337 10th st. n.w., where friends may call Wednesday. September 17, from 3 p.m. until 10 p.m. Funeral and in terment Weldon, N. C. 17* FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Crematorium J. William Lee’s Sons GO. funeral DIRECTOR* A Complete Funeral As Low os $95.00 Up CHAMBERS i- ST#— ca 0432 funeral designs. gu?se BROS tor florists ]tir F N.w. **■ 4876 'GEO C SHAFPEK. INC. ; •ssrS-’W CEMETERY LOTS. Pban* UN. 2818 for details. —22 - DICKINSON. MARGARET McLEAN. Os . 1219 Otis pi. n.w.. on September 13, 1 1952. mother of Margaret and Isabelle > Dickinson. Services at Chambers’ Fu -1 neral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on 1 Wednesday. September 17, at 1 p.m. In - terment Washington National Cemetery. DIVEN. IRVING. SR. On Sunday. Sep tember 14. 1952. at his residence, 2504 57th ave.. Tuxedo. Md.. IRVING DIVEN, SR., beloved husband of Mary W. Diven and father of Jannett F. Udo, Audrey M. Velasco, Carolyn V., Janls C. Diven and Irvin Diven. jr.. and stepfather of Mary E. and Lois Ann Tuozzo. Services at Gasch Funeral Home. Hyattsvllle. Md.. on Wednesday. September 17, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment George Washington Cemetery. 16 ELSDON. MARY G. Os 1410 M St. n.w., on September 14. 1952, wife of Thomas Elsrion. mother of Dr. Cyril L. Elsdon <Ph. D.) of Grove City. Pa., and Margaret E. Elsdon and sister of Helen Patterson. Victor. Thomas and Elwln Reid of Los Angeles. Calif. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Wednesday. September 17, at 10 a.m. Interment Monocacy Cemetery, Beallsvllle, Md. EVERETT. OLIVE K. On Tuesday. Sep tember 16. 1952. at her residence. 732 Tuckerman st. n.w.. OLIVE K. EVERETT, mother of Mrs. Phoebe Everett Brown and Beniamin L. Everett. She also is survived oy three sisters, ohe brother and three grandchildren. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday, September 17, at 3 p.m. Interment National Memorial Park, Falls Church, Va. ERISMAN. WILLIAM PAUL. On Tuesday. September 16. 1952. at his residence, 3433 Conn. ave. n.w.. WILLIAM PAUL ERISMAN, beloved husband of Mrs. Anna May Erisman. father of Harold S. Erls man. Services and Interment York. Pa. FEDERLINE, SARAH C. On Monday. September 15, 1952. SARAH C. FEDER LINE of 3721 36th st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. beloved sister of Busie C. Federline and aunt of Mrs. Elizabeth Hastings, Mrs. Marie Murray and Joseph T. Feder line. Friends may call at Nalley's Fu neral Homer 3200 Rhode Island ave.. at Eastern ave. n.e. Funeral on Thursday. September 18. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to St. James' Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. In terment st. John’s Cemetery. Forest Glen. Md. Sodality will meet Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. 17 FRANCELLA. GARY FRANCIS. On Sun day, September 14. 1952, GARY FRAN CIS FRANCELLA beloved son of Francis L. and Eleanor B. Francella (nee Bannoni and brother of Donald E. and Michael B. Francella: grandson of Mrs. Mary M. Francella and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bannon. Funeral from the residence cf his parents. 1656 Park rd. n.w., on Wednesday. September 17. at 9:30 am. Mass of the angels at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by Geler Fu neral Home. is FULCHER. ROBERT C. On Sunday. Bep tcjpbcr 14. 1952, at Suburban Hospital, ROBERT C FULCHER of 1005 Rock crest dr., Rockville. Md.. beloved hus band of Mary Mosley Fulcher, father of Mrs. Norman E. Pearson and Robert C. Fulcher, jr.: son of Imogene and the Wiliarn E Fulcher; brother of Miss Violet Fulcher. B. W. Fulcher of Winston-Salem. N. C.. and Glen Fulcher of Atlanta. Ga. Also survived by three grandchildren. Remains resting at the Colonial Funeral Rome of Robert A Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. Services Wed nesday September 17. at the Rockville Persbyterian Church. Rockville. Md at Cemetery toterment Ariiaston National FULCHER. ROBERT C. On Sunday, Sep #tember 14. 1952. at Sub urban Hospital. ROBERT C. FULCHER, past president of the Rockville Lions Club. 1 Friends and members may call at Robert A. Pumphrey Funeral Home, 300 W. Mont gomery aye.. Rockville. Md. Funerai services at Rockville Presbyterian Church. Wednesday. September 17, at 10 a.m Interment Arlington National Cemetery. GAFNNEY. MARY ETTA. Departed this life Sunday. September 14. 1952, at her residence. 14 Ist st. n.w., MARY ETTA GAFNNEY. beloved daughter of Mrs. Etta Young, devoted sister of Robert McKin ney. She also leaves to mourn her pass ing seven sisters, three other brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. Burial and interment Winston-Salem. N. 9 Arrangements by the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home, 601 3rd st. s.w. ] GLENN. JOHN. Passed into eternal rest on Sunday, September 14. 1952, JOHN GLENN of 1316 W st. n.w. He leaves to mourn theiT loss his wile, Lelia Glenn: father. Rev. George Glenn: one sister. De Lois Miller; one brother-in-law. Lu ther Miller: one aunt, one niece, ether relatives and friends. Friends may call fct George B. Clarke's Funeral Home, 1416 Florida ave. n.e.. after 5 o’clock Wednes day to view the remains. Funeral Thurs- , day. September 18, at 1 p.m.. from the Israel C. M. E. Church. New Jersey ave. and Morgan st. n.w.. Rev. H. L. Burton officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 17* GREENE. MAE H. Suddenly, on Saturday. September 13. 1952. at Arlington Hospi tal. MAE H. GREENE of 347 North Glebe rd.. Arlington. Va.. beloved wife of Royall W. Greene,, mother of Manorle Greene Wyman, sisfer of Hilda H. Stone of Cleye- 1 land. Ohio, Gertrude Fleming of Three Rivers. Mich., Frank G. Heller of Bakers field. Calif.. Harry O. Heller of Houston. Tex. Remains resting at the' S. H. Hines Funeral Home, 2601 14th st. n.w.. •Iter 10 a.m. Monday, September 15. Services from the above funeral home on Wednesday September 17. at 9 a.m. , Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 16 HARRISON. BEN T. On Wednesday. Sep tember 10, 1952. at Perry Point Hospi tal. Md.. BEN T. HARRISON, beloved husband of Mary Harrison. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends are invited to call after 10 a.m. Mon day. September 15. at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You *t. n.w., | where funeral services will be held Wed nesday. September 17. at 8 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 16 BENDERSnOTT. RUTH TILDEN. On Sunday. September 14. 1952. at her resi dence. the Kennedy-Warren Apartments. RUTH TILDEN HENDERSHOTT. beloved aunt of Mildred Dill and Leroy O. Settle. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday, I September 16. at 8 p.m. Interment in Bloomsburg. Pa. HENNEN, JAMES T. On Sunday. Septem ber 14, 1952. at Prince Oeorges Hos pital. Cheverly. Md.. JAMES T. HENNEN of 5200 Kenesaw. Branchvllle. Md.. be loved husband of Iva Irene Hennen and father of James N.. Leola P. and Anna Mae Hennen. He also is survived by his sister, May Cerdnka, and a brother, Frank R. Hennan. Remains rest ing at Oasch Funeral Home, Hyattsvllle. Md. Services at the Calvary Memorial Church, Hyattsvllle, Md.. on Wednes day. September 17. at 3:30 p.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 16 HENRY. WILLIE. Suddenly, on Sunday, September 14. 1952. at 3:35 p.m.. at Gal- Unger Hospital. WILLIE HENIiY. He leaves to mourn a loving wife. Mrs. Beu lah Henry; two sisters. Sudey Maddox and Mamie Copeland; one brother. Mr. Sam Henry, and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence. 5405 Nash st. n.e.. Wednesday, September 17. after 3 p.m.. where services will be held Thursday. September 18. at 1 p.m.. Rev. C. Edwards officiating. In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrange ments by Crouch's Funeral Horae, Inc., 51 K st. n.w. JOHNSON. ROBERT. On Monday. Septem ber 15. 1952. ROBERT JOHNSON of 66 V st. n.w.. father of Mrs. Mabel Gray and Mrs. Blanche Burke. He also leaves three brothers, other relatives and many friends. Notice ol funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. JONES. EMILY ▼. On Saturday, Septem ber 13. 1662. EMILY V. JONES of 712 68th ave.. Fairmont Heights, Md., sister , of Mrs. Elizabeth B. Johnson and Olenn E. Bundy of Corona, N. Y.; aunt of Mrs. Violet Brown Mrs. Annie E. Slaughter and Dr. George W. Adams. Many other relatives and friends also survive. After 4 p.m. Tuesday. September 16, friends may call at Prazler’s Funeral Home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w., where funeral servcles will be held on Wednesday, September 17. at 12 noon. Interment ArUngton 1 National Cemetery. 16 JONES. EMILY V. Officers and members of Virginia Berry Auxiliary No. 6. United Spanish War Veterans, are hereby notified | jr of the funeral of Sister EMILY V. JONES, on Wednesday, September 17. 1952. at 12 ■ ’ noon, from Frazier’s Funeral Home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Eva Allens worth Auxiliary invited. MRS. DELLA E. EVANS. President. ELLA M. GIBSON. Secretary. JONES, william E. Suddenly, on Mon day, September 15. 1952, at his residence. 1142 Hayes st. n.e.. WILLIAM E. JONES, husband of Louise Jones, father of Ber nice whye. Pearl Oliver. Plcola Minor, Rachel Rambeau. Merrill Rambeau. Wal ter C. Owyn. Le Roy and Alston Jones: brother of Essie Lancaster and Eugenia Kerrick. Also surviving are fifteen grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by RoUtau. KENNEDY. THOMAS J. Os 3924 Ogle thorpe st.. Hyattsvllle. Md.. on September 14. 1952; husband of Mildred M. Ken nedy. father of Tbomaa J.. Jr, and Arthur O. Kennedy, son of Mrs. Florence Bal fana. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home, 5801 Cleveland ave., Riverdale, Md.. on Wednesday, September 17, at 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. nr KEYSER, JOHN M. On Monday. Septem ber 15. 1952. JOHN M. KEYSER of 8425 Woodciiff ct.. Silver Bpring. Md.. hus band of Elizabeth H. Keyset, father of Mrs. Margaret Cain and brother of Mrs. Thelma Broadfoot and Carl Keyser. Mr. Keyser rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. where services will be held on Wednesday. September 17. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Dratb* KNOPF. SABA DAUGHERTY. On Mon day. September 16. 1952. ’at her resi dence. Franconia. Va., SARA DAUGHER TY KNOPP. wife of Fred D. Knopp, [ mother of Raymond D. Knopp. sister of . Mrs. Worth W. Fairley of Ada. Okla.; Mrs. • John P. Knopp of Carlsbad. Calif., and Alma Daugherty of West Sundbury, Pa. 1 Friends may call at the residence of her . son. Valley dr., Franconia, Va. Services on Thursday, September 18. at 11 a.m., at the Franconia Methodist Church. In terment Melrose Cemetery. Brldgevllle. Pa. on Friday, September 19. at 2:30 p.m. LAVEZZO, CARMEL A. on Sunday. Sep tember 14. 1952, at the Mary Washing ton Hospital. Fredericksburg, Va.. CAR MELA LAVEZZO of 3023 16th ft. n.w., beloved wife of the late Joaeph G. Lavexzo. mother of Angela Lavezzo. Mrs. Madeline Boyle. Mrs. Louise Ghelminl and Joseph P. Lavezzo; sister of Mrs. Sophie Lavezzo and John M. Olinorl of Union J. Prayers at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th at. on Wednesday. September 17, at a.m.. thence to Shrine of the Sacred Heart. 16th st. and Park rd. n.w.. where t&JSP'L Mcrlflce of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 LAWSON. ALFRED B. Os 810 Potomac °S ®*9 temb *r 14. 1962. lather of Alfred B. Lawson. 3rd: Mrs. Lillian V* d i Mr ®’ Mildred Chumbley: brother of James, Edward and Carroll Lawson; Mrs Annie Lawson. Mrs. Busan f*^ ker . *nd Mrs. Madge Arnette. Berv k** a. l Chambers’ Funeral Home. 617 J! 1 ?/' on Thursday September 18, ter, I .°H\milto^r nt °Sf- LEVni. JONATHAN FELIX. On Monday. September i 6. 1962. JONATHAN FBUX LEVIN, infant son of Harry Yehuda and R uth Levin, now of Washington, D. C., and Jerusalem. Israel. Services at the C. D Goldberg & Son Funeral Home. 4217 9th st. n.w.. Tuesday, September 16. at 10 a.m. Interment National Capital Hebrew Cemetery. In mourning at 1637 Harvard st. n.w. LOEFFLEK, ANNA GAINSFOBTH. On Monday. September 16. 1952. at her resi dence. 1451 Sheridan st. n.w.. anna OAimraKXß l OEFPLER, beloved wife of the late Julius Loeffler. mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett and John Loeffler. Re mains resting at the 8. H. Hines Co. Fu n«f*l Home "901 14th st. n.w., until noon Thursday, September 18. Services and Interment private. MCCARTHY MARY EITA. On Monday. September 15. 1962. at Georgetown Uni- WMty Hospital. MARY RITA MCCARTHY ®f WO, 21st st. n.w.. niece of Mrs. Han nah Murphy of New York City. Mrs. Charles A. Inglls and John McCarthy. Remains resting at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. until 10 p.m, Wednesday. September 17. Serv ices at Fort Myer Chapel on Thursday. September 18, at 10 a.m. Xnterment Arlington National Cemetery. 17 MOORE, LUCY. 1340 Park Td. n.w., wife of Everett H. Moore, mother of Btaff Sergt. Everett H., jr.; AZC. Stuart, Judy L. and David T. Moore, and daughter of Mrs. Lucy C. Pierce. Services at Cham bers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., Wednesday. September 17. at 11:30 a.m. Interment at Pohick Church, Va. MONROE, MARY A. Os Providence. R. I. (formerly of D. C.). on September 14. 1962. sister of Mrs. James P. McDonough of Providence. R. 1., and FTed L. Koppen itelner; aunt of Mrs. Charles P. Hughes of Washington. D. C. Services at Cham bers’ Funeral Home. 3072 M st. n.w.. on Wednesday. September 17, at 2 p.m. In terment Washington National Cemetery. MURPHY, JULIA AGNES. On Sunday. September 14, 1952. at her residence. 803 C St. S.W.. JULIA AGNES MURPHY, beloved daughter of the late Dennis and Mary Murphy, sister of Anna R. Murphy. Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday. September 17, at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Dominick's Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends 'nvited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 | MUTCHLER, MARTIN JAMES. Os 2629 8. i Adams st., Arlington. Va.. on September 14. 1952; son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Mutchler. Jr. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 3072 M st. n.w.. on Wed nesday. September 17, at 9:16 a.m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery 16 PENDLETON. BENJAMIN. on Sunday. September 14, 1952. at Gallinger Hos pital. BENJAMIN PENDLETON of 3763 Jay st. n.e.. father of Isaiah Pendleton. Mts. Gertrude Shorter and Mrs. Laura Sykes of New York; brother of Mary Lucas. After 3 p.m. Wednesday. Sep tember 17. friends may call at Rollins’ Funeral Home. 4339 Huntpl. n.e.. where services will be held on Thursday, Sep tember 18. at 1 p.m. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. 17 PETRIE. EUP HE MIA C. On Monday. Sep tember 15. 1952. at Emergency Hospital, EUPHEMIA C. PETRIE of 1628 Kenil worth ave. n.e., beloved wife of Alexander B. Petrie, mother of Mrs. E. May Johnson and Corpl. Alexander J. Petrie. U. 8. Army In Germany. Friends may eall at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass, ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Friday, September 19, at 2 p.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 18 QUISENBERRY, WELDON P. On Tuesday, September 16. 1952. WELDON P. QUISENBERRY of 1646 6th st. n.w.. son of the late Lloyd and Edmonia Quisenberry. He is survived by his cousins. Mrs Sophia M. Field. Mrs. Bertie Mae Luke and Melvin Crutcher; a de voted. motheT-in-law, Mrs. Laura J. Pol lard; other relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangement* by McGuire. Inc. 18 RIDDICK/ SONET CLIFTON. On Monday. September I*. 1952, SONEY CLIFTON RIDDCK of 1201 E st. n.e.. beloved son of Soney and Mary Riddick of Belvedere. N. C. He also leaves one sister, eight brothers, other relative* and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by Jarvis. KOUSSEAU. GEORGE W. Suddenly, on Monday. September 16. 1962. at his resi dence. 619 Allison it. n.w.. GEOROE W. ROUSSEAU* son of the late William and Annie Rousseau. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. September 17. Graveside services at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday, September 18, at 1:30 p.m. BCHREIBER, RAYMOND E. Suddenly on Sunday. September 14. 1952. at Leonard town. Md.. RAYMOND E. SCHREIBER, beloved son of Lawrence J. and Ruth Schreiber and brother of Lawrence J.. jr.: Donna Marie and Ronald Charles Schreiber. Funeral sevicea at the Sim mons Bros. Funeral Home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e.. on Wednesday, September 17, at 11 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. SHORTER. FRANCIS. On Tuesday. Sep tember !>. 1952. FRANCIS SHORTER of 1837 Kalorama rd. n.w. She leaves to mourn their loss her husband. Andrew Shorter; two .daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Holton and Mrs. Helen Holton; a son. Joseph Shorter; a cousin, Lewis Holly; a devoted friend, Mrs. Della Holly, and many other relatives and friends. After 6 p.m. Tuesday. September 16, friends may oall at the Morris A. Carter At Co. Funeral Home. 2nd and F sts. s.w. Serv ices. Wednesday. September 17, at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church. 1716 16th at. n.w.. where the holy sacrifice of the maas will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of her souL Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BIMS. ROBERTA. On Monday. September 16. 1962. ROBERTA SIMS of 1124 Co lumbia rd. n.w., beloved wife of Paul Sims, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth Pearsall of Bowden, N. C. She also leaves three brothers, four sisters, nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by Jarvis. SMITH, MARY T. On Monday, September 16, 1952. at George Washington Uni verslty Hospital. MARY T. SMITH of 824 Eye st. n.e.. beloved wife of the late Eugene D. Smith and mother of Edward A.. Harry E. and Edward A. Smith, jr., Mrs. Julia M. Land and Mr*. Nelia Eichhorn and Mrs. Bertha M. McKay. She also is survived by nine grandchildren and 10 great-grandchil dren. Friends may call at the above residence until 1:30 pun. on Thursday, September 18. Services will be held at the Centennial Baptist Church. 7tb and Eye sts. n.e.. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. (Fredericksburg gnd Culpeper. Va.. papers please copy.) 17 SMITH. 'WILLIAM H. Suddenly, on Mon day. September 16. 1952. at Croom. Md.. WILLIAM H. SMITH, ton of James and Mary Smith, brother of Gladys Swan, Elizabeth Pinkney. Victoria Stewart, Nancy Ford, Harriet Swan. Viola, Mary. Frank. John. Charles. Edward and Don ald Smith. Notice of funeral later. Ar rongements by Rollins. SULLIVAN. TAYLOR. Deputed this life on September 11 1952, at Freedmen’* Hos pital. TAYLOR SULLIVAN of 907 4th St. n.w. He leaves hts mother, one brother, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends are Invited to call at Darden’s Funeral Home. 305 H st. n.w.. Tuesday. September 16. after 5 p.m., where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. September 17. at 11 a.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. • BTKES. ESTELLE FRANCES. On Friday. September 12. 1962. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. ESTELLE FRANCES SYKES, beloved wife of the late Luther C. Sykes; mother of Luther C.. jr., Leßoy P., Jack J. Sykes and Mrs. Estelle M. Crooks. Friends are Invited to call st her late residence. 1106 Park pi. n.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday. September 17. at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington Notional Cemetery. 16 THORNHILL. BETTY MOODY. Suddenly. Tuesday. September 16, 1952, at the residence Os a friend. Miss Katharine F. Bell, Mrs. BETTY MOODY THORNHILL of 1673 Columbia rd. n.w.. beloved wife of the late RevTLutner Rice Thornhill stepmother of Miss Lucy Thornhill, Mrs. Long and Mrs. Annie Sargent; stepgrand mother of Dr. Thornhill of Charleston. W. Va.; aunt as Mrs. Hunter Martin of Richmond. Va., and Mr*. W. A. Cowie of Norfolk, Va. Remains resting at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th ■t. n.w. Notice of funeral later. IN ARLINGTON Ives Funeral Home Est. 1910 A pioneer Arlington establishment, proven by time and usage; built by the patronage and recommendation of Arlington families. Modern air-conditioned funeral borne, where privacy and n friendly, helpful attitude prevail. ARLINGTON'S FIRST AND FINER FUNERAL HOME 2847 WILSON BLVD. OXFORD 3016 (On Wilii Blvi. mtm Shi) lentifg TALBERT. ELLEN MARGARET. On Sat urday. September 13. 1952 at Freed men’s Hospital. ELLEN MARGARET TAL BERT. devoted wife of Arnett Talbert. She also leaves two sons. Charles and Wilbert Talbert; two daughters-ln-law. Naomi and Barbara Talbert; five grand children. Wilbert, Jr.; Barbara. Orace, Charles and Ronald Talbert; a half brother. George Traverse; two brothers in-law. John Watkins and Archibald Tal bert; two sisters-ln-law. Hilda Talbert and Ethel Cropper; a very dear and de voted friend, Mrs. Mary Jackson, and many other friends. Remains resting at her late residence. 1130 New Hamp shire ave. n.w., after 4 p.m. Tuesday, September 16. where friends may call. Funeral Wednesday, September 17. at 1 P.m., from the Shiloh Baptist Church. 9th and P sts. q.w.. Rev. Earl L Har rison officiating. interment Arlington National Cemetery. Services by Boyd's. • TALBERT, ELLEN. The officers and mem bers of Ruth Chapter, No. 8, w A O. E. B... are requested to at tend funeral services for Sis ter ELLEN TALBERT, on Wed nesday. September 17. 1952, W at 1 p.m., at the Shiloh Bap v tlst Church. 9th and P sts. n.w. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. ESTELLE M. BURRELL. W. M. MORRIS W. CAUL, W. P. CORDELIA J. WILLIAMS. Bec. WELCH. SAMUEL C. Suddenly, on Tues day. September 16. 1952. at Providence Hospital. SAMUEL C. WELCH of 2007 Taylor st. n.e.. beloved husband of Carrie Hudson Wach, son of the late Edward and Katharine Burke Welch, brother of Miss Mary Welch. Mrs. Margaret Tyrrell. Edward James. Oeorge and John Welch. Washington, D. C. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. September 19. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St Francis De Sales’ Church. Rhode Island ave. and 20th st. n -e.. where the holy sacrifle of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Fort Lincoln Cem etery. is WHITMER, GEOEGE W. On Sunday, September 14 1952. at his home, Merrl fleld Va. GEORGE W. WHITMER, be loved husband of Janie M. Whitmer. He also Is survived by three sisters, Barbara. Bessie and Julia, and three brothers. John. Dave and Bryan. Remains resting at Pearson’s Funeral Home. 472 N. Wash. at.. Falls Church. Va.. until 12 noon Wednesday. September 17, thence to Port Myer Chapel where fu neral services will be held at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery/ 18 in Jfiriwirtam BYRNE. LORETTA M. In loving memory of our dear wife, mother and grand mother, LORETTA M. BYRNE, who passed away suddenly one year ago. September Id, 1951. “ Your gentle face and patient smile _ With sadness we recall; You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, A» time goes by we miss you more; Your loving smile, your gentle face. No one can fill your vacant place. THE FAMILY. » CLEMENTSON. FLORENCE - C In loving i“*?!?K.& I «JS! u 'L.. dear J noth * r - FLORENCE L. CLEMENTSON. who passed away two years ago today. September 16. 1950. In that blessed land called Heaven I pray we’U once more be United as we were on earth. For all eternity. DEVOTED FAMILY « HOLLEY, JOHN NORRIS. In loving re membrance of our devoted husband and father. JOHN NORRIS HOLLEY, who passed away September 16. 1950. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss him yet. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. « JOHNSON. SAMUEL. In loving memory of my beloved husband. SAMUEL JOHN SON, who departed this life one year, ago today. September 16. 1951. The years have passed to swiftly, dear. And 1 miss you more and more each _ day; Z will not say that you are dead. You are just away. Your kind deeds and loving smiles will always linger In my heart. YOUR DEVOTED WIFE. BEATRICE JOHNSON. • MONTAGUE, JAMES. In memory of our husband and father. JAMES MONTAGUE, who passed away three years ago today, September 16. 1949. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tenderly, fond and true; There is not a day that passes That we do not think of you. WIFE AND CHILDREN. * RYE. JENNIE C. In loving memory of our dear mother. JENNIE C. RYE. who de parted this life one year ago today, Sep tember 16. 1951. MOTHER. M is for the million things she gave us. O means only that she is growing old; T is for the tears she shed to save us. H is for her heart of purest gold. E is for her eyes with love light shining, R means rlsht. and right she shall always be. Put them all together and they spell a word that means the world to us. HER DAUGHTER AND SON-IN-LAW. MARGARET AND WADE; FRIENDS. MR. WILLIAM M. ANDERSON AND MR. JAMES H. SIMMS. » RYE, JENNIE C. In loving memory of our dear grandmother. JENNIE C. RYE. who departed this life one year ago today, September 16, 1951. To one who passed away one year ago today. And is always with us when we pray. We miss you more each hour and day. Because you are not with us when we Play. God picked you out of all the rest. Because He know you’d love us best; Now He’s taken you home with Him, To let you have eternal rest. YOUR GRANDCHILDREN AND GREAT GRANDCHILDREN. JOHNNY. Jr.; TINNY.JOHNNY 111. RONNIE. ROB ERT UEE. JO-ANN AND BILLY. • WEBTRAY. MATTIE T.; SMITH, EUNICE W. A tribute of love to the memory of our mother, sister and grandmother, MATTIE T. WEBTRAY. who departed this life September 16. 1944. and sister and niece. EUNICE W. SMITH, who de parted this life June 2, 1945. Somewhere back of the sunset. Where loveliness never dies. They live in a land of glory With the blue and gold of the skies. God knew that they were suffering, That the hills were hard to climb, 80 He closed their weary eyelids And whispered. “Peace be thine.” MARY W. CRAWLEY AND SISTER. IDA PAOE. • Report on Wall Collapse At Glenmont School Due The Glenmont Citizens’ Asso ciation will hear tonight a report on the collapse of a wall of Glen mont School last April. The report will be made by a joint committee of the citizen’s group and the Parent-Teacher’s Association. Deaths Reported (From the D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics) Maria A. Knight, 81, 526 Madison street n.w. Margaret Dickinson, 79, 1219 Otis place n.w. Macedallna Brockman, 78, 614 Indepen dence street s.e. rtnnie R.. Frank. 1 74. Arlington, Va. Brnilie Bottger. 69, Arlington. Ve. Carrie D. Oollmer. 64. Louisville, Ky. Esteila F. Sykes. 62, 1106 Park street n.e. Grover W. Tribble, 60, 4531 South Dakota avenue n.e. Thomas R. Harris. 64. Virginia. Norman W. Baxter. 51. 1314 29th street n.w. Charles H. Green, 61, 1638 K street s.e. Paul Peierabend. 54. Soldiers’ Home. Ida M. Harner, 40. 1372 Bryant street n.e. Effle M. Hayden. 37. 634 P street n.e. Susie Richey, 74, 1504 Ist street n.w. Mamie Jewell. 67, 610 L street n.e. Henry T. Howard. 67. 36 C street s.w. Lottie Ruff. 61, 1722 2nd street n.w. Janie Cooper. 30. 640 M street s.e. Edna P. Morgan. 51, New York City. Nora White, 49. Upper Marlboro. Md. Janie Cooper, 39. 640 M street e.e. Abraham A. Roberts. 39. 2413 H street n.w. George W. Bosewall, 33. Silver Spring. Md. Infant, Pitts, 1106 21st place n.e. Infant, Williams. 1731 T street n.w. Annie P. Aspinwall. 89, 1121 New Hamp shire avenue n.w. Grace L. Sperry, 84, 1316 Delafield place Harry' C. Feller. 76, 1137 Oates street Katherine M. Boernsteln, 67, 2006 26th street n.e. S&&A » a^'^l^st^nV' Yvonne English. 34, Alexandria. Va. Jacob H Hooking. 88, 10 D street e.e James W. Beofett, 67. 114 U street n.w. Nellie CrntehSeur. 46. 1816 Bth street n.w. Uson Alexander, Infant, 232 20th street Sylvester Tracey. Infant, Silver Spring. Md. WilliamS. Pryor, 41 r Washington Newsman And NPA Official, Dies William S. Pryor, 41, Washing ton newspaperman, died yesterday at Martinsburg (W. Va.) Veterans Hospital after Mr. Pryor was president of the **»■ Frywr. Washington Newspaper Guild in 1948 and a member of the execu tive board several times. He was chairman of the convention com mittee of the Washington Guild in 1950 when the national conven tion was held in Washington. He was a delegate to several national conventions. Mr. Pryor formerly was chief of the editorial copy desk of the Times-Herald. He was bom In lowa and began his newspaper career in Bridge port, Conn. He was a reporter for the United Press during the 19305. After working on the Washington Daily News, he joined the Army shortly after the outbreak of World War II and was with the military police. He was chief non commissioned officer of the MP detachment at Selective Service Headquarters here. He joined the Times-Herald as a copy reader after he got out of the Army. He left the paper in April, 1951, and became editor of the Defense Production Record. Six months ago he was appointed chief of the editorial and* research branch of NPA. He lived at 215 C street S.E. He was a member of the Na tional Press Club. Funeral services will be held at Fort Myer Chapel with burial in Arlington Cemetery. The day and hour have not been set. | Miss A. Pearl Cooper, Professor Emeritus Miss A. Pearl Cooper, 77, pro fessor emeritus at George Wash ington University, died on August 23 while vacationing in Colorado Springs, it has been learned here. Miss Cooper came to the uni versity in 1927 as associate pro fessor of English. She was made professor of English in 1939 and professor emeritus in 1940. Her special field was Elizabethan lit erature. After her retirement, she founded a tutoring institute at the La Salle Apartments, Con necticut and L street N.W., where she lived. Many of the students she and her staff tutored were connected with embassies here. Miss Cooper was graduated from Cutler Academy and four years later received her bachelor of arts degree from Colorado Col lege. She was a teaching assistant at Stanford Univeristy and re ceived her master’s degree there. As a graduate student, she did work at Columbia University, and Universities of Wisconsin, Chi cago and London. She was dean of women and professor of Eng lish in a number of colleges and universities. Miss Cooper was active in the University Women’s Club and the Washington Club. She was a member of the George Washington Hospital Women’s Board, the English Speaking Un ion, League of Republican Women, YWCA Board of Washington, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, the National Symphony Orchestra Association and the board of the Washington branch of the Amer ican Association of University Women. Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Thomas C. Strachan, Colorado Springs, and three nephews. Col. Christian, Grandson Os Stonewall Jackson * 6y the Associated Press JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Sept. 16. 1 —Col. T. J. Jackson Christian, a grandson of Gen. Thomas (Stone wall) Jackson, died at his home here yesterday. He was 64. CoL. Christian was a former ex ecutive officer of the Military Acad emy at West Point. He served overseas in World War I, com manded Camp Roberts, Calif., dur ing World War n, and later com manded the Miami Beach service area. Burial will be in Lexington, Va., near the statue of Gen. Jackson. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Elenora Faison Christian; two daughters, Mrs. Leslie Schwark of St. Petersburg and Virginia Stuart Christian; two sons, William Ed mond Christian and Thomas Jack son Christian, and a sister, Mrs. Randolph Preston of Washington, D. C. Very Rev. F. A. I remonger LONDON, Sept. 16 (/P).—The dean of Lichfield, the Very Rev. Frederic Athelwold Iremonger, 74, died at his home at Lichfield last night. He was chaplain to Britain’s Kings from 1927 to 1939. IFOR THOSE WHO CARE AND DESIRE THE BEST! IMMACULATELY MAINTAINED Perpetually Endowed Compare Before You Buy port. Jiacoln, WASHINGTON’S LARGEST AND FINEST CEMETERY—MAUSOLEUM—CREMATORIUM jjsnrwrii —— Jonathan Levin, 3 Months, 1 Son of Public Relations Man Funeral services for Jonathan Levin, 3-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Y. Harry Levin, were to be held at 10 am. today at Goldberg’s funeral hope, 4217 Ninth street N.W., with burial in National Capital Hebrew Cemetery. The baby was found dead in his crib yesterday. Death was at tributed to bronchial pneumonia. Mr. Levin is public relations counselor of the Israeli Embassy. The Levins live at 1637 Harvard street N.W. August Croissant, 81, Retired in 1926 as Monument Guard August Croissant, sr., 81, former Washington Monument guard, died Saturday at Pine Crest Sana torium. Baltimore. He lived at 408 Sixty-fifth street, Maryland Park, Md. Mr. Croissant suffered severe head injuries, a paralyzed hand and the loss of a finger in 1926 when he was struck by the body of a man who plunged to his death from the Monument. The visor of Mr. Croissant’s cap was cut in two by the falling body. He retired that year 4or physical disability. Two days before, while Mr. Croissant was on duty, another person had leaped to his death. On several occasions Mr. Crois sant, a powerful man about 6 feet 4 Inches tall, thwarted would be suicides either by force or per suasion. Subsequently, the win dows of the shaft were barred. Mr. Croissant was bom in France. He served four years in the French dragoons and after ward served four years in the French engineers. In 1900 he came to the United States and was a stonemason contractor in Potsdam. N. Y. He came to Washington in 1919 and began work at the Monument. | Survivors are a son, August, Jr., [of the home address; four grand children, nine great-grandchildren and two nieces. Funeral services were to be held at 1:30 p.m. today at Deal’s fu neral home, 4812 Georgia avenue N.W., with burial In Prospect Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Florence Kneeland, Mother ol Newspaperman Mrs. Florence Kelsey Kneeland, 74, mother of Harold Kneeland, assistant Sunday editor of the! Washington Post, was killed Sat-! urday in a traffic accident near! Morganton, N. C. Her husband, the Rev. B. F.! Kneeland, elder of the Seventh-! day Adventist Church in Morgan ton, was injured critically in the collision of his car and a truck at Glen Alpine, six miles west of Morganton. Mr. Kneeland suffered multiple fractures of the right arm, brain concussion and scalp lacerations. Besides her son, Mrs. Kneeland is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Carl Jacobs, Meridian, Miss. Funeral services and burial were to be held today in Morganton. Frederick R. Johnson, Former Builder Here Frederick R. Johnson, 52, formerly in the building repair! business, died Sunday in Gallinger Hospital, after a long illness. Mr. Johnson was born • and! educated in Newport News, Va./ the son of the late Stephen and Josephine Ford Johnson. He; worked in the office of the super intendent of construction at the Newport Ship Building and Dry Dock Go. before he came to Wash ington in 1937. At one time he was a clerk at the Gilbert Hotel here. Lately he had lived and worked at the East ern House. 518 H street N.W. He was a member of the Vaughn Bible Class at Calvery Baptist Church and a former member of the Virginia National Guard. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Ida Elizabeth Johnson, and three brothers, Edwin 1., of Hampton, Va., Aubrey N. of Chicago and Stephan jr. of Elyria, Ohio. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in Chambers Funeral Home, Fourteenth and Chapin streets N.W. The place of burial has not been determined. EnabHthed 1850 1 i I GAWUW* 1 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS g| (HI 1750-58 Pennsytvaaia Ave., N.W. P) fSj] (last west of the White Home) SI U=j NAtkmal 5512 |jSj El 1369 N. Edgewood St., Arljngtoa @1 (A Mock off Wiieoa Mvd.) 35] pi GLebe 5550 Miss Georgians Moncure, Retired Federal Employe Miss Georgians Bankhead Mon cure, 88, retired employe of the Patent Office, died yesterday at “Westwood” in Widewater, Va., where she was visiting a cousin. Miss Nannie Mason Lee. She had been ill two weeks. Miss Moncure lived at 1811 Wyoming avenue N. W. She was born in Widewater and came to Washington when she was in her 20s to work at the Patent Office. She retired about 30 years ago. Survivors are a niece, Miss Elise Vance Moncure, of the Wyoming avenue address; four nephews, Hunt Ames and John Moncure, both of Quantico, Va.; W. Edwin Moncure, Roanoke and Robert T. Moncure, New York. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 pjn. at Aquia Episcopal Church, near Stafford Courthouse, Va. Burial will be in the church yard there. George V. Lofton, Louisiana Newspaperman •y *H* Associated Prats MONROE, La., Sept. 16. George V. Lofton, 51 -year-old managing editor of the Monroe News-Star and Morning World, died today. He had been in failing health in recent month, but had been active in the direction of both newspapers until September 2, when he entered a Monroe hos pital. Funeral services will be Wed nesday. Wilson Ewing, 50-year-old edi tor and publisher of both Monroe papers, died unexpectedly Sep tember 8 in the same hospital. Mr. Lofton Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Sybil Taylor Knight Lofton, and a son by a former marriage, George V. Lofton, jr., now a journalism student at Co lumbia University in New York. Mrs. Werner and Hyde Will Debate Tomorrow Mrs. Stella Werner and State Senator DeWitt Hyde, candidates for the 6th District seat in Con gress, will debate at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Woodward & Lothrop auditorium, Wisconsin and Western avenues, Bethesda. Mrs. Werner, Democrat, and Senator Hyde, Republican, will address the Maplewood Citizens Association. W, R. Frank Hines, President ! W•skintton’s Foromosi Funeral Homo Since WS Sg S.H.ffines Company 2901-03-05-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. COlumbi* 7023 24 No Brandi EstdfUtbment* Selecting the Burial Estate Together ! m i The prospect of death is, of course, not a pleasant one. Yet, beorase death comes to all of us, it is wise to be prepared. One detail of this preparation is the pre-need selection of a family burial estate in the established cemetery of your choice. It should consist of a plot of sufficient size for family requirements. Your selection is made under the best possible conditions when you choose as a family ... and before need. An intelligent decision, ; as the result of calm deliberation, will prove a life-long satisfaction to all. Our five-year purchase plan simplifies the financial problem. Drive out Pennsylvania Ave., S£., direct to Cedar Hill Cametery. Or take VPM&A. Buses that leave 11th and Pa. Ave., N.W., regularly. Gates open until tundoum. Cedar Hill WasLinyton'd hhloel JSeaulifuf (Zomulorf Robert C. Fulcher, Rockville Auto Man Robert C. Fulcher. 54, sales manager of the Rockmont Motor Co. In Rockville, Md., died Sun day in Suburban Hospital, Be thesda, where he had been for |2y 2 weeks. ] Mr. Fulcher, who lived at 1005 ! Rockcrest drive, Rockville, came here in 1941 and joined the motor company. A West Virginian by birth, he spent most of his life in Winston- Salem, N.C. He went to school In Winston-Salem and was in the automobile business there. Mr. Fulcher served in France as an Army corporal during World War I. During World War 11, he was a machinist, first class, in the Navy. He taught Marines at Camp LeJeune and was on land duty in the South Pacific. Mr. Fulcher, who was active in civic affairs in Rockville, was president of the Rockville Lions Club in 1949-50. He also was a member of the Masons and American Legion in Rockville. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. [Mary Mosley Fulcher, and a [daughter, Mrs. Norman E. Pers son, both of Rockville; a son, Robert, Jr., Washington; his mother, Mrs. Imogene Fulcher, and a sister. Miss Violet Fulcher, both of Winston-Salem; two brothers; B. W. Fulcher of Win ston-Salem, and Glen Fulcher of Atlanta, Ga., and three grand children. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Rock ville Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Ceiling Price Restored On Two Used Autos •y lha Associated Prass Dollars-and-cents ceiling prices were restored yesterday on used Chevrolet suburban and GMC sub urban model autos at the same level which prevailed up to July 31. On the latter date, OPS re moved the dollar ceilings, leaving the used models subject to the “freeze” type ceilings by which trucks are priced. This froze each seller’s price at the figure he was charging on January 26,1951, and created a variety of selling prices. Sir Richard Gregory LONDON, Sept. 16 (IP). —Sir Richard Gregory, 88, Bristol shoe maker’s son who became a dis tinguished astronomer and sci entist. died last night at Middle ton-on-Sea.