Newspaper Page Text
Telephone Workers End Brief Walkout In Virginia Offices Telephone operators In the Alexandria and Arlington of fices of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., were back at their switchboards to day after a 24-hour work stop page which began early Satur day. The return to work at 7 a.m. yesterday was as sudden as the walkout, which union officials conceded was as much a sur prise to them as to the com pany. About 100 operators and central office repairmen failed to report for work during the 24-hour period. Glenn E. Watts, director of District 2, CIO Communica tions Workers of America, said union officials discussed the situation with striking work ers late Saturday and succeed ed in getting them back on the Job. He said the work stoppage was a protest against lagging negotiations on a new con tract between the company and the union. Bargaining has been going on since April, but joint talks have been re cessed since last Friday pend ing a conference call by cither side. The contract covering an estimated 7,000 union work ers expired June 7. The union Is seeking an BV2-cent-an hour wage increase, more lib eral vacations and a seven hour day. Mr. Watts denied reports that the work stoppage was a wildcat strike. He said the union membership voted for a strike if contract negotia tions broke down. Soviets'Renounce' '45 Turkish Claims •y th« Associated Pros* ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 20. —Russia, in an exchange of notes with Turkey, says she has “renounced” previous ter ritorial claims against her Balkan neighbor and “recon sidered” earlier demands to share control of the strategic Dardanelles. The Turkish government re plied Saturday that it “noted with satisfaction” the official Soviet declaration. The Soviet note was sent May 30 but not made public until yesterday. The Soviets in 1945 demand ed a hand in running the Dardanelles, which links the Mediterranean and Black Sea.; Russia also laid claim to the Turkish border areas of Kars, Ardahan and Artvin. Turkey rejected the demands. The new Russian note said "the Soviet government de clares the Soviet Union does not have any territorial claims whatsoever against Turkey.” Under the 1936 Montreux Convention—signed by Tur key, Russia. Romania, Bul garia, Britain, France, Ger many, Greece, Yugoslavia and Japan Turkish sovereignty over the key waterway is rec ognized but free passage is guaranteed merchant ships of all nations in peace or war. In the event of Turkish bel ligerency. however, the Turks have the right to bar warships. Showers Dampen Fires 1 Raging in Adirondacks By the Associated Press LONG LAKE, N. Y„ July 20. —Firefighters hoped to bring under control today flames licking a mile-wide swath through the Adirondack mountain woodland in the State’s largest forest fire of the season. The outbreak, described by the State Conservation De partment as “potentially the most dangerous in many years” was dampened by showers last night. About 215 firefighters worked in shifts to carve a 20-foot wide re-break around the flames on the slopes of Sew ard Mountain in the central Adirondacks. A Conservation Department spokesman said he was un able to estimate how much acreage had been burned since the fire began Saturday night. Lightning apparently touched off the flames. Pro-Red Kashmir Leader Hits Independence Plan By th« Associated Press NEW DELHI, India. July 20.—Political warfare over the future of Kashmir mounted today inside the disputed Himalayan state, with the State Assembly’s pro-Commu nist president voicing opposi tion to Kashmiri Premier Sheik Abdullah’s plan for an independent state. Speaking to a peasants’ meeting in Srinagar, the Kashmir capital, G. M. Sadeq,; termed the premier's pro posals “childish” and said in dependence “would make the state a cockpit of internation al intrigue which would serve only the imperialists.” Sadeq's views were consid ered particularly significant here since they were the first expression from either the Communists or those sympa-, thetic to them. 1 Wife Files Tenth Suit for Divorce From Same Man By the Associated Press LOS ANGELES, July 20. For the 10th time since 1940 Susan B. Harshman, 62, has filed suit for divorce from Harry T. Harshman, also 62, a retired real estate broker. Her latest petition accuses Harshman of striking' her, knocking out her teeth, scratching her, threatening to kill her, kicking her. The Harshmans were mar ried February 29, 1940. She filed her first divorce suit the following October, then dis missed it. She since has filed—and dropped—divorce actions in 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1950 and 1952. 10 Building Workers Hurt in Hotel Accident By the Associated Press MIAMI BEACH. Fla., July 20.—A section of a multi-mil lion dollar ocean-front hotel under construction collapsed yesterday, sending 10 work men to hospitals. The men fell 25 feet to the ground when a framework of concrete, steel and planking caved in. Hospital attendants said none was seriously in jured. A full crew was on the job yesterday, rushing the hotel, the Di Lido, to its scheduled December completion. To Place a Star Classified Ad Call STerling 3-5000 Classified Ad Rates Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time. 43e per Up*. 3 to 0 time* consecutively. 88c per line. 7 tlmef consecutively. 80c per line New automobiles. 60e oar line: 4-llne minimum Special Notices and Personal. 6e per line additional. Out-of-town rate. oOe • tine eacb Insertion- Claims for errors must be made In time for correction before second Insertion CLOSING HOURS: SUNDAY EDITION—IO P.M FRI i MONDAY EDITION—B P.M. SUN ! TUEB. to FRI.—9 P M. DAY BEFORE SATURDAY EDITION—IO P.M. FRI Bradley Bethesda DRUG STORE Bradley Shopping Center 6900 Arlington Rd. (Corner Bradley Blvd.) Bethesda, Md. Star Want Ads Accepts Other places conven iently located for the acceptance of Classified Advertising. SPECIAL NOTICES BULOVA WATCHES. 33Vj,% discount ARTHUR MARKEL 940 F st n.w I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any depts contracted for by any one other than myself. Marvin Morow. 2303 Guilford rd.. No. 202 Hvatts ville. Md. 22* IT IS ANNOUNCED THAT THE LAW OFFICES OF E. WILLARD HYDE E. Willard Hyde Roscoe A. Faretta Mario 8 Romero Thomas A. Lohm [ Have moved from Suite 600. 710 ! 14th St.. N.W. to I Suite 711. 1319 'F' Street. N.W. Telephones: National 8-2820. Na tional 8-2821. National 8-4041. Na tlonal 8-2149, —2O ; THE HYDE COMPANY GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS CASUALTY AND FIRE LINES ANNOUNCES REMOVAL OF ITS OFFICES FROM Suite 600. 710 14th Street. N.W.. to Suite 711. 1319 ’F’ Btreet, N.W. Telephones: National 8-2820. Na tional 8-2821. National 8-4041. Na tlonal 8-2149. —2O AUCTION SALES ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON Auctloneers-Appraisers. Bankruptcy Sale FORD “1951” SEDAN De Luxe, Fordor NO. 8.1.5.C.5. 151211 GRUEN <fc WHITTNAUER WATCHES DIAMOND & RimY SIGNET RING i By Public Auction at Weschler's, 905 E St. N.W. TUESDAY July 21. 1953. 10 A M. Re: Arthur J. Hughes. Jr. Bankrupt No. 22-53 Terms: Cash. PAUL J. KASLOFF. Trustee. National Press Building. THOS J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers. 435 Southern Building. Trusters' Sale of Valuable DETACH-j ED FRAME DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 208 FORTY-FOURTH STREET. NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, In Liber No. 9497. Folio 49 et sea., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on TUESDAY THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF JULY AD. 1953. AT FOUR O’CLOCK P.M., the following-described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 136 In Irvin's subdivision of lots In Square 5088, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 71 at folio 132. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately $4,800.00 further particulars of which will be annoounced at time of sale: the pur-1 chase price above said trust to be paid In cash. A deposit of SSOO 00 I required. Conveyancing, recording. ’ etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be compiled with within j thlrtv days, otherwise deposit for i felted and the property mav be ad vertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. E. SPENCER FITZGERALD. Surviving Trustee. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. Trustee’s sale of dwelling house num ber 2106 R street N.W. Pursuant to judgment of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia In Civil Action 5182-52. I will offer for sale at public auction on Monday the 27th day of July. 1953. at 4:30 o'clock p.m.. Lot 59 in McLanahan’s Subdivision In Square 66. as per plat recorded In the Surveyor’s Office In Liber 18 folio 89 Improved by a three-story and basement brick dwelling containing 9 rooms and 2 baths, heated by oil and numbered 2106 R Street. North west Title to be good and unen-l cumbered of record subject only to covenants of record and monthly tenancy. Terms of Sale: SI,OOO deposit In cash or certified check required at sale. Purchase money to be paid in cash Sale to be settled within thirty days : from date of Its ratification by the Court, otherwise deposit shall stand forfeited as liquidated damages and thereupon all rights of the purchaser : shall stand terminated. Trustee re serves the right to withdraw the property from sale in case of inade quate bid. and if sale is not ratified deposit shall be returned, j GEORGE C. OERTMAN. Trustee 1 ,_«-^V , !i r L®?SJ s 2£. urltT Building. tet9Ju6. AUCTION SALES (Cot.) ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Aactieneers-Appraisers Trustees’ Sale of RESTAURANT FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT. BTOCK IN TRADE. LEASEHOLD INTEREST. LICENSES, etc. By Virtue of a Chattel Deed of Trust recorded In Liber 9963. folio 205 et eeq., one of the Land Records of the District of Columbia and at the request of the Party secured thereby the undersigned Trustees will sell by public auction at No. 3505 Georgia Avenue. N.W. on TUEBDAY. JULY 21. 1953 AT 4 O'CLOCK P.M., National Cash Reg ister. Bottle Cooler Stools. Refrig eration. Toaster. Fans. Steam Table, Orlll, Meat Block. Oas Rrange, Stock In Trade. Etc., also leasehold In terest particulars of which will be announced at time of sale. Terms: Cash. IRVING B. YOCHELSON and I- BRILL. Trustees. 1u17.18.20 ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. INC. AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE ONE-STORY. FRAME. DETACHED DWELLING. KNOWN A8 4419 FOOTE STREET. NORTHEAST. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded In Liber No. 7225 at folio 296, one of the Land Records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale bv public auction In front of the premises on MONDAY. JULY 27. 1953. AT 3:30 O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described property in the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot numbered Sixty-four (641 in Marlon Duckett and T. Howard Duckett's combination of lots In Square numbered Fifty-one Hundred and Thirty-one (5131). as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor 'f the District of Columbia In liber 58 at folio 39. TERMS OF SALE: All cash. A de nosit of $500.00 will be required at time of sale. Examination of title, conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms to be compiled with within thirty days from day of sale, other wise trustee reserves the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In Wash ington. D. C. or deposit may be forfeited, or without forfeiting the deposit the trustee may avail itself of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. AMFRICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANV. Trustee. Bv: WILLIAM L. BEALE. Vice President. (Seal.) Attest: TINNAEUS T. SAVAGE. As sistant Secretary. ‘Tlfi THOS. .1. OWEN A 80N. Auctioneers, 435 Sonthern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY BEMIDETACHED BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES 6436 BASS PLACE, BOUTHEABT. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated April 1, 1953 and recorded as Instrument No. 12.633. April 3. 1953 among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the prem -IJ?2,’„U, n „ I 3 J/ SDAY ’ THE TWENTY EIGHTH DAY OF JULY A.D. 1953, AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and prem ises. situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being Lot 05 in Sauare 5291 in the subdivision made by the Southwest Construction Corporation, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia In Liber 124 at Folio 29. Subject to Covenants, building re striction line, agreements and right of way of record. Terms. Sold subject to a prior gliding association) deed of trust for approximately 57.050.00 fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase nrice above said trust to 2* in cash. A deposit of SoOO oo required. Conveyancing, re cording. etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjustments made as of date of be compiled with w'thin THIRTY days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. MAURICE GREENBAUM, EDWARD SCHWEITZER. ,1?1 / .20.2” ,*’4,27 TriKtPF* tho * - £oWEN A SON. Auctioneer* 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW FRAME DWELLING BEINO KNOWN AS PREMISES 320 SIXTH STREET. SOUTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 9361. Folio 39 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction In front of the premises. on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF JULY A.D. 1953. AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot num bered 33 1> Square numbered 874 In a subdivision made by Charles Schroth. as per plat recorded In Liber 23 at Folio 101 In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia. Terms: Sold subject to a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $2,110.00, and a prior „_ trus , t , f ° r approximately 92.100.90. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trusts to be paid In cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Con veyancing. recording, etc., at pur chaser’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be com plied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the proper-y may he advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. J. J. KELLIHER. HOWARD BERNSTEIN. lyl 7,20.22.24 27. Trustees. fHOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer,, 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING. BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 528 TWENTY-FOURTH STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 9007, Folio 75 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on THURSDAY THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JULY A.D. 1953. AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M. the following-de scribed land and premises, situate Ini the District of Columbia, and deslg-! nated as and being Lot 77 In Kite’s subdivision of lots In Square 33. as , Per plat recorded In the Office of the: Surveyor for the District of Colum bia in Liber 44 at folio 102. Terms. Sold subfect *o a prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $4,347.66. further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be paid In cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Adlust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees. HOWARD BERNSTEIN. , _ CHARLES E. MITCHELL. 1t13.15.17.2Q.22 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers. 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW FRAME DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES 410 W STREET. NORTHWEST. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 9489 Folio 184 et seq., of the land rec-' ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on THURSDAY THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JULY. A.D. 1953. AT ONE-THIRTY : O’CLOCK PM., the following-de scribed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot num bered Thirteen (13) In Square num bered Thirty Hundred Seventy-two (3072) in a subdivision made by Jacob H. Relsinger. as per plat re corded In County Book 9. page 77 of the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia. Terms: Sold subject to • prior (build ing association) deed of trust for approximately $2,326.18. further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above su'd trust to be paid In cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and re . sold at the discretion of the trus- I tees. FRANK W. MARSALEK, CARLTON U. TREXLER, | lyl Trustees, THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer,. 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable TWO ; STORY ROW FRAME DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NUMBER 1538 ROSEDALE STREET. NORTHEAST. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust dulv recorded. In Liber No. 9751. Folio 393 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at nubile auction in front of the premises, on TUESDAY THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF JULY A.D. 1953. AT THREE-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M. the foiiowlng-descrlbed land! and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 78. in William J. Clag gett’s subdivision of lots In Block 28 "Long Meadows." as per plat recorded In the office of the Sur- j veyor for the District of Columbia. . In Liber County 7 at folio 28. Said' ! Block 28 now known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Square 1 4541 Terms: Sold sublect to a prior deed! , trust for approximately $2,435.00 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid In cash A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and ‘.he property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. BERNARD *. ROACHE, THELMA RYBCKOWSKY. I Jy10,18.16,17.20. Trustee*. AUCTION SAIIS C. O. Stean A Ce., Ine.. Aaetiaaeera, eer,-Appraiser, LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE _ SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION French Marble Top Console Table. Japanese Two-Fold Bereen. Hall Clock, Shonlnger Upright Plano. High Grade and Practically New Rattan Side Chair,. Arm Chair,, End and Corner Table*. Three-Part Settee, Slightly Used Kenmore Late Model Washing Machine. Other Elec tric Washers. Apex Electric Ironer. Room_ Air Conditioners, Television gft. Dining Room and Bed Room Furniture. Box Springs. Hollywood Bed*. Mattresses. Large Collection of Victrola Records in Albuma. Deco rative Mirrors. Marble Statuary, Metal File Cabinet*. China! Olass ware. Brlc-a-Brac. Etc. Man’s two- Stone Diamond Ring. Etc. AT SLOAN’S. 715 13TH BT. NW TUESDAY, JUtY 21ST AT If) A. M By Order of Security Storage Co. and From Other Private Consignors. Terms: Cash. C. Q. Sloan 8c Co.. Inc. Aucts. Established 1891. - —2 O ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON, Auctioneers Trust”*’ Bale of Valuable TWO STORY SEMIDETACHED BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS PREMISES 4724 "B” STREET S.E. virtue of a deed of trust recorded, in Liber No. 9476. folio 220, et seq., one of the land records of the Die trict of Columbia, and at the request °/ ‘‘•J 1 ? secured thereby, the under *l*“*d trustees will offer lor sale by ,ront of Premises, MONDAY. THE TWENTY-SEV- Eff£H DAY OF JULY. 1953. AT ONE-THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the r?(i?Jl?*' d . esc^ 1, ?* d Property in the District of Columbia, to-wit: Lot TWPMa ß fS ,r £. s , <^ th - of Bou*re 6349. T E?rf I ?„K? P . s * ALE: Property will be ?°J d ei.'W *? ? P T,or building and '°,» n r first deed of trust for $5,374.02 at 5% as of May 1, 1953: balance £**“• A sash deposit of $500.00 re- S"jH£ o, „, pu J' h “»« r »t sale. Exam ination of title, conveyancing, re- Sf# * nd notarial fees at cost of sYtb-.?K« T £l m i t 0 be compiled jjf} l 30 days from day of eale. otherwto -epoattforfMted. JVI °™BERO_ THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneer;; 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Bale of Valuable TWO BTORY AND BA3EMENT SEMI DETACHED BRICK DWELLING BE •NO KNOWN AS PREMISES NOTvf- NORTHWEST. TAYL ° R STREET B J , vlrtue °* « certain deed of trust ft" ? recorded in Liber No. 0407, J? 1 }? ?*?•’ 2* the * tn d records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured jjfrcby. the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, cn THURSDAY THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OP Jffi* *u D ‘ 1 9 S 3 - AT TWO O’CLOCK P.M.. the following-describPd land •nd premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 60 In Square 2823. In Heitmuiler's subdivision of part of a tract of land known as "Pad worth’ or the •’Marsh’’, as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Colum bia in Liber 61 at folio 30. Terms: Sold subject to a prior (building association) deed of trust for approximately $10,800.00 fur ther particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. HOWARD BERNSTEIN. . , „ THOMAS W. HUNT. Jy13.15.17,20.22 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Anctteneers. 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable improved real estate consisting of an un divided one-half Interest In a two story brick dwelling being premises 224-A Que Btreet. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 93b 7, Folio 367 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. J. Owen & Son, Room 435 Southern Building, Fif teenth and H streets. N.W.. the 21st DAY OF JULY. A.D. 1953. AT TWELVE:THIRTY O’CLOCK P. M„ the following-described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST IN AND TO Lot num bered Sixty-Four (64) In the Wash ington Sanitary Improvement Com pany’s subdivision of square num bered Five Hundred Fifty-Two (652). as per plat recorded In the Sur veyor’s Office for the District of Columbia In Liber 27. at Folio 193. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately $7,750.00 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trust to be naid in cash. A deposit of $300.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as at date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the ducretlon of the trustees. ABRAHAM H. LEVIN. , ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. lyl 0,15,20 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Aaetloneere, 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable IMPROVED REAL ESTATE CONSISTING OF AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF IN TEREST IN A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING BEINO PREMISES 28-A BATES STREET. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 9429. Folio 300 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. J. Owen & Son Room 436 Southern Building, Fif teenth and H Streets N.W.. on THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF JULY A.D. 1953. AT TWELVE-THIRTY O CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the District of Co i lumbia. and designated as and being AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF j INTEREST IN AND TO Lot num- I be red Two Hundred Seventy-three (273), In the Washington Sanitary : Improvement Company's subdivision of lots In Sauare Six Hundred Fif teen (615), as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 75 at folio 19. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately $7,750.90 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the gurchase price above said trust to ?.„„ p ? id in cash - A deposit of $300.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit fortified and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees. ABRAHAM H. LEVIN. ROBERT G. WEIGHTMAN. lyl 0.15,20 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Anetloneers, 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable IM-I FROVED REAL ESTATE CONSIST ING OF AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING BEING PREM ISES 1700 TRINIDAD AVENUE. N.E. By virtue of a certain deed of trust! duly recorded. In Liber No. 9561.! Folio 15. et seq.. of the land record' of the District of Columbia, and | at the request of the party secured! ! thereby the underslvned trustee, will sell, at public auction within i the office of Thos. J. Owen and ; Son, Room 436 Southern Building, j Fifteenth and H streets N.W. on THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF JULY. A.D. 1953, AT TWELVE THIRTY O’CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowing-described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being AN UNDIVIDED ONE-FOURTH INTER EST, IN AND TO Lot numbered Ninety-six (96) In Square numbered forty Hundred Fifty-two (4052) In the Subdivision made by the Wash inKton Loan & Trust Company and Washington Sanitary Improvement gbmpany as per plat recorded In Book 99. page 85 of the records of the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia. TERMS: Sold subject to a prior deed of ICJ 15 ! /P r approximately S2O - noo.oo further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust H«5 c „„ Dald ln c#sh - A deposit of $300,00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thlrtv days. oth?fsris, deposit ! I°/,f elt ( f d ® nd i he Property maybe : advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees. ABRAHAM H LEVIN, i °’ WEIGHTMAN. ! iv 13.15.20 Trustees ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON Auctloneers-Appraisers. ESTATE AND BANKRUPTCY SALE of New and Used Household FURNITURE . REFRIGERATORS—MIRRORS WASHERS—BOOKS DIAMOND RINOS—WATCHES 1951 FORD SEDAN ALSO HIGH GRADE MODERN LIVING. DINING AND BEDROOM GROUPS BY AUCTION at WESCHLER’S 905 E ST. N.W. TOMORROW Commencing 9:30 A.M. By order Louis C. Grossberg. Ad- : mtnlstrator; Irving Yockelson. At i torney: Paul J. Kasloff. Trustee: storage companies and other con signors. AT 10:00 A.M. BY ORDER TRUSTEE 1951 Ford Fordor Sedan Watches—Ring AT 1:00 P.M. ESTATE SALE .Two Lady's Solitaire Diamond Rings | Lady’s Gold and Diamond Wrist Watch, etc. Jr*o AUCTION SALIS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Home and 22 acre* land 6 miles south of Culpeper, Va.. on U. S. Route 29, 0n SATURDAY, JULY 25 At 1:30 p.m. IST. rain or ahlne. 6-room house. 2-room cinder block cottage, both with electricity and water. Other outbuildings. Land all fronts cn highway. Ideal home and valuable commercial location. COL. E. L. BROWN auctioneer. Phone Culpeper 2941. Jy20.22.24 THOS. J. OWEN * SON, Aactieneers. 435 Southern BaUding. Trustee*’ Sale of Valuable BEMI DETACHED BRICK DWELLING BE ja. ppwMPwam: By virtue of certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 8940. *OUo 39 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction ln front of the Dremises. on THURSDAY. THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JULY. A-D. 1953. AT FOUR,THIRTV O CLOCK P.M.. the fbllowlng described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 11 in Shiles subdivision of Square South of Bquare 635 as per lat re corded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia ln Liber 18 at folio 16. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately $2,300.00 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the Burchase price above said trust to e P» id in cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, re cording, etc., at purchaser’s coat. Adjustments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. FRANK PARONI. . „„ HERMAN MILLER, 1y20,22.24.27,29 Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A 80N. Anetloneers, 435 Southern Building. Trustees’Sale of Valuable IMPROVED REAL ESTATE CONSISTING OF AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREBT HA TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING BEINO PREMISES 35 BATES STREET N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, ln Liber No. 9412. -'olio 573 et seq., of the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. J. Owen 8c Son, Room 435 Southern Building. Fifteenth and H Streets, N.W.. on THE 21st DAY OF JULY A.D. 1953. AT TWELVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land »? d Premises, situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST IN AND TO Lot num bered Two Hundred Eighty-seven s *3 HutKirecl Fifteen (015) In the subdivision made by Nathaniel J. Taube. et al as per plat recorded in Plat Book 131. Folio 138 of the records of the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately $7,750.00 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $300.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trus- ABRAHAM H. LEVIN. ROBERT O. WEIGHTMAN. tel 0.15.20. Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable 2-STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING. BEING PREMISES 2319 17th STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, ln Liber No. 8575. Folio 79 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction !n front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF JULY, A.D. 1953. AT FOUR O’CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and being Lot num bered Slxty-nlne (69) in John A. McCarthy’s subdivision of lots in Block numbered Six <ot. “Meridian Hill.” as per plat recorded ln the Office of the Surveyor for the Dis trict of Columbia in Liber 50. at folio 6. Said Block 6 now known for purposes of assessment and taxation as Sauare numbered Twenty five Hundred and Seventy-one (2571). Terms: Sold subject to » prior (building association) deed of trust for approximately $2,796.89, further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid ln cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. ROBERT A. HUMPHRIES. HOWARD F. HUMPHRIES. Trustees. EDWIN SHELTON. Attorney for Holder of Note, 1511 K Street N.W. Washington. D. C. lyl 3.15,17.20,22 Zed L. William, A Zed L. William,, Jr. Anetloneers 8e Appraiser, Several truck loads of new and used furniture and household effects, suitable: for apartments, motels,! homes and dealers’ floors. ALL TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT Williams Auction House 918 NEW YORK AVE. THIS TUES. (JULY 21), 2 PM. (TOMORROW) Good and medium complete bedrm. suites, med. dining rm. suites, very good break fast and dinette sets, late style living rm. suites, odd dressers, chests, lounge and liv. rm. chairs, twin and double odd beds complete, new and clean used inner spring mattresses, gas cook ranges, medium-grade rugs.i various sizes; secretary desk,: very good Hollywood bed outfits; mahog. wal. and other end, coffee and lamp tables. Floor and table lamps, numerous other items of interest. EXHIBITION ALL DAY MONDAY AND TUES. UP TO SALE HOUR. I INDIVIDUALS. GUEST HOMES. MO i TEL OWNERS, OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS. TAKE NOTICE, i AUCTIONEERS' PH.: NA. 8-2679. PROPOSALS ' SEALED BIDS in duplicate for Mls : cellaneous Changes of the American Red Cross District Chapter Building, North side of "E” Street between Twentieth and Twenty-first Streets. N.W.. Washington. D. C. will be re ceived until 1:00 P.M.. Eastern Standard Time, on Aug. 4, 1953. in Rm. No. 5344. General Services Building. 19th and F Streets. N.W.. Washington. D. C.. and then pub licly opened in Rm. No. O-341-H. Upon request, two sets of drawings and specifications will be supplied without charge to each general con tractor interested ln bidding on the complete project, all of which must be returned. Bidding material .nay be obtained at Rm. No. 1304. General Services Building. 19th and F Streets. N.W., Washington 25. D. C.. Phone Executive 3-4900 Ex tension 2397. Jy17.18.20 GOV. OF DIST. OF COL., DIR. OF SAN’Y ENG’G. July 15. 1953. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reed, ln Rm. 404. 499 Pa. Ave.. N.W., Wash. 1. D. C-. until 2 P.M. DST. July 22. 1953, and then publicly opened and read for constr. SERV ICE SEWER, vie. Newark St.. Idaho and Wls. Aves., N.W., consist, of 1.250 lin. ft. 10" dla. terracotta pipe sewer. Proposal forms and specn-. obtainable, without charge, from Supervisor, Contr. Sec.. Pro curement Office. D. C.. Rm. 406. 499 Pa. Ave., N.W. (Tel. NA. 8-6000. Ext, 2378). Jy16, LEGAL NOTICES AUBREY O. DOOLEY, 619 14th St. N.W., Attorney. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 82.949. Administration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Tes tamentary on the estate of Mat thew Martin Barnfather. also known as Matthew M. Barnfather, Martin Barnfather and M. M. Barn father. late of the District of Col- j umbia. deceased. All persons hav ing claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally! authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 3rd day of De-! cember. A. D 1953: otherwise they mav by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 7th day of July. 1953.! HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK OF, WASHINGTON. By: ARTHUR J. LINN. Vice President. (Seal.) Attest: I MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Reg-! leter of Will, for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate court. I 1y18.50.57 LEGAL NOTICES (Cowt.) GEORGE M. ■*»». Attorney. 1,503 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT lor the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.— Vo. 83.032. Administration.—This is to Olve Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, hai obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of R. Ross Perry, jr.. late of the District of Columbia deceased. Ail persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the wlt b the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the eub *crlber, on or before the 23rd day of December. A.D. 1953: otherwise they may by law be excluded from ail benefit of said estate. Given under Its hand this 23rd day of Ju/teinM THE riggs NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON. D. C. By: F; BROOKS. Vice President and Jftuat Officer. (Seal.) Attest: FRANK J BURK ART. Deputy R *«l* t ,e r of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. 1y.6.13,20 EARI. G. JONSCHER, Attorney, 730 15th street, N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 82.774. Ad ministration.—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the District of Columbia have ob tained from the Probate Court of uie District of Columbia, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Per cy H. Russell, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scribers. on or before the 22nd day of December. A.D 1963: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands, this 22nd day of June. 1953. WILLIAM R. RUS SELL. 3000 University Terrace N.W.; PERCY H. RUSSELL. Jr.. World Center Bldg.. 10th and K Sts. N.W.; AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. By: JAMES E. CONNOR. Assistant Trust Officer. (Seal.) At test: PRANK J. BURKART. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court, 1u6.13.20 LEWIS H. SHAPIRO AND WHITFORD W. CHESTON, Attorneys 201-205 Tower Bldg. UNITED STATEB DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 82.916. Ad ministration.—This is to Give No tice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia, Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Margaret M. Beckham, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber, on or before the 23rd day of December. A.D 1953: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 23rd day of June. 1953. ANNA WALLER. 4430 Volta PI. N.W. (Seal.) Attest: PRANK J. BURKART. Deputy Reg ister of Wills for the District of Co lumbia, Clerk of the Probate Court jy6.13.20. JOSEPH C. TURCO. Attorney. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 83.059. Administration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the Dlstnct of Columbia has ob tained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Cristina Badessa. also known as Cristlnella Bodessa. late of the Dis trict of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 22nd day of December. A.D. 1953: otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 22nd day of June. 1953. JOSEPH C. TURCO. 217 Southern Bldg (Seal.) Attest. FRANK J. BUR KART. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. jy6.13.20 CLYDE D. GARRETT. R. DUNCAN CLARK. ANDREW T. ALTMAN. Attorneys, 801 Colorado Bldg. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 82.231, Ad ministration.—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the State of Maryland, have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Kittle McLachlen. also known as Mary F. McLachlen, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authen ticated. to the subscribers, on or be fore the 4th day of November, A.D. 1953: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 7th day of July, 1953. LANIER P. McLACHLEN, 8007 Glendale Rd., Chevy Chase. Md.: ARCHIBALD MC LACHLEN. 8507 Longfellow PI., Chevy Chase. Md. (Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES, Deputy Re gister of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. jy!3.20,27 WM. A. GLASGLOW. 916 Union Trust Building, Washington 5. D. C. Filed July 10. 1953. Harry M. Hull, Clerk. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Colum bia. EDITH BARBARA PIPES. 5603 Park Street. Chevy Chase. Maryland. Plaintiff vs. EDGAR PIPES. Incompetent, Bt. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington. D. CPEARL H. SIMPSON, Flora. Illinois, and JANE PIPES BRIGGS. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Defendants. Civil Action No. 266-53.—ORDER OF PUBLICATION.—The object of this suit is to substitute a testamentary trustee to serve in the place and stead of J. Roy Pipes, deceased, trustee under the Last Will and Testament of Martha R. Pipes, deceased, heretofore admitted to probate and record by this court ln Administration Case No. 30434. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 16th day of July, 1953, ORDERED that the defendants. Pearl H. Simpson. Flora, Illinois, and Jane Pipes Briggs, Lancaster. Pennsyl vania. cause their appearances to be entered herein on or before the 4()th day, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order, otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Washington Evening Star before said day. (S.) H. A. SCHWEINHAUT. Judge. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: HARRY M. i HULL, Clerk. By ELLA MCDONALD. Deputy Clerk. Jy20.27au3 S. CHURCHILL ELMORE. Attorney, Colorado Building. Filed May 7, 1953. Harry M. HuU, Clerk. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia.— CAPITAL MORTGAGE & TITLE CO., INC.. Plaintiff, vs. BARBARA A. YOUNG. IF LIVING. ET AL. De fendants.—Civil Action No. 1239-53. —ORDER OF PUBLICATION —The j oblect of this suit Is to remove cloud on title to real estate situate ln the District of Columbia and known for purposes of assessment and taxation as lot 87. square 5512. and more particularly described in com plaint herein. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 7th day of May, 1953 ordered that the defendant Barbara A. Young. If living, cause her appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day, ex clusive of Sundays and legal holi days. occurring after the day of the first publication of this order; otherwise the cause will be pro ceeded with as in case of default Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washing- , ton Law Reporter and The Evening Star before said day, and it is further ordered that defendant's Heirs. Alienees and Devisees of Barbara A. Young, if she be de ceased. cause their appearance to! be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expiration of three months from the date of the first publication, otherwise the cause will be pro ceeded with as ln case of default Provided, a copy of this order be published twice a month for three months ln the Washington Law Re porter and The Evening Star before said day. (S.) JAS. W. MORRIS. Judge. (Seal.) A True Copy. Test: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. By ROB ERT F HARRINGTON. Deputy Clerk. my18.25.je1.15.1y6.20 j S. CHURCHILL ELMORE. Attorney, i Colorado Building. Filed May 7. 1953 Harry M. Hull Clerk UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia.— CAPITAL MORTGAGE & TITLE CO.. INC. A BODY CORPORATE. PLAINTIFF vs. W. K. JACOBSON. IF LIVING ET AL.—CIVIL ACTION NO 1588-53.—ORDER OF PUBLI CATION—The object of this suit Is to remove cloud on title to real estate situate In the District of Co lumbia known for purposes of as sessment and taxation as lot 7: square 5509 and more particularly, described ln complaint herein On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 7th day of May. 1953. ordered that the defendant W. K. Jacobson. If living cause his appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day exclusive of Sundays and legal holldayi. occurring after the day of the first publication of this order: otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of de fault. Provided, a copy of this: order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Wash ington Law Reporter, and The Evening Star before said day. and! 't Is further ordered that defend- 1 ants. Unknown Heirs. Alienees and Devisees of W K. Jacobson, if he be deceased, cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expiration of three months from the date of the first publica tion. otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as ln case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published twice a month for three months in the Washington Law Re porter and The Evening Star before eald day. (8.) JAS. W. MORRIS. Judge. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: HARRY U. HULL. Clerk. By ROB XRT F. HANNIOAN. Deputy Clerk. my18.25Je1.16Jy6.36 LEGAL NOTICES F. H. RIDGWAY. “ Attorney. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ine Probate Court.—No. 82.986. Administration.—'This is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the District of Columbia have obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration. C. T. A. on the estate of Oeorge E. Miller, alto known as George Eugene Miller, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or before the 23rd day of December. A.D, 1953: otherwise they may by taw be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 23rd day of June. 1963. FRANZ H. RIDGWAY. Union Trust Build ing American Security and Trust Company. By: EARL O. JONSCHER. Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: FRANK j- BURKART. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. JOHN J COURTNEY. Attorney, 843 Investment Building. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 82.246, Ad ministration.—This Is to Give No tice: That the subscriber, of the State of Maryland has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dls tr c t of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Flor epee S. Duff, late of the District of Columbia, deceased AH persons having claims against the deceased •re hereby warned te exhibit the wl th the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 22nd day of December. A.D. 1953; otherwise they may by law,be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 22nd day of June. 1953 RICHARD TANO. 10615 Ordway Dr.. Silver Spring, Md ISeal.) Attest: FRANK J. BURKART. £*puty Register of Wills forthe gktr'ct of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. jy6.13.20. S. CHURCHILL ELMORirAtterneyr Colorado Building. Filed June 29. 1953, Harry M. Hull. UNITED STATES'district COURT for the District of Columbia.— Edwin Shelton, et al. Plaintiffs, vs. Henry Flnke, if living, et al. Defen dants—Civil Action No. 1960-53. ORDER OF PUBLICATION.—The object of this suit Is to remove cloud on title to real estate situate in the District of Columbia known for purposes of assessment and taxation as lots 22 and 23 in square 5543 and more particularly described in complaint herein. On motion of the plaintiffs, it is this 29th day of June. 1953. ordered that the defendants HENRY FINKE. if living. FRANK FINKK, if living, and MARY FINKE JONES, also known as JEAN ETTE FINKE JONES or MRS. DAVID JONES, if living, cause their appear ance to be entered herein on or be fore the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays occur ring after the day of the first publi cation of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Evening Btar, before said day: and It is further ordered that defendants THE UNKNOWN HEIRS. ALIENEES and DEVISEES OF HENRY FINKE, FRANK FINKE and MARY FINKE JONES, also known as JEANETTE FINKE JONES or MRS. DAVID JONES. If they be deceased, respec tively, cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expira tion of three months from the day of the first publication of this order, otherwise the cause will be pro ceeded with as in case of default; provided, a copy of this order be published twice a month for three months ln the Washington Law Re porter and The Evening Btar before said day. (S.) JAS. W. MORRIS. Judge, (Beall. A True Copy. Test: HARRY M. HULL, Clerk. By HELEN K. BENDURE. Deputy Clerk. Jy20.27,au.'1.10.5el ,8 S. CHURCHILL ELMORE. Attorney, _ Colorado Buildtnr. Filed July 3. 1943. Harry M. Hull, * Clerk. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia—Capi tol Mortgage & Title Co.. Inc. A Body Corporate. Plaintiff vs. Rich ard F. Carter, if living et al. Defendants.—Civil Action No. 2257- 53.—ORDER OF PUBLICATION The oblect of this suit Is to remove cloud on title to real estate situate in the District of Columbia known for purposes of assessment and taxation as lots 5 and 6 in Square "266 >nd more particularly de scried in complaint herein On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 2nd day of July, 1953 ordered that the defendants RICHARD F. CARTER, IF LIVING. HELEN B. STEWART. IF LIVING. ARTHUR N. CARTER. IF LIVING. CARL S. CARTER, IF LIVING. WALLACE D CARTER, IF LIVING. MARY A. EVANS, IF LIVING. GEORGE W CARTER. IF LIVING. SAMUEL UMBLES. IF LIVING. JOHN C. CAR TER AND JAMES C. CARTER. IF LIVING cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the Fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order: otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of de fault. Provided, a copy of this order be published cnce a week for three successive weeks ip the Washington Iww Reporter and The Evening Star before said day: and it is further ordered that defendants UNKNOWN HEIRS. ALIENEES AND DEVISEES OF RICHARD F. CARTER. HELEN B. STEWART, ARTHUR N. CARTER. CARL S. CARTER. WALLACE D CARTER. MARY A. EVANS. GEORGE W. CARTER. SAMUEL UMBLES AND JAMES C. CARTER. IF THEY BE DECEASED. RESPEC TIVELY. cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expiration of three months from the day of the first publication of this order, otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as ln case of de fault: provided, a copy of this order be published twice a month for three months In the Washing tond Law Reporter and The Eve ning Star before said day. (S.) BURNITA SHELTON MATTHEWS. Judge. (Seal.) A True Codv. Test.: HARRY M. HULL, Clerk. By HELEN K. BENDURE. Deputy Clerk. Jy20.27.au3.17,5c8.15. PERSONAL VACANCY—EIderIv person: 24-hour care. Cool and comfortable; reas. HILLENDALE REST HOME. HE. 4- 5151. —23 j FORMS 57. 0 S. Job applications manuscripts prepared and typed ! Exchange service ST 3-6186 19*! NURSERY. W. Hvattsville. Md.. 3615 ' Hamilton st.. WA. 7-2278. —26 ! HIOHIV (ULTURIin WOMAN teaches English. self-confidence freedom from self-consciousness: special sum mer course for Italian. German and French Air-cond. studio AD 2-2550 30* VACANCY IN NURSING HOME for elderlv person. 24-hr. nursing care; licensed by State and county super- PERMANENT. $4: shampoo. WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 O st n.w MANUSCRIPT SERVlCE—Editing, typing, charts, maps, diagrams. Reasonable rates. Box 290-L. Star. 21* BABIES given loving care In licensed home of refined Christian parents. Vic. Langley pk. and Sil. Spring. Mother regis. nurse with grad, training ln Infant care. Mod. rates. 5-day wk. WE. 5-6116. —2l HELP WANTED AGENCIES BKKPRS. AND ACCOUNTANTS—We specialize ln these positions ATLAS 1420 N Y ave n.w RE 7-5767 IF UNEMPLOYED, or wish a better position, see immediately. GRACE DUNN. 1311 O st, (RE. 7-2828). ADAMS TEACHERS AGENCY Colo. Bldg., 1341 G N.W., RE. 7-3938 ATLAS, 1420 N. Y. AVET Secys., stenogs., bkprs., repts.. typists, file clerks payroll clerks, bkpg. mch. oprs., cashiers, PBX oprs.. others. 1420 N Y. AVE. N.W.. RM. 606 ARLINGTON-ALEX. Recept.-typ., Wash, blvd., 35 hr. $2lO Recept., some typ., doctor $lB5 Recept.-secy., admin, duties, college grad,. 5 d. _ $260 j Secy, to exec., trade assn., 6 d. S3OB Secy., biology dept.. 5 d. $275 ] Secy.. Ft. Belvolr area. 5 d. $250 Kindergarten teacher. 9-3. 5 d. S3OO Dictaphone opr., exper. pref. S6O plus Bkkpr.. F. C., Shlrl . $65 up Asst, bkkpr.. airport, 5 d. SSO [Clk.-typ.. King st.. 5 d. SSO j Nurse, reg., 5 d. . $2.35 'Credit-collection, asst, mgr., 5 d. s'>*• PBX opr., day hrs.. 5 d. sl9l Cashier, auto exper.. 5 d. S6O Potomac Empl. Hrs. 9-8 j 2334 Wilson Blvd.. Arl.. JA. 7-1700' •9U King St.. Alex.. Va- KI. 9-7022 CAPITOL HILL ! Secretary, immediately. $4,500 Exec. Becy.. prominent firm. S3OO 'Stenographer career-minded girl, i legal, excel, oppor. JOBS, INC. 1740 K St. N.W. RE. 7-3153 Men and Women CLERICAL, PROFESSIONAL SKILLED. UNSKILLED Washington’s Newest and Busiest Job Mart METROPOLITAN 1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 906 10th 8T N.W HELP—MEN Accountant, Jr. Accounting graduate under 32 for central accounting de partment of large national or ganization. Advancement on your initiative and ability. | Apply in person 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Buite 416. Ring Building. 1200 18th St. N.W. —Bl When uuewcmg advertisement, addressed to Star boxes, do NOT Inclose original references, gkoto gravNi or other material* a t per sonal value Coglee serve the pur pose and originals map pel lost HELP MEN (Cowt.) ACCOUNTING Accounting under graduate or Bight student for permanent position with home office of national company. Excellent (opportunities for advance ment. Paid vacation, sick leave, hospitalization and Insurance bene fits. luncheon meals, employe pur chase discounts; 40-hr., 5-day week. HOT SHOPPES. INC. Room 200. 1341 O St. N.W. ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERATOR —Permanent position offering oppor. for advancement to a young man who knows or is capable of learning the operation of IBM machines: must have an aptitude for figures: typing helpful. We are a progressive company oflering many benefits and oppor. 5-day week. UNITED SERVICES LIFE INSURANCE CO., 1025 Eye st. n.w., Room 602. —23 ADVISOR Man between 24 and 40 with nice personality who likes to meet the public, or with selling experience, wanted by national concern to be trained for managerial capacity. This is a splendid opportunity for a lifetime career and establishment of your own business. Flexible hours. Car necessary for local driving. To arrange for personal Interview, call AD. 2-6445 between 4 and 7 p.m.. ask for MRS. BOYCE. —2l APPLIANCE SERVICEMAN Take charge ot service deot. ln Alexandria. Va. Must be marrle J . over 25 yrs. of age. residing lnj Alexandria. Car necessary. Will train in service and sales. Apply Mon. evening 7 p.m.. 1306 R. I. ave, n.e. —2O ART SALES CLERK for picture and frame gallery. Art background pre ferred. Good opportunity. Perma nent. DU. 7-7537. * —24 AUTO BODY AND FENDER MAN to work on percentage basis: plenty of work, best of working conditions: an oppor. for a steady man to earn $125 to $l5O per wk. ROSSLYN AUTO BODY CO.. JA. 5-5600. Mr. Lee. —22 AUTO MECHANIC—Guar. salary, hospitalization, vac. with pay. 44- hr wk. Apply or phone Mr. Chesel dine. HAONER CHEVROLET, Market 7—2 O AUTO MECHANIC, must be good on all makes. Excel, pay. benefits. Must have A-l reference, or need not apply. Ask for D. H. or Jack be tween 1 and 5 p.m.. MANHATTAN AUTO * RADIO CO., both sides of 7th and R sts. n.w. —2O AUTO MECHANIC, white, sober, gen. repairs: 5-day week, good start, salary, paid holidays; must have own tools 410 Morse st. n.e. LI. 7-1082. —23 AUTO MECHANIC, white, top notch; paid vacations, top pay. 1009 3rd st. n.e.. LI 7-8201. —2O 4UTO MECHANICS—Dodge dealership has openings for front-end man and also 2 general mechanics: 5- day week: salary guarantee, plus commission and other company benefits. Apply ln 'person. Bob Nay. WILLS. INC.. Annandale. Va —22 AUTO MECH. (S), Llncoln-Mercury exper. pref. but not necessary; must be sober, reliable: 5-day wk.. hosp.. paid vacation, plenty of work. See Mr. Wentz. GRADY MOTORS. 7809 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. Md. —23 AUTO MECHANIC Chrysler-Plymouth experience pre ferred; steady work at best wages in modern shop: twin-post lifts: 8-day week: all employe benefits. See Mr. Catlin. SID WELBORN MOTORS. INC.. 1100 East-West hwv.. Silver Spring. Md. —29 - AUTO MECHANIC We have openings for two lst-class mechanics to work in our modern, well-equipped shop; Our present men are averaging over $125 wk., paid holidays and vacation plus many other benefits. See Mr. Mills. Service Mgr.. STOHLMAN CHEVRO LET. 33rd and M sts. n.w. (Qeorge town). AD. 2-1646. —2O AUTO MECHANICS Experienced on Buicks pre ferred; good pay; free hos pitalization and life insur ance; 5-day wk. Call Mr. Winemlller at WA. 7-40”( i. HYATTBVILLE BUICK. 6323 Baltimore ave. _ -23 AUTO PAINTER, *xper., laquer and enamel man to work on percentage basis; plenty of work. Ideal working cond.; wonderful oppor. for steady, sober man. ROSSLYN AUTO BODY CO.. JA. 5-5600. Mr. Lee. —22 AUTO SALESMAN, to sell new and used cars and trucks. Must be of good character, and have sales abil. Auto exper. not necessary. Com pensation commission and wash-out plan Must be able to finance self until Income Is established. See Mr Erwin. ERWIN FORD CO.. Route 29. 50 211. Fairfax. Va. —2O AUTO SALESMAN—We have an at tractive opening for an experienced i used-car salesman, capable of ap praising trade-ins. If you are not averaginr over SIOO a wk., call Bill Nesgoda after 10 a.m. Closed Sun. AUTO WHOLESALERS. INC.. 1731 Bladensburg Rd. n.e.. LI. 3-8800, AUTO SALESMEN Large Ford dealer needs 3 aggressive auto salesmen. Interested in good income in excess of sHoo per mo.' See Dick Clark or Jack Hutchinson. I PARKWAY MOTOR CO., INC., ::04() M st. n.w. —22 BODY MAN—S-day week, good paV. j free hospitalization and insurance. 1 and paid vacations. Call Mr Baldwin. WA. 7-4020. HYATTSVILLE BUICK. 5323 Baltimore ave. —23 BOOKKEEPING CLERK. posting,! record keeping, filing, typing; neat, accurate work required; good refs.:| 8- day. 5-day wk.: good working cond.; S6O wk. ME. 8-5940 for aput.! —25 BRICKLAYERS, union, at 4400 N. Pershing dr. or any other of the following addresses: Shirley high way at Llncolnia exit, 3210 Wis consin ave. n.w.. Bradley blvd. and Wisconsin ave. 37th and Anacostia rd s.e.. New Hampshire ave. ex tended. i mile beyond University dr BLDG. SUPT., exper. gen. main- I teaance; able supervise other work ; men; for 3 sm. apt. bldgs , stoker: I ■ refs.; apt. and $35 wk. DI. 7-1365 ! BULLDOZER OPERATOR—Must'“be exper grader See Bob on new apt. project. Wheeler rd. and Wahler pi. s.e. —2O BUTCHER, good salary, good opp. for exper. and reliable man. FOOD BAS KET SUPER MARKET, 1801 18th st. n.w. —2l BUTCHER, exper.. refs., SVa-day wk., EMERSON SUPER MARKET, 1209 I3th st. n.w. —2O Cab Drivers—Colored Tan Top Cab offers you opportunity to become vour own boss. We will assist you In obtaining a hacker's license. We now have one of the best teachers and systems ln the city at our taxi school; new and used cabs tor rent or sale: lowest down payment and weekly notes. CO 5-7735. CO. 6-7978. 1731 Kalorama rd. n.w. —22 CAB DRIVERS MEN OR WOMEN If you do not have an Identification card, we assist von In obtaining same. Average student needs but 3 two-hour lessons. Ask about our special rate. BOB’S STUDIO »• 131 15th St. N.E. LI. 3-5103 j CARPENTERS. Rockland subdivision. Rockville. Md. See MR. BRODSKY' or MR. SCHREIBER Dir.: Vters Mill rd. to Ardennes ave.. left on Ardennes to Halsev rd.. right on Halsey rd. to Rockland. CARPENTERS, lst-cla.s mechanics. 3400 blk. 83rd ave., N. Forestville, I Md. JO. 8-0864. —2l ! CARPENTERS (10)—Report to 9400) Bulls Run pkwy., Wyngate. Out! Old Georgetown rd. to Beech dr., left to Wllmett rd.. bear right to Buis Run pkwv. and lob. H. J. KORZENDORFER CO.. INC —22 CARPENTER For established firm. Good wages,' steady year-round work. Hospital ization and paid vacation. On ; j sober, reliable and thoroughly exper. men need apply JOHN G. WEB STER A SON. 1309 First st. s.e. Established 1912. CARPENTERS Inside, year 'round work. Consider able overtime. Regular merit re views. Many employe benefits, air , conditioned building. APPLY IN PERSON 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY MELPAR, INC 4440 SWANN AVE. (At Jefferson-Davls Highway) ALEXANDRIA CHAUFFEUR, colored, for bank.' Apply Mr. Genau. Real Estate Dept.,! the WASH. LOAN & TRUST CO -900 F st. n w. CHECKER, exper. ln supermarket. ; must have refs., good pay. 21-35 ! yrs.; excel, working conds.: vac. with pay 8325 Grubb rd.. Bilver Spring I JU. 5-2242. —24 ! CHEF-COOK wanted. Apply VIR GINIA RESTAURANT. 119 Inde pendence ave. s.e. —2O ) CHEF-COOK Nights. Excellent position for capable man. Apply CROWN RESTAURANT. 517 13th st. n.w. —22 i COLLECTORS READ THIS 1 If von have a car and are a good In-!, stallment account collector, we offer you an opportunity to earn a steady SIOO per week. This Is a full-time Job that offers unlimited earnings' plus unlimited opportunities to good men. We positively pay the highest, earnings In this city. Come In. and, we’ll prove tills to you. Positively' no selling sttached to this work ! Strictly outside collection. Invent-: cate this if you're a good man. 1 Apply 1022 18th »t. n.w., l»t fl. ” See MR. WALKER —2l > THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. MONDAY, JULY M. 1953 Sommer Deadlines far Sunday Classified Ads 10 P.M. FRIDAY by telephone 9 P.M. FRIDAY at Lobby Business Counter 8 P.M. FRIDAY at Branch Offices Sunday Dmath Notieoa and Lott dt Found aeeoptod until 8 P.M. Saturday Additional telephone ad takers will be on duty Thursdays and Fridays. Please place your ads as early as possible. STerling 3-5000 HELP—MEN CHURCH CUSTODIAN Baptist church in, s.e. Washlnfton wants reliable full-time custodian. Salary S6O a week plus extra teei. State , age. exper., marital status, refs., 1 and home address Apply Box 185-J, Star. —so CLERK, white, to work at Falla , Church Motor Ct. Mutt be efficient. ! JE. 2-0110. —2O Collector-Salesman I Lge. nation-wide company ha, ,ev eral openings for collectors, sales men on established Insurance route in Washington. D. C. and nearby Virginia. S3OO and up per month ' to start assured. Experience not necessary. Increased earnings after ' short training period. Vacations with pay. bonuses, pension plan, i group hospitalization. Call MR. RASKIN. 9 to 12 a.m., TA. 9-3600; , after 7 p.m„ call AD. 2-0857. —2l J COMPTROLLER ' OFFICE MANAGER . For nationally known electronic! company, require heavy experience i ln manufacturing accounting, coats, production control, budgeting, pur chasing, office supervision and gov ; ernmental defense contract proced- I ures and requirements. Prefer CPA or college graduate in business ad > ministration. Reply by letter giving i complete resume Including salary ’ <tes*red. Box 180-M. Star. —2O 5 CONTACT MEN. 21-85 Neat appearing, accust. to meeting ; public; 0-hr day. about $75 wkly. to start. Apply 10-2 P.m., Rm. 601. ' 710 14th at. n.w._ ' COUNTER. GRILL and sandwich man: ; thoroughly experienced: reference: . RASSIN’S. 1920 Pa. ave. n.w. RE. 1 7-0260. • COUNTERMAN, experienced; good pay and eeneflts. Apply THE SHANTY, 1111 Good Hope rd. se. —23 . j COUNTER MAN and sandwich man. : experienced in Kosher style food. ’ RANDY’S. 1113 ,15th r * CREDIT MANAGES For retail clothing store, experienced! salary open. Apply 737 7th st. n.w. s DRIVER, routeman. established route, with linen supply or wholesale laun t dry exper. Good salary, comm. Vaca , tion. CENTRAL LINEN SERVICE. 5 LA 6-1500. —2O . DRIVER, colo-ed: truck deliverle* - and warehouse duties; fast: whole ■ sale firm: 5t4-day wk.; s4(l wk. AMES PAPER CO.. 1496 H st. n.e. —2O DRIVER-PORTER. 21 yrs. or over, for general drugstore work. Apply in person. POTOMAC DRUGSTORE, 1564 Wis. ave. n.w. -—23 DRIVERS, white, for sightseeing work, must have D. C. identic card ana live in Va. Call ST 3-4484. —2O ORIVEKS-SALESMEN—For ice-cream vending route 7-day wk.: excel, earn ings for hard worker. Apply in per son. 911 2nd st. n.e.. JACK & JILL ICE CREAM CO. No nhone calls. | —2O j DRY CLEANING SUPERVISOR Young man. experienced ln dry clean- I Ins production to train for the su pervision of our dry cleaning dept. Apply ELITE LAUNDRY. 2110 14th ! st. n.w. —2O : ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRMEN ! Large and small motors; pay ac : cording to abilltv and experience; : other employe benefits. See Mr. Baliev. CENTRAL ARMATURE WORKS. INC.. 625 D St. n.w. —3O i ELECTRICIAN. Journeyman, exper. In jobbing and service work. D. C. card. RA. 6-2163 (Sun.). Rear 717 6th st. n.e. LI. 4-0395. —2l ELECTRICIANS, experienced on com mercial and industrial work. Trans formers and switch gear. Top wages. OT. 4-7414 —2O _ . Electrician and Helper 1 For established firm Good wagei, j steady year-round work. Hospital ! ization and Paid vacation. Only i sober, reliable and thoroughly ex ! perienced men need auplv JOHN O. ; WEBSTER it SON. 1309 Fiist st. | s.e Estab. 1912. —2O ELEVATOR OPERATOR :Colored, experienced operator with g | license for a permanent job. 25-35 years of age. capable ot passing a ,! physical exam. Apply Personnel. Room 005. Open weekdays. 8:30-5 and Sat.. 9-1. No phone calls. EVENING STAR _y 01 Penna. Ave. N.W. ENGINEER. 3rd class, t. C.. 6-day week. $2.21 day. $2.31 nights, bak ery exper. pref. Apply personnel, ' 2301 Georgia ave. jvw. —22 ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS PHYBICISTS DRAFTSMEN Investigate the opportunities for pro fessional advancement that hav* developed from the continued expan sion of MELPAR, INC. The Research Laboratory OF Westinghouse Air Brake Co. RESEARCH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Positions available at all levels for ; men with either general or special i tzed experience ln k RADAR ! SONAR IFIRE CONTROL SYBTEMS 'MICROWAVE TECHNIQUES 'PULSE CIRCUITS SERVO MECHANISMB ELECTRO-MECHANICAL DESIGN 'SPEECH COMPRESSION ! SMALL MECHANISMS j HEAT TRANSFER : THERMODYNAMICS DRAFTSMEN Experience in the design of small 1 electrical-mechanical mechanisms. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW VISIT OUR LABORATORY IN VA. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MELPAR, INC. 449 SWANN AVE. (At Jefferson-Davls Highway) ALEXANDRIA. VA. ENGINEERS Electronics and Mech’l Seniors and Juniors Career Opportunities and Good Future With expanding division of estab ; llshed communications mfg.. a ! leader in its field, engaged ln the j design, development and manufac ’ ture ol commercial and industrial | eaulpment. Professional Engrs., Sr. M E or EE. grade., or equivalent. 5-10 years' experience In eleetron ' les or closely related field,. ALSO ME. or E E.s: several years' experi ence ln electronics or allied fields. Professional Engrs. Jr. Recent grads., with M E. or E E. de ! grees. GOOD STARTING SALARIES EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS FINE HOUSING FACILITIES j. MANY COMPANY BENEFITS APPLY OR SEND RESUME TO CHIEF ELECTRONIC ENGINEER STROMBERG-CARLSON CO. Rochester 3, N. Y. I (Continued on Next Page) B-9