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RENT TV Reserve Now for Holidays Hospitals—Homes—Hotels Ask About $5 Week Plan BEACON TV RENTAL 1132 7»h St. N.W. AD 4-4688 GAS HEAT I Worm Air and Hot Water * No Down Payment II 8 Tears to Par | E. A. GASCH A SON to. 1915 WA. 7-3373 | BRAKES Relined While You Woit Ford to '52 A.45 Plymouth to '4B Chev. to '4B M >|>|M BONDED LININGS GUARANTEED 20,000 MILES GENERATORS EXCHANGED Guarontoed AS A C 90 LOW Days AS o o o ALSO STARTERS & REGULATORS o e o FRONT WHEELS M At ALIGNED Sf* wheels balanced, knee action rebuilt PARTS & SERVICE CLIFTS BRAKE, STEERING AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE 1909 M St. N.W. ST. 3-2066 and 411 Md. Ave. S.W. ME. 8-6232 «t 6th & Independence Ave- STEAKS STEAKS STEAKS STEAKS Filet Mignon New York Sirloin Chopped Tenderloin Double Lamb Chops Prime Ribs of Beef, RESTAURANT 1900 K ST REFT, NW. NO. 38 OF A SERIES OF FACTS ABOUT THE NATION’S CAPITAL WHO “STOPPED THE CIOCK?” Dr. Elisha Cullen Dick, of Alexandria, I attended George Washington during his : |j fatal illness. At the moment of the || ;( First President’s death, the doctor cut (j k the pendulum cords of the bedroom I I clock to mark the time. You'll |||||£H I jf want to mark'a much happier day . IHj||f [ the day you start saving at Liberty jrn I the figures grow ! Save today |Hj| I mffi lift '^r' BUILDING ASSOCIATION 1407 G ST.. N.W. • ST. 3-2200 '^Sr3y 2 ROWstf DIAMONDS pfi|v4 ££*ooso BOTH STORES OPEN TILL 9 P.M. UNTIL XMAS mm mr ■ jMmif gs Rh. _ MYSTERY STAR—Viveca Lindfors has the leading feminine role in “The Vanishing Point,” a drama about three missing French women, which will be presented on “The U. S. Steel Hour” tomorrow night at 9:30 (WMAL-TV). Claude Dauphin and Peter Lorre co-star in the drama. Viewing TV The Apple-Polishers Don't Make Comics Any Funnier By Hal Humphrey HOLLYWOOD. Many of our TV comedians have Surrounded themselves with such an assortment of yes-men and well-wishers that they no longer know what’s funny and what isn’t. These paid claques consist of the people who ostensibly are on hand to assist the comic in build ing his show. In some cases it is everyone from the producer and director on down to the writer, press agent and even the valet. In an effort to avoid biting the hand that feeds them, these gentlemen will resort to all known types of apple-polishing and inner-office politics. At a recent rehearsal of one of the better-known comics I saw the producer double up convulsively at an ad-libbed IB FURNACES t HEATERS REPAIR * PARTS TA 9-303*>E. L. POE TA. 0-331 M) 8313 Georda Arc. N.W. fwatfli II Tears with Gu Compeer Cell for Per Lew Price* 24-Hoar Imorlntlnt Service ft/Wnw Wb 610 sth St. N.W. piece of business the comedian 5 threw into the proceedings. “Oh, that’s funny, very funny!” yelled the producer, still holding his I ! sides. “Leave it in, by all means.” j I I Actually the bit was hardly worth a chuckle, but after watch ; ing his producer split his ribs . I over it, the comic was going to be the last one to argue the point. The writers on a comedy show make the best audience at a rehearsal, of course. Their motives are twofold. First, they j want to insure themselves of j continued employment in a very I precarious business; second, they j I ! will be the last to admit that the | script is anything but hilarious. ! ** * * ! I’ve seen writers whoop it up so hysterically at rehearsal that i the comic, himself became a little self-conscious. “Is it really that 1 funny?” one particular clown asked. Naturally, he was assured by his two writers that Chaplin had never done better. An effusive press agent for another big name video comic religiously attends all of his client’s rehearsals. He not only keeps himself in a state of con vulsive laughter at everything his employer says or does, but collars everyone else in the studio and gives them a sales pitch on the comic’s talents. ; Another type of claque fol j lowing in the wake of some TV ; comedy shows is that made up lof relatives and friends. One feminine star has the network | reserve an entire block of studio i seats for her father and mother. They in turn put the arm on all ! their friends and show up en masse each week to laugh and applaud raucously. A famous comedienne’s mother \ does the same things for her daughter, and mama watches over her stooges like a setting hen. Any one who doesn’t laugh it up to satisfaction is sure to be cut off the free ducat list the following week. ** * * I suppose this could be con sidered admirable loyalty on the part of these two gals’ friends and parents, but it is unfair to - the home audience, which doesn’t share the same reasons for laughing it up, and has to rely on the comedy itself. It’s about time that TV’s funnymen woke up to the fact that these claques, whether paid for or free, are doing them a great disservice. Every time a crew of these professional back patters con vinces a comedian that a skit or joke is funny just to vindicate their staying on the payroll, then both the comedian and his so called aides are gyping the view ers. There’s a reason why Jack Benny and George Burns and Grade Allen and one or two j others nearly always manage to {come up with good shows. They i haven’t succumbed to this busi ness of hiring court jesters to convince them that they are - funny Benny and Burns can smell a bum joke or an unfunny situa tion a mile away, and they toss them out instead of paying a group of parasites to salve such clinkers with soft-soap laughter. If a comic hasn’t any judg- ! ment when it comes to humor,! he at least should have the good I sense to employ people who not j only have the judgment but i the courage to tell him when * j he’s laying an egg. : (Copyright 1953. Mirror Enterprises < j Syndicate). I 1 t ii FACTORY TO YOUI ft GARAGES Wool or Aluminum i Aluminum* 1 f.e.b yard GARAGE DOORS OVERHEAD WOOD & STEEL c JB A CA Free Estimate! i f AV.3U up Installation “ * w Models on Display f.o.b. plant Electric Operators COMMERCIAL SIZES IN STOCK j COMPLETE HOME MODERNIZATION \ GENERAL INDUSTRIES, INC j 1109 Jeff. Davis Hwy. i Arllnatea. Va.. OTis 4-6900 And ME. 8-1235 SERVICE TO BUILDERS TELEVISION—RADIO Television Today—Monday, Dec. 21,1953 M»- IWNBW (Ch. 4) WTTG (Ch. 5) WMAL (Ch. 7) WTOP~CIi. 9) :N FMtliflt Theater Heppity Sklpplty Ckelmon«eley ~ ' Starlight Theater — 6;IS “Btytil tke Last wltk Mippit Mines Crusade; Rabbit Amt) Liaise :39 Froatier”; Paal Santa s Warkskap News— Rask Weatker; Sparta :49 Waatk.i Ntesi Spirts Niws; Weatker Girt lie Gikktns Walter Craakita :tt VTctary at Sta Captain vHi» lie Cikkeas Mark Enas 7:15 ” " Aisle Gefck Gall Jaka Dely News •• •• :3l Artbar Marray Party Story Tkeeter Jeeie News; (Swirls ;4S News Carnes “Mile. Fifi” 'Brinson ae wtlde perry Ceee ;M Neae Tlat Taat Twenty Qaeetisii Maryland U. Bans sad Allen 8:15 ” " lay Jacksaa Higktlskts •• ;39 Vale* at Flrcstaaa The Big issae Sky Kiag Teleat Scents i 45 (leaner Steker ” " " " •> •• :M Denis Day Arthur Daaa Jailer Press FLeve Lacy 9:19 ” " File Skirts Ceatereece Lucille Ball :Sf Rskert Mentgeeery Baxiag Big Picten Misqaerade Party :45 Presents ** * “ ” » » (FT Rskert Meitgeeery Boxing " Ctnrgt Jossol Sknw statin On 4A:IS Presents Henry »s. "Cinderella lv :M All-Star Tkeeter Baker Beak in Franc ’S3" ,4S " " Spirts Spittlgkt M. B. Ferd Am Crowley :M Harkaess; Weatker News; Sports Sports; News News; Weather n:IS Sports; Archer Sports; Theater Sign OH Siegel; Snartid Cineea Playhouse Night Owl Theater The late Shew _ :4$ “7 pays Till Neel” "Criminals Within" "Jamhoret” 12:00 Cinema Playhease Night Owl Tkeeter fke Late Skew Television Tomorrow —Tuesday, Dec. 22,1953 WNBW—6:4S, Town and Cnantry News; 1:51, Ltik t« Tkit Day; I, Today; 7:25, Taka a Ward; 7:31, Today; 7:55, News; I, Today: 1:25, Nnws; 1:31, Taday; 1:55, Nnwd; S, Kitchen Coptun; 9.30, Science; S:4S, Little Playkease; 18, Ding Deng School; i|;3S. Glamour Girl; 11, Hawhins Falls; 11:15, Thret Steps te Hence; 11:30, the Bennetts; 11:45, Ftllnw Tour Heart; 12, Bride and Groom; 12:15, Mihe Hunnieutt Shew; 12:SS, News; 1, People’s Playhease—“l Was a Conoid”; 2, Inga's Aagle; 2:30, Christmas Allan-, 3, Kate Smith Shew; 4, Welceme Travelers; 4:30, On Your Accaaat; 5, Atom Seuad; 5:15, Gahhy Hayes; 5:30, Hewdy Doody WTTG—IO, Cartoon Theater; 10:30, Early Bird Theatar—“Dancing Min"; 12, News; 12:15, la Be Announced; 12:30, Heppity Skippity; 1, Lamb Stssian; 2, Bazaar; 2:38, Jambaree 3, Paul Dixta; 4, Matinee for Yea—" Black Gild”; 5, Lamb Scssitn. WMAL—II:3O, Just Far Fun; 12:30, Cartnnn Concert; 1:30, Hillywcad Matinee—"Mr. Ferrin and Mr. Trail”; 3, Madera Woman; 3:30, Jerry aid Jimma; 4, Turn tn a Friend; 4:30, Family Playhause. WTOP—O:3O, Time and Music; S:SS, Meditation; 7, Roy Meachum; 0, Billy Johnson's Show, 0:55, Donna Daaglas; Id, Arthur Godfrey Show; 11:30, Strike It Rich; 12, Valiant LaOy; 12:15, Love if Life; 12:30, Search fir Tcmirrcw; 12:45, Guiding Light; 1, Allan Jeffrey's Shaw; 2, I’ll Bay That; 2:30, House Party; 3, Big Payoff; 3:30, Bah Crosby; 4, Pick Temple’s Ranch; 5:30, Gerry Mnnre. Radio Today— Mondt, y/ °« c - 2] > 19 53 ~P.M. WMAL—63O~ WRC—9BO WWDC—I26O WTOP—ISOO .Of!Star Niws News; lid Bnb Welff “ News; Jackson :/u Sherman Bntlcr Earl Godwin Bandstand; Niws Cart Mssscy 0.30 Bergman; News Bill Stern News; McDnnnia :45 3-Star Extra, News Joseph Donahn Griffing Bancroft igf Jtha Vanderteeh Symphiiittc Fulton Lewis, Jr. Family Skclntan 7:15 Sid Slappey “ Hit Tunas Lowell Thomas :30 Lone Ranger Nows; Beatty Gabriel Heater Beulah .-4S .’’ Niws One Man's Family Perry Came Edward Murraw ;#d Henry l”Teyler Railroad Hour jrred Fishe Show Suspense 8:15 Natinn's Business i Garden Macßae :30 Recard Shop Voice of Firestone News; 12H Talent Scuts .-45 Sherman Butler Eleanor Steker 1200 Club Arthur Godfrey :M Fair and Colder Telephone Hour Henry; 1210 Radio Theater 9-15 ’’ ” Mildred Miller 1260 Clnh " " .30 ” Band nt America Reporters’ Reundup " " :45 ” " * M M :0f jMaifhugh’s Muds Fibber McGee ’Frank Edwards flay - Marti* 4 A:ls Arthur Dean [Can You Tap This Newsreel Ginger Rngers ||/:30 Mayhugh's Moods iLigkt Up Tims 'Counterspy Dick Pewell :45 News Mac Mc6arry " " Peggy Lee :00 Repaid; Sports ~ News; Finley JSOB World Tonight n:ls Sherman Butler Heur el Dreams News; McDonald :30 ” " Bowling Green News; Massey Meondial _ :45 i ” State U. Choir SSOO Massey Eddie Gallaher 12:01 I Midnight, Mayhugh News; Music jssoo Massey News; Music Radio Tomorrow Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1953 A.M. I WMAL—63O | WRC—9BO WWDC—I26O WTOP—ISOO :00 News; Gibbons" News; Rood Art Brown Nnws; Evus 6:15 Country Store Bob Reed " " Evans; Meditatlu ;30 News; Gibbons Evans; News; Brtwn News; Evans :45 Music—Weather " ” Art Brewa Mark Evaas :00 News News; Wright Art Brow* News; Evans ” ~ 7:15 Country Store Boh Rood " ' Mark Evans ;3ii News; Gibbons ” " News; Brown Claude Mahenay .-45 Music—Weather ~ " Art Brown Eddie Gtllabor :Q0 Nows: Gibbons ~ WarlT Hews Art Irowi Worii News 8:15 Country Store Roundup " " Eddie Gallaher :30 News: Gibbons News; Reed Evans; News; Brawn :4S Gibbons, News Bek Reed Brawn; Heater " " ~ :00 Breakfast "Club News; Reed Art Brewn News if America 9:15 Dsn McNeill Boh Reed ”": M. Persons You’re the Tip :30 " ” ” ” News; Brow* Eliaar Let ;45 “ " \ Every Day Art Brawa Nancy Dixu :00 My Tree Stcry Welcome Travotorc M. G. Ford Godfrey Shaw 1A l 5 ””» Strnot* ' " " '• " I \J;3O Whispering Stronts Bob Hope Evans, Nnws; Fare " " ;45 Modern Romances Break tha Bank M. 0. Ford ” " :00 Jerry aid Jimma Strike It Rich Ladles Fair Godfrey Show n:ls Strut " “ ” ”; News " " :3I News; Jerry ui Phrase mat Pays Queen fir a Make Up Yur Mind 545 Jimma Strug Second Chance Oiy Rosemary ;0f Mndcrn Waman " News,~tornaheu “ Cart Massey~Tlme * Niws; W. Warm 4 *):15 Rath Crue Nancy Osgood Highie; Bandstand Aunt Jenny 14:45 Back ta tkn Bible " Hazel Market Helen Trent j 3B I '* ’* " " Our Gal Sunday PM | WMAL 630 , WRC 980 WWDC 1260 WTOP 7500" :00 Music Hall Here's Archer M. 0. Ford Read as Lift 1:15 ” " i ” ” Ma Perkins ;30 Double ar Nothing " " News; Ford Young Dr Malu* :45 " *’; News ” " ;M. Q. Ford Guiding Light ;od~ Bill Miyhugh I Hern’s Archer" M. Q. Ferd Secud Mrs. Burton 2:15 ” Berch Look to Ibis Day " Perry Meson ;30 News; Mayhugh jPays ta be Married News; Fora Nora Drakt :45 Bill Mayhugh Dali House: News M. Q. For* Brighter Day ;00~ Bill Mayhugh Ufe~Beautiful MTlirFard Hilltop Houst 3:15 ” " Road at Life " " House Party :30 News; Mayhugh Pepper Young News; ford " " :00 Jerry Strong Backstage Wifi 1265 Club Marf'Evans 4:15 ” ” Stella Dallas “ " •• ” ;30 News; Streni Young Widder Brown Nows; 1211 Mark Evans :45 Jerry Strong Woman in My House 1260 Club Evans; Rskert G. :00 Jerry Strug Jusf Pliln Bill Sdfgt. Preston timber's Mitinit S;IS " ” Front Page Farrell of Yukon ‘ ** " .30 Sherman Batter Lorenzo Jones Sky Kins " " =43 " " Twilight Tunes 6sll«her; Ctchru ; FM Stations WRC-FM—53.5 Me., Chinnel 230 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. WBUZ-FM—55.5 Me., Channel 231 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. WTOP FM-95.3 Me., Chinnel 242 Around the Clock WASH-FM—l7.l Me., Channel 241 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. WOL-FM—SB.7 Me., Channel 254 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. WCFM—99.S Me., Channel 251 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. WFAN-1M.3 Me., Channel 212 5:30 a.m. to Midnight WWDC-FM—IBI.I Me. Channel 26S 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. WGMS-FM—183.5 Me., Channel 271 6:30 a.m. to Midnight WARL-FM—165.1 Me., Chanel 2N 6:45 a.m. to 9 p.m. WUST-FM—IM.3 Me., Channtl 29) 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. WMAI-FM—107.2 Me., Chanel 257 8 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. Other AM Stations WGMS—S7O Me.—9:3o a.m.-4:45 p.m. WPIK-738 Kc.—7:ls a.M.-4:4S p.m. WARL-789 Ke.—7:ls 1.m.-4:4S p.m. WGAY—I,OSO KC.—7:ls a.m.-4:45 p.m. WUST—I,I2B Ke.—7:Ts a.m.-4:45 p.m. WFAX-1,228 KC.- 7:15 «.m.-4:4S p.m. WOOK-1,340 Ke.—s a.m.-2 a.m. WEAM—I,3S9 Ke.—9:39 a.m.-ll p.m. W0L—1,459 Ke.—9 a.m.-12:15 a.m. W00N—1,546 Ke.—7:3o a.m.-4:45 p.,m. WINX—I,6OO KC.—9 a.m.-4:4S p.m. GIVE IMPORTED 1 CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS f THE LIFETIME GIFTS FOR \ Cfjristmas j Wt hove one of tho largest displays in Washingtan | 11 w SPECIAL SALE OF 8 TABLE LAMPS 1 8 | EASY TERMS H OPEN TIL 5 P.M. SATURDAYS TIL XMAS 8 | AGE ELECTRIC SUPPLY £ | 1525 Fourteenth. St. N.W. AD. 2-4122 | DENNIS DAY or tke RCA VICTOR SHOW Qti&uj 'Week j ; See, koto by WIN I *soool] TONIGHT^ WNBW Channel 4 9:00 Ply | Highlights | Television Today. 7:30, WTTG—Story Theater: Guy De Maupassant’s “Madam oiselle Pifl” is dramatized. 8:30, WTTG— The Big Issue: Senator Hubert Humphrey and Representative Noah Mason dis cuss “Should Congress Enact a National Sales Tax?” 8:30, WNBW—Voice of Fire stone: Eleanor Steber is guest soloist. 1 9:00, WTTG —Arthur Dean: The special enjoy reports on Korean peace negotiations. 9:00, WMAL Junior Press Conference: Senator Wayne Morse is guest. 9:30, WNBW—John Newland has the leading role in “What’s for Christmtis?” a series of dra matic vignettes concerning a group of unrelated people. 9:30, WTTG—Boxing: Char ence Henry meets Bob Baker in a 10-round heavyweight bout. 9:30, WTOP Masquerade Party: A panel show with Doug las Edwards replaces vacation ing Red Buttons for one week only. 10:00, WMAL—George Jessel Show: Nat King Cole and Jane Morgan guests. 10:00, WTOP —Studio One: Ann Crowley stars in “Cinderella . . . ’53,” a musical version of the French fairy tale with mu sic by Cole Porter. 10:30, WNBW—AII Star The ater: Paul Henreid is featured in “The Jewel,” a mystery. Radio Today. 8:00, WRC Railroad Hour: Gordon Macßae and Dorothy Warenskjold sing the leading roles in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” 8:00, WTOP—Suspense: Frank Lovejoy heads the cast of “On a Country Road,” a drama about a son who hasn’t seen his family for six years. 9:00, WRC—Telephone Hour: Mildred Miller sings carols and excerpts from “Hansel and Gretel.” 9:00, WMAL—Fair and Cooler: A documentary on weather. 9:30, WCFM—Discussion: Dr.' Linton of George Washington University talks on 20th century poetry. 9:30, WWDC, WASH—Report ers’ Roundup: Representative W. Sterling Cole is interviewed. 10:15, WMAL—Arthur Dean: A report on the Korean peace j negotiations. 11:30, WRC—Bowling Green State University: The Choir sings a program of Christmas music. ■ tusoMY leak I I t HUGH REILLY CO. ♦ ♦ "Paint and Glass Specialists" ♦ ♦ SINCE 1888 ♦ t 926 N Street N.W. ♦ ♦ 1334 N. Y. Ave. N.W. ♦ X NAtionol 8-1703 Both Stores X ♦♦♦»*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ilff pp NAtionol 8-9899 Jjjj^ IN TIME FOR #LJ XMAS RINGS WATCHES UNREDEEMED 36 GENTS' WATCHES BENRUS, BULOVA, 0.99 ELGIN, WITTNAUER W GRUEN, ETC. 12 GENTS' OO 17J HAMLITONS I UnY? 21J LORD ELGINS 1 M 12 GENTS' 21J *| m OO BULOVA, BENRUS I WALTHAM , B 17 POCKET WATCHES f A OH HAMILTON, ILLINOIS 111«"“ ELGIN. ETC. 7TO 21J BW 12 LADIES'BULOVA AA ELGIN, GRUEN W«TT WALTHAM, ETC. M 12 LADIES' 17-21 J _ _ ELGIN, WITT- 10.99 NAUER, BULOVA I JL GRUEN, ETC. 1 YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE ON ALL WATCHES 13 Ladies’ Diamand Wed. Kino. *7 13 Ladies’ Diamond Rino (R 10 Ladies’ 5 Pt. Diamond Rinas. SI A 10 Ladies’ 10 Pt. Diamond Rincs. *35 lO Ladies' 15 Pt. Diamond Rinas. s:tn 10 Ladles' 30 Pt. Diamond Rinas. *SO IO Ladies’ 35 Ft. Diamond Rinas. 575 10 Ladies' 40 Pt. Diamond Rinas. SOS 31 Men’s Black Onyx Rinas .. SIS 13 Men’s Diamond Rinas .. S3O 1 Man's 7-Diamond Cluster 535 1 Man's 3-Diamond Saoohire *OS 1 Man’s 30 Pt. Diamond Ruhr. 575 - 1 Gent's 50 Pt. Diamond Rina. SISO DIAMOND SIZES APPROXIMATE ALL PLUS FED. TAX RELIABLE Jgg& 422 9th St. N.W. NA. 8-6157 Open daily, «:J# AM. to I D PM. THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1983 Emerson to Open Research Laboratory The Emerson Radio & Phono graph Co. announced today that it will establish a research* di vision January 1 at 701 Lamont street N.W. The announcement said lab oratory facilities will be pro vided there for the Emerson Re search Laboratories. Benjamin Abrams, president of the corporation, said activities at the new center will be di rected primarily toward research and development in the field of electronics. The laboratories also will en gage in other research and de velopment projects, several hav ing been scheduled to start upon opening Dr. Harold Goldberg, 40, who has done considerable study in the fields of mocrowave radar air navigation systems and tele vision, will be director. Dr. Don ald P. Burcham, 37. an ordnance expert with the Bureau of Stand ards, will become assistant di rector. f Man Paid 29 Years Later For Snow-Shoveling Job By th« Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 21.—Daniel J. Davies, a 59-year-old laborer, is getting paid this Christmas for snow shoveling he did in New York 29 years ago. New York City’s sanitation commissioner, Andrew Mulrain, has sent him a personal check for sls. He dug into his own pocket for the money after Mr. Davies wrote recently that he had failed to collect for 10 hours’ work one winter night in 1924. Mr. Davies said he was supposed to get 50 cents an hour but some body accused him of shirking the job and he stomped off without collecting. Told yesterday that the New York sanitation chief was pay- ! ing off at the current pay scale —three times what it was in i 1924—Mr. Davies said: “Well, I’ll be blowed. Just like an American, isn’t it?” . I TV SERVICE VIRGINIA JA. 7-7722 Call 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. American Service Center nil / will be closed [ Thursday, Dec. *° ®' ve (after lunch) ( our employees a J \ Friday, Dec. 25 \ Christmas holiday J V Saturday, \Dec. 26 Reopening Sunday, M December 27, a Wf with a surprise for you ...something new... \ DUKE ZEIBERT’S HW RESTAURANT W 1 1730 l St., N. W.—Two Doors W*ti of M Conn. Avo.* Reservations: STerling 3-1730 IN TIME m '»■ XMAS ' ‘f j ALL BRAND NEW Alrauide 4x33 Center Focus Sl6 Jupiter 6x15 in Ptv. Focus It Sunbeam 6x30 Indlv. Focus 33 Reals 6x30 Center Focus 35 Yoke 7x35 Center Focus 40 Ofuna 7x50 Indlv. Focus 38 Stellar 7x50 Center Focus 37 Stellar 8x35 Indlv. Focus 18 Balko Bx3o Indlv. Focus 25 Reaent Bx3o Center Focus 39 Stellar 10x50 Indlv. Focus 36 Stellar 16x30 Center Focus 40 Alrauide 5 Power Telescope! 3 Saturn 10 Power Telescopes 5 Neptune 30 Power Telescopes 8 Cases Free With New Binoculars USED Carl Zeiss 6x31 w/easa 835 Rodenstoek 6x30 German 30 Bausch * Lamb 6x30 w/eaaa .. 50 Carle Zelaa 8x34 w/ease 35 Stelnhell Bx4o Center Fecna 65 Araus A-2 F 4.5 Lena 35m m ... 14 Kodak 45 F 5.6 Lens w/caae 19 Kodak 35 Ranaeflnder w/ease .. 45 Perfex 103 Ranaeflnder w/ease.. 33 Kodak ReUna 1 Ektar F 3.5 ... 35 Boise? 833 Set-O-Matle 35m/m 53 Zeiss Tenax Tesaar F 3.8 Lens .. 55 Kodak Stand 35m/m w/ease . 59 Leotax 35m m F 3.5 Lens w/case 82 Cxakta Jr. 127 Rellex F 3.5 30 Minolta Automat Reflex F 3.5 ... 45 Relleleerd F 3.5 Flash Synch. 65 Zeiss Ikon FG.3 Foldlna 19 Volatlander Besss F 3.5 33 Kodak Tourist FI3.A Lens 19 Kodak Teurlst Ft.s I 800 50 Zeiss Iken Ft .5 Press Back 39 Brownie 8m m Movie w/ease .. 37 BAH Films 70 16m/m F3.A Lens 45 Keystone A-83 16mm Prelector 65 Victor 16m/m Seund Prelector 150 Plus Fed. Tax on Binoculars RELIABLE ,™ 422 9rh St. N.W. NA. 8-6157 Open dally. g.SO AM. to »:30 P.M. ** B-17 TV SERVICE ipig “AUTO RADIO” SALES. REPAIRS AND INSTALLATION On* or tha taw placas In town whara you can driva In For orompi daoandabl* Mrvlca. Drivin Radio Saleservice N. J At* * O (t N.W. LI 4-7179 EJ, 4-1614 SEE Sc hup p's Ad Page A-3 HERE IT IS! You'll love this omozing new "COMPACT" TAPI RECORDER The RECORDER has every feature of recorders selling for TWICE its price. It will mahm tha parfact | gift. Sale Price 04 Until Christmas Only (Limited Quantity at Present) MANY OTHER MAKES AT LARGE DISCOUNTS 1 1429 L St. N.W ADamt 4-6224 Fidelity Sound Co. : Open Mon. & Thurs. ‘til 9 P.M. 'N TIME FOR XMAS ALL BRAND NEW Harmony Stella Guitar 812 Harmony Auditorium Guitar 17 Harmony Monterey Gnltar 31 Kay Auditorium Guitar _ 20 Kay Cut-Away Model 55 Marlin 0-15 Guitar 60 Martin 0-18 Guitar 80 Martin 0-17 Guitar ... 70 Martin D-18 Guitar 120 Gibson L-48 Guitar 85 Supra Double Neck Elec. 95 Kay A-Striny Banjo 3A Islander Ukuleles 8 Harmenr Wood Ckuleels .... 5 Martin Ukulelea 17 Stradollna Mandolins ..... 32 Harmony Stella Mandolin 15 Violin Outfits, all alsea 20 German 2-Stop Accardlen 16 . Hohner Button Accordion ..... 35 Hohner 13-Bass Accordion .... 65 Hohner 120-Bass Aeeordlon 130 Gretsch 3 Input Amp. ...... 43 Two Input Amplifier 80 Stewart O Input Tremolo ... 150 La Mantc Weed Calrlnct ..... 75 ’ Hohner. Chromatic 16 Hale 14 Hohner Marine Band. All Keya - 96 USED Kamlce Built-In Else. Gnltar .. 819 Gibson Jumbo Flat-Top ... 79 Gibson Hawaiian Electric ..... 45 Gretsch Tenor Banjo w/eate 29 Fender 3 Input Amplifier 39 Olds Ambassador Trumpet 95 Conn Cornet w/ease 49 Conn Tenor Saxophone w/easo _ 150 Conn Baritone Sax w/ease 125 Conn Trombone w/easc 60 tubed Metal Clarinet w/ease .. 40 Pensel Mueller Weed Clarinet .. 62 Conn Weed Clarinet w/ease 95 Selmer Bundy Flnte w/easc . 75 RELIABLE "EZ. 422 9th St. N.W. NA. 8-6157 Open dallv, 0:30 AM. to 1:10 PM.