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Weather Forecast Cloudy and much colder tonight with low about 24. Tomorrow cloudy cold. (Full report on Page A-2.) Temperatures Today. Midnight 51 6 a.m 42 11 a.m 39 2 a.m 51 8 a.m 38 Noon 39 4 a.m 47 10 a.m 39 1 p.m 39 An Associated Press Newspaper 101st Year. No. 357. American Reply To Soviet Atom Note Due Soon Procedure in Getting Peace Talks Started Is Major Problem By the Associated Frost The United States probably will send Russia a new note soon welcoming its avowed agree ment to atomic talks and sug gesting ways to get them started. Top officials, who are still going over Moscow’s Monday Dulles Puts Defense of Europe Squarely Up to Key Allies. Page A-5 message with a magnifying glass, have yet to decide pre cisely how this country should proceed. Some authorities be lieve an exchange through nor mal diplomatic channels will be undertaken. However, such planning is going forward in the State De partment and Atomic Energy Commission on the assumption that secret talks among the world atomic powers will open up under the sponsorship of the United Nations Disarmament \ Commission in late January— about a month away. Air May Be Cleared. A preliminary exchange of views which could be carried j on by ambassadors, or perhaps | by Secretary of State Dulles and Foreign Minister Molotov at the projected Berlin conference, might serve to clear the air of misunderstandings if any exist, officials said. The Russian note condition ally agreeing to talks Said j President Eisenhower’s proposal ! for an international atomic energy pool for peaceful pur poses needed clarification—ap parently on the point of what the President would do about weapons control. Mr. Dulles said yesterday the world might see a “recession of the horror of atomic warfare’’ in 1954 as a result of America’s initiative in reviving atomic talks and Russian agreement to participate. Two Major Tasks Ahead. Officials said two major moves must now be worked out in de tail: 1. The international atomic agency which Gen. Eisenhower proposed in a United Nations speech December 8 must be blue printed so that the United States will be able to spell out precisely what kind of operation it would like to see, with what kind of management, and with what safeguards against use for war of any atomic materials contrib uted for peaceful uses. 2. An answer must be worked out to what appears to be a modified Soviet proposal, which probably represents the Krem lin’s “new approach’’ to the problem of atomic control. Mos cow’s note served notice that tne Soviet government would propose in any talks held that all participating nations pledge themselves not to use atomic weapons. Soviet Change Indicated. United Nations experts said this was a'change from Russia’s earlier insistence on barring the manufacture or possession of atomic weapons as a first step in international control of atomic energy. This country has in sisted that a rigid inspection sys tem be set up first. The Soviet note made clear that the Kremlin was not giving up its demand for a complete ban—but thought that a pledge against use something like the poison gas agreements of earlier years might be effective. While Secretary Dulles dis cussed the atomic outlook briefly in a speech with some optimism, however cautious, experts said the gulf between the basic posi tions of Russia and the United States remains as wide as ever on the basis of the positions they have taken in the course of this month. The real gain, according to this view, lies only in the fact that active talks may soon start up again. What Gen. Eisenhower sought to do with his proposal was to suggest away in which the Unit ed States. Russia and such other nations as Britain, Canada, Aus tralia, South Africa apd Bel gium could work together to pro duce atomic power for peaceful purposes for many countries in the world. Japanese Get U..S. Ship YOKOSUKA, Japan, Dec, 23 (JP).— The U. S. S. Bath, last of 18 patrol frigates and 50 landing craft to be turned over to the Japanese under a 1950 exchange agreement, was delivered by the United States Navy today. Star Phone Service Thursday and Friday Thursday, December 24—Main switchboard service to (ST. 3-5000) various departments of The Star in cluding News, Classified Advertising, Circulation and Business Counter ends at 9 p.m. Deadline for Sunday Want Ads also 9 p.m. Friday, December 25—Classified Advertising Department closes at 1 p.m. (Only Death Notices accepted.) Business Counter ond Circulation De partment close at 6 p.m. Main tele phone switchboard service ends at 9 p.m. Night service telephone numbers as follows: News Dept., ST. 3-5078; Detail Dept., ST. 3-5079. Phone ST. 3-5000 ** WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1953-THIRTY-FOUR PAGES. STSWiJ'BftJSSi 5 CENTS Burgess, Missing Diplomat, Writes to Mother in London Briton, Quarry of European Manhunt With Mac Lean, Doesn't Reveal Location By the Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 23.—A Christ mas letter in the handwriting of Guy Burgess, British diplomat who vanished 2V 2 years ago. was delivered at his mother’s home today. She said it was the first real evidence that her son is still alive. Burgess and his Foreign Office colleague, Donald Mac Lean, an American affairs expert, disap peared on May 25, 1951. There has been wide speculation that they fled to the East to help the Communist world in its cold war against the west. Burgess’ mother, Mrs. Evelyn Burgess Bassett, speaking from her apartment near Piccadilly Circus, said she was “absolutely certain’’ her son wrote the let ter signed in his name. “It is a wonderful Christmas present,” she said. “It is the first real sign we have had that he is still alive.” A friend of Mrs. Bassett told reporters it Was “quite a happy letter,” containing ordinary Christmas greetings. No Indication of Location. “There was no indication in it of where Guy may be,” the friend added. The letter’s contents were not published. The penned date was simply “November.” The letter was postmarked Monday night, however, in the dockyard area of London. The lapse time between the Time for POW Talks Runs Out as 22 From U. 5. Spurn Last Pleas 'lnternationale' Resounds While Red Americans Dance With Koreans By the Associated Press PANMUNJOM, Thursday, Dec. 24.—Time ran out last midnight on efforts to change the minds of 22 American war prisoners who have stayed with the Com munists. • The 90-day period for explan ations to war prisoners expired hours after the Americans and other pro-Red captives chanted songs, shouted and linked arms in a wild dance to drown out last-minute broadcast appeals to return home. An Indian spokesman said that as midnight passed there was no j request for repatriation from the ! prisoners in the pro-Red north camp. The U. N. command said earlier its broadcasts yesterday ended efforts to woo home the 22 Americans, 1 Briton and 327 South Koreans who stayed with the Reds. The Communists, who have pressed repeatedly for an ex tension of the explanation pe riod, asked to interview more Chinese prisoners from the anti communist south camp today. But the Neutral Nations Re patriation Commission ruled that the explanations had ended. To Meet News Correspondents. The commission approved a request from the pro-Commu nist Americans and the Briton to meet allied and Red news cor respondents inside their com pound today. Loudspeakers outside the barbed wire enclosure broadcast 12 times yesterday—four ap peals each to the 22 Ameri cans, 1 Briton and 77 South (See POWs, Page A-5.) Future Listing Os Balky 22 Is Undecided Pentagon officials said today they have not yet decided what to do about the 22 pro-Red American POWs in Korea who today refused to return to the free world despite last-minute broadcast appeals. Reports have persisted that the group would be declared absent without leave at midnight tonight, and would be classed as deserters after 30 days. A de fense Department spokesman said today, however, that the Americans will be carried on the rolls as prisoners of war until next January 22. The Neutral | Repatriation Commission is re quired by the armistice agree | ment to give asylum to all un j repatriated prisoners until that i date, when they are to be re leased as civilians. If the prisoners still refuse to return after January 22, the Government will have to reach a decision about them. It can drop them from the rolls, and in effect declare them deserters. As an alternative, it might give them so-called “undesirable dis charges.” Such discharges are not considered dishonorable, but they automatically stop all pay and allotments to dependents. Theoretically, the Govern j ment could also take no action j in the hope the prisoners mignt eventually return. This would be an unlikely course, however, since it would mean the pay of 1 the absent men would continue to accumulate on the books and their dependents would continue to receive allotments indefinitely. %ht fretting writing and the mailing of the letter suggested the possibility that Burgess sent it to a friend here to be reposted. The fact that it was posted in a dockyard area also sug gested that Burgess, if actually in an Iron Curtain country, sent the letter to England by a sea man, who dropped it in a local mailbox. Pair Widely Hunted. The disappearance of Burgess and Mac Lean touched off the most intensive manhunt in recent European history. Thou sands of policemen and secret agents throughout Western Europe joined in. If a hard clue of their destination was ever turned up. however, it was not made public. The trail petered out in France. Police said they were last seen boarding a train for Paris from Rennes after a secret crossing of the English Channel. Mac Lean’s Chicago-born wife, the former Melinda Marling, and their two children went to live in Switzerland. In September this year, they also vanished. The speculation was that they had gone to join Mac Lean somewhere behind the Iron Curtain. Last October, however, the Soviet magazine New Times said their disappearance “has not the slightest connection with the Soviet Union.” This was the first Soviet comment on the case. Jacquinot Withdraws As French Plan 12th Presidential Ballot Coty Takes His Place; Deadlock Still Firm, No Solution in Sight By tho Associated Presi VERSAILLES. Dec. 23.—Louis Jacquinot withdrew today as a candidate for the French presi dency and his place on the 12th ballot was taken by Rene Coty, an independent Republican. Mr. Jacquinot, who is over seas minister, had been put up by rightists after Premier Laniel withdrew from the race last night. Both houses of the French Parliament have been meeting since last Thursday in an attempt to elect a successor to President Vincent Auriol, whose seven-year term expires next month. On the llth ballot this morn ing Mr. Jacquinot received 338 votes and Marcel-Edmond Nae gelen, a Socialist, 372. A ma i jority of 441 was needed. Despite last-minute attempts at a compromise which would permit putting Mr. Auriol’s name before the congress apparently fell through. Mr. Jacquinot had proposed that he and Mr. Naegelen withdraw and leave Auriol in the field. The afternoon session to take a 12th ballot had been postponed for two hours (until noon EST) to permit the Socialists to talk with Mr.. Jacquinot. No solution was In sight to the political deadlock, now in its seventh day. As fog and rain shrouded the palace of Ver sailles, there was talk the mara thon voting would continue through the Christmas holidays. Premier Joseph Laniel with drew late last night after it-be came apparent he could not pick up support from middle-of-the road factions. $65 Million in Soviet Gold Flies Secretly lo London By the Associated Press LONDON, Dec. 23.—The Krem lin has secretly flown into Lon don about $65 million in “ham mer and sickle” gold bars, offi cial sources disclosed today. The gold, arriving in two air shipments during the last 72 hours, is destined for the Bank of England. It is the first real gold deal between British and Russian central banks since 1936. The gold is believed to have come from Moscow’s Na rodni Bank and to have been paid for in sterling. London traders said .there is a possibility the hammer and I sickle bars—which are of the finest quality—may soon be on the way to American vaults. More than $125 million in Brit ish wartime indebtedness to the United States falls due at the i end of this month. Approxi mately another $35 million dol lars will go to Canada. Program Arranged For Soviet-lran Talks By tho Associated Prats TEHRAN, Dec. 23.—The Soviet Union and Iran have agreed on an agenda for fresh talks aimed at the settlement of financial and border disputes between i them A previous try was broken off last August on the overthrow !of Premier Mohammed Mossa degh’s government. The agenda was arranged yes terday at a meeting between Foreign Minister Abdullah En tezam and Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Lavrentiev. Real Recession Already Here, Douglas Warns Senator Asks G. O. P. For Standby Plan to Avoid Depression By thy Associated Press Senator Douglas, Democrat, of Illinois declared today this coun try is in a “real recession” which might contain the seeds of a full-scale depression. Avoiding any prediction that a depression will materialize. Senator Douglas urged the Eisen hower administration to prepare a standby program which could be used instantly if “the cumu : lative forces of economic break down” continue. The administration has been reported blueprinting such a pro gram, although officials have ! publicly discounted that any thing more than a normal read ! justment from unusually high business activity is in progress. Minimum Provisions Listed. Senator Douglas, a former University of Chicago economics professor and the author of sev eral books on economics, said in an interview that such an anti-depression program should embrace as a minimum: 1 A further decrease of “con sumption taxes,” such as excise levies, to lower prices and thus stimulate buying. In this con nection, the Senator said he will support the excise tax cut of about a billion dollars sched uled for April 1. President Ei senhower has asked that it be postponed indefinitely. 2. An increase in personal ex emptions for income tax pur poses. a step which Senator Douglas said would increase spending faster than any across the-board income tax cut. 3. A public works program, with emphasis on slum clearance, public housing, highway con i struction, and school and hospital | construction. i Cites Industrial Slump. Senator Douglas took pains to ; emphasize he was not forecasting a depression. But he said these 1 economic indicators are worth study: the farm implement busi j ness has been “hit very, very ; hard”; the automobile industry | is “beginning to feel the pinch” 'and steel demand is off: freight J car loadings were off 12 per cent ; last month from the previous i November; Montgomery Ward | sales were down 15 per cent un | der the same year, j Senator Douglas said the most important depression antidote is an increase in the spending power of the average consumer. By next spring, he said, the administration should have a clear indication whether a de : pression is definitely on the way. If it should decide one is, Con ; gress should be asked immedi ately to cut excise taxes beyond I the April reduction and raise individual income tax exemp ; tions, now S6OO a person, Senator j Douglas said. Nixon's Father, 75, Stricken in Arizona Frank A. Nixon, 75, father of Vice President Nixon, is critical ly ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix. Ariz., where he was re moved yesterday when stricken while flying to Los Angeles from Washington with his wife. Attending physicians said he is suffering from a gastric hem orrhage. He was reported better I today and one physician said “it looks like he might rally,” the Associated Press reported. Vice President Nixon, who is scheduled to make a radio talk I here at 10:30 tonight on his re | cently completed good-will tour, 1 plans to remain in Washington unless his father becomes worse. The senior Nixons remained in Washington with the Vice Presi dent’s children while their son and his wife made their 10-week i 45,000-mile world tour. Nobody Yet Has Right Idea To Save Pup in 38-Foot Well By the Associated Press CARLSBAD. N. Mex., Dec. 23. —Bolstered by a multitude of suggestions, Fire Chief Ira Stockwell today took his turn at trying to rescue a 2-month-old pup from the bottom of a dry water well. Ideas by the dozen were of fered by newspaper readers and radio listeners. It all began nine days ago when 5-year-old Teresa Curtis pushed two pups into a hole in her back yard. It’s about 10 inches wide at the top and 38 feet deep. Her cousins, Dan Hardin, 15, and Poe Hardin. 12, rescued one of the pups. They lowered a burlap sack and the pup walked Int* it. But the other little mongrel shied off. The Hardin boys have been keeping the trapped pup alive by lowering bowls of milk and cereal. Yesterday a couple of Boy Scouts tried unsuccessful to 79 Couples' Yule Is Brighter As Judge Approves Adoptions Montgomery Court's Cheerful Session , Grants Final and Interim Decrees Associate Judge Stedman Prescott, of Montgomery County 1 Circuit Court, made Christmas merrier today for 19 young cou ples with adopted children. In a day-long session in his chambers at Rockville, the judge Pictures on. Page 8-1 granted the parents final or in terlocutory decrees, affirming their right to continue to raise the children they have taken into their homes during recent months. “Not all of the duties of a judge are pleasant," Judge Pres cott said, “but this one is.” Adoption day is almost a tra ditional Yuletide ceremony in Judge Prescott’s office. For sev eral years he has set aside two days at the end of the year to hear and rule on such cases. His purpose, he said today. Is to enable the parents to qualify for an income tax deduction for the child, which they have been supporting for most of the past year. Parents are required to care for their adopted children for at least six months before they j can be given a final decree Last 2 of 13 Escaped Felons Recaptured in Hotel Room By th* Associated Press RICHMOND, Ind., Dec. 23.—A parked car with two half-eaten loaves of bread led police to the capture in a hotel room early today of the last two of 13 escaped Michigan convicts. Police Capt. John Rizio said the two men, after' a brief struggle, admitted they are Robert Dowling, 33, a burglar, and Roman Usiondek, 37, a psy chopathic killer. Michigan po lice had described them as dangerous. They and 11 others escaped from the Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson last Satur day burning through bars in a prison sewer with an acetylene torch. Policemen Spot Car. The tipoff came when cruising Patrolmen Robert Matheny and Lawrence Harris spotted a car with Michigan license plates, parked opposite the Wayne County Courthouse. In the car they saw the bread, drop a rope loop over the pup and haul him to safety, New Mexico newspaper and wire service offices were be sieged with suggestions for res cue. One of the plans came from a woman who said: “Send the other puppy down in a basket The trapped puppy may be so glad to see him he'll climb in the basket, too.’’ A fisherman: “Drop a piece of net the size of the bottom of the hole to the bottom with ropes tied to the four corners, j When he reaches for the piece of meat in the center, jerk him out like a catfish.” Another offered: “Pill the well to a depth of 2 or 3 feet with corks. Do it slowly so the pup can crawl on top. Then fill the well with water so hell float to the top.” “Lower a little boy in a stout pair of coveralls on a rope,” suggested a woman, “and let him bring the puppy back.” An elderly lady suggested building a lattice-work ladder and letting the pup climb out. The judge will hear 18 more cases on Tuesday. He emphasized today, before the start of the 19 closed hear ings which he conducted one at a time, that his procedure “is no adoption mill.” He said he had made a thor ough study of the bulky reports on each case beforehand. In Montgomery County the Circuit Court retains Special Officer Homer Carroll to investigate adoption cases. Little Shlreen Marie Kenney, 21 months old, was the first child to come before the judge this morning. The smiles of her par ents when they came out of the judge’s office made it clear that Shireen was officially their child. Her now official parents are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kenney of 3909 Halsey street, Kensington. Dr. and Mrs. Michel Healy of Somerset, Md.. received a final decree for adoption of their 21- month-old daughter Elizabeth. They previously had adopted Elizabeth’s brother, 4-year-old Michael Thomas Healy. Another couple receiving a final decree was Mr. and Mrs. George G. Wyland of 8315 Old Georgetown road, Bethesda. Their adopted child is Jean Marie, 16 months. j a bottle of ketchup and a litter ! of cigarette butts. | Capt. Rizio and three other officers went to a small hotel on U. S. 40, less than a block from the car and only a block from police headquarters, at the west edge of the business district. When they knocked Dowling opened the door. The police asked for identification. Where upon Dowling walked to a bu reau and grabbed a .32-caliber German-make pistol from under a hat Capt. Rizio said he seized Dowling’s wrist and twisted the gun out of his hand. The three other officers— Sergt. Elwood Clark and Patrol men Harold Ryan and Norman Siekel—grabbed Usiondek, and both men were taken to police headquarters. Men Ask for Food. Police Chief Lucas Rohe said both men signed extradition waivers to permit their return to Michigan without legal pro ceedings. After his arrest.'Usiondek said, I "I’m tired of running. I’m ready to go back.” The men said they had eaten nothing except bread for 30 hours and asked for food. Dowling and UsiondeCk were among five who abducted two Jackson women as hostages, but released them unharmed after a wild 80-mile flight from Jack son to Detroit in a stolen Cadil lac. The others in this quintet were captured Monday in De troit in the shabby southwest side home of an ex-convict. ] Eight were captured Saturday night and Sunday at Napoleon, Mich., and Jackson. Parking Talks Put Off; Talkers Can't Park ty th« Associated Press NORWICH, Conn., Dec. 23. : The Board of Directors of the: Norwich Chamber of Commerce j has postponed discussion of off j street parking until its next meeting. Tire directors were supposed 1 to take up the issue at 5 p.m. yesterday, but not enough mem bers showed up to form a j quorum. An official said the Christmas shopping crowds made it impossible for the absent members to find places to park. Christmas in Church Christ’s birth will be commemorated in the traditional Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. The plans for these services are outlined on Page B-l. New YorlTMorlcets. Pages A-16-17 Eisenhower Assures Federal Workers of Fair Play on Jobs Increase in Shifting To Political Status Is Noted, However By Joseph Young President Eisenhower has again j assured Government civil service , workers that they have nothing to fear from his administration. At the same time, however, latest figures show that the Civil Service Commission during the j past few weeks h£s been approv ing a greater percentage of Re- , publican agency requests to shift 1 policy-making lobs tp political appointment status. A larger percentage of Re ! publican agency requests for the schedule C jobs—now under civil service—has been approved j during the past few weeks, The > Star learned. For the first time since the new classification was created last April by President Eisenhower, more Schedule C jobs have been approved than rejected. The latest count shows 848 schedule C jobs approved and 810 rejected The CSC revised its figure of 902 rejections since in 92 of the cases the same re quest had been rejected twice. Since November 11 the CSC has approved 78 Schedule C re quests and 50 were rejected. Higher Percentage Forecast. CSC officials disclose that dur ing the coming weeks an even i, greater percentage of these pol icy-making job requests will be allowed. * Word of Gen. Eisenhower’s | new assurance to career Govern ment workers came from Repre sentative Broyhill, Republican, of Virginia. He said the President told a group of G. O. P. House mem bers yesterday that civil service employes have nothing to fear from the recent Federal Court ruling involving Government job rights. Visits White House. Mr. Broyhill visited the White j House yesterday to ask the President to clarify the issues raised by the decision last week by Federal Judge Richmond B. Keech. Judge Keech held that the President had unlimited fir ing rights over Federal workers. “I told the President that Federal employes were very much worried about the situation,” Mr. Broyhill said. He related that Gen. Eisen- : hower, “with great emphasis,” declared that the administration had no intention of raiding civil service jobs. Furthermore, the President said that Government employes can be assured of re ceiving fair play at all times from him, Mr. Broyhill related. Pre-1947 Situation Recalled. Mr. Broyhill said Gen. Ei senhower recalled that prior to 1947 Federal employes did not have special rights in excepted I jobs and that the court ruling (Continued on Page A-2, Col. 5.) : Shoreham Reports 'Biggest' Theft: 120 by 6 Foot Rug Police today were trying to solve the biggest theft in the history of the Shoreham Hotel. Missing is a strip of gray-green , carpet 120 feet long by 6 feet wide. Hotel officials reported the carpet vanished from a base ment store room probably last Friday, but was not missed until 1 yesterday. 1 Also puzzling both hotel offi- i ( cials and police is how the 1 burglars managed to get the rug 1 out of the hotel without detec- 1 tion. It took four men to get , it into the basement. It is valued at between $2,000 and ! $3,000. 1 Cost of Living Drops in Nation, Still Rises Here Price Index Shows Decrease for First Time in 9 Months By James Y. Newton Living costs nationally de clined for the first time in nine months in the month ending November 15, the Government said today. In Washington, where prices are sampled every three months, living costs rose slightly despite a 2.4 per cent drop in retail food prices. A sharp drop in food prices affected living costs all over the country, as well as in Wash ington, and was primarily re sponsible for the decline na tionally. Before the latest fig ures were announced, national living costs had set new all-time record highs for four successive months. Wages of 1 million railroad workers were tied to today’s Bu reau of Labor Statistics con sumer price index. The wages are adjusted every three months. Actually the railroad workers’ wages will remain the same. They will lose a 1-cent-an-hour increase which they had picked up on “paper” in the two months of the quarter ending October 15. Interrupts Rise. The bureau said that nation ally the retail prices of goods and services dropped three tenths of 1 per cent in the month ending November 15, interrupt ing a gradual rise which began last February. Food prices, declining for the third consecutive month, dropped 1.4 per cent, and this was mainly responsible for the general de crease. Transportation costs, reflecting sharply lower prices for used cars, dropped one-half of 1 per cent for the month and clothing prices were unchanged. All other categories of goods and services rose in price. The Government’s living cost index on November 15 was 115 per cent of the base period, the 1947-1949 average. This was six tenths of 1 per cent, higher than a year ago and 13 per cent above the pre-Korean level. Prices Up Here. For Washington, consumer prices rose one tenth of 1 per cent in the three months ending November 15. despite a substan tial drop in food prices. Actually over this same three months, the national index remained un changed. The Washington index for No vember was 114.3 per cent of the 1947-49 average. This was four tenths of l per cent higher than a year ago and 12.5 per cent above the pre-Korean level. Housing costs here reflecting removal of rent controls last summer, were up 1.6 per cent al most offsetting the drop of 2.4 per cent in food prices. No Beef Profiteering, Benson Probers Declare By th* Associated Press The Agriculture Department reported today it has found no evidence of widespread, above normal profit-making by beef and cattle processors and dis tributors in the past two years. The report culminated an in vestigation started in September at the direction of Secretary of Agriculture Benson. He said there had been consumer and producer complaints that beef (See LIVING COSTS. Page A-5.) Young Bandit Steals Car After Threatening Woman A teen-age bandit stole the car of a doctor’s wife in Silver Spring today after entering their home pretending to collect old newspapers. Montgomery County police said the you(h held a knife at the woman’s throat' and de manded money. Mrs. Carl A. Harris, 803 Per shing drive, said she told him she had no money, whereupon the youth made her give him the car keys. Detective Sergt. William Wha len described the youth as about 5 feet. 7 inches, medium build, brown-haired, wearing a brown overcoat and tan scarf. Sergt. Whalen said Mrs. Har ris' husband is a Government physician, Their 4-year-old son Peter was with his mother. Neighbors said Mrs. Harris told them the youth also threatened the boy. Cash Talks When You Say It With Flowers BLOSSOM BUSlNESS—Washington residents say it with flowers to the tune of $5.50 each during a year more than people anywhere else in the Nation. The job of furnishing all these flowers is o tricky one. Star Staff Writer Mark Roberts discusses the florist business on page A-16. Guide for Readers Amusements B-6-7 Lost, Found A-3 Classified B-9-12 Obituary A-10 Comics ...1-14-15 Radio-TV . . 8-13 Editorial ... A-B'Sports ... A-12-15 Edit’l Articles A-9j Woman's Financial .A-16-17| Section ...B-3-5 Have The Star Delivered to Your Home Daily and Sunday. Dial Sterling 3-5000