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A-12 ! THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. SATCBDAY, JULY 3, 1884 B1 1 I ■ —Harris-Ewing Photo. MRS. NORMAN L. SMITH The former Mrs. Wadean B. Sanders. The marriage took place June 26 in the Columbia Baptist Church in Falls Church. | am I I* * ' —Harris-Ewing Photo. MRS. MARTIN A. GLEASON, Jr. The former Miss Elaine V. Briggs. The Hughes Methodist Church In Wheaton, Md., was the scene of the recent wedding. H —Adams Photo. , MRS. NORTON BUTLER The former Miss Renee Marcus. The wedding was held June IS In Bhai Israel Synagogue. El i i i ] ] i —Hassler Photo. MRS. RAYMOND J. QUEENIN, Jr. The former Miss Doris L. Linskey. The marriage took place June • SO in St. Luke's Methodist Church. H| I ( I 1 ( ] ■ ; —Harris-Ewing Photo. MRS. CHARLES H. SCHUART, Jr. The former Miss Janet Whiteford. The marriage took place June 19 in the Riverdale Presbyterian Church. Miss Ford Engaged Mrs. James Alvin Ford of Lothian. Md., announces the en gagement of her daughter Emily Shirley to Mr. Benjamin War rington Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Warrington Carr of South River. Edgewater, Md. Miss Ford is the daughter of the late Mr. James Alvin Ford. The bride-elect is attending the University of Maryland. Mr. Carr attended Fork Union Military Academy and was grad uated from Severn School. He studied at the Johns Hopkins School of Engineering and at the University of Miami. An August wedding is planned. Society and Club News Franco's Daughter Coming; Embassy Reception for Her The daughter of Spain’s Gen eralissimo Franco will arrive in Washington on Wednesday with her husband. The Spanish Am bassador and Senora de Lequerica will entertain for the high-rank ing couple on Thursday. The invitations read “in honor of Don Cristobal M. Bordiu and Donna Carmen Franco, Mar queses de Villaverde.” The Span ish term “Marqueses” is a con venient collective word meaning both Marquess and Marchioness. The good-looking daughter of the Spanish chief of state is ex pected to be here for about three days, but her further plans are not known. Her husband, a sur geon, intends to remain in this country for four months study ing at Johns Hopkins and in Boston. The wide-spread rumors that Ambassador de Lequerica Is leav ing Washington are not sub stantiated yet by any official act. It is understood that the Am bassador, who accomplished his mission of winning United States recognition of Spain, has asked to be aelieved of his Washington duties. He has been here for six years and feels the need of a rest. It is more than likely New Official Appoints a 'Cabinet' Sy the Associated Prtu Mrs. Theodore S. Chapman, president of the General Feder ation of Women’s Clubs, today announced appointments in her streamlined “cabinet” that will help her run the world’s largest organization of women during the coming two years. Mrs. Chapman, who operates a large grain farm near Jersey ville, 111., was recently elected head of the general federation which has 11 million members. Mrs. Chapman and the exec utive committee have set up a new department—the commu nity affairs department, which will be headed by Mrs. Walter V. Magee, Lakewood, Ohio. This department will have eight divisions, each headed by a prominent clubwoman. These divisions include health, hous ing, gerontology, community service, city beautiful, mental health, welfare and youth con servation. Mrs. Chapman plans to draw younger clubwomen into .active participation and she and her fellow officers have named a junior chairman as No. 2 head of each department. The junior chairman of the new department is Mrs. Marcus B. Calhoun, Thomasville, Ga. Mrs. Chapman began her ad ministration with tiie pledge to increase efforts to eliminate scenes of violence, crime and drinking from motion pictures, television and radio. Mrs. Charlotte Baruth, New York, has been named head of the motion picture division and Mrs. Dexter O. Arnold, chair man of the radio and television division. ' Both these divisions are in the communications department which is headed by Mrs. Dexter O. Arnold, Concord, N. H„ with Mrs. Robert Branigan, Beloit, Wis., as junior chairman. The head of the six other de partments and the junior chair men are: Conservation of natural re sources—Mrs. Marion T. Weatherford, Arlington, Oreg., chairman; Mrs. Kenneth Howell, Sheridan, Wyo., junior chairman. Education—Mrs. Joseph M. Perkins, Eastland, Tex., and Mrs. Nunley Snedegar, Elkins, W. Va. Fine arts—Mrs. Harry W. Schaal, Erie, Pa., and Mrs. Robert Branigan, Beloit, Wis. Home—Mrs. Gilbert F. Loebs, Waterville, Me., and Mrs. Nunley Snedegar, Elkins, W. Va. Mrs. Snedegar, who is listed as junior chairman for two departments is former head of family councils in junior clubs. International Affairs —Mrs. Norbert J. Klein, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Charles O. Smith, Holcomb, Kans. Public affairs—Mrs. William H. Hasebroock, West Point, Nebr., and Mrs. Kenneth Howell, Sheridan, Wyo. Mrs. T. C. Carroll, Shepherds ville, Ky., has been appointed chairman of the council of inter national clubs, with Mrs. Trini dad F. Legarda, Manila, Philip pine Islands, as vice chairman. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bryan Fewell of Woodlawn Heights. Va., announce the engagement of their daughter Harriet Ann to Corpl. George Verzagt, son of Mrs. Hilda Verzagt and the late Mr. George Verzagt of Point Lookout, Long Island, N. Y. Sir||L m [Kfjr iKk ' ill —Harris-Ewing Photo. MRS. GERALD F. SWEENEY The former Miss Marlene D. Meyer. The marriage took place June 19 in the Shrine of the Sacred Heart. that he will go by- the end of j the summer, but he has not yet been officially notified that he may do so. Philippine Ambassador and Mrs. Carlos Romulo gave a dinner last evening in honor of the de parting Philippine Counselor and Mrs. Gamboa. Mr. Gamboa left a week ago to become legal advisor to the Philippine Mission to the United Nations. Returning this week end for the party, he will be joined by his wife in New York next week. Romulos Hosts The Romulos themselves were just back from the Big City where they were entertained royally Thursday evening. They went up because it was their 30th wedding anniversary and Mrs. Romulo’s birthday and they wanted to avoid any fancy do ings in their honor here. How ever New York’s famous Grover Whalen and Col. Ed Hastings organized a surprise party in their honor at the Waldorf As toria Thursday evftiing and the Romulos couldn’t have been ! more pleased. Mrs. Douglas MacArthur was at the dinner and Lt. Gen. George Crittenberger, now head of the Greater City of New York Fund, and Mrs. Crittenberger; Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Leland Hobbs who had been to Presi dent and Mrs. Eisenhowers’ 38th wedding anniversary dinner the night before; the President of the Chemical Bank and Trust Co. of New York and Mrs. C. M. Wil son; the chairman of the board of the Waldorf and Mrs. Frank A. Ready; the Vice President of the National City Bank and Mrs. A. D. Calhoun. Mr. Pierre Huss, head of International News Service, and Mrs. Huss. There was a birthday cake for Mrs. Romulo and a six-tiered wedding cake with a “bridegroom on top looking like Governor Dewey,” said Gen. Romulo with a chuckle. Guests at the Romulos’ dinner for the Gamboas included the Indonesian Ambassador and Mme. Notowidigdo, Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Carl McCardle, the new Philippine Charge d’Affaires Raul Lenterio who arrived in Washington to take over his duties on Thurs day, and Mrs. Lenterio, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Drumright. The Honduran Ambassador Dr. Rafael Heliodoro Valle was host last evening at a stag dinner in honor of the Honduran Army Chief of Staff, Lt. Col. Armando Velasquez Cerrato. The latter leaves tomorrow for New York. Admiral and Mrs. Robert Carney have cards out for a reception at Admiral’s House on July 15. 6:30 to 8:30. •'•Wjgb % Lt- ; i —Southall Photo. MRS. JAMES P. ALLEN The former Miss Donna L. McMullen. The wedding was held June 19 in the Second Baptist Church. : ' It | ■BIr-' f. • —Liftman Photo. MRS. STANLEY SILVER The former Miss Janet A. Rose. The marriage took place June 27 at the Willard Hotel. E#JI m jb ji h| is- ~ ’ —Harris-Ewing Photo. MRS. ROBERT E. LOGWOOD The former Miss Lois E. Hoeck. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church was the seen# of the wedding June 26. « Mr- . |||l wjgmL j —Rocks Photo. MRS. THOMAS M. PHILLIPS The former Miss Karin E. Weigert. The wedding took place on July 2 at the Navy Chapel. it —Falcon Photo. MRS. HENRY S. McDONALD The former Miss Mary A. Pattie. The marriage took place June 25 in the Church of St. Christ opher-by-the-River in Gates Mills, Ohio. i WASHINGTON'S FINEST CLOSE-IN DEVELOPMENT I ,7i, rfcyg.pwffcy Ba y- and Soulli Hin’r ffl NOW BEING'SUBDIVIDED INTO LARGE LOTS )| 29 MILES FROM D. C. I ■ Hillsmera Shores is a vacationland for people who seek a change from overcrowded resorts, to M surroundings in which they con relax and enjoy their own sports and summer activities. It has V • *P***®l appaal for the family who wants to enjoy a desirable building site and yet keep it well - within their budget. ~ J Hilismere Shores offers healthful, life-giving tonic for children and oil the family in the pungent scent of verdant woodlands, combined with sparkling sunshine and the tang of invigorating salt air. m Hilismere Shores offers miles of sandy beaches, boat harbors, and piers for tha private use of t r-^^^rT ra proparty owners. Excellent swimming, boating, crabbing and fishing. Hilismere Shores invites you to drive down and see for yourself how this estate fits your every _ .. . . . ~ H need. Its hard to realize that there's o haven of rest and relaxation so close to Washington, « ‘Hi [n which may be reached by a short, pleasant drive over scenic and well-paved highways for easy . -y» ^ —.. W if Hilismere Shorps also offers the unique feature of being situated close to schools, churches, stores, banks and transportation. | BEAUTIFUL NEW WOODED SECTION JUST OPENED H I • Especially designed lor family hoppine,, • ONLY 29 , S q .£ | | MILES FROM WASHINGTON • Over 550 beautiful *V_ W w BCOUTITUI Lorgo Sites breathtaking acres • In the heart of famous fishing Pi ■ waters • Just right for commuting • HOMESITES [J g* ~ mm OVERLOOKING THE CHESAPEAKE BAY • Financing m VL and contractors available • Property owners have tha «*'. iw B ■ private use of all Beaches, Harbors and Piers. __ | > s 1. | liEs-SS-ar— S3; ff’mtth Slrufl. 3 |S 1 ,„,„ ~ . Hilismere Estates , Inc., Owners dpi' )B tS e ?&* s r?? tk * iver Bndee t 0 SALES OFFICE ON PROPERTY ALWAYS OPEN Kee P thi# for Directions a, Marlboro. NO PROPERTY SOLD IY PHONE Ok MAIL Garber-Raugust Ceremony Held Mrs. Martin Donohue Delaney announces the marriage of her daughter, Catherine Delaney Raugust to Col. Gares Garber, son of Mrs. Minnie G. Garber of Arlington, and the late Dr. Mahlon Tilden Garber. The wed ding took place at the Fort Myer Chapel on July 2. The bride attended George town Visitation Convent and the Corcoran School of Art. She is the daughter of the late Dr. Martin Donohue Delaney, sr. Col. Garber graduated from the Case School of Applied Science, and Is a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. He is now stationed at U. S. A. F. Headquarters in tire Pentagon. After a wedding trip, the couple will make their home in Ar lington. lip; '% m 1111 —’Whit© Photo. MRS. JOSEPH H. MULLICAN The former Miss Thelma V. Redmond. The wedding was held June 26 in the Marvin Memorial Metho dist Church. yil ’"" RHp ’ ‘nj| ¥ H Jsm s & m HI —Harris-Ewing Photo. MRS. BONNER S. COFFMAN The former Mias Mary T. McCormie. The marriage took place on June 20 In the Rowland Meth odist Church, In Rowland, N. C. im/ itt,, "HHfJP '■ < i —Robert Striar Photo. MRS. HAROLD G. WAGENER The former Miss Dora E. Vines. The Holy Comforter Church was the scene of the wedding June 19. Elaine Eichhorn Is July Bride Miss Elaine Louise Eichhorn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Eichhorn of Washington, was married on July 2 to Mr. Jose Eduardo Laso Penaherrera, of Washington and Quito. Ecuador. The Ambassador of Ecuador, Dr. Jose R. Chiriboga Villagomez performed the civil ceremony in the Ecuadorean Fmhwy which followed a ceremony at St. Gabriel’s Church, performed by the Rev. Robert E. Lewis. Miss Ann Kirlin of Washing ton was the bride’s maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Patricia Rosetta, Miss Suzanne Brown and Miss Margaret Beck weth, all of Washington. Mr. Luis Eduardo Laso was the best man for his son. Ushers were Mr. Charles Ison, Mr. Hernan Laso Penaherrera, brother of the bridegroom, Mr. James Dorsey, Mr. Charles Frasier and Mr. Robert Decker, of Washington. The bride is a graduate of Holy Cross Academy. Mr. Pen aherrera attended Virginia Foly teqhnic Institute and Wilson Teachers College. After a wed ding trip to Virginia Beach, the couple will reside in Washington. Mrs. Watt Returns Mrs. William G. Watt of Ar lington, second vice president of the Virginia Federation of Wom en’s Clubs, has returned from Richmond where she attended a meeting of the Executive Com mittee and conference of depart ment chairmen. As second vice president, she also holds the title of dean of department chairmen and pre sided at their conference. Shoes for Korea Three hundred.pairs of rimes were collected for Korea yester day at the final session of the Vacation Bible Bchool of the Northminister Presbyterian Church. Brought by the youngsters at tending the school, the shoes were turned over to T. J. Park, Second Secretary of the Korean Embassy. MB •’ SW \ * * V * * L - ® ' V''' % —Brook* Photo, MRS. JAMES E. AINLEY, Jr. The former Miss Vivian M. Mafnuson. Her marriage to Dr. Ainley took place June 19 in the Bethes da First Baptist Church. jag B fl ■ - ] K. , m —Whit# Photo. MRS. WALTER A. SONNTAG The former | Miss Katherine Sappington Nativity Church was the seen* of the wedding June 26.