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A-16 THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. BMTURDAY, JULY 3. 1984 APTV UNFURN.—O.C. (Cow*.) NEAR TAFT BRIDGE 2116 Kalorama Rd. N.W. 7ncine Conn. Ave. Bridge—Very de •treble: two bedrooms, living rm., dining rm., kit., bath and screened porch apt. This apt. has been newly decorated and is in beautiful con dition. $125 See Janitor on Premises. 2010 Kalorama Rd. N.W. One bedroom, living rm., kit. and bath. S9O Apartments all newly decorated. Ele vator building. See ianitor on prem ■ lass or call H. L. RUST CO. 1001 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-8100 CAPITOL HILL t AND 3 RM APTS. PROM *74.60 Completely Modernized 412 Ist ST. S.E. FREE PRIVATE PARKING Bee Janitor or NA. 8-4818 GERALDINE APTS. A CHOICE 1-BEDRM. APT. IN MOD. APT. PROJECT, NR. SHOPPING, TRANSP.; $68.50, ALL UTILS. INCL. SEE JANITOR, 4305 WHEELER RD. S.E., JO. 2- 4154, TA. 9-8487. —» THE SAXONY 1801 CLYDESDALE PL. N.W. "" AIR-CONDITIONED LUXURIOUS EFFICIENCY APTS. Consisting °t liv. rm.. dinette, full closet bath. DIRECTIONS: Drive out 16th st. to Columbia rd., wen 1 blk. to On tario rd.. north 2 biks. to Clydes dale pi. and right to bldg. SEE MRS. WILCOX OR CALL DE. 2-8510 , CHAS. I. SMITH Southern Birig. ST. 3-2648 CROMWELL 1515 OGDEN ST. N.W. AIR-CONDITIONED EFFICIENCY APTS. Consisting of liv. rm.-bedrm. comb., kitchen, dressing closet and bath. • $82.50—590 AVAIL. JDLV 1 A De Luxe 1-bedroom Apt.. $125 SEE MRS. PETTY RESIDENT MGR. ' PHONE TU. 2-3500 iffth st. bus to the 3500 block brings you within one block of building. _ . CHARLES E. SMITH •05 15th St. N.W. ST. 3-2846 Newly Decorated Duplexes NORTHEAST 1 hedrm., living rm., kit., screened porch, bath, gas heat. Vacant. fO9 Adams St., No. 3 *54 i Key Apt. 2 998 91st St. No. 2 _ *sl • Key Apt. 1 B. F. SAUL CO. •38 15th 81. N.W. NA. 8-2H)O - DOWNTQWN N.W] i Desirable efficiency apt. available in conveniently located elevator apt. bldg.: rent. *48,20. incl. utils. Call resident mgr, at HO. 3-4088. —4 1235 RANDOLPH ST. N.W. • CORNER OP 13th One bedroom, living room, kitchen 1 and bath. $66 SEE JANITOR 1410 M ST. N.W. Two bedrms.. living rm.. dining rm., kit. and bath: newly decorated. See janitor. $97.50 212 MISS. AVE. S.E. Ode bedrm.. living rm.. kit. and bath apts.i newly decorated; gas included in rent. To inspect, see resident mgr. In Apt. 2. 207 Miss. ave. s.e. $64.25 3335 C ST. S.E. One bedrm.. living rm.. kit. and bath; newly decorated apts.; utilities In cluded in rent. $74 Two bedrms., living rm.. kit. and bath; newly decorated; utilities in cluded in rent. $88.50 Bee Mrs. Fowler. Apt. 12, to Inspect. H. L. RUST CO, 1001 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-8100. —4 1 and 2 Bedrms~N.ETs.E.~ Large closets. Excel, cond. Transp. *oo-*79.5U. WELLONS, LI. 4-1100. |- h ONLY $68.80 PER MO. Qnc-bcdrm. apt.; lge. rms.: mod. gar den-type bldg.: close to Naval Re-!' search, Bolling Field. Navy Yard. 1 school, shopping. Call JO. 3-0418. —4 Naylor Gardens 1 Bedrm *74 and 577.50 - 2 Bedrms. __ .*BB and *92 Utils. Incl. LIV. RM.. 12x18 DINETTE. 7xlo BEDRM., 11x13 Auto Washers and dryers In base ment: private locker rooms: within walking distance of schools, shop ping, theater; 1 block irom busline. LU. 2-6100 2725 30th ST. S.E. —a NOTHING WINER GREENWAY A CAPRIT7 DEVELOPMENT A FEW CHOICE 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APTS. AT $64 AND SB2 OPriCK open MON. THROUGH SAT., 9 A M. TO 5 P.M. 8539 A ST. 8.E., LU. 2-5250^ 1016 16th ST. N.W. Two-bedrm. apt. In elevator type bldg, nnooslte Statler Hotel; rental from *BO to *96 j>pr mo. See janitor on prem- H. L. RUST CO. 1001 15th st. N.W. NA. 8-8100 1 HILLSIDE TERRACE APARTMENTS 1 BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM, KITCHEN AND BATH, $79.50 INCLUDING UTILITIES Spacious Room With More Than Ample Closet Space Resident Manager, MRS. TOLLEY LU. 4-4541 TO REACH: Cross Pa. ave. Bridge and turn right on 22nd st., continue to S it., turn left 1 block to HILLSIDE TERRACE APARTMENTS. SAVANNAH TERRACE APARTMENTS ALABAMA AVE. AT 23rd ST. S.E. LOW RENTALS BEGIN AT $72.50 ■ INCLUDING UTILITIES ONLY IS MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN BY EXPRESS HIGHWAY BEAUTIFUL 1 AND 2 BEDROOM UNITS PLAYGROUNDS. LAUNDRY FACILITIES. OFF-STREET FARK ?ING AfaCIUTIe| NIIN T T ° BCHOOLa CHURCHES AND SHOP OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAY AND NIGHT RESIDENT PREMISES JO 2 C -3933 ’■ —« APTS. UNFURNISHED—D.C. NEWLY DECORATED Near Catholic University 7th AND HAMLIN STS. N.E. NEW LOW RENTS *57.50 TO *OS Two rooms, kitchen, .dinette, bath; some with screened porches. : See Janitor in Bsmt. Apt. 643 HAMLTN BT. N.E. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 16th St. N.W. NA. 8-2100 Elev., Switchboard Bldg. 14th AND LUZON AVE. N.W 2-BEDRM. APT. 2- APT 135.00 (WITH 30-FT. LIVING ROOM) Beautiful bldg.; bright liv. rm.. din. b 4 T5A?* 9-6600. M ° R -7* A The Best at the Woodner Costs No More! FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED EFFICIENCIES 1 BEDROOM AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Beautiful lobbiea. smart shops dininr room, cocktail lounge, code shop, garage. Sun Bathe on Roof Deck. Lobbies entering onto Rock Creek Park where you may picnic, sun bathe or Just stroll. Where else can vou enjoy such a park for vour own front yard? Six fast elevators, laundry and valet service, secretarial service, master TV antenna. Oarage exit onto the park way so that one may drive to the heart of city byway of the park within 8 minutes. To Live at “The Woodner” Is to Enjoy Life. THE WOODNER 3636 16th ST. N.W. HU 3-5600. AD. 4-5557. HU. 8-4400. ~THE ELAINE -6 3210 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. De Luxe Air-Conditioned Apt. House Secretarial Service EFFICIENCY $89.50 UP 2 BEDRMS., 2 BATHS, $lB5 UP INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES RESIDENT MGR.. APT. 104 OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY R. A. HUMPHRIES „ „ REALTORS 808 N. Capitol NA, 8-6020 WASHINGTON CIRCLE APARTMENTS 2430 PA. AVE. N.W. AIR-CONDITIONED Efficiencies -. *79.50 to *86.50 1- apt. *114.50 2- apt. *151.50 Rental includes utils, and secretarial service. Conv. to shopping and transportation. EX. 3-7640. 11 Capitol Hill 1 blk House Office Bldg. Clean, well-kept apt. bldg.; utils, incl. in rental. Will Air-Condition Efficiency—s6o ST. 3-3042 FOR INFO; Downtown N.W. Lovely elev. bldg.; sun deck, gar., parking, home laundry. Will Air-Condition Efficiency—s69.9s 1 Bedroom—sß9.9s AD. 4-0270 FOR INFO. AIR-CONDITIONED 5415 CONN. AVE. N.W. THE KENMORE All Utilities Included 24-Hr. Secretarial Switchboard Bervica Roof Garden Elevator Living Room. Bedroom. Pullman Kitchen Bath Living Room. Bedroom. Kitchen, Dinette and Bath $l2O Living Room, Bedroom. Den or 3 Bedrooms, Kitchen and Bath $165 Resident Manager H. L. RUST CO. 1001 15th St. NW. NA. 8-8100: •_ ! — 4 i CAN IT BE? COME AND SEE! NOW . . . Stop looking and start living at the GREENBRIER APTS. Their 1 and 2 bedrm. apts. have! extra lge. liv. rm. 20 x 14 ft. cross! ventilation well equipped kitchens, individual storage, excellent trans-1 portatton to D. C.. rental *84.50 to i *99.50, see Res. Mgr. 877 S. Green brier St. JA. 2-3295. POMPONIO REALTY. INC.. JA. 7-6660. EVERYBODY LIKES DONNA LEE APTS. You'll like the LARGE AIRY RMS. You'll like the CLOSETS AND BUILT-IN CHESTS OF DRAWERS And most of all, you’ll like the CONVENIENCES TO SHOPPING. TRANSP.. BCHS., AND CHURCHES. Available. 1 bedrm. and 2 bedrm. apts. *83.50 to *98.60. utils, incl. See Res. Mgr.. Mrs. Williams. JE. 3- Directions: Out Columbia: pike to Baileys Crossroads, right ahort distance to Charles st.. and left to project. POMPONIO REALTY, INC. I 2222 Wilson Blvd. JA. 7-6660 i ~~-4 JUST COMPLETED OPEN FOR INSPECTION 1333 PEABODY ST. N.W. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments designed for better living. Large rooms, abundant closets, ample dining arras, de luxe kitchens, with garbage dis posers, master TV antenna, all rooms wired for air con ditioners; laundry and storage facilities. 595-Slls Including All Utilities and Oil-Street Parking OOLD6TEIN BROTHERS, RE. 7-1988 ' —5 APTS. UNFURNISHED—PC. THE ROSEMONT Exceptionally nlct 1-bedroom apt., conv. to Pentagon. Ft. Myer, in modern well-managed bldg.; *74.50 incl. heat and hot water. Apply janitor. 401 Commonwealth ave.. Alexandria. • DREYFUSS BROS. ■ 1019 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-0582 —6 172417th ST. N.W. 2 bedrms., liv. rm„ kit. and bath j wlth bMcouy- -—0 BOLLING GARDENS 200 NEWCOMB ST. S.E. ! Redecor. 1-bedrm. apt., with full din. > rm. (usable as 2 bedrms.j; *75. incl. all utils. Janitor on premises, or J. EDWARD FOWLER & SON 1013 Eye st - NW- NA. 8-3679. MIRAMAR . 1301 16th BT. N.W. Large effic. in de luxe elev. bldg., with switchboard service; *63 per mo.; avail, immed. See manager or call CAFRIT2, PI, 7-9080 —4 THE BERKSHIRE AIR-CONDITIONED 4201 MASS. AVE. Attractive. efßclency apt. in thl* de luxe bldg. Elevator and 24-hour secretarial service. Rent. *BO Der month, including utilities. For fur ther information call resident man | ager. EM. 2-4200. H. G. SMITHY CO. BXI Isth St. N.W. ST. 8-3300. EMBASSY SECTION AT THE MERIDIAN PARK AIR CONDITIONED MODERN BUILDING SECRETARIAL SERVICE Apt*, for 2: dressing rm.. full bath, unfurnished, or well furnished. 1475 Euclid at. n.w.. HU. 3-3402. ' —4 ’ , Wiltshire Crescent 3801 CONN. AVE. AIR-CONDITIONED Effic. apts.. liv rm.. large dressing room, plenty closet space. $89.50 All utils, incl. m rent. Auto, laundry facilities and sundeck. Call Res. Mgr,, EM. 3-3800. g 809-11 OTIS PL. N.W. 1 BEDROOM, $71.50 Liv. rm.. dinette, kit. and bath; in mod apt. bidg. in very convenient neighborhood (aU utils, incl.) avail able now. See ianitor on premises. , j. A. McKEEVER CO.. INC. - 1732 K St. N.W. ST. 3-8&0O . —l2 A CAFRITZ DEVELOPMENT AGER TERRACE AGER RD. AND OGLETHORPE ST.. MD. 1 BEDROOM $69.50 2 BEDROOMS 81.00 UTILITIES INCLUDED Choice apartments; school across the street, bus at door; close to shop ping Resident manager at 2016 Oglethorpe st. until 6 p.m. Drive , east on Michigan ave. (Queens Chapel rd) to Ager rd., left on Ager rd. or east on Riggs rd. (Missouri ave. ext.) to Ager rd.. turn right. Take E-4 bus from Michigan ave. and Eastern ave. n.e. terminal. PHONE HA. 2-7811. -—4 GLOVER PARK Modern garden-type bldgs., with carpeted halls, janitor service; 2 rms.. kit., bath: ‘ *7B to SB2. utilities incl.; 1 block to bus; adults pre ferred. Apply Resident Manager ] 4004 BEECHER ST. N.W. Apt. 203—W0. 6-3884 (1 Blk. 8. of Calvert St. at 40th PI.) —4 ELEVATOR APT., $77.50 2900 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W. Nr. 18th and Columbia rd.. in prac tically new bldg.—Beautiful effi ciency ant.; large living rm.. dinette, , kit., large dressing closet, bath; ! utilities included. See JANITOR CO. 6-4451 , $45 PER MO. 1 2809 15th ST. , Most Conv. N.W. Location 1 rm„ kit. and bath. Completely redec. See ianitor on premises or Mrs. Dawson at 1424 Chapin st. n.w. NO. 7-8563. Mclntire Corp. OL. 6-8566 SOUTHVIEW APTS^ 3 1 NEW BUILDING CONVENIENT LOCATION „ SOUTHEAST Close to shopping center, ichools. etc. Bus stop at premises. 3324 13th ST. 1300-1310 Congress St. < 2 BEDROOMS -_579.50-$84.50 \ 1 BEDROOM-- $71.50 $74.50 INCLUDING ALL UTILITIES (Except Electricity) | Refrigerator with full freezer chest, j full-size stove, exhaust fan and TV antenna. READY FOR OCCUPANCY - Open for Inspection j SEE RESIDENT MANAGER Apt. No. 103, 1310 Congress st. s.e. 1 B. F. SAUL CO. j! 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-2100 ANACOSTIA EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE new bldg.; 1 block to shop, and transp.; corner apts. available now and later. Two bedrms.. SBS-592.50 Incl. all utils. Apply res. mgr. 2100 Fendall st. s.e. DREYFUSS BROS.. 1019 ' 15th st. n.w.. NA. 8-0582. —6 PARK VISTA APTS. LGE. 2-BEDRM. APTS. *9O PER MONTH AND UNDER c JO. 2-0073 JO. 2-8757 < | 3500 MINN. AVE. S7E.~ i MODERN GARDEN-TYPE BLDG Liv. rm., 2 bedrms., dinette, kit., I bath - - *99.5(j . (Liv. rm., 3 bedrms., dinette, kit, bath __ *104.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED SEE JANITOR ON PREMISES DOWNTOWN WALK TO WORK _ 1800 EYE ST. N.W. Bachelor apt., liv. rm. (with refer ). i bath SSO 50 J ELEVATOR. UTILITIES INCLUDED SEE JANITOR ON PREMISES 16th AND FULLER STS. N.WT X hedrm., liv. rm., dinette, kit., and bath. SBB per mo-ADULTS ONLY. mr A £'z 4 i 2 ,f.?L or BOeS * PHELPS *“C.i NA. 8»!MQO. —a. 4 1432 GIRARD ST. N7W7 Spacious l-bedroom apt., now avail. , tn modern, well-managed elevator ‘ blbk . convenient to everything. , *78.90 incl. all utils. Apply janitor ‘ premises. DREYFUSS BROS., 1019 15th st. n.w., NA. 8-0582. , SOUTHEAST WASHINGTON i 537 Newcomb st., 1 bedroom *59.50 , Portland st.. 1 bedroom. $69.50 1 S l , l ]* lde rd - 1 bedroom $59.60 5101 Tiiden rd., Bladensburg, 1 bedroom *75 nil JU. 9-4573 Week Eflris CO. 5-0222. : WALKER & DUNLOP, INC. ABC You'll say apt. hunting is easv when • you see this real value. Surrounded by conveniences of rapid transo., playgrounds, good schools and shop ping area. Exceptionally big 1-bed rm. apartments. $66.50. plus all utils. 3210 Bth st. s.e., near Nichols and Ala. aves. Intersection. See res. mgr.. Mr. Darby, JO. 3-5149, or Apt. 103. SHANNON Ac LUCHB CO.. 1506 H st. n.w. NA. 8-2346. 200 MASS. AVE. N.W. Desirable newly dec. 1-bedrm. apt. avail, in conveniently located elev. bldg. Rent, *87.50 per mo. Near GPO. Union Station, FHA. Swtchbd. aerv. See res. mgr. on prem. or call H. G SMITHY CO.. 811 15th st. n.w. ST. 3-3300, —4 BACHELOR APT. 2115 P ST. N.W. Desirable I-room apt. with private bath avail, in large downtown bldg.; refgr. tn apt. Rent. 543.50 per mo.. Plus utils. Contact res mgr., AD. 2-3292 or H- O. SMITHY CO.. 811 15th st. ST. 3-33Q0. —4 1 BEDRM., FROM $76.50 2 BEDRMS., FROM 89.50 All apts.. new or redec., auto, laundry facilities: convenient to shopping, churches, schools, transp.; large equip, playground and recreation area; convenient to Bolling Andrews. Naval Air. Directions: Out Nichols ave. to Ala., left on Ala. to Wheeler rd., right on Wheeler rd. to Wahler. left to 1070 Wahler pi.. JO. 2-3783 or JO. 3-5624, —9 RENT REDUCED TO $65 2617 2Pth at, e.e.—Liv. nn.. bedrm . kit., dinette and bath; utils, incl. GEOROE F. HANS. INC.. 614 F It. 8.W.. NA. 8-3964. —4 APTS. UNFINISHED—D.C. PETWORTH AREA Efficiency and 1-bedra. apt*. Avail able immediately; modern apt. bldg, conv. to stores, transp.. *52.50 *62.50. IncL all utils. Apply janitor ill! 2nd st. nw. DREYFUSi 8-0582. 1019 16th * » W -_« A CHESAPEAKE TERRACE Garden apts. Express bus service Large rooms, newly dec.; utils, incl. i laundry rms., outdoor clotheslines One-bedroom apartment _ 579.51 Two-bedroom apartment. *80.75-$9: 4242 4th ST. S.E. JO. 2-977< “apt. values 351 RALEIGH ST. S.E. 1 bedrm.. liv. rm. dinette kit. ant bath. *67.60 per mo. 1550 27th BT. S.E. New bldg.; excel, transp. and ahop pin* 1 bedrm.. liv. rm., dinette kit. and bath. incl. all utils. *84.60. . 2321 LINCOLN RD. N.E 1 bedrm, liv rm.. dinette, kit. and bath, incl utils., *69.50 , . „ 709 O ST. S I 1 bedrm.. liv. rm.. kit. and bath, *66. _ . _ 1201 6th ST s.w 2 bedrms. liv rm.. dinette, kit. And i bath, *46 per no. , . «44 MASS. AVE N.E. J bedrm.. liv. rm., dinette, kit and bath $64.60. . 4312 HALLEY TERRACE S.E. 1 bedrm., liv. rm.. dinette, kit. and bath $89.60. 15 DANBURY ST. S.E 1 bedrni. liv. rm., dinette, kit. and bath. $69.60 . , 3201 D ST. S.E. 1. bedrm.. Uv rm.. dinette, kit. and bath, $63.76. 1835 3d ST. N.E Effic. apt., incl aU utils.. *54.50. , . J 1835 3d ST. N.E. 1 bedrm.. liv rm., dinette, kit. and bath incl utils.. *64 per mo R. A. HUMPHRIES Realtor* na. 8-5020 808 N. Capitol 8t —3 1430 BELMONT ST. N.W. 1 BEDROOM $48.50 UP 2 BEDROOMS __.563.50 UP Midtowu location; aelf-service ele vator: available for immed. occu pancy See janitor on premises. J. A. McKEEVER CO., INC, 1732 K St N.W. 4t. 3-8800 1401-5 GIRARD ST. N.W. 5 ROOMS Kitchen and bath; automatic ele vator: at the very low rental of *92.50. One rm„ kit. and bath $55.50: available now; close to transportation, schools, churches and storss See Janitor on prem ises. , J_A„ McKEEVER CO.. INC. 1732 K St. N.W. ST. 3-8800 —9 NEW DE LUXE APTS. WINCHESTER TAKOMA NEARING COMPLETION 3 ELEVATORS TAKOMA PARK’S FIRST 6-STORY BUILDINO. BEAUTIFUL LARGE LOBBY; SPACIOUS ROOMS. EX TRA-LARGE CLOSETS. CORNER WINDOWB. COLORED TILE BATHS. BRIGHT KITCHENS. LARGE WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS WITH DEEP FREEZE. AMPLE LAUNDRY FACILITIES, MASTER TV ANTENNA. WIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING. . _ _ GARAGES 1 Lge, Bedroom $74.50 UP 2 Lge. UP ALIT UTILITIES INCLUDED OPEfj DAILY ’TIL DARK RESIDENT MANAGER, APT. 107 DIRECTIONS: (Maple and Ritchie aves.) Out Piney Branch rd. to Phila. ave. (traffic light), right 3 biks. to Maple, left on Maple 4 short biks. to building on left. SHAPIRO INC. ~ REALTORS AND BUILDERS 1413 K St. N.W. ME. 8-1717 —7 Northwood Gardens NORTH CAPITOL AND EMERSON ST. 2-BEDRM. APTS.. INCL. ALL UTILB. 1-BEDRM. APT., INCL ALL UTILS 882.60 Bee res. mgr. on premises. RA. 3-0656 R. A. HUMPHRIES NA. 8-5020 Realtors 808 N. Capitol ' —3 4200 WHEELER RD. S.E. HIGH POINT APTS. High elevation in charming wooded area, with spacious children’s play grounds, close to Bolling Field, bus to project; ample laundry facilities, new shopping center next to project, new school across street. INQUIRE ABOUT OUR SPECIAL OFFER One bedroom, from *69.50 to *77.50 Two bedrooms, from *82.50 to *89.50 Newly furn. apts.. 1 bedroom. *87.50 Utilities Included Manager on premises. JO. 2-2220 HENRY B. THADEN 1222 Conn. Ave. NA. 8-2076 _ _ _ —4 1415 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W. THE’ JENNIFER 'Beautiful large de luxe apts.. deco rated In colors desired. AMPLE LARGE CLOSET SPACE Detached bidg. with spacious grounds. Ask resident manager about our spe cial offer. Phone RA. 3-BX2I. HENRY B. THADEN 1222 Conn. Ave. NA. 8-2076 . 4 OVERLOOKING COOL ROCK CREEK PARK 2456 20th ST. N.W. THE ROCK LEDGE Two large rooms, kitchen and bath, newlv dec. In most conv. loc. 6-storv elevator bldg. Resident manager; $84.50. McINTIRE CORP. OL. 6-8566 —3 2732 PORTER ST. N.W. (Conn. A vs. and Porter St. N.W.) Liv. rm., 2 bedrms., dinette, kit. and oath $lO6 UTILITIES INCLUDED See Janitor On Premises. —4 DOWNTOWN WALK TO WORK THE WEST END 2124 Eye St. N.W. Liv. rm.. bedrm.. kit. and bath. $87.50 Liv. rm.. bedrm.. large recept. hall. junior dining rm.. kit., bath *99.50 Elevator, switchboard, utils. Included. See Resident Manager On Premises. DOWNTOWN WALK TO WORK THE GRANITE STATE 1731 New Hamp. Ave. N.W. These Values Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated Liv rm., dinette, dress, closet, kit. and bath __ *72.60 Liv. rm.. bedrm.. dinette, kit. and bath (2 exposures) *lO7 Elevator, package rm.. switchboard. UTILITIES INCLUDED. [See Resident Manager On Premises. —4 5788 OA. AVE. N.W.—3 rms., kit. and bath: dnolex; *62.50. 4929 Ist st. n.w.—2 rms., kit. and bath, duplex; *62.50. 906 Evart s t. n.e.—2 rms., kit. and bath: *45. 524 13»h st. n.e.—3 rms.. bath, utils.; S6O. 1227 Simms ul. n.e.—3 rms., kit. and bath; $59.50. 2oi Ky. ave. p.e.—2 rms. and bath. Areola: $42.50. 440 Newcomb it. s.e.—2 rms., kit. and bath: *54. 1216 6th st. s.w.—2 rm*., kit. and bath, mils.; s7o. 530 loth st. ».w.—2 rms., kit., bath, utils.; *37.50. THOMAS P. BROWN 615 4th St. B.W. HA. 8-18X9 EXTRA-LARGE ROOMS' Attrac. 2-bedrm. apt*, in modern apt. development, with all modern con veniences: lovely grounds, close to shops, transp. *89.50 mo. Apply Res. Mgr- 3325 13th st. *.*., Apt. 203. DREYFUSS BROS., 10X9 16th St. n.w., NA. 8-0582. —6 65 M ST. N.W. RENT. *45 PER MO. Completely redecorated. 1-bedrm. apt. avail.; in conveniently located bldg. Ideal for person working in vie. of Union Sta. See ianitor on prem. or tenant. Apt 409. H. G. SMITHY CO., 811 15th st. n.w.. ST. 3-3300. 2639 15th STTnTW: NEW BUILDING Large rooms and completely equipped. j Efficiencies *72 to *B6 1 Bedroom 502 to *ll2 Applications being acceotad B. F. SAUL CO. > 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 8-SIOC UNUSUALLY NICE 1-bedrm. apt. in attractive bide., H block off Nichols ave. re., conv. to everything: *77.50. incl. heat, gas and hot water. Apply resident manager, Apt. 1,200 Trenton pi. APTS. UNFURNISHED—P. C. COLORED—HAVE QUIET neighbors. . on a nice quiet etreet in -Randall ?- Community/* carefully selected ten t” ant* only; separate entrance and >- parking lor each apt.; lge. Uv.- J: din.-kit. area, big bedrm. and batb; ‘8 auto, gas heat, hot water, elec., re -1 to.: clew asphalt tile Us.: from _ $59.50 up; utils, added. 62 Eye st. Es.w. Open 4-6. Sat.-Sun. —4 COLORED—BBOB POMEROY BT. S.B. e. —1 bedrm., liv. rm., dinette, kit. -• b» th „ $57.60. R. A. HUM 'S- PHRIES. Realtors. NA. 8-6020. —3 |2 COLORED—IB4# VERNON AVE. N.W. ■5 —2 rms.. kit. and bath; own refer.: 6 excel, loc. ME. 8-6883. —6 - COLORED —1333 CORCORAN ST. N.W.—Ultramodern liv. rm., bedrm., haTlrm., tiled kit., bath and shower; all pvt. from hall: gas ht.: storm windows; Ven. blinds.; very desirable . for 2or 3 grownups, or 2 cples.; S9O. 0 Insp. invited: newly decor. Key at Apt. 1. or eail OWNER, DE. 2-5616 6« COLORED 2914 SHERMAN AVE. e. 1 »nd bath. *37,50. Key SoN^glaiie 1 :® °° n ™ * COLORED—2B3 K BT. N.W.—Lovely d remodeled 2 rms.. kit., semipvt. bath. $55-$65 mo. HARRIBON & ADAMS 9/2 K st. n.w.. NA. 8-8308. —4 COLORED—IIth BT. N.W.—Lovely , remodeled 2 rms. and kit.: $35 mo. • HARRISON & ADAMS. NA. 8-8308. —4 COLORED nothing elsb like d THIS in Washington. By careful selection of the right tenants tn Randall Community, you are as sured of respectable, quiet neighbors, d One-bedrm. apt., modern, of course. $59.50 and $64.50, plus utils. Open Sat. and Sun., 4-6 p.m. 52 Eye st. d COLORED—WOODRIDGE AREA— Det." 5 rms., kit. and bath; gas h.w.h • avail.; nr. transp. la. 6-0919. a d COLORED—S.E. SEC—2 rms., kit. and bath; conv. to everything. JO. 1 -0742. 4 COLORED—73O ROCK CREEK CH. d RD. N.W.—Private basement apt.; liv. rm., dinette, kit., bedrm.. bath; utilities; $66; employed xounle. DE. 2-7416. —5 COLORED—I3S4 MONROE BT. N.W., No. 204—2 rms.. kit. and tiled bath; h.-w. heat; laundry rm.; d compl. redec.: $79.60. See Janitor, u LISS REALTY. ME. 8-6668. COLORED—2 ROOMS, kitchen and bath; $76 per mo. Phone RA. 3- 6793. —4 o COLORED—I 643 6th ST. N.W.—l rm.. kit. and bath; completely dec.; - $47.60 mo. See janitor. Apt. No. 3, or call BOSB & PHELPS, INC.. NA. 8-9300. —4 ? COLORED—ATTRACTIVE 1-BEDRM. _ APT., kitchen, refgr.: utils, incl. ? Reasonable. LI. 7-4434. —4 COLORED —1586 CORCORAN BT. ! * N.W.—l rm., kit., bath: $55.50 incl. ' util. Bee Mr. Lincoln In 3rd fl. rear apt. CAREY WINSTON CO.. 1723 OConn. ave. CO. 5-4422. —4 COLORED—I74O S ST. N.W.—l rm.. . kit. alcove, bath: $53.75 Incl. util. See Mr. Duckett In bsmt. apt. CAREY WINSTON CO., 1723 Conn, ave. CO. 6-4422. —A COLORED —LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM with kitchenette, shower bath, huge . closet; quiet, separate entrance; nr. j transD.; refs.: ideal for bachelor: ‘ $59.50. Apply 2269 Sherman ave. ° COLORED—3OS 9th st. n.e.—Apt. - top-floor, front. 1 room and kit., gas elec, and heat included. $45.50 mo D Colored—3os 9th st. n.e.—Apt. bsmt.. " 2 rooms and kit., gas. elec, heat and hot water included. $46 mo. Look after fire in winter. Colored—2o22 Clagget pi. n.e.. Bennins rd. n.e. —Apt. 2 rooms, kit., refgr.. elec. heat, hot water in- , eluded. *55 mo. The above acts, are to be renovated LI. 6-5604. —4 COLORED I WALK TO WORK E 1115 12th ST. N.W. , - 4-rm„ kit. and bath apt. in modern, l elevator bldg.. $95 a mo. (Adults.) i. See janitor on premises. —3 3 COLORED I PARKLANDS A Cafritz Development ALABAMA AVE. AND » STANTON RD. S.E. IN THE DISTRICT—SINGLE FARE BEST BUY IN TOWN e Brand-New Apts, o Now Renting for immed. t And Future Occupancy 3V Z ROOMS, S6B and S7O 41/2 ROOMS, From $81.75 7 INCLUDES HEAT, ELEC.. GAS AND TELEVISION ANTENNA Children’s Nursery School And Inclosed Playgrounds LGE. DELIGHTFUL GARDEN APTS. WITH OVERSIZED CLOSETS. VE- I NETIAN BLINDS. TILED BATH, 5 OFF- STREET PARKING. AUTO. LAUNDRIES: SCHOOLS. SHOP -1 PING. BUS TRANSPORTATION. RENTING OFFICE 8325 Stanton Rd. S.E. OFF ALABAMA AVE. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATUR DAY TO 9 P.M.. SUNDAY TO 0 APTS. UNFURNISHED—MP. ■ GOODACRE APTS. 8619 PINEY BRANCH RD., SILVER SPRING, MD. FEATURING . BRAND-NEW ) 9.5-CU.-FT. REFRIGERATOR WITH CROSS-TOP FREEZER AND DOOR SHELVES s FIREPROOF AND SOUNDPROOF WALLS —Newly Decorater -36-ln. De Lux* Gat Rang* . —Extra-large Rooms —Storage Rms. —Ample closet Spact —Play Areas —Parquet Floors —Off-street Parking —Venetian Blinds —School. 2 Blocks —Kitchen Exhaust Fan —Shopping Center at Corner —Stainless-steel Sinks —lmmediate Occupancy —Laundry Facilities —Future Occupancy Express Bus Do—ntown 1 Bedroom $85.00- $87.50 > 2 Bedrooms $95.00- 97.50- 100.00 Including All Utilities Office on Premises—JU. 5-7111 BRAND-NEW ! QUEENS CHAPEL LUXURY APARTMENTS Ager Rd. and 29th Ave., West Hyattsville, Md. This project planned for comfortable living, feature* found only In high-priced apartments. . Garbage Disposal. Cross Ventilation. 54-in. Double-Drain Sink. Wired for Air Cond. and TV. Plenty of Kit. Cabs. In Color. Large Closets with Sliding Doors, j 9-Cu.-Pt. Westlnghouse Refgr. w/ Play Area for Young, Older Child. * Door Shelves and 86-lb. Freezer. Individual Storage Lockers. Kitchen Exhaust Fan. Bicycle Room on Street Level, i Formica-Top Work Table. Picnic Grounds—Basketball Cts. 3fl-in. De Luxe Gas Range. 100% Off-Street Parking. Lge. Llv. Rm. with Sep. Din. Area. Auto. Washers and Dryers. Soundproof Walls. Excellent Bus Transportation. 1- APTS. From SBO.OO 2- APTS. From 92.50 » 3-BEDROOM APTS. From 112.50 i All utilities, including electricity fox air conditioner, included in rent. BAMPLE APARTMENT FURNISHED BY PEERLESS To reach: Out Michigan ave. n.e. to Ager rd.. left on Ager rd. to apta.: or Riggs rd to Ager rd.. right on Ager rd. to our sign. OFFICES ON PRKMISEB. OPEN 9 TO «. AP. 7-3338, WA, 7-7281 Wouldn’t You Rather Have Your Push-Button Wonders in This Lovely Setting? THE COUNTRY CLUB ; SECTION OF BETHESDA d ; Montrose Ave. and Rockville Pike i i, Dishwasher, garbage disposal unit, master TV antenna ... All the push-button wonders you i usually think of getting only in the plushest, most u expensive downtown apt. houses. Wouldn’t YOU rather enjoy them here ... where all of Rock Creek B Park is your “rear yard” ... where your children can live a healthy, happy life. Nature made the setting beautiful. Alvin L. Aubinoe has made It a showplace of modern conveniences! O 7 Resident Manager on Premises - ONE BEDROOM $105.00 , TWO BEDROOMS 120.00 < { (Including Utilities!) - PARKSIDE ■ APARTMENTS Sample Apt. Furnished by Peerless Modern House! TO REACH: Drive out Wisconsin ave. (Rockville plkei 1 mil* 0 Post Health Center and Naval Hospital. Turn right on Montrose ave. to rental office, or call Olympic 7-9370 for further detail* - or directions. E ALVIN L. AUBINOE, INC. \t RENTAL AGENT 1515 19th St. N.W. i. h —4 APTS. UNFURNISHED—P. C . COLORED—I-BEDRM. APT. N.W. 1 «a„ 13 » 8 £ 0 Sl VINO BT ’ ».W.. $S* ; SAM ROBEY AD. 4-2700 1 —3 i COLORED OR WHITE I MODERN ELEVATOR BUILDING . l i?o dr P l - ‘Dt.with dinette and kit.: $93. incl. utils. To responsible neo- Dle only; no children or pets. See . resident mgr., 2101 New Hampshire ' ave. n.w, 7 ; COLORED SOUTHEAST I , C St.. No. 102 ; 1 BEDROOM ___ S7O , See Janitor, basement 1740 Bay st. ■ s.e., LL 7-1339. ; „ Alabama Ave., No. 101 . 2 BEDROOMS _ --$77.60 See janitor, 2425 Ala. ave. • 1432 Alabama Ave. 1417 and 1419 Congress St. ' t BEDROOM. EACH . ..*65 See Janitor 1452 Ala. ave. 9 B. F. SAUL CO. 925 16th St. N.W. NA. 8-2100 . —4 APTS. UNFURNISHED—MD. TAKOMA PK., 7809 FLOWER AVE.— Liv. rm.. bedrm., lge. kit., 3 closet*. S7O, incl. utils. RA. 3-0024. —6 R £V? VILL . Newly dec. 1 rm.. kitchen win> dining area, bath; cen ter of town, on busline: S6O month incl. utils. PO. 2-4296. —6 ROCKVILLE—One. two and three bedrm. apts.; Uv, rm.. dinetta. kit bath. screened rear porch: near schools and shopping center: $66 .to *BO. PO 2-3003 NR. FLOWER-PINEX BRANCH (hop ping center—2 bedrms., cool, quiet, conv. loc.. couple pref.. refg.. utils, not incl.. SB6. JO 3-6889. —2 3718 BLADENSBURG RD.—l bedrm.. Uv. rm., dinette, kit; and bath; *62.50. CaU R. A. HUMPHRIES Realtors, NA. 8-5020. —3 TAKOMA PARK—Modern 1-bedrm. apt., nr. transp. and shopping cen ter. Call JU. 5-5900. —5 APTS. AVAILABLE AT COBUR TER.. 6100 Defense hwy. Bladensburg. Md. Next schools and shopping center, bus stop at door WA. 7-2768. —5 TAK. PK., 716 Maplewood ave.— Studio »Pt„ ig*. rm.. ktt., bath, porch. aU utils.; S4B. JU. 7-9084. —8 silver SPRING—NewIy painted 1- bedrm., liv. rm., kl*.. dinette, bath; transp.; vacant; S7O. JU. 6-4564. SILVER SPRING AREA—Quebec""ter race apartments. New. 2 bedroom, de luxe units; only $79.50 and $84.50 plus utils. A lot for your rent al 9. featuring rear kitchen entr., garbage disposal; 9.2 cu.-ft. refgr.; auto, washing machine connections in kitchen; close to grade school and express bus to downtown. Immed. and future occupancy. Dir: Out N. Hamp. ave. about 6 biks. past Univ. lane to our sign at Ruatan st., left on Ruatan 1 blk., then right 1 blk., left to model apt., 1017 Quebec Terrace. Call Mon. through Sat., HE. 4-7733 or HE.4- 8809. —4 ROCKVILLE, 1 bedrm. apt.; heat, Ught and water turn. PO. 2-2652. —4 1 AND 2 BEDRM. APTS., liv. rm.. dinette, kit. and bath, storage and laund. facilities; close to shop; schools and transp.. *9l Incl. utils. LONG BRANCH. Piney Branch rd. and Old Bladensburg rd. APTS.. JU. 7-6731. —4 BLADENSBURG AREA. bsmt. apt.; 1 bedrm.; liv. rm.; firepl.; kitchen, and bath. S6O, utils, incl. WA. 7- 9416. TAKOMA PARK, 8514 Greenwood avenue; large roomed, ample closet space: one bedroom; $82.60; utilities included. Key In 8510 Greenwood Apt. 13 or call JU. 7-6518. WALKER * DUNLOP. INC. —6 NR. FLOWER-PINEY BRANCH shop ping center—2 bedrms., cool, quiet, conv. loc.; couple pref.: refs.; utils, not Incl.: SB6. JO. 3-0889. —lO LOVELY 3-BEDRM. APT. on Ist fl.— Close to schools, stores and carline in H;attßvllle; SIOO per mo. A real bargain. WA. 7-1594. HO. 2-7957. UN. 4-3028. —4 TAKOMA PARK—DE LUXE 1 BDRM.. $79.50; 2 BDRMS. *92 50 Tremendous living rms., all utils., parking. 8515 Greenwood ave.. Manager. Apt. 10. SAM ROSEY. AD. 4-2700 —3 GLEN MANOR GARDENS ONLY 1 LEFT 2580-B, HOLMAN AVE., S. S. 2-story duplex apt., 3 bedrms., l'/a baths, completely air-cond., conv. to transp.. Army General HospiVal: *133.50 per month, incl. heat, gas, water, trash removal, care of lawn, free laundry facilities: ready for Immed. occupancy. Inspect Sat. and Sun. To reach: Out Georgia ave. to Forest Glen rd., left to Hale pi., (2nd. st. on right), and right to property. Philip B. Key Co., Realtors 942 Wayne Ave. JU. 5-3010. * STRATFORD PLAZA 8113 University Lane, S. S. Large. 2 bedrms.; 1 block to shop., transp.; off-street parking; play yard; newly redec.: laundry facili ties; $98.50 incl. utils. See ref. ragr. —*3 APTS- UNFURN.-—MP. (Coot.) i . S6B-$73.50 De Luxe 2-Bedroom HOMES Utils. Not Incl. NEWLY DECORATED e IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY * n» EXCLUSIVE HILLCREBT HTB. CONV. TO ALL AIR BASES SO MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN Dir.: Out Pa. ave. s.e. to Branch ave.. r j*ht on Branch to Colebrook dr right to rental office. 9 OPEN EVES- #AT- SUN. * 2506 Iverson St. JO. 9-9788 ) EXTRA-LARGE 1 and 2 bedrm. apts.; direct transp. D C.; nr. shopping center, schools. 5Jd pi, and Defense hwy- 6353 Quincy pi- Bladensburg. WA. > 7-3721. MKURILEE APTS. BETHESDA, MD. Bradley Blvd. Manor ’ One and 2 bedrms- Uv. rm- din. _ space, ktt., bath and rear screened porch; *7O and SBS monthly. Chil dren welcome. SAMUEL E. BOGLEY INC. * OL. 4-1270 OL. 6-7800 ■ The BRADLEY ! BOULEVARD ! APARTMENTS ALBERT w! WALKER COMMUNITY AN INVITATION TO SUBURBAN TRANQUILLITY ■ A beautiful community of garden ; apartments with well-kept lawns ’ and shrubbery; parking space, play yards, washing and drying ms ’ chines. ' shopping and recreational center . within walking distance. Schools and transportation nearby. 1-BEDRM. APTS. FROM I SBO.OO ! 2-BEDRM APTS. FROM $99.50 i RENT INCLUDES HKAT, HOT 1 WATER, ELECTRICITY AND GAS. Exhibit Apt. Furn. by t MALCOLM SCATES, INC. OFFICE OPEN MON. THROUGH FRI. PROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY, 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. SUNDAY, 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. 6701 HILLANDALE RD. CHEVY CHASE, MD. OLIVER 4-3240 I Night Cooling 22-in. Individual Circulating Fan ! CHEVY CHASE LAKE APARTMENTS THREE-BEDROOM unit. With * full baths, large closets and full dining room—rambler size. SIBO TWO-BEDROOM UNIT *134 : INQUIRE 1 3719 CHEVY CHASE LAKE DR. . Chevy Chase. Md. OL. 4-4100 CARROLL GARDENS TAKOMA PARK, MD. 1 Bedroom $83.50 LARGE FOYER ENTRANCE 2 Bedrooms $95.00 LIVING ROOM AREA 27 FT. , ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED > ; DIRECT EXPRESS BUS DOWNTOWN > Spacious apts., newly decorated, with ■ 3 exposures, cross-ventllatlon. off- I street parking; 1 blk. to shopping i center. ' IMMEDIATE AND FUTURE OCCUPANCY SEE RESIDENT MANAGER. APT. 102 7401 HANCOCK AVE. JU. 6-9260 ; 4111 NICHOLSON ST. HYATTSVILLE, MD. 2 bedrms.. Uv. rm- kit. and bath. < Good neighborhood, convenient to < store. $94.50 Including all utilities. Avail. July 1. See supt. on prem **e*J, A. McKEEVER CO, INC 1732 k St. N.W ST. 3-B§oo PLANNED FOR ADULTS KIRKWOOD APARTMENTS MOST CONVENIENT LOCATION IN PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY MORE SPACE FOR YOUR sss DE LUXE 1 BEDROOM $73.50 2 BEDROOMS $81.50-SBS (INCLUDING ALL UTILITIES) “Ask the Man Who Lives Here” WE OFFER: Freshly decorated units; more than ample stor age space, cross ventilation; plenty of private ofl street parking; 30 breeze-swept acres and abundance of shady picnic groves; wood-burning barbecue pits; cool babbling brook providing fun, fishing and relax ation for all; 5 acres of wooded natural habitat; golf practice area; supervised archery range; private air port facilities for aviation enthusiasts; horseshoe pits; softball diamond; community clubroom; several organized hobby groups; buses, schools, stores at corner; M.D. on premises for your personal con venience. "~ ABOVE FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR APPROVED CLIENTELE ONLY Open Daily and Sunday ’Til 8 P.M. TO REACH: OUT MICHIGAN AVE. N.E. TO AGER RD.. LEFT ON AGER RD. TO 5800 BLK. AND PROJECT ON LEFT; OR OUT NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. TO EAST-WEST HWY.. RIGHT % MILE TO PROJECT. W. R. HUGHES CO. AP. 7-2252 AP. 7-1400 , FOR LUXURY LIVING In a Quiet Suburban Area That Is Within Walking Distance of Schools Complete Shopping and Transp. AT A RENTAL YOU CAN AFFORD THE MOST, SEE THE MONTEREY SILVER SPRING’S NEWEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT HOUSE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY RENTAL FROM $89.50 Including All Utilities Consider the Many Features: BEAUTY OF DESIGN LARGE RMS WITH PLENTY OF CLOSETS DINING "Ur COLORED BATH ROOM FIXTURES HUGE PICTURE WINDOWS. WROUGHT-IRON PLANTING BALCONIES WIRED FOR AIR CONDITIONING AT NO EXTRA COST COMPLETELY EQUIPPED KITCHENS WITH GE GARBAGE DISPOSALLB AND EXHAUST FANS INCINERATORS ON ALL FLOORB INDIV. STORAGE LOCKERS • WASHERS AND DRYERS 100% OFP-BTREET PARKING To see: Out Georgia ave. to Sligo ave.. right on Sligo 4 btk*. to Chesapeake ave., turn right y«-blk. to Monterey, 7926-27 Chicago ave. For Information, Call JU. 9-6413 Or See Resident Manager on Premises APTS. UNFURNISHID—MP. SLIGO CREEK PARK AREA Bilyer Spring near Montgomery Blali High School and elementary school —Attractive suburban apartment picture windows. Venetian bunds, parquet floors, ample closets, kitcher ventilator, laundry and narking fa cilities. newly redecorated; 1-bedrm. apartment. *81.50 to $84:50 mo.; 2-bedrm. apartment. *91.50 to $95.50. utils, paid. To inspect cal] mgr- JU. 5-1265. —7 BEAUTIFUL ROCK CREEK GARDENS Metropolitan Washington’* outetand. lng garden apartment development. One and two bedroom apartments with large rooms and ample closet*: ideal for children. COMPARE THESE ADVANTAGES LOCATION—Near District Une and Rock Creek Park with its superb recreation faculties. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION—Ser vice to_all downtown areas by Capitol Transit buses; also fast local bus service. SHOPPING—Complete shopping cen ter within the development. SCHOOLS—New modern, elementary school immediately adjacent to apartments: fine high schools In the area, school bus service to the de velopment. Furnished and Unfurnished ante. CHURCHES AU denominations. For Complete Information, CaU JU. 5-4030 Or Visit the Rental Office at 8327 GRUBB RD. SILVER SPRING i Tto" 6; A SUNDAYS iWS"®™ Directions: Out 16th et. to East-West hwy- left to Grubb rd. and left to offlcc or out Conn. ave.. right on East-West hwy. to Grubb'rd- right to omce. Eig“ & McKeever Managing Agents LANGLEY - * PARK Apartments 8201 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. EXTENDED at University Lane 1 BEDROOM $73.50 2 BEDROOMS 83.00 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Spacious apts. all with double ex posure and cross ventilation. Two large shopping centers and grade school adjacent to project. OPEN Sat. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sun- 1-7 p.m.; weekdays. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. CALL RESIDENT MANAGER HE. 4-3200 H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th St. N.W. ST. 8-3300 GREENLAWN Sections 1 and 2 ONE-FARE BUS ZONE , 15 min. direct to downtown: close t.q good schools; all spacious; lovely rooms. UTILITIES INCLUDED 1-Bedroom Apts. SBB 2 Bedrooms, from SIOO New Hamp. and Eastern Aves. (AT DISTRICT LINE) JU. 8-4934 ONLY A FEW LEFT BRAND-NEW Park-Hampshire Apts. 9300 New Hampshire Ave. Express Bus Downtown 1 BEDROOM $85.00 2 BEDROOMS 95.00 INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES Daily, 9:30-6; Sunday, 12-6 CALL HE. 4-4500 —"8 _ APTS. UNFURNISHED—MP. \ KAYWOOD i gardens 1. 4101 KAYWOOD PL. • MT. RAINIER, MD. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Just across ths District Uns, l-bus fare, convenient to shopping center tatlon***** 1 ’ * XC *^ ent bus transpor Reception hall, living room, dinette, bedroom, kjtchen and bath; $72 eA including ulUities. * 10 Reception hall. Uv. rm- dinette, fl ! bedrm*- kit. and bath; S9O. incl. i. ’ , is „ QUEENSTOWN b APARTMENTS - QUEENS CHAPEL RD. AT 3 CHILLUM RD. - Large, spacious apt. with eeparate dt. ’ nette and twin-sized bedrooms with very large closets. o 1 BEDROOM * $75.50 ! 2 BEDROOMS 89.50 INCLUDING ALL UTILITIES Conjplete shopping center on project, within walking distance to schools, i. Direct express public transportatlem to downtown. OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY (WEEKDAYS UNTIL 6 PM SAT. AND BUN. UNTIL 8 P.M.) 8301 chu - H. G. SMITHY CO. ’ SIX 16th St. N.W. BT. 3-3300. t PEACE OF MIND o Country Quiet ! POOKS HILL APARTMENTS Just Beyond Naval Hospital LUXURY LIVING On the Rim of the City ONE-BEDRM. APT. FROM $99.50 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Re*. Mgr. on Premises, OL. 4-0300 —4 TEMPLETON ' MANOR Area’s Finest—Redecorated ■ Garden spts.. on Capital Transit bus. i line. Best service and maintenance, ! Near stores, churches and all schools, incl. Md. U. Children wel come. 6 MINS DRIVE TO D. C. VIA NEW FREEWAY—OPEN BOON 1-Bedroom Apts from*s7s.oo , 2-Bedroom Apts, from 90.00 Din. Rms., and All Utils. Incl. INQUIRE RES. MRO '8 OFFICE _5d24 65th PI- Rlverdale. Md, 19-4; Sun- 2-6 —6 FREE WE WILL FURNISH THE S MOYERS . IP YOU LIVE IN THE METRO. AREA OP D. C. AND • RENT ONE OP OUR NEWLY REDEC. MODERN GARDEN TYPE 2-BEDROOM APART MENTS IN LGE. LAWN AREA. EQUIP PLAYGROUND. OFF reebShc®in?hopS&!>h capital TRANSIT BUS AT DOOR. Park View Apts. HYATTSVILLE. MD FOR LEASE. CALL JO. 2-3783. I —S . 1 REVERE APTS. Just one 1-bedroom apt. available for immediate occupancy. Extra-lse. rms.. dble. sliding - door closets, room-size dinettes, facing Langley Park shopping center. Applications algo taken for 1 and 2 bedrm. apts. for future occupancy. 1 BEDROOM $85.50 2 BEDROOMS ___• 95.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED Apply 1206 Lebanon St., Apt. J. HE. 4-1009 TA 9-3100 CONN. AVE. AND EAST-WEST HWY. 1 bedroom, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath; will redecorate; iree parking; *75 per month R. A. HUMPHRIES REALTORS NA. 8-5020 808 N. Capitol St. > =;i --; GOLF DANCING SWIMMING Can be enjoyed upon mem bership in country club next door. See our bright, spacious apartments featuring pictura windows, cross ventilation, loads of closet space, utili ties included. Schools, shops, bus service. KENT VILLAGE LANDOVER, MD. AP. 7-0168 Directions: From Peace Cross at Bladensburg. tqke U 8. Route 50 to 3rd traffic light, then turn right on Rt, 202, go 1Y« miles to Kent Village. WOODSIDE MANOR 10102 GA. AVE., SIL. SPO. Available for July occupancy—Lerge, fireproof 1 AND 2 BEDRM APART MENTS All outside rooms, newly decorated: parquet floors, garbaae disposal or incinerator, laundry la clllties. parking areas, fenced play ground. JU. 9-2123 —8 APTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. ARLINGTON, Columbia pike at Fred erick st.. Magnolia Gardens—Avail, now Beautiful and spacious living dining room combination 2 large bedrooms, latest in kitchen equip ment parquet floors. Venetian blinds. 3 exposures, utils, furn.; $96 a mo. 1 bedroom. $82.60 For Info call JA 8-3070 PRESIDENTIAL GARDENS, has a few 1 and 2 bedrm, units available, priced from $76 Bit. in conv Alex.. a 6-mln drive from the Pentagon. Phone TE. 6-4400 or come to the office ij» Adam* Bldg., cor. Mt. Ver non ave and RusseD rd ARL- close in; 1 bedrm.; nr. Penta gon. Navy Annex, Ft. Myer; parking, ■hopping; adults; $82.60. utils, except else. Out Wilson blvd.. let on Oak at- right to 1534 16th rd. R. MRS. PANDRICH —7 ARL- ROSSLYN AREA —Lovely 1- bedrm. apt- Ist fl.; modern bldg.; $76 Incl. gat. At bus. JA. 2-7270. 1800 N. Oak st —7 10 MINS. TO D. C., 5 mins, to Pen tagon. on 3 buslines: nice shopping center; cross ventlletion In ell apts , I and 2 bedrms. WASHINGTON it LEE APTS. 200 N. Wayne st.. Arlington, Va. —4 GLEBE ROAD—tn the heart of Buck ingham is avail, a lst-fl- 2-bedrm. apt. within stone's throw of shop ping. schools, theater, buses. Rental. $94.50, Includes utils. JA. 7-6660 or JA 2-5581 —3 ATTRAC. 1-BEDRM. APT. In ept. bid*. Pvt. porch yard. Nr. transp., shops KE. 8-6288. —7 ARL. B.—lst floor of modern ramb -1 ler. 6 rms.; fireplace, yard and bsmt. $l4O, all utils. JA. 8-0256, —4 ARLINGTON—New 1 and lti-b*drm. apts. immediately avail.: 2 biks. from shopping and Port Myer. 5 mins, from Pentagon and Arlington Hail. Rental. $75 and SBO. plus utils. JA. 7-6860. 6-RM. APT., commuting distance of D. C.. *IOO mo. incl. haat and wa ter. Call Herndon 279. —4 LARGE UV. RM. with firepl.. study, bedrm- bath, kitchen, dinette; flag stone terrace, traee; SIOO. JA. 6- 6125. —4 (Continued an Next Page.)