A-6 THE EVENING STAR Washington. D. C. BATCH PAT, JULY 3. 1954 . Lutheran Bible Schools The 11 Vacation Bible Schools conducted last month by Wash ington area churches of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod taught 1,711 students and em ployed 233 teachers and work ers. Highest enrollment was at the school of Trinity Church, Mount Rainier and Hyattsville, where 63 teachers and workers taught 403 youngsters. Assemblies of God The 37th annual council of the Assemblies of God, Potomac District, will be held Tuesday through Friday at their camp meeting grounds on Route 11 be tween Hagerstown, Md., and Martinsburg, W.Va. UNITARIAN UNION SERVICE ot J i ALL SOULS’ £ i\ CHURCH [ em. tfm Sixteenth end r Horv#r-s t* H - w - Minister mm A Powell Dories, 11 a.m.—Dr. Raymond B. Bragg, Kansas City, Missouri. "JULY 4, 1976" The Unitarian' Churches of Arlington, Virginia, ' and Montgomery County Co-opetating ASSEMBLIES OF GOD aa^aa===== 11 ", " r-nilii. fii— 1 r. iiT-s-asaa—sbb 915 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. REV. LLOYD CHRISTIANSEN, Pastor Rev. Raymond Goodwin, Minister of Music Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. 11 :00 a.m.— “MORE THAN A PROPHET” “THE DIMENSIONS P OF~"DIVINE LOVE” |1 Wednesday, Service, 7 :45 p.m. "Our Nation Was Born Under the Influence of Christian Faith Tourists and Servicemen Are Specially Invited BHKIbI to the Tabernacle Rev. Lies® ChrietlMses CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH BSI3 Q STREET N.W. RET. BEN HARDIN. Minister *> Dl and Di Buses and No. SO Streetcar Pass the Door Sunday School, 9:45 —Classes for All Ages. 11 :00 a.m.—COMMUNION SERVICE. 7:45 p.m.—Evongelistic Service. End That Search for a Friendly Church (Parking for All) TDIIIITV PUIIDPU 12th end Rhode Island Ave. N.i. I nllll I T ImUlfun Rev. Herbert A. Nunley, Pastor 9:45 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., Worship. 7:30 p.m.. Young People. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer. Friday, 8:00 pm.—Young People. Grace Assembly of God 413 NORTH IRVING STREET, ARLINGTON, VA. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Worship Services, 11 :00 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. LEONARD M. CAMPBELL. Paster. 4K. 7-7407 PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE PILGRIMS ta. Qift of the Presbyterians ot the South to the Nation's Capital. Ml On the Parkway at 22nd and P Sts. N.W. Pffl ANDREW REID BIRD. D.D.“ * JAMES O. GRAHAM, S.T.M. f ■lll 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. JR "HITHERTO AND HENCEFORTH" Nursery During Service 6:15 p.m.—Youth Groups. 7:45 p.m—"THIS IS GOD'S WORLD." » CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Organised ItSS 0 3 Assembly) \lsth, 16th and Irving N.W. GRAHAM GORDON LACY. Minister Harold Reeves Tarrell, Minister es Mnsle 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, "FREEDOM OF WORSHIP." Dr. Lacy. Nursery During Service 6:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. 7:30 p.m.—Community Garden Service. "ALMOST READY." Rev. Carl Gordon Howie, Ph.D., of Sherwood Presbyterian Church. SOUTHEAST METROPOLITAN 4th and Independence Ave. S.E. JAMEB CURTIS FAHL, Minister KENNETH W. FRISBIE, Orrsnlst Director 9:30 o.m.—Church School. % 11 ::00 om—"THE CHRISTIAN BASIS OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY" Rev. Franklin I. Winter, Guest Speaker MARYLAND DPTUVICn VI Wilson Lane and Clarendon Road JQfj 1 nb&UA BETHESDA, MD. “The Church That Named the Community" JAMES S. ALBERTSON. Minister JOHN O. TAXIS, Minister es Ed. 11:00 a.m.—THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. 9:45 o.m.—Church School. 7 :Q0 p.m.—Youth Groups. VIRGINIA TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN - IN ARLINGTON. Iflth AND N. INGLEWOOD (NEAR ARLINGTON HOSPITAL I WILLIAM H. FOSTER, JR., Paster CHARLES E. BOOK, Min. of Education HAROLD ASH, Min. of Music Two Church Schools, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Two Identical Worship Services, 9:30 and 11:00 o.m. "THE CHOICE IS BEFORE US." Mr. Book, Preaching. Nursery Provided at All Services |lrtsbt)tman. Alexandria, Ha. (Siuco IS 11) Corner Prince end St. Asaph Sts., Adjacent George Mason Hotel REV. BENJAMIN A. LYNT, Minister 9:30 and II :00 o.m.—Morning Worship Services. 9:20 and 11:00 a.m.—Sunday Church School. < 11:00 a.m.—Nursery Through Primary) 6:45 p.m.—Senior Hi Fellowship. Church-Going Familios Aro Happier Families (Did Presbyterian fireting ijousr 321 S. Fairfax St., Alexandria, Virginia KENNETH G. PHIFER, Minister 9:45 o.m.—Church School, All Ages. 11:00 a m.—Church School. Nursery Through Junior Department. 11:00 g m—Sermon. "OUR AGE OF RESPONSIBILITY." UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Lj WALLACE MEMORIAL New Hampshire Avenue and Randolph St. N.W. fflili DONALD C. IRWIN, D.D., Minister JHfjn The Word es God From Pulpit and Classroom lMfiß 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. Closses for All Ages. 11:00 o.m —"REALLY FREE." . —Youth and Adult Groups. 8:00 p.m—"lF A MAN THIRST." Wednesday, 8 :00 p.m.—-Midweek Prayer Service. Wallace Memorial Chapel UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Sixteenth Avenue and Hannon Street, West Hyattsville (Csrsl Highlands Elcacnlary Sr heel) DONALD C. IRWIN, D.D., Minister 9:00 o.m.—Sermon: "REALLY FREE." John #.« 10:15 o.m.—Bible School. THE LITTLE FALLS CHURCH IN ARLINGTON. VA.' * MM LITTLE FALLS ROAD FRANK A. ERWIN. Minister 8:00 and 11:15 a m— "IS THIS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY." 10:00 a.m Bible School. Your Friendly Community Church. ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN KWA V Grenville Drive end Sutherland Reed ivl W A Silver Spring, Md. REV. GLENN R. COB. Minister •“ -r*. "to ■SSl'o'&rSSSw “““ V:SO p.m —Worship Service "THE CAPERNAUM CENTENARIAN. Communion Rises Sol At Cathedral Tomorrow Washington Cathedral will have a special. Independence Day communion service at 11 a.m. tomorrow, with the Rev. Luther D. Miller, canon pre center, preaching and the Rev. Canon Richard Williams as celebrant. 9 Canon Williams will preach at the 4 p.m. service. Communion will also be cele brated at 8 a.m. in St. Mary’s Chapel by Canon Williams, and at 9:30 a.m. in Bethlehem Chapel by the Rev. Canon Charles R. Stinnette, jr. At 7:45 pm. in the amphi theatre on the Cathedral grounds, the first of a weekly series of religious dramas, spon sored by the Washington Fed eration of Churches, will be given. The first will be “Dust of the Road,” directed by Mrs. J. Warren Hastings. In case of rain, the play wBl be given in St. Alban’s "Church. Baptists Report Progress The East Washington Heights Baptist Church, Branch and Ala bama avenues S.E., has an nounced that during Dr. Robert S. Cooper’s five years as pastor, membership has grown from 497 to 882. Sunday School enroll ment has increased from 686 to 998, $63,000 has been set aside for future building and the an nual budget has Increased from $17,000 to $52,000. mm pRHp/| jL < Dr. Norman V. Hope Many Churches Have Guests in Pulpits at Rites Tomorrow Many Washington area churches will hear guest speak ers tomorrow. Dr. Charles W. Lowry, noted Episcopal clergyman, ' former rector of All Saints Episcopal Church and author of “Commu nism and Christ,” will preach at 8:30 and 11 a.m. at the District Heights Presbyterian Church, 7212 Gateway boulevard, District Heights, mo. The Rev. Raymond B. Bragg, minister of All Souls’ Unitarian Church, Kansas City, will preach at 11 a.m. at All Souls Unitarian Church, Sixteenth and Harvard streets N.W. The service will be the first of a summer series of joint meetings for All Souls, the Arlington Unitarian Churcn and the Montgomery County Unitar ian Church. Dr. Hope Returns. Dr. Norman Victor Hope, Princeton Theological Seminary professor, will preach at 9:30 and 11 a.m. tomorrow and next Sun day at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Thirteenth street and New York avenue N.W. An old friend to tne con gregation, Dr. Hope preached here for six months after the death of Dr. Peter Marshall, late pastor of the church. The Rev. Albert Calhoun Pitt man, a young minister who was reared and ordained in the Na tional Baptist Memorial Church, Sixteenth street and Columbia road N.W., will preach there at 8:45 and 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Pittman, 3423 Ordway street N.W.. Mr. Pittman has just been appointed minister of the Day ton (Ohio) First Baptist Church. His wife is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wann, members for many years of the church. The Rev. Ralph K. Merker, stated clerk and general presby ter of the Washington City Pres bytery, will speak at 11 a.m. at Gunton-Temple Presbyterian Church, Sixteenth and Newton streets N.W. Dr. Frederick Reissig, execu tive director of the Washington Federation of Churches will preach at 11 a.ra. at Augustana Lutheran Church, New Hamp shire avenue and V street N.W. Dr. Asbury Smith, district su- • PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN TOe Prasbytery of Washington City WESTERN c - P.?. RTHWES T FTK TUfiTAlIf North Capitol and Florida Ave. 1794 180 S HISTORIC iSSS it ST DVHI il U iVIW Rey || enrT g Wooding, Minister ®ljr National QUjnrrli 11:00 °VrH TH He EA> ™ Connecticut Avenue end N Street N.W. SOUTHEAST EDWARD L. R. ELSON, D.D., Litt.D., LL.D. METDOPOI ITTAKJ ON CAPITOL HILL 9:00 ond 11 :00 o.m.—Morning Worship. fVIL I IxUIULI I AIN 4th and Independence Ave. S.E. __ . JAMES CUETIS FAHL, Minliter KENNETH W. FRISBIE. Orsanlit Director 'LET FREEDOM RING." Dr. Elson, Preaching. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. , Buses N-2, L-2, Cars 40, 42 Stop in Front of the Church 11:00 o.m.—Morning Worship With Sermon. ■ Sixteenth end MARYLAND BL MM • Kennedy Sts. N.W. C A CXk A I kICXC D Keith T. Postelthwaite, Minister Ministers: CAj I Ivi I led I tlx 56th PI. and Randolph St., Bladensburg Robert N. Oerter, Jr. Ned E. Richardson I 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. Clarence G. Shaw, Organist 8:30 ond 11:00 o.m.—Morning Worship. Through Kindergarten. Nursery TAKOMA PARK pfe •"<• T “«r **. 9:30 a.m.—Questions That Troubla Ministers: R. Paul Schearrer, Clifton E. Olmstcad Christians: No. 10. "HOW CAN I 930 Qn d 11 :00 o.m—"THESE WERE GIANTS." Dr. Schearrer. GOD'S WILL?" 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 7 :00 p.m.—Youth Groups. : P Youth and AddTGroups^ 0 " 5 ’ ‘ Oil If CD Cl)D|||f* Eastern Suburban Junior High School Wed., 7:00 p.m.—Supper ond Bible Study. WlLVlnll Wi Mllll Old Bladensburg Rd. & Franklin Avs. d¥Tl%lT , 2rhlV_T'l?liff®W Sixteenth and Newton rev. tract k. boyer. Minuter ®KJIe MMPie" H.mIiITM"N.W. Church School ond Divine Worship, 10:00 o.m. (Supervised Nursery) Reverend Eric Lindsay Cowall, 8.A., 8.D., Minister UfADIIED IIEIIfIDIAI KENSINGTON, MD. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. WwMIfwEH nlETOlwlllMlc Connecticut Avs. & Washington St. 11 :00 a.m.—Guest Minister, Rev. Dr. Ralph K. Merker, WENDELL S. TREDICK, Minister Stated Clerk ond General Presbyter, Washington City Presbytery 930 am—Sermon- "NOT SUBJECT TO BONDAGE." Nur,frv Primary) During Service Chaplain Wayne L. Hunter. Nero fork Anemic ijjlreabutcrtan 13th an* N,w Yarh Avanua N.W. Utstt*irl StjnhtS JJtC it it I|l C r tall GEORGE M. DOCHERTY, D.D., Minister . _ _ f J , Stephen H. Pressing, Director of Music William Watkins, Organist Gateway B ®" , *;.“ r<, w a, y , FN .^ en p r /J 0 h r ,rd Av,nu * oan A n'nn °' m ’ uiv( __ Dr. Charle* B w! Lowry. l TheolotUn, Leetnrer 9:30 ond 11 :00 o.m. WHAT ARE WE TO MAKE OP »nd Author Will Be Guest Speuker. out** THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT?** (6 Years and Older). 11:00 >.m.—-Pre-ocnool Age. Dr. Norman V. Hope, Preaching. VIRGINIA GEORGETOWN FIRST Founded**l'?72—New ChVrTh"l 952—JA? 7-4766 3115 P Street N.W. GEORGE HILEMAN YOUNT, Minister THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN WASHINGTON ~ 9:40 a^^ m c^ hurc^ ch ° o . l _,i. i y. , ‘ r *^ v „ Founded I7SO 11:00 o.m.—Sermon: A NATION ON HER KNEES. RUSSELL CARTWRIGHT STROUP, DP., Minister A| ADENRAN 1300 Block N. Irving St., Art., Ve. Morning Service, 10 a.m., July and August. (Nursery During Service) VLHIIE RV V R Bev - I*®®* Steensan, Paster "THE FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICA" „ r-u uc u ■ ' inn c wi R *»- J ° h " B °' le v Ke ""-' P^chi "<'- : 9:3 °n O :boVS , Worship. S^p,w7 WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Sermon: "WHAT PRAYER CAN DO FOR YOU." Kalorama ot Columbia Road E A I D C A Y Services Held in Fairfax, Yo., REV. LLOYD G. BROWN, Minister r M I l\ T, M A Elementary School, Route 236 Church School, 10:00 o.m. Worship Service, 11:00 am. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. (Nursery at 11:00) Sermon: "ONE WORLD—ONE GOD." 11:00 o.m.—Morning Worship. Dr. Braskomp, Minister in Charge. GEORGE A. MYERS. Soloist ' GERTRUDE 8. MOCKBEE. Orsunlst J 1 t — NORTHEAST VIRGINIA Nnrtljmmstfr Ge^ 0 EASTERN falls church WILLIAM H. KEPLER, Minister d N 1 \ The Liohthonst on Capitol Hill ALTOS b'aLTFATHER.'d.D.*MIuI.ter Donald L. Miller, Minister es Music ffvMh 6 JtEv\oNAL^? ry KEnH A W ° r The 9 MB 1 REV. DONALD T KEITH, Mlutatur “HE OPENED THEIR MINDS” 9:30 o.m.—Church School 7k 9:45 o.m. —Church School. child Cart During Services ___ , ~__ _ 11 -00 a m Momina Worship S:l6 u.m.—Complete Church School. 9:30 ond 1 1:00 o.m.—Service: f| 7 00 p.m—Youns People "THE TRAGEDY OF IGNORANCE" lirwimßrar arlimgtom 7:00 p.m —Senior hellowship Meeting. IN Calumbie Pike ond So. Lincoln St. THE FOURTH PRESBYTERIAH CHURCH v «-- n.e. WST ... . CARL G. HOWIE. Ph.D. 11:00 u.m.—Morning Worship 13th and Fairmont Sts. N.W. Minister uaabvi tun JAMES H. MEIRS, Minister B "2bAVhft o fatbSot® ***l**™: , . Holding Forth the Word ot Life &u°rc“sch2?. Z m RIVERDALE * S:3O s m.— Sunday School. Children and Adults. Church Nursery, 9:45-12:00 ” KiISXFnUEI 11:00 a.m.—Sermon: "THE RESPONSIBILITY OF NATIONAL STEHARDSHIT." " art a it. et . OJ Nursery During tI.UV a.m. Service SOUTHEAST .1!.-.. ... . Broadcast Over WWpC. 11:30 a m 4:OOp.m.—Broadcait Over WOOK ■" X—. . : .—. V'«~ W. KEITH CUSTIS, Minister 8:00 p.m —Sermon ‘TTHE ~FoStE-ORDINATION CHRIST JKSUB.” GARDEN MEMORIAL 1 a ©bruit ©baar “‘SicS*” ■ftsagfr W. Paul MinMat Maldwya A. Daviat, AokM* Miaiata, SOUTHWEST M\A' i-1 'tfc-t 1 ' 11 .S.ST. Jack W. Angarman, Minister es Christian Education COBltfreSS Heights r .„ nn .*. A7t . A Harold W. Dickershaats, Minister as Musk Seath Capital sad ChesapeahaSta. N.W. mv D**hobabt xvans Minister 9:30 a.m—"THE POTTER'S WHEEL" The Rev. Mr. Davies. *« v - .>.gS? ISzMßtfkgSk -9:30 o.m.—Church School. 7:30 pm—Youth Groups ll:06 a.m.—Moraint Wonhip. * A’urjery During service Sermon Topics Announced Ministers of local churches will preach on the following topics at the 11 a.m. service to morrow, unless noted other wise. West Washington Baptist The Rev. Walter O. Kersey on “God Bless America.” Congress Heights Baptist—The Rev. Bernard H. Cochran on “What do these Things Mean?” at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Chevy Chase Baptist—Dr. Ed ward O. Clark on “What Price Glory?” Bethesda First Baptist The Rev. John P. Gates on “Patriot ism is not Enough” at 9 and 11 a.m. Pet worth Baptist The Rev. S. Lewis Morgan, jr., on “Heavy Yokes and Light Ones.” Second Baptist The Rev. J. L. S. Holloman on “The An them of the Cosmps.” National City J. Warren Hastings on “I Believe in America” at 10:50 a.m. Westmoreland Congregational —The Rev. William L. Inder strodt on “A Religious Holiday” at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Cleveland Park Congrega tional—The Rev. Ronald G. -Ek berg on “With Us in Prayer.” Epiphany Episcopal—The Rev. Charles D. Kean, rector, on “This Nation Under God.” Christ Episcopal, Washington ---The Rev. Ivan E. Merrick on “Liberties of Old.” * Christ Episcopal, Georgetown —The Rev. John R. Anschutz on “The American Debt.” St. John’s Episcopal, Arlington —The Rev. Innis L. Jenkins on “Truth for Americans.” Ascension Lutheran—The Rev* Henry C. Schroeder on “The Child, Opportunity and Examples” at 11 a.m. Same ser mon at 8:45 a.m. at Trinity Church, Bowie, Md. Christ Lutheran—-The Rev. William F. Bruening on “Invis ible Antagonisms” at 8:30 and 11 a.m. First Trinity Lutheran The Rev. H. B. Roepe on “Let the Nation Declare God’s Love” at 8:30 and 11 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Chaplain Martin C. Pooh on “True Chris perintendent of the Methodist West Washington District, will preach at 11 a.m. at Hamline Methodist Church, Sixteenth and Allison streets N.W. Chaplain to Preach. Air Force Chaplain Vernon M. Goodhand will preach at 10:50 a.m. at the Columbia Heights Christian Church, 1435 Park road N.W. The Rev. William Harrison, director of the Arlington Animal Welfare League, will preach at 9r30 a.m. at the Rock Spring Congregational Church, Rock Spring and Little Falls roads, Arlington. The Rev. Walter H. Barringer, pastor of the Laurel Grove Bap tist Church, near Alexandria, will preach at 11 a.m. at the Third Baptist Church, Fifth and Q streets N.W. The Rev. Ben Lynes, pastor of Manly Baptist Church, Lex ington, Va., will preach at 8 p.m. at the first of a summer tian Patriotism” at 8:30 and 11 am. at the church and at 9:45 a.m. at the school. Georgetown Lutheran The Rev. Harold E. Beatty on “Our Burden Wearer.” St. Peter’s Lutheran The Rev. Donald F. Brake on “The Divine Dictator” at 8:45 and 11 am. Zion Lutheran —The Rev. Ed ward R. Bley on “The Need for Morality” at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Wesley Methodist—The Rev. Klein K. Haddaway on “The Re lation of God to Man in History” at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Foundry Methodist— Dr. Fred erick Brqwn Harris on “A Dec laration of. Independence,” his last sermon until after Labor Day. 1 Union Methodist The Rev. Edward B. Lewis on “Lost in Red Tape.” Anacestia Methodist— The Rev. W. Kenneth Lyons will adminis ter communion at 11 a.m. Ebenezer Methodist— The Rev. Richard H. Johnson on “Modern Messages from the Prophets: Daniel." Bethesda Methodist— The Rev. Marion S. Michael on “A Dec laration of Independence,” at 9:30 and 11 am. Sixth Presbyterian —The Rev. Robert N. Oerter, Jr., on “How Can I Know God’s Will?” at 9:30 a.m. Northminster Presbyterian The Rev. William H. Kepler on “The Tragedy of Innocence,” at 9:30 and 11 am. Sherwood Presbyterian Dr. Carl G. Howie on the prophet Jeremiah at 8:50 and 11 a.m. Hermon Presbyterian Chap lain Willis Bergen on “Our Fa ther’s God to Thee.” Trinity Presbyterian —The Rev. Charles E. Book on “The Choice Before Us,” at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Mount Vernon Presbyterian— The Rev. E. K. Brown will give a communion meditation at 10 a.m. Old Presbyterian Meeting House —The Rev. Kenneth G. Phifer on “Our Age of Responsi bility.” Boyds (Md.) Presbyterian The Rev. James Patterson Kerr will give a communion sermon. series of evening union services on the Leesburg (Va.) Court House lawn. William H. M. Stover, presi dent of the Dale Carnegie Lead ership Training Institute in Washington, will speak on “The Greatest Salesman Ever Known, Jesus of Nazareth,” at 9 a.m. at the International Crossroads Breakfast at the YMCA, 1736 G street N.W. Gospel Camp Meeting Open Near Manassas An old-fashioned Gospel Camp Meeting is in progress through next Thursday at the Church of God camp grounds two miles west of Manassas, Va., on Route 234. Preaching throughout the day is described as “non-denomina tional and' non-pentecostal, but strictly Biblical.” Campers are provided meals and lodging on a free offering plan. ~f§T f % JHI : fjm wm B ‘lPvt ■\ J ' k . HP mUßffl WmmimrA Y| m JBB NjggK 1 v.' •• . Wmß Bl WSm Hfe, ™ til fr i. 1 •" ,\' :