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The Humon Side of Religion Yale's Congenial Atmosphere Boosts Congregational Event By Cospar Nannts Migioui New, Editor of The Star Holding a church convention on a oollege campus has many ad vantages. They were strongly to the fore this week at the bien nial session of the Congrega tional Christian Churches Gen eral Council at Yale University. : One advantage is the impetus to becoming acquainted that liv ing in dormitories provides. There is an informality to this type of living that mages it easy for strangers to smile at each other and to say hello. The next step to speaking and then to discussing issues of the council meeting is a natural move. This friendly admosphere is further aided by the fact that most of the delegates eat in the college dining halls—cafeteria style. The standing in a slow moving line invariably induces conversation, and by the time one has reached the serving table he is on good terms with those around him. And sitting with different persons at each meal provides an opportunity to learn how delegates from vari ous parts of the country think on Important issues. Such day-to day contact gives a homogeneity to a meeting difficult to attain at conventions held in large cities. ** * * Sense of Tradition. The sessions were held in spa cious Woolsey Hall, built in 1901- 02 as one of the bicentennial buildings, put up to commemo rate the founding of Yale Uni versity. There is a sense of solid tradition imparted by the audi torium, with its marble columns, U-shaped balconies and wide platform. Behind the platform is the imposing Newberry Memorial organ, which has four manuals and 12,573 pipes. In adjoining Uhiversity Hall, the portraits of revered Yale professors look out of their gold frames onto the floor below, which usually is occupied by freshmen eating their meals, but this week was taken up by ex hibits depicting the church’s numerous activities. The setting provided an academic atmo sphere to the proceedings that lent added interest to them. ** * * District Delegate Active. Washington Congregationalists were active throughout the meet ing. The Rev. Philip Gordon Scott of Westmoreland Church served as a ministerial delegate mid also had the post of liaison man with the press. He did a fine job and earned the thanks of the newspapermen covering the meeting. The Rev. Arthur P. Elmes of Peoples Church is one of the denomination’s six assistant! U. S. Worker Retires With 36 Years Service Mrs. Inez E. Thomas, statis tical coding analyst with the office of the Army Surgeon Gen eral, retired this week after 36 years’ service. A graduate of Washington Col lege, Chestertown, Md., Mrs. Thomas served as teacher and principal of a school in Somer set County, Md., for eight years before joining the Government here. Mrs. Thomas had worked for eight surgeons general. Mrs. Thomas had commuted from Baltimore for the past year. Be fore that she lived here at 4311 Eighteenth street N.E. Disciples Off to West Miss Lola Legore, 518 Ninth street N.E., will leave tomorrow for a 6,000-mile tour of the West with a group of 14 business wom an from Disciples of Christ churches in the United States. Sponsored by the United Chris tian Missionary Society, the tour will include two home mission centers of the Disciples in>White Swan, Wash., and Los Angeles. CHURCHES OF CHRIST CHURCHES OF CHRIST "HERALD OP TRUTH** WMAL, ABC NETWORK, 1 P.M. WASHINGTON,D. C. 4801 Sixteenth Street N.W. (at Decatur) A. R. Holton, Minister. Phone TU. 2-2761 T. L. Salmons, Song Leader and Assistant to Minister 11 :00 a m —"A PATTERN OF LONG SUFFERING." 8:00 p m —"FREE COURSE FOR THE WORD OF GOD." Applications Now Being Taken for Skymont Camp S-2 Bus Stops at Door Thirteenth and trying Streets N.W. S. Douglas Greer, Minister. Phono RA. 6-5094 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. I 1 :00 am,—Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. 28th and Douglas Streets N.E. (Avalon Heights) Harry L. Postlethwoit, Minister. Phene LA. 6-2913 10:00 o.m.—Bible School. II :00 o.m.—Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. 2600 Minnesota Avenue S.E. Billy Hoad, Minister. Phone LU. 4-1602 11 :00 o.m.—Bible School. 6:00 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. 11 :00 a m.—Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service. MARYLAND West Hyattsville* S6th and Jefferson Streets AP. 7-2555 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 o.m.—Morning Worship. . —Evening Service. VIRGINIA Alexandria 111 East Braddock Road S. C. Kinningham, Minister. TE. 6-3083 9:45 o.m.—Bible School. 10:45 a m—Sermon: "PURITY IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE." * 7:30 pm—Sermon: "THE TERROR OF THE LORD." Arlington 20 North Irving Street Fred Walker, Minister. Phone JA. 8-2161 10:00 o.m.—Bible School. . 8:45 and 11 :00 o.m —"HOW TO MAKE A STRONG CHURCH." 7:45 p.m.—Guest Speoker. Falls Church East Broad and Church Place Thomas N. Page, Minister. Phone JE. 3-8761 8:45 and 11:00 o.m.—Morning Worship. 10:00 o.m.—Bible School. 7:45 p.m.—Evening Worship. moderators. Dr. Carl Heath Kopf of First Church, president at the Washington Federation at Churches, drew applause on sev eral occasions when he spoke. And the Rev. John F. McClelland earned favorable comments by his presentation of what the de nomination’s building fund meant to Christ Church in Sil ver Spring. Others from Washington in cluded Harold F. Hufendick, the Rev. and Mrs. Eric Braund, Greenbelt Church; Mrs. John F. McClelland and Dr. Philip Irey, Christ Church, Silver Spring; Mrs. May Flickinger, First Church; Arthur T. Jackson, Peo ples Church; Mrs. Robert W. Brooks and the Rev. Shelby Brooks, Lincoln Temple. • Also, Mrs. Philip Gordon Scott, Mi's. Robert W. Livingstone, Frank S. Ketcham and Charles Davis, Westmoreland Chinch; the Rev. and Mrs. H. Raymond Phelps, Ingram Memorial Church; the Rev. Alfred W. Hurst, Cleveland Park Church, and the Rev. Jefferson Rogers, John Osborn and Aubrey E. Rob inson, jr., Plymouth Church. ** * * Thanks From West Africa. How would you like to spend six hours riding a battered truck over bumpy roads merely to say hello to some one you barely know; and how would you like to pay three days’ salary for the privilege? Last January, the Rev: John A. Reuling of the denomina tion’s Foreign Missions Board was in Angola, Portuguese West Africa. He left Angola by truck for the seacoast, by-passing a native Christian village he had visited when it was founded in 1946. Several hours out, Mr. Rueling and his host driver saw a large crowd standing at a crossroads. It was 80 persons from the vil lage. They had learned the American would pass this way and early that morning gathered at the village. There they crowded Into beaten trucks and stood for three hours while bumping over the country roads. Mr. Rueling told them he was overwhelmed at their presence and asked v(hy they took all the trouble to meet him. “This is not a long trip for us,’’ the leader said. “You have come all the way from America. We want you to thank the Christians in America for what they have done for us.” What the American Christians had done, Mr. Reuling told the meeting in New Haven, was to provide the school teachers and the minister of the village with their training. But the denom ination had not contributed any money to the village. The na tives were grateful for the spiritual ideas brought them i and' not for any material aid. Luray Vesper Service The first service in the annual sunset vesper series will be held at 6:45 p.m. tomorrow at the Singing Tower, Luray, Va. Dr. Frank C. Laubach, internation ally known expert who has taught thousands to read in his foreign missionary work, will preach and Charles T. Chapman will give a recital on the carillon. Evening Bible School The Kirkwood Gospel Center in Hyattsville will open an evening Bible School on Tuesday with registration and a Billy Graham film at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The : school, designed for children with working parents, will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. through July 23 at 2613 Kirkwood place, West Hyattsville. Coolidge Memorial Service A memorial service for Presi dent Calvin Coolidge will be held at 11 am. tomorrow at the church where he worshipped, First Congregational, Tenth and G streets N.W. July 4 is Coolidge’s eighty-second birth day. The Rev. Carl Heath Kopf will preach on “Whose Coun try is This?” Allis' jJBg J&m NEW SCHOLARSHIP ESTABLISHED—David K. Robinson, right, presents a S6OO check from the Washington Round Table to Howard M. Stackhouse, president of the Organized Bible Class Association, to help establish a permanent scholar ship at Western Maryland College in memory of the late Page Etchison, founder of the association. The scholarship fund now totals $12,000. The first recipient will be named this fall. Rock Creek K. of C. Elects New Officers Rock Creek Council, Knights of Columbus, of the Bethesda- Chevy hase area, has elected the following officers. Rev. William A. Ryan, S. J., of Georgetown Prep, chaplain; Joseph P. Cantrel, grand knight; John O. Conkey, deputy grand knight; Wilfred H. Corridon, chancellor; Leo J. McLarney, warden; Francis E. McKay, rec order; A. Colman Barrett, advo cate; Joseph F. Giodo, financial secretary; Dominic P. Pulvirenti. treasurer; James T. Nalls and Charles E. Roach, inside guards; Frank Falco and A1 Ketner, out side guards. Phone Worker Honored Miss Thelma A Firestone, serv ice supervisor in the Bethesda office of the Chesapeake Sc Potomac Telephone Co., yester day completed her 30th year of service. She was given a sapphire pin at an office party. EPISCOPAL EPISCOPAL EPISCOPAL EPISCOPAL NORTHWEST - CAPITOL HILL Haahttmtim A (taltobral ST - mark's (Across hum Library o; Conyrfss Annex/ VUUfLiimL 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:30 o.m.—Church School. Maiaachusetta and iJCSHI 11:00-o.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon by w . . . kj w Doily Services the Rev. Barton M. Lloyd of the Virginia Theological Seminary. Wisconsin Avos. N.W. II AlAl Nurtery During Service! Independency Day 1 a • . * Thursday. 12:00 Noon—Holy Communion. THMSunio, \&y CHRIST CHURCH WASHINGTON PARISH After Trinity Michigan serving Washington since nsi 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion, St. Mary's Chapel. 620 G Street S.E. 9:30 o.m.—Holy Communion, Bethlehem Chapel, Announces That for the Remainder of the Slimmer The Rev. Canon Charles R. Stinnette, Jr. Until September sth, the Services Each Sunday Will 11:00 o.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon, Be ot 8:00 A.M. The Rev. Canon Richard Williams, Celebrant, There Will Be No Service ot 11:00 o.m. Until September 12th The Rev. Canon Luther D. Miller, Preacher. MARYLAND 4:00 p.m.—Evensong, The Rev. Canon Richard Williams. _ "■ > 1 . . 1 .. 5:00 p.m.—ORGAN RECITAL, Patricia Garrigus Porter. O.X II ■? 6701 A J*>- «» Bradley Lone *"■" w* S’*. ffIIUJU 0 wxJSfrtJSL. R.cter The Church of the Epiphany 8:00 school. __ 131 7. P II1 8 I? E F 1 ' My B 9:15 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Sermon. (Holy Communion 3rd Sundays) ms V!v WASBSIi R | E u!« Ki Wi.hi o ßeet ß r 11:00 a.m —Holy Communion, Sermon. (Nursery and Kindergarten) *8?00 o.m.—Holy Communion. AU fflhUTrh '' » tifIS^BSSSS mSu'eSS"* *" Rec, “- ™«v «,.™h LimhltTL* 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer with Sermon bv the Rev. Donald Davis, 7:30 o.m. Holy Communion. "CHILDREN OF THE FREE" 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon by ■■■ ... - , > «ri "fT ’ . J*LICC ~ the Rev. Frederick H. Arterton. ASCENSION AND ST. AGNES •nr* flTltttrrh 9,21 GEORGIA avenue. Twelfth and Moss. Ave. N.W. WSUT SILVER SPRING. MD. THE REV. JAMES MURCHISON DUNCAN, Rector Etv. Herbert w. lamb, jiu Rector rev. thomas b. ALLEN, Assoc. Rector The Rev. John J. Phillips, Curate Donald Amatt, Choir Master Sunday. 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 o.m. Thursday, 10:30 o.m Sunday, 7:30 a.m.—Low Mass. NORTHWEST NORTHEAST w«k a £, 7SO TriS.' HOLY COMFORTER ftjuttitltf Thursdays, 7:00 and 9:30 a.m.—Low Mass. 7th and Oglethorpe Sts. N.W. V!l/IU VilUlillU Confessions, Saturday, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. - ST. ANDREW’S PARISH , 16th and Irving Sts. N.E. - ut . 42« d and Albamarla Streets N.W. THE REV. ANDRUS B. smith. Rooter *•*•****■ L- " l f r J^****' &L ffinlumba 0ro« Avt > . gfrasa. e;3 ° “Ssrf&S7 s Sd 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 o.m.—Holy Communion. ” 11:00 11:00 o.m.—Holy Communion With Sermon by the Rector. _ j " SOUTHEAST Harnarpl’a . ,# i°, ©rintli| Qlburrb nativity 2a4C11 yell OZI Rev. Malcolm Marshall, Rector pj nay Branch Rd at Dahlia St. N.W. Resurrection. 701 15th n.e.. »:ts a.m. The Rev. Henry H. Clement The Rev. Kenneth R. Coleman ^ e 1 R?ct.r 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9 :30 a.m.—Family Service. 8:00 end ii:«o a.m.— Holy communion CTT f l''THffA r | T VrV9G: 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sermon. U:OQ a.m.— Family Service. A# «JLmJLTJMV JLMM A ® OLD ST. JOHN’S CHURCH SsS »■ mnjptrm WILLIAM SHARP, Rector WESTERVELT ROMAINE, Organist ALEXA P-P*i A ' VA - 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:3o—Parish Mass and Sermon GRACE V«‘ 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion, Sermon. (Nursery and Kindergarten) 11:15 —Sung Moss. Z* . , The Rev. Cornelius A. Wood, Guest Preacher. B:oo—Evensong and Benediction.- rHE 7-*; r A ALL SOUL'S MEMORIAL 7500 Cntliarfml A*- M W (Juct Enet of Conn Ave ) »ons, Sot., sto 6 p.m PARISH EUCHARIST WITH 2300 Cathedral Ave. N.W. (Just East ot Conn. Ave.) |/\tlkl # C HYMNS at 11 a.m. <Fr. Gorlick) The Rev. Frank Blackwaldar, Rector ) | . JUMM J Evening Prayer at 8:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. -» = 11:00 a m.—The Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills, Guest Minister. The Rev Loslie Glenn iMMUMMieI Snrfe (Hrrpk Parish •kSlf church-on-the-Hui laULM. \J.* VVIV UUf Church Holy Communion, 8:00 o.m. <*• >*«•— Rock Creek Church Road and Webster St. N.W. 9:3o_Mr. Wilson. Episcopal Theology Seminary) The Iter. C. Julian Bartlett, Rector The Rer. A. Wayne Schwab, Assistant 11 ;00—Dr. Glenn. Summer Schedule of 8:00 a.m.—Holy Community. 9:3o—Family Service, Church School. 7 :30—-Dr. Alfred Price. Sunday Services 11 :00 a.m.—Holy Communion ond Sermon. for™* Ttfoo™ b.tu** 7:30 a.m.—Celebration of 7:30 p.m.—Evening Proyer and Sermon. Weekday Services Holy Communion. jjLf TltittV C Macomb St. and Klingla Rd. N.W. N 7°3o Y^ nes^av ancl 9:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer Wl+ 13a util B Bel. Mac Arthur Blvd. & Longhboro Rd. Fr.doy, 7.30 o.m. and Sermon " THE REV. ALBERT E. TAYLOR. Rector J|, THOfflaS’ CHUrCH MONTGOMERY CO., MD. ♦ 7:45 a.m.—Holy Communion. .... . ._ _ _ , . tv yipyic Service*: 8:Oo 11 *OO a m——FAMILY 18th Street Between P end Que wit mAHI O and io:oe a.m. I I .UU a.m.— tAMILY btKVICE. Dupont Cirdo OEOBGIA AVE. AT ASPEN HILL ED. wsrrer, Dunne sente Tho Rov. Harold Bend Sodgwick, Rector 3J«Ie S north of wheaton, md. SOUTHEAST 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. SILVER SPRING, MD. THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION I Holy Communion and Sermon, Ljj Md 3640 Nichols Avenue S.E. (Congress Heights Parish) J n. ’ THE REV. BERRY B. SIMPSON, Rector * cordial in 111:00 A.m. —Holy Communion. Sermon. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:15 a.m.—Church School. ST. ALBAN’S W ATe 8 , .« ifw* I PRINCE GEORGES CO., MD. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Proyer, Sermon. (Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary) >CT moBKKT tkenbath. Sector ■ " i i 7:45 a.m.—Holy Communion. WV.f. _ ARLINGTON, VA. 9:30 a.m.—Family Service. fi ___ . __ 11 :00 a.m. —Holy Communion. _ , * . . ST. ANDREW’S ST. GEORGE’S wed., io:3o o m.-H. c. D * ,e "“ M Lor com Lane and Military Rood North Nelson Street ot Fairfax Drive g r *r* Rov. Kenneth F. Arnold, Rector The Rev. C Fell, Rector ... u.,i . ...... UleCt UHUI6Hv UuertßlWwn 8 f»> a.m.—Holy Communion The Rev. Rrt» K. Nlahtlßcale. Asit. _ **l /■ WMtom*. **«*«» mat WW«d. Ave N.W 11:00 « “ —Holy Communion. Sermon. <Axr Conditioned i ««»■ ». AnCrewt. Amo. Rector 'WO I Wisconsin mve. Services, 8K», 9:30 ond 11:00 n.m. Services. B«0, 9:30 end 11.-00 o.m. * EV - M. PERKINS. Ifcctor HYATTSVILLE, MD. ammm mm m uMmeiA 9:30 a.m.—Cnurcn Scnooi ST. MARY’S 11:00 a m—Holy Communion. Sermon, ull^ueune BADIOU Glebe Rood end Twentv-Sixth Street North TRANSFI6URATION *'• •THEW’S PARISH Rov. O. T. Tlttm... Rector Rev. Gey L. Hill. Awe. Rector 1 """Tf. „ U".. “ V - "KM* * ert#r Services. <:3O. ®:00 and 11:00 am. PARISH HALL Church School. 0:00 and 11:00 a.m. THE REV. NEWTON C. WTLRUR, Beetor . . u. 1.. e. Tuesdays and Holy Days. 10:30 a.m. Services. 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. aotn Ave. end rsicnaison M. Mini An TDIIIITV 9.-30 a.m.—Church School 9:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. r.! . r r * _ . .. :r,l LL Christ Church. Georaetown PINKNEY MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev o»m k c. T Wetofr Columb'o PA* end SwjHi Wayne St. Sl(t ul o MrMi( K W.. sinoe IM7 42nd Ave. end Gollntin St. Services, 0 A am^—Vcm'Are^lnrlted. 11 :f>n n°m^^ioT^Communionf'Aerm on . Church Buys Site In Glenridge Area Ascension Lutheran Church has arranged to purchase a new 2.1-acre site on Ardmore road one block off Route 50 In the Glenridge shopping center; The new site is half-a-mile from the present church. Established in 1945 as a mis sion of Trinity Church, Mount Rainier, membership at Ascen sion Church has Increased from 60 to 166 in the last three years. The Sunday school numbers 307. A year ago, the congregation built a new parsonage in order to use the old one adjoining the chinch for Sunday school classes. Now even these increased facilities are inadequate. The Rev. Henry C. Schroeder, pastor, has announced that Trin ity Church will finance the land purchase with a gift of $3,000 and underwrite the balance, as a mission venture. Church Radio and Television The following religious pro grams will originate in local stations tomorrow: > Television. I am.. WNBW—The Rev. Wil liam Inderstrodt, of Westmore land'Congregational Church, on "Inspiration.” Radio. 12:50 am., WRCr—“lnspira tion” with the Rev. William In derstrodt, of Westmoreland Con gregational Church. 7:30 am., WWDC—"Mass for Shut-ins” from Georgetown Uni versity Chapel. 8:30 am., WPGC—Bradbum Memorial Church, the Rev. James 8. Glascoe, minister. 8:45 a.m., WARL “How Christian Science Heals” by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. Repeated at 9:15 am. on WMAfc. 8:45 a.m., WOL Methodist Bishop G. Bromley Oxham on "Light for Life.” 8:55 a.m., WGMS—The Rev. C. Leslie Glenn, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Lafayette Square, speaks. II a.m., WPGC—The Rev. Quinton S. Ivy directs services at Parkway Baptist Chapel. 11 a.m., WFAN—Petworth Baptist Church program, the Rev. S. Lewis Morgan, jr., pastor. 11 a. m., WOL—"Your Neigh bor Wants to Know,” a new pro- House Action Sought On Veterans' Pensions By the Associated Pres* Representative Radwan,. Re publican, of New York has launched a drive to force House floor action on a bill to Increase veterans’ pensions and disability awards by about 10 per cent. And Representative Rogers, Re publican, of Massachusetts said Congress Is treating the veteran like a "stepchild.” Mrs. Rogers, chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, said yesterday the disability-pensions bill would cost only about S2OO million next year. It was ap proved unanimously by the com mittee May 28, but Mrs. Rogers said the House Rules Committee —which clears legislation to the floor—has refused to hold a hearing on the proposal. Mr. Radwan Introduced his resolution as a preliminary step in trying to force the bill from the rules committee. The next step would be a petition, which would have to be signed by a majority of the 435 members of the House. gram sponsored by the Washing ton Board of Rabbis. A panel will answer questions on Jewish life put by Christian Sunday school children. 11 a. m.. WARL—Second Church of Christ, Scientist, pro gram. * 11:30 a. m„ WEAM—The Rev. Paul J. Harrell speaks from Me morial Baptist Church, on “The Arlington Church of The Air.” 11:30 a. m„ WWDC—Dr. James H. Miers preaches from the Fourth Presbyterian Church. 11:30 a. m., WOOK—First Trinity Lutheran Church pro gram; rebroadcast at 12:05 p. m. on WFAN. 11:30 a. m„ WOL—The Rev. Wilson Holder, pastor of Cen tennial Baptist Church, speaks on “The Gospel Wings Broad cast.” 8 {>. m., WWDC—Dr. James H. Miers and the Fourth Presby terian Church program. 9 p. m., WWDC—The Rev. Peter Eldersveld, radio minister of the Christian Reformed Church, speaks. 10 p. m., WMAL—Central Union Mission “Hour of Power” program. 10:15 p. m., WOOK—A report on a Howard University school integration workshop on “Faith of Millions” Catholic good will program. Lutherans Will Hear Visiting Church Leaders Lutheran pastors of the Wash ington area will meet three visit ing - church leaders tomorrow night at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Cap itol street. The three Lutheran theologi ans are en route to the meeting of the World Council of Churches in Evanston, 111. Dr. Regin Pren ter, chairman of the Lutheran World Federation Commission on Theology and professor of theol ogy at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, will preach at 8 p.m. Preaching at 6:30 p.m. will be Dr. Vilmos Vajta, director of the department of theology of the Lutheran World Federation and assistant professor of theology at Lund University, Sweden, and Dr. George Forell, professor of philosophy at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn. First Edition Brings $7,000 A tradesman of Derbyshire, England, found a first edition of Pilgrim’s Progress which he has sold for $7,000. Visitors Will Preach At All Souls Church Guest preachers will conduct services at 8:30 and 11 a.m. each Sunday in July at All Souls Me morial Episcopal Church, 2300 Cathedral avenue N.W. The Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills, recently retired rector of the Church of the Savior, will preach tomorrow and July 18 and 25. The Rev. Harry B. Dalzell, rector of Christ Church, Chaptico, Md., will preach on July 11. - ■■■■ i | Baptists Plan Convention The Rev. Edward B. Willing ham, pastor of the National Baptist Memorial Church, is in Green Lake, Wis., this week end with 10 other Baptist leaders to plan the program of the Amer ican Baptist Convei.tion annual meeting in Atlantic City next May. LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD J=S^SSSSSS=SSSSSSSSSSS=SSSSSSSSSS=SSSS=SSSSSSBSSSSBm LUTHERAN. SERVICES (Missouri Synod) SBj HA SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES, 9:45 A.M. BETHLEHEM (D. C.) BETHANY (Groveton, Va.) C 6t LkSl Hill Rd and Oak Dr.. Mr. c. Rakow. 8.30 ans IX a.m. Richard Tremaln. Vicar. Sunday CHRIST (D. C.) School. 9 a.m.; Worahtp. 10 a.m. jeth and Gallatin at*. N.w.'. Re». OUR SAVIOR (Arlington) Wm. P. Bruenlng. 8:30 and 11 a.m. fith 4Bd - FIRST TRINITY (D. C.) K.v.sch 830 Ind ii ?.£. P “ ul Ro h «‘ nd ß:So ß Lnd N n •m eT -aZetfi FILGRIM (Westgate, Md.) fjfSlf'at 4 l? 30 r a Jamestown Rd. and Flint Drive. (FM) St 12*06 E ’ m * an< * M R«v. Enno Lohrmann. 11 a.m. MOUNT OLIVET (D. C.) TRINITY (Mt. Rainier)' 1306 Vermont Ave. Nrw.. Rev. 80th Bunker Hilt Rd.. 8:30 Wm. Schiebel. 11 a.m. * n “ 11 • m CALVARY (Silver Spring) TRINITY (Hyattsville) 0545 Georgia Ave., 8:46 and 11 38th and Longfellow. 9:60 a.m. ST m AVnßFw a ;n.nm««ti GREENBELT (22 Ridge St.) (Glenmont) Rev. Edward H. Blrn.r ll a.m. Fwiwr.°n r *m pa,u ASCENSION (Landover Hills) IMMANUEL (Alexandria) Schroeder! 01 11 *a!m. **** ***** Men I ri« u *s!3o ß iiid ß fi taer D ’ TRINITY (Bowie) Menslng. 8.30 and 11 a.m. Bowie. Md.. Rev. Henry Schroeder. FALLS CHURCH LUTHERAN 8.46 a.m George Mason High School. Lees- * Church of the Deaf (D. C.) « , Kk* j *1? yc .?£ ,t « Ro . ad * At Christ, 6101 16th St. N.W., Chaplain J. Floyd Dreith. Pastor. Rev. W. A. Weaterman. Call TA 11 am. , | 9-8863 for Time of sirvtoe "THE LUTHERAN HOUR,” SUNDAY, 5:00 P.M.. WEAM, IS9O LUTHERAN LUTHERAN =r —'* 1 '■ —- T=rz NORTHWEST . iCuthrr parr iHrmorial (Eljurrlj t THOMAS "■“VfiWMAISS**" _ REV. WALTER B. FREED. D.D.. Fatter Rev. Albert R. Bnrkhardt. Assistant Paster Nursery Dyring All Services 9:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School. 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. "CARRYING THE PAST INTO THE PRESENT" Dr. vFalter B. Freed. Youth Meetings at 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Supper at 7 OO p.m. /fteeo* -.4. 4300 16th 5t NW ‘ Lki WaU - (At Vamum) Kin J. VICTOR MURTLAND GERHARD E. LENSKI 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. nilßalil^bJ "THE GRACE OF GOD" 9:45 a.m.—Church School. jfaflftn *ll iff iBBI Nursery 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. IL~I .* t. - AUGUSTAN A N. H. Ave. and V Bt. N.W., East es 16th St CLARENCE T. NELSON. Faster B. E. Sneered, Minister es Musle Lola Graham. Orsantst 9:30 o.m.—-Church School ond Adult Bible Clou. 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.—ldentical Services. v Sermon: "CHRIST, OUR HOPE." Dr. Frederick E. Reissig, Preaching. iyi. iMarfe’g-lwrarwaltmi RIV. C. PHILIP SELTZER. Paster DB. HENRT MANKEN. Pastor Emerltos 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.—Worship Services With Sermon. 9:45 a.m.—Church School-Classes for All Ages, Si. James Lutheran Church Thirteenth Street and Eastern Avenue N.W. REV. J. ADRIAN PFEIFFER. Pastor MR. EMIL IBELE, Vicar 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Nuiserv Conducted Durtnq 11 O Clock Service GEORGETOWN LUTHERAN HAROLD E. BEATTY, Patter 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School, Lee R; Shumaker, Superintendent 11:00 a.m.—Sermon: "OUR BURDEN BEARER" Nursery 11:00 a.m. to 19:00 Thursday, 10:00 a.ip.—Morning Prayer CAPITOL HILL GHURGH OF THE REFORMATION “tZSi* DB. LAWRENCE D. FOLKEMER. Pastor DR. OSCAR F. BLACKWELDER. Pastor Emeritus Juls Zsbsws, Minister at Mnsle George Koehler, Organist 9:00 a.m.—Service of Holy Communion. 11:00 o.m —"THESE THINGS WE HOLD SACRED " Dr. Folkemer. 8:00 p.m.—Dr. Regin Prenter, University of Aarhus, Denmark. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Church School. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Supper Meeting. SOUTHEAST &t. iHatthrm s k *joAn Worship Services, 8:30 ond 11 :00 o.m, "THE PICTURE OF THE FATHER'S LOVE." 9:45 o.m.—Sunday School for All Age Groups. Nursery During 11:00 O’clock Service MARYLAND Zion Sjafljrran BJ.i£l&2ySplfc EDWARD R. BLEY. Pastor 9:30 o.m.—Sunday School for All Ages. 9:30 and 11:00 o.m.—"THE NEED FOR MORALITY." Nursery Care at Both Services L Corner Colesville Rd. and Highland tJiURP Drive, Silver Spring Rev. Robert E. Lee, Patter Rev. Philip S. Lembdin, Assistant Paster Dr. Carl R. Youngdahl, Music Director C. Marvin Fowall, Organist 9:40 a m.—Church School. 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. 6:30 ond 11:00 am.—Sermon: "THE PERIL WITHIN." Pastor Lee, Preaching at Both Services. The Friendly Church With the Red Doors NORTHWEST SOUTHEAST QT PHIfT '<C HOLY COMFORTER 3 * * rnUL ° 3319 Alabama Avo. S.E. Conn. Ave. at Evaratt St. N.W. h. i.uther Rhodes. Psstnr u „.„ uj r.„j„ nn Services. 8:30 and 11:00 am Henry W. Snyder, 0.0., Pastor Sunday School. 9:45 a.m. 9:30 o.m.—Church School Nurs ' rv Dwrl ”° " O c,oek Strviet 11 :00 o.m—"UNDER GOD." VIRGINIA NORTHEAST _ FAITH LUTHERAN PT DCTCD’Q Arlington Bird, at Jacksna It. Old rcitlfo ARLINGTON, VA. North Capitol and R. I. Ava. N.E. carl g.mengebino. Pastor ■bMkj a I e bdauc d 4 _ Worship Services. 8:30 tod 11:00 i.b, DONALD F. BRAKE, Poster 9:40 and ll:0Q am —Church SchooL Two Morning Services, ||f|| V TBIMITV 8:45 o.m. ond 11:00 am. HIIH InIHII "A WORLD OF DANGERS" Arlington Bird at Wjodtown Ava. Two Sessions Sunday School, FALLS CHUnCH 8:45 o.m. ond 9:45 o.m. EDWARD r. YOST. Pastor - - Church 8choo). 9:45 a m , s Morning Worship. B:3ft and 11:00 a.m jHmnrtal 9th end Maryland Ave. N.E. ADVENT—ARLINGTON REV. CARL R. SIMON, Patter c »i£, 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship, Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. "AMERICA'S GREATEST ASSET" Worship Service, 11:00 o.m, 9:30 o.m, —Sunday School. iNurseryi THE HOME LIKE CREECH OAKRIDGi SCHOOL i MARYLAND South 24th end Noth Stt. CHRIST oJSLTm. 8008 SHEPHERD Weal Braddnck Road and Laray Ava. BETHESDA. MD. * a . aI 4 AI . . REV. OTTO C. BCHIETZE. Pastor ALEXANDRIA, VA. t S:3O a.m.—Family Worahtp Bervlca. *• J- WVEBBENS. Pastor 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Servirn* fi-an nn A I 1 .fin nmt 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service Services, 8.3 U Ond II .UU O.m. (Supervised Nursery at All Services) Sunday School, 9:45 O.m. THE EVENING STAR Washington. D. C _ SATURDAY, JULY S, 1964 Dr. John Briggs to Preach Dr. John E. Briggs, pastor emeritus of Temple Baptist Church, will preach there at II a.m. and 8 pm. tomorrow. UNIVEItSMIST _ at c* kiiversalist » °R?SE"^ 16th ST. at 9 N.W. A-7