OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, July 04, 1954, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1954-07-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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Weather Forecast
Cloudy, warm, possible showers today,
high about 87. Tomorrow, warm with
showers. (Full report on Page A-2.)
Hourly Temperatures.
Noon —B9 6 pjn 91 11 pan 79
2:40pan.94 Span —85 Midnight 78
4 pan 91 10 pan—Bl 1 non—77
102 d Year, No. 185. Phone ST. 8-5000 ** WASHINGTON, D. C„ JULY 4, 1954—NINETY-FOUR PAGES. a.au.mpp.n-w,. FIFTEEN CENTS
Viet Minh Troops Hit French
As They Abandon Key Center
Only 35 Miles South of Hanoi
Phu Ly Is Given Up
To Reds With Third
Os Red River Delta
By th* Associated Press
SAIGON, Indo-China, July 3.
French union forces, under heavy
attach by three Communst-led
Viet Minh battalions, today
withdrew from the key conun
nications center of Phu Ly.
The action put the entire
southern third of the Red River
Mendet-France, Man of Uncertain Des
tiny, Is Stubborn Fighter. Page B-3
Indo-China Shift Strengthens Hand,
Mendes-France Says. Page A-4
delta—2,ooo square miles of
rich riceland and 2% million
Viet Namese, most of them Ro
man Catholics—into rebel hands.
Three battalions of Viet Minh
rebels swept down from adjacent
limestone hills in an attack on
columns of French Union troops
moving up the road to Hanoi.
The French said they inflicted
heavy losses on the rebels in
savage fighting before breaking
off the encounter.
Phu Ly, a town of 5,000 on
route No. 1, is 35 miles south of
the delta war capital of Hanoi.
It was a key point for the mili
tary evacuation of two other
major French posts—Nam Dinh
and Ninh Binh—which began
last Tuesday.
Needs to Shorten Lines.
Gen. Raoul Salan, acting com
mander of French forces here,
said the evacuation of the south
western portion of the delta
was dictated by the urgent need
to shorten his lines against the
possibility of attack.
With abandonment of Phu Ly,
the evacuated area now includes
all the delta south of a wavering
line Just north of Phu Ly and
east to the seacoast.
The Phu Ly garrison was com
manded by Col. Raul Felicien
Fidele Vanuxem, one of the al
most legendary military figures
of Indo-China.
One of the late Marshal Jean
Delattre De Tassigny’s close col
laborators, he headed a mobile
group of Muong tribesmen which
stopped the Viet Minh at the
gates of Hanol.ii) 1951. The 50-
year-old paratrooper organized
and carried out the mass evacua
tion of the southwestern delta.
The evacuation of Phu Ly was
preceded by withdrawals yester
day from two small posts six
miles southeast. They were
Binh Yen and Point 73, each
normally manned bjr between
100 and 150 men.
These three towns together
formed a unilateral triangle
joined by highways 20 miles long
on each side. While they existed,
they barred Communist Gen. Vo
Nguyen Giap’s access to'the Red
River valley from the southwest.
Ammunition Destroyed
Phu Ly was the headquarters
for mobile groups which fanned
out in this triangle keeping the
Viet Minh from reaching the
vital waterway.
The Viet Minh maintained two
regular divisions in the cave
pocked and virtually inaccessible
limestone slopes dominating Phu
The French ordered destruc
tion of all munitions stocks
which could not be moved from
Phu Ly. A bridge across the Day
River south of Phu Ly was blown
up after French tanks, armored
cars and Viet Namese troops de
fended it from attack. ,
Phu Ly is mostly a village of
straw thatched huts but it is
also a silk spinning and coffee
plantation center.
A French high command bat
tle communique earlier today
said 100 French fighters and 20
bombers were headed for the
battle area—called “Patte d’Oie”
or “Goose’s Foot" with 150
tons of bombs aboard. At least
one Red battalion was encircled
and at least 60 rebels killed in
the course of the fighting, a
communique claimed at one
The French high command
said evacuation authorities had
successfully moved 10,500 civil
ians from the Roman Catholic
diocese of Phat Diem to Hai
phong port on the China Sea.
Meanwhile, the new Viet Na
mese premier. Ngo Dinh Diem,
warned in Saigon that the
French withdrawal would cause
“grave political consequences.”
Gen. Salan defended the
French policy at a Saigon news
conference. He claimed the
operation “permits the French
high command to prepare a
violent riposte (return thrust)
in case of need. The game is
far from lost.”
Monday Schedule For
Star Phone Service
Th# Star's holiday tclaphona serv
ices on Monday, July 5, will observe
the following operating hours:
Classified Department, 9 a.m.-9
p.m. (Classified ads may be placed in
person at the business counter in The
Star lobby from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.)
Circulation Department, 8 0.m.-
9:30 p.m.
News Department and Main Switch
board, 7 0.m.-11 p.m.
As usual, eight service lines will be
placed in operation subsequent to
Nose of Main Switchboard.
Omaha Businessman Named
To Fill Senator Butler's Seat
Reynolds Gets Interim
Appointment; Hruska
Picked as Candidate
By the Atsociated Press
LINCOLN, Nebr., July 3.
Sam Reynolds, a 63-year-old
Omaha businessman, today re
ceived an interim appointment
to succeed Senator Hugh Butler,
Republican, of Nebraska until
the general election.
Less than an hour after Gov.
Robert Crosby announced the
appointment, the Republican
Party selected Representative
Hruska, Republican, of Nebraska,
of Omaha to be its candidate in
November for the four years re
maining of Senator Butler’s
Democrats, in a simultaneous
meeting, awarded the candidacy
to 38-year-old James F. Green,
an Omaha attorney who—like
Mr. Reynolds—is active in Amer
ican Legion affairs.
The rapid-fire developments
came even as arrangements were
being completed for funeral serv-
Red Judge Executed
As Guatemala Junta
Presses Cleanup
Castillo and Monzon Fly
To Capital in Triumph
For Formal Entry
By th* Atsociated Pros*
GUATEMALA, July 3.—The
leaders of the anti-Communist
colonels’ regime flew here in
triumph today to press their
campaign against criminal Reds
with armed force and an already
working firing squad.
An ousted Communist judge,
accused of conniving in assassi-
Guatemalan Tells How Reds Infiltrated
as Friends of Poor. Pago A-5
nations of anti-Reds last year,
was the first victim of the firing
The Arbenz regime Judge, a
Honduran lawyer named Romulo
Reyes Flores, was executed in
the capital prison yard yesterday.
The execution was announced
by spokesmen for the ruling
junta before its leaders—Col.
Carlos Castillo Armas and Col.
Elfego H. Monzon—made a de
layed entry into the capital city,
decked with blue and white flags
and banners.'
“True Justice" Promised.
Col. Castillo, in a victory
speech to thousands massed in
Guatemala’s main plaza, prom
ised “true justice for workers
and all sons of this blessed land.”
Col. Manzon, who will head
the junta for 15 days until new
elections are called, was with
Castillo, as were other members
of the junta.
Maj. Enrique Oliva, another
member of the junta, stepped to
a microphone and told the plaza
crowd in an emotional speech
that there should be an end to
Maj. Oliva was finance minis
ter in the provisional government
established by Col. Castillo after
he had launched his uprising
against the regime of Red-sup
ported former President Jacobo
Arbenz Guzman.
Met In San Salvador.
Col. Castillo and Col. Monzon
met this momnig in San Salva
dor, El Salvador, where earlier
this week they had signed an ac
cord that halted the two-week
conflict. Then they flew to
Guatemala City.
Their arrival had been ex
pected yesterday, but Col. Cas
tillo decided first to visit Chi
quimula where he and his rebel
army had set up headquarters
during the brief air and ground
war preceding Arbenz' ouster.
Also on the plane was John E.
Peurifoy, United States 'Ambas
sador to Guatemala, who played
a leading role in uniting the twe
colonels in their anti-Red junta.
Princess, One Shoe Off, Walks
To Altar With Brewery Heir
By th* Associated Pratt
OXFORD, England, July 3.
The Princess Marie-Gabrielle von
Urach-Wurteemberg wed the
Hon. Desmond Walter Guinness
today while standing with one
shoe on and one shoe lost.
The 21-year-old daughter of
the Count of Wurteemberg,
Prince Albrecht von Urach, lost
the shoe as she walked up the
aisle at the Cathedral at Christ
Church College for Oxford’s big
gest social wedding of the year.
More than 400 guests saw her
hesitate slightly and'then walk
on. The shoe was taken to her
at the end of the service.
Mr. Guinness, 22, is the son of
Lord Moyne, vice chairman of
llllgr 0- : -•:
nmt" i i jm
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—AP Wlrephoto.
ices and burial in Omaha Tues
day for the State’s senior Sena
tor. He died in Washington
(Continued on Page A-4, Col. 5.)
Pentagon Colonel
Held at Las Vegas
As 'Thrill Burglar'
Arlingtonian Admits
Stealing Credit Cards,
Denies Watch Thefts
An Arlington Air Force colonel,
a veteran of combat over Europe,
Japan and Korea, was arraigned
yesterday in Las Vegas, Nev., on
charges of first degree burglary
and intent to commit larceny.
Col. Robert H. Orr, 36, of 2029
Kensington street, Arlington, va.,
was quoted as admitting he stole
several gasoline credit cards “tor
a thrill," according to the Asso
ciated Press.
The cards and 13 watches
valued at. 82,000 were found m
his hotel room at the Desert inn,
police said. He denied stealing
the watches, saying they were
bought to add to a collection at
Col. Orr, administrative assist
ant to Maj. Gen. Robert Burns,
assistant vice chief of staff for
the Air Force, was quoted as say
ing he had suffered a breakdown
in 1952.
To Get Psychiatric Aid.
His attorney, Herbert Jones,
said at his arraignment Air Force
officials have notified him they
plan to take Col. Orr to Parks
Air Force Base; Pleasanton,
Calif., for psychiatric hospital
Col. Orr was released on $1,500
Sheriff’s Captain Ralph Lamb
was quoted as saying the colonel
—married and the father of two
children—arrived in Las Vegas
Thursday piloting an Air Force
plane on a regular inspection
The sheriff’s office said he was
arrested after he was caught in
the hotel room of John Saville
of Temple City, Calif. Although
dressed in a business suit, he ran
out mumbling, “I’m here to fix
the plumbing."
Chased Through Casino.
Mr. Saville reported to author
ities and Capt. Lamb said he ar
rested Col. Orr after chasing him
(See COLONEL, Page A-4.)
Truman Improving,
Walks Across Room
By th* Atsociated Press
KANSAS CITY. July 3.—The
condition of Harry S. Truman
was good enough today to permit
him to sit up now and then in
a chair.
Physicians attending' the for
mer President, a hospital spokes
man said, reported he got out
of bed, asked for a robe and his
shoes, walked over to a window
and asked for something to eat.
Physicians also reported he
was reading newspapers for the
first time since his emergency
operation June 20.
the Guinness brewery concern.
He has been studying modern
languages at Christ Church Col
lege tor three years.
Among the guests was a Dub
lin garbage collector, Patrick
O’Reilly, 60, who sent a letter of
congratulations on reading of
the forthcoming marriage ana
received an invitation m return.
He knew neither family.
Mr. O’Reilly hired a morning
suit and top hat for the occasion
and sported a white carnation
in his button-hole. He sent the
bride a piece of shamroex. as ne
walked across the quadrangle to
the cathedral he was joined oy
the bridegroom’s father. Lord
Moyne, who accompanied him
Knowland Asks
U. N. Fund Ban
If China Gets In
G. O. P. Leader Sees
'Ample Votes' to End
U. S. Participation
By Gould Lincoln
Senate Majority Leader Know
land said yesterday he will sup
port an amendment to the for
eign aid bill denying United
States funds to the United Na
tions, if Red China is admitted
to membership in the y. N.
“This is one fight we are not
going to lose," the California
Anglo-American Split on Red China in
U. N. Grows. Page A-3
Senator said in' an interview.
“There are ample votes in both
houses of Congress to pass legis
lation to halt the participation
of this country in the United
Nations should the General As
sembly of the U. N. vote next
fall to admit the Chinese Com
munist government.”
Senator Knowland added that
sponsorship of the proposed
amendment or amendments to
the foreign aid bill, soon to come
before the Senate, would be “bi
Not Against Administration.
He made it clear, too, that he
was not seeking to override the
administration in this matter,
but rather to back the anti-Red
China position which President
Eisenhower and Secretary of
State Dulles have consistently
He made no effort to predict
what would be the attitude of
the administration if, despite its
opposition, Red China should be
voted into the U. N. by the Gen
eral Assembly. However, he
pointed out, the proposed action
by Congress wduld be effective in
that circumstance.
“The other members of the
United Nations should under
stand that we are not bluffing,”
the Senator continued. “We are
putting them on notice now, and
they will not be able at some
future time to claim they did not
know what we planned.
“They will have to decide
whether they prefer to have the
United States in the United Na
tions—or Red China.”
Several Approaches Possible.
Senator Knowland said that
several amendments designed to
take the United States out of the
United Nations in the event Red
China is admitted, may be of
fered—that the proposal to deny
the use of United States funds
to the U. N. was only one of
those under consideration.
There are 60 members of the
United Nations.
The Unitea States contributes
33 '/3 per cent ot its entire an
nual budget This is approxi
mately sls million for the regu
lar expenses of the U. N With
holding these funds would not
of itself take the United States
out of the Unitea Nations, but
as a practica’ matter it would
make participation difficult.
As Senator Knowland pointed
out, it would not be expected
that Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge, jr., would continue to
function at the U. N. if he was
unable to pay this country’s
share. Further, other legisla
tion could be enacted to cut off
all salaries of the American dele
gation and their staff. The
California Senator said that
language demanding the with
drawal of the United States
completely from the U. N. might
be written into the foreign aid
Since he made his speech last
Thursday in the Senate attack
ing the proposal to admit Red
China to the United Nations and
calling for a reappraisal by the
United States of its foreign pol
icy, Senator Knowland has re
ceived more than 160 telegrams.
He said they overwhelming
in support of his position.
McCarran Has Plan.
Senator McCarran, Democrat,
of Nevada has proposed offering
an amendment to the foreign
aid bill which would provide for
United States withdrawal from
the U. N. should Red China be
The House has already passed
the foreign aid bill, authorizing
the expenditure of approxi
mately $3,368,000,000 for foreign
aid in the coming fiscal year.
Senator Knowland said the pro
posed amendments may be at
tached to that bill in the Senate
and also to the foreign aid ap
propriation bill, which must be
enacted to make the funds avail
The Knowland statement
makes certain a strenuous de
bate on the foreign aid bill when
it reaches the Senate.
Live Wire Kills Sailor
After His Auto Crashes
By th* Associated Brass
SELMER, Tenn., July 3. A
young sailor, driving from Wash
ington, D.C., to San Francisco
to ship out to Japan, was elec
trocuted near here today after
an auto crash.
James Harold Huskey, 27. of
Muskogee, Okla., was killed when
he brushed against a power line
which was knocked down when
his car crashed into a power pole.
State police said he got out of
the car, apparently only scratch
ed. and was walking away when
he touched the I<n *
- -
,lw "" -r
Mr. Dulles Needs a Larger Chair!
2 Counties Ordered
To Recount Ballots
In Maryland Primary
Talbot and Queen Annes
Rebuff Mahoney, But"
Get Court Directive
By th* Auociated Fran
Recounts in two key Maryland
counties were ordered by the
courts yesterday after support
ers of George P. Mahoney sought
again to nullify Dr. H. C. Byrd’s
apparent victory in the Demo
cratic primary for Governor. The
orders were entered after Ma
honey forces were rebuffed by
election officials.
Circuit Judge William R. Hor
ney of Centrevllle directed the
boards of election supervisors in
Talbot and Queen Annes Coun
ties to begin a ballot-by-ballot
review of the voting. Both coun
ties are within the second ju
dicial circuit.
Dr. Byrd won Talbot’s four
nominating unit votes by 60
popular votes and Queen Annes
three unit votes by 43.
With the unit votes from each
county and Baltimore City go
ing to the candidate polling the
most popular votes in that sub
division, complete but unofficial
returns gave Dr. Bryd the nomi
nation on the basis of 80 to 72
unit votes.
In the popular vote, which de
termines the winner only if there
is a tie in the unit vote. Dr.
Byrd led 163,745 to 161,138.
Court Intervention Asked.
The unofficial totals included
official break-downs from all
counties except Anne Arundel
and Baltimore, along with the six
Baltimore City districts. Can
vassers indicated official figures
from those weight subdivisions
will be available this week.
Mahoney lawyers sought court
intervention after Talbot and
Queen Annes election supervls
ors rejected their claims of al
leged irregularities in those
If the ballot-by-ballot recount
gave Mr. Mahoney both counties
and he retained his margins in
the others, he would be the
However, the Byrd camp pre
pared similar recount actions in
Baltimore City’s sth district,
and Garrettt, Worcester, Caro
line and Kent counties, where
Mr. Mahoney won by slim plu
Lawyers Clash at Hearing.
In Centrevllle, the seat of
Queen Annes County, a brief
but spirited exchange took place
yesterday between lawyers of the
two opposing factions as they
presented their arguments to the
board of election supervisors.
Hyman A. Pressman, one of
four Mahoney lawyers, sought
to have all votes in a key pre
cinct thrown out on grounds
that polling place officials had
not been duly sworn in.
William C. Walsh, former
Court of Appeals judge and at
torney general representing
Byrd interests, asked the board
(See MARYLAND. Page A-4.)
Thanks —
Readers of The Star again have been generous in making
camp vacations available this summer through The Evening.
Star Summer Camp Fund to children whose families couldn’t
afford the cost.
With a balance left over from last year, and proceeds from
the Congressional Baseball Game played last month, the 1954
needs now have been met. \
The first contingent of campers already is enjoying the
first sessions of Camp Goodwill and Camp Pleasant in nearby
Prince William Forest Park. Va.
The Star will continue to accept and acknowledge contri
butions. Any excess over this year’s requirements will be set
aside for next year. As usual, allotments will be made to a
few other camps which can care for underprivileged children.
(Story on tin children at camp on Page A-7).
'Bottle Club'Foes on Hill Reject
Atlas Club 'Honorary' Cards
District Committeemen Return Invitations
To Group Suing Against 'Harassing' Police
By Miriam Ottenberg
Members, of the House and
Senate District Committees have
been offered honorary member
ships in the Atlas Club at a time
when the club is trying to get
rid of police “harassment” and
the 2 a.m. deadline on serving
whisky, it was learned last night.
The club at 1349 E street N.W.
Is one of the private clubs li
censed under terms of last year’s
omnibus crime bill, which gave
the Commissioners the right to
set up regulations for clubs where
members drink from their own
The club’s attorney, Ben Paul
Noble, said the club's pending
suit against the Alcoholic Bev
erage Control Board and the
Commissioners has nothing to do
with the decision of the club’s
board of directors to invite the
members of the House and Sen
ate District Committees and some
other legislators to become hon
orary members.
He said between 40 and 50
such memberships were voted.
Among those invited to be-
Won’t Run for Senate,
Ray Jenkins Declares
By th* Auociated Pratt
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., July 3.
—Ray H. Jenkins, attorney who
conducted the Army-McCarthy
hearings for the Senate Investi
gations subcommittee, said to
day he will not run for Senator.
“I will not be a candidate for
the United States Senate,” Mr.
Jenkins said in a statement.
“This decision has not been an
easy one.”
The announcement ended
speculation that had been com
mon since Mr. Jenkins was
named to handle the televised
hearings. He had been qualified
as a candidate for the Repub
lican nomination for the Senate
seat now held by Senator Ke
fauver, Democrat, of Tennessee,
who is seeking re-election in the
primary election August 5.
Norway Spy Trial Ends
In Sentence for Two
By the Associated Press
OSLO, Norway, Jujy 3.—A
famed Norwegian war-time re
sistance leader and a former
Norwegian Army gunsmith were
sentenced to prison terms total
ing 11 years today at the climax
of an 11-day spy trial. Nine per
sons were convicted in trials last
month on charges of spying for
The court gave an eight-year
prison term to 43-year-old As
bjoem Sunde, who won fame for
his exploits during the Nazi oc
cupation of Norway. Former
Army Sergt. Erling Nordby was
convicted of passing military se
crets to Mr. Sunde, but the court
ruled Mr. Nordby was not fully
aware the information would go
to Russia, and sentenced him to
three years.
By the Sea
Once a Methodist camp meeting site,
Rehoboth Beach, Del;, is now one ot the
Capital’s favorite playgrounds. Its his
tory is on Page A-9, Society pictures of
the Rehobo th -Bethany Beach area are on
Pope A-10.
come members were some of the
legislators who spearheaded the
drive to put the after-hours
clubs out of business through the
omnibus crime bill.
At least two of those invited
attended the House District
crime investigation when Garrett
F. Quinn was questioned and
admitted he had been convicted
of gambling offenses two or
three times.
The club’s . letterhead lists
Quinn as president and treasurer,
general manager and chairman
of the club’s finance committee.
Asked by The Btar what they
knew about the invitations to
honorary membership, both Wil
liam N. McLeod, jr., clerk of the
House District Committee, and
Robert C. Albrook, clerk of the
Senate District Committee, said
they had received such invita
tions, too.
Mr. McLeod said his letter of
invitation was dated June 14,
but reached him June 29. He
said he sent back the honorary
membership card and imme
(See ATLAS, Page A-9.)
Arab Legion Alerted
In Fear of Renewed
Palestine Fighting
By th* Associated Prass
JERUSALEM, July 3.—Arab
Legion units on the Jordan side
of this tense city were alerted to
night and reinforcements held
in readiness in fear of a renewed
outbreak of Arab-Israeli fighting.
Reports from the Jordan side
of the frontier said Arab Legion
officers had noted suspicious
Israeli military concentrations
behind sand-bagged installations
near the Mandelbaum Gate, in
no-man’s-land, and opposite the
Arab. Musrara area.
Nervous Arab civilians were
moving away from exposed areas.
Earlier, Lt. Gen. John Bagot
Glubb, British-born commander
of Jordan’s Arab Legion, in an !
interview on the Jordan side,
had discounted the possibility
that three days of shooting
across the frontier, beginning
Wednesday, meant a new Arab-
Israeli war.
He charged that the mortar,
machine gun and rifle fire, which
took eight lives and wounded 53
on both sides of the border, was
deliberately started by Israel in
an effort to create the impres- j
sion that such a war was about!
to break out. He said the pur- ;
pose was to prod the big powers
into forcing Israeli peace terms
on Jordan.
All was quiet along the no- i
man’s-land of divided Jerusalem i
during Saturday the Jewish Sab
bath, after both sides had agreed
to a cease-fire. Shooting did not
actually stop until Friday after
noon. about 19 hours after it was
supposed to go into effect.
Israeli Premier Moshe Sharett
yesterday charged Jordan with
responsibility for the outbreak
and announced a complaint
would be filed with the United
Nations Security Council. Jor
dan likewise has asked Lebanon,
a sister member of the Arab
League, to initiate a complaint
for her with the U. N.
Maj. Gen. Vagn Bennike. chief
of staff of the U. N. truce super
vision organization, today ap
pealed to both sides to keep the
Gen. Glubb said in the inter
view that the Israelis, by creat
ing an atmosphere of tension
here, hoped to attract the atten
tion of Britain and the United
States to the Palestine problem,
and prod them into putting pres
sure on Jordan to accept a peace
settlement on Israel’s terms.
Capital Marks
Fourth Today;
Heat to Ease
Exodus at Peak;
Official Observance
Slated Tomorrow
The Nation today celebrates
the 178th anniversary of inde
pendence with traditional patri
otic rallies, fireworks and holi
day merriment.
Here in the Capital, however,
the Fourth of July was expected
Today’s Weather Forecast for Nearby
Resort Areos. Page A-2
to be unusually quiet. No largg
festivities are scheduled and the
populace has been thinned by a
tremendous exodus of residents
who took advantage of a three
day holiday weekend.
Those remaining in Washing
ton planned to relax as best they
could in sweltering, heat.
They were encouraged by a
late weather forecast indicating
some relief Is in prospect. Ths
Weather . Bureau said today’s
maximum temperature probably
would not exceed the high 80s.
That was welcome news in view
of the humid 94-degree top yes
terday at 2:40 p.m.
Showers are Likely.
The forecast said thunder
showers are likely during the
President and Mrs. Eisenhower
led thousands on out-of-town
vacations. They went to Camp
David, their western Maryland
mountain retreat, for the holiday.
Beach resorts along the At
lantic Coast and Chesapeake Bay
lured countless thousands from
the city and many others sought
respite at mountain hideaways.
As the Independence Day holi
day reached its peak, grim re
ports filtered In of tragedy on
the highways and the popular
swimming places. In the im
mediate vicinity of Washington,
however, police said conditions
were gratifyingly quiet.
The National Safety Council
has estimated that 430 persons
will lose their lives during the
holiday as the result of traffic
accidents. From 6 pm. until last
night, at least 72 deaths had
been reported. Ninteen other
persons had drowned and 21 had
been killed in miscellaneous ac
Official Washington planned to
participate in many of the
Fourth of July ceremonies
throughout the United States.
Pstriotio Programs.
Vice President Nixon is taking
part in a pro
gram at Somerset. Pa. Members
of Congress had engagements at
exercises in their home States.
Another patriotic program is
scheduled at Valley Forge, where
George Washington’s tattered
army spent the winter In the war
for American independence.
Some Washington hotels re
ported tourist business had ex
ceeded expectations. Most of the
visitors will have to be content
with routine sightseeing trips.
The city’s official observance
of the holiday will take place at
8 p.m. tomorrow at the Monu
ment grounds. The program*
expected toidraw 10,000 persons,
will includemn address by Sec*
retary of Interior McKay, musie
by the Marine Band and Army,
Navy and Air Force soloists and
“the world’s largest fireworks
display.” *
The Army announced that
Its regular Sunday retirement
parade and ceremony at Fort
Myer has been canceled because
of the week end holiday.
One community program es
pecially arranged for today is
a parade and display of fire
works in the Oakview subdivi
sion, near Silver Spring, begin
ning at 7 p.m.
Airlines, railroads and bus
companies, which handled very
large crowds as the holiday got
underway, expected another
traffic peak late tomorrow as
the merrymakers return.
Pickets in Rowboat
Bar Gas at Airport
By th* Atiociatcd Pratt
NEW YORK. July 3—A row
boat full of pickets today held
up delivery of a quarter of a mil
lion gallons of airplane gas at
Idlewild Airport. The pickets
persuaded Capt. Lester Erdsley
to stop unloading his barge.
Members of Local 553, AFL
Teamsters, walked out against
the Allied Aviation Fueling Co.
July 1 after being denied an
average $3.60 daily pay increase.
The parent union has termed
their action “wildcat” because
the local turned down arbitra
Meanwhile there have been
delays but no cancelled sched
ules at the busy international
airport as some airlines resort
to using their own trucks for
hauling fuel.
Medicine at Bethesda:
Record of a Year
Tuesday, the Clinical Center, that
big hospital-laboratory in Bo*
thesda, completes her first year of
scientific research. A story of her
shakedown cruise and tha speed
record tha sot appears on Fag« A-&
Complete Index, Page A-2
Radio-TV Programs, Pages B-8-9

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