Newspaper Page Text
Weather Forecast Thunderstorms this afternoon and eve- % ning. Fair late tonight and tomorrow. Low tonight 67. (Full report on Page A-2D Temperatures Today. Midnight—72 6 am. —6B 10 am. —76 2 am. „71 8 am. —7l li am. —BO 4 a.m...69 9 am. -. 74 Noon 80 An Associated Press Newspaper 102 d Year, No. 186. Phone ST. 3-5000 ★★ WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, JULY 5, 1954—THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES d.uv«,. uontw, a,** »«&.« *»o sun*.,. *l.7* ’ , * * ******** *javkx* Aiiuno. Evening* only. SI.SO; Sunder only. 6Be: Night Finel. 10c AdSltlonsl Hoover Wans Study of CIA By Gen. Clark Dulles 'Welcomes' Autumn Project by Reorganization Unit By tha Atsociated Preu The supersecret Central In telligence Agency Is In line for scrutiny by the Hoover Reor ganization Commission, Former President Hoover, head of the Commission on Organiza tion of the Executive Branch pf the Government, announced yes terday retired Gen. Mark Clark would head a commission force” to study ClA’s structure and administration. No details of the study were given. No Link to Charges. Gen. Clark, now president of The Citadel, a military college, said in Charleston, S. C., he knew of ( “no connection” be tween the new project and last month’s announcement by Sen ator McCarthy, Republican, of Wisconsin, that his Senate In vestigations subcommittee was conducting a preliminary in vestigation of “what looks like a very, very dangerous situation in the CIA." Senator McCarthy has several times charged that Communists infiltrated the hush-hush intelli gence organization and he has tangled with Allen Dulles, CIA head and brother of the secre tary of state. Senator Clark said Mr. Hoov er’s job was to study ways to improve executive agencies and presumably the CIA “Just hap pened to be next on the list." Dulles Welcomes Plan. Mr. Dulles announced he “wel ' comes" the Hoover project. Like its predecessor which Mr. Hoover headed in 1947-50, the present Hoover commission is charged with recommending or ganizational changes in Govern ment agencies to improve their efficiency, economy and service. It was not set up to investigate wrongdoing, as was the McCar thy group. Gen. Clark said he felt quali fied for the job because of his past Government service in Eu rope and the Far East. He will probably get together with Mr. Hoover in September, he said, to talk over specific details of the planned study. Leaving for Brazil. Gen. Clark said he will pick a group for his “task force” but has no one on it now and no one particular in mind. He said he is leaving shortly for Brazil with Mrs. Clark for a vacation trip. The general said the work would not interfere with his duties as president of The Citadel. Painters' Union Calls D.C. Strike Tomorrow District Council 51 of the Painters! Union today called a strike, beginning tomorrow morning, affecting all Metropol itan Washington employers who have not agreed to a 13-cent across-the-board pay increase. Robert Iskowitz, council dele gate from Local 1773 in Silver Spring, declared that employers have offered a 3-cent increase with a provision which would do away with the union’s welfare fund. The union, however, with a top scale of $3, is demanding 10 cents more. Union headquarters, Mr. Isko witz said, has ordered all union painters to stay away from work until their individual employer has signed the new contract. The strike involves Locals 368, 797, 890 and 1773. Mr. Iskowitz said the present contract expired May 15. He urged union members to con tact their headquarters at 715 I street N.W. for further in formation. Hillary Climbers Report ’Abominable Snowman' By tha Associated Brass NEW DELHI. July 5.—A mem ber of Sir Edmund Hillary's mountain climbing team was reported today to have sighted an “abominable snowman” in the high Himalayas. Four members of the New Zealand team, returning from Sir Edmund’s unsuccessful at tempt to scale unconquered 27,- 790-foot Mt. Makalu, arrived at the border town of Katmandu. A Katmandu dispatch quoted one member of the team as claiming he saw the legendary half-hum an creature at 17.000 feet in the Choyang valley of Nepal. The report said the party’s tight schedule gave it no time to chase the “abominable snowman.” There have been previous reports of strange crea tures in the high Himalayas. The four joined up with Sir Edmund, conqueror of Everest, who had come ahead to Katman du with a member of the team who had suffered frostbite. Weakening of Western Unity Foreshadows Power Reshuffle Thorny Problems Beset Grand Alliance; Diplomats Gloomy Over Reversing Trend By John M. Hightower Anociated Bras* Diplomatic Writer The anti-Communist grand alliance of the Western powers Is beginning to pull apart at the seams. If this process continues in a series of quarrels among the United States, Britain and France, some new international power relationships may spring up—with Germany assuming the far more important role in Eu rope and with Britain more strongly and openly backing up India’s neutralist line in Asia. American diplomats are wor ried about the whole situation, which they see playing into the hands of Soviet Russia and Com munist China. But no one in any of the allied capitals so far has come up with a guaranteed effective plan for reversing the trend to disunity. What has authorities here most worried—and the idea came out in the talks between Presi dent Eisenhower and Prime Min ister Churchill a week ago—is that the disruptive forces are somewhat beyond the control of government policymakers. The single most explosive issue in American-British relations at 1,000 Reds Arrested In Guatemala; U. N. To Get Torture Cases 60 Deaths Already Blamed on Police of Arbenz Government By tha Auociatod Pratt GUATEMALA, July s.—Guate mala’s new military government went to work today on a pro gram Os rooting out Communist* and punishing “criminals” re sponsible for atrocities charged to the Red-backed regime of ousted President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. More than 1,000 Communist* and fellow travelers were re ported already under arrest in Guatemala City’s central peni tentiary. Most of the country’s top Reds had'escaped so far, however. Col. Carlos Castillo Armas, the victorious rebel chief and No. 2 man on the five-man governing junta, in an interview yesterday said his forces were collecting “much information” oil police torture killings of anti-Reds in the weeks just before Arbenz’ overthrow. The information, he added, probably will be submitted to the United Nations. Toll Likely to Go Higher. Officials already have blamed 60 deaths on Arbenz’ police and say the toll when finally reck oned will be much higher. The five-man governing junta planned a news conference and an organization meeting today to map out its anti-Communist policies. Under the peace agreement signed with Col. Castillo in El Salvador last Friday, Col. Elfego Monzon heads the junta until July 17, when it is scheduled to name a permanent president. Though Col. Castillo disclamed any desire for the presidency, his followers were openly dis gruntled with his secondary po sition in the new setup. The tumultuous welcome more than 100,000 persons gave him on his arrival here Saturday underlined his place as Guatemala’s new public idol. Must Put,Out Reds. Col. Castillo told newsmen yesterday the junta’s most urg ent task is to “put out all Com munist influence in our country.” He demanded that Arbenz, for mer Foreign Minister Guillermo Toriello, and former Police Chiefs Rogelio Cruz Wer and Jaime Rosenberg be punished as “crim inals.” Cruz Wer and Rosenberg al ready have fled to Mexico. Ar benz and Toriello are refugees in the Mexican Embassy here, where officials refused to admit reporters. Amid reports Arbenz might try to leave for Mexico today, Maj. Pedro Diaz, first secretary of the junta, said he knew ofano request for safe conduct for tfhe ex-Pres ident. Any such request, he said, could only be granted by the junta, which has said all such (See GUATEMALA, Page A-3.) Two Valuable Dogs Die of Poison in Fairfax Two valuable German shep herd dogs were found poisoned to death today Inside a penned yard at 5 Fairmont road. Falls Churfch, Fairfax County police reported. One of the victims was Rolf, who two years ago narrowly es caped a death sentence in Ar lington County Court. The other dog was named Harras. Two other German shepherds, a mother and her four-month old pup, got some of the poison and were taken to a veterinarian hospital in an effort to save their Eves. The dogs belonged to Mr. and Mrs. William Wuestenhagen. Scant of them were imputed J , ■ • Mt Wbtnim Sikf J v v toth smn>AT morning edition \^/ the moment is recognition of Red China. Sir Winston and Gen. Eisenhower found themselves unable to develop a joint plan for handling this problem, which has since become even more thorny because of French nego tiations for peace in Indo-China. Gen. Eisenhower and Sir Winston, authoriative inform ants say, figured the French would recognize Red China and this would enormously increase Communist pressure for a Chi nese Communist seat in the United Nations. Sir Winston told Gen. Eisenhower he would try to avert a showdown for this year but inevitably the is sue would have to be faced sooner or later. The week end word from Britain was that if a vote comes in the United Nations this fall Britain will vote for Red China. Gen. Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles, have taken the position—with * strong support from congressional leaders— that they will fight Chinese Communist membership to the bitter end The Chinese Communist issue is not the only one which is (See ALLIANCE. Page A-3.) jm w* Jgm Bpjfe. JAMES GETZ. District Boy Drowns In Salvage Attempt A 15-year-old Washington boy drowned in the Potomac River off Marshall Hall, Md., yester day while attempting to salvage a sunken boat. James Getz, of 3501 Minne sota avenue S.E., dived into about 10 feet of water with a rope in his hands, intending to tie it to a sunken craft on the bottom of the river, Maryland State police reported. Thomas L. Miller, 28, of 1855 Calvert street N W, leaped Into the water after James when he srfw the youth was in trouble. Mr. Miller told police he once managed to grab the floundering boy by the hair, but James kept struggling. Mr. Miller gradu ally was being pulled under un til he was thrown a life belt and helped to safety by Sterling Muntz, 26, of Washington. Divers from the Indian Head Naval Powder Factory were searching for the boy’s body to day. James was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Getz. He had lived in Washington most of his life and was a student at Anacostia High School. Beside; his parents, James leaves a 19- year-old |ister, Barbara. Architects' Contest Set For Soviet Heroes' Tomb By tha Auociatod Prati MOSCOW, July s.—The Soviet Union has summoned her architects to match their talents designing a great tomb for the embalmed bodies of Lenin, Stalin and other Communist heroes. * The winning design will be used to build tne “Pantheon” which the government an nounced it was planning the day after Stalin died. The mausoleum, to be built in the Lenin Hills outside Mos cow, will house the remains of the Soviet leaders and other Communist heroes now buried in or beside the Kremlin wall. They include two Americans— Author John Reed and radical labor union leader William D. (Big Bill) Haywood. The competition closes next November. The remains of Sta lin' and Lenin now rest in the latter’s red marble tomb in Red Square. from Germany where Mr. Wues tenhagen was a prisoner of the Nazis before World War n ended, police said. Rolf was the Wuestenhagen’s favorite pet. The handsome an imal got into trouble when the Wuestenhagens lived in Arling ton County. Neighbors com plained that Rolf was vicious, and said at least two children were bitten by him. Judge Hugh Reid ordered the dog killed. The case was appealed, and the death sentence was lifted provided the dog was taken from the county. Mrs. Wuestenhagen said Rolfe and the other dogs always were kept In a large yard with a six foot febee around it at the Fair mont road address in Fairfax Big Fireworks Display Tonight At Monument Afternoon Shower Possible; Parades to Mark Holiday Here The Washington area entered the third and most active phase of the long Fourth of July week end today with fireworks, pa rades, oratory, contests and pos sibly even a thundershower to celebrate America’s independ ence. For. weather, the outlook was promising enough despite a fore cast of some cloudiness and the possible afternoon shower. A high temperature in the upper -80 bracket appeared to be an improvement over the recent 90- plus readings. Washington’s otherwise quiet observance of the 178th anni versary was to come to an ex plosive climax tonight with the annual Washington Monument Grounds fireworks display, billed as the ‘world’s greatest." “Battle of Skies’’ Featured. The display features a grand finale of 250 spectacular shells, ending with “The Battle of the Skies,” in which “the terrain shakes, the air vibrates and the whole scene is uncanny and weird.” There will be giant pyrotech nic portraits of Presidents Washington and Eisenhower, and of the American flag. The program begins at 8 p.m. with a concert by the United States Marine Band. A flag-raising ceremony by the four services will be followed by the reading of excerpts of the Declaration of Independence by Secretary of the Interior McKay. For those who want to sit in chairs, they are available at $1 for adults and 50 cents for children in a special section. Eisenhowers in Catoetins. While thousands of city dwell ers were spending their last hours of relaxation on beaches and in' the mountains, others were using the final day for sight-seeing and other entertain ment in the city. President and Mrs. Eisdhhower were taking it easy at Camp David in the Catoctin Moun tains where they were hosts to seven week-end guests. Bridge and porch-lounging were listed among the more active exercises. About 15,000 were expected to attend the Bethesda Community Service Council and Silver Spring Inter-Club celebration at the Mefcdowbrook Recreation Center. Among the high lights was to be the crowning of Miss Montgom ery County of 1966 at 5:30 p.m. The night will end with fire works. Gov. McKeldin of Maryland will ride in Prince Georges Coun ty’s parade through Hyattsville at 5 p.m., and take part in festiv ities at Magruder Park at 8 p.m. This program also will include fireworks. An all-day program was sched uled at the Takoma Park recrea tion center. After a morning pa rade, there were athletic contests. At 7 p.m. there will be a band concert and more contests and, of course, fireworks. The celebration was world wide, extending even to Moscow where United States Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen had a recep tion for about 300 persons. Among the speakers yesterday was Senator Flanders. Republi can, of Vermont, who criticized “foolish arid short-sighted citi zens who think that if we can keep Communism out of this country we can save ourselves from conquest.” Speaking at Woodstock, Vt., the Senator called for “a new type of statesmanship” to count er communism—a policy with a “direct, forcible application of spiritual truth to the opposition.” * # 24 Dead, 7 Missing In Japanese Floods By tha Anociated Prats TOKYO. July s.—At least 24 persons have died and seven are missing as a result of rain caused floods in western Japan, national police reported today. Hiroshima, site of the first atom bombing, and Yamaguchi prefectures were hardest hit. Police listed 2,290 houses flooded, 28 bridges washed out ind hundreds of roads cut. ■ County after the family moved from Arlington. Mrs. Wuestenhagen said she turned tfte dogs out into the permed yard this morning, and a few minutes later found two qf them dead. Police said they dis covered some meat in the yard which apparently had bepn treated with a fast acting poi son. The meat and the dogs' stomach contents are being ana lyzed to determine what kind of poison was used. Police said the Wuesten hagen’s valued the poisoned dogs i at approximately £2,000. Mrs. Wuestenhagen said $1,500 was offered for Rolfe, just one week ago. but they weren’t interested : in selling him. M PLAY WITH '..* /; t hesparklers/. : o' v; ■' 1 V N U| J A -■ •SB :T v ✓ 240 Lives Lost So Far in U. 5. In Holiday Traffic Accidents Worst Still Ahead; Total Is Unlikely To Reach Forecast By tha Associated Brass The Nation’s traffic death rate for the Independence Day week end ran well under an estimate by statisticians today, but the worst was still ahead with the homeward rush of holiday trav elers getting under way. At 11 am. (EDT), the toll of dead in auto accidents had reached 240. The over-all death count from accidents stood at 404, including 115 drownings and 49 miscellaneous fatalities. The National Safety Council had forecast a record 430 traffic deaths during the three-day (78- hour) holiday. Record Is Praised. Today, Ned H. Dearborn, council president, said, “We are happy, indeed, about the excel lent record of the Nation’s driv ers during the first 64 hours. There Is very reason to believe that, barring a wild surge of_ carelessness, our estimate will prove too high. The final count should be between 50 and 100 below the estimate.” He said two .factors which usually Increase tne rate of traf fic deaths toward the end of a holiday are the heavy volume of highway travel as people head home, and irritability of drivers coping with the heavy traffic stream. Under the miscellaneous acci dents heading, there were listed two deaths in a Massachusetts plane crash. Girl Killed by Skyrocket. Included also was the death of a 12-year-old girl struck by a skyrocket in a Chicago suburb. The rocket shot along the ground Instead of Into the air. It was believed ‘to be the Na tion’s only fireworks fatality. Last year, only one fireworks Two Killed as Man Saves Wife in Plane Crash By tha Anociated Bran STERLING, Mass., July 5. Two persons were killed and two others injured early today when a private four-seater plane crashed and burst Into flames during a takeoff from the Ster ling Airport. Killed were Fritz Orlander, 46, and his wife, Frances, 32, owners of the plane. Injured were Jacob Ciberowski, 59, and his wife, Mary, 39, operators of the airport. Mr. Ciberowski suffered a bro ken nose and his wife, cuts and bruises. Mr. Ciberowski said he smashed a rear window of the plane after it struck a pine tree at the end of a 2,850-foot run way and managed to pull his wife out before flames engulfed the plane. French Ford to Merge With Simca in Europe By tho Anociated Bran PARIS, July s.—Two midget car makers—Simca and French Ford—have announced a merger that will make them the biggest privately owned auto firm in France. F. C. Reith, managing director of French Ford, said the new firm would continue to manufac ture its "Vedette” model. $ tow priced baby cduain of the Ameri can Ford. Simca. continuing to put out the popular “Aroode.” will ac quire the modem Ford plant at Poissy, outside Paris. The biggest auto firm in France is the government-owned Renault Works. i No Traffic Deaths Reported in D. Q. Since Last Friday The District’s holiday traf fic record today showed only minor blemishes, with, no fatalities and no serious in juries since last Friday. Police were keeping their fingers crossed, however, until after the major in flux of motorists returning from the resorts later in the I day. So lar, the July Fourth week end is matching the record of last July 4 abd last Memorial Day week end. In Maryland, traffic acci dents claimed three lives Saturday, and in Virginia six persons were killed, none In the nearby area. death was reported; the year before, two. There was a strong chance that Independence Day week end death figures would be an Improvement on like figures for the Memorial Day week-end five weeks ago. Then the totals were: Traffic 362, drowning 93, miscellaneous 84—total 539. Toll Nears 1953 Figures. But the toll was rapidly ap proaching last year’s final figures for a similar three-day Fourth of July week end—traffic 262, drowning 121, 51 miscellaneous —total 434. There seemed slight chance that the number of deaths would approach records for a three-day July Fourth week end—366 traffic deaths recorded in 1952, and 676 deaths from all causes in 1949. The toll for a comparable nop-holiday week end, June 18- 21, was 430. An Associated Press survey, made for comparison purposes, broke this down: 225 traffic, 135 drowning, 70 miscel laneous. First Woman Elected To Mexican Chamber By tha Auociatod Brass MEXICO CITY, July 5. Mexico’s first female member of the Chamber of Deputies was elected yesterday under the con stitutional amendment for wo men’s suffrage. She is Aurora Jiminez de Palacio, Government Party can didate for the lower house of the national legislature from the new state of Baja California. She ran without opposition. No Late Edition Os The Star Today The Stor observe* the holiday today by eliminating the Night Final Edition. Subscribers to tho Night Final Edition will receivo the Home Edition. End of Meat Rationing Creates Chaos at Big London Market Sy th* AmdsM Nm LONDON, July B.—Britain’s ending of meat rationing brought traffic chaos today in the giant Smithfield Market, a quickly settled strike by handlers and more meat than awed butchers bad seen in almost 18 years. Housewives walked into their local butcher shops without ra tion books for the first time since the early days of World War n. It was a unique experience for younger ones who would hardly remember pre-ration days. x With the housewives’ emanci pation came a worry: How high will prices go with meat freed from control? The trade agreed prices would climb a bit, but said it was too early yet to get a definite picture. r— —■— r Graham In Paris Evangelist Billy Graham’s success abroad is a story that captures the imag ination. Crosby 8. Noyes heard the evangelist in Paris and tells about it on Page A-3. New York Markets Closed Today. Knowland Demands All Candidates Take Stand on Red China Senator Declares Fight Against U. N. Seat for Peiping Has Just Begun Senate Majority Leader Know land said today that “If need be” all candidates for Congress this fall, and possible presidential candidates in 1956, should be called upon to state where they stand on the issue of admitting Red China to the United Nations. The California Republican, in a statement to The Star, said “the fight has Just begun” admission of the Com munist nation. “It will take place in Congress, in the United Nations, In New York and throughout this Na tion,” he said. The Senator announced last week that if Red China gets a U. N. seat he will resign the ma jority leadership and lead a drive to take the United States out of the international organization and cut off all U. S. funds for its support. ®Text of Statement. The Senator’s statement is as follows: “Better than 90 per cent of the mail and telegrams coming into my office indicate that Ameri cans, regardless of party affilia tion, are determined to keep Communist China out of the United Nations. They recognize that the moral basis for that or ganization would be destroyed if the Chinese aggressor is ad mitted by the General Assembly. “The fight has just begun. It will take place in Congress, in the United Nations, in New York and throughout this Nation. “If need be, there will be a solemn referendum In the con gressional elections of 1954 and the presidential election of 1956. Each candidate should be asked to give a forthright answer on where he stands on this issue.” Meanwhile, angry Democrats apparently have concluded the Republicans intend to make for eign policy a major issue in the November election and are ready to accept the challenge. More than any other recent G. O. P. utterances, Democrats are Irked by two attacks by Vice President Nixon within a week on the* handling of international affairs by former Democratic ad ministrations. Senator George Comments. Fresh evidence of this came to day in an interview with Senator George of Georgia, senior Demo crat on the Senate Foreign Re lations Committee, who ordi narily doesn’t take much notice of such attacks. “I’m afraid the Vice President is destroying himself as a presi dential candidate,” Senator George said, referring to specu (See POLICY, Page A-4.) Rationing actually died at mid night July 3. but this was the first free trading day. Meat trucks rolled up from all parts of Britain to Smithfield, the sprawling meat trading cen ter for greater London. The vans soon jammed the market’s great central archway. About 100 meat handlers went on a flash strike when they found the traffic jam would force them to carry sides of beef— 4oo pounds—aa much as 100 yards extra. Some of the younger men never had handled such sides before and older hands bad to show them how. The strike was settled when the butchers hurriedly moved their vans. 5 CENTS Talks Opened In Indo-China On Cease-Fire Warring Sides Get Together in Area ' Held by Viet Minh By tha Associated Brass HANOI, Indo-China, July 5. The French have finally begun cease-fire talks in Indo-China with the Communist-led Viet Minh. But the French Union command made clear any fiual truce decision lies with tha Geneva conference. Officers of the two warring sides held their first meeting In Viet Minh territory. 25 miles north of Hanoi yesterday at “neutral" Trung Ola. The session dealt mainly with procedure. The of ficers were scheduled to get down to brass tacks at a second closed-door parley today. At the close of yesterday’s ses sion, Gen. Van Tien Dung, Tiead of the Viet Minh delegation, ! hailed the parley as a “step to ward” peace. But Col. Paul Lennuyeux, chief of the French Union delegation, declared the main conference is in Geneva and that final decisions must emanate from there. Troop Zones Discussed. The Trung Gia parley la scheduled to discuss such tech nical truce details as zones for regrouping the opposing armies in Viet Nam in case the Geneva conference manages to negotiate an end to the fighting. French Union and Viet Minh represent atives have been discussing that question at Geneva for weeks, but there has been no indication of any agreement. The Geneva talks are reaching a crucial stage. The three mili tary commissions set up there to study the problem of troop regroupments are due to turn in their reports Saturday. One group, comprising French, Lao tians and rebels, had held only two inconclusive meetings. An other made up of Viet Minh and Cambodians has not met at all. (Dispatches Jsem Geneva today said tfie French-Viet Minh military talks were mak ing little progress and that the participants probably would be able to issue only an interim report by the July 10 deadline and then continue negotiations.) Concessions Feared. The Trung Gia parley, origi nally scheduled to begin last Monday, was delayed because of fear on the part of France * Viet Namese allies over what concessions might be made to the Viet Minh. This uneasiness was increased by the French withdrawal from the southern sector of the strategic rice-rich Red River delta to bolster their defenses farther north. (A New York Times dis patch from Washington said United States Defense Depart ment officials were considering halting United States arms shipments to French forces in the delta for fear they might stage a “little Dun kerque.” (The New York Herald Tribune in a Washington story said the Defense Department was weighing the wisdom of further shipments to the French on the chance the arms might fall into Com munist hands.) The Viet Minh sent five officers to yesterday’s opening session. The French Union was repre sented by five French and five Viet Namese officers. #There was speculation the rebels cut the size of their delegation to under line their claim that the Viet Namese are npt really repre sentatives. ! Boss of Gls in Korea Sees No Cut in Forces By tha Associated Brass SEOUL. July s.—Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor said today there were “absolutely no plans” to with draw additional American troops from South Korea. He returned to his post as Bth Army commander after a four week visit to the United States. New Old-Age Plans For Federal Workers RETIREMENT—A new plan for co ordinating civil service and sociol security coverage for Fedarol em ployes is discussed in Joseph Young's "Federal Spotlight" on Pago A-2. PAIO VACATION—Others' voca tion trips ora "work" to this man and ho loves it. See George Kennedy's "One of tho People" feature on Page B-l. MOUNTAIN COP—A Metropolitan policeman startod os a teocher in a two-room mountain school. Polica Reporter J. Theodore Crown tells tha story in "Know Your Policeman," first of a series. Page B-13. Guide for Readers Amusements B-l-9 Music B-10 Classified. B-15-20; Obituary A-10 Comics __ B-22-23 Rodio-TV.... B-21 Editorial A-B Sports .. A-11-13 Edit'l Articles. A-9 Woman's Lost, Found.. A-3 Suction 1-3-6 Have The Star Delivered to Your Home Daily and Sunday Dial Sterling 3-5000