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(T HOUSEWIVES MATINEE mi ink, Ctoc tH 1 p.W. Mt d 3.1> >.■. J Panllw ■ ■ TOOAY'S MiCES ", Y MAT $1.20. *1.75 New € MIGHT *1.75. $2.60 Wondef\r!# Good Seats Available (tr Os It* UL *" s>, * i ; plrtiir* W^W P ' i "* fcy TE CHNICOIO* ricnire ■* W with CineremoSeund World! ufcyy;/y/yyyy/yyyyyy~yy : Reserved Need Classes! NnJnV Sat- flj M* Off»C£ OMR NOW ON SALE 4;lSp.m. 9tls Month Or Order b, Me*! aib cOMomoiMfO v.v.v.v.-.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v WARNER MtOHoSitMiM4?5 The ONLY theatre South of PHILADELPHIA Scoring Smash Hit You've loved her M "Private Secretary" on TV ! vi,_. K Sr Mi STAGED BY Leßoy Prinz Oewne Designed by Don Lever sal Elete Jcntsrn brought down the house** Louella Par torn “New charm girl of the - cafes'* Marl Wilton “A truly divinely talented show woman" touu sob ot Plus a Smash Broadway Revue Bob Simpson's Oreh. Shows 9:30 It 12:30 iMmumiu WASHINGTONS SMARTEST CABARET 14th ft H St. N.W. HA. 8*7704 -=~ i.' e» t HAILED BY THE ■TON CRITICS OF TWO W/ffiffl CONTINENTS! xjjgflj t subject with sensitivity and a wistful, grace . mended. % — London times "SUPERIOR to the famous picture with a similar theme 'Madchen in Uniform'!" —TIME MAGAZINE "RARELY has so difficult a subject been so well presented. —MANCHESTER GUARDIAN IGE FEUILLERE • SIMONE SIMON HOMY CONTINENTAL CINEMA NOW GEORGIA AVENUE b FARRAGUT ST. N.W. I • fife " 'MW" x to a yc^fl onn t0.*45 a.*9G 111 ,Jm <4 ' i Castaway Again 1 Defoe's ' Crusoe ' In a Well-Made New Version “THE ADVENTURES Os ROBINSON • CRUSOE.” a United Artist picture, pro •; duced by Oscar Danclgers and Henry . Ehrlich, directed by Luis Bunuel. screen play by Phillip Rood and Mr. Bunuel. based on the story by Daniel Defee. At . the Metropolitan ahd Ambassador. The Cast. ! Robinson Crusoe .. Dan O’Herlihy Friday James Fernandez Cant. Oberso Peltpe De Alba Bos’n ------ . - Chel Lopez By Hftrry MacArthur • Daniel Defoe’s "Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" has been t cheering escapists of aU ages for t a couple of centuries now. There is no reason to suspect that it will not go on doihg more of the same in its newest guise. The newest guise is motion picture, its first such treatment with both sound and color, and you’ll find it at the Metropolitan or the Ambassador. | There is not* much more to be said at this late date about the story, of course. Its theme un doubtedly has been fascinating man since he first dared to set out across an ocean and won dered what it would be like to be tossed up alone on an island. Some interesting thoughts have been had along this line since Defoe, but his yarn remains the classic in the field. It has been turned into a completely satisfying movie this time by Producers Oscar Danci gers and Henry Erlich, who took their Pathecolor cameras to Mexico to film it. The clear air down there, the picturesque nat ural backdrops and some imag inative camera work by Alex Phillips have made this “Robin son Crusoe” something of a pictorial treat. This is almost a solo per formance for an actor and one named Dan O’Herlihy makes the most of the title role. A gradu ate of the Abbey Players of Dublin, he does nothing to dis credit their fine name. He is completely credible in his in credible circumstances, whether «*■ —Show of the Year! Room fiewiM iATINEETOMORROW league make — Coe, Post Carmody, Star nonium!"—- Donnelly, News audience doubled Sullivan, Pott - AIR CONDITIONED CBBH '■>'iV££'“ r l v * .ilk-- .<—V Ed Sullivan's I H NEW YORK NEW YORK. Behind the Scenes: Park av enue, at midnight, for those of us who take our dogs for their promenade, becomes a sort of Manhattan confessional. People who ordinarily would feel timid about talking to strangers, lose their inhibitions when the stranger is walking a! dog. The dog has a psychologi cal effect. They come over to pet the dog and before you know it, they’re talking as free ly as old friends. Last midnight, a young man and a girl yielded to the temptation. The girl leaned down to pet our "Boj an gles,", wno is a cute miniature French poodle. The fellow stood there uncertainly and then he started talking. “I didn’t think I’d have nerve enough,” he said, “to bring this up, but maybe you could help me." ** * * You could see him taking a long breath and then he blurted: “She and I were going to get married, but I lost my job. Prob ably you’d never guess 'that I was a salesman from my nerv ousness in telling you this, but I also do some writing and I’m honest and I need a job awfully bad. So I thought, maybe, when my girl recognized you, that you might be able to get me a job, or at least tell me where to look for one.” Looking at these two young sters, both clean-cut kids, you wondered how many other peo ple in Manhattan, on this par ticular midnight, were in equal ly difficult straits. Not know ing, you made up your mind that at least you could help solve the small problem of these two. It seemed to me, after leaving them, that even “Bojangles” | looked up from the end of his ! first trying to cope with his lone existence, building himself a shelter, stalking cannibals or having wild, feverish dreams. With some help, of course, from Director Bunuel and Scena rist Phillip Rool, Mr. O’Herlihy manages to convey the over whelming, aching loneliness of Crusoe’s castaway life. Man’s need to be among men becomes a dramatic theme counterpoint ing the pure adventure. O’Her lihy even ages authentically through that long ordeal, some thing actors in like circum stances have forgotten to do on occasion. Director Bunuel, on his part, keeps his narrative moving. He manages, as a matter of fact, to keep it from stagnating even when that is aboutv all that Crusoe is doing. There may not be any place to hide any more, but this "Adventures of Robin son Crusoe” offers a fine tem porary escape. leash, as if to say: “Now listen, you, get that youngster a job.” ** * * State Department informed Austrian Chancellor Julius Raab that his visit would not be wel comed so long as he opposes restoration of Jewish cemetery and of Jewish graves destroyed by Austrian mobs during the March and April 1938 days. . . . ! Sonja Heinie dating Orestes Sil vano. . . . “Caine Mutiny Court Martial” nearing $1 million gross. . . . Betty Hutton here, en route to Atlantic City Comedian Jay Marshall and Frances Ire land honeymooning. . . . John Wayne’s partner, Bob Fellows, and his wife reconciled.... Patti Page’s “What’s a Dream” her fourth straight hit. . . . Fibber McGee and Molly to become grandparents again, via the Dr. V. Newsomers. . . . Liberace’s Hollywood Bowl concert, Sep tember 4. ** * * Claude Dauphin to marry Nor ma Elberhardt. . . . Bob Mitch* um to form his independent movie company next month. . . . Truman Capote El Moroccoing with Mrs. Herschel Connor of Eupola, Ala. . . . The' John (RKO) Springers (Singer Mon ica Lane) expect Sir Stork. . . . Betsy Palmer, in Tyrone Power’s next film, was handing out prizes on Peter Amell’s “Wheel of For tune” TV program' only eight months ago. . . . Planes irking Fire Island residents. . . . Betty Jane Folkner of Arline Frances’ morning show, and Harvey Bul lock, TV writer, to wed August 11. . . . Ivan Goff and Ben Rob erts (who scripted Grace Kelly’s “Green Fire”) after Myrna Loy for “My Fair Lady,” headed for Broadway. West Germany’s chemical in dustries ready to revive IG Far | ben cartel (German Chemical leaders also trying to get back i from American stockholders plants seized after World War II as reparations). . . . Helen O’Connell will - marry restaura teur Andy Mclntyre. . . . Eileen Heckart, so brilliant in “Picnic,” and her husband, Jack Yankee, expecting Sir Stork. . . . Tune Timers jamming Jack Brooks’ Atlantic Beach Club. . . . Louis Armstrong into Basin Street, August 18. NATIONAL <*“ HHT AMERICA'S FIRST THEATRE Prompt Curtail Evet 8:t0 Matt t:SO Seats Available All Performances Eves *4.40, 3.85. 3.30 and 2.20 Mot. Wad A Sat. S3JO. 2.75. 2.00, 1.65 I LAST 2 WEEKS!' We would like to hold this picture forever, BUT—our next attraction "STRANGE DECEPTION" cannot wait _. any longer—Don't Miss— 8f summer Worth Wool JhioroJ Di/m! iifloiyLniTTli F=l l m\ «-*■. mmm ’ssr m j 9U[| ——« «* w - w Say Ridge Beacf 3 1 . j '"washtnetoi^sNea^st^Sei^horeßeach^ SACr WATER \t#JSANP BEACH^Jdf^ Busy to Reach —33 ml out J / Central Ave. over South Rlv- or Bridge Right at sign by- i«wirienwifwm 7 Q, \ j passing Annapolis Continue ir Kiddles Playground rj \\ / \ 1 to Bar Bridge —on Che*a- . p. rkln « area mA §2 / / \ I peake Bay Dlieoant* to fy Large parking Are* \f / \ I Churches and Organlsatlaa* L - \/ • • + + + + '-A V:' H * II BM| aa Go 6y bus/ Swim fish, play BB W U I these nearby beachesl TO THE I* BEVERLEY BEACH I W*™ BEACH I DC A 0117 i tritoh beach 9C|H|j|lw solomohs island I CHESAPEAKE BEACH 1 fi BREEZY POIHT ~Kf\ I DEALE—SHADY SIDE j | || wErTRANSITck Washington Terminal: 403 IHh Street N.W. Information: LUdlew 2-3309 ? 1 French Defense Chief Reported Reedy to (kill By the Associated Pros* PARIS, July 30. —Gen. Pierre Koenig, Minister of Defense in Pierre Mendes-France's cabinet, ! was reported today to be think- (. ing about resigning because of policy differences with the j Premier. Gen. Koenig is a member of the Social Republican Party which is made up of followers of Gen Charles de Gaulle. If he does resign, it is not believed the move will endanger the life of the government. Gen. de Gaulle and Gen. Koenig were described as being opposed to tjie Indo-Chinese peace settlement which Mr. Mendes-France worked out at Geneva.' Another thing that seemed to irk the two was Mh Mendes-France’s decision to call in leaders of the General Fed eration of Labor to talk about economic reform measures he is preparing. The federation is Communist-dominated, and Gen. de Gaulle is a bitter enemy of the Communists. 5 Matinee Sunday—2:4o p.m. § BRIAN 1 1 DONLEVY I | CLIFFORD ODETS’VIVID | 6 PLAY ABOUT THEATRE 3 1 THE I I Country Girl § a -WITH g P FRANCES STERNHAGEN ? TOM CARLIN 3 1 Evet.i *1.50, $2, $2.50. $3.00 | Soatz now: Jordan's Music Store K< or call RE. 7-1313, or « fig Olney, FU. 8-6868 RS co-.. m. IPP VALDeVAL (See Men for the f irst time 2 Andrews Field Airmen drews Air Force Base have won prizes in *the third annual short story contest conducted by the g! Bergman, of MATS headquarters at Andrews, who won second ST^e Weather Service, who came out flfth. ' The winner was Airman 1/c John M. Walsh, of the 9-10 Weather Group, Kindley Air Force Base, Bermuda. Films of More Than Routine Merit “DIAL M FOB MURDER”—Suepeneeful screen version of the stage thriller. a “GENEVIEVE”—Dinah Sheridan in a free-wheeling British comedy. “GLEN MILLER STORY”—James Stewart as the fondly-remem bered bandleader. . “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”—Under the big-top with C. B. DeMille. % "HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN”—Danny Daye as the famed story-teller. “LAVENDER HILL MOB”—High comedy in the Alee Guinness manner. “THE NAKED SPUR”—Superior outdoor yarn with* James Stewart. "NIGHT PEOPLE”—Gregory Peck foils the Communists in Berlin. “THE WESTERNER”—Gary Cooper, but Walter Brennan won the Oscar. m ■ —•_ HEED 1723 Kl. 9-3445 hmhv Parking Spaco “Arrow in the Dust” « STERLING HAYDEN. S COLEEN GRAY > 1 vmQimA M ””'j?, 1 . Mm" *• . « On Our Wide Screen. §£ “THE HIGH AND f I THE MIGHTY” •5 § JOHN WAYNE. CLAIRE TREVOR. T| c In Werner Color. i 2 rnrrar Fairlington, Va. •r TE. 6-1000 Free Forking J: 2 Cecil B. DeMille’* 1 | “GREATEST SHOW sh ON EARTH” -3 BETTY HUTTON. < u JAMES BTEWART * SHIBUNGTON “Taza, Son or Cochise” .ROCK HUDSON. t BARBARA RUSH r WINELAND THEATERS AIR CONDITIONED AMACOSTIA S',” Cinemascope With Stereophonic Sound and Technicolor. CLIFTON WEBB. JEAN PETERS. DOROTHY McGUiRE in “THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN." at 1:15. 3:15. 5:15. 7:15, 9:16. HIGHLAND 2323 Ttnu'' Sl 3 Reissue Hits. GARY COOPER In “THE WESTERNER.” at 6:20. 9:45: HUMPHREY 800 ART In "DEAD END.” at 8:00. ATI aUTIf Nichols Ave at Atlantic AliiHßlllr st. S.E. JO. 3-5000 JOEL McCREA. YVONNE De CARLO In “BORDER RIVER.” Technicolor, at 7:30. 9:50. Plus First Washing ton Showing. New Technicolor Car toon Feature. “JOHNNY. THE GIANT KILLER,” at 6:15, 8:45, CONGRESS ™' 11 JAMES STEWART. JUNE ALLYSON m “THE GLENN MILLER STORY.” Technicolor, at 6:45. 9:15. FAB ft I 4703 Marlboro Pike, Md. IrlllMUi jo. 8-5151 Free Parking JOEL McCREA. YVONNE De CARLO In “BORDER RIVER.” Technicolor, at 7:20. 9:50. Plus First Washing ton Showing. New Technicolor Car toon Feature. "JOHNNY. THE GIANT KILLER." at 6:16, 8:45, LAUREL , Jr r,l '£m HnwHHM Parkway 5-2113 Cinemascope. ROBERT TAYLOR. AVA GARDNER In "KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND TABLE,” in Techni color. at 0:00. 8:00, 10:00. CAPITOL H-teMs. Md. 2 New Technicolor Hits. .JOHN PAYNE, DONNA REED in “RAIDERS OF THE SEVEN BEAS,” at 6:35. 9:45: GEORGE MONTGOMERY in “GUN BELT.” at 8:05. DISTRICT THEATERS AIR CONDITIONED NO. 7-3000 nnwftßD 7th a t n.w. nUWAIIII Door , Open 12:30 P.M. GARY COOPER as "THE WEST ERNER”: Plus DENISE DARCEL. PATRIC KNOWLES, "FLAME OF CALCUTTA." Saturday—Midnight Show .Only: "MISS BODY BEAUTIFUL ” star ring America’s pin-up girls: and AUDREY HEPBURN In “MONTE CARLO BABY." V Him! II You St. N.W. LlflbULß Doors Open 12:30 P.M. On Our Giant Super Panoramic Screen. "GONE WITH THE WIND.” Starring CLARK GABLE. VIVIEN LEIGH. HATTIE McDANIEL. nronm if 1343 you st. n.w. llLrUOlillf Doors Open 12:30 P.M. Late Show 11:30 Tonight. In Cinemascope on Wlde-Vlsion Screen. “THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY.” with JOHN WAYNE. CLAIRE TREVOR and LARAINE DAY. nnnvrn v 1433 you st. n.w. DllUliEill I Doers Open 12:30 P.M. Adults Only. Delicate Story ol Adolescent Love and Shame. TO MORROW IS TOO LATE.” Starring PIER ANGELI. VITTORIO DE SICA. ■ JtUrCTflll 25th 8 Bonn. Rd. N.E. LAHtaftllin Doors Open 2:45 P.M. In Cinemascope on .Wlde-Vlsion Screen. "KING OF THE KHYBER RIFLES. ’ with TYRONE' POWER. TERRY MOORE. Arlington-Falle Church, Va. JA. 7-4266 THE BYRD CIHEMA 104 8. WAYNE ST. DAVID FARRAR, NADIA GREY. “Night Without Stars’* An Underworld Adventure on ranee's Glamorous Riviera. Bhows. ft ani lUrTIIN Richard Widmark. AKlilnhlUll "Hell and High Water.” Cinemascope Stereophonic Sound. Technicolor. etiii a*p Betty Grablei Marilyn ft IAI It Monroe. Lauren Baeall. “How to Marry a Millionaire.’' Cinemascope, Technicolor. tint fAU "Hell Below Zero," Alan nILJUn Ladd. Technicolor, rt IW ~An All-Star Cast With IIIsMSKi James Stewart, ‘The Greatest Show on Earth." Techni color Shows 6:30. 9:00. nnFVIHCBftIf Gregory Peck, ouvninuluin “Night People.” Cinemascope. irrmcnv John Wayne and JU r MiftUn an All-Star Cast In “THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY” Cinemascope. Stereopohnlc Sound, In Color. Show* 8:30. 9:10. Ltnis Bernheimer's Theatres Air CaodtUeaed THE TILLAGE SS™ 7 c^ NOVA’S 810 NIOHT” (Technicolor) at | 6:00, 7:48. 9:36. WBTBS LA. 6-4114. RAY MIL REiVrXVn LAND in "DIAL m FOR MURDER” •Technicolor) at 6:66. 9:35. WBlfll KI. 9 *424. KARL MAL TUUIVII DEN in “THE PHANTOM OF THE RUE MORGUE” (Technicolor) at 1:17, 3:00. 4:43. 6:26. 8:09. 9:52. Matinee at 1 P.M. ireer LA. «-snt. JAMES BTEW JLftftL ART in -THE NAKED SPUR" (Technicolor) at 7:60 and LUCILLE I BALL. DESI ARNAZ in ’THE LONG. LONG TRAILER.’ at 6:00. 9:22. HISEH-BETHESDA awn SKELTON. CORA WILLIAMS “Great Diamond Robbery” 1:00. 8:66. 6:26. 9:90 ' •■orvf *:lfc 6:00. T:B6. 10:1» THE D. C. | Mother Kills 2 Daughters And Wounds Herself By *h« Allocated fnu WILMINGTON, Ohio, July 30., —A 36-year-old farm mother j shot two of her four daughters i to death with a .22-caliber rifle j ; early yesterday and then wounded i herself critically. Two other daughters slept nearby, and the husband was in j lan adjoining bathroom when i Stanley Warner Theaters Stanley Warner Theaters Ara All Air Conditioned. Time dlven In Ads Is Starting Tima o t Feature Attraction. AMBASSADOR Near Parking. Late Show Tonight. Daniel Defoe’s Immortal Classic. “Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Starring Dan O’Herllny, 12:45, 2:40. 4:40. 6:40, 8:35, 10:35. ■ nil f|H WO. 6-2AOO. “Gene fft VIUUUn vieve,” a Hilarious Com edy, 6:16. 8:05, 9:55. nrvrni V LI. 3-3300. Free Park- DbfLnlal ing. "Dangerous Mis sion,” Victor Mature, Piper Laurie, 6:15. 8:09, 9:45. Tomorrow, at 1:00 P.M. Show Only. Chapter No. 11. "Qunflghter of the Northwest.” Plus Three Cartoons. fa HI If I'D T wo. 6-2346. Free Park wHA« V I ing. Tonight. Special Late Show, 11:30 P.M. Double Fea ture Owl Show. "The Cat Creeps" and “Houdlni.” "Creature From the Black Lagoon.” Richard Carlson. 6:16, 8:00. 9:45. Tomorrow, at 1:25 P.M. Show Only. “Loose In London. The Bowery Boys. PFIITDAI MB' 8-2841. Near Park- ILn 1 ItAla ing. “Flying Tigers,” John Wayne. 11:00. 2:16. 5:45, 9:10; “Appointment for Danger. Alan Ladd. 12:50, 4:15. 7:40. IfPUUFIIV RA. 6-6600. “Dial ftUUILUX m for Murder,” Ray Mllland. Grace Kelly. 7:00 8:00- Each Dollar Bill Presented for Ad mission With the Serial Number Starting with the Letter "M Will Receive a Free Guest Ticket for Future Show. ' D I*llll LI. 7-6200. Free Parking, rlilln -Hans Christian Andersen,” Danny Kaye. 1:00. 3:06. 6:15. 7:20. 9:30. «a irf**f CO. 6-4968. “Riding ftnlUl shotgun.” Randolph Scott, 6:15. 8:50: “Flame of Calcutta." Denise Darcel. 7:30. 10:05. Midnight Show Starting 11:30 P.M,. Casa nova’s Big Night. Bob Hope. The Savage." Charlton Heston. rUVDin ABI RA- 6-2400. “Border ftHLMIIAn River.” Joel McCrea, Yvonne De Carlo, 6:15. 7:55. 9:40. Tomorrow, at 1:00 P.M. Show Only. One Hour Cartoon Show. (FIT VFD JU. 0-6600. Free Park ftlLVLlt ing. “Border River,” Joel McCrea. Yvonne De Carlo. 1:30. 3:35. 5:35. 7:35. 9:40. Tomorrow, Special Kiddies Show. "Arrowhead. Charlton Heston. Jack Palance. 11:00 A.M. iriVAilA RA. 3-4312. Free Park- TAaIUFIA ing. “Valley of the Sun.” Lucille Ball. James Craig. 8:00: “Them.” James Whitmore. Joan Weldon, 6:30. 9:35. Tivfll I CO. 6-1800. In Cinema -11 YUI«1 scope (Stereophonic Sound). "King of the Khyber Rifles “ Tyrone Power, Terry Moore. 2:00. 3:50.-5:45. 7:40. 0:35. Tomorrow, at 1 P.M. Show Only. Five Cartoons. VIDTAIIftI WO. 6-6100. "Hans UrlUfTn Christian Andersen." Danny Kaye 2:05, 4:35, 7:06. 9:35. K-B THEATERS AIR CONDITIONED MkARTHOR kUS’ZtHS, The International Cinema SECOND WEEK! PEGGY CUMMINS, TERENCE MOR GAN in the New British Comedy. "ALWAYS A BRIDE " at 6:30. 8:10 and 10:00 P.M. Short Subjects at 7:50 and 9:36 P.M. mi AHV Georgia Ave. and Farragut tULUHI SI. N.W. *A. 3-2200 The Continental Cinema NEW SHOW TONIGHT! Colette’s “PIT OP LONELINESS." New French Film Hit With SIMONE SIMON. EDWIGE FEUILLERE (Eng lish Titles.) At 6:30. 8:10 and 9:65 P.M. (Bee large adv. on drama page.) inrv 4813 Mast. Ave. WO. 6-4600 As LA frit parking CLIFTON WEBB, DOROTHY Mc- OUIRE LOUIS JOURDAN, MAGGIE MCNAMARA In "THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN” (Cinemascope and Full Stereophonic Sound), at 1:20, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35 and 9:40 P.M, LANGLEY «• "■ ' CLIFTON WEBB. DOROTHY MC GUIRE LOUIS JOURDAN. MAGGIE MCNAMARA In “THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN” (Cinemascope and Full Stereophonic Sound), at 1:30. 3:30, 5:35, 7:35 and 9:45 P.M. FT All/rn Flower Ave. & Piney Br. Rd. V LUWMI Sil Spg., Md. JU. 8-1666 JOEL McCREA In “BORDER RIVER" (Color), at 8:30 P.M.; plus ALAN LADD in ’THE DESERT LEGION” (Technicolor)■ at 6:30 and 9:.>0 P.M. NAYLOR ”* * tt jJSb* 1 CLIFTON WEBB. DOROTHY MC GUIRE LOUIS JOURDAN, MAOOIE MCNAMARA in “THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN*' (Cinemascope and Full Stereophonic Sound), at 1:00. 3:10, 5:20. 7:30 and 9:45_P.M. ROCKVILLE DRIVE Ol “FORT APACHE" At 11:00 P.M. Plus BURT LAN CASTER in ’THE CRIMSON PIRATE” (Technicolor), at 8:55 P.M. Bring the Kiddles. Free Play ground. De Luxe Snack Bar. ROTH’S THEATRES SILVER TORS ”££.,«* BIDV Savannah St. at 13th St. S.E. » Ann , ( | k off A | o . Av .. jo. 2-2233 DARCEL. 43 KNOWLES. “FLAME OF CALCUTTA." 8:35. (fijfli OOTk e'SH. N.E. SIAHIUH u. 4-4388 Air Cond. HSS3 STEWART in “TAKE THE HIOH GROUND. ’• 7:65. FAIRFAX 3 ,999 VAN JOHNSON In “SIEOE AT RED RIVER.” In Technicolor. GREEHBOT GO. 3-2222. Free forking o’f 0 - ■rai W RUE *a d Also 3 Stooges Comedy and Bugs Bunny Cartoon. 1 nan r 30,3 ra - Av * NW - IrUllrAA R f. 74y%A Air CondHionod 808 HOPE. JOAN FONTAINE. BASIL ' RATHBONX in "CASANOVAS 810 NIOHT” (Technicolor), at 6:80, 6:10. 10:00. ™ i the tragedy occurred. Coroner John K. Williams said as he re turned a verdict of homicide. The dead: Barbara Alene Watson, 13. who was killed instantly while 1 asleep. Rita Mae Watson, who was 9 j today, died en route to a Wil -1 mington hospital. Critically injured with a bul let wound in her chest was Mrs. Thelma Bentley Watson. The husband and neighbors I could offer no reason for the i shooting, the coroner said. SIDNEY LUST THEATERS TREE PARKING AIR CONDITIONED * HILLSIDE DRIYE IN 6200 Marlboro Pike 8.1., 1 Mile From D. C. Line- JO. 6-7979. Children Free. Open 7:15. 2 COLOR HITS! GUY MADISON. FRANK LOVEJOY, “CHARGE AT FEATHER RIVER.” ai 8:60; Plus GLENN FORD, ANN SHERIDAN, “APPOINTMENT IN HONDURAS.” at 10:45. Sun., Mon.. “HANB CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN.” BELTSVILLE DRIYE IN Balto. Blvd. WE- 6-6800. Open 7:18. Double Horror Show BORIS KARLOFF. STEPHEN Me- NALLY “THE BLACK CASTLE.” at 8:50; Plus VINCENT PRICE. FRANK LOVEJOY. “HOUSE OF WAX’ (Col or), at 10:25, Free Playground. fit I FII J<j ' 9-3322. Biggest Screen fUlli&n in This Area. CLIFTON MCGUIRE. JEAN “THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN” In Cinemascope (Color), at T:10, 9:40. OL 2-2868.” Blceest BbIBUIIA BcrHn in This Area. CLIFTON WEBB. DOROTHY MC GUIRE. JEAN PETERS. “THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN” In Cinemascope (Color), et 7:10. 9:35. rnrvrni v pw - Bin«t bnZiVZ.IILX screen In This Area. JAMES BTEWART, BETTY HUTTON, CHARLTOM HESTON in Cecil B. DeMilles “THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH” (Technicolor) at 6:35, 9:20. Sun., Mon.. "PRINCE VALIANT” (In Ctne mafleope). HYATTS VILLE DORIS °DAY, I GORDON MacRAE. "ON MOON LIGHT BAY" (Color), at 7:10. 9:25. Sun., Mon.. Tues. “3 COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN.’ RAYWIinn WA - 7 - 88 »» Blcreat nninuuu Screen In This Area. 7 fi :30 P *?.-30 COmPlete Bh ° W * “ ALL COMEDY SHOW 2 Hrs. of Laughs for the Family. With Donald Duck, Popeye. Tom and Jerry. Bugs Bunny. Pluto. Mighty Mouse, Woody Woodpecker. 3 Stooges and Others. FREE COMIC BOOKS To All Children. Compliments of ( Kajr’s Dept, store, Mt, Rainier. Bat. Thru Tues.. ”3 COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN.” (Cinemascope. Technicolor.) VirPC MTTI I LO. 6-2626. VlC.lift PULL Today. Tomor., JAMM STEWART, BETTY HUTTON. CHARLTON HESTON In Cecil B. DeMilles “THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH” (Technicolor) et 6:30, 9:15. Sun., Mon., Tues. “3 COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN.’ Mil A Rockville, Md. FO. 8-2484. FIUiU BURT LANCASTER. "THE CRIMSON PIRATE’, (Technicolor). et 7:15. 9:20. DRIVE-IN THEATERS SUNSET DRIVE-IN At Baileys Crossroads Open 7:45. "WAY OF A OAUCHO” (Tech). RORY CALHOUN. GENE TIERNEY, 8:50 and 12. “MACAO." ROBERT MITCHUM. 10:25. Also Cartoon. Kiddles Free. Owl Show Tonight. Last Feature at 12. SUPER CHIEF DRIVE-IN On Indian Head Hwy, via 8. Capital St. Bridge. 11l miles from D. C. Lino on the right. LO. 7-8700. Children under 12 admitted Free. JOHN PAYNE In “THE RAIDERS OF THE SEVEN SEAS" (Techni color), at 10:40, and GEORGE MONTGOMERY In “GUN BELT" (Technicolor), at 9:05. Plus Bonus Midnight Feature, DAN DAILEY In “THE PRIDE Op ST. LOUIS." nt 12:15. PALMER DRIVE-IN On George Palmer Hlehway (Md. Route 701). Bounded by Annapolis Rd. (U. 8. 60) and Landover Rd. (Md. 202). CHILDREN UNDER It FREE. Cedar 6771. JEAN PETERS In “LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" (Technicolor), at 10:40. and JACK BUETEL In "ROSE OF CIMARRON” (Technicolor), at 9:05. Last show only: Big Bonua Feature. BRODERICK CRAWFORD, “THE LAST OF THE COMANCHES.’* E. M. LOEW S NT. VEHNOH OPEN AD Rte. 1 So. of Alex. CO. 8-8728. Tonight Open at 7:30. Midnight Horror Spook Show Starti at 12:30. “THE APE MAN” 1 BELA LUOOSI. Plus “FOG ISLAND” OEORGE ZUCCO All This with Our Regular Program. The Streneeit Devil. “Wake of the Red Witch” JOHN WAYNE. 10:55. Flue Aee- Hlsh Action “Mission Over Korea” JOHN HODIAK 9:00. Color Car toon Kiddles Free. Brine Them to Our Miracle Fairyland. Every thlna Is Free. AIRPORT O A t H 4° B Tm “BORDER RIVER" (Color). JOEL McCREA. at 9:05 and 12; Plus "BIGAMIST." IDA LUPINO. at 10:45. Cartoon. Located In Arling ton on U. S. Route 1, Just over the 14th 8t Brjdge. BRANCH DRIYE IN Branch Ave. B.E. (Md. Rt. 6), 6*4 Miles South es D. C. Line and *4 Mila North es Clinton. RE. 6-6666. Its Bonus Night, and What a Bonus. Just Look Whet You’ll See. First Washington Run. MacDONALD CAREY and ! JOHN IRELAND in "OUTLAW TERRITORY." Color 8:40. TYRONE POWER In “AMERICAN GUERRILLA IN PHILIPPINES" in Color et 10:20 At Midnight. Super Shocker Spook Show. “OHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN" and "HOUSE OF WAX.” No Extra Charges. Come Early and Stay Late Bring Your Ghoul Friend Sat. Night Is Bonus Night, Too. ROBERT RYAN In “BEST OF THE BADMEN”; Plus JOHN WAYNE in "FLYING TIOERS.” And at Midnight. “BLACK BEARD THE PIRATk.” ABCOUVEDI 7 5 7 Family Shawplaea es the Heatheaat. 3 Miles from D. C. Una. Fallow South Capital St. 8.E.. a direct rente to ABC. Children nnder 12 rears FREE. Open Nightly. 7:46 P.M. Two Action Hits. EDW. O. ROBIN SON In “VICE SQUAD.” at 9:00 and 12:50. Also CHARLTON HES TON In "ARROWHEAD.” Techni color at 11 Only. Enjoy Chicken Baskets and Shrimp Baskets at tba ABC. Free Playground and Cartoon Show for the Kiddles. CEOBCETOWM "VU.#* I Washington’s Rrnerterr Cinema AIR CONDITIONED 4 DAYS ONLY An Exclusive First-Run Showlnt of as i Unusual Motion Picture with a Star Cast Headed by MARGARET LOCKWOOD, , DENNIS PRICE, JEAN SIMMONS, CECIL PARKER In Daphne DuMaurlpr's “HUNGRY HILL” . Door* Open 8:48 P.M. Feature at 6:08. ) 8.-00, 9:67 P.M. Free Parking at . wilkeraon a Parkins Lot. 1239 Wise conatn Av*. A' B-7