A-10 ** ► THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST B, IBM With Regard to a Card of Thanks Vary often o card of thank* in Tho Star meet* a need which can hardly be solved in any other woy Not only is it a gracious expression of grcMude to those who hove sent florol tributes, but also courteously acknowledges the services and kind nesses of the many to whom a per sonal note of thanks cannot wall be moiled or whose names and ad dresses are not known. Insertion ot j card ot thanks may be arranged by telephone to The Star, ST 3-5000. S The Evening and Sunday Star <£arh at (Uljattka GILLAM. JOHN R. The family of the late JOHN R. GILLAM wish to thank the ministers, the Office of Naval In telligence and the many friends, neigh bors and relatives for the floral tributes and many cards and. telegrams sent the family during their bereavement. ELIZABETH O. GILLAM. * Srattja ADAMS. WILLIAM. On Saturday, July 31, 1954. WILLIAM DAVIS of 4816 Alabama ave. s.e.. beloved lather ot William L., Ir.. and Louis Howard Adams. Mrs. Sally Turner of Rich mond. Va.. and Mrs. Priscilla Tucker of Philadelphia. Pa.; grandfather of Ixmis. Creed Adams and Mrs. Mary L. Harris; other relatives and friends also survive. After 6:30 p.m. on Tues day. August 3. friends may call at Rob inson Funeral Home 1313 6th st. n.w.. where funeral services .will be held on Wednesday, August 4. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Wnodlawn Cemetery. 3 BARNES. ELLA. On Monday. August 2. 1954. ELLA BARNES Os 145 D st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. BEHRENS. ELIZABETH. On Bunday, August 1. 1954. ELIZABETH BEHRENS, beloved wife of the late Francis Behrens, aunt of Marie Brahler. Charles Brabier. Alma Caporale of Washington. D. C. and Car! Ricks of Castro Valley. Calif. Funeral from the W. K- Huntemann Funeral Home 5732 Oa. ave., on Wednesday. August 4. at 10 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited to attend. In terment Rock Creek Cemetery. 3 BOSTON ROBERT. On Saturday, Jul* 31. 1954. ROBERT BOSTON of 617 Princeton pi. n.w., husband of Mrs. Blanche L. Boston, father of Mrs. Lil lian Powell. Mrs. Ethel R. Lathern, Langdon R. Boston. Mrs. Annie Gilliam, Elsie Boston and Mrs. Dorothy Cal houn; brother of John Boston. He also Is survived by six grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. After 3 p.m. Tuesday. August 3. friends may call at his late residence. Funeral Wednes day August 4. at 1:30 p.m. at the Asbury Methodist Church. 11th and K sts. n.w. Tnterment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by Frazier. 3 BOtVIE, ANNIE J>. On Sunday. August 1. 1954, at her residence. 1343 Morris rd. s.e.. ANNIE D. BOWIE, the beloved sister of Joseph T. Blount and Frances Talbert. Also surviving are other rela tives and friends. After 5 p.m. Tues day. August 3. friends may call at the Walter E. Hunter Funeral Home. 2513 Sheridan rd. s.e., where services will be held Wednesday. August 4. at 1 fi.m., Rev. Willie B. Allen officiating, nterment Woodlgwn Cemetery. BRADLEY. ALFRED J. On Sunday, Au gust 1, 1954. at Garfield Hospital. ALFRED J. BRADLEY, beloved son of the late John L. and Mary E. Bradley; also surviving are one brother. Louis E. Bradley, and two sisters. Mrs. Cora Johnson and Mrs. Anna Hymon of Washington. D. C.; two nieces. Miss Rosa Scott. Mrs. Edith Davis; two nephews. Daniel Blackwell and George Bradley; a sister-in-law Mrs. Ethel Bradley, and u host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Cornish & Cornish A Son Funeral Home 2121 ’ OtH st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 3* BRENT. CATHERINE E. On Sunday, August 1, 1954. CATHERINE E. BRENT of 234% P st. n.w.. wife of Boobie E. Brent, mother of Eugene. Joseph and Bobbie Butler; daughter of Mrs. Aadie - Caroline, sister ot James Caroline and Laurencena Thomas, other rdUtlves and many friends also survive. After 4 p.m. Tuesday. August 3. friends tnay call at Frazier’s Funeral Home, j. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Funeral Wed nesday. August 4. at 11 a.m., et Frank lin Nash Methodist Church.- Lincoln rd. and You st. n.e. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. BULLOUGH, MARTHA POWELL. On Saturday. Juiy 31. 1954. at Yosemite National Park Hospital. MARTHA POWELL BULLOUGH, wile of the late J Howard Bullough, sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Powell Leer of West Lafay ette, Ind. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. after 11 a.m. Wednesday. August 4. where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Richmond. Va., papers please copy.) CLEMENTS, FRANCES. On Monday. August 2. 1954, at Hahnemann Hos pital, Washington. D. C.. FRANCES CLEMENTS, wife of Le Roy Clements, mother of Maryan. Funeral services on Wednesday. August 4, at 2 p.m.. from Truro Episcopal Church. Fairfax. Va. Interment private. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society in lieu of flowers. Remains resting at the Everly Funerai Home, Fairfax. Va. COLBERT. GEORGIA. On Saturday. July 31, 1954, at D. C. General Hos pital. GEORGIA COLBERT. She leaves to mourn her passing many devoted friends. Remains resting at Horton’s Mortuary. 1324 You st. n.w., where services will be held Wednesday. August 4. at 12 noon. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. CURRY. WILLIE. Suddenly, on Sunday, August 1. 1954, WILLIE CURRY Os 610 3rd st. s.e.. beloved husband of the late Willa Mae Curry, devoted father of Mrs. Zenobia Powell. Melvin M. and Drayton Curry. He also leaves to mourn his passing a sister, Mrs. Jessie Sears of Savannah. Ga.: • daughter-in law. Johnnie B. Curry, and three grand children, Dianne and Stephen Curry, and Elnora Powell, and a host of other relatives and friends* Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhlnes A Co. Fu neral Home, 901 3rd st. s.w., where friends may caH alter 4 p.m. Wednes day, August 4. and where funeral serv ices will be held Thursday, August 5. at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 4 DAILY. HESTER ELIZABETH. On Sun day, August 1. 1954, at Freedman’s Hospital, HESTER ELIZABETH DAILY of 4300 Edmondson rd.. Bladensburg. Md.. mother of John Daily. Also sur viving are six nephews, one niece, two great-nieces. two great-nephews, a fodchlld. other relatives and many riends. After 4 pjn. Tuesday. Au gust 3, friends may call at Henry S. Washington Sc Sons Puneral Home, 4925 Deane ave. n.e. Mass will be offered at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday. Au gust 3. at St. Jerome’s Catholic Church. Hyattsville. Md. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Please omit flowers. DAVIES. HAWES THORNTON, Sr. Sud denly, on Monday, August 2. 1954, at Manassas. Va.. HAWES THORNTON DAVIES. Sr., beloved husband of Mamie Tompkins Davies, father of Hawes Thornton Davies, fr., and Mrs. Eliza beth Lynn of Manassas, Va.: James Jenkyn Davies of Alexandria. Va.: Lrandfather of Craig Lynn and Beth ynn. Services from Trinity Episco pal Church. Manassas. Va., on Thurs day, August 5, at 2:30 p.m.. EOT. 4 DEUCHAR, CHARLES B. On Sunday. August J. 1954. at his residence. 1216 L St. B.w. CHARLES B. DEUCHAR. beloved husband of Frances A. Deuchar and uncle of Mrs. Edna R. Sullivan. Owen K. Cameron and Daniel E. Cameron of Washington, D. C. Re mains resting at Hysong’s Funeral Home 1300 N st. n.w.. where services wll be held on Wednesday. August 4 at 11 am. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 3 FUNERAI* DESIGNS GUDE BROS CO. FLORISTS 1218 r St. N.W. NA. 8-4276 GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC. Expressive Floral Tributes. Moderate prices. Open daily Sun., holidays. Phone orders also accepted 6:30 to 9 p m. week nights. 900 14th st nw NA 8-0106 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Rinaldi Funeral Home 816 B St. N.R. LI. 8-4880 Crematorium ' J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ♦thmnilMastAT^Njß^lUjS^asOO A Complete Funeral As Low as $95.00 Up CHAMBERS One el the Largest Undertakers In the WerlO CO. 5-0432 CEMETERT LOTS VATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK four lots (4 sites each): choice location: valued at $795 each: will sacrifice *3OO. OL. 2-8895, —lO t DESIRABLE SITES, Section K. Fort Mncolo *l5O WA 7-2363 —3 VaeHINGTON NATL. CEMETERY—4 lots in group: $59 each. BT. 3-1205 VORT LINCOLN—Lot 251, Block 7: 4 sites. Reasonable. RA. e-4271. —9 Sratlji DRAKE. ARTHUR. On Saturday. July 31. 1964. ARTHUR DRAKE of 21-A Bates st. n.w.. beloved husband of Mary Drake father of Cornelia Peter son. Maggie Smith. James Drake. Mary Davis and James Peterson. He also is survived by 22 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren. a host of other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Drake may be viewed at the Stewart Puneral Home. 30 H st. n.e.. after 4 p.m. Wednesday. August 4 where services will be held Thursday. August 5. at U a.m, Inter ment T io-oh Memorial Cemetery. 4 ment Greenwood. 8. C. 4 31. 1954. FRANK R. DUNCAN Os 706 9th st. s.e., beloved husband of Annie Duncan. He also leaves four daugh ters, four sons, two granddaughters, one grandson, five brothers, one sister and many other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the funeral home of Alexander 8. Pope 414 15th st. s.e. Funeral Wednesday, August 4, at 1:30 p.m., from Cub Run Baptist Church. CentreviUe. Va. Intermant Centre ville. Va. • DUNN. FRANCES. On Sunday. August 1. 1954. FRANCEB DUNN of 1768 T st. n.w., beloved mother of Mra. Bessie Fantroy. Mrs. Eula Johnson.. Mrs. Frances Lessane and James A. Dunn. Also surviving are one sister. Mrs. Phyllis Jones; 12 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. From 2 to 11 p.m. Tuesday August 3, friends are invited -o call at the McGuire Puneral Home. 1820 9th at. n.w. Puneral private. 3 FRDERLINE SUSIE C. On Sunday. Au- I gust 1. 1954. BUBIE C. FEDERLINE. j formerly of 3721 36th st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. beloved aunt of Mrs. Elizabetn Hastings and Joseph T. Federllne Friends may call at Nalley’s Puneral Home 3200 R. I. ave. at Eastern ave. n.e. Puneral on Wednes day. August 4. at 8:30 a.m.. thence to st. James' Catholic Church where mass will be offered at 9 am. for the <-epose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bt. John's Cemetery. Forest Glen, Md. Sodality will recite the rosary on Tuesday. August 3 at 8 p.m. 3 FISHER. FLOBEAD. on Monday, August 2. 1954, FLOREAD FISHER of 320 Livingston ter. s.e., the wife of the late Jacob Fisher, mother of Ruth Thompson and Vera and Nina Fisher. Archie. Brannon. Maxwell. Harvey and Walter Fisher. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th and Mass, ave. n.e., until 7 p.m. Tuesday. August 3. Interment in Clarksburg, W. Va. FOWLKES. GLADIOLA HARVEY. On Thursday July 29. 1954, at Baltimore, Md.. OLAbIOLA HARVEY FOWLKES, wife of Norman E. Fowlkes, daughter of the late William and Lucinda Powell, sister of Mrs. Fannie Beal. Mrs. Msbel Ford. Mrs. Lorraine Fitz gerald. Mrs. Doris Craig. John. William. Marshall Roland. Warren and Andrew Powell. She also is survived by a mother-in-law Mrs. Ethel Gafford; other relatives ancf friends. Remains may be viewed after 5 p.m. Tuesday, August 3 -it Barnes Sc Matthews Fu neral Home. 614 4th st. s.w. Puneral Wednesday August 4. at 1 p.m. from Becond Baptist Church. 2nd and N sts. s.w.. Rev. J. A. Brown officiating. Tnterment Arlington National Cemetery. 8 AIT HER. ABBIE J. On Saturday. July 31 1954. MRS. ABBIE J. GAITHER of 1604 15th st. n.w., beloved sister of Miss Ruth E. Lockley and Mrs. Maude L. Dixon. She also is survived by a devoted brother-in-law. Maurice Gaither; two nephews. Clarence E. Bmith and Walter T. Dixon, and other relatives »nd friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray A Son. 1337 10th st. n.w where friends may call after 4 p.m. Wednesday. August 4. Funeral Thursday. August 5. at 1 p.m. from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Rev. Dil lard Brown officiating. Interment Har mony Cemeterv. 4 GAITHER. ABBY J. Officers and mem bers ol Mecca Court. No. 2,' Daughters of Isis, are hereby notified of the death of Daughter ABBY J. GAITHER. Serv ices 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. August 4. 1904, at Murray’s Funeral Home. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral from St. Luke’s P- E. Church. 15th and Church sts. n.w.. Thursday. August 5. at 1 p.m. , PHYLLIB WELCH. 111. Comdr. IRENE S. MARSHALL. 111. Rec. GAITHER, ABBIE J. Officers and mem , ,»■ bers of Columbia Temple. No. 422. I. B. P. O. E. of W.. met in session of sorrow Satur ußßf/ day, July 31, 1954. for Daugh ter ABBIE J. GAITHER. Elks' services will be held at 8:30 , p.m., Wednesday. August 4, at the L. E. Murray Funeral Home. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral Thursday. Au gust 5. at l p.m., from the St. Luke's Episcopal Church. ARIZONA FRACTION. D. Ruler. BLpNGE W. HAWKINS. Fin. Secy. GIBSdIS. JOHN T. On Sunday, August 1. 1954. JOHN T. GIBSON of 1219 Girard st. n.w., beloved father of Mrs. Grace Farrier, Mrs. Florence Cunning ham. Mrs. Irene Hawkins. Mrs. Lillian Hudson, Mrs. Morrece Thompson, Car rie, Ellis. Rev. W. H. Gibson. John P. Walter, Roady. Robert and Benjamin Gibson. He also is survived by 15 *£?A d £‘}“ dre . n * nd great-grand chiidllD. ' Alter a p.m. Wednesday. Au gust 4. friends are invited to call at the .Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. lj,w. Funeral services and Inter ment at OBUett, va.. Thursday, Au gust 5. 4 GIESING. EDWARD A. On Bunday. Au gust 1, 1954. at his residence, 603 Sa vannah st. s.e., EDWARD A. GIBSINO, beloved husband ol Helen A. Giesing inee San Felllpo) and father of Jane, Patricia. Frances and Edward A. Gie sing. jr Funeral from tne above resi dence on Thursday. August 5, at 8:30 a.m.. thence to Church of Assumption, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 4 GREEN, HIRAM K. On Bunday, August 1. 1954, at Fairfax Lodge Nursing Home. HIRAM K. GREEN, beloved hus band of Margaret Pow Green, father of Frederick H. Green of Fairfax, Va. Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., alter 12 noon Tuesday. August 3. Serv ices from the above funerai home on Wednesday, August 4. at 10 a.m. In terment private. In lieu of flowers con tributions may be made to the Heart Fund. GRINDER. ELSIE MAY. On August 2. 1954, wife of the late George L. Grinder, motner of Mrs. William A. Neumann. Mrs. C. Robert Gray and George H. Grinder, U. 8. A. F.; sister of Miss Edna Cissel, Mrs. Maud Fugltf and Mrs. Naomi Swann. Services at Cham bers Funeral Home. 617 11th st. s.e.. Thursday. August 5. at 2:30 p.m. In terment Congressional Cemetery. GRUNWELL, SUSAN ETTA. On Sun day. August 1. 1954. at Doctors Hos pital. SUSAN ETTA GRUNWELL. wife ol John H. Grunwell. daughter of the late Alfred B. and Jane Vanderwerken Grunwell. sister of Mrs. Walter C. English. Charles V. Grunwell. John R. Grunveil and the late Lt. Comdr. -Alfred G. Grunwell. Services at the Birch Funeral Home, 3034 M st. n.w., on Wednesday August 4. at 11 a.m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 3 IfARE, ROBERT J. (Bob). Suddenly, on Monday, August 2, 1954, at Prince Georges General Hospital. Cheverly. Md.. ROBERT J. (Bob) HARE of 5221 Varnum st., Bladensburg, Md.. beloved husband of Grace W. Hare, and father of David and Linda Hare. He also is survived by a brother. James H. Hare. Friends may call at | Gasch’s Fuheral Home, Hyattsville, Md., wljere services will be held on Wednes day. August 4. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. HARE. ROBERT J. Members of Pipe ® fitters Local, No. 602, are notified of the death of Brother ROBERT J. HARE, who died at PrinCe Georges Hospital. Monday. August 2. >954. This is death No. 148. FRANK J. LUCAS. Sr.. President. 4 HENNIG. HENRY J. On Monday. Au gust 2, 1954. at the Arlington Hospital. HENRY f HENNIG. father of Harry L. Henning of Chamblee. Oa.. and Robert L. Henning of Arlington, Va.; brother of Frederick J. Hennig of Needham. Mass. Friends may call at Gawler’s Chapel, 1766 Pa. ave. n.w. Grave side services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. Au gust 5. at 2 p.m. Friends wishing to attend may assemble at Memorial Gate at 1:50 p.m, 4 HERMAN, W. SCOTT. On Saturday. July 31, 1954, W. SCOTT HERMAN, hus band of the late Nettle L. Herman, grandfather of Ina F. Herman. Me morial services will be held at a date to be announced later.. HILL. RALPH WALDO SNOWDEN. On Sunday. August 1. 1954. at Emergency Hospital, RALPH WALDO SNOWDEN I HILL, beloved husband ol Katherine i Strickler Hill, uncle ol John G. Conkey, Mrs. W. Royce Powell Capt. George L. Conkey, U. 8. N., and Lt. Comdr. C. Snowden, U. S N. R. Mass will be of fered at St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Rhode Island and Conn. aves. n.w.. on Wed nesday. August 4. at 10 a.m. Inter ment private. HOOKER. MARGARET C. Os 1530 Rhode Island ave. n.e.. on August 1. 1954; mother of Mrs. Clara V. Miller. Mrs. Jessie F. Brent and Mrs. Rose E. Come: sister of Wheeler Delawder of Mount Jackson. Va. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 5801 Cleveland ave.. Riverdale. Md.. on Wednesday. August 4. at 10 a.m. Interment Port Lincoln Cemetery. HORN, EMIL. On Monday. August 2. 1954. at Riverside Convalescing Home. Fredericksburg, Va., EMIL HORN ol Arlington, Va.. father of Walter E. Horn. The body rests at the T. D. Marks Puneral Home, Warsaw. Va. Funeral services and Interment on Wednesday. Auaust 4, at 5 -p.m., EST, at Lebanon Methodist Church. Temple mans. Va. HUBBARD. DR. JOHN CHARLES. Sud denly. on Monday, August 2. 1954, DR. JOHN CHARLES HUBBARD of 4304 l.‘ith 01. n.e., the beloved husband of Gertrude L. Hubbard. Funeral from the James. T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa ave. s.e.. on Wednesday. Au gust 4. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the National Shrine of the Immacu late Conception, Catholic University of Amerloa. at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Richmond, j Ind. 25 i T i IP l| Mrs. J. B. Wyckoff, Active in Social and Charitable Endeavors Mrs. J. Bernard Wyckoff, 59, active in .Georgetown social and i charitable endeavors, died last i night at Emergency Hospital. She lived at 3252 S street N.W. The former Harriet McNair I Evans, Mrs. Wyckoff was born in j Amherst, Vsl She was a 1915 graduate of Sweet Briar College and was formerly a member of the Sweet Briar Alumnae Coun cil. She was married In 1921 to Mr. Wyckoff, who is with the Office of Defense Mobilization. Mrs. Wykoff was an active member of St. John’s Episcopal Church In Georgetown and was head of the Girls’ Friendly So- 1 ciety. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, J. Bernard i jr„ Amherst, Va.; Theodore E.[ i Menlo Park, Calif.; two brothers, 1 Peyton R. Evans. 3000 Forty- \ fourth place N.W., attorney with ’ the Washington Newspaper Pub- i lishers’ Association; the Rev. : Theodore H. Evans. Episcopal minister at the University of ■ Virginia, and four grandchildren. Services will be at 10 a.m. . Thursday at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 3244 O street N.W Burial will be in Rock Creek ; Cemetery. The family requests ! no flowers. ( j : Mrs. David Sellers, ■ Widow of Admiral j Mrs. David Foote Sellers, 76, J w;dow of Admiral Sellers, who retired in 1938 as superintendent 1 of the Naval Academy, died yes- x iterday at Bethesda Naval Hos- < •pital after a long illness. She ‘ lived at 2216 Wyoming ave- 1 nue N.W. < The former Anita Clay Evans, I j Mrs. Sellers was born in Chatta- 1 i nooga, Tenn., and went to schools in Tennessee and New England. She was active in the 1 Grey Ladies, Children’s Hospital : affairs and the DAR. ( Mrs. Sellers and her husband had maintained a home in Washington for almost 50 years. Her husband was Judge Advo cate General of the Navy from 1929 to 1931 and was Chief of Naval Operations in 1933. He died in 1949. < Survivors are a sister, Mrs. ' Joseph W. Johnson, of Chat- j tanooga, and several nieces and ! nephews. Graveside services will be held at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow at Ar- j lington Cemetery. The family i requests that any tokens of sym pathy may be contributed to Children’s Hospital or the Naval , Relief Society. Dr. C. C. Brennecke RALEIGH, N. C., Aug. 3 (IP). ’ Dr. Cornelius G, Brennecke, 47, | head of the Electrical Engineer ing Department at North Caro lina State College, died yesterday after a ldfig illness. He came to N. C. State in 1945, after serving three years at Lehigh University. Deaths Reported (From«D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics.) E1 «t ab nw A- Bhlpe ’ 95 ' 812 Kennedy s*£,» 1 j Sit e s 9;), 647 East Canitol st. M, ave n L w H ° W *' 91, 2101 Connecticut M *n w E ' ** urray ' 90 ' 1801 Calvert st. ; imii L » oyd .’ sis - ’tJ. 20 ,mh st - n.w. E n" /' Jam ? son ' 74 • Gloucester City, bw vi-1 s°o r ta ave.“°e Ckabee ’ 71 ’ 1737 Franklin E Dove, 68, Arlington. Va. 8 st U< n e E ' Harrls ’ sr ” HB ’ 828 Franklin ! Ma n r *on H. Mann, 62, 337 Maryland ave. El nw J ' KIDt *' 61 ’ 1613 Harvard j William J. Cox, 60. 5425 Bth st. n.w. I Vlc . t „°. r £°™ lne ’ 67 ' 2,32 Massachusetts ! RVC. n.W. James G. Manuel. 47 2127 K st. n.w Ba ave n e Wade ’ 38, 200 Rhode Island Henrietta Carroll, 78, Alexandria Va Janies T. Williams. 74, Soldiers Home Lala Hall. 66. Ahosxle, N. C Lee Simpson, 64, 504 Wl st. n w. Lena Middleton. 47. 1229 8 st. n.w. Johni Austin, 4l(. 124 D st. s.e. Berthli G. Thomas, 43. 1423 R st. n w Inlant Kent. 813 2nd st. s.w Sarah M. Harrington. 87, 1111 Const!- vuiion Rvc. n.e. Charles M. Wright. 87. 207 V st. n.e. A *pV*n w Brockington, 85, 5436 30th ; Mery A. Flood, 85. 3217 7th st. n.e. Mary C. Leishear. 84, 3713 Warren st. n.w. Frances Catherine Rlgg, 83. 1717 20th st. n.w. Fraude Manning, 81. 1330 Columbia rd. 1 n.w. Jennie T. S. Shade. 80. 1205 Farratut st. n.w. William E. Kocnn. 79. 1600 16th st. n.w Annie Krucoff. 78. 2717 Woodley pi. n.w Marlon H. Jones. 72. 3834 Garfield st n.w. Elza V. Goode. 68. Herndon. Va. Mamie Reid, 65. Triangle. Va. Nancy T. Johnson. 60, 2712 South Da kota ave. n.e. Leona R. k. Sloan. 58. 2001 Connecticut ave. n.w. Vera P. Keuhne. 56. 3817 Beecher st. Elizabeth J. Baker. 48. 6213 Massachu- i setts ave. n.w. Eugene P. Harris. 46. Corpus Christ! ; Tex. Howard E. Hasse. 46. Baltimore. Loida Sa Fran. 44. 1822. North Capitol Marjorie A. Moravecky, 23. 2223 H st. n.w. William Adams. 87. 4810 Alabama ave. Maggie V. Elliott. 64. 1326 You st. n.w. Birsee Davis. 40. 800 North Capitol st. f— 1 i i i *ll i ■■ i ifT| W. R. Frank Hines, President , IF as kirn ft or $ Port molt Funeral Heme Slate lift S.H,tflncs Compann 2901-03-OS-07 Fourteenth Street NW COlumhie S-7023 N» Branch Bttablithmeutt gig* ii aaBmaeaMMaaaBMBBMMMWBB IN ARLINGTON 1 Ives Funeral Home | "On the Square” Is a phrase denoting integrity and fine moral character. Our funeral service is based on RM P the teaching of that phrase. In our over forty years of funeral practice, we have never found a better 9 policy to pursue. ARLINGTON'S FIRST AND FINER v FUNERAL HOME 1 2847 WILSON BLVD. JACKSON 7 3016 (On Wiliam Bird., Near Sean)' * Hiram K. Green, 79, Retired in 1943 As ICC Examiner Hiram K. Green, who retired in 1943 as an examiner for the In terstate Commeroe Commission, died Sunday (Ohio) News. Mr. Oraea. j n 1900 he wa , appointed assistant postmaster in his native Salem. Ten years later, he Joined the ICC In Den ver as a clerk-typist and later was private secretary to Com missioner Frank McManamy from 1923 until 1939. He came to Washington 40 years ago with the ICC. When he was 54, Mr. Green began studying law. He received his bachelor and master of laws degrees and master of patent law from National University. For a time, Mr. Green was in the building business. As a part ner in the firm of Oliver and Green, he built nearly a score of houses in the Northwest sec tion of Washington during the post-World War I years. After he retired from the ICC, he was real estate salesman for Cuvier A. Metzler. Survivors are his widow, the former Margaret Pow of Salem, with whom he celebrated his gold en wedding anniversary in 1949; a son, Frederick H. Green, Cedar lane, Fairfax, Va., Senate editor of the Daily Digest of the Con gressional Record, and two grandchildren. Services will be held at 10 a m. tomorrow in the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. His ashes will be buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mrs. John S. Sewell, Widow of Army Colonel Mrs. John S. Sewell, 89, widow of Army Col. Sewell, died Sun day in a hospital in Franklin, N. C. She had lived in High lands, N. C., for the last 25 years. Mrs. Sewell was the sister of Frank Lyon, 3131 R street N.W„ and the aunt of Mrs. Jacob L. Devers, Fairfax County, Va.. wife of Gen. Devers. Mrs. Sewell was born in Petersburg, Va„ the for mer Agnes Temple Lyon, daugh ter of John L. and Margaret Springs Lyon. Private services will be held here tomorrow. Burial will be in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Jjlj Established iho 11 ■ Gawuvs 1 RH aON*. INC Jsi [U FUNERAL DIRECTORS M jjHj 1756 Pgnmylvania Ave N.W. [ll| IHI (Just Weit ol the White Home) j[|| ral NAtionol 8-5512 r=f p=r 1309 N. Edge—ood Si.. Arlington U=J I Ell (A block oil Wilton Slvd.) [J3 SJAckton 8*5550 ra] wmmwmmm t&cw'te WELCOME Many protective facts and informa tion are available for the asking— without the slight est committment expected in return.