Newspaper Page Text
A-18 ** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. I TUESDAY, JULY ft. laaa I With Regard to a c I ( Card of Thanks Vary otto*i • cae* tl ritaakt la | Tka Star aoaat a atW vfcick caa ' j hartfy ka aa*»o4 ia aay atkar way. IM ©qly it if • groctoes expression ! c M frititta to ttas who taro -• c' 'Marat tribataa kat atsa coartaoasty acknovitdgei tha tarried and kind- 1 | aattat at tka many ta erfcost a par- | ] tonal not* at tkanki connat well ka 1 awilad ar wkoaa as mat and ad drattat art not known. Intartion at a card at tkoaki may ka arranged i C ' ty talapkona la Tka Star. ST 3-5000 j The Evening end Sunday Star j T 1 HnvfUittg YOUNG. REBECCA. An unveiling In j memory of the late REBECCA YOUNG, beloved mother of Jerome L. Young, •will take place on Bunday. July 10. 106 ft. at 11 am., at the Adas Israel Cemetery. 14th and Alabama ave. s.e. ] Relatives and friends are invited! O D Braids ALCORN. ELIZABETH O. MATTHEWS ] (SIS). Suddenly, on Sunday. July 3. 1055. at the Montgomery County Gen- , eral Hospital. ELIZABETH O MAT- 1 THEWS (818) ALCORN, daughter of the late Walter and Bessie Matthews. She leaves a devbted daughter. Mrs. Mabel Sands: a son-in-law James 6ands: a husband. Tillman A’corn. four brothers. Melvin. George Julius and D Samuel Matthews: two sisters. Mrs. I £lorence Evans and Mrs. Flossie Me- [ ' tillan. and a host of other relatives, and friends. After 6 pm. Tuesday.; 1 July 5 friends may call at the Robert . L Snowden Funeral Home. Rockville. ' Md. Funeral Wednesday. Julv 0. at < 2 D.m. at Sharp Btreet Churcn. Sandy I Spring Md . Rev. Thomas Brookes of- i fleiating. Interment Ash Grove Ceme- < terv 5 i ARCHER. ANNIE F. on Saturday. July • 2. 1955. ANNIE P. ARCHER of 2500 I, ; st. n.w., wife of the late Robert Archer. : beloved mother of William. Irving. Robert. Norman. Perry and Alice Archer and Sarah Page, sister of Lynwocd. Jack and Dan Perry; she ia also sur- vived by 13 grandchildren, 5 great D , grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. After 4 p.m. Tuesday. July 5. friends are invited to call at the 1 Jarvis Chapel. 1432 U st. n.w. Funeral services Wednesday. July 8. at 1 p m.. at Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church. Inter ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 5 ASCHENBACH, HELENA CHRISTINA. ! On Monday. July 4. 1955, HELENA , CHRIBTINA ASCHENBACH. wife of » the late George Henry Aschenbach and ■ mother of Mrs. Pauline Leclaire. Mrs. i Marie Carpenter. Miss Elise Aschen- * bach. Mrs. Helena Jani. Mrs. Eva i Kncuse. the late Anna Aschenbach. < Mrs. Clara Jani. Miss Theodora Aschen- c bach and Dr. Ernest H. Aschenbach: •Jeter of Mrs. Josefa Keller of Watten- _. scheid. Germany. She also is survived **, twenty-three grandchildren. Friends 1 may call at Oawler’s Chapel. 1758 Pa ave. n.w. (free parking opposite). . where prayers will be said on Thursday, i July 7. at 8:30 am. Mass will be offered at the Church of the Annuncia- ; tion. 3800 Massachusetts ave. n.w , at l 9 am. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. # I ASHI.ET. AARON. On Tuesday. June 28. 1955. AARON ASHLEY of 18 Logan r . ct. n.w., loving father of Aaron Ashley. !r. He also is survived by one sister- { n-law. Mrs. Mary Brown; two nieces, j our nephews, other relatives and many j friends. After 5 n.m. Tuesday. July 6. friends may call at the Palmer Funeral Home. 412 H st. n.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday. July 0. at 1 pm. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. \ BAILEY. ST. CLAIR EDWARD. Os 1715 , South Lowell st.. Arlington. Va.. on i July 2. 1956. beloved husband of Nan- , \ hie B. Bailey, father of Mrs Richard Butler. Miss Norma L. Harris. Me- Culloch 2 Harris: brother of Mrs. Frank Leslie. Mrs. Edward Berry 111. ; Mrs. Oaither Bpaugh. Conrad. Mercer j and Ebert Bailey: four grandchildren. Services at Chambers Funeral Home. 3072 M st. n.w.. on Monday. July 4. 1 at 1 p.m Prayers on Wednesday. July « 6. at 8 a.m. Interment Arlington Na- 1 tional Cemetery 5 • BOONE, SARAH ELIZABETH. On Sun- ! cay, July 3. 1955. SARAH ELIZABETH ! BOONE of 644 Morton st. n.w.. mother ; of Miss Nellie Boone. Mrs. Julia Frye ano Adolph Boone, daughter of Mrs. Lottie Brown and sister of James. Daniel. Giles and Dorothy Brown. She also is survived by two grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Notice of F funeral later. Arrangements by Mai- • van Ac Schey. Inc. • BOWLES. JAMES ALBERT. Departed this life on Tuesday. July 5. 1956. Mr. JAMES ALBERT BOWLES of 2108 11th at. n.w. Remains resting at the Hall Bros. Funeral Home. 621 Florida ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. _ BROOKE. EARL DAWSON. At 9025 G Central ave.. Landover. Md., on July 4. 1955. husband of Ethel Brooke, father of Tommy Brooke, son of Mrs. Katie Brooke and biother of Raymond. Alton and Philip Brooke. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home, 617 11th st. a.e., on Thursday, July 7. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 6 BROOKINS. GOVERNOR. Buddeioy. on Ct Thursday. June 30, 1955. at Fremont. u Ohio. GOVERNOR BROOKINB. for merly of Washington. D. C, He is sur vived by a wife. Mrs. Clareather Brookins; two stepsons, Clinton and Charles Hall: four sisters, four broth ers. other relatives and friends. After r: noon Tuesday. July ,5. friends may call at the Latnev Funeral Home, 1822 st. n.w. Funeral services On Wed nesday. July 6. at L p.m.. at the Central q Union Baptist Church. 44th and Foote its n.e. Rev Dean officiating. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. Femily can be seen at 52 Quincy Pi. n.w. * BROWN. JAMES. On Thursday. June 30. 1955. JAMES BROWN of 700 59th ave., Fairmont Heights. Md.. beloved brother of Mrs. Louise Thomas. Mrs. Alice For rest and Clarence Brown. He is also survived by a host of other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Brown may be viewed at the Elks Home, 614 61st r ave.. Fairmont Heights. Md., after 4 * p.m.. Tuesday, where services will be held Wednesday. July 6. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 5 CLIFFORD. MERLE F. A special com fQL munication of Petworth* Lodge. No. 47. P A. A. M. is hereby called tor Thurs- C/lfV day. July 7. 1965. at 7 P.m.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late broth x er. MERLE F. CLIFFORD Services will be held at the funeral home of Money Sc King, Vienna. Va.. at *" Barry H. HEWITT. Master. C. C. HUTCHINS. Secretary. 7 COLEMAN. ROSIE. On Friday. July 1 1. 1955. Mrs. ROSIE COLEMAN of 1704 10th st. n.w.. beloved mother of Willie Coleman and Mrs. Elisabeth Stamps. She also is survived by one brother, two sisters, two grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Re mains resting with L. E. Murray Sc Son. 1337 10th st. n.w.. where friends may call after 5 P.m. Tuesday. Jhly 6. and where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. July 6. at 1 p.m Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.* COLLIER. IKE. On Wednesday June 29, 1955. IKE COLLIER of 413 3rd sf. S.W., beloved brother of Mrs Addle ( T.nklfv of New York Cltr. He » »l»o survived by other relative* »nd many friends. After 4 p.m. Tuesday July 6. friends are Invited to call at the Jarvis Chapel. 1432 U st. n.w., where funeral ierttei will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. July 6. Interment Arllnl ton National Cemetery. 5 COLLIER, MRS. THERESA. Suddenly, on Monday. July 4. 1)155. at her reii dence. 1020 Monroe st. n.w.. MRS. THERESA COLLIER, wife of the late, Richard Collier, mother of Carrie Collier. Mary Collier and Rodney col- ! Her. Services at the S. H. Hines; Co. Funeral Home. 2001 14th sf. n.w.. on Thursday. July 7. at 11 am. In terment Monocacy Cemetery. Bealls vtlle Md. (Baltimore Evening ana Morning Sun papers please copy.) « FUNERAL DIRECTORS. " Crematorium J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS «lh t a« Mass. At*. N.R. Cl. a fl^XI Rinaldi Funeral Home B« 1 St. N.E. LI S-4MSO MALVAN-SCHEY, INC. M FUNERAL DIRECTORS ** Jtr,W N^ V, 7*O D I3 3 R JjjL t A Complete Funeral j. As Low as $95-00 Up I CHAMBERS f * One ®t th« V Undertakers In the World CO. 5-0432 funeral designs. "dEO7C SHAFFER.“INC. ntirmivi Florm Tribute* Moderate n?IM« Open daily Sun hnlldnvs Phonr erdlys also accepted S:3O to Mm wck nl"St soil I4tn Bl NJS NA K ullln GOD! BROS. CO., FLORISTS mi r St N w NA 8-43.6 CEMETERILOTS \ CEMETERT LOTS, to settle eatate—s «r S desirable roadside lots. Oeorae .'ashlnaton Memorial Cemetery, Ritas rd near Hyattsvllle. Day. RT. 3-9442: evae.. DP, 7-3101. —I RATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK. 4 at tee. reduced (or quick sele. Leavlnt city, ■aat eell. LU. 4-4870. —6 4, Stall?* COOK. ANVH CORDELIA. On Batur as) July 2 Hit. st her residence 113 ft Willard at. a-w. Apt. 11. ANN IS CORDELIA COOK, beloved sister o! Mr,. Mary P. Bvra. Also lurvivtng are other relatives and many friends. After 2:30 pm. Wednesday. July a. friends are invited to call st the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 Oth at. n.w. Requiem mas. will be celebrated at Dt. Augustine's Catholic Church. _ 15th at. between 8 and T .U, n.w. R on Thursday July 7. at 10 a.m. Inter ment Mount OUve Cemetery. a a. :OOK. ANNIE CORDELIA. All member, of Dt. Augustine’s Sodality /r are reauested to meet for In. rXI prayers for the late ANNIE ir>iC|l CORDELIA COOK at the Mc ll^ r |'-y Outre Funeral Borne. I*2o V. Bth at. n w on Wednesday. —— July a. 185 S. at 7:«0 p.m. EULA B. TRIOO. Prefect. ETHEL LEE. Promoter. Band 6. REV. CHARLES WILK Spiritual Director. roOLEY, PVT JOHN. On Tuesday. June 2*. 1955. at Perrt Point. Md.. > Pvt. JOHN COOLEY. He is survived r by a host of friends. After 4 p.m. Tuesday. July 5. friends may call at the Frasier Funeral Home. 389 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Oraveslde services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday. July 6. at Arlington National Cemetery, ” Fort Myer. Ta. )E CAEN. CONSTANCE HILLYER. Died early Bunday morning. July 3. 1955, at 232 South Caroltna ave. a.e.. where she has made her home for the past several yean. Miss de Caen had been In declining Health for some time. Remains rest at the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. DODGE. JOHN IRA. On Bunday. July 3. K 1935, at Terra Alta, W. Va.. JOHN I. “ DODGE of 1707 S. Oakland st.. Arling ton. Va.. beloved husband of Mary E. Dodee. father of John*Tra Dodge. Jr.; brother of William. James. Dolford. Oliver. Harry and Joseph Dodge. Mrs. Virginia Moreland and Mrs. Mary Pop kins. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd., Arlington. Va.. where funeral services! will be held on Wednesday. Julv 6. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Edge Hill Cemetery. Charles Town. W. Va. DORBEY. PENDER (nee Johnson). On Thursday June 30. 1955. at the resi- v dence of her daughter. 1004 Maryland ave. ne. at 1:05 p.m., PENDER DOR SEY beloved mother of Mrs. Alma Johnson sister of Mrs. Martha Hams' of New York and Mrs. Ballie Brooks! of Maryland Bhe also is survived! by ten grandchildren, seven great-1 grandchildren, two great-great-grand children and » host of other relatives ana friends. The late Mrs. Pender mav be viewed at the Btewart Funeral Home 30 H st n.e.. after 12 noon « Monday July 4. where services will be held on Tuesday. July 5. at 1 p.m.. Rev Raymond R. Robinson officiating. Interment Lincoln Mejnorlal Cemetery. * I DORSEY. STELL. SR. Suddenly, on Friday. July 1. 1955. at Perry Point Veterans’ Hospital. BTELL DORSEY. Br.. of 1237 South Capitol at., de voted husband of Gertrude Dorsev. father of Edward. Inman. Joe Lewis. Marion. Willie Floya. StelL Jr., and Mrs. Lorraine Purnell. He also Is sur vived by one sister Mrs. Elizabeth Ed wards: six grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed after 5 p.m. Tuesday, j. July 5. at Barnej? Sc Matthews’ Funeral Home. 614 4th st sw. Funeral serv ices Wednesdav, July 6. from the Mount Paran Baptist Church. Ist and L sts. s.w. at 1 o’clock. Rev. Stamps offi ciating. Interment Arlington Cemeterv. 5 EICHNER. MILDRED VON EIFF. On Sunday. July 3. 1955. at her residence. 3200 13th st n.w., beloved wife of William H Eichner; mother of Mrs Emerson Gardner; grandmother of *, Holly Gardner: sister of George S.. Edgar L.. Charles M. and Dr William H. Von Eiff. Services at the 8 H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st n.w.. on Wednesday, July 6. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery 6 FLETCHER. ROBERT E. Suddenly, on Monday. July 4. 1955. at Doctors Hos pital. ROBERT E. FLETCHER of 6008 Bouth 12th st.. Arlington. Va.. beloved husband of Elsie C. Miller Fletcher, biother of Mrs. Audrey SchoofT. He also is survived by several nieces and I nephews of Richard. Va. Friends may call at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. where funeral will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 12 noon. Interment George Washington Memorial Cemetery, Riggs rd. (Rich- _ mond papers please copy.) 6 * FKANEY. BERNARD. On Friday. July I. 1955. BERNARD FRANEY of 1816 sth st. n.w.. beloved husband of Anna Franey. father of Sarah Armstrong of Washington. D. C.: Ida Fleming and Katie Patrick of New York. He also Is survived by three sons. Joe. Jack and John of Washington. D. C.: brother of Tom Franey of Warrenton. Va.: one sister-in-law. seven grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, eight nephews, one daughtei-in-law. two sons-in-law, five stepchildren and a host of other rela tive* and friends. Remains resting at J Horton’s Mortuary. 1324 You st. n.w.. where services will be held on Wednes day, July 6. at 2 p.m. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. FRAZIER. DR. LEWIS G. On Bunday. July 3. 1955. Dr LEWIS O. FRAZIER of 4221 Everett at.. Kensington. Md., beloved husband of Belle H. Frazier and father of Karl B. Frazier. Services at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey. Be thesda. Md.. on Wednesday. July 6. at 10 a.m. Interment Kingston. N. J. GALLAGHER. FRANK B. Os 3370 Chil lum rd.. Mount Rainier. Md.. on July 3. 1955. husband of Elsie B. Gallagher, j father of Frank 8.. Ir.. and Royale J. Gallagher. Elsie J. Petty and Harriet B. Wright. Services at Chambers’ Fu neral Home. 5801 Cleveland ave.. Riverdale. Md . on Wednesday, July 6. at 2 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemeterv. GALL’TZI. MICHAEL F. On Bunday. July 3. 1955. at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. MICHAEL P. GALUTZI. be- J loved husband of Alwilda E. Galutzii and father - df Eleanor M. Oalutzi.! Friends may call at the Simmons Bros. J Funeral Home. 1661 Good Hone rd. se. Graveside services and interment in Arlington National Cemetery on i Thursday. July 7. at 10:30 a.m. 6 GARDNER. ROBERT EDWARD. Sudden -1 on Sunday. July 3. 1955. at his residence. 827 Philadelphia ave . Silver Spring. Md.. ROBERT EDWARD GARD NER. beloved husband of Edith D. Gard ner. He also is survived by two broth ers and five sisters, all residing in J England. Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll at. n.w. Services at the Adelphi 8.-D. A. Church on Wednesday. July 6. at 2 p.m. Interment George Washington Cemetery. GARLAND. MART E. On Saturday. July 2. 1955. at Washington Sani tarium. MARY E. GARLAND of 3916 Yuma st. n.w.. beloved wife of the late Charles B. Garland, mother of Mrs. Charlotte Jenks. Mrs. Cora Hur- J ley. Mrs Mary Dundon. Robert Gar land. Charles Garland and William Garland, sister of Mrs. Annie Linney. Friends may call at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Serv ices on Wednesday. July 6, from 8t Ann's Catholic Church. Wisconsin ave. and Yuma st. n.w.. where the Holy Sacrifice of tne Mass will be ofiered at 10 a.m. for the repose of her scul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 5 1 GLOVER. ELIZABETH. On Friday. July 1. 1955 ELIZABETH GLOVER of 1865 Alabama ave. s.e.. beloved mother of Leon H.. Edward P. and Romeo Le Count Glover Also surviving are nine grandchildren, three daughters-in-law. other relatives and many friends, i After 2'30 p.m. Tuesday. July 5. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. where the rosary will be recitecLat 8:30 p.m. Reouiem mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic CNiurch, 1600 Morris rd. s.e.. on Wednesday. July 6 at 9 a.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 5 GOODWIN. PEARL MeCLURE. On Mon- I day. July 4. 1955. at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. PEARL Mc- SLUKE GOODWIN of 4818 Old ominlon dr.. Arlington. Va.. beloved wife of Col 8. R. Goodwin. U. 8. A. (retired): mother of Mrs. Albert R. Brcwnfleld. Jr.: Miss Marjorie A. Good win and Col. Samuel McC. Goodwin. U. 8. A.; sister of Mrs. Irving J. Henderson and .William J. McClure. Jr Services at Fort Myer Chapel. I Fort Myer, Va.. on Friday. July 8. at 11 a.m. Interment Arlington Na ! tional Cemetery. 7 GREEN. ANNA MOORE. On Monday. July 4. 1955, at Arlington Hospital. ANNA MOORE OREEN of 2020 Oak wood dr.. Fairfax. Va . beloved daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Charles W. Green of Fairfax and sister of James Preston Green of Remington. Va.: Lucille Oreen and Janer Green, both of Washington. D C.: Rebecca Hilton of Vienna. Va : V/ard Oreen of Arlington. Va.: Wil liam and Harry Oreen, both of Vienna. Va : Eleanor Cristofoli of Fornax. Va. She also is survived by fifteen nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Fttzrerald Funeral Home. 3215 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. where services will be held on Thursday. Julv 7. at 10 a.m. Interment National Memorial Park. 6 GRIMES, LYNEIR P. On Monday. July 4. 1955. at her residence, 1224 Mary land ave n.e.. LYNEIR P. GRIMES, devoted daughter of Julia Price and the late Dr. Peter Price, beloved wife of Ulysses N. Grimes. She also is sur vived by two aunts. Mary Johnson and Rachael Causter; a sister-in-law. Ola E. Lane: two brothers-in-law and other -relatives and friends. After 3 p.m. Wednesday. July 6. friends may call at her late residence, where services will be held on Thursday. July 7. at l p.m.. Rev. Jerry A. Moore offlclat i ing Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery Arrangements by Dovie G. Brooks and Otis F. Allen. 7 GRYMEft. DR. RICHARD DOUGLAS. On Monday. July 4. 1955. the Rev. Dr. RICHARD DOUGLAS ORYMES of 2811 Otis st. n.e. pastor ot Salem Baptist Temple 917 N st. n.w. beloved hus band of Mrs Susie Anna Grymes. de voted lather of Ruby E, Juanita Y. Richard Douglas, jr . and John Arthur Grvmes. grandfather of Richard D. ; Marshall. John A.. Jr.: Darrel A. and ! Renee Grymes: brother of George Grymes. He also is survived by other I relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. HADEN. JAMES EARL. On Friday. July 1. 1955 at Bethesda Naval' Hospital. JAMES CARL HADEN of 040 O st. n.e., bruther of Mrs. Mary H. Austin •nd T. Leo Haden. FrlPnds may call at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., after 9 a.m. Mon . day July 4. Oraveslde services on . Wednesday. July 6. at 10 a m Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 6 A MndSft MO.HD of 1211 Lawernc, «. a a-. WO, of Chari*, C. Haatmoa, sal staler of S 3 ISVjffSrasF w also is survived by two stepsons, two stepdMMfeurs and other relatives Made may call at the Ms Ivan A Sc bey Inc.. Fwneral Home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n_w . on Mmoday. July 4. after 12 noon, where funeral serv ices will be held on Wednesday. Julv | at 1 pm interment Arlington National Cemetery. , 5* BAMILL. Miss MARY. On Monday. July I 4. 1965 at Providence Hospital. MISS i MARY HAIOLL of 3823 13th st- !«.. daughter of the late John and. Mar garet McMahon Hamol; slater of Pat rick Bamiu of Washington. D. C-. and aunt of James A. Hamill of Spring field Md Friends may ran at the 8. H Hines Co. Funeral Heme, 2961 14th at. n.w Services from the above funeral home on Wednesday. July 6, at 930 am . thence to St. Anthony’s Catholic Church. 12th end Monroe sts. n.e.. where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of her «oul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 6 HARRIGAN. WILLIAM JOSEPH. Sud denly. on Monday. July 4. 1955. WIL- 1 LJAM JOSEPH HARRIGAN. Infant son of George Peter and Frances Louise Harrlgan. Notice of funeral later. Mattingly funeral service. HART. ANNA MAE. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 4. 1955. Mrs. ANNA MAE HART of 311 McLean ave. s.w.. be loved wife of Irving Hart, sister of Mrs. Clara Y. Lewis and Mrs. Wiliana 1 Governor. She also is survived by three nieces. Mrs. Margaret Chase. Mrs. Helen Mae Fields and Delores Fields: three nephews. Leon Fields, sr.: Raymond and Albert Crawley: one great-nephew. Leon Fields. Jr., and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangments by Barnes Sc Matthews. 6 HENSLEY. JOHN P. On Sunday. July 8. 1955. at Alexandria Hospital. JOHN P. HENSLEY of 2311 Rose Hill drive, Alex andria. Va.. beloved husband of Mary Ann Hensley, father of William Kemper Hensley, son of Mrs. Julia Hensley and brother of Mrs. Terry Henry. Edward, J R. G. R.. L. W. and A. H. Hensley. B Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home, 284< Wilson blvd.. Arlington . Va.. until 2:30 p.m on Thursday. July d 7. thence to Fort M.ver Chapel, where I Interment Arlington National Cemetery. ; funeral services will be held at 3 ivra HILL. ANDREW L. On Saturday, July 2. 1955, ANDREW L. HILL of 1416 F st. n.e. He leaves to mourn their loss three daughters, four sisters, three brothers and other relatives and friends. After 5 p m Tuesday. July 6. the late Mr. Hill may be viewed at the Morris A. Carter Sc Co Funeral Home. 305 H st n.w Services and interment j on Wednesday. July 6. at Lynch burg. Va. HOfER, FRED. Suddenly, on Bunday. July 3. 1955. at Lynchburg. Va.. FRED HOFER of 2122 Isth st. n.W. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Jarvis. HOHEIN. GEORGE fRANKLU*. On Tuesday. July 5. 1955, at Alexandria Hospital. GEORGE FRANKLIN HOHEIN of 403 Penn pi., Hbllln Hall Village. Alexandria. Va., beloved husband of Vina Mae Hohein. father of Douglas Hohein and brother of Loretta. William W.. Charles R and Oscar L. Hohein. 1 Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va . after 10 a.m. Wednesday July 6. Notice of funeral services later. HOLMES, PATRICE H. On Monday. July 4. 1955, at her residence, Clinton. Md.. PATRICE H HOLMES, the be loved daughter of Frank W. and Helen E Holmes. She also is survived by two brothers snd four sisters. FuneraJ from the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home. 1661 Good Hope rd. s.e.. on Wednes day. July 6. at 8:30 am. Mass of the angels will be offered at P a.m. In 8t John’s Catholic Church. Clinton, Md Interment church cemetery. j HOPKINS. ANNA REDMOX. On Satur day. July 2. 1955. at Bt. Elizabeths . Hospital, ANNA REDMON HOPKINB. * beloved mother of Edward G. and Alonso J. Hopkins and Josephine Simms. She also is survived by many grand children and many friends. After 5 p.m Wednesday. July 6. friends may call at the Barnes Sc Matthews Funeral Home. 614 4th st. s.w.. where, funeral services will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 6 HUTCHINS. WILLIE. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 3. 1955, WILLIE HUTCHINS ! of 309 South Albert st.. Alexandria. Va. Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by the Palmer Funeral Home. 412 H st. n.e. HYXKB. FLETA HANDY. On Saturday. July 2 1955. at Doctors Hospital. FLETA HANDY HYNES, wife of Dr. William P Kvnes and mother of Rob ert H. Hynes. Friends may call at Gawler’s Chapel 1756 Pa. ave. n.w. i free parking oproslte). Services will be held at Fort Myer Chapel on Wed nesday July 6 at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests a dona- ] tior be made to the Heart Fund. At tention WOSL. (Omaha, Nebr.. papers please copy.) JACKSON. REVERDY <REVY>. Sud denly. on Friday. Julv 1. 1955. at his residence. 3949 Benning rd. n.e., REV ERDY (REVY) JACKSON, father of Reverdy Jackson. Ir.: brother of Mrs. Cede Tilden. grandfather of Delores F. Kerrlck. cousin of Bertie Dade Os New York. After 5 p.m. Tuesday. July ] 5. friends may call at the Rollins Funeral Home. 4339 Hunt pi. n.e. From 16 a.m. Wednesday. July 6. the late Mr Jackson will lie In state at the Jones Methodist Church. 44th and Benning rd n.e., where services will be held at I p.m. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 6 JOHNSON. BERTHA G. On Monday. July 4. 1P55. at the Alexandria Hos pital. BERTHA G. JOHNSON, wife of Richard E. Johnson of 810 Beverly dr., Alexandria. Va. Friends may call at the Wheatley Funeral Home. 809 King st.. Alexandria. Va Funeral* services on Wednesday. Julv 6. at 11 ] a.m Interment National Memorial Park. JOHNSON, CLAUDE B. The Holy Name «Name Society of St. Francis Xavier Church is requested to assemble at the Lee Fun eral Home. 4th and Mass, ave. n.e on Tuesday. July 5. at 7:30 p.m.. for recitation of the Rosary for our late member, CLAUDE B. JOHNBON. REV. JOHN F. LYONS. Spiritual Director. DOMINIC MOTTA, Secretary. 5 JOHNSON, GEORGIA. On Sunday. July 3. 1355. at her daughter s residence. 1489 Morris rd. s.e.. Mrs. GEORGIA JOHNBON. beloved mother of Miss Jane • Johnson. Mrs. Viola Gray, Mrs. Mary Claughton (Girlie) and Miss Inez , Johnson <Bhing>. Bhe also Is survived • by two sisters, two grandchildren. Elbert and Eloise Johnson, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray Sc Son. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. • JOHNSON. MARY JANE. On Sunday. July 3. 1955. MARY JANE JOHNBON of 1708 21st st. n.w.. beloved wife of the late Samuel Johnson, mother of Margaret. Harry and Vivian John son. sister of Bertha Holland, Gertrude Carter. Alvin snd Gilbert Holland. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednes day. July 6. at 10 a.m. Interment Oaklawn Cemetery, Baltimore. Md. KEIM. CHARLES C. On Monday. July 4. 1955. at Sibley Hospital. CHARLES C KEIM. father of Frances Carney. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednes day. July 6. at 12 noon. Interment Congressional Cemetery. KIGBY. HARRY. On Monday. July 4. 1955. at Hadley Memorial Hospital. HARRY KIGBY of 635 Mellon st. s.e.. beloved husband of Mamble E. Rigby, brother of Mrs. Tom Bussell. Mrs. Neil Arnold and Mrs. Stewart Cross. Serv ices at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thurs day. July 7. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 0 KROGMANN. GEORGE A.. SR. On Sun day. July 3. 1955. at his residence. 606 Girard st. n.e.. GEORGE A. KROG MANN. Sr., beloved husband of Loretta May Krogmann. father of George A. Krogmann. Jr.; Mrs. Rita K. Rabbltt. Mrs. Marilyn L. Joholske and Mrs. Anne K. Conrad; brother of Clement 8., Rudolph Edward and Carl F. Krog mann. Mrs. Anna Ruppert. Mrs. Theresa weschler and Mrs. Bernadette K. Lamers. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 3831 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Frfday. July 8. at 9:30 a.m High requiem mass at Bt. An thony’s Church. 12th and Monroe sts. n.e.. at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 LAWRENCE. WILLIAM B. On Monday July 4. 1955. at Montgomery County General Hospital. WILLIAM B. LAW RENCE. beloved father of Mrs. Isabelle C Riggs. Mrs. Lillian M. Washington and James W. Lawrence. Aso surviv ing are four brothers. Arthur. Howard. Paul and Thomas Lawrence: one sister Mrs Sarah Wright: two grandchil dren. six great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. After 0 p.m. Wednesday. July 6. friends may call at the Robert L. Snowden Funeral Home. Rockville. Md . where funeral services will be held on Thurs day. July 7. at 11 a.m. Interment St Marys County. Md. 6 LE COMPTE. LESLIE F. Os 2511 Valley way. Cheverly. Md.. on July 4. 1955. husband of La Rue C. Le Compte, father of Leslie L. Le Compte. grand father of Marie Claire Le Compte. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 680j_ Cleveland ave.. Riverdale. Md.. on Thursday. Julv 7. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 0 LE.EPER. HOWARD. On Sunday. July 3. 1965. at Freedmen’s Hospital. HOW ARD LEEPER. son of the late Mr. and Mrs Walter Leeper of Charlotte. N. C Also surviving are one uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Leeper of Philadelphia. Pa cousins. Mr. and Mrs. PTince Leeper of Washington. D. C., and Jessie Howie of Philadelphia. Pa., and a host of other relatives ano friends. Remains resting at the Cornish Sc Cornish A; Son Funeral Home. 2121 10th st. n.w. Notice ol funeral later. • LEFTWICH. BETTY GLIMSTEDT. On Monday. July 4. 1955. at Emergency Hospital. Bfc.TTY GLIMBTEDI LEFT WICH of 1010 25th st. n.w., formerly of 3738 Albemarle st. n.w.. beloved daughter of Mrs. Howard P Bresee and stepdaughter of Col. Howard F. Bresee. granddaughter of Mrs. Oeorge H. Barrows and niece of Mrs. Helen B Crist Friends may call at the 6. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. after 4 p m. Wednesday. July 0. where services will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 2p m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. In lieu i of flowers, donations may be made to . the National Foundation for infantile Paralysis. 6 A ' i wjfftafevm *■■>■l)ll M • HMror Mft falhar ar Dorotfcy Im. k» at Praak ia4 MoOr C»rflUy. CUffard. Clyd*. U*. Samuel and CtertH Lral. b. u ala* carvina by May nbtl.a and trtmda. After a Tueadaa. July ft. flMii an ta rlteft ta call at the Jani. Chapel. 1432 V n.w.. where funeral wrekn win be held W.da—day, July «. at » p.m Intermtmt Lincoln Memorial cemetery. LYLES, ELSIE MAT. On Sundar. July S. ISftft. ELSIE MAY LYLES oi 844 Rhode bund are. n.w.. derated mother of Phillip ana Jooooh Lyle, She abo 1* aumrod by two ilrtera, numb Lewie and YloU Cartwrifht: one broth er. Jamei Robinson: thirteen trand chtldren. .even ireal-crandchlldren and n horn of other rebtlre, and friends After 4 n.m. Wednesday. July S. friends may call at the Prosier Punera) Home, .isn Rhode blind are n.w. Pnnoral seivices will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 1 p.m.. at the Mount Zion Methodist Church. 39th st. uad Dum barmton ave. n.w.. Cecil La Oramre ofßciatini. Interment Marttn Ceme tery. Rockville. Md. 6 MAGRUDER. MARTHA. Op Sundsy. July 3, 1956. MARTHA MAGRUDER of 407 L st. s.e.. mother of Miss Loretta Mwgruder end sister of Mrs. JulU Carl roll. Mrs. Luchristisn Chsnney and Anthony Carroll She also is survived by other relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Malvan Sc Schey. Inc. * MAUGHN. JAMES J. On Bunday. July 3. 1956. at Mount Alto Hospital. JAMES ‘J. MAUGHN of 701 Silver Bpring ave.. Bilver Spring. Md.. be loved husband of Mary Lois Maaghn. father of James Joseph. Ir.. and Rich ard D Maughn and brother ot Mrs. Joseph McCafferty. Miss B. Maughn. Mrs. Frank Mahoney. Robert Maughn and Joeenh Mauchan. Mr. Maughn rests at the Werner E. Pumphrey Fu neral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Borlng Md.. where services will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 6 MAUGHN. JAMES JOSEPH. Members • of Washington Gas Light Co. Post. No. 44. of the D. C. De partment of the American Legion are hereby notified of the death on Sunday. July 3, 1955. of our charter mem ber and fellow comrade. JAMES JOSEPH MAUGHN. Remains at the Warner E Pumphrey Funeral Heme. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md Legion services there on Wednes day. July 6. at 8 p.m. Funeral serv ices there on Thursday. July 7. at 10 a.m. Intermint Arlington National Cemetery. 0 McDONNELL, JULIA TERESA. On Mon day. July *4. 1955. JULIA TERESA McDONNELL beloved husband of the ia|e William R McDonnell and mother or Lillian L. and William F. McDonnell. Regina M. Kirkpatrick. Leroy A. Mc- Donnel and the late John J. Mc- Donnall. Jr.: grandmother of John J. and Lt. Donald A. McDonnell. Fu neral from her late residence. 1709 Irving st. n w.. on Thursday. July 7. a 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the rine of the Sacred Heart at 9 a m. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 6 McKISSIC. THOMAS J. On Bit*>day. July 2. 1955. at Freedmen’s Hospital. THOMAB J. McKISSIC of 1101 Florida ave. n.e., beloved husband of Mrs. Flor ence McKissic. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKissic of Phoenix City, Ala.: de voted father of Mrs. Mizelle McKissic Walker. He also is survived by on? grandson, three sisters, four brothers and a host of other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 6. friends may call at the Latnev Fu neral Home. 1822 11th st. n.w., where services will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. • 2)f<NAIR, WILLIAM J.. SR. On Sunday. July 3. 1955, at Georgetown Hospital. . WILLIAM J. McNAIR. Br., beloved ' husband of the late Mabel Griffith McNair and father of Mrs. Grace Jackson of Ban Diego. Calif.: Mrs. Vir ginia Olson of Bt. Marys. Pa., and Wil liam J. McNair, tr.. of Washington. D. C. He also is survived by three grandchildren Requiem mass will be offered at Brocton. N. Y. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Portland. N. Y. (San Diego and St. Marys papers please copy.) Arrangements by the De Vol Funeral Home. MEANS. EDWARD D. On Sunday, July 3. 1955. at Oeorge Washington Hos pital. EDWARD D. MEANS of 3112 Legation st. n w„ beloved husband of Hazel 8. Means, father of Edward D.. Jr , and Grace Joan Means, brother of Lewis William Means. John Field ing Means. Ethel Means Wlnfree and &anny T. fcally. Services at the 8. H. ines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. nw. on Wednesday, July 6. at 1 n.m Interment Rock Creek Ceme tery. In lieu of flowers, kindly make donations to the American Cancer Association. 6 MEARNS, WILLIAM ANDREW. On Mon day, July 4. 1955, at the residence of his aon. David C. Mearns. 9. Primrose st.. Chevy Chase. Md., WILLIAM AN DREW MEARNS. belpved husband of Mary Chambers Mearns, father of Da vid C. Mearns and grandfather of Mrs. Anne Mearns Jacoby. Services will be held at the above address on Thursday. July 7. at 11 am. Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery. NELSON. NANNIE. On Monday, July 4. 1955. at the D. C. General Hospital. NANNIE NELSON. She Is survived by three sons. James. Wade and Thomas Nelson: four daughters. Mrs. Clara Dick erson. Miss Eva Nelson. Mrs. Margaret Simpson and Mrs. Pearl Neal, other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at Horton’s Mortuary. 1324 You st. n.w., on Wednesday. July 6. after 2:30 p.m. Funeral services on Wednes day. July 0. at 7 D.m., at the Geth semane Baptist Church. 2205 Virginia ave. n.w.. Rev. G. R. Young officiating. Interment on Thursday, July 7. In Caro , line County, Va. NICHOLS. DAVID A. On Sunday. July 3. 1955, at his residence. 3831 North 9th st.. Arlington. Va.. DAVID A. NICHOLS, beloved husband of Eleanor B. Nichols, father of John K. Nichols and son of Mr and Mrs. William Nichols, sr.. of Greenford, Ohio. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. until 10 p.m. Tuesday. July 5. Funeral serv ices and interment. Harrisonburg. Va. NICHOLSON. CHARLES T. On Bunday. July 3. 1955. CHARLES T. NICHOLSON, beloved husband of Anne Shipley Nich olson. father of Ray E. and Charles F. Nicholson and Mrs. Ruth Marshal. Friends may call at the Singleton Funeral Home. Olen Burnie. Md.. from 10 a.m. to JO p.m. Tuesday. July 5. Interment will be at 2:30 p.m. Wed nesday. July 6, at the Episcopal Ceme tery, Odenton. Md. 0 NORRIS. JOHN WILLIAM. On Sunday. July 3. 1955. JOHN WILLIAM NORRIS of 6607 Lincoln st., Bethesda. Md.. beloved husband of the late Mary McCoy Norris, father of Gertrude Funk and John F. Norris, brother of Cora N. Compton. He also is survived by five grandchildren and two great-grand children. Friends are Invited to call at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Heme of Robert A. Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md., where services will be held on Wednesday, July 6. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Winchester. Va. O’BRIEN, ANNA TERESA. On Monday. July 4, 1955, at her residence, 2031 Hamlin st. n.e., ANNA TERESA O’BRIEN, beloved wife of the late Daniel O'Brien, mother of John F. and Edward J % O'Brien, Mrs. Josephine M. Simkins. Mrs. Ester R. Driscoll and Mrs AUie M. Johnson: sister of John Edward and Timothy McNamara. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Fu neral Home, 3831 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Thursday. July 7, at 8:30 am. High requiem mass at Bt. Francis De Sales Church. 20th st. and Rhode Island ave. n.e .at 9 a.m Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 0 OGDEN, HARRY A. On Saturday. July 2. 1965, HARRY A. OGDEN, the be loved husband of Anna M. Ogden and son of Amanda C Ogden and brother of Mrs. Nellie Burgess and Mrs. Edna Knapp. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home, 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., on Thursday, July 7, at 1 p.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. 6 OSBOURN. WALTER A. On Monday. July 4. 1965. WALTER A. OSBOURN, the beloveA husband of Laura M. Osbourn, father of Mrs. James Lynch. Ir.. and grandfather of Frances Wyatt ,yneh. Services at the W. W. Deal Funeral Home, 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Wednesday. July 6. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Elmwood Cemetery. Shep herdtown, W. Va. ORRISON, ANNA A. On Monday. July 4. 1955. at Prince Georges Hospital. ANNA A. ORRISON of 1404 Boones Hill rd . Coral Hills, Md.. wife of Henry A. Orrl son, mother of Thelma L Reno and Catherine E. Arneson; also survived by 5 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. where services will be held on Wednesday, July 0. at ft p.m. Inter ment private. 0 PHELPS. JOSEPH A. On Monday. July 4. 1955. at his residence. 8001 Riggs rd., JOSEPH A. PHELPB. beloved hus band of Lillie Mae helps and father of Delores L. Flynn. Qlorious E. Johnson and lona C. Flynn. He also is sur vived by two grandchildren. Everett and Charles Flynn. Services at the Oasch Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md.. on Friday, July ft. at 9:30 am.: thence to the Church of the Nativity. Georgia ave. and Peabody st., where mass will be offered at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment George Washington Cemetery. 7 POST. MABEL C. Sunday. July 3. 1965. MABEL C. Pu3T. beloved wife of Harry E. Post, mother ot Charlotte E Petersen. Friends may call at the Robert A. Mattinglv Funeral Home. 131 11th st. s.e., until Wednesaay Julv 6. at 8:30 am. Requiem mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Ceme f ery. Members of the Blessed Virgin Sodaiitv take notice. 5 RAINES, JOHN J. On Bundav, July 3. 1955 JOHN J. RAINES, the beloved husband of Emma J. Raines and rather of Viola R Browning. Betty K. Harding. Elton M.. John R., Fred w*. Theodore. Benjamin D Raines: grandfather oi John Thomas Harding. Linda Ann and Betty Janes Raines, and brother of Har rlet R. Hill. Services from the W. W Deal Funeral Home. 4RI‘J Georgia ave. n.w., on Wednesday. July n. at 1 pm Interment Cedar Hill Cemeter,. ft SITTER. MARY. On Mondav. July 4. 1 IPBft. at Fairfield. Conn.. MARY RIT TER a,ed IT. wire of the late William H Ritter She I, survived by two daughter*. Mrs Charles D. Correll. sr.. ol Fairfield Conn., and Mr,. Robert J. Dixon of Madison. Wls Services > at the Birch Funeral Horn,. 3034 M ■ »t. n.w.. on Thunday. July 7. tt 3:3C »m. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery, 6 1 XAKERS. BAKHAH B. OR —May My, jEil tssr s. day. July a. at 11 a.m. Interment ( Olenwood Cemetery. , arsihS IKsENZsr ssss ■ of New York Cl»y and Davtd Uwwla < vSfed^by^flyejrnndehUdrra* o and I greet-grandchildren. Frlends mav call •t the Lea Funeral Home. 4th at and Maaa. it, n.e.. where ferrlce* wIU be . held on Thursday. July 7. at 7:30 ' p.m Interment In family plot at j Milllintown. Fa., at a Inter date. Please ' omit Bowen. 7 ICHAFFER. MARGUERITE MAY. On Thursday June 30. 1955. at the United State* Naval Hospital. M»re Island. < Calif. MARGUERITE MAY SCHAFFER. , wile of Charle* Schaffer, lieutenant 1 commander. U 8. N. (retired), mother;* of Charle* A. Schaffer of Danville, j \ Conn., nnd grandmother of Charle*, I A Schaffer. lr. of Danyllle. Conn. Sarv-l. ice* will be held at Fort Myer Chapel 1 on Wednesday. July «. et 3 p.m In-;] ferment Arlington National Cemetery I SMITH. NATHAN H. On Saturday. July : ' 2. 195A. at hie reeldence. 183 H 27th et. e.e.. NATHAN H. SMITH, beloved l husband of Edna Jane Smith, father, of Pstrlcfa Jane Smith, son of Elol»e . Smith: also survived by four brothers.,' five >i*tert. Friend* may call at the 1 Robert A Mattingly Funeral Home. 1 181 11th st. e.e.. where lervteee will be held on Thursday. July 7. at 12:30 p.m. Relative* and friend* In vited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. . 6 i SMITH. WILLIAM H.. SR. On Sun—V. 1 July 3. 195 ft. at Sibley Memorial Hoe gital WILLIAM H. SMITH. Sr., beloved usband of Mabel E. Smltb. father of William H. Smith, lr.; grandfather of Susan Leah and Linda Kay Smith. Friends mav call at the tee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Wednes day July A. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar ] Hill Cemetery. ft I SMOOT. HATTIE A. Os 1922 North Un- < derwood st., Arlington. V*., on July 3. 1955 sister of Benjamin Smoot, aunt * of Robert L. Fillebrown. Services at , Chambers’ Funeral Home. 3072 M st. * ! n.w.. on Wednesday. July 6. at 1 pm. Interment Monocacy Cemetery. Bealls- * ville. Md (Baltimore. Md., Sun please ( copv.) 6 i i SPINKS. CATHERINE. On Bunday. July 1 3. 1955. at D. C. General Hospital. CATHERINE BPINKB of 13 Logan , circle n.w., beloved wife of the late ’ Richard W. Spinks and mother of Miss , Cordelia Spings Also surviving are 1 other relatives and many friends. Fu- < neral private. 6 STANLEY. CLARA (SIS WASHINGTON). On Saturdays July 2. 1955. at 6:05 pjn.. CLARA (SIS WASHINGTON) STANLEY of 1317 1 st. n.e. She leaves a loving husband. William H. Stanley; a devoted daughter. Mra. Mar guerite Kendall: one sister. Mrs. Lillian < Thomas; three brothers. Henry. Edward and Milton SCSeoe: one niece, eight nephews and other relatives and many , friends. After 4:30 D.ra. Tuesday. 1 July 6. friends may call at her late ) residence. Funeral service* on Wednes > day. July 6. at 1:30 p.m.. at the ( Rehoboth Baptist Church. Rev. A. H. 8. Jdhnson officiating. Interment Lin coin Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by tha Eugene Ford Funeral Home. ' STANLEY. CLARA. All officers and ® members of the James Reese | Europe Unit, No. 5. American . Legion Auxiliary, are hereby notifled of the death of our member. CLARA STANLEY, and are requested to assem- . ble at 1317 E st. n.e.. on Tuesday. Julv 6. 1955. at 7:30 p.m. ELVA B. McLANE. President. , LILLIAN C. HOLLIDAY. Becy. I STEWART. ANNIE LOUISE. On Sunday. » July 3. 1955. at Providence Hospital.;' ! ANNIE LOUIBE STEWART of 4010* Ist pi n.w.. wife of thb late John Y. j ■ Stewart, mother of W. Harry Stdwart 1 and Mrs. Yule A. Ball. Friends may; ! call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4tb st., ! and Mass. ave. n.e.. where service* will!, t be held on Wednesday. July 0. at 111. a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Caraetery.; 1 SUBGUY, MARGARET. On Bunday. July 3, 1965, at her residence. 2004 Avalon!. . pi-. Lewlsdale. Md.. MARGARET SURGUY. mother of Mrs. Lucy , I C. Mclntosh, grandmother of CUf f ford M.. E. L. (Buddy) Mclntosh. - Mrs. Margaret C. Johnson. She also is survived by seven great-grandchildren. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral j Home 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednes -1 day. July 6. nt 11 a.m. Interment : Cedar Hill Cemetery. 6 t TALBERT. LOUIBE E. Suddenly on Fri day. July 1. 1955. at hit home. 4527 » Rosedale ave.. Bethesda. Md . LOUIS E. TALBERT, beloved husband of Anna May Talbert, brother of Genevieve Reeves and Atnus Gallahan. Friends are invited to call at the Bethesda ( Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Robert f A Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md. Services - at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic f Church. Bethesda. Md.. where requiem mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. July 0. Interment Fort - Lincoln Cemetery. 6 ; TALIAFERRO. MORTON. On Friday. 1 July 1. 1955. MORTON TALIAFERRO of 650 24th at. njr., brother of firs. Louise W. Harrod and Jerry Walker. He also is survived by three nieces ; and three nephews. Friends may call » at the Malvan Sc Schey. Inc., Funeral Home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w.. t on Thursday. July 7, after 12 noon. r where funeral services will be held on * Friday, July ft. at 9 a.m. Interment j Arlington National Cemetery. • r THOMPSON. LAURA JENKS. On Sun - day. July 3. 1955. at Emergency Hos pital after a long illness, LAURA JENKS i THOMPSON. Bne had lived at the Kennedy-Warren Apartments. Wife of • the late MaJ. Oen. Thompson, U. 8. A. She is survived by a sister. Mrs. Frederick B. Carter of Pasadena. Calif.: f two daughters. Mra. Howard E. Engler i of San Antonio, Tex., and Mrs. J. Maury Dove. Jr., of Annapolis. Md.. and two r grandchildren. Friends may call at the b 8. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 * 14th st. n.w Oraveslde services on » Thursday. July 7, at 10 a.m. Inter • ment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 Friends may assemble at the Memorial Gate at 10 a m Family requests any tokens of sympathy be contributed to the American Cancer Fund. (Pasadena and Los Angeles. Calif., and San An • tonio. Tex., papers please copy.i 6 ‘ TIMIAN, ELLSWORTH A. Formerly of 4600 Bowen rd. s.e.. on July 3. 1955. i husband of Emily E. Yimtan. brother i of Charles. Harold and Grace Timian. Remains at Chambers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st. a.e., until Thursday* July 7. at 9 a.m Services and interment, Arlington National Cemetery at 9:30 a.m. : YERXER. MARGARET J. On Monday. * July 4. 1965. at Sibley Memorial Hos • pltal. MARGARET J. VERNER. mother l of Arthur A. Verner of Washington. 1 D. C.; aisteT of Bara Niblock of White . head Island. James Nicklock ot Bel -1 fast. Ireland, and William Niblock of ; Johannesburg. South Africa: sister-in { law of William Hart of London. Eng -1 land. Friends may call at Gawler’s : Cahpel. 1756 Pa. ave. n.w. (free park * ing opposite). Private services will be * held on Thursday. July 7. 0 WARREN. LT. COL. GEORGE F.» U. S A. F. On Thursday. June 23, 1955. at l Bremen. Germany. LT. COL. OEORGE l F WARREN. U. 8. A. F.. the beloved p husband of Agnes Lorran Warren. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral p Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., 1 where prayers will be offered on Wed i nesday. July 6, at 8:45 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 5 * WELLES. MABEL ALICE. On Monday. *: July 4. 1955, at Washington Sani- M tarium. MABEL ALICE WELLES Os 544 R Beacon rd., Silver Spring. Md., beloved ; wife of the late Frank Cordav Welles. 1 sister of Mrs. A. M. Edwards and Mrs. Charles L. Day. Also surviving are . three nephews and a cousin, Mrs. Roy . Osborn. Friends may call at the S. a H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th i st. n.w. Funeral services M Bt. Paul’s [ Episcopal Church. Rock Creek Church i Parish, on Thursday, July 7, at 11 a.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 0 - WERNER. RALPH N. Members of Orand tVoyageur. No. 174. Forty and Eight, are requested to as semble at Oawler’s Chapel, 1750 Pa. ave. n.w., at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. July 6. 1966. FRANK NORTON, Grand Chef de Gars. .1 TOM BYWATERS. Sous Correspondant. WERNER. RALPH NORMAN. On Satur day. July 2. 1955,- at Atlantic SMy. N. J.. RALPH NORMAN WERNER, be loved husband of Bessie 8. Werner. > brother of William Werner nt Knox ville. Tenn . and Henrv Werner of : Ceylon. Minn. Friends may rail at ri Oawler’s Chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w. v (free parking opposite). Services will be held at Ft. Myer Chapel on Tburs . day July 7. at 2 p.m. Interment , Arlington National Cemetery. 0 n WERNER. RALPH N. Members of Geone 8. Patton. Jr . Tank Corp iOML Post. No. 19. American Le non. are hereby advised oi y the death oi our comrade. S ErnTMTOM RALPH N WERNER, and VIWWJi are requested to attend f services at Gawler’s Chapel, n 1756 Pa. ave. n.w., at 8:30 p.m.. - Tuesday. July 6, 1955. t CHARLES A. BURRELL. Commander, e JOBEPH A POWERS. Adjutant. 6 WHITFIELD. MARY ELIZABETH (nee 5 Matthews) On Monday. July 4. 1955. s at tile D, c. General Hospital, MARY l i ELIZABETH WHITFIELD (nee Mat * thews), foimerly of 819 3rd st. s.w., e beloved wife of the late Rufus Whit field. devoted mother of Mrs. lone Ravnall and mother-in-law of Mr. * Ralph Ravnall. She also leaves to . mourn her passing other relatives and I * many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* Si Co. Funeral Home. 901 3rd st. s.w. Notice of funeral: * later. Family may be seen at 1001 A st s.e.. Apt. 4. 6 I • WILLIAMS. FRANK. On Sunday. July! » 3. 1955. FRANK WILLIAMB of 117| i 2nd st. a.e.. the beloved husband of Mary E Williams. Arrangements bv the Dabney Sc Oarner Funeral Home. , • 442 M st. n.w Notice of funeral later, j r " l| r WILLIAMS, WALTER E. Os 9118 Sud bury rd.. Silver Spring. Md . on Sun : day. Julv 3. 1955: husband of the late l Anita C. Williams, father of *he late Garland T. Williams and uncle of i Mrs F. A. Klrlidienst and Mrs. John Melle. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 140 c Chapin st. n.w., on Wed nesdav. July 0 at 1 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 5 :. WILSON. HATTIE E. On Sunday. July -3, 1956. at Freedmen's Hospital. HAT -11 TIE E WILSON of 3324 14th at. n.e.. 0 beloved wife of Fred E. Wilson: also surviving are other relatives and many t friends. After 0 p.m. Tuesday. July s 5. friends are invited to call at her ( late residence, where services will be 0 held on Wednesday. July 6, at 2 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.s k Admiral Claude Kell Dies; Ex-Director of Model Basin Rear Admiral Claude O. Kell.; 63. retired director of the David ] Taylor Model Basin at Carderock. , Md.. died today at this home in Salisbury. Md. Apparently in' good health, he had visited 1 Ocean City yesterday with his' wife. He went to Salisbury from Chicago six months ago as gen-. eral manager of Roberts Indus tries, a boat-building firm. Admiral Kell was a native of j Centralia, HI., and a 1915 Naval, Academy graduate. After thrle , years in the Canal Zone, he came | to Washington in 1927 on his;] first duty here in the Design;) Division, Bureau of Construction i and Repair of the Navy Depart ment. In 1936 he was transferred tp ( | the experimental model basin at i the Navy Yard here. ‘i Mrs. Betty Nan Leftwich; Directed Market Analysis Mrs. Betty Nan Leftwich, about 35. who had led an active business life although! she had been a polio victim' since she was 8. died yesterday, at Emergency Hospital of pneu monia. Mrs. Leftwich was formerly : director of a telephone market! analysis service here. At one time in the 19405, she had 50! persons in her employ, all of whom evaluated the effect of radio advertising for clients. Mrs. Leftwich got around mainly in a wheelchair although she could use crutches. She took care of her own apartment at 1010 Twenty-fifth street N.W., I calling in a maid only to move objects or reach places she was' unable to reach. At one time she managed a book store at George Washington; University Medical School. Her last job was with the Custom' Brace & Appliance Co. Mrs. Leftwich was born in! Chicago and was a graduate ol Maret School here. Her father,' (Who died in California, was' ; physician for athletes at St.! ;Mary’s College in that State.; (Her mother, Mrs. Howard F.j ißresee, lives at 3738 Albemarle! ‘street N.W. Mrs. Leftwich spent many years at Warm Springs in her childhood at the same time that; Ipatlja WIXSON, S/SGT. CHARLES GAIL. On Friday. July 1, 1955. at Yemassee, 8. C., 8/BGT. CHARLES GAIL WIX SON of Parris Island. S. C„ beloved husband of Ronab M. Wixson and father of Charles G»U, jr.; Thomas Allen and Ronah M. Wixson. He Is also survived by hi* parents. Ervin 8. Wix son and Mrs. Arnah W. Wixson of Petoakey. Mieh.: two brothers, ClVo E. •nd John 8. Wix*on of Petoskey. Mich., two brother*. Clyo E. and John 8. Wix«on of Petoakey, Mtch.. and one sister. Mrs. Raymond Bchaaf of Arllna ton. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2*47 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va., where funeral services will be held on Thursday. July 7, at 2 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. s , In Jirmnriam CARTER, LULA J. In loving memory of our dear mother. LULA J. CARTER, who passed *way thirty-two years tgo today, July 6, 1923. Loving memories never die As years roll on and days pass by: Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Os one we loved demrly and will never forget. YOUR DEVOTED CHILDREN. * JOHNSON, ANDREW O. In memory of ANDREW O JOHNBON. who departed this life three years ago today. I do not need this special day .To bring sou to my mind: The days I do not think of you Are very, bard to find. A FRIEND. JONES. ELEANORA; SCOTT. GEORGE 1 E. In loving memory of our devoted i sister, ELEANORA JONES, who left us one year ago today. July 5. 1954. and our brother, GEORGE E. SCOTT, two years ago. August 9. 1953. In our hearts your memory lingers. Bweetly. tenderly, fond and true; There Js not a day that passes That we do not think of you. DEVOTED SISTERS. BERTHA R. i JONES. ELEANORA. A tribute of love tc the memory of our dear aunt. ELEANORA JONES, who passed away one year ago today, July 6. 1964. Loved in life, remembered in death. LELIA AND ALVA BLACKWELL. * JONES, ELEANORA. in memory of a dear one. ELEANORA JONES, who passed away one year ago today. July 6. 1954. One year has passed since that sad day I saw you pass away No one knows how much I miss you. YOUR ADOPTED NIECE, ELAINE JOHNSON. • LOCK LEX. CHARITY. S*cred to the memory of our darling mother and j grandmother, CHARITY LOCKLEY. who; entered the portals of glory twenty-one! years ago today. July 5, 1934. Beautiful memories are all we have left! Os one whom we loved and will never! forget. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN. RUTH E.! LOCKLEY AND MAUD L. DIXON:; AND GRANDSON. WALTER ‘ T.i DIXON. Jr, MACK ALL. DANIEL' LLOYD. Sacred; to the memory of our dear husband; and father. DANIEL LLOYD MACK ALL. who passed away four years ago today. July 5. 1951. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Os the loss of ona we loved so well: But while he sleeps a peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. WIFE. MRS. CORA MACKALL; CHIL DREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. « McILH'AIN. LYDIA O. In constant lov ing remembrance of my darling sister. LYDIA O. McILWAIN, who passed away twenty-ona year* 'ago today. July 5. 1934. Dearest Lydia, you are net torgoAen. Though on earth you are no more: •till In memory you are with me. As you always were before. DEVOTED SISTER. CONNIE C. McIL WAIN •_ NASH. DANIEL M. In loving memory of our dear husband and father. DANIEL M. NASH, who departed this life three years ago today. July 6. 1962. A dear one from us has gone, A voice, we loved is stilled: A place Is vacant in our home That never can be filled. DEVOTED WIFE. MARY: CHILDREN. DANIEL Jr- AND RHOPA. SMITH, JOHN D. AND LENA V. In de voted memory of our dear parenta. JOHN D. SMITH, who passed away live years ago. March 4, 1950. and LENA V SMITH, lour years ago, July 6. 1951. But such a tide a* moving seems asleep. Too full for sound or foam. When that which drew out Fi om the boundless deep turns again home LONELY DAUGHTER. CAROL 8 Mc- NEAL. AND ORANDBQN, RALPH VIRNSTEIN, JOHN H. In sad but loving memory of our dear father. JOHN H. VIRNSTEIN. who departed this life twenty-four rear* ago today. July ft. 1931. _• HIS DEVOTED PAPOHTER. GER TRUDE L. TOWERS. AND SON, J ELLSWORTH VIRNSTEIN WEATHLESS. NELSON E. In remem brance of the love, undying devotion and service of onr beloved father. ; NELSON E WEATHERLEBB. who left) us twelve yeara ago today. July 5.1 ! 1943. 1 Your memory le a* dear today | t As in the hour you passed away. DEVOTED CHILDREN. RUTH AND El LIS ■ J A I t He received the Legion ol Merit for rupervlsin* shipbuild ing in Son Frxncisco from 1941 to 1944 and a Gold Btar in lieu of a second Legion of Merit lor commanding the Naval Ship yard at Pearl 'Harbor in 1944 and 1945. ; Admiral Kell was Naval in spector of ordnance and super visor of shipbuilding in Cam den. N. J., for the New York Shipbuilding Corp. until he came to Washington in 1947 as commanding officer and direc tor of the David Taylor Model Basin. He was also director of ;the experimental model basin at ;the Naval Gun Factory. He re tired in 1950. Survivors are his widow; a son, James, Shreveport. La., and a daughter, Mrs. A. G. Steer, Jr., 'Springfield. Pa. the late Franklin D. Roosevelt was there as a polio victim. , Besides her mother, she is survived by her grandmother, ‘Mrs. George Barrows of Arling ton. Sfervices will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Hines funertf home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. The family requests that any tokens of sympathy be do nated to the National Founda- Ition for Infantile Paralysi^. GAKrogmann, Meat Dealer George A. Krogmann, sr., 62. who was in the wholesale meat business here for 30 years, died Sunday at his home, 606 Girard ! street N.E. ! Mr. Krogmann was born in (Washington and attended Georgetown Law School. He was an Army sergeant in World War il. Later he went into the busi i ness founded by his father, Clement, under the name C. ! Krogmann & Sons. ! Mr. Krogmann operated the ; business at 2002 Fourth street N.E. with his brother, Clement B. Krogmann, 3301 Twentieth ; street N.E. ; Mr. Krogmann was a member of St. Anthony’s Church for 3.0 years and a membec- of Keane Council of »he Knights of Co lumbus. Besides his brother, he is Mrs. Mabel A. Prominent Nev Mrs Mabel A. Welles, 68, well known New York painter and widow of Frank Corday Welles, New York attorney, died yester day at the Washington Sani : tarium. i She recently moved from New York City to Maryland to live with her sister, Mrs. A. M. Ed : wards of Holly Hills, 9100 Riggs road, Adelphi, Md. j Daughter of Hannah Lobley i of New York and Yorkshire, Eng land. *nd William Schnurr, in ventor, she studied art at Smith College In New York, taught art ,! at Rutgers College and was head i of the art department of Cen tra' High School, Newark, N. J. She studied painting with Harry A. Ogden, Naval Gun Factory Harry A. Ogden, 57. electronic mechanic at the Navgl Gun Fac tory, died Saturday at George Washington Hospital after a three-day illness. He lived at 18 Farragut place N.W. Born in Brunswick, Md.. Mr. Ogden was in the Navy during World War I. He was an elec trician at the Philadelphia Naval jYard until he came to Washing ton in 1935 and began work at jthe Naval Gun Factory. J Mr. Ogden was a member of | John Wanamaker American ; Legion Post in Philadelphia. ! Survivors are his widow, Anna M.rajiis mother, Mrs. Amanda C. Ogden, and a sister, Mrs. Nellie Burgess, both of 5925 Fourth street N.W., and another sister, Mrs. Edna Knapp, Adams Cen ter, N. Y. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Deal funeral home, 4812 Georgia avenue N.W Burial will be in Arlington Ceme tery. ! IVES FUNERAL HOME j IN ARLINGTON \ The older families in Arlington are tne best Judges of % | the quality of Ives service. It avails us little to say It | C is fine, finer or the finest. , v S We do know, however, that for many years a majority § \ ot Arlington families have called us, a fact for which | S 3 we are humbly grateful. | ARLINGTON’S FIRST AND FINER \ FUNERAL HOME 1 2847 WILSON BLVD. JACKSON 7-3016 (On Wilson Blvd. Near Sears) i W. R. Frank Hines, President tfaskinitoii’l Foremojt Funeral Horn Slat* WS 35s S.H.ffines Companq 2901-03-OS-07 Fourteenth Street NW. Columbia 5-7023 No Branch Establishments Convenient Parking Facilities A Joining Funeral Ham* I 4 1 1 ET •- ; I K i i x Kjp i , .fi - I Bk jfl < i - s t . l MRS. RICHARD COLLIER t Long-Time Resident , Mrs. Collier, 85; ? Baltimore Theater - Executive's Mother Mr*. Richard Collier. 85, mother of a Warner Bros, ex ecutive, died yesterday at her home, 1020 Monroe street N.W. She had been in ill health for 1 a year. s The former Theresa Walter, Mrs. Collier was born In Dick ‘ erson. Md., the daughter of Mary and George Walter. She '■ came to Washington to live In t 1917 after the death of her hus t;band. Mrs. Collier was active in Cal - vary Methodist Church. i Her son. Rodney Collier, Is ‘ (executive manager for Warner I Bros, in Baltimore. Other survivors are two daugh ters, Carrie and Mary, both of ' the home address, and a grand- I daughter, Patsy Collier. Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Hines fu j neral home, 2901 Fourteenth i street N.W. survived by his widow, Loretta J May; a son. George, jr„ Arling ■* ton; three daughters, Mrs. Rita ;K. Rabbitt, 5073 Eighth street 1 N.E.; Mrs. Marilyn L. Joholske, s ;Anne K. Conrad, Arlington, Va.; r j three other brothers, Rudolph ■;and Edward, both of 11 Hesketh • street, Chevy Chase, Md., and '•'Carl, 1261 Kearney street N.E.; (three sisters, Mrs. George A. e WeSchler, 5201 Chamberlin ave t nue. Kenwood, Md.; Mrs. Anna t| Ruppert of the Chevy Chase ‘ address; Mrs. Bernadette K. Lamers, New York, and 10 r > grandchildren. 0 Requiem mass will be offered e at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Aji* - thony’s Catholic Church. Twelfth and Monroe streets N.E. Burial Is will be in Arlington Cemetery. Welles, 68, iv York Artist - many outstanding artists, in ti eluding Norman Rockwell. Louis i, Jambor, Eliot O'Hara and Louis - Bridgeman. She was a member of the American Artists Professional n League, Allied Artists of Amer e ica, American Watercolor So briety and the Art Students s League of New York. ! Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. y Alba M. Edwards of the Riggs - road address and Mrs. Charles - L. Day of New York City. h Funeral services will be held t at 11 a.m. Thursday at St. Paul’s d Episcopal Church, Rock Creek - Church Cemetery here. Burial r. will be in the Rock Creek Church h Cemetery. c■II 3 3 I M e „ R >n these fine mnd- H 4 w n ern * i° catc< i ■ ’ 7 buildings at com- gs g '' Tflf~ K petitive rates. H - »Z 3 ■ 14th and N. Y. Ave ; ■ 1 f HpL choice suites in the H - 4 jB»r~ Wyatt and Trans-Lui. H t J jg*-; 13th and Pa. Ave.; H ; |l| the new Pennsylvania H f * Building. 1 % 'OOI Conn. Ave.' I t E?"* Arlington. Va ; * ■ ,he Bad lo Building. S - V cr ihen ond other ■ P -i R~ f oco,, °"* roll K 7 j S’ tveret Scott. - lE I W«. 8-2345 1