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A-12 THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. C WXDNISDAT. HIT a IMS Show of Fokeries in Art Proves Balm to Suckers By CROSBY S. NOYES Suropna Correspondent ot The Star PARIS—“The Fake in Art and History” is the name of an ex* hlbit which opened here recently sponsored by the International Commission of Criminal Police and dedicated to the greater glory of hawkshaws everywhere. To judge from the attendance figures, the art of counterfeiting rates high in the popular scheme of things. The crowds at the exhibit can indulge their taste in everything phony from the Piltdown skull to bogus Dior evening gowns. The whole spur, ious spectrum—painting, ceram ics, glass, lace, coins, stamps, sculpture, furniture coats-of arms, musical instruments—and even fake butterflys, fill a total of 22 rooms at the Grand Palais. Being inveterate moralists, the police are evidently out to prove the point that artistic counter felting—like crime—is never pA fect and doesn’t pay. The only trouble is that the public, being ornery, seem to show special in terest in those cases where the authorities fell on their faces. Gifted Donkey There is. for example, the painting called “Sunset over the Adriatic”, by “Boronali” which drew enthusiastic comment from modem-art lovers at the Salon des Independents a while ago. It later turned out that the canvas was really the work of a donkey named Aliboron, who had dis played his talent with a paint brush tied to his tail one evenihg for the amusement of guests in a Parisian bistro. There is the famous “Tiara of Saitaphames”, king of the Scythes, authenticated by the most eminent archaeologists of the 19th century and bought by the Louvre for 200,000 gold francs. It is only recently that the Louvre has recovered from its embar rassment sufficiently to permit this prize forgery to be dug out of the museum basement where it has spent most of the inter vening time. There is also, the collection of historic letters, purchased by an Incredibly gullible French acad emician named Michael Chasles which Included missives from Socrates to Euclid, from Cleopa tra to Anthony and from Lazarus to St. Peter—all the work of one prolific counterfeiter, and all of them written in French. Balm to the Sucker Cases like these are soothing balm to the soul of every ama teur treasure-hunter who has ever been taken in on an “au thentic” bit of Sevres china in a Paris antique store or burned his fingers on an Old Master at the flea market. But in all the exhibit, perhaps the most heart warming case of all is that of “Venus Among the Turnips.” Ever since the spring day in 1937 when the Venus was ploughed up in a turnip field in central France she has filled a special niche in the artistic life SHOP THE HECHT CO. FIRST FOR EVERY DAY LOW-LOW PRICES ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED CAMERAS & FILM Wi. ■&* Kodak Brownie Movie Camera f 2.7 37.50 30.00 Kodak Brownie Movie Camera fl .9 46.75 37.50 Bell & Howell 200A 16-mm. Camera 199.95 159.95 Bell Cr Howell 252 8-mm. Camera 59.95 47.99 Keystone Bell Air K-41 fl. 9 114.50 91.60, Keystone K-32 fl .9 99.95 79.95 Cameras, Street Floor, Washington The List Hecht Co. Price Price Argus C-3 66.50 42.99 Argus C-4 99.50 79.90 Kodok Pony 135 - 33.75 26.99 Kodak Brownie Howkeye Kit ... 13.65 10.99 Brownie Holidoy Flash Comera 4.95 3.99 Cameras, Street Floor, Washington <* tUt. B ¥f.*> 8-mm. Kodochrome, 25' roll 3.75 2/6.00 8-mm. Kodochrome 25' magazine .. 4.65 2/7.44 35-mm. Kodochrome 20-ex. Daylight... 3.25 2/5.20 620 Kodacolor Daylight.. 1.98 2/3.17 Cameras, Street Floor, Washington The Met Hecht Ce. • Price Price Brownie Movie Projector ........ 62.00 49.60 Bell & Howell Regent Projector 179.95 143.99 Keystone #95 Projector 127.05 102.50 Cameras, Street Floor, Washington * The List Hecht Ce. Price Price Reeves Soundcraft 7" Tope ..... 5.50 3.49 Reeves Soundcraft 5" Tope ... 3.50 2.80 Cameras, Street Floor, Washington tat. RCA 401 169.95 135.60 RCA 402 199.95 159.99 RCA 403 239.95 191.95 Cameras, Street Floor, Washington THE HECHT CO. Washington Stare of the country. For Farmer Gonon. the inconvenient stone . that turned the point of his plough brought fame and mod ' est fortune. Uncovered, the f stone revealed itself as a lovely 1 bit of classic art—the more . lovely and classic for missing ’ left arm, right hand, the lower r legs and the tip of the nose. The verdict of the farmer, the - village mayor and priest was t quickly confirmed by the ex ; Derts. The president of the local . archaeological society, the cura ' tor of the St. Etienne Museum, '■ the head of the National Museum ■at Athens were unanimously r agreed: The Venus was a mas ■ terpiece—a near-perfect speci • men of Gallo-Roman art of the • Phidias school, dating from the • second century. Kitchen Museum Farmer Gonon believed in the s finders keepers tradition. Turn ; ing down a number of substan tial offers for his “Venus Among • the Turnips” he converted his 1 kitchen into a museum and 1 offered the curious public a peak •at three francs a head. The 5 mayor of l'Etrat assigned a spe cial police detail on Sundays and holidays to keep the crowd mov e ing. The following year, an .offl g cial decree signed by the Minls j ter of Education classified the j Venus as an “historical statue” ) to prevent its demoval from the t country. s There, but for Francesco Cre -1 monese, the matter might have - rested. Mr. Cremonese was the - first person to question the au ! thenticity of the Venus. And he 1 did it in the most direct way possible. At the height of the 1 general admiration, he suddenly e announced to the authorities J that he had made the Venus 1 himself. It was a highly Impertinent e claim. Coming from an obscure . and notably unsuccessful art stu t dent, it was the kind of claim t to draw derisive laughter from e most of his listeners. Farmer . Gonon led the chorus of protest against the interloper who f seemed to be trying to cash in on 3 his find. Proves Fake • Mr. Cremonese bore the laugh _ ter for a time, summoned the ' curators, officials of the Ministry g of Fine Arts and court officials • to his home in Villars. They 1 would not believe that he had made the. Venus and buried it in farmer Gonon’s turnip field? He 5 would prove it to them. With . quite a flourish, Mr. Cremonese 5 produced his evidence: One left . arm, one right hand, two shape i ly legs and the tip of one lovely i noee. Were there still any doubts? t The astonished officials were s formally presented to Venus in - the flesh—a shapely 18-year-old f Polish waitress named Anna Stunicka who had served him as 3 a model. s The quiet decree issued on 3 November 30, 1939, passed un it noticed. The war had started s and the declassification of a U. S. Officials Differ on Red 'Peace' Moves *7 tlx Auoclatad Pt«u A difference of opinion has de veloped among United States offi cials as to whether Moscow's cur rent peace talk shows that Rus sia genuinely wants to end the cold war. , A majority of policy makers seem to believe such recent Rus sian gestures as the unprece dented apology for shooting down an American plane mean Moscow at least plans to offer concessions aimed at easing East-West ten sion. The Geneva summit conference opening July 18, in the view of these officials, promises to lead to a series of negotiations which could slow down the arms race and make a start toward solving critical European and Far East ern problems. An evidently smaller group of officials, however, describe this view as dangerously optimistic. They argue that no end to the cold war is in sight and that any concessions Russia may make will be superficial. Both sides appear to agree on one major point: Apparent agri cultural difficulties and the arms burden are straining Russia's economy, and so the Kremlin statute was hardly front-page news. Whatever else it proves, the presence of the "Venus Among the Turnips” at the Grand Pa lais this week suggests that French officialdom is able to for give and forget. It also suggests that the International Commis sion of Criminal Police is not adamant in its position that artistic humbuggery can be made to pay. A notice posted near the statue advises the public that: “Mr. Cremonese. having kept a cast of his celebrated Venus, will be pleased to accept orders for reproductions.” r //fy - House and Herrmann * Furniture of Merit litlirMKr (HUBAIBAnPIB House and Herrmann cleans house'. . . JULY IS THE TIME TO BUY! C A \/C C D These are odds and ends .. . floor samples .. . discontinued stocks that ▼ £ I 1 MUST BE SOLD immediately to make room for new fall merchandise! Prices are slashed up to 60% off. All purchases subject to prior sale. No 20% to 60% mail or phone orders! Free delivery! Take up to 24 months to pay! „ „ . . Reg. NOW Reg. NOW . 2-Pc. Wrought Iron Sofa Bed Suite 198.85 129.71 3-Pc. Cordovon Mohogony Double Dresser Bed- Reg.- NOW , room - 259.95 179.88 32 x 34 Vqgetion Plate’ Glass Mirror, Slight Genuine Mahogany Cocktail Table, leather top 149.95 59.88 Irregular 39.95 18.92 Lawson-Style Sotos, with fringe, choice of colors 189.95 98.17 Regency Mahogany Tables, cocktail, lamp, end Innerspring Studio Couch, Opens to Sleeo Two 89.95 49.62 7-Pc. Modern Walnut Jr. Dining Room Suite, or commode- *" 34.95 13.88 buffet, chino, table, 4 chairs 379.95 268.16 _ __ _ Lawson Style Love Seot has Fringe 129.95 69.71 f __ ! Karperi Ultramodern | 3 _ Pc sea . Mist Mh Double Dresser Bedroom 439.95 287.52 j 3-Pc. Cordovan Mahog- Foam Rubber Lounge | any Bedroom Suite 279.95 118.62 I Chair, fine modern | | , A , “ ~~~ 1 Modern Foam Rubber I fabric, brass legs.___ 249.95 97.61 I I Odd Lot of Assorted Pic- 9.95t0 Club Chairs 99 95 59 86 ! ' i | ture values from __ 19.95 4.88 | | __ _ J Req NOW —— —— — «J 3-Pc. French Provincial Fruitwood Double ' Occasional Plastic TV Choirs M. 95 7.88 . 9 ' Pc - Carved French Walnut Dining Room 2495.00 1498.00 Dresser Bedroom 349.95 268.17 Mhg. or Maple Kneehole Desks 44.95 29.62 Mahogany Drum Table 59.95 24.88 3-Pc. 18th Century Mahogany Bedroom Suite 249.95 179.91 Karpen occasionQ , ChoirS( CQrved (egs 7995 482 6 Modern Limed Ook Tobies, cocktail, lomp, step 29.95 17.62 Mahogany Vanity D«^ swivel gg 78 )2 Contour Chair with plastic arms and headrest 99.95 58.26 Mahogany Credenza with built-in writing desk 199.95 138.16 Modern Limed Oak and Wrought Iron Desk .. 79.95 47.81 Mohogony Cellarette Bar 69.95 32.26 Corner What Not Shelf by Im- ?M6 Modern Limed Ook Mogozine Rock 24.95 7.21 54” Mahogany Lady's Writing Desk 129.95 49.52 Eng(|sh c|ub foQm rubber cusw " # frei „ 369 ‘ 95 , 86 . 17 Cherry Duncan Phyfe Dining Table 109.95 47.12 Modern Grey Occasional Choir, blond legs .. 49.95 26.16 Tuxedo Sty|# Lpye Rpmpn sfrjpe upholster . ’ Pullman Club Sofa with 10096 foam rubber Modern Occasional Chair, lime oak arms and * n 9 79.95 49.17 back and cushions - 429.95 349.61 '*3s 29.95 16.81 international Modern Foom Rubber Sofa 279.95 178.16 Eclipse Regency Foam Rubber Sleep Sofa 398.95 296.17 ’OO% Nylon and Foam Platform Rockers .... 79.95 48.12 2 _ Pc Kroeh|er Caprj , OQ% Ny|on Liying Room 2- Kroehler Modem Sofa Bed Suite 198.95 129.61 100% Nylon and Foom Lounge Chairs 99.95 59.62 Sui, e - 279.95 197.18 Sealy Innerspring Hollywood Bed 89.95 69.82 Kingsley Bisquit Tufted Occasional Chair 198.85 79.81 2 ' p c- Kroehler Modern Foom Rubber Living Room Suite .... 249.95 178.19 Hollywood Bed Frames, hos casters 12.95 6.43 2-Pc. Grand Rapids Solid Mhg. Living Room , k Suite ... ... 549.95 387.78 100% Nylon Kroehler Modern Sofa 199.95 99.71 Maple Bunk Bed, complete with 2 springs, ' _ ’" ------- . ' „ guard roil ond ladder . 79.95 47.12 Topestry Wing Choir, carved mohogony legs 99.95 57.18 2 ' Pc ' Kroehler Lawson Living Room Suite ... 289.95 197.83 Odd Chest of Drawers, maple or mohogony 24.95 17.86 18th Century Mahogany Corner Cabinet ... 129.95 68.91 Karpen Ultra Modern Sofa, Freize 449.95 218.17 Odd Beds, Cordovon, limed ook, seamist blond, 39.95 to Odd Mohogony Dining Chairs 12.95 7.92 Innerspring Sleep Chair, opens to sleep one .. 59.95 34.88 some full, some twin size, values from 59.95 17.81 . . r .... ~ c , . , ... 9-Pc. 18th Century Mhg. Dining Room Suite, Convertible Sleep Sofa, opens to sleep two with Wrought Iron Trio Bed, complete with 2 inner- buffet, chino, ext. table, 5 side, 1 orm choir 398.95 299.21 fu " sizc innerspring mattress 198.95 127.81 ~ Solid Mahogany Host Chairs 49.95 27.16 Fold-A-Way Bed with Comfortable Mattress .. 24.95 16.88 I 2-Pc. Modern Kroehler ! Mahogany Gossip Bench, plastic seat 19.95 14.61 Hollywood Bed, Innerspring Mottress ond Box Living Room Suite 249.95 157.16 | «au, * ».* «. „ "‘T:'"-T I ' ! ——— Poster Beds, maple or mahogany, twin or full 3-Pc. Solid Cherry Bedroom Suite 349.95 256.89 p u || man sleepers, Foam Rubber Cushions, corn size 21.95 —12.88 3-Pc. Limed Oak Double Dresser Bedroom 249.95 178.12 plete with full sizc innerspring mattress .. 249.95 199.86 Mople Dresser ond Mirror ... 89.95 38.12 3-Pc. Modern Wolnut Triple Dresser Bedroom 498.95 279.16 Innerspring Sofa Bed, opens to sleep two 89.95 49.61 3- Charcoal Double Dresser Bedroom 279.95 187.16 3-P c . Modern Walnut Double Dresser Bedroom 239.95 159.92 Simmons Coil Springs 16.95 11.88 3-Pc. Cordovan Mohogony Bedroom Suite 249.95 119.86 3-Pc. Pearl Mahogany Double Dresser Bedroom 298.95 198.12 2-Pc. Simmons Sofa Bed Suite 179.95 128.87 5-Pc. Wrought Iron Dinette Set 79.95 48.16 Mahogany Duncan Phyfe Dropleaf Table 49.95 33.41 Kroehler Modern Innerspring Sofo Bed 129.95 69.91 9’x 12’ Imported Hooked Rugs 79.95 49.92 ' j —— -1 , 3-Pc. Sea Mist Triple Dresser Bedroom Suite 319.95 197.21 7-Pc. 18th Century Mhg. I I Innerspring Mattresses, Crib Mattress, Innerspring, tick - 12.95 *7.92 | Jr. Dining Room, buffet I j twin or full size, box I china, table, 4 chairs. 344.95 248.91 spring to match. Special 18.88 1 Chinese Modern Black Lacquer Decorated Bor 269.95 147.19 , J _____ _______ ______ ___________ ___ _ J 12'x9‘ All-Wool Green Sculptured Rug 149.95 96.56 3-Pc. Antique White French Provincial Bedroom 439.95 298.71 Odd Lot Table Lomps, values from 9.95 to 19.95 5.92 FREE TAXI FARE ' — ■ “Furniture of Merit Since 1885' Mke.MLM.I. .-'*««« te»v«&2Sß-.« II ill Simmons Orthro-Firm Type Innerspring Mot- pay the Taxi Fofe for their Vi ft ,av fIfVIIA/) /Ilf/1 M Dtltt l/l/t fll/1 It I tresses. Twin or full size. Bax spring to match SPECIAL 37.99 ' ' HWS I \UUJdJO (AIUAj \ | UUUTUAIuI y Limed Oak ond Wrought Iron CockfaiTToble .. 49.95 24.71 Open Thursday Jsf-J -"'hvl £Y£ 5J5 |Sj VV Wrought Iron Occasional Chairs with Arms .. 16.95 9.88 . 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2-Pe. Wrought Iron Sectional Sofo 159.95 99.81 DOWNTOWN « Open D0i1y,9:30t06 Convenient Terms Arranged Some one of kind, some floor samples 59.95 28.88 Closed Saturday s J leaden would Uke a breathing ix prepared to give up In order inspection. 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