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Peiping's Five-Year Plan Seen Lagging 20 Pet. By tb. AmocUM mm American officials see b 30 per cent lag In Red China’s five year plan as probably the gravest problem facing the annual Peo ple’s Congress now under way at Peiping. It means, in the view of spe cialists here, that this is a make or break year for the Commu nists in their race to balance China's agriculture with indus try bythe end of 1057. The Reds may adjust their goals downward, as they have done Before. Even so, officials here say they must take a major stride during the next 12 months alone or concede failure. Floods Take Toll A major cause of Peiping’s falling behind its self-imposed goals was the terrible toll of last year’s floods. They were the worst in a century in a land which has some floods every year. Added to the water’s ravages was a drought. Together, flood and drought knocked a further hole last year in the Red Chi nese five-year plan. The 20 per cent estimate for over-all lag is based on careful analysis of sta tistics from the area. It is viewed as significant be cause China’s agricultural econ omy operates on a very narrow margin in a country where flood and famine are to be expected. Fluctuation by one percentage point affects millions of people. Buy Burma Rice Peiping has just completed a deal to buy 200,000 tons of rice from Burma. Specialists say that will feed about one million people for one year. China’s pop ulation is over 463 million. The bad thing about last year’s floods, officials say, was that they struck in areas which normally escape the annual inundation. In their wake they left sand and silt, six inches to three feet deep, in rice paddles of such areas as South China, which Yanrfs Top V allies Save You M oney Give you lots of quality and fashion, too, in accessories you can wear right now! i Big News lor Sale! S.OO to 5.95 3.98 Seamprufe. Semi 'Annual Sale Blouse 'il 1 Skirt Summer Handbags Batiste Lingerie Shoes Collectors in straw, leather, fabric the no-iron totton fabric Discontinued Styles were 2.99,3.99,4.99, now only 6.95 and 7.95 8.95 QQ sizes to 3 sizes 3% to 9 1.99 •- 2.99«- 1 • 490 5.90 SKIRTS cut full and flattering with pleats and . You’ll find lust thp handbag to add new The Cool !fJ’ P^ ettiest lingerie of the flares galore Polished cottons piques and broad- g season. The kind that makes you feel fern- Only twice a year can you obtain these famous Hoth, inVav c 111 li Z if color ’ faShlon im P° rtance to y° ur SunQ - . ‘nine ™d lovely, fragile as flowers. No trick shoes at SUC h savings. Discontinued styles from 0 in gay, coioriui prints. iu to i». mer wardrobe. We’ve dozens of smart styles, to keeping it ever fresh .. . simply wash, regular stock include straps in red, brown and BLOUSES cut cool for summer with scoop and con- f both casual and dressy, in rayon failles, . hang dl 7 Mll wear - blue leather and black patent, blue leather with vertible necklines. Nylons, cottons and dacrons straw, genuine leather and novelty fabrics. A. Dress length gown with applique violet trim. suede vamp oxfords (sizes 12V2 to 3 only) and with white, solids, dots, prints. 32 to 38. Some Many one-of-a-kind styles included. White, plnk ’ malze ’ 32 38 brown °** or y w “ b leather ™ bber < sizc » - „ V. ’. . .. . B. Tailored slip with front shadow panel. Pink, - 3V4 to 9 only). Not every style in every size and one of a kind. natural, pastels, dark colors. blue, malze ot her atyles ln whlte 32 40 color, a wonderful selection for early shoppersl Street Floor Separatee Shop, Washington and Arlington Street Floor, Washington and Arlington Second Floor, Washington; Street Floor, Arlington Fourth Floor, Washington; Second Floor, Arlington WASHINGTON STORE HOURS: THURSDAY, 12:30 TO 9 P.M. ARLINGTON STORE HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Washington: Penna. Ave at Sth St. N.W. 24-Hoar Phono Order Sate—Call Dl. 7-7200 . Arlington: JV. Fairfax and Kirkwood '■ f\ k A a h f normally must import some rice, r Any new floods this year would - add to the hardship sUU r»- t maining. A major item on the - agenda of the legislative con r gress at Peiping is a proposal to control the Yellow River. . With all these handicaps, the t Red Chinese are able to claim . progress ln building industry b where there was none before . Their success drew notice yes terday in the press of Japan, key r industrial power of the Par East. » The big economic newspaper s in Japan. Nihon Keixal. said Red r China was -giving Japan stiff s competition in Southeast Asia with such consumer goods as cotton, soap, pipe and nails. i Suspect Cleared; l Was in Hospital J Ruflno R. Oarrido, Jr., was cleared in Municipal Court s yesterday of housebreaking and i assault' charges after it was re l ported that he was a patient at r District General Hospital at the s time of the crime ln which he| * was a suspect. Mr. Oarrido, 30, colored, of the * 200 block of Bryant street N.E. * had been charged in connection J with an incident May 28 ln the i Capitol Hill area. He was ldenti *• fled in a lineup a month later by * the woman victim. " 'After police were advised that Mr. Oarrido was a patient at , District General from May 21 to e May 30, however, the govera -9 ment moved for dismissal of the n charges against him. * | ROOFING 1 Over 60,000 Reefs e the Metre * eoliten Arte dace <lO2. i Rose Brothers * JA. 2-1223 1 IM St N 8 ft Mjret Os. Arl.. Va i kaaHßaaaaaaaMHOi Peiping Plans Industrial Use Os A-Energy TOKYO, July • WV—Radio Peiping today painted a roseate picture of Red China’s indus trial progress and said China would soon begin the develop ment of atomic energy for in dustrial use. The Communist radio broad cast parts of Vice Premier Li Pu-chun’s 3 Vi-hour report on tiie progress of Red China’s first j five-year plan, starting in 1953! and ending in 1937. The report, was made to the first National | Congress of Peoples’ Representa tives. The Vice Premier slated that : "with direct Soviet aid, China would in the present five-year , plan period start to develop the peaceful utilisation of atomic ' energy ln the service of the na tional economy.” Mr. Li said Red China’s total , | Industrial output would be in creased by 98.3 per cent by 1957 and production of China's “mod ' em industry” by 104.1 per cent. Unlike most Soviet announce -1 ments on Russia’s successive ! five-year plans, Mr. Li’s reports ; gave figures. For example, he said Red China’s steel output by 1957 [ would be 4,120,000 tons, or 3.-1 ' times the 1952 level. I . ADVERTISEMENT. Helps Heal And Clear Itchy Skin Rash! Zemo, a doctor’s antiseptic, promptly relieves itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface rashes. Buy Extra Strength Zemo tor A stubborn cases! jpyXIIU Richmond Lifer Writes a Novel, Collects $2,400 RICHMOND. July 6 (JPi-—An inmate serving a life sentence at the State penitentiary here for murder has become i successful novelist Behind bars for 12 years, the 31-year-old convict recently re ceived a check for $2,400 from a publishing firm as an advance on a book he wrote titled “Raw Flesh.” The convict, who refuses to permit his name to be used in i publicizing the book, was sen tenced to life imprisonment on i conviction of the minder of two persons. The author will have little op portunity to spend much of his | newly acquired wealth. Under ! penitentiary rules, no man can ihave more than sls a month to ! spend. Fjare to Speak Representative Fjare, Repub lican, of Montana will address a ! luncheon of the Junior Chamber of Commerce at 12:30 pm. to morrow at the Burlington Hotel. 1120 Vermont avenue N.W. Now ANTIDOTE f° r POISON IVY OAK • SUMAC Zotox contain, new-type Zirconium, the wonder ingredient that neutralizes poison, atop, itch, prevent* spreading. Zotox aUo keep, rath from starting if nibbed on soon after, or before, touching poison plants. -* GET INSTANT RELIEF WITH IKuH ZOTOX^@ ON SALE ATALL I PEOPLES STORES | Rock Croak K. of C Elects John G. Conkey The Rock Creek Council at the! Knights ot Columbus has elect-1 ed John O. Conkey grand knight! ; fa- the 1955-8 season. Other officers elected are: Wfl ! drid Corridon, deputy grand knight; Leo McLarney, chancel : lor; J1 Dent Farr, warden: Jo - seph 8. Guido, financial secre i tary; Francis McKay, recorder, : and Dominic Pul vlren ti, treas ’ urer. GW Plans Party The faculty and students of, i George Washington University; 1 win get together at a “cooler. , party” from 3:15 to 4:30 pm. i tomorrow at the university yard. In case of rain the party will 1 move into Woodhull House, 1 Twenty-first and O streets N.W. vunond a JEWKI.BV irmisu Ml I II N.W B. N.BIJRNSTINE since ims Wash. Lee. * Trust Bldg. Gotta SIS DIAMONDS A /KWKLftf BOUGHT On Sale at all PEOPIiS DRUG STORES THE EVENING OTAR. Washington. D. C ** A-17