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A-18 ** THE EVENING OTAR, Washington, D. C. wtaxxasAT. rnt a. ism Coy Ocelot Snubs Feast Os Bait, Eludes Hunters The ocelot, or “large American ■potted cat,'* aa Mr. Webster de scribes him. can be found any where from Texas to Patagonia. South America—but not, appar ently. on the ground of the Naval Observatory. At least, the ocelot is still missing, unobserved. Last night marked the second night effort by police to return the cat to Addell's Pet Shop. 2319 Wisconsin avenue N.W., failed. Monday night police at least saw the ocelot and fired a couple of shots in his direction Last night, aided by two teth ered chickens outside the pet shop and armed with shotguns, police saw nothing in the way of ocelots only two tethered chickens. The chickens were designed to whet the appetite of the oce Housewife Quits Attempt To Swim Icy Strait VICTORIA. British Columbia, July 6 M*).—A 36-year-old Van couver housewife’s attempt to come back in competitive swim ming ended abruptly today when she was pulled from the water 61 minutes after challenging the unconquered strait of Juan de Fuca. Mrs. Ann Mundigel Meraw. a distance swimmer of note in the 19305, waved gaily to 200 well wishers as she plunged into the 18.3-mile stretch of icy. tide swept water between Victoria and Port Angeles, Wash. After covering about a mile, ■he became ill—apparently from swallowing water in the choppy sea—and was hauled out. It was the 12th time a swim mer had tried and failed to lick the strait. Channel veteran Florence Chadwick was the first, last year. She quit after cover ing less than live miles in as many hours. Mrs. Meraw, mother of a 14- no extras to pay! this newest Universal matchless gas range > T PER MONTH \/\ / A delivered & installed NO MONEY DOWN! PAY IT OUT ON YOUR GAS BILL! -—^.. iQ .. .. "|toss away your matches — it’s automatic all the wayl Another "matchless” value—with oven and broiler as well as top burners that light at the flick of a knob! Built-in timer clock, automatic oven control, in-a-drawer broiler—plus all the wife-saving features you only ge£ from quick, cool cooking with gas! VIROINIA SHOWROOMS: 3240 Wilson BWd„ Arlington • SOI King Stroot. Alexandria i “lot—to lure him back to the ‘cage where he could be caught * or plugged by shotguns. l ’ Since the ocelot's escape, Rob -7 ert B. Hall, pet shop manager, 11 has maintained the ocelot is not partjpularly dangerous, at least if to humans. The ocelot, however. does not hold the same feeling d toward dogs, having killed two a puppies and carried off two >. other dogs on his trot to free •. dom. • t Today Mr. Hall planned to set d some hounds on the trail or aet i. up a couple of box traps to catch - the cat. He has received many * suggestions on just how to go s. about the capture. f One might be to train the ob d servatory's telescopes on the i area instead of space. Cat i hunters would at least see more - than two chickens. Jyear-old son, was making her .1 first big league swim since 1939. JShe holds the record for the 114-mile grind from Vancouver’s ! English Bay to Bowen Island, 7 >'hours, 14 minutes through chop r py water. ! British Minister Finds | Life in U. S. Is Better !j SOUTHAMPTON, England, . July 6 (A*).—A British Baptist . minister who swapped parishes 1 with a South Carolina clergy man for a year says he likes the , United States so well he is go i ing back for good. 1 The Rev. Howard Wheeler. 53, whose temporary assignment was ■ iin Due West, S. C., said yester e day he found “wider life and i greater opportunities” in the , | United States. ■] Mr. Wheeler said he would go a back in September to become 'minister of a church in Simpson - ville, S. C. Nurse Drives From Ceylon Jo France LONDON. July 6 UP). —Annette . Massey. 34-year-old nurse from t Huntington. West Va„ has ar ■ rived in London after a 15,000- t mile overland drive from Ceylon , which took four months. She [ passed through 14 countries. , "I enjoyed every minute of it.” ! she said. Miss Massey wound up a three year tour of duty with the World > Health Organization in Ceylon ; early this year and decided on , the drive as a vacation trip. , She drove a 1952 10-horse , power British coupe. An Indian guide helped her over the tricky . first stages of the journey . through India and Pakistan. From there, her route took her . to Iran. Iraq. Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Yugosla via, Italy, Switzerland and France. , After a short holiday in Eng land, Miss Massey plans to re turn home to West Virginia. Philosopher to Release . Einstein's 'Message' LONDON, July 6 (/P). —A close > friend of the late Albert Einstein i said yesterday the renowned t physicist left with him a message . to the world before he died three months ago. Bertrand Russell, 83-year-old British philosopher, said the mes sage would be made public at a news conference Saturday. "It is a statement on nuclear . weapons signed by eight scientists t of international eminence.’’ Mr. > Russell said. "This statement - was sponsored by Einstein and ■ was signed by him just before his ■ death.” ; Egg Record Set SACRAMENTO, Calif: UP).— I Farm poultry flocks in California ; produced 4,577 million eggs in 1954, a new record. Tile output i was 160 per cent greater than in ! 1940. The State ranks second in ■ egg production, being surpassed jonly by lowa. Gen. Read Assigned To European Post . _ Br IBs Associated Proas The White House announced today that Maj. Gen. George W. Read, jr., commander of the Armored Center at Fort Knox. Ky., has been named commander of allied land forces In South eastern Europe. He will succeed Lt. Gen. Paul W. Kendall who is retiring. The White House also said President Eisenhower had nom inated Gen. Read for promotion to lieutenant general while serv ing in the European post. The President also nominated Rear Admiral Maurice E. Curtis for .promotion to vice admiral while sowing as deputy com mander in chief and chief of staff. Pacific fleet.-He is now commander of the cruiser-de stroy A' force. Pacific fleet. The present chief of staff of the fleet is Rear Admiral Herbert G. Hop wood. I Super Specials for Thursday and Friday! Sola o, Sota Bed 7-Pieee "King-Sii," Chrome Dine,re Unusually attractive room outfit with your choice of Deluxe "big family" dinette of a sensational low price! regular sofa or sofa bed that sleeps 2. Complete with big £■ Large 36x40x60-inch extension table has grey mother OA lounge chair in modern fabrics to match ... plus a plastic I of pearl plastic top .. . seats 8! Chrome arm chair chair, 3 modern tables and modern table lamp. I M and FIVE side chairs are in red or green plastic. Jg g Famous Aluminum . Modern GE Large Dresser Baby Stroller Washer Chair Swivel Rocker Portable Fan o«r »•». $34: 88 °* r R ' v $5 98 °w*n S6B 90 °u9s et - $5-44 S4B- 88 O YiA?' $26- 88 ts2 * tus 189.95 WU J 6.95 * 569.9 S TW 134.9 S T AW Big r##mr 3 . ( | row(r dreiscr Folding froma .. . plaid «. Brond now! Hoi safety lightweight folding aluminum In modern red, green or tooit Put on floor, toblo or in front ...... .... . , wringer, full guarantee. frome, saran seat. metaUrt fobrics. of window! Brond new! * l,h 8 " ,,0r- “bd e#,#r ««"»•* f a 77 gg M Ummf /W M 1 Innerspnng ■ ' «Jgs ■ 9x12 Hollywood Bed ■« •"* jij * '*■ » Rottanio Rug °;;,5 ? *32” SlB-9S Genuine Henry quality Rottanio rugi ticking. Easy to (NORTHEAST STORE /^^^ARLINGTOt^TOR^^^\ BENNING RD. fir MINNESOTA AVE. | 1 655 N. GLEBE RD., PARKINGTON 1 Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free Parking \ / Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free Parking | OPiN ALL DAY SATURDAY OPIN ALL DAY SATURDAY J | Dr. White Resigns At Haverford College HAVERFORD. Pa., July « (4*l. —Dr. Gilbert F. White. 44. has 1 resigned as president at Haver ford College and will become * (professor of geography at the ' University of Chicago, the Board • of Managers announced yester r (day The resignation will be es . fectlve the first of next year. ! Bom in Chicago, Dr. White re -1 ! i HOT and TIRED? i! I Comt to the > MT. LAKE HOTEL 11 Mt. Loko Fork, Maryland • A Cool Place to Relax r Far RasarvatioM Wrrta or Call • Daarfiald, Md. 4-1881 ceived his PhD. in geography from the Unioentty of Chicago in 1842. He had been on ap • polntment to the faculty there 1 before coming to Haverford in 1 1948. ; Dr. White is United States (member of UNESCO Advisory . Committee on Arid Zone Re . search. In 1941-42 he served in Washington on the Federal (Budget Bureau staff. RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. i. 'EDISON NBAS BOAKUWALS IJO UP DAILY—PER PERSON CAW MAY, N. J, A Complah Vewfran a» The Admiral Capa May, R l .CM . Dm* «torn .0m Mm* HO 4mm. trnmt . Swflir. tauutao • Snip W.fiPuf. Saxlof . TMM. SOMf . KmiFml I toaifiMp Wiuiiu amwM . Amna»MlCwaiM iPm • Cxacwm . mmwxm wiuiiin»m im 1 WnahrMnuu* • PtMCMaqt4.Wl. SftOeS Fa, AUn c.d Wemm SEASONAL AND DISCONTINUED STYLES! Hwa’s your opportunity to find taal WaMnfl Ptoasura at wondorfui. I monay-saving prices! Flnoot, softest taathari... carefully crafted by Dr. Schott's own master shoemakers! Hosts of colors and sizes, but not all sizes in all styles. Make your selection nowl fEETHURT? Gal aulek, ktatmntira raOtt with Dr. SettoM'a OamaOim. ApaHaneaa at An /I Svaearta. Coma to tar a FKU Foot Taal taOayl St ( D- Scholl's FOOT COMFORT® DEPT. Fourth near KANITS Coll Dl. 7-7200