OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, July 06, 1955, Image 20

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1955-07-06/ed-1/seq-20/

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Thumbnail for A-20 *

A-20 *
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C.
Shop Thursday Night, Hours 12:30*9 P.M.
Shop Friday 9:30-6 P.M. Closod Saturday.
cool ...cool. ..cool
JrhjkNO t STREETS NW-NA 8-9800 '

★ ■ ★
$ r%t^
.0 *k 0 *** •' O *<*/•«. w* ,«
w ,3 * ~ & «* O v r- vs
•' # e>,*,5t *'■' '■>. C? .../ ■* /.
Nylon Print Covers!
, Dacron-Filled Pillows

Two miracle fabrics mate in a pillow that's
luxurious yet practical. The pillow you
never thought you could afford! The Dacron
filling is cool, plump and comfortable—non
allergenic, mildewproof, odorless—won't
lump or mat. The floral printed nylon cov
ers are washable.
• Dupont’s Polyester Fiber
Reg. 69 c Famous-Make
Bath Towels
3 for 159l 59 59c Ea.
Orchid Gold Pink Grey Blue
Famous heavy bodied quality in absorbent
cotton terry that just drinks up moisture.
Large 22x44" size is ideal to wrap around
you after Summer showers and tubbings or
brisk, tingling rubdowns—or to stretch out
on the beach when you sunbathe.
Reg. 3.49 to 3.89
Pastel Percale Sheets
199 72x108"
Silky soft and smooth to the touch because
the fine combed threads are closely woven.
Pastel blue or yellow—perfect for Summer
bedspreads—or to make into draperies,
vanity skirts and pillow shams.
Reg. 89c, Pillow Cases, 42x38 Vi". Green,
yellow 59c
BfDWEAR— Third Floor
Open an INSURED Revolving
Charge Account. NO DOWN PAYMENT
12 Months to Pay
Tplus small service charge >
Gl Jobless Pay 1
Time Limited
The House has voted to limit ,
to thr*e years the period in
which a Korean war veteran can
draw GI unemployment com- ,
The three-year period would ,
apply after the servicemen's date
of discharge, or after enactment,
of the House-passed bill, which- ]
ever is later. But the whole Ko- ,
rear war "38-26” unemployment
compensation program ($26 a
week for 26 weeks) would be
ended as of January 31, 1960.
Othe> veterans bills unani
x * „* ***
New Resort Flights on
| "EXECUTIVES” jjjjjjj
76 min.
55 min.
fj\ Phone STerling 3-4500
• )
Shop Thursday Night, Store Hours: 12:30 'til 9 P.M.
Shop Friday 9:30 to 6 P.M. Closed Saturdays
Iw, t. Init.tl. [,et the Young •
"* r * Vn * Your
elastic oround j L* Car's Upholstery.
sllds*, free A , _
ends tie be- pWj- \ Protect It With Re
hind seat. . VM* versible, Washable
by Windsor
Choose split or /B
full-back seat '
What a marvelous idea to save your car's upholstery. Excellent for trips to
the beach, traveling, vacationing. Reversible, washable terry covers that go
on in a jiffy, come off quickly, suds like a towel, and look spankiryg fresh.
Green, yellow or royal blue. Specify split or full front seat and state first
and second color choice.
Lansburgh’s—NOTlONS—Street Floor

1 Sliding Doors, Hat Shelf
Wardrobe |1 m
Large wardrobe to save you closet lllj
space. Holds 25 garments, has shelt ■’[v
for hats, easy-move sliding doors. I|| I ml |§||
Roomy 66x29x21 inches in limed ||| I I»t- mm
oak finish fiber board with wooden Jyyj^
Unda-Bed Chest for storing ) ® l JMM
Lansburgh't—NOTlONS—Street Floor ...
Coll NA. 8-9800 Any Hour, Any Dqy, or Mail Your Ordor
moualy paaaad by the House yaa
tarday and aent to the Senate
1. Raise from $3,868 to SIO,OOO
a year tty combined fawm* a
retired military officer can re
ceive tram a civilian Govern
ment fob and his retirement pay,
and mill receive the retirement
2. Extend retroactively from
Julv 16 1954. until July 18. 1958.
the time in which Korean war
veterans may apply for muster
ing-nut pay. The bill is designed
to allow some 3,867 veterans to
apply who were discharged be
fore the law providing for the
mustering-out pay took effect on
July 16 1952.
Japan Foreign Minister
Stresses Links With U. S.
TOKYO. July $ («.—A top
foreign office spokesman today ]
foresaw “intimately bound” <
' Japanese - American friendship
extending far into the future (
t despite Japan’s efforts to steer (
, a new course between the West
\ and Communist worlds.
“Our future fundamentally •
rests with the United Btates ”
> Masayuki Tani, adviser to :
i Foreign Minister Blamoru Shige
. mitsu, told a press conference of
foreign correspondents.
“We are always counting on
i the friendship of the United
States. . . . Our .aims and ob
jectives coincide.”
It was perhaps the strongest
pro - United States statement
issued since the government of
Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoy&ma
took office in December.
tuua uuivc ui A/waunw •
Japanese Will Import
Soybeans From China
TOKYO, July 6 (/P).—The
Japanese government today de
cided to import 50,000 tons of
soy beans from Red China, if
the price is reduced. Payment
would be in pounds sterling.
When the government tenta
tively decided in May to buy
soy beans on barter basis from
Red China, Peiping boosted its
price some 20 per cent over the
American price.
A Peiping government corpo
ration yesterday cabled Japanese
businessmen It would reduce the
price if Japan made sterling
Ports Dot New England
BOSTON.—New England is
dotted with 102 ports. Among
the biggest and lousiest are Bos
ton. Portland. New Haven and
Providence, handling 5 million
Ito 18 million tons of cargo a
' year. .
Mr. Tani. often considered the;
No. 3 man in shaping his nation’s
course, also said:
1. Japan hopes someday for
the return of Okinawa—Ameri -
ca’s big Par Eastern base.
2. The Government objects to
recent demonstrations against
United States troops and does
not want them to leave.
3. A Japanese private trade
mission will not be allowed to go
to Communist North Korea.
4. He is “not dissatisfied'’ with
the progress of World War n
peace talks with the Soviet Union
in London, and had expected
they would be “prolonged.”
5. He was “very hopeful” of
reaching a final reparations
agreement with the Philippines
this year.
Viet Nam Gives
Vote Conditions
; SAIGON, South Viet Nam.
July 6 Foreign
- Minister Vo Van Mau said today!
r his government accepts tne prin
i ciple of an election next year to
t unify Viet Nam, but only if it is:
s a free ballot, held under the di- !
rection of the United Nations.
Mr. Mau’s declaration was the
) first official statement by a
■ member of Premier Ngo Dinh;
: Diem’s cabinet on the election,!
which the Indo-China armistice
last July specified should be held
throughout North and South
Viet Nam not later than July.
; 1956.
The official Viet Nam press
agency said Mr. Mau voiced his
stand to a visiting Kroup from
l the Moral Rearmament move
Hie agency said the Minister
. told the visitors that ui hough
the South Viet Nam government
did not sign the Geneva armi
stice, it favors the peaceful re
unification of the country.
Ho Chi Minh’s Communist
government in North Viet Nam
announced last month it was
ready to hold preliminary dis
cusssions on arrangements for
the elections.
There had been speculation
recently that Mr. Diem would
refuse to join in the voting on
the ground that the Red gov am- j
ment in the north would not:
really permit free elections.
The Geneva agreement colls;
for the voting to be supervised
by the International Armistice
Control Commission, composed
of India, Poland and Canada.
Call NA. 8-9800 Any Time Day or Night or Mail Your Order
Colm- • • .cool .. .Ncool
r mnsburghs
7»h. Bth AND E STREETS N W -NA 8-9800
Contemporary Hg
Style Shown
(mounted only)
Ancient Water Fonts Translated Into Functional Planters!
Latest Decorating Sensation!
Lavabo Planter
. Q9B
Classical elegance in a modern translation. These planters are useful, deco
rative accents and conversation pieces as well. Fill the bowl with your favorite
foliage, turn the brass tap on and your plants can be consistently, conven
iently sprinkled. The milk white ceramics are highlighfed by the green of
your shrubbery. 12V2x20" high backboard.
Unmounted "classic" or "modern" Lavabos in 2 sixes.
12 Vi" wide, 26" high 14,98 15*/4" wide, 29" high 19.98
Lansburgh's—OlFT SHOP—Sixth Floor
Coll NA. 8-9800 Any Hour, Any Day
or Mail Coupon
! Loniburgh’t, Dept. M,
1 7rh, Bth end E St*. N.W., Wo*h 4, D. C. I
■ Please send me Lavabo Planters.
Open an jNSUREP] Revolving j Qu«w. | | Si« | Price |
Charge Account. J Nom , |
No DOWN PAYMENT I <p'«°«> print)
12 Months to Poy J Addresi -
(plus small service charge) I City County State |
■ J □ Check □ Charge □ C.O.D. □ M.O. J
■ flMi* *e<l !-« uIM t.K where sppUetble. Free deliver, I
I m Metropolitan Wuhlncton end adiolnlne eountlee. I
I ftuewhere. ple.ee add 25c to cover poet.ee. B-7-* j
now uoucsn buu _
L/nco/n & Mercury
L % J
rmuMiie iinwimgM^
I In The Shlrlington Business Center I
Cherner, Washington
Course Demonstration
YOU Are Invited to Attend
of the
Dale Carnegie Bldg., 509 14th St. N.W.
Friday, July Bth, ? P.M. Sharp
No Reservation Necessary
You will hear Bill Stover, President of Dale
Carnegie Institute, explain Dale Carnegie's
unique instruction methods. You will hear men
and women tell how they overcame fear,
eliminated inferiority complexes, made new
friends, gained promotions, increased income,
developed courage and self-confidence. You
will hear talks by people who have never
before spoken in public. You will find the pro
gram highly entertaining as well as instructive.
Summer Class Starts
Dlext Monday

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