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I* „w: 1 pm- ttL '. p-i:P \IPHr okAI «k iB - §v||P vGm ’Hw ®U 'WU^flvJ i» r. --mBF Jm % 4: Ik ' - Hi JH I / / ftyBMMB 9 : _ ( fIL ,8n M , it 5 JHnHBBHSHH •.;>:s& JH m i m gllgH t J| PR/SON PARLEY AFTER RIOT WALLA WALLA, WASH.—Officials of Washington State Pris on argue with one of the ringleaders of yesterday’s revolt which gave the rioters control of the main prison. The prisoner (facing camera with open mouth) is identified only as Armstrong. At right, wearing glasses, is Dr. Clarence Shrag, prison counselor. Others are unidentified.—AP Wire photo. U. S. Officers Reported Impressed in China Army TAIPEI, Formosa. July 6 UP). —A wholly unconfirmed report s by a Nationalist Chinese news 1 agency today said about 50 U. N. < prisoners of war captured in Ko- ' rea including United States i and Canadian officers— are being i forced to serve in the Chinese Communist Army. t The story came from the Ta- i tao Agency, operated by the Na- t tionalist Interior Ministry. Ta- i tao claims to have underground ( sources on the Red mainland. The defense Ministry said it I had no such information. I The story was treated with ] considerable reserve. i U. S. Air Chiefs Confer On Red China Buildup TAIPEI, Formosa, July 6 (A 5 ). —Top United States Air Force officers in the Pacific gather here , tomorrow for conferences that; will probably center on the re- ; ported buildup of Communist air i power along the Red China coast. | Coming for talks with senior American officers and Chinese Nationalists are Gen. Laurence S. Kuter, commander of the Far East Air Force; Maj. Gen. Sory Smith, commander of the United States Pacific Air Command, and Brig. Gen. William L. Lee. com mander of the 13th Air Force, based in the Philippines. j LOST DIAMOND~RING. Engagement Beverly; Beach. Reward Call JE. 4-1212. reverse charges. —" DOBEKMAN. black male, tan snots over eyes. "Dobv." Vic. 14th and Madison sts. n.w. Reward. RA. 3- 3286. Envelope, containing driver's license and other papers. Reward. 1365 Ken nedy st. n.w., RA. 6-0740. 6* EYEGLASSES brown leather case; vie llith and K sts. n.w. Reward. HE. 4- 4245. —v Fox TERRIER, small, white, with brown spots; female, 6 yrs. old; answers to name "Susie"; Vic. Falls Church; re- JE, 2-0871, —8 CAT.' male, bobbed tall, gray and white; Takoma Park area. Call JU. 9-9788. 'DOG,~cocker spaniel”, brown, female, re cently clipped; lost Sun , p m.. Palisade area' tag 1029: reward. EM. 2-5040. —8 GERMAN SHEPHERD, black and tan, female; "Folly”! vie. Mass. ave.. Sum ner area; 1966 Md. rabies and dog license H 477; reward. Please call OL 2- —lO PARAKEET, blue. Rosemont section of Alexandria; liberal reward. Kl. 9-0843. PARAKEET, white with bias breast speaks fluently; vie. Potomac and Lee hwy. .toward. JE. a-2461. —6 PARAKEET, green, on July 4. from 234 Tuckerman st. n.w.; attracted to tinkling bell. RA. 3-2984. ■ —7 PARAKEET, iight blue, name “Joey": lost vie. 2nd and Missouri n.w.: re ward. LU. 4-9358. —7 PARAKEET, pale green, with yellow head, male band No. TAM: name "Jerry": reward. OL. 2-9495. —7 PARAKEET, male, white top and wings with fine blue stripe, pale blue under feathers gray tall, vie W. Hyatts vllle Reward UN 4-9393 —6 S'RIST WATCH, lady's Longine, white gold with black cord band. On Monu ment grounds. Monday night. Call MRS kWIECZKOWSKA. JU, 9-8800. WIREHAIRED TERRIER, white back with black and brown saddle; vie Hillwood section. Falls Church. Named "Lady" or “Poochle Is old and needs special care Reward. Call eves.. JE 2-3899: days, RE. 7-1820, Ext. 3800 —l2 WRIST Watch lady's, gold. Hamilton. In Woodward & Lothrop’s store at the District line. Wis. ave.: reward. EM. 3- —7 Wrist WATCH lady’s. Omega, "Marg”: sentimental value: liberal reward. CO. 5- _ _ —S WRIST WATCH, lady's Hamilton, white gold set with diamonds. Reward. Leave telephone message at WO. 6-9308. WRIST WATCH. Olympic; silver case: brown leather band: vie. Wisconsin and Albemarle st. n.w.. Tues ; rewsrd offered. EM. 3-0717. —8 WRIST WATCH, with dismond brscelet: rewsrd. Phone RA. 0-8633. —7 RED PEKINGESE DOG, sheared. 10 yrs. old. very gentle: vie. Del Ray. Alex. Call KI. 9-2200. —8 FEM DOG. 9 vrs. old. fawn colored: Clipped: wearing identlflclatlnn tags when lost Lost since Sat. In vie of Radiant Valiev. Md. Reward. AP. 7- 0042. —3 Fair BIFOCAL GLASSES, case marked Hufler-Shlnn Reward. Please oall JU 6- —8 FOUND. CAT. still earing for a grown altered female cat found In a Jan. snowstorm. Conn, near Porter; well mannered; tan and gray: part Persian, wo 0-3165 after 0 COCKER, black, male, Saturday, down town Wash Identify bv rabies tag JU 7-5372. tvEGLASSES, leather ease, printed on it is Columbia Optical Stores, Seattle \>und on the corner of 28th and N sts., on Sunday, DE 2-1040. PARAKEET, white head, blue under feathers. black and white wings. Vic 4flth and Albemarle. EM, 2-0677, Parakeet, male, about 4 months old: found east of 5100 Fessenden st. n.w. Call KE. 7-0895 and Identify. Fainting equipment, mechanical; Southeast vicinity. Call Lo. 4-7436 after 6 n.m. i tru at v.*sar r Mo °- The agency said the prisoners arrived at Shanghai T une 22 i from Manchuria and the next i day were taken to Hangchow, i They are reported attached to i artillery units in Fukien Prov- i ince, opposite Formosa. Tatao said the prisoners have i been serving for “a long time” 1 in the Red Chinese Army. The i agency added that the men were 1 under special guard from Man churia to Fukien. Another Tatao report said the Reds were moving essential sup plies inland from the coast ‘as part of their preparations for war.” Panama 'President ? 1 Picks New Cabinet PANAMA, July 6(fP).—Presi dent Ricardo Arias Espinosa named .a new cabinet last night. It includes five members of the former government and three new ministers. The holdovers are Foreign Minister Octavio Fabregat, Jus tice minister Alejandor Remon, who was brought into the cabinet after the assassination of his brother, President Jose Antonio Remon; Education Minister Vic tor Urrutia, Finance Minister Alfredo Aleman and Secretary I General Victor Juliac. j New men are Eric Devalle, j ; Public Works; Eligio Crespo,' i Agriculture and Commerce, and Sergie Gonzalez, Labor and! i Health, 1 GD.Uimn to MINIMIZE SBUMZAOE ON NO,, TYPES OF BUOS AND CSNFETS i PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING REPAIRING AND STORAGE SINCE 1009 8 xlo' HARD BACK S4OO g|FREE Pick-Up and Delivery in D. C.-MD.-VA. mmmm TUckerman 2-8000 6207 BLAIR KD. K.W. • 4529 WISCONSIN AVK. N.W. \hnrdr Visitors Always Welcome NOTICE Temporary Change of Store Hours During Transportation Strike t For those who wish to avoid the heavy daytime traffic during the transportation strike, we will be open: 11 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Daily Downtown Store Closed Saturdays Spring Valley Store Closed Monday See Our Summer Clearance of Lifetime Furniture Advertisement on Page A-38 \ ] MaylrtC.. DOWNTOWN —7th St. N.W., betw*«n D b E SPRING VALLEY—49th and Mass. Ave. N.W. Courttrey Parking at Both Store* Thomas Junks Tradition, Hunts Younger Admirals By JOHN A. GILES Navy Secretary Thomas made ' clear to an admiral's selection' board today that he Intended to push wholeheartedly the youth movement which recently jumped Rear Admiral Arleigh Burke over 92 admirals to be chief of Naval Operations. Old Line flag officers, already rocked by the Burke selection, got the word in an open letter. The open letter itself was a dramatic break from tradition. In the past, instructions to se lection boards nave been jeal ously guarded secrets. It put Admiral Jerauld Wright. Atlantic Fleet commander and board chairman, and his col leagues on notice that the Navy’s civilian boss meant business de spite the inclusion of a phrase stating he had no Intention of interfering with its statutory duties and responsibilities. SI to Get Promotions The board was meeting at the Pentagon today in reviewing the records of some 1,600 captains for the purpose of selecting 31 for promotion to the rank of rear admiral. Mr. Thomas referred to the old custom of considering only those captains in certain promo tion zones—that Is, not to go be low a certain number on the seniority list in considering the officers for higher rank. His let ter said; “The selection board should af ford earlier advancement to ex ceptionally outstanding officers,” he declared, “without reflection on their contemporaries in any way.” TTie board's sole concern should be the selection of officers who can best discharge the re sponsibilities of flag rank. Ex perience is an appropriate fac tor, but should be considered in conjunction with the primary factors of tested and proven character and basic capacity. “I consider that it is reason able to expect that among the captains well below the zone there will be a few whose capa bilities make them stand head and shoulder above their con temporaries.” Another jolt to tradition was : the Thomas edict that command ; of a major combatant ship was . not absolutely essential to pro i motion as has been the case in the past. “The number of ships now in • commission is too small to per ’ mit assignment of such com i mands for an appropriate tour : of duty for all officers of flag . rank potential,” he asserted. .i PBIG DANCE DOLLAR AT && ion Martini Fro Stylo 4 fuorontoos to tooch > done* Como in or i today EX 3-4444. o FOX TROT • WAITZ • SWING o MAMBO 1— * RUMBA B • SAMBA JB • TANGO ; l “lesson ■j Dance Course 7 GUARANTEED NOW 27th Wellington Yoor •! 502-13th St. N.W. EX 3-4444 j; 404 - 1 2th St. N.W. NA I4IM “Accordingly, selection boards ,of necessity must evaluate an j officer’s flag potential from his ! entire experience, performance , and attributes, and should rec ; ognize that the essential com mand attributes are called for . and demonstrated in many types and units besides major combat ant ships.” Requirements es Admiral Mr. Thomas added that he L knew the board would keep in mind the increasingly important requirements that admirals . should be adept m relations with other officials. Congress and the public. “He must be articulate in both 1 written and oral comm uni ca ’ tions, progressive in outlook, ex -5 perienced In administration and ‘ capable of performing the semi -d i p lomatic intragovemmental ‘ and social duties required . . .” r He further pointed out that the Navy in recent years had become specialized in many fields , such as atomic power and guided ■ missies, and stated that it must : see that those specialists do not | suffer in promotion as a conse i quence of their work. ! Under traditional procedure, , the selection board would con ' centrate its search for new ad . mirals among the comparatively _ small number of officers who I graduated from the Naval Acad » emy In 1927; some interest would . be shown in officers who left Annapolis one year later. Navy . officers said the Thomas letter . meant that the board must con ’> sider officers through the class of i 1934 and that the result could 7 be that comparatively few of the j 1927 class will make the grade, s Thus, the wording of Mr. . Thomas’ precept makes it likely . that a substantial proportion of . the new admirals would be in i their early 40’s. -• STARTS TOMORROW AT BOTH | Tkc N\&A& I l dulcan J SUMMER CLEARANCE Our fine quality, Men’s Tropical Suits and Furnishings _ _ _ . Right ot the start of the summer season AAr for you, but time for us to clear out stocks •V /© I .. . and reduce them we do to save you ’ mony, many dollars. Naturally, in a clear- JM JREW a nee of this nature there are not all sizes MI M /Q Utfe and colors but there's an excellent selec m ™ tion of procticolly oil sizes. Don't put it off! Shop tomorrow at The Mode. RICHARD PRINCE FASHION PARK TROPICAL SUITS TROPICAL SUITS w/o $44 $75 $54 (at both ttorts) F St. Store Only Summer's newest styles in ail wool. One of America's best known brands Dacron* and Wool or Mohair and Wool. and exclusive with The Mode in Wash- Excellent range of sizes and colors. ington. Tropical worsteds in single and • Du pon’t Polyester Fibre double breasteds. Broken sizes. Men's $39.95, $42.50, $45 and SSO Nationally- m Advertised TROPICAL SUITS. Good assortment of tropical worsteds, mohair-ond-wool, mohaii’-wool-royon-nylon; orlon, royon-ond-nylon cords, Docron*-ond-nylon wash ond wear tropicols. r st. store Only Men's $26.50 to S3O Famous Cord Suits M M Nationally-advertised brand; mostly dark colors. Broken 1 size ranges for regulars, shorts ond longs. F St. Store Only Men's $27.95 to $35 Famous Sport Coats One of the best-known brands. Solid colors ond patterns. I f St Store Onlp Men's $10.95 to $14.95 Famous Slacks A fine selection of washable slacks in one of America's best known mokes. Variety of shades. Regs, only; no 36s or 38s. F St Store Only Men's $33.95 Famous White Tuxedo Coats Double-breasted style in sizes for regulars, shorts and longs. dfLAHi F St. Store Onlp MEN'S Short & Long-Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Were $4.95 f Wer. $7.50 B* 99 to $5.95 so"! to SIO.OO Both Stores $%& Stores Choice of imported fobrics, woven ond fine prints; many with the new Itolion style collar. Whites, solid colors ond neot designs. Washable cot tons ond Dacron* ond cottons. All sizes at The Mode. Nationally Advertised BOSTONIAN AND SUMMER and YEAR 'ROUND MANSFIELD S SUMMER SHOES and $5.95 ond $4.50 . Reg j lO 95 t 0 $11.95 8.88 99 9% 99 • Reg. $12.95 to $13.95 10.77 sots sots I : f’lll £ IJ99C |«’sc Stores Stores * Reg. $18.95 to $19.95 15.55 Nice selection of cool batistes, ma- Newest Lo-Slopes, slip-ons and regular droses, skip-dents and broadcloths in k styles in ton-ond-white, black and whites, solid colors ond patterns. Some §j white, woven leathers and cool nylon slightly soiled from handling. Sizes 14 M mesh-and-leather. Good range of size* to 17 in group. m in group. At Both Stores. • Men's regular SI.OO Nylon Stretch Socks 59c • Men's $3.95 Famous-Make Summer Pajamas 2.99 Short Sleeves ond Knee Lengths. At Both Stores. OTHER CLEARANCE ITEMS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS One Hour Free Forking at Garage or Lot displaying this sign .. , WJLshop “I T A Aiiixrln DOWNTOWN: F Street at Eleventh ME. 8-08 M I MBHmBHMHHEXCLUSIVE HOME OF FASHION PARK CLOTHES IN WASHINGTONmffIMMHHMI I 1 ( I MILTON EISENBERG New Prosecutor Milton Eisenberg Takes Oath as U. S. Prosecutor Milton Eisenberg. 26. law clerk to Judge John A. Danaher of the U. S. Court of Appeals for ithe District of Columbia yester day was sworn in as an Assist ant Attorney, following his ap pointment by United States Attorney Leo A. Rover. Mr. Eisenberg replaces Sam uel J. L’Hommedieu. jr„ in the appellate division. Mr. L’Hom medieu recently resigned to join the law firm of Elisha Hanson. The oath of office was admin istered by Judge Danaher. The new prosecutor received his law degree from Cornell University Law School. He was admitted to practice here in 1951 and served as an at torney first with the Wage Stablization Board and later with the National Labor Relations Board. Mr. Eisenberg is married and lives at 1927 East-West Highway, Silver Spring. Negro Is Appointed New York Justice ALBANY, H. Y, July • UP).— Got. Averell Harriman today ap pointed a Negro as a justice of State Supreme Court. Judge wmuM A. Stevens of Manhattan’s General Sessions (Criminal) Court Is the first of his race to serve on the State Supreme Court. He fills a va cancy caused by death. The post pays 128,006 a year. Judge Steven*, 48, is a Demo crat and a former assemblyman. He will serve until December 31, 1965. Judge Btevens was born in John’s Island, 8. C. He is a governor of the Guild of Catho lic Lawyers. Despite its title, the Supreme Court is not New York's highest tribunal. The Appellate Divi sion and the Court of Appeals are above it. . House Votes Rewards ! In Illegal Atom Deals Bz th« Auoclmtcd Pres* The House passed by voice vote and sent to the Senate yesterday a bill to grant rewards i of up to 8500,000 to persons giv ing information about illegal i dealing in nuclear material or . atomic weapons. The amount of the reward in i individual cases would be deter ' mined by a board composed of ’ the Secretaries of the Treasury and Defense Departments, the ' Attorney General, director of • Central Intelligence and a mem i ber of the Atomic Energy Com | mission. Any reward over $50,- ; 000 would require presidential approval. THI EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. vmimn. jt*.t «. kh , f SAVINGS PRICES SLASHED! I BIG DISCOUNTS and EASY TiUMS SAVE 20% to 70% j I SAMI BIG DISCOUNTS APPLY ON EVERYTHING IN THE ■ STORE OH OUR EASY TER MSI He dews paymMt—Up to 36 ■ Meath* to pay. ■ T BIG SAVINGS ON NEW 1954 INO MONEY DOWN—UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY I Vi HP '55 FlMhMt.w/thana 349.95 148.88 1 „ 1 1 V 4 HP '55 Fle*h Mt. w/thana 399.95 1 78.88 2 M V 1 HP '55 FUi*h Mt. w/tharm 449.95 198.88 s«7vel V* HP EaMnaa, tkana. hoot 349.95 1 68.88 Casement % HP PrigMeiro 359.95 1 98.88 *•* 299 95 44 HP Mitchell Flush Mouat 399.95 1 78.88 Ofi 88 % HP Comment ... 349.95 218.88 L-ZH—U 10" Wastiafhouto Oscillating 17.95 9.88 r: P in" GE A-1 All Purpose 34.95 21.88 Otcillotino 10" MB Oscillating 15 95 9.88 17 95 12" GE MB Oscillating 29.95 18.88 Btt 12" MB 29.95 15 88 IO’ BB 20“ GE Window Fon... 69.95 42 88 20" Window Fan GE Motor 44.95 23.88 22“ Famous Wustinghous* Mobiloiro 84.95 45.88 Belt Driven GE Twin Fan ...69.95 38.88 Exhaust Fao GE Hassock 69.95 39 88 Re 9* 10" Window Vent. Fan 24.95 1 1.88 OA 88 Westinghousa 10" Vent Fan 29.95 15.88 79.05—18-Inch Rotary ELEC., West. Motor 38.88 89.95 18-inch Gas Rotary 48 88 99.95—18-Inch Reel POWER MOWER, B. & S. 58*88 124.95—20" Reel POWER MOWER, B&S Engine sBiBB 31.95—18" LIGHTWEIGHT HAND MOWER 19 88 19.50—16" Hand LAWN MOWER, boll bearing. 11 .88 4.95—50-Foot Plastic Gordon Hose, 5-yr. Guar. 2.88 3.95—20-Foot SPRINKLER HOSE, double braid 1.18 Gordon Toolt up to 40% Off «)MIRAL • RCA VICTOR • MOTOROLA IILCO • EMERSON • CBS COLUMBIA " Table Modal, Wood Cose 179.95 99.98 " Fom. Mk. Wood Cob. 249.95 118.88 " RCA (54) Table 199.95 138.88 " RCA '54 Console 299.95 188.88 mmmmwnmMt >rge * Admiral * Hotpoint • Frigid. • Philco Fom. Make, Freexer Top 249.95 138.88 Frigid., '54, Freex. Top -.299.95 188.88 1* "54" Frigidaire (2-dr.) 499.95 298.88 i-ft. Upright Freexer 419.95 238.88 I* Admiral 2-dr. 499.95 238.88 est Dehumidifier 139.95 88.88 Our Prica e —No Raatorsabla Os far Rafuaad Fomous Make 8 mm. Movie Camera 77.50 56.88 Famous Make 8 mm. Movio Projector 69.50 52.88 4-Light Armlite, for moviot .. 9.95 5.88 Fomous Maks Exposure Meter, w/cose 29.95 21.88 Femous Make (300 w.) _______ Slide Projector, w/ease . 47.50 29 88 I’/i" f/2.7 8-mm. Tola photo lens 26.95 1 9-88 Flash Bulbs (carton 10)-- 1.30 88c Electronic Flash Unit 69.95 49-88 KODAK 35 mm. Metal Slide File 2.95 1.88 _.. .. 3Q"x4O" Projection Screen 13.75 7.88 FILM Famous Make 35 mm. W1 _. .... Camera f 3.5 lens ... 39.95 24.88 Wltl ' * 3-Section Elevator Tripod 19.95 13.88 Roll of Leather Camera Gadget Bag 6.95 3.88 8-Exp. Fomous Moke Reflex Cam- Block and era, f/3.5 lens, w/case 49.95 27.88 wki». Film Kodak Howkeye Camera Wh,fe F,lm Flash Outfit _ 13.65 9.88 Developed Many Other Photographic Items. Full line and Printed of Kodak, Argus, Revere, Ansco, B&H ond Mony Others. AAt TAPE RECORDERS AND TAPE 07 Nat. Famous Tape Recorder 99.95 68.88 ont-Du 5" Plastic 600 ft. 3.50 1.18 ServlcG I 7" Plastic, 1,200 ft. 550 2.38 Full lino of Webcor, Revere, Ampro, Bell & Howell, Pentron, MFE ond Miniton Tope Recorders WKr dashers & Dryers j T Whirlpool • Norge • ABC • Maytag Wl ’s4 >oßl Al,t0 *' . 239.95 138.88 Norge Auto 299.95 178.88 j Frigidaire Auto. 239.95 168.88 m I t Dryer Fomous Make ■ P J 220 Vo'* 199.95 88.88 J Get Our Pricea—No Reaaonable rPß'iß'Hß nu 1 j All New and Guaranteed All New and Guaranteea GE Stoom 50. 18.95 9.95 Toastmaster 22.00 13.98 Presto Stoom -18.95 10. 88 Wettinakauw 22 95 11 fifl West. Steam 19.95 10.88 Westinghousa 22.95 11.88 Westinghousa 12.95 5.88 <*e"erol Elec. .22.95 11.88 GE . ... 12.95 5.88 SUNBEAM . 27.50 1 6,98 All New and Guaranteed Regina Waxer 69.95 38.88 GE Hand Mixer 19 95 12.28 'wKd||lj^K Sunbeam Coffee Master 37.95 23.88 Sunbeam Mixmaster 42.50 26.88 Sunbeam Frying Pon 19.95 12.56 f GE Frying Pan 19.95 11.88 GE Vacuum Cleaner ..89.95 38.88 Lewyt Vacuum Cleaner 89.95 48.88 " Famous Make Radio . 14.94 9.88 Warring 2-Sp. Blender, Chroma -.44.95 23.88 Fai "0“» Cory Knifa Sharpener 14.95 9.88 3-Wav Nat. Famous Shuvtr 19.95 9.88 Schick 26.50 14.88 PORTABLE Sunbeam 27.50 16.88 Remington "60" 29.50 15.88 RADIO Block-Deckor Vi" Drill 29.95 19.88 Btr 0 - Romo lea Bucket 9.95 3.88 RE6 ' 39 95 Borg Lifetime Bath Scale 9.95 5.25 17 QO 6-Pc. Stainless Steak Knives 7.95 3.88 * I’OO Rem. Rand Quite-Riter port typo 1 19.95 75.88 ALSO ALL MODELS SMITH O COEONA a ROYAL O UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Easy Term*, of Course Porker & Shoeffer Pens and Sets 30% OFF Ronson Lighters 40 OFF Revere Wore UP TO 40% OFF Living Room Suita* and Sactionals 40% OFF 3-Pc. Modern Bedroom Suita 249.95 169.88 Hollywood Bads 69.95 43.88 Famous-Make Foam Rubber Sot 149.50 98.88 Famous-Make Sofa Bad 229.95 168.88 Seely Mattresses and Box Springs at Groat Savings Aluminum Outdoor Furniture 20% to 40% Off Easy Terma of Caurae ONE HOUR FREE PARKING WITH PURCHASE rfowuTOwa Open Eves, to 6— Thurs. 'til 9 P.M. No C.0.D., Moil or Phone Orders 'WS S AND FURNITURE MART H TEARS OP DZPEND ARIL ITT “ I Saßh. 414 10th ST. N.W. .1*55 ** A-3