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House Committee Delays Action on Road Program By I. A. O’LEARY The House Public Works Com mittee today delayed a decision until Monday on an expanded highway program, one of the five major issues which President Elsenhower indicated yesterday he a ants acted on at this ses sion. A subcommittee of nine was set up by the full committee this morning to go over several high way bills. Including the Presi dent's plan for a special bond is sue. Present indications, however, are that the House group will follow the Senate decision to in crease direct appropriations in stead of selling bonds. Some House members want the bill to include higher motor fuel taxes to finance the program. Fallon Is Chairman Representative Fallon, Demo crat of Maryland, will head the subcommittee. He is sponsoring one bill which includes higher taxes to pay for the road pro gram. Others on the subcommittee are Representatives Blatnik of Minnesota, Jones of Alabama, Dempsey of New Mexico and Smith of Mississippi, Democrats; Dondero of Michigan, McGregor of Ohio, Mack of Washington and George of Kansas, Republi cans. Mr. Eisenhower told his news Brother Denies Spying by White BROOKLINE, Mass., July 6 I/P). The brother of the late Harry Dexter White yesterday termed as “nothing short of ri diculous” a statement by Sena tor Eastland, Democrat of Mis sissippi that White had a world wide commercial espionage sys tem reporting to him. Nathan I. White, brother of - former Treasury official, said Senator Eastland’s summary "is an exaVnple of the sophistries to which some Congressmen will re sort in order to keep alive their fading charge of ‘2O years of treason. ”* Excerpts From Diaries Senator Eastland said on Sun day excerpts from the diaries of former Secretary of the Treas ury Morgenthau showed Harry Dexter White’s “*nack of seiz ing power and for broadening and deepening any authority given him.” Harry Dexter White died in 1948, three days after he de nied being a Communist in testi mony before the House Un- American Activities Committee Nathan White said Senator Eastland did not choose to in-J elude in his press release "thtfl laudatory statements made about White which appear in the com mittee report.” Senator Eastland is chairman s>t the Senate In ternal Security Committee. Cordell Hull Quoted, “When,” Nathan White con tinued, "shortly after Pearl Har bor, Morgenthau phoned Secre tary of State Cordell Hull that he had appointed Harry White his right hand man, Hull said that White was a ‘very high class fellow’ and that he was ‘a very suitable man’ for the job. “Nor did Senator Eastland choose to quote Mr. Morgen thau’s statement to the commit tee that ‘White was one of the few men outside the business world who had thorough train ing and experience in the inter national monetary field.’” Mr. Morgenthau told Senator Eastland’s group June 1 that while he was Secretary of the Treasury he had no reason to question White’s loyalty. He said that he did not learn of the charges against White until sometime afte he, Morgenthau, resigned from the Treasury. Transit Agreement Reached in Chicago CHICAGO, July 6 ment on a new contract was an nounced last night shortly before 10,000 transit workers were to take a strike vote against the Chicago Transit Authority. Terms of the settlement in clude a 12'/2-cent-an-hour wage increase retroactive to June 1, to be followed by a 2 Vi-cent in crease December 1 and a 5-cent raise effective June 1, 1956. A cost-of-living allowance will be determined on a quarterly basis, taking effect December 1. Present scales are $2 an hour for operators of one-man surface vehicles, the majority of CTA employes; $1.90 for two-man streetcars, $1,911 for L-subway motormen and $1,865 for L con ductors. Virgil Gunlock, chairman of the CTA board, estimated the contract would cost an additional $2.5 million the first year and $5,790,000 the second year. He added that much of the additional cost will be paid for out of $4,5 million a year gained by CTA in its recent exemption from payment of the State gaso line tax. Music Fair Planned Plans for the fourth interna tional music competition spon sored by West German radio stations are announced in Mu nich. DOWNTOWN :S ! j Star Parking Plaza IS ii 10th & E St*. M.W.ji conference today that he was confident not only that Congress will act on most of the major bills sought by the administra tion. but that it will do so in time to adjourn by the end of July. Doabts Longer Session A reporter asked whether he thought Congress should stay in session a little longer this sum mer if there is doubt that the legislation can be enacted before August * The President chuckled and said he was not particularly eager for Congress to remain in session. He remarked that Con gress can do a lot in a very short time. Mr. Eisenhower added that be hopes that will be the case this month. Earlier today Republican con gressional leaders reviewed the , legislative situation with Mr. | Eisenhower again and supple , mented yesterday's list of five : bills. Senate! Republican Leader Knowland told reporters that i they had not intended to give ; the impression that the admin , istration had a “must” list of I five pieces of legislation on which they will concentrate to get • through. 1 More Bills Discussed The list of five bills mentioned , after yesterday’s conference with ! Mr. Eisenhower included legis lation providing for the Presi dent’s atomic peace ship, the military reserve bill, highway construction program, the new housing program and the school construction bill. I Senator Knowland said many 1 more bills were discussed at to day’s meeting. TJiese included 3 Philippine trade extension, polio : vaccine and mental health bills, r mutual security appropriations, - minimum wage, customs law . implifleation, airport construc tion, military public works, small - business expansion and amend - ments to the refugee law. Senator Knowland said he felt " RALEIGH HABERDASHER, 1310 F ST.- fFurnishings' Sale : “‘'V'l i 6.50 Hathaway Cool White Skipdent Shirts 4*95 Feather-light Batiste Madras skipdents for Summer comfort. Styled with regular soft stay collar in white only. Exceptional reductions on superb quality. ■ 7.95 to 12.95 SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Cotton I isles, rayons, silk ond cotton blends. Solids, plaids and pat s 2 and 2.50 FINE SILK Mh NECKWEAR Shantungs, foulards, failles in solid shades ffmk and patterns. New RALEIGH HABERDASHER H 1310 F ST. • WASHINGTON’S FINEST MEN’S STORE • NA. 8-9540 Coogr«ea weald have a “pretty i good batting average” on enact ing the administration'! entire legislative program by adjourn ment time. Regarding the atomic peace ships. House G. O. P. Leader Martin pointed out yesterday that the House has never voted on the issue, but will have a chance on a bill reported by the Merchant Marine Committee calling for the build ing of two surface cargo vessels. The highway bill which passed tbe Senate six weeks ago bore little resemblance to tbe plan the President recommended. He . wanted a S3B billion 10-year pro gram, of which s2l billion would have been obtained through a [ special bond issue to complete , the cross-county interstate sys , tern. Democratic Substitute The Senate adopted a Demo ' cratic substitute calling for an 1 outlay of sls billion by the Fed eral and State governments on ' a matching basis over a five-year ‘ period. All of this money would • be direct appropriations, with no ' special bond issue. 1 Sponsored by Senator Gbre, Democrat of Tennessee, the Sen ■ ate bill contained no new rev t enue to finance the program, be ; cause the Senate cannot under ■ the Constitution originate tax f bills. i Bills In Committee Most of the major subjects on which the President wants ac tion are in House committees, . except the military reserve pro : gram. The Senate Armed Serv -1 ices Committee will start hear ' ings tomorrow on a House-ap [ proved reserve program. ■ Meanwhile, the Senate planned to act in the next day or two on extension of the Defense Production Act, which is needed by the administration to grant ' priorities and allocation* of ma ' terials for the defense program. I Acting Majority Leader Clem > ents of Kentucky announced fol . lowing .a Democratic Policy Com • mittee meeting yesterday that ' the committee agreed unani ‘ mously to continue the policies 1 laid down by Majority Leader ■ Lyndon Johnson of Texas be fore he was hospitalized Satur t day by a heart attack. RALEIGH HABERDASHER OPEN THURSDAY~f2~3O TO9 PAL ■■ *“** ■■ 7~ Cited Saturday* During July und August SIB Si SUE V •' *• hundreds of Raleigh and our exclusive Hart Schaffner fir Marx tropicals reduced ■■ ■pi ■■■. n ■ mm ■ wmmT ) With so much hot weather still ahead . . . these are Indeed timely values. All are reduced from Raleigh's quality-famous stock. And, even though our entire stock is not included in this sale, you will find an outstanding selection and size range in this season's preferred fabrics, styles and shades. And don't forget, there's one hour free parking while you shop and save at Raleigh. (45 AND *SO RALEIGH LIGHTWEIGHT TROPICALS A U TC Select from all wool and Dacron-wool crisp tropic tweeds in new solid tones and k #I w patterns. Other fine tropical fabrics include Dacron-rayon-mohoir blends, wool- _ linli rayon blends and Dacron-acetate blends. Two and three button models in an ■ excellent size range. 49.50 TO 59.50 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC FABRICS _ _ _ These finer Raleigh tropicals are superbly tailored to our own high standard. #1 #1 In Choose from oil wools, imported wool and mohair blends, Dacron and wool blends #1 #1 " as well as 100% Dacron tropicals. An excellent color choice in deep black- 'T**! influenced tones as well os medium and light shades. Two and three button models. 69.50 AND *75 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS Our exclusive tropicals featuring fine fabrics, faultless tailoring ond style leader- n ship. Choose your suit from a selection including all wool worsteds, Dacron and 1% /I 1 1 *** wool blends, silk ond wool blends and mohair-wool blends. The season's wanted II dark tones plus traditional medium ond light shades. * Use Our 4 Month E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D Payment Plan. No down payment, interest or carrying charge. Pay one quarter each month in four equal . • monthly payments. 188 EVENING STAB, Washington, D. C. ** A-5