Newspaper Page Text
'BEMnS^aF OFFICE CLKBL itmuntjal as SwasrTrwrg , ss»C%L«r eff^ 1 arc.. SIT Km b ».*., ix 4-m*. OFFICE MANAGER - Controller. wet. dee , construction AB%EY I^K)WK i IL g 'l3Sg U fc» M W PAINTERS. lit clue onto: etendy work. Cnil TA. 8-3556. eftar Spto. PAINTERS Bxperienoed only. Apply Jim, fit 13th «t. n.w. —l6 PAINTERS MAINTENANCE . Rat* opentok* tor Mint foreman And pointers. Good fob* with *t**dy •U-y*or-round work Apply In I V* OpposJt* Fort Meyer. —l3 PAINTERS BOBER AND RELIABLE > MUST BE EXPERIENCED GOOD SALARY * APPLY: ALBAN TOWERS 3700 MASS. AVE. N.W. ■'■6 rtiABMACIST. reg.: r*s*f work; perminent position. CALIFORNIA PHARMACY. 2102 California it. —8 PHARMACIST, full time: experi enced; 6-dsy week; food hour*. HXGQER'S DRUG. SOI? Conn. —6 PLASTERERS (2). Repslr work. Ap ply MAYTON A JOHNSTON. INC., reor 1807 O »t. n.w. 7 PLUMBERS, experienced only. Apply 5638 Annapolis rd.. Blodcnsburi. Md. 7:30 A.m. or 6 p.m. —8 PLUMBERS I 2). top WAtet. Csll C | R. SPRINKLE. JA. 4-1223. —lO PLUMBER’S HELPER to fill posi tion with established firm. hospi talization. etc. Apply JOHN G. WEBSTER & SONS. INC.. »Clt. 1912). Service Bldx.. lit end N its. x.e. —l2 PORTER, colored, tor daywork: 5t4- dxy wk. Apply 105 RIPS Bldg.. 1200 18th it. n.w.. 9 to 4. PORTER, colored; daywork, 12 noon to 8:30 p.m.; Sunday off. Residen tial apt. houie. Good pay. Only sober, reliable, experienced man apply. Resident manaxer. 1900 P at. n.w.. ME. 8-0540. —8 POSTER, colored: must hay# D. C. permit: part time. 1 to 6. Apply , APOLLO LIQUORS, 684 H it. n.e. PRESSES Apply ARUNOTON CLEANERS. 1509 Columbia pike. PROOFREADER, third zhift, 12 midnisht to 8 a.m.; etaady work, union shop. Apply NATIONAL f PUBLISHING CO.. 301 N it. n.e. PRODUCE MANAGER, exner. only: xood pay and working cond.: com pany paid hospitalization and ln eurance. Apply in perron. BUCK INGHAM SUPER MARKET. 132 J Rhode liland a»c. n.e. —9 PUBLIC RELATIONS COLLEGE STUDENTS TEACHERS EARN *7B WEEKLY WORKING IN BRAND identification de partment op national con- CMtNjUSE OF CAR DESIRABLE; ®Y° N T^Sp T E°AK7^ M |f Ulß c E o M nlSlrat P i o o ß n. 8238 GEOROIA AVE, SILVER BPRING, 2nd FLOOR FRONT. BE TWEEN 10 A.M. AND 1 P.M. MON DAY THROUOH THURSDAY. —7 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN—Prince George's Properties are expanding their sales force due to the rapid growth of their clientele. Only high-caliber men with dean, hon est background will be considered. Draw against commission* may be , arranged. Call Mr. Reamy for ap ' pointment. AP. 7-7774. —7 REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT i Do you have apartment rental know how? Are you a five wire salesman ” If your answers are yes. we have opportunity plut for you! This position calls for renting apartment ability and technique with one of the most aggressive property man agement Arms In Northern Virginia. Write full details of experience air ing local references, also state gal ary desired and phone number for interview. Box 360-L, Star. —l2 REFRIGERATION. AIR-CONDITION MECHANIC; salary commencing with ability and experience. Call for appointment. OT. 4-7675. D. 8. AIR CONDITIONING. —8 REFRIGERATION SERVICE MAN— -B«per. preferred; driver’s permit. ood pay for right man. Call AD. 4-1841. 1028 14th «t. n.w. —lO RELIEF ELEVATOR OPERATOR, for 2 days each week. Must have per mit; 75c per hour. HO. 2-4300. —7 ROOFER, experienced In laying data and asbestos. Call RA. 3-93 KL AERODYNAMICISTS COMPUTER ENGINEERS MECHANICAL DESIGNERS DRAFTSMEN ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH has immediate need for engineers experienced in one or more of the following: AERONAUTICAL—Aircraft performance, engine performance stability and control. • ELECTRONICS—AnaIog computers, computer com ponents, radar, servo-mechanisms, fire control, pulse circuitry or systems engineering. MECHANICAL—Design of aircraft structures, con trol systems, sheet-metal cabinets, trailers, or flight simulators. These positions oiler long-term interesting work in the expanding field of flight simulation. Here are outstanding opportunities to join a pro -1 gresslng, growing organization in suburban Wash ington. ERCO ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH—a Division of ACP Industries, Inc. Riverdale, Md. Warfield 7-4444 Engineers VITRO LABORATORIES DIVISION OF VITRO CORPORATION OF AMERICA ENGINEERS Career opportunities for the young engineer looking for professional advance ment, responsibility and challange in ad vanced weapons and systems, research and development engineering. GUIDED MISSILES—RADAR—FIRE CONTROL UNDERWATER ORDNANCE SYSTEMS For Additional Information PLEASE CALL JU. 5-7200 Personnel Department Similar opportunities available at EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FLORIDA and WEST ORANGE NEW JERSEY. ALSO CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OPEN INGS AT WEST ORANGE LABORATORY. VITRO LABORATORIES M 2 WAYNE AVE. SILVER SPRING, MD. ROOM CLERK - CAMBER, expert- ROUTE SALESMEN For eittbUibcd merchandise rend ins route. Except, opportunity for man under 3u *»»klng permanent paet tt*n with ritenhetied expanding firm. Experience not necessary. Good salary with assured increases, liberal family hospitalisation In surance and vacation benefits. Moot have D. C. driver’s permit. THE G. B. MACKE CORP. ROUTEMAN The lee cream season has started. This year Jack and JUI drivers art earning more than ever before, due to our tremendous advertising cam paign. Tha kids an waltina for the Jack and Jill man. Getb on tbs big earnings. Apply anv day. Bel. Sat. And Bun.. 8 a.m. to 5 i pm. JACK * JILL ICE CREAM CO . 1419 L at a.c —8 ROUTEMAN, ESTAB LISHED LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING ROUTE, GOOD PAY, PAID VACATION AND OTHER BENEFITS. AP PLY, OLD COLONY LAUNDRY, 6820 BLAIR RD. N.W. Sales Representative Major oil company baa openings tot . personnel interested In sales op port unities. Merchandising and supervising service stations in tht Washington area. Petroleum exper • necessary. Age. 26-41. Salary, paid , vacations, car allowance and many 1 other company benefits. Olv* full details. Box 473-L. Star, —7 SALESMAN for wholeaalt candy and tobacco CO. Must have car Apply ' between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 8914 , 4tb st. n.w. —« SALESMAN—Young man for life In surance career; larxe ' euaranteed earnings. ME. 8-.840 . SALESMAN, experienced appliances. , 25 leads or more per week, from newspaper ads. Calf ST 3-7009. : SALESMAN, to contact building contractors, building supply »nd farm supply dealers. Salary oj salary and commission. Retirement plan. Car essential. Reply In hand writing. giving refs, nnd somethlng about yourself to Bo* 104-K. Btar i —lO SALESMAN for Ige. well-regarded tobacco. candy, drug, sundry ■ wholesaler: established local terri tory. calling on retail stores. Appli cants must have talcs exper. and ■ want a permanent position with good future. Hospitalisation, life ■ Ins . and many other company benefits. Car required. Apply after I P:3O a.m. STANDARD CIOAR A , TOBACCO CO.. 41 Bye st. n.e. —8 SALESMAN EXCELLENT SALARY • UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ; Well-estab. mfgr. want* salasmar with car willing to match hard work and long hours for excellent salary and advancement. Oppor ; tunlty that -ernes once In * I .re time. Wri-e PARBOIL COMPANY, voi Key hwy., Baltimore 30, Mary land, for application blank. SALESMAN —$1,000 WASHINGTON, D. C. AREA 1 SELL BT APPOINTMENT WORLD’S FINEST ENCY. BRITAN NICA ' MARKET UNLIMITED WITH PRO - PECTB WANTING SOME DAY. ! CINCH FOR CLOSERS ON TODAY BASIS. SOME OP OUR MEN EARN UP TO 84.000 A MONTH COMM. EVEN A BEGINNER CAN MAKE *250 EACH WEEK. PHONE RE. 7-6911 FOR APPT. . FOR INTERVIEW OR WRITE DIBT. MGR. W. HANNA. 927 15th BT. ! N.W,. RM. 700, WASHINGTON. D C. ! SALESMEN—SeveraI aggressive men - required to follow up leads and . to canvaaa for sales of a popular - product of a leading national manufacturer. High commission, car essential. Phone LU. 3-2021 for appointment. —lO SALESMEN i WOULD YOU CONSIDER $5lO MONTHLY SALARY PLUS COMM. ; Our organisation, the largest and oldest of Its kind, la ready to open Washington. D C. and Virginia offices to new meh. Company ben efits includes hosp., paid vacation and lnsur. CAR NECESSARY CALL LI. 6-1331 (iIP x have"lifetime reply * aUF™ a o m ; SALESMEN SELL PROM LEADS MB FURNISH L e CLOSE BETTER THAN 78% t When you explain the benefit* now o offered men. women and children. under the famous &. White Cross j Plan ■J This is the fastest-growing Banin : BrttfjrsrsssssL-s _ offers an excellent opportunity to l earn , 1 SIOO TO $l5O A WEEK Ever Increasing demand for WHITE . CROSS In this territory creates * aplendld openlnss for 2 good men 5 who are on the lookout for a d selling opportunity, far above the '* average. Apnlr In -person one, day r - only, Thursday. July 7. 10 to 4 8 p.m. Mr. Karle. U. S. Employment l Service. 1724 F st. n.w.. sth floor. u SECRETARIES, typist*, engineers. - salesmen: select openings. Inquire d NA. 8-2340. BOYD'S, eor. G and 1 12th. * SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS —For newly renovated service sta - tlon on Bolllns Alr Force Base Permanent position for experi * enced men only. No nixht or Sun > day work. Annual and tick leave n benefits, xroup hospltaUxatlpn. AP olv at EXCHANGE OFFICE. Bldx. g 8-626. Bolling Allr Force Base. —7 d SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT. ® white. 28 to 40. Lubrication exper |t and good salesman. Local reter - ences; *lO per day plus commls g slon and vacation. BARRON'S r- SUNOCO SERVICE STATION. Wig ave. and River rd. n.w. —l2 d SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT 1 and car washer, experienced only 1- Apply 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., SYLVESTER i- GULF SERVICE. Oeorgla and East d ern aves. n.w. —7 2 SHEET METAL WORKERS, eifceri- I enced on stainless steel cutting 1 and assembly work. Rate *3.26 per l hour. Steady work for right men. I MARENKA METAL MANUFACTUR - INO CO.. 5011 Creston at.. Blad ensburg, Md.. AP. 7-3383. —lO SHEET METAL HELPERS 12). ex perienced. Apply Mr. Newman. BENDER-MILLER CO., 129 Mary »t.. Palls Church. 7 to 0 a.m.. R JE. 2-2555 -~7 SORTER AND COUNTER for oul > Sg d 11 l e p n piv « ;• SERVICE. 2140 Queens Chapel rd. ;• n.e. —8 ’ SPORTS INSTRUCTOR tor 13-7 T .- old hoy who Is physically and men tally tops but poor In athletics. Box 333-L. Star. —8 V STOCK CLERK B 19 to 28 yrs. of ace. llth-grade education white, to cheek Incoming shipment*, handle stock, fill requisi tions. etc.; must have driver’s . license and be able to asaume some responsibility; some experience re quired; perm, position; 40-br. wk.: good employs benefits. Call Person- I nel Dept., HO. 2-5805 b =!_ SUPERVISOR " MINIMUM $260 “ Mall. File Perpetual Inventory JANE BURCH Km. 226 Bond Bldg. ■—B ■ ■ TEACHERS, for private school posi tions In math., science, librarian, history. Spanish. English and mid dle school subjects. Very desirable. J. ADAMS TEACHERS AGENCY. 1341 o O at. n.w.. RE. 7-3038. 3 TELEPHONE SALESMAN—Program ° deal; your phona. Call JA. 8-4306. ;1 ,r IT test * PROCESS . WRITERS n a “ E.E. Degree, plus knowl edge of Govt, specifics - tions. Some previous test engineering experi ence desired. • APPLY IN PERSON TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 A.M. Tg 4 PM. MELPAR, INC. soon ARLINGTON BLVD. PALLS CHURCH. VA. TRUCK DRIVER. Apply UNION MARKET BASKET GO.. 1273 4th st. n.e. TRUCK DRIVERS, white only; fur niture moving exper. egxential: Md. chauffeur lie. required: perm, posi tion;-salary open. Apply In person. 4803 Moorland lana. Bethesda. Md TV BENCHMAN, full time. Also, full time outside man. For fastest growing TV service dealer In Stiver Spring area. We pay sick leave, va cation and other benefits. White hall 6-7705 after 6 p.m. —8 USED CAE SALESMAN, must be re liable. sober, exper.. and willing to work for fast-moving used car lot. New car dealership. Apply In person only. R. B. CLARK MOTOR CO.. Chrysler-Plymoutb Dealer. 624 8. Washington st.. Palls Churofa. Va. WAITERS, p.t. for nice restaurant, 5-9:30. some evenings—No begin ners! JA 7-9888. WAITERS, colored, want only those who ere Interested In permanent work; lunch period. 11 to 3; 6-dar wk., extra party work avail.: no drinkers; must be clean; no police record; we Investigate each man. CAPITOL HILL CLUB. 214 Ist st. a.c. —7 Washer Serviceman Knowledge of nutomatic essential. 40-hour. S-day week, car allowance, excellent company benefits for the one who qualifies. Apply In person to Mr. Boudreau. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. [ 2800 V BT. N.E. ATTENTION—WeII-established, con structlon company is Interested In employing several appetising rep resentatives to advertise nationally known products. Experience not _ , necessary. Qualifying applicants to 'be trained to suit company’s needs. Remuneration during training pe riod. Average Income. Si 2.000 per annum. High-caliber men only need apply. Apply BETTER BUILD ING SPECIALTIES. 8002 Wisconsin ave.. Bethesda. Md. —7 MAN. with car. can supplement In come bv 550 or more weekly H. W. KELLY. HU. 3-4400. —8 MAN, to leern consumer ftnsnce business, must have car and know city thoroughly. See Mr. Jones. ALLIED FINANCE CORP,. 8025 ' Oa. ave.. Stiver Spring. Md. —6 MAN, colored, with Md. driver's per mit: grocery exper. Best refs.; sVj day wk. Apply In person WOOD MOOR MARKET. 10120 ColesviUe rd.. Silver Spring. —7 MAN. white: to drive truck, deliver ing storage batteries. Apply 1819 L st. n.w. after 2 p.m. MAN. capable of managing Esso service station, with lubrication and mechanical experience. COX EBBO STATION. 1001 North Ftlmore st., Arllnxton, Va. - —9 MAN, between 40-56 yrs.; to operate small merry-xo-round. Must have pleasant disposition mnd ability to handle children. Driver’s permit required. Salary. *66 per wk. to start. Advancement for good work Phone DU. 7-1064 for appt. —9 MAN FOR GROCERY STORE, exper. j nec.: D. C. permit: 5-day wk. K At K MARKET. 315 Qua at. n.e.. CO. 5-4198. —8 MAN WITH CAR. to represent large manufacturinx company, age 21-35. experience unnecessary. Earnings while tralntnx. around 5320 mo. Apply 1116 O st. s.e., 9 to 11 a^m. MAN WANTED x WITH CAR Dependftblr no exocrltnc* nocwiftr? Apply 3707 On ft»t. n.w. MAN WITH CAR Attractive Income. Oood ref- MAN WITH CAR To men who want to better their position, we can attar permanent, fuu-tlme local work wiUi good pay »nHd:_*dv»tieeTnaT , t opportunity. Cp 8-2323 daytime or eves, until 7:30 EMMY LOU v —By Links. • J V , «wi binnw W» ~s.f Ttwcthi om, ’ • -*■ "Here com** Phyllis. Quick, help ms t cover Aim with sand!” • - - i HELP—MEN t [ MEN. white, to Install get appli ances: only experienced men 1 wanted. Do not phone, apply In person. GABCO. 401 Jefferson Dsvls hwy.. Arl.. V*.. south end t of 14th st. brldte. —8 1 MEN 12). full time, and ID part time Full-time men with no ore > vlous esper. average 2106 and UP ' per wk. Repeat business plus rex ultr customers assure you of steady regular Income. Start on a 1 or 2 - day trial basis if you wish to prove i to vourtelf what an excel, oppor • this Is. Fuller Brush dealer! aver . age 9100 and up per wk. calling on regular cualomert bv appt. Fuller Brush customers are pleas ant. courteous and buy these fa mous everyday necessities regu larly. An exner. man will make > calls with you and train you. Sales exner. unnecessary, but men se lected must furn. refs, as to hon , esty and character. Inquire at 911 ■ National Pres* Bldx.. 14th and F sts. n.w., or phona DI. 7-4477 or 1 DI 7-3498. —« ' BOT WANTED for dtllvery Apply DAVIDSON At WEINBERG. 1215 New York ave. n.w. —7 i YOUNG MAN. Age 21 to 30. for property management dept, of an old weU-extabllshed real estata firm. i S&'RSSrA.PW K ! fnUrvlew*"prospective . ply Bo* 37-M. Star. —7 ’ YOUNG-MAN, about 20 yrs. of age. • safwa&rs'Hflai.*#!: [ TOUNf? MAN.'vhlte, 18 to 2lf£ for Metropolitan ave.. Kensington, Md. —7 ’ YOUNG MEN. to work 1n »hop: no • exper. needed, will train. Apply this address. 7339 Waverly st.. Bethesdft FART TlME—This Is not the usual type of telling Job. No canvassing. Ideal for trowing business oppor tunity. Age 30-60. white, reliable > men can Qualify without experience. I Call EM, 3-8667. ; E^r&A, a“^s* N^fer. S 2320 Nichols ave. s.e. —8 - LARGE JOB —Need experienced car : penters and carpenters helpers, for - frame work. Out Telegraph rd. to Rosehill Farms. Alexandria, Va. Bee foreman on Job or call office JA. 7-3220. —8 ONE LICENCED COMPRESSOR Ol ■ ERATOR. and one licensed hydro crane operator. See Mr. Rhett Donaldson. DONALDSON FAVTNQ CO. 20 Potomac ave. s.w.. LI. 4- 7716. —7 ERCO NEEDS INSPECTORS For Machine Shop, Shipping and Receiving TOOL AND CUTTER GRINDERS MECHANICS : SPRAY PAINTERS I WELDERS POWER BRAKE OPERATORS APPLY IN PERSON TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH—A Division of . ACF INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED 1 Riverdale, Md. WA. 7-4444 L ~* i ENGINEERS DESIGNERS-DRAFTSMEN l * / ELECTRONIC MECHANICAL j DIVERSIFICATION... | THE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS AND YOURS i. I Melpar, leader in electronic research and de velopment, has continued to expand Into many fields. A glance at our current projects indicates the scope of our program. This diversification and 5 continuing expansion can benefit you if you desire i Interesting, challenging problems In a variety of 5 fields. 1. J Superb new laboratory facilities Just completed ■ this year; an engineering. staff of the highest cali ber; long-range research and development program, and ample opportunity for advancement are some of the advantages* you can enjoy as a member of J the MELPAR STAFF. I. I •Network Theory * Radar and Counter measures - ‘Systems Evaluation •Packaging Electronic . ‘Automation Equipment » ‘Microwave Technique . Pulse circuitry ■ *UHF, VHF or SHF ‘Microwave Filters Receivers ! . , „ . ‘Flight Simulators o ‘Analog Computers ! '‘Servomechanisms ° ‘Digital Computers » _ ‘Submlniaturlzation ‘Magnetic Tape Handling ‘Electro-Mechanical Design « ‘Quality Control and Test Engineering > Apply In Person Tuesday Through Friday 8 A.M. to 4 PM. * MELPAR, INC.' SUBSIDIARY OF WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE 3000 ARLINGTON BLVD. FALLS CHURCH, VA , (Taka Arnold V-2 Bus from 11th and X Sts. N.W. ‘v to Plant Entrance) b HELP MEN ! 2 MSN WANTED experienced, to : : solicit advertising by telephone for ; sheriff’s convention publication i Pull or pert time. Phone between I 11:36 and 6:30. BT. 3-8762 or **. 7-6374. t ATT. ADVERTISING SALESMEN • A loc»l radio And Ty station needs i an ftgressive talesman to explain radio and TV programs to local businessmen by phone. Call MR. ! PAYNK. RE. 7-8000 for appt. —8 FT. BELVOIR I ENGINEERS AND : GEOLOGISTS NEARING ; SEPARATION DATE ' Major oil produclnx company needs mechanical electrical, civil and petroleum entlrfeers, geophysicists . with B. 8 degrees and geologists with at least one year of graduate work who will be separated within the next 120 days for work in their ’ production and exploration depart i ments If you qualify, pleasa call THE CALIFORNIA COMPANY/ 12th . Floor. Shoreham Building, for ap pointment interview Telephone District 7-2362. fifty or evenint i Interviews being accepted Julv 7 , through July 10. After 6 p.m and , on Sunday, call Oeorta Carr at : ME 8-8931. —lO "Hlgh-Dollar n Handley Needs • SALESMEN i YOUNG MEN OVER 18 ! No Experience Necessary i vfi,h». Do K^s: - Growing Ford Dealer. - Liberal pay plan, demonstrators fur t ntahed. ur oraham A or t mr SHXBHY. . 6323 OA AV*. N W BETWEEN 10 AM. AND 12 NOON ’ ATTENTION, SOLICITORS We have one of the best propositions in town. Transp. furnished. 5-day wk. Apply in person. Wednes. and Thurs.. from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. or f call ST. 3-7894 for appointment. . 1129 Vermont ave. n.w., Room 323. D. C. BfIPUEXCgANOE ' jT <7^rc.)~~:~fj* A CAREER OPPORTUNITY YOUNG MEK 23-30 YRS. Hat Shoppes, lec . has a limited , number of opo&isgs which will load to management upon espsrissa e aad edpeation; liberal employ* benefits Include hospitalisation and Ufa tnmrance plan! paid vacations and sick feavd, advancement by merit. Apply 1341 G st. n.w.. Rm. 200. HOT SHOPPES, INC." ■ J_ =«_ , Exceptionally High-Caliber ENGINEERS For key positions In Guided Missile Projects. The Cros ley Division, AVCO Manu facturing Corporation, in terviewing at DUPONT PLAZA, downtown Wash ington. ) For Details See Our Large Ad In the Sports Section CROSLEY DIVISION AVCO MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Cincinnati 15, Ohio COLORED MAN. general repair work. 1603 N. H. ave., near Wash. Clr. « | HELP—WOMEN ACCOUNTING CLEBK. JE.. 18 to 35, for permanent position; some i knowledge of bookkeeping helpful: 5-day week. 8:30 a.m. t04:45 pm.: vacation and alck leave; non-profit cafeteria, air-cond. bldg. Apply personnel office. 3rd floor. EQUIT ABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 816 I 14th st. n.w.» —8 AIRLINES STENOGRAPHER, under 21. general office duties; usual em ployment benefits, travel faculties. Phone MIBB PENMAN for appoint-I ment. EX. 3-3944. —8 BANK BOOKKEEPER BURROUGHS BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Experience preferred: 6-day week: tree retirement plan and life ln aurance: air-conditioned office: per manent position. The Munsey Trust Co. ’ 1 BT. N.W. —l2 BEAUTICIAN, manicurist, man hair atvUat; guar 575 up 6400 Oa ave.. RA. 3-9669: evea. OL. 4-6481 BEAUTICIAN. tuU or pari time: sal- . ary open. Apply in person. WIL LIAM OF WASHINGTON INC.. 8634 Conn, ave- Chevy Chase. Md. —6 BEAUTICIAN-MANICURIST APPLY IN PERSON RUB INO, 2869 CONN. AVE..^ BEAUTICIAN, man or woman, for Greater Washington’s most beauti ful salon opening soon. Highest earnings tn city; no evtnlngs; 5- day week, paid vacation, hoapltall aatlon. BARRETT PARKER HAIR STYLISTS 8406 Oa. ave., Silver Spring. Md. BEAUTICIAN ~ Man or woman: must be experienced; aalary no object. HAIR STYLES, INC.«WA. 7-8828 BEAUTICIANS; men. women stylists, manicurists: full or part’dime, high < aalary; mod., air-cond. aalon. JU. ' 5-2232: eves. caU TA. 9-9889. MR. ■ male, also manicurist; axcel, salary Slus comm. Air-cond. aalon. Closed lon. EM. 2-3871. —8 BEAUTY OPERATOR, white: experi enced: full or part-time poaltion: air-conditioned shop. Phone LU. 2-9734. DOROTHY BURNETT. 2523 Pa. ave. s.e. —8 BOOKKEEPER for poeitlon In large furniture store, experienced in re tail operation preferred, but not easential: must be aggressive, will ing worker: 46-hr., 6-day week; , under 45. Bee Mr. Hendrick be- 1 tween land 4. CURTIS BROS FURNITURE CO., 2641 Nichols ave. s.e. BOOKKEEPER or ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER MUST BE EXPERIENCED GOOD SALARY, S6O-$125 APPLY: ALBAN TOWERS 3700 MASS. AVE. N.W. —6 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERA TOR, experienced: must type; 5-day week: air-conditioned office. Apply in person afternoons only to Mrs. Strauss. MAZOR MASTERPIECES. INC.. 911 7th st. n.w. BKKPR.-TYPISTS, Insurance dept.: 6 days. *250 plus bonus. POTOMAC . EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 2334 Wliaon bird . Art., JA, 5-2006. Bookkeeping Machine Operator Trainee BETHESDA, MARYLAND Immediate opening for a young woman who caa type 45 to 50 w.p.m.; experienced in detail work; ' 6-day. 40-hour week; 8 to 4:30 p.m.; good starting salary: op portunity to advance: liberal com pany benefits. APPLY HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1341 G ST. N.W. ROOM 200 BOOKKEEPER CLERK-TYPIST Immediate openings for young ladles In statistical and bookkeeping de partment. Must be accurate and like working with figures. Alr-con ditloned office; 5-day. 35-hour week; liberal company benefits. Apply In person. SUITE 416 RING BLDG. 18th AND M STS. N.W. 7 CASHIER: hours. 5:30 p.m. ’til 9: exper only; refs, required. Apolv CLARK'S. 703 14th st. n.w. —6: CASHIER—Living In Bladensburx- Cheverly area, part time, for self service hardware; hours needed, afternoons and Sundays. 9 to 1. AKMAN'S HARDWARE, WA. 7- 1134, Mr Hoover. ' —8 CASHIER Fine specialty store has opealns for experienced, dependable cashier. food starting sglary. opportunity or gdvancement. liberal discounts on personal purchasa* apply Mr. Stewart THE YOUNG.' SHOP HUcULATION 'TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Immediate openlnts art row available In our Circula tion Dept (or persons with pleasant telephone manners —with the confidence and abllltv necesnar> to do tele phone *ftle*wore The nales commission t$ liberal and the hours can be tailored 1 to fit vour requirements in many cases ! _ i If Interested In steady and enjoyable work contract Mr. 1 Harvey. Room 204. The Btar Bldx,. nth and Pa. ave., between 6 am and • p.m. The Evening Star llth and Pa. Ave. N.W. CASHIER . ' Top notch y4ri experience eewntial "F^toANS.MC. 7906 Oaanria Are, Stiver BprUJ CLERK general office, typiw* aid cashiering, perse*neat aaß; vaca tion with any. cenpeny discount sssr*kWisaari-gR' CLERK-TYPIST Leading news magaalne seeks girl with pleasant appearance end per sonality for work in front office, should enjoy contact with the pub lic and be capable of headline a variety of int*r*stin* duties. Tjpa 46 words per minute. Unusually pleasant working conditions, many company benefit*, air-conditioned building. CaU DI. 7-2900. Ext. 263, 9 ana, to 5 p m. —7 CLERKS CLEAnIrb 0 ™! and FcmMla sts n.e. —« CLERK-STENO. Age 19-35; permanent poeltJoa tn large real eatate orianlxatlon open for an alert person. Accurate typ ing and ahorthand essential. In ter es tin* work In air-conditioned office. Hour* 9:15 to 6. paid vaca tion and sick leave, excellent com * ffg w.B - Will consider a geod eterk tvplst: aalary opea; good benefits. CaU Mr. Carter, LA. 6-1230 SMITH’S TRANSFER 8c STORAGE CO. —7 CLERK-TYPIST, whit*, accurate, for Insurance office. Permanent. 36-hr. week. Room 218. 3308 14th st. n.w. —l2 CLARK-TYPIST, permanent posi tion; 37y»-hour. 5-day week; em ploye benefits: new air-cond. bid* Apply in person. 20th centurY FOX FILM CORP.. 416 3rd st. n.w DI. 7-8420 —4) CLERK-TYPIST, under 36. speed, accuracy eeaential; 6-day wk., air cond. office, Betheeda. OL. 2-1111. CLERK-TYPIST; typing speed”* 50. some exper. with figures preferred. Liberal benefits. Air-cond. office. CaUM&TOIIkAN 0 J O U. tO S-MOi: CLERK-TYPIST, meet the publle; interesting and varied work; out standing enmploye benefits and excel, oppor. for advancement. Enjoy working to your own neigh s±a- jKfttak uraKr* wan “corr. 3407 Perry et., Mt. Rainier. Md CLERK-TYPIST, for claim depart ment of large insurance company: air-conditioned office; in Silver Borin*; 6-day week. Phone JU 8-2277 for appointment. —8 CLERK-TYPIST with some short hand for new car dealer, good pleas ant working conditions, excellent •alary, liberal company benefits COAST-IN PONTIAC CO , 407 Flor ida ave. n.e.. LI. 0-7200. —0 CLERK-TYPISTS (2>, ate 18 to 30. hlth school graduates; 5-day week; Sood hours: usual company bene ts. - Apply to THE CITY BANK. »th nd Mass. ave. n.w. —6 CLERK - TYPIST. general office; Rosslvn: *55. POTOMAC EMPL. AOCY 2334 Wilson blvd.. Arl.. JA. 5-2000. CLERK-TYFIBT. for educational in stitute: accurate. conscientious; must enjoy typtoa: 6-day wk.; an nual and sick leave, group hospi talization: salary open. CaU HO. 2-1520 for appt —8 CLERK-TYPIST Age 19-36; permanent position with large organisation. Accurate typtoa esaentlal. Hours 9:15 to 5. Inter esting work to convenient down town alr-condttloned office. Paid vacation and rick leave, excellent companv benefits. See MR. WELCH. 1722 L »t. n.w. —ls CLERK-TYPIST IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Several openings for experienced typists; beginners considered. All positions are nermanent. Salary based on previous experience; planned Increases: vacations: in surance plan, bonus, etc. Inter views from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. MARYLAND ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 6009 Calvert Rd.. College Perk. Md. WA. 7-9200 CLERK-TYPIST'S lor Both Falls Church and Ar lington Divisions, positions available In an expanding research organization. Opportunity for Advancement r i Convenient suburban loca tion. Permanent resident of this area preferred. APPLY IN PERSON TUESDAY THROUOH FRIDAY 3 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MELPAR, INC. 1211 S. Pern St. (Off Jefferson Davis Hwy.) Arlington, Va. 3000 Arlington Blvd. Falla Church. Va. ——B CLERK-TYPIST LARGE REAL EBTATE OF FICE DESIRES FIRST-CLABB CLERK TYPIST; 37%-HOUR WEEK, AMID PLEASANT BURROUNDING: OFFICE AIR-CONDITIONED; SUB STANTIAL EMPLOYE BENE FITS. THIS IS A PERMA NENT POSITION WITH AM PLE OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMNT CALL MR. GRIFFIN OR MR. THOMP SON NA. 8-5540 FOR IN TERVIEW CLERK-TYPIST Must be last, accurate typist with general clerical knowledge for credit office of specialty store, credit experience helnful but not neces sary; excellent working conditions good salary, opportunity lor ad vancement. liberal discounts on personal purchases. Apply Mr. THE*YOUNG MEN’S SHOP COMPANION, white, middle-aged, for elderly lady; live in; but con siderable free time during day. At tractive pay. Phone ME. 8-2085. between 2 and 4 p.m. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, ex perienced. with bookkeeping or ac counting background. Annual and sick leave benefits, group hospitali zation. Apply at EXCHANGE OF FICE BLDG., 8-628 Bolling Air rorce Base. —7 Comtometer Operator FOR AUDITING DEPARTMENT Experience necessary; 6-day. 40-hour week: excellent company benefits for the one who qualifies. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE SEARS, ROEBUCK ti CO. 2800 Wilton Blvd.. ArUngton^ COMPTOMETER OPERATOR 8 AM. TO 4:30 P.M. Immediate opening in new air-con ditioned office building, in account ins department: 5-day, 40-hour week: hospitalisation insurance. Oood starting salary. Position lo cated 8161 River ri . Bethesda. APPLY HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1341 G BT. N.W. ROOM 200 —7 CURBETTES IFEMALB CARHOP*) NIOHT POSITIONS CONNECTICUT AVI. N W. LEE HWY" AND KIRKWOOD RD . VA.—BHIRLINOTON SALARY PLUS EXCELLENT TIPS COLORFUL UNIFORMS FURNISHED Permanent full-time and week-end Btuitions8 tuitions available Other One bene ta include meals, hospitalisation, ■roup insurance, paid vacations. TO SHOPS^NDICATED 1841 O ST N.W* r Room 200 HOT SHOPPBS. INC. —7 and verXtas eon dtuons ‘ Bfcon* Trf Ivl HTTiQWBs VbUC. SO CXPCn- L whjte. ft USA. lewt. lixpgriaacc prt countkrUwl“ Cafeteria Emus, nth f V?d°i st* rC No nhooe tails p|**n —S DENTAL ASSISTANT; Silver Sprtof office: 6-dsy week, experience pre- cell bet. 6 and 7 n-m.. JU. DENTAL ASST., will train. A] general office work: *l*o U atari. POTOMAC EMPL AOCY.. 2334 WUun blvd. Arl.. JA. 8-2000. DRIG CLERK, must be exper.; *OO plut commtoxtont: no Sundays. Ap ply SCHWARTZ PHARMACY. 1700 DRUG CLERK, white. Exper. only: DRUG AND CIGAR, exper. only; de P^t. d !sSn d n^ FOUNTAIN HELP, afternoon Vnd evenint thlft. Experienced. UN HOTEL, 16th end toe sts. n.w. —8 HOSTESS (HEAD) To tok* charge of dining roosn oper ation to Jarta downtown hotel: Should be thoroughly experienced *ll phaee* of sutereieton *nd serv ice: neat and attractive; under 40 yrs. of ate; excellent starting sal ary plus meal*: many other am- Ploy* benefits Apply Pertonnel Of fice, AMBASSADOR HOTEL. 1420 K et. n.w.. Room 201, BBRPB.. refined, white, withes posl tloo to busy, but heppy home. Box INVENTORY CLERK, experienced: must be accurate with fleures. have legible handwrltlnx: must type: 6- dky week: tlr-conditioned office Apply to peraon. afternoons only, Mrs atreuss. MAZOR MASTER PIECES. Me.. 911 7th st. n.w. INVESTIGATORS, colored, sses^! R -30. port time; xood pay. Interest • *. n * . wor Sl no experience necessary. aarAffYfFt 10 LEDGER CLERK Young woman, 20-86 yrs. of age. for perm position to our sect, dept handling accounts recrivablt. rou -1 tint and control; some appropriate experltnoo and ability U type art required; • 6-day, 40-hr. week; sal ary commensurate with experience ■ Apply Feraonnel Room 805. Open weekdtye 8:30-4, and Sat 9-12. No phono eaJlt. | THE EVENING STAR ; 1101 PENN A AVE, N.W ; MAID, white; European background preferred. To Uve to; 6-dey week. Good cook, moderate housework, part-time care for 3-yr.-old. Nearby exclusive waterfront community. Transportation tuppUed on days off. Better-than-average pay to the right person. EX. 3-2652 betwes » and 5. —8 MEDICAL SECRETARY, for Intern ists: air-conditioned office: part time. HU- 3-0360. —7 NURSE, registered: for children’s summer camp; not over 40 yrs. of ate. Immedtate position. Call DarUngton, Md., 4681, reverse ! charges. \ —to NURSES AIDE, white: for genera floor duty to nursing home. Good 1 salary; must live In; referencts. JU. 9-7644. —7 PATENT STENO.. 4-man law firm; central location, air-conditioned of fice: will nay top rate for woman under, 40 with patent experience to_t*ke charge of office. DI. 7- PANTRY SALES CLERKS BHIRLINOTON, VA —NIGHTS i BETHEBDA—DAYS ; „ SILVER BPRING—DAYS Immediate opening for qualified ap plicants Good starting salary, op- I portunlty to advance, meals and uniforms furnished. Excellent bene fits and working conditions in air condltioned shops. Apply manager. Bethesda shop, or EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1341 O BT. N.W. ROOM 200 HOT SHOPPES, INC. i —— —~ ! PBX OPERATOR EXPERIENCED ONLY 5-DAY WEEK AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICE „ GROUP HOSPITALIZATION Must be clean-cut. alert, dignified, and have pleasing personality Apply SHAPIRO INC. 1413 K St. N.W ME. 8-1717 —7 PAYROLL "CtERK, 18-35; typing. PSACTICAL n iroßßk!wfclt*;' tostltuZ tlon. Hours. 3 to 11. NO. 7-3838. ■ PRACTICAL NURSE, companion to elderly woman, on Chesdiwake Bay. [ Must be experienced driver, woman , >*n d ” «?• Dav OL. 2-4188; eve ; olngs. OL. 2-4667. —lO RECEPTIONIST, part time: age 18; air-conditioned lew office. Call for _aßPotntment, BT. 3-3433. —7 RI.CEPTIONIBT-SECY., voung. pat *6,>- potomac EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 2334 Wilson blvd., Arl.. JA. 5-2000. Receptionist-Typist, $65 JANE BURCH. Rm. 256. Bond-Bldg. —B RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST-PBX; Lee hwv.. Sdevs; SS4. POTOMAC EM > PLOYMENI AGENCY, 2334 Wilson ■ blvd.. Arl., JA. 5-2000. RECEP.-TYPIST. S6O wk.; dicta- Phone typist. $250; typist, good with figures, SBS wk. Miss Evans at o BOYD’S. cor. O At 12th, NA. “residentlmgr New apt. bldg., exper.. refs. Call DU. 7-1566. Apply, !, to 12 a.m., 2412 13th st n.W.. Apt. 5. SALESLADY Young lady, genera drug store selling: good nrs„ good b»v n° Bun work. COLONIAL DRUO-LIQUOR. Ills 15th st n.w SALESLADIES: SSO per week, plus commission. Experience necessary. Silver Soring area. CaU MR. OOLD, ■ LI. 3-4621. SALESWOMAN; experienced: better rs sdy-to-wear Permanent; salary andiommlsslon. JOAN ROBERTS. .1100,Conn, at L. —6 SECRETARY, with some knowledge of bookkeeping, for 1-girl consult ing engineer’s office: excellent op portunity for advancement: ssltrv open DU 7-3478. 8 SECRETARY, experienced; small of “te: 5-day week, pleasant working conditions' congenial surroundings Csll MR FORD. HU. 3-8000. —l2 SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER, one gtr] office college association: un gWo K K - d * y ’ 3 *- hr ' SECRETARY EXECUTIVE Highly responsible position for a top quality secretary under 35 yrs. Must possess excellent shorthand and typing, self-starting ability, tood personality. College educ §ref’d. Salary open. Car helpful, ut not required. Excel, working conds. to a new air conditioned office, plug multiple employe bene fits. ' Bt *t*, »vell»bllity, salary req’d and short resume of worklnt exner. to Box 474-L, Star. —7 SECRETARIES AND CLERK TYPISTS TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:30 TO 8 ERGO Engineering gnd Resetrch A DIVISION OF ACP INDUSTRIES INC. RIVERDALE. MD WA. 7-4444 SECRETARIES CLERK-TYPISTS SECYB . radlo-TV ..M.IOO BECYB.. legal. no statist, exper. $3,800 BECYB., many SBS-875 BECYB.. admin $.300 SECY , nail, firm $75 RECEPT.-BECYB L *65-$75 BEGINNER BTENOB. _ $55-S«0 BUPVR.. airport, college grad. or exper.; up to 35 yr». $275 CLERK-tVpists. man%. $46-S6O TYPIBTS $225-$250 PERSONNEL TYPE.. 36 w.p.m.. $65 CABHIER-TYPIBTB $54 ASST. BKXPR -TYPIBTB SA6-S6O BKKPR.-TYTOT $65 PAYROLL TYPIST® S6O-J6O I NCR .1000 _ $55 PBX exper . under 36 $45 H. 8. ORADB.. pefm. $45-956 PAYROLL CLK . exper to SB6 RECEPTB- aeles. b. a. trad. S6O BURROUGHS BKKPO. OPR . *2.400 CORRESP. TYPIBTB . *3.000 JR ACCOUNTANT dee. or CPA exper. .... *250 up National Empl Service 1108 16th Bt. N.W et L. EX. 3-7270 BICT.. mature, Georgetown area; 35 hr«., *312. POTOMAC EMPL. AOCY.. 2334 Wliaon bird.. JA. 8-2000. C-7 ITHB KVKNIMO BTAK Washington. D. C. * WOMEN "IN BETIffiSDA 8 , STENOGBAPKXK. Ufa toeurance of fice. 21-36. 2 at man yean’ ea- I STENOGRAPHER, for private acien tifle club Oood aalary. lunch and *?Wic‘£^Mß^d*r D M C^aSio » vardMSldw** —7 . stenographers, exper.. for van— »* *• 4 : BTENOORAPHER : Permanent poaltton. pleasant work* " tog condition*. 37H-hr. weak. Ex • perienee not necessary. Gee Mr*. ave. n.w. —7 stenographers Y^^^WnOTO. i 55ro B SraJff W Su,^m’wMON l I - DAILY. 9 TO 3. ’ MAN^S^gfO^^S^TION - 5009 Calvart Rd.. CoUet* lark. Md. ) WA. 7-9200 STENOGRAPHER, axe IS to 25. the - NATIONAL LIME ASSOCIATION. I small trad* association, has an onentoc for a congenial ttrl who ; would like variety to a stenographic t Job. Ns experience necessary. Per. manent position, good starting sal ary. and other benefits. Phone ME. . 8-3760 for spot. - STENO.. 25-40: assist on rasearch . project' 8300. POTOMAC EM PLOYMENT AOENCY. 2334 Wilson - bird.. Arl.. JA. 6-2000. ’ STENO.-CLERK, under 86. for modern air-conditioned office: won ’ dertul opportunity to advance to . ton secretarial position with fast growing -builder: downtown office: 6tb-day wk. NA. 8-0131. —8 SUPERVISOR . Dignified position with a future. A career to sales and talas manage -1 ment can be yours U you can turn , lsh sincerity and ambition. Will a lngncas to learn more Important than experience. Complete traln i Ins proa ram; no investment. Largo i national company baektd by na ;. tionaUy advertised consumer ac cepted product. For Immediate con fidential personal interview, pleas* write at once. Box 488-L. Btar. TEACHERS, for private school posi tions to commercial. fuU time, and . phvs. educa. and sclanee. part 1 time; very desirable. ADAMS . TEACHERS AOENCY. 1341 O st. n v Bf 'T.QU'lfi r TELEPHONE OPERATOR; reUef. CA . rillon House: Air-conditioned. 485- . unit apt. bldg., 2500 Wisconsin eve. e n.w. Secretarial, telephone service: i excellent environment and good sal ary for personable and dependable - woman between 30 and 60. Call t EM. 2-8806 for appt. to b* Inter viewed. —ls ■ TELLER, 20 to 30. neat appearanc* f and personality foT deallnt with 1 the public: permanent position. 6- t day week, company benefits. Ap ply personnel office. 3rd floor. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. 818 14th st. n.w. —8 TYPIST College gradual*, with Eiical science ueckground end -FSM experience preferred, k for research organleation In i Bethesda Writ* fully. P 0. to* e 6968 Bethesda. Md ; w s°i k Mfc TYPIST^' collectleiTdt partment: no exeperitnee neces sary: highest salary- permanent. Apply REOAL CLOTHING CO.. 711 7th st. n.w. —7 TYPIST AND CLERICAL ASSIST ANT, in our expanding buying d«- • partment. Applicants must b« «x --• perianccd and like to work with i records and details. Excellent op * portunlty (or right person. Pleas • ant wortlng conditions in modem air-conditlored office with con genial personnel. Apply in person to Mr. Carpenter. P. J. NEE CO^ 3 1800 Rockville pike, or phone OL. 7-9500 for appointment. —8 TYPISTS to S6O wk. Rectp. typist. . $225 mo. PBX typist. S6O wk.; young. 15 typists. S2OO mo. See only DOT REED. Personnel. 1311 Q st. (NA. 8-6089). TYPIST i. ' For full-time typing, whitt. per manent only: 6-day. 40-hr. week, sick and vacation leave plan, cash - bonus, air-conditioned bulldtnt. 7 CaU . HO. 2-2476 TYPIST L o With at least 6 months' et perienee in dictaphone or unt il iliar type or recording: Inter esting work in convenient lo cation: excellent working con ; dit ions: steadllr expanding r organization: 6-day week, 8 to 4:30. ‘ Government Employes Insurance Company 14th and L Bts. N.W. Please apdly at L St. Entrance ' WAITRESSES, white, must be neat'. experienced and attractive; ten » salary and tips. DANNY’S STEAK HOUSE. 2714 Oood Hope rd. s.e. - —7 d WAITRESSES. EXPERIENCED, went * ed to work full or pert time: good >■ tips. Apply 612 17th ST. N.W.—B - WAITRESS, white, must be exper. with cocktails; excel, earning!, xood working conds. end hr*.; va cation with pay. SULLIVAN S. 2 2731 Bladensburi rd. n.e.. corner South Dakota ave. —7 j WAITRESSES. WHITE: experience ! SSwiiSsS end Georgia ave.. Wheaton. Md_. * WAITRESS: counter: wanted. Oood i h „ 0U p r ?;.;°n 0d r TESBEN, 1101 Bladeneburg rd. n.a. ' —7 WAITRESSES, experienced. Day shift. Apply TRIO RESTAURANT. , 1537 17th st. ni , ,— 7 : w .^ Bß ’sr iT olr A^LA ,a N«% ; RESTAURANT. No. 5 F at. n.w.. U. 3-7346. —* . . WAITRESS (one), white, experienced. . over 21: niehtwork. THE ROYAL ‘ TRUCK BTOP All men call In per , son aft. 4 p.m., 1917 N. Y. I WAITRESS, experienced for nlxbl club, no Sunders, apply STAR UTE. 1419 Irvin* at. n.w. after • 3 p.m. —' - WAITRESSES ! 18 TO 35 :• Year-'round. permanent positions ; Excellent earnings plus weeklr sal ! ary, meals and uniforms furnished. 1 Alr-conditloned shops. Hospitalise-- tion and insurance benefits. 1 WE WILL TRAIN 3 APPLY MANAGER CONN. AVE. N.W DAYS AND NIOHTB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 1341 O ST. N.W ROOM 206 HOT SHOPPES, INC. —•6 WAITRESSES Exper.: many positions available; Washington's better restaurants. Apply WABHINOTON RESTAU RANT ASSOCIATION. 2003 Ey# "WAITRESSES, colored" Must be clean and thorouahlr ex perienced. Oood salary and Ups. No nixht or Sunday work. EXECU TIVE PHARMACY 909 Pa. ava. , College graduate" , Age 21 to 28 for public relation and telephone contact position. Full training course pro , vided. Call MISS RAY , MOND, DU.. 7-5100, 9 ; to 4. i —7 > GIftLS: several; age 20-28; for ad ' vertlaing promotion work. Salary basts, no selling. College girls pre * ferred. Apply 6-9 p.m. Wednes » day. PARKWAY MOTOR CO . :i«*o > M st. n.w. DO NOT TELEPHONE. [LADY, with attractive phone voice. for public relations work. RE. } 7-5192 —6 > LADIES; part time. Dignified, proflt } able: 3 eves, plus Bat. am. No ► exper. required. Car; white. Call f UN. 4-7097. —8 • HOMAN, general office work In alf oond. office In Silver Spring; ng shorthand, some typing. Phone MR. 1 COLQUITT 9 to 12. Thursday » morning. Jti. 8-3010. , —6, YOUNG LADY. 18 to 86: no cxperU 1 ence required: to operaU our tele phone switchboard; hours. 8:16 to ! MsKi LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 816 14th st. n.w. —8 (Continued on ngxt pogo)