Newspaper Page Text
C-8 * Washington, D. C. wtmmmu, mis. am* MW WOMBN <C—t.) YMIMO WOMEN work*on Km K-SiaA? HU MU—Beautiful. Urge <S «Un*T U nclmw for aeatatißg resident mgr., la Urge opt build -5?A W **B2 £.~*~ur,. exceptional orrotimn t* »MTv, IM imm tar interview. —lO h^fejj^ST eor.’ff^gd 7 ISHBUCI ja^-jooo 34 WUbo * b,Td " ® snottt PROMOTION Hm 7 v°a u cM«? £ J 55 wn urn torn $3-S5 an hour_ Dl. TOI NG UDT with cor, tingle. I preferably Jewish, ate 2* t 037, epeeUl work; must be acquainted with nearby Va. and Md. counties. Phone between 11:80 and 0:30. «T. 3-8702 or RE. 7-0374. _ AIRLINES NEED Young women. See our ad under In struetlon Courses, -this paper. 0* D. C. EMPL. EXCHANGE WHITE AND COLORED Waitresses <w. or e.) to $27.60 iKSS^rf _v--.v B A l ‘ r7 °|g ' Shirt press gpirMi„.~ZlZ7~ii S4O Wool and silk presseri..Salary open P-h.w, lire in or out. to $36 C.undr, i work # (.U Mw: ..tole° ■O. $-4218 HO. 2-1872 CAN YOU QUALITY? Aces 24-46. a pleasing personality, neat appearance. Uke to meet people, need more money. If to. yoe msy qualify for a lucrative . position tea new uncrowded field 1 retailing china to a select clien tele. Our present women average *IOO-8125 weekly, advance comm and bonus. Expanding business re quires 8 more and offers unusual opportunity to get ahead fast as well as automatic promotions. No eanvattlns. Car required. For ner jonri interview, call HU. 3-4400 HUM MIN AND WOMEN ADVERTISING SOLICITOR, expe rienced. for golf tournament pro wool' PREggRR? good working eon ra ta «^« a COUPLE. travel 0. 8.. sell radio. I TV prog., S4OO mo. guar. comm. Mr.Jhwd. BOYD’S. NA. 8-2340. GOOD DANCERS, good appearance, full or part time. Ballroom teachers to be trained in the famous Artinl- Consuelo dance stvle. 1747 Con .Kk for experienced bookkeeper-auditor: able to take 1 full charge of oßee. keep double entry books. Prepare statements, compute tax returns: in established. I small progressive real estate, prop erty management and construction office of 60 years standing; good pay for the right person: no ob- I staclcs to advancement. Please re ply in writing stating qualifications and salary expected. Box 402-M. Star, —6 I HELM—DOMESTIC BABY SITTER, desire dependable 1 white woman to caer lor 4-mo.-old child, part time, no week-end work. !SIS9 N. Oakland at., Art., JA. 6- COOK-G.H.W.I live In. alr-condi tloned home; 614-day week; S2B. JU. 5-3778. —7 COOK-G.H.W.t live in; exper.; excel. refs, required. WO. 6-2701. —lO G.H.W. AND COOKING, live in; ex perienced with children, S3O. Suns.. 1 ’ 1 day Thurs. OS. EM. 2-8601. —8 G.H.W.-PLAIN COOKING, live in. Experienced and references.. - ■ G.H.W., live In. tnew home, ironing, 514 days. Must children. Ex- HOCSEKEEPEB; live in; help care for fine country house and chil dren; outside Washington. Aceom- 1 nany family to Maine this summer. Top wages and working conditions for mature, dependable person. Ref erences required. OL. 4-7131. —8 HOUSEKEEPERS. MAIDS. COOKS; live in or out; all sections: many openings. $25-*4O. ABBEY PER SONNEL. 1017 K n.w. —8 HOUSEKEEPER-COOK AND G.H.W. Help.with 3 small children. Live ‘ in. 2nd-floor room and bath. Recent local refs.; $35 week. EM. 3-1858. —•8 COUPLE; cook-g.h.w.: drive: exper.; excel, refs, required. Top salary WO. 6-2701. —9 COUPLE, rettled and reliable, to do general housework and cooking. Other help employed. Must have recent references snd health card. WORKING MOTHER, must have competent woman. 25-35. Care for house and 3 .school-age children. Live in. Refs, required. $25 to start. OS Sun. and Mon.. TA. 9-7269. —7 SITUATIONS—MEN EDlTOß—Consumer and employe publications: executive level, tops In field. Box 60-R, Star. 7* ORGANIST—Own new Hammond .spinet. Can use on lob. CO. 6-6343. Bit. 112. « SITUATIONS—WOMEN PRACTICAL NURSE, colored, wants work caring for Invalid lady, moth er and new baby. Rcfe. DE. 2-2667. ■TENOGEAPHIC SERVICE, expert, legal and technical exper. MRA DAVIB. DU 7-7794. 6* TEMPORARY TYPIST, fast, accu rate. Electric or manual. KE. 8- COLORED GIRL Exper. elevator! operator. Call anytime. NO. > 7- COLORED LADY with college back ground. desires work. Cull RA. 6- 8844. SITUATIONS—DOMESTIC DEPENDABLE WOMAN desires ln fsnt-csre daring day. Call DU. DAY’S " WORK wanted by reliable woman. References. HO. 2-3133. GOOD LAUNDRESS, cleaner; reli able. experienced: wants work Thursday. Reference. DE. 2-7787. REFINED WHITE GIRL, excel, refs., will care for 1 or 2 email children. 6 days a week. Sliver Spring area. JU. 5-8019. —7 COLORED WOMAN wants 5 day’s work: g.h.w.; live out: have no transportation. Call LI. 4-6611. • COLORED GIRL desires tob. full time, part time or dty’i work: 5 days week. DU. 7-6594. GIRL, colored, desires child care, l.h.w, 5 days week. ME. 8-6886. COLORED GIRL desires domestic work. Good references. DU. 7-4613. COLORED GIRL wants Job cooking or cleaning. 5-day week. Have refe. HO. 2-0605. WOMAN, exper.. all-round worker. 3 to 6 daye week. Steady. LI. 4- 1301. INSTRUCTION COURSES PBX-RECEP. SCHOOL, Bond Bldg. Complete course. $25. Expert teacher, real board. Why pay more? Phone HU. 3-3824, BT. 3- ' Airlines need Young men end women—The air linee are calling on us for more personnel than we can supply. Air line expansions are creating many haw Jobs, also vacancies due to marriage, etc., mutt be filled. Pub lic contact duties In reservgtlons. communications, passenger agents and hottest field; high school grad uates. 17 to 38. Learn if you can qualify. Interview by appointment only. CaU Mrs T. D. Woodeon at 80NNEL'*TOAININ0. ra NA NB B-4420" BIG DEMAND FOR NURSES DOCTORS’ASSIST ANTS Women needed. 17-65. white or col ored. for Institutions, doctors’ oßces. Intent, maternity end convalescents Excel nay Day. evening and Sat classes forming Free placement Special courses 3 to 6 months For free booklet, visit, phone or write NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NURBINO Victor Bldg., 911 O Placo NW. STERLING 3-3671 8* July 12th Last Day TO ®'ATg\^|p?oN^ AL Enroll In our special classes for brokers and salesmtn. Ho applicant trained by us has ever failed. D. C. and Maryland exams if desired. ENTER mMJgIATELY COLORED-WHITE - LEARN TYP ING, $4 wkly. Typewriters loaned for home net Card ounch ABC, Orect or machine shorthand sseeiss ewe tames* ‘rS^S^Sr & TmTa. 7‘ttstr ADDITIONS—AttIi rooms, esrporu porches, roc. ms. Pros cot rwas §auSF*sS* , c*^4 l “t: ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS, por^e. Jalousies kitchen ■edtrnltad. rtcr rms complete remoaeilng. serrlee. estimates tree: all work fully guar.; SScS°BSj*?u ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Parking lots. JA. 6-8D27. 19* BRICKWORK AND GENERAL CON ship. roMoncblc. CaU mm mi RRiS^'and 1 block*—No small Fret estimate. KI. 8-3311. •SSST& «£-.*& 'ZsA BSgi^eiaP 1 -’ o!*In inet*. doors. floors. windows, screens, porente, inelosnret. par j» ETUTmESZ. D N E° 2-0201: after R pm. 4F. 7-2W7 cakpentkt and masonry" WE. VP-tfSSi kfter 6 B.m. WO. 8-9286. CARL MILTON. 8* ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS, rt- FLAG STUNK. STONE. CEMENT, pa. sii Flagstone and Stone WORK Porches, patios, walks, retaining walls tile druinate: alto water- ANGELO MARCUCCIO, JU, 8-1769 FLOOR SANDING, finish: PtW, 7t sq. ft : old 10c up. C. L. HINSON. 142 Yuma st. t.s, JO. 1-8475. 7* FLOOR BANDING. finishing, clean ing and waxing. Reasonable rates. Free estimate. Call RA. 8-6796. FLOORS BANDB) WE undersell them all 18-HOUR SERVICE BAY-MOR FLOORS. JU. 8-1322 —7 MARBLE repairing: cutting polish ing. setting marble mantels; repairs to show window bates, and.marble tope: Imported and domestic. ED WIN E. ELLBTT. 1106 9th SL n.w. CO. 5-&731. —8 PAINTING CONTRACTORS Com mercial and residential. General home Improvements Satisfied cus tomers tor over 26 years. FKA u FAINTING— Ext. and tot. Sober white mech reat. price; 26 yrs. exper. DE. 2-6160. —l3 PAINTING, lst-clasa work by white mechanics; reae. rates; free esti mates. Phone any time. DE. 2-2779. —lO PAINTING; small carpentry; sober, white mech.; free estimates: rets, rates. EDDIE DAWSON. AP. 7-7030. FAINTING, interior and exterior; free estimates. CaU MR. HOCKER SMITH. WH. 6-8807. —l2 FAlNTlNG—Estimates given; reason able rate*: first-class work by white. Call LI. 7-2539 after 0 p.m. —l6 PAINTING. PAPERING, PLASTER ING. any slie Job; whiia mechs.. 30 yrs exper.; free eet. Va. D. C. and Md MR. STANLEY. JA. 8-6424. —ll PAPERINO, 810 and up, this week only; 1960 sunfaet washable papers RA. 3-7393. JU. 9-7608. » PAPERHANGING, prompt, courteous estimates, expert white craftsmen, reasonable. HINES. AD. 2-5890. PLASTERING REPAIRS, patchwork, alterations and additions. Exper. white mech. Reas. JU. 9-4154. —l9 ROOFING, all type#; gutters, spouts; general sheet-metal work. A. D. THOMAS. WA. 7-7362, ROOPINO. ALL TYPES REROOPINO. REPAIRS. REPAINT ING, GUTTERS AND BPOUTING NO JOB TOO SMALL M. J. PATKUB. LO. 4-6775 STONEWORK—Flagston* terrscee. walks, brick or block retaining walls, chimneys fireplaces, all kinds of cement work, pipe drain age. P MARCUCCIO. PO. 2-3588 or WH, 8-7888. ■USINISS SKVICC WOODRIDGE DAT CARE eenter; pick up and deUvery; 7 a.m. until 5 p.m. LA. 6-1590. —ll MISCELLANEOUS FOE SAL« ADDING MACHINES—Don’t buy a u*ed or new machine untU you shop our sale $35 and up. all make*. CENTRAL. 2019 14th eL n.w. ADDING MACHINE SALE—Hand desk model. 10 key, $36; elee. desk ■model. $126. CENTRAL, 2019 14th st. n.w. —l2 ADDRESSOGRAPH. Uke new 885. CENTRAL. 2019 14th st. n.w. AIR CONDITIONER. 1954 Pedders 3, *-ton. 8175. ExceUent condition. Oall LU. 2-4427. —8 AIR-CONDITIONER, 14 h.p.. York; new condition. Price, 8110. UN. 4-3454. —7 AIR CONDITIONERS—If you hare cash and want to save money, see PARAMOUNT CO.. 2202 Ga. ave, n.w. HU, 3-4800. AIR-CONDITIONERS RENTED SPECIAL! ’ 1 week only Rent a air eond. tor a season as low as 859.50. Only a few more left. R. & M. REFRIGERATION CO. 227 L St. N.K. LX. 6-3660 An Conditioner, York console. Allft TUNE C UP YoumKliTTl Uni Tuner. 1 bolt amps tester, 1 coll tester. 1 condenser tester. 1 Came angle machine. 1 combustion analyser. LO. 7-7727. LO. 7-3174. AIR CONDITIONER Mltchenf 64 h.p., 1061 model, good condition; SIOO. LO. 6-4524. AIR CONDITIONER. 1955 64-ton flush mount de luxe model thermo stat. DE. 2-6523, —8 ATTIC—FANS—ATTIC 24-inch, $74.96; 80-inch. $99.96. All sixes avtllsble. Ws Install. MR. MINNIX, EM. 3-0430. Fr«e eitl mstes. —l2 BABY FURNITURE AND TOY SUPERMART SAVE 30-60% On ell natl adv baby turn., layettes. Infante’ wear, over 4.000 toys, bi cycles and tricycles Largest selec tion to Washington PACTORT -BEALED CARTONS Servs yourself and save to Washington’s only Ju venile discount house Thousands buy at Baby Supermarket—there must be a reason NO LOWER PRICES ANYWHERE [ _ 2457-61 18th ST N.W | lOnposlte Ambassador Theater) i Open Eves.. Mon., Thurs, and Prf. , BATHTUBS, new and used, basins, toilets: at lowest prices. BLOCK'S 1746 Lee hwy., JA. 8-8700. RED. Hollywood. $26; studio couch. $35; breakfast set, $25: gas or ' elec, range. $25. ST. 3-8646. 12-9 : p.m. Closed Bun. and Mon. —6 BOOKCASES, sectional, will match Olobe-Wernlcke: creatly reduced CIRCLE. 74) 15th at. njc BRICK BRICK . 3.000.009 GOOD USED. CLEAN BRICK 3. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ACE WRECKING CO. . ‘ LU. 4-0500 PO. 2-9211 i —lB BRICK 3 MILLION - Quantity orders now being taken for ( immediate delivery. Good. used. - bard and red brick. 5 Arrow Wrecking Co. - lioo 8. Capital st. ; LI. 3-2602 LI. 3-2281 ! BRICK, PLUMBING, ! LUMBER, STEEL Selection of miscellaneous used meterlals best at North- Jast store <6tb and H sts, lut bricks art available at all 5 stores I HECHINGER CO. [• Plvs Stores. Phone Lincoln 7-040 H : Bi ll DING MATERIAL, used; 2x4s 2xHs. 2x6e. shesthlng. doors, win. dows. hot-water heaters, mapli e flooring. LU. 1-7166. 3223 Minn 1 ave. e.e. _ —8 BUILDING MATERIALS Lowest pricss on lumber, plumblni „ snd mlllwork from our wrecking oi 1 it 8 Govt housing protects. , r Open Dell? and Sat. 8-6; Harris Wrecking Co. 4501 Blue Plaint. 8. w Opposite Navel Research Laborator: JO 1-3443 CAMERAS—Price, quality, guaran oervjre—“ Bt beat BRIN il NER. 933 Pa. art. n.w. RE. 7-2434 Id CASH EBGISTBB SALE—Big. on i: lr IBTER SALES ‘NO SERVICE CO I. $Ol6 14th tt. n.w JtD 1-4400. iMncn m mi übo CONSTRUCTION s EQUIPMENT FOR BALE OR RENT EASY TERMS REBUILT, A-l CONDITION ‘ Caterpillar Auto Patrol No. U . Caterpillar D-8 Bulldozer Caterpillar Scraper • Model 80 > 8 Caterpillar DW 10b 1 i WILLIAMS | CONSTRUCTION CO. . Box 145, Baltimore 30, Md. MURDOCK 6-6800 1 : . i $350. Indy’s ay. ets.. $1,196, Indy’s . . 164 ets., $571: lady’s 414 ets.. emer- < . CO., 1423 ¥st n.w. lttfl°s26 * 1 DIAMOND ana 1U carat white. 1 Sac. for H price; $460 or best . offer. A-l. 1229 Matt. ave. n.v. _ 7 DINETTE SIT, new. 5-pc. chrome. 1 Formica. $39.50. 620 fast Ift. Ida ave., Alex. KL 8-0411 after 1 p.m. .DINING RM. SUITE. 1$ pe..~ coet F J 1.700 new; moving. wHI sell for ; $395; OV. 3-3246. —« ) DINETTE TABLE and 4 chairs; . modem oak: excellent condition. I BLECTEIC 4 *ANGEB?"mW; btg~MT> ■ , M n « r cO C “§2o2 b ' , S?."-.v. fA ?,t: HU. 3-4800. i ENCYCLOPEDIA. Punk A Wagnall’g vaL 879. 38 volg.. 860. MRS. hOB -INSON, 1232 10th »t .n.w.. Apt. 2. PANS, exhaust, for easement wl» 9ows. easy to Install: for rent. $1 60 per wk.. ar sale. HE. 4-6593 . PANS—Attic fans. 24-ln„ $59.50 . up; 20-in. and 2-s». window tans. ■ $26.50 while they last; used ex > haust fan. suitable for restaurant . or bouso. 839.30; fan blades, all 1 . sixes. 16-in.. 53.40 up. We help , ?*IC l EQUlfiniNT W «).. < 1 l mu are. n.w. • . FANS— 2 standing floor . models. 1 $35 . 1023 18th «. n.w. h 4. U - . PAN BLADES, bearings, shafts, pul leys. belto—Largest stock. All afiag. 1 Lowest prices. ELECTRIC EQUIP ■ MENT CO., 2473 Sherman ave. n.w. PAN KITS, bulld-lt-yourself- 20-lm. : ln i'2«4 o^«. b n u r oh,OMV • n ”-l‘ u ; PILING CABINET, steeL 4-dr., letter; . good cond.; S2O. CIRCLE. 74l 16th •t. n.w. , FILE CABINETS, new steel, 4-draw er, full suspension. $39.95. CKN i TRAL, 2010 14th st. n.w. —l2 FILE CABINETS 800 AVAILABLE: 4-DRAWER. LE -1 : W§8B : ftSKw^ALao^gNS DRAWER, arm. ROLLER bear. Deo- $3.95. CARD FILES. ALL BIZEB AND COLORS. FREE DE LIVERY AND PARKING. MAN HATTAN OFFICE EQUIP CO.. «39 NEW YORK AVE. KW. POAM RUBBER CUT ANY SHAPE 1 .. Cushion. Jumbo mattresses Olllllland, 2146 F N.W., EX. 3-6033 FORMICA TABLES Chrome Legged. Hew Factory close- , outs. 1 24x24 .* 9.95 36X38 16.95 N PRANK & SON. 414 3rd St. N.W. . 1 EX. 3-8974 1 I FROZEN CUSTARD MACHINE. 25- gal. electro freese: lse. neon froxen I i custard sign steam_ table. 6-cu. ft. comb. safe. Make offer. UN. 4-3866. 1 ___. **■ 8 FURNITURE—Din. rm. suite, ma- i hog.,' 6-pc.. brand-new: bedrm. ’ suTta. wsmut KI. 9-3677. —8 : FURNITURE—3 rooms of furniture; i 1 very reasontble. Owner leaving town. Call UN. 4-6149. —7 FURNITURE SALE 1 , Tremendous savings for cash on brand-new better-grade bedroom, | dining room and living room. Mod ’ ern. French Provincial and Early ■ American to solid cherry and solid mahogany, etc., from factory elose- I outs and surplus stock at lowest ; prices, regardless of bit discounts i offered elsewhere. Stahler’s Furniture Co. ’ 818 13th St. N.W RE. 7-4310 , FUBNITCRE—HousefuI mod. turn.; < deepfreeze, washer, drier. Owner leaving town: bar, etools, drafting tabler file cabinets. RA. 3-7399. • FURNITURE Bedroom suite; 2 double beds, springs and mattresa. ■ dresser snd chest. 830 complete: studio couch, gas ranges, refrigera tor. chairs: best offer. 213 11th st. xe. or call LI. 4-2990 after FURNITURE The following lteme 1 are In excel, or good cond. Book cases, $1 ups chests. 812 up; an tique chests, nine, black walnut. sls up; wardrobes. $8 ea.; tall i kit. cab.. $6: broom closet, $8; i drop-leaf tables. 812.50 up; lge. stu dent’s desk. $12.60; maple chest desk, mahog. Gov. Wlnthrop Secy., ] Hlde-a-bed, dinette chairs, end tables, etc. A&L, 4429 Wisconsin : ave.. nr. Sears. Open weekdays 'til 7 p.m. EM. 2-6677. | FURNITURE 1 NEW AND RENOVATED DINING ' AND DINETTE. IN EXCELLENT . CONDITION DUE TO HEAVY ■ STOCK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, ' lOP A KIND. ARE PRICED VERY. 1 VERY LOW. • Painted dinette set. table plus 4 1 chairs. $14.96; new chrome, plas tic top kitchen table. $19.95; oak dinette set. $1995: plastic cov- 1 1 ered dinette chairs, sat of 4. sl6; new chrome dinette set. table plus - 4 chairs, $3995: Duncan Phyfe mahog dlnnette table plus 4 chairs, $3996; new solid hard rock maple china closet, sugar maple finish, - $69 95; solid maple retrectory ta . hie. $1996; new solid birch dining table, small slic. $1995; new com bination china secretary, buffet In . limed oak, $7995; solid mapfe bus • feta. $2495; new limed oak ex - tension table, ,39.96: solid maple - server $1995; new solid max. f round dining room table, $4995; - new mahog. corner cabinet. Jr. ■ size $4995: din. rm. suite of buf e set. extension table plus 4 chatrs. In toast mahoz.. $10995: new lane size mod. china closet. In sea mist mahog. or limed oak, $69 95; 18tb century mahog. buf fet. $3996: brand-new mahog. din ing rm. chglrs, odds and ends, r $995 i. Come in and browse on 3 large I floors of living rm., bedrm. and other types of turn, at low, low prices r 1 Open Mon. and Prl. nights. Free delivery. Budget terms, b 1 THE FURNITURE MART 316 King fit., Alex, Va.. KL 8-9300 PURN—Modzrn liv. rm., blond bed v rm.. blond dinette, lounge chairs. sofa bed. lamps. KI. 8-0035. —8 , PURN. ’’Simmons" Hide-a-bed. lamps. Dun. Phyfe table and chatrs. 1 DuMont television, livlni rm. suite, mahos. card tabic. RA. 3-1410. 6* PURN.. UNCLAIMED—MapIe rocker. sl6: studio couch. S3B: sofa bed. S3O: chest of drawers. $10: chaise lounge. S2B- Hollywood bed. $32; dinette set. 820; Innerspring irstt.. i r 810: Lawson love seat. U 5; coil *■ spring. $5: Lawson sofa. S9O: beds. $4 up: vanity, mirror. $7.60; club chair. S2O; leather-top coffee table. $18; desk. 825: modern sofa, chair. $75; occas. chair. $10; wardrobe $10: buffet. $5. We also do reup bolstering, rennlshlng. cabinet work. - furniture cleaning, draperies, cor nices. custom-made furniture; slip covers. sofa and chair. $49; sofa chair reupholstered SBO labor, ma terial lncl. 16 colon, textured fab rics. HOFFMAN UPHOLSTERERS. 3447 18th at n, CO. 6-6116. 9* I URN.—Bedrm.. Ut. rm.. breakfaet nook; leavtot city; mutt sell. Bsc FURjJ—J?stura"i'' Ranch Mink Cape Jacket, wed to fashion show. Must • have cost $2,500. A miracle buy at o $699. Hundreds of other new and - slightly used fur garments of carry • description to select from. BASKIN trims, cor. Bth snd O n.w. GAS RANGE. Tapan de luxe: fuUy "• auto. 6200. or beet offer. OV. 3- 1026, 306 Beliefont. Alex. —6 GAB RANGES, new. used: Installa tion. PEERLEB6 SALES CO. 2237 Oa. ave.. DF 2-5566. GAS DANG*. Hardwick. 36-IDJM7. „ GAS RANOM, used, all sizes; as 5-0200 GASRANGES sls ~ APT. SIZED TABLE TOP. auarantaed. -222 rt Os, A Avr. J *NW., 3-4421| \ GAS RANGES, $19.95 *' Used, but lu good condition. Bee ** them tt the used Sales Office of (d our n.e. ttort. f HECHINGER’S 16th aad H ets. N.E. LL T-9400 j EWkLR Y -TO-ORDKR~ LUMBER Jloorlnf Suitable for Sheathing or Sub-Flowing $25 FEB M Oak Flooring—s6s Per M ■light Cheque for Oefivsrr ACE WRECKING CO. water heaters, maple flooring. LU. 1-7155. 3223 Minn, awe. as. —8 ■QUIP. 00.4 2473 mmmm in. n.w. brFicg FWMWIkf* ORGAN slightly used Hammond Chord riMlurad Phone Mr. Wilson. ST 3-9400, JORDAN’S, corner 13th snd O sts, n.w. —8 PIANO, Newton unclaimed upright. WAY MOVERS. 222 O tt. n.w.. RE. 7- 4434 7 PIANOS. BENCHES. $lO (new). New Letter spinets, Stair and Clark ffM-JEL. W uprt* r *95 UP. PAUL OOLIBART. 17M Columbia rd AD. 4-5028 from 0:30 to 6. Brea by apnt. Pianos wanted. 7. PIANO, upright, excel, eond., for »«5 "better offer. 1630 lslh tt. AD. --6565. —S PIANO. Wurlitter spinet, need very RE. 7-0212. —9 PIANOS, returned from rental; spin grsatlr^reduSei* 1 •t if., RET 7-6212. —9 PIANO, apt. aiae baby grand, exeel. PIANOS FOR 3 RENT—New and use* spinets, consoles, grands and up rights for rent gt moderate rates (from SO monthly up). Rental or e'JMfes. corner 13M ° sts mw. (Phone ST. 8-94001 Soring^ J <phcn?*j{f l *s-lYoift. Spring store open eves. —8 pianos—Jordan's have many bar gains In all types of pianos, new and used. Pay as little as $25 down. JORDAN'S, corner 13th and O sts. n.w. (phone ST 3-94001 and 9332 Q corals are.. Silver Oirlng (phone JU. 6-1105). Silver Spring store open eves. —B. PIANOS—Used uprights from SSO up. Hauling extra. Mans good makes. Also values In spinets and consoles. ST. 3-0300. PIANO MART. 1016 7th at. n.w, (Just above the library). OPEN THURS PIANOS—Army, Marine and Navy personnel, Government and Dis trict employes can save real money on new. standard-make pianos at the PIANO MART. Over 100 In struments to choose from. Phone ST. 3-8300 1015 7th it n.w (Just above the library). —8 PIANO AND BENCH, upright; good tone quality; $126. JA. 7-9154. —8 PIPE, galv., black, copper, cast Iron, cut thread, fixtures. BLOCK'S me.. 1746 Lee hwy.. JA. 8-8700. POCKET and billiard tables supplies, poker tables and tames table, ten nis tables and accessories CONN BILLIARD AND BOWLING SUPPLY CO.. 810 9th St. ii-w DI 7-4711 PIANO, small grand. Bteck. Price SIOO. Can deliver. OL. 2-4033 or OL 4-9797. —7 RANGE, electric. Croxley; timer; excel eond. 1952 model. $125. Alto Crosier refer. OL. 6-6510. REFRIGERATORS; used; rebuilt: painted; $25 up: • some guar. 1 year. FREDERICK’S. INC.. 3906 14th st. n.w. TA. 9-7900. REFRIGERATOR*. $24.50. elec gas. guaranteed. PEERLESS SALES CO,. 2237 Oa. ave. n.w. DE. 2-5506. REFRIGERATORS, used rent, or buy; IS month; fun guar. DOWD’S. EM. 2-7300. 4418 Conn. are. REFRIGERATOR. 7 cu. ft. gas: Electrolux, gea stoye. in good con dltion, JU. 9-6270. —7 REFRIGERATORS Variety of sites and makes. S2O up; guaranteed: free delivery. BLOCK’S 1746 Lee Hwy. (nr. Key Bridge) JA. 8-8700 BEFORE., used. 4W eu. ft. gas; $19.95 del. Come into any of the 6 jrcraWW: £.d 7 i7°: cost $270; best offer. NEEDLE CRAFT. 720 11th It. n.w. REFGRS., $24.60 and up: drinking fountain: commercial refer.. 8 ft.. 4 dr.; elec irons AD. 4-3780 —6 BUG PAINT FIBRE, tlsal. grass paint them new again with Set- Past Campas paint; color card mailed on request.- BEIBLER SUP PLY CO., AP 7-8757 —8 SAFE—Mosler safe chest, ideal for super market., sold new $650. will take $300: Diebold fireproof ledger tub, SIOO. CENTRAL. 2019 14th st. n.w. —l2 SINGLE BED. spring gnd mattress; complete. S2O. Also small chrome bresklast set. $36. LU. 1-9340. —7 STEEL We have a large stock of steel beams and angle irons in all sizes. WE WILL'CUT TO SIZE ACE WRECKING CO. RoßkAjS A %tD LO Po 4 :°3 B %ii. TELEVISION SET. 21-toch Emerson console: ’53; good cend.; any real. *^Mr»^«? I net?«ta bT p&J&foUOT 3 c .%0 3rM a *' *" M 110 TELEVISION SALE! Largs selection priced from $19.95 All, reconditioned, many with naw picture tubes 1-YEAR GUARANTEE No reasonable offer refused. Open till 0 p.m.. Sats. till 6. BLAIR’S TV 5422 Western Ave. N.W. TENTS—Camping tents for renT; weekly or monthly rate. CUSTOM SHADE AND AWNiNO. ME S-0009. TIRE SALE One of the worid’e largest re cappers is offering you a tremen dous value on a fully retreaded tire They 100 k and wear like new I 6.00x16. 6.70x16. $6.75. 710x15 6.60x16. 7.60x16. $7.76. Prices apply to recap your tire or vour own tire in trade when you pur chase our tire. ALL SERVICE TIRE CO.. 3234 Oa. are. n.w.. RA , 6-9860. —ll TV. 17-ln. Admiral console with drs,. new picture tube; S7O. New outside antenna. SB. LO. 7-8820. —7 TV 10-ineh console Motorola: 526. LA. 0-1936 TV SET, Magnavos. 17-ln. ’55 model. 4 months old. Plus wrought iron tsble snd antenna; to perfect Ti. 21-in. Phlleo. practically new. mahog. __ cabinet and ewlvel-top table; Hollywood bed; reasonable TYPEWRITERS—New portables, big discount. CIRCLE. 741 15th n.w , TYPEWRItVr S^.E—Ro?4l R 'btagic margin. SB6: others from 535 CENTRAL. 2019 14th st. n.w. —l2 TYPEWRITERS electric. IBM pica TYPEWRITERS sold. repaired, rented, exchanged: liberal trade-in allowance. CIRCLE. 741 IStb st ; VENDING MACHINES, reasonable. Owner leaving town. EM. 3-7899. WAR SURPLUS TARPAULINS i U-MAN RAWS *2 50; PICKS. >1; f MATTOCKS 91; 2-Pit ADI Hoß* , 6« ff * 7-UI SIiIDOE S‘J; 5-OAL r GAS CANS. 91 50: PAINT 92: RAKES 91.50 HOSE. PT HOBS. 91 H-IN HAW tILADES $1.25 HAMMERS 50c: HAND BAWB 91.45 lOgOOO BARGAINS j J. H. GICHNER • -613 M it. N W EX. 3-3527 . WASHEES. all mtkeg types; sg.9( up: most guaranteed: repairs sne service FREDERICK’S. IMO 6 14U st n w.. TA 9-7900 WINDOW PAN. reversible. 24-In. will cool 6-rm. house; $36. LU l WINDOW PAN. 20-in. DynsTAU. DPL LEAVING, sella authentli French Aubueaea. household a» I. llKr^ d W(5"s«. .MIL VWIEDY - c-Syttari KitHle. i” p' , \ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 1 H HOBIE POWER elec to myers 1 ■ MISCELLANEOUS FOE KENT ‘ CHAW SAWS. 1-nun. sl2 per day: r SSfi TOOL I MItCIUANK>OS WANTED J" ANTIQUES WANTED Silverware, any eond.. jewelry. Drte r SAW* MILESTONE (XL? NO.' Tsm. : ‘ ANTIQUES ’ Do net sell your valuable antique * Mh’Sa.JS”'siai>’MS'i BEDROOM, dining room, contents ol : grmagenajrE > IwßnUßE‘BsuiSHfr * CALL TIL 7 P.M. EM. 2-6677 i BOOKS BOUGHT any ouantlta, and - removed at our expense. ALBION * p ‘ j CASH PAID, Immediate removal for ? good ured turn. TV’s, refgrs.. stoves. 1 antiques etc. Closed on Monday. 1 I FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 210 T 7th st. as. LI 6-0586. . DIAMOND JEWELRY of any deserlp h tlon. gold and silver: cash paid. J l€fa R . K an& 4 i kinds of eood used furniture; top r JLrice JA. 8-8810. We do movlnx. r FURNITURE—WiII buy entire con tents or odd p'eces; also old china, 0 bric-a-brac. Buying and aelllng for d 65 yean. HOPWOOD'S. Bth and X d sts. n.w., ME. 8-5287. 3 FURS—,We need 600 old fur costs t for export. We will trade to that I you can own a new 1956 fur coat. cape, stole or scarf at lest than it r would cost to remodel what you - have. Act now. BASKIN PURS, y corner Bth and O eta, n.w. —ls GOLD * Brlna your dental gold, platinum. ; Me! «2 ***«» 085 P WTN.W. . WE PA? lA CASH*PRICEB. . Call day or nlaht, JU. 9-3039. : GUNS ’ SHOTOCNB rFpLES^ PURE ARMS TOP PRICES PAID 5 ATLAS SPORTS STORE 927 D ST. N.W. '■ OLD- FASHIONED picture frames. clocks, china, furn., glass antiques. ( curios, guns, etc. LO. 4-7465. 13* 5 WE P, A P Y IA M* SS^PRIcJ ■ Call day or night, JU. 9-3089. 5 REFRIGERATORS, h’eatera. ranges. i a klnderaarden school n would be : appreciated very much. DU. 7-3947. DOCS. PETS. ETC i; SIAMESE KITTEN, male. 4tt months, altered and houaebroken, excel, lineage. OL. 4-1160. —6 BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES, extra good; also stud serrlee. LO. 5- 2926. 11805 College View drive, Wheaton. Md. 5 BEAGLE PUPS. 7 weeks old; 1 mole. 1 leojeln. reasonable prices. ; 11707 Kingtres st.. silver Spring. J LO. 5-1705 —8 AIREDALE TERRIERS: AKC; 6 . wks.; wormed, lnnoculated; home raised: finest lines for show or g lovtos companions. OL. 4-6501 : WANTED GOOD HOME in country ~ for child-loving blaek cocker. “But : tons/' 6 yrs., pedigreed. CR. 3-1730. SHIPPING URATES, doge. cats, etc , All sites, lightweight, low cost , Bate or rent RA 6-3446. ‘ GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS. AKC r reg. ABOARD-ARB AND KENNELS, 3 nr. Orext Falls. Va. PL. 9-2222. i: — 7 ~ e OREAT DANE SPECIALS 7 THIS WEEK Beautiful brlndle female, 8 months old. S 100; fawn male. 20 months old, $300; fawn female. 4 months old, $100; brlndle puppy. 4 months f old. $75. All AKC registered, * and excellent show nrosneett. u a you ever went a Dane, this is your opportunity, the price Is low. See them now. don’t nut it off. ELPAW KENNELS. REG. 5130 Duke St. Alexandria. Va. TE. 6-2430, OV, 3-4561 BEAGLE PUPPIES 2 _mos. old; $lO. OL. 2-7748. o PARKWOOD KENNHLS ‘ BOARDING fToy Manchester terriers and Minia ture Ptotchert for eale; AKC. 0018 Branch ave. e.e. RE. t-5440. ' FARM AND GARDEN ■AT choice Timothy and mixed: .S3O ton At farm nr. Am ton Will a deliver. Spring 4-6241. —6 BULLDOZES for grading.^xccvttto^ . UN 4 C -8533?‘nlrtt. AP 7-089 K » TOPSOIL, from dairy farm, very rich. SI 2 for 5-yard load, del tS& U> E*SoVAL. 4 "topplng. trim ming. lend cleared. Free esti - mates. JU 6-9621. JU. 5-8007. ; $ LAG STONE—WIU sell or exchange • so- topsoil approximately 3 tons of b flagstone TA. 9-2464. —6 Bi IJEGRASS SOD delivered to your lor. You lav It and save. Terms If I- de’.lred. GREENWICH FARM NURS . ERV LU. 2-4980. d TREE REMOVAL, pruning, topping. ! trimming; D. C. and Md.: free i estimates. Call MR. CLAYTON. UN s 4-0903. —7 r SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY—Used • equipment; 1964 model Super C I Pact Hitch tractor with plow and L disc. SI,BOO. reduced to $1,496: IHC H tractor. S9OO. reduced to * $695: New Holland 76 baler. ; *1 000. reduced to $795; IHC 62 * combine with motor. S9OO. reduced to $696. AU above machlnee guar ' an teed. MALONEY’S. INC.. Silver . Spring. Md.. JU. 8-3333. ■; NEW EQUIPMENT—FuII line of In , ternattonal tractors and farm equip , New Holland. New Idea farm equip rnd elevetors Meyers hay condl , tloners. Sherman and Henry btek „ hoes and loaders. Brillon grass P seeders. Esee Plow line eowere. baler 1 and binder twine; parts and service. . MALONEY'S. Silver Spring. Md * POWER LAWN MOWERS, new. .; $49 96 and up: used. sl6 and up Time payments. MALONEY’S. INC l R B o'fS : TRACTOE. new or ueed. $99.96 and i up. "line payments. MALONEY'S, ' INC.. 8126 Oa. aye.. Buyer Spring. • Md. '' MALL CHAIN SAWS, new and used P parts and serrlee. MALONEY'S. ‘ INC.. «uver Spring. Md.. JU. 8- . 3333. ; USED C and M tractors. Oliver 77 tractor, plow, disc snd mower: garden tractors: $ New Holland blowers: New Holland S baler: Cub corn planter: Cub gang J mowers: Cub graders: John Deere harvester: 02 IHC combine: side dgUvery rata: plows and discs; fCuitlmulcher; tractor manure epread ' er. MALONEY'S. INC.. Silver finrlnq. Md., JU. 8-333.1. TOP SOIL, fill dirt, road gravel, t blue stone, sludge—hauling—sand j, grading. MR. HARTING. JO., 2- TRACTOR (1) Pord ’54, lesrliian 5. 300 hours, cost SI .910, equipped D with lights snd wgights. Follow ing Dearborn 1954 equipment used very little. Front-end loader, coet $010; double plow, coet $197; hy draulic lift disc, coat $287: mower cost $298; dirt scraper, cost $126: _ hydraulic dirt scoop, cost S6O; J side delivery rake, coat $425; wood -16 sew and puller, cost $2lO. Total id coet. $4,131. will sell for $3,000 • h KAITMto. 0?^; .; Royal. Va.. 406-M. —l2 0. RAT. good clean Timothy, baled and In the barn: near Laytons •; rills. Clsarwater $-2508. ; POULTRY, RARRtTS, IPcT lc BAEV CHICKS AND POULTS. ROOMS FURNISHID—N.W. 1729 EUCLID ST. N.W room 1 with cooking facilities aad aemiprt. bath, 937.60 mo.; suitable for eln 179 S PA. ATE. N.W—Single room. Cali nL i-Sl 17 a?Uw' 6*p.m C °^8 1 * $9 A DAY per person. 1101 17th n.w CARLTON HALL. 8101 N St. Quiet, cool rooms, with running water, shower baths, refrigerators, maid servlet; $7 up. DU. 7-0670 SIOET OPT CONN. AVE.—-Single and doublet. $6 and up. Close to transo. DU 7-9786 —l2 DUPONT CIRCLE VICINITY. 1716 Rlxxs pL n.w.—For young woman executive. Room and porch; $35 mo.; amaU room. $26. DE. 2-9840. PBIVATE ENTRANCE. (2) ~auiet, cosy bamt. studio, pvt. bath, kitch enette; In good house: for i. 3319 lie? 1 L**iT? Sl.W—small fronWin., tor gentleman; cony, too.; *8 wkly. 8411 14th BT. N.W.—Attractive. ’-Bull Mid double room is conven- Sii?A Tt »f:®73^:J?7 . CONN. AVE. opp. Bureau of Stand - ! arda—Room with attached porch for sentTeman. EM. 3-1899. 9 to 4. 14M CHITTENDEN ST. Single ' room, next bath. lge. closet; on 14th at. carUne; $26 mo. TA. 9-4208. —7 1 1633 16th BT. N.W— Businesswom en; sgi. and dbL rmi; dean, beaut, lurn.: modern bath*. NO. 7-9129 MABTEE LARGE furn. front rm.. ; with pvt. bath, for 1 or 2 gentle- I men. RA. 3-8460. 6208 Colorado ' ave. n.w. -*-7 . 1 LARGE PEONY. CLEAN EM.. 2 beds; 2 girls. On 6200 blk. Oa. ave. : n.w. 36 wk. ea. RA. 6-4284. ; CONN. AVE. VIC., nr. pk.. S3O. with cooking. S4O; unlimited phone. 1 HErTpririla. HU. 3-3779. —8 1 SLAUGHTERS—Du. Cir. i B tf*oa.«!?v'. , * r do? , o w s:w. rB Nb p^3' “EASTERN HOUSE* 518 H ST. N.W—HOTEL ACCOM. $9 to $18.50 wkly.; rms. gnd efflc. apu. Also, dally rates. ,RE. 7-1086. —7 Gordon Hotel (Dntn.) POD SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 916 10th 8T N W Large comfort., twin bed rms. bath optional: dally, weekly or monthly rates NA. 8-6204, Officers Service Club Rmi. by day. wk., month with club , and social actlritlea tor active, in , active and reserve officers 1844 21it at. n.w AD 4-2400 ALTURAS HOTEL 1509 16th ST. N.W. Now available; air-conditioned rms. with private bath; also singles from $10.60 wk.; S 3 a day; din ing room: elevator and swltcb board, HU, 3-6116. THE GILL-BERT I 2460 10th at n.w.—Newly deco rated; maid and 24-hr. PBX, Bales.. 37.50 wk. up.: dblag.. SIS . wk. up: pvt bath. sll wk.. agle.; $25 dble. CO. 5-7381. HAWTHORNI! hotel 1 2134 G St. N.W. NEWLY DECORATED : Moderately priced, attractive single and double roomi; phone, elevator and maid service. Permanent auesta Invited RE, .7-4027 COLORED UPPER 16th ST. 2 rms and bath, in each, for day care aged woman; ref. person or col.; colored or wh. Box 71-L. Star 1 —lO : ROOMS FORM MD. 6 VA WIDE OPEN SPACES—Urge room, private bath, lovely porches and lawns, mall aervlce, parkins. JA. 8-8910. —lO ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING I ACADEMY SUITES. S4O to S9O per mo. Desperately need refined white rent 3-rm. apt. AD. 2-9254. eves, rent 3-rm. apt. AD. 2-8254. eves. , 1301 R. I. ave. n.w. • : COR. 15th and L BTB. N.W—Front rm. to apt. for 2; refrlg., 1.h.k.; no , objection to child. 1101 15th st., Apt. 201. —8 1 DOWNTOWN. 028 O pi. n.w.—Blog. . or hskpg.. $6 50 up; 2nd fl. frt.; , bamt. apt.; pks. apace. sl6 mo. —l2 1004 C ST N.E—Kitchenette, bed rm.. eemlbath; *lO wk. Call at bamt. UN. 4-4331: LI. 6-4617. NICK. CLEAN L.H.E. RM.; "redee.; lady only :535 mo. 1438 Newton at I t DU 7-9231 or TU. 2-2952. 1 COOL BASEMENT—Ref xr, “grill. clock radio, TV. alrfoam mattress. . $9-316. 2147 T n.w. XX. 3-6638. 1 1800 MASS. AVE. N.W—Efflc. apt lane rm.. new furn., linens, nr. ' bath. Maid aarrice. HO. 2-9589. ’ ■ —7 ' ROOMS WITH BOARD BRADLEY ARMS at Dupont Circle, 1326 19th st. n.w.—Home-cooked food. Reatonable prices. , CLUB MASON—A residential club at 1726 and New Hamp. ave. for men and women, sales, and others, pvt. and semlpvt. baths, lncl. full course ' meals and hotel serv., 816.50 a wk. and up. CO. 6-0349. NO. 7-6770. COLUMBIA RD N.W.. 2001 Nice . dble. rm., air cond., free TV In rm.; ■ 216 wk.: sale.. sl2 to sls: good meals Young people. CO. 5-2493. ll* FOR WORKING MOTHERS and children. Reasontble. U. 4-0529 —8 1 THF MAR-LEETA, 1325 16th it. : n.w.—Cool. sgl. and dble. rms. for rouni ladies and men; excel, board 8* ; OCEAN CITY. MD—Vacation for ! the children. Reasonable. Free [ transportation. AD. 4-0062, —l2 j SLAUGHTER’S ! 1625 16th ST. N.W. : Comfortable rooms, very good meals. Bun Deck TV Lounge EXCELLENT LOCATION Very Reaeonable Rates DU. 7-7666 : ii* The John Kilpen Hotel H.,f o tfli.°k^ HM c£n D &. R .r.300. overlooking Rock Creek Park. Dble. and sale. rms . pvt. bath avatL; cx | & ,17 ' Y0 U> ■ What’s in a Name? ' WESLEY HALL 1 Good food, pleasant accom modations and lots of social i activities at low monthly ; rates. 1426 21st ST. N.W. HU. 3-5432 i I ROOMS WANTED 1 ■—l 11 ■ 11.. in i LISTINGS wanted of sgl. and dblt. rns by Hot Shoppes for potential I o’n-of-town employee, esp. 811 Bpg Give toe. at to transp and loc pi nearsst Hot Shoppe. WRITE MR ’ J. RANDOLPH. 1341 a st. n.w.. Rm 200 i ROOMS, APTS. TO SHArT • GIRL NEEDED, than tiny atmos t pherlc Georgetown house with an other elrl: $44. Some college, ri. I 3-1074 or CO. 5-4689. —l2 • TO SHARE with another young man: lge.. air-cond. 1-bedrm. opt.; - nr, Dupont Circle. RE. 7-4960. YOUNG MAN hat newly furn. apt. to share with another man; mod. ’ API- bldg JA. 6-2635 eves. —8 . WILL SHARE flee 16th-st. apt. wlUi . another gentleman over 40: twin i bed#. S7O mo. TeL AD. 4-8668. evee. T.aßL'fe!sa t Jgwß nun won in m on Wiener JUnMAt-d IT nVo°>*. 18th—Us. Hr. rm..-tad -1 GEORGETOWN, 2530 Que ft. B.V— two 2-bedrm. opts, in apt. bids. Beo any time. Open. Apia. 87 and 27 RI 7-8216. 2S UPPER N.W. Spacious 2-bedrm. opt. in modern garden-type bldg. Ample parking; oouv transp.. stores and Walt" Reed. Air con ditioning avail.: new furniture; 1 BEDRM.; 182.80. utils, included. Columbia rd. »a. 238* MADISON BT. N.W. fra., kit., bath; 858. lncl. uttla.; * oik. jfflMß. N.W— bath 1739 2n pK fl ' RD L N.W—Attrynswly d ,roi; e °. n u T lt. , s r 7 h,a if6 lß 7“j| s i 1918 17th IT. N.W—Nice bacheloi apt. in lge. apt. bldg, with elevatoi and Janitor service; only 562.5 C mo.. tocL an utils. To inspect ,*< resident manager or call. DU e'fi&cy apt.., 882.60 tollSß including electricity. Avalltble now McREYNOLDS APTS., 705 18tk et. is. resident managtr. EX 3-4700. —8 DUPONT CIRCLE ABBA—You car enjoy convenient in-town apart ment living m a quiet, reesidentla: ana at 1841 R at. n.w. Attraetlvi and nicely laid otit. 1-bedroom apt at SIOO. lncl. aU utils. Avail now. SHANNON * LUCHB CO. 724 14th st. n.w.. NA. 8-2345. 3729 O ST. s.k—Duplex apt. newly redec.; 8 rms.; nicely furn. cony, to transp.; boys preferred Good refe. LI, 6-7043. —7 PARK CENTRAL APT.-HOTEL— Well managed, refined. 300-uni building. Newly dbcorated. Com. blnation living room. Urge dress, lag closet with refrigerator am equipped for light housekeeping air conditioning: maid service. Ex. ceUent downtown location. 24-hr elevator and switchboard aservlce Weekly and monthly rates com. parable to apt. rent. CaU residenl manager. 1900 P st. n.w.. ME MD. 08 AVE. N.E.—l-rm. efflc.: excel loc.; cony, shops, transp. at door SSO, lncl. utUs. LI. 4-1100. 1842 10th ST. N.W—Air-condl tioned. lge. 2-bedrm. apt.; entlri floor: now kit. and bath. lge. closets 424 E. CAPITOL ST—bedrms. liv. rm., kit. and bath. Only $89.5C a mo.; heat and hot water fur. nlshed. Inspect or caU CO. 6-6222 13th AND ALABAMA AVE. S.E.— Liv. rm.. dinette, kit., bedrm.. bath $100; utils, lncl. JO. 2-4810. —IS 2121 H BT. N/W—l rm.. kit, bath with lge. dressing rm. and closet for 1 person. EX. 3-4556. —8 1 BEDROOM, twin beds; Hr. rm. Set Jo. B-SiSt’ tath - 170^! 1U QUEBEC Houn Efficiency, air conditioned. TV, Unens: excellent ,2S. w i S°- e - e7BB 14th AND WEBSTER N.W.—Lge. liv rm.-bedrm., kit comb.; nleelr furn.; dinette. Ut. bath apt. Newly furn.: newly redec. $75. JOHN L. SHEL TON Realtor. JO. 616 A ST. N.E.—2 rms., kit. and bath apt.; beautifully turn., tool, all utlU. $65. To inspect call JOHN nWIT‘ T ?S'rA°' a « B N^8; utils., linens; $lO-sl4 wk. 1324 Vermont ave. n.w. CO. 5-6004. 1811 NEWTON ST. N.W— kitchenette, pvt. bath; $64; neai transp. CO. 6-68747 2515 14th BT. N.W—Good pUcs for good people. Newly turn., lge. liv. rm.. bedrm., Ut.. bath: clean, comf.; low rent. AD. 4-1636. —8 SHERATON PARK AREA, 1 blk. ott Conn. ave.—Liv. rm.. bedrm.. kit., bath and porch. Avail, impied. No lease required. OL. 2-7387. —8 DUPONT CIRCLE, walk, diet—l-rm. efflc. apt.; next mod. bath; hot pUte. $8 week. 2014 P st. n.w. 8 DELIGHTFULLY TORN. ln Em tassr section at MerldUn Park. NEW AIR-COND. BLDG, with in dividual control. All ultramod. fea tures. Linens, silver, china: also T7; garage. Bee to appreciate. HILLTOP HOUSE. 1475 Euclid et n.w HU. 3-3402. —lO LIV RM.. bedrm., kit, bath. utlU.; 4526 13th n.w., |73. 4620 Oa. ave.. $79. S9O; cplee. only. RA. 3-1883. 4915 KANSAS AVE—Liv. rmT bed rm. kit. tun porch. CaU after 6 p.m.. TU. 2-9253. —8 1744 LAMONT ST, N.W—Lge. bed rm. liv. rm.. kit., bath. utlU. 2or 3 adults Also 2-bedrm^snt. CAPITOL RILL—Cony, many Fed eral bldgs.; clean apt. bldg, ideal Govt. gtru. Efficiency; 269.60. rtlU. lncl. Air conditioning avail. Immed. occupancy. 247 Delaware ,1922' ntTmu ' and Coi, rd.—l bedrm.. lly.rm.. coxy bamt. studio, pvt. bath, kitch enette; In good houae; lot 1. 8319 17th at. n.w. _ .—6 1318 M BT. N.W„. downtown—2 rmi.. Ut. and bath, inclosed porch; lsr* n pL£'»AWl\ 4< 1523 Newton ot. n.w.—Attract. 1 rm., kit. and bath; ant bldg,; adults: S7O. —6 1417 PARE RD. N.W.I lg».. 1 rm,. kit.-dln.. aemiprt. bath: $49.60, lncl all utlUtles, See Janitor on premises or caU CO. 5-3533. CAPITOL HILL APTS. 127 C ST. NX. Attractive Efflc.. $67.60, lncl. UtlU. Across from Senate Office. Mod. elev. bids. See Janitor or HERBERT HARVEY. 912 17th st. n.w., RE. 7-1566, 1112 16th ST. N.W. OPPOSITE THE STATLRR HOTEL Nicely turn., modern bldg ; elevator and ewttchboard service Bee ree. mgr on premUee or eaU NA R -6933 J A. McKEEVER CO INC 1732 K fit. N.W: BT. 3-8800 TRENTON TERRACE $87.50 and Up 1 and 2 Bedrooms TELEVISION AVAILABLE Attractive, large, beautlfuUr furn. modern apt*.. 1 and 2 bedrms.. gig from 387.50 to 2120; park sundry facilities, cross rentt ; playground areas. Close to g Field. Apply office, corner 'gj. Mississippi ave. e.e. ’ggjgggifi 1616 16th ST. N.W. 2-BEDROOM APT $135 JSHgJFISHB. _ g "HOTEL 2400 An Address of Distinction 2400 16th St. N.W. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED BPACIOUB APARTMENTS I and 2 bedrooms Urge closets, daily matd aad linen eerriee included in rental Dining room cocktail lounae. orlvgta carats adjoin* hotel Call Mr. Harnett, Gen. Mgr. CO. 5-7200 Connecticut Ave. Apt. One Urge bedroom and efficiency apartment available. Living room, dining fortr. kitchen and bath. Modern kitchen and built-in tub with tile shower: walk-in closets. Tastefully and completely fur nuhed; Venetian blinds: 24-hour switchboard and eUvator service. Also avalUbU, 2-bedroom apart meat. HO. 2-bs74. COOL Am. wfc t-c tcsß>.? CONGRESS ■ PARK IMS SAVANNAH XT 81 f SOUTHEAST ' ■ggdgftffl&Tiggg: . JO- 2-61*1 JO. S-6JSS \ 104 EMERSON ST. N.W. p Apt. 4, 4 rms, bath, porch, mod., clean, $82.50. On i premises after 7 p.m. Wed. * KM. 3-7415, ever; EX. 3- ! 5823, days. > PLEASANT HILLS K COOL-COOL-COOL j ® JUST OFF CONN. AVE. 1 blk. w 2183 CalifornU gt n.w. * Elev. bldg.: reae. rent. IM, 2-8411. r 1410 EUCLID ST. N.W. a 2 rms.. Ut, bath. Conv. to evtry thing. *7O. CO. 6-2533, TA. 8-6249. I. _ —* L THE WESTCHESTER I. Bui table for bachelor. Bedroom., llv .. tng room, kitchen and bath. Avall i- afc.e September to January. 8168 i; per month. CaU Mrs. Chaoncer i: ?i rr a.^oS u ’ H HAOMrR * l THE WESTCHESTER - Ltv< in ths beautiful Westchester in a completely furnished apartment. -• consisting dining balcony, step t down living room, bedroom, kitchen . and hath; with view of rlvor and “ park Year's lease. Call Mrs. V Chauneey Murray. RANDALL H. J HAONEB ACO . DE, 2-3600. * Fairfax Village Apts. , 2001 SBth ST. S.B. Z Ad. XXader Apta~ UnfSn.. D. C l „ CARILLON HOUSE >r * 2500 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. I EFFICIENCY APTS. I! A recently computed fireproof build in ing beautlfuUr decorated and fur t- nlshed by Dorothy Draper. 11. PROXIMATELY 8160 PER MO. ).. WITHOUT LINENS OR MAID SERVICE OR *2OO PER MONTH I.; WITH LINEN AND MAID SERVICE. i.; • d. Year-round air conditioning, seen lit tarlal service: sun deck overlooking g. entire city: amplifier master tele s. vision antenna *y»tem. aarsge ta ,d cilttles: 12 mine, from White Houee. i: i Your Inspection Invited l Call EM. 2-8800 At *’ with retgr. and ■I aaa stove: sl2 wk. 2602 Unlver r “g": «“* “0 , COLORED— 2819 14th BT. N.W.— „ Converting to colored. 2 apta. with . 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, each , renting for SBO mo.: also 2-room. '2 kitchen and bath. S7O mo., and 1 L u room, kitchen and bath. $67.50 W mo.; heat and hot-water furn. for h all ante. Inspect, then call. CO. •k COLORED—723 QUEBEC PL. N.W. * —2 rms., Ut.. Ist fl. For empl. b. adults. Oood transp. RA. 6-8785. l i: AFTS. FUKNISHIP—Mp!~~ r- VILLA HTS. Basement apt.; 1 >t bedroom, kit., liv. rm.; private 8. bath, prirata entrance. WA. 7- y. 1074. —lO TAKOMA PARK—Spacious 1 bedrm, •’ TAKOMA PARK—Spacious 2 bedrms. Ist fir, pvt. entr.. cornsr, 3-unit |d bltlir. spacious^grounds, all conrs.; N PARK, nr. Waltar Reed— Nicely furn. cadency; kit. and I- bath apt; also 1 bedrm. apt. Utils.; ’4 S6O and up. JU. 6-6209. —7 NR. SILVER SPRING—I-bedrm., liv. rm.. full kit., bath. pvt. entr.; i.. S9O. iael. utlU. Ju. 9-6281. —7 lr TAKOMA PARK MD., terrace apt.. .. COOL JUt. rm., bedra!,. tile bath. Ir kit. This is a very nice gpt. Furn- I: i*s' d 5-2150‘ • T * r “* A i.T S TAKOMA rARK—2-room apt. $45; Q one adult on busline: beautiful wooded section. JV. 9-4550. —8 lo TAKOMA PARK. Bcautilully furn. 2-bedrm. apt. Ist. floor pvt. entr. ft- SIOO per mo. Also 1 bedrm. apt. J- SBS per mo. on second floor. Good r. transportation CaU JV. 8-242^ —7 l- ' KAYWOOD l GARDENS .; 4101 KAYWOOD PLACE i: MOUNT RAINIER, MD. ‘a IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY I- Just across ths District line; 1 but s. fare: convenient to shopping center t. and theater; exceUent bua facilities I- Nicely furn. apt., confuting of ye ll ceptlon hall. Ut. rm.. dinette. 2 ). bedrms., kit. and bath: $124.20. 1. lncl. utilities. ■e Plenty of parking, lovely grounds, h Apply in person. WA. 7-6200. I “ KIRKWOOD 1 SPACIOUS * DE LUXE t. 1-BEDROOM APTS. ..$73.50 d 2 BEDRMB $81.50 TO SBS [ Including All Utilities Write or Call for Free Brochure 2731 Nicholson flt.y W. Hyatts., Md. I: AP. 7-2252 AP. 7-1865 T 1 APTS. FUKNISHIP—VA. ARLINGTON—2 rms.. Ue. clouts. L storage epace. Very convenient. KE. r 8-0721. s. ABL.. N Lge. bedrm.. liv. in . din., i- kit., bath: apt blag.: conv. loc.; $94. KE 8-4816. JA. 8-5888 —6 ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM apart -0 ments. 6 mins, from Washington via Arlington blvd. Cal) J. PULLER ■ groom realty co.. ja. 7-7604; •after 6 call JA. 2-0721. —lO ALEXANDRIA—Effleicncy aad 1-bed room apartment: Janitor service, laundry privlttfea: downtown loca tion; all utilities: $75 to *92.60. Call TE. 6-6870 between 10 a.m tmd 0 p.m. ARL.: 5 min. Pentagon—Alr-cond. l. 2-bedrm apt.: nicely furn.; TV: .. $125 mo., lncl. utlU 831$ Bth rd.. :- S. JA. 7-6331, —lO I- ARLINGTON. 960 N. Glebe rd.. Apt. n 2—3 rms. and bath, umlfurnlthed. I DELiGirrruL M fsßN. or unTurn. 1 bedrm. ant. Located on busline, convenient to Arlington Hall. Call a JE. 2-4880 —8 - Am. FUKNISHIP ANP UNFURNISHED P. C. 5 APARTMENTS-DOWNTOWN ' FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED At present we have available Just two house keeping apartments of living room, bedroom, 3 kitchen and bath, SIIO.OO and $125.00 per month, unfurnished. Can Include furniture and/or dally l maid service at additional charge if you wish. One >• year lease. Large, airy rooms, restaurant and bar on lobby floor. Modern, automatic elevators. Excellent Location. Five Minutes’ Walk to Downtown l BURLINGTON HOTEL I. I 1120 VERMONT AVE. N.W. CALL W. P. WILLIAMS, MOR..CO. 1-4000 T APTIFUIeVIK. lOSffljT RA r, U> * o e r ?J-k ,F 2£'v tSI sk.w tnffVGoT. •jyp —fii ‘nr ■ GREENBREERAPTB. POMPONIO JA 8-8*96. Mra. Rader. Rea. Mgr. THE ROSEMONT Furn. I-Bedrm. Apt $89.50 ‘wriLtoSt 7 m ° d, - rB NA. 8-0580 IHtETPUEi BROS.. 101$ 16th R.W. slls Purnjthed. apt,, nearby Va A lovely, bright, cheerful apt. in a new build tog and an new furniture. You 2 Sara.Sfe. 7 "- Tvo i beautiful bedrooms, modem both and kitchen, lie. liv. rm. and din. arm. Concrete porch focins , sooth. Lovely furniture. Cell BEITZELL 1(01 Conn. Av«. DL 7-3^oo Alexandria-Del Ray Section 1-bedroom apartment, beautifully furnlahed. near large shopping tun tor, In Del Ray section of Alexan dria; garden type: laundry room, ir. dining room plus largo livlnc rfeem. u till tie. included to t 117.60 rent; adults only. Can MRS. HUB BANb. OV 3-1213 Apt! 3. 80t Baal Olsndale are. AFTS. UNFURNISHID—■O- C BSIGHTWOOD—Three room*, kiteh slß lßtb ST. N.W.t Dowatawa loca tion—Efficiency 1 room, ritcaen ette. bath. • S BOOMS, kitchen aad bath, stor age room; newly decorated: • heft and hot wator*. rent low. RA. d -9720. , —* WALTER BRED AREA 410 Cadar . apt." bldg.: $95." RA." 3-1606. —4 HO. 2-2052. —0 ! AIR-CONDITIONED I-BEDRM, APT. in brand-new elevator Mda.. tn the ; beautiful park area; 22-h. firing l room. 18-ft, bedroom, full kitchen tenanted from dining room by ' modem folding d»or. decorator tile both. 24-hr. ewttahboard-secrMurtal service and every other luxury, . $137.50, all utilities included. THE . PARK ZLLISON. 1700 Harvard st. . n.w. AD. 4-363 dor ST. 3-06 W. —B • 1926 17th BT. N.K—Lae. 1-bedrra. apt., scrcened-ln porch, conv. to asWiuCTh -S*“ 40 CHESAPEAKE ST. 8.E.. Congress Hats.—Modern air-conditioned gpt. house: lovely 2-bedrm. apt., da ■ luxe kit. conv. to everything; ! rent. s7l mo. Call MR. DUVAIX. DI. 7-8400. —0 1367 K BT. S.E.—Lovely 1-bedrm. - apt., heat furn., conv. to nor > thing; rant. s7l mo. CaR MR. i DUVALL. DL 7-0409. —0 ; 229 O ST. B.W.—Lgt. |-bedrm. apt., heat turn., conv. to everything; ' rent. S6O mo. CaU MR. DUVALL. ' DL 7-6400. —0 ' 2609 4th ST. N.B.—Ue. living rm.. dinette, lge. bedrm. and bath. I. porch in rear; rent, $57.60 mo. . Call MR. DUVALL. Dl. 7-6400. —0 2712 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W- near ■ Mast, are.—Lge. efficiency apt.. L UPPER it. W.—Spacious 2-bedrm. t apt. in modem aarden-type bldg.: - ample parking; oonv. transp., stores and Walt" Reed Hospital. Air eon j »rF3.iior c «i 1 RA. 0-8882 • —8 CAPITOL RILL—Conv. many Ped > eral bldgs.: clean apt. bldg.: Meal . Govt, glrla. Efficiency. *OO. utils. tod.; air conditioning avaU.l im med. occupancy. 24.7 Delawatu are. ; s.w„ BT. 3-3642. —8 GEORGETOWN Fully alr-oondi tloned. well-located, l-bedrm. apt.: firepl.: sllO mo. OL. d-5766. —9 : AFT HUNTING MADE EAST— ’ (Owners nay fee); I show excel, selections ali parts D C. SAVE ■ TIME! CaU MANDEL. AD. 4-3400. : 1434 SOMERSET FL. N.W.—Efflc. . apt., $66 mo. tod. utils. JU. 7-5018 —8 ; 1438 SHERIDAN BT. N.W Ur. 1 rm. bedrm.. kit., dinette and bath, I 876 mo. incL utils. JU. 7-5813. 2039 N. HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.— 1 MdV Swchbrd. serv.; 895 mo. OL. 8-8669. —8 5498 4th BT. N.W Liv. rm.. bed- Sr ST- m: e^ 3 ?°3 rcb _ h l“ A BEAUTIFUL UNTURN., newly dee orated 4 rooms, large foyer, kitchen and bath, all utils, lncl., 890 mo. 6329 Oeorgla ave. n.w. —,B Mac ARTHUR BLVD. N.W.—l bed rm. apt. utile lncl., SBO. EM. 2- 1065. —l2 GEORGETOWN. 2511 Que at, n.w.— 1-bedroom apt.: utils and tecre. tarisl service Included: 2100. DE. I 2-1811, —l2 ‘ COME ON OVER to sec this attrac tive one-bedroom apt. Yes. you’ll be pleased to make It your home. , • Exceptionally big living room with ; picture window, dining area and ■ modern kitchen, all conveniently arranged for your comfort: $72.60 lncl. all utils, ezeept. else.: or • $62.60 plus utils. 3210 Bth st. s.e.. a quiet resldentiel area (no . thoroughfare), and dote to won derful shopping and rapid trans portation. See res. mgr.. Apt. 203. JO. 3-6140 or SHANNON As LUCHB CO.. 734 14th st. n.w„ NA. 8-2345, NR. PENN A AVE. BRIDGE—I and 2 bedrms., liv. rm.. dinette, bit. and bath. $62.50 and $76. plus utils.; oonv. loc. acroee Penna. Ave. I Pr*A ,e i. rl * ht ? n Fair lawn aye. to .1412 Young «t. LU, 2-4060. —l2 , 3335 C ST' B.E.— i bedrms, liv. rm, dinette, kit. end bath. Newly deco.; vacant. SBO lncl. all utile. To inspect, call JOHN L. SHEL TON. Realtor. JO. 2-2000. —8 709 Bth BT. N.E—Bedrm, Hv. rm.. din rm., kit. and bath apt. $45.50. To Inspect, call JOHN L. SHELTON, Realtor. JO. 2-2000. —8 REXTON APTS,, 2714 Quarrv rd. n.w.—l bedrm, din. rm, liv. rm, kit, bath. Ncwlv dec. ideal loc. Janitor service. A. S. ECONOMON, JU. 7-9420. —* M7 B BT. N.E—Lge. liv. rm, bed rm, bath, kit, aU utils, turn.. S6O mo. Adults. Avail, immediately. For appt, call WA. 7-3562. —8 2905 FAIRLAWN AVE. BE.. Apt. 8 —3-yr.-old bldg. Bedroom, living 7m , kit, dinette end bath; s6l. Tenants furnished elec. OL. 4-3874. AIR-CONDITIONED 879.50 up. Best bargain in the city. Excellent Brightwood n.w. area. 1 bedrm., t 79.50 to 884.60. 2 bedrms, 04.60. Each apt. entirely air-con ditioned. See today or tonltbt. RAPFELL REAL ESTATE. JU. 8- 1103 or LO. 5-3593. 3335 C BT. B.E.—Bedrm, Ut. rm, dinette, kit. and bath apt. $64 50 trao. lncl. utils. JOHN L. BHEL- I. Realtor. JO. 2-2000. —8 14th ST. N.W 2 bedrms, i. liv: rm, din. rm, kit, 2 baths, closed porch, tn lee. bldg. Alto 3-rm. bsmt. apt. Reas. See Janitor; or TU. 2-0600. OL. 6-4743. (Continued on next page)