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*2muwvMt;sie ttm» jfi tsm. 144# mUN K. N.W.—» rm. HirS * WNEnSK.9 ■ m&:nv«r®v mod. tooturS: Mm> TV mad tow SSLIITBr 1478 *“^o“ »*i* *“*, RJ-^r»yi» aoerooioa 1 ooorm.. ht. m.« boo* B iSngi^&.trtyß& ui Xlebols avo.—Uv. rm, dtaett*. kit., nnmi perch. >79.60. plus WuEaCSr* ss®: “SSSSUB-WAK uffivuis U. 7-6048 —1 M. AMA—Mod, 8 to 0 rm. ApU : ss&^fcffvm.aEi 58 HAMPTON COUNT* APT*.. SOl3 Now Hamwhirt ave. ,«lw. M QBONONTOWN, *l3O Out It. ».». S^SehSTMiM *.*.. Bolling-Andrsws —1 bsdrm, newly rodeo.: (tore, refer.; attu. Sd. 1 block Naylor center. A»all. lamed.: *6B 71. LU. 4-8626. —7 AlB-CONDITIONED EFFICIENCY_ to brand-new de luxe elevator bulld lne In the Heart cl the park area; larte Bring room, southern expo- H ■uree; kitchen separated by mod ern folding door; 2£hmir switch- O hoard-secretarial servlet' 881 all * utilities Included. THE PARK EL- 3 LIBON, 1700 Harvard s*. n.w. AD. " 4-3636 or NT. 3-8184. —8 WAITE* NEED HOSPITAL AREA— OeoT*to**?v*?*.w'?W?eon*lder these moot attractive 1-bedroom apts. the Ideal place to live, xeneroaa room sine, dinette, storage and - SQEhrnEU%m si. n.w. NA. 8-8841. 11M C It. 8.W., nr. Bureau of Enx. RRMLM?'WALK TO WONK—I4OB L st. n.w.—Lee one-bedrm. apt. In newly remodeled and decorated 1 bid*.; 878 mo., lnd. all utilities. Also lisht-housekeeplns apt. avaU.. 815. See janitor on premises, or THE p£*siDssT MADISON. I*oß ] Florida ave. n.w.— Efficiency ant. with modern separate kitchen; all utilities Included In rent; elev., 1 ldry. and strs. facilities; sun deck. sSX%EM ft. oft? 8 conven ient to Bolllns Field—Living rm., bedrm.. kit and bath; 861.81 per mo., utilities Included, Available July 8. BEITZELL, Dt. 7-8100. __ ' —7 DELAFIELD PL.. N.W.. 301—33-unit bid*.; 1 bedrm., llv. rm., dinette, Ut. and bath; *65. Call resident manager, RA. 6-1617. —8 817 10th ST. N.E. Front apt., I newly dec; llv. rm.. bedrm., kit., bath; 882.10. See Mr. Harris on sSitr&'sr .—Two 4-rm. apts.: SSO _ a month each. Lse. kit., din. alcove. 2 bedrms. and llv. rm. Call Mrs. Wnson. v Na 7-7203. WOODRIDGE THE DIPLOMAT 1 2420 16th BT. N.W. Junior bedrm. apt., beaut, furn. (twin beds); butldins overlooks Meridian Park; walkln* distance downtown: comfortabUy air cooled, roof sarden. switchboard; 8111 mo,. lncl, utils. Msr„ AD. 2-1236. . 2400 13th Bt. N.W. 1 Larse rms.. efflclency. 841.10. Llv. rm.. kit., bath and one bedrm.. 812.10. 2 bedrms.. 872.80. Janitor will show. , MARSHALL J. WAFLE CO. ' 12*4 14th Bt. N.W. AD. 4-2005 —7 760 CHESAPEAKE Vt. S.E. Larse outside rooms—One-bedrm. apt. 862.60; 2-bedrm. apts.. 874 80; both have llv. ra„ kit. and bath. Call ut for transpor tation or tee res. manaser. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1 1224 14th St. N.W. AD. 4-2005 —7 1846 M ST. N.E., Apt. 2—B rms.. 1 kit. bath, porch; 860.50. 808 Taylor st. n.e.. Apt. 4—2 rat., kit., bath, dinette, poreh; 860. 420 EvArts st. *.*.. Apt. 4—3 rms., kit., bath; 882.50. 444 Newcomb st. s.e.,' Apt. 4—3 . »4«*gWm«^ 5 rm,.. J kit., bath, heat; 815. 630 loth st. s.w.. Apt. 2—2 rms.. kit., bath, util lncl.; 817.10. THOMAS P. BROWN 818 4th SL S.W. NA. 6-6872 , NEAR SOUTHWEST GOVT. BIDOST, 819 11th st. s.w.—B rms.. kit. and bath; sat heat; thoroushly reno vated. 871. Key at Apt. 1. 432 6th st. s.w.—3 rms. and bath, refer., sas heat; excel, cond.; $60.50. C. H. PARKER CO.. NA. 8-2326. —6 Connecticut Ave. Apts. One larse bedroom, dlnins room, dlnlns foyer kitchen and bath. Newly remodeled and decorated throughout: new modern kitchen, new bathroom equipment; pastel tile built-in tub and shower, walk ln closets; 24-hr switchboard and elevator service; also available ef ficiency apartment. HO. 2-6674. COLUMBIA APTS. 14th and Girard Sts N.W Available in automatic - elevator building dose to transportation, schools, churches and stores. 1 room, kit and bath from *SO up Rent Includes Utilities Lansley at 602. 1401 Ol } A MrKEEVER CO.. INC. 1782 K St. N W. ST. 8-8800 U_ CAPITOL TOWERS APTB. Overlooklns Capitol Park; lovely 2 bedrm. apt., llv. rm., kit. and din ette; bath and porch. 8115 mo. Also efflclency apt. Reasonable. For . Information call MRS. MORRIS. ] LI 8-4100 : CHANGE YOUR LUCK ] MOVE TO CAPITOL HILL 4 816 Maryland ave. New, lse. de luxe 2-bedrm. apt. (suitable for several persons). Modern, separate kitchen, garbage disposal, wall-to-wall cab inets, 8-cu.-ft. Prlsldatre with J freezer top; walk-in closets: elev. and ldry. facilities. See msr. In No. 106. GEORGETOWN < 2900 QUE ST. N.W. 2-BEDRM. APTS. _ $99 UTILITIES INCLUDED Dt RENT Newly decorated apts.. In excellently located, well-maintained bids. Ex cellent transp. Modern Pullman kit. and bath. Apply Janitor, day time: m*r.. Apt. 103. eves., NO. 7-7840. NORMAN BERNSTEIN BYNDICATEB 4211 2nd ST. N.W. First-Floor 1-Bedroom Apt. 871.80 includes utilities Excellent location: well-manased. modern bids. Laundry facilities Transportation at door A nß J «‘?i^ on ßß P <S mta “ I 101* 18th St, N.W. NA. 8-0160 . 220 HAMILTON ST. N.W. Beaut, redec. lee. ultramodern, de luxe 1 and 8 bedrm. apts., at low rants. To Inspect, see Janitor down stairs. Jess Fisher Management Co. 1420 X St. N.W.. BZ. 8-1811 THE CHALFONTE 1001 Arsonnt pL n.w. (Columbia rd.)—24-hr. switchboard, attended elev., doorman; apts. beautifully decorated. We Are Not New But Charming and Dignified Efficiency S7O 1 Bedroom S9O Up U |Kmv o wi;b E,^rrh r ~ Home witn porcn 2 Bedrooms . .. $135 Apt., Mr. Hulbert. AD. 4-8700 "Washington Circle AptiT 2430 PA. AVE. N.W. AIR-CONDITIONED 1 Bedrm., $121.50 to $131.50 Efficiencies, $72.50 to $91.50 Rentals Include all utilities. Individ ually controlled atr condition Ins. and HOMESTEAD APTSL~ 81* JEFFERSON ST, N.W, NEAR BOLLING FIELD J&ffSSfflfetWlL ; Gracious Living! , IN AN ATMOSPHERE FOUND ONLY AT The Woodner Air-Conditioned EFFICIENCIES 1- AND 2- APTS. NOW AVAILABLE .hJr , & , S2S’«SS3 Lobbies enterlns onto Rock Creek Park where ran may picnic, sun bathe or just stroll. Where else eon yon enjoy such a park for your own front yard? Six fast elevators, laundry and valet service, secre tarial service, muter TV j Garaev exit onto the park way so that one may drive to the heart of city byway of the park within 3 minutes. To Live at “The Woodner” is to Enjoy Life RENTAL OFFICE OPEN • A M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY The Woodner 3636 16th St. N.W. HU. 3-6600 AD. 4-8667 HU. 3^4400 2 Rms., Kit., Bath, $69.50 3 Rms., Kit., Bath, 81.50 INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES TERRACE APTS . 3347 23rd ST. SB. i Lovely modern apte. Newly deco rated. Excellent location, near shops. Off-streat parkins. Laundry - ancfplarsround facilities. SEE MR. ROACH, msr- Apt. 1. JO. 2-9889 Congress Hall Apts. 3325 13th ST. S.E. -Bedroom Apt. 877.60 , -Bedroom Apt. 88.10 , The attractive rental Includes all < utilities Located In s.e. Finest • sarden project apt*, are all spa done corner unite. APPLY RES. MOR , No. 208 JA. 2-8660 DREYFUSB BROS 101* 16th St. N.W NA, 8-0680 AIR-CONDITIONED NEAR WALTER REED HOSPITAL NEW APARTMENT, $112.50 ' COR. 14th AND TEWKESBURY BEAUTIFUL ELEVATOR BLDO. Beautiful livlns room, bright bed room. Ir. dlnlns room, kitchen with Westlnshouse refsr. with 40-pound MSS: “THE COLONY” 4921 GEORGIA AVE. N.W. ONLY $55.04 INCLUDING UTILITIES Lovely larse 2-bedrm. sot. See toll today. See Ret. Msr. in Apt. 204. Aldon Mgmt., NA. 8-5740 Eves.. RA. 3-4837 —7 COOL IN SUMMER 3221 Bth ST. S.E. 1 and 2 bedroom apts. Garden proj ect. Cheerful nelxhborhood. Excel lent transportation to downtown and Bolllns Field. bedroom $62.50 2 bedrooms . 77.50 Apply Janitor on Premises DRBYFUBS BROS 1019 15th Bt. N.W. NA. 8-0680 CONGRESS ' PARK 1381 SAVANNAH ST. S.E. SOUTHEAST 1 and 2-bedrm. apt*., furnished or unfurnished: $71.60 throush 8114.60. Including all utilities. Open Monday throush Friday, 8 to 9: Saturday, 9 to 1; Sunday, 11 to d. . * -8 JO. 2-0111 *n. JO. 2-9112 —8 Capitol Plaza * Bordering beautiful Capitol Plasa srounds. This most attractive and modern elevator bulldlns can offer delightful efficiency units from 872.19 and one-bedroom apt. at 8110. Alto furnished efflclency at 8111: air-eonditlonlns optional. Ras msr. EX, 3-2638 or SHAN NON Sc LUCHS CO.. 724 14th st. n.w,. NA. 8-2346. Air-Conditioned The Year-Round Reserve Now for JULY OCCUPANCY RESIDENT MOR. ON PREMISES GELMARC TOWERS 1930 COLUMBIA RD. Efficiency Apts. fr0m..579.50 1 Bedroom, from 127.50 2 Bedrooms, from 175.00 RENTALS INCLUDE All Utilities 24-hr. switchboard-secretar ial service, garage facilities. OELMAN CO, MANAOINO AGENTS 1100 INVESTMENT BLDO. ’ —-0 SAVANNAH TERRACE APARTMENTS Alabama Ave. at 23rd S.E. 1 Bedrm., $67.50 up 2 Bedrms., 81.50 up All Utils. lncl. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Resident Manager on Premises PHONE JO. 2-8933 —lO i ager on premises. KA. 3-gizi. DOWNTOWN NEW 8-STORY Air-Conditioned Elevator Bldgs. Sherry Towers Michelle Towers 2117 E St. N.W. 2116 P St. N.W. OPPOSITE NEW STATE DEPT., IN WALKING DISTANCE TO MOST GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS \ Efflc., from $89.50 Lge. l-Bedrm. Apts., from $l4O , 12x25 LIT Rm. 25x12 Living Rm. 10x11 Olnlnx Ron 7x13 Kltehm and Dtnattt 13x17 Bedroom 2x7 Kltchan 7x( Draatlnx Clout. Westlnghouse cross-top freezer refrigerator, 38* range, master TV antenna, carpeted lobby and cor ridors and other features too many to describe here. YOUR CHOICE OF 3 PLANS EFFIC. APT. ONLY 1 UNFURNISHED FROM $89.50 FURNISHED FROM Jl2O jypplwHPl ; , RESIDENT MANAGERS ON PREMISES rr. S-3327 ML 7-4237 CARILLON HOUSE 2500 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 2 EFFICIENCY AND * 1-BEDROOM AFTB. Luxury imo« «tlfe fry mftderc * ecottiknw; toxaUful virw»; year roxqd ftk eogtltteßJaf Mcrtt*ru; . MfTict, Piffiyi $m receiving * rmmf. mb duck. buUt —fßft ixußdry trnemum ftftd canwt. Tour Inspection Invited Call EH. 2-SBOO t TUT? SAXONY * 1801 CLYDESDALE PL. N.W. DE LUXE EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS $82.50-$92.50 Individually Controlled c Air-Conditioning Spacious rms., Modern kits., i secretarial switchboard' service; a fully equipped l sun deck overlooking Rock Creek Park and many other ultramodern features. • 1 DIRECTIONS: Drive out 18th et. to Columbia rd, turn loft on Co lumbia rd. 2 bike, to Ontario rd, right. on Ontario rd. 2 bike to - Clydesdale pi. and rlsht on Clydet del* to building. 1 SEE MRS. NEASE RESIDENT MANAGER t OR CALL DE 2-8116 CHAS. E. SMITH 806 16th ST. N.W. ST. 8-2646 WALK TO WORK CHASTLETON APTS. 1701 16th ST. N.W. * 2 Rms., Kit., Bath__sßs 3 Rms., Kit., Bath-1103 Attractive npte, to excellently lo- f cated apt. bids. Luc* room nod 1 Urge closet j: ewitchboard and mall- _ desk service; eleotrlctty Included In * j NORMAN BERNSTEIN SYNDICATES i DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS SHORT WALK TO WORK! 1 l2 k?t s a L nd ßt i»Si W red A^r. 2 tfe' S »7T - 1 1210 12th St. N.W., Apt. 46—1 rm, 1201 fIWMSKt 604—Llv! rm, kit. and bath, porch; GARDEN APTS. j 1 BEDRM $74 and $77.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED j Automatic washer and drier In base ment: private locker room: within 1 welkins distance of thopplns and ‘ theater, on* block to buslln*. Naylor Gardens i 2725 30th ST. SX. LU. 2-6100 —* 1869 Mintwood PL N.W. Apt 32—2 bedrm*. 2 bath*. 890.60 Available now. Apt. 21—2 bodrme, I bath. 975.80. Avallabla June SO. Apt. 41—2 bedrmt, bath. 551.60 Very aoed pelshborhood. auto, ele vator: convenient to etorte and theater. J. A. McKEEVEB CO . INC. 1738 K Bt N.W. Vt. 3-8800 NICHOLS HTS. APARTMENTS EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD , NEAR NRL. BOLLINO FIELD 1 I bedrm. llv rm dinette kit. oath UNFURN., $72.50 FURN., $95 UTILITIES INCLUDED COOL, axtra-lsa. rme, croee vent 8-CU.-R. elec, relsr. with freeter Off-street parkins: 3 busline*. 8 thopplns centers, school, churches. 168 DANBPRY ST S.W, JOT3-430Q I 2108 16th St. N.W. l-ROOM AFT. - 840 1 See MRS. OSTERHOUT. 8120 16th ' M 6 16th St N.W. ’ 1-Bedroom Apt SB7 , Lars* Boom*. Dinette. ‘ Mrs. Broad, Res. Mgr. 1 TUNLAW * 5 PARK Apartments 3850 TUNLAW RD. N.W. ‘ Individually Controlled Air Conditioning * w «®sis, 1 eSW ULTRAMODERN KITCHENS , 1- Apts. -$125-$135 2- 2-Bath Apts., , $175-9200 1 (All 2-bedrm, 2-bath apt*, have < dishwasher and sarbake disposal.) ALL UnUTtBS INCLUDED ( Ample Free Parking BEE RES. MOR, EM. 2-6200 CHARLEB E. SMITH 805 15th St. N.W. ST. 3-2646 HIGHPOINT APTS. 4200 W'HEELER RD. S.E. 2 Bedrooms 882.50-880.60 Garden-type apartment, ample play xrounda; new dec, 1 and- 2-bed rm. spte. avail.; spacious rms. and 1 plenty of lse. cloeete; Is*, new thopplns ctr. next to project: excel. \ bus service across the street. 1 ’ fare; conv. to downtown. All utils, lncl. In rentals. > Resident Mgr., JO. 2-2220^ The Jennifer 1415 TUCKERMAN ST. N.W. * APTS., AIR-CONDITIONED l-badrm. apt*.. 8100 to 8126. One 2-bedrm. apt, 8166. All rme. brlsht and airy: sar. avail. If desired: (4 I blk. from 16th it. but stop. Man gger on orcmiiM. RA. 3-8121. tftllWHffilßlWl ft C s&isrsefr*. | 2 Rms., Kit., Bath, $761 NWMa'n 4 MCHNBTEW BYNDICATM j CHANGE YOUR LUCK Move to President Monroe | 42* Mas*, ara n.w.—Brand-new U lee*. NR. NAVY YARD. AttracUve 5-rm. apt with nice dresa lng rm. and porch; S7O mo. U. 4-7615. p_ 4th and Evarts N.E. Convenient to CaUiolic Untv.: tost transportation croaatown and down town. Laundry faculties on nrtm- ApplT Janitorßt. N.E. 1010 i6th at/NAVT NA. 8-0580 Bus Strike? An Easy Walk! From THE CEL-MAR TOWERS 1314 MASSACHUSETTS AVE. N.W. Tbit ultramodern, well-kept bid*, with 24-hour ewitchboard and elev. Elevator—Switchboard 2-BEDRM. APT., $125 Beautiful bulldlns; brlsht livlns room. ir. dlnlns room, kitchen, both, muter TV antenna. RESI DENT MANAGER. TA. P-rtnnn. —8 UPLAND A CAFRITZ DEVELOPMENT In tl» City—Slnilt Psrs 2 Blocks From Navul Research Lab. 6 Min. From 80l One Field NEWLY DECORATED 3Yz ROOMS $72.50 4Vt ROOMS $84.50 INCLUDES ALL UTIL. AND TV ANT. Roe Msr, 87 Oalvcetoa st s.w, off 8 Capitol st. JO. 3-6800. —8 220916th ST. S.E., APT. 1 Badrm.. tivlni rm.. kit. and bath; *49 6 6. Pet key at &t. 4. mi- IKKV. C< ST. I 3^*SOO WILTSHIRE PARKWAY 8701 CONN. AVE. AIR-CONDITIONED Lars*, pleasant efflclency a*te.: llv. rm- 13x20; dreulns room. 7xo: larst closet and bath. $89.50 CAN BE FURNISHED All utilities Included; auto, laundry and tun deck. Call resident inan axer. EM. 3-2800, —8 THE WASHINGTON HOUSE 2120 16th St NW. Efficiency Apt., SB4 Air Cond. and Utilities Included 30" EXHAUST FAN CRESCENT HILL EXTRA-LARGE 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS 305 37th ST. S.E. New apts. with extra-lf*. llv. rm, spacious dinette. 2 overate* bed rooms. kit. and bath. Good s.e. location next to pubue and paro chial schools. FROM $84.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED RES. MGR., LU. 1-1908 Dir.: Out Pennsylvania ave. >.*. to Minnesota ave, left to Ely »l, rlkht to 37th et, left to apts. H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th St. N.W. ST. 8-3300 New Elevator Bldg. NEAR WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL 3918 FULTON ST. N.W. (In Exclusive Westchester Area) 2 LARGE BEDROOMS, $155 Beautiful corner apartment with nil latest improvements. MRS. MORRI BON, res, mxr, EM. 3-3217, —8 COLORED—SOLDIERS HOME AREA —8 rooms, kitchen, bath; utilities furnished. Newly decorated. Couple preferred. Cull RA. 6-1349 between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. —7 COLORED—MODERN DUPLEX APT. 6116 Rtana pi. s.e • 969.60 lncl. Utils. BT. 3-9433. 40. 2-2431. —7 COLORED—4I2B GA. AVI. N.W.— Lovely 4-rm. and bath apt. (2 bed rms.), lse. rear- screened perch. MrsMi 5 mo -# R COLORED—I36I K ET. E.E.—Mod ern apt. bids.; lse. 1-bedrm. apt, S COLORED—6BI* BAD* IT. N.E.— Modern 1-bedrm. apt.; eonv. to Lovely modern 2-bedrm. apt.: conv. kit. and bath apta.; lust off R. I. ave ; 869.50, lnef heat. NA. -8-8093. OLIVfil T CARR. REALTOR COLORED—22I3 15th ST. N.l. 2-rm. kit. and bath ante.: In this modern, brick bids, with resr yd : 869.89 lncl. heat. NA. 8-8093. OI..VER T. CARR. REALTOR. COLORED—N.E.—Excellent 2-bedrm apt. In a new and modern bide, offerlns most enjoyable apt. llvine. Brlsht and larse rooms, plus plenty of closet space-laundry and ttoraee room From $92.50. lncl. all utils A convenient location at 801 49th st. n.e. Inquire No. 201: LU 2- COLORED—IB*3 CORCORAN BT. N.W.—2 rms.. kit., bath. $75 mo. 610 Florence et. n.e.: llv. rm, bed rm. dinette, kit, bath. $66 mo. 1365 Morris rd. e.0.: llv. rm, dl- S*u'& T ftTzr* 6 r y w \ B v h ,: COLORED—4I7 I BT. B.W t 1363. —8 COLORED—OOTH AND EADS N.E. —Bedrm, llv. rm, dinette, kit. ond beth opts, in newly redec. JO. 2-2000. —R COLORED—ISIO GEORGIA AVE. J.w-2 bedrms.. llv, rm.. kit. « b -6^’l 4 - M - CV COLORED DOWNTOWN AFT. 1607 O st. n.w, near 16th and Mass. ave.—2 rme, kit, alcove and bath, $76, utils, furn. Call BEIT COfORED—b'eRODE ISLAND~AVE. N.W.—Newly dec. 2-bedrm. apt. See Janitor. DIXIE REALTY CO.. OR ED—eP #.W, NR. 18th— .1 rms, kit, bath. 2nd Hr, pvt.; recently dec.: 880 Call 10 to 4. COLORED—IIO7 N^wTn.V.Sio - ? —1 rm.. kit, semiprivate bath: heat hot water and alec, furnished; only 845 a mo. Inspect or call CO 5-6222. COLORED—26I EVE ET. N.W.—2- rm. apt, kit, lncl. aemlbath. h.-w. b, elec, sas: 836 mo. CO. 6-2123. COLORED—S BOOMS AND BATH; elose-ln n.w. section: conv. transp. Cal' all week from 1 p.m. until 11 p.m, HU. .1-7031 COLORED—;; bedrms, llv. rm, d'n rm. kit . bath: pvt.: 16 R. I. ave. n.e.: S9O, lnef utils. DE. 2-6420. —8 COLORED Tare bedrms, llv rm dtustt*. kit end beth: 2426 Queens Chtpel rd n s . Apt 4: 876 per mo olut utils F T CONSTR CO 8T 8-2168 COLORED •Huntwood Apts. 4921 JAT BT. N.E. 1 BEDRM, s7l 2 BEDRMS, $Bl INCLUDES UTILITIES Clot# to ehopplns. transportation —7 MARMADUKE -By Bred Anderson'. full Jlliihll f : I 81 tfVa 1\ IlljL i ffijftj&ppi jj 11 vimmm J# > Xv:' IHI. Mmi a “Btfor* we start oat — let's get one thing straight—Pm driving!” APTS. UNFURNISHED—O. C. A l COLORED “ 1821 Corcoran St. N.W. Extra-larse 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. In this most convenient loca tion. close to downtown; $84.50. Apply janitor on premise*. NA. 8-0580 , , DREYFU6B BROS. „ , 1019 16th ST. N.W. 2 J COLORED Rgnit’ *7i * ■"u 8 ' A COLORED CARVER HALL APTS. ] Morris Rd. and Pitts PL B.E. CEDA^ARDENS A Modem Garden-Type u. Apartment Development “ In-TPwa * uid ■ ISiIVoS « Spacious 1-Bedrm. Apts, ho FROM $72.50 Oil (INCLUDING HEAT AND H W.) t From Navy Yard tilth St,l Brldce a.o. follow Good Hope road to 14th fj £ and SS , iSf t AW4.%K E SHANNON & LUCHS M>n»gfmeat 724 14th Street N.W. NA. 9-2346 COLORED—B4S TO SBS 1841 ONTARIO PL. N.W. 1 rm, small bath: 2 rm*, hath. Util*, turn. Janitor on premise* BARRY CO, ME. 8-2026 ? COLORED 2505 13th ST. N.W. 2-BEDRM. APT S7B NO CHILDREN UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE Ql Attractive apt. In excellent elevator ®< bids. Newly decorated. Apply st ' premises or CALL DI. 7-7140. • NORMAN BERNSTEIN SYNDICATES 1600 CONSTITUTION N.E. Attractive 2-bedrm. apt. lor ■slec tlve adults. 884.60. lncl. all utile. Seen Janitor on prem. _ DREYFUSS BROS. Tl 1019 15th ft, N.W: NA. 6-0630 * COLORED—APTS. „ ' MODERN $69.50, Includes Utilities ; Garden-type apts, in excellent s.e. location; 3 rm*. and bath. Only a . few left. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO, NA. 8-9797. D] APTS. • 4433 E ST. S.K 1 Bedroom .*,567 gl 2 Bedrooms.*- 77 _ ALL UTILS. INCLUDED IN RENT , Office Hr*, 8-5 Dally; 8-12 Sat. ! LU. 2-1222 —7 COLORED ; CONV. HOWARD UNIV. Attractive, 2 room*, kltfflten. larse closets; excellent n.w. location: 874.60, Includes heat and hot j|nltor. 3604 13th at. 3REYFUSB BROS. 1019 16th St. N.W. ( , APTS. UNFURNISHED—MD, 1 TAKOMA PARK—New. cool, nta ; clous de luxe 2-bedrm. apt.; nr. ‘ elementary and Jr. hlxh schooU; i special facilities for air cond. Must i be teen to be appreciated. 126 Lee i ave. JU. 5-8497. —ll ' FLOWER AND FINER BRANCH area. In B-unlt bids.—Newly dec . orated. 1 bedrm.. $68.60 and up; . 1 2-bedrm, S9O; utUi. lncl.; tome available now. P. D. FORD. JU 8-5106; home. SP. 4-7453. —* . BETHESDA, MD.—l and 2 bedrooms. . Hv room. din. space, kit, bath and rear acreened porch; S6O-186. SAM UEL E. BOOLEY. INC, Ot. 4-1270. 4-RM. AND BATH AFT., sae and elec, furn.; conv. to stores; bis ’ yard; 860. Cap. Hxts. JO. 8-7960. ; ROCKVILLE—I and 3 bedrmt, liv lns room, dinette, kitchen, bath and rear screened parcb; netr > schools and thopplns center; $65 1- to SBO per month. PO. 2-3003. REVERE APTS, 1202 Lebanon at.— o - Apt. S. feetns Lansley Park shop. * i center. Beautiful I-bedrm. apt.; ] 1 lse. llv. rm, dinette, sit. bath; modern throushout. Utile.’lnel. HE. I • 4-6800. —lO i STRATFORD PLAZA ; 8113 University Lane, S. S. I Lars* 2 bedrooms. On* block to slum., transp.; off-street park. Flay . yard. Newly redec.: ldry. fart!*.: i $99.50, utils, lncl. Bee res. m^r Clean, Cool, Green : WHEN YOU LIVE IN ; OUR FINEST SUBURB . Os Course its the “Aldon” in Beautiful Bethesda ’ Playgrounds, thopplns. transporta tion. churches. Wisconsin are, all within 1 block. Bis modern apart- _ ment designed tor cool living with T. ; •" re * msr - * 1 Bedroom, from 878.50 2 Bedrooms, from sll2 60 ~ Including All Utilities , Aldon Mgmt., NA. 8-5740 Bvee, OL. 6-7626 : LONG BRANCH” B ; APARTMENTS , 872$ Plney Branch Rd, S. B, Md. I - N,wly “TB*fU. 3 «ln Every Apt. " o. Public Jchool^ NORTHWEST PARK !! APARTMENT ' The very best environment • for your children, i Most attractive and spa : clous surroundings. [Adjoining Montgomery County elementary school. Exhibit apartment open Saturday and Sunday, 1 i to 6. Evenings by appolnt -1 ment. Renta. 877.59. 894.5(1 and 8112.59 for 1. 2 and 3 bedrooms respec tively. Including utilities. See why you get the best rental value at— NORTHWEST PARK APARTMENTS ; Am UHWffcmSNtt—Mft ■ CHEVY CHASE LAKE APARTMENTS i non ooomgffl fam LANDSCAPING BY QUAINT ACRES Chevy Chase. Md. OL. 4-4199 TAKOMA PARK tftlft Zutim s?«.—4 rooms, t * K£- ; «£S“g»."‘ • h ~ 1 ( JU. 5-2644 IX 8-2*Bl A CAFRITZ DEVELOPMENT AGER TERRACE LOWEST RENT IN AREA 1 BEDRM.—S69.SO 2 BEDRMS.—SBI ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Choice apt*.: eebcale opposite, bus at doer, close to shopping. Ret. mgr. &<&? umtuXS &€: 6S Term* 4 ,H B> MODERN APTS. WEST HYATTSVILLE J ?g?^I^^G O J? B RgAD"A I^, QUESNB CHAPEL RD. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY A safe home for your child; schools, recreation and pic nic areas on project 1 BEDROOM, FROM $68.50 2 BEDROOMS, FROM $78.50 (UTILITIES INCLUDED) Large rooms, cross ventilation. f lenty of cloeete. modern kitchens. ll* bath w/ehower. laundry end storage facilities; off-street bark ing; fast transportation to town. Furnished sample apt. ter your con venience. CHILLUM HEIGHTS APARTMENTS Offlee, 1520 Chlllum Road Open Daily and Week Ends TIL 8 WA. 7-3948 or WA. 7-6745 H. G. SMITHY CO. Sll 15th'Bt. N.W. ST. 3-3300 —7 BLADENSBURG Large 1 and 2 bedrm. garden apte, 874.60 and $88.60 up; newly re decorated; shopping center one block schools, tost transportation downtown D. C, 63rd pi. and De fense hwy. Resident manager. WA. 7-3721. MEURILXE ARMS APTS. Parkway Terrace Apts. 3006 Parkway terrace dr, SuTtland. Md.—Large, airy. 1 and 2 bedrm. apt*.; furn. and unfurn, In beaut, project. Ample play area*, ldry. facilities; 24-hr. maintenance serv ice; 10 min. to downtown D. C. Apply resident manager. JO. 8- The BRADLEY BOULEVARD APARTMENTS ALBERT w! WALKER COMMUNITY 1 BEDRM. SBO.OO up 2 HEDRMS 94.50 up RENT INCLUDES HEAT. HOT WATER. ELECTRIC AND GAB These apartments art within walk ing distance ot shopping center and recreational park, washing ant drying machine!. Ptey vardg and j parking spxcg. 1 Offlee open Mon. through FrL from 9 a.m. to Bp.m.: Saturday,# am. to 7 p.m.; Sunday. 12 noon to 6 p.m. Ollrtr 4-3240. 1 DIRECTIONS: North on Wisconsin ave. to Bradley blvd, left 2 blks. to Htllandale, >eft to 6701 HiUan dale rd, Chevy Chate, Md. ARTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. ARLINGTON. Columbia pike at Pred erlck st.; Msxnolls Gardens—-Avail now. Beautiful und epaelous living dining room comblnutione; 2 large bedrooms latest In kitchen equlp ■ ment: parquet tie. Venetian blinds: 3 exposures; utUs. furn. $96 a mo htJnstor**' For ARL. N.—l and 2 bedrms.: llv. rm, sep. dinette, walk diet.: Arl. Hall; Lblk. Hecht'e store; good trauto.: undry futile.: off-st. parking: 880 and $96 mo. lncl. utils. See mgr, MR. GUESSFORD Apt. 6 622 N. Thomas at., ofl-parkins lot. JA. 2-7142. -11 ARL.. elcs* in. beat area. Pentagon. Arl. Hall. One and two bedrms, mod., high, wooded, cool; $82.60- 8110: no children. Out Wilson blvd.. left on Oek et. to offlee. 1600 16th rd. N. —lO ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APART MENT*, 6 mins, from Washington vlg Arlington boulevard. Call J. FULLER GROOM REALTY CO.. JA 7-7804; after 6. call JA. 2-0721 . —lO sfi*.» INCLUDES all utilities for this 1-bedrm. apt. near Presiden tial Garden*. Cloe* to JPentagon and ahop. faeUltleg. Can JA. 8- * 1661. —7 WEBTOVER—I -bedrm. apte. avaJJ . able for 869.50 per mo. In this ) goputor section at Arl. Call JA. NO DOUBT YOU. TOO. wUI fait In love with this delightful one-bed room apt. Huge and cheerful Us ing room with picture ertndow. modern kit. lncl. garbage disposal master TV. antenna, storage and automatic laundry facilities. Pre* use ot nearby swimming pool; S9O lncl. all utils Within walking dlst. to Parkington shopping center In quire 640 N. Thomas st, Arling ton. Va, No. 1, JA. 2-8014. or SHANNON Sc LUCHS COMPANY 724 14th st. n.w, NA. 8-2346. FREE RENT UNTIL JULY 16. New ly decor, extra-lge. 2-bedrm. spt. Cool quiet: near Memorial Bridge. SB6 lncl. utils. 1318 N. Pier it, JA. 7-6518. —8 CENTER ABL, s74.6o—Clean, quiet, cool. 1-bedrm. apt.; 1 blk. to bus. shopping center. 4022 Ath st. N. Apply Apt. 102, or ICE. 8-6720. CLOSE TO D.C, Ft. Mrer. Pentagon —Unusually clean, cool. 1-bedrm. apt, $76 inel. util*. Apt. 104. 1300 M, Pierce st. JA. 2-0713, —lO .SOO SOUTH COURT HOUSE RD. Apt. No. .‘i—One bedroom SBO > Near Pentagon, shopping and trans portation. Available Immediately. 2005 N. FAIRFAX DR. . Apt. No. 104—One bedroom.. $87.80 Apt. No. 303—One bedroom $87.60 Apt. No. :i<)4—One bedroom $86.00 Near Pentagon, shopping and trans portation. Available Immediately. Call BEITZELL, Dl. 7-3100 - —7 Presidential Gardens Adjacent to shopping center and (schools, lovely lawn*, trees and nowsrs 6 mtn to downtown. 3 min. to Pentagon, 6 bug Unes_at I front dr, ample pk, plus offlee (service, laundries and itorage In your bldg New refrigerators with freezer tope: 2 and 3 exposures: 1 end 8 bedrms : from 875. Con venient for Army. Navy and Air Force oersonnel Located on Mt Vernon ave and Russell rd. In Alex. Phone TE. 6-4400. Offlee ARLINGTON PARKGLEN APARTMENTS Additional closet space added, spa cious rooms, complete maintenance and janitor service. First but sons to Pentagon and Navy Annex 1-Bedroom Apts., $81.5C (With Sun Deck) 2-Bedroom Apts., $91.50 All Utilities included RENTAL OFFICE 5050 COLUMBIA PIKE Harry Cragin, Mgr. Phone JA. 6-6630 ALEXANDRIA 1 bsocS°to stores, theater and bo*. Minimum far* to Washington and ilirSP A ' ART4 Hre ? |99 iPTS. UNFURN., MD. (CmN.) KIRKWOOD . SPACIOUS DE LUXE -BEDROOM APTS. ..$73.50 BEDRMS--$81.50 TO SBS Including All Utilities Writ* or call for Free Brochure rsi Nicholson Bt, Wut Hyatt*.. Md. KP. 7-2352 AP, 7-1866 DISTRICT HEIGHTS APARTMENTS BEDRM $63.25 UP BEDRMS. 75.00 UP URN. APTS., 81.50 UP Ala. mum INCLUDED FREE DAY CAMP toderu garden apt*. Direct bus dewntoum. Cool, doee-ln suburb. FOB INFORMATION. HE. 6-8000 ’Bl2 DISTRICT HEIGHTS PKWY. DISTRICT HEIGHT*, md. Purs 9-6: Bat., 10-4:60: Sua, 1-6 Evening* by Appointment Irectlons: Drive out Marlboro pike ti Dltt Hts, turn left so Gateway bird to 78th ave., turn left to auto. CENT VILLAGE Be* eur spacious apart ments. Schools, thopt, con venient bMterviee, dtllltle* Included. 1. 2. 3 bedrooms: rent from 878. SB9 UlB. SP. 3-6300 Queenstown Apartments lueent' Chapel Rd. ut Chlllum Rd. betra larse. tpaclout ante.; twln •tied bedrms, larse double closet*, separate dinettes. 2 BEDROOMS FROM $83.50 (UTILITIEB INCLUDED) 'wo huge shopping centers at prot ect. Walking distance to schools. Direct express bus to downtown. URNISKBD SAMPLE APARTMENT APEN DAILY TTL 6 FM. BAT. and SUN. TIL 8 P.M. AP. 7-2633 or AP. 7-0980 HRBCTCONB: Out Mlchltan ave. n.e, continue on Queens Chapel rd, turn rlsht ut Queenstown thopplns center on Chlllum rd. H. G. SMITHY CO. II 16th St. N.W. ST. 8-3300 BEAUTIFUL ROCK CREEK GARDENS n Montgomery County, Md. On the District Line and Near Rock Creek Park SCHOOLS New modern elementary school In the development. Fine high schools In the Im mediate area. Free school but service; nurserr school on premises. TRANSPORTATION Service to all downtown areas by Capital Transit buses. Alto tost local bus service. SHOPPING Complete ehopplns center In the development, minutes away from major thopplns areas; churches of all denom inations nearby. -BEDROOM APTS. ..$87.50 -BEDROOM APTS. -107.50 RENTS INCLUDE ALL UTILITIEB FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS Rooms are larst with ample closets space; playground tor children: wide town are** for safe play. CALL JU. 5-4030 Rental Office on Premises AT 8327 GRUBB RD. SILVER SPRING, MD. OPEN SATURDAYS WEEKDAYS. » TIL 5 Direction: Out 16th st. to East-West hwy. left to Grubb rd. and left to offlee; or out Conn, ave, right on E**t- Weet hwy. to Grubb rd, right to offlee. MANAGING AGENTS Si g & McKeever WEST HYATTSVILLE Riggs Manor Apt. RIGGS AND AGER RDS. Large De Luxe Apts. [ Bedroom $83.50 ! Bedrooms, from $92.50 I Bedrooms. $105.00 Premises HA. 2-7851 111 16th & 3s.™* £¥.' 3-3^oo &tar WANT AD SERVICE is available at 80 OFFICES including Triangle Pharmacy 1600 YOU IT. N.W. Am. UWftHUt—YA. (C—*.l MASON HALL 1430 Abingdon Dr, Alex., Va. Completely redecorated effi ciency apt with dinette. 1 full kitchen, dressing roan, tile bath. The beat value in Virginia. $74.50 UTILITIES INCLUDED Consider such features as: Newly completed cun deck, carpeted halls, attractive lobby, 3 incinerators, 3 ele vators, laundry and storage facilities, off-street parking. Only minute* from National Airport, Pentagon and downtown Wuhlngton. In spect today. ESH&2& non bird to 2d traffic light on ei t*Hag Alex, ton right and fol w sign. Legum ft Gerber Realty Co. Choice - nTAtL Location CALVERT APARTMENTS Only 8 mtn. to K«y Bridge. Calvert Ante, off Lee hwy, affords residen tial living with direct transp to D. C. epac. rooms with de luxe kit. All those luxuries, only 887 POMPONIO JA. 7-6880 2222 Wilson Blvd, Arl. DOMINION GARDENS 800 BLK WEST GLEBE RD. ALEXANDRIA OV. 3-4306 2 Bedrms., $88.75 to $91.75 INCLUDES ALL UTIUTTES Rental offlee open Mon. through Pri, 9 till 6: Sat 8:30 MB 4. ALEXANDRIA VIRGINIA’S FINEST 1-Bedroom Apt., $74.50 Bright, well-planned rooms; modern bldg.. Ideally located, eonv. to Pen- Anno* and D. C. Ap -401 Commonwealth Ave. iota i«gg y gs. wj a. $-0580 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS APTS. 816 8, Greenbrier St, Arlington 1 Home oi the NEWLY DECORATED FAMOUS "KINO SIZE" ONE AND TWO BEDRM. APTS. Largest and best looking grounds and play areas , ICE WIThT SMI?!. LD “ BKRV ' ; LOW RENTS FROM $75 MO. INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES ' To reach; Out Columbia pike to S. Greenbrier st, right 1 blk. to Man ater’t offlee on right corner, ■ OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING CALL JA. 7-5565 MRS. BARNETT. Ret. Mgr. : Broyhilton Apartments ■ VIC GLEBjE RD AND LEE HWY NORTH ARLINGTON 1-BEDROOM APT SBS 2-BEDROOM APT 105 INCLUDING UTILS EXCEPT ELEC. One blork to shopping and but: equipped kitchen with garbage dlt nottl: storage and laundry ta ciutlee M. T. Broyhill & Sons 4624 Lee Hwy JA. 4-1309 Dominion Arms 333 SOUTH GLEBE ROAD J ARLINGTON B FIRST AND ONLY 3 1 MufthK COURTS AND SPACIOUS SUN . DECK. i Several Cholca Styles Available jj In On* and Two Bedroom Apte. JA. 5-3500 e L CROSS MEMORIAL BRIDGE. POL -8 LOW ARLINGTON BLVD (U. R 60) TO GLEBE RD, THERE LEFT „ 3 BLOCKS TO DOMINION ARMS. ' SHANNON & LUCHS . MANAGEMENT ’ FORT BENNETT E APARTMENTS ! Beautiful View • With High Elevation Overlooking Potomac And Washington In Virginia • ARLINGTON’S ;• MOST CONVENIENT APTS. One Block From Key Bridge New fireproof apartments, lira* llv. • Ing rooms, plenty of closet* and - storage space, matter TV antenn*. L' Equipped kitchen with gerbage du ll posal and exhaust fan; landry fa fllltlee. off-street parking, fenred - In equipped playgrounds for the n kiddles: clots to schools and thon- I. ping; 5-mln drive to Pentagon. 2 min. to but, 6 min. to gtreetcir downtown. r 2 Bedrooms ..SIIO.OO -1 Bedroom 90.00 - 1-Bedrm. furn. apt... 125.00 . 2-Bedrm. furn. apt. . 150.00 t INCLUDING ALL UTILITIES IsOufW^VA^^ANC, I FREE BROCHURE AVAILABLE !' To reach: Over Key Bridge, west on j Lee hwy. 1 blk. to Oak et, right to jj Pierce st, left on Pierce to corner 0 Rea. Mgr, Mrs. Cumberland ; I*2l N 21st. APT. I JA. 5-4044 r OR CALL M. T. BROYHILL ft SONS . 4624 Ua Hwy, Arl, Va, JA. 4-1300 ; COLUMBIA GARDENS 5300 Bth Rd, 8. Arl. t, JA. 8-6267 t. First fl„ 1 and 2 bedrm. apt*.: modern throughout: larte rooms; through ventilation: room-tlae di nette. plenty closet space: play i tround: laundry facilities: nicest apts In vicinity: reas. rents; utile. ) lncl. One block from Columbia pika on S. Greenbrier st. Look for our ) Rental offlee on LEFT CORNER. j BELLE VIEW ) On Mount Vernon Blvd. . 1 mil* soutb Ales. 20 rain, from downtown. D. C, Pentagon, main Navy ana 10 mtn. to Port Bolvolr , ENJOY OUR BIG. NEW SWIMMING POOL ; Avallabla to our tenant! at no extra i cost: look forward to glorious days ; of baalth and relaxation for you 5 BgJ*"£B2Sj living, com Dined witn everv con* ' . g £r w# - M# ' Rental offlea. 801 Bella Vlaw blvd. _On*n Dally Tbroueh Frl, 9-9 niONE s so. 8-B^o0 n AND 8-B P OOI FOR THOSE WHO CARE • ARLINGTON Frederick Courts i APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY 2-BEDROOM APTS. $92.50 TO $97.50 1-BEDROOM APTS. 80.00 TO 82.50 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED RENTAL OFFICE, 5050 COLUMBIA PIKE Harry Cragln, Manager j Phone JA. 8-8830 » (Continued on Next Page) ’ C-9 * THE EVENING STAR Washington, D. C. APTS. UNFURNISHED—VA. AUBURN GARDENS m s occupancy. $72.50 TE. *-6098. XL 8-7077. JA 6-664# “QUINCY GARDENS “ 2-bedrm. apts, beau Hecbt Co. and s Kann a tulda parkin*, ato. $89.50 JA S-(M1 JA 6-6^4* “ARLINGTON COURT" Lana l-badrm. apt* , parking, abop- transportation, nr. Cour\ $72.50 UP JA. 8-8281 JA 5-6640 - l WHY? ' Why Do You Move? To find an apartment in a community that will satisfy your every need and desire! Buckingham has done just that—has satisfied thou sands of happy families— Large modern apartments, spacious beautiful grounds, a complete shopping center. Just minutes away from Washington and/or the j Pentagon. We may LOOK expensive, but we are NOT. 1 Come See Us Today! BUCKINGHAM 313 North Glebe Road ) Arlington, Va. JA. 2-5004 ■ Weekdays. 9 to B—Saturday. 9 to > Sunday. H to 6 At Claremont See Our 2-Bedroom Apartment I, _ j THE MOST Enjoyable Summer Living SWIMMING POOL OUTSIDE PATIOS Yacht Harbor—Sun Deck Spacious Lawns POTOMAC RIVER VIEW i HUNTING • TOWERS EFFICIENCIES FROM 880 BEDRMS. FROM Slid 8 Utile, lncl, secretarial service, shop ping center, restaurant, free park n lot lots, garage*, buses direct to - Pentagon and Navy Annex. Express buses downtown. 20 min. A Furni ture purchase plan available. Pay Uke rent. See The Model apart . ments. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY SHOWING 9 'TIL 9 X ON MT. VERNON BLVD. IN ALEX. “ KI. 8-8484 s .—— " ARLINGTON TOWERS E i B*MSSS!WIS“.V® l §§SK.SS , K8 p liSl i q& - Efficiencies, from SBO.OO Bedrm. Apts., from 102.50 Penthouses, from 245.00 Shopping center, garages, sun deck*, play area, ample parking, every convenience end only minutes from down town over Memorial or Key Bridges on Arlington blvd. Day and Evening Inspection JA. 5-5500 SHANNON* LUCHS ■ MANAGEMENT l BELLEAIRE - C APARTMENTS 2 1706 Commonwealth Ave. .r O MOST SPACIOUS APTS. 0 IN ALEXANDRIA 0 Plenty of closets, master TV an- Otenna; off-street parking: central location. 1 block to bus and shop ping center, schoole nearby. 10 minutes to Pentagon. * LARGE 1 BEDROOM FROM SBS r LARGE 2 BEDROOMS FROM SIOO Rent Includes Utilities 0 RESIDENT MANAGER. KI. 9-0918 H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th Bt. N.W. ST. 3-3306 j Westmoreland I; Terrace r GARDEN APARTMENTS LOCATED ON FORT MYER DR OFF ARLINGTON BLVD, ADJACENT TO FORT MYER. PENTAOON. NAVAL ANNEX; 10 MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN; AMPLE PARK -11 ING: LAUNDRY AND BTOR n AGE FACILITIES, r. r 1 Bedrm SBO.OO 2 Bedrms. __ 92.50 J ALL UTILITIEB INCLUDED J IN RENT • OPEN DAILY AND SUN. b Manager on Premises JA. 2-3570 1305 N. ODE BT. ' ARLINGTON, VA.