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C-10 * wJhte^taloyc* Am. UHWIKH., VA. (C—.) dmina'lS Am Bullt-ta chests «{ drawer* o2°S , w^^ina 0 Li h flS^Si>l POMPONIO JE. $-B*7s. Mr*. William*. Bo*. Il«t co-op. Am rot sale 1»»1 WYOMING—3 rms, kit. and bath- excel, cond.: sew elec, kit.; jot toe.; ele*. service. Price. *lO.- 600 Term*. For appt please caU to. Carta. with H 6 SMITHY CO ST. 3-3300. Residence. AD. 2-5004. —7 BROADMOOR IDEAL POR BACHKLOR Tth fl. cor. with South and East ex posures. Foyer. Urtnf room, larxe bedroom, bath and complete electric kitchenette. ASt-COHIKTIONID—NewIy redec orated loyer. Urine room, bedroom, modern kitchen and new modern bath. Centrally located In vicinity 1 ex 18th at.-Harvard st.-Columbia ra. Acct. Illness and prolonxed hospi talisation. owner will make Überal concessions tn price and term* for . IMMEDIATE SALE. Furniture also available. Newer bids.. Immaculate ly maintained and unusually well manased. , EDMUND J. FLYNN CO. NA. 8-9568 Exclusive Acent APARTMENTS WANTED REPINED ADULT FAMILY of 8 desires to rent or purchcase un turn. 3-bedroom. 2-bath apt. in quiet modern bulldlne. Prefer air-conditioned, elevator building. Will consider only finest area of Fblrfax. Alexandrite or Arllncton county. Box 84-L. Star. —8 ISOLATED OR OARAGE APT—I m. plus bedrm. and bath, unfurn. in Betheseda. Ch Ch or Old Qtwn. Id . RockvUlle pike area To rent bv chemist at NIH. OL. 2-4678. i between 7 and 10 p.m. —7 TENANTS FOR YOU I NEED furn. or unfurn. apt*. In D. C. For rood (white) tenants at fee. Call MANDEL. AD. 4- MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or < across the country- safe vtorase In separate rooms: expert packing. Phone No. 7-0104. UNION BTOR AOE CO INC. Established 1908 LIGHT HAUUNG. local moving; beaches a specialty. 8. L. MORRIS. TU. 2-1180 or U. S-2888 CHESTER MOVERS. Its. or small, we do them aU: clean and careful ST 8-8870. TA. 9-0116. eves,. BEST MOVERS IN TOWN Low rates; exper. men; 24 hr.; 1-bedrm < - 4 EDELMAN MOVING AND STOBAGE —Will accent surplus furniture as part part on your movlnc storaxe. Reas. TA. 9-2937; eves.. RA. 3-1416 w HOUSES FURNISHED A EL—Cute, modern. 2 bedrm* . Wisher, disposal. Fenced yard. . Child welcome. $l2B. JA. 2-1408. , —l2 AKLANDRIA—NiceIy furn. 6 rms. Res*, rent for services rendered. Must be able to sell. OV. 3-2504 8191 N. 32nd ST.. ARL.—3-bedrm. 1 and fuU-bsmt. corner brick: sas heat. Rent. SIBO. JOHN L. SHEL TON. JO. 2-2000. —8 ARL.. 848 Hlxhland—Semldet. brick, 2 bedrme.: nr. school, shops: Colum bia pike bus; $l2B. OL. 2-8288. 1 —l2 ARL. $., $l2O mo.—Comfortably furn., fully det, 2-bedrm., 2-story home; nice level, fenced rear yd. with trees. Side walks to 1-fare bus. . Mod. schools, shopplnx. Vac. Call ' JA. 2-5057 or JA. 2-4311. —8 K. ARL 3-bedrm. rambler, full bsmt.. excel, loc. shaded lot. Call H. A. EDGE, SO. 8-4096. —7 ( INGRAHAM ST. N.W Clean, cool. 3 bedrm*.. scr. porch, garage, bsmt.: transp.: SIOO. LA. 6-1455 COUNTS! CLUB HlLLS—Modern $- bedroom brick, Übrary IHi baths, large ecreened porch, built-in ga rage: automatle washer, drier. 7 lroner; completely furnished; beau tiful yard; $lB6. year least. Ken more 8-7124. 14* i CHEVY CHASE RAMBLER; 6 rms.. 1 2 baths, playrm.. dish wash., dis posal. $225. MRS. CLYDE C DUN- - NINOTON. OL. 2-2636: KM. 2- 8383. - —7 , GEORGETOWN AREA Tastefully 1 furn. 3 bedrms., 2Vi baths, spacious e Ut. rm„ tep. din. tm., rec. rm.; teas. AD. 2-0742. EM. 2-8688. HYATT.eVH.LE. MD (-bedrmiTllv. j rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kit, full bsmt.. front porch and large beck yard: well furn.; near schools. - churches, transp and shopping; < $125. JU. 5-0313. —l2 866$ fifth AVK.. South Cheverly. Md 2 blocks off Wash.-Balto. park' way—Lovely 2-bedrm. det. brick C home on large fenced lot; rec. room. M. * SMim INC.. DL 7-7877. LU. 107 HESKETH ST.. Chevy Chase. Md.—4 bedrooms. 3 baths, and a Jst-noor powder room; screened . porch and garage; $826 month on 4 a year s lease. EDW. H. JONES 4s CO., INC.. Chevy Chase, D. C. wo! 6-2300. —8 - HOUSES UNFURNISHED —■■ ... I CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE—Vac. Near schools: 7 rms., powder rm., mold’s CLYDE b *C h 'DuifNlNafo»L‘ OL*?- 2635: EM. 2-8383. —7 KENSINGTON— 7-rm. older houee; near shops, transp., school; large yard: Ideal lor children: garage. Established, refined community: sll6. LO. 4-0813. —lO NEW 2-bedrm. house on (4-acre lot 1 betw Vienna and Falls Church. SO6 mo 1-yr. lease. JE. 2-9369. —8 BY OWNER—Lovely 4-bedrm. home nr. Wash. Oolf and Country Club; llv rm. din. rm.. study; 2 full, t 2 half baths: paneled rec. rm.. 2 1 flrenls, dishwasher, disposal, auto. ~ washer and drier; 2-car gar.; wall to-wall carpeting Ist fl.: will redec. to suit tenant. KEft 8-4571. —lO ARLANDRIA—3-bedrm. brk.: nr. shopping center: cony, to Pent.: ( fenced yd.: $96 mo. JE. 2-7282. —8 CLEVELAND PARK Brend-new home, huge ltv. rm. w/flrepl., powder rm.. eap. din. rm., mod. Kit.. 3 bedrms.. 2(4 baths, garace; reas. AD. 2-0742, EM. 2-8688. CLOSE-IN SILVER SPRING 11*2- , bedrm. det. bungalow. Full bgmt.. 1 gas heat. Nice corner lot. sllO mo. LEO A. BRYKR ft CO. INC. JU. 9-8033. LO. 6-3285. —6 ARL.. best arta, close In. Ftntagon, Navy Annex—Threc-bedrm.. 2-story Colonial; 16 by 20 Uv. rm.. full din. rm.. 1(4 baths, screened porch full 8 bsmt.; nr. Patrick Henry. Thomas Jefferson. St. Thoa. More schools; wooded and cool; $l6O. 129 8. J&vtni st.. JA. 8-0173. —8 1 BUNGALOW, vie. Randle Circle s.e. 2 bedrms.. Ige. Ut. rm.. Bendlx. file. Call OL. 2-4711. —7 [NGTON—2-bedrm. det. brick; rm.. firepl.; IVi baths; ground !l livable bsmt. tnd recr. rm. utlful grounds; 5 mins. Pents- I son and D. C.: $125 mo. 2020 N. Cleveland at.. JA. 2-8668. —lO ROCKCBEST—3 bedrms.. nearly new house: lovely loc.. sllO per mo. Gaithersburg 247-W: eves.. 1 SILVER SPRlNG—Attrac, newly decorated. A-rm. home in Wood- I moor section: nicely shaded lot; rent. SIOO mo. HOLMEAD RE- S3*TODn pi,. 9 N«: t r i ;. B dup,-* 8 «0; I conv. loc.. rear porch, yd. Open. TA. 9-8698. —8 RAW! HORNE. 6812 32nd st. n.w.— New white brick Colonial, overlook ing Rock Crest Park on lot 70 by I 230. Llv. rm.. din. rm.. all-elec, kit., powder rm.. screened porch on lit fl.: 2nd fl.. 8 bedrms.. 2 baths: basement, partially finished rec. rm.. built-in garate: S2OO mo. with lease. LA. 6-1885; eves.. EM. WHEATON. MD.—Modern. 6 rooms and bath: level fenced lot. Avail immed. ROGERS REALTY CO.. NA. 8-09(14: TA. 8-3468. —8 CAPITOL HILL—2-story brk.. 4 rms. 8 each floor; Immed. occupancy: ehll „ , dren welcome: SBS. LI. 4-1100 * 46L. N.—Attract. 3-bedrm.. 2-story Bom*: full bsmt., gar., sttrac. and convi area: vac. $125 mo. DICK „ BASSETT. Realtor. JA. 2-6067: JA. ■ DESIRABLE LOCATION—in| rms.. 1 Vi baths; could be suited for professional offices: parking space ■ for 5 cars In rear of premises. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. NATIONAL SAVINGS ft TRUST CO.. ST. 3- 6200. -—8 FALLS CHURCH. $140—3 bedrms.. , lji baths. Ut. rm, 36x14: bsmt. 1 iIUCILLE COOK. JE. 2-3272. ARLINGTON. NORTH—2-story, 3- bedrm. brick, IVi baths, rec. rm.. den. fenced shaded yard: near schools; long Tease. $160; 16th . ANNANDALE.’vvI'S4B per month— 2-bedrm. house, garage; bus st door: near shopping eenter. JE. RETHEBDA—3 -bedrm. brick Colo nial. newly decorated; excellent lo cation; Sl4O mo. Call OL. 4-1808. SILVER SPRING .I-bedrm."""brick Colonial; IV* baths; newly deco rated: $136 mo. CaU JU. 0-3480. 833 MAINE AVE. B.W 6 rms”and bath: aas heat; overlooktni Po tomac Park; $75. C. H. PARKER •-BEDRM. ’sfONI RAMBLER—AII eIec kit.: '4-acre lot; off Shirley t hwy. and Ed sail rd, Ales. SO 5-4802. —7 Dominion hills—You and your family will enloy truly comfortable and modern living tn thle delight ful 3-bedroom rambler, with de luxe kit., large rooms, plus recreation room, in a charming residential | £rea at 909 N. McKinley rd., Ar niton. va.: SIBO7 Shown by appt. •By. SHANNON ft LUCHS CO, S-BEdVoom BRICK town Os Fairfax: $lO5 dot month. Call Crescent 3-1388 altar $ p.m. —9 Smk matte* view? 327* mo. JA. 8-1170 88 VIRGINIA RENTAL BOMBS at varying elaws. prices, tsai HU linn and location* out rental Hat before derldtag upon yaw next home. JOSEPH W. SEAT COM PANY Property Management Snv «lF st UNIVERSITY PARK—Custom 4-bed rm, 2-bath rambler; air circulator, all extras: conv. location: tease. 8175 mo., or sell $24,600: excel terns; option to buy. Avafl. July 15 6804 40th ST*. UN. 4-7043. to WEST GROVE DRIVE. Beu7~Ha ven Alexandria. Va.. $165—2-atory brick: first-floor Uving room, dln ins room, kitchen and powder roam: ecreened porch; second floor. 2 bedrooms and bath; full basement with rec. room and lavatory. Fenced patio tn rear and large brick patio in front. Out Route 1 to Port Hunt rood, left to Woodmont. right INC, KA. 8-7621. ARLINGTON. BOUTS—S bedrms. Ut rm. with firepl., dtn. rm.. kit, fun bemt.; Ige. rd.; near echools. Jsr*sA^74 m « 1 r * p “j*f 2 oo: - WEBU.T HEIGHTS 2-bod rms, bath Uv. rm, kit, dinette. 2 porches, fenced yard. KS. 7-1089 or NO. 7-0068. —8 NEAR FALLS CHURCH—Three niee bedrms, Ige. Uv. rm, firepl. and bookshelves. din. area, equip, kit. ■ fin. stairway to 2 Ige. stor. rms. or 2nd II.; nr. school and shopping center; avalL Immed.: $125 per mo. ARLINGTON, NORTH For*blg family; nr. ‘‘Hecht'i’’: new-house cond.; 4 bedrms.: very modern: dishwasher and disposal: only SIOO per mo Also 6-rm. and bath brk.: , ultramodern; nr. Lee hwy and Illinois at.: only sllO. RE. 7-0493. JA 2-1605. 1338 FARADAT FL. N.E, walking distance new Providence Hospital— -6 rms.; Immaculate: modern: $lO5 monthly. LA. 6-6837. —8 , CLOSE-IN ARL. Semldet. newly ] dec.; fenced-ln yard: fuU bsmt.: , SO6 per mo. JA. 7-1053 after 6 1 p.m —l2 CHOICE LOCATIONS FALLS CHURCH AREA sßs—Modern. 2-bedrm, ranch type rambler, newly deco rated; radiant heat; storage i attic; aodded lot sl3s—Poplar Heights. The choice Falle Church community with Its own swimming pool and recreation center; 8-bedrm brick rambler; all-electric GE kitchen with range, garbage , Disposal!, dishwasher and 1 Bendlx washer. Laiwe picture windows; wooded tot: storage attic; 15 min. to Pentagon. with basement slightly sl6o—Columbia Pines. Beautiful subdivision, near Annandale. , New. 3-bedrm. brick rambler; 1 • large picture windows, full basement, pulldown stairway to attic: garbage dlepotal dishwasher, electric range and refrigerator. Large, spacious lot. Larchmont Realty, Inc. JE. 4-3800 JE. 8-7219 COLORED—LOVELY. 3-bedrm. row brick borne, in exeel. cond.; Immed. “cuoencr: $125 per mo. LEO A. BRYER ft CO, INC, JU. 9-8033. JU. 8-1306. —ft COLORED .6623 ILLINOIS AVE. . N.W. —RENT AND BUY 20-ft. | brick, completely redecorated, 8 1 large rms, bsmt, gas b.-w.h, gt- ■ rage. ST. 3-4415, TA. 9-8749 1 COLORED—434 Bth BT. S.W., $7» 8 60 per mo.—Near Department of Ag riculture: Immaculate 6-rm. brick. ■ modern kitchen and bath, new gas h.-w.h. ST. 3-4415. TA. 9-8749. _ COLORED FLORIDA AVE. I?E., ‘ opposite Oallaudet Collegers rms, oil neat. completely reflnlshed; *i2®. CaU JO to 4, V. D. JOHNS TON. HU. 3-4614. —8 COLORED—CHANNTNG BT. N.E, across from R. I Plszs—Detached brick, nice yard, surrounded by beautiful homes. 3 bedrms, gas heat, modern conveniences; $13.6. AvaUsble In August To see now, rail V D JOHNSTON. 10 to 4. I HU. 3-4814. 8 COLORED—I 627 ftth ST. N.W.—B rms, kit 3 baths, oil heat, hot water: *IOO mo. 1704 V ST. N.W.—7 rms, kit, bath; 555 J lO ,. WASHBURN ft MAIZE, _927 N. Y, ave. n.w, ST. 3-2815. Colored—4 Bedrooms ’bsmt 9 '' n w baths OIL ■*«. OTHER "HOUSES AND APTS. AVAIL. * Ist NATL. REALTY 2 Thomas Circle N.W. RE. 7-3884 HOUSES TO SHAKE CONGENIAL WHITE COUPLE to B share mod. brk. home. S4O per mo Everything furnished. AP. 7-0457. COLORED—WELL FUENISHEdT’sH only im HOUSES WANTED TO RENT* 4 BEDRMS. or 3 pine den: unfurn. College Pk. proper or Tie. Call AD. 4-8080, leave mesisge. —ft BUSINESS _. N ,»S R , DELAWARE RIVER Memorial Bridge; 12 units with fine 8-rm. owner's home. 2- car garage, expansion possibility; (b) NR HAGERSTOWN. MD, t beautiful 14-unlt motel, about 1 yr. old. on transcontinental highway, with of- . flee and 6-itn. owner'e home, all B under ooe roof. INEZ CUBHARD. REALTOR. EM. 2-4232. —fl BAKERY—WeII-known and estab lished business must be gold. Oyer *26.000 In equipment. Excellent n.e. location. Always busy. Bargain. *O.OOO. RAFFKLL REAL ESTATE. JU. 9-1103. GLEANING AND TAILORING BHOP —*1,900 for everything. A well established business In Takoma Park, doing an excellent business and can be Increased. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE. JU. 9-1103. C GENERAL GROCERY STORE, cement blk, stucco. 92x28. Busi ness conducted 80 yrs. by different persons. and full equipment: $12,000 stock, 3V4 acres od land. 6-rm. bouse, 2 bedrms, mod.; 2 gas tanks; wonderful business. CHESTER COGSWELL. JA. 7-1633. —8 DRUGSTORE with only $6,000 cash: can net orer $12,000 per year; good location In Wash, 6. C.; air r cond. with fountain and growing prescription dept. For Information. caU JAM& L. DIXON ft CO, BT. 3-7200. —8 SMALL N.W. JEWELRY STORE, a going bustnese for watchmaker: price. $2,400. all cash. EM. 3- PARTNER WANTED to help” start < high-class launderette and cleaning establishment. Excellent location. Person chosen must be ambitious, reliable, trustworthy, hard worker. Profits divided equal. Be willing to enter Into contract. NO. 7-0868. RESTAURANT—Private club wants concessionaire. Low overhead. No C capital reautred. Ideal operation for man and wife. Box 384-L. star —7 BEAUTICIAN—Own your own salon, SoO down. SSO month. JA. 2-6189 EXPERIENCED "So legal, labor. 6 a‘nd Eubllc relations: will devote part c me to business as partner. Box 30-R. star 7* MEN'S WEAR, Inventory. Lease, fix tures. For quick sale at leu than Inventory, stock alone Is worth $7,500. Owner has other busineu Phone RE. 7-8924. 7* DRESS SHOP at 1724 Wilson bird, Arl. Featuring a moderate-priced line. Established tor 20 yrs. and doing an annual volume of butl neu of *76.000 during 1954. This store has a frontage of 26 ft, U equip, with modern fixtures, includ ing GE air conditioner. All of this Is offered at a sacrifice price * of $2,250 ALBERT H. COHEN s SALESMEN. DEALERS WANTED) 7 to se 1 and apply one of tho fastest selling Items In the East. Apply tn «««?« SERVICfc”'BTATISN I, 'AND GARAGE: *2,600 buys all stock and equip ment: rent. *SO. RIPLEY ft ROMER. INC, Gaithersburg 391). , FREEZER AND LOCKER KANT; ’ modern brick bldg., fully equipped and operating. In excellent location, good reaeon for selling: *40.000: needs *12.000 cuh. RIPLEY ft ROMER Gaithersburg 299. NONPROFIT organization. dubs, doctors or professional men: we have several large bouses suitable . for your purpose: call MR. YOUNG. * ST. 3-1600, 1028 Vermont are n.w, Suita 808. A BARE OPPORTUNITY, located on U. 8. Route 50. In Aldte. Va.: now netting $12,000 per year, can Saslly bo increased. A fine 10-room . iome and busineu: lust 35 miles r from D. C, ret out of the bomb area: a grocery atore. g sandwich thoD with off-and-on site beer and wine, a wholesale and retail chelr business and display stand, also . 'nclude* 2 warehouses, all eoulp- ' ment end stock; 6 seres of rich land with little river flowing through entire properir. fishing. 308 ft. of frontage. Large parking area. Priced at only $22,000 with *IO.OOO down at owner desires to retire. A. W. GREENE REALTY, d7 B c, nr. Md. State Un*. tn bus? shop- . ping center JPS4 salts <)ost to * $70,000. CAN DO SIOO,OOO WITH PROPER SUPERVISION! Will sell dollar-for-dollar on reasonable .SvSSKMZ sales over *50.000. Low rent, good * location, well established. Abuntee owner decided to eel!, SB,OOO lock, stock and barrel $3,000 down. Balance easy terms. Cell MR. SIT- htejiwTy } or * uea^UJu PERPECT FOR NURSWgThoße'ot ZSUPZ Pater troltod. Pnllj equipped specious dinina room tnd ItteMa. Large club room. Managers oaarters dude/^iSa*nriee 008 »■ MOTEL With, residence for owner-operator: over 20 AD ,t 4-2^4.^^ W i3s2BCt —IU C GROCERY STOM Suburban, near RockrUte: rent SIOO monthly, long lease: owner quotes over $1,400 weekly, about $4,006 In stock: sft,ooo down. PASTOR a McGREW Eves, oSthersbuta 476-M LIQUOR, REST., And 4 rms, rat S2OO, seats 175, I * oo do ”' VARIETY AND NEWS Rent. $175. with 7-rm. apt, long lease. Inc. quoted $6,600 mUy„ busy corner, n.e, 6-day week, approx. $6,000. stock, want* $6,000 down, call MR. YOUNO, ST. 3-1500. Need 2 experienced eatesmen with cars. 1029 Vermont ave, n.w. Suite 808. PAT. MED. AND LUNCH , Rent only SIOO, beaut, equip, 6 yr. lease. Pin halls and music box bring in approx. S3OO mtly. heavily stocked, very busy shop, eenter. only *8.500, terms, call C. J. YOUNO ST, 3-1600. 9 RMS., SSOO DOWN MT. PLEASANT, rent SBS, Income S2OO, plus owners apt, elab. furn, alwaya rented, total price only $1,500, call Mrs. Koch. ST. 3- 1500 or CO. 6-8445. 26 ROOMS, 14 BATHS Near Dupont Circle. Inc. quoted SB,- 000 mtly, beaut, turn, dining room seat! 44. owner dug other buxtaeu and must sacrifice, only $8,500, terms, call Mrs. Koeh. ST. 3-1500 or CO. 5-8446. Small Rooming House Hobart it, near 16th njr. Really a nice place. Unusual good furnl *$ U i r U ! * t d t ow^ s s.^0 OUl<l **“• W “' Edwin L. Ellis, RE. 7-5140 POR LEASE “ MAJOROIL CO. A 3-bay service station, located on n prominent highway In St. Marys County. Stock and equipment an- I oroxtmately *4.000. Available lm c‘u -iv* REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCH. BOOMING HOUSE Completely furnished; worth *50.000, owe *18.000; will trade for clear property. Box 64-R. Star. • " 1 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. s23,Bso—This spacious, red-brick, center-hall Colonial Is an unusually good value. The owners are leaving town and must sell. Living room, dining room, equipped kitchen, den; ' 2nd floor. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths: gas h.-w.n,' slate root: garage; level lot. nicely shrubbed. BfL LINGSLEY REALTY CO, EM. 2- . 2328 'til 9 n.m. 1 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK Attractive brick-and-stone French Colonial home in immaculate con dition; living room with fireplace, tamlly-slse dining room with cor ner cabinets, large breakfast room, kitchen and screened porch, 8 bed rooms. 2 baths, rec. room In full - bsmt, built-in garage: paneled den over garage: $28,600. BILLINGS LEY REALTY CO, EM. 2-2320 'til 9 p.m. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK, ‘ 44th st, near Albemarle at. n.w, *15,775. easy terms—Brtek semi detached: Ist floor, 8 rooms plus knotty pint den; 2nd fi„ 3 bed rooms plus knotty pine den. EDWIN L. ELLIS. 3520 Conn. ave. EM. 3-7263 or RE. 7-5140. —6 BERKELEY Beautiful, bl*. brk, center-hell Colonial custom-built 4 yrs. ago by Frank B. Phillips. Wonderful room sixes. Large U- Stnd lavatory on Ist fi.; 3 1 bedrooms, the smallest of It 16 feet long, and 2 baths ' on 2nd floor: recr. rm, servant's rm. and bath, overalls garage, enormous screened porch, slate | roof. Large, level, corner lot with woodland background on nice, sulct street. *42.500. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 7-1411; eves, WO. 6-4754. _io BOLLING FIELD ABBA. 56 Elmira 1 it., near D. C. line a.e, priced un- - der *12.500—A fine semldet. brick home with 3 bedrme, laTge bright bemt. tnd lovely large lot. In cholct s.e. location, 1 blk. to shop ping. Patterson School, bus. Mr. , O Hazes, TE. 6-2430. MARSHALL 1 J. WAPtE CO, 1224 14th st. n.w, AD. 4-2005. BRIGHTWOOD—BungaIow. 6 rms, all on 1 fl.: 2 baths, firepl, porches, yard: garage; vecant; *16.500, terms. 6th and Whittier sts.—Det, fine cond.; 6 ige. rms, 114 bathe, recr. rm, porches, deep lot, garage; widow leaving; good terms. 14th and Underwood sts. —Modern det, brick: powder rm, porches, recr: - rm, fine yard: Ideal to r small fam- r lly; excel, value: terms. Right on - Gs. ave.—7-rm. house can be your office and home: only *12,600, . terms. STROUP REALTY CO, RA. 1 6-8700 —lO CHEVY CHASE—Huge brk. rambler with heavy slate roof. Pull center hall, Uv. rm, 16x2614: sen. din. rm, huge kit, brtakfast alcove; 3 bedrms . 2 baths: recr. rm. and 14 bath in basement: 2-car built in garage: Urge screened poreh. i beautiful! walled flagstone patio: gorgeously landscaped lot with lovely shade trees. Splendid con- , dttlon. Priced st *39.500. FRANK ' S. PHILLIPS. DL 7-1411; eves, RA. 6-5924. CHEVY CHASE, west of Conn. are. —Attractive brick Colonial home In perfect condition. Spacious, modern kitchen: 3 large bedrms, 2 baths on 2nd: finished 3rd fl. Naval officer transferred to Spain. Price, i *25.500. Eyes, EM. 2-4665: dally •til 6, EM. 2-7400. METZLER. Realtor. 5022 Conn. ave. n.w. —7 - CHEVY CHASE—lmmaculate stone and-brick Colonial with slate roof. , Powder rm. on Ist fl.; 3 bedrms. tnd bath on 2nd: beautiful land scaped level lot with 170-ft. depth; scr. porch, garage. Call RE. 7- . 0900 till 9 p.m. REALTY BROK- 1 ERS. INC . HEAT TORS. —6 , CHEVY CHASE. $21,950; In a sec- 1 tlon of more expensive homes—lm- ] macutete brick Colonial; 8 bedrms, 2 tile baths, modern kitchen. Con venient transp. and schools. Eves, , call WO. 6-3300; 9 t.m.-O p.m, 1 call EM. 2-7400. METZLER. Real tor. 5022 Conn. ave. n.w. CRESTWOOD DR.—Perfectly beau tiful home on a quiet etreet of magnificent homes facing tnd over looking Rock Creek Park. Highly convenient, lust 16 minutes from downtown. Brick center-haU Colo nial with heavy slate roof. Study and powder rm. on Ist floor; 3 bedrms, 2 baths on 2nd 11.; nicely finished 3rd fl.; bullt-ln garage, . screened porch, recreation room 1 with fireplace. Beautiful lot with lovely big shade trees. Priced In lower 30s. MAKE AN OFFER. . FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 7-1411; eyes, WO 6-4754. —lO SPKING VALLEY AREA—Beautiful, big, brick, center-hall Colonial In the heart of the city’s finest resi dential tret. Library and lav. on - Ist floor: 3 TWIN-SIZE bedrooms and 2 baths qn 2nd floor. Built 6 T yrs. ago by Prank 8. Phillips. Two A blocks to Horace Mtnn. Conven- l lent tor Annunciation. Wilton, St. Alban's, Friends. Priced in middle .lot and available at an unbelievably low price. PRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI .7-1411: eyes, RA. 8-6924. WOGDLEK PARR—Det. brick and 3- car gar, on 2 corner lots: 7 bed rms, 3 sun rms, 4Vs baths, extra •ge. entr. hall Ut. and dtn. rm, osmt. apt. with pvt. entr.; partially turn.; good investment, gracious living plus Income: *B.OOO. or more down. 2700 28th (t. n.w, CO. 6- 1566. _ft HOME AND INCOME—* complete apte, clean and nicely furnished; 1 apt. rented, the other owner occupied; nice quiet neighborhood, - close to shopplnx. churches and , transp Substantial cash required f n^, n^a D IVr 88 r&d Specious, detached house, newly decorated, j spotless condition: basement, de- 1 tached garage. Mr. Maury, TU. 2-3826. MARSHALL J WAPLE CO. >4th sLn.w. AD. 4-2005. WELL-CONSTRUCTED HOME. *26,- 000: Ideal for large family: 7 bed rms . 3 baths, din. rm, llv. rm. with fireplace, large reception hall and kit., solarium; beaut, land scaped lot. 90x80. 1604 Delefleld Rl. n.w. Owner desires quick sale. o reas. offer will be refuted. For Information and Inspection, * call Mr Wonderly. JOHN T. BEU CHERT CO, OV. 3-5088, —7 HOME AND INCOME. Kalorama lec tion GI approved. *20.460—7 bed- 1 rooms. 3 baths, garage; corner: all front rooms: cerpeu and some fur- OWNER in HAWAII hag given us 2“b^th«?t r .‘ Hvln* ? s 1 £& Realtor. 502$ Conn. swlVv! ( sou Aqpus SOCN ) 1.1 iv Si L—l J *gw MB6KTS WlTft j ■■■■■■■■ /TT\ uTI H / ■(( \ i( l urm \ l/n mtiU MKOtL J ITH \ 11 [WKwiIWKIIII] Unscramble the 4 set* of letters. DinWnf a word of each Jumble. Print each word, a letter to a square, beneath each Jumble. The letters you have printed on the cir cled squares may then be arranged to spell the surprise answer suggested by the cartoon'clue. What la it? (Answer appears on Page C-11, Col. 7.) HOUSFS tee SAU, N.W. IC—t.) DET. HOME—7 lovely rms, ol heat; 3-car garage. Lge. lot and ssssrY , i& 3 «g~' *zr MAKE TOUR OFFER—Ou thle mag nificent brk. residence, completely redecorated and in beautiful con dition. Highly convenient location on upper 16th street. 12 huge ran 17 bedrms.), 314 baths. 2-car built in garage. Large level lot with 137- ft. frontage. An estate sate and an unbelievable opportunity to pur chase a lovely big home st a very low price. PRANK 8. PHILLIPS. DL 7-141 L Eyes, WO. 6-475' BEDROOM AND BATH ON „ FIRST FLOOR Unusual detached brick Cape Cod overlooking Takoma Recr. Center. A beautiful, modern 3-bedrm, 2- bath home with larxe screened Co lonial front veranda. Lovely shaded ot and garage. Your house taken Call Mr. Clark. RA. 8- MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W. AD. 4-2006 —fl A. U. PARK—Center-entrance brick Colonial in tmmaeulate condition. Walking dlatanet to St. Ann’s. Im maculate, Janney, Deal and Wilson schools. Finest downtown trans portation available. 3 huge bed reonu. 2 bath*. Perfectly level lot. 7-6830°' C,U 4 * O6M 01 DL Thos. J, Fisher & Co. University Park ... qi appraised, $27,500 Attractive Colonial-type houee: llv. rm. with fireplace, dining rm, kit, ecr. porch, rec. rm. tn bsmt, den and 3 bedrms. with 2 baths on 2nd floor: B BaM>Bz, me. I*'' 1 *'' D D ASK TOR LWRJ, W^lAk^76 BRIGHTWOOD Sacrifice below cost, 7th pi. Charm ing semldet. brick; 6 rms.; recep tion hall. bath, glassed porches, gat furnace, h.-w b, bullt-ln garage. Neer Coolldie. Whittier Elem, and 6*l”R *' schools. Eves, TE. ' L. T. GRAVATTE 1518 K St. N.W, NA. 8-0753 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Builder’s trade-in;; professionally priced at $23,500 Detached brick Colonial in a very conv. area between Conn, and Wls. aves.; 8 bedrms., 2 baths on 2nd fl.; plus a finished bedrm. on 3rd. Beautiful rear yard: garage. Entire property in top condition. W. B. WRIGHT, EM. 3-5600 til 9 Cleveland Park Detached—Under $20,000 On a nice lot. close to that fine Hesrst School and playground. Charming home with 4 bedrme. Nice llv. rm. with firepl, porch, sep. din. room and kit. Bsmt. at garden level Gar. A nice environ ment to rain a family. Call JAMES E. SCHWAB. EM. 2-6800: eves, OL. 2-1409 or OL. 4-7693. —7 FOXHALL VILLAGE 5 BEDROOMS Quiet, shady straot. Convenient to everythin*—city. Pentagon, schools, etc.; two rear screened porches look Into wooded park land. Ist floor has living room, din mg room, kitchen, poreh; 2nd floor has 3 bed rooms. bath, and porch; 3rd floor has 2 bedrooms and bath. Built-In garage tn bsmt.; priced for quick sale. Eves, call Mr. Hunt. OL. ft -6908. Walker & Dunlop, Inc. 1200 16th St. N.W. CO. 5-0222 FOXHALL VILLAGE Several houses for rent or sale in this exclusive community. For fur ther Information please call Mrs. Lunn. FE. 3-3482. Walker & Dunlop, Inc. Realton. Uptown Office, EM. t-6715 —7 North Cleveland Park $21,500 This semidetached home Is most conveniently located to parochial and public school! and to tranapor tation. This home exudes charm, there are 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. First floor consists of living room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen. Basement has club room. Oarage. For appointment please , call Mrs Upo. JUT 9-0335. 1 Walker & Dunlop, Inc. Realtors. Uptown office, EM. 2-6715 TAKOMA, D. C. NOT MANY LIKE THIS! Bright at a dollar! Newly decorated 4 bedrooms, bath, plus living room, dining room and kitchen. Price, *13.960. inr. down. GI appraisal requested. If you want economical living see thle now. Call ROBERT E. LOHR HE. 4-4000 RA. 6-3800 : EVERYTHING You could want in a flat brick home. Brand-new. all-elec, kit, with breakfast table space; wall-to-wall carpeting: mirrors; crystal chande liers; and a rec. rm. that abso lutely defies description. Priced under *20.000 for a quick sale. CaU Mr. Ryan. JU. 6-1268. for appt. to Inspect. BASILIKO REALTY CO, DI. 7-8724 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ? Nr~ Bureau of Standards Off Reno rd.: foyer entr. liv. rm.. firepl.. ful din. rm.. mod. kit., screened porch. 3 bedrms., incl. porch. lVt bsths. full bsmt. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. CO. 5-3633 9 'TU 9 PUT YOUR ROOTS DOWN 4 BEDROOMS—2 BATHS Nicest semldet. brick home we have been privileged to offer in a long • time. Llv. rm, reception hall. din. ' rm. kit, and mod. Ule bath on i Ist floor. 4 extra-lge. pvt. bed rms, and mod. tiled bath on 2nd floor. Walk-up attic, front and rear porches. Huge, drv bsmt. OU h.-w. best. lew down payment. Mr. Lamoroa. EX. 3-3011 HAHIL IKO REALTY CO, DL 7-8724, DIRECT FROM OWNER 1232 UNDERWOOD ST. N.W. NEWLY DECORATED ' Modern brick, detached; 6 bright rooms, bath, lst-floor powder room, ?l nice bedrme, 2 porches, beautl ul recreation room, oil beet, spa cious grounds. RE. 7-1768. MB. 8-1717 eves. —8 UPPER 16th ST. N.W. BET. IRIS AND HOLLY STS. < This truly exquisite home of atone and part stucco In perfect conn, on . beautifully wooded lot 75x160. Must 1 be seen to be fully appreciated, hav ing so many outstanding features. Comprised of true center hall, with step-down Uv. rm, din. rm, lux urious kit, don. powder rm, ecr. porch: on 2nd Hr, 4 large bedrme, 2 baths, finished attic bedrm. and . bath: maids' ousters and bath In bsmt.: oil h.-w.h, 2-car gar. Priced for Immed. sale, and excel, llnanc- ■ in* can be arranged. By appt. only. ] Cll Uwle Brown. ALDON PROP ERTIES. INC, 1012 Woodward Bldg. NA. 8-6740. evee, EM. 3-0661. OFF MASS. AVE. 1 All brick, and STONE, CUS TOM-BUILT RAMBLERS, DE LUXE kitchen, PAN ELED DEN, 3 twin-size bed- , rms., 2'/2 baths, garage, convenient location. 4444 Sedwick St. N.W. OPEN TODAY, 4-8 TO RZACH: Out MASS. AVE to 46th st, right 1 blk, to Sedgwick it. and right to OPEN sign. LEOUM ft GERBER REALTY CO. 8815 Conn. Ave KM 2-9000 , brfek. *l?il*j2mtZ i 1 HOUSK FOk SA^I —N.W. nr- LOUIE 8880 "gum COLORED—VACANT Our flret chance to offer i thle, ultramed, semldet, 6- rm brick home in desirable Brightwood. Recent construc tion. with finest materials. Newly painted Interior. Hard wood floors up and down, lust redone, 2 mod. tlte bath*, new kit. equipment, new Venetian bUnda; fuU bsmt, rec. rm, gas h.-w.h. garage. This wIU suit the moet dlscrmlnattnx and It's only *996 down. with monthly payments leu than rent. j BT.^V 0880 *' *3^749 6600 C 3nP l «ri\ > N.W. Beautiful corner brick. 8 rms, 214 baths, auto, heat, garage, porch. Must be sold Immed. Low down part. KENNEDY REALTY CO, ; RA. 3-9302. TO 2-8683. —8 ; COLORED—BAROADW GALORE : SELECT HOMES COHN Call TU. 2-9200 j 1. 501 QUINCY ST. N.W. 1 $750 DN. 5 bedrms, $ baths; corner; perl. ; cond. 2. 1311 UNION ST. S.W. $395 DN. Row brick; 6 rms. and bath, ott ht. 3. 701 LONGFELLOW N.W. $1,500 DN. Comer: 4 bedrms., redecorated, like new. 4. 5512 9th ST. N.W. $895 DN. Semldet. brk.; 6 rms, bath, in ht. 6.5407 2nd ST. N.W. Mod 6-rm. home, with complete pvt. basement apartment. 6.431 JEFFERSON ST. N.W. $995 DN. Mod. 6-rm. brk, clean as a pin: lge. yard. 7. 48 CHANNINO ST. N.W. 20-ft. brk.; 6 rms, bath. fuU bemt. 8. 1508 ADAMS ST. N.E. Mod brk, 8 yrs. old; 6 rms. and bath, gas a.-e. hut. 9.607 DELAFIELD PL. N.W. $1,250 DOWN 1 $ fam.; 2 kits, 2 baths, oU ht. TIL 9 P.M. RALPH D. COHN TU. 2-9200 Colored—Detached $1,500 DOWN—UPPER N.W. Beautiful. 4 bedrooms (all private) Lge. recep. hall. lge. rm. MOD- . ERN KITCHEN. POWDER ROOM Lge. lot. VACANT—MUST GO THIB i WEEK. CLEAN A8 A PIN. CaU Mr. ' Blanken. HE. 4-2756. Daniel Diener, AD. 4-6652 COLORED 14th AND MERIDIAN STB. N.W. 20-FT. BRICK $495 DOWN Immaculate 6-rm. brick, colonial front porch, largo rmg, I<4 baths, full bsmt, oil h.-w.b. ELLIS KOSSOW. REALTOR BT. 3-4416 TA. 8-8749 COL.—CONC. PCH—OIL H.-W.H. $395 DOWN VACANT—6th AND TUCKERUAN N.W. Never before at this low down pay ment. A completely redecorated home with 6 rms, fuU bsmt.; gas h.-w.h„ hardwood fls.; lge. front and rear yards. Call DISTRICT REALTY CO. MB. 8-6010 AFTER 6. TU. 2-3767 COLORED—S49S DOWN DET. BRICK 2-BEDROOM HOME—LIKE NEW 1 No catch here—this is a fine 2-bed room brick house, vacant, in nice nr.w. section off Wisconsin ave, with all mod. lmprvta. Priced very tow with this small down payment. Ist NATL. REALTY RE. 7-3631 any time. UN. 4-3422. COLORED—REALLY UNUSUAL STOP! READ! ACT! 8 rm*. plug rec. rm, gas ht, bath. ’ pow. rm, gar, yard. alum, windows 1 and doors. Pine row brick. “Excel lent area on Hamilton gt. n.w, nr. sth.'' Price—less than a 6-rm. house. Low down, low mo. payt. “Remember: Only ONE house like it in years" W. B. REALTY. TA. 1 9-0894. RE. 7-0676, —7 COLORED—VACANT * 249 FARRAGUT ST. N.W. Row brick. 8 rms.. 2 utodsrn baths, modern kit., paneled rec. rm., css 1 heat: large yard: det. brick ga rage. Best house on the block. FRED EHRLICH 1012 14th 61 N.W. ST. 3-0450 After 6:30, DU, 7-7695 —lO COLORED and MODERN 57 GALLATIN ST. N.W. VACANT Thle beaut. English-type brk home, concrete front porch. 6 a huge rme, 3 full mod. baths (1 1 master bedrm.l; huge, knotty-plne rec. rm.; 2 stone flreplacea: deep yard; det garage. Immae cond, mod. throughout. Owner must sell ' today Low down payment or your home In trade. Call till 0 n.m, ME. 8-6575. RA. 3-3756. —6 COLORED—SSOO DOWN i Upper Brightwood Vic. Benut. semldet. nrk. home, concrete front porch. 6 rms. 1(4 baths, mod. equip, kit, full fin, bemt, h.-w.h, garage. Immac. cond, mod. through out: many extras. Priced tow. with f sm mo. payments. To Inspect, cell l 'til 9 p.m, ME. 8-6676. LA. 6-8246 j HOUSK FOK SALE—NX I RIGGS PARK, vacant. *I.OOO down 5 —Easy terms or will sou GI with nothing down; 5-rm. brick. 4 yrs. old; conv. to everythin*. ME. 8- - 4 r ßs &>i£sn. o j L r. lb 018 *' ™ TON 1 *13,850. UKE-NEW—O-rrn. brk.; Ol approved. 1226 Farragut pi n.e. LA. 6-6169. Open $ 'til 6. —9 761 FARADAY—2-bedrm, eemldet. brick. Immac. Inside. Ree. rm, _ fenced side and read yard. Small 1 down payment. *IOO mo, lncl. taxes and Insurance. TU. 2-8877. REMBOLD ft BURTON. IMC. 5047 Itlh BT. N.E, 01. no down payment *76 per mo.—Mod. 3- . bedrm. brick home, finished rec. 8 rm, wall-to-waU carpet; traasp at corner. HUGH T. PECK HE. 4-6400 OWNER WANTS TQ'SELL 6-rm. brick: large living room, din- . In* room and kitchen: 3 bedrooms. 4 1(4 baths, large front porch. Very cloee to downtown yet oulet neigh borhood. 233 TENNESSEE AVE KB Call for an appointment. BUSADA REALTY CO. JO. 8-8500 LU. *-0807 I MOD. DET. BRICK—GI „ -ly*" * 00. 6-8668. $ Till $ porch on 2nd Bow: Ist Bow boa COLORED MICHIGAN PAM *956 down and 993.25 no month price. *11.500 Yon can’t best tt. Cell MR CLARK. RA. 3-9011 or AD. 4-2005. Mo agents, please. brick; *I.OOO down: fnU price, ffpfrji i»* ff. Ev rm, aegmrau flin. nn.. lovely kitchen, (rout screened porch; $ bedpms, bath. 2nd fl.: fnU bsmt . na beat. Good DeU. ni: jAliEß*L. DIXON ft TO, 3-7200: JU. 8-1612. —7 COLORED—*I3.gee Modern, eeml det, 6-rm. brick. Gar, Moat, onto. ’ < T»4?B rl,i,tWOOd^“ . COLORED—BRIGHTWOOD, 7th sad Underwood—Ol approved. Attrac. semldet. brick. 6 lovely rmi, bath, beautiful ree. rm, gas heat: ga rage. yard*. Kr. aU convenience*. Easy terms. Yets or non-vets. CaU BRIGHTWOOD *RKALTY A C0 9 —7' ° dec. 3 bedrms, sen. din. rm. fuU bemt, bullt-ln garage. Priced right. ft-lUMf’FU&ON KOORDON. JKI CO. CODORED— *12.500 GI Michigan Park. Bth and 8. Dakota ave.—Modern aemldet. brick; fenced yard. Veteran. *650 down. HUGH T. PECK HE. 4-6400 COLORED—DETACHED CORNER *I4.9SO—*I,2SO DOWN LOUIS RUDDEN. EX. 3-5707 1 COLORED—VACANT SMALL DOWN PAYMENT PAYMENTS *B6 PER MONTH 5-yr.-old aemldet. brick; 3 bedrm*, , gas heat, nice yard. Nr. Besning rd. . and K. Capitol. Priced right. BT. 8- i 3657. BRKITERMAN REALTY TO. Altar 7 P.M, LL 8-3216. —8 COLORED—VACANT 4218 13th ST. N.E. Corner brick. 8 rms, 2 baths, ttlo basement: gag heat; del garage. nie« ground!. FRED EHRLICH Hut -7?96 8 -^ COLORED $14,960. barnla: 6-bedrm. row house off Capitol st, nr. waterworks. House In port. cond. This 9-rm. homo offers attraction for 2 ten. apts. or rooming house, Must bis Immed. possession, mod. 6-rm. seml det. brick home; sep. Ur. and dtn. rms, tec. rm, front porch; off South Dakota aye. BERGMAN REALTY CO. ST. 3-0483 TA. 9-1760 COLORED 3 BEDROOMS Some lucky person will get this love ly brick home, approx. 10 yrs. old, Immac. coud.; lge. restful liv. rm, separate din. rm, fully equipped kitchen, fuU basement, outside en trance. beautiful landscaped and fenced tot. Wonderful for children. Best s.e. residential area. Price. $13,000. Veterans. $660 down, monthly lncl. tax. SB7. For details caU Mr. McOinniu at NA. 8-6000; eves, TU. 2-2388. FREDERICK W. BERENB SALES, INC. COLORED—WOODRIDGE 2425 PERRY BT. N.E. $13,750—51,500 DOWN A discriminating person will buy this quickly. Shining hardwood floors, sparkling kitchen: brand-new flx -VUres: full bsmt. with rec. rm. A lovely detached home In the finest neighborhood for quality folks. Call Mr. Turner. HU. 3-4847, with WOODRIDGE REALTY, NO. fr-7203. COLORED—SAY HEY! • 1332 D ST. N.E. $750 DOWN—SI4,SOO Safeway store at your front door. Trolley bltpk away. Pvt. apt, rente for S6O. No better rental area. SoUd brick and eemldetached. Buv It and let It pay YOUR wav. Call MR. TURNER, HU. 8-4847, at any time. COLORED RIGGS PARK S6OO DN.—595.14 MO. 6038 Bth it, n.e, semidetached brick, 8 yrs. old. A-l condition, Uving rm, dinette, kitchen. 3 bed rms, 2 baths, full bsmt.; xaa a.-e. heat; lovely neighborhood. Vacant. R. G. Dunne, Realtor WA. 7-0782 Exclusive HO. 2-0700 COLORED—MICHIGAN PK. Beautifully kepi semidetached brick homo, concrete front porch, living rm. with fireplace, dining rm, kitchen and den. Master bedrm. , with powder rm, 2 additional bed- 1 rms. and hall bath. Cedar-lined closets, full bsmt, oil heat; lovely yard. 180 ft. deep. Detached ga rage. 1300 block Webeter st. n.e. Call agent eves, RA. 6-2805. Colored—Michigan Park Homes for Gls SSOO DOWN 4903 Seventh place ne.— Lovely 6-room home with ultramodern kitchen and and bath, full baeement with recreation room, gas heat, storm windows. Ol approved 1 at only $14,850. - 4923 Seventh place n.e.— Wonderful buy I Semidetached home of six rooms, ultramod ern kitchen and bath, full baaement with picture win dow and gas heat: large lot. _ Ol approved at only $16,500. For appointment call Mr. Mclntosh, EX. 3-2450; ores, and Bun, AD. Wed a. smith co. Colored—s7so Down TRINIDAD VAC.—FRT. PCH.—6 RMS.—BSMT. Lovely Colonial brick with 6 rms, full bsmt, auto, heat; completely re decorated; for only $750 down an" priced eoually low. Hurry, will go. Ist NATL. REALTY RE. 7-3631 Any Time, UN. 4-3422 1 COLORED—LOOK SI,OOO DOW* DETACHED BRICK The most discriminating people will require only a lew minutes to be convinced that this home la a dream come true. You will look no further after eeelng this Cape Cod, 3 bedrms, 2(4 baths, center hall plan. Ut. rm. with firepl, rec. room with flropl.i garage; Anchor fenced large shaded yard nestled . In a grove of trees. Call Sales 1 Mgr. Mr. Blackwood at JU. 5-6822 Northeast Realty, CO. 5-8293 1603 R. I. AVE. N.E. —7 COLORED—WOODRIDGE SI,OOO DOWN OR TRADE YOUR HOUSE i Beautiful 7-room brick, completely decorated; modern kitchen and bath, full bsmt.; niee lot; det. ga rage. Call Mr. Blanken. HE. 4- Dariiel Diener, AD. 4-8652 Colored—Off 8. Dakota Ave. Semldet. brick: 6 rms.* bath, mod. kit.; full bemt.; ecreened porch; fence: newly decorated. v LEO M. BERNSTEIN 8* CO. CO. 5-3638 9 Til 9 HOUSK FOK SAII—S.E. FAIRFAX VILLAGE, off Penna. ave. —Newly reconditioned aemldet. brick. 6 rmi, 3 bedrms.. tile bath, full daylight bsmt. with rec. rm, < 3400. LU. 2-6978. HILLCKEftT nr. Alabama ave Det. .brick, center hall, 6 rms, 3 lge. bedrms, full bsmt, bullt-ln gar, gas. h.-w.h Mutt sell. *18,950. HARTMAN REALTY. INC, LU. 4- 3400. LU. 2-5976. • BT. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH— Prepare now for the new school year. Brick. 3-bedrm. semldet. borne In egceltent cond.; attractive financing. MR RICHARDBON, EM. 2-6082 with THOS. L. PHILLIPS. , WO. 6-7900. C 441* NICHOLS AVE—3-bedrm, eemldet. brick: rec. rm.: gas heat; *1,250 down. Immed post. JOHN L. SHELTON. Realtor. JO. 2-2000. ~yOR~CON«kRVA'rtVE Btrrtaß - 152 13th et, 2-etory brick; 2 apte, flntenad bsmt, ell h.-w.h, clean. ( Pacing South Capitol shopping cen ter 4-famlly, never vac.: h.-w.h, extel coaiT: leet than 7(4 tlmee i H<^lLl^K r s2 iE i 4-UNIT APT. BLDG. 1 M%2lwsLrra T R“G.*DimD^'Realtor : WA. 7-0782. Hgchtatre Ha 1-0700 j INVESTMENT N#w !f mlrtftirhtd iQ 1 for 1 year at *lO9 pet month. r $12,900 I STANBKRO CONSTRUCTION CO. LO. 7-8686 i SEE THIS TODAY : Here's n homo yon win be nrowd to I show your friends and neighbors. . Located lust 2 bike, from Puna. • ave. s.e. A bigh-elate home es 4 hedraa. and 3 baths Living room . 17x32. huge dining room and tpa . clous kitchen; lot 180x147. Lou ot . room tor the kids to play, ret con venient to everything. , 1401 BHANCHiftB. BJL OWNER ANXIOUS Cloee tn on lot 109x147. Built tor 2(4 baths, porch, garngt with elec tric door opener. l JO. 8-8500 LU 2-0303 COLORED—VACANT—FT. DUPONT HlLLS—Nothing down, GI. or $896 down. non-01. Modern 5-rm. eeml det. brick home. Rec. nn, fenced yard. 6 hornet to pick from. ME. . 8-4653: evee, OL. 2-0136. FULTON R. GORDON. Jr, TO. , , COLORED—S.E. FOR VETERAN GI APPROVED—SI2,SOO Lovely eemldet. brick house with deep lot. tlx larxe rooms and bath, full basement with gas heat. ONLY *SOO DOWN AND *75.92 PER MONTH. CaU Mr. Mclntosh. EX. 3-2480; eves, and Sunday. AD. FRED A. SMITH CO. COLORED—GI APPROVES 1 4837 BASS ST. S.E. 6-room, aemldet. brick, oil heal . new-house condition, larxe front 1 and rear yards. Anchor fenced: convenient to school!. *SOO down. Poorer C I^T64^ ALTT -? 1 - . COLORED $250 DN. VACANT 2-FAMILY FLAT 11 rms, 2 baths. 2 kits., 2 separate ■ »Pts„ with private entrance to each apt., full beml, h.-w.h. Near school and but. SURETY REALTY CO. AD. 4-0531 Brea, JR 3-9109 COLORED—*II,4SO I MODERN S.E. AREA Beautiful 6-rm. brick home. 869 Mat at. Contains living rm, din. £»>•• ajulpped kit, 3 bedrms, tile bath, full bemt. with outside entr. to lge. yard. Can be bought OL or non-GI. Low down payment. SBS PER MONTH CAMPANKLLA ft CO. I BBC. 3-4113 Eves, JU. 3-3066 —7 HOUSES FOR SALE—S.W. COLORED—SIO,9SO fl-rm. row brick; redecorated; new heating plant; new kit.; vacant, s Low dn. payt. LEO M. BERNSTEIN St CO. CO. 5*3633 0 'TU 8 HOUSK FOR SALE—Md! * NEARBY HOWARD CO. NEAR JOHN HOPKINS LAB 2 BEDRM. BUNGALOW: bgml; dbl. lot with a mlllion-dollar view of « the Patuxent; 310.606, with easy 8 terms. CAPE TOD, for small family, with nice room sixes, fireplace, de luxe huge tot; many extraa; WELL-KEPT 2-bedrm. expendible home, on 23 acre* level and partly wooded ground, on main road; ‘ MONTGOMERY COUNTY ALTA VIST A, In Bethesda; n 6- 1 room home tn marvelous con dition Inside and out; well equipped, full bsmt. with h.-w. heat ana handy to all activities; *17.500. Drive out to 6616 Alta Vista dr. and took It over. RIP- . LEY ft ROMER, JU. 6-0111. 1 BETHESDA—New brick rambler. V«- acre lot. 6 rms, 2 baths, firepl, daylight bsmt. About *4.000 down. BUILDER, OL. 6-6600, JU. 6-7747. BETHESDA—ATTENTION NIH AND NAVAL HOSP. PERSONNEL! Mod ern. 3-bedrm. rambler in perfect cond. Located on dead-end (treat. May be purchased subject to GI approval; less than *I.BOO. Call until 9 p.m. RE. 7-6650. COLO NIAL INVESTMENT CO. BETHESDA—Open everyday from 1; new brick, center-hall ramblers; 3 bedrms . sep. din. rm, dble. flre pl. lge. kit. good closet space, storage attic, well settled, close-in neighborhood; nr. Woody’e and . Chevy Chase shopping center. Mid- 1 die twenties with choice of finan cial plan. Wisconsin ave. to chevy Chase Mvd, left to Offutt. right to 6407. EM. 2-2216. MERRY- „ FIELD ft WOOD*. ’ BETHESDA; *17.860: GI approved —Close-in off Bradley blvd. White brick Colonial on e nice lot Llv. rm, firepl, din. rm, kit. end den on Ist fl.oor: 3 bedrms. and bath upstairs. FuU bsmt. with (4 bath S nd p , H r S^t ,e iL , “ t^S«;H A vS K 8 WH. 6-6798. —8 BETHESDA, *26,96o—This hi hard to believe, but It’s true. A charm ing white brick Colonial on a shady . corner lot. off Old Georgetown rd, 1 with theee features: Through cen ter hall to a nice den and V 4 bath, lge. llv. rm, spacious din. rm, de luxe kit. with dishwasher and dis posal 3 very nice bedrme. and 2 baths upstairs, lovely rec. rm. In . full bsmt, screened porch and de- V tacbed garage. Don’t hesitate on this. FRANK 8. PHILLIPS. OL. 2- 7006: eyes, OL. 4-6709. —8 BETHESDA. $20,760; unforseen dr- a cumatances compeu the tale of * this moet attractive aU-stone home. In . perfect condition. Situated on a larxe level-weU landscaped lot; catherdal Uving rm, with stone . fireplace, sep. din to, bright. L well-equipped kitchen. 2 bedrms. and bath, on Ist bedrm. and bath, plus storage, on 2nd level. Bullt-ln garage, close in. 14 blk. to bus. . and convenient to shopping Eves, * EM. 2-0037. dally 'til 8. EM. 2- 7400. METZLER REALTOR. 6022 Conn. ave. BETHESDA. *18.950-Close to NIH 8 and express bus to downtown. Moet people do not acquire In a life time the perfection of a home and garden to equal this rare value. Red brick Colonial nn a 'eve', deep lot. completely fenced In rear. Llv. ® rm, firepl, din. ra, kit. with table * aoace. lge. den and secluded porch on Ist fl.: 2 bit bedrms. and bath on 2d. unusually attrac. ree. rm. and '4 bath in bsmt. Det. garage j and a large tool house you will be 1 delighted with. Many extras. .' FRANK S. PHILLIPS. OL. 2-7006; * eves, KE. 7-1308. —8 * BRADLEY HI LI.B GROVE—Large wooded lot (128 by 176). New 3-bedroom. 3-batfa brick rambler with daylight basement and rec. , room. Features lncl aU-e!tc. kit, i with table space. 2-car gar. and ; screened porch. Priced at *31.750. a" r M Boo c £SlY.^Nc!- 9 g£! , ! - 8 BRADLEY HILLS. MD New 4-bed- i rm. rambler on *«-acre wooded, j tovel lot; tep. din. rm, mod. kit, * with Tbermador oven. Counter-top ! range, birch cabinets; 3 tiled * baths, ground-level rec. ra. with 1 fireplace: Ige. patio and 2-car car- * port; oil a.-e. heat; superior con structlon: very lge. rms. through out; financing on conv. terms. Reas. < priced at only. $37,760. BILLINGS- 1 LEY REALTY CO, EM. 2-2326 ’ til 9 pm. 1 BURNT MILLS HILLS—Pint offer- < ln« of one of the custom residences J In this select community. Three ol bedrooms. 2(4 baths, servant'! room < and bath, attic roughed In for more ' rooms and bath, recr. room. 2-car J garage; tastefully landscaped ! f rounds covering about 1(4 acres. J luy this and gave yourself the < time and worry of building; $37,- • 600. RIPLEY ft ROMER. fcai- J tors. JU. 6-6111. Ei CHEVY CHASE. Somerset; It Is a J pleasure to present for the first time thle new concept tn split level ! living. Brand new quality home. < only a short block to Wis. ave. Spa- 1 clous llv. rm.. firepl, Ige. din. rm, } tuper de luxe elec. kit. with table ( space. 3 twln-elxed bedrms, and * 2 baths on balcony level. Lower a) level haa huge FAMILY RM with , fired.: 4th bedrm, or maid's rm, r and (4 bath. Lie. bsmt, carport / *•»!•»«<*. frank j 8. PHILLIPS. OL. 2-7006; eves, R KE. 7-13*0. —8 CHEVY CHASE. MD, IN THE HAM IJtT ThU brick Williamsburg home has a let-floor den and now- J der room, also an Inclosed porch. 3 ! bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd floor: f recreation room: bullt-ln bar. EUW. J H JONES ft CO, INC, Chevy *• Chase. D. C, WO. 6-2300; after 6 - AivT C CHABit MB, l !'blk. to Conn °2 art.—Corner tot. 4 bedrms, 2 e bath*: spacious Interior. Breeze- a 'lgas m FOREST GLEN ROAD AREA- last extras. Only $16,600. BEERS BROS, JU. 6-7811. GLEN MAK PARK—Lovely. 2-bedrm. extras’ 1 Open e^^ jSrSrL. right to !°iTa3»«i£?V&r ov HIIXKNDALX Modem 4-bedrm. rasoi «£rW?; MASS. AYE AREA—Brtek rambler. gSSSk.Wßli^f6,“ra *brick bedrms, study, rec. ra, scr. poreh. xaraxt; (4-acre lot. Nicely land- ROCK CREEK HlLLS—lnspect these luxury ramblers this evening. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, recreation room. Open evenings from 6 'til dark. Out Kensington pkwy. to Saul rd, right on Saul rd. to Haverlll rd, then left to 9811. EDWTh. JONES ft CO, INC, Chevy Chase. D. C, WO. 6-2300. —7 BOCK CREEK FOREST—OI ap proved. $23,300. Attractive corner Brick home. 6 rms, 2(4 baths, (Ist fi. bedrm, bath). Center hall, 2 nre pls, screened porch, garage, rec. rm, stone patio, slate roof, wooded lot. Close to school, shopping, bus. Excel, term*. OWNER. JU. 5-7747. —8 ROCK CREEK FOREST. MD. Brand new brick RAMBLERS, walking distance to churches, schools, shopping, transportation. 3 bedrms, 2(4 baths, de luxe kitchen, many extra*. VALUE at $26,600, Excellent financing. CaU LBOUM ft OERBER REALTY CO, EM. 2-9000 'til 8 p.m. ROCKCBEST. Rockville. Md.—S bedroom rambler; total cash lor veteran, $660. monthly payments. ROLLINGWOOD 4 — Attraetlve"brick ramblers with 3 bedrms. and bath, formal din. ra, fully equipped ROCY^TLLJE—J-bednn!, 4 4 0-fl ram bler; vacant. Immed. occap. 4% loan. Like new; 2 years old. Ask lng *12.600 or beat offer. Mr. Hoag, COX AND CO, SILVER 1 SEEING, Carroll KnoUs— Cute 6-rm. brick rambler, separate din. rm, full basement aith beau tiful rec. rm.: lge. fenced lot; Ol financing. WOODBIDE REALTY CO, JU. 9-6440. Open until 9 p.m. SILVER SPRING, nr. FranMlnand 1 Flower eve.—Gorgeous, 4-yr.-old. brick Colonial: in a high, residen tial area; 18x26-ft. Uv. rm. with fireplace, huge de luxe kitchen, 3 lge. bedrme, 2 fuU baths, lst-fl. powder rm, rec. ra. with (4 bath. A spacious homo with all at luxe features; $26,950. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE. JU. 9-1103; evee, EM. s 3 a&%' SPRING, nr. St. John's Pa- h rochial School A real showpiece and only (14,900 GI approved; 2- bedrm, brick rambler: fuU bsmt.: de luxe kitchen; stairway to full attic, ideal for 2 more bedrms. , Beautifully tailored shady grounds. 1 You'll like this. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE. JU. 9-1)03; eves, RA. 3-3685. SILVER SPRING nr. Franklin and Flower ave.—3-bedrm. brick ram bler, 1(4 baths, full twmt, toilet, lge. fenced lot. WOODSIDE RE ALTY CO, JU. 9-6440. Open until BILVER SPRING nr. Frankllnand Flower ave.—Lge. 6-rm. aU-brtck Colonial. 1(4 baths, rec. rm, screened porch, slate root: fenced lot; GI approved. WOODBIDE RE ALTY CO, JU. 9-6440. Open untU 0 p.m. —8 SILVER SPKING—SmaII down pay ment takes this clean. 6-rm, Cape Cod, with a tee. scr. porch. 12’x24': bsmt.; gar, and rear, fenced lot. Wonderful cond.: on busline, close to all convenience. Total price, *16.750. Call LAWRENCE B. LUTES CO, JU. 5-4222. 8 to 6 eves, Mr. Kephart. HA. tUG(fPARK—*I6.OOO. Ol approved. 2-Btorv brick of 3 lge. bedrmt, big din. rm, brand-new kit, 1(4 baths. I fuU bsmt, xedec. and vacant. Im med. pots. Terms. REALTY AS- ' 80CIATES, WA. 7-5134. TAKOMA PARK—Home and Income. Lovely Cape Cod. having 3 bedrms, 2 baths. Uv. rm, din. rm, modern kitchen. Also terraced apt, rent- < lng for (76 per month. Owner leaving for Florida. DONALD E. YOUNKIN ft CO, WH. 6-8323. —7 WESTHAVEN, off Mass, ave.—Brick Colonial with slate roof; study and Sowder rm. on Ist floor; 3 bedrms, baths on second. Roc, ra, ga in'' . uI K ! ? RZENDOKF]CII ' ol - *■ WESTMORELAND HILLS—An area of distinction. For the family who desire the very beat, here Is an op portunity to purchase at reduced price thle Immaculate centcr-hall orick Colonial. Paneled den and lge. bedrm. and full hath on Ist fi.; ; 3 reaUy twin-sixed bedrms. and 2 ‘ baths on 2nd. above-ground bsmt. includes luxurious 28-ft. paneled ree. rm.; ecr. porch, attachea ga rage. Price, *45.950 with $26,000 Ist trußt available. Call KE. 7- 0900 tUI 9 p.m. REALTY BROK ER. INC . Realtors. ' —6 WHEATON—3-bedrm. brick rambler; . firepl. In llv. rm, din. rm, full bsmt. ree rm.; nr. public and pa rochial schools: below VA appraisal: *15.950. LO. 4-0371. —8 WHEATON HEIGHTS Non-GI, *4OO cash; 3-bedrm. brk.; sep. ] din. rm, full bsmt, fenced yard with trees: assume GI loans: pay ments left in rent. Immac.; walk to Catholic and nublic schools. GIDEON C. JOHNSON, LO. 4-7017. —7 WHEATON 3-bedrm. rambler; ■ *1.150 cash to non-GI; totals pay ments, *80.75 per month. Immac. cond, shaded vard. Assume GI ' loan. GIDEON C. JOHNSON. LO. 4-7017. —7 WOOD ACRES, new listing, stone and brick Colonial; extra larxe living rm, 3 bedrme, 2 baths, large landscaped grounds. Walk to schools. Eves, OL. 4-7828. dally - IW , H EM 2-740°. METZLER .REALTOR, 6022 Conn. ave. n.w. i WOODMOOB. silver Spring—4-bed rm. Cape Cod. close to echools. churches and stores; *13.600; GI approved. CaU MR. STEVENS. OL. 7-2900; eves, JU. 8-3469. —8 (460 DOWN, non-vet, total pay mente, *79 month for 7 years, drops to *62. 2 bedrms, full bsmt.; near schools. Vlers Mill OWNER, WH. 6-7314. —7 LUXURY RAMBLER, BY OWNER; 2 years old: 3 bedrms, den. 2(4 bathe, rec. ra, porch: gar. Eaccl. terms. SACRIFICE. *34.980. JU. 8-9744. ' —8 80.950—4 rooms. 2 bedrms. and scr. porch; large fenced-ln lot 800 New 4 York ave. Silver Soring. Call OWNER. HE. 4-6268. -10 6 BEDROOMS, a very large and c charming brick home In a close-in location featuring large separate dining room; 2 baths; full base ment and 2 porches. .Walk' to schools and bus. ORAHAM ft CO, JU. 5-6550, 9 till 9, 2-BEDROOM RAMBLER—SI4,2SO: . a smart little home on a double J lot. In Kensington; rooms are T pleasant, breeseway to garage; school near; good neighbors: budget terms. RIPLEY ft ROMER. JU. 5-6111. I LITTLE DOLL HOUSE—Prewar ; shingle. Cape Cod; wood-burning fireplace In bright Ur. rm, 2 sunny bedrms, breakfast rm. and kit. on u Ist fi.: 2 small bedrms. on 2nd fi.: - garage: level lot with 150-ft. lront: nr bus. shop, and school Only (10.860 A. J. KEBSINOER ft CO, JU. 9-4544. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Balance • like rent for this ctfty 2-bedrm. lull _ bsmt. bungalow; anchor-fenced o yard. Pay rent with option to buy. ( LO. 5-2800 'til 9 p.m. HUGO INS * (EAR H B A T RR iSr£HA#B and Silver 3- Spring shopping. Prewar brick I bungalow with lge. exp. attic. fuU > bsmt, 2 scr. porches, gas ! an excellent older home. A. J. KEBBINOER ft CO, JU. 9-4544. < iECLI'DED, wooded location, be- ' tween Rock Creek and SUver Spg.; 3 beaut, all-brick Colonial on 2 < wooded lots. 1(4 baths. 3 bedrms, I full bsmt, scr. porch; something different; only *18.950. A. J J this attractive 3-bedrm. rambler 7 with sep. din. rm, fireplace In llv. . rm, bright modern kitchen and bsmt, short! drive to Not. Johns I: Hopkins, APL. _ and Beltsvllie. j Oniy f 16.950. For appt. to !«« i call WOODMOOR AGENCY. INC., 1 JU. 0-&666 till 9:30 p.m.. Realtor!. IAMBLEK ACRE Stone-and* 1 brick rambler on Va acre of wooded < beauty often spaciousness yet with* i In block of all conveniences; 8 bed- l rms. 2 baths, din. rm.. inclosed u porch: ship's ladder to sun deck . if desired. Full bsmt.: 2 fireplaces . CROSS Si PERRY, INC., OL. 2-0098. ) 9Jtil 9. ] ILTA VIBTA. Bethesda Very 1 pretty nearly new rambler. 3 bed- j rooms, full basement: bis lot. Ol 1 APPROVED lor JIH.dOO Walk to 1 NIH schools near Bus at door, t. F. BLANCHARD. Rltr., JU. 8-8800 _ —0 lETHEBDA PARKWOOD. 3-bed room brick rambler: 24-ft. Uv. rm, beautiful ell-elec. kit. with table ■pace, finished rec. rm. plus fin- In labed bedroom In bemt. _ l T. BLANCHARD. Rltr, JU. 8-8600 * lAßßOirggan*-*!* oomeTlt; S 21-ft. Ur. rm. with fireplace plus r separate dinette, mod. kit, 3 full i : *V.'k!aNCHARD. Kite, JU. 8-8600 ~ ; ' Thos- j. Fisher A Co. ; Bfi-i'MJSSDA RAMBLER 1 2 baths^qi^approvkd ; jjfr 1 temja£*sHrtS a EARL T. WRIGHT CO. ■ gj; 2-6900 Open 9 TUI * ; - BETHESDA RAMBLER f}r*t preeentatton this charm : , .bedrme, 1 ‘jm! i : Sc, 4 -|£ 72 6-7 8 8 A t jT ,L E BKTHEBDA—SI6,SOO 4, bedruu, an older frame Cape Cod. ™ xt &»r M, 2 St&j-s&r-si: JL V* - •• hue and toanclS U ■ OI EARL T. WRIGHT CO. qjL._2-CPOO open 9 TIU 9 CHEVY CHASE, MD. *382 SARATOGA AVENUE 01—522,500 CENTER-HALL COLONIAL—Living i fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, powder roam on l«t floor; 3 bedrooms and beta on 2nd floor, screened porch, paneled veteran*" r# °“ ; 10% 4ow “ *• O. P. SMITH A BROS. CO. OL. 3-1627. EXCLUSIVE, OL 2-646* te'fF'h°V* "*^""'’rito 1 beautiful tall, hardwood trot*. In tala at mosphere of quiet well-being te n five-year-old, roomy, three-bedroom rambler with terte llvmTrooSr S£d dial* room, completely equipped kitchen, two-car garagt. two roil hatha. Designed for one who de mands one-fioor living on n luxury ,c *le. Up-to-date, yet not mod . Prieeh at *34.950 for ‘*L e ow P,* r tranaferred Iromgrt*. Favorable financing to qualified buyer. Call DE. 2-6915 or DI. 7-6830. 9 Thos. J. Fisher & Co. GAITHERSBURG A RlA—2-Story, £ rm. mod. house, good eOnd., on one acre, with chicken house and meat house, ige. front yard with trees JJ| «h~bbery. gar.; n.w 240? HICKMAN-CUSHMAN PO. 2-9442 —T KENSINGTON New brick: a bednne, Ut. nn, with fireplace, din. rm, GE kit with uV, As? l - Jim CBBm h! 3-6364*’ JU ' 6 ' 7l00: ,v **“ RA MASa. AVE. EXT. B5-fool ultra! ™b6ern rambler, In the midst of beautiful woodland setting. 3 ana '!S ht , b * lroom,l 2 colored torte. stendown Uvlnr room with open two f window-walled dining romnT kitchen of tomorrow. Make this an Dl*°7 U -6 ! 830 U,t ' C *“ 3 * BBl * or Thos. j. Fisher & Co. ~ MASSCHUSETTS AVET" SPRINGFIELD SACRIFICE Ohf-of-town owner forced to tell 22,t U wiih‘ l irA rln J. r * mbl * r below 52? Vffi ** p ' <Un - room. aU elec tric kit, garage, and beautiful location close to public and paro c7u Mr. HaV| d for .™pt < "“' t * tmt ' JAMES L. DIXON tt CO. ST. 3-7266 Eves, OL. 4-6738 Rock Creek Forest, Md. SAST-WEST HIOHWAt GI A PPROVED—*27,766 Army office leaving the city en able* us to offer tala splendid cen ter-entrance Colonial brick, pre- J*/ bunt, large Uving ra wlta tomtlv-etae din. rm. with bu lt-U> , corner eupboarde and china closet, modern kit. with breakfast nook, bedrm, full beta S n . i't A-: 3 twin-size bedrms. and -- bxtha on 2nd: paneled rec. rm.: bullt-ln garage: huge screened porch with view: schools and transp. nearby; 10% cash imymeng required, inspection at no obllga tton. # W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 3-5600 ROCKVILLE-Iwe have 3 two-atota frame homes; 3 bedrms., bamta, hot-water heat: close to churches, shopping center; within welkins distance to county bldg.; wuihalp flnince: 515.000 to *20,000. HICKMAN-CUSHMAN PO. 2-9442 —T ROSEMARY HILLS $18,950 _ OI CONTRACT ACCEPTABLE Brick Colonial; powder rm. and screened perch, on Ist floor; 3 bed rms end bath, on 2nd floor. Full bsmt. with outside entrance to a lovely, landscaped, fenced lot and patio. Eves, OL. 2-0182. SAM UEL E. BOGLEY, OL. 6-7800. —7 SILVER SPRING 4- brick Cape Cod: liv. rm, 61n rm, kit. art all laiwe; beau tiful lot, 76 bv 200. Plenty of trees and shrubs. HOLMEAD, Realtor JU. 9-6200 till 9 SUMNER 1951 house of the year, wlta un usuaUy fine center-hallway floor Plan. Living rm, dinln« rm. Klteh en with breakfast space, full bath off den (which could terra at Ist floor bedroom.) Four bedrooms. 2 DAtns on second floor, generous storage epace on third. Full ground level basement with outside en trance. Excellent condition: should be teen to be appreciated: $37,600. Eves, caU Mrs. McKinley, JA 2- w. c. & A. N. MILLER DEVETOPMENT CO. (Realtor!) 4860 Mass. Ave. N.W. EM. 2-4464 TAKOMA PARK Good income nlus attractive quarters for owner’s Use Is available in this brick home Jrtth 3 separate ualU. It is located close to transports- , u l .°lo\ n e d « MaV C ° nd ‘ tlon - C *“ HILLANDALE ESTATE If you want ideally planned comfort. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, full basement, attractive garage. Located on acre lot. Call ue for an appolnt ment to Inspect this attractive home. Priced ROBERT E. LOHR HE. 4-4000 RA. 0-3600 WHEATON NO DOWN PAYMENT 30-YEAR, GI FINANCING Set your loan now before mort gage fundi tighten up. 11l figures quoted includes taxes, Insurance, interest, and principal )-bedroom brick Colonial: 2 baths, finished recreation room with bar and running water, with exit to patio and fireplace. On level lot with It) large trees. % hn. air conditioned unit with separata wiring: S9B mo. l-bedroom brick rambler, near all churches, schools, recreation cen ter, shopping and bus; S7O mo. CLAUDE WOOD, Realtor JU. 8-1200 * LO. 4-7700 Y 3 Acre—Close In 123.050. Very large rambler. A fantastic screened porch for eum mer living seta off this wonderful brick borne. Tremendous ground - level bsmt. with picture window. 2 baths, din. rm, enormous Uv. rm. Oarage. Many trees. Walk to school and bus. ORAHAM ft CO, JU. 5- 9 'til 9 SAMLET—Brand-new Colonial now available In this yet-to-be-equalled community in a lovely woodland set ting. charming beyond words 4 tremendous bedrooms, 2(4 baths, first-floor library and powder room, super de luxe kitchen; 2-ear at tached garagt. Call LI. 4-0894 or DI. 7-6830. Thos. J. Fisher & Co. 8° COOLER n this quaint tree-shaded home In one or the finest area* of Silver Spring. A large Bn tilth two-story with three good bedrooms, tten down living room, large klchen. •eparate dining, room, two screened porches and attached garate. Price. $21,000. James C. Conley & Co.