Newspaper Page Text
HOURC %m RALE, MD. (C—.) LOW DN. PYMT. mm NEAR CLARKSBURG *•» 3 Ny rambler; UM bath M»nr extras. Ideal far rest bone on oat at re of land: *1.600 down NEAR GAITHERSBURG lot brie* rambler: 3 bedroom. GAITHERSBURG •sar PASTOR ft McGREW ■vet. oaitbe'rsburg 475-M BETTER LMNG~ IN THE COUNTRY WlUiameburt VUlaae. oat near Olnei I*. a (elect community with i future. One of these near bomei ha* a 14x24 Urine room, both kitchen with TOermad« ovendne powder room. aU on lint floor There la * foyer entrance will atalr* to second floor. TSree bed room* and both. Lot contain) nearly 21.500 souere feet. Price *26.850. James C. Conley & Co. 9525 Oa. Ate. JU. *-4134 'Til 1 LOVELY BRICK RAMBLEF . With spacious 3axl2-ft. ground level recreation room, arall-to-wal carpeting throughout Urine roon and dlnlne L. cheerful kitchen •& * James C. Conley Sc Co. >525 Oa, Are. JU. 6-41.34 ’Til f HEART Op SILVER SPRING Well located prewar brk. home fea turing living room, dining room kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath on lsi floor. Dormitory bedroom up; eldi porch, nil bsmt. Beautifully land, acaped lot. Tenne. Price. 416.250 CARROLL KNOLLS A good buy: 3-bednn. brick ram bler; just like new; grsclous Ur rm.-dln. rm. comb., Ist. kit. hai a breakfast bar; huse full bsmt. Ol Priced *16.500. NO MONEY DOWN—GI *OS per month Pays all. 2-bedroon rambler; bright Uv. rm., kltchei with table space, full bsmt.. nic< fenced yard with outside flreplaa and playhouse. Convenient u transportation and school. WOOD COMPANY home wrra income Tou can't afford to miss this 3-unt prootrty located in Takoma Park 3-car det. career excel, eond.i sac rlflce price on easv terms. HAMPSHIRE KNOLLS Pretty 3-bedrm. , brick on larci shaded lot: 2 bedrms. and bath oi Ist flr., larae kit.; *14.600: neai schools and D. C. buslines. BROW? AGENCY. JU 9-3444, JU. 0-3497 SI,2OOI>OWN 4 BEDRMS., U 4 BATHS NEAR NAVAL ROSP. AND NIH BETHESDA Lovely brick home. 1 year old. lm maculate condition: has spscioui living room with fireplace, sep 4rate dining room, fully eaulppec kitchen, full basement, outside en S beautiful landscaped lot below cost. $16,800: can bi 01. *B6O down Por deUlls r. MCOlnnfss. Na. 8-5000; evenings TU. 2-2388 (List 40-MD) FREDERICK W. BBRENB BALE* PARADISE If what You will Bfy when you see this 3-bedrm. rambler with equip kit full bsmt. with o. s. e. tc lovely covered patio and stream level golf-course-like lawn. Thi* is one of the most attrae. home: von( f ß« COU RFATT°v °ro Vo ,95 4 MQUEKfI REALTY CO.. LO. 4* 64 W. If no answer. EM. 3-0411, FLOWERS By the hundreds surround this 3- bedrm brick Cape Cod with SH OP kit., (. disposal, dishwasher, exhaust fan. etc., plus full bsmt Level lot on dead-end street. Ol approved at *15.700 with 6% cash MODERN REALTY CO.. LO. 4- 6450. If no answer. LO. 6-8803 Reduced to $16,750 3-Bedrm. Brick Rambler On fenced yard, this 4-yr.-old brick full-bsmt. rambler is a real buy teparftte din. rm.. lge. kitchen repl.; alum, storm windows, fron! porch. Silver Spring area. Tradei considered. LO. 5-2ROO ’til 9 p.m HUOOINS ft HARRISON, INC. PRINCE GEORGES COUNTY ADELPHI MANOR— *6OO down Lovely l-yr.-old semidet. brick ram bler. 3 bedrms.. l'/» baths, rec. rm Call HR. 4-6400. HUGH T. PECK BRADBURY BtVD.. 2701 40th ave —Corner bungalow, newly painted basement, porch: 1 block transpor tation. Si .850 down. SSO mo., incl all. Mr. Fortin. JO. 8-8300. COX & CO., JO. 8-5837. —7 CHEVEBLY VICINITY 3-bedrm brick, powder rm. on Ist. floor modern equipped kitchen; beautifu knotty-pine rec. rm. in bsmt.. out tide entrance: Anchor-fenced lot VM or non-vet. *14,760. MRS hurt; WA. 7-6128; COX A CO. JO. 8-5837. CHlLLUM—Spotless. 3-bedrm. brk. like new; on lte.. shaded lot: l'i baths, sep din. rm.. lge. screenec porch, flrepl.' bsmt. OI app. SBSO dn. cfTY WIDE REALTY HA. 2*8518 8 COLLEGE PARK—SI4,SOO. Lovell 2-story brick and shingle of 3 bed nns., din. rm., full bsmt. with rec rm. and lots of extras. OI nothin! down and $Bl per mo. REALTT ASSOCIATES. WA. 7-5134. COLLEGE PARR—SI,IBO dn. Bui of the week. Only 3 yrs. old. Pul price. *11.160. for this lmmmc brick Colonial on lee. corner fencec lot. 3 huge bedrms., completed equipped kit., din. rm.. full bsmt with g.a.-c. heet; Venetian blinds ecreens. and washer. Pymts. only .*91.60 mo., incl. taxes and ins THE PERRY BOSWELL CO.. WA 7-4500 till 8 P.m. —8 BAST PINES—SIO,6OO. Attrae. gpli level masonry shingle. 2-bedrm home on Mt wooded Jot lust of Balt. Pkwy. OI nothing down. ssf per mo., also $1,300 down non-vet REALTY ASSOCIATES, WA. 7-6134 HYATTSTILLE 3-bedrm. brick rec. rm. Lae. fenced yard. Nr fir»-*B3nfc .SSL* HYATTBVILLE—Income. Approvet 3-tamlly home; first floor, liv. rm. am. rm.. lie. kit. with dinette. 5 bedrms., bath, porcbea. full bsmt. knottr-ptne rec. rm. Second flooi 3 bedrms.. llv. rm.. kit. with din area. bath, many extras. $17,050 Taring JAMES L MUNDY, UN HYATTS.—uovety. 3-bedrm. brk.: 4 rra. old. in ncel. cond.: 22-ft. llv rm, sep din. rm.. walk-ln closets patio: 140-ft. ot; *13,930 CITY WIDE REALTY. HA. 2-8518. —f LANDOVER HILLS VA approvet $13,000. Vet. *B6O down. Bricl and shingle; 5-rma. and finisher blmt. <n knotty pine; lmmac ftaf C MRs et *l?Uß!. : 6128, COX tc CO.. JO. 8-6837. LANOLRY PARK—Modern 3-bedrm brICK rambler: all-elec. OE kit., Ol « Call HE. 4-6400 HUOH T. PECK. LANGLEY PARK AREA; *1.16! .down —Nearly new 3-bedrm. semi act. brick with bsmt.; fenced lot gr e a.ip WmWoS l^ LEWISDALE—*I6,3OO la the loi price. Beautiful brick L-shape< CSpe Cod. Bpotleas cond. 2-yrs old. Has twin-alaed bedrms., recr. WA. 7-6134, LEWIS HEIGHTS 3-bedrm., 3 story brick. $17,600. no down pay. 83A * J I 3500. —8 MT. RAINIER. *1.500 dn —Do yot want a 516.000 house for onlj *13.960? Brick Colonial with . twln-staed bedrms.: on huse. 60s 150. level lot. with detached ga rage. Slate root. Wide alley with access to rear yard: <A blk. t< streetcar terminal and St. James mswi sr™ “i* PRINCE GEORGES PROPERTIES are expanding (heir sales forci considered Draw against com. missions may be arranged Cal for appointment. AP RIVERDALE. near everything—Law fl-Bedrm-. 2'3-bath, older-type homi uu. jßSrvifrv. 2733. gves, WA. 7-0011 ROGERS HEIGHTS—3-bedrm. Cap! Cod: rac -type bsmt., many extras aaklnx $14,200; terms arranged £Ms& p "- WA 7 '°‘ n ROGERS HEIGHTS—3 bedrms , den separate din. rm.. flrepl., rec. rm full bath. Rtcel. location JOHN A. WENTZ. AP. 7-0900 tl 9 p.m. —8 BRAT PLEASANT—9I3,B6O. OI ap » HOUSC FOR GALE—MP. | ‘ ’sHSKJPSSEV® i • bath/’ser *7mt~ rujT’Vemt, rec. I Casa codT*ulHUn.* a kit., lull bsmt., storm windows. , screens, aaraae. barbecue pit. patio. * I' and many other extras: asking 1 *13.500 OI er conventional: terms I 7*3ST , MA^|io # i a. BOUSES BY HUGHS*—WeaI Hiatte !- vtlle non-veta. *2OO dn.: 2 bedrms . ! •- sep. din. rm.; close to »tl op pint 2 schools, transp.; payments Ukt rant. W. CO . AP. A 1 - ! MSfcrifjßii: _ SPLIT LEVEL. atone and brick, on farts shady comer let: fireplace. 1 family din. r*.. sun parlor. 2W baths, rec. rm.. fully equipped laundry rm., 2-ear brick garage; _ tt nr shopping, schools and transp.: . a priced under *20.000 for quick * ” * PROPXRTTES. AP. 7- | 1- 7774. $ | f TnX; i £ HUGH ¥. A u HANDY HYATTSVILLE 3-bedrm. 1 g, brick Colonial. A terrtfle home like this la avail, only once in a lifetime. It'l completely redec. and ; • has a lovely Uv. rm. with flrepl.. ' 9 aep din. rm.. Ice. equipped kit.. □ rear scr. porch: powder rm on let A n fl.: full tiled bath on 2nd.: full I 1- bint.; attached garage: beautiful ill shady lot: conv. to schools, transp.. ' m ate OI with 81.000 dn. PHA or n. conventional terms. The first to . »- Irak this one at only 919.050. THE A »- PERRY BOSWELL CO.. WA. 7-4500 I till 8 p.m. —| i . Nr. ST. JEROME'S—2-bedrm. bun- . 9 aalow. In heart ot Hrattsrtlle; = walking distance to everythin*: J Price, asking *12.600. Make us an c. 'til # D m WA ;^U| J: GI. *216 DOWN. 3-bedrm colonial: A K 1 blk. to school, lot 50x250. *75 I- E» r Epnth pgya all. MICHAEL T. n HAOEN. 3420 Hamilton at.. Hyatts u vllle. WA. 7-4728. —0 •|I4 64th AVE., E. Rlverdale. Md— -- 5-room house; 2 bedrms.: lovely 1 T . yard, barbecue and bird bath. UN. ae 4*3901. • II CUSTOM-BUILT. 3-bedrm. new brick rambler. 52 ft long, with carport, i Large lot. *20.950, terms arranged. Calf Mr. Bowie, HA. 2-8893. W. W. 1 m LEWIS. HE. 4-3500. —8 :n *18.600. TERMS ARRANGED; 2007 A :e Avalon pi., Lewladmle. 2 blks. to i a express bus to D. C.—2-story Colo- 1 to nlxl 3-bedrm. brick, full screened i porch, storm windows, full bunt.. 1 wide deep labdseaped lot., poeseg- I . sion. Eves.. RA. 3-6470. W. W. B 1 -MW. HE. 4-3500. —8 I _ YETS. NO CASH—3-bedroom Call- ' • fomla rambler with full bsmt. and i 1 Porch: practically new. A buy at Jt $18,950. Call ttU 9 p.m.. WA. 7- ; k: 3900. ROBERT S. DAVIS * CO. c ‘ FULL PBICS. S3,36o—Conv. Rtter l dale loc., 3-rm cottage on level- : ’ shaded lot. Only S3OO caab and le $60.50 per mo. incl. taxes. Call ’til >n ft p.m. WA. 7-3900. ROBERT 8. F tr DAVIS & CO —9 71 COUNTRY HOME where the accent 7. on value Is rightlv Disced. You set i good-size bedrms.. Igrge llv. rm.. dandy kitchen, convenient utility rm.. and ample front poreh for Sonly $9 250 <*l,ooo down: *54.60 p per mo pays mu.) You and your : family will enjoy the miniature far • life on this level half acre. Open all week Cut Rte. 198 from Bur , tonsville 2 miles: left on Bond Mill . ?: rd. '/i mile: left at BAYNUM slsn. , “ s Call JU. 8-1500 any time. BEAUTIFUL N. HAMPSHIRE Oar- L ■° dens. 1117 Holton lane. Thin lm :T pressive Colonial home merits lm ,, mediate attention of the diseriml , natlng home buyer. Lees than 4 yrs. , f: old. 22-ft. -llr. rm. with flrepl.. V powder rm., famtly-alae din. rm.. I kit.: 3 bedrms. and bath on 2nd floor. Delightful paneled rec. rm. - Fine residential neighborhood; car port: slate roof. Price, *20,950. C “ 3?BEURM.' RaSbußl For- : P. estvllle rd. and Suitland parkway— : 2-car brick tarage: huse liv. rm. ?■ w/flrepl„ den w/flrepl.. 1-acre lot. J! Terms. To Inspect, call JOHN L. i fl SHELTON. Realtor. JO. 2-2000. —8 . HOUSES BY HUGHES—Modernistic i rambler, featuring step-down living room with dble. wood-burning Ro- i man fireplace from floor to celling; 3 twin-slaed bedrms.. equipped kit.. B , tile shower bath: extra lge. lot: 15 - ;* min. faom downtown: oi 10/i i 1- down. W. R. HUGHES CO.. APS 1 [• 7-1400 ’til 9 p.m, —7 I (i MT. RAINIER—*9SO DOWN ! , HOME PLUB INCOME U Excellent for handy man to secure J j l.h.k. apt. plus slflo monthly in- e come for only *12.950. PRESS REAttY CORP. 927 15th St. N.W. ST. 3-9316 . ' NEAR LANGLEY PARK 1 k. Large brick rambler: 3 good-sized 1 fl b.r., flrepl.. Youugstown kit., full i a, bsmt. Opposite elem school. Os- N it fleer transfered; must sell. i ss HUOH T. PECK HE. 4-6400 I a. ... "6 l TWO-FAMILY HOME. vTsTliM)—On ! ■* extra-big lot with beautiful trees 1 surrounded bv homes worth *25.- _ 000. A choice buy. H “ E. F. BLANCHARD Rltr. JU. 8-8600 J “• —6 I i' CAMP SPRINGS ! I GI APPROVED d. This lovely brick rambler located SI r- on level shaded lot over V» acre; < •1 home arranged with spacious liv. i X rm.. nice den; 2 twin-size bedrms., i large colored tile bath; very spa n clous and attractive dining and ! r - kitchen combination; attached car- < q} port; well-priced at $15,500; very small down payment to veterans. « t; DEWEY M. FREEMAN 1 ?' Realtor 3214 Branch Ave. S.E. F JO. 8-7700 Eves., JO. 8-4762 r ; CHILLUM AREA ,i Centrally located. This 3-bedroom , brick home has a modern kitchen with disposal, and is in excellent 1 condition. Schools, shops and trans portation close by. Call for ap ly pointment to inspect. Only $14,000 1-j OI appraisal requested. k LANGLEY PARK * jlt sparkles with cleanliness and , y tasteful decoration. It Is a brick I, Cape Cod; expandable. Has radiant. “ hot-water heat; 2 bedrooms, bath, on first floor, and roughed In for bath and 2 bedrooms, up. Level lot. Shops and transportation .• close by $ iy ROBERT E. LOHR «• HE. 4-4000 RA. 6-3600 *' POREBTVILLE—33O6 Oak Olfn Way ,t G1—511,250-x-$562 DN. , n, *69 mo. Incl. all. Over acre of iff land, full daylight bsmt. Clean as >8 a pin. Insulated. Call Mr. Fortin :t. today. JO. 8-8390, COX tc CO., 4. JO. 8-6837. t; PORESfVILLE, MD. c \ GI APPROVED S $13,000 6386 Humphrey drive—Brick bunga -2 low; liv rm.. 3 bedrms., bath, j L equip, kit., scr. Ach., oil beat, lot >r 75 by 160. FREDERICK A n. BLUMER CO.. 617 Pa. ave. s.e., 11. LI. 7-1088. —0 , "■ HILLCREST GARDENS j 4 Det. brick containing liv. rm. with < v. flrepl., spacious din. rm., all-elec. 1 s: kit.. 2 lge bedrms. and full bath * Y on Ist fl- 2 lge bedrms and bath 4- 8 on 2nd fl full bsmt.; x.a.-c. heat, i ad b.-i. garage; lge. lot. Trades con- 1 5k aidered. NA. 8-9792: eves. OL. 3 l “UniversityparK - i 7- 6505 QUEENS CHAPEL RD. J BUY FROM OWNER ", ?, 7-room, center-hall, brick Colonial; I on large, level lot; close to schools. ■ u shopping, bus, etc. Large screened < porch, rnrise tnd full basement. 1 >0 Shade trees. Large storage attic < I- All modern appliances Including ■ t. freezer. This houae Is In excellent I ,- condition and la avaUablc for lm- J r. mediate occupancy. For appt., call K REf 7-4300. 10 to 8 only. MB. 1 lW LOCKYER —l2 j !i Wash. Estates I s. DISTRICT HKIGHTS 1 j OPEN NOW % * BRICK RAMBLERS: 3 bedrms. sep. i ,u din. rm., full basement, fireplace. ■ iv Hollywood vanities, built-in range ' 5 and sep. eye-level ovan. 1 lx Directions: Out Penna. ave. to Ala. I i. ave., left on Ala. ave. alone Mari- 1 h boro pika to 1 blk. peat 2nd traffic < to light In District Hta. then left • . and follow blue eigne. Near every- J i. thing Bee Mr. Buriat ter YA and J PHA terms. A £ FREDERICK W. BERENS £ SALES, INC. j' 1732 L ST. N.W., RE. 0-6959 \ [,'CJT s. chEvrSLy a. Low down payment. Beautiful 3 ' I- bedroom detached brick home, 4 15x18 llv. rm., din. rm., model kit.. 1 full bsmt.. sat heat: huse land scaped lot; parfeet condition I i {?r s • n< ' CAMPANELLA & CO. j a. EX. 3-4113 Eves. LU. 1-1806 1 n. —7 I "(j GI APPLIED FOR j I BRICK RAMBLER-413,950 A , m NEARLY 1 ACRE & M.M'si’rr.. 1 !." ! 4 bedrms., tile Path; hot-water . t fesu*fin j It DEWEY M. FREEMAN ; • RTVTgW , HOWB 90S UU-MB. I| SovSSrVm & utisW’wtt DAVis g. CO. -»_ RAMBLERS ) bedrooms. X Paths, all Prick, aep-i*. ante dining room, large daylight , basement, many extraa. wooded 2 site, surrounded by park lands.:; 1322 University tana. i. mile west r. of Maryland University Open daljj : AP 7-9596. COHEE REALTY CO 2 HA 2-96*: —7 - TRADES CONSIDERED * Attention D. C. oropertv owners I do you want a custom-built Cane; Cod or rambler; 2. 3 and 4 bed-; rm* . 1 and 2 and 3 baths, carports and garages, if so coma Pnd see what we have. Excellent financing fsss: «r, rasa-a-i p. C. line to Ray rCbrnteO blks. to our sian. JIM TUCKER SALES. DU. 6-3000. : HOUSES FOR SALE—VA. | ANN AND ALE—4 bedrms.. 14 baths: j r?®: ARLINGTON. NORTH 4-bedrm..i 24-bath brick Cape Cod near Ar lington Hospital. Pull bsmt. with rec. rm.. screened porch, garage Large lot. well shaded and fenced. s&jmssraJiLitt;. JA. 7-5333; eves.. JA. 2-2577. —6 IXL. close-ln Claremont—2. .3. 4 bedrms with bemt.. flrepl.; eaeel. neighborhood nr. Wakefield H. 8.. stores. Duses; * 1 i960-*14,750: PHA a or 01. FOX REALTY, JA. ARL.' N.—Brick. 6 rms : oil heat; ■ garage, screened porch. Excel. I neighborhood *21.000. JA. 8-2847. ' ARL.-WBSTOVER Cloae-ln "brick * on lovelly lot: secluded rear yard; 3 bedrms.. liv. rm. sep. din. rm.. full bemt. Reduced to *13,350. PCX REALTY. JA 2-8230. ARLINGTON. N.—Attention, service personnel. Before you decide, it will pay you to see this lovely 3- bedrm . postwar, all-brlek. center hall Colonial w/flrepl. In 20-ft. liv. rm.. sep. din. rm.. nicely equipped kit. and side screened porch you will really enjoy. Full bsmt.. view lot. Excellent N. Art. section: conv. to schools, bus. shopping. Priced ■ at *17.250 on OI or FHA terms 1 w/minimum down. Anpt. only. Cell now! KEITH D. BRUMBACK, JA. 2-3827. JA. 2-5873. 9 'til 9. ARLINGTON *2OO deposit and move into this cute 2-bedrm. Job near Clarendon. Just been redec orated. Rear. rm. and garage. CECIL B. LUPTON. Realtor. JA. 7-6333; 6l u o n AD* W" iki^Lac.-V' brick &lonlal: b.autllul level Lot: WIDE LTV. RM. with flrepl.. full sep. de luxe equipped kit. (dbhwaxher. etc.). 4 bath on Ist fl.: lovely side screened porch. 3 excel, bedrms., overused de luxe ell-tlled bath on 2nd fl.: full bamt.. recr. rm.. 4 bath, outside entr. Priced for Immed. sale at *23.800. . To inspect, call JA. 6-7578. METZ- ' FALur V CHIJRCH ' AREA—2-yr.-old home In excel, cond.; 3 bedrms.. de luxe kit.; lge. lot: dead-end street. Price. *12.500. NO DOWN PAYMENT to qualified _purchaaer: immediate possession. BILLS REAL rASs^lfcHl^tCH'— 0 n”-bedrm. brick ‘ rambler; daylight bsmt.. Uv. room with flrepl.. tuning area, OE kit. with breakfast apace. Disposal! dishwasher. Bendtx: 4-acre lot with trees, fenced yard. Only *l7,- , 950 CAROLINE L. CAMPBELL. 1 JE. .3-0173. LORCOM LANE AREA—Splashlng white with green trim, new brick split-level 3-bedrm.. 24 bethe. llv. rm., din. rm.. kit. with birch cabinets and eye-level oven; den; patio with barbecue and attached . garage: reduced to 926,500. TOE 1 LAURIE CORP . 233* Wilson Ulvd.. JA. 6-1717. 9 to 9, parking In rear. —7 COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED: Lyon Village; by OWNER. Im mediate possession—The lovely home on which we spared no ex pense to suit our discriminating taste must be sold, and must be seen: 4 bedrms.. 2 baths. 2 powder rooms. 2-car garage; rec. cm with firepl.: numerous extras: *29.950. - low down payment, balance on easy , terms. JA. 2-5676 or KE. 8-5682 1 5Y OWNER. GI approved. 913.875 —All-brick rambler. 2 large bed rooms. equipped kitchen 12x12 ft. - Pull davllgnt basement Anchor fenced rear yard. Shade treea. Automatic washer Very convenient, elosr-ln South Arlington location. Call JA. 8-0168. —7 SI BRICK RAMBLER, new. on about 4- lot. cuetom built: full bsmt.. 4 bath on Ist fl.. large Uv. rm. with flrepl.. big din. rm.. kit. fully equip.; bedrms.. approximately 15x 12, 14x114 and 12x10. stop look ing. call and see whet you can get for *21.000. SHANNON At LUCHS S no., .TA. 6-6800. —8 40 MONEY DOWN TO OL—3-bed- - rm., brick home, not over 10 min. to Pentagon, close to schools, shop ping center and bus. Excel, value, 2 yrs. old. Por Ols nothing down and *79.01 incl. tax and insurance. MANNAS REALTY. JA. 8-2783. 1 LOME AND INCOME Brand-new brick duplex. In heart of N. Arling ton. 1 apt. upstairs. 1 downstairs. Each has 2 bedrms., comes fully equipped. Pull bamt., divided Into > 3 rms. Rees. By anpt. only. . MANNAS REALTY. JA. 8-37R3. SPACIOUSNESS THE KEYNOTE Older white-frame house. Large rooms for cool summer living. 4 twin-sized bedrms.. 2 fuR baths; completely fenced-tn yard with ■ shade trees and shrubs: detached cottage for studio or workshop. Less than 10 min. to Memorial or Chain Bridges. Asking *26.500. Call JA. 2-4122 or see your broker. 8* FOR YOU WHO DEMAND QUALITY, quantity, value and terms. Mag nificent Georgian Colonial priced for immed. sale. 3-wk. occupancy. Completely alr-cond.. 4 bedrms.. 24 baths, den or TV rm.. bsmt., recr. rm. General officer, colonel or commander can have luxury living , for 3 yrs. with an Investment of ' only *3.950. This will move quickly. - Phone today. JA. 7-9090; after 9, JE. 2-1584. —8 116,950 3-bedrm. brick rambler,, featuring liv. room with fireplace. * large kit., dining area, dishwasher, disposal, refrigerator and range. Full bsmt.. large lot. 2 blocks to bus. Will sell Ol with SBOO cash. ARLEDOE REAL ESTATE CORF., 2533 Wilson blvd.. Arl., Va.. JA. 7-4448. —8 113.966—Spacious white Cape Cod on large, cool shady lot. Features ’ bedrm. and bath, llv. room, full- , sized din. room, large equipped kit. • with dishwasher end disposal. - Glassed-In porch cross rear of house, overlooking park. 2 bedrms. , and apace for bath 2nd fir.: full C bsmt.. fenced rear yard. *1.200 cash will handle. ARLEDOE REAL CORF, 2533 Wilson blvd., Arl.. Va.. JA. 7-4*48. —8 CLOSE-IN LOVELY COLONIAL sur rounded by tall traea. Llv. rm. with flrepl.. sep. din. fin.: huae. se cluded. screened porch. 3 lovely - bedrms. up. A rec. rm. and 4 bath in daylight bsmt. Walk to school and bus. *19.960. OI or FHA contract accepted. THE DARBY CO.. 2319 Wilson blvd.. JA. 5-939.3. —7 JY OWNER-—3-bedrm. brick ram bler: lge. llv. rm., paneled family rm., mod. kit.; fenced yard: Hollin Hall. swim, pool and rec. erea at corner. Immed. nossession. Will 01. low down pymt.. *B2 per mo. SO. 5- —B' I-BEDRM., OI charmer; 21-ft. llv. im . sep din. rm.. huae cool porch, kit. with breakfast area: level 196 yd., welk to everything. Onlv $13,- 300 See it today. JA. 7-9090: after 9 p.m.. JE. 3-71168 REAL ESTATE BTOVICE. INC.. 4763 Lee hwy ion Glebe). —8 »EAT THE HEAT.—Don’t drive around blindly all-day long hoping to find a house for sale. We have 551 houses listed In Northern Ve. Come to our atr-cond. office and look at plcturee with a competent salesman. Flek up the phone now end dial JA. 7-9090. REAL ESTATE SERVICE. INC.. 4763 Lee hw» BARGAIN—4-bedVm ' 2-bath Brick Cape Cdd: lge. llv. rm. with flrepl.. de luxe sunshine kit. full bsmt. with garden entr. to beautiful tree-shaded lot. Ap- r praised by VA at only *16.000: Ols on the double on this one. Call JA 7-9090. P-9: after 9 p.m- JA. 8- 2931. REAL ESTATE SERVICE INC- 4763 Lee hwy. (off Glebe) ——B READY BY SCHOOL TIME—We ofler for the first time a small group of 5 all-brick, 3-bedrm.. 2- bath ramblers. Llv. rm. with firepl.. sep. din. rm- lit. kit. full bsmt. « with additional flrepl. and beautl- * ful wooded lots of over >A acre. - Priced sensibly at only *17.500. Raise the curtain on real living bv calling us today. JA. 7-9090 or « JA. 9-2931 after 9 p.m REAL • ■STATE SERVICE. INC- 4763 Lee A%NTSN aIf NONVET» loan can be assumed on tnle 1- year-old 3-bedrm. Brick rambler eltuated on a breeze-swept hill top lot with panoramic view of countryside Will basement with „ picture wlndowji for rec. rm de * luxe kitchen equipment, etttc fen. storm tush, dig utilities. Only *20.500 and the modest payments will surprise you. Can today Tho Muwr...? r at.. Art- JA. 7-6161. i" K iSiTMiK 6s: PERENT In thin most appeaTlnt 3- bedrm antique brk. rambler nestled under tall treea with circular black- „ too drive to front door; nice llv. 5 rm. with flrepl- dining el, de luxe kit. with dlehwaaher-dlspoeal: re lax on a private 12x25’ concrete patio. YA appraised at only *16,- pO. Exclusive with PARKED A*TTESITION °MILITAETr—— *tllls * home first! Tou can definitely beat ranting and be assured of •table Neale value In this spot oS<ml*V° U |n h ‘ h Wetl-NUBMShed Arllngtem neighborhood. coin shop* Has finished ’rac. rm.' with f"need A Jot b wlth FROM NINE TO FIVE —By Jo Fi-ker PARCEL POST H “Ift too hoavy and ntedt more pottage ? Well, it I put another ttamp on, it will he even heavier, won’t it?” HOUSES for SALE, VA. (Com.) 4 BEDRMS.. 3 baths: lust o« Mt ~ Vernon blvd. BxceL price end terms. Call H. A. EDGE, 80. 6-4095. —7 „ 15 RMS- 3 BATH*, masonry Cape T Cod In good condition, esn be di vided Into .3 opts, and rented for $lB6 per month. Located nr Cen terville Price *15.506; *560 down. SHIPLEY, JE. 2-3i82. KE 8-2459. —l2 ' 16 MILES D C.—Stone Colo.. 0-rm. frame on 17 acres, excel, outbldgs.. fenced, lake. OWNER. DU. 5-8987. A LOW DOWN PAYMENT *YOUR 3 PROBLEM? Call and make an ap- - pointment to see this 3-bedrm. rambler. Let us help you to home ownership. City utilities. In Fells . Church. Priced at only *12.500. * with large 4% first trust that can be assumed. Low monthly pay- 1 meats. AKPAX RfEAI/TY, JE 4- ' 4900. RECR RM. WITH FIREPLACE means added value In this sparkling brk. rambler. READY POR OCCU- 1 PANCY. IP quiet 8. Arlington neigh- ' Borhood. 30-14-ft. comb, living- 1 dining rm. with flrepl. . birch cabi nets In kit., side porch. 3 bedrms.. ' tile bath, full bamt- level lot. Sec £ this at only *18,506 with PARKER. SMITH * DONNELL. JA. 7-6161. l! 2-BEDRM. brk Colonial; beautiful, lge. llv. rm.: lge. bedim- 17x114'; sen. din. rm- new kit- full bsmt. with, attrae. recr. rm. Nr. best schools, shopping, transportation; B min. from Pentagon. Lae. lot ', Immed. possession. GI appraised C low at $13,900. After fc JA. 2-186 H. ARLINGTON—3-bedrm. brick ram- E bier, close-in. like new: all OB kit., larae Uv. rm. with flrepl.: walk out bsmt- exceUent community: PHA. Military, OI or conv. Honest L buy *18.950. DUPLBX. NEW, 2 large bedrms each apt., sep. utilities; daylight bsmt- space for 3rd apt.: oil Wash. blvd. near Kann’s. sdp. din. rm.. beautiful kit- large Uv. rm. , Easy financing. Live rent free. RICHARDSON tc HALL. JA. 7- 8108. 9 till 9. —7 LANOHORN ACRBS New brick I rambler. 3 bedrms.. 2 baths, larrge; D llv. rm. with fireplace, ful! bsmt. i : with fireplace, attached garage ' ( Cornrer lot. 200-f; frontage *22.-1 1 950 OPEN EVES.. 7 to 9 p.m ! ; Directions; Out Arlington blvd. toj Mantua. left on Barkley dr- to Southwlck at- right 1 block toi 1 our sign J THE PICKETT CO- JA. 6-2501 . *10.966 J1 Payments $74.42 ber mo. 3-bedrm brick w/k*mt. Over 4 acre/Close _ children* 1 WHn¥NE n R* “BaiS? ! JA. 7-6253. J N 4 BEDROOMS 1 PLUS PANELED DEN < _ 2 FULL BATHS 1 FIREPLACE IN LIVING ROOM | COMPLETE KITCHEN ■ DISHWASHER AND CLOTHES P*\g!^ A MAH YARD CXTY UTILITIES *17.706 OI APPROVED *9OO CASH AND SBS PER MONTH MANNAS REALTY. JA, 8-2783 ANNANDALE SPECIAL Ir BROYHILL RAMBLER ! SBOO Down—Gl or Not ! Brick, on large corner lot surrounded i by white fence. *15.050. , MILLS REALTY CO. 1 Annandale, Va JE. 2-0999 JE. 2-491,3 *** - 31 _ ARLINOTON BATHROOM HAPPY And no wonder; 2 full-tiled baths, in thle 3-bedroom, brick rambler. •>. in one of Arlington's finest neigh- ~i borhoods, close to Washington Oolf and Country Club. Rambler Is 48 }*• long which gives you an extra- ! large living room with fireplace SfSKJj* J»£ ln * ,f oom Extra-large R kitchen with eating space, range, refrigerator, dishwasher and dls- - posal. Full basement with outside entrance VACANT—READY TO n MOVE IN! Only 321.250. ARLINGTON REALTY i 2212 Wilson Blvd.• JA. 7-9300 Til 9 1— — 6 j , _ ARLINOTON - “SMART STYLE” Owners have given unusually tood 3 : tore to their sturdy 3-bedroom brick home Excellent location 1 near Arlington blvd. Spacious rear screened porch, entrsnee hall big • kitchen, garage, full basement, beautiful fenced yard. Close to convenience. FHA-GI contract* _ AHLINGfSit m&TY 2213 Wilson Blvd., JA. 7-9300 Til 9 Ci ——6 t ARLINGTON, NORTH ' Close to Washington Golf and Coun- - try Club la a spacious brk. home ! that will sell quickly, at *18.950. If you want charm and convenience , and need 3 bedrms.. eating space ! In kit., lovely lot, full bsmt. and J rec. rm- look no more. Call J. J WESLp BUCHANAN. INC- at JA. 1 AURORA HILLS Large Colonial—s29,9so An outstanding COOL screened living porch. Ist fl. J arranged as living rm:-dln!ng ' rm. combination with den (or ; bedrm.) and 4 bath or very lge. living rm. and separate ' dining rm.: modern fully V equipped kitchen. 3 bedrms.. v 2 baths and sun deck on 2nd _ fl. Stairs to lge. strg. attic. Beautiful rec. room (with ban opening onto secluded , ground-level terrace. Att. gar. ' , Brick const., oil h.-a. heat. M , Lovely yd. Excellent financing. Listing V-24. To Inspect call . ?g L '«-3 B^r S ?t RIDOE ' RM FREDERICK W. BERENS ' SALES, INC. 2 1722 L St. N.W., NA. 8-5000 ! “ST. THoIaTmORE” j PARISH. Sparkling 3-bedroom. 2- T year-old brick rambler on beautiful J oa* dotted lot. Plreolace. dining * room, de luxe fully equipped kit chen. patio Lovely dead-end street. 24 Direct route to Pentagon Trans portation one block. Shopping con- * WOVISP-mSP** X.®* thlß onl * ARLINGTON REALTY" Y t 2212 Wilson Blvd- JA 7-9300 'til 9 ’ SAVE R MONEY!!! \ 1 * needed A *n ** this ° big J »RY =cfe b B‘ th VlE C vg * Colonel and family nave gone. Im mediate possession taw price, *22T (00. FHA-Ol terms. Call now! ARLINGTON REALTY - 2212 Wilson Blvd- JA. 7-9300 'Til 0 HARDTO T §feAT! H ) Rambler with tall treesl ) Clean R. r bedroom brtek heme on 4 nice level; i lot. Top location, near buses. I t scnools and shopping center Ladles I love this kitchen! OI and t FHA available, only *17.850 ARLINGTON REALTY 2212 Wilson Blvd- JA. 7-9300 Til 9 -- —"fl .ARLINOTON. NORTH Williamsburg Colonial 4 BLOCKS TO COUNTRY CLUB Bet walll back on a sweeping, 113* ft.. w graan front lawn, richly landscaped , and atuddad with huge boxwoods. ! Center foyer entrance, larce living ♦ BSBrttftuJajd l Tooff ,L “S2 , t far antertalnmg; let-floor powder £ room, breessway to oversized ga- . j Laa Hwy at Gltba Rd. JA. 6-8402 A HOUSU FOR SALE—VA. ARLINGTON GLEN CARLYN PARK "HOME OP DISTINCTION You will be delighted with this 3- bedrm. I'2-bath brick Cape Cod: built-in garage; lge. llz. rm. (20z 14) with flrepl.. family-size din. rm.. huge kit.; nice level lot. Walk to school, shopping, bus. Price ab solutely right at $20,750. EXCLUSIVE F. E. MALCOLM Arlington Forest Realtor Shopping Center JA. 7-3024 BROADMONT fc truly da luxe center-hall rambler, built by one of the area’s finest builders, in this most desirable area of Falls Church- Beautiful lge. rms. throughout. 3 bedrms.. 3Vi baths, full daylight bsmt. with finished recr. rm and 2-car gar. Only $28,- 500 and a substantial purchaser can assume a lge. loan with a small dn. paymant. Ready for Immed. occupancy, so call now for an appt. to inspect this real beauty. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1055 Wilson Bled. JA. 5-6800 Columbia Pines GI—NO MONEY DOWN EXCITING NEW PLAN OF BETTER BUILT AND BETTER-DESIGNED 3-bedroom ranch-type ram blers. Large llying room with fireplace end picture windows, separate din. rm.. fully equipped kitchen and dining area, facing a picture window *et tin*. Full English daylight brmt. Situated on a large, wooded lot Priced from *18.450; low monthly Dayments. Agent on Premises DIRECTIONS: Out Columbia pike from I4th St Bndse, Daat Baileys Crossroads 34 miles to entrance to “COLUMBIA PINES” follow signs to our "MODEL HOME." Larchmont Realty, Inc. 1073 W Broad Bt. J£. 4-3900 JE. 3-1830 FALLSCHURCH AREA •Jew 3-bedrm., 2-bath, brick, full-basement rambler; fireplace in bsmt.; built-in garage; GI approved at $21,300. J-W REALTY CO- JA, Biiß7B LORCOM LANE AREA $19,950 Immaculate 2-yr.-old all brick home. Wooded 4-acre lot. JUST 5 MIN. FROM KEY BRIDGE. 20 ft. llv. rm. with flrepl- sep. din. rm- excel, kit- 4 bath on Ist fl.: ■3 bedrms- de luxe all-tile bath on 2nd fl. Side screened porch: full ACCEPTED ° r FHA CONTRACT METZLER—Va. Office 1811 Lee Hwy. JA. 5-7576 McLEAN, va. $14,700 GI APPRAISED I-story white frame. 8-room, 2-bath house on lot 100x130. Full base ment. hot-water heat. Ideal for large family. MRS. WM. H. LAUGHLIN realtor, McLean. Va. EL. 6-4161 SOUTH WOODLEY -harm Is the watchword for this 3-bedrm. rambler with carport and lovely shaded yard. Walking dis tance from bus and schools. GI approved at $16,200. EBNER R. DUNCAN CO- Kl. 9-3530, —6 VIENNA J-bedrm. brick ramblers, 2 fireplaces full din. rm. and bsmt. Beautiful kit. with stainless steel ovens. Va to 1 acre lots. Call Mrs. Fleming JE. 4-4312. For details til 10 p.m. CANEY REAL ESTATE Herndon 480 COLORFUL McLEAN BUILDER’S Custom home in a wooded estate type setting, among fine properties on a private V* acre. OFFERED AT $21,950 3 Twin Bedrms. 2>/ a Baths ladlllae-slze garage, full English basement has a wooded picture window view and ground-level en trance Only one available! Edward R. Briggs, Realtor *4 Hwy. et Glebe Rd- JA. 6-8402 ASSUME THIS LARGK, OI LOAN Ve offer a most attractive, large rambler, with full bsmt. and ga rage on Mi-acre lot. The location Is excellent and close in. For $3,650 cash and $129 per month. It’s all yours. /ERNON REALTY, INC. U. 8-3106 Open, ft Til 9 PRESTIGE Country Club Location dodern designed 3-bedroom. 2-bath rambler In this most-in-demand N. Arlington location. Living rm with floor-to-celling Roman brick fireplace; separate full-siae din ing rm.: de luxe electric kitchen with natural birch cabinets and all the extras. Large closets cus tom features throughout Full ? round-level basement with bwed sh fireplace and window-wall ground-level exit to your future playground Now being completed and previewed today for your im mediate approval. Priced unusually low for this location at only $28.- 600. Come see and you’ll agree. Arthur L. Walters, Inc. 419 Wilson Blvd. Till 9. JA. 7-6200 Paradise, Junior fee sir. here you can vacation at home! House is tucked away on a yard which Includes acre and the rear is all fenced, trees in rear so thick you can't sec the fence! The house is a 2-bedrm. rambler, featuring 12x12 screened porch, separate din. rm. and flrepl. in liv. rm.; city water. The feel of the country yet easy to reach. IT’S COOLER HERE! Only $12,950 Ol approved! Mannas Realty JA. 8-2783 HAVE YOU READ THIS? ? [ere is a real value for only $16,500. Arlington location—lge. cor. lot, many fine trees, 3 bedrms., liv. rm. with flrepl., din. rm. screened porch, built-in garage. Brick construction,. I block school and buses. Call now. Ogod terms avail Call JE. 3-9221. BONDED REALTY, INO. ~SOUTHERN~ COMFORT Fill be your. In this lovely older white Cojontel home. Tall white columns frame the brick patio en trance way. All larsa room.. Lie, living rm. din. rm- famlly-staed kitchen. 8 bedrme.. 14 bathe, part basement oil hot-water baseboard radiant neat. All thl. .ltuated an 4-acre Tot. City water In. Dun Loript area, lively tree, out ffsfa $3,600 dowa aa* aeauaie a $14,00(1 krfax*healty, JE. 4-4900 mum ms iau-va. . Assume > ! GI LOAN t With payment, at aaly BSSrIiS'TSfjS 3 at $19,300. Call new thu i one can’t last! 1 - SHANNON & LUCHS CO. K ' EYES OPEN? Don* Miss This! as .vs; room with fireplace, separate din ! dry * recreation room, eeemded rear SKBS e’T.UTO a*® ?n n i , ne?n 1 . H 'M th OO U Mr Arthur L. Walters, Inc. 241* Wilton Blvd. ’Tfl 9. JA. 7-6200 “Within One Hour ot D. C.“ 27-ACRE ESTATE - GEORGIAN COLONIAL . A truly magnificent 16-room Oqqr fian Colonial home includes a 30- t front porch with large white pillars. 18x24 Urine room with stone fireplace 16x20 dining room. . 12x24 library. 16x16 recreation room with atone fireplace. 4 large , bedroom, and 2 bath, and large terrace, situated on e high knoll : surrounded by towering oaks. In cluded Is a tenant house, stable for * 2 horses, forme! garden and 2- acre pond Priced at *63.500 with very liberal financing. Shown by appointment to Qualified pur - chasers. i SHANNON & LUCHS CO. . JA. 5-6800 9 A M. 'TU 9 P.M. —7 OPEN [■ 6 UNTIL DARK r A STUDY I 1 [IN QUIET GRACE WIU delight you who have ' i thirst for space and beautl • fully appointed rms. A mas -0 nlflcent Uv. rm. with ralaM hearth flrepl- din. rm. open ing through Ftench doors onto gn open terrace: kit. with breakfast bar on Ist level A pine-paneled den and 6 bedrms.. 4 baths, finished rrec rm completes the per fect .put level. Structurally bull! of antique brick. IF you have outgrown your ] present home, see this today. Trades considered. Only *35.- 950 i Dir.: Lee bwy- right on Lixington to Little Fails rd i right on Knottingham to our open sign. Walter R. Reynolds Co. , KB. 8-6757 SEE IT NOW! e ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ' UNDER APPRAISED VALUE , Here Is a BLEBFBR for you! A large 3-bedrm. brick rambler with sen- i arate din. rm- In CONVENIENT Country Club Manor. North Ar lington. Just 15 min. from the Pentagon, within walking distance of a brand-new elementary school, and within 2 streets of a bus to J D. C. For only *17,600, exaetly SI,OOO under Its OI appraised valuel It's as good as It sounds, really. The first couple to see It this week end will probably buy It. Will it be you? ; POMPONIO 1 -VIRGINIA’* REALTY LEADERS'’ . 2222 Wilson Blvd. JA. 7-6666 Til 9 THIS IS NEWS! A California rambler wttb a splen did view! Already OI and FHA approved! Full high bsmt- 0 bed rms., beautiful kit- dining area, caroort. unusual liv. rm. with In direct lighting: 2 blocks to school. 3 blocks to bus and shopping cen ter. Only *14,9501 Mannas Realty [> JA. 8-2783 n CbOL OFF y In this .3-bcdrm. rambler with a scr. 1 porch on * lge. lot. Close to Falls Church GI appraised at *10.950; no down payments to yets. Owner says "Sell this week." Act fast. 6 PLANTATION REALTY JE. 4-2744 JE. 2-2777 Tbedrms. and dW 6 $18,500 r Charming, white brick Colonial on large tree-studded lot In area of fine homes. Llv. rm. with flrepi.. I sep. din rm- den. full blmt. Det. ' garage. Walk to schools. VACANT. ■ OI or FHA CONTRACT ACCEPTED. s NEW RAMBLER l 3 BEDROOMS, 2>£ BATHS Not a subdivision. LOTS OF TREES! Hugo llv. rm. with flrepl- large sep din. rm.. dream kit- fully equipped. 3 lovely bedrms. and 2 s baths. DAYLIGHT REC. RM., 1 WITH FIREPLACE AND 4 BATH, s Huge lot $25,950. 1 THE DARBY CO. 2319 Wilson Blvd. JA. 6-9393 s $650 CASH 4 BEDRMS- 14 BATHS to qualified GI purchaser. 20-ft. llv. rm . 2 nice bedrms- 13*10 kit. , and bath, on Ist fl.; 2 bedrms. and 1 4 bath on' 2nd.; full bsmt. with ■ recr. rm. and outside etjtr.; very nice, level lot. Entire house In excel cond. 01. APPROVED FOR *13.100. Inspect at once. * METZLER—Va. Office 3811 Lee Hwy JA. 6-7676 non-veteran $1,500 DOWN . ONLY 15 MIN. TOD. C. ; Spacious brick Colonial type borne < . in quiet residential section nr. McLean; liv. rm. with flrepl.. din. rm.. screened porch. 2 twin-size bedrms. full bsmt: charming V«- acre lot with lovely trees and . shrubs. Price, only $13,950. OI i terms also avail. SILLS REAL ESTATE JA. 8-2606 1430 N. UhlC »t- Arl. STONE BEAUTY < FRAMED BY BOUGHS of beautiful < evergreens tust 4 block of! Wash, blvd. In a secluded neighborhood. Only 10 min. to Pentagon and walking distance to elem. and jr. | high schools. Lge. lit. rm. with / 1 fireplace, sep. din. rm. that te ade quate lor your lge. family; 3 big 1 bedrms- 14 baths, full bsmt- side scr. porch and 1-ear attached gar. ; This really 1. a atone beauty that win delight you for it Is far gupe ‘ rlor to any home you have seen for $19,000 SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1 2055 Wilson Bird. JA. 6-6800 TALL TREES : Surround this new ortek rambler , with cerport. 8 bedrooms, separate „ I dining room, tiled kitchen walie, - bath; full basement. 20 ft. above _ road: surrounded by large oaks. 4 ml. Shtrley hwy- near Springfield. Va- on 4 a.; *18.950, or 2 acres, . *23.500. ( MILLS REALTY CO. Annandale, Va. JE. 2-0099 JE. *-4013 9« - Accent on Value . $14,950—G1 1 Sparkling 2-bedrm. brick bungalow * with semifinished egpans. attic, separate din. rm.. concrete screened porch with awnings. Close-ln Ar- | ungtob on quiet street, yet only 6 blocks to Hecht's shopping center. With the nurchaae cf this home you become eligible for membership In • the fabulous new Arlington Forest Swimming Pool Club and Recrea tional Area you have heard so much about. EXCLUSIVE F. E. MALCOLM Arlington Forest Realtor Shopping Center JA. 7-3024 * -7 1 : a winding driveway i Leads to a 1-car garage, on the a ! right standi an Impressive antique : brick borne, overlooking a Mautl- . fully terraced lawn, Thle (how- . place has » lane bedrooms with J : I Lyn Thompson, JA. 3-3111 . YOU’LL BE SORRY KL HW -58*2 Contemporary sags! fenced lot. carport. Deluxefea- • Arthur iTwalters Co. ' 2410 warn Bird. *TII 0. JA. 7-SJOO TWIN LEVEL WITH FABULOUS FINANCING! Tfak spotless . 3-year-old brick.. 2-tevS 5Si « “ uo CO . INC- JA, 5-0707. 4 BEDRMS.—SIS,9SO Here IS value, located near Wakefield High School, in walking distance to everythin* else: 17-It"Uv. rm.. full bemt. and rear porch. You can't beat this home /or the price. Call A dream come true Is whal you'll any after Meins this baths, flrepl- separate din. rm down, or *B.OOO down and assume ». loan. AL SMITH REALTY 8-6652; evea-Kl. g.8g07. —7 I am lonesome Because my owner la leavlna. Very attrae. hrick-and-atone Cape Cod on quiet residential street In Alex 5 rms. and bath. Ist floor; 4 rms. and bath 2nd floor; maid's rm In bamt.; tar.; shade trees galore *jL°M h^A d LM 8-6652; ever. Tl. 6-2957, —7 WE HAVE IT! COME GET IT! a tremendous.. screened porch, finished recreation room, large ~nkM;t‘lfrJftt^ , .n k M;t‘lfrJftt^ block from WUeon bird. You'll also appreciate the lovely corner lot with trees and the playground area only A short walk away. Only *IB.OOO with *2.000 down to non vets. of centract Also accepted. Act now. this uie is hot. ?ofiip&Nio "VIRGINIA'S REALTY LEADERS'*' 2222 Wilson Blvd. JA. 7-6660 Til » FIRST SHOWING BROADMONT It's news when a stone-and-frame English two-story home becomes available in this top Falls Church trta. An exceptionally livable : home offering 3 bedroom.,. 24 baths, recreation room. 2 fireplaces, plus maid’s room and. bath and tarage. Offered at *28,500. Ap pointments arranged by telenhon ing JE. 2-2620. EXCLUSIVE JOSEPH W. SEAY 118 W. Broad St- Fans Cbdrcb. Va. Realtors % ACRE Brick rambler. 14 bethe. 50-ft. recr. rm. with tile bath and flrepl.; 23-ft. llv. room. elec, kitchen with tablespace; garage, breeseway. A real buy at *26,950: quick posses- LYNN REALTY, JE. 3-9400 Gl—North Arlington Here's a happy lifetime possession and sound investment; 3-bedroom, brick rambler; full. English-type hutment. Convenient to aehools and shopping. GI. appraisal only *17,95.0. A wonderful buy —a beautiful home Act last. HOLLEY REALTY 5800 Lee Hwy. KE. 8-5380, Weekdays 'Til » AIR-CONDITIONED! I I Modern, 2-bedroom brick. In Oak crest. Vacant. Sac. price. *14.506. TgicKßl-WALKER, INC- AD. # 4- NON-VETERANS FALLS CHURCH AREA $475 DOWN WILL GET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOW TILED BATH LARGE LIVING ROOM EQUIPPED KITCHEN WIDE LOT CALL M. R. REYNOLDS & CO. je WILLSTON SHOPPING CENTBR g _ , SUMMER HAPPINESS JULY JULIP $19,950 A 3-bedrm. all-brick rambler on nearly an acre that can’t be topped construction wise. Less than a yr. , old. 3 bedrms., Uv. rm. with flrepl.. aep din. rm- gorgeous kit.; full bsmt with finished rtc. rm. and flrepl Ideal for kids. Ofl the beaten path. 1 mile from Falls Church. . OI contract accepted. REFRESHING $22,100—01 diS;?: t?shding 00 Its re tops* ln U N Arlington. .1. block from every- * thing. It le designed for comfort, center hall, 3 bedrms- full bath, and two 4 baths on each floor. PuD bsmt- rec. rm- aep. din. rm., I lte. llv. rm. with . flrepl- huge equipped kit. with breakfast rm. It is the most house with the best financing available. 10% down. < MUCHO MANTUA 2 new brick ramblers In A selected srea of fine new homes, so value packed you owe It to yourself to l see them. Huge lot with lovely trees. 3 bedrms.. 2 full baths. 2 firepls- sen. din. rm.; lge- beauti fully equipped kit.; center-hall en trance: charming llv. rm.: full i bsmt. with rec. rm.; lie. garage; screened side poreh. Nicely deco rated. Only *24,600. DILLON LAND CO. 1114 Hlllwood Are- Falls Church. Va. JE. 4-4040. Open Eves. "TU 9. “BAKBECUIT' Around your ewa fireplace on the 1 wooded 4-acre setting of this sprawling, strung-out. Florida-type rancher conveniently located leei than 16 minutes from the Fes- , taaon or D. C. Beamed-celling Hv- " lng rm. with fireplace and picture window. . separate dining rm- - Snipped kitchen. 3 bright bedrms.. e bath, screened breeseway with another barbecue llreplece lead ins to a 2-car attached ga rage. Friends. "HERE'S A REAL , HONBT" and It's offered today for ] the very first time end at the dras- , tlcallr low price of *20.060. you'll 1 like It. Come and see. Arthur L. Waiters, Inc. 241* Wilson Bird; JA. 7-5200 TUI 9 Hi-/ COUNTRY mOWTY ODEA* WHAT? You can buy 4 ?» cr K 2 m 4°V f tS ,c S « TSS mo. Call OWNER HOUSB WANTED TO »UY~~ VA. REURM—^W# mt quick all stti : 4h mor jß°w?irjA >r M: D ”v’e .■K’w.l ßPfll jsat. Wb E >AY 6 TOP HOLLAR sos D, C 3 a as. LITTLE" ESTATE WANTED—II lou have a nice place to sell In Vir ginia within commutlns distance of Washington having 5 acres or so. a sound house and barn or garage, we have the buyer. Phone Jl 2-2*20 or write JOSEPH W. SEAY CO- 113 W. , Bread at- Falls - Church. Va. Realtors. I WILL TRADE your D C house on on* cf our lovely 3. 4 and 6 bedrm. rambler, in Hinerest Hti. Call Mr. PACT,?.' STONE, Realtor. JO. 8-JjjO* Jumble anewer: flfey. gnuL, StagE, mlyHty iioum wto. to wrr tc-e> SPOT CASH DIRECT FROM OWNER BSsSM.* Booses Needed in Langley Park Area HUGH T. PECK 7950 New Hamp. Ave. HK 4-0400 INVESTMENT RROf. FOR SALI 4-CTOT AFT. HML: 1* out of 28 already cold- finest rental area u fbe rtty. perfectly located in the Lane Icy Park area, just 1 blk. from finat L Lan bttr * h park P iho U>r * hV. rear 1 porchel' and d garbaae pouts Priced tew than 74 times KisiiWjun 110*. AFT. HOUSE*) 2-6 unit with 1 bedrm. each; 1-6 unit with 2 bed rms. each; also 2 3. 6. 8 and 16 walla. aU rented. Can Mr. Bememt. BROWN AOENCY. JU. 9-3444. JU SILVER SPRING. Sligo. Georgia ares.. 6-rm. brick Cebnlal. rec. rm w/ealt. Level lot. 5.000 sq. ft. Owner will sell subject to com mercial rexonlng. *19.000. BEERS BROS- JU. 6-7011. •HOPPING CENTER touted la Art . Va. oonslsts of 20 eterts and ample parking For further inf or WEAVER BROS. M INC„ Dr*7-83tKL 3-UNIT BRICK AFT. BLDG.. Ta koma Park. Md- sbawtna good re turn. Full Price only *24.500, terms U suit. LEO A BRYER A CO. INC.. JU. 9-8033 or LO 6- 82*6. —8 CORNER 9-UNIT APT. This very attrae- mod- 2-story bldg is In excel. D. C. location and In fine condition. Featured are an attrae. lawn and entr- full bsmt. with storage and laundry; outside exposure In all apt... etc. Income at modest rents (approx. *7.500 yriy.) and priced for aulek sale at only *52.500. Jess Fisher Sc Co.. Inc. 1420 K St. N.W. Realtors. EX. 3-1811 INVESTMENT PROP. WANTED WE KNOW several buyers with cash seeking a good deal. May we tell your property. Contact MR. WILLINOHAM. Realtor Invest ment Bldg. Phong MB. 8-0079: eves . RI, *-1559 BUSINESS RROP. FOR SALE •H ACRES aa Rte 123 In McLean va,; zoned eommerctal: Ideal for tm? cwits? 3a - 8 - 7937 -?* >USINESS PROF. FOR RENT WHFATON, HD.—Coi*ml bldg, 4 - 600 sq, ft.. With large overhead door 8400 OL. 7-9494, —7 STORES FOR RENT STORE FOR RENT In Florida Ave nue Market. 421 Morse st. n.e- TA. 9-7693. Q SILVER SPRING-Takoma Park area, ideal location for any type business. Sorner of busy Piney Branch and 'lower ave.. nr. theater, banks and supermarkets; *sl26 me. RAF FELL REAL ESTATE. JU. 9-1103. IDEAL LOCATION lor any small buslneaa or olBoe: downtown cor bat big hotela RA. 8-1101. —6 907 H BT NW. near new telephone eo bldg large store, part bsmt: ideal for any type buslneaa; *175 JOSEPH K BRUNO 903 H at o w BT 3-3326 ~ 40-FT. FRONTAGE Prominent cornet, near 18th ar.d Columbia rd.. with 3,006 sa. It., plus basement with 1.000 la. It. Very reasonable rent. Mr. OtnHti. NA. *-0580 er OL. 0*7936, eve nings. DRETPUBS EROS. INC- Regltors. WAREHOUSES FOR RENT WAREHOUSE. 60x50 and* 50,000 ft of yard space: College Perk arcs Call Tower 9-6146 TWO-STORY BRICK BLDG., cen trally touted In District, contains approx. 12.000 aa. ft. Avail for possession. Very reasonably priced. Owner will consider leasing. Call Mr. Dodge. !r.. WEAVER BROS INC.. DI. 7-8300. REAR, 3418 17th BT. N.W.—17,400 to. ft., to. 2-story brick building, plus 2.600-sq.-it. slr-condltloned office space on 2nd floor. Will con sider renting each separately Avail a«B. l w td ». p £as,ia wt 8,000 SQ. FT. Brand-new 1-story warehouse with recessed bays lor under-cover loading. 15-ft. ceilings; gas unit heaters; .3 toilets. Excellent n.e. location. Ready for occupancy. WEINBERG & BUSH, INC. 1707 H Bt. N.W. NA. 8-5500 INDUSTRIAL MOP. FOR KIKT OWNER OP PROPERTY nr. Kenil worth interchange, invites in quiries. from business concerns who can use this most advantageous lo cation for business operation. Also have property in n.w. suitable for 2nd comm. State your needs. E. A. WHITE 7024 Eastern ave. n.w.. TA. 9-6420. —8 OFFICES, STUDIOS FOR RENT ALEX,. Mt. Vernon aye.—Lge. 6-rm., lst-fl. apt. in substantial brick bldg; will remodel for long-term lease. AD. 4-8979, eves. DUPONT CIRCLE AREA. Mass. (ve. —1 room. 13x20. with small re ception hall and private lavatory. *7O per month. EM. 2-2210. eves. Mrs. Sansoucy. EM. 3-1162. MER RYFIELD tc WOODS —8 DANCE STUDIO, 1124 Conn. ave. n.w.—ldeal for any type school. Alr-cond Reas. ME. 8-0090. —h BASEMENT to be used for office or efficiency apartment, will furnish If renters do own renovating, sis a month. Weekdays. 8 to 6:30. call LL 7-0346. 15th NEAR H BT. N.W.—Unfurnished brlaht private office, attractive law suite. BE. 7-7320 —7 BETHESDA. MD.,—Suite of offices with window showroom on Wiscon sin ave. Suitable for lawyer’s of fices, title co. or similar business Other Offices available. Call Mrs Lyon. OL 4-3250. 7240 Wisconsin altßA<^/v4 <1 a’lrreo'nd. offlee over looklng white Houae and Lafayette Park. Telephone answering eerv. Incl. Call S 3 . 3-3458. 1917 12th ST. N.W.—Studio office. *25. Other desirable rooms at *SO. Wired for air conditioning. Opod furnished office, Including secretarial services; highly desirable location. Call ME. 8-5688 during office hra. for details and MaWB»ACT%IER'S REPRESENTA TIVE private offlee available, with stenographic service; air condl ,loned. Suite 020. Denrtke Bldg, rail IT ’t- rt 9R4 7 onfurn! PVT. OFFICE in suite of law offices. Use of reception room. 14th and K sts. location: $59 mo.; avail, immed. Call NA. 8-3310. —4 imn YOU BT. N.W.—Lge. 1-room offices in ideal btiiines« district. Rent. $35 mo. Call Mr. Duvall NEAR ‘ 'DUPONT CIRCLE—Air -con ditioned offlee suite; 2 rms.; 700 llWfc’ fll*N&— Doiibfe*suite es »° S » Ivw PHILLIPS. SHANNON tc LUCHS CO.. 724 14th et. 8.w.. NA. £2345. OFFICE—2nd floor. Apply EDWIN E. BLLSTT. 1100 Hth It. n.w. 8 until 5 p.m. weekdays. —8 WOODWARD BLDG. 15th AND H BTS. N.W. 1 or 2 Rooms, $71.50 Ea. Inquire building mar, Rm. 227. ot call NA 8-6616. —l2 1025 VERMONT AVE. ~BERVICBB"°*FUFU NISHED: *l2O MONTH. See MR. SUIT. Bldg. Mgr f To Decentralize Is the Trend THE FABULOUS Wisconsin Bldg. Wisconsin Ave. At Albtmarl* St. TO IN THE HEART OF —BETHESDA 1 —SILVER SPRING —SHERATON-PARK HOTEL —SHOREHAM HOTEL —PENTAOON BLDG —NATIONAL AIRPORT —UNION STATION Within minutes you can en joy the center of activity without traffic hazard*. Rental Agent an Premises LIMITED SPACE i AVAILABLE LOUIS BURMAN ' co. 5-oeza C-11 * *** IMP* 11 Wf WYf^ 1 - THE EVENINO STAR Waahinfton. D. C. mmut. mrt a. taaa OFFICP. ITUOKH FOE WT 1413 K ST. N.W. NEW 14-STORY BUILDING Entire Floors Available a TO • ROOM SUITES MQ3T MOOERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICE BUll DING IN THE CITY entire floor $4 SQ. FT. [ SHAPIRO, INC. I i4i3 ““s-VniT i ( THE LAST ONE LEFT ‘ ALEXANDRIA, VA., AREA BUSY INTERSECTION | N ?H W dPP B rifo AD L COUWUL IfS&SSSSRHiP" "• ADJOINING DRUG GROCERY. » 88fAB C^ R NG ANrgTHER TYPE IMMEDIATE POSBBBBION. ' CENTRAL BUILDING . _ . co* g ar. n.w. . Choice qfficea from *SO. tnd. full . service and elec. Wired lei air cord. CAFRITZ DI. 7-9080. : MODERN OFFICES EaroP |uit*8 I! ' QL * Sri<^- LOUIS BURMAN i CO. 5-0988 \ BEACON BUILDING ! 1757 K ST. N.W. AIR-CONDITIONED. ATTRACTIVE POUR-RM. FRONT SPITE; feflE. . WILL PARTITION AS DESIRED. 1 AU* SERVICES INCLUDED ■ DOCTOR’S SUITE * I On ground floor of apartment build ing In center of Oood Hope Hiils , Naylor Garden, area, surrounded [ by 1.606 family dwelUnt unite. 3 .ohms and bath designed far : practicing physician, juts far • month. Phone LU. 1-3300. . AMERICAN BUILDING ~ 500 ra. AVUfc'tfift vtadrara ; "wjasunsuM r MUf&Y^M^rPsO^ ' * PERFECT LCkiATIbN , Attractive suite. 5 office.. I*r*4 stare . rm, space for additional office. , vicinity of Conn, and K. Light and 1 airy, wired for alr-condtttoning. Will consider long-term least. JAMES L. DIXON ft CO. , ST. 3-7200 —6 ■ MILLS 6ldg. 17 PENNA. aVe. n.w. Large. .Ingle offlee. (vailsbie et till. ' convenient location. *46 60 up. : Call NA. 8-8093. OUVER T. CARR. I REALTOR. —3. FRANKLjN BUnTUNG 2nd-PLOOR FRONT Approx. 876 sq. ft. ot bright open space suit, for any type buslne.. or [comb, showroom and office apace. Great advertising value and services incl In low rent See elcr. epera i^^Sw MANAOE ig N j-Lfa ! COLORgB—PHYSICIAN OR Dtls - Large enough for boca. Large reception room, paneled ou*T ness office*, powder fwom. 3 opertt infc room*, plumbing and eleetfiMty • ail in; beauiflul layout. CAII DU. 0 7-4343 —l3 . OFFICES b STUDIOS WANTID BUSINESS SECTION AIR-CONDITIONED s Individual floors oft. 600 aa. ft, at r open space can be partitioned to suit tenant; *.'166 per month. „Mr. 1 Oinetti. DREYFUSS BROS.. XNC., . NA 8-0580 or OL. 6-7936. m nines / DESK SPACE : ATTRACTIVE, atr-cond. office wttb telephone answering and mail scry, at an address of distinction. C4ll BT. 3-3456 1 FARMS r 1 NICE COUNTRY PLACE, facing Rte. 211. 21 mi. from Camp Washing ton Good H-rm. house. 5 acres of land, 3 other outbuildings; hlcn , lawn with shrubbery: good vldw: price. $8.5u0. is down, balutag . easy terms. Cell owner JULIAN F. I ’KELLY. Warrenton 5-20 J, ■ „ 450 ACRES - With attrae. mod. home; 1 ml. off > river on property: only 8 ml. from - Manassas State Park and No. 29- > 211. Almost 4(H) acres cleared. Re r duced to $85,006. AD. 4-2644 «r • JA. 2-6281). —lO STRO.'T REALTT—Free! . Farms Businesses: 35 Stale. . BTROUT REALTY. 234-A Woodward Bldg, Washington, Sterling 3-3784 . A PARMER’S FARM. 6 ml. from Ur. ! bana clover leaf off black-top rd, 1 of 375 acres 95% —tillable: sev eral outbuildings In good condition; a 2-story, 8-rm. house: silos Ailed, approximately 260 tons of hay In • barn. Now successfully operated as stock farm About 35 ni. from D C ; long river front; *225 par acre will take it all. . 30 ACRES: large home: bank bari. i other outbuildings. Close to new ' highway: *15,760. i ■ 26 ACRES: 2-story, 8-rm. and bath: bank barn, other outbulldlnie A . never-falling spring. Excellent lo- I cation: *20.000. 125 ACRES, stream: 8-rm. houet. with bath and mcd. kit.; good b4nk barn and , torn house. Commuting distance; $26,500. HICKMAN-CUSHMAN PO. 2-9442 —T MONTGOMERY' THE OWNER'S ILLNESS presents this opportunity te any family wanting a large distinctive home In the country; • bedroom., 4 bath, and den In this roomy, fine-looking brick residence on 26 acres of beautiful land on good road: bar*, outbldgs, stream: $40,000. INVESTMENT VALUE; 236 acree. Frederick Co. dairy farm, close to city, at about SIOO an acre to settle estate: tenant on place, road frontage and good water; can han dle with *5.000 cash. CITY MAN’S Ideal small farm Os 100 acres near Interchange, good home and outbldgs.: live on and enjoy this while its value multiplies, 20 ACRES, large home, spring, all outbldgs, tood cloae-ln location: OLD COLONIAL STONE HOME: In f rand condition and very beautiful; ong river and road frontage; near ly 800 acres: about 26 miles out of bur office. We havq the most complete and varied se lection of ferma. both dairy .and stock. im«U and large, that we fleve been able to offer in a long time. RIPLEY & ROMER, INC. REALTORS GAITHERSBURG 299 NEAR CLARKSBURG House with nice barn on 18W acres, food road frontage. Full price, 16,060. Terms. FARM—IO3 ACREB 6-bedrm. house, modern dairy farm, nice barn, chicken bouse, several other outbuildings, stream Price, $23.00(1. Terms. Several other small and larae farms close In. PASTOR ft McGREW PQ. 2-9448; Evei. Oaltherebura 475-M On the Shenandoah GRAZING FARM 300 ACRES ■A mile on river, excellent fishing and hunting 266 acres of grattaa land with 2 ponds. 100 acre, of woods, some saw timber. Excel. htujlMg Soufids do* In tame preserve. yge 6 rm. and bath hones. In «*- cel. cond Bask barn. alio, chicken house, and garage. Mountain view In all direction. Offered at *97.600. McCAY Sc McCAY, INC. REALTORS McLean, Va JA. 8-BJ7B W. VA. PEACH ORCHARD Apples, plums. Estimated value ot crop. S7O oou. Grading shed, cost 827.000. 206 acres ol fertile, roll ing land. 2 houses. K, ml. of paved roads. 2 ml. off Rte. 80. Price, $39,'i06. 'i cash. This farm ha» great possibilities for real Income. SIGLER AND CO, RA 3-3431 •til 0. —7 , LOTS, ACREAGE FOR SALE FINE. LARGE .OT. In Virginia. srtefffi zznvt.w"' ‘p^r^Mitasjc