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C-12 WK rVBUNO STAR WBBhingtoo, D. C. um, ACRfAfii FOC SAU LAKE uaCMn-cMa »ui »*t .aecUon 6. lot 460: oris, owner transferred. nc. JA. 4-07111 —lO *7OO BUI. 16t*. 8 Arl.. Ve—Nice fcwl lot. .60x106; an utils . on busline: 12.600. OWNER. ONE-ACRE LOTI « larger, Coles tills area near new Ir.d Sot club, ro ftrtctad to *•-'<).(mo homes and uo. >1.500 per acre, less an larter lota #ra4«* ts no ant.. JU 8-3038. 4b-ACRE LOTI. 1 ml. oft Wit. nee., pot Bethea da and Roc bn lie. All Mt wooded. 20 to 30.000 so. ft. Min Item 100-ft frontate: no * water or aewer; excel, toil tor sep btc tank! >3.600 each. OL. 6-8510. M LOTS in the town of Fairfax, va . with all engineering. water FiuT' r u,*st. Efyft 7 LOTS '' ‘So.'ttM 8“22. least 64-ft. frontate: tome corners. >12.600: Va down, balance subord. TENCHER-WALKER, INC., AD. 4- 2644, JA. 2-5280. —lO #JNK RESIDENTIAL. BUILDING LOT: nearly Vi acre In beautiful Oeorglan Forest: 100-ft. front by 186 ft. deep. Large hardwood tree*. Ideal for rambler with daylight basement Price. >3.300. cash. H. GLENN GARVIN SO. 6-3600 Ires.. JU. 7-6739 . —8 12 Va ACRES Builders attention! Choice acreage located at Vienna, Va., adjoining commercial property. Improved brick home that will fit well v.tth development. Water and sewerage near by. Frontages on 2 roads. 1 a major highway Asking $50,000. Dillon Land Co., JE. 4-4040 —7 MONTGOMERY COUNTY INVESTMENT PROPERTY Forty acres. In Olen Hill section, adjacent to new parkway to down town Washington: beautiful rolling lend, laying well for subdivision: >38.000, attractive terms. Forty-seven acres, opposite Con- Seaatonal Country Club, an River wooded and hilly; an excep tional subdivision buy; >75,000. timi. Vfc cash. Fin to ten acre homealtes. opposite Montgomery Hunt Club, at SlTooo per acre: attractive terms ar W w*» terms; makes this an out ■pnjlnn value; could be made an _ sgesuwit tneome producer. ' acres at >oolesyllle — Iftee laying land at S2OO per acre. OP easy terms: 86 minutes to downtown Wash, when new park- One hundmathlrty-fly* acres at FW«««ie, with attractive- brick node; 8W baths, 4 bedrooms, Uv juf room, dining room, dsn and llwary, 8-ear garage, milking barn, cattle shed, 8 chicken houset and *-bedroom guesthouse: 117 acres fa production: >62,600. tsrma ar- EDW. G. ADAMS OL. 2-9611 MASON HIRST Annandals. Va. Phone JE. 2-6616 Closed Bundays A FINE HOMESITE A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE of over four acres In Southern Maryland about 96 minutes from D. c. Flue, fertile, level land In good neighborhood, on oaved road; lot 36 fa Bilvanhurst SrasNife.* l^ 50 sysjjr BEAU’riJf'UL HOMESITE 9% ACRES, CLOSE IN AjasfW—the site of an old house with lta knoll and big trees. 9ti acre*of gently rolling, fertile land, yet within walking distance of bus and with city utilities at the cor ner of the property, ideal for an estate or for subdivision Into an attractive development. Being sold to settle the estate of one of our oM residents. Price. *27,600: >8,200 down. Shown exclusively by MASON HIRST Annandale. Va. Phone JE. 2-6615 . Closed Sundays HEAL ESTATE WANTED WILL BUY PROPERTY Brick or frame, white or colored: quick settlement. Call MR. MILLER, ME. 8-6400: evenings. LA. 6-6194. A CASH BUYER OR TERMS LI. #-2000—S.E. REALTY SEASHORE PROPERTY feEHOBOTH BEACH—Lovelv acts.: 1 blk. ocean: vacancy July 23. Aug.. Bent.; *66-*75 wk. TE. O-iMV. .« FENWICK ISL., DELAWARE De luxe home; llv. rm„ comb, klt.-dfa. rm., 2 bedrms. bath, screened porch: 4 persons only; $450. season. Eves.. EM. 2-6916. L. T. QRAVATTE, NA. 8-0753. BETHANY BEACH. DELAWARE New cottage; 2 bedrms., llv. rm., din. rm.. kit.; >BS week: less for longer period. Cabin with comb. Uv.-bedrm, kit., bath: *4O week. Eves., EM. 2-8916. L. T. GRA VATTE. NA. 8-0753. BETHANY BEACH. DEl,.—Furn. cot tage. $55 wk.: apt., >6O. available July 9-16 and Aug. OT. 4-87J7. OCEAN CITY, MD.—New apt ~200 ft. from ocean. Vacancies from July 9-18 and In August; SBS week. Call LA. 6-8162. —7 BEHOBOTH BEACH. DEL.—Right on the leach. Modern apts. and cottaces- Immaculate. OL. 4-3883 BEHOBOTH BEACH For rent August. 3-bedrm. cottage, full bath, sleeps 6. Outside hot or cold faower Rehoboth 7137. 211 Stockley st. —8 OCEAN CITY, MD.—Spacious ocean front apt. Magnificent picture window view: swim, fish from door. Avail. Aug. 13. *126 week. JU. 9-6036, —7 WATERFRONT PROP.—SALE NORTH BEACH 6-room house. Money making or pleasure. DI. 7-6978. After 6 0.m., JA. 6-1404. NORTH BEACH, MD—Huge~furn. cottage; 1 blk. from water. Lge. lot. Reasonable. Call TU. 2-6338. —7 FINEY POINT, laland prop., 6 acres 8 cou ir : TIMBER TIDES < Son?‘S? P tßfej2t T /t..^de3* t ?J: HILLSMERE SHORES, A MILLION-DOLLAR ESTATE ON SALT WATER Now Being Subdivided Into Large Lots S 9 Miles From Wash. Where the Chesapeake Bay Meets the South River Mllm of aandy shore, beautiful btachca: Ideal bathing, boating, flahlng and crabbing. All piers, beaches and boat harbors are tor the private use of oroperty owner' This mllllon-dollar estate of over 600 acres la now being subdivided fato large lota. If you act no".- you can get a beautiful lot for $650. on terms This Is the fastest-selling waterfront development of Its kind fa Maryland. There must be a 1 reason. SMITH BROS. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPERS Hillsmere Estates, Inc. Owners SALES OFFICE ON PROPERTY ALWAYS OPEN Directions: Out Central are . Route >l4 over South River Bridge to Route 866 or Route 60 towards An napolis to Parole, right at Route 2 to Route 666. turn left, follow otu signs. All roads to Hillsmere paved WT'RFRONT PROP. FOR RENI WOODLAND BEACH. 23 ml. D. C Mod. furn. cottage*, sandy. nette< beach, lmmed. pom. CO. 3-21712. —8 COLONIAL REACH. VA.—Cory cot take for rent. J.'tft.* Call JU 8 X«?l? eves , EM 2-1840 —7 COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—5 rooms newly redecorated, modern conven lences; large concrete porch, viei of the r . lver Moderate rates. RA 3 *4OBI after H p.m. —8 4-BF.DRM. COTTAGE. all mod convs,; pvt. dock; 25 ml. D. C. •ouUi River. Call afUr 6. WA. 7 NR. LEONARDTOWN—NiceIy fur Pished cottage on water, ail con cr'jS, v.kirAp'rw'*':;: •ga|iuav»iB v *s^|i tWATHUVOm—KPCT 'lCml.l ■ rrr ay 9 * ■■ ■ *> OOULAND MACE— All-year-round house; 4 bedrms . large ttv. mem. kitchen, dinetu- all mod. iaaroce - menu: nicety /urn win rent by J^SS'kBU, BEACH. Deale. MR, "Carol-Jo" cotiac*. 2 bedrms.. t tan., mod., nice place. LO. 6-3403. 1 COLONIAL BEACH -Bendl-iront'cot tage rod dot. unlls;spac: dec. kit, hot wtr.. pvt. pier. fUh.. crab.. »wlm. e Lge play area: safe for children - CO 5-0611. Mon.-Thurr eves. —7 . SCIENTISTS CLIFFS. PORT REPUB LIC. MD.—Furn. cottages for rent i lmmed. br wk. to college grade. Or : ganised recreation, communitybldc . nr. 2 ml. of sandy bay beach. 4H . ml. beyond Prince Frederick Drive 1 down wartime or phone Ruth Mat teson. Prince Frederick 166. —8 , COLONIAL BEACH—Exclusive sect. Newly decor.: 6 rms., bath. alec. . kit., acr. porch. LU. 4-6396. ; FLORIDA PROPERTY ; FARM OR SITE for flahlng club. House. 80 acres, near main hwy. • n. and «J sight of famous Lake Martone. Sell 40. *5.000. all *9.000 OWNER OL. 8-3599. 8* • FT. LAUDERDALE, ftirnlshed home 1 and duplex for tneome, *2.500 - down. OWNER. NA. 8-9860. ext. ; 419. 12* i SUMMtR HOMES ■ TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apart ment. sleeping room and kitchen. ; private entrance and bath, every thing furnished, cool and quiet, nice neighborhood, outside flrepl. 12 miles from Skyline Drive. Ideal I for summer vacationist, rent rea sonable. JULIUS K. AYERS, 221 ■ Orchard at., Strashnrg. Va. WILL RENT FOR SUMMER to re fined couple or mother with 1 child. 2-room cottage on farm. j Poolesvllle 3051. —7 i ~ VACATION PLACES COTTAGE ON DEEP CREEK LAKE, Western Md. Sleeps 4; $27.50 week ly. For reservation, call KI. 8- 5063. —6 SUMMER BUNGALOW, 3 bedrms.. electric kitchen, located 100 m. D. C. in Pa. *4 mile from large lake. $35 wk DE. 2-1004. —7 LGE. COTTAGE. Rehoboth Beach for rent last 3 wks. in July. Call OL. 4-4953. —l2 REAL ESTATE LOANS ' ’OF CABH price, for 2nd trust notes ImmedlaU action ME 8- . 6668: eves.. RA 6-8307 2nd TRUSTS. Arlington aren: lmmed action. McCLAIN PROPERTIES 2100 Wilson blvd. Arl JA 2-3800. , FIRST AND SECOND TRUST LOANB , pur. BARTOW REALTY CO., Real . tor,. 1331 Q at. n.w., ME. 1-2496. i MONEY ON 2nd TRUST—We will buy 2nd trust notes. D. C„ nearby . Md. or Va. Reasonable ratee. NA TIONAL MORTGAGE * INVEST- I MENT CORF.. 1312 N. Y. ave. n.w.. . HA. 8-6833. . Ist, 2nd, 3rd TRUST LOANS cover ■ fag D. C. nearby Md. and Va. - properties; financial relief for all purposes, including repairs, remod i ellng. additions. Improvements. APEX REALTY CO. I fill NEW YORK AVE. N.W | BT. 3-1812 tod An£ B 3rd TRUST LOANS EX, 8-7744 2nd TRUSTS I—l buy 2nd at top prices, cash 1 hour NOT A BROKER. Day or gvea. . 2—ls you don’t want to sell your 2nd I advance cash on same at small discounts. RA. 6-2281: JA. 8-6676. [ TRUST NOTES FOR SALE \ Ist TRUST, or!*. $4,000; 2 pay - ments made promptly at S4O mo. • Has splendid payment record. Now a 960. Due in 6 years. $3,300. 4-5947, —8 BOATS • JOHNSON IB H.P. “SEA HORSE” (type GD-16 motor)* in storage at Nash Marine Supplier. Inc., 930 i Maine ave. s.w. Cond. as new; Brice,8 rice, $236, plus storage. Call OEL, EM. 2-0672. _ 7* | 14' CEDAR STRIP RUNABOUT— -1 Fiberglass hull with steering Wheel and trailer S3OO/ JU. 6-6533. • ; 26-FT. 1948 Steelcraft; excel, cond. Comfortable and immaculate. Many extras. JU. 7-7666. —8 , SPEED BOAT, early 1950 Chris ' Craft 17-ft.. 6-pass., 131-h.p. 3- carburetor; excel, cond. Just re finished this year; $1,500. Must sell. Call AP. 7-7367, after 6 p.m. —lO CABIN CRUISER. Steelcraft. 26 ft.; insulated cabins, sleeps 4; galley, head; equipped. JA. 2-4389. —6 RUNABOUT; 14 ft . slat bottom; 12- h.p. Sea King motor; other mlsc. i items, incl. trailer; $450. JE. • 4-5276: JA. 2-0880. —ll FISHING PARTIES. Chesapeake Bay. reser. CtDt. KING. LO 4-6843. . daytime: WA. 7-4192. nights, wk. OUTBOARD MOTOB, Wizard, 10 • h.p.: used very little, cost $290, sell $165. Terms If desired. JU. ; 9-2874 AUTOMOTIVE MISC. i WRECKING FORDS. 195(1 Fordor; , '49 TudeiL '49 cenv . 'SO Merc. 2- dr., blue 50 2-dr. Riviera, motors, body, parts cheap, u. 4-9521 before . 6. 9* . BODY PARTS for '4B Plym. 4-dr.. '4B Pack. 4-dr.. '4B Chrys. 4-dr.. '47 Stude. 4-dr.. '47 De Soto 4-dr.: . cheap. LI. 4-9521. 9* ’ MOTORCYCLES ; ZUNDAPP 1963; 200 cc.' good condi tion; *195. JO. 2-4030. 8* ) TRIUMPH TIGER 1955 “110": 3,000 i mile,: priced lor Quick sale, *895. NO 7-8303 after 6 n.m. MR. COLEMAN. —l2 t MATCHLESS. 1948: 360 CC, as ij. 1 *75; need, tire ring,. Phone eves. EM 2-7481. —7 t■-■ ■ - - TRAILERS 1 2-WHEEL UTILITY TRAILER With , rack Best offer. RE. 6-7840. ! HOUSE TRAILER. 65 Elcar, 34": ; *2.995: 30 mos. finance avail. MR. ZIMMERMAN, Lt. 66. Ancient Oaks. ■ Falls Church. Rte. 29. South. —7 TRUCKS FOR SALE ' FORD 'sl 14-ton pickup; green.. Pe rfect tires, real clean, $595. 30-day guarantee. HILL & SANDERS, ' Wafa ’s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w AD. 4-4300. Open eves, 'til 9; Sat. 'til 6. ’ CHEVROLET '64 Bel Air sedan: blue 8 and white; w.t. tlrea; Powergllde: power steerine. power windows: low mileage: owned by U. 8. Senator. Price. *1.796. Phone JA. 7-0738. —8 - FORD 114-ton stake: minor repairs - needed. International *4-ton stake; r ready to go. Best reasonable oiler. . WA. 7-1383. MR. WHITE. —8 A-1 USED TRUCKS—HI-value used " trucks: all models, makes and sires. See out selection before you buy. INTERNATIONAL HARVES TER. 901 Bledensburg rd. n.e., LI. 7-4300 FORD 1963 F-6 chassis and cab. with 2-speed * rear, 8.25x20 tires: Sheridan blue finish and readv to roll; *1.195. PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-01*6 OPEN DAILY 9-9: BAT. TILL 8 CHEVROLET 1951 >4-ton panel; newlv reflnlshed and Ideal for light delivery: $395. PARKWAY-FORD 8061 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-0186 OPEN DAILY 9-9; BAT. TUX 6 FORD 1952 F-6 chaaels and cab; this truck ha, had exceptional care; 9996. PARKWAY-FORD 8061 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-0186 OPEN DAILY 9-9: SAT. TILL 6 I 1 FORD 1963 F-6 chassis and cab, ;• with 2-speed rear, 8.26x20 tires; ' Sheridan blue finish and ready tc } roll: $1,195. r PARKWAY-FORD “ 3051 M BT. N.W. AD. 2-0185 “ OPEN DAILY 9-9: SAT. TILL 6 g GMC 1963 model 350 dump wltl d 3-yard body. ;:-speed rear: A-l a condition: $2,095. PARKWAY-FORD 3061 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-0185 OPEN DAILY 9-9; SAT. TILL 6 ARMY SURPLUS Neu) Shipment N JUST ARRIVED ... * f- FORDS- from $395 if m-tont canopy top*, wondcr j ful condition; 9 to chooac from. T *4B-'sl FORDS, I DODGES from $495 H-ton pick-apt; low mileage, . io«e tarp rovered. t- B GMC $2,499 n. i Sli-t#ni 6x6 A-frame equipped and eliding chain holet: like 3.: new. !, d : FranchUmd 7- j CMC Dir. •j CENTRAL MOTOR CO. A 9994 M Davie Hwy. . »U. 9. 1, Arttngtan, Va.) OT." 4-7899 >| r TtAIUB ICißt.) Whi?^Fl^2^<^i"^^U 0 6992 H 4 ML North U FUU an Rte. 9*l AUTOS, TtUCKS WAMTP ' CHEVROLET OR PLYMOUTH. >62 or ’53. for cash by private party. _ Most be very rood. Rte. 3. Box ’ JirrHExV'dXa’lEß. In *awa~fale • week will par cash for aO makes 7 and modal gfca Call TA. 9-4801 [ CASH FOR CARS - High prices tor clean ears, statioa wagons, p'cknpa; any mafca model 4 Will pay off balance e WOLFE MOTORS * 1991 Wla. Ave. H.W. EM. 9-0149 L -- -- L ■ Will Pay Up to f 58:55 »sli|wT "OR wua a toade up B OR down ■BLASS & CLARK . COR N CAPITOL A FLA AVI H.B'.i V Cadillacs Wanted i PENNY MOTORS - 1620 R 1. Ava. N X LA 6-2200 CARS WANTED r Wa pay highest prices Oct our alter before selling your car BELL MOTORS ’ 5010 Wisconsin Ave WO. 6-8900 CARS WANTED Our stock is low and our Southern * dealer’s demand is high. We buy ■ 'em all from Cadillacs to Fords ;■ and wc pay top dollar for them. i HOYLE MOTOR SALES 1 1717 R. I. Ave. N.E. DU, 7-8300 WANTED ? CADILLACS HOYLE MOTOR CO. DU. 7-8800 * ITIT RHODE ISLAND ATS. HJL i r CARS i NEEDED FOR EXPORT WE HAVE BEEN COMMISSIONED TO PURCHASE 500 EXTRA CLEAN LATE ’49 TO ’55 MODEL CARS . ALL POPULAR MAKES WE GUAR -1 ANTEE YOU MORE MONEY IN i YOUR POCKET PRICE NO 08-1 1 JECT BUT CARS MUST BE.KXTRA I CLEAN. WE WILL HANDLE ALL DETAILS IF YOU OWE A BALANCE OUR BUYER WILL COME TO - YOJJR HOME DAY OR NIQHT. DdffiroiATE CASH SETTLEMENT : TU. 2-4200 ' BILL ROSS . 7400 GA. AVE. N.W. [cash for cars ‘ penny m »Jotor m s/Sjbs j 1020 R. 1 Ave. N.E. LA. 6-2200 ‘ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ' AUSTINS *sl: six to select from. • starting mt >296 full price; traded - in on our new foreign car, last ■ week end: some with only 15.000 l miles: all equipped. Largest selec tion of foreign and American cars. Droler for Austin-Healey. Austin of : England. M. 0.. Magnette. Morris , Minor Hillman. Sunbeam. Porsche, i Mercedes-Benz. Kaiser. WUlys. - MANHATTAN AUTO.. INC. (Est. . 1914). 7th at R st. n.w.. NO. 7- . 2700. Branch Sales. 1810 King »t., Alex.. Va. KI. 8-6525. . AUSTIN HEALY. Black with red leather; bargain. >2,195. Also 8 Jaguar roadsters from >1.496 JACK PRY. 14th and P J BUlCKS—Selection of model, and I, colors HORNER'S CORNER. Bulck Dealer. Fla ava n.e. at 6th. LI 6- ' BUICK '52 de luxe sed.; blue and Ivory finish, matching custom seat . covers, w.-w. tires, Dynaflow. heat . er. turn signals; one owner; excel ’ lent throughout. Special price. $930. ‘ written guarantee. : TRIANGLE MOTORS (FORD! 3010 IT I. AVE. N.E. DE. 2-6302 . BUICKS. Horner’s Corner. 1111 14th n.w (downtown)—A choice selee • tlon of models _and colors DL 7- Bulck Dealer. STANLEY ‘ Riviera Roadmaster; gray, white top. Dyna.. r. and h.: - $849; ’SO Roadmaster Riviera' - $849. HORNER'S CORNER. Bulck Dealer. Fla. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. 0 6-6464. , . —8 ~ BUICK '52 Super Riviera; Dyna., r. and h.; $1,099. HORNER’S COR NER. Bulck Dealer. Fla. ave. n.e. I, at 6th. LI. 6-6464. —8 l BUICK '6O Super convertible: tons, r. and h.. blue, black ton; $699. - HORNER'S CORNER. Bulck IVtaler, Fla. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. 6-8464. - BUICK *4B 2-door: r. and h.. Dyna h flow; lst-class condition: >4O down and take over payments of $lO per week and Its yours! SILVER rRING MOTOR CO.'. INC., 1002 W. hwy. (at Oa: ave.). 811. Bps. 7 Md. JU. 9-4600. 1 TRUCKS FOR SALE - CHEVY 'SO '4-ton panel: -excellent y condition. Call NO. 7-8303. after I, 6 p.m. MR. COLEMAN. —l2 1 INTERNATIONAL BUS, stripped rod 1. equipped with counters. Priced at >I,OOO. For quick sale WA. 6-9488. • CHEVROLET 'SO 2-ton: lone wheel ■ base, flat bed; very good tires; en ’ fine has been overhauled, 3.000 " miles. Webster 5-5716. —lO FORD 1954 P-100 14-ton pickup; heater; one owner: low mileage; • like new. >1,195; 30-day guarantee '■ HILL & BANDERS. Wash.’, Oldest " Ford Dealer. 1300 14th It. n.w.. , NO. 7-1111. Open eves, 'til 9: 5 Sat. 'til 5. “ INTERNATIONAL '54 Metro V. step d in: private owner. Best offer. To. f 2-1424. —B, '■ CHEVROLET 1947 little de luxe 14- ton panel: unusually nice; very >. clean: used like a pvt. car. never : for commercial work. Sacrifice, o $245; terms, $45 down. "ROPER.'' 18th and R. I. ave. n.e, —7 FORD '63 sedan delivery; V-8 motor. 5 heater, turn signals. One owner (florist) kept lt In ttp-too condi r. tion. Special price. $876; written 1! guarantee. lt TRIANGLE MOTORS (Ford) 3010 R. 1. AVE. N.E,. DE. 2-6302 lOMC 1963 model 360 dump, with 6 3-yard body, 2-tpeed rear: A-l condition: $2,095. 0 PARKWAY-FORD " 3061 M ST. N.W. AD.2-0186 OPEN DAILY 9-9; BAT. TILL 6 CHEVROLET '6B 14-ton pickup; g very clean toalde and out; equipped. Ready to go to work for you today - at only $795. sEDMONDS (Ford) 3298 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. Va. JA. 5-8822 k FORD 1962 F-6 chassis and cab: thla truck haa had exceptional care: - $995. J PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-0185 OPEN DAILY 9-9; BAT. tILL 6 If®! ■ 'SO WILLYS | k Panel: green. Ne. 7099. i *52 CHEVROLET—S79S 2 ■ Sedan delivery; Mask. N». K S 4863. I 'SB CHEVROLET H-ten pick-eg. Ne. 8335. g S *52 DODGE..... $895 P I ; tV( to n panel; Mae. Ne. i '53 CHEVROLET $1,245 d 2 li-ton tbri green. Ne. 8500. F | '47 FORD ... $545 M r Ambulance; 3-tone green. I Ne. 7013. 5 '52 CHEVROLET... $795 5 1 U-ton panel. Na. 6481. M iouipuN I 19*9 IMU.-MB Warn tea 111 J 1 THERE OUGHTA IE A LAW! —ls Fofioly and Shorten L HfvairrioaoiNwrncuaoir Afmr ANoncM./nnc Bouqurnna bmmbbo ' fuscs «CTTM6«Aovioe won BN«i«uea our- wi. ms uem< HCH, (BVOEAR! Mt.HA'BHV. ] SO LOVELY! K ■UT.nyrfXTMI.-MOTHINC , BUT)OU •< ( SAKE6 < L OUTOFW6 *HOUION*r \ ( AUVE-) ? OROtNARy; HAVE GONE X) ) Vvr—f NOTONEWT ALL f AUTOS FOR SALE (Cost.) BUICK '6l Special sedan; r. and h.; >749. HORNER'S CORNER. Bulck Dealer. Fla. ave. n.e. st 6th. LI. 6-6464. —8 BUICK '63 Bpeclal convertible; Dy naflow. r. and h„ w.-w. tires: baby blue with new black top. A real "aharple"! Only >1,695. SILVER SPRING MOTOR CO., INC.. 1002 EVW. hwy. (at Oa. ave ). 811. BPf.. Md.: JU. 9-4500. BUICK '53 Super Riviera: 2-tone red and white: r. and h„ Dynaflow. w.-w. tires; 22.000 actual miles. Sharp enough to please anyone Two to choose from. $1,696. SIL VER SPRING MOTOR CO.. INC.. 1002 E.-W. hwy. (at Ga. ave.). 811 Spg.. Md.; JU. 9-4500. BUICK 'SO 4-dr.: Dynaflow: r. and h.. w.-w. tires, seat covers: orig inal gray finish: >649 : 30-day guarantee HILL & SANDERS. Wash.'s Oldest Pord Dealer. 1300 14th st. n.w. NO. 7-1111; open eves, 'till 9. Sat. til 5. BUICK 1964 Super Riviera: fuUy equipped in every way. Including power steering: beautiful 2-tone finish; a real bargain that can’t be matched; financing arranged for anyone with good credit. For or edit approval call TU. 2-4200. BILL ROSS 7400 Oa. ave. n.w. BUICK '49 Super 4-dr.; Dynaflow r. and h„ seat covers, original black finish: excellent tires. Only *497: 30-day guaranty. HILL & SANDERS. Wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1300 14th st. n.w.. NO. 7- 1111. Open eves. *tll 9: Bat, 'til 6. BUICK '62 Riviera hardtop: distinc tive beige on regent maroon, with blending custom seat covers, alr oontrol heater. Dyna. Has had su perb care. We Invite your Inspec tion; $1,197. Barry-Pate Chevrolet 1168 18th BT. N.W. RE. 7-7887 OPEN EVENINGS—CLOSED SON, BUICK ’4B Roadmaster convertible; r. and h.: Canary yellow with new black top and w.-w. tires; fully equipped; 31.000 actual miles: like new inside and out; $550. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call after H p.m. HA. 3-9593. —7 BUICK 1949 9uper de luxe; auto. I transmission, r. and h., sacrifice; 1 $379. $29 down. $5 a wk. “ROPER” 18th and R. I. ave. n.e. —7 BUICK ’sl 2-DR. One owner: Immaculate: beautiful light blue finish, equipped with ra dio and heater: must be seen to be appreciated; only *795. easy terms. Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 2636 Wilson Blvd.. Arl. JA. 2-9001 BUICK 48 Roadmaster: r. and h.: new paint Job: low mileage: excel, cond.; good tires Price quoted after Inspect Por spot., call MR HICKEY. WA. 7-4037, $-5 p.m CADILLAC ’54 Coupe DeVille: r. and h., w.-w tires, power steering, pow er brakes, tinted glass, electronic eve: beautiful 2-tone blue This is an outstanding car. HOYLE MO TOR SALES. 1717 R. I. ave. n.e . DU 7-8300 „ . , J —8 CADILLAC ’52 ”62’' 4-door: r. and b., Hydra-Matic: light blue; lst class condition. SEE IT TODAY at only $2,295. SILVER SPRING MOTOR CO.. INC.. 1002 E.-W. hwy. (at Ga. ave.), Sil. Spg.. Md.. JU. 9-4500. CADILLAC '4l 2-dr., motor exccp.; Pontiac 'SO “6" 2-dr., excel, car; Pontiac '47 "8” conv., fine car. To settle estate. JU. 9-3367. —8 CADILLAC 'sl convertible: fully equipped: original throughout. Like new. VILLAGE MOTORS. INC., 14th and R. I. ave. n.e.. AD. 4- 0444. —8 CADILLAC '62 sedan: fully equipped Including power steering. Vogue w.-w. tires: clean as new; *1.995. I VILLAGE MOTORS, INC . 14th and i R. I. ave. n.e.. AD. 4-0444. —8 ' CADILLAC '64 "62” sedan, a rich blue finish, fullv equipped including power steering and power brakes, $3,895. CCC guarantee: Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. i 1222 22nd ST. N.W, ST. 3-2600 ■ CADILLAC. '53 “80" Special sedan: black finish, Fleetwood styling, has all equipment Including power steering, G-M air conditioner. *3.095. CCC guarantee Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd BT. N.W. ST. 3-2600 CADILLAC 1960 “62” 4-door sedan; Hydra-Matic transmission, power windows, radio, heater; 2-tone fin ish with white-wall tires: $1,296. PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-0185 OPEN DAILY. 9-9; SAT. 'TIL 6 CHEVROLET '54 ''2lo” 2-dr.: regal black. 7.100 ml., heater; new-car beauty and performance: *1,250. Private sale: 1 owner. AP. 7-7130. •—7 CHEVROLET 1953 taxicab: excel lent condition. Call NO. 7-8214. CHEVROLET 1952 De Luxe 4-dr.: p/a. I. and h.; $995; 2-day money back trial, 4-mon4h written guar antee. HILL & SANDERS. Wash.', Oldest Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont , ave. n.w.. AD. 4-4300. Open eves, 'til 9; Bat. 'til 6. „ • CHEVROLET '53 2-dr. sedan: $1,045. 2-day money-back trial, 4-numth written guarantee. HILL A SAN DERS. wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w.. AD. 4- 4300. Open eves, 'til 9; Sat 'til 6. CHEVROLET '53 “210" 4-dr.: fully I equipped: *1,196: 2-day money back trial, 4-month written guar antee. HILL A SANDERB, wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. AD. 4-4300. Open eves. ; ’til 9; Bat, 'til 5. CHEVROLET 1954 A 210 2-dr.; Neptune green. Ha, your wife griped about needing a ear of her own —here Is the answer. This Is a one-owner car with heater, turn slrnals. rear rislon mirror, and only driven 10.000 miles. It look, like new inside and out; *1,495. , , . Chevy Chase Chevrolet 7726 WIB. AVE. OL. 4-0100 ■ “Home of Country Club Used Cars” ; CHEVROLET 1954 Del Ray club coupe; a beautiful cream with green top, fully equip, including r. and h. and w.-w. tires. A one-owner car bought here, and 1 serviced by us regularly and. ex clusively. This is an exceptionally well-cared for car, and ideal either as the principal or second car. See , it today. $1,496. A Chevy Chase Chevrolet ; 7725 WIS. AVE. OL. 4-6100 • “Home of Country Club Used Cars ' CHEVROLET 1954 "210" 4-door: heater; light blue finish and Im maculate. SPECIAL $1,099. PARKWAY-FORD 3061 M ST. N.W AD. 2-0186 ; CHEVROLET ’sl 2-DR. ■ One owner; sparkling green finish: Immaculate throughout. Equipped with radio and heater. See this t beauty today. Priced to sell quick-: lr. $985: easy terms. ■ Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 3140 Lee Hwy.. Arl. JA. 2-9002 CHEVROLETS 1954 "210” 4-dr., your choice of 3 In different colors. All cars fully equipped with Powergllde and In new car condition throughout. 30- day no cost guarantee: >1.395. Can finance with *95 down. 3501 Mt. Vernon are., Alexandria. KI. 8- 9046. I —l> I CHEVROLET 1953 I 2-dr.; sparkling black with steel I gray top. A low-mileage, one-owner ■ car with r. and h„ back-up lights. I turn signals and aeat covers. It . has been well cared for and you I can drive It with pride and satls |! faction: *1.145 Chevy Chase Chevrolet 1:7725 WIB. AVE. OL. 4-fllOO j | "Home of Country Club Used Cars 1 ' I 1953 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE I Two 1 ton, sreen finish like new. I white-wall tires, custom seal r cavers, radio and heater. Re h disced to ealr 51.095. 6 Washington's Oldest and ■ Largitt Dodat-Plymouth Dealer I TREW MOTOR CO. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEVROLET '53 “210" *-door; 1 equip Straight trans. Usad by 2-car family for local drlv. New cond.. ap pear.; >1.075. OWNER. HE. 4-6935 CHEVROLET 1951 StyleUne de luxe town sedan; Powergllde, heater, seat eovera; sparkling dark green . finish; very clean; *695. ' MANN OLDSMOBILE 8060 13th ST.. SIL. BPO. JU. 5-6186 CHEVROLET 1951 < Station wagon in emerald green. Any family can use a wagon like this. It doubles as a shopping car. and with 8 seats the whole family < and maybe a few neighbors can go for picnics or week end excursions. Has a heater and w.-w. tires, .and is In A-I condition. Budget priced. $945. Chevy Chase Chevrolet 7726 WIS. AVE. OL. 4-8100 i "Home of Country Club Used Cara" CHEVROLET 1953 de luxe "210” 2- door: heater. Choice of two; ana black and one dove gray. SPECIAL, each *999. PARKWAY-FORD , 8061 M BT. N.W. AD. 2-OlgS CHEVROLET ’53 « 4-Dr. Station Wagon $1,250 8-passenger, series 210; sale will be . made for cash. DISTRICT OP CO- ' LUMBTA CHAPTER. AMERICAN I RED.CROSS, 2026 E st. n.w.. EX. 3-7600. —8 CHEVROLET 1954 2-dr. sedan: de lightful horizon blue: low mileage by most particular owner; 100% guarantee: $1,212. Barry-Pate Chevrolet 1168 18th ST. N.W. RE. 7-7887 . OPEN EVENINGS—CLOSED BUN. , CHEVROLET '54 “210” 2-dr.; Pow erglide. r. and h., seat covers, 2- tone finish: a real beauty: *1.396 2-day money-back trial. 4-month written guarantee. HILL & SAN DERS. Wash.'s Oldest Pord Dealer. 1300 14th st. n.w.. NO. 7-1111. Open eves, ’til 9: Sat. 'til 6. CHEVROLET '54 Bel Air converti ble;: fully equipped with Power- • . glide: 8.000 ml.: beautiful red with I red and white Interior: $1,596. Can finance with *95 down. 3601 Mt Vernon ave., Alexandria, KI. 8-9046. —l2 CHEVROLET 1952 4-dr. sedan: r.. h.. auto, shift: $795. AMERICAN SERVICE CENTER. 585 N. Glebe rd.. Arl.. Va., JA. 7-7722. ; CHEVROLET '54 2 dr.: 2-tone. Powergllde. heater, turn signals. I w.w. tires; 91.296. B. It D. MO TORS. 8232 Oa. are.. 811. Bpg., Md.,JU. 7-7888. i CHEVROLET ’49 ; Styleline de luxe 2-dr.; one owner; ; beautiful 2-tone green finish. Just [ traded on new Chevy. Equipped with radio and heater. Must be ■ seen to be appreciated. Only $475. i Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet • 3140 Lee Hwy., AH. JA. 2-9002 ; —» CHEVROLET ’SO Convertible: one owper; sparkling green finish, equipped with radio and heater: a real sport beauty; only $645. Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 2636 Wilson Blvd., Arl. JA. 2-9001 —8 —q 1952 DODGE CORONET 4-DR. SEDAN Origin*! La Flats Mae finish, like new: has custom .est coy era. white-wall tire,, radio, hrat«r am! automatic transmis sion. Only $Ol5. > Washington’s Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plymoutk Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. «th A Fla. Ave. N.E. LI. 7-4732 1950 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE 4 DOOR SEDAN In a beautiful Nile green with radio and heater, unusually clean ear throurhont $545. Washington's Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plymouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th dt Fla. Are. N.E. LI. 7-4737 1953 DODGE ”8" CORONET CLUB COUPE Twe-tone. grey with black top; ha, automatic trans., white wall tires, custom scat covers, radio and heater. Aa eieep tional buy at 81,395. Washington's Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plymouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th d; Fla. Art. N.E. LI. 7-473* |f Fla. Avs. N.E* Bth 1111 14th N.W. 11 I I '55 Ford $2,499 '54 Ford $1,299 1 , I Victoria Hardtop; Ford*- gpert Tedor Malnllnert r. i - I' matlc, power uteerin*, jr. and h., cover*, excellent ;|l and h.: 3.000 mile*. Like cendltlen. f I '52 Chevrolet $849 ' 54 Buick 52,3991 arw H s!r..?rl '53 Ford $999 '55 Chevrolet $2,3991 Tudor eedan; hrht .roan, B«l Air Hard tan: Mu, I r. and h. ni. r. and h.. aowarpak.; S 700 mile.. '54 Plymouth $1,499 _ . . .. J ;| ssr*« i . issr ssn 53 ?,T k • I steerlnt. r. and k. Jtlrtora Saner; l-tm |S - bine, Dr., r. and h. '53 Buick $1,699 Roadmaater Riviera; bine. 53 DIIICK f1f499 1 , aaw&.wr».wft mj.: i r 1 Hk* new. *• »“* »• f if's4 Chevrolet $1,899 '52 Buick $1,299 | !h'llrk Ai L«* ,l J eT w lbl ti;eJ l "i' Saner *•*•«» Hardtan] § o«*r* 4*P. w.-w. tire*, r. bine, tray taw. Dv » and and h.,elee. window, and h * ” i •eat*. Pnwerrllde. \f '54 Pontiac $2,099 '53 Dodge . $1,199 t Catalina: il-tene bel.e, Clab Conn V-*i »yre w.-w. tlroi, Hydra., r. and matte, (ray. blna ton. h.. nwor iteerlna. radio and haatar. Ovar 110 Cara, BuMtt and Othar Makao, $149 to $2,699 STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc. SUICK MSI It—CLOMP tUNOAYI AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU CHEVROLET 1961 bluo 6-pass. «M.; new Powergllde unit, r- h.. spot light, w.-w.; grig, owner: belt offer CHEVROLET station wagon; heater, turn sign ala: only 4 miles: save money at only >395 down. B. AD. MOTORS. 8232 Ga. are.. 811. -7888. VROLET '63 4-door; heater, turn signals: good tlreg, extra, extra clean; *1.096. B. & D. MOTORS 8232 Oa. are., 811. Spg.. Md.. JU. 7-7888. CHEVROLET 'SB 4-dr.; two-tone blue; r. and h.. turn signals: *995. The boss says let her go. SILVER SPRING MOTOR CO.. INC., 1002 ] K-W. hwy. (at Ga. aye.). Sli. Spg.. Md.. JU. 9-4500. CHEVY ’53 BEL AIR radio and baator. A oar you'll be ; gaud to own. Only >1446; easy rms. Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet >l4O Lee Ewy- Arl. JA. 2-9^02 CHRYSLER 'll Windsor de luxe slab coupe; auto, transmission, r. and h., turn signals: tiptop throughout; special price. >7BB, written guar antee. _TRIANOLE MOTORS (PORD) 3010 R. I, AVE. N.E. DE. 2-6302 CHRYSLER - 'M, New YorkVr sedan; r. and h.. automatic tranamlaslon. power brakes, beautiful dark green finish. Special upholstery and other features. A clean car: properly conditioned and guaranteed: >689. WHEELER, INC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-IMPERIAL ' LARGEST WASHINGTON DEALER ' 4800 Wisconsin Aye, EM. 2-1020 CHRYSLERB—'63 Windsor 2-drs.. 4 drs. and hardtopa. Various color combinations and equipment. All clean. 1-owner ears. Propertly con ditioned and guaranteed. Priced from $1,299 WHEELER, INC. 4800 Wisconsin Ave. EM. 2-1020 CHRYSLER ’53 Windsor 4-dr.; pow er steering; 1 owner; low milemge; $1,395. ROYAL MOTORS 4100 Georgia Ave., N.W., TA. 9-2900 Chrysler-Plymouth-Imperial —7 1953 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 6-PABB. CLUB COUPE Hai heater, overdrive, custom seat covers. Finished In 2-tone green. Excellent value at $1,096 Washington's Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plymouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th A Fla. Ave. N.E. LI. 7-4732 WANTED Reliable Parlies to taka over thi> 1955 Ford Tudor FULL PRICE s 1.095 Attention Military Personnel Immediate 4 all vary ar ranged far effleer* and flrat three gradea military aertennel with • Aa little as >196 down • Small Monthly Pymts. And very •mall dawn payments far ether ylllUrr personnel. Bonk Financing Arranged Ask About Our 3-Day Trial and 100% Guarantee CALL NOW FOR CREDIT APPROVAL TU. 2-4200 BILL ROSS 7400 SA. AVO. H.W. ■S'SffJtsEsrusSu R. L are, n.e. —7 CHRYSLER 'sl 4-dr. Windsor. Law mileage: 1 owner; very clean; >796. ROYAL MOTORS 4100 Georgia Are.. N.W.. TA 9-2900 Chrysler-Plymouth-Imperial CHRYK4X 1962 Saratoga V-8 4- PARKWAY-FORD 3061 M OT. N.W. AD. 2-9186 OPEN DAILY, 9-9: SAT. TIL 6 CHBYnaft ‘6S Wtadeor da luxe se dan; striklnx 2-tone green finish. •ndJjKSiStS. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd ST. N.W. ST. 3-2600 CHRYSLER '6l Windsor de luxe se dnn: famous economy enxlne: r. and h, automatic transmission. Seat covers and other features. An Immaculate 1-owner car: driven only 34.000 _ miles. An opportunity interior, 4-CTI. orerhead-valve ea 7-rni—open°«T«4^?.' Sat. til 6. CONSUL '63 4-dr. sedan: vinyl up holstery, very economical to run; only $895; 2-day money-back trial. 4-month written guarantee, HILL & SANDERS. Wash.', Oldest Ford Dealer 1114 Vermont are. n.w., AD. 4-4300. Open eve,, 'til 9; Bat. DE SOTO 'sl Carry-all 4-dr.: auto trans; $599. HORNER’S CORNER. Bulck Dealer. Fla. are. n.e. at 6th. LI, 6-6464. —8 DE SOTO 1952 Custom club coupe: tip-toe transmission, radio, heater; Royal maroon finish with excellent tires. SPECIAL. $849. PARKWAY-FORD 8061 M ST N.W, AD. 2-0186 DE SOTO '63 FI redome "A". Auto, trans.. r. and h.. power ateor.. low mileage: >1.496. ROYAL MOTORS 4100 Georgia Are. N.W.. TA. 9-9900 Chrysler-Plymouth-Imperial DE SOTO '63 Power mas ter 4-door: S&S‘fiiht r biSf> h i'X“ ,, “ ,: MANN OLDSMOBILE 8060 18th ST.. SIL. BPO. JU. 6-0180 DE SOTO 1952 Flredome V-8 4-dr., automatic transmission. power steering, electric windows: sper kllng light blue with dirk blue top. A one-owner car that must be seen to be appreciated: 30-day written fuarantee: bank financing; >1,146. HALEY’S ... of course! „ DODOE-PLYMOUTH If STREET AT FIRST B.E. LI. 4-3000 Closed Sundays DE SOTO '52 Flredome V-8 club coupe, automatic transmission. Dower steering, r. and h.: special at *999 ; 2-day money-back trial. 4-month written guarantee. HILL A SANDERS. Wash.’, Oldest Ford Dealer, 1300 14th st. n.w., NO. 7- 1111. Open eves, 'til 9; Bat. ’til 6. WHOLESALE To the Public With Ftaanelag Tense To Bolt Yn^frodt Pontiacs | S-doerst felly eeatp. \ 00 6to eheeee from. 1 V $1,795 I Trade and Term, f M I-Year. 10,000-Mile | Trouble-Free # Guarantee 1 COAST-IN PONTIAC 407 Florida Avo. N.E. LI. 6-7200 Open Erg. ‘til 9 Serving the Wsihlugtea Motoring Public toe Over a Quarter Century fitted 125-CAR SELECTION *l39s—a '53 OLDS Beeket "88"; completely I equipped with Hydra- I I Malic, radio, heater and I I whltyyalMtraaj^^^^^J , —*l295 —| '53 BUICK With Dynagow, radio. I heater and white - waU I Urea Loaded with extra I —*l99s—. '54 BUICK Centary with Dynaflow, B radio and heater. A beau- | ttfnl ear that'a had excel- I i —*99s—. '52 BUICK Soper with Dyn*flow, fa- ■ di« and heater; completely ■ I reconditioned, drives like I i hrand-new^ i —‘*95 —, '52 HUDSON I A geod-looklnx, economical I I ear that’o loaded with I I plenty, of extraa. Beal bay I VhbmeeßiiSShbbbhmmmJl i —*995 —. 'sl CHEVROLET I Completely equipped with I radio, heater and while- I wall tires; flrat-ciap* ion- ■ dltle^nald^ii^al^^^l —*1095-. '53 FORD Tador sedan with radio B and heater, pla, plenty es g extras. Good robber all ■ i —**95—, 'sl CHEVROLET I F,B f 4"4aer family oar I I egalpped with radio aad I I boater. WUI give mile, of I | economical tranonortatlen. I |— *895 H-sates: completely eqalp . I Mt tw LiUi.tES! I auto a supply co, me 4920 Rhoda Island Ava. Oa Route No. 1 HYATTSVILLI, MD. AF. 7-9000 UN. 4-2730 WWItWHI’IWI'r tllEs; Wla. ave. a. WO. < 8900. -7 BODGB 48 Custom 4-Or., r. and , V|^Sini‘ , Ooi^2 ) yai. “ Eat. ta 6. DODGE 'sl de luxe ; equipped Smo a.w.Two 8-8900**^ Tls si#**-** Mt” DODGE ’52 CORONET Wf^yseissit,^ Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 2636 Wilson Blvd.. Arl. JA. 2-9001 DODGE 1953 Coronet V-8 4-door; radio, heater; 2-tone Mae finish wlthUnmaculate Interior. SPECIAL PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M ST. N.W, AD, 2-0186 DODGE '52 Diplomat hardtop; ra dio. heater. Oyromatle drive; pre , White-wall tires: maroon With Ivory top; one owner low mibage: fawn a, a ptn inside and P°“J| *»•»» ttl» one at only a ^~ WT,t ** B guarantee HALEY’S ... of course! LL 4-3000 Closed Sundays DODGE '53 4-door sparkling 2- tone gray finish. Oyromatle drive, rodlo. heater, w-w tires; a one owner car, sold and serviced by ut •face new; 30-day written gnar rotee: bank lfaanclng. Don't mis, I this one at only >1.196. HALEY’S ... of course! „ DODOE-PLYMOUTH M STREET AT FIRST B.E. LI. 4-3000 Closed Sundays DODGE '46 4-dr.: excellent trans- Porfatlon: *145. CALVERT MO TORS. 1141 East-West hwy., sil ver Bpring. Md. JU. 9-1434. —7 like B new' <lo FL(>ot? PONTIAC EO» M,M«UP.. m 3 U M6 cKifaSi FORD' 'BB «-cyl.Tudor; bodyand engine pert.; >1.096. OWNER. SO. 8-8704, 6-9 p.m. —7 FORD '64 Cuetomllne '*B'' Tudor: r. and h. turn signals, low nSEasg, ektra clean; special price. >1.499; 801Q 1 R A^ O AArE M<^ r E >Bg DE' EORD '53 Ranch Wagon; Pordomatlc, r. and h.• very low ml.; $1,396. BELL MOTORS. 6010 Wl,. avo. n.w.. WO. 6-8900. —7 I I 'so Ford 5485 ■ I '53 Chev. $995 I ■ OHKCTtrm, AvailaKU ■ I Kenyon Peck I 1952 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK 4-DR. SEDAN Finished In La Plata Mua. with radle, heater, cut tom seat eev « la excellent condition throughout; only 8846. Waihtngton't Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plvmouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th A Fla. Are. N.E. LI, 7-4732 f^AISE^IILSMOBILE^I 3 ► Company Official Cars ► i * New-Car Title • New-Car Warranty i ► : T 55 Olds Super “88” ‘3277: J * . Holiday; power eteerlng. power broket, radle, heater, . ’ . f w.-w. tlree, beaatifal 2-tcne finish; OldsmoMle’s famous ~ . 4 Roekot engine; Hydrn-Mntle drive, low mileage. Won’t , f ► last lang at this price. * . /’55 Olds “98” *3177^ 4 4-door sedan; power steerine. power brakes, radle, A r . f heater, w.-w. tires, eastern leante Int.. HydraMatie 5 . 4 drive. Rocket engine. This ear haa less than 200 mflet. ► b Come In for a ride In thla dream ear. >’ss Olds “88” *3177;: 4 Holiday oedan; lovely S-tono flnloh, Hydra-Matic ► h drive, famaao “202" engine, rodlo. heater, power 4 4 r steering, power brakee, w.-w. tireo, many ether extroa. b " u The laot ward In automobile otyllng. See e, before A r 4 ~ you buy. t >’ss Olds Super “88” *2977:; ' u 4-doer Soper; 2-tene flnloh. radle. heater, w.-w. Mreo, 4 ~ , ' Hydra-Matic drive; the greatest engine mode, too k 4 . fnmeae ”202" Beeket engine. Don't toll to coo this A “ f enr. See as before yea bay. We sell tor leas. $ . J* ALBER OLDSMOBILE <: <: 1630 14th ST. N.W. :; IME^ccyp ■BP Your BUICK Oualßre "Wm Thoroughly Reconditioned Cars j- NORTHWEST SOUTHEAST 1620 M ST. N.W. 1539 Fa. Ava. S.l. j DI. 7-8196 j j LI. 1-2400 | Open All Day Today—Closed Sun. and Mon. '54 Buick —52,597 ’55 Buiek $2,997 Sedan i air eendltlened, Sedan i newer steering power eteerlng. power brnkee. '54 Buick $2,497 '54 Buiek $2,197 Baper eanvertlble. Super bar glee. '54 Buick $1,897 '53 Buiek $1,697 2-deer sedan; Dynn. Saner hardtop: Dyna. '53 Buick . $1,597 '53 Buick . $1,397 Slier Riviera eeliii __ Hedant Oynaflew. ■Sllffik $1,0.7 •51 Bar*" M 97 50 *!.” Bedsni; Dyna. Dyna. 'SO Buick $647 '49 Cadillac $947 Siper sedan. _ Sedan "62”; Brdra. '47 Buick $247 '53 Chevrolet-$1,097 Kedanette. Sedan. '54 Chevrolet. $1,397 'SO Chevrolet __ $597 'sl 2-deer sedan. Imperial sedan; Hydra. '49 Chevrolet . _ $447 '52 Dodge —sß47 2-dear eedan. Coronet sedan. 'SO Cadillac $1,397 '53 De Soto _ $1,397 “W sedan i Hydro. Sedsnt power steering. '47 Cadillac $497 ,5, *047 S1 SSrtt- $8 ” ÜB--W 5 ’ : * W7 -51 83S? " Is»7 ' M *'' 347 -si Bsar'„t»»r -54 $1 ' 247 asyr *m ■53 P.n«„ $1,197 . 50 Sff, Z SfeTEsi" '53 jpi«" $1,297 47 ; i 4”. d gar_ sr»7 EMERSON & ORME i (Oonttaued on Next Pm*e) * . *. dt* • i | Vermont are a.w.. AD. 4-4 M& i: Open evea. till •: Eat tin A. I. FORD 1963 convertible; Pordotaatle. ' rodlo and beater: Wtariflga btne finish with new white tepriLdST 1 5 r djj?T-4*(i) 11 Oimn l rrem tST**: ’■Mtil _ FORD '56 Custom Tudor; heater, Si g? 6 * W FORD '64 "V-8" Fordor; original Ugbt blue finish, r. *sd’ hTtSS ? signals, sent covers. A very clean i- 1 -°»“«r ear. An outstanding value 1- at the low oriee of >1.376. S WHEELER, INC. ly s; 4800 Wisconsin Ave. EM. 2-1020 . FORD '64 Victoria; black rod whlta ! finish; r. and h.. w.-w. Um. A c6®f*iNG. 1002 2 fcT-j&^SSo 04 ' * T4 - r& - •- FORD 1961 Country Squire 8-paa e. senger station wagon: r. and h )- Hawthorne-green finish, top coodi is tlon: 3fl-day guarantee: >797. HILL [* * BANDERS, Wafa 's Oldest Ford “ Dealer. 1300 I4th st. n.w, NO. 7- 1111. Open ere, till 9; Eat. till 6. I FORD '53 Custom V-8 Tudor; Herd omatlc. r. and h„ w.-w. tires: Sher- Idan-blue finish; like new through oat: >1,295. 2-day money-back - trial- 4-month written guarantee. I- HILL & SANDERS. Wsfa.’s Otdeet Ford Dealer. 1300 14th it. n >- NO. 7-1111. Open eves. tIU 9; Bad. i,- ford '66 Custom V-8 Tudor: ». ' »i.9(i7: ; < r t B-fs t iT : ■"! y; it | \ Dml with Diner l 'S3 DODGI H Coron*t 4-dr. Y-8; one murt low bllbbib! mrlftaftl ftmi f $1,195 DIWER MOTOR 00. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER - "Home ot fleet Choice m Deed Core STATION WAGONS 1953 DODGE "6" SUBURBAN ALL-METAL I Two-tone blue with grey to*. unusually clean ta every de * tall, heater lIiMS 1954 DODGE "6“ 8^T t, A R T B , A 0 N N^ L AG M O , ? AL Original dark bine end iyery J tone finish, like new; unusually clean car; heater, lew mileage. New lust 81,796. Washington's Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plvmouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th * Fin. Ave. N.E. 11. 7-478*