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'■ ;IK gWl^teSPtepil*. AUTOS PM SAU (Coeri.) | tmm W M piiiwi p» iJi mi k., |w tw t-i tint. nt irr ae. at «Kh U rou 'B7; IMt motor. new mail' kMww, « oat nw. ka host!) L6M CUSUHnUne Y-* Victoria UTtIM); rorOomauc transmu jjtL ridu. DMUr, --tone cum ; PARKWAY-FORD soti m at. n.w. ad. *-oisoj FORD ’SO TUDOR l»T*nn« uant *reen tuusn, equipped! with heeier end mavcnma covers;: * ml eye stopper; see urn beauty today; omy tk*46. easy terms. Kenyon-PecK cnevrolet 8030 V.USOU Blvo. ATi. JA. a-IXIOI Ford '6a custom Tudor; r. and h, Fordomnln. ncautuiu green nnlsn, 18.000 actual aui. immaculate in tide and ou.. ra sure to aee this one bow at hid tI.uWS. EDMOJNDtj (Ford) 3208 WUauu uiv Um Ar.,„aton. va. oA. 5-8823 FOBS *B3 Standi Wagon; eauin.. pet. party. 1 owner, excel, cono.. outstanding bay tor 51.29» Pnone FORD '52 Custom "8" Fordor; 2- toae blue finish. custom seat cot era, oeerdriTc. beater, turn signals: tlp-toa condition, dpecial price. .5 FORD 1861 Custom '8" i tutors or Portion: r. and a., w.-w. tires., oesrdrlre or Pordomaoc. excep tionally alee ears, nOYLa Muiurt ■a'.net 171? K. L see. as.. DO 7-8300. —6 FORD" 65 V-8 Ranch Wagon: beater &(r. te'mZrZhi. uwr- FORD *54 coni'. Sununc. V-8; Ford-1 ematlc. r. and n.. -iru signals, many extras. 81.200 less than new price. Like net.. 8..0u actual muet. Original owner must sac ridce. 82.095. OL. *-63,9. FORD ’sl V-8 Fordor; r. and b.: Alpine blue finish; snarp, so»i>; 3u day guarantee. JaILL at Sj’lnders. Wasb.’s Oldest Fora Dealer, 1300 14th at. n.w.. NO. 7-1111. Open eves. ‘MI 9. Sat. 'til o. FORD 'SO Custom Tudor; heater; seat covers; ortalnel block nnlsh; 8495; -30-dey guarantee. HILL k BANDBRB. Wash's Oldest Ford Dealer. 1300 14th st. n.w.. NO. 7- 1111. Open ores, til 9. .Bat. 'til 6. FORD *BB Victoria; private owner. No dealers. Best offer. TU. 2-U24. FORD ‘63 Cuatomllne; r. and b.; excel., looks and runs like new, 8895; terms. ‘‘ROPBR.” 18th and R. I. a vs. n.a. —7 FORD ‘63 Crestline V-8 Victoria: Fordoauittc; 8-tube radio, beater, black with Ivory top: -real sharp; $1,487. 2-day money-back trial. 4- month written guarantee. HILL * SANDERS. Wash’s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1300 14th gt. n.w. NO. 7-1111. Open evee. till 8; Sat. till 6. FORD '64 Victoria; r. and h., 2-tone cameo coral and white finish: show room condition; 21,897. 2-day money-back trial. 4-month written guarantee. HILL & SANDERS. Wash.’s Oldest Ford Dealer. 1300 14th at. n.w. NO. 7-1111. Open evea. till 9: Sat, till 5. FORD ’53 V-8 FORDOR beautiful light green finish. Equipped with radio and neater. An exceptional value. Only $1,096. Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet 3140 Lee Hwy.. Arl. JA. 2-9002 —8 FORD 1964 Cuitomline "8" Pordor; Fordomatic. r. and h.; very low mileage; 1-owner car; 30-day war ranty; $1,495. MANN OLDSMOBILE 8080 13th ST- SIL, SFO. JU. 5-8186 HENRY J 1951 2-dr.: very clean throughout; 2 days' special: $249. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis ave. n.w. WO. 6-8900. —7 HUDSON '4B 4-dr.; good condition: *146. CALVERT MOTORS. 1141 East-West hwy.. Silver Spring. Md., .in 0.1 area n JU. 9-1434. —7 Deal with Divver 'SO FORD Tadar; equipped with eeenom-' leal 6-cylinder angina; low mileage, artglaal blue finish. Tadar enly, $395 DIWER MOTOR CO. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER 'Home ot First Choice Used Can 7803 Wis. Ave., Bethesda OL. 4-7323 ■GUARANTEED CARS—GUARANTEED CARS—| GOT GOOD CREDIT? Full Dawn Monthly Price Payi. Payt. '47 BUICK 2-DR $95 $lO $5.40 '49.OLDS "9S" 4-DR. 195 10 11.55 '4B PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 195 10 11.55 '4s CHEVROLET AERO 195 10 11.55 '47 FRAZER 4-DR 195 10 11.55 'SO PACKARD 4-DR. 495 10 28.34 '49 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. 495 10 28.34 '4B OLDS "98" CONVERTIBLE... 495 10 28.34 '49 MERCURY CLUB COUPE 495 10 28.34 '49 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE... 495 10 28.34 '49 DODGE 4-DR 495 10 28.34 '49 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR 495 10 28.34 'SO OLDS CLUB COUE 595 10 33.88 '49 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE .. 595 10- 33.88 'sl KAISER 2-DA 595 10 33.88 '49 LINCOLN COSMO. CL. CPE... 595 10 33.88 ‘sl PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 695 10 39.44 '47 CADILLAC "62" 4-DR 695 10 39.44 'SO DODGE 4-DR. 695 10 ,39.44 '52 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 795 10 45.25 93 Others—Open Daily, 9 9 til 9 Entry Car Serviced by our Staff ot Mechanic* in our Ultra-Modern Garagel terms rnnumsi Remes Motor Co. 1840 Wilton Boulevard Arlington, Vo. —GUARANTEED CARS—GUARANTEED CARSi VRICE? HIT BOTTOM!* S HERE FROM DETROIT A URGE, QUALITY SHIPMENT AT :s?Azy >R\CeS! 1148 Down Absolutely No Small Loan Needed '55 Moreury $2,295 '54 Plymouth Sudan $1,295 '54 Buick Special 4-Door $2,295 '53 Plymouth Sudan.- ;—51,195 '53 Marcury Monterey,69s '53 Buick Sudan $1,395 '52 Buick Sedan. $1,095 '52 Mercury Sedan $1,095 '53 Dodge V-8 Sedan $1,295 '52 Ford Ranch Wagon $1,295 '53 Chrysler V-8 Sedan -$1,395 '53 Buick V-8 Hardtop $1,595 '52 Chevrolet Club Coupe $695 '52 Plymouth Sedan .$695 WORKINGMAN SPECIALS <49 FULL PRICE! A MM*M*dM 17»l tIAPENMURG ROAD N.t. fIIITffWHOI.ESftLERS7 v DISCOUNT SUES GMT. ENJOY VEIT ACT NO FINANCE OOMPANT ! . y 1 mtjAU —| HUDSON '6l Clammsiari “8- d-«r.:lN 2fe,aagPsfe s , ready (or allies ol bard wear. Writ-! , ’ Iftl tiitranlAe - Sawlr AwaaHnt H WUI go oulekty at only $.795. I" HALEY’S ... of course!: y HUDSON '54 Hornet aedaa: rich 1 i ‘ei^'^.r'^TS^.aiV! CCC guarantee Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co.; 112*2 2Tad ST H W ST._3-2600 {HUDSON 'sl Hornet 2-dr. Holly-1 wood.; Hydra- r. and h; cream: - $749. HORNER'S CORNER. Buick 6 Derier Fla. ave. n.e. et 6th. LI. HUDSON 'sl Hornet 4-dr.: r. and h . Hydra-Matte: motor completely overhauled. Reduced from 81095 to *s9s. SILVER BPRINO MOTOR _ CO-INC. 1002 s”w hwy. let Ge. I . ave.), 811. 8p«. Md.; JU. 9-4500 HUDSON 'sl Commodore "8" 4-dr.; i r. and h.; beautiful Jet black fin- L lsh. clean inside and out. Priced ij to move Don’t miss this one at only $496 EDMONDS (Ford) . 3298 WUaon Blvd . Arlington. Va. JA. 6-8822 .> JAGUAR*—'SS MC; low ml.. save 5400. Also used XKs. from 81.485. ACK PRY. 14th and P. KAISER '6l de luxe 6-pessenxer > coupe: Hydre-Matlc: radio, heater; good rubber. 2-tone, excellent run ning condition: original owner. . S6OQ cash HE. 4-3874. —8 MERCURY '52 Monterey; Merc-O- Matlc drive: 2-tone blue: fully - equipped: excellent condition. Di plomat leaving country. Cail DU. 7-2477. —8 MERCURY IKSO club coupe: pew _ dual carburetore: 2-tone palm, and 5 ' tires: equip. r. and h. overdrive: $496 or best offer. OL. 2-BMO MERCURY’I9S2 sporTcoupe (hard - - 4 ■I top): Mere-O-Matlc, radio, heater; t 2-tone finish and A-l condition: v : PARKWAY-FORD t 3051 M BT. N.W. AD .2-01 AS . OPEN DAILY. 9-0: SAT- TILL 6 : MERCURY '4O 4-dr.: Just pasted « Inspec.; looks nice, runs nice, pep I power, speed: $165. JA. 2-0782. 1 —6 MERCURY 1951 club coupe; Hydra, drive, r. and b.: splendid; sacrifice: ( $639. terms. "ROPER.” 18th and I R. I. ave. n.e. —7 S MERCURY '56 Monterey hardtop: ‘ Merc-O-Matic. r. and h.: Ilk* new: *2.699. HORNER’S CORNER. Buick C Detier. Fla. ave. n.e. at 6th. LI. • 6-6464. — B_ MERCURY 1952 sport coupe (hard- - ton): Mer-O-Matic, radio, heater; < 2-tone finish and A-l condition; 1 $1,195. ‘ PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M ST. N.W. AD. 2-0185 , ; OPEN DAILY. 9-9; BAT. TILL 6 1 ; mercury '53 4-door: original me- ( - tallic green. Equipped with r. and 1 h„ Merc-O-Matlc drive. A well-kept. 1 1-owner car. Properly conditioned and guaranteed. Only *1.375. WHEELER, INC. i ! cHRYBLER-PLYMouTH-iMPERiAL ( ■ LARGEST WASHINGTON DEALER y 4800 Wisconsin Ave, EM. 2-1020 1 MERCURY ’49 4-DR. ’ Sparkling gray flnlah; Immaculate; 1 equipped with radio and heater. _ See this beauty today. Only $495: i easy terms. ' a Kenyon-Peck Chevrolet d 2636 Wilson Blvd. JA. 2-9001 y —8 • |See & Drivel ' W 50 Chevrolet, $535 M, 1 '53 Plymouth, $995 I p ■ GMAC Terms Available B 1 i Kenyon Peck 1 Arlington. Va. B a 140 Lee Hwy. JA. g-9002 B Special Reduction! SIOO Off '52 STUDEBAKER Commander Starlight Coupe Finished in a beautiful green that looks like new; in excel lent condition; has radio, heat er. custom seat covers and over drive. $695. v Washington's Otdest and Largest Dodge-flymouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6»b St Fla. Ave. N.E. LI. 7-1732 H. C. TC -53 eaclao: 2.600 ml- Mo. i ™s^rS:*“K.7§! M. Oji largest selection ot on*- _ owner cars at salat price. Largest S selection of foreign and American O car.. Dealers tor AnaUm-Hooloy. I Austin of England. M. O. Mag- I netto. Morris Minor. Onbearn. i Porsche. Mertedsa-Bena. Kaiser. Wfllyt MANHATTAN AUTO. INC ( (eat 18141. 7th at R Sts. n.w. ' North 7-2700, branch sales. 1810 L King st.. Alex.. Va. King 6-5525. c NASH ’52 Ambassador 4-door; Hy dra-Matte and famous weather-eye heating intern: beautiful forest green finish: excellent tires: one - owner: 30-day written guarantee; 2 bank financing: transportation plus P at a low price at only *BB6. HALEY’S ... of course! m U. 4-3000 Closed Sundays NASH-HEALY sports car. late '53 roadster; fire-engine red; mileage. P 11.000; puncture-proof tlrag; beau tiful condition: orig. cost. *6,400; WUI seU *3.500 or best offer. DU. 7-1800. JE. 4-2105. —lO F NASH 1950 series ”800" 2-dr. god.; r. and h.: *396. AMERICAN SERV ICE CENTER. 565 N. Olebo yd., m Arl.. Va. JA. 7-772*. r NASH '4B Super ”800” 4-doer: heat er. turn signals, seat covers, good s tires; economical transp. 825 down and take over payments at 810 weak. B. * D. MOTORS. 8232 Oa. ave.. Sll. R>l.. Md. JU. 7-7888. , NASH 'SO little de luxe Ambassador * sedan; excellent; 8369. Terms. 829 1 down. "ROPER.” 18th and B. L _ ave. n.e. —7 P NASH *SO Rambler convertible; t. snd_ h.. extra clean, orlg. finish. m ROYAL MOTORS 4100 Oa. Ave. N.W. TA. 9-2900 Chrysler-Plymouth-Imperial | OLDSMOBILE '65 GM Executive ear. exceptional buy, no trade. Call gt. t OLDSMOBILE '54 ”88” 4-dr. sedan; * blue: Hydra., r. and h.: like new. *2.099. HORNER'S CORNER. Buick . Dealer. Fla. an. n.e. at 6th. LI. f 6-6464. —8 OLDSMOBILE 1950 ”98” 4-door; dark green: h.. new tires and seat covers: 3.300 mi.; top cond.: one owner; 8960 or best offer. JE. 3- I 7919. —8 OLDS 50 **9B" 4-dr.: Hydra., r. and M= e ioi t rw.s #48 a 6 4k ? sld*^5 r u'fi 8 n B i.h Ho h l iJ*li,4: i tru including power i tee ring. 9179 ft CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. ,1222 ,22nd BT. N_w. BT, S-tffOO OLDS 1963 Super ”88” four-door; ' Hydra., r. and fc * power brakes, teat covers; original two-tone gray: exceptional. $1,505. MANN OLDSMOBILE 8060 13th ST.. BIL. BPO. JU. 5-8186 OLDS *53 Rocket "88" sedan: light green finish, fully equipped. In eluding power steering and power brakes. fl.ftOß. CCC guarantee. Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd ST. N.W. BT. 3-2600 SPECIAL REDUCTION! 1953 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE 4-DR. BEDAN Like-new medium blue finish; one-owner c»r with overdrive, radio, heater, and custom seat covers. Just reduced to $995. Washington's Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plvmouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th A Fla. Ave. N.E. If. 7-4732 LIKE NEWCARS! \ ’53 Ford $995 ’62 Nath ST9S Customline Fordor; heater and Statesman 4-4 r; r. and k-t ene tarn signals, very clean; an out- owner; sharp at tan be standing b«y ; ’54 ChtvrsM $1,095 ’49 Hudson _... $lO Dn« 2-door ; r. and h.s tinted giant 4-door; t. and h. $lO down and »«*. ™ «• 8.6 . week .ad yen ride! ,53 ChOVrOlOt $195 Dll. ’sl Buick $795 *-Br.l *•»»«. (sn slk- Super 4-door; radio and boater. XniU"“ , Un ' ’SO Chrysler -.560 Dn. <49 Lincoln 4-door: t. and h.. 868 dawn Cosmopolitan 4-door; r. aad h.; and take over paymento of *lB Hydra. Warth yaur trip aut to week! see this one! ’53 Dodge .... $1,196 *4s Ohovrslot Coronet Diplomat; 2-tone, r. Clnb conpe: B*s *•-?.»"* *•<? and h.. Gyromntte dr. Out the nver payments of 818 n week goes. nnd It's yonroi! '49 Plymouth 4-Do«y; '46 Nosh $55 R. and H. 4-Door; Yg«, it runt! $25 Down; $lO Wg«k FULL FRICE ★ Servicemen all grades welcome! ★ All cars guaranteed! ★ Banks rates! ★ Over 150 Cars ta Chaos# from! SILVER SPRINGS MOTOR COs. INC. * 1002 East-West Hwy. Directly Across From U. S. Royal Sign JU, 9-4500 SUMMER VALUES Every unit so displayod that you don’t havo to got out of your car '42 CHEVi sl|||| 40 BUldk i7C R. end h-l new Vo. lUV b!," lnop. ■ W InSP. '47 DODGE t4 AC '4B BUICK S9QC M.*cV uv: vV 195 Ss?:'u*m“ i wv insp. mmmmtmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmm— 'so HUbSdh SACA 'SO BUICK SOOC S'r b n. c . 0 v. t, . r M ," 4 43U B»te. k 099 '4B BUICK SIQC '49 OLDS SOQC '..vis: IwO '• 099 green finish. n„ nysrs. I '49CHEY SJAg 'SO BUICK Sir/iJih.” 4 fc> D, d «v. S SQS 'sl ply. {car Kd *•"' »• 99U 'sl BUICK |-ji e 'ST6TJF2K mac ™ *995 '53 DODGE SOAC '.Mb’*'..': lIAQC *sl PACKARD S7HC ’ IU9O A-. V *795 kUICK »S 2 DE SOTO SJT- Ui SIQQC r and hVente. SAQC Sr *-"• 1099 SSL 999 '^PONTIAC - >Sr?SFD ‘1995 gsss *1495 W BUICK *2395 E%?s *1995 io CTmelTs Dually a* Vllah an b FRICBO CORRBSFONDINGLY LOW STEWART BUICK 1525 WILSOH BLVD., ARLINGTON JA. 5-7851 Closed Sundays ja. 5-7150 3LD6 1951 ~tsr Saar Itm; In ifft gSs; » « CUC* j MANN OLDSMOBILE - 1 ; ! bhf. igsras Captofoimfiac-blda Go. 1222 22nd' HT, N.W, 8T 8-«#00 DLD6MOBILE 1850 “98” 4-doof; g * PARKWAY-FORD 1051 M BT. N.W. JD. 3-0185 - SRJBSfI. 'til 6. T£ RD f ARCADE PONTIAC CO. 1437 IRVINO BT. N.W.. AD. 4-8500 y wssws vsssru^i « celvod. Fully equipped with radio, heater; 30-day wriftan gnarantea; bank finandag: at • low, low prig* « HALEY’S ... Os course! m. r . LI. 4-3000 Closed Sundays PLYMOUTH 1950 Special fiuburbaj; blue, white-wall tfras; 8400. OL. i-dy.: Hy- i SSISEi “"‘parkway-ford 8081 M T. N.W. AP. $-0185 1 Catalina enmpany official ear. Fewer steering, power brakes. Hydra., r. and h.. w.-w. tiros: loaded with aqeetsories. New eor title, now ear warranty. CALL CARL MOTOR 3 7701 Wifcontin Art. (Bethesda) OL. 4-2121 ' —INDOOR SHOWROOM— -1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. SEDAN In beantlfnl Nile green, with eastern sent covers, automatic transmission, radio and beater; unusually elean car In excep tional mechanical condition, for Inst 8615, Washlnaton’t Oldest and Largest Dodge-Plymouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. »tb A Fla. Art. N.E. LI. 7-4732 as ftYMOUTM. '»1 <5 t£s' stv Inside and out; oriUuc **»»» Arl, Va. TS seel covers, wry gleam 1 -owner MANN OLDSMOBILE 8060 18th ST.. BTL. BPQ. JU. 5-6186 PLYMOUTH 'sl 4-dr, gyt,:bfmm. "iSfpUTH 1955 Belvedere 2-dr ebony oULck over Tnngo red. with Monfitny interior: custom radio. Wopsr Airflow heater. A sens*lions! r Bariy-Pate Chevrolet PLYMOUTH 'sfl nlleage 1-owner, like n«w. $585. ROYAL MOTORS 410° Oa. Ave. H.W. TA. 9-2900 Chrysler-Plymouth-Imperlßl suburban, lew mileage, r. and h.. w.-w. Hrai: 1851. 31.000 ml. 1- beautiful throughout. 1620 p sS DT^ BO *sSh 4 „-. cond. 15951 OV. 3-1615. —8 PLYMOUTH ‘SO club coupe: r. and e'Vseo 1 ’ OTD * r Best offer. RA PLYMOUTH 'SO Special de luxe coupe; r. and h.. seat covers. Origi nal light croon. Immaculate: $595 MANN OLDSMOBILE 8060 13th BT.. BTL. BPO. JU. 5-6186 PONTIAC '53 de luxe 4-dr.: white and gray: low mileage: clean; excel, cond. Tei. NA. 8-6931 Ext. 1. 6’ PONTIAC 66 Catalina Star Chief hardtop- leather Interior; low miles: power steering, oower brakes: PONTIAC '63 Chieftain d* luxe 4-dr. eedun: 2-tone green. Hydra., r and h„ 8 cylinder: fully guaran teed; 81.896. ARCADE PONTIAC CO. 1487 IRVIHO BT. N.W., AD. 4-8500 Deal with Divver '53 PLYMOUTH Sab eeupei very sporty. One et i nicer bun eh teday’s nsar sl,l9s DIWER MOTOR CO. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER "Home ot Jim Choice Deed Cars 7m ”o*l. V'73^ t> ” A> \ PLYMOUTHS i b Brand-New Cars i . i k eaqc down , t y CASH 6* TRADE 1 . S $55 A MONTH W ' . fncls. Ins. and 4% charges 4 < a Calvert Motors 4 4 Da Bate-Plymouth > a lift East-West Hwy. 4 ftir.Wija 4 A r Open til 10 PJI. VA^kAAAAAA/ Ride J < y to Work 4 i y Specials 4 i k, so Buick —5495 J Special 4-dr. 1 4 y 'SO Chevrolet $495 4 4 4-dr.i r. and b. . 4 ► 'SO Ford j $395 ’ a Tudor; t. nnd h. 4 < ,'49 Olds $149 d 4 ~ ”98" 4-dr. ] ► '49 Nosh —sl9s y " a 4-dr.i r. nnd b.. o.d. 4 <['49 Ford $295 4 * , r 3-dr.i r. nnd h. b >'49 Kaiser .—s79 > 7 a 4-dr.; r. and h., o.d. i r < [ '4l Chevrolet $95 , ► 4 y '4O Pontiac ___s9s < 4 . 2-dr.; r. and h. , < . Immediate delivery 4 4 ’ and financing for ► everybody including 4 4 . ecrvicemen 4 ] ► Town-Country salts 4 ] ► 8336 Wig. Av«. N.W. < < WO. 6-9400 4 OLDSMOBILE 1 ™ '54 01d5—52,695 B "98” 4-dr.; r. nnd h.. Hy- Idra.. newer steering, now- er brake* and many other ■ extra*. SAVE 81,400 with ■ this llke-new *54. '54 Pont—s2,o9s I Star Chief Catalina H HARDTOP; r. and h., Hy- ■ dm., w.-w. tires nnd many ■ *54 r Olds I Super "88” *-dr.; r. nnd ™ b„ Hydra, i ene ewner. Outstanding In every way. '54 Ford-$1,895 ISnnllner V-8 ennv.; r. and ■ b., Fordomatle, newer ■ steering and power brakes. ■ w.-w. tires; very law mile- ■ ; { - B Mere. $1,695 I tone: ane awneri ssoilest V “98” 4-deer: completely IKirJkrarufw! | '52 * Old 8 _ _51,195 I "98” 4-dr.i r. end h„ Hr- ■ fSr. my and*wblte. t * n * I '52 Buick -$1,195 I Super Riviera 4-deer; r. P and k.. Dyna.t one ewner; lew mileage, always ga raged. '52 Olds . $1,195 Soper ”88” 4-dr.: Hydra., I turquoise and blark Bn.: ■ one owner; excel. In every ■ ,W 53 Nosh $995 | Super Statesman ?-dr.i r. ■ and b.. 2-tene cream and ■ black; ene ewner; very ■ clean. '52 Dodge $895 P Coronet club coupe; r. and h., Fluid drive; ene owner; a 19,000 actual miles. J k'49 Olds ’ $495 £ ■Dr luxe “88" club roupr; H ■r. and h.. Hydra.; equip ■ ■ with late model Rocket ■ engine In outxtandin* con- ■ ■ dltlon. ■ 'SO Dodge _ $395 ■ ■ Wayfarer 7-dr.: r. and h : ■ ■ one owner. Today's bar- ■ ■ gain bay. I ' Wathington’t g m Oldeet Oldemobile M Dealerthip bW - . - : -a ■ T “^T^n.S%o ,3 T MOO. PONTIAC -48 Otntteg wagae 3 aeata. metal bndy; 8880; Thill ulate FLOOD PONTIAC. 43*1 Connecticut. WO. $4400 I TESBWStt'*’ PONTIAC ’55 V-S 4 -or: company, cur; fully eoutp : new-car title sad 12 , “ r a i“ r . NEIL PONTIAC. 7330 WU avq .OL 1 4-8000. "Ia the Heart of Bcthaada.” , PONTIAC 50 station wagon: 8876; , > Hydra, fully equipped: unmacula ta 1 . FLOOD PONTIAC 4*«i Connoc- 1 ■ ttcut. WO 8-84l>0 : PONTIAC 1950 4-0oor; black fialril and exceptionally clean: 8546. ; PARKWAY-FORD • 3081 M BT. N.W. AD. 2-0185 1 PONTIAC '54 custom 4-dr. Otar , Chief sedan: 2-Utae all-leather, la- J terior, coral rad and white. , air 1 r cond.. Hydra., power steering, power brakes, r. and h . eat.: extremely low mileage; new-car guarantee ARCADE PONTIAC CO. ; , 1437 IB VINO HT. N.W.. AD. 4-8500 , PONTIAC ’63 Chieftain clutTcoupe: fully equipped: Hydra-Matte- w.-w. I r.. 18.000 m1.i51.650. JO. . PONTIAC '53 Chieftain de luxe “8” i • 2-door; r. and h.; Hydra-Matie: 2- f I tone finish. Only $95 down and low monthly payments. B. * D. MO . «RB. 82M Oa ave.. 811 Spy.. I Md.. JU. 7-7888. | PONTIAC '49 de luxe convertible I coupe; runs end drives like new; ■ Hydra, trana; sacrifice. *395. Terms. "ROPER.” 18th and lL I. < t ave n.e. 7 . PONTIAC '53 Chieftain de lux, "8" conv.; Hydra-Matte, r. and h„ w.- w. Ures. steaming black finish, rad leather Interior; real low mileage. . I like new; $1,797: 2-day raoney -5 back trial. 4-month written guar antee. HILL tc BANDERB. Wash i ; Oldest Ford Dealer. 1300 14th st n.w, NO. 7-1111. Open eves, 'til 6nt. 'til 5. 8 PASS. SEDAN 1953 Chrysler Windsor 4- deer. P.wer ,tiFluid Torque, R- A H., Black, w.-w. tires. $1799 i Horner's Corner SMART BUYERS don’t measure Value by price alone... They know dependability y\ and repair free driving ► f You can probably better H .••••••••••••••• •••#g •/TfTTrhs* •• the P rsce •• • but when ' *. MERIT-AWARD USED CARS Sw’-teSwS y * Belter to befit with! Reconditioned! Guaranteed! * Merit-Award CRTS, you’ll y • Lowest Bank Rate Financial * knOW yOU Can’t beat the \ rJt.tPS&uerftSnc. \ 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 3 3321 Lee Highway, Arl., Va. 34th & Benning Rd. N.E. y Open Monday Thru Saturday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Open Monday Thru Saturday, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. y, JA. 5-0604 LU. 1-8300 or LU. 2-8000 I 1953 FORD 1954 PLYMOUTH ► Black Fordor; radio, $1 1 O 4 ‘ d ?°V Wy, ‘ gree ”’ ' W '° $ 1595 > ►i 1954 CHEVROLET ►j 1953 DODGE *1595 2-door; radio, heater __ *1345. 1953 PLYMOUTH r 4-dr. Cranbrook, R. and H.~- A J 1953 PL ™ OU ™ 1951 CHRYSLER Auto. Trans. .. VJ y oj 1952 DODGE 1952 PLYMOUTH , S*7QC $995 Wayfarer; 2-door, heater / Suburban; light blue, heater-. ** 1951 DE SOTO 1952 $ FUDEBAKER 4-door; radio, heater, S7Q auto, transmission JyJ Hard top 1950 GHRYSLE R Newport, light green, radio, $/%Q CT 1950 DE SOTO heater and auto, transmission Xjyd C 1951 PLYMOUTH . 4-door; heater, black VJTCrJ SCTQC 4-door; radio and heater . y w 1950 CHRYSLER 1951 STUDEBAKER 4-door Windsor; radio, heater, JPQP Land Cruiser 4-door; radio JCT/l iC dark green J and heater 1949 PLYMOUTH 1954 CHEVROLET 4-dr.; radio and heater, special 54 Q C „ de luxe, dr. green *Iy%J 2.J0.r>k..,„ 1595 I drive AWAYS I ’47 PLYMOUTH 4-doaP $95 f— ’4l CADILLAC 4-door, radio, heater, $195 noi\/u inr* vo 57 UDERAKER 4-dr. Champion, $195 UKIVh AWAYS >47 DODGE 4-door; radio and heater. ’4l* FORD $45 blue . .. $145 ’47 FORD $95 ’47 PLYMOUTH 4-door ...... $95 ’47 nP cfiTn cisc '4/ C A DILL AC 4-door.; radio and I 47 DE SQTO - $145 heater, ... $195 f»eS«te AUTHORIZED DE SOTO PLYMOUTH DEALERS, NEW CAR LOCATION AT: t SnC, ff&ttuAcfa, THotbaSnc. , j After 50 Yrs., One of the Largest in the East! II 1440 P Street N.W. • DE. 2-4800 4702 Mi,,er Ave ’ Bethesda ’ Md ‘ * OL ’ 4 ’ looo /72atom fTlofai Co.Snc. Ca/osAtt‘/?2&ioi^Snc. j 34th & Benning Rd. N.E. • LU. 1-8300 1141 ***** H^ W 9^ i,ver Md ‘ |gm W.HI n!w!? -4300. Open evee. tfl »: But. TU 5. fitoSH‘.s o s.ssa- Capi Co. 1222 22nd HT. W.W, HT. 3-*BOO 1 IP'llk#! Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. 1222 22nd BT. N.W. BT. 3-2600 PONTIAC 1932 de hue Catalina hardtop: radio, heater. 2-tone * hlu - wmU PARKWAY-FORD 3051 M HT. N.W. AD. 2-0185 PONTIAC 186* Chieftain -8" Cata lms; Hydra., r. and h.; leather In terior: beautiful two-tone green. 81.095. MANN OLDSMOBILE 8060 13th BT.. BIL. BPO. JU. 6-6186 STUDUAKEb '62 4-door Cham pion; small car; $750; immacu late FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 Con necticut. WO. 6-8400. BTUDEBARKE 1852 Champion club coupe: beautiful, almost new. sacri fice, $646. Terms. "ROPRR.'i 18th end R. L ave. n.e. 8-7 STUDEBARER de luxe Custom double dater club coupe; r. end h.. excel.. like new. eacrmce. *365. Terms. “ROPER." 18th and R. L ave. n.e. 1954 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Famous overhead valve enxlne; one-ewner ear with law mile age: spotless Inside and nut. •riclnal finish like new. At the unbelievably law price es 81.296 Ivashin,lon's 01 deaf and Large,t Dodge-Plymouth Dealer TREW MOTOR CO. 6th A FU. Ave. N.E. LL 7-4732 hues usd very' litiig V mt/tesfcs Hke a beasU nsw cur; slip snnsend stns* o«w gad ■hsktm «if iiteit- tssd ffyu^jAKEß Commanter. 4- JA7-Wia NTOGSa rd.. Arl- Ya., IHJuislln *6l Commander 8- B£jiAtaM?C 2526. —JO “Select Bonded" 1952 NASH Sts teaman 4-dsar; Super, radio, beater. SO.. 000 aetaal miles: naa owner: very clean 8995 1932 CHEVROLET 2-deur: de loxa; beater nnd Pnwer glide, new teat eevers. vary elean 6945. 1951 CHEVROLET 2-dnqr: de luxe: h-aler * pnwer (Ude, nts seat cavers, verv clean SMS. 1960 NASH AMBASSADOR 4- dr.i nverdrive nnd heater. A real bny at enly 8395 L. P. Ssfford Nub, lie. Obta Itm.. Clascd Sand ay C-13 THK KVBfDtO STAR : WMfalDCton, D. C. WIBHBBRIT. mi 8. IMS > - | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1 WILLYS 1951 "* I Btatoo wagon In dark graasi. Thera 1 is a no more versatile automobUa than the ear earing, easy to park • Jagg type station wagon. This ora l. has hooter, defroster, outside rear 8 ristoa mirror, rad snow-treed tires e Chevy Chase Chevrolet ** *2iJ?OMsnr Clmb .. '47 BUICK. club $195 | LOOK 1 ’56 Poiliaet Less Than 1,000 Mile* *295 DOWN • No Gimmicks Cofolinos—2-Doon, 4-Doorj (All fatly Eenlpped 1 • 88.000 mUe gnarantea. O Bank financing. * O Up te 86 meaths U pay. Standard Pontiae 7125 loltimora Ate. AF. 7-4282 ——