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* THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST *. IMS A-14 With Regard to a Card of Thanks V«r, often a cord ot thanks in The Stor meets a need which con hardly be solved in any ether way Not only is it a grocioat expression ot gratitnde to those who hove sent More! tnbetei but else coerteouity acknowledges the services and kind* nesses at the many to whom e per sonal note at thanks cannot well be moiled or whoso names and ad dresses are not known. Insertion at a card ot thanks may be arranged jy telephone to The Stas, ST 3-5000 The Evening and Sunday Star Virgil IT. AND MRS. JAMES E. JOYCE an nounce the birth of n daughter July 30. 1955. Lt. Joyce is eervlng with the United State* Air Force et Wheelue Air Best in Tripoli. Libya. Lt. Joyce and family will return to the States in June of 1956. (Earb of uJljattks JENKINS. LENA M. The family of the late LENA M. JENKINS wish to ex sres*5 res* our sincere appreciation to the ;ev. S. Lewis Morgan of Petworthi Baptist Church, our many friend! for! their beautiful floral tributes, cards., Inters, pallbearers and other act* ol i tmdness shown us during our recent; bereavement. BISTERS. BESSIE 1 HCLLIDGE AND; ELIZABETH J. CLADMON. Sratha ALESHIRE. CLARENCE E. On Monday. August l. 1955. st his residence. 701 Ernst Capitol st.. CLARENCE E. ALE 6HIRE, the beloved husband of Esther M. Aleshire. brother of Mrs. Rita Smith of Berwyn. Md.: Mrs. Whitney Reese of Annapolis. Md.; Edith Reese of Joppa. Md.: Arthur, Ray. Ernest. Russell and John Aleshire; son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Aleshire of Berwyn. Md. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4tb st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday. August 3. at 11 a.m. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BAILEY. JOSEPH F. After a short Ill ness on Saturday. July 30. 1955, at his residence. Avenue Md., JOBEPH F. BAILEY, beloved husband of Grace Wible Bailey: also survived by four sisters and two brothers. Friends may call at his late residence where prayers will be held at 8 o ra. Tuesday. August 2. Mass at Holy Angels Church. Avenue. Md.. at 10 a.m. Wednesday. August 3. Interment Sacred Heart BAST, CHARLES ROBERT. On Sunday. July 31. 1055. at Mount Alto Hos pital, CHARLES ROBERT BABT of 1363 Peabody st. n.w.. beloved son of Ethel M. Bast. Services at the 6 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, ‘l9<n! 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. August S. at l:3(i pm. Interment Arlington. National Cemetery. BIRO. JOSEPH H. On Sunday. July 31.} 1955. JOSEPH H. BIRD, beloved hus-! band of Margaret Bird. Friends mayi call at the Walsh Funeral Home. 741 11th st. s.e., where prayers will be •aid on Wednesday. August 3. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Peter's Church at 9 a.m. Interment Wash ington National Cemetery. 2 BOYCE, COMDR. BENJAMIN FRANCIS. ] t. S. N. On Monday. August 1, 1955, at the National Institutes of Health. Bfthesda. Md.. Corner. BENJAMIN FRANCIS BOYCE. U. 8. N.. husband of Edith Halley Boyce and father of Bally Carol Boyce, brother of Edward D Boyce. Funeral services on Wednesday. August 3. at 2 0.m.. at the Fort Myer Chapel. Interment Arlington National! Cemetery, with full military honors. Family requests that in lieu of flowers, contributions be made to the Burke.; Virginia, Volunteer Fire Department.; Friends may call at the Everly Funeral'. Home in Fairfax. Va.. until 12:30 1 pm. Wednesday. August 3. BRANDFORD. ROLAND. On Saturday. July 30, J 955. ROLAND BRANDFORD Os 1235 C st. ne„ beloved father of James E Johnson, devoted brother of; Mrs Viola Henderson. Mrs. Annie Bvrd. Mrs. Sarah Lloyd and Walter Brand ford. He also leaves to mourn their loss one daughter-in-law. Mrs. Lenora Johnson: one sister-in-law. Mrs Lillie Brandford; two brothers-In-law. Wil- 1 liam A. Byrd and Edward Henderson, and many other relatives and friends Remains resting at the John T. Rn.nes A: Co. Funeral Home. 901 3rd st. s.w.. where friends may call after 2 pm Tuesday August 2. and where funeral services will be held Wednesday. August 3. at 2 o m.. Rev. W. H. Brown officiat- ] ing Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 2 BROWN. BESSIE LEE. On Tuesday. Au gust V. 1955. BESSIE LEE BROWN of 3121 Mount Pleasant st. n.w.. daugh ter of the late Thomas A and Mar garet T Brown. Services at the 8 H Hines Co. Puneral Home. 2901 14th! «t n.w., on Thursday. August 4. at 10 a.m Interment Glenwood Ceme tery. 3 BR< WN. WILLIAM. On Saturday, auly. 30. 1955. WILLIAM BROWN of 1838; Providence st. n.e.. Apt. 3. devoted I brother of Mrs. Doris White and Charles!] Brown: also surviving are two aunts.) the Misses Myrtice and Lora H Wheeler: one uncle. Chester Wheeler:! other relatives and many friends.; From 3 to 9 pm. Tuesday. August 2. friends are invited to call at the' McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st n.w Services and interment Macon. N. C. 2 j BURTON. ELIJAH. JR. On Bunday. July! 31, 1955. ELIJAH BURTON. Jr., hus- I band of Mary Lou Burton He also is •urvived by three brothers, two sisters, j one aunt, two uncles, other relatives; and friends. Notice of funeral later Arrangements by Malvan Sc Bchey. Inc.*; CARR. ANNA G. On Monday. August .1 1955. ANNA O CARR, formerly of; 1241 Rock Creek Ford rd. n.w., beloved: aunt of Madeline D. Carr. Funeral from the Collins Funeral Horae. 3821 , 14th st n.w.. on Wednesday. August 3 at 8.30 a.m Requiem mass at the! Church of the Nativity at 9 a.m., Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. CARR. ASS A. Members of the Blessed _ Virgin Mary Sodality of the Nativity Catholic Church are requested to meet at the Colltns Funeral Home. 3821 ll*T*«l 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. August 2. 1965. at 8 p.m • for recitation of the rosary for our late member. ANNA CARR. ANNA PENDLETON. Prefect. REV WALTER NORRIS Spiritual Director. CECIL. ARTHUR BEALL. On Monday. ■ August 1. 1955. at the National In atuutes of Health. Bethesda. Md.. ARTHUR BEALL CECIL of 10206 Coiesville rd.. Silver Bpring. Md.. be loved son of Mary C. and the late Arthur B. Cecil and brother of Miss Carroll A. Cecil. Mr. Cecil rests at the Warner E Pumphrey Puneral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md. Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul on Thursday. August 4. at 9 a.m. at Bt. Bernadette’s Catholic; Church. Four Corners, Md. Interment, St Marks Episcopal Church Ceme tery, Highland. Howard County. Md 3j CRUMLEY. HOWARD LEE 111. On Monday. August 1. 1955, at the D. C. General Hospital. HOWARD LEE’ CRUMLEY 111 of 3523 South Utah »t.. 1 Arlington. Va.. beloved son ol Bessie! F Crumley and brother of Susan Eliza-: beth Crumley Funerai services will* be held at the Ives Puneral Home. 2847 Wilson.blvd.. Arlington. Va.. on| Tuesday. AuflUst 2. at h p.m. Inter ment private Kindly omit flowers. In lieu ot flowers, contributions may be made to the Folio Fund. DODD. MARY VIRGINIA. On Monday, August 1. 1955. at Suburban Hospital. MARY VIRGINIA DODD, beloved wife . ol ihf late Charles Franklin Dodd I of Ciopner*. Md Funeral service* will be held at Gartners Funeral rlome. Gaithersburg. Md on Wednesday. August 3. at 11 a.m Interment Neels vilie Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. RINALDI FUNERAL HOMI Funeral Directors . VETERANS' SURIAL * Allowance $l5O sl6 H St. N.t. 11. 3-4110 ~ MALVAN-SCHEY, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS New Jersey Ave and R St. N.W. NO# 7-U133 Crematorium , i J William Lee’s Sons Co FUNERAL DIRECTORS gth anil Ma... -E-T- U-Jugge A Complete Funeral As Low as $95 00 Up CHAMBERS One of the Larges* Undertaker* In the World CO. 5-0432 . i funeral designs "GEO C SHAFFER INC~ Expressive Flora! Tributes. Moderate prices Open dally Sun., holidays Phone, orders also accepted 6:30 to 9 p m week 1 nights 900 14th St. N.W.. NA. 8-oio6| GTiDOROS CO FLORIST'S 1 1212 F St. N.W, NA. 5.4276 CEMETERY lots CEDAR ~HIIX. 1 sits. nr. Tempi* of Muaea: cost more—but SBO or beat offer tJN. 4-7168. —3 CEDAR RILL LOT, SIOO JEAN-HAVE NER. 1101 Welt Clark. Burbank. Calif. I 3* i J’Or sale—to cloie an estitsT 4 choice j lots In National Memorial Park Cemr-; terv fell* Church. Va.; reasonably! girled. NO. 7-2924. flratbtf DORSEY. GORDON A. Buddenlv. on Saturday. July 30. 1955. at Glenwood. Md.. GORDON A. DORSEY, beloved husband of Mary C. Dorsey, father of Glsdys V. Dorsey, son of Gladys Mat thews and grandson of Mrs. Edith Dorsey. He also leaves one step daughter. Jean Stanton, and other rela tives and friends, runeral on Wednes day. August 3, at 12:30 p.m.. from the Sharp Street Church Sandy Spring. Md.. Rev. T Brooks officiating. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. DOWNING, ANNIE. On Sunday. July 31. 1955. AN NIB DOWNING of 1337 Wallach pi. n.w.. beloved mother of Mrs. Louvenla V. Barrington and Alex andria L. Bond; also surviving are aix grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. After .3 p.m. Tuesday, August 2. fiends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th at. n.w. Funeral Tues day August 2, at 7:30 p.m from Florida Avenue Baptist Church. He ave and Bohrer st. n.w. Interment Plymouth. N. C. 2 EW/.LD. STERLING DONALD. On Sun day. July 31. 1955. BTERLING DON ALD EWALD of 3601 East-West hwy.. Chevy Chase, Md.. beloved husband of Mrs. Florence Rahn Ewald and father of Gerald Ewald. He also is survived by his sister Mrs. Helen 8. Robe Re mains resting at Mysong's Funeral Home 1300 N st n.w.. where services will be hem on Thursday. August 4. at tl am. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment Cedar Kill ‘ Cemetery. 3 i FORD, CLARA M. On Friday. July 29. I 1955. at her residence. 104 Vainttm . st. n.w.. CLARA M FORD, wife of i Charles H Ford and mother of Mrs Dorothv Houston. Also surviving are three sisters. Lena Dunlap. Bessie Bay ton and Rosena Mackall: one brother. George Bowser: one grandson. Michael Houston, and other relatives and many friends. After 3 p.m. Tuesday. August 2. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Requiem mass will be ceebrated J at St. Augustine’s c ithniic Church. Ifth st between R and 8 sts n w on Wed ! nesday. August 3. at 9 a.m Interment ! Arlington National Cemetery. 2 {FREEDMAN, BEN. On Monday. Au j August 1, 1955. BEN FREEDMAN ! of 346 Oglethorpe st. n.e., be l loved husband of Katie Freedman and devoted father of Mr*. Harriet ! Goldstein and George Freedman. He also is survived by a brother. Bamuel Freedman of Milwaukee. Wis.. and four grandchildren. Funeral services at the Bernard Danxansky & Son Fu neral Home. 3.601 14th st, n.w.. on Tuesday August 2. at 1:30 p.m. In terment Mount Lebanon Cemetery. GARRICK. BEN HILL. On Sunday, July 31, 1955. at Suburban Hospital. BEN HILL GARRICK of 2610 Spencer rd.. Bilver Spring. Md.. husband of Eveline B. Garrick and father of Mrs. Bertha Hunt. Mrs. William S. Queen and Mrs. Paul L. Hanna. Mr. Garrkk rests at i the Warner E Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. i until 7 p.m. Tuesday. August 2. Serv ices and interment. St. Petersburg. Fla. GRAEVES. EDNA MART HALL. On Mon day. August I, 1965. EDNA MARY HALL GRAEVEB of 13 811 Georgia ave . Wheaton. Md . beloved wife of the latei Raymond B. Graeves. mother of Co!. R. Bernard and Ralph E. Graeves.- sister of Amelia Johnson. Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. Avril Gosnell. Charles snd Raymond HaU: also survived by four grandchildren. Friends are invited to call at her f ’ate residence where eerv icea will be held Wednesday. August St. at 2 pm. Interment George Washing ton Cemetery. 2 GKAIVES. EDNA MANY HAU.. Ofllc.r* v > and member, of Kenstnston Chapter. No. 39. O E. 8. are hereby notified of the ■ajT death of our late titter. BONA ‘ "1J MARY HALL GRAEVES W Services at her late home. ... w 11811 Oeorila ave. Wheaton. Md. on Wednesday. Ausust 3. at 2 pm Eastern Star services at the & &L? A N R^g?T,W^lt. M J trOß d. iS Pital. WILLIAM 8 HARRIS, beloved husband of Margaret Harris. Also surviving are two sons, three dauthters, I three brothers, five sisters, one uncle. two aunts and a host of other relatives , ana friends After 4 p.m Tuesdsy. Autust 2 friends msy eal) at the v* Jenkins Funeral Home. lio - where funeral aerv- I ice* will be held on Wednesday. Au i eust 3, ai 1 p.m Interment Wood ! lawn Cemetery. HERTNER, WILLIAM. On Sunday July 31. 1955. WILLIAM HERTNER of -“id Massachusetts ave. n.e.. beloved hus band of Lena B. Hertner. Friends are Invited to call at the Bethesda fhevy Chasa Funeral Home of Robert \ Bethesda. Md. Services »t Fort Myer Chanel. Fort Myer. Va.. on Thursday August 4. at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tcry. 3 HIGDON, CLAYTON I. Os 2618 22nd st ne . on Autust I. 1988. husband of Marttret P. Higdon, father of Audrev Tracy and Avis E. Oreer. Services at Chambers Funeral Home. 5601 Cleve land ave . Riverdale. Md . on Thurs dnv. August 4. at 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 3 HOLMF.S. ALLEN. On Saturday. July 30. 1988. ALLEN HOLMES of 333 C st. se.. father of Peter and Thomas Holmes snd Mrs. Mary S. Myers, grand father of Mrs Bestrlce L Moore Mis- Ernestine Holme* snd Thomas Holmes.: ,r S'* 1 * 0 >* survtred tr three great-; grandchildren and other relative*.! Friends may call at the Malvan fc Bchey. Inr Funeral Home. New Jer-i sey ave and R st. n.w.. after 4 p.m. today, where funeral services alll be i held on Wednesday. August 3. at J ; p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. ♦ B l OßN *p' MAUD. On Monday. August! 1. 1838. st Georgetown University; ; Hospital. MAUD HORNIO of 1109 24th I st. n.w.. wife of Andrew T. Hornlg. I mother of Thelma Hornig. Lillian FI i Jon's and Francis T Hornig. sister! C i* le s ce .. A Chism. Services at the ,8. H. Hires Co. Funeral Home.l 29111 14th st. nw. on Thursday. Au-I fi**. 1 4■ at It am. Interment Cedar ; Hill Cemetery. 3 HYATT. LENA. On Saturday. July 3ft. ! 1938. In Superior. Wis.. LENA HYATT, i widow of the late Rabbi Moses Hyatt.! She Is survived by four daughters. Mrs. Israel Taragln. Mrs. Paul Sperling and! Mrs. Ramon F. Wender of Washington.! D. C : Mrs David Taragln of Balti more. Md., and two sons. Rabbi Alex! Hfa" of Superior. Wis., snd Rabbi! Julius Hyatt of Peoria. 111. In mourn-; ■ng at 816 John aye.. Superior. Wis. IENNINGS. CARL T. On Sunday. July 31. 1988 at Annapolis. Md.. CARL T j JENNINGS ot 16111 Corcoran st. n.w.. son us Ardlethes and Everett Jenmnss ! brother of Everett Jennings. Jr.; grand son of Marv Eskridge and Garner Harold He also Is survived by many! other relatives and friends. After 3 p.m. Thursday. Autust 4. friends may call; at Praxler's Funeral Home 389 Rhode Island are. n.w. Funeral services; will be held Friday. August 8. at' 1 pm from the John Wesley A. M. E. 2. Church, 14th and Corcoran sts. n.w., Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemeterr 4 | JOHNSON, FRED W. Suddenly, on Bun dsy. July 31 1988. at his residence. 1 -yl Iftth st n.w.. Mr. FRED W.l JOHNSON, beloved husband of Mrs. Rose Johnson, father of Mrs. C E £' r i- Mlch »f‘ w. Katen and Fred W. Johnson, ir.: brother of Bryan G. Johnson of Albuauemue. N. Mex.: w. A Johnson of Green River, Wyo.. »“d Mrs. Ellen Honnold of Wood River. Nebr. He also is survived by two grandchildren Remains rest-; hit at Hysons’* Funeral Home. 130fti * ,*» “Jt- Funeral services will be hfld si St. Thoms* Episcopal Church.' ! 18th and Church st* n.w.. on Thur*-i day, August 4. at 2 pm. Relatives snd, friend* invited to attend Interment] 1 Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 3 I KENT. GERTBUDE DIGGS. On Mon day, August 1 1985. st Montgomery; i County General Hospital. GERTRUDE , DIGGS KENT, aged 6*. daughter of ; the late John and Isabel! Diggs. She! is survived by one son. James Diggs; of Laytonsvllle. Md.. and a host of! other relatives and friends. Body rests st the Roy W. Barber‘Funeral Home. Laytcnsvllle. Md. Funeral services on Wednesday. Autust 3. st I p.m. st the Brooke Grove Methodist Church. Interment church cemetery. LF. TOUR.NEAU, FETES. On Sunday. July 31. 1955, PETER LE TOURNKAU of 2,04 10th st. n.e., beloved husband of Frances Braxnlk Le Toumesu. father of Veronica Colfer and Adelbert Le Tourneau FWends may call at she Robert. A. Mattinsly Funeral Home. 131 11 th st, s.e.. until Wednesday. August 3. at 6:30 a.m it-outem mass ai st. Anthony’s Church at 0 am. . Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 2 LION, THOMAS W. Os 6109 Arbor It.. Cheverly Md.. on July 31. 1085. hus band of Alice B. Lion, father of Thomas w ■ Jf.l William j,. Robert B. and Alvin E. Lion, brother of Comfort W , »fd Douglas H Lion. Mr*. Adra , Hall and Mrs. Ethel Polend. Remains at Chambers’ Funeral Home. BHOI Cleveland ave.. Riverdale. Md, until Thursday. August 4. at 2:15 pm. Service* at Port Myer Chapel Fort Myer. Va. at 3 pm. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 3 LORD, JULIA I. Suddenly, on Sunday. July 31. 1955 at St. Mary’s Hospital. Leonardtown. Md . JULIA 1 LORD ot Compton Md beloved wife of Charle. I E Lord sister 0/ Mrs. Dsvld J Prcsther of Union City. Tenn.. Mrs. George Tacharv of Haddonfleld. N J„ snd Charles L <ardella of Long Island. N. Y. Pravers will be at the Mattingly fun»ral Home Leonardtown. Md on Monday August I at s p.m. Moss at 81. Franrl* Xavier Church. Cimpton, Md on Tuesday. August 2 st 111 s m Friends may call at the Mawler Funeral Home, 1756 Pa ave. n w.. on Tuesday ; evening snd Wednesday morning. Au ! gust 2 and 3. until 10 am. tnterment Rock Creek Cemetery 2 I LORENTZ, MARY K. On Monday. Au jfst 1. 1955, at Children's Hospital. MARY K IXIRENTZ, aged 7 years, of 3036 38th st.. Hyattsvllif. Md., the beloved daughter of Fred 1,, and Rita E Lorent;., sister of William Michael and Fred L LorenU. Jr, Remains rest ing at the Timothy Hanlon Funeral ■ Home. 3831 Georgia ave. n.w. Notice I of funeral later. LYLES. ASHLEY w. On Sunday. July 31 1 955. at 11 pm st Morrell Me foortal Hospital. Lakeland. Fla.. ABH- J JE ?. W J L SJ' ES 310 Channmg rd . Lakeland, Fla He is survived by hl< wife. Edith H Lyles; three daugntart Mrs. Fred A. Ulle of Arlington. Va.. Miss Olive Lyles snd Miss Nancy Lyles, both of Lakeland. Fls.: also a -rand son Fred A. Ulle. Ir.. of Arlington. Va.. and one sister Mrs Mary E. Glascock, 1 Washington. D. C Funeral services will be held at the All Saints' Episcopal Church Lakeland Fla on -ve-fnesdav. August 3. at 10 am tnirrment Lake- I land Memorial Gardens. Lakeland. Fla. r l «uft G L N i»s&!’emma L Sn MANQAJ?.' wife ot the late William Joseph Msngan. mother of Mrs Herbert Borklsnd of . Washington. D. C.; Joseph P. Mangan 1 of Whltestont. N. V.. and Col. Charles , S. Mangan. U. 8. Air Force. Little J Rock. Ark.: sister of Mrs. Mary Scott : of Alhambra. Calif.: Mrs. Mary Ding * ham of Derby, N. Y.. and Mias Motile “ Brick of Wasniniton. D. C. Services . st tbs King Funeral Home. Miami. . Fla., on Thursday. Auguat 4. a.m. a MeDIFFETT. MINNIE, on Sunday. July I. 31. 1956 at her residence. 3830 Oar - field st, n.w.. MINNIE MeDIFFETT. sister ol Mvrtle McDiffett of the above J address, half slater of Frank E. Mc- Diffett of Untontown. Fa , and George McDiffett of Californio. Pa. Services r at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w on Tuesday, Austut k 2. at 7 p.m. Intorment Hill Grove >, Cemetery, ConnellsvlUt. Pa., at a later r date. t i MEAGHEK. COL. JOHN 1., MEDICAL 1 CORPS. U. S. A. (retired). On . Monday. August 1. 1956. at Walter 9 Reed Army Hospital. Coi. JOHN I. i MEAGHER. Medical Coroe. U. 8. A. ‘ (retired), beloved husband of Jane Horv Meagher gnd father of Mai. John - Peter Meagher. U. 8. A. F.: Mrs. Wil - Ham E. Waters, Mrs. Roger L. Fisher; . brother of Dr. William C. Meagher, f Everett C. Meagher and the Misses r Mary and Nan Meagher. Funeral from 1 the Taltavull Funeral Home. 3810 14th - st. n.w.. on Friday, August 8. at 8:30 1 am. Solemn reoulem mass st Walter s Reed Chapel at 0 am. Interment Ar lington Notional Cemetery. 4 1 MICHAEL. CHARLES K. On Monday. Auguat 1. 1055. st bis residence. 1006 Savannah st. s.e.. CHARLES E. '• MICHAEL, the beloved husband of s Zourle C. Michael and father of Marlon f 1. Schrelber. Anna Z. McCormick. Nor man E., Edgar P. and Herbert A. I Michael. Funeral from the Simmons ■ Bros. Funeral Home. 1661 Good Hope 1 rd. s.e.. on Thursday. Ausust 4. st ■ 10:3» a.m. Services at the Congress Heights Methodist Church at 11 a.m. 1 Interment Cedar HIU Cemetery. 3 * MOOSE. MILTON (BUDDY). On Batur j day. July 30. 1058. MILTON (BUDDY) . MOORE of 122 ft Duncan pi. p.s.. be loved son of Mrs. Martha Flood and . stepson of Harvey Flood: also surviv ing are two sisters. Mary Moore and Sarah Proctor: a devoted friend. Miss Dalsev Watkins: two nieces, one uenhe-v, I other relatives and many friends. Notice or funeral later. Arrangements 1 by McGuire. Inr. 3 t IOORE WILLIAM A. On Monday. Au- 1 f gust 1. 1056. WILLAM A MOORE of > 1623 sth st. nw.. father of William 2 A. Moore, tr.. Mrs. Bessie P Wetter.; * Mrs. Charles H. Rowe and Mrs. Maggie ; L. Jones, snd brother of lames Moore. 1 He also Is survived bv four srand - children and other relatives. Friends msy call at the Malvan tc Schey. Inc.. . Funeral Home. New Jersey ove. snd R j st. n.w.. on Wednesday. August 3. after 4 P.m.. where funeral Services will be ; held on Thursday. Auguat 4. at 2 J p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. , FENDERGABT. JACK O. On Sunday. 1 July 31 1965 JACK O. PENDERGABT ' of 3516 Park pi. n.w.. devoted hus - band of Mrs Gertie Pendergast. He also Is survived by hts loving father. Willie Pendergast: five sisters. Mrs.! - lots Thomas. Mrs. Eileto McPerrln. ! Mrs. Willistlne Buckner. Mrs. Louise Abnev and Miss Beinlee Pendergast: M one brother. Bernell Pendertast. and other relatives and many friends • After 6 p.m. Tuesday. August 2. friends i may call at the Palmer Puneral Home. I 412 H st. si. where service* will r be held st 1 pm. Wednesdsr. August > 3. Interment Arlington Notional Ceme ■ tery. POTTS. TOWNS W. Suddenly, on Mon day. August 1. 1965. at Fort Myer. Va., TOWNE W. POTTS, husband of s Mary E. Potts, father of Robert G . 1 Jack C. and William D. Pott*. Mrs. . G. W. Timberlake and Mr*. Robert 1 D Smith, brother of Victor ana Edward 1 Potts. Mrs. Isaac Lynch and Mr«- Glenn Gideon. Funeral services on Thursday. . August 4. at 10 am., at the Second Presbyterian Church. Alexandria. Va. ’■ Interment National Memorial Park. ! Friends may call nt the Wheatley Pu neisl Home. 809 King at.. Alexan dria. Va. 3 i BCBMOLKE. AURELIA CAEOL. On 1 Monday. August 1. 1958. at 223 North ■ Cherry st. Fall* Church. Vs.. AURELIA I CAROL SCHMOLKE, wife of the late ) Dr Artruro Schmolke. Friends msy cell at the Fearton Funeral Home, I 472 North Washington st.. Falls, 1 Church. V*. where funeral services! will be held on Wednesday. Aueust t 3. at 11 am. Interment Oakwood , Cemetery. ’ SCOTT. REV. JAMES E. On Friday. July 29. 1965. at the D. C. General ’ Hospital. Rev. JAMES E. SCOTT. He is survived bv one son. Lee E. Scott: r one sister, one brother, s daughter-in- I law. two grandchildren, other relative* • and many friends. Remains reetlne 1 at Horton's Mortuary. 1.124 You st. ■ n w., on Tuesday. August 2. after S pm. Funeral services on Wednesday. I August 3. at 1 p.m.. at St. John’s C. M. E. Church. Stanton rd. and Douglas ! rd Rev. W, C. Doty oSklatlns loterment Woodlawn Cemeterr. SHARP. KATHRYN L. Suddenly, on I Saturday. July 3U. 1955. at her residence- , 251)7 P st n.w.. KATHRYN L. BHARP. wife of the lote Mol. Oen. William ■ Fletcher Sharp daughter 01 R. H. Lund -of Phoenix. Artx.. and sister-in-law of Col. Frederick Dent Bharp. U S A retired ol Dennysville, Md. Services ’ will be beld at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. 18th and Church sts n.w, • on Wednesday. August 3. a! in a m 1 Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. $ ;> SIMPSON. EVA LUCILLE. Suddenly, on ■ Saturday. July 30. 1955. EVA LUCILLE ■ SIMPSON of 2515 Lyons st. s.e.. be ■! loved mother of Mrs. Marilane K. Ksse. ' Oeorse McCelland of Salt Laka City ■I Utah, and Harry McCelland of Mans field. Ohio. Service* at the Rinaldi f ! Puneral Home. 816 H st. non Tues day. August 2. at 2:30 p m Interment ; urlvate (Minneapolis and St. Paul. :! Minn and Salt Lake City. Utah, papers rj olesse copy, 1 j 'ISMULKIN, IDA. On Monday. August I • 1- 1056. *1 Johns Hopkins Hospital. •I Baltimore. Md IDA SMULKIN. beloved '! mether ot Gilbert Smulkin at Silver ’! Bpring. Md. She also Is survived by ■| one brother. Burnette Niemeu of Wash ! Ington. D C. Services at the C. D. 1 Goldberg Ar Son Funeral Home. 4217 ; oth *1 n w.. on Wednesday. August .! 3 *lll a m Interment Kesher Israel , Cemetery (new) Please omit flowers. 3 SNYDER. WILLIAM L. On Monday. Au ;i ESJ. 1. 1055. at Mourn Alto Hospital. I] WILLIAM L. SNYDER of Vienna, Va . ■ beloved husband of Thelm* O. Snyder. ; brother of Mrs Emmeti A Howard and [i Frank W Snyder, both of Rtchmond. 1 V*. Services at the 8. H, Hines Co ■i Funeral Home. 2001 14th it ne on Thursday. August 4. at 1 p.m ' Interment Arlington National Ceme- J tery. 3 M ««NM. ANNIE E. OB Sunday. Jvtfefl.; 1965, at Emergrncv Hospital. ANNIE! E. 80NNE ol 3636 16th It. nW . bt-[ lo*sd wife of th* late Charles Sonne, mother of Robert L Sonne and Mrs ! ; Gladys L. Corer. Service* at the B. H I i Hines Co runeral Home. 7901 14th! st. n *■.. on Wednesday. Autust 3. *t| ! 11am. Entombment The Cloister. Cedar | ■i Hill Cemeterv 3 ! SFICEB. MAHY CABMEI.. on Monday ! ’ Ausust 1, 1956. MARY CARMEL! . SPICER, beloved mother of Mary Car-1 met Fields and sister of william M ' and Joseph O. Walsh, and three irard , children Reauiem mass alll be held; - st St. Jerome’s Catholic Church on Wednesday. Ausust 3. st 9:3ft a m , Friends msy csl) at the W. W. Deal; 1 Funeral Home. 4812 Oeorsit ave. n.w. I ! Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery 2 ’ STRING FELLOW. RYDER. On Satur- I day. July 3(1. 1956. st his residence.! | 661 O st. HYDER STRINGFEL LOW. devoted husband of Mrs Isabel); li Strintfellow. He also leaves six dauxh-i 1 ters. Mr* Massie Williams. Mrs. Hat-! t tie Williams Mr*. Ros* Wade. Mrs.i , Albert* Irvins. Mrs. Ocelli B Oentt! and Mrs. Azslle wtlmore: four son*. ;l Jesee. Luelus. Stanley and Lathan ! Strinsfellow; five d*ughters-tn-law. six! sont-in-iaw. thlrtv-eisht grandchildren. ;! elshteen treat-srandchlldren and other; , relatives and many friends From! I: 7 o.m. Monday. Ausust I. until 6 p.m. ; Tuesday Ausust 1. friends msy call ’’ at his late residence. Funeral snd !j Interment on Thursday. Ausust 4. Ches ter. 8. C. Arrangement* by the Eusene 1 Ford Funeral Home. TAYLOR. WALTER. On Thursday. July 28. 1085. WALTER TAYLOR Os 47(1 S ft n.w.. brother of Mrs Mattie Wathlnston of Baltimore. Md. and nenhew of Mr* Mary Simms. Mrs Cecelia Tubman, Mrs. Carrie Cox and Mrs. Bessie Simmons. Other relatives *l*o survive Friend* may etll st the , Malvan At Srhev. Inc., Funeral Home. 1 New Jersey ave and R st. n.w.. after 4 p.m today, where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. Ausust 3. at Ift am Interment Woodlawn Cemetery • | 1 YRREI.L. CARRIE L. On Monday. Au sust 1. 1955. CARRIE L. TYRRELL ol 5426 Connecticut ave. n.w.. beloved daughter of the late Dsvld snd Salllr Less Tyrrell Friends ire Invited to call st the deter Funeral Home, 36(15 14th st. n.w.. after 6 n m Wednesday. Ausust 3 Notice of funeral later. VOGT. MINNIF. F. Suddenly, on Sunday, July 31 1055. MINNIE P, VOGT, oeloved wife of the Isle Max C. Vost snd mother of Mil. Max C. Vost Funeral Irom the Bsffell Funeral Home. 476 H st. n.w.. on Wednesday. Ausust * 3. st 8.30 s m Reauiem mess at St Patrick’* Church st 0 *.m Relatives snd friends Invited. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery 2 WALTEN, MAX. On Monday. Aususi I. 1955, MAX WALTEN of 6000 Sprinsfleld dr Chew Chase. Md.. be loved husband ol Isabelle Orafl Wal ten. father of Helen Walten Riismsnn and Maximilian o. Walten. He also Is survived by four irandchildren and * one great-arandchlld. Friends are In vlted to call at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey. Bethesda, Md., where serv ices will be held on Thursday. Autust 4, at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar HIU Cemetery 3 ( WALTEN, MAX. A special communlca -u tlon of st. John's Lodte, No. /X\ 11.F.A. A. M.. will be held //-Nw at the Masonic Temple. 13th j/nVS Ami York ave. n.w.. \FkJtAf on Thursday, Ausust 4. 1066. at 10 a.m.. for the purpose of ~ V attending the funeral of our late brother. MAX WALTEN. CLIFTON E. BARRETT, JOHN J. BARNES. Jr., Secy. .1 1 WASHINGTON. ELIZABETH. Suddenly, on Sunday, July 3| 1955. Mis* ELIZA BETH , WASHINOTbN of 1206 S st. I ft * beloved sister of Mrs. Ann* T. Nelson and aunt of Mrs. Vernlce Ste phen* and Albert Fennell. She elso , is survived bv other relative* and friends After 4 p.m. Wednesday. Autust 3 friends may call to see the Isle Mite Washington at tht above address Funeral services on Thursday. Ausust. 4, at I pm . at the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, Rev. Field* nfltclstirts Interment Lincoln Med nurrlel Cemetery Arranirments by L', X. Murray A Son. s* Wallace Stevens, 75, Dies; Poet and Insurance Man HARTFORD, Conn., Aug. 2 (IP). —Wallace Stevens, 75, who led a distinguished double life as poet and Insurance man, died today at St. Francis Hos pital. Mr. Wallace, shy and known to few persons outside his im mediate circle, won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry this year. Since 1834 he had been vice president of the Hartford Acci dent St Indemnity Co. and the Hartford livestock Insurance Co. Only two months ago he re ceived an honorary degree from Yale. He had been similarly honored by Harvard, his alma mater, Columbia. Wesleyan, Mount Holyoke and Bard. Mr. Stevens was a tireless Max Walten, 75, Contractor And Business Leader Here Max Walten, 75, a retired con tractor, died Monday at George town Hospital of a heart attack. He lived at 6000 Springfield drive, Chevy Chase, Md. Mr. Walten was born In Wash ington, the son of Otto L. and Ellse H. Walten. and had spent ; most of his life here. Mr. Walten was, prior to his retirement in 1837, an architec tural sheet metal contractor. In recent years he has been a con sultant for the Copper and Braaa Research Association, of New York City. Since 1827. he had been a director of the Washing ton Permanent Building Associa tion and for many years had also been a director of the American Fire Insurance Co. of Washing ton. He was a life member of St. John's Lodge, No. 11; a Scottish; Mrs. Sonne, 85, Lifelong Resident Mrs. Charles Sonne. 85, who came to Washington as an in fant. died Sunday at Emergency Hospital. She lived at the Wood ner Apartments. Mrs. Sonne was the former Annie E. Wilson, a native of Bal timore. She was organizer of I the Columbia Chapter 415 of the [Eastern Star and a member of Calvary Methodist Church. Her husband died about 1938. Survivors are a son, Robert L. Sonne, Annapolis. Md.; a daugh ter. Mrs. Gladys Cover, Olney, Md., and a grandson. Services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Sratifx WELLS. FDWABD E. On Sunday. July! 31. 1055. EDWARD E WELLS, bc nvnd lather of Mrs. Lillian M Upper- 1 man Mrs. Burtie Lenard and Gaorge, E. Wells and brother of Mrs. Ida Lee! of Fairlax Courthouse. V*. He also: (s survtved by eight grandchildren and! ten great-grandchildren. Remains rest-: Ing at Hysons’s Funeral Home. I.’too! N »t. n.w., where services will be held! on Wednesday. August 3. at 3 p.m ! Relatives and friends are Invited to attend. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemeterr. t ! in ffirmnrlam BLICH, THOMAS A. A tribute of love; anti devotion to the memory of my I beloved father. THOMAS A BUOH.i who passed away seventeen years ago today. August iuab. I ANDREW • i CRAIG. WILLIAM B. In loving memory of our devoted husband and father. WILLIAM B CRAIO. who left us so: suddenly seven years ago today. August! 2. UMB. In our hearts the torch of memory Burn* unflickermg. bright and true; Its light i* sweet for it i* fed j On love and tender thoughts of you. Never shall we cease to Jove you. Never shall vour memory lade; The sweetest love forever lingers In our hearts tor you today. ■ DEVOTED FAMILY. • j WtT. HATTIE G. In loving memory of! our dear wife and mother. HATTIE O. DAY. who departed this life eix veers ago today. August 2. 1B4» ; The beautiful memory you left behind I Lingers forever In my mind; Thoush Ood has taken you away. I You are with me each and every der. I No one knows how I novo misted you ' A*.ill? end of six tad year* j ERNEST E, DAY AND SON. EARL • GIBSON. OKIE EADS, in lovfnj mem °7_ °f our dear mother. ORIE EADS OIBSON. who passed sway four years ego today. August 2. 1961. ! Bomewhere upon the hilltops Os (he country that feels no twin. She will watch from her beautiful doorway I To bid us welcome again. ! JEANETTE AND VIRGINIA fJS* 1 !. BILLY. In loving memory of BILLY FAOUE. who died eix years ago | today. August 2. 1940 MOTHER. DAD AND TOMMY, j Uo in heaven in Hl* temple fair. God needed an angel for Hl* choir | there; 1 Upon this earth no more to roam. So He whispered. Billy Fague. come home. ! Billy Fague. come home ; BY HM DAP. FERGUSON FAOUE. • BALL. EARL E. In loving memory of our beloved »on and brother. EARL R I HALL, who departed thle life three year* see today August 2. 1052. .V Gone, but not forgotten DEVOTED MOTHER AND bROTHBR. I MART E. AND FLOYD HALL. • ' MrGUIRE. DR. ROBERT L. In memory I of our dear father and grandfather, f DR ROBERT L McOUIRE, who left; ! us twenty-nine Years ato August! 2. lf»2« . ! May his soul rent in neaee THE .eWILPFEW i MILLER. DAISY M. In loving memory! of my dear wife. DAISY M. MIT LER. who departed this life one vear ago! today. August 2. 1954 husband, j. miller. • J MILLER. DAISY M. In loving memory ot mv beloved Muter. DAISY Ml MILLER, who pansed «wav cne yeari ago today. August 2. 1954. What would I not give to elaep her! hand Her dear. *weet fact to aee. To hear her voire, to ‘:ee her smile That meant *o much to me Oh. Ood, pleaee take this message To mv dear slater above And tell her I *adly miM her And give her aU my love. Y qUR_LONELY SISTER. ELI!IE. • MILLER, DAISY. In loving memory of i my loving sister. DAISY MILLER, who passed away one year ago today. Autust 2 1954. Your face is ever before me. Your kind and loving ways Will always live in my memory . Until the end of m.v days. Y °rAMILY VW ° ® ISTER aADIE ' AND | OTTO. LENA. In sad memory of m» dear mother XENA OTTO, who passed i away sixteen vears ago today. August 2. 1939. 1 Death is beautiful lor those who have followed the paths cf duty. LOVINGLY. OUSBIE • OTTO, LENA. In loving memory of mv dear mother. LENA OTTO, why passed away sixteen vears ago today, August 2. 1939 I want to know the road you took ; 8o I can take it too And you can meet me part the way, I Then 1 will to hack with vou 1 For that time won’t be ions- dear. Gets r loser every day MAY, * STOKES. TRAVERS. A tribute In mem ory of our father. TRAVERS STOKES, who denarted this life 17 years ago this August 2. 1938 His memor.relives forever in our hearts. LESLIE, MAROARET AND ELLA. TROUPE. JOHN F. In loving memory of our dear husband and father. JOHN F. TROUPE, who passed away eight vears ago today, August 2. 1947. Loving memories never die As years roll on and days pass by; Deep in our hearts a memory is kept Os one we loved dearly and will never forget. HIE LOVINO WIFE AND DAUGHTER. 1 walker and Into his poems went many of the things that attract ed his eye as he tramped Hart ford’s streets—statuary In parks, stone lions in front, of buildings, blooming forsythia, chalk marks on sidewalks. Many readers remarked about the odd titles of some of his poems—"Thirteen Ways of Look ing at a Blackbird.” “The Em peror of Ice Cream,” "Connois seur of Chaos.” Born in Reading, Pa., Mr. Stevens began writing poetry as a Harvard undergraduate. Later these poems were published, eliciting from him one of his rare public comments: “Some of one's early things give one the creeps.” ■ Rite tyason, a life member of . the Elks, a Shriner of Almas Temple and a member of the ' Association of Oldest Inhabi -1 tants. For a number of years he was a member of the Board j of Trade and he had served as; 1 president of the Washington 1 Sheetmetal Contractors’ Asso ciation. He was an ardent sup-: i porter of the work of the Rup ■ pert home for the Aged. i Surviving are his widow, Mrs. ■ Isabel Grafi Walten; a son, Prof, i Maximilllan Graff Walten of| ' Tenafly, N. J.; a daughter, Mrs. I Helen Walten Ritzman of Bald- 1 ■win. Long Island; four grand • children and one great-grand i child. 1 Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Rob-; ert Pumphrey funeral home in Bethesda. Burial will be in i,Cedar Hill Cemetery. Roy L. Thompson, Land Bank Head NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 2 UP).— Roy Leland Thompson. 64, pres , ident of the Federal Land Bank of New Orleans since 1938 and! general agent of the Farm Credit District of New Orleans, died last night. He suffered a heart attack several weeks ago. Mr. Thompson went to Louisi ana State University as profes sor of economics in 1923. He remained there 10 years, becom ing head of the department of; economics. In 1933-4 he was field organ izer for the production credit division of the Farm Credit Ad ministration. Then he became deputy general agent for the FCA in New Orleans, serving in that capacity until 1935, when he became general agent. Donald L. Harper, 73, Retired Oil Executive 1 FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla.. Aug. 2 (^i.—Donald L. Harper, 73, a former executive with i Standard Oil of New Jersey, died at his home yesterday after a long illness. He was a former president of jthe Standard Oil Export Corp.j jin New York, a director for the parent company and a former vice president in charge of sales. jHe retired in 1942. .| —■ — | Melville Minton, Head of Putnam's | NEW YORK. Aug. 2 ville Minton, 70. presdient of G. !P. Putnam’s Sons, publishers, died yesterday at the Union : League Club. i Mr. Minton was born in Red Bank, N. J., and spent his en tire business life in publishing, starting at Charles Scribner's Sons in 1900 as a salesman. In 1924 he and Earle Balch, an editor of Putnam >. founded the firm of Minton, Balch. In 1930 they joined G. P Putnam’s Sons. Mr. Minton became pres-: ident in 1932. and in 1934 he and' Mr. Batch obtained control of the firm. Mr. Balch retired in 1947. Mr. Minton is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ida Harris Minton; a son. Walter J. Minton, secre-| tary of Putnam’s; three sisters,! Mrs. Clarence Carlson Mrs. A., M. Linbarger and Mrk. Benja min Solomon, and three grand children. J. W. Magnuson j BUFFALO, N. Y*. Aug. 2UP ;J. Woodrow Magnuson, 41, an jnouncer for Radio Station WBER here, died yesterday after i a heart attack. W. R. Frank Hines, President WViAinffon'l Ftrtmul funeral Heme Siute WJ 3k S.H.Heines Company 2901.93-05.0/ fourteenth Street S.W. COlumhia 5-7023 So Branch Establishment « Canaanienl Parhiuf facilities Atjainiui Funeral Hama | IVES FUNERAL HOMeI IN ARLINGTON E The first Inspiration to render a better funeral service, §f S is the genuine gratitude and appreciation expressed by 5 jg the families we’ve served. We believe this to be the g$ ii best incentive to better serve our fellow man. Est. 1910 ARLINGTON’S FIRST AND FINER FUNERAL HOME \ 2847 WILSON BLVD. JACKSON 7-3016 I (On Wilson Blvd. Near Sears) Rupprecht, 86; Bavaria Prince STARNBERG, Germany, Aug. 2 (A*).—Crown Prince*Rupprecht. 86, pretender to the Bavarian throne, died today at Leustetten Castle, the family seat. A priest administered the last rites of the Roman Catholic church last night. The prince had suffered a heart attack dur ing the week end. Millions of Bavarians were grieved by Rupprecht’s critical illness. A field marshal in World War n and an enemy of Hitler In the Third Reich, he had be come a revered symbol of “the good old days.” His throne was toppled by a Socialist revolution in 1918. When the July 20 bomb plot against Hitler failed in 1944, I Rupprecht’s wife, the late Crown Princess Antoinie of Luxembourg, jwas imprisoned in the Buchen jwald concentration camp. His eldest feon, Archduke Albrecht, also was arrested. But Rup precht himself evaded the Ges tapo. hid for nearly two months, and then gave himself up to allied troops in Italy. In recent years, Rupprecht of ten remarked that “only a re turn to democratic monarchy can lead our people upward.” He said a re-established Bava ' rian kingdom “could have its! j place within a true German 'federated state.” j The Crown Prince shunned ; direct contact with all political j parties. He refused to sanction jthe “league of king and home land,” founded by a small mon archist faction in 1949. Arthur B. Cecil, 22, Student Priest Arthur Beall Cecil, 22, a stu dent for the priesthood at Mount j St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg. Md., for the last two years, died yesterday at National Institutes of Health after several months illness. He was the son of Mrs. Mary iC. Cecil, 10206 Coiesville road, [Silver Spring, Md. Mr. Cecil was born in Sandy Spring, Md., the son of the latei Arthur B. Cecil. He attended; Gonzaga High School and was! graduated from Montgomery! Blair High School. For a year! before he went to Mount St. Mary’s, he worked for Inter-j national Business Machines in 1 [Washington. He played! [the Mount and once coached! sports at St. Bernadette's School in Silver Spring. At one time he lived in Balti more and on a farm in Highland, Howard County, Md. Besides his mother, he is sur-; vived by his sister, Carroll Ann! of the home address. A requiem mass will be said at 9 a.m. Thursday at St. Berna dette's Catholic Church, Four! Comers. Md. Burial will be In Highland, Md. Ben Hill Garrick, Retired Grocer Ben Hill Garrick, 69, former grocery owner here and in St. Petersburg, Fla., died Sunday at his home, 2610 Spencer road, Chevy Chase, Md. j Mr. Garrick was born in Orangeburg, S. C. He owned a j food market in St. Petersburg for 27 years. He owned the Oxford [Market. 1760 P street N.W., for [l2 years before he retired last October. He was a member at the Knights of Pythias. Survivors are his widow, Eva-, line B.: three daughters, MrsJ Paul L. Hanna. Gainesville, Fla.; Mrs. W. S. Queen, St. Petersburg; Mrs. F. W. Hunt. Philadelphia; a son, Ben G„ of New Mexico; two sisters, Mrs. Cora Sandifer. McCormick. S. C.: Mrs. B. B. Stevenson Cape Charles, Va.; a brother, Eldon P., Norway, S. C.,' and four grandchildren. Services and burial will be held' Thursday afternoon in St.l ! Petersburg. His body is at the Warner Pumphrey funeral home 1 in Silver Spring. L. E. Kunkler, Head Os Metallizing Co. NEW YORK. Aug. 2 UP.— Lawerence E. Kunkler, 54, of Scottsdale, Ariz., president of the Metallizing Co., of America, with plants in New York and Chicago, died of a heart attack yesterday at Leroy Hospital. Mr. Kunkler and his wife ar rived over the week end and registered at Essex House Hotel, Central Park South. He became ill at the hotel yesterday morning and died later at the hospital. Benjamin F. Boyce, 48, Civic Leader in Burke, Ya. Benjamin Francis Boyce, 48, an administrator in the plans co-ordination branch of the Bu reau of Aeronautics, died of lung cancer yesterday at the National Institutes of Health. Mr. Boyce lived in Burke. Va., where he was chief of the Vol unteer Fire Department and the first president of the Burke Com munity Civic Association. Mr. Boyce was a commander in the Naval Reserve and was ex ecutive officer. Bureau of Aero nautics, Reserve Training Unit at Anacostia. A native of Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr. Boyce was a Navy Depart ment employe before he enlisted in the Navy in 1932. He was commissioned an ensign in 1941 and during World War II he saw service in the Pacific. Before he was discharged in January, 1954, he was on duty in Japan. Mr. Boyce was a member of the Church of Good Shepherd, Burke, Va.. and Henry Masonic Lodge No. 57 of Fairfax. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Edith Halley Boyce; a daughter, Sally Carol Boyce, and a brother. Edward D. Boyce, Brooklyn. His Girl Dies of Bums; Father and Boy, 5, Are Recovering An 8-year-old girl, seriously burned in a gasoline fire which injured her father and a young boy, died in Casualty Hospital last night. The victim was Loretta Hub bard, colored, of 309 F street N.E.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hubbard. The boy, Samuel Poole, jr„ 5, who with his parents had been making his homs with the Hub bards since their home was ! destroyed by fire three weeks ago, was reported in good condi tion at Casualty. Mr. Hubbard also was reported as satisfactory. Mr. Hubbard was attempting to start his stalled car yesterday to take the Poole family into Virginia in search of a new ihome. He was about to pour j gasoline into the open carbu retor, police said, when Mrs. [Hubbard stepped on the starter, j A spark apparently touched ! off the gasoline and as Mr. Hub jbard jerked back sharply, the t glass gas container smashed [against the car, spraying him [and the two children. Dr. Lloyd N. Yepsen, Noted Psychologist NEW LISBON, N. J., Aug. 2 —Dr. Lloyd N. Yepsen. 58, internationally known psychol ogist and superintendent of the [New Lisbon State Colony for the Feeble-Minded, died here last night after a long Illness. A native of Princeton. HI., he had been employed by the State Department of Institutions and Agencies for the last 25 years, also serving as director of the division of classification and ed ucation. Dr. Yepsen was superintendent here for two years. Francis J. Stokes* 81, Machine Firm Head PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2 UP. —Francis Joseph Stokes, 81. founder and board chairman of F. J. Stokes Machine Co., died yesterday in Germantown Hos-! [ Pital after a brief illness. A native of Philadelphia, he: was a former trustee of Bryn Mawr College and a member of [the American Chemical So ciety. the Franklin Institute and the American Academy of Nat ural Sciences. His company spe cializes in the manufacture of [machinery for the pharma ceutical industry, especially tab letting equipment. Mother of 12 Deluged By Offers of Houses DALLAS, Tex., Aug. 2 UP.— The Dallas Times Herald car ried a story Sunday quoting Mrs. I Clara Margerum as saying she! would like to rent a big house 1 for a four-day reunion with her I 12 children. She reported yesterday she had received 93 offers. She took the first one—from a Dallas mo tel. One caller wanted to marry Mrs. Margerum. a widow, so he, could claim the 12 children as' income tax exemptions, she re-! ported. In Washington, it’s Chambers Flower Confer for everything in the line of flowers Flowers beautifully arranged and or»i»tic*lly decorated, ypt 1600 Bladensburg Rd. N.E. Li. 3-5684 Owned and Operated by W. W. Chambers, One of the Largest Undertakers in the World ■pv Jflß | Jgmi f H : BENJAMIN F. BOYCE parents were the late Edward 1 Adams and Hattie Doak Boyce. Services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Fort Myer Chapel. Burial will be in Arlington Ceme tary. The family requests that . any tokens of sympathy be con , tributed to the Burke Volunteer ; Fire Department. Sunset Carson Draws Sentence PADUCAH, Ky„ Aug. 2 UP Sunset Carson, former Holly wood western star, was fined SSOO and given six months in jal! yesterday for contributing to delinquency of minors. Fined $250 on the same charge was Mrs. Helen May Besserud, mother of four children with whom Carson allegedly had been living. Neither defendant appeared in McCracken County Court and a SSOO bond for Carson was for feited. The woman’s husband, Ches ter Raymond Besserud, obtained a warrant last Thursday for the arrest of Carson and Mrs. Besse rud. Officers arrested the two at nearby Lone Oak, apparently as they prepared to leave town. Carson, who returned to prominence with the showing of his films on TV, has been mak ing night club appearances in West Kentucky and Southern Illinois. State and local police were looking for Carson, but they theorized he was out of the State by now. He cannot be extra dited on the charge, thus the conviction can be carried out on ly if he is arrested in Kentucky. Argument Stalls Trial of Ex-POW NEW YORK, Aug. 2 UP— An argument over the Army’s right to try a former Brooklyn pris oner of war in Korea stalled his court martial yesterday for 46 hours. Sergt. James C. Gallagher. 24, is accused of slaying three fellow American prisoners, the first ex prisoner tried for an actual prison camp death. The defense said Sergt. Gal lagher’s honorable discharge on October 27, 1933, wiped out the Army’s interest in any acts he committed before that date, even though he re-enlisted the next day. "Once the Army gave him the certificate it lost jurisdiction over offenses committed in the first term of enlistment.” said [Lt. Col. William B. Walsh, the defense lawyer. The prosecution contended Sergt. Gallagher never was com pletely released from the Army and was subject at all times to military authority. Court recessed until tomorrow to consider the question of juris jdiction. U. S. Dimensions SEATTLE.—The greatest dis tance west to east in the United States is 3,100 miles. The north to south maximum is 1,700 miles. h^MMJMEYIS NT 4 65« P I l FALVEY ■ h GRANITE TO. INC. m\ R| Established - IBS6 TAi umioq UPSHUR ST.N.W. *, ’ ttort (mb Onrtm DF*J^UafIj|tT4YiDROJIOO