OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 02, 1955, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1955-08-02/ed-1/seq-15/

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Senate Unit Ends
Hearing on Court
Post for Burger
Br th« Associated Brass
A Senate Judiciary Subcom
mittee yesterday wound up hear
ings on President Eisenhower’s
nomination of Warren E. Burger.
Assistant Attorney General, as a
member of the V. 8. Court of
Appeals for the District of Co
Chairman O’Mahoney, Demo
crat of Wyoming, of the sub
committee told reporters he did
not know whether he could get
his group, together to take offi
cial action. '
Mr. Burger told Senator
O’Mahoney in answer to the
chairman’s question that officials
in the Justice Department were
not forced out to make room for
political appointees.
William P. Rogers, Deputy At
torney General, also told the
committee that efforts had been
made in the Justice Department
to ‘‘create the feeling that it was
Campaign to Speed
Mail Is Launched
The Post Office Department
today urged business and indus
try to co-operate in a three-point
program to speed the mails.
The plan includes:
1. Sorting mail into out-of
town and local bundles.
2. Tying and bundling mail.
3. Mailing early.
Postmaster General Summer
field’s statement emphasized that
nearly 60 million pieces of first
class mail go into post offices in
the 244 major cities, accounting
for two-thirds of the Nation’s
mail volume.
About 48 million pieces of it
are mailed in the peak hours
from 4 to 10 p.m.
If you often
\ feel tense, if
t —>■ little things
1 irritate you,
perhaps it’s because you're
. drinking too much coffee. You
may be one of those people
caffein affects badly.
“But I love coffee”, you say.
Well, now science has the
answer for you. It’s new Decaf
Instant Coffee—the first true
flavor coffee that’s caffein free.
Decaf is pure coffee. A special
process takes out 97% of caf
fein before roasting. Leaves in
the rich, full flavor of the
world’s choice coffees. You fret
full coffee enjoyment with
steadier nerves.
Ask your grocer for new
Decaf. Or, let us send you 4
sample packets free! Write
Decaf, Box 12-N, Brooklyn 1,
N. Y. for free samples.
& Decaf
Another fine prodart
•f The Nestle Company. Ine.
with Luke
For trunks & luggage
or any other product or
service you need for the
nome or business, use
your Telephone Directory
regularly. They save time
and trouble ... tell you
at a glance
"where to find it."
’ 4
Washington, Silver Spring, PARKington, Arlington
Cool Off—The Hecht Co. Has Thousands of Fans—All Types 9 Low Priced!
Weeks of steaming weather ahead! But The Hecht Co. keeps you cool and comfortable with a'fan-collection that is
making history. Window Ventilators, Circulators, Oscillating Fans, Desk Models, Exhaust Fans, Mobile Floor Fans—
huge selections—right now—with Summer just under way! Come in—see for yourself, or call NA. 8-5100 for the fan
you want!
Shop The Hecht Co.
' Bmw I Sounds fantastic .•. but it’s true!
Prices On Nationally 4-Speed, 20-1 tich
Adverted Merchandise HHbH 1 "Roll-A-BoUt" Fflll
p List Price, 69.95
Generol Electric f :.' .1% W M
Steam Iron 17.95 10.94 j „ * • • 4
Generol Electric Steam \ * - A more amazing value to be found . . . Never!
Trove I Iron 14.95 9.54 - \ \~St r A. This is the fan you can practically play “weather
v man” with . . . just by rolling it from room to
• Jf/y room! Mounted on sturdy roll pedestal, with a
estmghouse ,Jj&y Kt V V-\ jv double side grill that makes it safe in any circulat
-steom iron 17.95 10.94 ru, 'j lng position. Provides 3,300 cu. ft. of air per min-
General Electric ' •• f
Dry Iron 12.95 7.94
Dry Iron .12.50 7.94
8-Cup Mirro Aluminum
Percolator 12.95 8.49
General Electric
Toaster 19.95 12.96 » ■■>* i— ~T ~vv W •
j * ... .. }
2-Speed, 20-Inch
Sunbeam Mixmaster.46.7s 29.94 ■ WllldOW Fflll
R .. c i to fit practically any window since the side panels
Sweeper ° rP ! 14 95 9.99 ' ’ extend from 27 to 37 inches, the rubber^ mounted
Borg Bothroom Scole. 7.95 5.97 " breezes ahead!
Presto Meol Cooker .14.95 9.97
Generol Electric
Percolotor 22.95 18.94
8-Cup Mirro Chrome
Percolator 19.95 12.99
10-Cup Universal
Swiftee Fryer. __ 29 95 9.99 Famous Ventilators
It'l So Easy • Housewares, 7th. Floor, Washington ; 4th Floor, Silver Spring
To Park At The Hecht Co. mnd PARKinßton
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C.

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