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THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST *, I BAA A-16 j^anogement I Experienced Monogement ■ Soves You Time ond Money 18. F. Soul. Co. Since 1892 1 925 15tli St N.W. NA. 8-2100 ffgggji « Usually available in these fine modern well-lo cated buildings a t competitive rates. Inti and N. Y. Av,; choice suites in the Wyott ond Tram-Lux. 13th ond Pa. Ave.; the new Pennsylvania Building. Conn. Ave at N Machinist's Building 1001 Conn. Av*. Arlington, Vo. the Radio Building. For these end ether fine lecetions coll *\ ' \ Mackall & Coe Members New York Stock Exchange 626 Woodward Building REpublic 7-1133 - * WHY IT PAYS YOU to "Insure with Shivers X and BE SURE" /ASSOCIATES: \ / \ Our services are not re / J.' . * \ stricted to office hours. / inmmins . I James S. Hiott Jri Whenever you need one of I Hugh W. Smith Ji. us, and under any circum l Wilbur Myers fm+J stances, we stand ready to help. \\nivvyVsn a * UTO loins a O /° arranged INSURANCE ACENCY r ° v w ° r<!? 1010 Vermont Ave. N.W. Dl. 7-1100 SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT— GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INSURANCE COMPANY The President’s message contained in this report, summarizes the results of operations for the six months’ period ended June 30, 1955. Comparative financial statements with the same period of 1954 are also included. Continued progress is indicated by the report. Copy available on request Johnston, Lemon & Co. MEMBERS PHILADELPHIA-BALTIMORE STOCK EXCHANGE SOUTHERN BUILDING 115 N. ST. ASAPH WASHINGTON 5, D. C. ALEXANDRIA, VA. ST. 3-3130 KING 8-6600 Our kids are 9 #,n ® f# <ol| e«e because we saved at Jafffarsen Federal WE PROFIT from the policy of a whole month's dividend, even when we don't make payments 'til the 10th. OUR NEST-EGGS ARE SAFE ... we each have an account and each is insured up to SIO,OOO. by an agency of the U. S. Government. JEFFERSON FEDERAL MAKES SAVING CONVENIENT ... we opened our accounts by mail, and we make our payments the same way. Best of all, we like the ATTRACTIVE DIVIDENDS Jefferson Federal has been paying for over Sf years! Jefferson Fedem! Swings &■ Loan Association FRED A. SMITH, PRESIDENT 17th & K STREETS NORTHWEST • EXECUTIVE 3-0747 I Antfi over Iwtnly T• Million Dalian —. SPECIAL PURCHASE United States Gov t.—500 Fiva-Drawar, Wood Uttar Size Fite Cabinats, Ram* ington Rond * Guardian" Modal. Lika naw condition, complata with follow blocks in Office Groan color. Original cost, $65. 59 high, 28” deep ond 16” wida. Only five to o customer. Offered ot the amazing low price of $11.95 each Speeiml Ivt-Omn Wood Flit $7.00 Also 260 One-Drawer Steel Letter File Cabinets wltb Roller Bearings. $3.95 Free Deliverv and Parking Manhattan Office Equip. Co. 639 New York Ave. N.W. FINANCIAL SERVICE FOR OWNERS OF INCOME REAL ESTATE Hr MORTGAGES Conventional ond Private Ploeement. SALES Conventional ond Lease-Bock. FRANK S. PHILLIPS 927 15tfc St. N.W. Dl. 7-1411 ' CONSTRUCTION j AND PERMANENT NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE rnrnloetod by the Associated Press 8a let—* Stock ma Add Net Dividend Bate 00 High Low 1:16 chg. A Abbott L 1.80. 10 4J% 43% 43%- % ABC Vend HO. 3 13% 13% 13% ACP Brill 4%f • 11% 11 11% ACP Ind 4 7 65% 65*/i 65%- %, ACFInd pf 2% 2 73% 73% 73%- %’ Acme St) 1 Ml. 1 31% 31% 31%- % Adunsßx 80s 3 46 46 46 % Addresser 3. 10 110% 110% 110% Admiral 1 10 72% 22% 22%- % Air Reduc 1.40 12 34% 34% 34% AlcoProdl _. 31 20% 20% 20% % Aldens 1,20 b. 1 25% 23% 25%- % Alleghany 64 10% 10 10%+ % AlgLudStll .801 13 36% 53% 56 -1% Allen Ind 80a 2 17% 17% 17% Allied Chm 3a 2 111 UO% 111 +% Allied Kid 1 80 3 23% 23% 23%+ % Allied Mills 2a 3 37% 37 37 - % ' Allied Stores 3 7 39% 58% 36%- % Allis Chaim 4 6 73 72% 72%+ % Alpha PClh. 6 35% 35% 35%-% Alum Ltd 2.20 26104 102% 103%- % Alcoa 1 ... 19 67% 66% 67%% % Amerada 2 . _» 9 95% 94% 93%+ % Am Ae Chm 3a 4 77% 76% 76%-l AmAtrllne 6C* 74 26% 23% 26 Am Alrl n! 3% 3 125 125 125 -S Am Bk Note 1 . 2 30% 30% 30% tAm Bk NDI 3 4 66 61 60 +1 Am Bosch %d 23 17% 17% 17% % Am Brk Shoe 2 8 40% 40 40 - % Am Brd Par I 29 30 29% 30 + % AmCbIAR .30* 9 7% 7% 7% Am Can 1.40a 37 41% 41% 41%-% Am Can pf 1% 13 45 44% 44%- % Am Cyan 2 20 59 58% 58%+ % AmCy of C 3% 3 117% 117% 117%+ % AmEncau 80a 4 14% 14 14%+ % Am Export 52 19% 18% 19%+ % AmAcForP 60a 37 13% 13% 13%- % AmGa<fcEl 1.80 7 48 47% 48 + % Am Hlde&Lea 11 4% 4% 4% AmHomP2 40a 2 78% 78 78 - % Am Inti 40*.. 2 29 29 29 - % Am Invest 180 6 34% 33% 33%- % Am MdcPdy 1 9 28% 28% 28% - % Am M*M 1.40 3 36% 36% 36%- % Am Metal 1* . 17 57% 56% 37%+1% AmMetPd 1% 7 28 27% 27%- % Am Motors 18 9% 9% 9% Am N Oas 2.20 2 56% 56% 56%- % Am News 1% 2 33% 33% 33%+ % Am Optical 2 5 48% 47% 48% AmPotmshß 2b * 82 81% 82 + % Am Rad 1 40 31 25% 24% 25%+% Am Seating la S 32% 32% 32%- % AmSmelt 1.70**17 52% 51% 52%+ % Am Snuff 2.40 1 45% 45% 45%- % , AmStlPdryl %* 8 34% 34% 34%+ % tAm Su* pf 7 90 141% 140% 141%+1% , A. TelATel » 86 186% 184% 185%- % Am Tob 0.40a 31 72% 72% 72%+ %, Am Viscose 2 38 57% 56% 57%- % AmWaWksV.g 9 4% 9% 9% , Am Zinc lb 2 26% 28% 28%- % . AnacondaCo 3 57 70% 69% 70 + % , (AnchHG 1 60a 5 37 36% 37 , lAnderClaytS 8 39% 39 39 % . AndPri 0 1.80 10 46% 46% 46%- %] APWProd 3 5% 5% S%+ % , [Archer Dam 8 40 39% 39%- % , Armro SU OObxl* 42% 41% 42%+l Armour 16 14% 14% 14% , AimsCorkflOhx 3 28% 28*+ 28%+ % Armsc Df 3*. *lO 98 98 98 + % AshlandO .30* 25 15% 14% 15 Ashl Oil Df 1 % 22 28% 28% 28'+- % AssdDryG 1.80 3 33% 33% 33%+ %, Atchison 6a 4 138% 137% 138 Atchison P 12% 2 60% 60% 60%- % AtlCltyEl 1 60 6 48 47% 47%+ % All Coast L 2. 3 47 46% 46%+ % Atl Refln 2 26 38% 38 38%- % Atlas CP 2 7 41% 41% 41% , Atlas Pdrl* 1 40% 60% dO%- % Auto Cant 1.10 lo 22% 22 22%+% AVCO Mi* .20* 33 7% 7% 7% % , • Babbitt .20a . 19 7% 6% 6%- % Babcock* W 3 1 95% 95% 95%-l% , Bald Lima %*. 18 14 13% 14 +% , B. 1 60 6 34% 34% 34% . Balt A i Ohio la 53 51% 50% 51%+ % BaltAcOh Dl 4. 3 67% 67% 67%- % Barber 011 2 3 58 58 58 - % . BathlrWk‘2 80 7 48 47% 47% , Bayuk CVS B<> 2 16% 16% 16% . BeauMllls .07* 26 29% 26 28%- % . BeechAirc Bed 7 27% 26% 27'++ % , Beech Nut 1.70 4 28% 28% 28% % , Be Id Hem 70. 8 14% 14*+ 14%+ % , Bell Aire Ha. 10 26 25% 26 j. ißeliAjHowell 11 39% 39% 39%+ % Bendlx Avia 2- 17 48 47% 48 Hi Belief Fin 1 4 20 20 20 - % ißenguetM 10* 69 1% 1% 1% Best* Co 3... 2 33% 33% 35%- % Best Pds 2 a 2 50% 50% 50% j: Beths tee 1 o'a* 62 151 148% 150%+lH 1 Bigelow San 18 16% 16 16%+ %:! [BlaKnox 120 b 26 24% 24% 24% Bliss * Lau 2 1 33% 33% 33'%- % : 1 Bliss E W 1.80 23 28 27% 28 -% 1 ' Boeln* Air 2a 52 58% 57% 58 + %| [ BohnAiu l eft* 4 25% 25% 25%+ % Bond Sirs 17 18% 18 18 -% : J Book Mon 60* 4 11% 11% 11%+ %[. Borden I.SO* II 64% 64V. 64%- %, Bor* Warner 2 13 46% 45% 45% %j Boston Ed 2 .80 4 59% 59 59%+ % Boston*Maine 6 23 22% 23 Bos Men! _. 4 47% 47% 47% I BranAlrw .30* 13 16% 16% 16% Brldcpt Br 2V, 14 41% 40% 40%- % j Bridgßr pt 2'« 4 54% 54% 54% % . BrlinUl TOh 7 20% 20% 20%- % , BristoMy .70* 12 306a 30% 30'+- % , BKlvUOas 1 HO 10 33% 33 33%- % , BucyErle 80*. 8 35 34'. 35 + % Budd Co 1.20. 39 22 21% 22 Bullard 1* 5 33 32% 33 + % Bulova Wat 3a 2 71 71 71 Burl Ind lb *56 18% 18% 18%-1% , Burroughs 1 . 8 30% 30% 30% Butler Br 40* 14 27 26% 27 j Butte Cop %«_ 37 11 10% 10%+ % j* Callahan Zine 242 5% 5% 5% j Calum*H 80 10 12% 12% 12%+ % ! CampuSou 1 '.a* 15 39 38% 38% % ] | Campbell Wy 2 10 36% 36% 36% [Can Dry .80 12 16% 16% 16%-% jedn Pac ivy* 47 34% 33% 34 +% : CapltalAlrl %f 3 33% 33% 33% i Carey Phil 1.80 679 29 29 -l ): (Caro PAL 1.10 3 25% 25% 25%+% : iCarnent Btl 3a 2 71 71 71 —% . [Carrier Co 2a 11 54% 53% 54%- %! Case J 1 78 17 16% 16% %!: ;Cat Tree 1.80. 8 52% 52% 52%- %, [Celanese Vs* 8 24 23% 23% %: CelanCvpHVi 3 82 82 82 I. [Ceiotes 2 . 6 31% 31% 31% (Cent Pdy 40 79% 9% 9% I. Cen Gaßy pi 5 2 90*+ 90% 90% I. Cenlll PS 1.40 3 29% 29 29% I. CenASW 1.32 so 35% 35 35%+ % 1 (Cei de Pas %d 24 50% 49% 50%- % i iCert-teed la . 11 56% 26% 26*+- % I ChanceV 80«. 12 31% 30% 31%+1 1 I Checker Cab 4 8 8 8 % 1 IChes *Oh 3 22 51% 51% 51%+ % 1 jehesAO Pi 8% 297 97 97 1 (Chlcaio CD 80 41 21% 21% 21%+ %l Chi*East 111 1 2 22% 22% 22%- % l (Chi Ind ALB 3 16% 161/s 16%- %|1 ICMBPAP 2’a* 11 25% 24% 25*.+ % [ChIANWnI 6 37% 37% 37% %1 !Chl PneuT 1 % 12 43% 43% 45%+ % I [ChIRIAPaco 6 89% 89% 89*+- % i Childs 8 5% 5% 5% % Chrysler I%* 169 89% 88% 89%- V* I [Ctn OAE 1.20 5 28% 28% 28%+ % I CIT Plnanr 2a 10 46% 46*. 46*+- % 1 Cities SVC 2 36 51% 51% 51%- % ] city Btr 1 40 3 21% 21% 21% 1 ClvEUlum 40h 7 37% 37% 37%- % I Clevlte la .. 10 22% 27% 22%+ % 1 Climax Mo 3 . 14 68% 67% 67%- % Clopav ... 40 3% 3% 3% Coca-Cola 4a 6 132 131% 132 -1 Cols Steps 12% 7 55% 54% 55% 1 CoIPAIr I.lo* 54 29% 29% 29%+ % I COlßrdA 20h 6 27% 27% 27% Col Brdß 20h 5 27 26% 24%- % 1 Col Oas 60* . 35 16% 16% 16'+— % 1 Co Pic 120 b 3 23% 25% 75%+ % 1 Col Carb 2 5 48 48 48 - % 1 CoIASOE 1 60 7 34% 34 34%+ % ] Comb Enx 3 8 69% 68% 68% 11 CotnlCred 2.80 12 50% 50% 50%+ %1 Coml Solv 1 40 20% 20% 20% 1 ComwEdis 2 31 44% 44 44%+ % 1 Cone Mill 40* 25 19% 19 19 - % 1 Cons Cop 3 .* 17 17% 17% 17%+ % Cons Edls 240 9 51% 51% 51% Consl Electron 3 34% 34% 34V. ! Cons Poods 1 8 10% 16% 16% % 1 Cons NOas 1 % * 35 34% J4%~ % 1 Cons Pwr a2O 16 49% 49% 49%- % . Cont Bak 1.80 6 39% 39 39%+ % I Cont Can 3 15 76% 75% 76%+ % ! CntCopAS.OOb # I*% 12% 12'/. 1 Cont Pdy 2a 5 41% 41 41 —% ! Cont Mot 35* 19 9% 9% 9% 1 Cont 011 2.80 5 86% 65% 66 % 1 Cont Stl 180 5 36 35% 36 Copperßn*.4o 13 39% 38% 39%+l ! Copw Stl 1 .20* 5 27% 27% 27% % I Corn Prod 1 30 26 29% 29 29 - % l CornellD 1 2oa 2 31% 31% 31%- % I Corning Q1 V,h 3 66% 66% 66% % 3 CosdcnPet 1 % 2 30% 30% 10% J CotV Inc v.g 5 7% 77 —% R Cranr Co 2 6 40 40 40 +% r CrwnCork .20k 12 16% 16% 16% % r CrownZel 2.40 2 82% 81% 81%— % r Crown Zell wi 2 54% 54*/. 54%+ % r Cruc Steel 1 * 13 44% 44% 44'%- % j Cruc Stl of 5 304 132% 132% 132'+-! „ CurttaPub .20* 4 6% 6% 6% v CurtHWr 70* 9 19% 19% 19%- % n Curtiss WA 8 6 34% 34% 341/4 j Cutler H 2.40 2 74% 74% 74%+ % „ D l Daystrom 1.20 6 38 27% 27% % r Dayton Rub 1 5 20% 20% 20%- % r Dtcca Rec .70. 16 16% 16% 16% «, Deere I%* 23 35% 35% 35%+ % r Del LAW 1* 5 21% 21% 21% r DenAROW %h 32 38 37% 37%- % • Det Edls 1 6il 3 37% 37% 37%+ % r Del, Stl CP %f 15 14% 14% 14%+ % R Devne AR A 2 3 38% 38% 30%+ % r DlsmMat. 160 9 34% 34 34%+ % R Diana Str 80 5 13 is 13 r DtstCbS 1 20a 7 39% 39% 39% R Dixie CUD 180 5 56% 56% 56%- % R Dobeckmn 1.40 7 36% 36V. 56%- %R Doua Aire 2a 27 67% 66 67%+1% R Dow Chem 1 27 52% 52% 52% R Dreaserlnd 2% 1« 44% 43% 44 - % R Du plan loe 9 9% 9% 9%- % r Du Pont 2%* 23 221% 221% 221%-1% R Duo Light 180 4 37% 37% 37% R E * East Air Line l. 20 53% 52% 53%-% East CP 1.20.. 2 28% 28V. 28% % f Easts Stl lb 15 27 26% 27 + % f Eastmanl 70d 7 78% 78% 78%- % I Eaton Ml* 2a X 3 55 54% 54%- % f EdlsßrStr 1 80 18 34% 34% 34%+ %f ElAutoLlte ]R 168 49% 48% 49%+ %R ElAMutnd 07j 16 4 3% 3% Aj!> Elkin Watch 1. 4 20% 20 20%+ % R BUfhUl 8 21% 21% 21%+AM MARKET AVERAGES (Cemailed by lh« AssaelaU4 Pr*a*> an 15 15 60 : STOCKS— Indst Rails Otll. Btka Net change —.6 4- .3 —.l —.2 Noon today C 40.9 132.9 75.4 173.4 -Yesterday 241.5 132.3 75.5 173.6 n Week ago 247.2 1.35.3 75.3 176.8 Month ago 242.9 137.8 73.6 175.0 Year ago 182.0100.2 64.1 134.4 1956 high 247.4 139.1 75.7 177.0 1956 low 203.1 114.9 67 2 148.8 20 10 10 1010 Low BONDS— Railff. Indst. Util. Frgn. Yld. » Net change —.l unc. unc. unc. unc. Noon today 98.3 98.3 97.1 85.7103.8 i Yesterday _ 98.4 98.3 97.1 85.7 103.8 Week ago 98.6 98.4 97.2 85.8 103.9 . Month SgO 98.5 98.2 97.5 85.8 103.9 Year ago 99.4 99.9 100.1 83.6 106.7 1 1956 high 99.6 99.8 100 1 86 5 1064* 1 1955 low 98.3 98.1 97.1 84.0 103.5 i - i Haleo— -Btock and Add Net 1 P*v*d«H* Rate 00 High Law 1:18 chg. l EI Paso NO 2 13 45*e 45* 45>/k- V 4 Emer Rad 40a 7 14%g L4H 14H4- Vk EmnireEl 1.40 5 28 27H 28 + Vk Equit Gas 1 40 10 Erie RR I’4 15 23Vb 23 23*+ * Evans Prod X- 8 73 72* 73 +l* Eversharn l._. 9 15 14* 15 Ex-Cell-O 2 4 47* 47* 47*- * F Pairbs M 140 g 4 27* 27 27*+* Paircb Eng *g 59 13* 13 13*+ * Pansteel *g _ 17 32 31* 32 + * Pa wick lOe 4 8* 8 B*+ * PeddQulg 15g 7 10* 10* 10* Fed Mogul 2b 5 32* 31* 32*+ * 1 Fed Pac El 60 4 13* 13* 13*- * FedPoßd 180 5 32* 32* 32* Pederat DBt 3 7 87* 87* 87* Perro Co 80d 7 33* 33* 33*+ * Fid P Fire 3 _ 2 107* 107* 107*- * Filtro' 90s 13 45* 45»A 45*- * Firestone 1h _ 8 82* 81* 82*-l* Pirth CDt 40 4 9* 9* Flintkote 2.40 1 40* 40* 40*+ * FloridaPw 1.60 6 43* 43 43*+ * Fla PwArLt 1 24 38* 38 38*- * Food Mch 2 14 50* 50 50 - * Freent Sul 2* 1 80* 80* 80*- * Frueh Trail 2b 41 43* 43 43 - * • G Gabriel 4 6% 6% 6%+ % Qalr Robt 1% _ 4 30% 30 30%+% Oamble Sk 60 3 10% 10% 10% Oar Wood .. 2 6% 6% 6% Garrett 1.60. _ 6 35% 35 35 - % Gaylord 1.80 . 2 51 51 51 - % Oen Accept 1.1 17 17 17 GenAmTr 2%a 1 61% 61% 61%- % Oen Bak 60 2 10% 10% 10%+ % oenßronsl %a 2 33% 33% 3J%- % GenCablel Mb* 5 20% 20% 20% % Oen Cigar 11 30% 30% 30%+ % OenDynm'l 20 67 35% 54% 53%+ % pen Elec 1.20* 56 50% 50% 50H- % | Oen Pin an 70. 1 19% 19% 19% ] [Oen Foods 3 4 e4% 84% 84% [Gen Instru %* 5 9% 9%* 9% [Gen Mills 3 11 76 76 76 - % iOenMotoryv,* 98 134% 133 134 % 'OenPorCe 1.40 8 50 49% 49%- % GenPrec I.2M* 6 45% 45% 45%-% Gen PSv ,ob* 10 5 4% 4% j GenPnbU I%* 4 37% 37% 37% (Gen Retract 2 . 7 40% 39% 39%- % , Oen Tel 22 43 42% 43 - % (Gen Time 2b . 1 34 34 34 - % GenTAßub 2 17 60% 59% 59%- % OeoPacPly lb. 20 36 35% 36 + % Gillette 4 __ 14 79% 78% 78%- % Glrnbell 8 26% 26% 26%+ % Gliddcn 2... 3 39% 39% 39% Goebel Brw .60 10 7% 7% 7% Goodrich .00* 19 65% 65 65% % Goodyear I%* 37 35% 53% 53%- % Goodyear rts. 613 %. »%, Vu- %» Goth Hos 2 3% 5% 5%6 % Grace ACo 2 1 52% 32% 52% Graham Paige 17 2% 2% 2% Granby Mm % 1 16% 16% 16%- % Grand Un .80 3 27% 27% 27%- % ■ GranCStl 3b* 23 33% 33% 33%+#% Orays Robin 1 11% 11% 11%+ % OtNorPa 2.40a 1 83% 83% 83%- % Gt Nor Ry 2%. 18 41% 41 41% Green HL 2a 2 32% 32% 32% [Green! TAD* 1 33 33 33 -%l Greyhound J . 15 16 15% IS%- % Grum Aire 2a 18 34% 33% 34%+ %[ (Gull MAOb 2 7 38% 38% 38%-%! Gull Oil >% xl4 83% 83 83 -1% Gull StUll 40 1 35% 35% 35%+%!' H HeliPrlnt 1.40 1 22% 22% 22%+% [HaUiburt 10 60 59% 60 - % Hammer Pab 1 3 33% 33% 33%- % HarrtsbSt I%b 3 31% 31% 31%+% Have* Ind .Ho 8 22% 22% 22% I Have* Ml .45*. 5 7% 7% 7% .Ha* Atl 0 1.20 3 23% 23% 23%- % 1 Hecht Co 1.30* 1 31% 31% 31% Herth Choe 2 3 47% 47% 47%- % ■ Hert* 1.00 .. 14 50% 50% 50%+ % Hilton Hotel 2. 14 49% 48% 49 - % Hires C E 60 3 11% 11% 11% (Hoff Electron 17 22% 22% 22%+% Holland Pur 1 11 14% 14 14% l Homes! k 1 60a 10 39 38% 38%- % i Hooker Elect 12 38% 38% 38%-%: HoudHerahey 14 15 14% 15 V House Pin 120 6 31% 31% 31%-%.' HeusLAPl 20b 5 42 42 42 - %)i Houston OH 2a 12 131% 130% 130%- %'< HoweSnd 4b« 21 21% 21% 21%+ %!l Hud Bar Mi. 15 66 65% 66 +1 II Hupp Corn— 29 6% 6% 6%- %!' 11l I Idaho Pw 27h 4 31% 31 31 -% I 111 Cent 2 . 10 61% 01% 61% I IndplsPL 1.20. 2 28% 28% 28% Ind El de Me*. 3 7% 7% 7% % 1 Indust Ray 3 . 5 55% 55 55%+ %! Inland Steel 4 16 75% 75 75% I InsDlr Cop 3* 9 55% 55 55%+ % < InsuranCtf .40 2 24% 24% 24% Interlake .90*. 45 28% 27% 28%+ % Int Harv 2 18 39% 39% 39% IntMACh 1.80 25 33 32% 37% IntMACh ot 4 1 91 91 91 -1 IntMlnins 30e 22 3% 3% 3% :lnt Nick 260 28 79 78% 78% [lnt Pack 30* 7 13% 13% 13% Unt Paper 3b . 10 107% 106% 106%+ % lint TAT 1.20 48 28% 28% 28%+ % Tntertvpe 1.40 b 4 47% 47% 47%- % [lowalllOEl.HO X 4 35 35 35 ' J-K [Jacobs . 5 »% 9% 9%- % jjeffLakeS 1.60 2 33% 33 33 [Johns Man 3a 6 83% 82% 83%+ % I lJoneaALl%* 60 44% 43% 44% 1 I Joy Ml* 5 54% 53% 53%—1 1 Kaiser Alu •%. 67 34% 32% 34%- % I Kaiser pi 2% 4 143% 143% 145%-3% I KanCPAL 1.80 4 43% 43% 43%- % I Kan City Sou 3 3 73% 73 73%+ % I KanGAE 1.20 2 28% 28% 28%- %l Kan PAL 1.20 6 23% 23% 23% I IKayser J '/** 5 23 23 23 + % 1 : Kelsey Hares 2 5 33 32% 33 + % I Kenecoit 2',r»- 8 120 118% 120 +l% J KimbClk 1.80. 7 50% 50% 50%- % I Koppers 2a 6 53% 93 93 - %[l KrcsgeS 1.20*. 5 30 29% 29% [I Kroger I.Bo* 9 41% 41 41 -% l L LacledeGas .72 614 137+ 13%- %!l Lane Bryant 1 3 16'+ 16% 16’++ %[I LeeßubATl.2o 10 22% 22% 22%- %ll LehiKhCAN 14 13‘+ 13 13%+ %|| LehPortC 1 80 x 5 64% 64% 64%+ %|i Leh Val Coal 8 2% 2 2%+ %[ Leh VRR 1.20 xll 21% 21% 21I++ %[] Lehman 2.31* 6 44% 44% 44%- LlbMcNALOll* 52 16% 16 16 - %i Lie* AMy 4a 6 68% 68% 68%+ % LllyTullp 1 80 9 53 52 52%- %' Lion 011 2 36 60 58% 59%- % • LlouldCar 140 3 37% 37% 37%+ % ■ Llauldc pf 3 '■! 21 99% 99 99%- %' Lockheed* 40a 21 44», 44 44%+ % • Loews %e . 37 24% 23% 24 Lone 8 Cem 2 5 56% 56% 56%+ % • LonrSGas 140 4 30% 30% 30%+%' LonaßflAl.Ha 3 37 36% 37 + % ■ Lon* Isl Lt I 16 21% 21% 21% % • Lorfllard 6(l* 6 21% 21% 21%+ % - LouANash.'l*,* 6 83 82% 83 + % Lowensl 1.20 14 27% 26% 27%+ % • M Mack Truck . 20 29% 28% 29%- % • Macy i.HO 6 33% 33% 33% % • Magma C 3%f 7 86 85 86 + % Mavnavoxl',b 3 33 32% S2%— % ’ ManShirtl 40a 2 31% 31% 31%+ % • Marathon 1 *0 xlO 32 31% 31%- % ■ MarineMld HO 9 18% 18% 18% Marsh Field* 11 36% 36% 36% Martin OL "s* 21 25% 24% 25 +% i Masonite la 17 31% 31% Jl%- Hi! MayDStr I HO 8 42% 42% 42%- % | McCord 2 3 30% 30% 30% 1 McOraw Elec 2 9 46% 46% 46%+l | Mclntyre 2a 4 09 88% 89 +l% 1 McKeasAß *'+ 11 43% 43% 43%- % 1 McOuavNorlb 3 16% 16 16 | Mead Coro 2b 4 64% 63% 64 + % | Melvßhoe IHO 4 37% J7% 37%+ % 1 MercanSt 1.40 3 27 27 27 + % I MerckACo 80 34 22% 22% 22%- % l MerrChapAS 2 23 23% 23% 23%+ % t MestaMch*%a 2 48 47% 48 +% I Miami Cop 2a 15 45% 45 45%- % 1 Mid BUt 1 % 6 32% 32% J 2- % 1 Midi Stl Pd It - 2 89% 8»% 85%—1 1 MlnACAtn.lOr 17 35% 35% 3S%+ % l Min Hod 3bh 10 57% 57 57%+ % t Minn Moline 11 21% 21 21%+ % l MlnASt L 1.40 16 22 21% 21%-% [ Minn MM 180 3 106% 106 106 I MlnAOnP 2.40 10 64% 62% 63%- % t MlsslonCp il'.af 9 38% 38 38 - % ( Mission Dev la 26% 28 28%+ % C Rio Kan Tex 13 18 17% 17% % t Mo KT Dl .'t%k 10 79% 79 79%+ % c •Mo Pacific pf 7 94 93 93%+ % c Monarch 1 20a 3 22 22 22 c MonaanChm n 78 41% 40% 41% MontDakUtll 1 21 28% 28% 28%- % Mont Pw 1.80 1 39% 39% 39%+ % \ MontereyO.HO 6 30% 30% 30% % \ Mont. Ward lla 26 81 80% 81 + % \ MooreMcC 1 % 5 20»+ 20% 20%- % \ Morrell'+ « 20% 20 20 - % \ Motor Product 3 25% 25 25 - % \ Mot Wheel 2 2 31% 31% 31'++ % t Motorola 1% 2 50% 50% 50% \ Mueller B 1.110 9 33 32% 32%-% Mullins 1.80 3 21’+ 21% 21’++% Murphy 1%a.. 2 42% 42% 42%- % V Murray CD *. . 3 35 34% 34’+- % V Nl V 3 Nat Airlines d 3 25% 25% 25%- % V Nat Auto FI 2 18 18 18 - % t NatAvla *.lo*. 1 35% 35% 35%- % 1 Nat Biscuit * 13 411/4 41 41%+ % V Nat Can 13 14 IJ% 13%- % t NatCashß 1.10 24 39% 39% 39>+- % V Nat Cont 80 22 20 19% 19’+- % \ Nat Cont pf IV, 3 35 34% 35 +1 A >MatCylOasl.*o 8 20% 20% 20% 4 fll log Stock and Add KM Dlvldand Rau 00 High Low li»9 eha. Nat Dairy 1.80 12 41% 41% 41%+ % Nat D Btr* %p 1 22% 22% 22’+- % Nat Distill 1 8 21% 21% 21%- V* Nat Fuel Oas! 1 21% 21% 21% Nat Gypsum 2b 3 52% 51% 51%- % Nat Lead I%* 7 76% 76% 76%- % NatLinenS .80 4 11% 11% 11% Nat Man %* . 22 29% 29 29%- % Nat Share *oh 1 18% 18% 18% Nat Steel 3 2 88 68 68 + % NatSuaßef 2a. 1 39% 39% 39% Natßupply*%a 8 42% 42% 42% Nat Theater % 18 10 9% 10 NatVulPlb.SO 4 13% 13% 13% New Ens El .00 1 17% 17% 17%- % Newmont M*a 4 88% 88 88 - % Newpt Ind .SO* 1 17% 17% 17%+ % Newpt NSh 2a 2 54% 54% 54%- % N Y Central 2_ 6 47% 47% 47%- % N YChABtL 3. _ 3 51% 51% 51% NY Shlpbd Vi* 1 23% 23% 23% NYSUEAO* 7 42% 42% 42%+ % Nia MPw 1.60 2 35% 35% 35%+% Nla* Shr 4bh 2 19% 19% 91%- % NorfAWest 3a 3 53% 57% 57% INo Am Avia 3a 2 57% 57% 57% , Nor Nat Gas 3. 14 42% 42% 42%- % , Nor Pacific 3 5 75 74 75 + % Nor Sta Pw 80 1 16% 16% 16%- % , Northroo 1.80 4 24% 24% 24% 1 NwstAlrlln.4o* 5 21% 21% 21%- % O Ohio Edls 2.20 4 51% 51% 51%- % Ohio Oil .4Uta . 18 34% 34% 34% % , Okla OAE 1.60 3 38% 38% 38%+% > Okla OE pf .80 1 19% 19% 19%+ % , OklaNGas 1.20 2 23% 23% 23%+ % > OUn Math 2 .. 9 59% 59% 5*%- % Oliver CP bb* 8 16% 16% 1«%- % 1 OutbMAM.JO* 2 39 38% 38%-l , Owens Cnsl . 1 84 84 84 + % Owens 111 Oli. 5 125 125 125 OxlordP 1.20a 4 40 39% 39%-l% P ' PabcoPd y«a.. 4 28% 28>+ 28%-% ' Pac Fin 2 1 40% 40% 40%- % Pac OAE 2.20. 5 52 52 52 + % 1 Pac Light 2 _. 3 41% 41% 41% 'Pac Mills 1 . x2l 43% 43% 43%+% 1 Pac Tin 20*. _ 70 9% 9% 9%+ % 1 Pac West Oil . 3 43% 42% 43%+ % ' PanAmAir .80. 70 20 19% 19%+ % 1 PanhanEPL 3. 2 77% 77% 77%- % Panh Oi. .1( 2 16 10 9% 10 + % ParamPlctlf... 18 39% 39% 39%- % 1 Park Dav 1.40. 8 41 40% 40%- % Parmelee Tr Vi 2 12% 12% 12%- % PattnoM 1.20* 21 4% 4% 4% PenickAPd 1* 2 52 51% 52 + % Penn Dl* 1 12 32 31% 31%- % Penn Tex 1.40 26 19% 19% 19%-% PenneyJC2.6oa 2 93% 92% 93%+ % Pa PwALt 2.40 4 48% 48% 48'+- % Penn RR 1 38 27% 27% 27%- % PennSaltl .20* 1 50% 50% 50%+ % Peoples Dru* 2 4 37 37 37 + % Peoples Qxs 7. 5 160% 160% 160% Pepsi Cola .80. 14 24 23% 23% Pflxerla . 18 46% 46% 46%+ % PhelpsD 2.60a 25 56% 55% 56%- % Phil El pi 1 3 25% 25% 25% Phil A RCA I 14 15% 15% 15% % Phllco 1.80 31 36% 36% 36%+ % PhllipMorrts 3 17 41 40% 41 + % Phillips Pet 3 x 62 72% 71% 72V+- % Pitney B 1,40 b 3 48% 48 4S%+ % Pit CokeAC 1 12 28% 26% 28%+ % Pitt Por* 1 10 17% 17% 17%+ % PltPlQlas 90* 14 83% 83% 63% % Pit ScrAß .40. 6 7% 7% 7% Pit steel Vis Xl2 24% 24% 24%+ % Pitt A WVa 2 4 27% 27% 27%+ % Pitts ton Co lb 21 30% JO 30%+ % 1 Potom El Pw I 3 23 23 23 ProcAOam 3s 2 100% 100% 100% PubSEAO 1.60 14 33% 32% 33%+ % PucSPALI 20* 1 38% 38% 38%+ % Pullman 3a .. 4 64% 64% 64%- % 1 Pure Oil 80h.. 11 38 37% 37%- % Q-R RadioCn la.. 31 48% 48% 48%+ % Radio Pl 3>.i . 1 87% 67% 87% Rayonler 1.20 15 34% 33% 34%+ % Raytheon 1 '.I 31 20% 20 20>+- % Reeves Bro 1.. 10 16% 16% 16%+ % Reliance .20 . ) 18% 18% 18%- % Reoub Avia 2 24 37% 36% 37%+ % Repub Plct >.t 68 9% 9% 9% Repub Stl SVi 55 45% 45% 45%+ % Reiall Dru* Vi 10 9% 9% 9% > Reyn Met 1* 3 220% 218 V, 220%+3% ‘ ReyTobß * .80 18 47% 47*+ 47%+ % ! RheemMlg* 40 10 J7% 37% J7%+ % [RhcdSTru.l2* 1080 6% 6% 6%+ % ' Richfield 0 3*. 4 70% 70 70%+ % RKO Pictures. 21 8% 8% B%+ % RKOTbea 20* 18 11% 11 11%+ % Rob Fultoo 1 % 8 29 78% 28%+ % RochOAE 2.24 2 46% 46 46%+ % Rock SpAAx 2 10 29% 29% 29%+ % Rohr Air 86* 8 23% 23% 23%+ % Roy Dut 2.10* 70 83% 82% 83%+ % RoyalMcß.9o* 7 23% 23% 23%+ % Ruberoid 1.60a 4 38% 38% 38% s Safeway 240 17 43% 42% 43%+ %| Sales cvpli. no 5 106% 105% 105%- % SlJoeLeadl ',* 11 51 49% 50 -1% StLSanP l*-i« 14 31% 31% Jl% iSt Re* Pap 1 HO 17 43% 42% 42 % % 'Savage Arms 1 6 13% 13 13%+ % Schenley Ind 1 11 22% 22% 22%+% i Bettering Vi 32 29% 29% 29% % 1 Scott Pap 1.80 11 71% 71% 71% % [SCOVIII Mf* 2 IT 36% 35% 36 - % Seaboardßß 4 20 82% 79 81%+3% I Scab Pin 180 12 32 31% 31%-1 Scarsßoe* 40a 16 94% 94 94%+ % Seeierßel 2.00 6 53% 53 5J%- % i Serve! ~ _. _ 4 7% 7% 7% ShamOAG* 13 42% 42% 4t%+ % Sharon Sill*- « <3 42% 43 + % Shell Oil * 10 60 59 59 -1% ShetlerMf 1.80 13 29% 28% 29%- % Sherat Am Sb 5 15% 15% 15%+ % Simmons I.Bo* 4 47% 47% 47% SinclairO 2.60 16 57% 56% 57%- % Skelly 011 180 5 52% 52 52 -1 smith AO 2 3 48% 48 48H— % Smith Cor .60 3 24 23% 23%- % SmlthDou 120 11 24% 23% 23%- % SoconyMob 2a x 24 61 60% 60%+ % BoUr Aircft la 2 18% 18% 18%+ % So Am GAP % 20 10% 10% 10% BoCalEdia 2.40 7 54% 54% »4%- % BouthernCo.OO 15 20% 20% 20%- % So N Gas 1.80 13 34% 34% 34%+ % Sou Pacific 3. 32 61% 61% 61%+ % South Pd 1 . 21 29% 29 29%+ % South Rail Ba. 6 96% 96 96%+l Sparks With 5 5% 5 5% SornChem* 40 8 66% 65% 66 % SpenKel 1.20a xl4 20% 19% 20%+ % Sperry Rand .227 25% 25% 25%- % Soiexel V«* _ 10 14% 14% 14% Square D2a . 4 44% 44% 44% SI. Brands 2a. 8 40% 39% 39% Std Coll Prd I.x 6 14% 14% 14%+% Sid Oil Cal 8b 25 *O% 09% 90 + % Std O Ind 1.40 10 51V* 50% 51 + % StdOilNJ 2 Vi* 47 139 136% 138%+ % StdOll Ob 2.40 3 49% 49% 49%+ % Std Ry Eo 45* 13 12% 12 12 SterlDru*2.4o 4 50 49% 50 Stevens JP ’/.« T 27% 27% 27%+ % 81 w Warn I Hob « 35% 35% JS%+ % [Stokely VC V,« 5 18% 18% 18%- % IStokelyVC pi 11 20% 20% 20% [Storßcast 1.40 4 24% 24% 24%+% ißtude Pack. 16 10 9% 10 [Sun Chm 80a 4 15% 15% 15%+ Vi (Sunray 1.20 x 25 29% 25 25%+ % (Sunray p!A lVix 8 27% 27% 27% !Sunray2pf 1.65x16 38% 37% 36%+1H ißunerlorS 140 5 27% 27% 27% (Swift ACo 2a 7 51% 51 51%+ % ISylv El Prod * 22 46 45% 45%+ % SvlvE cvpf4.4o 5 138 138 138 -4 |Sym Gould Vi 5 8% 8% 8% T TemcoAlr 80* 5 13 13 13 % Tenn.CplV.a- 5 55 52% 52%+ H Texas Co 3a xlB 103 102% 103 - % TexGullPd .60 24 20% 27% 28 + % Tex O Sul IV,* 41 40% 40 40%+ % Texas Instr 11 12% 12% 12%+ % TexPCAO 1 .HO 15 60% 60 60%+ % . Textron 35* 22 19 18% 18%- % Textron pi 1% 6 22% 21% 22 Thermold 40a 7 12% 12% 12%- % ThompPdl .05* 1* *6% 46% 46%- % TideWaAs Uaf 5 31% 31 31%+ % , UdeWa Df 1.20 6 28% 28% 28%- % Toledo Ed 70. 4 17% 17% 17%+ % Trane Col .. 12 49% 47% 49%+ Va Trans W Air 11 10% 29% 30%+ % Transamerl 40 32 44% 44 44%- % Tr! Cont 80* 11 27 26% 26%- % TwenCPxl 60a 7 29% 29% 29%+ % Twin Coa 70b 10 11% 11% 11%+ % TXLOII 80 JO% 30% 30% u (Underwood 'i* 3 38% 38% 36%- % ,UnCarbidelV4*x2l 96% 97% 97%- % Un El Mo 140 22 29% 29% 29% UnOII Cal 240 28 53% 52% 53%- % Un Pacific ba 5 163% 163% 163% Un Tank Cl Vi 4 29% 29% 29%- % UtOAIrLIne la 31 45% 44% 45'%+ % Utd Aircraft 4 23 73 72% 72%+ % Utd Carb 1.80 6 51% 51% 51%- % UtdCi.Wh 16* 8 5% 5% 5%- % Utd CP 20a 52 6% 6% 6% Utd DveAChm 12 12% 12% 12%+ % Utd El Coal 1 3 17 16% 16%- % UtdEnaAF HO X 5 15% 15% 15%+ % 1 Utd Fruit 8 32 57 56% 56%- % ’ Utd Gas Cu IV4 37 31% 31% 31%+ % Utd MAM la *0 20% 20% 20% % 1 UtdParkCMlnt 451 3% 3% 3%+ % US A For Sec 12 32 31% .Jl%- % 1 U 8 wrelxhl 2 1 s*Vi 54% 54%- % ’ USHoffM 1.20 24 35% 35 35H- % ' Ufc Indust *0 7 14 13% 13%- % US Pit wo 1 80 14 38% 38% 38%+ % U S Rubber t Id 449% 45% 43%- % I US smelt 1 Vi* 8 52 51% 52 U S Bteel Vih x 55 51% 51% 51'%- % I UtdStr 2nf 30* 2 11 11 11 1 Utd Wallbaoer 3 2 1% 1% ' Unlv Plct la . 1 29% 29% 29%- % V Vanad CP 1 60 x 4 40% 40 40 + % VertCSu* 27a 3 77 7—% • Vick Chm I Vib 1 62% 62% 62%—1 VlctChWl 40a 5 32% 32‘/» 32%- % ! Va Caro Chem 4 41% 41% 41% % Va EIAP 1 80 « 41 41 41 + % r Vlrxn Rv 2% 1 44 44 44 - % Vir* Ry ot IVi 5 32% 31% 32>%- %c W ! Walgreen 160 4 30% 30% 30% ! Ward Bak %t 2 17% 17 17 t wamßPlcl 20 3 20% 20% 20%+ % • War Lam I 60a 6 36% 36% 36%- % ■ Warren Pdy .. 3 46 46 46 -% J WaehWP 170 4 40% 40% 40% \ Westlndßu* 1 4 23 23 23 W K Coal 1 34 21% 20% 21%+1 | WePennf.) 1 .30 8 28 27% 27%- % 1 WeatAlrl 60a 5 22% 22% 22% ' JWestAu'e ICO 5 28% 28% 28%- V 4! Kelt Mary ... 11 42 41 42 , West Pac 8 6 60% 58% 58%-1%, Stocks Decline In sl-$2 Range; Trading Steady , NEW YORK, Aug. 5 The stock market declined quietly today, but with resistance in the early afternoon. > The decline extended to be | tween 1 and 2 points. Gains ■ ran to around a point. ' Trading was moderate. Going up were Bethlehem ' Steel, General Motors and Stand* i ard Oil (N. J.), Douglas Air* craft. Seaboard Railroad, Ameri , can Cyanamid and Kennecott 1 Copper. Standing lower were American > Telephone, United States Steel, Chrysler, Goodyear, Du Pont, i General Electric, New York Cen* ) tral and Eastern Air Lines. > Peabody Coal common and | preferred were slightly lower and i active on the Midwest Stock Ex change in Chicago. They were' ' dropped by the New York Stock > Exchange which said that the company had failed to abide by , an exchange rule that requires > stockholders approval of mergers. ' Bonds were moderately lower. > Governments over the counter | were lower. I - ! 0. C. SECURITIES i SALES Pot Site Pwr—loo «t 23. 68 *t 22%. , 44 »t 22%. 20 at 23%. 100 at 23. Garflnckel 4%% old—2b at 2H. Woodward A Lothrop pfd—43 at 105. 1 Pot Elec Pwr 3.60% pld A—lo at 43%. 1 10 at 43V*. BONDS Bid Asked Georgetown Gas Ist b* 81 108 Pot Elec Pwr 3V4s 77 99 Pot Elec Pwr 3s 83 98 Pot Elec Pwr 2%s 84 . 94 Ter Rf A Wb Cp Ist 4s S 8 100 Washington Oas bs 60 108 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS Amer Tel A Tel 9 18S Capital Transit a.BO 9% in% Pot Elee Pwr 1 _ 22% 23% Pepco 3.80% pfd A 1.80 . 43% 44% Pepco 3.60* pfd B 1.80 . 43 % 44% Wash Oas Lt 3 . . . . 41% Wash Oas Lt cm pf 4.28 xIOC 101 Wash Gas Lt c e pf 4.50 xl3B BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES Amer Sec A Tr 1.80 ... 43% 45 Bank of Bethesda t 1.50 47 Bank of Commerc* *lO .. 380 , Capital n 29 Liberty 8 400 410 ! Lincoln new tl 70 ' Natl Sav Tr t 1.20 83 Riggs »12 440 Suburban Trust 1.20 80 I Union Trust new 1.20 36% 36% .Washington 1.20 .. bb 58 FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE Columbia .20 3% ft 1 Firemen’s 1.60 30 National Union 1 31 Real Estate .20 ... 3% 4% MISCELLANEOUS Garflnckel 1.50 .. 26 29 Garflnckel 5%% pfd 1%.. 28 29% Garflnckel 4%% pfd 1%.. 28 29 Goldenber* cu com A .. .. % Golden berg cv 8% pfd % 1% Hecht Co a1.30 31 32 Hecht 3%% cm pf 3.75 .. 87 88% L*nston Mono .40 11 12 Merxenthaler Lino t 2 5c % ft* Natl Ml* A Inv . 12 Natl Mt* A Inv pfd 1.94 _ 6% 7% Peoples Dru* St 2 36% Security Storage *R 130 Ter Ref A Wh Corp 51 Wdwd A Lothrop 2 . ... 43% 44% Wdwd A Lothrop pf d 5 . 104 108 xßx dividend. tPlua extra or extra*, r Arrears, half payable June 15. lOSb; half December 15. 1965. a Declared or paid *o far this year. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. Auc. 2 With the hot. dry weather eontlnulne over much of the i Midwest, corn futures edaed a little hither again today on the Board of Trade. Corn was virtually alone In makini real forward proarest. although other •rains held steady. On the price bulge in corn some selUns came from cash houses, helping to limit gains to about one cent. Trading was not very active In any cereal. Wheat sear the end of tin first hour was V. to % hither. September 61.98%; corn H to 1 cent hither, September 61.38%; oats unchanced to % higher. September 80% ; rye % to % hither, September 99%: soybeans % to 1 cent hither. September 62.27%. and lard 2 cents lower to b cents a hundred pounds hither, Septembed 610.35. U was very much of a weather mar ket as far at corn was concerned. , Traders were watching Weather Bureau , forecasts very closely and brokeraxe houses, in their market reviews, rlm , plv were statin* they thought corn 1 wold follow the weather. Some Isolated showers were predicted > tor much of the Midwest toder. to i night end tomorrow. The five-day out i loex said moisture skould average about , 0.5(1 inch in lowa. Illinois. Wisconsin. . Indians and Mtnneasota. In view of the potentially large crop, concern over corn seemed e little pre > mature to many traders Others said i the dry weather had caught corn at a i crucial period. Soybeans, they added. , probably .would not be at a critical point until late August. Other than the weather, there wasn’t much news In the market. Japan bought four cargoes of Pacific Coast white I wheat. Cash grain receipts fell off i sharply, as Is normal on a Tuesday Harvesting of spring wheat was expand ing rapidly in the Northwest. DIVIDENDS NEW YORK. Aug. 2 in. Dividends announced: Special _ Pe- stk. of Pay _ . ... Rate. riod. record, able. Boeing Airplane 2bc _ 8-19 9-9 Increased Inti Nickel Can 6bc 8-22 9-20 Irregular Gen Motors SI.SH .. 8-8 0-10 Pine St Fund 17c __ 8-8 9-1 b Slmonds Saw A SU Hoc .. 8-19 9-15 Texas Fund .... 25c.. 8-10 8-26 Initial Travelers Ins new 20e .. 8-24 9-13 • Pepsi Cola Oen Bot new 12%c .. 8-10 8-20 „ Regular Brown Shoe 80c Q 8-lS 9-1 Buffalo Forge ..35c 8-lb 8-25 Cdn Fairbanks M...25C Q 8-15 9-1 Copper Range ilk Q 8-15 9-15 Dow Chemical 25c 8-23 10-14 ' Stetson John B 50c Q 8-15 9-1 Oen Acceptance ...25c Q 9-1 9-15 Lockheed Aire Hoc Q 8-19 9-10 Natl Lock 2be <5 10-7 10-17 Pioneer Suspender 10c Q 9-2 0-15 Smith A Wesson _2sc 8-20 9-8 Sun Ray Drug 5c 8 8-lb 8-31 Boeing Airplane ... 50c Q 8-10 9-9 Brunswig Drug 2bc Q 8-lb il-l Cons Edison floe Q 8-12 0-15 Rockwell Ml* 50c Q 8-20 0-8 West Auto Sup 40c Q 8-16 0-1 York Corp 30c Q 0-15 10-l • Coca Cola Co 61 .. 9-14 10-1 Coca Cola Inti 67.40 9-14 10-1 Endlcott Johnson 40c Q 9-20 10-1 I METAL QUOTATIONS NEW YORK, Aug. 2 UPi.—Spot non ferrous metall prices today: Copper 36 cent* a pound. Connecticut Valiev. Lead 16 cents a pound. New York. Zinc 12% cents a pound. East St. Louis. Tin 07% cents a pound. New York. Foreign sil ver 00% cents per troy ounce. New York. At Pittsburgh scrap strel No. 1 heavy was quoted at 41.00-4200. Sales— stoex and Add Nn Dividend Rata 00 High Low I;I8 eh* j westllntoo %h 60 24% 24% 24%- % Westn Un rt 400 % +W % West* AB .90* 10 26% 28% 28%- % [ Westln* El 2a 72 64% 66 66%+ % Wheel Steel 8 9 53% 53% 53%+ % Whtrlnl 1 20 21 30% 30% 30% % ■ WhlteMol tP.’d 7 48% 48% 48%+ % White Sew M 17 11% 11% 11% ] Wilson ACo 4 12% 12% 12% WlnnALov .72 13 22% 21% 21M- % ' Wise El Pw 1 % 32 33% 33% 33%+ % Woolwortb ta 42 50% 50% 50% Worthlnitn 2a 8 49% 48% 48% Y-Z J YaleATwn2%g « 49 68% 68%- % ■ York CP I SO 5 22% 22% 22%-% Youn* SAT 3a 12 90 89 90 +% 1 Yne*t St Dr 1 3 16 15% 16 - % 1 Zonlte Prod 5 7% 7% 7H+ % , Hourly iaieu on the Ezetsaatu 11.00 a m 370 000 12 noon 760 000' lioop.m 1190000 2:00 om 0000000 ' tOnir of tradlna iO shares ot sale, in ' full Rate* of dividends la uiu loretoino table are annual disbursements baaed on the last quarterly or semi-annual aee- ' aratlon unless otherwise noted specie' ! or extra dividends art not included ' a Alto extra or extras, r. Annual rate . u ,u » stock dividend d Declared or oald in 1956 plus stock dividend • P*i fl last • ’•ft ' Payaojt In stock estimated cash J value on ex-dlvldend or ex-distrlhutlor < date * Declared or paid »n far this year • h Declared or paid after stock Kvldsnd or •pllt-up k Declared oi pa"a this year an accumulative issue with dividends In arrears p Paid this rear dlvtdapd ■ omitted deferred or do action taken at last dividend neetlna. r Declared or paid t In IBM plus stock dividend, r Llquldat- « in* dividend eld Called * n ilvldend t x-dlsEx distribution xi Ex right* c *w Without warrants, ww With warrants c wo When distributed w* when trsued i •la bankruptcy or receivership or being! I reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act. i «r securlue* assumed by auch companies, : NEW YORK BOND MARKET Parmshad by tbs Ssseelatsd Press. LIST INCLUDES MOST ACTTYE ISSUES DOMESTIC 1:16 AlliedChmSHa 76 .. 103% am A PP 4.80 s 87 80 Am TAT B%s 86 „ 148% Am TAT B%s 73 102% Am TAT2%a 71 ... *s*4 Am TAT 2%s 80 91% Armour be 84 01% B A O 4%s 6010 90 B AO 8W be 80 _ 102 Bath St atl BHe 80 121% Beth Stl 2%s 70 94% Can Pae 4s aers 106% Chi ANW 4%s 90 .. 62% ChlUnSta 2%« 63 *9 C3T P.n 4s b() 103% Corov Ed 3s 77 90 Cont Bak WiN 114 Det Edls as 7" .. 99% now ohm He 82 113 Firestone 3%a 77 .... 101% OenDmam.3 %576 103% OenMotAeeS%*6l 102% OenMMAeSHaTS .. 100% Oen Shoe 3.30*80 102% GractACo S%* 78 ..111% 4 Hi 76 114 Oulf MAO 3%a 60 90 HudAM rf* 6* 67 .. 91% HudAM Inc Sa 67 . 29% Int Miner S 66177 109 James PAC 4a 69 . 99% Joy Mf* 3%s 80 101% LehVCoal 6* 74*t 49% Lockheed Air 3%* 80.104 Mo Pae fte 77 .. 93% Mo Pae 6a 78 93% NY Cen 6* SO 104% NYCeo 4%s SOI*. . 89% NY Can 4a 08 70% NYNHB 4S *OO7 _ 79% NYBUSAW 4* 94 78% Nor Pac Sa 2047 79% Peoria A E 4s 90 79% Phil El 2%s 67 97% Phil El 2%a 71 95% AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE Paralsbe* by the Associated Pres*. LIST INCLUDES MOST ACTIVE ISSUES 1:18 Alaska A1r1... 5% Allct CP wt 7% Anacon Lo 3% Ark P Oil %« 30 Asso Laund 3% Atlas CP wt *0 Bailey 8c) 10% Bald Bee 30e 4% Barium Stl %f 5% Bra* Tree 8 Brit Pet 17% Burry Bis. 6% Calif East Aviation.. 3% Calv O A O «% Cdn Hmatd 2% Cdn Mare 06* «% CencoCp 06* 4% Circle W 80* 23% Coast C Oils 2 Con Enxln 40 22 Con Mn* 80a 38% Cont Air L % 15% Craole Pet 6bb 61% Crown C Pet %a 13% Delay Str 30 9% Domest Pin .20 9% DomStl AC I 19% Drill A Exnl %* 0% DuMont A 14% Duralor 20 8% Ornsm Am 40 7% Easy Wash B 30a 20% Electro Data 12% Equity Coro 16* 4 Eureka Cp wt i Paircb Cam %s 29% i Fargo Oil* 2% i Plying Tiger 6% i Ford Motor Ltd 7%* Jen Alloy* . .... 2% ■ Giant Yellow 36* 6%e Glen Aiden 20c 19% i Gray Mf* 1 18% i 3t 8w Gram 3«# i Hath Baker 9% Haxel Bishop V«p 6% i Hearn D Btr 2% I Roll Gold 24 24% i Horn A H 1.20 23 i Hrd El Bec .35* 9% ■ Imp Chem Ind 08*.. 7% i Imp OU 90 40 i Int Petrol 1 SO 26% i Kaiser Mot 4 Knott Hotel* 1 . 20 Lake Sh M lOe 5% i Lakey Pdy 6% i Lear 30* 9 I La .and 3a 85 I McWlll D ... 16% I Merrill Pet ■ - -6% i Meaabl Iron— 93 i Mld-w Ref _ 5% l Nat nn Elan . . 4% i N Brit D Oil -2% i N En» TAT . _ 139 1 N Idrta M 3% i New Jera Zinc %s 42% > N Me* A At 22% New Pk Mn* 3% i Nlnalnt Mn 2% BUSINESS BRIEFS Bminess Failures in the week ended July 28 totaled 201 com* pared with 172 in the previous week and 195 in the like week a year ago.—Dun & Bradstreet. General Motors Corp. an nounced an increase in the com -1 mon stock dividend to $1.50 quarterly compared with *I.OO previously. The increase goes to holders of August 10 on Sep tember 10. Jewel Tea Co. sales In 4 weeks ended July 16 totaled $22,409.- 708, up 9.6% from 1954; for 28 weeks ended July 16 $161,455,750. up 11.4% from 1954. Chesapeake & Ohio Rwy. in 7 months ended July 31 earned j *31,638,000 or *3.36 a share vs. *17.646.000 or *2.21 in 1954 period. Duquesne Light Co. in 12 months ended June 30 earned *16,612,766 or *2.17 a share vs. *15.934,583 or *2.30 in 1954. ACF Brill Motors Co. in 6 months ended June 30 had a loss of *100,343 compared with earn ings of (957,897 or 99 cents in 1954 period. Other earnings included: Fer 6 Mentha Ended June 36 1955 1954 Olln Mathlnon 619.941.739 $18,550,969 Per share . _ 1.6(1 1.54 Richfield Oil 14.635.179 12.3933)26 BoSng 'Airplane 13.6352)50 17.349^8 Per share ... 3.68 4.19 Coca-Cola ... 12.618.807 12.016.342 Per share 2.93 2.81 Hudson By MAS 0.050.651 6.685.1(H) Per share 3.28 2.03 Corn Prod Ref. 7.306.059 7.480.603 Per share . 0.70 0.82 Pruehauf Trail. 3,731.146 2.230.162 Per share 1.90 1.38 Con Coppermine 2.746.667 969.532 Per share 1.58 0.61 Robt-Pultn Cont 2.051.287 1,820.055 Per share 1.38 1.27 Texas Gulf Prod 3.697.000 2.010.090 Per share _ 1.01 0.79 White Motor .. 2,908.606 2.343.700 Per share .. 3.25 2.88 Square D C 0... 2.695 886 2.633.816 Per share ... 1.96 1.91 TUy-Tulip Cup. 2.656.703 2.663.768 Per share 1.71 1.98 Am Mch A Met 712.535 752.768 Per share .. 2.04 2.15 P. C. PRODUCE Quotations supplied by the United States Agriculture Department and cover sales to 9:30 a m on -less-tban-carload lots: Apples: Pa. Pippins U 8 No. 1, 20 o*. min.. 2.76: Va. Qravensteins, U 8 No. 1, 2*4 in. min., bu. bkts., 2.50-2.75; W. Va.. Rambo. 2V4 in. min., bu. bkts., (air qual.. 2.60. Bananas: 40-lb. ctns., eut. 4 50-5.00. Blueberries: N. J.. 12-pt. flats, culti vated. flllm wrapped, per pt.. small. 20-23; med.-llarge. ’5-2*. Cantaloups: Calif., West Side. Jbo. crts.. 275, 0.00-6.60; 365. 6.50-7.00; Maryland, bu. bkts.. 2.00. Honeydews: Arif., crts., Phoenix dist.. std.. 9-12 s, 4.00-4.25; Jbo . Bs. 4.60. Lemons: Calif., ctns.. 180 count. 4.00- 4.50. Oranges: Calif.. Valencias, boxes. 126-1608. 8 00; 1708. 7.25-7.50- 200- 2205. 7.00; Fla., 1H bu. crts., 176-2165. 6.00-6.50. Peaches: Calif.. Blbertas. 17-lb. lug. 45-70 s. 2.00-2.50; Golden Jubilee. Pa., bu. bkts.. 2 in. min.. 3.50-3.76; N. J., *4 bu. bkts., 2V« in. min., 2.76; W Va., *4 bu. bkts., 2 in. min., 2.50: I*4 in. up. 1.50; N. J.. Raritone. % bu. bkts.. 2 in. min., 3.50-4.00; 1% in. UP. 2.50. Watermelons: N. C.. 8. C and Va., Cannenballs. Congo* and Charleston Greys, per melon. 25-27 lb., 50c- 28-31 lb.. 60; 82-35 lb.. 70; 36-38 lb., 76. Vegetables Beans (snap): Bu bkts and hprs: N. J Valentines 3.00; N. Y. Tender greens 2.75. Cabbage: N. J I*4 bu crt Domestic Round 1.50: Red 1.50. Carrots: Calif, dtns. 1-lb film baas, 245, 2.00-2 25: 50-lb sacks, topped. 2.75- Celery: Pascal. 16" crts. Calif. 2145. 5.00: N. Y. 2-6 s. 3 00-3.50: N. J. 2-3 s. 2.60- Golden crts.. N. Y. 2*4-ss. 2.60- Corn: Crt* and sacks, yellow. 4*4~5s nearby, fair qual. 1.50. Cucumbers: Bu bskt. nearby: Waxed, best. 3.00-3.50. Greens. Bu bskt. clipped: Collards. kale and turnip tops, nearby 1.00-1.2 k, Lettuce. Calif. Iceberg type, ctns 7300 and 409 M 2s best. 3.00-3.60. mostly 3.25-3.50; Eastern Iceberg crts. Iceberg: N. J. 18» 1.50. 24s 1.50-1.75; Boston: Ohio 16-qt bskts 1.50-1.76: Romaine N Y. 1 1/9 bu crts 1.25-1.50. few 2.00. Onions (dry): 50-lb sacks, U 8 No 1: Calif yellows 3" up 2.75; lowa yellow mediums 1.50-1.75; N. J. yellow mediums 1.00-1.25- N. Y. yellow me diums 1.25-1.50: texas White Olobes 1.75- Wash, yellows 3" up 2.75. Peppers: Bu bskts and hprs: N. J. fine qual 4.00; N. C. and nearby, best. 2.00. Potatoes: U. 8. No. 1. 81ie A. washed (unless otherwise stated): Calif, long whites. U. 8. No 1 bakers. 14-21 ox. 60-lb sacws 2.26: cobblers unwashed. 50-lb sacks: Delaware 75-90 c; Eastern, Bhlre Va 75c few high as 85c; N. J. 75c: Maryland 75-90 c. Bweet potatoes: La. bu crta. Porto Ricans. 3 60-3.75. Tomatom: Nearby, bu bkts. turning and ripes. 2.00-3.50, according to qual: N. J 16-qt bskts. pinks and ripes 1.00- 1.50. Repacks insufficient to quote. NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK. Am. 3 t/Pi (ÜBDA). Butter steady. prlcet unchanged. Re ceipt. 864.528. Cheese steady, prices unchanged. Re ceipts 15.8511. wholesale egg prices unsettled. Re ceipts 15.86 ft New York spot quotations follow Mixed colors: Extras <4B-50 lbs.) 44-48: extras large (45-48 lbs.). 42- 43: extras medium 38)4-4014: standards large 32-34: dirties 27-30: checks 24-31. Whites: Extras <4B-60 lbs.) 4814-48)4; extras large (45-48 lbs.) 4214-44; ex tras medium 404-41)4 Browns; Ex tras <4B-50 lbs.) 48-4.14. Nearby—Whites. Ton quality (48-50 lbs.) 57-50; mediums 45-48; smalls 20V4-30'4: peewees 111-20. Browns: Top Juallty (48-50 lbs.) 48-58; mediums 44- 5; smalls 83-3314; peewees 18-20. VISIBLE GRAIN CHICAGO. Aug. 2 (jp).—Visible sup ply o! wheat Increased 13.588,000 bish els to 409.208.000 bushels this week, the Board of Trade reported. Com de creased 3.004,000 to 10,118,000 bushels, oats Increased 4.110.000 to 22.401.000, rye Increased 5111.000 to 7.860.000. bar ley Increased 620.000 to 15.110,000 £od soybeans Increased 766.000 to. PhWlooP X 70*M _ 114 Sou C» Bd 8%*70 117% SoPacSPT 3%*?» 100 Ooutb By B*B4 131% Sttf o ina H%S 82 118% Std O HJ 2%a 71 02% Third A* 44 00 74% On on oi Sa 7S 104 WShor4s236tnc.„. 73% Wilson 8* M 100 WiaElPw 2%J 7« 92 POBEIGN 1:18 Auatrsl SV«* 67 99% Brasil 3%* 8 4._—_ Sd Chuca V 3* 78 94% Chllrll* 98 44% Cundtnam 3a 78 97 Germans 6a Ml 103% Gasmans 4a 72 08% Gtrmanyßa72Dao 73% Greak 6a 68 28 Fernamb 7a 47 160% UnStlWk6%aA6l 171% Nord Katas 13% No can Oita 9 Gismo R If 7% Pac Pat Ltd 11% Pan tap Oil %« ■ ■ 9% Pannroad I ■ „ 17 Pars Oils A M ■ -.- 3% Phi) La DM % d% PtoarAlrc 60 10% Front E D 66 2% Progress Mf* .70 12% ProvOaa 48 10% Rlchm Rad ... 9% Rotary Blaa 8 40h-_. 36 RormlOU 20 19% Ruaaell 60 7% Saooh Pat 3% Basra A P 20 6% Shat Dean 20a 11% Shaw Wat 1.20a 74% Sinter Ms S ... 43% Sklatroa El A Tr 4 South Roy lt . 72% Stand Factor* 16* 9% Std Oil Kv 2a .. 97% Tamaa Elec %* 27% Technleo la . ... 14% Thlokol Ch %1 20% rhomD Star 4% rrt Cont wt _ 11% OS Poll* 004 160 Unlv Amer -... 2% VenesSvn ton 0 Vulcan SU Ld d% Webb A Knaov 2% Wn Leasehold 7ha Installment Credit Shows Sharp Gain By the Associated Preaa Consumer installment debt out standing increased $765 million in June to a record *24,914, 000,000 at the month end, the Federal Reserve Board reported. The rise, over which adminis tration officials have shown con cern, was 75 per cent greater than the gain in June a year ago and three times as large as the increase in the same month of 1953. Installment purchases of auto mobiles again accounted far most of the rise, with the record in crease of *576 million, j This was the sixth-consecutive month in which automobile loans have touched new record levels. The board said other types of consumer installment credit —household appliances, personal loans and repair loans—increased “moderately.” The Federal Reserve estimated that a total of *3,443,000,000 in credit was extended in June, *237 million dollars more than in the preceding months. This was in spite of repayments which rose moderately to *2,678.000,000. Total consumer credit out standing, also at a record level— was estimated at *32.471,000.000. an increase of *903 million over the previous month. New Pact Ratified, Budd Plants Resume PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2 (if). —Both huge Philadelphia plants of the Budd Co., makers ot auto bodies and stainless steel trains, were back in operation today after a week-long strike. The first of some 9,000 work ers. members of the CIO United Auto Workers’ Union, returned to their jobs on the midnight shift last night after a new three-year contract was ratified in rank-and-file meetings yes terday The agreement was reached by negotiators Saturday. Terms were not announced, but a com pany official said the contract embraces a package increase of “slightly in excess of 20 cents." Union sources put the figure at 24.3 cents. Wage rates were not disclosed. BALTIMORE MARKETS Quotations supplied by thg United i States Arglculture Department; Poultry: Market about steady for young chickens. Supplies fully ample fore alow trading Interest. Hot weather ■ cause of light purchases. Barely steady . heavy type hens. Ottering moderate. Demand light. Pew caplnettea sold ; mostly at 30 cents Broilers or fryers: 3 lbs and over 32134.. mostly 32V4-331*. Roasters: 4 lbs. and over 35-36. Hens: , Heavy type 23-25. Livestock Qaotstlens Cattle. 100: few scattered lota freth receipts on hand with practically no demand and not enough sold to establish a trading basts. > Calves. 75: hardly enough sold to test prices, scattered odd head high utility , to high choice veeleri 14.00-23.00. Grain Market ■ Plour—Receipts 3.723 100-pound sacks , Wheat—Receipts—lsß.4o3 bushels: shipments. 44,167 bushels; stocks. 6,505,293 bushels. No. 2 rad winter ; garlicky. spot. domestic. 1.98V* (transit): 1.93V* (nontransit). Corn—Receipts. 280.172 bushels: shipments. 338.504 bushels; stocks. , 961.363 bushels. , Oats—Receipts. 7.831 bushels: shlp , ments. 326.200 bushels: stocks. 232.- . 586 bushels. , Barley—Receipts, 126.557 bushels: shipments, none: stocks. 428,645 bushels. Rye—Receipts, none: shipments, none: stocks, none. I Soybeans—Receipts, 37.410 bushels: ! shipments. 38.106 bushels: stocks. 1 0f.007 bushels. Mlllfeed—Receipts, 172 tons. Egg Market firm (Yesterday's Quotations) , Ens: Market Arm. Prices 1-3 cents hieher on large and '4-1)4 cents higher : on mediums. Supplies sufficient for a fair demand. Top quality stock In best position. Pew grade B purchased at 33)4 cents. Prices paid by first receivers delivered f.o.b. Baltimore, cages included: Whites: Large min. 60 per cent A quality. 46)4- 55: mediums, min. 80 per cent A quality. . 40)4-431*: browns and mixed colors: . Lerae. mtn. 80 pet A quality. 46-56: mediums, min. 80 per cent A quality. Receipts: Eggs 3.901 cages by truck. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, Aug. 3 (/Pl.—Cotton fu tures were steady during the forenoon today, but trading was quiet. Less hedge pressure end resumption of trade buying, the letter for domestic and export ac counts. Imparted a better tone to the market Noon prices were In to 35 cents a bale higher _ than the previous close. October 33.95, December 34.17 end ’ March 34.13. ODD-LOT DIALINGS NEW YORK. Aug. 3 MV—'The N»w York Stock Exchange reported today these odd lot trensactlons by principal dealers on the exchange for August 1: 1 Burchases of 350.544 shares: sales of ‘1t 8.061 shares Including 880 Share,