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THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST *, ISM A-8 Mississippi Voting On a New Governor JACKSON, Miss.. Aug. 2 (/P)— Mississippi casts ballots today for a new Governor after a cam- I paign filled with promises to keep Negroes out of white schools. The top two candidates after today’s vote will enter a run-off primary August 23. All five agree no one will get a majority in to day’s first Democratic primary I election. Democratic nomination means election in I&lssissippi. Anyone the voters choose has promised to keep racial segrega tion despite the United States Supreme Court decision declar ing public school segregation unconsitiutional. Negroes have little say about the outcome. Their thin ranks have been trimmed by the white COOI COOI COOL %fansburg/is Saves You 33%% 7rh, Bth AND E STREETS N.W.-NA. B*9Boo on Chenille Bedspreads ;'V: -r . ■* Creamy Soft Tull Cut Your fingers will sink into the Generously sized to cover pillow Our buyer Went directly to the top mills of the dee P- ,luff * velve, y a* chenille - ond drope 9roceflJ " y oM oround - deep South where the finest quality chenille spreads Closely Tufted Luscious Colors are made . He bickered and bargained—came back R ° w °"'P"°' fW< y' u,,s “ clo « Beautiful, decorator-look colors lhc biggest and best collection of luxurious top you con barely see the sturdy cot- —and so many of them.. You II r ton backing. want several! quality spreads—at the loivest price tee have ever hadl Sixes for | n These Heovenly Colors—Blue, aqua, green, yellow, pink or / . vk —————fc. win or u bleached white. Bayou pattern in multicolor floral overlay de green or I Practical enough for a Summer cottage yet luxurious enough for H the master bedroom—and a ter- jL. jHL Ml ■Bs rific bargain to boot' These handsome, beautifully made w spreads are worth every bit B the original price. Every one MW % W dgjfff shows the design influence of priceless old Southern heirloom s , „ ’’ ">B spreads—hobnail and loop bor ‘^er e^ect ’ S ' l°^' ce designs and Lansburgh’s—BEDWEAß—Third Floor . wedding WIMI |gy^^H^M^^M^BM|MMB|||^BBM^HB^BBHBHMWBBBBBB^MBB|^BffIBBSBBB|^L Hill I l Itljl f NKr \ A mPbpb mmm ppbbhbm ' ' "v %4 H. r /w ~ny *3* f. \ —- BHHgBHHggR BAY ° U b"' \ Coll NA. 8-9800 Any Time, Doy or Night, or Moil Thij Coupon: “ >pl ml pompom \ u««fcw*s% o«pt. m. ''mMfwWk' ' SkSRRIJ \ 7th, Bth and E Streets N.W., Washington 4, D. C. w&wdlm -viimjt j:. ■ ix-1- ■?s%M x , s 1 - 1 4 \ * \ * \ PJoose send me the following chenille bedspreads ot 5.99 l \ | Quantity | Style Nome 1 2nd Style Choice I Size I Color 2nd Color Choice | y 4 - ~ , Nome . jf I /V.r: -V X. □ Cheek 0 Choroe OCO O. O M 0 - mßfr'/* ■•' • 4*' Plmm add 2% solus tox whin applicable Fr»# delivery in Metropolitan Washington end '’w ''' / ' 'bib'*' '"' odiainlng counties. Areas beyond, please odd 25c to cover postoge. S-8-2 citizens’ councils and a consti tutional amendment. The polls open at 7 tftn. and close at 6 p.m. an estimated 425,000 will vote, but predicted rain could shorten the number. In the race are former Gov. Fielding Wright, a founder of the 1948 States Rights Party: Mrs Mary Cain, a peppery newspaperwoman who carried only one county In 1951; Paul Johnson, son of a former Gov ernor making his third try: At torney General J. P. Coleman, making his first statewide cam paign, and Ross Barnett. Jack son attorney, making his second race. ( Gov. Hugh White is ineligible to succeed himself. Mississippi also elects most of its other public officers in the two August primaries. Radio and TV Hearings To Start January 17 By the AieocUted Preei Senator Magnuson, Democrat, of Washington said today the Senate Commerce Committee will begin hearings January 17 on the radio and television in dustry. Among matters to be con sidered by the committee are pro posals to authorize Federal Com munications Commission regula tion of the major networks. Senator Magnuson, the com mittee chairman, said several preliminary studies already made for the group will be used in next year’s hearings. Flood Jobs Approved RICHMOND, Va„ Aug. 2 (JP —Flood prevention projects in two Virginia watersheds have been approved by the soil con servation services, State Conser vationist Sam Bondurant said here yesterday. One covers the area drained by Back Creek in Pulaski County and the other is along Beautiful Run Creek in Madison County. The total area involved is 39,500 acres. Shun NAACP, Teachers Told WAYNESBORO, Ga„ Aug. 2 (#).—The State Board of Educa tion has banned membership in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for teachers in Georgia public schools. In a resolution adopted at a special meeting yesterday the board served notice that teachers who now are NAACP members must quit the organisation by September 15 or have their teaching licenses revoked "for life.” However, the board action will not become official until it is affirmed at a meeting in At lanta under a State law pro hibiting official board meetings outside the capital city. In addition to NAACP mem bership, the resolution also makes membership In “any al lied organization or any sub versive organization” grounds for revocation of a Georgia teaching license. NAACP leaders have promised that If any teacher is hurt by State action “we will take the case.” Austin T. Walden, NAACP attorney, estimated yesterday that a “high percentage* of Georgia’s Negro teachers are active in NAACP. At its July meeting the educa tion board voted to revoke “for ever” the license of any teacher who “supports, condones, en courages, offers to teach or teaches” classes in which white and Negro children are mixed. Yesterday’s action Specifically banning NAACP membership for teachers was suggested by Geor gia Attorney General Eugene Cook. Horses Puzzle Boy ONfiONTA, N. Y„ Aug. 2 VP).— A New York City youth working upstate this summer asked his farmer boss what the animals were In a field. Horses, he was told. “You can’t kid me,” the boy snorted. "Horses come with wagons.” Hull's Estate Is $300,000 CARTHAGE, Tenn., Aug. 2 (fP). —Former Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who died 11 days ago, left an estate valued at about $300,000. most of it going to three nieces in San Antonio, Tex. His will, filed for probate yes terday, provided cash bequests totaling $73,500, with the resi due to go to his wife if she sur vived him, or to the nieces if ■ she did not. Mrs. Hull died in 1954. " The three nieces also were in cluded among those receiving! cash bequests. Mrs. Frost Uzell I and Mrs. Arvin R. Ethridge were left $15,000 each and Mrs. Oscrfr D. Schleyer $20,000. Other cash bequests included rHARDWOODS I | Oak. Maple, Walnut. Mahoc., Birch. I j ii[lMJ;l^]!il:U;l| Wllaon Blvd. JAckson 4-1234 | $5,000 each to Mrs. S. S. Hull of San Antonio, widow of Mr. Hull’s brother; Houston B. Mc- Ginness of Carthage, his “life long friend and trusted political adviser," and Miss Will Harris, his secretary for 43 years. Mr. Hull directed that numer ous items of sentimental and historical value go either to the Hull Birthplace Memorial near here or to the Cordell Hull Foundation in New Orleans, an organization devoted to helping Latin American students study in the United States. advertisement. STOP SCALP ITCH Gtover’a Manre Medicine etape itchy scalp removee ugly, looae dandruff scales, arraeti falling hair. Unlike hair tcnics and draggings Glotst's is a real medicine made likes doc tor'* prescription. Contains sulphur, tars and soothing oils that really stimulate the scale end cleanae away acalea. Try Giosar’a SO second Mange Medicine tonight-then eh am poo. You'll ace and feet your hair tod aealp COMPLETELY REVITALIZED. Itch is gone. Dandruff ia checked. Hair stops com mg oat because your seelp can ‘‘bosaths' again. Glover's Mange Medicine only 89« et all druggists. Money back guar an too PEOPLE TELL US! PRATT-LAMBERT is th« finest paint thiy’vt ever used •You'll find Pratt- Lambert Paints at Bi/nn-nym PAINT CO. 609 C S». N.W. ML 1-01 SO] ’ 7029 Wisconsin Aft., tethesdn 11512 Old tlodonsburf Ad. Wheaton